
Fertilizer for roses in spring - the best time for feeding. Undercalinking roses - an important element of lush flowering and health of bushes

Decorative trees and shrubs

The sharing of organic and mineral fertilizers is very effective. Organizer, of course, more useful. It not only feeds plants, but also improves the structure and properties of the soil. But when introducing elevated doses of mineral fertilizers in the Earth, unnecessary solutions of salts are formed, which oppress the development of roots. Here they come to the rescue organic substances, absorbing some of these compounds and gradually give them plants.
The main rule when using mineral fertilizers - everything is good in moderation! Despite the shortcomings, the benefits of them are obvious. Organic fertilizers act slowly, and mineral 0 quickly. Therefore, for the very best conditions Nutrition is suitable when both groups are made.
Help: If you refuel the landing pit well, then there is no need to fertilize roses per year of planting. Young plants useful feeding on the sheet and potash feeding in the fall to prepare in wintering.

Dry feeding should be carried out only after abundant irrigation or rain. No need to pour fertilizers to the center of the bush, retreat 10-15 cm, then you need to pour the earth again.
Heavy clay soils with great content organic substances Better hold nutrientsthan the poor humus is sandy, so you can feed less frequently on clay roses. If the summer is rainy, then the plants need to water more often, and the recommended doses should be increased.
During flowering roses do not feed.

Mineral fertilizers.

For an active increase in shoots and lush bonding, nitrogen is necessary. It is consumed by roses in large quantities during the period of intensive growth. Nitrogen fertilizers: ammonia Selith, urea. When we need to have more actively grow new shoots? Of course, in the spring and in the first half of summer. Do we need new shoots in the fall? Not. One of of most important conditions Successful overwhelming - well-overwhelmed shoots, and those that grew up at the end of summer and in the fall will remain for the winter with unpleasant wood and most likely die. If there is moisture under the shelter, they will begin to rot, as a result, the entire bush can die.

With an excess of nitrogen, roses are rapidly developing, but flowering is delayed: the number of flowers decreases, roses are inhabit and therefore often exposed to fungal diseases. The greatest concentration of nitrogen in young leaves and shoots. Juicy young foliage attracts Tlya, so the overwhelmed roses suffer from her most!

To prepare a solution of ammonia nitrate or urea, take 1 tablespoon of fertilizer on 10 liters of water.

Help: Grass shoots - annual shoots, the length and thickness of which exceed the average grade rates. Such shoots usually take a lot of strength from the plant, do not be firmly branched, do not bloom, spoil appearance. If it is not plenty rose And if the escape never bloomed to July, such shoots are recommended to trim on a third or more.


Phosphorus helps abundant flowering. But the most interesting thing for us is that it contributes to the acceleration of roses. What does this mean? Under the influence of phosphorus in cellular juice, the content of soluble carbohydrates increases, aging shoots and, as a result, the freezing point decreases. This is what we need for a safe wintering of our roses. Phosphoric fertilizers: Superphosphate Double, Superphosphate, Ammophos.


With a lack of potassium, plants are easier to face diseases, therefore, potash-phosphoric feeders are recommended for prevention (100 grams of superphosphate plus 30 grams of potassium sulfate on 10 liters of water). In addition, this substance helps roses to hold water, and in the time of heat, the leaves are not so fast. Potassium together with phosphorus affect the abundance of flowering and even on the color of the plants. It is good to feed roses during the bootonization period.

Potassium also contributes to the aging of the wood, increasing the content of proteins and carbohydrates. And the most interesting thing: it enhances the movement of sugars from the leaves to other organs of the plant, and due to their accumulation in the cellular juice, the temperature of the freezing of roses decreases.

What kind of sugars are so wonderful? We all know that cellular juice consists of water and various substances. What happens when the temperature is reduced? Water freezes and turns into crystals. The most common cause of winter death garden plants - freezing associated with the formation of ice crystals in cells. Sugar protects from this large volume of intracellular water, significantly reduce the amount of ice generated. Now it is clear why experienced rose rustles advise in the fall to cover roses from heavy rains. Escapes should not dial too much moisture. And sugar increase the viscosity of the protoplasm and reduce the amount of water in cells; Thereby, the amount of ice formed is noticeably reduced.

Now "rule of measure." Published by potassium roses will be bloated late, and undeveloped buds are discharged.
The most common potash fertilizers: potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potash saltitors, Calimagnesia.

Potassium chloride is not recommended, despite the fact that it is a fertilizer with the highest substance content. This feeder also contains chlorine, which depresses the development of roses. Most often I use potassium sulfate or calmagnesia. For the preparation of the solution takes: 30 grams of potassium sulfate on 10 liters of water or 1 tablespoon of calmagnesia on 10 liters of water.

Often use trace elements for fertilizer is not necessary, it is enough to feed roses one or twice for the season. SAMI effective subordinate - Extreme.
Less fertilizer is often much better than usual, especially when the plant weakly or weather conditions leave much to be desired. His advantage in the rate of absorption of trace elements by plants. It is necessary to spray to completely wetting the leaves, and both sides are working. Do it follows cloudy weather or in the evening.

Extra-green subcords
Extra-green subcords It is recommended to be carried out using micro and macroelements. Nitrogen and potash fertilizers are enough to dissolve in cold water When stirring shortly before spraying. Superphosphate must be inspected during the day. For extractive feeding, it is better to choose dry, but non-fit weather.

Extra-corner feeders can be made only by freshly prepared solution.
They are not diluted with soil (ballast, which is present in mineral fertilizers), soil microorganisms and rain worms are not destroyed. Extra-greened feeding is made only in the evening so that the drops with the fertilizer did not dry as long as possible on the leaves. It cannot be carried out in crude or cold weather, when strong dew is expected. Especially dangerous extraordinary feeding, when there are already black spot foci on the leaves.

For the extra-root feeding of roses, a complex liquid fertilizer for indoor flowers is quite suitable: it, in addition to the main nutrients, contains all the necessary microfertilizers. But in no case can not be excluded from the feeding of roses to spring making a premium compost or humoring.

Organic fertilizers
(of personal experience Stephen Fedorovich Nedlikova)

Organic fertilizers contain plant nutrition elements mainly in the form of organic compounds. These include manure, composts, peat, green fertilizer and others. Roses are needed organic fertilizers, but remember that fresh manure can burn their fresh roots, so use only overwhelmed or semi-saved manure.

- Chicken infusion. I do this: the divorce chicken litter in a capacity of 50 liters. The proportions depend on the freshness of the manure. As a rule, it is 1:20; If the litter lies for a long time, then we divorce 1:10. For convenience I use plastic jars from under the kebabs. I smell 2.5 litter banks and pour water. I add superphosphate, approximately 500 gr and liter ash bucket, insist for a week. For irrigation, launches 3 l infusion water bucket.
- Cow infusion. On 50 liters of water, I take 5 liters of manure, 500 Gy of superphosphate and liter ash bucket, insist for a week. For watering, launches the water bucket of 5 liters.
The dung alive is preparing for feeding roses as follows: Capacity fill on 80% fresh cowbank, pour to the top with water, I add 100 grams of wood ash for every 10 liters. Within two weeks, the solution stir daily. Since nitrogen dominates in the navigation, nitrogen predominates, phosphate and potash fertilizers need to add.
In addition to all the necessary roses chemical elementsDung alurious contains bacteria that make inaccessible plants inaccessible organic compounds, Transferring them to the digested form.
For feeding roses, we use the following solutions (10 liters per 1 sq m):
- First feeding (in May): 9 l of water, 1 kg of cowboat, 20-30 Gy of superphosphate, 15-20 gr potassium sulfate;
- The second feeding (in July): 9 liters of water, 1 kg of cowboy, 20-25 Gy of superphosphate, 25-30 gr potassium sulfate.
When feeding roses is better to make dung Zhip. In the soil, and all mineral fertilizers are in the form of extraxanlety feeding on the leaves. To do this, use doses three times less.
- Herbal infusion . If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a manure, you will also make organic fertilizers from plants. I prefer a nettle, but practically any weed topping is suitable, which can be used until seed ripening.
Large plastic bucket on 10 liters snatch almost completely green nettle mass. Foliage and stems, and even roots are in progress. Secocator ruble nettle into smaller pieces. The mass is tightly talked by two thirds of the bucket. I add 100 grams of the superphosphate (instead of it I use urea), a glass of ash, pour water and leave for a week. In the sun, the fermentation process is accelerated. For watering under the root I use an uncritical infusion (1 l per 10 liter of water), for spraying the leaves, infusion is polling and latter immediately before use (0.5 liters of infusion on 10 liters of water).

Scheme of subcord

April (late April - beginning of May). If the weather allows, after trimming roses, you can first feed roses with nitric fertilizers. I prefer an ammonary nitrate or urea. You can also use Kemir Spring (now this is a Ferctik trademark - approx. QAZ1971). Proportion: 1 tablespoon of fertilizer on 10 liters of water. If in a dry form, then 1 st spoon under the bush, followed by loosening and irrigation.
A week later, adopt roses with organic fertilizers: half ancara of the rewind manure under each bush. Having retreated from the center of the bush 10-15 cm, make a wide furrow and lay a fertilizer with subsequent loosening and irrigation. In the spring I only do dry feeding, in summer - only liquid.
MAY. If you did not feed roses in April, do it in early May. In mid-May, use mineral fertilizers with a large content of nitrogen: ammonium nitrate, urea. Proportion: 1 Art on 10 liters of water.
If I have the opportunity, replacing the above-mentioned feeders with a mineral granulated fertilizer of GreenWorld. After that, watering the rose with a solution of organic fertilizer: infusion of a cowboat, chicken litter or a green fertilizer (two double-liter buckets for each bush).
JUNE. In early June, when rose bootonization occurs, it is necessary to use the calcium alternation and organic fertilizer mortar (infused cowboat, chicken litter or green fertilizer).
This month is good to do extra-root feeders: alternate double superphosphate with potash societary, infusion of ash, infusion of cowboy and microelements.
Before flowering (in mid-June), it is necessary to support roses with potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate or calmagnesia. You can also use sodium humat. Under each bush is enough 2 liters of solution.
JULY. After flowering and trimming, roses must be filtered by universal mineral fertilizer with a large content of potassium and phosphorus (for example, a versatile beemic; proportion: 1 vska spoon on 10 liters of water) and organic fertilizer solution (infusion of cowboat, chicken litter or green fertilizer)
It is also worth using extractive feeders: double superphosphate with potash societary, infusion of ash, infusion of a cowboy, microelements.
AUGUST. In early August, the last time adopt the roses in the infusion of organicists. Two weeks, use potash-phosphoric fertilizers. After another week - potassium sulfate. Take advantage of extractive feeders: infusion of ash, microfertres, double superphosphate.
SEPTEMBER. At the beginning of the month, roses can be filled with calmagnesia.

Based on the materials of the book Tadeush Yu.E., Nestlkov S.F. "Roses in your garden: choose, cautious, enjoy." 2011

Rose has always been considered the queen of flowers, apparently, so it is so capricious. The flower requires attention and care throughout the life cycle. Especially Rosa needs feeding, without which it will figure it out and stop blossoming.

Mineral fertilizers for roses

Today in flower shops there is a large selection of mineral fertilizers to feed roses: in liquid compositions, in granules, powders. The most sought-after "pure sheet", "nitroammofosk", "Gera" and "Agrikola".

Did you know? In Japan, biologists presented a new variety of roses - chameleon. Justifying your name, rose with bright red petals in the morning time in the evening changes color on white.

Rose and nitrogen fertilizers

If you do not know what to feed the rose for rapid growth, nitrogen fertilizers - what you need. They have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of shoots. Feeding a rose with nitrogen at the beginning of the season, you stimulate the appearance of juicy dark green foliage. These fertilizers can be made after the pruning procedure, but not in the fall. Autumn feeding nitrogen provokes the growth of young shoots that will not transfer the winter cold.

Important! Fawing a rose with nitrogen, follow the amount: the flowering is delayed, and the plant itself will be more often subjected to disease.

How to make a rose blossom, use phosphate fertilizers

Phosphorus is a fertilizer of the root rose flowering system.This element stimulates the development of healthy shoots, naked buds, the formation of new roots. Featuring phosphorus can be fascinated.

Potash fertilizers, carry out the prevention of diseases

The preferably to feed roses so that the bush was a good Ine sick, so it is potassium. This fertilizer increases disease resistance. Leaves and shoots grow strong and healthy. Potassium sulfate is corded in the first days of July. Choose compounds with the addition of magnesium - with a lack of this substance, the leaves will turn yellow. Potash fertilizers with magnesium additives stimulate the exchange of moisture in the branches and leaves, the outflow of the juices on the plant, enhance the resistance to frosts in the winter period.

Microelements and macroelements, how to perform an extractive feeder of roses

Extra-root feeders are good in that faster is absorbed by the plant and do not change the composition of the soil. In this way, mineral and organic fertilizers can be made. Organic compositions with such feeding should be breeding with plenty of water than when watering under roots. Moreover, organic blends need to be carefully strain, otherwise their particles will score sprayer. Extra-root feeders are desirable to carry out fresh solution with dry weather during the daytime.There are on sale ready-made mixtures for extractive feeding, which contain all the necessary micro and macroelements, such as: nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, boron and copper, iron and manganese, molybdenum, zinc and others.

Organic fertilizers how to feed roses naturally

Many amateur gardeners use more mineral fertilizers instead of organics. This should not be done: the organizing agent increases the nutritionality of the soil and attracts worms that are loosened by the ground, saturating it with oxygen.

Feeding roses chicken litter

Chicken litter must be properly diluted in order not to burn roses. Fresh litter is bred by water 1:20, old - 1:10. The solution insists in the shaded place for five days, then once again diluted with water 1: 3. Undercumation of roses in spring chicken is littered during the period of development and flowering. If the litter is used as a humor, then it is hammered from the earth in the fall.

Interesting! The inhabitants of the German city of Hildesheim claim that they grow the oldest bush of roses in the city. According to the memoirs of local gatherers of legends, he was planted in 815. There are no accurate data written data, but Botany believe that he is at least 400 years.

Cow infusion

From cow's manure prepare infusion, diluting it with water 1:10.After it is imagined during the week, it is bred by water 1: 2 for watering. Spraying with influence has a beneficial effect on the resistance of fungal diseases, moreover, it is a wonderful natural nitric feeding. In the spring, manure is used as a mulch, scattering it along the surface of the soil. So constrained the appearance of weed herb, and the soil is enriched with nutrients.

How to make infusion for roses from grass

Do not be discouraged if there is no possibility to get a manure or litter. You can cook infusion from weeds before their insemination begin. The plants are finely bruised, laid in the tank and poured with water for fermentation. Ten days later, infusion is bred by water 1:10 for watering.

How to fertilize roses correctly, feeding rules

Thinking over what to feed roses for growth, the formation of buds and for abundant flowering, take into account both making feeding, and the combination of mineral fertilizers with an organic. The use of only one type of fertilizer will not give good result: Mineral and organic fertilizers complement each other's action. Mineral feeders give flowers to micro and macroelements, and organic helps these substances are better absorbed.

Interesting fact! In the poem "Eneida" Vergilia compares the face of the deceased Pallas Prince with a fading rose. A gentle face of a prince dying from the hand of the tournament looks like a rose, torn by the Virgin: Rose is still beautiful, but, torn off from the Mother Earth, dries and dies.

How to fertilize roses in spring

Consider how to feed roses in the spring for lush flowering. Fertilizers need to be made before the growth of shoots and kidneys. Here are good and roasting, and extractive feeding. For roses, organic fertilizers are more suitable for roses. Bushes are watered with influences of a cowboat or avian litter. More adult plants are recommended for ammonium nitrate, which is added to the soil (about 30 g per sq.m). Is it possible and when to feed roses urea? You can, but it is necessary to do it in a warm period and after trimming. Such feeding stimulates the development of leaves. To stimulate photosynthesis, it is desirable to feed the plant with superphosphate.

Do I need to fertilize roses in summer

In summer, pink bushes fertilize several times during the season: to bookmark buds and during flowering.Mineral and organic formulations are alternate. Above the question than to feed roses in May, it is not worth thinking. Best fertilizer For the formation of strong buds, and subsequently lush colors - compounds with potassium and phosphorus. For such fertilizers, 10 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate on 10 liters of water are divorced. The feeder is repeated in June.In July, the chicken litter (500 g) and 10 g of nitroposki are added to the solution. The solution is watered with an overhead part of the plant, and fine wood ashes make in the soil.

How to bother roses in the fall

Magnificent bloom is possible due to the large consuming substances and elements, so after the rose vegetation period should restore the consumed reserve. It is important to know here than to feed roses in the fall, so as not to weaken the plant. This season has a rose of rest period, so nitrogen fertilizers should be excluded from the diet.

Organic feeding

Modified nitrogen, with a reasonable approach do not harm the structure of the soil. They are brought in the period of growth and flowering, with autumn soil resistance. During the preparation of plants by winter, organic feeding roses do not give.

Mineral subcords

Apply purposefully and quickly, but can saline the soil and treat root system Plants.

As a golden middle of mineral and organic fertilizers, it is often recommended to combine. It is convenient to use complex organic mineral fertilizersin which the quantitative ratio of elements is observed.

Natural organic fertilizers for roses

Organic fertilizers include manure, compost, low-aluminum peat (riding, as a rule, are used for mulching and closed soil), plant-sites, prebaled herbs.

How to use manure for feeding roses

"Manure For a long time remained the main fertilizer. Cow manure is dense and slowly decomposed, horse-porous, there is more nutrients in it, respectively, and the rate of its consumption is less. Bird litter - high-speed, contains nutrients in a more concentrated and easily accessible for plants form. Fresh manure use undesirable: it causes an enhanced green mass growth, increases the sensitivity of roses to diseases and pests, moreover, can burn roots. For feeding uses overwhelmed manure or prepare infusions from fresh. Chicken litter is bred in water at the rate of 1:20, cow - 1:10. The mixture is kept for 7-10 days outdoors. Before use, the korlard is diluted with half, an infusion from the litter - in a 1: 3 ratio.

How can you use kitchen waste to feed roses

"Kitchen waste Already long been adapted by gardeners for compost fertilizers, the most advanced use biohumus (vermicompost). In this case, the organic agent is processed by rainworms, as a result, the content of humate compared with the introduction of a rift manure increases.

Humin preparations for feeding roses

"Preparations based on humic substances obtained from oxidized brown coal (leonardite), peat, sapropel, and microbiological preparations containing microorganisms are increasingly, Already created conditions for the life of microorganisms.

Application of wood ash for feeding roses

Wood ash - Available organic fertilizer, contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur. It is used as a solution (30 g per 10 liters of water) and in Sukhomvideo (200 g per 1 sq. M), close in the soil.

Mineral fertilizers for roses

When buying mineral fertilizers, pay attention to the composition of the drug. Roses need not only in nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium, but also microelements, such as iron and magnesium. The iron provides a beautiful saturated shade of flowers, magnesium - leaves, with a lack of these trace elements in plants, chlorosis develops. Recently, a long-term mineral fertilizer is popular, which are put in spring. These are granules in a special shell, of which nutrients are evenly entering the ground for several months. Usually the concentration of NPK in such fertilizers is high, but the release of substances is gradually under the action of temperature, water and light.

Rules for making fertilizers for roses

"Before undercaming mineraldobrals and after it, the soil is abundantly shed. "In cold weather it is better to do out-root feeding on the leaves and on the run: the infusion of a cowboy, bird litter, herbs, sodium humate, complex mineral fertilizers.

"If the spring temperature does not rise above +5 ° C, it is not in a hurry to rush: the soil is not a free, fertilizers will be absorbed slowly and can even be harmful to roses that have not yet sterely grow rose. It is recommended to wait for the temperature of +10 ... + 15 ° C. "

It is quite possible to grow roses on one organist. It is quite possible, the main thing is not to forget some practical considerations: observe the norms of application, the manure does not leave on the surface, but they hide-put in the soil at the steam or to make locally, sow siters, mulch-put landing.

5 main seasonal dressing for roses

In the care of roses, rely not only on the recommendations and tips, but also on your own intuition. Watch the time of the plant and make fertilizers only in accordance with it. life cycle. First year, subject to landing rules (fastened by the Organine planting Yama, mulching) Ro-Shl do not feed. Next (from the autumn or spring of next year), follow the diagram of sub-feed according to the phases of rose development.

First feeding roses (April)

After the spring trimming of roses, in the swelling stage of the kidneys - in mid-April or, the EU-Lee Spring is cold, at the end. During the period of intensive-silent growth, roses need nitrogen, the poorests most often make nitrogen fertilizers or complex minerals with the pain of the content of this substance. Before making fertilizer, it is recommended to submit the soil warm waterSo that it is seized and root hairs started working.

Making organics under roses: 3 kg of overworked manure or 100 g of a bird's litter on one rose bush.

: 25-30 g / sq. M. M ammonia nitrate (in this form of nitrogen is absorbed faster than in a nitrate), or 30-40 g of complete mineral wenting or universal fertilizer with trace elements. In a liquid form - 1 tbsp. l. One of the hot fertilizers on 10 liters of water, the flow rate is 3-4 liters per rose bush.

Supporters of the combined sub-stroke after making dry mineral fertilizers shed roses with organically solutions, consumption - 3-5 liters of co-level, bird litter, herbs on the bush.

Second feeding of roses (May)

The beginning of the growth of shoots - in the pen of decade - mid-May. At this time, shoots begin to actively grow, and roses need nitrogen. In addition, the brought-down April fertilizers can be leaning out with spring rains or poorly absorbed in cold soil.

Making organics under roses: 3-5 liters of a cowhide solution.

Making mineral fertilizers for roses: 10-15 g / sq. M. m ammonia Selitra, 25-30 g / kV. M Superfos Fata, 10-15 g / sq. M. m potash salt.

Third feeding of roses (end May-beginning of June)

During the bootonization period - the end of May - the beginning of June. Roses are feeding with calcium spit (nitrogenous calcium helps to form green MAC-SU and protects against rot) - 1/2 art. l. They are shedding with infusions of organic beneficia in the same proportions as before.

Making organics under roses: 3-5 liters of a cowboat or bird litter solution, extraxanlety feeding roses.

Making mineral fertilizers for roses: 15-20 g / sq. m ammonia Selitra, 30-40 g / sq. M Superfos Fata, 10-15 g / sq. M. M Sulfate Potassium, Potash Selitra or Kalimagnezia. Potassium answers the formation of beautiful flowers.

The fourth denunciation of roses (July)

After the first flowering of roses (during flowering, the roses are not picarmeted). Roses are fed by a complete com-precious fertilizer with trace element-mi (with sufficient content of potassium and phosphorus).

Making organics under roses: About 100 g of compost.

Making mineral fertilizers for roses: 40-50 g / sq. m superphosphate, 15-20 g / sq. M. m potash salt.

Fifth feeding roses (August)

After the second flowering. Nitrogen has not been used since the end of July, otherwise it will remain winter with young Neva-rude shoots, which is extremely rather worthless and can lead to the death of the bush.

Making organics under roses: 50-100 g of ashes are made to the rolling circle, perekopku - overwhelming.

Making mineral fertilizers for roses: 30-40 g / 1 square. m Kalimagnesia, 40-50 g / kV. m superphosphate, 15-20 g / sq. M. Mkashina salt.

The most efficient modern fertilizers for roses

Microbiological fertilizer for roses, industrial innovations

Highly concentrated fertilizer in liquid shape based on soil bacteria (Azotobacter Chroococcum). The bacteria are fixed with an inaccessible plant atmospheric nitrogen, translating it into simple for shaped assimilation. Stimulates the development of the vegetative system, the increase in new shoots and buds, increases the intensity of the color of flowers and leaves. Prevents the development of mushroom diseases. 30 ml of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water supply, poly-baths on a damp soil, 3-4 cca. Learned with applying.

Mineral granulated fertilizer for roses Gloria, Far

Prolonged action. Work-but new technology - In each gra-zero, the same composition of nutrient elements: NPK (5: 9: 5), magnesium, calcium. With the main introduction, fertilizer is not - evenly scattering the soil at the top of the soil and carry out plowing, ne-recalist or loosening. When making fertilizer to feeding evenly, it is evenly raped to select it throughout the area with the submissive sealing, loosening or perekop-ki by half a pole, if necessary, pour the soil.

Fertilizer for roses and chrysanthemums, Bona Forte

Liquid complex fertilizer in a convenient plastic canister with a volume of 1.5 liters. Contains NPK (3: 4: 8), magnesium, micro-lempers in chelated form. For active boutonization and abundant long-lasting flowering, YARTIC acid and a specially selected complex of vitamins have been added to the composition. Roses feed with early spring Until the middle of July 1 time / 10-15 days, and it is recommended to combine root and extracurricular sub-feeds. One canister is enough to fade up to 400 pink bushes.

Organic Granulated Fertilizer for Roses, Fertika

Fertilizer with 18% content of humate, NPK (8: 6: 10). Each granule of the mixture contains a complete balanced set of Ma-Kro and the trace elements necessary for normal growth and development of plants. Main contribution: 100-150 g in the landing pit. Feeding: in early spring And in the next layer of bloom at 30-40 g under the bush. Watering: 30-40 g per 10 liters of water.

Rose Fertilizer, Pokon

The balanced mixture is specifically co-put for rosary on terraces and balls, so that roses are bluntfully bloomed for a long time. Fertilizer contains a solution of feed substances with a ratio (NPK 8: 5: 5), as well as iron and magnesium. Used after each trimming and flowering in the pro-portion of 10 ml per 1 liter of water.

Agrikola for indoor and garden roses, technoexport

Contains a full range of Macro and Mi-Craelements, the balance of substances displaced the side of potassium NPK (13:15:18 + micro-elements). Thanks to this composition, RO-PS blooms much more magnificent and continued, go to wintering strong and prepared.

Roses really need fake, and for good development, abundant flowering for the season they need to be spent several times. But everything should be in moderation. Personal plants also have many problems.

The main elements of nutrition - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are needed in high doses, microelements in microDos. Nitrogen is necessary for the growth of shoots and leaves, phosphorus - for the development of the root system, potassium - for aging wood and flowering (it also increases the overall stability of the plant). Calcium helps the formation of a good root system, magnesium - chlorophyll formation. Microelements affect the growth of leaves, participate in respiratory and photosynthesis processes, improve the overall state of plants.

At the growing of the vegetative mass, macroelements play the main role, during flowering - trace elements, at the end of the vegetation, phosphorus, iron, zinc are needed. Therefore, it is better to use complex mineral fertilizers for roses (that is, those that contain basic nutrition elements and trace elements).

An important importance also has a body.

After the spring trimming of roses, you need to immediately feed. At this time, they need nitrogen (the element most consumed by plants). In the late spring, for intensive education, new shoots should be made under the bushes magnesium sulfate.

1st feeding - After trimming - complex mineral fertilizer (Kemira Wagon, Buuskiy Omo Universal, Aquarin, Aquamix is \u200b\u200ba chelate form or any other with a large nitrogen content). It is better to use water soluble, i.e. In a liquid form (3-4 liters per bus). If you are scattering dry (40 g / sq.m), be sure to close them in the soil so as not weathered. Do not scatter them all over the area of \u200b\u200bthe rosary, but only around the bush, and so that the granules do not touch the shoots. But I must say that dry mineral fertilizers are ineffective, because 95% goes into the pine horizon and plants can not suck them.

The next day after mineral, you need to feed the organic.

You can first scatter mineral water (make a full handy of the bush), then shed a organic or vice versa. I shed a solution of mineral fertilizers and close up the organic (horse manure). And you can decompose around the bush, the poverty or cow manure in the form of a roller with a height of 10 cm, but not under the trunk.

If after applying fertilizers there is a long time rainy or cold weather, you will have to give an additional nitrogen feeding.

After feeding the soil, it is advisable to climb (pre-breaking it). In the future, when applying fertilizers, mulch must be cut, disintegrate and inspired again.

In the first year after spring landingIf the pit was well filled, fertilizers do not need. If you put roses in the fall, in the spring, adopt their half dose. In the cold spring, the roots do not work and cannot suck nutrients. To help plants, additionally spray them with humats that stimulate the root system well.

2nd feeding - In the initial stage of growth of shoots, two weeks after the first - organica (liquid feeding of the influence of the time for the manure or bevelled grass) and again nitrogen fertilizers. You can use urea by leaves (1 st. Composition on 10 liters of water + microfertilitation) or under root.

So that you know

The liquid feeding is done when the soil warms up, and the night temperature will be installed not lower than + 10 ° C. In the cold soil fertilizer do not contribute.

Mineral feeders are carried out only after abundant irrigation. Before feeding and after it, be sure to paint the soil with water so that the fertilizers dissolve faster and did not burn roots.

Important moment

In crude and cool weather, make an optional feeder with potash fertilizer.

Once again, treated with fungicides from mushroom diseases to destroy disputes that have survived after the first processing (it is done immediately after the spring trimming).

3rd feeding - in front of the bootonization - calcium spit (1 tbsp. Spoon on 10 liters of water + liquid organic). And before first flowering you need to make potash fertilizer - Calimagnezia (1 tbsp. Spoon on 10 liters of water).


Non-iron feeders on the sheet in the form of spraying give roses with additional food, they need to be carried out between the main feeders. On heavy and cold soils, on old landings they are simply necessary. Useful and on sandy soils, where fertilizers quickly wash away.

Spray plants better early in the morning or in the evening, well wetting leaves, especially their lower part, because The greatest suction occurs from the inside. And only freshly prepared solution.

Effectively in the first half of the summer, several times spray roses (you can and other plants: bushes, trees) on the sheet of humats, they stimulate root formation, development and flowering. Gumistar has a double action: facilitates the flow of calcium in the plants, increases the soil fertility, neutralizes toxic actions (2 bottles of 200 liters of water). You can also use Lignogue, Humat + 7, Torfush. To this, well add M-preparations: Revival, Baikal, East. Dry humates are poured with boiling water - 10 g per 1 liter of water, then this solution is bred 1: 100 and spray plants. Torfush can be dissolved with water (2 tbsp on 10 liters) and shed under the root. It is possible to use humate sodium -0.5 h. Suheshes dry (divorced boiling water) on 20 liters of water, infusion of cowboy (1:10) + full mineral water (1 tbsp on 10 liters of water) + 1 tablet microfertilizers.

Humaths are better used until mid-July. And remember: the humats are only an addition, and not the main nutrition.

Good to use infusion ash: 2 cups pour hot water, boil 15 minutes, strain + 10 liters of water. Such feeding is effective before flowering and in August. It is possible to scatter as dry in a dry way around the bushes or on the leaves through the siter. In addition to food, it protects roses from pest diseases. During the period of bootonization and in the second half of the summer, it is good once to peer roses with a solution of phosphorus-potash fertilizers (extract from double superphosphate or potassium monophosphate is 3 g / l). But it is better to use ready-made liquid fertilizers, they already go with a complete set of trace elements.

During drought, trimming, cooling plants spoke well on spraying with epinoma, HB-101, eco-engineer or any other stimulant.

Second half of summer

From the second half of the summer, after the first flowering, it is necessary to help the plant compensate for energy costs: re-add the organic and mineral fertilizers (can be organic or garden compost organic). In July, nitrogen is introduced only if necessary, and from the second half of the summer it must be excluded, otherwise there will be a rain growth of roses and shoots to autumn will not be caused. In winter, such roses may die.

The feeders need to continue until the end of August, but not more than once a week. In a dry summer, feed less and less, in a rainy - more often and more.

On a note

It must be remembered that the spring root feeds the sheet, and in the summer leaf feeds the root. Therefore, incorrect feeding at this time is preferable.

At the end of the summer (the third decade of August) is good to give roses in potassium monophosphate (on the sheet) or potash salt. You can do and sifted wood ash (Contains potassium, magnesium, calcium + all trace elements) - 1 cup on sq.m. Or make autumnal water-soluble or organic fertilizer (but nitrogen content should be low).

And on this feeder finish.

Each rose in accordance with its capabilities will choose the optimal feeding mode, I tried to explain the algorithm of these events.

Marina Marchenko, enthusiastic rosewood with experience

Feeding roses in practice video

Properly fertilized roses bloom abundantly, practically do not get sick and perfectly carry the harsh winters. Each real rose is developing its original scheme feeding perennial beautiful bushes, but they all rely on general schemes Planting plants. It is in mind that absolutely all feeding roses must be carried out in a strictly defined time of the plant development. It is also worth combining organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic easy to do at home, mineral will have to buy in the store.

How many times to feed roses per season

FROM middle lane Countries The pink season begins from the beginning of April (roses are beginning to wake up the kidneys) and ends at the end of October (roses' scourge at this time are shortened and bushes are hidden for the winter). In each different region The duration of this season can be different, but general principles Falker roses must be observed strictly. Conditionally pink season can be divided into three main groups: Spring, summer and autumn.

  • Since the beginning of spring, the rose is actively increasing shoots, on which flowers are blooming at the beginning of the middle of June. Rose fertilizers at this time will help you to grow powerful shoots and lay down to large quantities of buds.
  • In the middle of the summer (July month), most roses bloom for some time stopped and the bush rests a bit to gain strength for the second wave of flowering. Fertilizers at this time will restore the strength of the flowing bush, they will start the bookmark of new buds and the beginning of the aging of shoots.
  • At the end of the summer - the beginning of the fall during the second wave of flowering colors in roses is not very much blossoming. A bush at this time begins to take care of strength to calmly overwhelm under the shelter. In August-September, fertilizer for roses help the qualitative aging of shoots, which will go to winter.

In these three periods of life of pink bushes, it is necessary to feather them several times.

What to fertilize roses in the early summer

  1. In early April, when the roses bushes are already open and you made them forming trimming, support plants by any nitric fertilizers. You can buy special spring fertilizer for roses and use it by the attached instructions. In addition, urea, nitrate or universal fertilizer "Kemira Spring" will be fully suitable. Remove the solution on the packaging, but usually 1 tablespoon is 10 liters of water. Under each plant, pour from three to five liters of solution (depending on the magnitude of the bush).
  2. In mid-April, pamper your pets by Organic. To do this, take a well-peel and dried chicken, cow or horsepower. Around the bushes to make deep grooves at a distance of 15-20 cm from the neck. In the grooves, lay 100-300 g of fertilizer and sprinkle it.
  3. In early May, if for some reason you missed the feeder in early April, support roses with nitrogen-containing drugs. Read about it in paragraph number 1.
  4. In the middle of May, adopt roses with organic fertilizer from grass. To do this, collect any grass from the plot to the tank and fill it with water. Tank keep in the sun 7-10 days. Before irrigating the roses, dropping brown water from the tank (1 liter) in the usual water (10 liters).
  5. At the beginning of June, once again apply the organic, but already an animal. A month before the feeding, get a dry chicken litter in the barrel (get a "smoking") or dry cow cobs (get a "korovyat"). The resulting infusion before applying is resolved and divert in conventional water at a concentration of 1/15 (infusion / water). Under each bush, pour the same fertilizer as Lily in early April.

What to fertilize roses in the middle of summer

  1. After the first wave of bloom, and it ends at about July, supported their roses with any mineral fertilizer with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus. It is best to fit: ammonophos, superphosphate or superphosphate double. They can be divorced in water (1 tablespoon of fertilizer + 10 liters of liquid) or pour directly under the bush, but that the powder does not come into contact with stems and leaves. Powder is better to close in the ground, and under each bush put it no more than a third of a teaspoon. Instead of the fertilizer described, you can use the "Kemira Universal".
  2. 10-12 days after the previous feeding, pour your roses with the infusion of chicken or cow's litter. If you do not have it, use the infusion of grass. Do not forget to breed the infants with water.

What to fertilize roses in autumn

  1. In mid-August, when roses are still blooming, support them with phosphorus-containing fertilizers. The best "Kemira Autumn" or in the extreme case is "Kemira Universal". Instead, you can purchase other similar compositions in the store, but necessarily with the predominance of phosphorus. All fertilizers divide strictly according to the instructions.
  2. In early September, when roses are no longer abundant, paint them with fertilizers with such minerals: Potassium and magnesium. It is they who will help the shoots to become strong and not to freeze harsh in winter. Well comes well with the well-known and fairly common "potassium magnesia". It is better not to lay down under the bushes, but dive strictly according to the attached instructions.

What to fertilize roses throughout the season

Many roseworks are parallel with root feeders and use the so-called extractive feeders (they are also called "on the sheet"). It is believed that spraying roses useful solutions Provides a faster detachable effect than if this fertilizer is absorbed by roots.

For extractive feeding, use the same fertilizers that prepare for watering bushes. Drain them with water according to the instructions, but take a third more fluid. The same applies to the influence of a cowboat or chicken litter, as well as to the grasses. Extra-corner feeders do in those times as root, but be sure to find out the weather forecast. When the rose is approaching the rain, do not spray - it's raining all the most useful substances from the leaves.

Basic Roses Fertilizer Rules

  • Must alternate mineral and organic feeding.
  • Roses fertilize in the evening and after abundant irrigation or rain.
  • First spring subcord Roses do only after forming trimming bush.

The diagram of the feeding of roses, described in this article, is quite time-consuming, but at the same time very effective and rather budget. You can buy the Mineral Fertilizers described in any garden shop and they are completely inexpensive. Organic fertilizers can do any gardener on their own. If you are not ready to insist herbs, make a cow or smoking and stock up with different mineral fertilizers, then buy special complex fertilizers for roses in the store.

Please note that the feeders were three species: for spring, for summer and for autumn. If you do not find such, then use any universal fertilizer for roses. Each manufacturer of such universal recommends the dates of feeding, which is written on a pack with fertilizer for roses.