
How hosts host. Multidious hosts - Growing and care in the shady garden

All about Hostakh

A beautiful garden composition is difficult to imagine without a long-term herbaceous plant, which is called. And valuable it is not flowers, but original large leaves different in color and form. Thanks to them, the host often assigned the main role in garden design. This plant contributes to the composition of unusual paints. Therefore, it is about him that will be discussed in this article.

The host refers to the Sparazhev family. Previously, it was believed that this flower belongs to Lily. He is owned by the Austrian doctor and nerd N. Host. This plant has a different name - Funka. It was obtained in honor of Botany from Germany.

- This is a plant having a shape of a bush. It usually grows up to 80 cm, but there are gigantic (up to 1 m 30 cm) and dwarf (up to 15 cm) of the variety.

The flower is distinguished by large heart-shaped roasting leaves. They are stamped, wrinkled, with a metal tide, wax, matte and glossy. Shades of leaves are diverse: white, yellow, blue, green. Moreover, they can be combined on one sheet in the form of strokes, strips, stains, etc.

Host has root systemconsisting of thick rootes with a large number of roots in the form of threads. Its located on high blooms are collected in the brush. They can be white, purple or pink colors. Fruit of funki - leathery box having 3 faces. It contains many seeds that go well throughout the year.

The most beautiful host at five years old. In the same place, it can grow over 15 years.

Host steady tolerate winter. Its underground part does not suffer even when the soil is deeply freezing.
So, this flower, indeed, deserves the attention of real gardeners.

Growing from seeds

80% - Such is the germination of host seeds. To increase it, you need to be processed in the solution of stimulants. It is sold in specialized stores.

The key to success in the cultivation of this plant from seeds is sterile soil and landing containers. It is better to buy a substrate in the store, because there are no fungi and other microbes in it.

You can cook the Earth for the cultivation of the host yourself. For this peat you need to skip through the sieve to grind. Then it is necessary to add perlite and vermiculite to it. The mixture prepared for the landing is watered in potassium permanganate (strong solution) and for 30 minutes are treated with water vapor. Cooked up to 20 ° C Soil is ready for landing.

Special cassettes with compartments (or cells) are ideal as containers. It should be treated with potassium permanganate or alcohol. In the same way, you need to sterilize the tools that are necessary for sowing.

Landing Rules:

  • Place a drainage on the bottom of the compartment.
  • Then put the substrate.
  • Pour.
  • Seal the substrate with a spatula.
  • Seed seeds to 7 mm.
  • Seal again.

The seal is necessary for the seeds, in touching with the soil, it was better to germinate.

By the way, to maintain the required humidity, the container must be covered transparent glass. If the conditions of germination of the host are optimal, then shoots will appear 2 weeks later.

With the appearance of one real sheet, the plants are picked. To do this, use a more nutritious sterile soil. A small layer of river sand is poured on top to it. Watering is carried out by setting the container in the water capacity.

Thus, to grow a host from seeds, it is necessary to carefully follow the landing rules.


Before disembarking, you need to temper the seedlings and teach it to sunlight. It is necessary to start to endure on the street from 10 minutes.

It is necessary to choose the right place for the lounge. She does not like sunny plots. A raw wetlands is not suitable for this plant. Choosing a plot, it must be borne in mind that the host bush will quickly grow.

Then you need to prepare the seat. For this, weeds are smeared, they jump the ground, make the pits. Their size should be such that the roots of the hosts fit freely. This plant loves nutrient soil. Therefore, in front of its landing, the soil in the holes is desirable to feel overwhelming or humus. Earth should be pouring.

Lookage technology:

  • Placing a seedling in the yam, you need to straighten its root system. If it is too long, it is desirable to cut.
  • It is impossible to plant too deep, but also the roots should not look out of the ground.
  • From above, the plant needs to sprinkle the earth and take it slightly.
  • Planted host should be. It is desirable to be mounted with a peat or moss.

The right selected area, carefully prepared landing place and compliance with the deposit technology - the key to the rapid and correct development of this beautiful garden plant.

Features of care

Host loves wet soil. Therefore, she needs an infrequent, but abundant watering. It should be done in the morning, trying not to fall on the leaves. If the moisture is stored in the outlet, then the root neck can start rotting. 10 - 30 liters of water - this is the norm of watering one adult bush.

By the way, the host does not have the decorative significance of the flower. It is removed to grow up to grow lush leaves. Of course, the fun, like any other cultural plant, needs weeding weeds.

Host response to. Mineral additives are required by a plant in spring and in August. You can use fertilizers for garden crops. They should be rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. But due to the overaffect of nitrogen, the pest leaves can lose their color.

This plant likes an increased amount of organic matter in the ground. In the fall, the land is equipped with a peat, humus or compost. In the spring, it is shallowly buried in the soil. The pounds are preferably in June to mulch with a compost or humus. This procedure is also useful because the moisture remains in the ground. Well suited for feeding the infusion of a cowboy.

In the fall of this plant cut leaves. This procedure allows you to get rid of snails and slugs. It is performed when the leaves will yellow and lie on the flowerbed (after the first frosts). During trimming, it is impossible to damage the sleeping kidneys that are on the surface of the Earth. After that, the soil is loosened to get the eggs of the slug.

Sometimes the leaves and shoots are mutated. They need to be deleted to prevent the displacement of varietal sockets. It is necessary to be careful when loosening in the spring, as the lounge lies later than other colors.

So, the host is unpretentious. It does not require careful care.

Transplant and reproduction

You can transplant hosts during the entire growing season, but it is better to do in May or September. There are varieties that can be transplant only in autumn. In the spring period, they do not grow root.

It must be remembered that the host loves fertile soil, does not tolerate wetlands. She is comfortable in shady garden sections. The depth of the landing fossa is 40 cm. Before planing it is necessary to pour it, make drainage. Salting, roots must be accurately straightened. The well should be filled with fertile land, compact and pour off. It is advisable to make mulching with peat or humus.

It is necessary to observe the correct distance between the plants. Large hosts plant in meter from each other, the average - 50 cm, and dwarf - 20 cm.

It is possible to reproduce this plant not only by seeds, but also by dividing the bush. Technology Next:

  • Half the cooked bush abundantly.
  • After a few hours, dig it is not very close to the roots.
  • Dock from the Earth's bush.
  • Cut a slightly roots to rejuvenate the host.
  • Gently thread the rhizome with a knife.
  • Felt his hands.
  • Places of fault Sprinkle ashes.
  • So that the moisture is less evaporated, remove almost all leaves from the tops.
  • To plant seedlings on a pre-prepared place, observing the rules for disembarking the seedlings, which were mentioned above.

Thus, compliance with the rules, even a newcomer in the field of gardening will be able to reproduce it.

Diseases and pests

Fuankia is one of the most persistent diseases of perennials. But she can sometimes get sick, infected, for example, the HVX virus. By the way, he is striking only. The virus is transmitted only through the juice of plants when they are divided or cropping. The victims of the hosts should be destroyed.

This plant sometimes boosts the root neck. Fortunately, this is a rare disease. It appears in the launched flower garden, in raw flower beds. His cause can be deep landing Or brute force with feeding.

Funny diseases cause fungi and bacteria. They are the reason for the appearance of spots on plants different species. The development of fungal disease most often begins due to excess nitrogen in the soil. Its reason may be increased humidity Earth and air.

The host is often damaged by pests, which nibble her leaves. These include snails and slugs. Saved from snails with tobacco dust, wood ash, Superphosphate or lime. To combat them you can make mulching with pine needles.

Some gardeners lay out at night on flowerbeds, boards or large-sized stones.

In the morning, destroy the pests cuffed under them. Also against slugs and snails are used by special chemicals. For example, "Thunderstorm", "Slizneada". When they are used, you need to strictly follow the instructions. For large quantities Slugs in the garden is better to give preference to varieties that have dense all-round leaves.

Also the host is attacked by rodents. She can lose its effect because sun burn Or after freezing. If the plant is damaged, you should immediately find the cause of its defeat and begin treatment.

While watching the video you will learn about the cultivation of the host.

So, the host is a versatile, unpretentious, cold-resistant flower. This plant feels perfectly in the shade. The host is easy to grow from seeds. This flower is a decent background for other garden crops.

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The long-term beauty of the host, the cultivation and care of which do not require long time and labor costs, increasingly attracts the attention of gardeners. Host, or fun, is decorative perennial From the family of Lily. Dachnips love her for frost resistance and unpretentiousness. So that it becomes a truly mistress of the garden, it is necessary to comply with some rules for landing and leaving during the season.

Growing seedlings Host from seeds

Combination with roses

The host, landing and care for which is not as complicated, is considered the queen of feverish and shaded places. Than light color Sheet, the more freaky, the garden queen is considered. For example, the blue punchy is planted strictly in the shade, and copies with yellow or white spots on a sheet can be placed on the sunny side, ensuring the shading at the midday clock.

Decoration garden tracks, Klumb Khostas - the pleasure is not cheap. New and rare varieties are at times more expensive than their fellow. Exit from the situation - the cultivation of the host of seeds. The occupation is fascinating and efficient, no more difficult than or cyclame. Planting seedlings begins with sterilization of potassium permanganate solution or alcohol and soil purchases. It is worth considering that the acquired seeds have the germination of only 70-80%, so before planting it is advisable to process in the "zircon" or "epine" according to the instructions specified on the package. After preparation of the planting material, you can start cropping.

Be sure to be covered with glass or transparent film to create proper moisture for germination of germs. Planting the host seeds on this is over, now the turn for the appearance of shoots.

To avoid crops, the film must be raised daily. Seeds germinate on average after 4 weeks, if the temperature holds at 18-20 ° C heat. It should be picked after the appearance of a pair of real leaves. In the open soil, the graceful seedlings are sent in spring when the soil warmed up to + 10 ° C. For better adaptation to garden conditions, hardening is required. In order for the plants to adapt to new conditions, they first put out on the street for 20-30 minutes, the day after day, by increasing the time of stay per hour.

Shining and division bush

The reproduction of the host in the future is possible with stalling and dividing the bush. You can smallest from the beginning of May until the end of July. As a planting material, young shoots with short cutters and small leaves are chosen. To reduce evaporation, the leaves are cut by a third, young landings are planted in a shaded place. In the first days, kids are very sick, require abundant irrigation and protection against sunlight. After about 3-4 days, the leaves are restored.

All the details about the plant are told in the video.

Division bush - efficient and fast way The breeding of the host. We recommend those plants that are older than 4 years since they have a powerful root system. It is advisable to carry out work at the end of August or early September, when the kidneys are laid for the next year.

Often, novice gardeners ask questions how long the host is leaving, planting rhizome as efficient. So that the decorative feature is quickly rooted, the planting material should be properly prepared. Roots of the plant are recommended to dig up with a closs with a lore. The division of the bush for 2-5 new seedlings is carried out with a sharp knife. Part of the upper vegetative mass is removed to reduce moisture evaporation and provide fast rooting. With spring division, leave several sheets for photosynthesis.

If there is no longer in the garden of this plant, then you will have to acquire seedlings or grow decorative seeds from seeds. The choice of young copies should be considered specially liable. Most often they are sold in the form of rhizomes with one or more kidneys. When buying seedlings, you must pay attention to the following aspects:

  • the root must be developed, in length to be 10-12 cm;
  • full absence of rot, mold and other signs of diseases;
  • the kidney should not be sprouted.

In the case of buying seedlings through the Internet, the situation is somewhat complicated by the fact that the planting material may have already turned out. It will have to immediately plant in the ground, pre-removing rotten or broken roots. If the landing of the host to open soil for some reason is impossible, you can use flower pot. An ideal period for planning is the end of summer or the beginning of autumn. Rhizomes will fit well and can survive their first winter.

You can plant and spring, preferably in April-May, when the frosts were already left behind. If the kids bought in advance and have not yet given the kidneys, they can be removed in a cold dark place, for example, in the refrigerator. If the first shoots appeared, but it is too early to send to the garden, the root is placed in a weak solution of manganese for several hours, and then planted in a pot with loose soil. It is exhibited in a cool place, and watering is carried out in the pallet.

Rules landing hosts in the garden

Bright bushes on flowerbed

The plot before landing seedlings must be accurate. The landing jam must be volumetric so that the rhizomes are free. It is advisable to put drainage from broken brick or pebbles to the bottom, after adding peat, mixed with a complex fertilizer, in the amount specified by the manufacturer in the instructions.

How to plant a host in the ground? Immediately before planting the soil in the prepared pit, it is necessary to hide abundantly. Then, carefully placing the roots, place a seedling into the center of the well and sprinkle its soil. The roots should not peck out of the ground, but also he hard to plunge the seedlock. After disembarking, the plant must be poles again.

The root zone should be closed with sawdust or wood bark. The mulch from the needles will keep the soil moist and block the path of slugs and snails that love to enjoy with gentle leaves. Near each seedling you can install a tag with a variety name. In the spring it is recommended to mulch the root circle to peat or humus to enrich the soil with nutrients.

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The host, differently - the fun, appreciated, first of all, for the decorativeness of the leaves, and not even blooming specimens give the flower beds a special charm and originality. The host prefers loamy humus soils with an acidic reaction and high humidity.

The host refers to perennials and is distinguished by their longevity, so when choosing a place for its cultivation, the lighting mode should be taken into account, the attitude to which various types of host differs. For example, green-board plants are particularly valuable for plots with a strong shading, where they grow well and develop. For volatile forms (with patterned leaves), a light place is required. Although they also feel perfectly in the shadows, but the characteristic color of the leaves disappears, which is why the decorative effect is lost.

Hosts multiply mostly vegetatively (fission rhizomes and stalling), but often the need to obtain a plant from seeds, which is rather problematic, and without knowledge of the specifics of agrotechnology, the cultivation of the host is doomed to failure.

Soil and cultivation containers

The main cause of failures during seed reproduction is the absence of soil and cultivation containers.

To process seeds, you can use a strong solution of manganese or, which is preferable, medical alcohol. Alpost sterilization is also subject to all tools used for sowing.

Special cassettes with cells are ideal as containers (preferably with a lid of translucent material), which can be purchased in flower stores. There you can also buy ingredients for the preparation of the soil: peat, vermiculite and perlite, which are taken in an equal proportion. Peat crumb will be pre-grinding to the size of large river sand, for which it is possible to use metal sieves with a cell of 1 mm.

You must finish the soil mixture with a strong heatman solution and to be treated with superheated water vapor for half an hour. For the construction of the simplest "steam bath", you can use a wide pot, in which water is poured to half. From above, a sieve is installed with soil mixtureDesigned for processing. Water in a saucepan should be actively boiled. The sieve should also be covered with a lid to enhance the effectiveness of steam processing.

After a "steam bath", the sterile soil must be cooled to a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C and can be seized.

Growing seedlings

The host seeds have a weak germination - about 70 - 80%, so before sowing them it is advised to be treated in a solution of stimulants, which are presented in a wide range in the trading network.

Host seeds need to close shallow, up to 5 - 7 mm. Most correctly adhere to this technology:

Seal the soil surface with a wide wooden plank.
- hold sowing.
- Plit a layer of perlit and seal again.

The "Returning" method allows to ensure excellent contact of seeds with the soil, which will create optimal conditions For germination, and at a temperature of 20 ° C, the appearance of the first germs can be expected in 2 weeks.

The appearance of the first real sheet is a signal to conduct a dive - seedlings transplant to separate containers with sterile, but already more nutritional soil. From above the soil falls asleep with a small layer of sand. Watering will now have "bottom-up", by immersing the cultivation container in water tank.

To adapt the young plant to future cultivation conditions, it is necessary to order seedlings, gradually reducing the temperature. You also need to teach seedlings to the sunlight - to take out to the street, gradually increasing the exposure time, starting from 10 to 15 minutes.

The effectiveness of the host is worth experimenting his time on raising strong and healthy seedlings!

Host or Other Land name is a grassy perennial belonging to the Sparazhev family. There are over 35 varieties of this plant. Motherland of growth - Southern and Western regions of the Far East, Sakhalin, Kuriles, Korea, Japan and China. In our gardens, numerous hosts, growing and care for them are simple, and a lot of beauty.Especially since there are few plants that can decorate the shady space.

Biological features of Host

This is a moisture-loving plant growing from the coast of water bodies, on forest edges and mountain slopes. In Japan, this flower is considered sacred. Hosts are delicacies for residents of this country. To date, the host is a very popular plant grown in many countries. Due to multipoint, this flower can become an excellent addition to any garden composition, covering large areas in a bar or flower garden.

Unassuming in leaving the plant easily transfers drought, cold and can grow in a half, creating a decorative background for other colors. For this, many flower products appreciate it.

All types of hosts are wildly, herbatous plants with a compact root system. The cord-shaped roots of the plant are briefly branched. Thanks to such a structure, they allow the plant to fasten well in the soil.

The hosts differ in particular decorativeness during the flowering period. The terry flowers of white, purple or pink colors are collected into akinid single-sided inflorescences at high low-global bluers. Flowering hosts are an amazing spectacle. Flowers have a funnel-shaped or bell shape. After the end of the flowering period, the host is fruit. Her fruit is a triangular box, completely filled with seeds. Germination seed material persists throughout the year.

Nevertheless, the main advantage of the host is decorative foliage. Leaves of plants Lancing and heart-shaped, roasting with a pointed at the end. Each variety has a different color color. Depending on the species, the leaves can be all shades, green, blue, white or yellow. There are two- or tricolor species or monophonic varieties with strokes, stripes or stains on the surface of the sheet. Besides color Gamma.The hosts differ among themselves on the texture of the leaves. Sheet plate can be compressed, wrinkled, wax, glossy or matte. The average height of plants is about 50 cm. In an alturized form, there are both miniature varieties that reach 15 cm of height and gigantic forms are about 120 cm.

How to grow a host on your own?

The cultivation of the host can be carried out by several methods - seed, with the help of cuttings and the fission of the root.

Growing from seeds

The cultivation of the host from seed has one drawback. Such plants are very slowly developing, as well as, lose varietal signs and qualities.

Another pretty effective method - Growing the host by dividing the bush. Using this method, it is necessary to take into account the varietal features of the plant, since not every type has successfully tolerates this procedure at an early age. Best time For such reproduction, it is spring or the beginning of autumn. The dug plant is divided with a shovel and forks so as not to damage the root system. In the process of digging, it is quite often separated by sockets forgiving shoots with a piece of root.

This material is an excellent basis for obtaining a new plant. A stalk with a "heel" can be planted in any privided place, covering transparent capacity. To speed up the rooting process, the leaf plate is cut by half. Such cultivation is carried out with the help of young plants or sockets cut from adult copies. This is perhaps the most popular and effective method that is used by many flower products in the breeding process.


Planting the host is carried out in pre-cooked landing pits. The distance between the plants should be at least 50-60 cm. If we are talking about gigantic varieties, then the bushes are planted at a distance of 1 m from each other.

Before falling down, seedlings are watered to facilitate the process of extracting it from the pots. Plants plant along with an earthen room. The roots of the hosts are straightened, then sprinkled with soil and pour themselves. After that, the roasting trunk of the plant is molded with chopped crust of trees.

Host care at home

Possible problems in cultivation

Host - a little susceptible plant for diseases and pests. Nevertheless, the more species grow in one site, the greater the risk of getting infected instances. Plants that have been rendered late care are weak and sensitive. Such copies are more vulnerable to fungal disease - Fillostikosis. Leaves on plants are covered with large yellow spots. The affected bushes are removed, and the soil is disinfected.

Another pest, which is often hit by the host - stem nematode. Damaged plants are not amenable to treatment, they are simply destroyed.

Optimize care and create the necessary conditions The content of this flower, and he will delight you with his decorativeness and healthy view.