
Lupine Perennial: Growing from seeds and photos of colors. Lupine Perennial: Cultivation of Seeds, Care and Reviews

Basics of Garden composition

Lupine is large, grassy many years of flowerbelongs to the bob family. But, unlike other representatives of this family, the fruits of some species of Lupine poisonous. Therefore, in the people, it is also called "wolf beans". Lupine is not only used to decorate the landscape, but also as a cider and aft . Landing and care in open ground for Lupine Not complicated and does not take a lot of time.

Plant is not just a grassy decorative perennial. It is widely used in various fields:

  • Seeds are used for manufacture medicines and other medications, for medicinal purposes, in the food industry.
  • Overhead parts are used in the manufacture of pulp products and paper.
  • There are feed species that use livestock and fish.
  • Also one of the valuable properties of Lupins is the use of them as a seater. One hectare of Lupine is 20 tons of manure, when used as fertilizer.

Types of Lupins

Annual garden species that are grown in decorative purposes:

  • hybrid;
  • dwarf;
  • changeable;
  • Hartwale King.

Multi-year The view is Multice Lupine. He is most unpretentious to the conditions of planting and leaving, resistant to low temperatures, can grow even in the taiga.

Hybrid varieties are striking with their color and inflorescences. There are some of the most common:

Narrow or blue. This kind of this can reach a height of up to 150 cm, the straw straight, the leaves are published from below.

Flowers do not smell, can be white, pink or purple. But the flower nicknamed with such a coloring room, for some reason it is blue.

Multicious. It reaches a height of 120 cm. His homeland is the north-west, so it is resistant to cold temperatures and in our latitudes feels great. Flowers Lupine Multicious inflorescence, which can reach 35 cm in length, and consists of a plurality of blue flowers. It can bloom such a form 2 times per season, subject to the condition of care. For the first time it blooms in about 3 weeks June, and the second time in late August. In order for the flower bloomed again, you need to clean the inflorescences in time.

Yellow Lupine. it one-year flowerwhere the leaves are not much, and the flowers grow on long stiffs.

Self lupina flower Consists of 5-9 blades collected in a mutiotful brush, has a yellow color.

White Lupine. The plant reaches a height of 1.5 meters, has a straight stem and left-handed bottom, smooth leaves on top.

Flowers can be white, light pink or blue. In inflorescences they are located on the spirals.

In addition to these varieties, common types are:

  • changeable Lupine;
  • mellitis;
  • dwarf;
  • nUTKAN;
  • tree and other types of lupine.

From the hybrid varieties of multi-sized lupine, which are grown, you can allocate:

Certain hybrids that brought the breeder breeder are the most beloved among the flower flowes. Of these, it is worth mentioning:

  • "Main Schloss" red with a brick tint;
  • "Burg Freulin", which has a purely white color;
  • the lowest varieties of contrasting colors from the Svetendide variety or minaret.

How to plant Lupine

Lupine prefers a sunny plot with a sampling or loamy soil, weakly acidic and weakly alkaline. To prepare the seedling place of seedlings, if necessary, it is necessary to make a soil from autumn. Dolomitic or lime flour, on the square meter Use 5 kg. This should be done once every 3-4 years. Too alkaline soil is drunk with peat - 5 kg per 1 m².

In the spring, in April or in the fall, seeds are sown at a sufficient distance, approximately 30-50 centimeters, to depth:

  • 4 centimeters, if the soil is sandy;
  • 2 centimeters - if hard.

Seeds can germinate at temperatures above 3 degrees, and to withstand up to -4 degrees. For the spring of next year, you can expect flowering.

It is possible to grow and seed.

  • Plan seeds In the usual flower mixture in early spring. They can be slightly scratched with a needle, so that the result of shoots was better.
  • From 8 to 17 days it is necessary that the seeds sprouted.
  • When 5-6 petals appear in the seedlings, it should be transplanted into a flower garden.
  • Stored seeds can up to 5 years, without losing their germination.

Tip! Do not delay, because the rod root system Poor tolerate transplants at an older age.

Watch the video! Sits Lupin without seedlings

How to care

There are three main principles of lupine care in open ground:

  1. proper watering;
  2. regular soil looser;
  3. the destruction of weeds.

These principles are especially important to comply with plants in the first year. The first time Lupine grows slowly and develops, because everything goes to the development of the root. If the root neck of the lupine is broken, the stem should be emphasized.

The plant needs a moderate watering, but it should be strengthened in the spring.

In the second year, mandatory conditions are dipping and fertilizer. Perennial plants should be updated every 4-5 years, because they lose their decorativeness, and bloom becomes less abundant.

If Lupine is planted in place, where strong winds often blow, then the bushes need to be tied up to wooden supports, so that they do not break.

Regular removal of faded flowers will be a good stimulus to the plant repeated flowering at the end of summer. Moreover, dry inflorescences do not add aesthetic species.

For winter perennial species It should be closed. Roots from frost well protect dry sawdust or peat. If autumn is especially dry, it is worth conducting waterproof irrigation.

Tip! Lupins can multiply by self-sowing. Therefore, it will be better to have dried inflorescences to clean up before seeds are formed.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

For the second year, the flower needs beneficial substances. Use for this:

  • per quarter. meter mixture of 40 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride;
  • under each bush for several spoons of ash;
  • organic substances;
  • magnesium feeders or dolomite flour if lupine grows in sandy soil.

Methods reproduction plants


Lupine can be multiplied by seeds or cuttings. Beans, after their complete ripening, crack and scattered throughout the territory. If several types of lupins are planted nearby, then the seeds are mixed and give splitting in color.

So pure seeds of a certain variety are obtained if plants different species Isolated one from another or vegetative way. Seeds can be placed on seedlings and immediately into the soil, in spring or autumn.


To multiply Lupins with cuttings, you need to take them from the plants that have reached 3 years. Flowers older than 5 years old are not suitable for shilling, because they do not produce young side kidneys. Cut need renewal kidney with part of the root neck at the base of the stem. This cutlets are planted into the ground, in the shade. The roots of the plant allowed for a month, after which the stalks can be planted at a permanent place.

Collection of Lupina Seeds

If it is planned to sow seeds, then collect them stands to the cracking of Bob. It happens in 8-10 days after it completely matures.

Diseases and pests

Lupine as well as all representatives of legumes are susceptible to disease and damage to pests.

And seeds, and shoots suffer from:

  • larvae of the May beetle;
  • wireman;
  • caterpillars

They harm the most in the spring when the plant is stronger than their influence, and especially goes to the growth of the root. We also harm weevils:

  • grey;
  • striped;
  • bristly nodule view.

Adult plant most often amazed by sucking insects:

  • bugs;
  • tRIPS.

The leaves suffer from leaflet and scoops, the seeds suffer from the caterpillars of the fire, stems from the caterpillars of a stem butterfly.

During the Bootonization, Lupine suffers from the invasion of the Tly. A little later he can hit the spank fly or nodule weevils. They will help spray insecticides.

Diseases that are subject to Lupins:

  • gray and root rot;
  • fusarious wilting;
  • rust;
  • mosaic;
  • spotty;
  • fomeopsis.

The prevention in combating diseases and pests will be the observance of the basic principles of crop rotation:

  • In the same place, Lupine needs to land only after 3 years.
  • It is best to plant them at the place where cereals have grown before that time.

Lupine as a Siderate and Fertilizer

Lupine - Plant Siderat. It has the properties of healing and improving the fertility of the soil. The flower saturates soil nitrogen, breaks and improves the structure.

After growing this culture, 200-250 kg of nitrogen remains on 1 hectare of land, which has the most convenient form for subsequent landings.

Its root system is powerful and branched, so the soil is fried and raises the mineral connections closer to the surface. Thus, for subsequent landings, the soil becomes softer. The plant loves earthen worms, so the soil after it is more damped and resistant to diseases.

Landing in landscape design

Lupine is often used as a landscape decoration, it combines well with many plants. Often it is placed in the middle of the flower garden, and the plants in front of it serve as protection against wind. Other flowers will help to highlight the beauty of Lupins, and they will not let him grow out.

Gardeners are often planted with Lupin:

  • nyurists;
  • dolphiniums.

So that the plants that are planned to be added to the composition are harmoniously combined and grew well, several nuances should be taken into account:

  1. plants should love the same as Lupins: the level of humidity, illumination and the structure of the soil;
  2. it is better to choose plants with a long flowering period and suitable in height;
  3. the form of inflorescence is better let it be distinctive from Lupins, then on the contrast, the flowers look more and brighter.

Lupine, when proper landing and care will bring much benefit for garden plot. It is well combined with a lot of plants, it can be a decoration of any landscape style.

Depending on preferences and fantasy, you can create a variety of compositions. Lupine plant in buildings or at the entrance to the site. If there is a plant group landing, Lupine successfully completes it, being in the background. If low-spirited species are planted, they often have borders. Compositions can be made from different colors and varieties or monophonic, equal or different.

Watch the video! Growing lupins. Unusual colors

In contact with

For landlord owners who want to break beautiful garden With bright colors, the representative of the legume family will be an excellent solution. Lupine, landing and care in the open soil for which are very simple, is highlighted by a combination of aesthetic beauty and practical benefits: a plant with the ability to enrich the soil with nitrogen due to its nitrogen-fixing root system with tubers, is an excellent Siderate.

Types and varieties of plants

Lupine, often used in landscape designdue to protein content (50%), iron, fatty acids and bitter alkaloids (up to 2%) is also used in the food industry, agriculture And for the manufacture of medical devices. Such annual varieties of Lupine as yellow, white, as a rule, are used for industrial purposes. And for the design of the flower, the parisades from one-axles are used hybrid, dwarf, changeable view of the flower. But the most decorative lupine is long-term.

Lupine Multicults

The winter-hardy north-American region is a perennial herbate plantachieving meter in height. The candle-shaped inflorescences of 35 cm highs consist of small flowers that are dissolved at the beginning of summer and remain in such a state for a month. On time, the trimming of the blurred inflorescences makes it possible to bloom again at the end of the summer period.

Among the most popular varieties are allocated:

  • pink "Schlossfrau";
  • carmine "Edelknaba";
  • white "Burg Froylan";
  • orange "apricot";
  • red "Carminus";
  • white with a pinkish shade "Princess Julianna" grade;
  • pink "Roseus";
  • snow white "Albus";
  • little Penate Sort "Minaret";
  • blue with white sail "Castelian";
  • violet-Ruby "Rubinkenig".

Lupine narrowed

He is the same Lupine Blue - a long-term representative of the legumes with a height of one and a half meters. The name does not characterize the color of flowers, which can not only be blue or purple, but also white and pink.

Lupine white

An annual plant, the height of which also does not exceed one and a half meters, has a reprehensive stem, branching in the upper part, covered with finger-lowered sheet plates. The flowers of a white, pink or blue shade form inflorescence in the form of a brush, located on the helix.

Multicolored lupine, landing and care in open soil for which even inexperienced gardeners is completely unpretentious. It is easily breeding, perfectly winter in the ground, drought-resistant. it decorative plant It is a popular decoration for gardens and flower beds. Its seeds and stems are applied not only for making crafts, but also in medicine.

Types of Lupina

The Lupine plant attracts colorful inflorescences that can reach one meter in size. Coloring of the crowns are most different - white, yellow, red, cream, pink, lilac, blue and all shades of purple. Lupine varieties are derived single, two-, perennial, garden or feed. You can see and low 10 cm and large up to 1.5 m plants. Pilly leaves are collected in a roasting outlet.

Lupine Union

If you want to have a colorful flower garden from unpretentious plants in the garden, you can use one-year lupine, landing and care in the open soil behind it do not deliver hassle. It looks decorative and is a useful sewer for soil. What looks like Lupine annual:

  • stems upright, branched, bush tall up to 1.5 m;
  • the leaves are elongated, covered with vile, pressed into the outlet;
  • high inflorestection has the form of a long candle or custom, consists of moths.

Popular views of the annual Lupina:

Lupine flower long-term

The plant is winter-hardy, self-polishing and unassuming, lives about 8-10 years. The height reaches 50-150 cm, the flowers are collected in brush outlets. Lupine has many years of cultivation from seeds begins in April, the first flowers will dissolve on next year. The most popular decorative View:

Sowing Lupina

The Lupine plant is light-affectionate, landing and care in the open soil should be carried out on a sunny-mad-free place. In such a plot, flowering it will be longer and colorful. The plant needs a weakly acidic or neutral soil. For lupins, when landing in an alkaline substrate, it is desirable to add peat into an acidic - Dolomite flour of 5 kg per 1 m 2. It is done in the spring in front of the plot resistance, fertilizers will be enough for 3-4 years. On the roots of the plant, nitrogen-containing bacteria are formed, therefore the culture is a sediment and improves the state of the soil.

How to plant Lupine?

Spread flower with seeds immediately in the open ground or seedl. The first method attracts simplicity, and the second is more reliable. But for Garden Lupins, growing seeds is the most popular method of cultivation. After flowering on the legs, the pubescent pods are formed, which over time become brown, the sowing material - beans ripen. Depending on the variety, they meet a different size and color.

Before sowing, the grains are often scarned - specially damage the peel. This greatly improves seed germination. Then they are mixed with the roots of the old plant are mixed with the roots of the old plant, to stimulate the growth of nitrogen-containing bacteria. Seeds are planting in moisturized grooves to a depth of 2 cm, chaotic or rows at a distance of 30-50 cm between plants. Shoots will fill a week later. Seed reproduction does not guarantee the preservation of the maternal color of the plants (especially white). In the spring of next year, shoots break through so that there is no bunch of landing.

Also, the grains can be germinated as seedlings in small containers or boxes. For the landing, the mixture of the turf, peat and sand in combination 2: 2: 1, the tanks are covered with a film after seeding. Saplings are cultivated without dive. It is necessary to water seedlings moderately, keep at + 20 ° C. After the first 2-3 sheets are appeared on the sprouts, they can be rooted to a permanent place. It is not advised to linger with a transfer - more adult plants are worse than "relocation".

When to sow lupine?

The germination of the seeds of this plant retains 5 years, it is possible to sow them in April, after completely snow will come from the site. Still acceptable for lupine colors landing in winter - in October or early November they are placed in open sad And sprinkle peat. In the spring, the seeds will begin to grow, buds will appear in August. If a repeat method is used, the seed planting into containers is carried out in early March.

Lupins - Growing

Bright Lupine, landing and care in the open soil for which competently produced, will delight blossoms in the first season. Colorful Catheric Buds appear on it in June-August. Lupins - proper growing and care:

  • adult plants need to be dipped to protect the root neck, which rises every year above the ground;
  • after 4-5 years, the bushes - long-livers are removed, new specimens sit down;
  • tall specimens should be taped to the wind stems from the wind;
  • to extend the flowering of faded sockets, you can cut to the appearance of seeds;
  • for the prevention of diseases in open ground, wood ashes contribute;
  • if you need to collect grains, the fruit must be disrupted as soon as it starts to dry, so that the sowing material does not scatter on the sides spontaneously;
  • perennial bushes for the winter are sprinkled with sawdust, otherwise the plant frost is below -8 ° C may not be transferred.

Lupine - Transplant

The root system plant acquires a rod, powerful and deep - flowing to 2 m to the ground. Therefore, it is better to move young specimens, as the relief of Lupine is more adultery harder - it may have a long time after the procedure. This is because long rod roots are easily rolled and poorly restored. If you still need to move the bush to another place, then it is better to do this in the fall after flowering. Such perennials are better renewed every 5-6 years by sowing seeds, because old plants bloom is not so magnificent.

Lupine in the garden - reproduction

Garden Lupine, landing and care in the open soil for which is carried out according to the rules of agrotechnology, determine the division of the bush. Spring from the kidneys, located near the root neck, small outlets appear from 5-7 leaves. They can be used for cuttings. Sprouts are cut off with a piece of root neck. It is possible to plant them in a shaded place in the sandy soil. After 25 days, the root and flower are formed on them, you can land at a permanent place.

Burnt sockets develop to the middle of summer, they can also be used to expand bright colors plantation. For division, 3-4 year old plants are ideal. The vegetative reproduction of the lupine rhizome allows you to save completely color flowers. When planting cuttings in summer (after flowering), you can also take the side shoots formed in the sneakers of the leaves.

Lupina diseases

Sometimes lupine, landing and care for which in the open soil was carried out with a violation of agrotechnology, may be subjected to diseases or pest attack. At the stage of bootonization, the plant damages the TLL, later - the larvae of the sprout flies or nodule weevils. Spraying the Aktellik bush, Apollo's bush will help to get rid of them.

Of the disease, the danger of a flower is rotted (root and gray), mosaic, spotty, rust, fomeopsis. As a result, brown stains appear on foliage, fruits, damage in the root part. In this case, it is advisable to process the fungicides bushes, cut the patient a bush completely or remove the affected parts of the plant. New shoots quickly appear from the root remaining in the open ground and are healthy. Sometimes it will take autumn peroxide and limeting substrate.

Knowing how to grow lupine, observing the rules of crop rotation and care, it can be achieved that the plant is practically ill. It is important to know: it is possible to place a plant on one site after five years, otherwise the soil under it begins to overcome weeds under it, it accumulates phytotoxic microorganisms leading to different diseases.

Lupine - care

Garden Lupine is an unpretentious plant. It provides moderate watering, put into soil complex mineral feeding. In the first year of life near the plant you need to loose soil, remove weeds. For the winter, the stalks are cut off, get rid of yellowed leaves, they can be used as a mulch when the plants are injected before the onset of cold weather.

Lupine in the garden - watering

The amount of moisture that the plant needs depends on the landing period and the composition of the open soil. Lupine flower - landing and competent watering care:

  • abundant culture moisturizing is required in the spring, after the seeds are only planted. The lack of moisture will lead to the low productivity of the green mass, the leaves are reduced, even fall on the ground;
  • another plant needs a generous watering, after buds are tied. With a lack of water, the rosettes in the culture are not so magnificent, as always, and the fruits are formed small;
  • the rest of the time the bush is moitable;
  • old plants need less moisture - their long roots absorb water from the lower layers of the Earth.

What to feed the lupins in the spring?

After wintering on the second year of life, you can start to sign a plant mineral fertilizersnot having in nitrogen (its culture produces independently on root growths): 10-20 g plus 5 g of potassium chloride are added to 1 m 2 of the area. Falker of Lupins in the spring is carried out regularly every year until the deadline to cultivate new flowers.

Lupine in landscape design

If you need to decorate the garden with a bright flower, you can use lupine, landing and care in the open ground behind it will not be harder, and the use in landscape design is easy to find it. It looks beautiful in combination with perennials - lilies, gladiolus, iris, in soliter and mixed groups. The magnificent composition forms lupine in the garden in combination with peonies.

Used bright flowerAs in numerous landings and in single compositions. In Mixlers, Lupine looks better next to fast-growing low magnificent cultures - by the middle of the summer, they closed the presence of the stems of their foliage. And in the background, static high lupine in a numerous combination will help create a charming landscape.

In addition, the plant is an excellent fertilizer for the garden. Thanks to the nodule bacteria that it is accumulated on the roots, the Siderate saturates soil nitrogen. The same microorganisms convert hard-soluble phosphates with an easily dismissed form. Green fertilizer of lupine by nutritional parameters is equal to the manure. It is one of the best sites to increase the soil productivity.

Lupine is a popular plant among gardeners. It is grown as a siderate and aft culture, a drug and decorative flower. Lupine varieties are annual and perennial, flowers wear the most diverse color: white, yellow, all shades of red, blue, purple. Choose the garden decoration for every taste. Lupine landing is not difficult, there is a lot of its options.

Lupina reproduction

Lupine is multiplied with seeds and a vegetative way (cuttings). Each option has advantages and disadvantages. The reproduction of lupine with the help of cuttings is possible if these colors are already growing in the garden. Since it is necessary to plant delays in the ground immediately after separation from the main flower. But only in reproduction with cuttings you can guarantee preserve the varietal features of a particular plant. The color, shape and size of young lupine will be identical to the one from which the stalks took. Lupine reproduction with seeds is always a kind of experiment in selection. Purple I. pink colors Plants are dominant, high chance of their transfer to child colors, but the white color is lost and the new plant for the gardener will be a surprise. Choosing the reproduction of Lupine seeds, remember that the germination of seeds is low. To the flower bed does not look semi-empty and rare, increase the amount of planting material by 50-75%.

When to plant lupine, spring or autumn

When it is properly to plant a lupine, depends on the method of reproduction you chose. If you choose on vegetative reproduction, then go on the landing of the lupine in the spring. Young cuttings separated from the plant and falling into the soil in the fall will not have time to root up to frosts. Such a flower is doomed to death. Lupine landing with seeds does not have an unambiguous answer to the question "when?". If you purchased the Lupine seeds in the store, land them in the spring. This way of planting is two types: planting seeds into the ground, or in pots to grow seedlings. In the soil seeds sow after the snow. Do not forget to prepare a garden from the fall so as not to mess with the loose ground. Plant seeds in the pots in early March, in a month the first shoots will appear.

When the flower gives 2-3 strong leafs, transfer the seedlings to a permanent place in the open ground. But I prefer landing Lupine in the fall. Autumn landing has several advantages over the spring. Seeds are in a comfortable environment where you have time to grow and gain useful substances from the soil. Care for falling in the fall of Lupin is not required, in the spring seeds are in a friendly one in growth and in August next year the plant will bloom. Autumn landing Lupine is recommended to be carried out at the end of October or early November.

Autumn landing Lupina

Lupine, grown from purchased seeds, has a smaller germination. After flowering on the plant, boxes with seeds resembling peas are formed (the plant belongs to the legume family). Collect seeds and land them in the fall, the next year you will get strong and healthy flowers. Lupine loves neutral soil. In the spring, prepare a slightly shaded area of \u200b\u200bthe garden, reappointing the Earth with the addition dolomite flour or ash. Immediately before boarding, enter the peat in the soil for saturation of useful trace elements. Seeds soak in 50% of the Fundazole. So you will provide them with protection against diseases, in addition, the seeds swell, which will simplify the planting process. Prepare shallow wells on the selected area. Do not plant seeds deeper than 2 cm. Lupine's life is 4-5 years old, consider it when you choose the distance between the landings. I advise you to leave for each bush at least 50 cm. Press the seeds, suck the thin layer of peat, turn the wells with fertile soil. Plenty of landing. For the winter, you will climb the beds to peat.

Lupine landing in autumn is preferred. Flowers, having passed the winter hardening, grow strong and adapted to life. Do not forget to celebrate the site where the seeds sowed to spring the soil for other plants.

Lupine many years is unpretentious plantThe species of this plant numbered about 200. Most often, the lupine tree is grown as a perennial plant or multi-sized.

To create beautiful flower arrangements, gardeners often use lupine, as its flowers can have blue, red, pink, white, dark red, sometimes it can even be tricolor.
In addition, this plant is recommended to grown in the gardens, and not on the flower beds. The fact is that on the roots of Lupine exist special Educationwhich are a good medium for the reproduction of special bacteria. These bacteria are very useful for soil.

What does Lupine look like (photo)

As already mentioned above, the genus of this plant has about 200 species, so appearance Each plant may differ slightly. Lupine depending on the species can be annual, two-year and perennial.

Flowers in criste inflorescences can have white, purple, pink, yellow, cream, blue, red. The number of seeds in this plant can range from 8 to 180, it all depends on the type of lupine.

What types of (varieties) are

Decorative garden species Lupine has about 10. Types that grow in our flower beds, in large parts refer to perennial plants. With a smaller frequency, you can see annual Lupins, it belongs to the lupine white, lupine yellow and lupine is narrowly.

The main common types of Lupins in Russia:

Lupine yellow - The plant is thermal-loving, reaches a height of 1 m. Flowers are yellow, the seeds are sampled on the sides.

Lupine tree - a perennial plant whose height can reach up to 2 meters. Leafs of this plant are grayish green. Flowers can have yellow, white or purple.

Lupine white - The most common appearance of the annual self-polling lupine. The height of the plant reaches 1.5 -2 m. This species makes the heat and drought very well.

Lupine Multicults - This is a perennial perfectly pollinated plant. Compared to other species, Lupine multiceld, the most winter-hard and unpretentious. Lives for about 8-10 years.

Lupine silver - Mostly grows in the West, often changing in color. The leaflets on the stems reach 16 cm, the flowers themselves can be from dark blue to white color with a reddish center.

How to grow lupine many years of seeds

Lupine growing technology is very simple, the main thing is to know which Lupine's soil gives preference and in what period of the year it needs to be planted. Many years of Lupine in special care It does not need, he can grow well as in the shade and in the sun. But if you want bloom to be most lush, then it is best to plant it in a light shadow.

This plant prefers weakly acid or weakly soil soils. If the soil is too acidic, then the plant will most likely grow weak and with pale leaves, with alkaline soils in lupine can occur chlorosis. Therefore, before planting a plant, you will definitely ask the soil in which it will grow. In case the soil is very acidic it is necessary to limit it using limestone or dolomite acid.

If you want to grow lupine many years of seeds, then it is necessary to sow it in April, after snow comes down. Do not forget to prepare a place and soil since the autumn. Before planting the seeds of Lupine, it is recommended to treat 50% fundsol. The first flowering plants can be seen only in a year, about May.

Also Lupins can be sowed in the fall from late October to November. Seeds need to be placed in the soil at a depth of 2 cm, while not forgetting to cover them from above a small amount of dry peat. If the soil is sandy, then the sowing depth can reach up to 6-8 cm. Plus such a sowing is that, after the snow, the plant will rise, and already in August you will admire it in bloom.

When you need to plant

It all depends on what form you put Lupine. If it is seeds, then there are two periods for landing: autumn and spring period. For spring landing Seeds, plants will bloom the next year. If you plant them in the fall, then in summer the plant will bloom.

Landing and care

In the first year after planting the plant, care is not too heavy. You just need to break the soil and remove weeds. For the next year, somewhere in the spring it will be necessary to feed the plant with mineral fertilizers, for this you need 1 m2 of the area to make 10-20 g of superphosphorus and 5 g of potassium chloride.

If you grow lupins not the first year, pay attention to the root neck of the flower, since over the years it can rise above the surface of the soil, with the result that the middle part of the bush will die, and the side sockets will be separated. In this case, the plants need to be dipped so that they save their decorative look. But still Lupine older than 4 years recommended to replace.

If you want to extend the flowering, then regularly need to cut the dried inflorescences before the formation of seeds. As for old bushes, they should not be replant. If winds constantly blow in your area, then the flowers need to be tiered to the support so that they do not break.

Perennial Lupine as Siderat - Useful Flower Properties

Lupine is a unique Siderate for Dachnips. His beneficial featuresFirstly it is that nitrogen is formed in the root clubs of lupine, and secondly its root system is capable of penetrating to 1.5-2 meters, as a result of which the soil structure is breaking and the nutrients are raised from the soil depth to the top layer.

Fertilizer from Lupine by nutrients You can learn to manure. Compared with other plants, the lupine is able to easily absorb the work-soluble phosphates and converts them into easily accessible forms.

Which height grows Lupine?

As already mentioned above, the varieties of Lupine numbered about 200. Therefore, the height of the plant depends on its type, in total, it can be said that this plant can reach 120 cm in height.

The most common is the lupine multi-hectal, which compared to other types of most winter films and unpretentious. The height of this perennial plant can be from 80 to 120 cm. Flowers have blue colour And collected in multi-flower-shaped inflorescences. The flowering period is from 20 to 30 days in June.

When blooms?

Perennial lupins differ from other species in that they are able to bloom twice the season. The most first bloom can be seen in mid-July, and then repeated in August.