
Velhets grade and species, landing in open ground seeds. Types and varieties of velvets perennial and annual

Preparing plants for winter

Thanks to bright colors, long-lasting flowering and unpretentiousness to the cultivation conditions, the velvets are very popular with gardeners. They are used to decorate private sites, parks, urban areas and squares. Small compact bushes are able to quickly grow up, turning the flower garden into a motley carpet. Plants do not require frequent watering, resistant to drought and shading. The variety of colors and flowers forms is a real find for landscape designers.

Velhets - Plant Description

In Europe, the velets appeared in the XVI century, their historic homeland is central and South America. Annual I. perennial plants From the family of complex beds became the favorite decoration of the gardens, balconies and terraces. Latin name Tagetis (Taghets) they received from Charles Linnei. He called flowers to the name of the mythical Divine of Tagés, the grandson of Zeus. Today there are about 60 types of velvets and many hybrid varieties in the world.

Velhets in the design of the landscape

Stem herbatous Plant Durable, reprehension, depending on the species form a compact or empty bush. Height from 20 to 120 cm. The leaves of the elongated shape are painted in various shades of green. They are half-disseated or periodily-separated, edges of gear. On the stems are arranged alternately or opposite each other. The root system is well developed. Basket inflorescences consist of tongue and tubular flowers.

Information. Many varieties of velvetsev leaves are more fragrant than flowers.

The flowering period begins in June and continues to the first frosts. After the feet of petals, a fruit is formed - a dark flexible seed. There are plant seeds in it, their number 280-650 in 1 g. The positive property of seeds is a good germination that is preserved for 3-4 years. Taghetis classified by several signs:

  1. Stem size:
    1. tall - from 60 cm and above;
    2. the average - 45-60 cm;
    3. low - 25-45 cm;
    4. dwarf - 20-25 cm.
  2. Building of inflorescence:
    1. carnation-shaped flowers consist of dissected linguistic petals;
    2. anemonovoid - in the center there are large tubular petals, and at the edges of 1-2 rows of the branch;
    3. chrysanthemum-shaped - inflorescences in shape resemble a ball, they consist only of tubular petals.
  3. By the number of petals:
    1. simple - flat inflorescences, similar to chamomile, consist of one or two row of tongue petals;
    2. semi-grade - flowers have at least 3-4 rows of petals;
    3. terry - lush inflorescences of a combined type, they include tongue and tubular petals.

Varieties and names of low-speed velvets

To make your own idea of \u200b\u200bthese interesting colors, it is worth studying the varieties and photos with the names of the velvetsev lowered:

  • "Red Parch" - a compact bush tall up to 25 cm with large bright red flowers. Inflorescences of 4-6 cm in size have a velvety texture. The velets bloom abundantly from June to October. Great adjacent to primulas and cycroes.

    Red Parch

  • Taghetis rejected "Kid Harmony" - the variety is highlighted by a spectacular two-color color. Stems branched from the very base. On the rejected shoots during flowering, many bright spherical colors appear, turning the bush into the fae of the paints. The edge flowers of the inflorescences are brownish-red, middle flowers - golden. Leaves are green, half-disseated. Culture height 20 cm, flower diameter - 5 cm.

    Toddler harmony

  • "Petit spray" - lowered (up to 30 cm) splashing bushes retain decorative attractiveness throughout the summer, to the first autumn frosts. The inflorescence of the denominations, it is reminded by chrysanthemums. The color of the two-color - the middle is bright yellow, and the framing is dark red. Locked on the 20 × 20 scheme for the design of flower, borders, vases.

    Petit spray

  • "Red Gem" - the height of the bush is 20-25 cm. The plant is distinguished by rich blossom, a plurality of simple flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm covers an empty busty. Taghetis bright red petals, sediments - yellow. During the removing the boat buds, you can extend the flowering period.

    Red gem

  • "Naughty Marietta" - among French or rejected velyts, this is the most popular variety. The second name is "Playing Marietta." The size of the bush does not exceed 30 cm. Flat, neachless inflorescences grow up to 5 cm. Two-color coloring - on a golden-yellow background red-brown strokes at the base. The leaves are peristracted, edges are covered with jar.

    Playful Marietta.

  • Bonita blend - a dwarf annual up to 20 cm. The main decoration of the cookistic is multicolored star inflorescences. The mixture is characterized by the presence of flowers with different color: yellow, orange, red-brown. The variety is good in group landings and for growing in vases.

    Bonita Mix

  • "Carmen" - a rejected taghetis with a spreader bud of up to 30 cm. Inflorescences of cloves, tongue petals located along the edges, red-brown. Middle of a yellow flower. Terry inflorescences grow to 5-6 cm. The distinctive characteristic of the variety is a resistant aroma resembling the smell of ASTR. Plant for decorating Rabatok and Leaves. Loads in the garden and the city to scare the pests.


  • "Tiger's eye" - a decorative variety of rejected velvets up to 35 cm. Buds branched, carved leaves, dark green. Machirus inflorescences consisting of a variety of tubular flowers of saturated orange colors, framed by red-brown petals. The diameter of the carnation is inflorescences 5-6 cm. Often occurs when the balconies and the veranda are design. The plant has a peculiar aroma.

    Tiger's Eye

Very decorative attractiveness possesses velvets low-grade large-flowered varieties:

  • "Antigua Orange" is the most popular hybrid variety, widespread for landings in mix bears and vases. A lot of strong flowerons grows on bushes with gust matters of 8-12 cm in size. They resemble the sphere. Color painting - bright orange.

    Antigua Orange

  • Lemon - a dwarf bush not higher than 20 cm is distinguished by round terry colors with a diameter of 8 cm. Single coloring - lemon yellow. Swirling petals resemble chrysanthemums. Leaves elongated, half-disseated. Excellent option for growing in pots and vases.


  • "Cheerful clown" - annual with early and abundant blossom. Merry coloring of flowers will give an unusual flavor area. Large flat inflorescences have a striped gamut. Lemon yellow and red-brown stripes alternate with each other.

    Cheerful clown

  • "Queen Sofia" - the velvets rejected low-speed - up to 30 cm. Dense, gustant bushes can boast of inflorescences up to 7 cm. Petals - bronze-red, golden plates. Under the sunny rays, the color burns out. Used for group landings. The culture blooms from June to the first frosts.

    Queen Sofia

Rules of growing vertexes


The optimal time for planting seeds of low-speed velvets into an open ground is the last month of spring. Saplings are sensitive to low temperatures, frost can destroy them. For germination, the seeds require a temperature above 20 °. Before starting landing, the Earth must be prepared. Scale primary soil fertility and superphosphates. Under the seeds of a ripper make grooves with a depth of 4-5 cm. The soil moisturizes. Seeds evenly scatter and bury. Depending on the temperature, the sprouts will appear in 5-10 days.
Seeds Taghetis

Growing seedlings

In order to enjoy the pesting paints of the Taghetis at the beginning of the summer, it is necessary to plant seeds in March-April. For germination seed material It is recommended to prepare a loose mixture:

  • peat;
  • nerd land;
  • humus;
  • river sand.

All components are taken in equal proportions. At the bottom of the container for growing seedlings, the drainage layer is satisfied. This will prevent stagnation of water, negatively affecting the development of seedlings. The layer should be at least 3 cm. Small gravel is suitable as a drainage, crushes, crushed stone. In order to disinfect the land taken for the substrate, a solution of manganese is used.

Council. Seeds of reprehension taghetis Saw in March, and the rejected (low) - in April. In this case, they will bloom at the same time on the flower bed.

Capacity for seedlings is filled with soil, leaving 2-3 cm from the edges. Before planting seeds, the substrate is moisturized. With an interval of 3 cm, transverse grooves are made to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Seeds are folded at a distance of 1 cm from each other. But this is not a prerequisite if shoots will be thick, they can be broken. The seed material is filled with a ground by 1 cm. The container is covered with glass or polyethylene and leave in a warm place with a temperature of 20-22 °.

If before the appearance of the first sprouts (5-7 days) the soil dries down, it should be poured. Small seedlings gradually teach to lower temperatures, moving into the room, where 15-18 °. When careing, it is important to prevent soil overflow. The water from the pallet is immediately poured. After the emergence of two carved (real), the leaf is carried out. Saplings are selected in separate containers so that they are fully developed.

To extract seedlings from the ground, a spoon will fit. The landing of grown seedlings into the open ground occurs at the end of May, and in the cold climate - in early June. By this time, night frosts cease. The soil requirements on the landing site are a bit: it should be with a neutral pH, loose and fertile. Place of landings are drunk and contribute complex mineral fertilizers. The lowered velvets plant at a distance of 15-20 cm. In the first month, flowers need regular watering. Periodically, it is necessary to loosen the soil and giving the weeds.

Velhets can be grown in pots

Diseases and pests

Thanks to the emitted phytoncides, insects bypass the velvets side. Their fungicidal properties protect itself and the plant and nearby culture from the spread of fungal infections. The only danger for taghetis is excessive moisturizing. For high damp Get the roots of colors. The drought is also harmful to plants, in hot weather they settle for a web tick.

Useful properties of low velvetsev

The unusual fragrance of Taghetis does not have to do anything, but it has useful properties. Spicy smell helps calm down and relax. In the insects, the fragrance acts as a repellent. The pests of the garden avoid places where fragrant flowers grow. This property of the velvets has long been noticed by farmers, they plant bright bushes around the perimeter of the bed. Natural protection is not worse than insecticides, while safe and environmentally friendly.

Chemicals secreted by low-spirited velvets contribute to the purification of the soil. They negatively act on fungi and bacteria. In the fall after the onset of frosts, the plants are used as sitarats - crushed and bury on the site. The composition and condition of the Earth improves. Each part of the culture benefits a person. Taghetis roots are able to drive nematodes. Small worms make tremendous harm to planting potatoes, strawberries and other cultures. For 2-3 seasons, chemical compounds from the root system of colors are eliminated from dangerous pests.

In the leaves and inflorescences of Taghetis contain essential oil. It has been applied in cosmetology, added to liqueurs and soap, is used in the food industry. Healing properties Vitytsev helps to treat colds, inflammation of the gallbladder, constipation. Dry flowers scare mole by placing them in the closet, you can not worry about the state of clothing.

Usage in landscape design

In decorative gardening uses hybrid grades of taghetis. Low-colored flowers are organically looking at the motley flower bed and a garden vases.

Low velvets on flowerbed

The minimum requirements for care and long-lasting flowering contribute to the popularity of the velvetsev. Compact bushes are grown to decorate interior rooms, terraces and balconies. They develop perfectly in pots.

Flowers decorate any home and garden. They create an atmosphere of the holiday around us, give a spring mood and pleasant fragrance. There are no exception and velvets perennial, landing and care for which they do not require special temporary and material costs. went from their velvet lowbow. In some countries, they are also called Chernobriv.

Pros and cons of velvetsev

Like any other plant, this flower has its own positive and negative sides. Let's start with the fact that not all of him love because of a specific smell. The aroma is very pronounced, with tartness notes, so some people prefer roses or cloves, which smell, no doubt better. But it is this strange fragrance that scares different pests that spoil the plant and cause illness. Of course, this is one of the advantages that the velvets possess. Growing, landing and care for them because of this takes a little time and do not require many resources, as a result, the flowers become just a find for lazy gardeners.

In addition, the black-rings are not afraid of drought, and this also appreciate gardeners. Putting these flowers, you can not worry about frequent watering. In the summer of the whole family, there is a possibility of a few weeks to wave at sea, not experiencing that the plant will die. Returning home, you will find all the same bright blooming velvets perennial, landing and care for you will be alone just with pleasure, and not a universal problem.

How to land

When you decide that you want to get exactly this plant, then hurry to the store for seeds. Choose them so that they are all the same size, without any damage, not wet and non-risen. When they germinate, instead of naked flower beds, we will have a whole flower planet. Velhets, landing and care for which will be real pleasure, will be able to bring the atmosphere of joy and ease to any housing.

Seeds are planted in small wells, the distance between which should be about 2 centimeters. The earth is sprinkled from above (the layer is not more centimeter), after which they watered. By the way, there should be no water to be much. It is necessary to withstand moderate watering until the appearance of the first sprouts.

When noticeably the appearance of pionebers leaves, the flowers are transplanting to a new place. If it was pots, now - open soil. At the same time, the Chernobrbors should not be very close to each other. Place them better than even beautiful rows or geometric shapes. You can choose your version of the pattern in special editions, where it is described in detail the landing, varieties and properties of velvetsev.

How to get seeds for re-fit

Of course, when you once see the fruit of your efforts - a whole field of colors outside the window, then you want to land the velvets for the next year. Planting a plant grade will become a real hobby that will fully capture you already in early spring. It is during this period that the plant can be planted in a warm room. With the arrival of April-May, they can be transplanted into open soil or can be done immediately, but not before that time to retreat frost and cold.

If you want to plant the velvets and the next year, then leave several flowers on the flower bed to their complete drying. Then from the cup should be carefully removed the seeds, slightly add them and postpone until the next spring. Just know that the black-rings obtained in this way will not always look like last year's. They may differ in shape and color, since the most popular varieties usually have hybrids. Their hereditary signs occur sometimes after several generations of plants. Professionals are usually advised to plant seeds a maximum of two years ago, because older samples lose their ability to quickly shoot and blossom.

What land love velvets

As we already understood, these flowers can be grown in two ways: in the form of seedlings and directly into open ground. Each gardener chooses that method that is more suitable for him. In any case, the Earth should be as loose as possible. Better when you follow the proportion of humidiation, peat, jeep and sand. The last component must be taken half less than other components. Flowers also need good drainage. This is easy to achieve, sprinkled by three centimeters soil with a mixture of rubble, sand and clay. Before the landing in the ground, fertilizers can be made, but not fresh manure.

If you planted the velvets to open soil, they will come up in a week, and bloom in 2-3 months. With this method, seeds throw in specially cooked grooves whose depth is one and a half or two centimeters. If chose eat method, then the seeds need to land in the boxes. The first shoots should appear about 10 days.

Features of care

When the first leaflets appear on the site, then the joy there is no limit. But now you have new worries - this is care and transplanting plants. As already mentioned, they are unpretentious, but still avoid excessive moisture and shadow (this does not really affect young shoots). Ideal for color growth is air temperature in the area + 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees of heat. From the cold wind, the plant should be protected by special partitions with a transparent film. Feature velvets need once a month. This is enough so that they do not only grow rapidly, but also water the plant is not much, otherwise the stagnant moisture can cause rotting sprouts.

Undercaming We introduce this schedule:

  1. The shoots reached a height of 10 centimeters.
  2. The first buds appeared.
  3. Beginning of flowering.

In addition, the flowers need to be periodically pouring to ensure normal air circulation in the soil. If you want the bushes to have a beautiful form, sometimes cut them off. Slowing leaves and flowers need to be deleted.

How to deal with pests and avoid disease

It is usually not difficult. Mounted by a specific odor, the velvets scare off harmful insects, protect themselves from fungi and nematodes. Moreover, gardeners plant them along the edges of the site so that they become a shield for other plants that are inside. And it is rational, since the velvets, sowing, care, whose varieties have unpretentious nature, are at the same time very aggressive to external stimuli. The colorado beetle is bypassing them by side, other bugs are also not particularly like to wear in the leaves of this plant.

If on the colors during the drought, a web tick was covered, then get rid of it easily with spraying and irrigation. At the same time, excessive rains threaten the colors of fungi and rot. With this, we fight through the drying of the Earth and provide access to large quantities sunlight. Usually this plant is striking gray rot - it is easy to learn on dark brown spots. Patients velvets need to quickly remove.


Whatever this plant seemed simple and the same type, there are 60 of its varieties. Most of them are hybrid grown by crossing and during experiments. Most popular species: reprehension, thincase and rejected velvets. Description of the variety, conditions of cultivation, care, the use of fertilizers, all of them usually do not particularly differ.

But there are varieties, not similar to others. For example, colors, grown in Latin America, helps for constipation, is also an excellent vomit and diuretic. The seasoning, known in the world as Imeretin Saffron, is also made from this plant.

There are nation-color, terry, semi-world and other varieties of velvetsev. Usually they have a yellow or orange color, but there are also varieties of plants with white and burgundy buds. Any velvets perennial, landing and care for which are not too expensive, are very colorful decoration cottage plot, urban flowerbed or balcony in high-rise building.

Velhets as part of landscape design

If you have decided to plant the seeds of this plant, then comply with certain rules to general form It was not too glued or catchy, chopped or semi-empty. Determine the place along the edges of the flower beds by filling out it in the middle of those who are higher. The whole composition will be well visible.

Flowerbed can be one color. But it is better a combination of different shades, such as white and red, brown and yellow. Blossom will delight the eyes of a whole summer if some plants are covered or dried, the new buds will be attached aesthetic.

Velhets are the perfect material for creating a live border. If, besides the colors you still grow and vegetables, then plant this is a fragrant plant at the edges of the bed. Thus, you give her a beautiful view and protect the harvest from pests, which scares the specific odor of colors.

Invalued benefit

Flowers not only adorn the flower beds and beds, but also actively used in folk medicine and cooking. The tincture of this plant improves the metabolism, soothes the nervous system and relieves stress. Velchattsy is an excellent choleretic agent that helps with the initial stages of diabetes, which reduces blood sugar levels. When problems with pancreas, baldness, poor eyesight, psoriasis are also indispensable. Our ancestors used them for the treatment of cold and flu.

As for the cooking, then the velvets are used in pickles and marinades as a spice. They contain a whole bunch of essential oils and coloring components. The dried and turf to the state of the powder plant is stored in glass containers and are used as seasonings. And fresh leaves of colors are suitable for the preparation of salads. In short, the velvets perennial, landing and care for which they do not deliver special hassle, not only become part of the landscape design, but also help heal a number of diseases, and also make dishes more spicy.

- It is a bush from reprehensible, branched stalks, a height of 20 - 120 cm. Leaves - from light green to dark green colors, half-disseated, less often gear with translucent glands. The placement of leaves on the stem is opposite or alternate.

Inflorescences Ordinary or terry baskets of yellow, brown or orange color with sharp, resembling asters, smell. Flowering time from the beginning of summer and before the appearance of frosts. The root system is urine.

There are annual and perennial species. Especially over Europe and further after they were brought from America by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century. You can read about all types of this plant.

Annual or not?

The choice between annual and perennial depends on how much the veleant will be planted. Perennials are suitable for long-term cultivation in one place, with an increase in area that plants will be occupied by self-sam. In addition, every year, the bustle of the velvetts is becoming stronger and give larger and lush flowers.

Annual plants require an annual landing, but it arises more space for change in landscape design. They can be planted not only on the flower beds, but also in the vasons, kashpo, move them with pots where the feeling of aesthetic equilibrium will require. Is it possible to grow this beautiful flower We wrote at the pots at the pots.

In addition, their new varieties appear much more than a variety of perennials. Even simple collecting the seeds of polished colors of different varieties, you can get your own new hybrid. How to collect the seeds of the velvetsev, you will learn at.

Plants and photos

Below you can familiarize yourself with the description of the appearance of vertex varieties and look at their photos.

Rejected or french

Take place from the mountainous regions of Mexico. The name is due to the fact that their side shoots are always rejected. Growing low bushes up to 60 cm high, consisting of reprehensive shoots with dark green peristrase leaves. Flower from June to October.

Flowers terry or semi-grade 4 - 6 cm in diameter. It is undemanding to the composition of the soil and feel well even on stony soils. Widely used for landing in the parksaders and on alpine Gorki.

Throughly or mexican

Groove with bushes with a height of up to 50 cm from the branching from the very base of the stems. Light green leaves peristo-disseated, small and narrow. Flowers are golden, orange, red, yellow to 2 cm in diameter. They grow well even on highly contaminated soils and on the side of roads. Leaves of some varieties are used in cooking.

Pretty or African

Grow high bushes high from 30 cm to 1 meter. Stems straight, ribbed with peristo-separated sawn leaves of all shades of green. Flowers from light yellow to dark orange diameter up to 13 cm. Good suitable for growing on a cut.

All the details about which types of velvetsev exist, you can learn in, and the photo and description of the most popular varieties can be found.

Appearance and features

Velchatts perennial grows compact bushes consisting of reprehension, branched stems 20 - 130 cm high. Depending on the species, the leaves are peristole-disseated and the peristo-separate all shades of green.

Reference. These colors have a very strong and fairly specific aroma. But it is rather their advantage. If you put the velvets next to vegetable crops, they will help protect them from pests.

Inflorescences consist of tubular and tongue flowers. Depending on their shape and the number of velvets, it is customary to divide on:

  • simple (consisting of 1 - 3 row of tongue petals);
  • semi-grade (in their composition not more than half of the tongue);
  • terry (These colors have more than half or tubular or tongue).

Flowers can be painted in yellow, orange, lemon, white, motley, red-brown. At the overall height of the bush, the velets shared on:

  • Giant - more than 90 cm.
  • High - up to 60 cm.
  • The average - up to 50 cm.
  • - Up to 40cm.
  • Dwarf - up to 20cm.

In order for the velitans to develop normally, it is recommended to comply with a number of rules for their landing into open ground.

Important. Abundant watering is very important for the further development of the velvetsev. With its absence, the bushes grow low, with a small number of shoots, and the flowers will be much less than they should be.

On how to get the seedlings of a beloved flower, we wrote in.

If it is decided to plant a simple sowing, that is, two options. Seeds are planted either dry or pre-soaked in warm water for several days. All details about the cultivation of velvets from seeds you will find.

  1. On the site of the landing make grooves in a depth of 5 cm and moisturize them.
  2. Seeds are sown at a distance of 5 cm from each other.
  3. Filled beds fall asleep the earth or peat.
  4. After the appearance of a pair of real leaves, the sprouts are pyric and thinned. As a result, between the plants there should be a distance of 20 cm, for tall varieties of 40 cm.
  5. While the plants are not fixed, it is carried out abundant watering and regular weeding.

All the rules of landing of velvetsev can be found in, and how to do it right at home and in open soil Read.


For the landing draw attention to its illumination. Although it is allowed to land in the half and shadow, but it is better to plant these thermal-loving flowers on the plots that are well covered all day. In these areas, water should not be searched, since, otherwise, the coloring of flowers with fungal diseases of the roots begins.

Also, when choosing a place, the future height of the bush is important. Usually from forming floral curbs or planted on alpine slides. The remaining varieties are used as the central elements of the flower bed or plant in the flower bed.

Source requirements

In general, the plants are quite unpretentious to wealth and the density of the soil on which they grow. For achievement the best results It is recommended to plant them in neutral sublightened soil, which is prejudiced by minerals and microelements. For better supply of oxygen, it provides good drainage, for example by installing compost.

Important. You can pre-eat the soil with any complete mineral fertilizer In a complete dosage, but it is impossible to use manure to do this.

Care and choice

For proper choice The initial place of landing, with constant lighting, the care of the velvets, although it is not difficult, but still they require some attention.

Common diseases and pests

  • Gray Gnil It is formed if the summer is too rainy and cold or with close planting of plants from each other. It is characterized by dark brown stains on the stems and leaves. When a contaminated plant is detected and destroyed.
  • Root rot Appears as a result of stagnation of moisture in the soil. It is treated by any phytoncides for plants.
  • Slug and Snails begin to attack plants when high humidity. Fight with them collecting them with their hands and setting open containers with a chlorine near the plants.
  • , a certain number of boxes with seeds simply leave on the bushes. In the future, they themselves will reveal and the seeds fall on the ground.

    The easiest way to reproduce is the division of the maternal bush. The dried bush is simply separated by several parts with roots and stems. Then they put them separately according to the landing rules.

    In general, we can say that the velvets are a good choice As for beginner flower water and for tempting in their business, gardeners and landscape designers.

    A large selection of varieties and unpretentiousness in, make it easy to decorate them as a city club and a private house or cottage. And the gardeners will like that their smell will scare harmful insects from beds with vegetables.

Rurities of Russia and the nearest abroad with pleasure and quite successfully grown cabbage. But "set" is usually limited to varieties white cabbage Different time ripening, broccoli and cauliflower. Meanwhile, we already have the types of cabbage, which ripen earlier, and their hassle brings less. In this article, we offer to your attention 5 types of cabbage, which you may have not yet heard, but which are precisely growing.

The long-awaited April does not always present pleasant surprises with the weather. But sooner or later, all work in decorative garden Start in April. From simple economic hassle and clearing of vegetable garbage, cutting dry curtains and soil mulch before bookmarking new flower beds - take care of many ways. A landing go to the fore in April. Bushes, trees, Liana better have time to fall out this month. But do not forget about the rest of the seedle.

Among the diversity of tomato varieties, as a rule, only two groups are distinguished: intederminant and determinants. But the tomato world is divided into more diverse "clans", to know about which not only interesting, but also useful. Tomatoes are divided by the process of cultivation, in terms of maturation, in the form of a sheet, in the form of a fetus, in size, in color ... Today I want to talk about the varieties that form the most colorful group under beautiful title Bi-Color (Bi-Color).

Charming April with its delicate blossom and first dazzling greens - a month is very capricious and changeable. Sometimes he is unpleasantly surprised by the winter atmosphere, and sometimes it pleases with unexpected warmth. In April, work starts on the beds, and the high-fledged season begins in the greenhouse. Sowing and landing to open ground should not interfere with the care of seedlings, because the quality of the crop depends on its quality. Moon calendar useful plants Especially favorable at the beginning of the month.

Spring sanitary trim Allows you to form a beautiful crown, stimulates formation high yield. Trees are easily transferred, recovery occurs very quickly, the wounds are well delayed. The main goal is to form the crown, the removal of broken and dried over the winter branches. Especially needed winter trimming in the first four years after landing, when skeletal branches are laid. Optimum time Spring trimming - from the beginning of winter to start spring.

Extreme sensitivity to low temperatures makes zinnia to the textures that are usually grown through seedlings. But in the crop, and the cultivation of young zinniy, there is nothing complicated. These are hardy and not requiring special leaving a plant that is easy to grow from seeds. And if you collect your own seeds, then one of the most "economical" semids in your collection. Bright baskets of inflorescences Color the garden with a special cheerful cloth.

In the domestic market there is a large assortment of cucumber hybrids seeds. What to choose a variety to get the maximum harvest? We defined top hybridsAccording to the buyers of the "Agrouse" seed. They became "Merenga", "Zozul", "Masha" and "director". In this article we will tell you about their advantages. Since absolutely all cucumber hybrids do not have drawbacks: they do not turn yellow, have a lot of obscenities, the fruits are not large, resistant to disease.

Eggplants - High reprehension plants with wide leaves of dark green and large fruits - create a special mood on the beds. And in the kitchen, they are a popular product for a wide variety of dishes: eggplants are fry, extinguished and canned. Of course, grow a decent harvest in middle lane And north - the task is not easy. But when compliance with the agrotechnical rules of growing, even newcomers are quite affordable. Especially if growing eggplants in the greenhouse.

Last quarreling with apples and cinnamon on vegetable cream is a simple pie that is suitable, this baking can also be included in the vegetarian menu. There are situations where dairy products need to be replaced by vegetable, then plant creams prepared on the basis of vegetable fats come to the rescue of hostesses. The taste of the cream is well combined with apples and cinnamon, the bakery powder makes the dough with a lush and air, the cake is just delicious.

Buying blooming orchid, lovers of exotic plants are wondering - whether it is also good to bloom and at home and is it worth waiting for re-blossom from it? Everything will be - and grow, and bloom, and delight for many years, but under one condition. As for any indoor plantsFor orchids initially need to try to create acceptable conditions for growth and development. Sufficient lighting, humidity and air temperature, special substrate - highlights.

Noble magnificent greens, unpretentiousness, the ability to clean the air from dust and pathogenic microorganisms make nefrolyptic one of the most popular indoor ferns. The types of nefrolyptic set, but any of them can become a real decoration of the room, and it does not matter, the apartment is, vacation home or office. But only healthy well-groomed plants can decorate the room, therefore the creation of suitable conditions and correct care - the main task of the flower water.

The right selection under the fur coat is the layers in turn, on the outlines of which the taste of the dish depends. It is important not only to fold fish and vegetables in a certain sequence. Great importance Has prepare products. Never boil vegetables for this snack on the eve, overnight in the refrigerator they will lose part of the taste, will become fresh. Weld the vegetables 2-3 hours before cooking and cool them to room temperature. You can also bake carrots, coat and potatoes in the oven in foil.

In the garden first-aid kit of experienced gardeners, the crystal iron vigorous is necessarily present, or iron sulfate. Like many other chemical drugs, it has properties that protect garden-berry cultures from numerous pests and insect pests. In this article, let's talk about the features of use iron Camp For processing plant plants from diseases and pests and other options for its use on the site.

Many do not represent their diet without ripe delicious tomatoes. Moreover, the variety of varieties allows you to choose the one that most to taste. There are varieties that are called Salad, that is, to use them better in fresh form. This includes Tomato Honey, whose name speaks for itself. In 2007, Honey grade included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. "Agrouse" offers seeds from the best breeders of the world who have passed additional testing

Retaining walls - the main tool for working with a complex relief on the site. With their help, not only create terraces or play with planes and alignment, but also emphasize the beauty of the rocker scenery, a change in the height, the garden style, its character. Returning walls allow playing with raised and lowered platforms and hidden zones. Modern dry or more solid walls help the deficiencies of the garden turn into its main advantages.

For territory decoration the optimal choice The landing of different beautiful flowers is considered. Among them are interesting are the velvets represented by annuals and perennials. They refer to the Astrov family, so they differ in large sizes and attractive external species. Caring for flowers is considered easy and accessible to each person, so it is possible to get a really beautiful territory.


Description of Vitytsev

Motherland data flower is Central America. Velhets have not only an attractive look, but also many useful propertiesAt the expense of which they were still used in various rituals that contribute to cure from different diseases.

Important! Now the number of velvets species exceeds 40, as well as they are cultivated in different countries.

The features of these flowerfish belongs:

  • stems are reprehensible and branched;
  • the combination of stems forms a rather large and beautiful bush, the height of which varies from 20 to 130 cm;
  • the leaves can be peristracted or dissected, as well as the next or opposite;
  • possess the velvets by the root root system;
  • the leaves are distinguished by green coloring, which can be bright or dark;
  • in the process of flowering, extraordinary beauty floral baskets are formed, and they can be yellow, orange or brown;
  • in the middle of the flowers are routine or tubular, and at the edges of false-language;
  • the flowering of velvetsev comes from mid-June to the middle of the autumn, namely to the first frosts;
  • plants are multiplied by self-sowing, and the seeds obtained retain the germination over the next four years.

Important! The specifics of the velvetsev is that a pleasant and unique fragrance exudes not the flowers themselves, but the leaves.

Therapeutic properties of vertexes

For a long time, these plants have been used in therapeutic purposes, moreover, both flowers and leaves. Even modern medicine It confirms that the velvets possess excellent therapeutic properties.

Important! If you carefully study all the parameters of these plants, it is possible not only to enjoy the unsurpassed appearance of flower beds from velvetsev, but also to use them to create various useful ointments or other products for the treatment of different diseases.

Velhets are used in order to:

  • lutein contained in plants has a positive effect on the eyes, as it reduces the possibility of the development of cataracts;
  • with the help of brazers from the velvetsev, diabetes is treated and inflammation of the pancreas is removed;
  • if the plants are dried, and then creating an infusion, then with the help of the resulting solution, the effective treatment of stomatitis and asthma, colds or bronchitis is ensured;
  • to remove stress and overstrain of the nervous system, baths are made, which is added not a large number of Barake from velvets, as well as such baths are considered effective for people suffering from depression or increased anxiety;
  • often used velvets for the preparation of various sauces, spices or even baking;
  • in the Caucasus, the velvets are sold in the form of a powder, which is constantly added in the process of preparing pylov or other folk dishes;
  • the leaves of the velvetsev are often used in cooking marinated vegetables, as they give elasticity themselves, and it is also attached to them an incredibly pleasant fragrance.

Types and varieties of velvetsev

There are quite a lot of velvetse species, but varieties are considered the most popular:

  • PersecurityWith usually quite considerable height, which can vary from 30 cm to 1 meter. Inflorescences are usually terry and monophonic. Their size in diameter is 15 cm, so they are considered large and bright, which ensures unsurpassed decoration of any territory. Vanilla is considered the most popular variety of velvets of this species. Flowers of this variety have a height of 70 cm, and the flowers have a cream shade. The diameter of the inflorescence can reach 12 cm.

Vanilla Vantilla (Vanilla)

  • Rejected Very velvets, having an insignificant height, so they usually do not grow more than 60 cm. Plants are represented by small bushes on which many inflorescences are growing, and they can be terry or non-none. Their diameter is usually 8 cm. Bonanza and Carmen are considered in demand varieties. They have a bright and beautiful appearance, and also usually have a red and orange color.

Bonanza Bolero vecanta (Bonanza Bolero)

Vityhattsy Carmen

  • Tod-collar The velvets are not too common in Russian climatic conditions, since even the messenger cold is considered destructive for them. They have really unusually beautiful openwork leaves, characterized by the unique and pleasant aroma. The stems appear numerous small inflorescences with a red, orange or yellow tint, so such a bush looks really incredibly beautiful. It can be used to create accents on any territory or in the flower composition. There are more than 70 varieties of this type of velvetsev, but their height usually does not exceed 40 cm. They differ in a powerful root system, and also equipped with apparent roots located at the bottom of the stems. The most popular varieties are Ursula and Lulu.


Vitya Lulu (Lulu)

Each type is considered to be specific and possessing an interesting appearance. They include different varieties, so there are large-flowered velvets or small-beds. They can be terry or denselyah.

Important! Colors different species And the varieties of velvetsev can be different, but the most commonly encountered yellow, brown or orange shades.

Velhets - Growing

Important! The process of growing velvetsev is considered as simple work that even a beginner flower industry will cope with it without any problems, and this is due to the unpretentiousness of plants.

Some owners of the velvetsev prefer to pull the flowering bushes, after which they are easily accepted, so they are pleased with the territory owners with bright and beautiful blossoms. It is also allowed to land seeds directly into open soil, but this process is recommended to be carried out at the end of May, when good weather is installed on the street, and freezes are completely stopped. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the soil warmed well.

Seed landing in open ground is performed in the correct sequence of actions:

  • a furridge for plants is created, and its depth is approximately 5 cm;
  • the resulting groove is poured by a small amount of water;
  • the seeds of velvets are prepared, for which they are pre-soaked to determine which of them are high quality and ready for landing;
  • next, they are driving in advance made by a furrow;
  • the seeds of the earth are poured and a little water;
  • the first sprouts appear in a few weeks;
  • if there is too thick arrangement of sprouts, it is recommended to destroy them so that it turns out a beautiful flower arrangement.

Thus, it is even possible to get beautiful and strong velvets, but this work is allowed to be performed solely in the warm season, when the Earth warmed up well, and also does not happen night frosts.

Important! If there are vertices in the territory, there will be no need to buy seeds for the next year, since they can be easily obtained from the glaces of the glands, for which the inflorescences are well dried, after which the seeds retained to the next year at home.

If you want to get beautiful and blooming velvets as early as possible, then it is advisable at home to grow a strong seedlings, which further places into the open ground. This takes into account the basic rules of the process:

  • it is advisable to plant velvetse seeds to obtain seedlings as early as possible, namely early in spring, so that after disembarking into the open ground, beautiful and lush flowering immediately began;
  • for landing, a high-quality mixture consisting of humus, sand, turf and peat is prepared, and it is also watering with a disinfecting solution of fungicide;
  • the landing is performed in the size of the containers suitable, on the bottom of which crushed stone or sand is laid out to form a drainage layer, and its height should be approximately 3 cm;
  • organic fertilizers are made in the soil, but it is not allowed to use fresh manure to do this;
  • the grooves are made in the container, and the distance between them is left within 2 cm;
  • they fit the seeds of velvets, which are further poured soil;
  • watering should be careful, since a large amount of water can wash the seeds from the soil;
  • put containers should be in a warm place in the house, and it is important to ensure that the soil does not swap;
  • after about a week, the first sprouts of the velvetsev will appear, after which the containers are exhibited by such a place where they will flow a lot of light, and the temperature should be within 18 degrees.

Thus, get high-quality, strong and optimal seedlings quite simple.

When to plant velvet seedlings?

Seedlings landed only after night freezes will completely stop. This is usually carried out at the beginning of summer. To obtain a qualitative result, recommendations are taken into account:

  • it is desirable that at seedlings of velvets have already formed at least three leaves, as well as the root system was strong and powerful;
  • the nutrient soil is prepared on the site, which must be neutral;
  • if the land is considered non-homing, then you will have to make fertilizers in less than three times over the summer;
  • during the landing, a distance of about 40 cm is left between plants;
  • after disembarking, it is necessary to provide abundant watering by plants, as otherwise they will not be too strong.

Thus, planting velvets into an open ground will not be difficult.

Velhets - care

In order for the velittsy to be strong and pleased with beautiful bloom, they provide competent care, which consists in simple actions:

  • the landing is performed in a place where good and bright lighting will be;
  • during the growth of velvets, abundant irrigation is provided;
  • after the appearance of inflorescence, watering becomes moderate;
  • fertilizers do not necessarily, but it contributes to more beautiful and lush flowering;
  • regularly the flowers are passed, and the soil is fried;
  • to prevent the growing velvetsev, their trimming is carried out, which additionally makes it possible to get really beautiful bushes;
  • flowers are removed.

Thus, it is necessary to care for the velvets in the same way as almost for all other colors on the site, therefore it does not require any specific actions.

Velhets after flowering

Usually, the velvets are used as annuals, so they simply pull out and emit.

If there is a desire to grow them in next year, then seeds are gather, which are dried and stored in a heated room.

Important! Dried inflorescences can be used for therapeutic purposes.

Velhets - Diseases and Pest

If summer is rainy or abundant irrigated, then snails appear that you need to be removed manually or scare the chlorine.

Often there is a gray rot on the leaves, and all the affected flowers are necessarily removed, and otherwise they will quickly infect other velitans. If the summer is arid, a web tick appears, to remove the flowers sprayed with a solution of onion, red acute pepper and militant.

Velhets - Pictures

Bonanza Flame velets

Velhets Antigua Mix Hybrid

Bonanza Mix velets

Thus, the velvets are considered an excellent choice for any territory. They are presented in many varieties and species. Possess beautiful view And easy to land and leaving. It is important to monitor the lack of pests and diseases, and can also be used by plants for therapeutic purposes.