
Forming room colors with household means. Protection of perennial colors from diseases and pests

Garden do it yourself

Marta Vasnetsova | 06/12/2015 | 12165.

March Vasnetsova 06/12/2015 12165

So that the bedroom plants pleased with beautiful greens and puffedly bloomed, it is very important to observe the basic rules for their spraying. What do you need to know? Are there home flowers that sprinkle undesirable?

Most indoor plants Feel the most comfortable at relative humidity of air, equal to 70-80%. However, in our homes, this indicator is usually significantly lower (in summer - about 50-55%, in the winter - about 30%).

You can adjust the level of humidity in the room using a domestic humidifier. More simple I. available way - Spraying with a spray gun.

Spraying makes it possible not only to moisten the air indoors, but also reduce the amount of water evaporated from the surface of the leaf of indoor plants and the substrate, as well as maintain flowers clean.

In the heat of the plant with gentle leaves it is better to spray up to 9 am or after lunch, and care for flowers that are placed on the north side of the apartment, is still better when the air temperature is maximum.

Regular spraying of plants does not replace them with watering. And to regularly water - does not mean that from manipulations with the pulverizer you need to refuse. In the wetting of indoor colors should be a golden middle.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with The main rules of spraying home plants.

Rule 1. Spray from the top and bottom side, you must need plants with rigid and shiny leaves (cypress, azalea, maranta) and inhabitants vegetable world Tropics (Orchid, Philodendron, Bromelia).

Orchids can be sprayed several times a day

But plants with velvety (gloxia), thin (pelargonium), transparent (caladyium) sheets poorly tolerate high humidity and are susceptible to rotting.

In the cold season, watering these plants is at all worth limiting as much as possible.

To maintain the optimal level of humidity, you can spray the space around them or put the vessels with water.

Rule 2. So that after spraying on the furniture, there were no spots, and the windowsill and the window did not have to wipe each time, it is better to carry water treatments in the bathroom.

Rule 3. Ideally, spraying must be done twice a day - in the morning and evening. However, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, water that glass on the leaves in the substrate is stuffed. And excessive moisture, as is known, can harm the plant, causing his disease.

Therefore, it is very important to adjust the pulverizer to minimal sputtering.

Rule 4. Flowering plants It is worth moisturizing in such a way that the water droplets do not hit the inflorescences. Otherwise, the flowers are quickly covered.

Rule 5. First, the plant should be poured and only after that it can be sprayed.

If you do not comply with this rule, you can easily have one flower to pour twice, and the other is not to pour at all. After all, after spraying the substrate is darker, and to determine the eye, the plant is moistened or not, it is impossible.

Rule 6. When spraying plants in the warm season, it is still not necessary to carry out the procedure when the vase is under the right sunlight.

Standing in the sun flowers can not spray

To avoid the appearance on the leaves of burns, it makes sense to rearrange the flower or wait, when the sun "leaves" from the room.

Following these unacceptr the rules of spraying of home plants, you will be able to grow on your windowsill beautiful gardenwhich will delight you and your loved ones in a lush color almost all year round.

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The best means of struggle with floral pests is to carry out preventive and preventive measures: attentive inspection of purchased and existing plants. When the pest is detected, it is necessary to isolate. Dishes and soil before use to warm or marry (i.e. disinfect). It is necessary to monitor the correct lighting, power and watering mode for crop data.

When pests are found, you need to collect them manually or wash off a strong warm jet out of the shower (do not forget about the back of the leaves). This method is especially effective for a web glue, if you repeat several times a week.

From aphids, shields, flashers and Cherverov, try to get rid of a rigid toothbrush, moistened in a soap solution (1 part of the household soap dilute in 6 parts of water).

To combat other types of "sucking" pests, a plant rinse with denatant or ethyl alcohol, but already with a soft tassel. 5 minutes after processing the plant, you need to rinse under the shower.

Using the onions, garlic, red bitter pepper and tobacco dust can be attempted to cope with tool, trips, shield, flapping and tick. Do not hope for an ambulance victory - all this you have to repeat more than once (with an interval 1 time per week).

Chemical preparations at home is undesirable, since the use of a pesticide may affect your health. But if too a large number of Tsley, triples, web ticks, try using phytodeterm.

Recipes for the fight against pests:

50 g of unwound garlic pour 1 l warm water And insist 20 minutes. The liquid solution can be diluted with water to 1 liter. It protects well not only the plants, but also disinfects the soil. Processing is desirable to produce in the evening or in cloudy weather.

40 g tobacco pour 1 l of water and insist for 2 days, after that the decoction of 2 hours is boiled, filtered and diluted in 1 liter of water.

1 teaspoon finely chopped on Luka Pour 1 glass of water and insist during the day. Strain and conduct plant processing. After a week, the procedure is repeated.

20 g of the husk of the Reflidge onion to pour 1 l warm water and insist 12 hours, then strain. Spray plants need 1 time per week at least 3 times.

50 g of dry or 100 g of cheese crushed bitter pepper pour 1 l of water and boil for 1 hour. After 2 days, the decoction to strain and dilute with water (on 1 part of the solution of 7 parts of water).

All these solutions are better used with the addition of economic soap: in 1 liter of the solution, add 3 g of soap.

In antique, the prevention of infected plants was carried out as follows: 0.5 l hot water Divided 50 g of soap and added Kerosene glasses. All this was diluted in 5 liters of water.

Modern amateur flower flowers invented a kind of pest control: an infected plant is placed in a plastic bag filled with cigarette smoke. Fill the bag with a cigarette smoke with the help of aquarium microcompressor. Keep the plant needed within an hour.

It is not desirable that the plants throughout the year are in one place: after all, during the rest of the plants, they need a cooler place and watered them less often. When watering, make sure that the water does not remain drops on the leaves. It is impossible to use cold and rigid non-filled water.

It is impossible to put them near the central heating batteries, as the dryness of the air is the main cause of the painful phenomenon of houseplants. Plants can be moisturized by spraying them from the spray gun.

Cut the faded leaves and flowers you need a clean sharp knife by sprinkling the location of the coal powder. To disrupt their hands is undesirable.

Plants need to transplant in a more spacious dishes to root system Could develop.

The reason for changing the color of the leaves and their yellowness may be a flaw nutrients. It is necessary to feed the plants regularly, but in certain doses, as not only the disadvantage is harmful, but also an oversupply of nutrients.

It is harmful to indoor plants both oversupply and lack of moisture. And in that and in another case, the ends of the roots lose freshness. With abundant irrigation, the soil zaksats, because of which the roots begin to heat, and the plant dies.

Periodically, look through the opposite side of the leaves, as it is there that the pests are often settled.

Protection of plants from fungal diseases

From diseases that are most often found in room colors, fungal diseases are most common. Plants are affected by real and false torment. Present puffy dew It manifests itself in the form of a whites on the stems and the upper side of the leaves, and the false - on the bottom of the leaves.

White flask of real mildew. Over time, it becomes brown, the leaves dry out and fall.

Cause appearance: Increased soil moisture, plant strokes with nitric fertilizers.

Treatment:sick leaves remove, the plant is completely treated with manganese (solution of pinkish color). Additionally, it is necessary to treat a sick copy by soap therapeutic solution (in 1 liter of water, add 4-5 g of green or economic soap and 0.5 teaspoon of drinking soda) - spray and washed after 3 hours. Treatment repeat at least 4-5 times.

False mild dew (Peronosporosis) over time acquires light gray color, the leaves are wrinkled and dry.

Cause appearance: High air humidity, soil moistening.

Treatment: once a week spray with 1% bordrian liquid solution (at least 5-6 times). Highly affected plants to destroy. You can treat a patient with a copy of topaz, Vectra or antibiotic solutions.

Protection of plants from bacterial lesions

There are no pronounced signs of this disease. In places of lesion, there is a softening of the tissues of the stem, leaves, buds. The grinding process is accompanied by a characteristic odor.

Cause appearance: Soil moistening, high temperature and humidity.

Treatment: Spraying with a 1% burglar solution of liquid, plants transplanting with mandatory disinfection of tools, dishes, soils. Highly affected plants are better destroyed.

Protection against viral lesion

The first sign of viral lesion is slow oppression of the plant (ie, slowing down growth, dropping buds, loss of the turgora). Externally, the disease is manifested in the form of curls of the leaves, the appearance of a mosaic pattern on the leaves and stems.

Cause appearance: Virus carriers are TLL and TRIPS.

Treatment: Destruction of pests, cutting damaged areas. The plant itself is recommended to be treated with a light pink solution of manganese. With extensive damage to the plant to destroy.

The measures taken above controlling diseases in the absolute majority are reduced to the creation of plants. optimal conditions Life. Preventive measures will be revealed by indoor pets from diseases and create a pleasant emotional background in the apartment.

We already know that spraying indoor plants is the most affordable and common way to increase air humidity in the room. But not all indoor plants can be equally sprayed. Some indoor plants are generally strictly forbidden to moisturize, especially in winter.

To immediately understand what plants can be sprayed, and which are not, we understand that the plants with velvety (SENPOLIA, GLOXINA), assembled (peperomy, streptocatus), thin (pelargonium) or transparent (caladium) leaves are more sensitive to various rotes. After all, mushrooms causing rot, very quickly multiply in the stuffing water droplets. For such plants, you need to pick up another way to increase air humidity.

And here tropical plants (Orchid, Codioneum, Philodendron, Bromelia), Plants with rigid shiny leaves (Ficks: Rubber-like, Benjamin, Valid, Clerodendrum, Schiflle, Calatea, Alokasia, Zamiculkas, Azalea, Diffenbahia, Maranth), Ferns (Nebrolapp, AdianTum), Indoor coniferous plants (Cypress Elevation) Very needed spraying leaves. Moreover, spray them are needed on both sides - and from the top, and from the bottom. It must be done because it is on the bottom side of the sheet there are styers for which the plant absorbs moisture, as well as to warn the spider tower that we know about its existence and will not be patient in our company)), who also It dwells on the bottom of the sheet.

In order for the spraying, there were no traces of water from not furniture or glass, try to spray plants in the bathroom or in the sink. If you still spray plants in place, it is better to immediately wipe the tracks from the drops of water and on the furniture, and on the glass, and on large leaves. Over time, white spots remain from water, which are very difficult to remove.

Air humidity in the room will be approximately the same during the day, if spraying do in the morning and in the evening. But you need to trace so that light (how the light goes out), the plants were completely able to dry. Simply without light there is no photosynthesis, and the plants do not absorb moisture, and this can cause diseases.

In winter, if the plants stand on the windowsill, you need to remember that the air temperature is lower than in the room. Therefore, the spraying should also be careful: a combination high humidity And the cold directly by the window can also contribute to the development of rot.

Spraying need to be dosed. It is advisable to configure the sprayer into the smallest spraying, otherwise large drops quickly with leaves in the substrate and it will become overgrown. Another small addition: if the plants already bloomed, then during the spraying, try not to fall on the flowers themselves, otherwise their decorative is lost and they fade faster. Ideal it would be at the time of spraying to obscure them with a piece of paper.

It should also be remembered that spraying should be done after irrigation, and not before. If you spray the plant before irrigating, the moisture will still fall on the substrate, and it will become black, and it is not clear, politically plant or still need to water it. Poland two times in a row - you can pour roots, do not please - the leaves will begin to wither and turn yellow.

In the summer, especially in hot weather, it is possible to spray indoor plants without any concerns if the plants are not standing under the right solar rays. In some cases, you can call a burn on the leaves. To avoid this, or retain a plant from direct sunlight, or spray in the morning and in the evening.

And in order to protect the entire garden from the spread of infections. After all, controversy of diseases and larvae of the beetles of pests of flowers in the connivance of gardeners can be moved to fruit cultures, and then the threat of the death of all cultures on the site will arise.

Growing with great love floral crops are often sick and settled various pests, damaging flowers, leaves, stems and roots, and sometimes they hurt. To grow healthy, full plants, it is necessary to minimize the risk of diseases of flowers and pests, to create cultures normal conditions for development.

Timely and correct measures to combat diseases and pests of flower plants retain the decorative qualities of cultures and prevent their death. Big effect give preventive measureswhich are strictly compliance with agrotechnical rules.

Weakened, growing plants growing in bad conditions are more often affected by diseases and are attacked by pests.

For the treatment of this disease, colors are necessary:

  • in the fall, crop plants, clean and destroy the affected parts of the cultures;
  • in the autumn or early in the spring, after trimming the affected shoots and cleaning the fallen leaves, spraying perennial plants (in a light-free) 1-2% iron or copper vitriol. If the plants winter with green leaves, they spray them 1% burgundy liquid;
  • during the growing season, excluding time, as the appearance of signs of the disease, there are spraying of plants with "Topaz" or "Sight". Nice results In the treatment of colors from diseases, the funds "Fundazol" and "Raek" are given. Preparations should be alternating and in working solutions to add water-soluble fertilizers for the simultaneous extracane feeding.

Disease leaf flowers rust and means to fight her

Rust - This is a disease of flower plants, affecting many cultures. Only the leaves fall ill, others have leaves, shoots and flowers.

On the affected parts of plants, small pads arise, the painting of which is diverse. These are pustulas with rust mushroom mushroom disputes.

With the strong development of this disease, the leaves of the pustulat colors can occupy most of the surface of the affected organ of the plant. The fabric around the pustol acquires a pale green, yellow or brown color. Rust causes premature falling leaves, deforming stems, shoots and fruits, with a strong development of the disease of the plant dying.

Among the flower plants are especially amazed and. White phlox rust is resistant.

In the process of how to treat this disease of the colors, it is necessary:

  • maximum use of rust-resistant species and flower plants;
  • pruning the affected shoots, cleaning of fallen leaves and other residues, followed by their burning;
  • preventive spraying of an Abiga peak or any other copper-containing drug (1% burgundy liquid, an ordnant, home, chlorocation of copper, etc.) in the first days of the rustling of flower plants that were sick last year. During the growing season, when signs of rust processing, repeating, alternating drugs;
  • in the feeders, use fertilizers containing a large potassium percentage that increases the stability of plants to rust.

Gardening disease Gray Gnile and Fighting Disease

Gray Gnil - This disease of flowers and plants without flowers caused by microscopic mushrooms and affects the above-ground and underground organs of many flower plants. The disease can be detected at any time of vegetation, but more often is observed in the second half of summer.

Pay attention to the photo - this color disease is characterized by the carriage of the fabric of the affected plants, they are softening and reinforcing, with forming on the surface, especially with high humidity, gray thick plaque, consisting of mycelium and sputing the fungus.

Appearance gray Nalea On the affected organs of plants and gave reason to call the disease with a gray rot or gray mold.

Later, in places of lesion, small, first white, in the future, black sclerotes that serve to overreach the causative agent of the disease are developing. The disease can gradually cover all the plant, as a result of which it dies.

First of all, the degraded plants are affected by this disease of perennial colors, from which the disease can quickly spread throughout the site.

Gray rot is striking almost all kinds of colors, saving from year to year on their plant residues. Favorable temperature for the development of the disease + 4 ... + 30 ° C, and optimal - + 15 ... + 22ᵒs. The dryness of the air holds back the spread of rot. With increased humidity, as well as in thickened, poorly ventilated conditions are created for the intensive development and dissemination of the disease.

Flower plants are amazed:, Georgina, gladiolus, lupins, daffodils, peonies, primroses, geraniums, roses, chrysanthemums, etc. These plants have no varieties resistant to gray rot.

Above you can see in the photo of this disease of the colors and learn about the treatment of the disease.

Measures to combat gray rotches should be aimed at creating favorable conditions for the lives of plants and unfavorable for the development of the causative agent of sulfur rot:

  • the creation of good ventilance by rarefied landings and crops, timely thinning of thickened shoots;
  • when caring for flowers, avoid mechanical damage to leaves, inflorescences and breakdowns of stems;
  • when irrigated, do not overcoat the soil;
  • feeding with phosphorus-potash fertilizers that increase the stability of plants to rot;
  • regular soil looser;
  • pruning and destruction of the affected branches, stems and other organs of the plant (cut them by 5-10 cm below the visible lesion, with the disease of the whole plant - its removal);
  • collection and destruction of plant residues by burning, instillation in the soil or composting them, moving the ground mixed with manure;
  • preventive spraying of plants with intervals of 10-12 days, excluding the flowering period by any copper-containing drug of the Abiga peak, oxychom or ordn. During the flowering period, when signs of the disease appears, the plants can be poles the profit of Gold at the rate of 5 g per 10 liters of water of 0.2 liters of working solution to one bush.

For landing, only a healthy material should be used. Before planting it to process any growth stimulator (Albit, Eopin, Wereb, etc.), which increases resistance to disease.

Flower Disease Spottitude: Photo Diseases and Plant Treatment

Gardening disease Spottedness is characterized by dieting fabric within small areas of affected leaves and shoots. The most characteristic manifestation of stains is observed on the leaves. Initially, single, weakly-reference spots arise, and in the future their quantities and dimensions increase and can cover the entire surface of the sheet. With the strong development of the disease, the leaves dry out and fall. The shape of the spots can be diverse. They paint them in most brown or brown, sometimes with a pronounced border. In some cases, the affected fabric falls out, leaving the holes in the sheets of sheet.

Spottedness cause mushrooms, bacteria, unfavourable conditions External environment, mechanical damage.

The pathogens of infectious spots (mushrooms and bacteria) are preserved on the residues of the affected plants, some on seeds and planting material. Apply during the summer with different ways (water, air flow, insects).

From flower plants, chrysanthemums, peonies, Lupine, Primuli, and others are affected by the floresses of fungal and bacterial origin, developing on them in the garden, and room conditions.

Measures of struggle:

  • preventive - compliance with the alternation of crops on flower beds, the destruction of residues of patients and weed vegetation, the fight against insect-carriers of pathogens of diseases;
  • active - spraying of plants by speed, asbig-peak, home, copper oxychloride, copper chlorokis, ordn or foundazole.

A certain danger for flower crops, as, however, for other plants in the garden, represent various tumor-like diseases (cancer, keel), viral (mosaic, jaundice, curlyness, growing, etc.).

The main thing in the cultivation of healthy plants is a high level of agrotechnology.

Agrotechnical can create such conditions under which the plants acquire the ability to resist the damage to disease. And then, special measures to combat diseases are carried out as an exception, in a limited scale.

Pest of colors TLL and than treat plants from these insects

The most common insect-pest of flowers, striking almost all floral plants, is a word. It is settled by large groups (colonies) on young shoots, leaves, buds, flowers. Suching juice causes twisting of leaves, ugly development of shoots and flowers. Plants are losing decorativeness, the period of their flowering is reduced. In the absence of timely struggle with the pest, the growth of plants is suspended and their premature death is often observed.

Tly have green, slightly yellowish color. Some species are covered with wax discharges in the form of pollen or gun.

Look at the photo of these pests of colors - they are small insects from 0.1 to 0.7 mm oval, oval or oblong shape with a soft outer cover, some with two pairs of transparent wings.

Many types of tools allocate a medical dew, polluting plant leaves and attracting ants. The presence of the latter on plants indicates the presence of Tly.

As the sucking insects of the Tly are the main peddron of viral diseases of the plants.

The development of one generation of TLI in the summer ends within 7-9 days. Over the growing season, the pest can give up to 15-17 generations. Some generations of Tlima are moving from one plant to another.

The number of this pest in the garden usually increases in June, and it hurts floral plants until the end of summer. Winter eggs on plant residues or wood-shrub breeds.

How to treat flowers from these pests at the first signs of defeat? It is necessary to spray plants with one of the drugs: bison, duchar, allatar, biotplin, fufanon, actpellik, intpa-win or spark double effect, the spark of gold, Iskra-M, confident, commander (in concentrations strictly according to the instructions). Repeated processing of colors from pests when restoring the number of Tsi - after 10-14 days, alternating the pesticides.

With a strong settling, the aphids can be removed from the damaged shoots and in the feeding to reduce the share of nitrogen fertilizers.

Pest colors in the garden Putin tick and how to deal with him

Cobed tick - The most common and dangerous pest of garden colors, especially when the high temperature of the air is combined with low humidity. It is common everywhere and settles very many floral cultures. The magnitude of this tick is so small (0.3-0.5 mm) that it is barely noticeable by a simple eye.

Pliers damage the leaves from the bottom side, they live there under the cover of the coils produced by them. This flower pest in the garden sues the juice of plants. Due to damage, the characteristic color of the leaves appears. It becomes as if marble due to small light spots - ticks, the leaves are yellowing, dried and prematurely fall. The colonies of the tick are brazed with the finest cage that makes it difficult to fight this pest.

During the season, the tick gives several generations. Its mass reproduction is observed in years with dry and hot summer. Determined that optimal temperature For the development of the tick is + 29 ... + 31 ° C and air humidity 35-50%. Under such conditions, it breeds continuously throughout the warm period of the year and in the southern region managed to give 12-15 generations. The whole cycle of its development is completed at 7-9 days.

The mite winter is mainly in the form of adult females under various vegetable residues, in the creaches and cracks of the crust, under the garbage. In the spring, the pest is initially propagated on weed vegetation, then goes into cultivated plants.

To protect the colors from these pests, the maintenance of flower (especially in spring) is in pure weed. Need careful cleaning of plant residues and garbage. And what can spray flowers from these pests to secure landing? Particularly effective "Fufanon" and "Iskra-M". Also in a particularly hot period, it is recommended to use "teemite jet" or sulfur colloid (40 g per 5 liters of water), which acts in pairs. To achieve the necessary effect, processing has to be repeated every 8-10 days.

Beetle pests of garden colors Wire and plant processing agents

These are the larvae of the ogkulov zhukov, who live in the ground and damage the roots, the bulbs, overcoal the stems. Distributed everywhere. Apply great harm Many floral plants.

Body larvae narrow, long, yellow or brown color. Black or brown beetles, with an elongated flat body. Beetles, put on the back, are able to bounce and turn over, making a rather loud sound, like a click.

The larvae, developing in the soil for several years, feed on the roots of plants. In addition, they eaten the extinguished seeds, bite into young seedlings. The young plants damaged by the wires die, and more adults, if they survive, are lagging behind in the development of healthy, clubnelaukovitsy often reveal. The presence of 10-12 larvae on 1kv.m is dangerous for flower plants.

Due to the fact that the wires live in a wet soil, they are driving deep into it. In the spring and in the wet summer, they cause harm in the surface layer of the soil.

Some sorts of shortcuts are winter in the zhukov phase, others in the larva phase. The overwhelming beetles fly early in the spring, and the wintering larvae picked up in the spring and the beetles fly out in the summer. Females lay eggs into the soil, and after 20-40 days from eggs, larvae emerging for 3-4 years. During this time, they reach 15-25 mm of length and become the most malicious.

Favorite plants of the wires are drinking, so the floral plants cannot be planting on the soils from drupted thickets.

Measures of struggle include the destruction of weeds, especially inquiring. Best tools From these pests of flowers are "Provotoks", "Bazedin", "Pochey" and "Earth" (10 g per 30 sq. M). When landing perennials on infected areas, one of their preparations, mixed with sand, bring into landing pits or furrocks.

What spray flowers from pests-triples, flies and penny?

Tripses - These are numerous small (0.5-3.0 mm) insects with an extended body, living especially often on flowers. They suck juices from plants, damaging stamens and pestles, disturbing the process of pollination. As a result of this, the plant is losing decorativeness and do not give full seeds; The leaves are discolored and become ugly.

Live triples on the bottom of the sheet. Adult insects can fly to other plants. Eggs are laying directly on the plants. The development of one generation proceeds within 10-15 days. Winter trips under the vegetable residues, under dry skes and in the upper layer of the soil. Some types of trips are carriers of viral and bacterial diseases.

How to deal with these pests of colors on panstone? To protect the plants, a spraying of insecticides is made, the same as against the Tly. Processing should be started at the appearance of pest, and subsequently carried out in 8-10 days, alternating drugs.

Mini Mukhi Many floral plants damage. They lay eggs on the leaves. The renewed pest larvae swept the inner fabric of the sheet, forming winding moves, clearly visible on the sheet. The larvae themselves are white, no legs and heads, 3-5 mm long. Pockerying occurs inside the mines from the bottom side of the sheet.

Measures of the struggle: spraying plants insecticidal drugs, the same, as from Tsi, when damage appears.

Potnica slumpy It is common everywhere. Potnie Mute and damaging various floral perennials. The larvae is yellow-green, with red eyes, live in foam discharges on the leaves and stems and suck the cellular juice from the plants. Often keep in folded leaves. Due to the damage to the penny on the leaves, numerous whiten spots appear and the leaves are twisted.

Measures of struggle - as with other pests. If Potnnie appears in single copies, you can simply crush it with your hands.

Harm floral plants:

Dolphinium fly.

Ordinary Ukhortatka , Flowering petals coming.

Medveda Boarding roots of plants.

Various types of nematodes.

Naked slugs.


As well as different kinds Weevil Combining the edges of the leaves.

6 basic spraying rules of indoor colors
So that the bedroom plants pleased with beautiful greens and puffedly bloomed, it is very important to observe the basic rules for their spraying.

You can adjust the level of humidity in the room using a domestic humidifier. A simpler and accessible way - spraying with a spray gun.
Spraying makes it possible not only to moisten the air indoors, but also reduce the amount of water evaporated from the surface of the leaf of indoor plants and the substrate, as well as maintain flowers clean.
In the heat of the plant with gentle leaves it is better to spray up to 9 am or after lunch, and care for flowers that are placed on the north side of the apartment, is still better when the air temperature is maximum.
Regular spraying of plants does not replace them with watering. And to regularly water - does not mean that from manipulations with the pulverizer you need to refuse. In the wetting of indoor colors should be a golden middle.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of spraying home plants.
Rule 1. Spray from the upper and lower side, there must be plants with rigid and shiny leaves (cypress, azalea, maranta) and inhabitants of the vegetable world of tropics (orchid, phylodendron, bromelia).
Orchids can be sprayed several times a day
But plants with velvety (gloxia), thin (pelargonium), transparent (caladyium) sheets poorly carry high humidity and are susceptible to rotting.
In the cold season, watering these plants is at all worth limiting as much as possible.
To maintain the optimal level of humidity, you can spray the space around them or put the vessels with water.
Rule 2. So that after spraying on the furniture, there were no stains, and the window sill and the window did not have to wipe each time, it is better to carry water treatments in the bathroom.
Rule 3. Ideally, the spraying should be done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. However, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, water that glass on the leaves in the substrate is stuffed. And excessive moisture, as is known, can harm the plant, causing his disease.
Therefore, it is very important to adjust the pulverizer to minimal sputtering.
Rule 4. Flowering plants should be moisturized in such a way that the water droplets do not fall on inflorescences. Otherwise, the flowers are quickly covered.
Rule 5. First, the plant should be poured and only after that it can be sprayed.
If you do not comply with this rule, you can easily have one flower to pour twice, and the other is not to pour at all. After all, after spraying the substrate is darker, and to determine the eye, the plant is moistened or not, it is impossible.
Rule 6. When spraying plants in the warm season, it is still not necessary to carry out the procedure when the Vase is standing under the right solar rays.
Standing in the sun flowers can not spray
To avoid the appearance on the leaves of burns, it makes sense to rearrange the flower or wait, when the sun "leaves" from the room.
Following this simple rules of spraying home plants, you will succeed in growing a beautiful garden on your windowsill, which will delight you and your loved ones in a lush color almost all year round.