
How to make an alpine slide step by step instruction. Alpine Gorki composition


Alpine slides can be a pleasant accent of your country design, create a unique charm in your flower garden. In today's material I would like to return to the theme of the Alpinarians, show you the ideas of a slide with stones and tell about the features of their creation.

I will share with you the advice of designers and gardeners, and, of course, I will tell you something from my experience. In this material it will be about how to make alpine hill With your own hands at the cottage, what stones and how to put, what plants plant and how to care for them. Applying these recommendations you will create incredible beauty, Watch which will be one pleasure.

To begin, learn what an alpine slide or mountaineering is an artificially created imitation of the Alps mountain slope. The base of the slide - stones and soil, planting plants as a rule, the motley, with the inclusions of the dispersion, unpretentious perennials and succulents.

The optimal combination of stone and soil allows you to create pleasant mountain inclusions on your site, especially beautifully looking where there are no mountains and in risen.

I like the term Alpine slide - it is somehow romantic, fresh, because in the mountains is always fresh air. Of course, there is a huge mass of the slides, with a large or smaller inclusion of the stone, with different plantsbut unites them one - all of them are stones, unpretentious plants, nice to the eye.

Alpine Slide Design Schemes

On the alpine slide scheme, I schematically showed the main elements - it is drainage, gravel, soil, stones. This slide was made on a plot with a slope, therefore in the diagram and is present, but for smooth surfaces, everything is the same, only the center of the slide is higher, and to the edges of the decrease.

Here is the scheme of the Alpine slide for a flat site. In the center can be placed gravel, some kind of construction garbage, without any difference, as this is the base around which we will do your alpinarium. Yellow in the diagram is a fertile soil in which we will plant plants.

By the way, if you plant moisture-boring plants on your alpine slide, then I recommend putting it into the database, the base slide, not gravel, and wood trimming, branches, logs, etc. In the country there are always a lot of wooden trims. The tree absorbs moisture and then gradually gives it.

Where better to make an alpine slide in the country

I recommend making an alpine slide on the most prominent site, so that the sun is enough, and the review was good. The best mountaineering will look next to the recreation corner, in front of the patio, a gazebo or bench.

Often Alpine slides include in landscape composition With an artificial pond or a stream. Similar examples I often observe in my foreign trips to gardens and parks. Of course, the stone will need a lot, but the beauty will be incredible.

Step-by-step creation of alpine slides do it yourself

To begin with, mark the platform under the slide, remove the turf layer, deepen by 10 cm, and then put the drainage layer - clamzite or rubble. Ceramzite seems to me the most suitable material, sold by large bags, it is inexpensive.

At the drainage, begging a layer of fertile soil to 20 cm thick. Source usually consists of soil, peat, sand. From above, after the soil is distributed around the perimeter of the future slide, laid small pebble inclusions for the decor.

In the final, laying large stones, and the more incorrect form Your stone, especially picturesque it will look at the alpine slide. The stones themselves can be somewhat burst into the ground so that their long-being illusion has been created on the flower bed.

What flowers and plants put on the alpine slide

We now turn to the botanical part of our work, consider examples of what can be landed in the mountaineering. The fact is that not all plants love hot and dry places, this is necessary to take into account when landing for those or other colors and plants.

This scheme clearly illustrates my words - the bulk of plants for the Alpine slides are drought-resistant, decorative. Well, if you wish to decorate the hill with flowers, it is best to put them in containers.

An excellent inhabitants of such slides can be forget-me-not, daffodss, camnelas, edelweissions, saffron, primroses, violets. These plants will create a really alpine mood, because in the Alps their main place. I remember my spring trip to Pyrenees, there was a truly holiday of daffodils and all sorts of above colors.

Among other things, you can land and more rare plants "Supercarics" for the foreground and as soil on the alpine slide. This is Yankee, Haberleja, Ramond.

Between the stones, you can land beautiful plants, it will create bright accents. Any flower on a gray stone background will look more attractive.

The best soil for the Alpine slide is a mixture of a delicate earth with peat and sand. Some advise add small pebbles, but I do not see the point in this sense, because they will not be visible, and the plants from the stones in the soil will be only restless.

Pick plants for the Alpine slide, taking into account the time of their bloom, so that your landings are beautiful and in spring, and in summer, and in the fall. However, I know women who, in periods without flowers, simply put in the mountaineering of publications with blooming plants and thus fill emptiness.

Watering alpine slide: Please note that the slide requires more frequent irrigation, unlike other flower beds. Therefore, I recommend putting auto oppression if you leave since the cottage for a week. By the way, it is driving - the most frequent enemy of Alpinarias. I sometimes see that the woman tried, landed the plants, and left and her works were taught, so, it is definitely needed auto oppression.

However, it is possible to lay wood inside the alpinearia, it is good to water on the weekend and in this case the moisture will be given to the roots gradually during the week, but it is necessary that the plants have already gained the root mass and deepen into the slide.

Roughs on the Alpine Hill: Evergreen plants perfectly support the slide during periods when there are no colors on it. You can land on the hill, mountain pine, juniper. These plants do not require abundant irrigation and are able to withstand a long lack of moisture in the soil.

Alpine slide care

Care Normal - Regular Weeding, Pretty Plants mineral fertilizers. Control over the pests of colors and the presence of diseases.

The extensive space of the lawn can be decorated with an emphasis from the Alpine slide. Before pouring the ground, remove the turf layer, put drainage from the clamzite or gravel, and then create the basis and pour out the ground.

Stock Foto Alpine slide ideas

Now we will go through the seeming me interesting examples Registration of alpine slides. The photo presents beautiful hill With the inclusions of conifers, soil and flowering plants.

On the alpine slide, layered stones can be used as fortifications on sides, they are also called flaws. They can be laid with a shift to make a ladder.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba wild alpine slide

You can not touch such a slide for a long time, it is possible to break it in the corner of the cottage, near the northern fence, for example. In the background you can land or pine, a number of cereals, in the middle some perennials with beautiful colors, and in the foreground decorative bumps of oatmeal.

You can also arrange a passage - the track in the middle of the Alpine slide in the country, this will allow you to combine decorativeness and practicality, plus, gain access deep into the mountaineering.

By the way, you can plant small bulbous types of daffodils on the hill, they will bloom in the spring, in the summer they will receive a wide range of colors on the shift, and unscrews will solure.

I remember once again, be sure to use soil plantswhich are able to create a smooth transition between landing groups and combine the entire composition into a single integer. Without them, your alpine slide will look fractionally.

Video: how to make a simple alpine slide

In conclusion, I suggest you to watch the learning video how to make simple mountaineering with stones.

I hope that you have received an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to make an alpine slide in the country with your own hands and you will not be wait for the embodiment of your ideas. Well, I wish you success, it is no doubt worth it!

Alpine hill do it yourself - it original element landscape designconsisting of mountain plants and different rocks of wild stone imitating hills and rocky peaks destroyed by time. Alpinarium must match the non-manual beauty of the Alps.

The main forming element of the composition is a natural stone. Plants are designed to emphasize the natural beauty of the chill. In nature, such areas are formed in places of mining faults. Under the influence of the external environment on them gradually appears soil layeron which the flowers begin to grow. This magnificent creation of nature can be independently recreated at its own country.

Distinctive characteristics

Alpinarium differs from ordinary flower beds with its device.

If the flower bed includes a composition of flowers and green plantings, the latter is a special structure of stones framed by plants characteristic of alpine flora.

Visually, it looks like a mountain landscape. The stones symbolize the mountain peak, and the flowers repeat the rocky landscape. The larger the garden composition, the better it will look.


There are several varieties of alpine slides:

  1. Alpine meadow. This species has the shape of a green meadow, which organically goes into a mountain slope. The meadow is sown with herbs, bulbous plants and annuals, which grow in the Swiss and French Alps.
  1. Mountain slope. To create it, a small elevation or holmik will be required. Middle and large stones are located on a hill in chaotic order. Roughs are planted on the slopes - pine, juniper. Empty places between plantations are closed with fern and dwarf trees.
  1. Japanese garden. This is a mini alpinory version that comes to connoisseurs of Japanese culture, philosophical teachings and meditative practices. A distinctive feature of the Japanese Garden is the lack of large boulders. A compact stony design decorated with coniferous plantings is welcomed. Between them are placed by the self-sewing evergreen or mellite.
  1. Bolotze. When there is a swamp in the local area, it can be turned into an original alpine slide. To do this, digging a bit of small sizes, on the bottom of which lay stones, pebbles and sand. Over time, the boiler will be filled with water and is converted into a natural pond. Its edges decorated with rounded stones, spin and moisture plants.
  1. Forest ravine. On his slopes make a rocky slope from the covered stones. Ferns and moss are planted near the boulders.


Alpine slide diagram (click to enlarge)

Before embarking on the construction of a mountaineering, it is necessary to develop its detailed scheme.

In addition, draw a sketch on paper, think over the desired size, make a list of spaces and the location of all constructive elements Taking into account landscape design.

This plan will serve as a kind of instructions for work and will help to avoid improvements, because the boulders move much more convenient on paper than on the site. Also great importance It has the illumination of the site and the degree of its moisture.

It's important to know: In order for the alpine slide to save its original beauty, you need to competently pick up flowers and plants, think about the landing.

We must not forget about seasonal flowering. It is better to plant flowering plants ripening in different times.

Choosing a place

The key to the successful creation of the Alpinaria is its correct location.

If there are any irregularities on the territory, then it is better to choose the highest plot for the roller. It should be borne in mind that on sandy soil it will be quite difficult to build it. Clay soad requires installation of the drainage system.

The best sundial and ventilated area is best. Since the alpine slide is a raisin of the garden and the subject of the property of the owners, it must be located in a prominent place and viewed from any angle.

On the sunny side it is necessary to plant light-loving flowers that are well tolerated the sun's rays. Eastern side is better to issue mountain plants. The slide is emitted away from household buildings or garage. The optimal option will be the location near the flower beds or the natural reservoir.

Device and decoration

Often, the construction of a mountaineering is reduced to the formation of compositions from plants and stones.

After some time, such a "structure" will lose its attractiveness and shape. Therefore, you should adhere to step by step construction, which begins with the improvement of the drainage system.

  1. Drainage. So that the stones do not change their original position as a result of the blurring of groundwater, it is necessary to make a drainage layer as in the photo. To do this, take about 15 cm of the upper layer of the soil, remove the remaining roots of plants that can destroy the design. Further, the resulting recess is filled with gravel or rubble. The material is thoroughly tamped and watered with water to seal. Then the drainage system is covered with a layer of soil, watered with water and compacted again.

  1. Preparation of soil. For Alpinaria, a simple land is suitable from the site. It should be cleaned from garbage and weeds. The soil is mixed with peat and coarse sand in equal proportions. Finished soil laid out on a prepared drainage layer small slurry 1 meter. As soon as the stones are laid, empties are also falling asleep.
  1. Selection of plants. When choosing colors and plants, it is important to navigate the varieties that are easily adapted in different climatic conditions. It is preferable to choose unpretentious plants that retain their decorative qualities after flowering. Since the alpinary is created for a long time, it is necessary to use perennials in its design. Usually, when organizing the slides, the following groups of plants use: sockets, bulbous, soil, evergreen.

Plants and flowers


In the harsh conditions of the mountainous terrain, colors and plants have to win their place under the sun. Therefore, for designing Alpinaria, flowers are suitable that do not need careful care.

If desired, the slide can be updated annuals every year. To preserve the initial result, perennials bright coloring. The following plants will be rational choice:

  • Edelweiss. This beautiful flower Not afraid of frosts and winds. He wore a slide with a beautiful rug. The flowering period falls on the summer months;
  • Saxifrage. Small flowers prefer to grow in darkened places. Green chain lines can cover even boulders;
  • Molded. This is a common inhabitant of mountaineers with fleshy sheets and unusual colors. His purple flowers are not inferior on the beauty of the rest of the lowest plants;
  • Lumbago. Perennial from the Lutikov family begins to bloom in early spring, Decorating a plot with saturated paints.

Note: To maximally restrect the atmosphere of the Alpine landscape, it is necessary to adhere to the multi-tiered location of plants and stones.


In the design of the mountainaria, Spiriya Japanese, Phlox Shiloid, Aquille and Dwarf Barbaris will successfully fit. Combining a variety of plants, you can create a magnificent landscape composition.

Alpinarium by type of a swamp decorated with hyacinths, water lilies. They should take at least a quarter of the water surface, otherwise the pond will look abandoned. We must not forget about plants that support the aquatic ecosystem. These include Elday and Rogolnik.

If all the conditions were complied with the arranging arrangement, the drainage, alignment of stones and selection of plants were competent, it means that the hill will serve as the main decoration pricework And give the joy of contemplating natural beauty. Beautiful ideas For inspiration you can look at the video:

You are saddened that, having a plot in the country, located on a hilly terrain or a slope, there is no possibility to create beautiful landscape its territory. Designers can cope with this problem. They argue that in this case there will be an alternative solution alpine Gorkawhich can not only with the help of professionals, but also on their own.

What is an alpine slide?

Alpine slide looks like small plotwhich is externally similar to the design of the Alps.

To arrange such a plot on the ground, it will be necessary on its own:

  • land padded, located on a hilly terrain or slope;
  • presence of drainage (crushed stone and sand, broken brick and gravel);
  • stones of various sizes and unusual shapes;
  • vegetation for design formation.

As you can see, it is not necessary to create a cottage plot, do not need to spend big tools. It is important to understand what you wish to see our territory, creatively reflective and showing fantasy.

Of particular importance will be the location of the landscape on the ground. It depends on its decorative purpose and the duration of existence. The slide should be shut-off in the place that the sun is most illuminated.

Note that it will take care of such a territory: watering, feeding plants and so on. Consequently, the cottage will need to visit more often so that the Alpine Hill does not lose attractiveness, looked aesthetically and never ceased to function.

For owners of the country area with an absolutely level terrain, it is possible to create a horizontal alpine slide.

The choice of stones and vegetation to create such a plot is a basic design of the design that requires a serious approach.

Initially, decide how much you want to equip the Alpine slide. For a large plot, the use of boulders will be appropriate, small stones with a tumor will be suitable for the smaller territory.

Standing the stones are necessary by tiers of 3, but not more than 5. Experiment and fantasize: form various compositions and patterns of stones.

It is worth noting that the early spring and winter plants will not bloom, so the stones in these periods should look attractive and without them.

You should not leave large gaps between the stones, so that the site does not look as Kuts, however, it is necessary to provide a place for the location of colors and decorative bushes.

The absolute symmetry in the location of the stones is not appropriate, because the site externally should look more natural.

When choosing plants for a plot in the form of an alpine slide, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • plantings should grow yearly and match climatic conditions terrain to care for them was not problematic;
  • it is important to form the harmony of the composition of plants and keep their balance on the type of stones;
  • it is desirable to choose the lowest types of vegetation;
  • the location of the slide on the south side of the territory implies the choice of flowers and bushes resistant to drought, for a slide on the eastern or northern side of the site plants that love moisture and shadow are placed.

For the arrangement, Tui and ate will fit, they will deliver the site of attractiveness over the whole year.

Watch the video: what plants are suitable for alpine slide

Stop your choice on the colors of unusual shape and color, as well as wild vegetation, which grows nearby in the forest and will approach the climatic conditions of the area.

Saffron and violet, poppy and forget-me-not, Camery, Edelweiss and Primula - Suitable varieties of colors. As a supplement, Juniper, Barbaris, Claritka and, oddly enough, cactus will also look great.

  • spring period - bulbous plants;
  • summer - most of the existing colors;
  • the autumn period is unscrews;
  • winter - varieties of coniferous trees.

Do not forget to ride the soil from weeds so that they do not climb the site and did not interfere with the growth of plants.

Vegetable plantings should be placed correctly: coniferous dwarf trees are placed on the background, in the foreground should be planted with low-spirited original flowers.

To understand how to equip the alpine slide, we advise you to view a video lesson. After his acquaintance, follow the step-by-step instructions, which we present below.

Stage 1 - Preparation of a place to place a plot

First, decide on the location of the Alpine slide on the most suitable area near a sufficiently illuminated recreation area. Then proceed to the formation of the base. First, it is necessary to dug a low-size pitual for the entire perimeter of the future section of 40-45 cm. To the depth. Next, you need to ravage the soil and fall asleep drainage by 30 cm. For this, gravel, sand, construction waste, crushed stone or can be mixed with these components together.

Then, the drainage is falling asleep with a mixture from the ground, sand, soil, peat and rubble at 15 cm. The proportion of the mixture: 3 composite grounds, 1 peat and 1 sandy with rubble.

The soil for the Alpine slide can be a composition that is sold in the corresponding stores.

Stage 2 - Installing stones on the site

We have already considered aspects of the selection and placement of stones in the section "Selection of stones for the Alpine Gorka". Let us turn to the scheme of their installation.

Most optimal option Stones for such a plot are limestone, as well as granite and sandstone.

Installing stones required in the following sequence:

  1. At the base of the slide, we place the largest boulders, which should be fixed with the composition of concrete or plates. Then on top of the soil, it is good to catch her. Note that the stones need to deepen into the ground for 1/3 of their magnitude.
  2. Rising above and similarly by placing smaller stones.
  3. Next, it is necessary to sear the vegetation between the stones and pour the covering layer.
  4. At the end of the process, the alpine slide is irrigated.

Stage 3 - plant extraction by vegetable plantations

Initially, we moisturize the soil in which plants will be placed. Between the stones already provided a place for their landing. The main composition should consist of coniferous dwarf plantings and shrubs.

The following process is the landing of decorative low colors, which are placed in small wells and fall asleep with the ground with gravel so that the moisture could not evaporate quickly, and weeds did not make their way upstairs. We recommend landing plants so that there are no empty gaps on the surface of the slide.

Vegetable plantings should not close the stones, because all design elements are meaningful.

After planting vegetation, the alpine slide is to pour.

Alpine hill do it yourself, step by step

Wish good luck in the arrangement of yours!

Alpine slide (mountaineering or rocarium) is one of the popular and fashionable directions of landscape design, which is capable of embelling and transforming your homestead or cottage plot. Arrangement of the Alpinaria is a structure in which elements of various living or non-living components are organically combined between themselves, interpreting mountainous corner.

Creating an alpine slide alone is a rather interesting process that requires a creative approach. Showing all his fantasy and considering several key moments with independent creation of a mountaineering, you can really create a unique one hand-made miraclewhich will undoubtedly be the main "highlight" of your site.

When adjusting the rocarium, you can use the help of professional landscape designers, but even novice gardeners may well make the alpine slide with their own hands, with small financial spending and time. Alpine slides are easy to care, while the possibilities and styles of the design of the alpinarians are quite a lot. When creating flower compositions, it is necessary to take into account the basic rules for the design of the Alpinaria on its plot.

And so, if you are inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a mountaineering on my site, of course, the question arises - how to create an alpine slide with your own hands?

To do this, first of all, it is necessary to properly choose the appropriate materials and competently to plan everything, which would be subsequently able to redo the masterpiece created by great difficulty

One of important factors When creating an alpine slide, your own hands are the presence of a free area on the site you have. Also consider the fact that, depending on the further location of the Alpinaria, the plants should correctly choose, given their species features. When choosing a Alpinaria project, you should not forget about the climatic features of your region.

On a large plane plane, you can safely organize a stretched stone garden, which can be compared with a corner of wildlife. If there is not enough place in your site, in this case you can equip a compact, round alpinary form. In order to make an alpine slide alone, you can use many ideas and options

As natural materials You will need stones of various breeds having a variety of shape and magnitude. Choosing stones for Alpinaria, note that all natural materials used have not had sharp corners. In addition to natural stones, it is possible to choose crushed stone, pebbles, river sand as natural materials, and granite is better not to use when arranging alpine slides. For example, fragments of sandstone of red shades successfully emphasize style and shape, thereby outlining the slides will be clearer and realistic. Soil can be mixed with peat and limestone. Such a mixture will contribute to the best removal of excessive amounts of water.

With the proper creation of the Alpine slide, you need to also define what the main color solution Your Alpinaria, and, based on this, choose the necessary varieties and types of plants, as well as materials.

Video - how to make a mountaineering with your own hands

Arrangement arrangement includes several stages. Next, the process will be described creating an alpine slide stepgy.

Step-by-step photo Instructions for creating alpine slide

  • Choosing a place for a mountaineering, it is necessary to take into account that the most the ideal option are well clarified, sun and windless sections of your garden. Small details of the roller design and most types of plants are sensitive to the strengths of the strong wind and uncomfortable feel at all illuminated areas. At this stage, Kolybami can be labeled by spicy of the future territory of the Alpinaria.

  • On the entire perimeter, the location of the future slide initially need to place the largest elements - large stones and boulders, so that they constitute a V-similar design. After that, it is necessary to mix the upper layer of land with limestone, sand and peat.

  • Next stage step-by-step creation Alpine slide is the installation of drainage, which will protect the entire design in the event of excessive precipitation and preparing recesses. The drainage device depends on the composition of the soil on the plot, especially if fat and clay soil prevails on the site. In case of soil in large quantities The sand fractions prevail - the drainage system can not be laid.

As a drainage use broken brick, crushed stone, fine pebbles, sand or clay. To lay the drainage, you need to dig a hole, a depth of 30-40 cm., At the bottom of which the density of the drainage is placed. After that, the pit is completely falling asleep by the land ball and spill well.

  • The next step is to lay stones around the perimeter of the second tier. The height of the stones is reduced with a height.

  • The most important stage is to plant the selected plant forms into special pockets, which are located between the stones at a distance of each other. It should be borne in mind that in one pocket should be placed no more than two plants, which will help the plants to grow normally and develop.
  • When planting plants, their species features should be taken into account. Tall plants - Roughs, dwarf shrubs and a tree planted at the base of the slide. On the upper tiers, the lowest and ampel-shaped plants of various plants will look original color Gamma.. It can be both annual and perennial ornamental plants. For example - Lavender, Edelweiss, Forget-me-not alpine, decorative varieties of wormwood, Arabis, Armeriya Primorskaya, Perennial carnation, Chabret lemon, etc. If plants planned to plant along with a floral container, then the landing well should be much larger than the diameter of the container. Optimal time Planting most plant species is the middle or end of spring.

  • The second and third tier are created by analogy with the first.
  • Registration of the top of the mountainaria. The vertex declared the ensemble of several large stones, and the open surface between the stones is filled with pebbles, color gravel or broken rubble. This composition will provide well-groomed and beautiful view Alpinaria, and will also prevent the appearance of weeds.

Follow simple rules and advice, you can easily create an alpine slide with your own hands, which will not only decorate your plot, but it will be a small corner of wildlife in the territory of the garden.

The picturesque landscape of the Alpine Mountains inspired gardeners to the creation of an alpine slide, which traditionally consist of a combination of stone with mountain plants.

Relatively recently in landscape design for replacing classic flowerbams, chains and gypsum sculptures came new types of decoration of the site - Alpinaria. They are satisfied in rich estates and on dumart sites, in city gardens and squares, on lawns near offices and in the territories of restaurants. Competently and tastefully chosen stones and plants will create a zone of luxury, aesthetics and peace even on the most modest piece of land near the country house.

Alpine slide densely planted plants to break the eye with its bright, juicy paints

Being a peculiar and very time-consuming decoration of the landscape, the mountaineering seems difficult in execution and increasing elements of the decor. However, if you figure it out in the creation technology, the Alpine slide at the cottage can be arranged and without attracting expensive designers.

A piece of Alps on your cottage

Working out the design of the Alpine slides, it must be borne in mind that it is an imitation of rocky natural sites. So, the basis of the composition should be stones and sparing low plants characteristic of high-altitude areas. And the definition of "slide" dictates a general form of a mountaineering - an elevation with mandatory elements: soles, slopes and vertex.

Alpinarium - "Raisin", able to instantly transform the appearance of a garden landscape

Distinguish several variants of alpinarians who repeat their appearance different sites Mountain Area:

  • rock Rock is a pod of almost bare large boulders with a minimum of plants in niches and "pockets";

Connection of functionality and decorative function: Stone Stages and Rocky Alpinarium

Larger plants are planted on the tops of the rolling pin, emphasizing the dynamics of the height difference

  • mountain slope is a complex high composition of stones of different sizes and with a large variety of quenching and low-grade plants;

For the design of such a mountaineering, dwarf plants are used, as well as large stone blocks, imitating rock fragments

  • valley in the mountains - large stones, partially protruding from the soil, surrounded by richly flowering decorative plants;

Natural landscape made it possible to create a flowering stone slide

  • the gorge is the most difficult in performance, but also the most spectacular view of the mountaineering, which can be placed in a natural hollow, framing the slopes with stones and disembarking representatives of the rock flora.

Customly folded stones in the form of a semicircle in compositions with blooming plants - the effect of the club in your yard

A separate view is the rocque - the garden of stones that are the main " acting persons"Unlike Alpinaria, where the stones serve as a background for plants.

As a site for the creation of a rokary, any landscape of the area, including absolutely flat soil, will suit

How to make an alpine slide on the household plot?

If you firmly decided that the alpine slide will be decorated with your own hands - step-by-step instruction will give you the opportunity to avoid gross mistakes and get the desired result. Before starting work, sketch the mountainaria sketch - it will help you decide what area it will occupy what configuration and how many tiers you will do on it. You can even approximately estimate how much the alpine slide costs - a scheme made on a scale will help to calculate how many stones you need, what amount of drainage, sand and soil will need to be prepared. It is necessary to make the scheme in binding to the area to use all the most advantageous moments of an existing landscape.

Creative decoration of Alpinarians - clay bowl with plants

  1. By defining the place for the future Alpinaria, do not forget that it will be necessary to watch it - choose the most profitable angles. In addition, think - perhaps you want to spend your free time near him. Then you will need an adjacent smooth area with tracks, a place for a table and a hearth.

The track from the mountaineering leads directly to the recreation area

Cozy corner for holidays in the "Garden of Stones"

  • Lached plants for the Alpine slide will need solar heat - it means to orient the slopes are necessary to the south and east.
  • Very interesting visual effects will result in the use of natural relief irregularities - elements inscribed in the natural landscape will become a great supplement it.

Spectacular alpine slide with a small pond

This is not imitation of the landscape, but just an art composition from asymmetrically arranged stone blocks with paths between them and vegetable compositions

  1. The next step will be transferring your scheme to the site. Marking up with the help of ramp or sleeping the necessary lines with contrasting material - sand, lime. This will allow you to look at the alleged place of the mountaineering from the side. You may decide to slightly change its configuration in accordance with the relief.

Alpinary serves as a bright garden decoration, standing out against the background of green lawn

  1. By approving the choice of place, you need to prepare the platform for laying stones. Soil, to a greater degree consisting of clay or chernozem, will have to drain, sand soils do not need such preparation. For drainage, remove the earth to a depth of at least 30 cm, the pit filled building materials Large fractions, tram and cover with soil lured with the surrounding ground. For sealing the explosive soil, it is spilled by water.

Miniature garden of stones with dwarf plants, located around the perimeter of the terrace, add the individuality of your recreation area

  1. On the perimeter of the prepared platform laid the largest boulders. If necessary, they can be broken into the soil - then they will have a more natural look. The inner space is filled with soil, which will become the base for the next tier, as well as the habitat for plants.

Stone composition, located from the main facade of the house, excellent addition to the image of your housing

  • Recovering the estimated distance from the first row, invest the next chain of stones, while maintaining the desired configuration of the alpinearia.

Council! Placeing large stones, leave the free space between them, which will be filled with soil - plants dropped by plants will need a place for the development of the root system.

  1. After performing the required number of tiers, make up the vertex. To do this, you can put one large stone, or use some small pyramidally folded. This will prevent the blurring of the soil, and also give the completion of the composition.

Work on the Alpinarium tab is better to start in the fall, then to the spring, the soil, fastened between the stones, will take place, and it will be possible to glue all the voids formed. In addition, before planting plants, you will have the opportunity to make the latest adjustments to stones.

Vertical blooming alpine composition creates a romantic mood

Retaining wall in the form of a mountaineering - a new salvation from the "boring" walls

Tip!The main rule - the mountainaries should look decorative and beautiful even without colors. Stones should be harmonious and balanced to create a stable and extremely natural composition. The less symmetry in it, the more organic it will look like.

The pride of the homeowner - the Alpine Gorka do it yourself

Implemented step-by-step instruction of the Alpine Gorki will give you the opportunity to create a real landscape design masterpiece on its site. And so that he become immaculate, we will reveal some secrets that will help you in work:

Mini-Alpinarium in flowerbed is very relevant for small courtyards, where there is no place for standard stone compositions

To create a miniature mountaineering, you will need only dwarf plants, pebbles and terracotta pot

  • Stones for alpine slide need to pick up the same type, one breed. Then the mountaineering will look extremely natural.

Alpinarium with a pond decorated by stones of approximately the same OPR

High slide, folded with stones and green spaces, can serve as a fencing of the site

  • The size of the stones must correspond to the area occupied by the alpinarium - than it is more, the larger the boulders can be used to fill it.
  • Selecting the flowers for the Alpine slide, focus on the timing of their flowering. Maximum decorative is achieved with a continuous series of a variety of blooming spots on the surface of the alpinory you are created.

The minimalist version of the Alpinarians is the simplicity that emphasizes the architecture in the background

  • The species composition of the plants should be selected from low and evergreen options. Then the mountainaries will not hide behind the brown greens, and the fall does not have to choose the foliage among the stones.
  • For a slide, you can take a pair of troop coniferous plants. They will fit perfectly between the stones without clinging them. Between them well place the creeping or coating species - green spots between the stones look very decorative. Flowering plants Also select low growth and with small colors.

The most popular plants for Alpinaria:

  • dwarfish
  • thuja
  • juniper,

Juniper looks beautifully in the compositions with stones

  • cypressian,
  • kisser

When arranging the Alpine slide, it is certainly necessary to take into account the characteristics of the landscape and, on the basis of this, choose the appropriate accommodation option

  • dryad,
  • iberis
  • juvenile
  • rocky rock

Mountain waterfalls are also characteristic of alpine landscapes.

  • short Suitable carnation,
  • camelight

Camerys will make color accents in the Alpine Corner