
How to replenish serotonin in the body. Mood hormone: why do we need serotonin and where to find it

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Rarely who at present did not hear about serotonin and how to increase its level in the body. The general awareness was put on the Internet, the media, someone heard about the "hormone of happiness" (so called serotonin) from acquaintances. So where to take it? Let's wonder if it is possible, and most importantly, how appropriate it is.

Serotonin - What is it?

Serotonin - hormone, i.e. Unlike vitamins, it is synthesized in the body, and not comes with food (food can only supply substances necessary for hormone synthesis, in particular, the same vitamins). Like every hormone, serotonin directly affects our behavior, and it is synthesized more in minutes of pleasure and pleasure.

Serotonin - One of the most important neurotransmitters, our mood can change under his influence, either the disappearance of appetite, interest in the opposite sex.

The increase in serotonin level in the bloodstream (the analysis is made on serum content, the normal level of 50-220 ng / ml, can be checked in the direction of the doctor) will provide us with a tide of strength and the rise of the mood, and the downgrade, on the contrary, will plunge into despondency and depression. He regulates the synthesis of serotonin appendage of the brain epiphiz. 80-90% of serotonin necessary for us is produced in gastrointestinal, and the remaining part - in the brain, because important condition the development of a sufficient number of this hormone is proper nutrition.

Serotonin functions in the body

Serotonin - Intermediary when exchanging information between cells nervous system. The correctness of data exchange between cells is possible only at the optimal level of serotonin in the blood. Digubans as a lack of this hormone and its excess.

For good falling asleep and healthy sleep we need melatonin For the production of which, in turn, serotonin is needed, and in case of sampling in serotonin level, melatonin begins to be produced nehydramically, which leads to violations of the rhythm of life. The Balance of Serotonin and Melanin provides a healthy sleep and a full-fledged rhythm of life. Do not be awake at night or sleep when light - it disrupts the production of melatonin.

Serotonin is a hormone that is formed in nervous cells. It concentrates in the stomach and intestines, in the blood and the central nervous system.

Serotonin is formed from tryptophan - an indispensable amino acid, which we get with food and which in the body under the action of enzymes turns into a hormone.

Why do you need a hormone of mood?

Serotonin affects the entire organism, from emotions to motility. Here is its basic functions.
  • Serotonin is involved in digestion and controls the intestinal peristalsis.
  • Serotonin is involved in the reaction of nausea: Increased hormone level stimulates the brain area, which is responsible for vomiting. Serotonin helps get rid of harmful substances in the body, causing diarrhea.
  • In the brain tissues, Serotonin regulates anxiety, joy and responsible for the mood. The low level of hormone is associated with depression, and too high levels lead to hallucinations and neuromuscular disorders.
  • Serotonin stimulates the sections of the brain that control sleep and wakefulness. Wake up or fall asleep - Serotonin receptors solve.
  • When you need to tighten the wound, serotonin narrows the artery and helps to form a thrombus.
  • Serotonin is needed for the health of bones, but its excess leads to osteoporosis, from which the bones become fragile.

How does serotonin affect emotions?

Serotonin adjusts the mood. When the hormone level is normal, a man is happy, calm, focused and satisfied.

Studies confirmed that depression, anxiety and insomnia are often associated with a lack of serotonin. But if the level free hormone In the blood to increase, then unpleasant symptoms calm down.

How many serotonin is needed for happiness?

Normal indicators of serotonin in the blood - from 101 to 283 ng / ml (nanograms per milliliter). But these criteria may vary depending on how the analysis is carried out, so any research results must be discussed with the doctor.

Where to find it?

In products with a high content of tryptophan. He is in large quantities It is contained in food, in which there are proteins, iron, riboflavin, vitamin B6.
  • Eggs. Egg white Increases the level of tryptophan in blood plasma. Add usual dinner boiled egg Or take for breakfast.
  • Cheese. Another source of tryptophan. Use with paste to get maximum benefit.
  • A pineapple. In pineapples, except for tryptophan, also bromeline is an enzyme with many useful properties: from improving digestion to reducing side effects from chemotherapy.
  • Tofu. Soy products, like other legumes, are rich in tryptophan. Tofu is a source of amino acids and proteins for vegetarians. Good combined with Bulgarian pepper.
  • Salmon. Salmon appears in many lists useful products, Including in tryptophan short sheet.
  • Nuts and seeds. All nuts and seeds contain tryptophan. A handful per day reduces the risk of heart disease and respiratory system.
  • Turkey. We do not have traditions related to the preparation of turkey for the holidays, but why not start them? For the sake of good mood.

How are food and mood connected?

The relationship between food and mood follows from the path that tryptophan turns into serotonin. That's just to increase serotonin levels, it is not enough to sit on a tryptophan diet.

Triptophan must enter the reaction with other amino acids to get into the nervous tissue. This requires helpers - carbohydrates.

For treating carbohydrates, insulin is distinguished, which stimulates the absorption of amino acids into the blood, including tryptophan. The amino acid concentrates in the blood, and this increases its chances to pass through the hematorecephalic barrier (that is, to penetrate the brain).

To improve the mood, you often eat products with tryptophan (meat, cheese, legumes) and walk high carbon black: rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread. Formula Such: Food with tryptophan + large portion of carbohydrates \u003d serotonin growth.

Therefore, pasta with cheese and mashed potatoes seem so pleasant, especially when the window is cold and wet.

What to do if the mood is not improved from the products?

Go to the doctors - therapist and endocrinologist. With a shortage of hormone and the associated depression is discharged by selective inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure (SSRS) - these are the most common antidepressants. Nervous cells are separated by serotonin, but part of it is absorbed back into neurons. SSIRS block this process, so that there remains more active hormone in the tissues.

Together with such drugs, many other medicines cannot be applied due to the risk of serotonin syndrome - a hazardous state, in which the functions of nervous and muscle systems are disturbed. So be sure to report to the doctor that they are drinking antidepressants.

What is serotonin syndrome?

This is a life-threatening condition associated with a high content of serotonin in the blood. So happens after receiving a new drug or overdose.

Symptoms of serotonin syndrome:

  • shiver;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • extended pupils;
  • goose pimples;
  • involuntary cuts of satellites;
  • increase in temperature and blood pressure;
  • student heartbeat and arrhythmia.

Often the syndrome goes by itself in one day, if you prescribe drugs that block serotonin, or cancel the reception of drugs that caused disorders.

What else increases serotonin levels?

All that helps maintain the body in good condition.

  • Sunlight.
  • Physical Education.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Positive attitude to life.

Serotonin is a hormone generated by a human body. It is also called the hormone of pleasure. It is a chemical mediator of the transfer of nerve impulses in the brain and, along with Dopamin and Endorphine, is responsible for the mood.

Serotonin has a direct or indirect effect on most cerebral cells. Scientists have proven that the activity of this hormone depends on the time of year, therefore, in the autumn period, people often appear an depressed mood.

Reducing the concentration of serotonin in the blood is observed during Down syndrome or phenylketonurium. The reason for lowering the level of the hormone can become bad habits - Smoking and alcohol consumption, as they worsen the absorption of tryptophan - indispensable acid, from which serotonin is produced.

Products affecting Syrotonin synthesis

In its pure form, there is no serotonin in food, its synthesis is quite complicated. In the human body there must be a sufficient amount of glucose, since it stimulates the height of insulin into the blood plasma. In turn, he launches a number of processes affecting the production of tryptophan, from which serotonin is synthesized with epiphyus.

The most important source of tryptophan are seafood. The approximate content of 100 g of products is:

  • red caviar - 0.96 g;
  • black caviar - 0.91 g;
  • squid - 0.32 g;
  • fish (Study, Herring, Salmon, Crack, Minttai, Carp or Mackerel) - 0.16-0.3 g.

Also, the source of tryptophan, which in the future turns into serotonin, are dairy products. The leader in this group of products is solid cheese, in 100 g of which contains 0.79 g of tryptophan. The content of this indispensable amino acids in other dairy products at the rate of 100 g:

  • melted cheeses - 0.5 g;
  • cottage cheese (depending on fatness) - 0.18-21 g;
  • milk or kefir - 0.04 g

Treppostopan reserves can be replenished with nuts or seeds (100 g content):

  • peanuts - 0.75 g;
  • almonds - 0, 63 g;
  • cashew - 0.6 g;
  • cedar nuts - 0.42 g;
  • pistachios, sunflower seeds - 0.3 g.

To increase the level of tryptophan, you can eat legumes in food. Its largest is in soybeans (about 0.6 g per 100 g). You can also eat peas and beans (0.26 g of tryptophan 100 g).

The source of tryptophan is chocolate (100 g of about 0.2 g). A little less than this indispensable amino acid is in the Kurage.

It is possible to increase serotonin in the body in the body by using buckwheat, oatmeal, peaked, pearl or bone porridge or pasta. In 100 g, the cereals contain from 0.1 to 0.18 g of tryptophan.

Women's sex hormones affect serotonin receptors, with which the premenstrual syndrome is connected and psychological changes In the period of menopause.

Fresh vegetables and fruits contain a very small amount of tryptophan, so it will not be possible to increase serotonin levels with their help.

But it is not recommended to abuse the products containing tryptophan. Normally, a person should receive 0.003 5 g of this amino acid per 1 kg of weight.

Since tryptophan refers to weak amino acids, for its good assimilation, the body needs to ensure the adequate flow of vitamins of the group in, rapid carbohydrates, magnesium and iron.

How to raise serotonin levels with medicines

In order to increase serotonin in the body, drugs are used from the group of selective inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure. These are third-generation antidepressants, which are used to treat depression and alarming states.

The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on blocking serotonin reverse seizure using its neurons. This makes it possible to increase the amount of hormone in the synaptic slit.

Tablets do not chew and powered with enough water. This contributes to the improvement of their suction in the gastrointestinal tract. Preparations of this group cannot be canceled sharply, the dose must be reduced gradually.

Also, preparations from a group of monoaminoxidase inhibitors are used to increase serotonin levels. Biologically active substances contained in these medicinal products, slow down the flow of the enzymatic reaction and prevent the destruction of serotonin.

Drug therapy to increase serotonin level is usually carried out in cases where the patient has disruptions from the nervous system.

How to raise serotonin levels using medicinal plants

Increase the level of serotonin hormone in the body using medicinal plants. They act as natural inhibitors of serotonin reverse capture. You can use the means prepared on the basis of these plants, after consulting your doctor.


IN folk medicine St. John's wig is used to treat mental disorders. The composition of this plant includes hypericin and hyperforin. Many experts believe that this is exactly what the high efficiency of drugs based on the Hyperician in the treatment of various mental disorders.

To other important biologically active substances include tannes and flavonoids that possess healing properties. St. John's wort is prescribed when depressions, anxiety and neurosis, since it acts as a inhibitor of serotonin reverse seizure. It must be remembered that when using Hypericum-based funds, direct sunlight should be avoided, as photodermatitis can occur.

Golodka naked

The licorice includes a large amount of flavonoids and saponins. Some of them contribute to the increase in serotonin brain use. Most often, licorice-based tools are prescribed to women during menopause when a light or moderate depression appears. With diabetes mellitus, the plant is not recommended.


Ginseng root includes triterpene glycosides, pectin substances, panaksonic acid, micro and macroelements. It acts as a brain stimulator and adaptogen.

An experimental way was proved that when applying funds based on ginseng root occur, changes in the content of biogenic amines in the brain, namely, an increase in the number of serotonin in the cerebral cortex.

The dosing mode of ginseng funds is determined individually. If the dose is incorrect, then you can get the opposite expected result.

When signs appear, which indicate a decrease in the level of hormone of happiness, it is recommended to revise your diet or use medicinal herbs.


The composition of the saffron includes crosses and glycosides. The studies testify that the use of 30 mg of spices increases every day the level of serotonin in the body and stops the symptoms of depression. Also, to increase the level of serotonin in the body, it is possible to use a spice-groove in the composition - turmeric.


The composition of this plant includes essential oil, the main component of which is ocyomen. Also, velvets contain vitamins, minerals, alkaloids, flavonoids, phytoncides and organic acids. Preparations based on this plant enhance the production of serotonin, activate the brain operation and improve the state of the nervous system.

In order to increase the level of hormone, you can not only take tools prepared on the basis of velvetsev, inward, but also inhale the flavor of flowers or take baths with the addition of petals.

Other ways to increase serotonin levels

  1. Healthy sleep. People who work at night are spent on a computer for a long time or in entertainment establishments, serotonin levels decrease. The rhythm of the production of this hormone is broken, and the regime is necessary for its normalization. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  2. Sunbath. As studies show, with seasonal depression, the effects of sunlight effectively, as it leads to an increase in serotonin level in the body.
  3. Active exercise. People who are engaged in sports are less likely to suffer from depression. At the same time, it is possible not only to active sports, but also to meditation or respiratory practices.

The role of serotonin in the body

Serotonin affects many functions in the body, in particular:

  • responsible for the work of the cardiovascular and endocrine system;
  • affects cells that affect sexual attraction and some aspects of social behavior (in this case, the excess serotonin can act oppressively on the function of the sexual system);
  • affects the memory and ability to learn;
  • stimulates a smooth intestinal musculatory and enhances its peristaltics (the lack of this hormone can cause intestinal obstruction);
  • stimulates the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract, narrows bronchioles;
  • reduces the daily amount of urine;
  • affects pain threshold and sensitivity.

Studies show that men and women serotonin's level is different. Representatives of the male level of this hormone is slightly higher, which gives them the opportunity to be more resistant to depression.

For the purpose of experiment, the level of tryptophan, from which serotonin is produced, decreased by artificially. This led to the fact that men became more impulsive, while they did not appear signs of depression. Women also had a bad mood and communication problems (characteristic signs of depressive state).

Women's sex hormones affect serotonin receptors, with which the premenstrual syndrome is connected and psychological changes during the menopause.

Signs of lack of serotonin

The following symptoms indicate the low level of serotonin in the body:

  • acute desire to eat something sweet;
  • oppressed state;
  • signs of depression;
  • ships-angry mood;
  • insomnia;
  • low self-esteem;
  • loss of self-confidence;
  • constant anxiety;
  • fear;
  • panic attacks.
Also, the source of tryptophan, which in the future turns into serotonin, are dairy products. The leader in this group of products is solid cheese, in 100 g of which contains 0.79 g of tryptophan.

Also on the reduced level of serotonin in the body may also indicate other signs:

  • pain in muscles arising spontaneously without visible reasons;
  • pain in the lower jaw (in some cases it can be reduced);
  • frequent headaches (people with low serotonin levels are subject to migraine attacks);
  • disorders in the intestine, which arise without visible reasons;
  • pain in the stomach of unclear origin;
  • fast weight set.

How to prevent the level of serotonin level in the body

In order to support serotonin normally, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • sleep daily at least 7-8 hours;
  • fully eat;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • provide sufficient volume of physical exertion;
  • avoid stressful situations.

It must be remembered that serotonin performs different physiological functions in the body. When signs appear, which indicate a decrease in the level of hormone of happiness, it is recommended to revise their diet or use medicinal herbs. If these methods are not effective enough, you need to consult a doctor.

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Serotonin is a hormone that affects appetite, mood and sexual activity. In the people, he is called "Horons of Pleasure" or "Hormon of Happiness." It can be said, the more it is produced in the body, the happier and more comfortable feels like a person. It is produced by the body in minutes of pleasure and stops being produced in the oppressed or depressive state.

The synthesis of the hormone is performed by the epiphysis - the appendage of the brain, located between the two hemispheres of the latter.

Low level serotonin

When the body lacks this substance, the following states arise:

  1. Excessive impulsiveness;
  2. Long depressive condition without visible cause;
  3. Scattered, stiffness, disruption of the concentration of attention;
  4. Irritability, nervous breakdowns;
  5. Raising the painful threshold;
  6. Tract for sweets.

The body generates serotonin from tryptophan - an amino acid substance, which is contained in food. In turn, serotonin is the main melatonin - a substance that helps to fall asleep and wake up, that is, regulates the daily rhythm.

  • Accordingly, the lack of hormone pleasure leads to sleep violations: insomnia, awakening difficulties.
  • In people in depressive condition, melatonin products are violated, which is associated with a violation of the regime and recreation, constant lack of sleep and increased fatigue.
  • Serotonin affects other organism processes, for example, reactions to adrenaline. With a hormone deficiency, a panic and alarming state is developing, even without reason. A person may be annoyed and becomes quick-tempered, not quite adequate. At the same time, the elevated level of hormone also testifies to the presence of violations in the work of the body.

It may provoke its drawback:

  1. poor nutrition;
  2. long stress;
  3. toxic effects from outside;
  4. lack of sunlight;
  5. brain circulation disorders;
  6. vitamin deficiency.

It is worth noting that the elevated level of serum in serum also affects the body. More precisely, the influence does not have a hormone itself, but the reason that caused its increase. For example, an increase in production is observed at:

  • metastasis of peritone carcinoma;
  • dumping syndrome;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • fibergation;
  • medullar thyroid cancer.

Preparations for raising the level of serotonin hormone in the body

Medicines that are able to affect the production of this substance are called selective (selective) inverse seeding blocks of serotonin. Such means retain a sufficient concentration of hormone in nervous compounds, and also have fewer side effects than other antidepressants.

Preparations that increase the production of hormone can provoke the following states:

  1. hyperactivity;
  2. dyspepsia;
  3. headaches;
  4. sleep disorders.

As a rule, these states are trained independently and without cancellation of drugs. Some patients have tremor of hands, convulsions, becomes less severe orgasm. The listed phenomena rarely occur and are associated with the peculiarities of the patient himself.

Several drugs can be distinguished to increase serotonin levels:

  • "Fluoksetin";
  • "Paroksetin";
  • "Citalopram";
  • "Fluvoxamine".

With severe and chronic depressions, there is a need for a course of combined tools that affect both serotonin and norepinephrine. These include new generation medicines, for example, Mirtazapine and Venlafaxine. All drugs of this group are designed for internal use, they are not chewed, drove with water. The course of treatment must end with a slow decline in the dose until the end of the reception. It is worth noting that the reception of such medicines is an extreme measure when the situation is really hard. If the violation does not relate to psychiatric, you can try to restore the hormone level by more natural methods.

How to increase the level of serotonin folk remedies

  1. The easiest way is to take sunny baths. The effectiveness of this method confirmed the results of the research, during which patients with seasonal depression were placed under an active light impact, having previously measured the level of serotonin in the blood. As a result, the concentration of hormone in the body has stabilized.
  2. Nice and strong night sleep is another natural option. At the same time, it was the night rest, because only in this case the necessary substances are produced. The reduction in serotonin level occurs when working in night shifts, room of night entertainment, long-term sitting at a computer, etc. Such situations are knocked down by the normal rhythm of the mining of hormone, as a result of which it becomes chaotic. It is necessary to try to stick to the normal day of the day: to sleep at night, and the day to be active.
  3. Well affect the body of yoga, meditation, active exercise. All that has a positive effect on the mood increases the level of serotonin. In general, you need to look for exactly the means that would raise you the mood. For some, this is a measured home leisure, for others - the active physical one, some are quite good enough, others - more often communicate with friends, etc.
  4. Increase serotonin levels in small children with their favorite activities. For example, if the child loves to sit at a computer, then you need to look for alternative entertainment options, interest it with other things, because long-term work with such a technique is harmful to health. Many children enjoy physical activity. In addition, it is extremely needed for them to properly grow and development. Parents should help the child find something from what he will enjoy: from cognitive activity, muscular work, food, communication, etc.

Products that increase in the body Sereotonin level

It is worth noting that the hormone itself is not contained. However, there are substances in food that stimulate the body on its production.

This includes tryptophan, which in large quantities is contained in such products as:

  • Bananas (ripe)
  • Dairy (cheese, yogurt, whole milk, prostrochy);
  • Beans, in particular in lentil and beans;
  • Dried fruits (figs, dried bananas, dried dates);
  • Sweet fruits, for example, peaches, pears, plums;
  • Vegetables - tomatoes, pepper;
  • Chicken and quail eggs;
  • Bitter black chocolate;
  • Buckwheat and milled cereals.

As for products, the easiest way to fill the deficit with the help of desserts, especially in children.

  1. In various confectionery, candies, cakes, gingerbread contains many simple carbohydrates that quickly activate the production of hormone. This is associated with the habit of stressful situations and the emergence of problems to use more sweet. However, such products have only a short-term effect. It can be said that sweets in this case act as a kind of drug, from which it is difficult to refuse. Therefore, doctors do not advise consuming many simple carbohydrates, recommending such a complex one.
  2. To increase secretion, it is better to give preference to buckwheat and oatmeal, salads, citrus, melon, pumpkin, dried fruits. You also need to consume more products rich in magnesium - seafood, bran, prunes, wild rice. Well acts on the body fragrant tea and natural coffee, but in reasonable quantities.
  3. The drop in serotonin level can be triggered by a folic acid deficiency (vitamin B9), therefore it is recommended to enrich the Menu with corn, roots, citrus and all kinds.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role, as they are also able to stabilize the production of hormone. Such in large quantities are contained in seafood - fish, shrimp, sea cabbage, crabs. In addition, you can diversify the menu of sesame, flaxseed, nuts, soy and pumpkin.

It is necessary to avoid excessive use of products that can reduce the production of hormone - chips, alcohol, meat and products with preservatives.

Increase the level of serotonin in the blood can be several methods. First of all, it is worth useing natural ways. Measures must be complex, therefore, it may be necessary to significantly change the lifestyle. With depressed state to increase the level of hormone, they are resorted to medication. This measure is extreme, before its use, you must consult with a specialist.

What is serotonin?

Serotonin is different called the "Horon of Pleasure", since it is produced by the body at the moments of joy, that is, a positive psycho-emotional state. Its production ceases when a person is in depressive and oppressed state. For the synthesis of serotonin corresponds to the epiphysis - an appendage located between two hemispheres of the brain.

The norm of serotonin in the blood is 40-80 μg / liter.

Reduced serotonin level can be recognized according to the following symptoms:

  • excessive impulsiveness;
  • long depression;
  • scattered, disadvantage, stiffness;
  • concentration disorder;
  • raising the painful threshold;
  • permanent thrust for sweets.

Serotonin is produced from tryptophan amino acids, which enters the body with food. After that, melatonin is produced from serotonin. It is necessary for healthy sleep. Therefore, the lack of "hormone of happiness" can lead to insomnia. Melatonin ectic, as a result of a low level of serotonin, is able to manifest itself a heavy awakening from sleep. People with depressive nature, the hormone is produced nertramically, because they are quickly tired, they have a violation of the day.

Serotonin is responsible for other processes in the body. It is able to control the reaction to adrenaline. If a person has an insufficient number of serotonin in the blood, then adrenaline causes alarmed and panic state, even in the absence of any reasons. It becomes irritable, inexplicable attacks of aggression can manifest.

How to increase serotonin in the body?

Causes of low serotonin can be different. This includes poor nutrition, long-term stress, intoxication, vitamin deficiency, lack of sunlight and violation of cerebral circulation.

Therefore, to increase the level of this hormone will have to resort to the complex of measures:

  • meditate;
  • stay more on sunlight and in well-lit rooms;
  • be socially active;
  • do sport;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • eat right;
  • use drugs and folk remedies.

Solar therapy

From sunlight directly depends on the intensity of serotonin production. Therefore, you need every day on the street in the daytime. Even in the autumn-winter periods you need to walk for 20-30 minutes in the peaks of solar activity - 11.00 - 15.00 hours.

With a strong manifestation of the depressive state caused by seasonal variables, a session in the solarium should be passed. Too often sunbathing it is impossible, because it is harmful to the skin. But one visit is quite acceptable, the more it will raise the mood. Due to the fact that the sunbeam is needed to generate serotonin, doctors recommend spa trips to places with a warm and sunny climate planning for the winter months.

What foods contain "hormone joy" serotonin?


There is a myth that it is possible to restore serotonin production using meat, fish and bananas, but this method is not so effective. The substances contained in these products contribute to the synthesis of the hormone, but are not sufficiently absorbed into the blood.

There is another error - the use of products rich in tryptophan. There are products that contain this amino acid in increased quantities, but it is worth knowing that only 1% of this substance is used to generate serotonin. In addition, tryptophan has been learned, you need a certain level of insulin in the blood. Only such a combination will improve the production of "hormone joy".

For a while, it is possible to increase the level of insulin with the help of sweet, but the glucose level is pretty quickly restored. This will contribute to the intensive work of the pancreas.

Effects can be achieved only by simultaneously inclusion in the diet of the following neurotransmitters serotonin:

  • tryptophan;
  • magnesium;
  • glucose;
  • b vitamins B;
  • omega-3 fatty acids.

In addition to the use of the above products, which will allow developing serotonin, you need to take care of the assimilation of the useful substances in the intestine. To improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, vegetables and fruits are recommended in fresh form and fermented milk products.


Regular sports will enhance the production of serotonin. Physical exertion activate processes aimed at restoring muscle tissue. For this, the body begins to enrich blood amino acids that are necessary for protein synthesis. Thus, simultaneously increases the production of serotonin.

It is worth noting that physical exertion should not be exhausting. If a person has no opportunity to play sports, he can just walk on foot for at least 30 minutes a day. Even ordinary walking involves all muscle groups in the body.


Serotonin plays an important role in ensuring full night sleep. It is called daytime hormone, and melatonin is a night hormone, whose task is to ensure the full restoration of the body.

Serotonin and melatonin are closely related. They are united not only to develop in a sidberide body, but also the fact that they are responsible for the daily biological rhythm of a person, the physiological response of the body to replace the night and day. At night, serotonin turns into melatonin. With an awakening, the production cycle of this hormone is restored again.

Therefore, if a person does not comply with the day of the day, to rest fully rest, the production of serotonin will break. It is recommended to always go to bed and get up in the morning at the same time.

Meditation and yoga

For the removal of psychological tensions and focusing consciousness in domestic condition, experts advise meditate. Her goal in the liberation of the mind from negative thoughts. It allows you to improve sleep, because a person will be able to learn to control his psycho-emotional state.

If there are constantly stress in everyday situations, then to maintain serotonin levels, it is recommended to do yoga or breathing exercises. Massage sessions are useful, which have a relaxing effect.


If naturally, without tablets, it is not possible to support the level of hormone normally, then you can resort to the use of drugs. To increase its quantity in the blood, selective selection of serotonin reverse capture blockers are used. They contribute to sufficient conservation of serotonin in nervous connections. They have fewer side effects than other antidepressants.

Possible side effects of this group of drugs:

  • excessive activity;
  • dyspepsia is a violation of the normal activity of the stomach;
  • sleep disorders;
  • headaches.

Usually these symptoms are self-confined even without cancellation of medication. In some cases, shiver can occur in the hands, convulsions and decrease in the brightness of the orgasm. These signs are greater due to specific human psychiatric disorders. All types of drugs are taken inside without chewing, powered by sufficient water. Cropstrate cannot be discharged. The dosage should decrease as to rise, gradually.

The following drugs that help increase serotonin levels are distinguished:

  1. 1. Fluoksetin. They are accepted in the morning, 1 tablet. The duration of treatment varies from the severity of the depressive state, usually lasts 1 month.
  2. 2. Paroxetine. This drug is accepted in the morning, preferably during breakfast of 20 mg for 2-3 weeks.
  3. 3. Citalopram. Start with 0.1-0.2 g per day, gradually increase the dosage to 0.6 g.
  4. 4. Sertraline. The dosage varies from 0.05 to 0.2 g, depending on the patient's condition.
  5. 5. Fluvoxamine. Designed for long-term reception (up to 6 months) 50-150 mg 1 time per day.

If the patient has severe and chronic depressive states, then combined drugs are used. Apply medicines affecting serotonin and norepinephrine. Allocate the following means of a new generation:

  1. 1. Myrtazapine. It is accepted before bedtime at 15-45 mg. The effect is observed after 3 weeks from the beginning of the use of the drug.
  2. 2. Venlafaxine. It is accepted once a day at 0.75 g along with food. Dosage raised gradually, usually the first two weeks do not change it.