
Shadow flowers. Telebigi annual and perennial plants for your garden: description, photo.


From greenery, first of all, it is necessary to allocate, of course, the hosts (or the second name - funki), ferns, flashes and some cereals. The spectacular bushes Host have a wide variety of forms (they are oblong, ovoid, round) and color of the leaves: green, gray, blue, motley, yellow, striped. And, in addition, in the second half of summer, bell-tired flowers of white, lilac or purple color appear. Teen-boring hosts feel great under the trees where there is enough moisture. But in the sun their leaves are burning.

Not every home or cottage has the perfect location relative to the parties of the world. And very often it turns out that part of the garden, and even all, are located on the northern side and in full shadow almost all day. Others in the garden are already large trees and grape trellis that give excellent yieldBut the sun closes the sun by the plants of the lower tier, and there is practically nothing grows under them. But the beauty of it wants - and the flowers admire, and the greens are glad to cover naked land.

In this case, the teothelubile plants for the garden, who live and thrive even with almost the absence of sunlight. And if the shadow is openwork and not constant, then the names in the list of such colors and grasses will significantly expand.

Blooming and green perennial plants
If you briefly list the most enduring to the absence of sunlight perennial plants, then this is:


A very successful plant for shady corners will be an Astilba, which since June and august flowers in the blurred inflorescences of a variety of colors: white, cream, pink all shades and to purple-red. Astilbic care assumes a sufficient amount of moisture, so in the arid period is needed abundant watering. For the winter, the stems should be trimmed, and the roots should be covered with a layer of dry leaves. The fact is that the growth kidneys of the Astilb are located close to the surface of the Earth, and that these shadowish perennials and on next year Radied garden owners, they need to save them from frost. In the spring it is necessary to bother with complex fertilizers.

Dubravnaya anemone.

Anemone - a variety - a column, felt, butterior, oak. Elegant perennial plants with spectacular blossom. Most of the spring-breathing winds - ephemeroids, by the summer the growing season is completed. A separate group consists of osennpelving types and hybrids. Used primarily as flower plants and for mountaineering.

Alpine catchment

The lack of sunlight is well tolerated all the varieties and hybrids of catchment.

Their extraordinary, similar to the moth flowers bloom in May-June and please the eyes with all sorts of colors, as well as the complexity of buds. Akvilia is multiplied with seeds straight into the ground, and in the future - self-sowing.

Gorgeous dotcentre

From the famous garden plants, the shady corners of the garden and flower beds on the north side can decorate such a decorative plant as a dicentra, which is often called the "broken heart". It blooms in May-June, very original flowers in the form of hearts on long arcuate bluers - up to 80 cm. The main view has a pink-white color of flowers, and varietal plants can be purely snow-white. There are also lower dotential species of dotentars - exceptional and beautiful. They are unpretentious, but they love fertile soil and a sufficient amount of moisture. It is necessary to reproduce it or dividing the bush in spring-inquiry, or appearing in the spring root cuttings. After flowering, the above-ground part of the dotcentra dies.

Prettra is beautiful

Prophizw Julia

Prophiza Japanese



Suffers big

Hochlate noble

Caucasian Yasenet

Perennial flowers for shady garden sections ...

Tolstive Badan

Badan Calcalized (Bergenia Cordifolia) - prefers light nutritious, well-drained soils. With frequent transfers sick. Seamless flowers are cut. Messy leaves are removed in spring. Frostotk, but it is better to cover with leaves.


Barwin is small - his flowers resemble Flowers Floxes, blooms lasting from May to September. In shading, flowering is not very abundant, but the plant grow well and decorative throughout the season.

Volzhanka ordinary

Volzhanka - a perennial height of up to 2 meters, thanks to the carved leaves of decorative throughout the season. Flowers Volzhanka with white or cream fragrant inflorescences - panicles in June-July

Camery shadow

Camery (SaxiFraga). Family of camneuric.

These are plants shaded places. Large genus (about 370 species) Perennials growing on the rocks and cripples in the mountains of the moderate zone of the northern hemisphere. These are low (5-20 cm) Perennials with a dense roar rosette of the leaves and serve the blurry with a loose brush of star flowers. The leaves are mostly wintering, determine the decorativeness of this plant.

Klinoliste camneur

Lily of Maysky

Lily of Mayan (Convallaria Majalis) - grows well on nutritious, loose, wet, weakness soils. Responsive by organic fertilizers. In the spring, it is bad. Systematic mulching by humus. The plant is aggressive, so unnecessary shoots are cut off. Young plants bloom for 2-3 years.

Lunker coming




Soborous liver

Hepatica Nobilis (Hepatica Nobilis) - grows on wet, loose, fertile soils. Before boarding, it should be added to the soil of sheet humus or compost.


The name of this challenge plant is known to everyone. Snowdrop is a mellucukhukovy low-length bush tall 10-20 cm, blooming with snow-white flowers in early spring. Flower bells, of two rows of leaves - 3 extreme whites surround 3 internal, with a cut along the edge and green spot, lancet leaves.

Snowdrop (Galanthus). Amarillix family.

Soldell Mountain

Astilbojdes plate

Darmer Shield

Roger cavillation

Rogersia - Queen shady garden, a perennial plant with a height of about 1.5 meters. Thanks to the beautiful large leaves of decorative for the entire season. Large inflorescences - panicles are blooming at the end of June and can have white, cream or pink, blooms a little more than a month. Thanks to the creeping rhizomy, Rogersia is quite quickly growing.

Fascular violet

Fascular violet (Viola Odorata) - prefers wet, loam, on dry soil flowers are minced and flowering stops. Does not endure fresh, organic fertilizers. The bush is divided once every 3-4 years.

Epimedium or Fahkin

Growing conditions. Shaded areas with loose, well-drained, rich in lime soil. Drought-resistant.

Reproduction. Songs of rhizomes with kidney resume early spring (before the start of the leaf rustling), but more reliable at the end of summer. Dellets land shallow (2-5 cm), after 20-40 cm, calculated on further growth. These plants with smooth, unopened leaves of juicy green or dark green. Places for their habitat are located in a light half (lack of sun rays from 12 to 16 hours), or in a complete shadow.

Voronets Cososess or Voronets

Podophyll thyroid

Subophyllum (Podophylum). Barberry family.

Pretty high (up to 70 cm) telebital plant From large forests. Attracts the attention of beautiful dark green split rounded leaves (up to 30 cm wide, 15 cm long) on \u200b\u200blong stiffs, large (up to 5-6 cm in diameter) with snow-white flower. Original drag-shaped orange-red fruits.

Pahisandra Uphechnyy

Pakhysandra TERMINALIS (PACHYSANDRA Terminalis) - prefers wet loam. Decorative S. early spring until late autumn. During the summer, the appearance of the cover does not change. Quickly grow up. Does not need a special trimming.

Venus Sacred Ordinary or Shoe

These plants with smooth, unopened leaves of juicy green or dark green. Places for their habitat are located in a light half (lack of sun rays from 12 to 16 hours), or in a complete shadow.

In the gardens of any summer cottage or at home there is no definite sunshine. It happens that the whole garden or garden is in the shade or vice versa - in the sun. Shadow in the garden can create big fruit trees - Apple trees, pears, plums, vineyards, etc. They basically create a shadow in the lower tier. And I want to any gardener to have a beautiful greens in these places in these places - and there is practically nothing growing.

In such cases, only teothelubile flowers or plants can be outlived, whether they are perennial or annuals. They can germinate even in places with a lack of sunlight.

Shadowish flowers and plants for the garden are those that are also loved by a sunny color, but it is enough for them only about six hours in the first or in the afternoon. But prolonged flowering can not be expected.

Teotelubile plants love grow in secluded cornerswhere the sun is practically absent. They differ from other plants with a saturated green color of the leaves.

There are many varieties of colors of teothelubileum, which can be safely put in the shady sector of the garden or garden. In hot weather it will be very pleasant to relax in the shade, where the teen-bobbed flowers bloomed.

For Nature, any weather is a manifestation of love for Earth, therefore there are many colors, including - changing and shadowish. Thanks to such colors garden plot You can decorate under any tree, near the house from the northern side or under the crown of a large tree.

Teleboy Flowers - Views

Several species popular teothelubile flowers for garden:

  • anemone Dubravnaya (anemone) - "Vessenior Spring". It blooms for 20 days - from April and until the end of May (depends on the landing of it in the soil);
  • lily of Lily (perfectly combined in landing with anemonia);
  • astrancy is large - a perennial plant (its height is from 40 cm to 1 m, a flower up to 5 cm);
  • hochlytkaya hollow - bloom occurs since the beginning of the spring;
  • dicentra - height reaches up to 1 m, bloom begins in May and ends in early June;
  • pattern - a two-year-old flower, beautiful from June to August, the height of the plant reaches one and a half meters;
  • geranium (Gerani bloom comes from one to one and a half months);
  • the liver - the plant is low (from 5 cm to 15 cm), in the form of flowering resembles a human liver, hence the name;
  • host - a long-lived garden, can grow up to 25 years, grows slowly, and blooms in August;
  • fern.

Also in any shadow perfectly bloom and long all arrows grow. They can be heated immediately under the tree, and if there is seedlings - immediately put bushes.

Love the shadow of Ivifi. The violet is a low fragrant flower, blooms twice a year (April-May) and autumn.

Shadowish beauty - Poupe (fragrant, elegant) very rare plant In our gardens and gardens, and she did not deserve it. This is very beautiful flowerwhich bloomes in the first half of summer with white bells. And the smell of any flower can not kill. His advantage: can grow and multiply in full shadow. Reproduction occurs with seeds or roots. Moisture-loving plant. We multiply in the spring root cuttings. As soon as the flower flows down - the above-ground part is dying.

For shady corners, Astilba is suitable. It blooms first and until the end of summer with small inflorescences of different color - cream, white, pink and all red shades. The moisture-loving plant, in arid weather requires abundant irrigation. For the winter, the stalks are cut off, and the roots are covered with dry foliage. Growth kidneys are located close to the surface of the soil, and therefore it should be protected from frosts.

A small shadow is withstanding loylays and hemerocals. They love fertile soil and moisture. Currently, hybrids are derived from their colorful color - from white to almost black.

Annual Shadowish Plants

From annual teothelubil plants, foully feel - fragrant tobacco, nasturtium, lobelia.

Greens and herbs

  1. Fern. The most shadowed plant. In Russia, more than 50 species of this ancient plant grows. They grown even during dinosaurs. In the garden, gardeners are usually used by the ordinary fern, from which leaves resembling feathers can reach up to 1.5 m in height. Drought they do not endure, so they should be watered more often.
  2. Liana shapes. This is Aktinidia - Kolomikt, Chinese Lemongrass. They always have good bloom, even with high shading. Also very popular with gardeners use

Many people believe that if their garden is most of the light day in the shade, they cannot grow decorative plants. This is not so. There are flowers, trees and shrubs that feel great in the shade. Telebobile plants can be planted once and enjoy the beautiful views from year to year.

To determine the perfect place for planting a challenge plant necessary
During the day, watch how your garden is highlighted, and check the level of soil moisture.
For landing, use those plants that are undemanding in care. If, due to the lack of light, the growth of plants is difficult, decorate these areas with decorative or garden sculptures.

It is not enough just to plant in the first thing that feels the shaded place in the garden, because the shadow is different: deep, irreversible or uneven. In addition, at different times of the day, the temperature of the shadow varies (for example, a cool shadow in the morning or a stuffy afternoon). So in the shade under the roof of the soil can be very dry, and the wetland between the hedge and the wall of the garage almost never dries. However, if there is enough light to fall on the site, you can choose one of the following shape plants.

Teotelubile plants - homing for the garden

Begonia hybrid tuber "Salmon" (NonStop series). There is not so many annual plants, blooming so abundantly like a tuberous begonia. Flowers of Salmon varieties have a soft orange color - one of the many shades in this proven series. Large double flowers of this begonia will delight the eye for a long time under the condition of well-humid soil. This is an excellent option for suspended pots. Height - 20-25 cm, width - 15-25 cm. Needs the shadow in the afternoon, prefers cool soil.

Koleus "Amora". Koleos is able to revive the shady corners of your garden. Amazing foliage of color butter with green gear edges and pink streaks fill the garden with color and give him individuality. The plant looks great in mass plantations, but also in single landings becomes a highlight of any garden zone. When growing in the Sun requires more moisture. Height - 40-45 cm, width - 35 cm. It can grow both in the shade and in the sun.

Vulcanic acid "zinfandel". The sophisticated and charming bronze-purple foliage of this acidic creates a magnificent contrast against the background of yellow flowers. The latter have a shape of a bell tler, a diameter of 1 cm. It looks perfectly in mixed flower beds and suspended containers. Height - 20-25 cm, width - 20 cm. Needs the shadow in the afternoon.

Telebobile plants - bulbous

Warmless (autonel, Kolychikum) "Lilac Wonder". This tuberukovichny plant blooms in the fall and has the inflorescences of a purple shade with narrow petals, very similar to crocus flowers. An early spring, a non-laminate is shown on the surface of the Earth and deviates after the appearance of flowers. It feels well in a light uneven shade, on a rich organic substances soil. The clubnellukovitsa plant at the end of the summer - the beginning of the autumn to a depth of 10-15 cm at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Height - 15-20 cm. Needs sunlight in the morning.

Perennial teothelubile plants

Japanese "Bonn". This perennial is usually towers in raw forests and on the shores of the reservoirs. "Bonn" has flowers in the form of curls of carmination, which keep their special shape for a long time. Astilba is a pretty "voracious" plant that needs in wet, fertile, non-skinny soil, which includes many organic matter. Astilba can be planted and in a sunny place, but at the same time she has sufficient humidity. The height is 45-60 cm, the width is 45-60 cm. Needs the shadow of the second half of the day.

Mild cuff. An exceptionally long flowering period is distinguished by a perennial plant from others. His ability to grow in dry shady places is definitely inspires the love of many gardeners. The cuff has lime green flowers and largely large quilted leaves. Flowers from the end of spring to autumn. It feels well on different soils, but prefers well-drained. Has a bushy form. Height - 45 cm, width - 45 cm. Sunlight of the first half of the day.

Astrance Large "Lars". This plant is truly considered a star of a shady garden due to its unpretentiousness. The Latin Astrance Name corresponds to its colors in the form of a star, which in this grade have a saturated color of wine. Summer inflorescences are well suited for cutting and drying. Has a bushy form. Prefers wet, fertile, organic soil. Height - 50-65 cm, width - 45-60 cm. Sun or shadow.

Female "frizelliae". This subversite with bright green leaves, as if striking on the stems towering over the ground, gives the texture and movement of any group of plants. Each leaf reminds its shape a tiny round fan. Stems with leaves are very long, but in width have only 2.5 cm. This decidal fern is perfect for wooded areas. Early fallen into a hibernation state may arise due to lack of moisture. Prefers a fertile, neutral or acidic soil rich in organic. The height is 35-40 cm, width - 30-40 cm. Needs the shadow in the afternoon.

Labasnik (Tollga, Filiptendula) Multi-Purchase (Labacit of Dlanoid "Nana"). Place a labaznik - and it will fill your garden with a sweet fragrance of summer. Fragrant flowers of this variety have a deep pink shade. Graceful inflorescences are located on the tops of high stems with leaves, similar to fern leaves. This bushy perennial loves a well-drained, wet and rich organic soil. Height - 60-100 cm, width - 45-60 cm. Needs the shadow in the afternoon.

Prident of Lastune. Gitecs are especially valued for deep and rich blue colour their inflorescences, and this species is no exception. Flowers from the summer to autumn, it gets well with ferns and other brainstorms on woody areas. This is a long-lived, bushy plant. If the guilty is grown out of seeds, then bloom will come in about three years. It needs a wet, well-draned and rich organic soil. Height - 40-60 cm, width - 30-45 cm. Needs the shadow in the afternoon.
Host "June". In the lexicon of gardener, the words "host" and "shadow" - almost synonyms. "June" - a variety of medium sized with thick and rather narrow leaves of bright yellow color with layers and with green border. Like most host, this species has flowers similar to lilies, pale lilac color, appearing in the middle of summer. With abundant moisture, any host will be more resistant to sunlight. It is best grows in a wet, fertile, weakly acidic, well-draned and rich organic soil. Height - 40 cm, width - 95 cm. Needs the shadow of the second half of the day.

Buzotorial (Ligulia) toothed "Othello". In summer, spectacular yellow-orange flowers appear on the wide branched stems of the bucular. Young foliage has a purple-red shade, which, as the sheet adults, becomes greens. However, the back side of the sheet remains purple as well as streaks, petioles and flowers. Hard and serrated leaves can be brought into a width of up to 1 meter. Mass plantings are wonderful look in wooded gardens, in wetlands or near water bodies. It needs moderately fertile, but very wet soil, shadow in the afternoon. Height - 90-120 cm, width - 60-90 cm.

Gayer "obsidian". Dark and brilliant foliage of this geiher will make their eyes even for the most dull corner of the garden. Almost black leaves and compact appearance They look very winning in mass plantations or in mixed landings. This magnificent plant retains color throughout the season and forms in summer small white-green flowers on 60 cm long stems. Prefers wet, fertile and well-drained soil. Height - 25 cm, width - 30-40 cm. Needs the shadow of the second half of the day.

Bergia (Badan) Hearts for SOLAR FLARE. Bergia is a reliable and endless plant with a strong native native foliage. Distinguished by this variety from other pictures of the coloring of hard leaves. Wide edges of cream color in cool weather acquire pink tones. Bergian's Bergaine is intensified at the end of the summer, when mature leaves become deep saturated green. Pink flowers on the stems appear in spring. In the fall does not require trimming. Resistant to a wide range of lighting conditions and soil types. The strongest growth is provided in conditions of humid and well-drained soil, as well as in light shadow. Height - 25-30 cm, width - 30-45 cm. Sun or shadow.

Saxifraga (Camery) Rent. Saxifraga is the most popular choice for shady and stony gardens. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that she does not endorse drought. This evergreen perennial plant forms pretty bushes in 2-3 years. Spring on it appear small graceful flowers pink colour. Prefers a wet cool plot, closed from hot afternoon sun. It needs a rich organic and well-drained soil. Height - 15 cm, width - 20-30 cm. Needs the shadow of the second half of the day.

Small fried white. Primula has a beautiful spherical inflorescence. It starts to bloom in early spring before the appearance of leaves or simultaneously with them. The flower stem hidden at the base of the plant is lengthened, and the plurality of buds is revealed until a full-fledged sophistication is formed. Its thick and durable stem is like a drum wand. The foliage is decorated in a socket. The best grows on a protected area with a good snow cover, as blooming occurs in the spring. Prefers wet, fertile and well-drained soil with a rich organic. The height is 15-30 cm, width - 30-45 cm. Needs the shadow of the second half of the day.

Roger cavillation. This Roger attracts its huge leaves with a bronze tint, similar to the leaves of horse chestnut. At the beginning of the summer, fragrant flowers, creamy-white to pink, form pyramids on the tops of high stems. Prefers a rich organica and wet soil. In a deep shadow, it takes better drought. Avoid landing on windy areas, otherwise foliage can burn. He has a bush shape, shelter slowly grows. Height - 90-150 cm, width - 90-120 cm. Needs the shadow of the second half of the day.

Teenology Trees and Shrubs

Hydrangea () Mistelucket "DVP Pinky". Flowers of this type of hydranshea grow high above the ground. White long straight treadmills (up to 30 cm) become at the base pink, and new white flowers continue to be opened on the top of the scenery. Mature flowers acquire a bright pink color. The plant has a glossy dark green foliage. Hydrangea will look good in a single landing on the lawn or in the form of impressive living hedge. At the beginning of the spring, cut the tops affected by the freezing. Flowers at the end of summer. Prefers wet and well-drained soil. Height - 1.5-2 m, width - 1.5 m. It needs the shadow of the second half of the day.

TIS Pointed "Nana". Typically, evergreen plants do not make shadows, but the tees is an exception. This compact plant will be superbly feeling good both in partial shadow and under the scorching sun. Grows slowly. Prefers wet, well-drained soil. In winter, there needs a good snow cover. Height - 60-90 cm, width - 60-90 cm. Sun or shadow.

Kalina Ordinary "Nanum". Thanks to its form, this type of low-spirited viburnum is suitable for creating low alive hedges. She has bright green foliage. She grows perfectly in the shade, although it rarely blooms. Poor tolerates wetlands. Height - 60-90 cm, width - 90-150 cm. Sun or shadow.

And now we suggest you to see the interesting video - "Teleboby Plants for the Garden."

In each garden there will be a place that, because of its shaders, remains pale and dull. Such places are found under the crown of high trees, along the fences and walls of the buildings. Sometimes it becomes even a problem, since moss begins in such places. In this situation, the gardener comes to the aid of the gardener. Correctly picking up and disembarking them, you solve the problem with the design of the shadow area not for one year.

Types of perennials for the shadow

In relation to the illumination of the growing area, all plants, including perennial, can be divided into light-minded, teothelubile and shadowish.

Plants are light-minded prefer to be well lit during the day of the day, in other conditions they can be very pulled out and will not bloom. Shadowish-like - love solar plots, but well tolerate light shading, however, can bloom less intense. And the reporting wells feel well in the shade. Such plants in the sun can get burns and dried.

To choose the right place for each of them, it is also necessary to figure out what the shaded areas are.

Shadow Call places where sunlight falls less than three hours during the day. Regardless of the time of day (in the morning, day or evening).

Penumbra - It's when the sun falls on a plot for more than three hours a day (most often in the morning or in the evening).

Rolled shadow It is formed under a delicate crown of trees, when the sun's rays penetrate between the foliage.

Deep shadow - These are places where sunlight does not penetrate almost completely or for a very short time.

In nature, for each of these places will be suitable plants. To choose them to pick them up and form a flower garden, which will look decoratively the whole season, it is also necessary to determine the time of flowering of those or other reporting perennials.


Although the spring sun is not very active, but while the leaves on the trees have not yet appeared, the spring of the branches feel well the spring primroses feel well. Snowdrop (Galanthus) and SCILLA (SCILLA) - forest residents and therefore grow in the shade of them naturally and comfortable. A small shadension is perfectly tolerated Muscari (Muscari), Narcissus (Narcissus), frost-resistant varieties of Candy or Eritronium (Erythrónium), Pushkinia Beauty (Hepatica), and "broken hearts" dicentra (Dicentra).
Suitable perennials for landing Even in dense shadow are lrangessi (Convallaria). Beautifully look at the curtains from the valley in the shady corner of the garden.

Snowdrops Prolesta Muscari Narcissy Erytronium
Pushkin Landloggy

In areas where the sun appears only in the morning hours, I will perfectly feel bruunner (Brunnera). For small blue flowers, forming miniature clouds from inflorescences, it is also called fore-free. Begins blossom in May and finishes by July. But not only the flowers are good Brunner, after flowering, it is also decorative due to large beautifully colored leaves. Brunner is indispensable for rocaries, mixboraders. This plant will help the flowerflower in the filling of shady and outlined places.


Ayuga (Labor)

No wonder the cute soil plants ayuga (Ajuga) Received the second name - bowl. It can grow practically in any conditions. And what is important - shadowfully. In a short period of time creates a dense beautiful carpet. After all, its leaves can be burgundy, green and chocolate shade. Flowers Ayuga in May. At low (10-15 cm), the blooming forms a false spikelet made of a dozen small blue-purple flower. Blossom is long and therefore the carpet of the luggage acquires a bluish shade. Wonderfully suitable for shady stone gardens. It can make a slope and slopes.

An example of the design of a springtorm flower garden you can see on the proposed scheme. The top tier of the mixboarder is represented by teothelubile shrubs.


Magonia Padoliste (Mahōnia Aquifōlium) - evergreen shrubYellow flowers bloom in spring, have a spicy fragrance. It grows from 30 to 100 cm. It gives up a haircut well. Leather leaves are very decorative. Reddish in spring, they become dark green and brilliant in summer, and in the fall acquire a bronze tint. Shadowish plant.

Magonia Padoliste

Rhododendron Atlantic

Rhododendron Atlanticum (Rhododendron Atlanticum) - leafy shrub growing up to 60 cm. Winter-hardy and shadowy. Leaves appear simultaneously with colors in May. Flowers - fragrant white with a pinkish tint of an asterisk collected in a brush. The leaves in the fall become bright yellow.

Azalia Sadovaya (Azalia, Azalea) - very beautiful . It will not grow in the sun and in a thick shadow. She needs half. Azalea is rather demanding in caring, but when it blooms in May, the flowers cover the whole bush so that even the leaves becomes not visible. It looks awesome beautiful!

Azalea Sadovaya

The medium tier filled plants with beautiful leaves.

Women's jigger

Female Kochesky (Athyrium Filix-Femma) - Fern with gentlely dissected foliage of a height of about a meter. Teleboy plant. Morious. Unpretentious.

Badan Tolstive (Bergénia Crassifólia) - evergreen perennial. Its dark green leaves, thick and rounded, do not die in winter. Spring from under the snow begin to look out his brownish-green ears-leaflets. In the fall, they acquire bright red. Large inflorescences - panicles consist of pink flowers blooming in May. Shadowish and unpretentious in care.

Tolstive Badan

Host planting

Host Plantaginea (Nosta Plantaginea) - It has large bright green heart-shaped leaves. Sheet shape and pronounced streaks resemble a planter leaf. On high flower table there are large white stars flowers that have a gentle aroma of lilies. Flowers in August. But all kinds of hosts are valued primarily for large and beautiful leaves. Very shadowed, survives in such places where other plants may die.

White Camered Host (Hosta Albo-Marginata) - Plant with very beautiful oval-pointed white-green leaves. Purple bell-like flowers are collected in inflorescence. Flowers in July. Like other types of hosts, a shadowless plant.

Host White Caymal

Fascular violet

Decoration of the lower tier serves fascular violet (Viola Odorata). This is a gentle forest guest, and therefore shadowed and unpretentious. Everyone knows her miniature purple butterfly flowers with a wonderful aroma. She blooms in May, and then again at the end of summer. There are decorative varieties with large flowers White, dark purple and reddish-purple color.


Summer - sunny time. But at this time of year there are teen-born garden flowers and shrubs. Using the example of the design of the summer-waving shadow mixlener, we will get acquainted with such plants.


With a Badan with a thick and host, we are already familiar to spring flower beds. These plants are decorative all warm season, so they are often used in landscape design.

In our composition, the central place occupied digitalis (Digitalis) - Two-year-old unpretentious plant. She feels good enough both in the sun and in the shade. High (more than one and a half meters) The floweros crowned one-sided spikes from large bells. Coloring them is very diverse. It may be pink, white, yellow, purple, red, as well as with a pattern in the form of blurry spots and dark dots. It blooms almost all summer. Very beautiful, but poisonous plant.


Background serve lush bushes Two types of hydrangeas: hydrangea Tree (Hydrangea Arborescens) and hydranges in large or garden (Hydrángea Macrophýlla). This type of shrubs loves a loose shadow. Blooms in summer. Beautiful colors of pink flowers, blue and white color Close almost the entire bush and look incredibly beautiful.

Hydrangea Hydrangea Large (garden)

Flox Plows

Also, the upper tier occupies and flox paniculata (Phlox Paniculata) - Perennial, having many varieties. The color of them is very diverse, there are two-color. The height ranges from 60 cm to 1.3 m. Flowers are assembled into sufficiently dense inflorescences of various shapes. Flower all summer and some varieties even in autumn. Shadowish and unpretentious plant, but sensitive to drought.

The middle tier together with the hosts and Badan occupy perennial teothelubile flowers - astilbe (Astilbe) and aQUILEGIA (Aquilegia). Astilb can be called a universal plant, it can grow almost everywhere. But the perfect place for her is the half. Appreciated by designers for beautiful blurred inflorescences made of small flowers of various color. Flowers in summer. Aquaille is also an amateur manual. The charm she attaches an unusual form of a flower with spur. Color color is diverse - both one-color and two-color. For the ability to assemble in the flowers of water droplets, she was given the second name - a catchment.

Astilba Astilba AKVILIA

The lower tier is decorated with a mild cuff (Alchemilla Mollis), Geihana (Heucra) and Garden Primulus (Primula).

Cuff - thinking perennial With unrefected greenish yellow flowers. The main advantage of this plant is rounded fan-shaped leaves, with a slightly concave blades, which miraculously delay dew droplets, giving the plant additional charm. Practically does not suffer from the illumination of the site. It feels normally everywhere.

Cuff (flowers) Cuff

Geichera - Very popular plant due to decorative leaves and a small (up to 50 cm) height. Rough-blade pubescent leaves are collected in a socket. The color of them is diverse: green, red, yellow, silver gray. Flowers, similar to the bells, are collected in small rubber blinks of white and reddish-pink shades. Loves shaded places.


Primula or Prixvet - Beautiful flower, a variety of its species allows to provide flowering flowering of flowering from spring to autumn. In our case, presented primula, blooming in summer period. Primories are mostly low, rounded leaflets form a socket. Flowers are collected in a group (bouquet) and have a variety of coloring both monophonic and two-color. They do not like straight sun rays, prefer to grow in a half.

Primula (primrose)

You can remember such summer teothelubile garden flowers like Barwin (Vinca), gelenium (Helenium), bells (Campanula), forget-me-not (Multiflorum), Roger (Rodgersia) and others.

Barwin Gelenium Bells
No discard Poupe Roger


In the fall, gradually the Sun loses its activity, the flowering of plants goes to the decline, but nevertheless you can create an attractive shadow flower bed at that time. Turn to the scheme.

Scheme 6.

As you can see, the autumn composition does not indulge us blossom. Now plants with beautiful leaves come to the rescue. Among them are a variety of hostesses, namely Ziboldii (Hosta Sieboldii), swirling (Hosta Ventricosa) and wavy (Hosta undulata). Cuts us to I. hybrid Astilba (Astilbe), blooming at the beginning of autumn cute bakers. I am glad to bloom I. climoogon Rasemosa (Cimicifuga Rasemosa)Growing up to 2 m. Flowers are small, white, collected in the pyramidal inflorescence, have a specific drug smell. Stem and leaves of this type of clockon green-purple, which is also decorative. Because Klopogon is a forest plant, it warks wonderfully in the shade.

Host Zibold Host Zibold Host bloated
Host wavy Astilba Hybrid Klopogon Raskidnoye

Like all fern, matteuccia Outer - A discharge plant. He has two kinds of leaves: forming a beautiful funnel of long codes, and the disturbed, similar to the ostrich feathers located in the middle of the bush.

Ostrichnik (Pirish Leaves) Ostrichnik (sporing leaves)

Complements our composition tiarella Cordifolia - Soil-level winter-hardy plant, flowering in spring. In the autumn, her green leaves with bronze streaks acquire a reddish-brown shade, so the autumn flower garden is decorated with a decorative leaf carpet. Teotelubiva. Maybe winter under the snow.

Tiallus hearts

From the OssennetsNewing Shadowish Plants, you can still call the Ovyannik ordinary (compositae), KirengeShoma Palmata, a bell twisted or team (Campanula Glomerata L.).

Ovyannik ordinary Kirengeshoma Dlanoid Bell twisted

Separately, I would like to note some more reportable perennials. This is a creeping plant with round glossy leaflets Kear (Asarum), it can grow even in the tight shadow. Also sufficiently shaded ivy (hedera). Loves shady sites and representative of cereal magnificent prayer (Molinia). Well tolerate a loose shadow evergreen and coniferous shrubs. Can grow in the half of Barbaris, Hibiscus, Irga, Jasmine, Kalina and others.

Kojten ivy mollia
Barbaris Irga Kalina

At the end of the review, we offer several more flower arrangement schemes for shady seats. They will help you choose suitable plants and place them beautifully.



Scheme 5.


Nature took care of the great diversity of plants. Among them you can choose such that will decorate even the most shaded plot of your garden. And he from sad and unwarter will turn into a beautiful and cozy, which will be a favorite holiday destination for a hot sunny day.

What flowers to put in the shadows? Shadowish plants are not so difficult to choose, as it seems at the beginning. There are quite a few blooming and decorative-deciduous species capable of growing in the most shaded corners of the garden.

In places where the lighting is insufficient, plants of two varieties are planted: they are inhabited (in nature they live in the lower yarus of forests and the bright sun do not like) and shadowishly, capable of adapter to any conditions. In the shadow, they feel quite safe.

Start selecting shadow garden plants For landing, it is necessary to determine the degree of shaders, as well as the soil conditions of the site. In addition to the level of illumination, it is necessary to take into account the acidity of the soil and how wet it is. If the place is wetland, then planting the bulbs here is completely meaningless, the bulbs will very quickly begin to rotate.

In the most shaded places, as a rule, decoratively deciduous species are planted. Blooming shadowish plants With a lack of sunlight, there are many green shoots, but they have a scarce bloom. To revive the picture, add flowers in garden containers. They are simply transferred to the right place already in a blooming form and arrange among greens, creating bright stains.

For the most problematic places, where, in addition to the shade of the soil, lowland or wetlands, landscape designers are recommended to make a sinking of gravel, create a garden of stones (they are usually covered with moss). Stones, crossed moss, ferns, large leaves Host create a feeling of a corner of wildlife or an abandoned mysterious place.

Bulbous plants for shadow

The flowering time of spring bulbs falls on that period when the trees are still naked, so they can be planted in shaded places. For such landings, hanatases (snowdrops), szillulums, ornithogallums are suitable. Narcissus and tulips also bloom under trees, especially thermal-loving, which are covered by foliage later than others. In lowlands, where the soil is too wet, the bulbies are not used.

Plants for strongly shaded places

Garden zones, where the sun does not look at never, places under thick crowns of high deciduous trees, plots near the northern walls of the buildings can be considered strongly shaded. The choice of plants is not very big here. In addition to spring bulbs, you can plant such species.