
Decorative flowers for the garden. Perennial garden flowers


Beautiful flowers - decoration of any plot. But the annual layout, preparation and work on new flower beds is not easy and costly. Therefore, many gardeners facilitate their lives and plant perennial unpretentious flowers. The care of them is required minimal, the plant lives from 2 years to several decades (with the condition of timely division of the bush). And in the beauty of perennial unpretentious garden flowers are not inferior to annuals, and often even exceed them. Well, we turn to the consideration of the most suitable options.


These are reliable unpretentious perennial flowers for giving, which will never let you down. Below to bulbous, dissolve in the beginning, in the middle or in the late spring, depending on the variety. Flowers have a central tube (a whisk), surrounded by a collar of petals, which can be of different shade, for example, yellow, orange, white, red and peach. Some varieties have a thin fragrance. The fact that Narcissa woke up, you will learn from the subtle narrow leaves that will appear from the ground as soon as the sun priges. In length, they are a little shorter than flowers.

When buying, choose beautiful not filled healthy bulbs. For the first time, the daffodils are better to plant under the winter, and in the future to share and dissolve bushes at the beginning of the summer, when their leaves are completely covered. The bulb is plunged into the ground by 5-7 cm. Choose solar or slightly shaded areas for planting.

Further departure is very simple: the plant needs to watered well during flowering, if it is delayed - to feed. So that thin stems do not fall from the wind, they sometimes need a support. When buds are covered need them to cut.


Another simple plant that looks very impressive. It is untranscript to the soil, almost not amazed by pests. Lytin name of the Lilynik in translation means "one-day beauty", because the bud flashes in the morning and fades at night. But do not worry, on one stem there are up to 12 strings, so the plant will delight you with your blossom a few weeks.

Lilyrik is of different heights, so it can be used in different ways: in curbs, separate groups or in the background of flower beds.

Gardeners have brought thousands of varieties of this plant in the literal sense, which differ not only by sizes and colorful colors, but also their shape, flowering period. Some species have a longer or happen twice in the season.

Caring for Lily

Plant requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlightHowever, in the hot regions, flowers with bright color must necessarily shade, otherwise they will burn out. The soil should be wet, but with good drainage. It is best to plant a loychant in the spring so that it is stripped to winter. But if the cold time is severe, then in the first year it is preferable to dig or at least cover up to heat return.

Generously support the compost soil before planting, leave enough (30-60 cm) space between seedlings. Bloat the bulb for no more than 2-3 cm. In the first year, the loytelik is particularly demanding to watering, and then it is stable and to difficult conditions.

When you notice that the plant has become less blooming, it may be a signal to the fact that it has grown too many "kids", it is time to share it. This usually happens after 3-5 years from the moment of landing. The operation is also better to spend in spring.


If you need perennial flowers, unpretentious, with an interesting form of bud, a thin aroma and amazing vitality, then these beauties are your best choice.

Irises have three large exterior petals that look down, and three internal vertical. The first can be a beard or fluffy scallops. They are of different colors and sizes.

Most irises blooms once - at the beginning of summer. Some, mostly bearded hybrids, are removable and dissolve a little later.

Irisam need a sunny plot and well-drained soil. Place flowers in the middle - late summer in shallow wide wells. Rhizomes from above are left open or slightly peeling the ground in the hot regions. Indeed, unlike onion, which should be plunged into the soil, they love sunlight and can bend under the soil layer.

These perennial unpretentious flowers are extremely simple in care. It lies in a neat watering, without oveurgement of the soil, the fertilizers can also be remarked. Old flowers are cut when they are already brought, and leaves leave - they continue to feed the root throughout the season. Once every 2-5 years, the bush needs to be divided and disassemble.


These are very beautiful unpretentious perennial flowers for cottages. Photo of peonies in all its glory inspires on their cultivation.

And after the luxurious bloom is completed, you will not have a naked flowerbed, and a juicy green bush, which in the fall will acquire a reddish-golden color.

The perennial may even survive you - Kuste Peony lives up to 10 years. Plants require minimal care after they are planted in a good place They are better not to disturb them, they are very painful react to a transplant.

These perennial unpretentious flowers need the abundance of sunshine and loose, well-transmitting moisture soil. Peonies are not even afraid of cold winters, because the frost contributes to the formation of buds in the spring.

Pion care

For the landing take part of the rhizomes with eyes from the adult (3-5 years) bush. The timing of the procedure is autumn (September-October), to the first cold. The place must be outstanding, open, protected from wind. The soil needs to be contrary. Plant in a wide bowl of eyes up to a depth of 2.5-5 cm.

After that, as with the previous perennials, departure is minimal. It is necessary to fertilize the bush only if you have very poor soil. Water it in a timely manner, remove the blondes and cut off the foliage for the winter to eliminate the risk of overlooking the disease.


Many in the first-aid kit have tincture from this plant. But in the gardens perennial unpretentious flowers occur not so often. And in vain, because even the most severe heat Echinacea will delight you with large flowers. Their classic color is purple with a convex brown cone-shaped core, but there are varieties whose petals are red, yellow, orange or white. Echinacea attracts butterflies and birds with their aroma and branches.

Most often, the plant breeds seeds that sow spring, loves solar places and fertile soils. Water echinacea need not less than once a week. In the spring it is necessary to make a compost and mulching. The sworded buds need to be cut off not only in order to actively appear new, but also to prevent the unauthorized distribution of seeds. Every 3-4 years divide the bushes. More often, the plant is not worth disturbing, it does not like it.


These perennial unpretentious flowers for flower beds can serve as an example of a spectacular appearance and ease of care. Varieties and masses Massa, you can always pick up the variety that you have to do. Floxes bloom with a bright beautiful ball, which consists of small five-pointed flowers.

Prefer outdoor solar places, but carry a rigorous shadow from the trees. We multiply seeds or cuttings.

Plant is needed in rich, fertilized soil. Leave about 30 cm between the colors so that they can greatly grow up and do not interfere with each other. Adult flowers feed the compost and mulch the earth around them. Although the garden phlox and a drought-resistant plant (since it comes from field phloals, which are able to withstand harsh conditions) It is recommended to water it at least once a week. For the winter you should take care of the shelter.

The most unpretentious perennial flowers that bloom in autumn

Of course, these are chrysanthemums. In the fall, when everything around begins to fade, they explode with a splash of rapid flowering. They are of different shapes, sizes and colors: white, yellow, pink, orange, red, lavender, purple and two-color. There are low-spirited bushes and almost meter giants.

Chrysntera can be grown from seeds, the division of rhizomes, to buy finished seedlings or even plants in pots. Once every 2-3 years it is better to transplant to avoid pest problems and diseases. Bust division is better to produce in spring. Depending on its size, it is necessary to do it once every 3-5 years.

These perennial unpretentious flowers for the garden love unetended areas with loose-haired sandy soil. The subsequent feeding is optional, but desirable. In order to strengthen the formation of floral stocks when the sprouts are reached 20 cm, they need to be discredited. For the winter, cut the stems up to 20 cm and hide.

Autumn beauty

If the peonies are associated with the last call, the Astra is definitely in honor of September 1 and the day of the teacher. It would still, because they dissolve from the end of August and until mid-October, there are different sizes, coloring and forms. Astra - Perennial flowers, unpretentious, photos of the flower beds with them proves how impressive they can look like.

The conditions of care for them are similar to the care of chrysanthemums. After all, both plants belong to one botanical family - astera.

You can grow like from seeds that are sown in early springand from the seedlings, if spring in your area is cold and protracted. And you can buy adult plants in pots.

Astra loves sunny plots, but can cope with a small shading.

The plant should be poured at least 1 time per week, feed the compost every spring and protect from weeds. High varieties should be taped. The tipping of the tops also gives good results.

For the winter, the old foliage is completely cut and the plant is covered.

Once every 2-3 years, the bush needs to be divided so that Astra continues to grow rapidly.

For problem areas

All of the above plants require solar places for optimal development. And what to plant from the northern side of the house or under the trees? Pay attention to the hosts - perennial flowers, unpretentious, while perfectly growing in the shade. Most of all, they are valued for a beautiful juicy foliage. However, many species will delight gardeners with interesting flowers on a high leg, in the form of a funnel or a bell, sometimes resembling lilies. Coloring - white, lilac or purple. Flowers from June to October, depending on the variety.

Host care

It should be noted that not all varieties love a thick shadow. The lighter color, the more the plant needs sunlight. Therefore, for especially shaded areas, choose varieties with dark, saturated green leaves.

The landing pit should be abused by a compost. While the plant is young, it requires a lot of moisture, but watch it not to be stored. In the future, hosts will also appreciate the timely watering, but adult flowers normally transfer short drought.

Plant care consists in spring subordinate, Protection from slugs and a small shelter for the winter. The host grows perfectly in one place for several years, moreover, the whole potential of the bush will reveal not earlier than 3-6 years after the landing. It is not necessary to share it, only if you want to multiply the plant.

These perennials will decorate your garden and do not get trouble.

Perennial flowers for the cottage - the choice is yours!

Perennial plants for giving - green chic, unique beauty and bright shine

Beautiful perennial plants For dacha, you can see in our time on many country sites, and especially in summer the flowers are pleased with the eyes, inviting us to do colorful photos on the background of the landscape. Each owner or hostess with their help can make a candy from the local area. We invite you to transform your perennial flower beds using only the most beautiful garden flowers.

  • Gardening garden plot
  • Flowers decorative perennials
  • Improvement and gardening of territory

For most flower water, it is important that their perennial flowers please the eyes all summer season. So, and choose for this you need certain varieties. First of all, it should be perennial long-timing garden flowers - than longer plants They will delight the eyes with bright colors, the less you work.

Begun to choose from anything - now there are over 280 thousand plants, which can be grown in the country, creating beautiful flower beds. For an excellent composition (as in the photo), the most low-speed perennial flowers for flower beds are suitable, and tall plants, pleasing eyes not one year.

The most beautiful - why perennials?

It is perennials that preferred gardeners for the fact that such flowers can be without a transplantation in one place for several years. In addition, these long-lasting garden plants are more resistant to frosts than one-air. For them, care is not so important and they are less arrogant. So for your site is exactly the best option!

If you still decided to use together plants of one year and perennials, then it can be calmly done by creating a mixed flower garden, as in the photo. And the foundation will be perennial plants. And from a wide variety of both grassy and flowering shrubs, you can safely get original compositions. It is important in this case a variety of colors and uniqueness of forms.

If you decide to do the design yourself, it will be very beautiful if you select the perennials that can be placed by tiers, grouped them by growth. Here you will help and tall perennials and those that have a very small height. For example, huge half-and-half-rose roses of different colors are perfectly looking at something similar to peonies. Such perennials will also be delighted as tricirtis purple beauty - externally garden flowers resemble orchid (see photo). The flowerflowers are very appreciated and the Spotted Breakdown for His Unique Coloring. If you put these plants - it is impossible to tear your eyes from your flower beds.

We select flowers for giving

Tall plants reach their beauty, blooming in July-August. And in order to further add the uniqueness of your flowerbed in the summer months, we offer you to plant nearby and sunflower is an orderly, which is easy to learn in the photo thanks to the characteristic form of colors. In height, the plant usually exceeds all other flowering plants, reaching 2-2.5 meters.

A good option to plant a bush of cornisters - these small flowers in the lilac, and sometimes in pink colors will perfectly decorate your site already in the second half of the summer season.

You can also take on weapons and such beautiful and charming flowers as Lavender, the average Lily Lily and his subspecies, the varieties of the yarrow, who from the very first month of the summer will bloom. Many acquire for giving and such a plant as Rhodiola, who has oval leaves. Also, the flowerbed can also be transformed at the expense of elegant and openwork peonies. In addition to them, among the average, you can find such original flowers as phlox, cornflow, and many, many others.

And do not forget about low-colored flowers - they look great on the plot, this is, for example, pansies, phlox dwarf shapes, custoke cuffs soft, flax, carnation, geranium. The main thing, dissolving flowers on his flower bed, try to be combined with each other. Original - does not mean a lot and the nefple, brightly does not mean screaming and everything in a heap. It is possible to choose the right garden flowers and need to consider the landscape. In addition, what other flower beds, beds, gazebo or premises are available on your site. remember, that garden plants As part of your flower beds, it should be moderately and they should not create excessive varnisses. So, I do not plant all the flowers you like now and immediately, it is better to try some varieties in the following years.

Perennial flowers for the garden and summer cottages: names, landing and caring for blooming perennials

Landing and care for decorative perennials in the country

Before planting blooming perennial colors for cottages, you need to prepare the soil - carefully switch and make organic and mineral fertilizers.

Fertilizers need to be made depending on the needs of a particular plant that you plan to plant in this place. For highly growing and plenty plants, the fertilizer rate is lower as you need to ensure flowering. These plants have a large number of fertilizers may cause foliage to damage to flowering.

Depending on the needs of specific perennial colors for the garden, if necessary, it is necessary to correct the composition of the soil (for example, if the soil is too acidic, it is necessary to make it).

Before boarding, wait for 2-3 days to the soil of the village.

The best time for planting perennial flowers for the garden

The best time for planting perennial flowers for the garden - from about April 25 to May 20, as well as from August 15 to September 5. Dock the landing wells in advance, the depth of which corresponds to the size of the roots of plants intended for landing.

An hour before the disembarking abundantly, the seedlings are seedlings, swing the hole with water. Place the roots of the plant in the well, sprinkle soil and well compact. If your plant is container, pre-dismissed the roots "Kornvin". When landing of intended plants in the hole, be sure to place a peg for garter or finished floral support. Planted plant plenty.

Flowering Perennial Care for Garden

Care for perennial flowers for the garden includes loosening, fertilizer and watering are important events, although they are produced and not as often as at annual. To loosen, however, you can not always be murdered, it is better to mulch, since many perennials root come close. But the watering is frequent, especially before flowering and during flowering. Also obligatory regular watering in the heat and drought. Watered flowers only warm waterSo it is impossible to use water directly from the well. The best way - Lower the pump in a barrel with warm water. And do not water the jet, it is better to put on the hose sprayer. When you feed flowers, it is better to combine this event with watering. Perennials for the first time feed in the spring after the snow gathering, their seedlings and planted adult plants - 2 weeks after disembarking, and then - when forming buds, when flowering and after flowering. In the spring, feeding is produced by organic fertilizers, and starting from the flowering period - mineral. After September 20, the total robes are no longer feeding.

Preparation of beautiful perennial flowers for the garden for winter

When preparing perennial colors by winter in late autumn plants, it is necessary to cut as low as possible so that the flower beds in front of the winter period are clean neat, otherwise you have to cut in the spring, and in the spring roads every day. Dry perennial tops - shelter for mice. In addition, perennials "start" early, and with the spring trimming of the dried pieces there is a chance to damage young shoots. Crop all perennials, except those that were planted in this fall.

Preparation and shelter of perennials for the winter

New landings, as well as especially thermal-loving and rare perennials for the winter, after trimming, insulate in one - two layers of Loutrasil, cutting out rectangles of the desired size from it. Be sure to cover the perennials for the winter, if they are planted in the Alpine Gardens. These territories are usually most susceptible to winds, so the Alpians need "insulation."

The snapper from frost protects badly and attracts mice. Shelters with perennial colors are removed after the snow.

Perennial flowers for giving in the north

It seems that life in the northern region and flower growing are incompatible things. But if you choose the right perennial flowers to give in the north, your garden will look no worse than in warm edges. We choose unpretentious perennials for giving.

Sigor northern winter, as, for example, in Siberia and in the Urals, are destructive for most perennial plants. Therefore, for such cold regions it is important to choose special unpretentious perennials, which are cultivated specifically for giving in the north.

Perennial flowers for giving in the north

We picked up a few beautifully mixing perennial frost-resistant colors that will decorate your garden regardless of how warm the year was issued. These flowers will enjoy eye from the middle of spring and until the end of the summer, and some of them, such as irises, can bloom even twice a year.

  1. Crocuses. If you want to rejoice in the colors at the cottage already at the beginning of the middle of spring, pay attention to the bulbous perennials crocuses. Spring primroses perfectly winter in the open soil and transfer the cold.
  2. Iris. These beautiful purple flowers will decorate any Siberian Garden - not in vain from called "Northern Orchids". These unpretentious perennials usually bloom at the beginning of the middle of summer. You will surprise not only the beauty of the irises, but also their frost resistance, because they are easily worried about night frosts, which are often in Siberia and in the Urals even in the summer. Recommended grade for landing in the north - Iris Iris Schistoponic.
  3. Lilies. Selectable perennials, also pay attention to lilies. Especially for the cottage in the north, the variety Lilia Pennsylvania is suitable, or, as it is also called, Dauroskaya. Bright and large red-orange lilies flowers will decorate your garden all summer!

Shadowish perennials

If you are looking for teothelubile flowers for the garden, perennial, pay attention to the book of large-flowered, Siberian Astra and other Arctic flowers, such as Lupine Arctic. Plants that feel good in the mountain regions are suitable for your garden. They will be able to survive, despite the frost and poor soil.

Flowers from perennial flowers

The design of flower beds in the country in the north is made according to the same rules as the creation of flower beds in any other region. Here are the basic principles of building flowerbeds in the country:

  • It is recommended to use no more than 3-5 species of plants on a small flowerbed.
  • Perennials should be the main flower beds, and annuals are used as an accent to fill gaps.
  • Try to stick to one color scheme so that your flowerba does not have chaotic - it is better to do a few clubs if you want to use more shades.
  • Do not forget about the rowing flowers for the garden. For example, among frost-resistant varieties there is a decorative liana Clematis, which is perfect for the design of green hedges, arches and fences in your country.

It is important to note that many northern perennial flowers (roses, chrysanthemums and others) in winter require shelter, so take care of the purchase of a suitable undercover material. Before the shelter of perennials for the winter, also make an emphasis with sawdust, dry leaves or special insulation materials that will help your beautiful flower bed to survive winter cold.

What perennial flowers for giving in the north do you prefer? Share your experience!

10 of the most interesting perennials blooming all summer!

Saled Sad.

1. Astrancy is large

A beautiful perennial plant is about 70 cm tall. Begins blossom in June, finishes - in August, if you delete the buds on time. The color scheme consists of shades of pink, white, cream and green colors. A bright representative - Primadonna variety, which amazes the combination of white, pink and green on the petals. His bloom is often resumed at the beginning of autumn and lasts until October.

Astrance large prefers solar places or openwork feud. Unpretentious. Grows on all types of soil. Does not require a transplant within 5-7 years.

Astrancy is large

2. Sage Dubravny

Shalfeies - Perennials blooming all summer when proper care. Plant from 35 to 90 cm tall. Very beautiful varieties of "Blue Hill" with lavender blue and "May Night" with lilac-blue flowers collected into spectacular candle inflorescences.

The sage dubbing prefers to grow on sexual sections with moderately wet loose and nutritious soil.

Shawa adult "Mainacht"

3. Armeria Primorskaya

The pillowid pillier high up to 20 cm with bright elegant colors, which are revealed from May until the end of August. There are varieties on sale: "Alba", "Rosea Compacta", "Splendens Perfecta", "Düsseldorfer Stolz" - with white, pink, carminno-red and dark red flowers, respectively.

Armeria Primorskaya - a unpretentious plant, winter-hardy, preferring light sandy soils with heavy clay. It looks great in the container landing, in flower beds and stony gardens.

Armeria Primorskaya

4. Gypsophila Miseling

A perennial plant that forms an attractive openwork bush with a height of 35 to 70 cm. Flowers from June to mid-August, with small flowers that are collected in the blurred inflorescences. Among the varieties available to flowers, the most popular are the lowest perennials blooming all summer with terry flowers: "ROSY VEIL" and "ROSENSCHLEIER".

Gypsophila Miscellaneous, due to its unpretentiousness is very in demand. Used when creating different species Flowers, grown for cutting.

Gypsophila Miseling

5. Laptop shrub

Spectacular plant, up to 150 cm high, demanding to the level of humidity, light, heat. The ABBOTSWOOD grade boasts an abundance of gentle white flowers covering a bush from June to October.

Laptop shrub prefers drained soils. Used in soliter and group landings when creating live elevations.

Laptop shrub

6. Derbennik Ivoletprudoid Lythrum Virgatum)

Cute long-lasting perennials with a height of 80 to 140 cm. The main "highlight" are the pretty inflorescences of a saturated pink-lilac gamma. The most popular today are varieties: "Roseum", "sticflamme", "zigeunerblut", "Augenweide" - with light pink, purple-pink, dark red, red-purple flowers, respectively.

Derbenniki is distinguished by special unpretentiousness, the ability to withstand any growing conditions, although the bushes planted in the coastal zone of the reservoir or in a flower bed with a nutritious, well-moistened, grow more healthy and lush.

Derbennik Ivolet

7. Lena Large-flowering

The charming plant with a height of up to 60 cm with a stretched flowering period - from June to September. Lyon varieties "Rushenets", "Mars", "Aurora" and "Zeepad" with light pink, bright red, apricot and dark red flowers look incredibly touching in group landings: borders and mixlers.

Flax large-flowered

8. Mild cuff

A perennial plant that forms a cute bush of a spherical shape height from 25 to 40 cm. Green-yellow color Minor flowers that make gaze from June to Augustus inclusive, especially attractive after rain when a pearl necklace from the droplets gloves. Robustica fast-growing "Robustica" is the most popular industrial and at the same time amateur variety, similar on the external signs of a wild look.

Flowers often use this type of cuff when creating elegant borders. White-green flowers are perfectly combined with dark red, blue and purple inflorescences.

Mild cuff

9. Clematis (Clematis)

To the attention of flower flows is a lot of types of clematis, but they are usually interested not species, but varieties.

  • "Veronica" S Choice "- a plant up to 3 m high with large, terry, purple-white flowers, which appear on the shoots of last year from May to September.
  • "Duchess of Edinburgh" - Liana up to 3 m high with large, snow-white flowers that cover branches from May to August.
  • "CARDINAL WYSZYNSKI" - the owner of the Gold Medal Plantarium 1990. Charming grade with large red flowers that appear all summer until September.
  • Warscwaska Nika is a grade with a silver medal. Large purple flowers look perfectly in any compositions throughout the summer.
  • Alba - Liana up to 5 m high with terry, bluish-white or light purple flowers, which decorate branches from June to Augustus inclusive.

"Duchess of Edinburgh

" 10. English roses (David Austin Roses, etc.)

Different varieties of English roses have different heights from 1 to 2.5 meters. It looks equally charming both in single and group landings - in borders, hedges. Agrotechnical cultivation is similar to agrotechnics of tea-hybrid varieties.

Summing up, I want to say that a list of perennial long flowering plants It turned out, though not complete, but extremely interesting. For lovers violate the rules, he can be a guide to the creation of an extraordinary flower beds continuous blossomthat does not change your color throughout the season.

Creating beautiful flower beds and care for them takes a lot of time and strength. And for beginner flower water, it creates irresistible difficulties. But how to be? After all, so I want to see your household plot well-groomed and flowering. The output, of course, is! Unpretentious flowers for the garden will help without unnecessary trouble to transform it. Indeed, among the huge variety of flowering plants, you can pick up beautiful and undemanding in care. Some of them are found in wilderness and hardened with harsh conditions of growth. Let's make a small review.

Bulbous plants

When nature is just beginning to wake up from the winter sleep, the bulbous one of the first greet the coming spring. They are very attractive and no modern garden is not accounted for without them. Therefore, let's start with them, especially since in our majority they are very unpretentious garden flowers.

Snowdrops (Galanthus) and sCILLA (SCILLA) - Well familiar forest primroses, very frost and unpretentious. Wonderfully grow in shady places. The soil prefers a wet, rich leaf power. You can land them under the trees, decorate the alpine slide or create a color stain on the lawn.



Wild or botanical Tulips (Tulipa Botanical) - This class combined all the wild-growing types of tulips, despite their diversity. In most, they are low, multi-flowered (the flower is not alone, but immediately a small bouquet), the bloom is early and long (the longer the spring cold, the longer the flowering of wild tulips). Coloring is the most diverse. Some species are even a motley (in a strip or specks). Diluted and flower shape. In addition to external attractiveness, their dignity is unpretentiousness in leaving and resistance to diseases. They do not need annual reassembly. I put in the fall at a permanent place, you can not be disturbed about five years. Now such tulips are gaining popularity. Self famous species: Kaufman, Phoster, Great, Great, Enzyme, Lipowsky, Dana Demon Tard. Perfect such tulips for alpine Gork. You can also use them in Rabatkov and other flower beds.

Tulip Greiga

Tulip "DaisiSi-Demon Tard"

Muskari (Mouse Hyacinth, Gadyek Bow)

Muscari, Mouse Hyacinth, Gadyuchy Bow (Muscari) - One of the most unpretentious among spring bulbs. Frost-resistant, undemanding to soils. Only the water does not like stagnation. Does not require frequent transplant. May grow in the shade. If you do not cut dry inflorescences, it can multiply by self-sowing. It happens white, pink, and most often in rich blue. It has a pleasant smell. Use well in stone compositions (mountaineering and), create color spots.

Onionor Allyium (Allium) - Decorative plant from a family of onion. The presence of essential oils gives this plant a specific onion smell and burning taste. Floor-shaped bouquets are different colors. Start blooming in the late spring. In the process of ripening seeds drying the inflorescences are also quite decorative. Unpretentious, only, like all the bulbs, do not like water stagnation. Transplant them about once every 5 years. There are low and tall varieties. Sharply use in rockers and alpine slides, and tall on the second plan in various flower compositions. Some varieties of decorative onions have edible leaves, but there are also poisonous.

Allyium (Bow) Tall

Allyium low-spirited


If there is a shady place in the garden, where in the spring is empty and sad, then you can plant Hidonox there. Hionodoxa (Chionodoxa) - This is a small (only 10-15 cm) spring bulbous plant. Flowerines and leaves appear simultaneously. Two sheets and several flowerons having up to 10 flowers grow from one bulwark. It turns out a carpet, covered with bright blue, white, pink sprockets-flowers. Blooms early in spring, at one time with snowdrops, so it is also called " the Snow Queen" The undemanding plant is growing on any garden soils. It is often used to create blooming islets among melting snow and in rockers.

Streamed (Kolfikum)

Warmlessor Kolchikum (Colchicum) - This plant differs from its bulbous fellows in that it flourishes not in the spring, and in the fall (hence such a name). Externally, it looks like a large crocus or growing straight from the ground, a tulip flower. Coloring can be diverse. Lukovitsa plant on a permanent place in July-August. Does not require a transplant for a long time. Unpretentious, frost-resistant, but prefers sunny places. He serves the decoration of the garden when the remaining flowers have long been blowing away. Thanks to the lowestness, it looks good at alpine rols and lawns. Also can serve as a color stain between trees and shrubs. Very poisonous plant.

All the above plants are multiplied by scattered bulbs, and sometimes seeds. We looked at only some of the bulbs, putting which one day in the fall, you can, without any particular concerns, enjoy their beauty not one year. The list can be continued by daffodils, crocuses, Pushkin and others.




Perennial plants

Among the perennials can also choose a lot of unpretentious in the care and beautiful plants. Perennials are good in that putting them once, you for the years ensure the pleasure of seeing these plants in your site. And if the care of them does not take much time, it means that it is a dream of a novice flower. What is this miracle flowers?

AKVILIA (catchment)

AKVILIAor Watercolor (Aquilegia) - One of the most unpretentious perennials. It has a tender nonsense beauty. It has an unusual shape of flowers with spurrs, on which water is going to (from here and the second name - catchment). The color is diverse both one-color and two-color. The height from 15 cm to 1 m. Easily multiply by self-sowing. Prefers halftime, but can grow on solar sites. In one place grows up to 6 years. It looks good together with ferns on the shores of artificial reservoirs. Widely used in mix bears. Low varieties can decorate rocaries shady sections. Suitable for cutting.

Astra Perenna (ASTER) - He is a folk favorite. From the end of summer to deep autumn, it blooms in almost every garden. She conquers its unpretentiousness and variety of paints. It happens different in height. You can choose the varieties and flowering ASTR will continue since the end of the spring until the middle of the autumn. Uncounted aster in everything. It is not suitable for it only flooded during the spring-autumn weather. For mountaineering and rocaries fit the lowest varieties of ASTR. You can also use it in various group landings. And in the cut, these flowers remain fresh and decorative for a long time.

Astra Multilogomy

Astra low-speed


Barwin (Vinca) - Stringing evergreen plant. Commissioning, shoots form a green carpet. It blooms in May with blue-purple and soft-blue flowers with a diameter of about 3 cm. It is undemanded to the soils and illumination of the site. Winter articles, however, young shoots, the first year is preferably slightly covered. Used as a soil plate in stone gardens.

Veronica (Veronica) - A very popular plant, there are perennial and annual species. The perennial is popular with broad (about half meter) and gray (25-35 cm). Flowers in the late spring and the first half of summer. Leaves are slightly or completely published. Small flowers are collected in dense brushes. There are purple, white, pink and blue. Undemanding, frost-resistant, light-affiliated plant. There are soil forms that, inside the soil with a thick carpet, do not germinate weeds. Tall varieties of Veronica are used in borders and other flower beds, and low-spirited gardens.


Poupeor Solomonov Print (Polygonatum Multiflorum) - A perennial plant, a little resembles a large Lily of Lily. Like the lily of the lily of the curved stem, but only high - 60-70 cm. On the stem, whiteish-cream flowers are located, similar to bells, up to 1.5 cm. The leaves are located symmetric pairs. Practically does not smell. Flowers in early June. Then black berries appear in the field of flowers. Escape annually devoted. I am very unpretentious, but does not like arid places. Therefore, it is great for decorating the shady garden sections, combined well with ferns. Poisonous.

Couping (Solomonov Print)

Berries Pouche

It is impossible not to remember the gentle lily of Lily (Convallaria). But his tenderness is deceptive. It is very resistant and unpretentious plant. Normally tolerate frosts, undemanding to soils. Great grows in the shade. The complexity is only that it will grow very quickly and can become a weed. It is used in planting under the trees and near shrubs, in forest and ecosades, as the soil plant. Suitable for cutting. It has a very sharp fragrance, poisonous. Growing in one place may be without a transplant of about 10 years.

Vasilek Mountain (Centaurea) - The most famous and unpretentious type of perennial cornflowers. Grows to half a meter. Ribbed stems and leaves with a light whites. Flower buds are something resemble fir-shoe, which are then bloated by basin-like flowers. Classic color At mining cornflower, of course, blue, but there are varieties with white, purple and pink color. Flowers long, starting from June to the end of summer. Despite its southern origin, well adapted to frosts and normally winters. Without a transplant can do up to 10 years. He loves sunny plots. Not damaged by pests and diseases. It is very similar to him and also unpretentious cornflowers whispered (S. Dealbata Willd). Vasilki are used in various landings (group and single), as well as for cutting.

Vasilek Mountain

Cornflower canilelers

Lily (Krasodel)

Day-lilyor Krasnodnev (Hemerocallis) - Very unprinating and stable plant. For his unpretentiousness, Lilyniki even received the nickname "Flowers of intelligent lazy people". Grow up to 1 m, the root leaves form a socket. Flowers are large, funk-shaped, are yellow, orange, brown-red and other colors. It is unpretentious to soils, but the strongly illusive is destructive for them. Well withstand the half, frost resistant. For about 8 years, it is raised without transplanting, however, for this period they can grow greatly. Recently, varietal low-spirited lacer appeared (about 30 cm). Perfectly look in group landing on a light background. They plant them with both other plants and combining some lilyers of different height and color. Suitable for creating borders and edge decorations.

Diclitra beautiful)

Dotcentraor Diclitra Lovely (Dicentra) - The plant known in the people called the "broken heart", as the flower shape is a heart with a droplet below. Flowers are assembled into dust brushes (like lilies). Color is determined by the variety and is pink with white, pure-white, pinkish-purple. Leaves peristo-separated with gear slices. Depending on the variety bloom from May to the beginning of autumn. It can have a height from 30 cm to 90 cm. Grown in one place can up to 6 years. The dicentra is frost resistant, shadowed. Does not like raw places and constant swing. The lowest is suitable for mixboraders and borders, and tall for single and various group landings. You can use on the cut.

Hostor Funkia (Hosta, Funkia) - This is one of the most shadowish plant. The host grows where other ornamental plants die, for it they call "Queen shady garden" Its main advantage is large decorative leaves of a variety of shape and painting. May be green, blue, gray or golden, as well as white-motley (with cuts and stripes). The colors of the host are less decorative. These are small flowers, similar to lilies or bells, on high flowerwood, are collected in a loose brush. Their color is quite diverse, there are white, light purple, dark and light shades of purple, dark purple. All types of hosts are frost-resistant and unpretentious. However, excessive dampness is undesirable. Pepling varieties Prefer illuminated places. Lush bushes Hosts are good for borders. Used in various flower beds, in shadow landings under the trees, as well as around the reservoirs.

Host (Funkiya)

Golden (Solidago, Golden Rose)

Considering unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden, it is impossible to go around herbate plant, Called "Golden Roga". Golden, Solidagoor Golden Roga (SolidAgo) Flowers yellow bakers from July to October. Its bright colors smoothly fits into color gamut Autumn. It happens from 60 cm to 1 m or more. Good honey, very loved by bees. It is undemanding neither to the soil or illumination. Very winter hardy. That's just quickly multiplied by self-sowing, because of this, dry flowers should be immediately separated. It is good to plant along fences and buildings. It can serve as a middle tier in mixlers and chapets. Suitable for cutting and after drying for dry bouquets.

Monarda (Bergamot, American Melissa)

Monarchor Bergamot, American Melissa (Monarda) - medicinal plant, It happens a perennial and annual. Grow up to 80 cm. Blooms in the second half of summer. The bloom is very long and abundant (on one bush can be up to 200 inflorescences). The inflorescences located in the sinuses of the leaves have a diameter of about 6 cm and consist of small flowers. Have a pleasant smell of mint or lemon. Coloring flowers Lilk, pink, bright red, purple (depending on the variety). The monard is undemanding to soils and illumination, winter-hardy. However, from frequent winds, its branches can be severely bend. Can be used in the background of mixboraders or in single landings using varieties of different colors. Suitable for decoration shadow areas Garden. And also to create fashionable gardens of spicy herbs.

Cupsor Sedum (Sedum) - It is unpretentious in the care of winter-hardening perennial grades of obstacles with reprehensive and fluttering stems. For obstacles, the presence of fleshy stems and leaves of green, bluish, yellow and gray shades. In August at the ends of the shoots, small green flowers collected in small hats are formed. At the beginning of autumn, these flowers smoothly change their color on white, light-purple, saturated pink, burgundy and carmine (depending on the variety). Keep your attractiveness until October, gradually dark. Clamp drought-resistant, normally winters, undemanding to soils. However, it prefers to grow on light solar plots (only light shaders are allowed). Without transplantation can grow about 5 years. Rocked species are used in rockers, ramks, borders, and higher - for mixboraders and single landings.

Customs (Sedum) Strengthening

Customs (Sedume)

Labacker Vysolisticsor Tollga (Filipendula Ulmaria) - Since this is a plant from the forest, then, of course, it is unpretentious and frost-resistant. He loves moisture and shadow, but will great and in the sun, just need to not forget to water him. To the soils are undemanding. You can not reset over 5 years. Leaves with rubbing make a characteristic cucumber smell. Flowers in the middle of summer lush upright belts, consisting of small pale pink, white and light yellow flowers. The lowest of labazniks is about 50 cm, and the highest exceeds 2 m. Medicinal plant. High varieties of labaznika are good to use for decorating fences and just a single group. And low - in mix bears and for decorating water bodies.

Labacker viscous (Tollga)

Multiechette (Erigeron)

Very unpretentious garden flower can be called multiecéor Erigeron (Erigeron). It is undemanding to soil, frosting. True, prefers sunny places. Outwardly, he is very similar to the Alpine Astra. There are a huge variety of species of this plant. Its height from 40 cm to 1 m. Flowers are white, pink, blue, purple. Flowers, starting with the second half of summer to late autumn. Suitable for mixtures and chains, and low-grade varieties for stone gardens. In the cut for a long time they retain their appeal.

Lupin (Lupinus) - It has one-year, two-year and perennial views, refers to the family of legumes. These are tall plants or semi-staples (from 80 cm to 120 cm), having palpat-complex leaves, a little darous, slightly resemble palm leaves. At high shoots are large cooled inflorescences with moth flowers. They are white, purple, blue, purple, pink. It blooms all summer, immediately circumcalling dry flowers can be achieved by repeated late flowering. W. perennial Lupins, by long-term selection, the early-sighted varieties were replaced and the color scheme was replenished with cream, yellow, salmon, cherry and even double-color varieties. Lupines frost-resistant, without transplanting grows up to 5 years. Prefer sunny sections and any soil, except acid. We multiply seeds, and perennial species - stalling. Due to the peculiarities of the root (the rod, deeply outgoing in the ground) the reproduction of the division of the bush is very difficult. Used in mixtures and cuts.


You can also note such unpretentious perennials, as all the well-known and favorite peony, gypsophila, Badan, geranium, leaning and the list can still be continued.




All perennials breed approximately equally. The easiest way is to divide the bush. It needs to be spent in spring before the start of growth or early autumn After the end of flowering. You can also multiply with stalling and seeds, but these methods are more often more complex.

You can choose such unpretentious perennial flowers, which will provide you with all summer beautiful flowering flower beds.

Annual plants

Among the unpretentious gardening of garden colors can be found and many annuals. They bloom brighter and intensively than perennials, but to sow (or disembarking) they need them every year. Although this also has its advantage - a flowerbed or another flower garden can be issued every time in a new way.


Velhets (Tagetes) - These are well acquaintances, found in almost every garden flowers with bright "velvet" petals. Popularity They won rapid growth, Spartan unpretentiousness and amazing decorativeness. It has many species. Flowers have a typical color bright yellow, red-brown, orange, sometimes white. Inflorescences are simple, terry and semi-world. Their height is from 20 cm to 1.2 m. The most common species are reprehensive, rejected and thin colostal. All of them very easily multiply seeds. Flower all summer and the very first frosts. They love solar places, but normally tolerate and the half. Drought-resistant. Have an amazing ability using phytoncides produced to disinfect the soil from pathogenic fungi and drive out some pests. Have a nice saturated fragrance. Is a medicinal plant and spice. Used B. landscape design They are very wide. This is a monoclum, borders, in various flower beds with other plants.


Calendula (Calendula) - Also, a well-known medicinal plant, which is also called margins because of the form of seeds. Everyone knows their bright orange-yellow flowers. Now decorative varieties are bred both simple and terry. Now you can meet cream, light yellow, dark yellow, brown color, there are varieties even with stripes. It grows up to 60 cm. This is one of the most stable, unprofitable plants that make us very abundant blossoms to the most frosts (only you need to immediately turn dry inflorescences). Breed enough good by self-sowing, as well as autumn seed landing in open sad. Loves solar places. Used in various flower beds and to create bright color spots.

Eshcholce (California Mac)

Eshcholceor California Mac (Eschscholzia) - Very decorative annual plant. Beautiful not only their tender flowers, but also openwork leaves of green and grayish blue painting. Forms small up to 30 cm bush. Flowers consist of 4 glossy petals, which are closed overnight and in bad weather. There are both simple and terry. Blooms at the beginning of summer and blooms to frosts. Flowers coloring is so diverse that it is impossible to list all the shades. This is yellow, white, pink, salmon, bright orange, cream, red and great many combinations of these tones. There are very decorative varieties with slightly wavy petals. Eshcholce of thermal lodge and loves bright areas. But withstands small frosts. Undemanding to soil. Drought resistant. Does not like to oversail moisture and fertilizer. It is easily multiplied by seeds, it's good impressive. Very beautiful, large carpets of the Eshcholiya, spectacularly create color spots. Suitable for the creation of Mauritan lawn. Used in Rabatkov.

Snapdragonor Antirrinum (Antirrhinum) - Many familiar with childhood flowers - "Dogs", which can ridiculously open the mouth. This is a perennial plant, but is grown in the gardens as an annual. At the top of the escape is the spike from large flowers of the wrong structure. Coloring is the most diverse from pale yellow to almost black. The height is also distinguished by a variety of 20 cm to a meter. Even terry varieties are derived. It is advisable to land it on sunny sites. Special care does not require. Sustainable freezing. With a lot of winter it may not extinate and spring give young shoots. Breeds seeds. Often used in Rabatkov and Mixlers. Suitable for cutting.

Lion zev (antirrinum)

Iberisor Stenic (Iberis) - Abdominal plant, rather unpretentious. Resistant to frost and drought, light-see. The height of the cooks in different varieties is from 15 to 35 cm. All covered with flowers. The most popular types: an umbrella (inflorescence of a thick shield consisting of small white, pink, lilac and raspberry flowers), bitter crown (colon-shaped inflorescences, white, have a pleasant gentle aroma). We multiply seeds, self-seams are possible. Plant care is the most common. For more prolonged flowering, dry inflorescences must be disrupted. Used for borders and when creating slataks. Weakly, Iberies crowns are well suited for cutting.

Iberis (Stenic) Umbrella

Iberis bitter corona

Tobacco scented (nicotiana alata) - at least this plant is from South AmericaBut it feels good enough in our gardens. I like solar plots, but also tolerates it normally. Protection from strong winds is recommended. And in general, this is a very unpretentious plant. We grown two types (out of 60). Tobacco Wonderful or winged, height from 30 to 90 cm. Stem shaggy coated with a sticky substance. Inflorescences - loose panicles. Flowers are large, like a five-pointed star on a long tube. They have a white, pale yellow, pink, cream and reddish-raspberry. In the evening and night very much, but it smelly smells, and in the morning the flowers are closed. Tobacco Sander looks like a winged, but has more large flowers A variety of shades (even two-color), which do not smell and are not closed during the day. Flowers from June to frosts. We multiply seeds, give good self-sackers. Used in flower beds near the house or gazebo to be able to enjoy their wonderful aroma in the evening.

Tobacco fragrant

Wonderful tobacco (winged)

Tobacco Sanders

Anhusa (Volovik)

Anhusaor Volovik (Anchusa) - This is a bushy plant that is an annual and short-lived perennial. It has a slightly published leaves and stem. It grows up to 70 cm. Her inflorescences, consisting of small tubular flowers with five splashing petals of saturated, look very decoratively. blue color. A bright blue carpet can be obtained from Anhusus. Winter-hardy plant. May grow on any soils. Does not take out the convergence. It is multiplied by seeds, and its perennial species - the division of the bush. Used on the rear rows in Rabatkov, Mixlers.

As a rule, annuals multiply seeds. If the plant is well improved, then its seeds can be planting in autumn. Some flowers are sown only in spring. Unpretentious annual plants can also be attributed to Cosmeya, Koreoplepsis, Leng, Mac-Sami, Malopa, Verbena and many more others.




To all, even the most unpretentious garden colors need minimal care. They need moderate watering. To ensure long flowering, it is necessary to tear dry inflorescences. Delete weeds, sometimes loose soil. If necessary, it's a bit. That is the minimum of physical costs. But in response to your concern, they will respond with the magic paints of flowering flower beds and lungs.

In gardens country Dachas You can find many different types of colors that have a different flowering period. Some people prefer to plant one-year or two-year-old, while others choose perennial flowers.

It is believed that perennial plants are most practical, as they will delight us with their decorative species not one year. What are the perennial flowers to plant in the country which varieties are unpretentious and long-drying, as well as the best perennial flowers for giving with photos and characteristics of species - we will tell this article about this.

Characteristics of perennial flowers

One of characteristic features Perennial decorative plants is a long flowering period. Thanks to this, garden flowers are decorated with our landlocities for a long period, unlike annual plants. From the point of view of the complexity of the departure, they are not significantly different from the annual plants.

Major care activities perennial species Pass, mainly in the spring, when the time comes to take care of the removal of dry leaves and branches. At the same time of the year, the landing of young plants is carried out, as well as the introduction of appropriate fertilizers in the form of compost, manure or mineral forms so that the plants quickly restart the form and acquired a decorative appearance.

Perennial flowers for giving are considered an important part of the overall composition of plants. Their inflorescences may have different colors and forms, and certain species, as a rule, have a large variety of varieties. So the choice is not so simple!

Why are many years of flowers to be in the country?

Perennials are a very diverse group of plants. They have many advantages:

  1. possess the enormous wealth of forms and colors;
  2. diverse in size and period of flowering;
  3. do not require fertile soil and special care;
  4. frost resistant;
  5. as a rule, resistant to diseases;
  6. rarely subjected to pest attack;
  7. durable, grow for several years.

Perennials have an attractive flowering calendar - starting from very early spring And until the end of autumn. Therefore, with the right selection, they can continuously delight our eyes with beautiful colors, decorative appearance, rewarding us with your charm almost round yearEven in winter, if we leave dried inflorescences. Below are the most popular varieties of perennial colors for cottages, photos of various species and compositions.

Perennial flowers for summer cottages - photos with names

Beautiful perennial flowers blooming for cottages, photos of the main varieties and the peculiarities of their cultivation.

Flox is unpretentious perennial flowers for cottages, photos of colors can be seen below. There are many kinds with different color. The plant has a height of up to 70-120 cm. Requires landing in a sunny place and fertile soil, moderately moistened. Floxes bloom abundantly, and also differ resistance to disease and cold. However, if they grow in a half, then coloring colors (white, pink or purple) is more intense. In summer, beautiful dense hemispherical inflorescences are formed, including two tones.

Slightly fragrant phlox are suitable for vases. In the same place they can remain for many years. However, every 4-5 years, the bushes must be separated and transplanted.

Echinacea is very spectacular perennial plants that can decorate any country cottage area. They refer to the family of comprehensive and occur from the Prairies of North America. Characterized as unpretentious perennial flowers for giving with high decorative qualities. Most often cultivated plants of echinacea purple, which can grow by 1.5 meters, and have rude, hard leaves of dark green color.

Echinacea requires solar exposure and fertile wet soil. It blooms from July to October. Flowers have a characteristic convex conical middle and dark pink petals. There are also varieties with white, yellow petals. Plant easily spreads.

Iris Siberian is a perennial plant grows up to 50-100 cm in height. It has narrow, green, gentle leaves. Flowers Iris from May to June. The Siberian Iris feels good in the sun, as well as in half and shadow. It can be planted on a garden or in a swampy coastal zone of the pond. There are also varieties that grow up to 60-120 cm in height. Tender flowers with a diameter of 60-75 mm have purple, blue or white color And a clear drawing on the lower petals. Very decorative narrow leaves resemble grass bundles.

It grows well on fertile, weakly acid, moistened and even swampy soils. This is a rather unpretentious perennial plant, completely frost-resistant. It can be successfully cultivated also in pots on balconies and terraces.

Lilies are lovers of many, they are deservedly considered one of the most attractive and fragrant bulbous plants that can be seen in our gardens. Lily has a large number of varieties and incredible variety of colors, namely, forms and designs of petals and the total inflorescence. The soil for this perennial should be fertile and permeable, as it does not like to overwhelm. The best lily feels in the sun, on a slightly raised soil (this prevents excessive accumulation of water). Depending on the view, it reaches a height of 50-120 cm. Early varieties are planted in March or September, at the end of April, and White Lilia - in August.

Lilyik - this very unpretentious many years of flower Right from Asia is great for giving. It is durable, resistant to harsh conditions. Depending on the variety reaches a height of 30-120 cm. The flower shape resembles lily flowers. Throughout the period of vegetation, the plant has a decorative foliage. It blooms very plentiful and a long time. There are about 15-20 buds on the trunk, which ripen gradually. As a result, flowering can last up to a month, although individual flowers are faded after 24 hours. Lilyik is characterized by an incredible variety of patterns, colors and shapes. Plant has many varieties.

Among the varieties can be found flowers of white, pink, purple, black, yellow and orange, as well as dark brown color. They are characterized by a number of forms, including rather unusual, such as resembling stars or spiders. There are flowers almost odor, as well as strongly fragrant.

Lilyniki practically do not require care, so they are attractive for beginner gardeners. They do not require fertile soil. The position should be sunny or slightly shaded. Landing is usually carried out to a depth of 5 cm at a distance of 30-40 cm. Care is limited to watering and making fertilizers. Old varieties grow well even in poor and dry soils. Very useful for staining and opening colors to make several times extra-corner subordinate With the predominance of phosphorus. Lily of non-transplantation can grow in one place for 15-20 years.

Lupine is a very beautiful multi-year flower, loved by many gardeners due to the high decorative value and ease of cultivation. Very often it is found in the gardens, where it looks great on colorful flower beds. The plant belongs to the bean family and includes dozens of species. Lupine is best grows on solar expositions. It needs fertile soil with low calcium content. The plant has rigid inflorescences of dark or light blue, pink, white, yellow color and even two-color, 60-80 cm high. Easy raging, but poorly tolerates transplant.

Orlik Garden or Akvilia is a perennial flower that prefers half shaded and shadow places, humus and wet soils. He feels great under the canopy of trees. It is a non-dedicated plant, but easily dispersed and remains in bed for many years. Its original flowers have a lot of coloring, and the color combinations are infinite.

Garden Dolphiniums are perennial flowers that require solar positions or half. They need fertile, permeable, wet soil. Hard inflorescences grow up to 200 cm in height and have dark or light blue, lavender, pink and white flowers. After flowering, they must be trimmed right above the ground, then the plants will bloom again. Dolphiniums are short-lived, every few years they need to be divided.

Thus, these are beautiful high perennial flowers for giving, whose photos can be seen below. Sometimes they have to be tested to the support.

Heliopsis Sunflower-shaped - a perennial plant that blooms yellow flowers and looks very nice in the company with dark leaves. Blossom starts from mid-summer. Helopsis reaches a height of about 1 m. The exposure must be on the south side, but in the shade. Soil will need quite fertile, with humus. The flower is well adapted to environment And it can grow in the worst soil. Plant frost-resistant. It looks beautiful, planted next to the dolphinium, Astramy. It has very long and abundant flowering (often before frosts), creates large colors and easily spreads.

The shagel adhesive loves solar exposures, but tolerates and feud. The soil should be fertile, permeable and moderately humid. Hard inflorescences grow up to 80 cm in height. Flowers dark of blue color. Removal of the bleached inflorescences stimulates the development of new ones.

Astilba is long blooming perennial plants. If you provide them optimal conditionsThey will thank long and beautiful blossoms. Their fluffy, colorful inflorescences will be able to decorate any shady corner of the garden. Chinese astilbies are a little easier to grow than others - if you provide them with very wet soil, they will grow well even in a sunny place.

Astilba is a plant that belongs to the camcone family. Scientists know about 20 species of these decorative perennials. Their habitat is wet and shady forests located in Asia and North America. They are often grown in domestic gardens. Astilba is best grows in a half, requires the soil of fertile, permeable and wet, but not overclog. Depending on the variety, it can have a height of 30-60 cm. Small flowers are assembled into rigid pellets purple, light or dark pink and white painting.

Curly flowers for giving perennial, photo

Curly plants for giving in addition to their beauty have many practical advantages:

  • they create large square green with minimal busy space on earth;
  • with their help, you can cover an unattractive place;
  • located on a gazebo or canopy, they create a shadow.

Some species can climb on the walls with the help of the mustache, while others grow around the supports. Many species have so thick stems that they sometimes need a truly reliable support. Before you buy perennial curly flowers for summer cottages, let's see what kinds are suitable for landing in a planned place in specific conditions, so that they are not surprised that, for example, the honeysuckle does not want to rise up the wall.

LONICERA PERYCLIMENUM (LONICERA PERYCLIMENUM) is a flowering climbing plant that has an excellent fragrance. Honey does not have special requirements, but bloom in a sunny place. They need support. These curly perennial flowers for summer cottages are great, as it blooms all summer. Flowers consist of a variety of thin pipes. They are of different colors: yellow, pink, red, purple, white.

Wisteria is a perennial curious liana with very beautiful colors. They hang in inflorescences of purple, white, pink, lavender and even blue. Some varieties can form inflorescences that reach 70 cm long! Wisteria grows around the supports that should be durable, because the old plants have thick stems with a length of the circumference of several tens of centimeters.

Clematis (Clematis), as a rule, demanding plants, although there are varieties rather unpretentious. It is worth putting Clematis at the cottage because of his beautiful colors. A variety of varieties are really big. Clematis are distinguished by variety of shapes and painting. There are options, such as Barbara Dibley, with huge colors. Plants climb up the support.

Campxis Radican - Perennial Liana. It is very sensitive to the frost, so it should be planted in protected places. This liano is sometimes confused with wicinies, as it has a very similar flowers in the form of the tubes. The flower has a beautiful red, orange or yellow. Unfortunately, bloom begins only a few years after landing, so we must be patient. Campsis goes around the supports.

Fallopia Aubertii (Fallopia Aubertii) is a liana with a great increase that can reach 6-8 meters per year. Fallopia landing is the most fast way To cover the walls with greens. However, care should be taken with it, as it is so expansive, which can quickly get out of control and grow in places where we do not want to see it.

The curly hydrangea (Hydrangea Petiolaris) is the queen among the teothelipal perennial curly flowering plants for the cottage. She feels well in half and shadows, as evidenced by beautiful white and large flowers in these conditions. The plant requires a durable support around which grows. Stems are very thick and sometimes can destroy the fence from the boards, between which they are intertwined.

Rose probably does not need a presentation, this plant loves and grows many gardeners and dacities. Roses require support, but they should not be as powerful as for hydrangea and wisteria.

Chinese lemongrass is most famous for its medical propertiesBut may also be decoration in the garden. Flowers are minor, white, but very decorative red fruits collected in suspended clusters. It grows best in half.

This article presents the most popular perennial flowers for cottages, photos and short description species should help make right choice for specific soil and climatic conditions. The right choice with regard to all factors will allow you to enjoy all the advantages of the plant and see the magnificent flowers that will decorate any summer cottage and garden.

Iris, photo

IN country house It is customary to grow, vegetables, fruits, keep poultry and animals. Of course, the landscape design, also a fairly attractive occupation for each gardener. To streamline, evergreen plants form various garden compositions, flower beds. To properly pick up suitable candidates for these purposes, use a catalog of perennial colors for cottages, a photo titled, which will greatly facilitate their work. After all, you can immediately imagine how exactly your flowerba will look like, so you will definitely make the right choice that will please you for more than one year. We have collected all the most popular for you, and interesting in one collection, pleasant reading.

Perennial plants in the garden and on the estate, their features.

What do they imagine? Most often - decorative species, with well developed laidity. The main feature of which is, the fact that with their help you can form a flower leaf for one year, but by several. You will relieve yourself from the need for a constant transplantation, and seed sowing. In addition, such plantings do not require special care, but begin to bloom much earlier annuals.

As a rule, they easily carry frosts

Catalog of the most popular perennial colors for giving photos and names:

Such a catalog of perennial colors, for your estate, with the photo and description is designed to significantly facilitate the task of choice, to decorate your possessions. Therefore, it is all responsible to view the materials, as well as the component of various variations, to reflect your garden.

Alissa, landing and care.

This is a very resistant plant, preferably for dry regions, where something else to grow is problematic. But allisums perfectly copes not only with high temperatures, but also with low, so freezing is not terrible. It is not necessary for particular concerns, and almost any soil is suitable for cultivation. But despite such Spartan living conditions - they can decorate any plot, with their magnificent beauty.

Anemones landing and care in the open ground:

Anemones will decorate any flowerbed

In the picture of the anemone, you see what kind of diverse they can be, with their help you can create the most complex flower arrangements, for every taste. Unfortunately, unlike allisum, they are not so resistant to cold, so they are grown in the northern regions as annuals.

Landing and care for anemonium is quite simple and does not require you from you. For their growth, choose solar clearing, with moderately fertile soil, the tubers are buried not deep, about 5 centimeters. If the soil is not sufficiently fertile, the anemone will need to feed, with the help of mineral feeding.

Pansies or Viol, one of the most popular representatives of their kind for growing on the flower beds, no wonder they hit our collection, in the picture you see how beautiful they are and diverse.

Pansies on a fertile piece, lounge, in a sunny place are planted. Not the best place For the growth of Viol, there will be a lowland where water is often stared. Unfortunately, the care of the viola is required to be permanent, so you should make fertilizers, the superphosphate is best suited, as well as an ammonium nitrate. Fresh manure under them do not contribute.

Astilba plant and grow in the garden, on the estate:

Astilba can be planted both in the shade and sunny places

These flowers from our catalog of perennial plants for cottages are very popular, they are both dwarf and enough tall, it all depends on what goals you are haunting. Pick the variety based on the square, and of course the idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition is important.

For an Astilba, it's not too difficult to care for the age, but still there are several mandatory rules:

  • It is better to land to choose a half.
  • Fertile soil, with sufficient humus.
  • Astilba needs constant watering.
  • After the growing period ended, the color saws should be deleted.

Astra, landing and care in opened grounds.

Astra is rightfully considered to be dominant plants in any garden where they grow. As you see yourself, these flowers are very beautiful, and diverse, be sure to try to grow them in your yard. Astra bloom is very abundant, and for a long time already up to the most frost.

Grow asters are best at open solar places, on light soil. Feeding is carried out with the help of mineral and organic fertilizers. They require abundant irrigation, transplantation and separation of Astra bushes, produced every five years.

Badani, how to plant and care.

A very bright representative, as you see in the image. Badan can decorate the Alpine slides, and the flowerbeds of any complexity, it is often used in the landscape design professionals.

Badan care and landing:

  • It is best for adventure places, but Badan and on open and sunny grow well.
  • On poor soils, they feel bad, so it will bloom weakly and late, so needed fade.

Barwinka, how to plant and care for open ground.

Barwin, as a rule, grows in breadth throughout the garden

Barwin - wound plant, It can be mastered by any buildings, extensions, fences. Best of all, for Barwinka serve. To the soil, they are not demanding. The main thing is that they do not move, otherwise it threatens with fading. In the northern regions, Barwinka is hidden for the winter. If, shoots broke out throughout the garden, they need to be cut.


Sorrowless or Kalfikum, a popular option, it is quite often confused with crocuses, but they are easy enough to distinguish, look at the flowers, the lack of lack of them are larger, and have a powerful aroma.

Colokchikum flowers are enough enough, only 21 days. But such a short period of vegetation compensates for its unpretentiousness, as well as simplicity in service, and good tolerability of frosts. Rewritable can grow, both in solar sites and in the shade.


In our directory of perennials, gardeners primarily attracts brightness and original, nonsense, rightfully occupies its place in this directory. After all, he is very interesting, and attractive in appearance. Everything else has a very long period of flowering, which undoubtedly plays in his favor. They are also completely unpretentious, both to the content and the landing site. The beezlniks grow both in the shade and in the sun. Make feeding, it will be enough twice a year, in the spring and early summer, mineral feeding, and in the fall you need to spend mulching with peat.

The velbeyn has two types, or a reprehension bushes, or shrubs resistant earth. It is great for decoration, private possessions, and flower, very bright and beautifully flower. As a rule, all major types, Verbaine prefer to grow outdoor sunny places. The specificity of the career care is as follows:

  • Verbinic loves wet soil.
  • It needs constant, abundant irrigation.
  • Every two weeks, mineral fertilizers contribute under the bushes.
  • It is not necessary to strengthen the Winter Verbaine, it copes well with minus temperatures.

Hyacinths Features of cultivation, photo.

In order for the hyacinths in your garden abundantly and colorfully bloom, you will need to make a dry type fertilizer on an ongoing basis. Fertilizers are made after the first geacinth sprouts began to bring.

The following feeder is produced during the bootonization period. And the third time - already during their vegetation. Demanding and to watering, it is impossible to dry the soil.

Gladiolus, landing and cultivation:

Our encyclopedia of plants that grow more than one year, would not be complete without such wonderful representatives as gladiolus. The landing is made on open, sunny areas. This species does not like an extra moisture, so the places where rainwater is often going are not suitable for gladiols. If you live in southern, hot areas, where in summer the air temperature rises above + 35s, then you should land the gladioluses in a bit pronted places.

Supply soils are well suited for the cultivation of gladiolus, but before planting, it will need to be supported in such a soil with organic fertilizers.

Priorices for giving:

With the arrival of spring, everything around comes to life, and of course the gardens are not an exception, if you want the riot of paints and life in your site, please you from the very beginning of the spring, you should take care of it early and plant the primroses.

Beautiful snowdrops

Snowdrops are frosted frost, hence the name, when winter still reigns, these bold, strong flowers make their way through the snow. They are not afraid of cold, unfortunately there are one lack of them, the period of their flowering is very short, and then they are hiding again until the next spring.

Crocuses fantastically beautiful

They are the same early as snowdrops, and the appearance of them are not inferior to them. Do not care, and resistant to cold, ideal early, try to put them in your site. Especially good looks near the trees.

Muscari, photo of perennial colors, in the catalog for dachnings.

Muskari belong to early varieties conditionally, because there is different types, Some bloom in early spring, other in the summer. Therefore, correctly pick up the look you need, you can combine, different varieties to arrange bloom in the garden of the whole spring and summer.

With a transplantation Muskari, you may have difficulty, since they are multiplied with the help of children.

A very early flower, which is completely not afraid of cold weather, and in early March, gardens and flower beds are decorated. They are planted in the autumn period, in privided areas. Well fits in.

Proleski, incredibly beautiful and early

Unpretentious, cold-resistant colds, easily multiply, and please you with their beauty already at the very beginning of March, be sure to plant a prolesta from our collection of perennial plants, on its estateAnd you will not regret.

Narcissus photo, description:

Gorgeous - daffodils

Narcissa surprise anyone, now it is very difficult, these flowers were loved by many at one time, so almost every estate decorated these perennial plants, but in our catalog, it is not just that. Recently, a whole many different subspecies appeared, and if it is responsible to approach the selection, you can find very interesting specimens.

Fully justifies its name - forget-me-not. Really see once, forget-me-not, forever makes you in the soul. Flowering begins in May and lasts a month, the shady sections with high humidity are suitable for growth.

Violet, photo and description.

Also, like Muskari, purely early, the violets cannot be called, because the term of their flowering depends on the type. But if you pick up needed speciesYou can enjoy the aroma and beauty, already at the very beginning of spring.

They are grown at home in pots, but there are types of dairy, which are great for garden purposes. These bushes are perfectly tolerated both drought and frost, unpretentious and do not need care, therefore it is a great choice.

Perennial flowers for cottages, video:

That's actually all that we wanted to tell you today. Our catalog of perennial colors for giving photos with names should help how experimental gardenersSo and beginners to improve their possessions. All you need is to choose a plant that are suitable for your yard, and will decorate it. You can make different combinations, with a different period of vegetation, thus making your garden fragrant from March to October. Do the right choice and enjoy beauty, and aroma on your site. We wish everyone good and say goodbye to you, to new meetings!

Beautifully decorated flower beds with flowers are considered to decorate any subsidence. And so that the plants are pleased every year, it is better to plant perennial garden flowers that do not require regular transplant or additional sowing.

With the help of such colors you can do real masterpieces from the beds by successful combinations of plants of different varieties. The species of perennial colors are a huge set, they may differ in size, form, etc.

Garden Perennial Flowers have many advantages:

Tip! To save on seedlings and seeds, they can be collected from perennial plants.

Flowers garden perennial

Consider some kind of garden flowers perennial photos And the names with the cultivation of which even the newcomer of the flower business can cope. They are represented by a huge variety: high, low, long-range, bulbous, etc.


Alissium is used for decoration of alpinarias, borders, compositions for flower. It is stable not only to the heat, but also to the effects of low temperatures. This plant is not too capricious and can take care of any soil. Alissium has fragrant flowers that have a bright colors.

It should be planted in fertile soil in places that are well lit by the sun. It is necessary to watered it moderately, and to help well at the initial stage of development. Alicesum is combined with stone slabs of fence, paved paths and decorative stones.


The blooming anemones demonstrate red, blue and purple shades, the diameter of the colors varies within 60-80 mm. In the cold regions, this flower is grown as an annual plant.

The landing of the anemones is quite simple: in moderately fertile soil the tubers at a depth of 5 cm. These flowers prefer plots well-lit by the sun. To ensure the growth of plants and their high-quality bloom, it is necessary to plant them into the breathable soap. If the soil is lowland, then it is necessary to feed it with fertilizers, it is best to apply a mineral mixture of an integrated destination in this case, which two times in the summer season are introduced.

Tip! For bouquets, it is better to choose anemones that have not yet blocked until the end, usually they have a weak color.


Pansies are one of the most popular colors, they still love to call Viola. These low flowers have many bright colors: blue, yellow, with red splashes, white, black. The most favorable soil option is a fertile clay soil. Together with the solar rays, such conditions will increase the period of flowering of pansies. However, they require frequent feeding, for this it is best to use an ammonium salter and superphosphate.

Tip! In order to extend the flowering of pansies, it is necessary to turn the seed boxes and faded elements in time, as they take energy from the plant.

There are plants that grow out of bulbs and live for several years, some perennial bulbous garden flowers with photos and names are presented below.


The lack of lure is very similar to Crocus, but it differs from him larger colors and a pleasant smell. From one bulb you can get up to four flowers. They can bloom about three weeks. A non-liqueur is absolutely unpretentious to the soil and care and can feel comfortable both in the shade and in the sun. This plant is used in the design of alpine slides and ordinary flower beds.


Hyacinths are very fond of feeding. All care is associated with periodic use of fertilizers. To get beautiful full-fledged flowers, it is necessary to introduce dry feeding into the soil immediately after shooting. The second feeding will be needed when buds appear, it is served under root system in liquid form. The third time fertilizes after the hyacinths bloomed.

This kind of bulbous plant requires regular irrigation, especially during the period when the bulbs are rooted, the soil should always remain wet. When sprouts appear, you can water them less often, but it should be done regularly. But, despite all the difficulties that are conjugate with the care of these perennial garden flowers, the photos are very attracted by dacnis.

Most of the flowerfields prefer to choose plants for a household site, which would be happy with beautiful colors for the whole summer, and possibly part of the autumn. Consider the most common perennial long-timing garden flowers with photos and names.


Astra - very common on panstones As a live curb or registration of the clubs. This flower is unpretentious and blooms until the very beginning of frost. Astra's paint palette is very diverse, they can be dark purple, white, lilac, dark pink. It feels comfortable on the territory of the field or in the sun. It must be regular watering and periodic fertilizer. The best Astra feel on the lungs of water-permeable soils. Have a brightly pronounced floral fragrance.

Astrancy is large

Astrance is a perennial low plant (height is about 75 cm). It blooms throughout the whole summer - from June to August, flowers can have shades of pink, white, cream flowers. To increase the duration of the flowering process, you should remove faded buds in time. Astranition is unpretentious to the soil, can grow in a half or the sun. It can not be replaced within 5-7 years.


Clematis can be attributed to many years of garden colors a large long-lasting. It has a large number of varieties for which large beautiful flowers of various shades are characteristic. Most of them bloom all summer, as well as in May and September. For example, Cardinalwyszynki grade, which has large red flowers.

The Alba variety is a lianu high up to 5 m with white-blue or light purple flowers. Warscwaskanika is characterized by bright purple flowers.

If for registration of flower beds, you need little plantsYou can choose the option from the colors of garden perennial low long-lasting, the photos of which are presented below.


Barwynok belongs to the pops of plants. It quickly grows into the width and reminds the carpet. Leaves have dark or light green. Sometimes there may be golden or beige specks. Barwinka loves her half and regular watering. It is not whimsical to the quality of the soil. It is recommended to cut it regularly. Well neighing with primoses, proleski, hyacinths.


Ommophalodes, called a naughty, is an interstit-level low long flower. In nature, they are found in the Caucasian forests and in the south of Russia.

IN middle lane Not stable. Ommophalodes has bright blue flowers, which are collected in shield inflorescences. He loves sexual seats with loose soil.

Sage Dubravny

Dubray sage has weak medicinal propertiesBut it looks beautifully on household plots. It blooms around June to August, resistant to temperature difference. Sage has bright purple flowers that allow creating interesting color combinations with other plants. He feels comfortable for any soil, he prefers halftime, multiplied by self-sowing.

With low colors, tall plants suitable in color will look good. Below lists some high perennial garden flowers with photos and names.

Large-flowered Len.

Flax flowers record long since April to October, his small flowers create beautiful hats and updated constantly. Flax is not demanding to the soil, he does not need special care And feeding. It can grow without transplanting 4-5 years. Color gamut from pale pink to bright blue. The plant usually grows up to 70 cm.


Garden plant is very similar to sunflower. It has a rather high height - 140-150 cm long, over time they can form whole overgrown. Flowers of yellow and orange color, bloom abundantly in June and July. The plant is unpretentious to the soil, does not like too much wet soil, loves sunny plots. It is necessary to plant flowers at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. Well heliopsis looks in the form of live borders.