
Nobel Prize in Physics Amount. The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded the Japanese and Canadz, who had proven that neutrino had a mass.


The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2015 was received by Takaaki Kadzit (Japan) and Arthur Mankdonald (Canada) for neutrino research and experiments to detect the mass of this elementary particle. The Nobel Committee reported this at a special press conference in the capital of Sweden Stockholm.

"The discovery has changed our understanding of the most intimate processes in matter and may be extremely important for our understanding of the Universe," the Committee's press release says.

The amount of the Nobel Prize this year is 953 thousand US dollars. Researchers share it in half.

It should be noted that the study of neutrino helps scientists to peel into deep space, track the life cycle of stars, detect distant astronomical objects. With their help, there are also studies of the composition of the Earth. In addition, the concept of neutrino is used in quantum mechanics - for example, through studies in this field of physics, it is calculated to create new technologies for transmitting information over long distances and through huge obstacles.

Recall, in 2014, the award in the field of physics was awarded to the Japanese Isomo Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and a US citizen of the Japanese origin of the Cyutsi Nakamura.

In total since 1901 and until today, the Nobel Prize in physics was presented 108 times, marking her 199 scientists. The winners of the highest scientific award did not declare only in 1916, 1931, 1934, 1940, 1941 and 1942.

The youngest physicist who received "Nobel" was Australian Lawrence Bragg. Together with his father William Bragg, he was noted in 1915 for research of the structure of crystals using X-ray rays. A scientist at the time of the announcement of the results of the Nobel Committee's voting was only 25 years old. And the oldest Nobel laureate in physics, American Raymond Davis, on the day of awarding the award was 88 years old. He devoted his life to astrophysics and was able to detect such elementary particles as cosmic neutrinos. The average age of physicists on the award of the award to them until today was 55 years.

Among the laureate physicists, the least number of women is only two. This is Maria Curi, who, together with her husband, Pierre in 1903 received a reward for radioactivity research (it was in principle the first of the women received the highest scientific award) and Maria Geppert-Mayer - her in 1963 awarded the opening concerning the shell structure of the nucleus.

Canadian Arthur McDonald and the Japanese Takaachi Kadzita "For the discovery of neutrino oscillations showing that neutrinos have a lot." In the existence of a nonzero mass, this particle of physics was confident by the last few decades, and the decision of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences finally delivered the point in this matter.

Historically, neutrinos arose in the physics of elementary particles more than 80 years ago during searches of solving two problems of nuclear physics: the so-called nitrogen catastrophe and descriptions of the continuous electron spectrum in beta decay. The first problem is related to the fact that scientists considered the correct theory of Rutherford, according to which the atom consists of protons and electrons. In particular, physicists did not know about the existence of a neutron and believed that the node of the nitrogen atom consists exclusively from protons. This led to the fact that the experience and theory gave various values \u200b\u200bof the spin of the nucleus (its full moment of movement).

The second problem is a continuous spectrum of electrons in beta-decay (this decay changes the charge of the nucleus per unit and leads to the emission of the electron or its antiparticle - positron) - is due to the fact that in experiments on beta-decay the energy of the resulting electrons changed continuously, unlike , for example, a discrete (interrupful) spectrum of alpha particles (kernel of helium-4).

Two problems did not give rest to physicists, since they led to a violation of the laws of conservation - pulse, moment of impulse and energy. Some scientists, in particular, Dane Niels Bor, even suggested that it was time to revise the energy bases of physics and abandon the laws of conservation. Fortunately, this did not have to do.

All reassured the Swiss physicist Wolfgang Pauli. In 1930, he wrote a letter to the participants of the conference in the city of Tubingen. "It is possible that there are electrically neutral particles in the nuclei, which I will call" neutrons "and which possess back 1/2. The mass of the "neutron" in order of magnitude should be comparable with a mass of the electron and in any case no more than 0.01 mass of the proton. The continuous beta spectrum would then be clear if we assume that during decay, together with the electron, the neutron was emitted - in such a way that the sum of the neutron energies and the electron remains constant, "the scientist reported.

The Neutron Pauli was not the neutron, which was experimentally opened in 1932, British James Chadwick, and theoretically suggested the Soviet physicist Dmitry Ivanenko and the German Werner Geisenberg. Meanwhile, in 1933, Pauli performed at the Solveyevsky Congress in Brussels, where he told the details of his idea, "saved" the law of conservation of energy.

Neutrino (Italian "Little Neutron") gave the name Italian physicist Enrico Fermi, who created the first quantitative theory of beta decay. It described the interaction of four particles: proton, neutron, electron and neutrino. Neutrino in the theory of Fermi is not contained in the atomic core, as Pauli believed, and flies out of it with an electron as a result of beta decay.

Fermi considered the neutrino neutral particle easier than an electron or even with a mass equal to zero. However, its theory was intolerable (led to divergence). Only after the introduction of new particles - intermediate vector bosons - and the creation of an electroweak theory, which combines weak and electromagnetic interactions, all properties of neutrinos received a consistent theoretical justification. Since then, neutrino has become the main markers of weak interaction.

Starting from the experimental opening of neutrinos in 1953-1956 by American physicists by Frederick Raine and Clyde Cohen (the first of them received the Nobel Prize in 1995, the second before that did not live - died in 1974), scientists worried two questions. The first - whether neutrinos have a mass and do they have antiparticles. The opening of McDonald and Kadziti allowed us to affirmatively answer this question. Yes, neutrinos have a lot.

The main contribution to this discovery was made by McDonald and Cadresiti and the teams headed by them. Neutrino Observatory detector in Sudbury Sno (Sudbury Neutrino Observatory), which is headed by Arthur McDonald, allowed to observe solar neutrino oscillations, and the Japanese experiment Super-kamiokande allowed to detect atmospheric neutrino oscillations.

Neutrino is extremely small interacts with the substance: the length of the free mileage of such a particle in water can reach about one hundred light years. In order to fix neutrinos, super-sensitive experimental settings, which cut other background processes that may interfere with neutrino registration.

The Canadian detector in Sudbury is located in a nickel mine, at a depth of more than two kilometers. It has the type of sphere with a diameter of 12 meters, which is filled with a thousand tons of heavy water, surrounded by a seven thousand tons of ordinary water. In the sphere at a distance of about half meters there are about 9.5 thousand photoelectronic multipliers that record neutrino interaction products with deuterium (among them - protons, electrons and neutrinos).

The Super-Kamiokande detector uses the cave space located 250 kilometers from Kek (the main Japanese research organization in the physics of elementary particles). It has a tank with 50 thousand tons of water and photomultiple placed in it.

Under the oscillations of neutrino implies the mutuals of one variety of these particles to others. In total, there are three types of neutrinos (and possibly three types of anti-particle responding): electronic neutrino (historically the first open type of neutrino), muon neutrino and tau-neutrino. Together with electron, muon and Tone, they form six leptons - the class of structured elementary particles. The holders are also considered elementary particles, however, consist of quarks that, as a result of the phenomenon of asymptotic freedom (inefficiency), cannot be observed in a free state.

The problem of neutrino oscillations originated from astrophysics - scientists observed the discrepancy between the generated by the amount of electronic neutrinos and the particles reaches the land (about two thirds of such particles do not reach the planets in the initial state). For the first time, this was observed by the American physicist Davis Raymond (he received in 2002 the Nobel Prize "For the creation of neutrino astronomy") in experiments with target from Tetrachloroethylene. Neutrino's scientific deficit has been observed repeatedly, and the explanation of this was offered to America Lincoln Wolfenstein (in 1976) and Soviet physics Stanislav Mikheev and Alexey Smirnov (in 1986).

The proposed mechanism was called the name of Mikheev-Smirnova-Wolfenstein. The phenomenon is that when neutrino moves in a substance, the surrounding leptons induce the appearance of the so-called efficient mass in a particle, which depends on the type of neutrino and the density of leptons in the medium. If the masses are neutrino equal to zero or coincide, then such a process should not be.

In the classic version of the standard model (cm) - the modern and most consistent working theory, describing all known interactions of elementary particles and received confident experimental confirmation (completed by the discovery of Higgs boson), - neutrinos have an equal to zero mass. However, in recent decades, scientists carry out calculations, considering the mass of neutrino nonzero, is achieved by a small modification of the CM without disturbing its internal harvesting.

Theoretically neutrine oscillations are included in the CM matrix of Pontec-Pachanga-Zagaya-Sakata, the elements of which contain so-called mixing angles (among which there are also those that can make neutrino so-called mayorano particles, but about it below). In this sense, the adoption of nonzero mass neutrinos does not mean some fundamentally new expansion, see

At the same time, there are three groups of fermions in the theoretical physics of particles (so called particles with a half-heer spin - it is neutrinos that include Neutrinos): Weilev, Mayoran and Dirac. Germanis Veil particles (predicted by German scientists in 1929) arise as solutions of a massless equation of the Dirac field (which, in turn, describes relativistic massive fermions - in particular, electrons and their anti-patches are positrons). The initial equation at the same time decomposes into two, each of which is called the Vaile equation and describes massless fermions with opposite spirals. Fermions Ettore Majorants are indistinguishable from their anti-patches. Dirakov Fermions include all particles that do not fall under the definition of Veyl and Mayorano.

Currently, all fermions of the standard model confidently (except neutrino) are considered to be Dirac. The discovery of McDonald and Takaaki showed the massersion of neutrinos, therefore, these particles are not Veylvski. The question of whether the neutrinos coincides with the neutrino of their particles with anti-patches (that is, whether the parties proposed by Pauli are mayoranoisky), currently remains open. The most interesting begins, if it turns out that neutrinos are not Dirac, but by major particles.

Veyl fermions to scientists to detect, but only in the form of quasiparticles. Physician particles found in experiments on the passage of light through one of the forms of the crystals of the arsenide of tantalum (arsenic and tantalum compounds). Scientists managed to choose from the variety of such crystals (their optical properties depend on the frequency of incident radiation) of the compound with the necessary physical properties. Material with such quasiparticles can be used in the computers of the future.

Search mayoioran neutrinos can be different ways. The most common of them consists in the search for an off-rich double beta decay, as a result of which the electrical charge of the atomic nucleus would increase by two units with the emission of two beta particles (two electrons). Double beta decay is a type of radioactive decay, in which the charge number of the nucleus is increased by two units. As a result, the mass of the nucleus is practically not changed, and two electrons and two electronic antineutrinos are additionally formed. In the original-ended double beta decay, as clearly out of the name, neutrinos (or antineutrino) are not formed. For this, it is necessary that neutrinos are mayorano particles (that is, by particles whose anti-particles coincide with particles), and had a lot of massive mass.

In a standard model - the modern theory of elementary particle physics - the non-per-ended double beta decay violate the law of conservation (general) lepton number. So, in double beta decay, two particles and antiparticles are formed (for example, two electrons (lepton charge +2) and two electronic antineutrinos (lepton charge is -2)) and the law of conservation of the lepton number is preserved (0 \u003d + 2- 2), in the non-rigid double beta decay, only two electrons can be formed, and the law of conservation of the lepton number turns out to be disturbed (0 ≠ + 2).

Until now, scientists have not discovered Majoran neutrinos, and the forecasts here are still disappointing. The search for major neutrinos and attempts to detect processes that violate the laws of conservation of lepton and baryonic numbers are the desire of physicists to go beyond the limits of cm: lepton and baryonic numbers, unlike, for example, an electric charge are not sources of calibration field (in case of electrical charge - electromagnetic Fields). Currently, scientists continue to experiment on the detection of Majoran neutrinos, and their goal is to check the various hypotheses and restrictions on the expansion of the CM (including supersymmetric and with additional spatial dimensions).

So, if entering Majoran neutrinos in cm, it turns out to be significantly advanced in explaining many issues of modern cosmology at once, in particular, the problems of dark matter and the observed asymmetry of the substance and antimatter. Neutrinos, in the opinion of many scientists, is a suitable candidate for the role of particles of hot dark matter - such particles of hidden mass, which move with near-light velocities. A whole zoo of exotic particles is proposed for the role of cold dark matter (moving much slower than neutrino), including a number of particles-superpartnerers of well-known particles of the standard model.

Massive neutrinos, like their superpartners - Snaithrino, are part of many extensions, see, primarily supersymmetric. In supersymmetry, the number of particles doubles due to the fact that each known particle is put in accordance with its partner particle. For example, for a photon - Fotinos, Quark - Svwarta, Higgs - Higgsino and so on. Superparters must have a spin value, on a half-ranger number differing from the back value from the source particle - this means that the superpartner has other quantum statistics (particles-boson has a superpartinger fermion and vice versa).

Therefore, physicists explore special scenarios in which special spaces of parameter values \u200b\u200bare concluded (mass of particles and the values \u200b\u200bof the mixing angles in matrices of the type matrix of quarks of cable-kobayashi-maskawa and matrix of the neutrino-puff-maki-pump-sakata neutrino mixing matrices), allowing experiments to detect traces SuperSymmetric particles. During the last experiments on a large hadron collider for supersymmetric models, sufficiently strong restrictions on the parameters of the theory were obtained, however, it still exists the possibility of building a consistent particle physics model.

Many secandals, scandals and well-known discoveries are associated with neutrino, and you can talk about it for a very long time. So, the Italian Ettore Majorana disappeared without a trace during the naples sailing in Palermo, and Isaac Pomeranchuk - a student of the Soviet physics of Leo Landau - considered the creation of the theory of two-component neutrinos in 1955 (whether Tzundao, Young Zhennin also worked on it and Abdus Salam) His teacher.

In 2011, Opera Collaboration (Oscillaration Project with Emulsion-Tracking Apparatus) announced the detection of superlumular neutrino. Later, scientists recognized their opening erroneous and abandoned him. Did not pay the neutrino and writers. In the novel Stanislav Lem "Solaris" described "guests" - reasonable creatures from neutrino.

Each discovery associated with neutrino is noted by the attention of the Nobel Committee. And it is no coincidence: all the development of the physics of elementary particles in the 20th century is inextricably linked with this particle, nevertheless it is known to be extremely few - only Boson Higgs has been learned less. 85 years of neutrino studies have not allowed to determine its mass, and the opacity of its properties allowed physicists to associate further progress in science with predicting the potential properties of this particle.

Stockholm, October 6th. / Corr. TASS Irina Dergacheva /. The Nobel Prize 2015 in the field of physics was awarded on Takaaki Tuesday (Japan) and Arthur McDonald (Canada) for the opening of neutrino oscillations, testifying to their mass.

This was announced by the Nobel Committee at the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden.

The premium size is one million Swedish crowns - this is about 8 million rubles at the current course. Awarding the laureates will take place on the day of the death of Alfred Nobel 10 December in Stockholm.

The laureates managed to solve the problem over which physicists beat for a very long time. They proved that the neutrino particles have a mass, albeit very small. This discovery is called an epochal for physics of elementary particles.

"This discovery has changed our idea of \u200b\u200bthe internal structure of matter and may be decisive for our understanding of the Universe," the Committee explained.

Neutrinos - an elementary particle that "answers" for one of the four fundamental interactions, namely for weak interaction. It underlies radioactive decays.

There are three types of neutrino: electronic, muon and tau neutrinos. In 1957, the Italian and Soviet physicist worked in Dubna and the Soviet physicist Bruno Pontecorvo predicted that neutrinos of different types can move in each other - this process is called oscillations of elementary particles. However, in the case of neutrino, the existence of oscillations is possible only if these particles have a mass, and from the moment they are discovered physics, they believed that neutrinos were massless particles.

The guess of scientists was experimentally confirmed by the Japanese and Canadian groups of researchers under the leadership, respectively, Takaaki Kadziti and Arthur McDonald.

Kadzit was born in 1959 and is currently working at Tokyo University. McDonald was born in 1943 and works at the University of Queens in Canadian Kingston.

Physicist Vadim poor people about neutrino oscillation

Almost at the same time, a group of physicists, headed by the second laureate Arthur McDonald analyzed the data of the Canadian experiment SNO, collected in the Observatory in Sadbery. The observatory observed neutrino threads flying from the sun. Star radiates powerful electronic neutrino streams, but in all experiments, scientists observed the loss of approximately half of the particles.

In the course of the experiment, the SNO has been proven that simultaneously with the disappearance of electronic neutrinos in the flow of the rays, approximately the same tau-neutrino appears. That is, MacDonald and colleagues proved that the oscillations of electronic solar neutrinos in Tau occur.

Proof that neutrino has a mass, demanded to rewrite the standard model - a basic theory that explains the properties of all known elementary particles and their interaction.

In 2014, the most prestigious scientific reward on physics was given by Japanese scientist Isama Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Jamura Support for the invention of blue LEDs (LED).

About premium

According to Alfred Nobel's will, the physics premium should be awarded to that "who will make the most important discovery or invention" in this area. The Prize awards the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, located in Stockholm. Its worker is the Nobel Physics Committee, whose members are elected by the Academy for three years.

In 1901, the first award in 1901 received William X-ray (Germany) for opening radiation called him name. Among the most famous laureates - Joseph Thomson (United Kingdom), marked in 1906 for the study of electricity through gas; Albert Einstein (Germany), who received a premium in 1921 for the opening of the photo effect; Niels Bor (Denmark), awarded in 1922 for the study of the atom; John Bardin (USA), two-time winner of the premium (1956 - for the study of semiconductors and the opening of the transistor effect, 1972 for the creation of the theory of superconductivity).

The right to nominate candidates for the award has scientists from different countries, including members of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences and Laureates of the Nobel Prize in Physics, which received special invitations from the Committee. You can offer candidates from September to January 31 of the next year. Then the Nobel Committee, with the help of scientific experts, selects the most worthy of candidates, and in early October, the Academy chooses the laureate with a majority vote.

Russian scientists became laureates of the Nobel Prize in Physics Ten times. So, in 2000, Zhores Alferov was awarded her for the development of the concept of semiconductor heterostructures for high-speed optoelectronics. In 2003, Alexey Aprikosov and Vitaly Ginzburg, together with British Anthony, Hergettom received this reward for an innovative contribution to the theory of superconductors. In 2010, Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Game, who are currently working in the UK, were awarded awards for creating the world's thinner in the world - graphene.

Physicists explore not only the properties of large bodies, including a huge universe, but also the world of very small or so-called elementary particles. One of the sections of modern physics, in which the properties of particles are studied, is called physics of elementary particles. The discovered particles turned out to be so much that a table was drawn up, similar to the periodic table of Mendeleev for chemical elements, but particles, in contrast to the chemical elements, it turned out much more than a hundred. Naturally, physicists tried to classify these particles by creating various models. One of them is the so-called standard model, which explains the properties of all known particles, as well as their interaction.

It is known that our universe is managed by four interactions - weak, strong, electromagnetic, gravity. These interactions are the result of the collapse of some supersyl, the nature of which is unknown to us. It led to a large explosion and the formation of our universe. The supersual impact will help us understand the mechanism of education of our world, as well as establish the cause of how physical laws and fundamental constants were built into our universe and manage it. As the Universe of the Universe is cooled, it fell into four forces, without which there would be no order in it. We can understand the nature of the supersila by combining four interactions. The standard model takes into account only three types of particle interaction - weak, strong and electromagnetic, because The gravity in the world of small particles is insignificant due to the insignificance of their masses and therefore is not considered. This model is not the "theory of all", because It does not describe dark matter and dark energy, of which almost 96% of our universe consists, and also does not take into account gravity.

The search for deviations from this model and the creation of "new physics" is one of the most interesting areas of research in modern physics. Superclayer in Europe was built, among other things, to verify the standard model and the creation of "new physics". According to this model, neutrinos is a massless particle. The discovery of mass in neutrino was an important critical test of this model.

The history of the physics of elementary particles began at the end of the 19th century, when the English physicist J. J. Thomson opened the electron, studying the deviations of cathode rays in the magnetic field. Later, the Beckel was opened by the phenomenon of radioactivity, in which three types of radiation are formed. They were called alpha, beta and gamma-rays (three first letters of the Greek alphabet). The study of the nature of these radiations showed that alpha particles are a positively charged kernel of helium atoms, beta particles - electrons with a negative charge, and gamma particles - particles of light or photons that do not have a mass or charge. In 1905, X-rays were discovered by X-ray. These are the same gamma rays, but with a high penetrating ability. In 1911, the famous English Scientific Rangeford, studying the deviation of alpha particles with thin gold plates, installed the planetary model of the atom. It was a year of birth of nuclear physics. According to this model, atoms consist of positively charged cores around which negatively charged electrons rotate. Atoms are electrically neutral, because The number of electrons is equal to the number of protons. In 1932, a proton-neutron model of atomic nuclei was formulated after predicting the English physicist with a new uncharged particle - a neutron with a mass of the close weight of the proton. Soon neutrons were found in the nuclear reaction of carbon interaction with alpha particles. The number of elementary particles increased by 1932 to four - electron, photon, proton and neutron. At the same time Paul Diraca predicted anti-particles. For example, an electron antiparticle is a positron. An antiparticle of an atom is an antiatoma, which consists of negatively charged antiprotons and neutral antineutrons with positively charged positron rotating around Anti-Syadra. The effect of the predominance of matter over antimatter in the Universe is one of the fundamental problems of physics that will be solved with the help of superclylider.

If you read the book of Dan Brown "Angels and Demons", then surely remember how physicists using a powerful accelerator, synchrophasotron, received a small amount of antimatter in an amount of less than 1 gram, but which possesses a powerful destructive force, for example, according to the author, destroy the Vatican in Rome. So who and when predicted small neutrino?

When physicists studied the phenomenon of beta decay, they found that the spectrum of emitted electrons was not discrete, as the law was predicted by the law of conservation of energy, but was continuous. Those. Part of the electron energy somewhere disappeared and thus the law of conservation of energy seemed to be broken. The famous Niels Bor even suggested that, perhaps, with the beta-decay of the nuclei, the law of energy conservation is violated. However, physicists skeptically reacted to this idea and tried to find another explanation of the reasons for the disappearance of energy.

The Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli in 1932 predicted the existence in the process of the beta decay of another particle, which does not have a mass, no charge and the abundant energy. Italian physicist E. Fermi, which then built the theory of beta decay, proposed to call this particle neutrino, i.e. Little neutron. However, the neutrino was registered impossible for almost 25 years, because This particle is freely, without any interactions, could penetrate the huge strata of space without interacting with it. For example, while you read this article, hundreds of trillion neutrinos will fly through your body, without interacting with you.

By Ilya Gulkarov

It took almost 25 years after the prediction of Pauli, so that this extraordinary particle was finally discovered. The existence of neutrino was first confirmed by American physicists of Cowen and Rainis in 1956 since neutrinos - "elusive" particle, it is registered indirectly. Usually the detector is placed deep underground (1500 m) to eliminate the influence of various factors, and fill it, for example, chlorine in the amount of 400,000 liters. Solar neutrinos in very rare cases (one / two neutrino per day) can turn chlorine into radioactive argon, which can be registered, because He emits photons.

In the Canadian experiment, the detector is a sphere with a diameter of 12 m, which was filled with 1000 tons of heavy deuterium water and was placed on a depth of 2000 m. Neutrinos, fluttering through this sphere, in very rare cases interacts with deuterium (about 10 events per day), forming electrons , the spectrum of which is measured, or neutrons that are registered using detectors. Thus, solar neutrinos were recorded. The first experiments in order to detect neutrino showed that they are actually three times less compared to the calculated on the basis of the mathematical model of the Sun and this problem was then calledsOLAR neutrino. problem.. seemed that there were in fact three types of neutrino - electronic, muon and tau-neutrino. Transforming neutrino of one species in another calledneutrino oscillations. The cause of oscillations is the presence of neutrino mass. In the depths of the Sun, only electronic neutrino is born in the reactions of thermonuclear synthesis, but on the path to the ground it can turn into other types of neutrino - MJ and Tau. Therefore, in the first experiments, they were registered in

"Funny" balls are three types of neutrino electronic, muon and tau-neutrinos three times less. German scientist Hans Bethe predicted a seriesproton-proton reactionsin the sun explaining why the sun radiates the grand energy. Later, for this discovery, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. In these reactions, four hydrogen atoms are converted to a helium atom. At the same time, neutrinos are formed, positrons and huge energy is distinguished. Every second four million tons of the mass of the Sun (!) It turns into energy in accordance with the Einstein formula E \u003d ms². But the mass of the sun is so great (let's remind you that the sun is heavier than the Earth more than 330,000 times) that the radiation of the Sun will continue billions of years. Using the same reactions that occur in the sun, physicists constructed a hydrogen bomb, i.e. A small "man-made" sun on the ground, in which the same thermonuclear reactions occur as in the sun. If our understanding of these reactions was wrong, the explosion of the hydrogen bomb would be simply impossible.

New experiments A. McDonald (Canada) and T. Kajit (Japan) allowed them to determine the mass of neutrino, i.e. They proved in their subtle experiments the existence of neutrino oscillations, i.e. Transforming neutrinos into each other.The neutrino mass turned out to be extremely small, in millions of times less than the mass of the electron, the easiest elementary particle in the universe. Let me remind you that a photon, i.e. The particle of light is not masses and is the most common particle in the universe. For this discovery they gotNobel Prize in Physics 2015. As the Nobel Committee announced, the awards were presented "for the opening of neutrino oscillation, showing that neutrino has plenty." They proved the reality of neutrino oscillations, i.e. transforming one type of neutrino to others and vice versa.

This discovery is fundamental, because Changes the balance of masses in the universe. From the mass of neutrino depend on the assessment of the mass of our universe.Information about the exact value of the mass of neutrino is important for explaining the hidden mass of the universe, since, despite its smallness, their concentration in the universe is huge and it can significantly affect its full mass.

Let's summarize. The prediction of Pauli neutrino allowed physicists to explain the phenomenon of beta decay and confirm that the process of energy conservation does not violate the process. Registration of solar neutrinos allowed physicists to check the mathematical model of the Sun and predict proton-proton reactions that explain the huge excretion of energy to the Sun and open three types of neutrino. This allowed physicists to create a small sun on the ground in the form of a hydrogen bomb. Neutrine oscillations, i.e. The transformations of the neutrino of one type into others were due to the presence of mass in neutrino. Their discovery was noted by the Nobel Prize 2015. Although the mass of neutrinos in millions of times less than the mass of the electron, the assessment of the mass of the universe depend on it and, ultimately, it will help physicists to understand the nature of the hidden mass of our universe. Due to the nonzero mass of neutrino physics, it is looking for an output outside the standard model, i.e. Neutrine research brings them to the creation of "new physics" and a new understanding of the processes within our world.