
Water exchange Definition. Water, water exchange in the body

Conifers in design

Water-salt exchanging is called a set of water and electrolyte processes into the body, distributing them in the inner medium and separation from the body.

Water-salt exchange in the human body

Water-salt exchange calledthe combination of the processes of water and electrolytes in the body, distributing them in the inner medium and the allocation of the body.

A healthy person is supported by the equality of volumes of water outlooking and received in it per day, which is called water balance organism. The balance of electrolytes - sodium, potassium, calcium, etc. can also be viewed. The average water balance indicators of a healthy person at rest are shown in Table. 12.1, and the balance sheet of electrolytes in table. 12.2.

Average values \u200b\u200bof human body balance parameters

Table 12.1. Average values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of the water balance of the human body (ml / day)

Water consumption and formation

Water release

Drink and liquid food


With urine


Solid food


With later


Endogenous "water oxidation"


With exhaled air


With Calom


Total arrival


Total selection


Inner cycle of gastrointestinal tract liquids (ml / day)





Gastric juice




Pancreas juice


Intestine juice





Total 8200 - 8100 \u003d Water in Kale 100 ml

The average daily balance of the exchange of some substances in humans

Table 12.2. The average daily balance of the exchange of some substances in humans








pot and air

Sodium (mmol)





Potassium (mmol)


Chloride (mmol)





Nitrogen (g)

Acids (MEKV)





With different disturbing effects (Medium temperature shifts, different levels of physical activity, change in the nature of nutrition) separate balance indicators may vary, but the balance itself is preserved.

In the context of pathology, impaired balance with a predominance of either delay or loss of water.

Water organism

Water is an essential inorganic component of the body, providing the connection of the external and internal medium, transport substances between cells and organs. As a solvent of organic and inorganic substances, water is the main medium of deploying metabolic processes. It is part of various organic substance systems.

Each gram of glycogen, for example, contains 1.5 ml of water, each protein gram - 3 ml of water.

With its participation, such structures as cell membranes, blood transport particles, macromolecular and supramolecular formations are formed.

In the process of metabolism and hydrogen oxidationseparated from the substrate forms endogenous "water oxidation", moreover, its quantity depends on the type of disintegrating substrates and the metabolism level.

So, at rest when oxidation:

  • 100 g fat formed more than 100 ml of water,
  • 100 g of protein - about 40 ml of water,
  • 100 g of carbohydrates - 55 ml of water.

The increase in catabolism and energy exchange leads to a sharp increase in the formulated endogenous water.

However, endogenous water in humans is not enough to provide an aquatic environment of metabolic processes, especially the deduction in the dissolved form of metabolic products.

In particular, increasing the consumption of proteins and, accordingly, the final transformation of them into urea, removed from the body with urine, leads to absolute need to increase the loss of water in the kidneys, which requires an increased admission to the body.

When nutrition is predominantly carbohydrate, well-food and small admission to the NaCl body, the need for water is less.

    In a healthy adult, a daily need for water ranges from 1 to 3 liters.

    The total amount of water in the body is from a person from 44 to 70% of the body weight or approximately 38-42 liters.

    Its content in different tissues varies from 10% in adipose tissue to 83-90% in kidneys and blood, with age, the amount of water in the body decreases, as well as in obesity.

    In women, the water content is lower than that of men.

The water of the body forms two water spaces:

1. Intracellular (2/3 of the waters).

2. Extracellular (1/3 of the total water).

3. In the context of pathology, a third water space appears - body cavity water:abdominal, pleural, etc.

Extracellular water space includes two sectors:

1. Internal water sector, i.e. Plasma of blood, the volume of which is about 4-5% of body weight.

2. The interstitial water sector containing 1/4 of the entire body of the body (15% body weight) and is the most mobile, changing volume during an excess or disadvantage of water in the body.

All water of the body is updated approximately in a month, and extracellular water space for a week.

Hyperfishing organism

Excessive intake and formation of water with inadequately small, its allocation from the body leads to the accumulation of water and this water balance shift was called hyperhydrating.

In hypershydration, water accumulates mainly in the interstitial water sector.

Water intoxication

A significant degree of hyperfedration manifests itself water intoxication .

In this case, in the interstitial water sector, the osmotic pressure becomes lower than inside the cells, they absorb water, swell and the osmotic pressure in them becomes also reduced.

As a result of the increased sensitivity of nerve cells to a decrease in osmolarity, the aqueous intoxication may be accompanied by the excitation of nerve centers and muscle cramps.

Dehydration organism

Insufficient flow and water formation or excessively large selection lead to a decrease in the aquatic space in, mainly, the interstitial sector, which is called dehydration.

This is accompanied by blood thickening, deterioration of its rheological properties and hemodynamic disorders.

The disadvantage in the body of water in the amount of 20% of the body weight leads to a fatal outcome.

Regulation of the body's water balance

The system of regulation of the water balance provides two main homeostatic process:

    first, maintaining the constancy of the total volume of fluid in the body and,

    secondly, the optimal distribution of water between the aquatic spaces and the sectors of the body.

The factors of maintaining water homeostasis include Osmotic and oncotic pressure of water space liquids, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic blood pressure, the permeability of histohematic barriers and other membranes, active transport of electrolytes and non-electrolytees, neuro-endocrine mechanisms for regulating the activities of the kidney and other allocation bodies, as well as drinking behavior and thirst.

Water saline exchange

The water balance of the body is closely associated with the exchange of electrolytes.. The total concentration of mineral and other ions creates a certain amount of osmotic pressure.

The concentration of individual mineral ions determines the functional state of excitable and non-typical tissues, as well as the state of permeability of biological membranes - so it is customary to speak about water-electrolyte(or salt)exchange.

Water electrolyte exchange

Since the synthesis of mineral ions in the body is not carried out, they should enter the body with food and drink. To maintain the electrolyte balance and, accordingly, life activity, the body must receive per day Approximately 130 mmol sodium and chlorine, 75 mmol potassium, 26 mmol of phosphorus, 20 mmol calcium and other elements.

The role of electrolytes in the vital activity of the body

For homeostasiselectrolytes need to interact multiple processes:admission to the body, redistribution and deposit in cells and their microenvironment, separation from the body.

Admission to the body depends on the composition and properties of food and water, the peculiarities of their suction in the gastrointestinal tract and the state of the enteral barrier. However, despite the broad fluctuations in the number and composition of food and water, the water-salt balance in a healthy body is steadily supported by changes in excretion using the isolation organs. The main role in this homeostatic regulation is performed by the kidney.

Regulation of water and salt metabolism

Regulation of water-salt metabolism, like most physiological regulations, includes afferent, central and efferent links. The afferent link is represented by a mass of receptor vessels of vascular channel, tissues and organs that perceive the shifts of osmotic pressure, the volume of liquids and their ionic composition.

As a result, a central nervous system creates an integrated pattern of the state of the water-salt balance in the body. The consequence of the central analysis is to change the drinking and edible behavior, restructuring the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and the selection system (primarily the functions of the kidney), implemented through the efferent links of the regulation. The latter are represented by nervous and, mostly hormonal influences.published

The normal work of the human body is an extremely complex complex of multiple processes, one of which is a water-salt exchange. When he is in good condition, a person is in no hurry to correct his own health, but as soon as there are really noticeable deviations, many immediately try to apply various measures. So that this does not happen, it is best to understand in advance, which is a water-salt exchange, and for what reason it is so important to maintain in good condition. Also in this article, we will consider its basic violations and ways to restore.

What is it?

Water-salt exchange is combined with each other the receipt of electrolytes and fluids into the body, as well as the main features of their absorption and further distribution in internal tissues, organs, media, as well as all sorts of processes of bringing them from the human body.

The fact that people themselves are more than half consist of water, each person knows since childhood, while quite interesting is the fact that the total amount of fluid in our body changes and is determined by a rather large number of factors, including age, total The mass of fat, as well as the number of those most electrolytes. If a newborn person consists of a water of approximately 77%, then an adult man includes only 61%, and women - and at all 54%. So low water content in the body of women is determined by the fact that they have several other water-salt exchanges, and there is also a sufficiently large amount of fat cells.

Key Features

The total amount of fluid in the human body is set to approximately as follows:

  • Approximately 65% \u200b\u200bis discharged to intracellular fluid, as well as the associated with phosphate and potassium, which are anion and cation, respectively.
  • Approximately 35% is an extracellular fluid, which is mainly in vascular bed and is a tissue and interstitial fluid.

Among other things, it is worth noting the fact that water in the human body is in a free state, is constantly held by colloids or is directly involved in the formation and decay of protein, fatty and carbohydrate molecules. A variety of tissues have a different ratio of associated, free and constitutional water, which also directly depends the regulation of water-salt metabolism.

In comparison with the blood plasma, as well as a special intercellular fluid, tissue is characterized by the presence of a sufficiently large number of magnesium ions, potassium and phosphates, as well as not such a large concentration of calcium, sodium, chlorine and special hydrocarbonate ions. This difference is caused by the fact that the capillary wall for proteins has quite low permeability.

The correct regulation of water-salt metabolism in healthy people provides not only the maintenance of a constant composition, but also the necessary volume of body fluids, preserving acid-alkaline equilibrium, as well as the almost identical concentration of the necessary osmotically active substances.


You need to correctly understand how water-salt exchange works. Regulation functions are carried out by several physiological systems. First, specialized receptors react to all sorts of changes in the concentration of osmotically active substances, ions, electrolytes, as well as the volume of fluid. In the future, the signals are sent to the central nervous system of a person, and only then the body begins to change water consumption, as well as the release of it and the necessary salts, and thus the water-salt exchange systems are regulated.

The removal of ions, water and electrolytes by the kidneys is under the direct control of the nervous system and a number of hormones. In the process of regulating water-salt metabolism, physiologically active substances are also involved in the kidney. The total sodium content inside the body is constantly adjustable mainly by kidneys under the control of the central nervous system, through specialized sodiumceptors that constantly respond to any changes to the sodium content inside body fluids, as well as Osmoreceptors and volo-tepprators, continuously analyzing the osmotic pressure of extracellular, as well as the volume of circulating liquids.

The main nervous system, which uses various hormones of water-salt metabolism, and all sorts of corticosteroids, including insulin and aldosterone, is responsible for regulating potassium.

The regulation of chlorine exchange directly depends on the quality of the kidney work, and from the body, its ions are derived in the predominant majority of cases along with the urine. The total number of excreated directly depends on the human power mode used, the activity of the reabsorption of sodium, acid-alkaline balance, the state of the tubular kidney apparatus, as well as the masses of other elements. The exchange of chlorides is directly related to the water exchange, so the regulation of water-salt metabolism in the body affects the set of other factors of the normal functioning of various systems.

What is considered the norm?

A huge number of different physiological processes occurring inside our body directly depend on the total amount of salts and liquids. At the moment, it is known that in order to avoid a disruption of water-salt exchange, a person per day needs to drink approximately 30 ml of water for each kilogram of its own weight. This amount is quite enough to supply our organism the necessary amounts of minerals. At the same time, the water will be spilled in various cells, vessels, tissues and joints, as well as dissolve and further flush out all sorts of livelihoods. In the predominant majority of cases, the average number of water consumed during the day in humans practically does not exceed two and a half liters, and this amount is often formed about this:

  • up to 1 liter we get from food;
  • up to 1.5 liters - due to drinking simple water;
  • 0.3-0.4 liters - the formation of oxidation water.

The regulation of water-salt exchange in the body directly depends on the balance between its arrival, as well as the allocation for a certain period of time. If during the day the body needs to get about 2.5 liters, then in this case, about the same amount will be derived from the body.

The water-salt exchange in the human body is regulated by a whole complex of all sorts of neuroendocrine reactions, which are mainly aimed at continuous maintenance of a stable volume, as well as the extracellular sector, and, which is especially important - blood plasma. Despite the fact that different mechanisms for correction of these parameters are autonomous, both of them are extremely high.

Due to such a regulation, support is achieved by the most stable level of the concentration of ions and electrolytes located in the composition of extracellular and intracellular fluid. Among the main cations of the body, it is worth highlighting potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium, while anions - bicarbonate, chlorine, sulfate and phosphate.


It is impossible to say which iron is involved in the water-salt exchange, as a huge number of various organs takes part in this process. It is for this reason that in the course of the body's work there can be a wide variety of violations, testifying to this problem, among which it is worth highlighting the following:

  • the emergence of edema;
  • cluster of a large amount of fluid inside the body or, on the contrary, its deficit;
  • violation of the balance of electrolytes;
  • an increase or decrease in osmotic blood pressure;
  • the change ;
  • an increase or decrease in the concentration of some specific ions.

Specific examples

It is necessary to correctly understand that many organs are involved in the regulation of water-salt metabolism, therefore, in most cases, it is not possible to establish a particular cause of the problem. Basically, the water balance is directly determined by how much water is introduced and excreted from our body, and any violations of this exchange are directly related to the electrolyte balance and begin to manifest themselves in the form of hydration and dehydration. The extreme expression of excess is swelling, that is, too large amounts of fluid contained in various tissues of the body, intercellular spaces and serous cavities, which is accompanied by violations of the electrolyte balance.

With in turn, it is divided into two main types:

  • without an equivalent number of cations, at which there is a continuous thirst, and the water contained in cells enters the interstitial space;
  • with the loss of sodium, which occurs directly from the extracellular fluid and is usually not accompanied by thirst.

All sorts of violations of the water balance are manifested in the case when the total volume of circulating fluid is reduced or increases. Its excessive increase is often manifested due to hydramsia, that is, increasing the total amount of water in the blood.

Sodium exchange

Knowledge of various pathological conditions under which changes occur in the ionic composition of blood plasma or the concentration of certain ions in it is quite important for the differential diagnosis of a number of diseases. All sorts of violations in the exchange of sodium in the body are represented by its excess, disadvantage or various changes in its distribution in the body. The latter occurs in the presence of a normal or modified amount of sodium.

The deficit can be:

  • True. It occurs due to loss and water, and sodium, which is often manifested by insufficient admission to the body of a cook salt, as well as too much sweating, polyuria, extensive burns, intestinal obstruction and many other processes.
  • Relative. It can develop against the background of excessive administration of aqueous solutions at a speed, which exceeds the selection of water by the kidneys.

The excess is also varied in the same way:

  • True. It is the cause of the introduction of a patient of any saline solutions, too much consumption of a conventional salt salt, all sorts of delays of sodium dedication by the kidneys, as well as redundant products or excessively long administration of glucocorticoids.
  • Relative. It is often observed in the presence of dehydration and is the immediate cause of hypershydration and the further development of all sorts of edema.

Other problems

The main violations in the exchange of potassium, which is almost completely (by 98%) in intracellular fluid, is hypercalemia and hypokalemia.

Hypokalemia occurs if there is an excessive amount of products or in the case of an aldosterone from outside, or glucocorticoids, which cause too much secretion of potassium in the kidneys. It can also occur in the case of intravenous administration of various solutions or insufficient potassium qualia coming into the body along with food.

Hypercalemia is a frequent consequence of injuries, starvation, reduced as well as the excessive administration of various potassium solutions.


It is possible to normalize the water-salt exchange of kidneys using specialized pharmaceutical preparations, which are designed specifically to change the total content of electrolytes, water and hydrogen ions. Support and adjustment of the main factors of homeostasis is carried out by interrelated operation of excretory, endocrine and respiratory systems. Any, even the most minor changes in the water content or electrolytes can lead to quite serious consequences, some of which threaten even human life.

What are you prescribed?

To normalize the water-salt exchange of a person, you can use the following:

  • Magnesium and potassium asparangiat. In most cases, most cases are prescribed solely as a supplement to the main therapy in the occurrence of heart failure, various violations of the heart rhythm or the occurrence of myocardial infarction. It is quite easily absorbed when taking inside, after which the kidneys are excreted.
  • Sodium bicarbonate. Basically, it is prescribed in the presence of ulcerative disease of the duodenum and a stomach, as well as with gastritis with increased acidity, which occurs when intoxicating, infections or diabetes mellitus, as well as during the postoperative period. Quite quickly neutralizes the hydrochloric acids of the gastric juice, and also provides an extremely fast antacid effect and increases the overall release of gastrin together with the secondary activation of secretion.
  • Sodium chloride. It is accepted in the presence of large losses of the extracellular fluid or in the presence of its insufficient receipt. Also quite often doctors recommend using it with hyponatremia, hypochloremia, intestinal obstruction and all sorts of intoxication. This remedy has a rehydrating and disinfecting effect, and also ensures the restoration of sodium shortage in the presence of various pathological conditions.
  • Used to ensure stabilization of blood indicators. It is a binder for calcium, as well as a hemochaguing inhibitor. In the future, it increases the total sodium content in the body and increases alkaline reserves of blood, which ensures a positive effect.
  • Hydroxyethyl starch. It is used in the process of operations, as well as in burns, injuries, sharp blood loss and all sorts of infectious diseases.

Thus, you can normalize the water-salt metabolism and return the work of the body into a normal state. Only a highly qualified doctor should choose a specific course of treatment, since it can be significantly worsening a state.

The role of water in the body is difficult to overestimate, without water, a person can live no more than a week, because 60% consists of water. The main mass of water is inside the cells (71% of all the water of the body) and in the intercellular (tissue) fluid (21%), the remaining part is blood plasma. Water is a medium in which all chemical metabolic reactions are carried out in cells, organs and tissues, a link between them is maintained, this is the basis of all fluids in the body. Water is a solvent of all organic and inorganic substances coming from the external environment into the body and suction in the gastrointestinal tract. Due to high heat capacity and thermal conductivity, it participates in thermoregulation, ensuring the removal of heat from the body (heat transfer) with the help of sweating, evaporation of sweat, heat shortness. Continuous flow of water into the body is one of the main conditions for maintaining its livelihoods.

The water balance of the body consists of daily consumption and water separation.

    Water comes:
  • with food - about 750 ml of water;
  • in the form of beverages and clean water - about 630 ml;
  • metabolic water is about 320 ml, it is formed in the body during the oxidation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
    Water consumed:
  • when evaporated from the surface of the skin (sweat) and the lung alveoli (with breathing) - about 800 ml;
  • about 800 ml of water is necessary for the dissolution of harmful substances derived by the kidneys;
  • 100 ml of water is displayed with feces.

Thus, the minimum daily need is about 1700 ml of water. To restore lost water, it must be introduced into the body.

In the hot season, with tense physical exertion, large water losses in the body are observed from then, so the consumption of it increases to 5 - 6 liters per day. Since it is lost many sodium salts, it is better to replenish the lack of liquid with mineral water. Insufficient water intake in the human body leads to a decrease in water in the blood and intercellular fluid. This condition is called dehydration. Dehydration causes blood thickening, an increase in its viscosity and, as a result, circulatory disruption. Dehydration, reaching 20% \u200b\u200bof body weight, can lead to lethal consequences.

Excessive water consumption is not very good for the body, since it is an additional load for the cardiovascular system and increases the volume of fluid filtered by the kidneys.

Water exchange in the body is regulated by the central nervous system and is closely associated with the mineral exchange of potassium salts and sodium. With a lot of water loss of water, the organism with then or increased consumption of the table salt is changing the osmotic pressure of the blood plasma, which entails the excitation in the cortex of the brain, as a result of which a feeling of true thirst appears, regulating water consumption by man. False thirst, due to dry mouth, unlike the true, does not require water intake into the body. To remove this sensation, it is sufficient to strengthen the salivation of the sour product or moisten the mouth with water.

The absorption of water begins in the stomach, but it is most intense, it occurs in a thin and especially colon (per day about 8 l). Strong and rapid dehydration develops with sharp disorders of the intestinal function (diarrhea, or diarrhea), since then the water is not absorbed, and directly derived from the body. It is very dangerous. In such cases, it is necessary to replenish the stocks of water and salts (drink slightly salted water or special physiologically balanced water saline solutions).

A certain amount of water is absorbed along an osmotic gradient, although the water is absorbed and in the absence of the difference in osmotic pressure. The main amount of water is absorbed from isotonic solutions of intestinal chimus, since in the intestine, hyper- and hypotonic solutions are quickly concentrated or bred. Absorption of water from isotonic and hypertensive solutions requires energy costs. The dissolved substances "pull" the intestines are actively absorbed by the intestines. The decisive role in the transfer of water belongs to ions, especially Na +, so all factors affecting its transport changes and absorb water. Due to the energy released in the small intestine during glycolize and oxidative processes, water absorption increases. The most intense absorption of sodium and water in the intestine is carried out at pH 6.8 (at pH 3, water absorption stops).

Change the absorption of water diet. The increase in the proportion of the protein increases the speed of water absorption, sodium and chlorine. The water absorption rate varies depending on the hydration of the body. Anesthesia (ether and chloroform) slows down the suction of water. Water absorption is also a conditional and reflex character and is regulated by hormones.

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Water exchange in the body


Water is an integral part of any cell, a liquid base of blood and lymph. In the body, it performs a number of important functions: many chemicals are dissolved in it, it is actively involved in the exchange processes, exchange products are allocated from the body. Water for man is also vital, as well as for our planet or for any living being on it. The water is the most famous little studied and most mysterious substance on Earth, it is the basis of life on Earth and the basis for the existence of any living being on the planet. The replenishment of the body with water occurs constantly due to the absorption of it from the digestive tract. A person per day needs 2-2.5 liters of water with normal food mode and normal ambient temperature. This amount of water comes from the following sources: water consumed when drinking (about 1 l); water contained in food (about 1 l); Water, which is formed in the body when exchanging proteins, fats and carbohydrates (300-350 cu. cm). The main organs removing water from the body, kidneys, sweat glands, light and intestines. The kidneys per day from the body removes 1.2-1.5 liters of water as part of urine. 500-700 cu is removed by sweating glands through the skin in the form of sweat. CM water per day. At normal temperature and humidity of air per 1 square meter. CM Skin Covers every 10 min is released about 1 mg of water. Light in the form of water vapors is displayed 350 cubic meters. cm water; This amount increases sharply in the deepening and efficiency of breathing, and 700-800 cube can be mediated during the day. CM water. Through the intestine with the feces, 100-150 cube is excreted per day. cm water; With the disorder of the intestinal activity, more water can be derived, which leads to the dining of the body with water. For the normal activity of the body, it is important that water flow into the body completely covered its consumption. If the water is excreted from the body more than it goes into it, a feeling of thirst arises. The ratio of the amount of water consumed to the amount of dedicated is a water balance.

Water in human body

Water is needed everywhere - in everyday life, agriculture and industry. A person can live without food 3-4 weeks, and without water - only a few days. Water is about 2/3 body weight. It helps to adjust the body temperature, plays an important role in building and restoring body tissues. With a lack of water in the body, a person is ill. But the water is needed, of course, not only for drinking: it helps also keep a person in a good hygiene state, housing and habitat. Without water, personal hygiene is impossible. Washing, warm bath and swimming make a feeling of cheerfulness and calm. After air, the water is the second value of the component required for human life. How important is the water indicates the fact that its content in various organs is 70-90%. Water is present in all the tissues of our body, although it is unevenly distributed. Attachment 1.The percentage of water in the body. (Chart 1) Water is the basis of our body, the child in childhood is more saturated with water, and old age, in the sense of biology, is the loss of moisture. We "dried up", "scribble" and die. Water serves to move vital energy in our body. With this energy, we live. This energy in water is life itself.

Balance of water in the body

Large water losses occur with increased sweating, reinforced breathing (exercise), burns, vomiting, etc. Increased body temperature contributes to the release of water through the skin. The lack of water in the body is hard to transferred to a person: a feeling of thirst, dryness in the mouth appears. Water exchange in children proceeds faster than adults

Diseases caused by the disadvantage of water in the body

The child's body by 80% consists of water, an adult - by 70%, the amount of water in the body of an old man drops to 60%. This means that water is the basis of life. Water leaves, leaves life. The aging process is accompanied by water loss - dehydration. With the dehydration of the body for 1-2%, the person begins to experience the feeling of thirst, anxiety, fatigue, headache begins, there are small difficulties with speech, breathing acquires an unpleasant smell. Especially smokers are almost always always in this stage, as smoking is dried and dehydrated the body. With 4-5% of dehydration - dizziness, nausea, irritability and incredible fatigue appear. This stage is observed in people who are sitting in the workplace for a whole day, for example, a computer and a little use liquids (tea, coffee does not count, because the body requires clean fluids - water). At 6-8% of dehydration, the appearance changes and the complexion, aggressiveness appears. Cell death begins at 10% dehydration. All these are signs of rapid dehydration, occurring in the case of an acute shortage of drinking water or fast water loss in the organism overheating or with strongest physical exertion. There is also chronic dehydration, which leads to malaise and disease. What are the reasons for dehydration of the body? The first - people do not drink water, because they may not feel thirst. The second - the body constantly comes with food substances - dehyders: coffee, strong tea, alcohol, coal and phosphoric acids from various sodes, dyes and aromatic fragrances, beer, canned food and smoked. The body requires an additional amount of clean water to eliminate all these dehyders, and from 4 to 7 liters of pure water per day. Of course, such a quantity of water is almost never drinking, which leads to chronic dehydration, which causes all metabolic processes and leads to diseases and early aging. To avoid this, it is necessary to follow simple rules of life: drink 2-3 liters of pure water every day (besides tea, soup coffee), exclude artificial chemical products from the diet. Water Blood Lymph.

The composition of water

Consequently, the water that we consume must necessarily be clean, that is, moderately hard water without excessive content of iron, fluorine, heavy metals, corresponding to hygienic standards. If a person takes contaminated rigid water, he often sicks. If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, then with clean water you need to start first. Water quality is determined by the presence of chemical inclusions. Already with the help of smelling and vision, a person can determine the quality of water. Not purely crystal water and suspicious smell of water already tells a person that it is not clean. For these indicators, it is possible to determine how much water quality and pure water quality indicators. Organoleptic indicators (taste, smell, color, turbidity) 2. Toxicological indicators (aluminum, lead, arsenic) 3. Indicators that affect the organoleptic properties of water (pH, rigidity) 4. Chemicals formed during water treatment (residual chlorine, chloroform and silver). A certain and constant water content is one of the necessary conditions for the existence of a living organism. With the change in the amount of water consumed and its saline composition, the processes of digestion and the absorption of food, blood formation are violated.

Water pollution

According to sanitary standards, any water that flows from the crane must respond to drinking water standards. Thus, to answer the question about the suitability of water for drinking, it is necessary to estimate the sample at least the above parameters. Few people in our days doubt that the water that we drink and use in everyday life needs further cleaning, from where it will do - from the well, artesian well or water supply. According to statistics, the state of Russia, in emergency is now about 40% of the city plumbing network, not to mention the country cottages and country village, where water quality often goes beyond the sanitary standards - from our crane not only drinking, but not even "household "Water. In recent decades, surface and underground water sources of Russia are subjected to intensive pollution. The deterioration of water quality of water sources led to the fact that in many areas, drinking water does not meet hygienic requirements. The problem of providing the population of the Russian Federation of drinking water regulatory quality has become one of the most acute problems of modern society - the problem of national security.


Without any exaggeration, it can be said that high-quality water that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements is one of the indispensable conditions for preserving the health of people. But that she benefit, it must be cleaned from all harmful impurities and deliver a clean person. We strongly recommend completely replace rigid and polluted water on purified, filtered water. The water we buy in bottles should be definitely not carbonated and without various additives. Sparkled water is harmful to the body. To all this, not all the selling water is really clean and meets the standards of pure water. Therefore, if you buy such water to be attentive. Clean water is a guarantee of health and longevity!


1. "Water and life on Earth" Novikov Yu.V., Saifutdinov M.M.

2. SanPine "Hygienic requirements and regulations of drinking water quality"

3. Monthly Scientific and Technical and Production Journal "Water Supply and Sanitary Technology", Article "Russian Citizens on Drinking Water" Golovkoev A.V., Kramar


The percentage of water in the body. Diagram 1.

Carrying water to the body. Chart 2.

Appendix 3. Water loss from the bodybut.Chart 3.

Appendix 5. Water quality indicators. Chart 4.

Diseases arising from the toxic effects of chemical elements, Drinking water. Table 1.

Factor carriage

Arsenic, boron, fluorine, copper, cyanides

Bronchial asthma


Chlorinated phenols, benzene

Diseases of the digestive tract:

Arsenic, beryllium, boron, chloroform,

Mercury, pesticides, zinc

Heart diseases:

Bor, zinc, fluorine, copper, lead, mercury, chloroform, cyanides

Dermatosis and eczema

Arsenic, chlorine, oil distillation products (oils), plastics, mercury.

Fluorosis skeleton


Bor, mercury

Cirrhosis of the liver

Chlorine, Magnesium, Benzene, Chloroform, Carbon Tetrochloride, Heavy Metals

Thyroid pituitary gland

Industion of stomach and guts

Fluorine, silicon, copper

Malignant swelling kidneys, bladder, lungs, leather, liver, stomach

Arsenic, chlorine, oil distillation products (oil)

Main sources of drinking water pollution. Diagram 5.

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    abstract, added 16.09.2010

    Symptoms and human disease that consumes little water. The role of water when weighing weight. Myths about the lack of water in the body. Ways to determine the required amount of water drilled. The most important quality of water is purity, acid-alkaline equilibrium, structure.

    abstract, added 05.05.2014

    Drafting and distribution of food diet. Determination of the daily rate of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Calorie food, basic meals. Drinking mode and water balance in the body. Ways of removal of water from the body. Consequences of lack of water.

    presentation, added 17.02.2014

    Preparation of water for pharmaceutical purposes by purifying impurities. Types of water used in a pharmaceutical enterprise: Drinking, softened, purified, water for injection. Water purification schemes. Distillation, cleaning by the method of ion exchange, filtering.

    abstract, added 06/23/2009

    The concept of foreign bodies as objects that entered the organs of the digestive tract from outside or were formed in the very organism, according to their composition, cannot be used in normal conditions as food. Technique assistance to children with foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract.

    presentation, added 01/12/2014

    Acquaintance with the action of insulin (reduction of diuresis, increasing the maximum secretion of cardiotractor), glucagon (braking the process of water reabsorption), androgen (enhancing the channel secretion), estrogen (sodium delay in the body) and the gestagen on the kidneys.

    abstract, added 06/09/2010

    Sweet glands in humans and other primates. Secretarial Potion Growing Department. Separation of the sex glands on the mechanism of secretion. Retreats of apocryan glands. The participation of the apocryan glands in the thermoregulation of the body. Formation of fistula and coarse scars.

    presentation, added 11.12.2013

    The blood system, its composition, functions and physicochemical properties. Erythrocyte functions, iron exchange in the body. Hemostasis - blood coagulation. Blood groups and their inheritance. Blood transfusion rules. Physiological requirements for bloodstream solutions.

    lecture, added 23.11.2009

    Water is the most common substance in the biosphere, its value in the vital activity of organisms. The chemical composition of water, factors affecting it. The value of the chemical composition of water in the vital activity of organisms, sources of pollution at the present stage.

    course work, added 26.02.2009

    Basic requirements for water in the pharmaceutical industry. International pharmacopoeia articles on water. Method for obtaining water for injection. Requirements for the storage of various types of water to avoid evaporation and to preserve quality indicators.

Water is not a source of energy, but its admission to the body is a prerequisite for its normal life. The amount of water in an adult is 65% of the total body weight, a child is 7580%. It is an integral part of the inner medium of the body, a universal solvent, participates in the regulation of body temperature. The most water in the blood is 92%, in the internal organs, it is 7686%, in muscles - 70%, less in adipose tissue - 30% and in the bones - 22%.

The daily need for the water of an adult - 2--2.5 liters. This amount is consumed from water consumed when drinking (1 l) contained in food (1 l) and formed during the exchange of substances (300350 ml). The main organs emitting water from the body, kidney, sweat glands, light and intestines. The kidneys per day is distinguished by 1.21.5 liters of water as part of urine. Sweet glands remove 500--700 ml of water as part of sweat. Light in the form of water vapor remove 350 ml of water, with deep and rapid breathing this amount increases to 700800 ml. In the intestine with feces, 100150 ml is derived. When an intestinal activity disorder (diarrhea), the body may lose a large amount of water, which leads to its dehydration.

The normal activity of the body is characterized by the preservation of the water balance, i.e. The amount of water received is equal to the number of derived. If the water is excreted from the body more than comes, the feeling of thirst arises. The child's body quickly accumulates and quickly loses water. This is due to intense growth, physiological immaturity of kidney and neuroendocrine mechanisms for regulation of water exchange. At the same time, water losses and dehydration in children are significantly higher than in adults, and largely depend on the release of water through light and skin. On a day, the release of water can reach 50% of the volume of the accepted liquid, especially when the child's heating. Water loss in children reaches 1.3 g / kg per hour, while in adults they make up 0.5 g / kg per hour. Such a significant loss of water causes children greater than in adults, the need to fill it. Insufficient amount of water can lead to saline fever, i.e. To increase body temperature. The need for water per 1 kg of body weight decreases with age. In 3 months, a child per 1 kg of mass requires 150--170 g of water, in 2 years - 95 g, at the age of 13 - 45

Regulation of water exchange is carried out nervously. The Zhazda Center is in the hypothalamus. Water balance regulates mineralocorticoids (adrenal bark) and antidiuretic hormone (hypothalamus).

Energy exchange. Energy costs for the growth and development of the children's body. Thermoregulation, age-related features

When splitting and oxidizing nutrients to finite products, energy is highlighted. One of the most important indicators of the intensity of exchange processes in the body is the magnitude of the main exchange, under which the level of exchange reactions is understood at room temperature and in full. It is determined lying, on an empty stomach, at a comfort temperature. The magnitude of the main exchange depends on the age, gender and defense. On average, men have 71407560 kJ, women - 64206,800 kJ. For each person, the magnitude of the main exchange is constant.

In the usual living conditions for the intensity of metabolism, various factors affect the intensity, and above all muscle activity. Therefore, the level of metabolism in natural conditions is general exchange - significantly exceeds the main one.

With a lack of energy-valuable food, the body first consumes backup carbohydrates and fats, and then muscle proteins. Energy exchange is regulated by the hypothalamus and the corresponding centers of the cortex of large hemispheres of the brain. Humoral regulation is provided by thyroxin and triiodothyronine (thyroid gland) and adrenaline (brain layer of adrenal glands).