
What holidays will be in August of the year.

House and plot

Our life is impossible to imagine without holidays. But it may be not only birthdays, baptism and weddings, but also professional holidays, which are celebrated annually on certain days of the month. Holidays in August 2018 in Russia are a different one: day of vest, blog day, day of the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and others. If you yourself have a direct attitude to them, you congratulate the soul and wish the high achievements in professional life. By the way, do not forget to prepare solemn speeches and gifts for friends and loved ones, who also celebrate holidays in August in Russia. For example, collectors, miners, railway goods or foam fans. It turns out that the last month of the summer will be a holiday at the traffic light, the Russian flag and cinema. Such events should not be ignored, and their dates must be obliged to circle in the August calendar with a red circle.

Day August 1, 2018 Day of the Special Communications Service of Russia

In Russia, the Day of Special Communication service is celebrated every year on August 1. This federal authority transfers the secret information of government importance, and also ensures the security of organizations. The head of the special communication service is the Russian President.

On this day, the day of the collector is celebrated in Russia. Translated from the Italian "Collection" - "put in the box", and the service itself was created in 1939. The collector is not only a security guard, but also a qualified cashier dealing with documentation and money exchange.

In Russia, on this day, the day of the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is celebrated. Troil troops consist of headquarters, management, military service and management. The rear army is engaged in providing military personnel and household appliances, as well as an organization of events and the supply of garrisons.

Day August 2, 2018 Day of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation

The holiday of bold, brave and real men, the day of airborne troops is celebrated in Russia on August 2. The history of this holiday in August 2016 begins in 1930, when the first landing room was reset. In Ryazan is the Institute of Airborne Forces.

It turns out beer is the most consumed drink in the world. He even has its own international holiday, which is celebrated in First Friday August. For the first time, the foam drink appeared in ancient Egypt in the 3rd century BC. The country in which began to celebrate the holiday of beer - Iceland for the first time.

The "three-chapter" guard order - traffic lights, there is its own international holiday, which is celebrated on August 5th. The world's first regulatory road device appeared in America in 1914. Already in 1922, traffic lights adorned all of Europe, and in 1930 they "came" to Leningrad.

In Russia, the Day of Railway Forces is celebrated annually on August 6, since 1996. In this industry, experienced specialists are working, ensuring the protection and delivery of military cargo. Railway troops often take part in the counter of terrorist operations.

The holiday in August in Russia - the day of the railwayman falls in 2018 on August 6. This is the day of the employees of the highway of our Motherland, and his founder is Minister of Communications Mikhail Khilkov. With the help of railways in the country, freight and passenger transportation are carried out.

The Day of Special Communications and Information of the FSO of the Russian Federation is celebrated every year on August 7. The ancestor of this service was the KGB of the USSR, which originated in 1991. Today in the city of Orel is a FSO Academy, which produces special service staff.

Day 8 August 2018 International Mountaineering Day

On this day, an international day of mountaineering is celebrated annually. This extreme sport for the first time appeared in Switzerland, when clollanes conquered the top of Mont Blanc in the Alps. This sport is allowed to deal with only those who have already reached 17 years of age.

Day 9 August 2018 Battle at Cape Gangut 1714

This day is significant in the history of our country. On August 9, there was a great battle at Cape Gangeut. This victory of the Russian fleet was compared by Peter 1 with a Poltava battle. All its participants were awarded orders, and in St. Petersburg in 1714 celebrations took place.

There is another holiday in August 2018 - the International Day of Youth, which was spent the first time in 1895. The UN General Assembly has developed a youth development program. Youth events on August 12 are different in nature: from political to religious.

The Day of the Russian Air Force is celebrated in our country on August 12. Massive events and celebrations are held. Russia's military air forces provide national security and solve military conflicts, support the fleet and troops on land.

In Russia, physical workers began to celebrate on August 13 since 1980. The slogan of this holiday was such words: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind." For the first time, the phrase "physical culture" appeared in England, at the end of the 19th century, and in Russia gained popularity in 1917.

The holiday in August in Russia - the builder's day began to celebrate since 1955. Overgoing celebration date - every second Sunday August. On this day, concerts, feast and dedication to builders are satisfied. In 1990, frequent firms producing original buildings appeared.

On this day, the day of the archaeologist is celebrated in our country, but this date is not timed to a specific event, but a purely symbolic. Profession an archaeologist implies not only romance and history, but also permanent travels, risky campaigns and Spartan "living conditions.

The date was chosen by the initiators of the organization of the charming of the beneficial substances arbitrarily. Traditionally, this day tried fresh jam, there was a treat with her on the table: Raspberries were actively used in baking, compotes and other dishes were prepared from it.

Day of the Telnyashki is celebrated in Russia on August 19, and the clothes itself is a symbol of Russian sailors. Although, in our days, paratroopers wear the vest. The first sputter shirt appeared at the Kersten factory until 1917. The greater the vest in size, the more strips on it.

World photo day is celebrated worldwide on August 19, and he was approved by Australian photographer Ara Czker in 2009. On this day, professional and beginner masters of photographs arrange exhibitions in galleries, quiz and thematic evenings.

The holiday in August 2018 is the day of homeless animals. It exists in the world for more than 20 years. Invented him in order to attract the attention of society to the problem of cruelty in relation to animals. In many countries there are special shelters for our smaller brothers.

Every third Sunday August is celebrated by the Day of the Air Fleet of Russia. In 2018, he falls on August 20, when mass events, concerts and thematic evenings are held. Civil aviation today is the fastest and most convenient way of movement.

The Day of the State Flag of Russia is celebrated annually on August 22, and the Flaghanth himself appeared in our country in the 17-18th centuries. His founder was King Alexey Mikhailovich, Peter's father 1. The flag was created for the Russian fleet and was white-blue-red.

The Day of the Military Glory of Russia and the Kursk battle of 1943 is celebrated in our country on August 23. It was on this day that the Soviet troops defeated the fascists on the Kursk arc, completing the turning point of the Great Patriotic War. The fascists were adjusted by the Kursk battle of "Citadel."

The holiday in August in Russia is the day of the Russian cinema. In our country, it is annually celebrated on August 27, and before the day of Soviet cinema was called. The inventor of the moving image on the screen is considered Edison and Dickinson. The speed of 24 frame per second has survived to this day.

On this day, in our country in 2018, Shakhtar Day is celebrated. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of August. In Russia, the mining was opened in 1491 at Prince Ivan Moscow. The miner's profession is not only honorable, but also dangerous.

Blog Day is celebrated worldwide annually on August 31. What is a blog? This is a platform of computer technology, thanks to which, you can not only develop and move forward, but also make money. Russia is located on 10th place in the number of bloggers.

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The last summer month will not bring extra weekend days, but he is full of memorable dates for Russia, Orthodox people and citizens of the country. Festive days in August 2017 are devoted to several important incidents in history, religious events and several people's holidays, which so hotly love the inhabitants of our country.

Festive days in August 2017 in Russia

It is believed that August as the evening of Sunday - no longer a day off and the final month of summer is no longer so frying as his counterparts. But this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure to relax. We go on vacation to the sea or in the mountains, visit other countries or explore your native land, but if you have children or students in your family, do not forget to return to the beginning of the school year. Moreover, at the end of August, school fairs are held, where you can purchase everything you need for your tea.

But within a month, you are waiting for several memorable events, which have not yet recognized as official weekends in August 2017 in Russia, but the people are still setting and entertainment events.

For example, at the very beginning of the month, the celebration of foam beer lovers - the World Day of this drink with a big scope takes place not only in the homeland and in the most famous places of its production, but also around the world.

Orthodox love Augustus for the fact that they can enjoy the cascade of "delicious" holidays - honey, apple and final - nuts - saved noted at the end of the month.

As for public holidays, in August, the Kursk battle and its participants are honored, and also celebrate the Day of the Russian Flag.

World Beer Day - August 4

It is no secret that beer is the most popular low-alcoholic drink. It is equally strongly loved in all countries of the world, which makes it an international drink. As well as the day, in which it is honored. The holiday is not enshrined by law, but it does not bother the beer lovers to celebrate him every first August Saturday.

It is known that beer was cooked still in ancient Egypt, as evidenced by the finds of archaeologists. They argue that the first mentions and things necessary for the manufacture of beer are dated to the third century BC. But modern brewing was invented in the thirteenth century and since then, the production of foaming production is almost unchanged - only the equipment and methods of its processing are performed. The first who put the production of beer on the flow are Germans, Icelanders and the British. It is in these countries that it still has the most brewing and beer varieties, which were inherited in the family of each brewer and are now commercial secret producers.

The holiday received widespread and weekends in August 2017 are very fun on all six continents, except for Antarctica. Residents of the United States and Mexico, France and the Czech Republic, England and Poland are happy to organize holidays and festivals dedicated to his beloved drink.

Each country has its own special tradition of celebration. So, in the states like to play Bir-Pong. The game comes from the usual ping pong, just get to the beer glass. And the Events of the British arrange the race with strollers in five miles long, the prerequisite of which is to drink a glass of beer in every bar or pub, which is found on the route.

Christmas Nicholas Wonderworker - August 11

An old Orthodox holiday, which was revived in Russia just over a ten years ago on the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II. It is known that Russia is especially honored and the Nicholas of the Wonderworker and his birthday was still one of the leading holidays in Orthodox Russia with almost the time of the spread of Christianity, but under Catherine, the Great was abolished.

A lot of books are written about the life of Nicholas of the Wonderworker and His birth is a miracle. His parents of Nonna and Feofan were pious and zealous Christians who lived in a sacred marriage, but for a long time they had no children. They prayed about the birth of a baby every day and were their prayers heard, in gratitude the parents gave the promise that their child would serve God.

Nikolai created his first miracle during birth, healing it from severe and fatal disease. In the future, leading the righteous life of the minister of the Lord, he has repeatedly taken out of the prisoner and dungets of people, saved in the storm at sea, he underwent illness. An example of his simple life, he showed how to live a true Christian and righteous. And after death, all his few property bequeathed to distribute the poor. He died in a deep old age, giving everything herself to the Lord.

In Russia, it was believed that he especially favored the kings and monarchum, and ordinary people prayed to him when there were no hope for salvation. That is why Christmas Nicholas is applied to the festive days in August 2017 for all believers.

Honey saved - August 14

CO, which is celebrated by this summer, connects several memorable historical events at once. The celebration itself appeared in times when Constantinople was an Orthodox city.

The annals describe several events that have formed the basis of the holiday title - it's about salvation through prayer. The Greek Emperor Manuel before defeating the fight with Sarcins, who constantly attacked his kingdom, ascended the prayer to the icons of Jesus Christ and the Virgin, asking him to send him the salvation from enemies and turn them into flight. It is said that at the end of the prayer, he received a blessing: from icons there was a bright light, which the wolf of the king and sent him wisdom.

Much later, the army freed the lands of Russia from the constant attacks of Bulgarians and before the decisive fight, the commander Andrei Bogolyubsky grunted the hot prayer of Heaven with a request to help him save Rostovchanis from the enemy. His prayer was heard and the fight was won.

Initially, on this holiday, residents of Constantinople visited temples and shredied the water, believing that it would be healing and help to avoid his twir. This tradition appeared due to the fact that in the hot summer period in a large city there was illness and it was necessary to find from them to get rid.

In Russia, the holiday is associated with Vladimir the Great, the Baptist of Russia, since the very sacrament of baptism occurred in the water, the holiday is called "wet savage". And he became "honey" much later, when the gift of God began to consecrate in the church - the new honey, whose pitch began just at this time. And although Savior does not apply to the official weekend in August 2017 in Russia, the tradition to visit the church on this day and the Honey has remained so far.

The birthday of the Russian vest - August 19

Frankly speaking, it is difficult to call the "Russian", since it appeared in the fleet - the trading and military - European countries in the middle of the eighteenth century. But the peculiarity was that the strips of the sailors were called themselves and were multicolored. Since such disgrace was not knitted with the form and military service in the fleet, the vests were forbidden for a long time. But at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the situation has changed when the so-called Dutch form for the Navy has entered the fashion. In principle, the derivative of it we see and now: pants-gluke, a short jacket with a neckline on the neck, in which a good visible shirt - a vest.

With military reform in Russia and the change of the shape of the sailors and was introduced to the vest as part of the mandatory form. Initially white bands were significantly wider than blue, and the colors themselves were chosen because they were on the Andreev flag - the official troop of the navy troops. Over time, the strip has become the same width, but the colors remained unchanged. Also, the tel has long expanded the expanses of its distribution - today in the Russian troops, vests are developed for various types of troops and differ in color stripes.

The date of the holiday was determined precisely by the decree on the introduction of the vests in the official diet from the sailors. The initiative was put forward activists from St. Petersburg. And so far on this holiday in August 2017 in Russia, the weekend is not allocated, but the people's walk and educational events are arranged, which are told about the history of the vests and its transformations over time. In addition, the tel has long become an element of not only real men who glorify it, but also women who made a trendy outfit.

Transformation (apple saved) - August 19

The great event that occurred in the life of Christ became famous for almost two thousand years ago, and the holiday entered the list of twelve most important in the Christian calendar and complements the weekend of August 2017 and the festive days of believers.

As written by Scripture, when Jesus Christ with his students with his Peter, Jacob and John rose to Mount Favor to devote themselves to prayers, the face of the Son of God was transformed, he began to shine a bright light, and his clothes became boiled. The prophets of Moses and Ilya came to him, who told him that he was waiting for him in the future and how his earthly path would end. Jesus listened to them carefully and asked his accompanying not to tell about this event until the prophecy was happening. When the prophets disappeared, the black cloud appeared above the mountain and the voice of God called Jesus his son and punished him in everything.

On this day, the believers will holy fruit - gifts of land, especially apples, plums and pears, because the holiday wears the second name -. There is a belief that mothers who have lost their daughters and daughters who have lost their mother can eat apples only after saving and sanctification.

Day of the State Flag of Russia - August 22

The date of the holiday is defined historically - in 1991, the Tricolor was first raised over the building of the Government of Russia. In fact, the flag of the flag was returned to his rightful place, since it was the three-color staging replaced with a red cloth the Bolsheviks.

The history of the flag itself returns to the times of Peter I, who ordered all the commercial ships to lift only such a flag consisting of their three strips: white, blue and red. They say that he diagnoses the sketch independently and determined the lanes in what queue. But it is not known for sure why these colors were chosen by a great king. Later Nicholas II recognized this flag to be the only state, which issued the corresponding decree.

Today, two hypotheses of the flag of the Russian Federation are put forward. According to the first version, white color symbolizes freedom, blue - tribute to respect and worship the Virgin, which is considered the patroness of Russian lands, and red symbolizes the state. On another theory: white is a sign of nobility, blue - honesty, and red - generosity and courage. All these qualities are inherent in the Russian people.

Today the Flag Day is not officially established day off in August 2017, but a variety of events are confined to this holiday - cars and motorcycle robes, youth shares and flash drives, concerts. Every year it is done in order to emphasize the importance and importance of the state symbol and tell citizens a story of a tie.

Victory Day in Kursk Battle - August 23

The victory in the battle under Kurk was the very turning point in 1943, from which the long way of the Soviet Army began to victory over German-fascist invaders. By decree of the president, the holiday is included in the list of days of the military glory of the Russian Federation, although not allocated as a day off in August 2017.

Today, the holiday is dedicated to all those who participated in one of the most bloody battles of the Second World War. With the efforts of almost a million soldiers and thousands of units of military equipment, enemy troops were dropped far from the front line, several cities were liberated, including Kharkov and Eagle, and a long-awaited strategic advantage was obtained, which played a decisive role in the further fight against the enemy. The Germans lost more than half a million soldiers, thousands of tanks and aircraft - the losses that they did not manage to fill in the future. Thus, thanks to the intelligence data obtained on the eve, the troops were able to prepare an effective defense in advance, to deprive the enemy of the essential part of the weapons and the army, as well as to further proceed to the counteroffensiveness.

This memorable date reminds us of the sacrifice that our people suffered to provide a victory and peaceful future.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - August 28

This holiday was introduced by the church and distinguishes it from others the fact that he is not dedicated to the biblical event, but what is described in the legends of church. It is known that after Jesus was resurrected, his mother - Virgo Maria - spent his days in prayers. Her main request was reuniting with her son. And her prayers were heard.

Archangel Gabriel appeared to her with good news that her path on Earth comes to an end and she was given to the end of three days at the end of all the affairs of the world. Mary wanted to say goodbye to the apostles before his death, but they all carried the Word of God in different ends of the country. But by the day of her waste to the kingdom, the Heavenly Apostles came to the lie of the Virgin. The legend says that Jesus himself came to accompany the soul of the mother to the kingdom of God.

The coffin with the body of God's Mother was buried in one of the caves of Ghefseiman lands. But one of the apostles - Thomas - late and could not say goodbye to her and was deeply saddened by this. So that he said goodbye to her the grave, but the Body of the Virgin was not found there. Since the Virgin Mary has not suffered ordinary earthly death, it is called peace. According to legend, she fell asleep on Earth and woke up in heaven to continue his way there.

Walnut saved - August 29

Completing the session of the weekend in August 2017 the third saved, which in the people got the name "nut" or "canvas". Walnut it is called because the day ripened the new harvest of nuts in Russia and was taken to collect them ahead of them - to this day.

But "Holzovs" began to be called him after there was a piece of fabric (canvas) with the fingerprint of the Lick Jesus was moved to the Constantinople Temple from Edesssky. According to the annals, it happened in the last days of August.

August - the long-awaited month, finalizing not only the summer period, but also the season of earthworks. The main harvest is assembled, it remains to sum up, preparing for the autumn. But August is rich in not only the gifts of nature, but also the holidays, which this month is quite a lot. Find out what holidays will celebrate Russia In August 2017.

Important festive dates and holidays in August 2017

August 9 - Battle at Cape Gangeut 1714. After the defeat of the Swedes under Poltava, Peter the Great almost completely expelled them from the Russian territory. Only some marine borders were still in the power of the enemy. In 1714, the battle of Cape Gangeut occurred, during which Russian troops beat their maritime borders and got freedom of movement in Finnish and the Boat.

August 13 - the day of the builder. Running holiday, celebrated on the second Sunday of August. It has been celebrated for more than half a century in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

August 20 - Day of the Air Fleet of Russia. The holiday has no fixed date, it is celebrated annually in the third Sunday of August. On this day, special merits are noted in front of the fatherland of pilots and people of other professions serving the service in the air fleet of our country.

August 22 - Day of the State Flag of Russia. The word "flag" comes from the Dutch title of dense fabric, from which the first flags and banners were sewn for the first time. The Russian flag has gained his face at the time of Alexey Mikhailovich - Father Peter the Great.

August 23 - Kursk Battle of 1943. A turning point in the history of the Great Patriotic War. It is believed that this battle predetermined the victory of the Russian troops over German-fascist invaders in the end.

Holiday calendar for August 2017

Church holidays and posts in August

August 14 - in 2017. Honey saved. From this day, the post begins, which received its name in honor of the upcoming holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Before death, which was known in advance, Virgin Mary dedicated for a few days of living life and prayers. It is in honor of its suicide post that all Orthodox limit themselves in joy for this period. Today it is customary to consecrate the new harvest of honey.

August 19 - the Lord of our Jesus Christ. Apple saved. This large Orthodox holiday refers to the two-month incredit festivities. On this day, it is customary to go to church and consecrate the new harvest of apples and other fruits.

August 28 - the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The end of the Assumption post. The third saved. Despite, in fact, the tragic event is the death of the Blessed Virgin, this holiday is considered joyful, because the Orthodox Church teaches us that death is the beginning of a new afterlife.

Also, see: Detailed, with holidays and posts.

On August 20, there are 6 Orthodox church holidays. The list of events informs about church holidays, posts, days of reading the memory of the saints. The list will help learn the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

Church Orthodox Holidays August 20

7 day

A multi-day post. Installed in honor of the church holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. The duration of the post is 14 days.

The proof of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Continuing the holiday Transfiguration of the Lord God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ. On this day, worship is held in the temples, prayers are read.

Acquisition of the relics of St. Mitrofan (in Shima Makaria), Bishop of Voronezh

He is a day of memory of acquiring the holy relics of the first Wononezhsky bishop - Mitrofan in 1832.

Rev. Peresanin, Ierodicone Domestic, and Two Pupils

The church celebrates the memory of the St. Domestic and his students who were affected by faith in 363 during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Julian Apostamed.

Rev. Mercury Pechersky, Bishop Smolensky

Dedicated to Inak Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, Smolensk Bishop - Mercury. Battle was killed in 1347. Holy relics rest in the neighbor (anthony) caves.

Reverend Pimen Multi-Tented, Pechersk and Pimen, Hegumen, Pechersk Poster

The memory of St. Pimen, suffering from many years by severe illness. He possessed the gift of the healing of other people. The relics are resting in the Anthony cave.

We bring to your attention a significant calendar and memorable august 2017 dates,which contains not only historical, cultural, patriotic and international holidays, but also the anniversary dates, andsignificant events.

  • 95 years ago the first issue of the magazine "Crocodile" (1922) was released;
  • 30 years ago adopted a decision on the establishment of the State Memorial Museum-Reserve I.S. Turgenev "Spassky-Lutovinovo" in the Oryol region (1987);

August 1, 2017 - All-Russian Collection Day. On this day, in 1939, the Collection Service was created at the State Bank of the USSR.

August 4, 2017 - 260 years since the birth of V.L. Borovikovsky (1757-1825), Russian artist, Master of the portrait;

August 4, 2017 - 225 years since the birth of PB Shelly (1792-1822), English Romance poet;

August 4, 2017 - 155 years since the birth of S.N. Trubetsky (1862-1905), Russian philosopher, public figure;

August 4, 2017 - 105 years since the birth of A.D. Alexandrova (1912-1999), Russian mathematics, physics, philosopher;

August 5, 2017 - International Day of the traffic light. It is noted in honor of the event that occurred in 1914. On this day, the first predecessor of modern devices appeared in the American city of Cleveland. He had red and green lanterns, and when switching the light made a beep.

August 6, 2017 - International Day "Doctors of the World for Peace." It is celebrated on the anniversary of the terrible tragedy - the day of bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

August 7, 2017 - 180 years since the birth of K.K.S. S.S. (1837-1904), the Russian writer and the poet, translator;

August 7, 2017 - 70 years since the birth of S.M. Rotaru (1947), Ukrainian and Russian pop singer;

August 9, 2017 - 135 years from the birthday of Sergei Mountain (Oil Alexander-Mark Avdeevich) (1882-1949), Writer of Russian abroad. Born in the city of Pskov province;

August 10, 2017 - 105 years since the birth of George Amada (1912-2001), the Brazilian writer;

August 12, 2017 - International Youth Day. Declared by the UN General Assembly on December 17, 1999 on the proposal of the World Men Ministerial Conference held in Lisbon on August 8-12, 1998. The first time the International Youth Day was celebrated on August 12, 2000.

On August 12, 2017 - the Day of the Air Force (established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 31.05.2006 No. 549).

August 13, 2017 - International Armade Day. The International Human Day first noted on August 13, 1992 on the initiative of the British Left-Kelabe established in 1990. On this day, Lehshi all over the world seek to attract the attention of goods manufacturers to the need to take into account their convenience, organize a variety of events and competitions.

August 14, 2017 - 150 years since the birth of John Golsuorussi (1867-1933), English prose and playwright;

August 15, 2017 - 230 years since A.A. Alyabyeva (1787-1851), Russian composer, pianist and conductor;

August 17, 2017 - 180 years since the birth of A.P. Philosophical (1837-1912), Russian public activity;

August 17, 2017 - 75 years since the birth of M.M. Magomayeva (1942-2008), Soviet, Azerbaijani singer, composer;

August 19, 2017 - day of photography. The date of the holiday was chosen non-random: August 9, 1839, the French artist, the Chemist and the inventor Louis Dagger presented the French Academy of Sciences the process of obtaining Dagerrotype - images on a photosensitive metal record, and on August 19, the French government proclaimed his invention to the "gift of the world".

August 19, 2017 - 75 years since A.V. Vampilova (1937-1972), Russian playwright and prose;

August 20, 2017 - 190 years since the birth of Charles de Koster (1827-1879), Belgian writer;

August 20, 2017 - 170 years since the birth of Bolevlav Prus (1847-1912), Polish writer;

August 21, 2017 - 225 years since the birth of P.A. Plenev (1792-1865), Russian poet, criticism;

August 21, 2017 - 145 years since the birth of Obry Berdsley (Berdsli) (1872-1898), English graphic artist, illustrator;

August 22, 2017 - 155 years since the birth of Claude Debussy (1862-1918), French composer;

August 23, 2017 - the day of military glory. The defeat of the Soviet troops of the German fascist troops in Kursk Battle (1943);

August 25, 2017 - 205 years since the birth of N.N. Zinina (1812-1880), Russian Organic Chemist;

August 27, 2017 - Miner Day in Russia (Since 1947, the last Sunday of August).

August 28, 2017 - 105 years from the 2012 Expedition Day. Sedova to the North Pole (1912);

August 29, 2017 - International Day of Action against Nuclear Tests (since 2010, by decision of the WA UN).

August 29, 2017 - 385 years since the birth of John Locke (1632-1704), English teacher, philosopher;

August 29, 2017 - 155 years since the birth of Maurice Meterlinka (1862-1949), Belgian writer, playwright, philosopher;

August 30, 2017 - 100 years since the birth of E.N. Stamo (1912-1987), the Soviet architect, the builder of the Olympic village for the 1980 Moscow Olympiad;

August 31, 2017 - 145 years since the birth of M.F. Kshesinskaya (1872-1971), Russian ballerina;

August 31, 2017 - Blog Day. The idea of \u200b\u200bcelebrating the blog Day (Blog Day) on August 31 appeared in 2005.