
Ecological problems of Great Britain. Fog and ecological catastrophe in London Environmental problems in London

All about roses

K.T.N. E.G. Gaso, Associate Professor MEI, D.T.N. T.V. Gusev, Professor, PCTU them. DI. Mendeleeva, Moscow

In the light of the unbalanced and fragmented policy of energy saving in our country, the experience of European countries to develop a holistic organic policy deserves serious attention and analysis. Among the European countries, the UK energy policy costs a few mansion. For a long time, the Russian fuel balance was redundant, but at the last increase in prices and the growing energy security deficit forced the state to actively engage in energy efficiency. In addition, climatic changes became the most important political factor. Within the framework of the "Climate Strategies for Russian Megacols" project, the delegation of Moscow had the opportunity to get acquainted with English experience.

London City (is the historical core of London) for a long time took measures to prevent climate change. The phased strategy for Lodon City and London (region, including the city of London and the ceremonial (geographical) county) was developed in gradually from 2002-2003. After the release of the fundamental report of Nicolas Stern "Economics of Climate Change" (with the text of the report in Russian, you can find on the website -\u003d953 - approx. ed.), serious analysis of climate change and their consequences for the country as a whole, draft strategies for reducing the impact on climate and adaptation strategies for climate change were prepared.

In 2006, with the support of leading companies, the Bolshoi London Corporation, the Energy Saving Foundation and other organizations, the London Climate Change Agency was established, supported by the City Department of Economic Development. The agency's function includes project development to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the energy efficiency of urban economy. The initiatives spectrum includes projects and proposals to reduce energy losses in buildings, networks, on sources, the development of renewable energy sources. The labeling of the energy efficiency of almost all budget buildings of the city is actively developing.

Since there are practically no centralized heat supply in London, the special condensation of specialists is caused by the low efficiency of condensation power units of stations. Power consumption of the London Megapolis is comparable to Moscow, and, accordingly, in many respects urban TPPs make a significant contribution to the thermal pollution of London. The actual implementation of energy and resource saving policies in the city is carried out by an energy service corporation, 81% of whose shares belong to the carbon fund, and 19% - the London Climate Change Agency. The regulatory framework is actively developed and implemented. At the end of 2008, the Parliament adopted a framework law (Bill) on climate change.

But the lack of a regulatory framework does not lead to insufficient actions: already in the capital of Great Britain, various innovative energy supply projects are actively being implemented, in particular - on fuel cells (in stadiums, in parks) - about 200 kW. Conducted demonstration projects are designed to convincingly show energy saving efficiency both for end users and business. If at present 1 pound of budget funds accounts for up to 5 pounds of investment, then in the future it is planned to launch the mechanisms of business processes to bring this ratio to 1:20.

An interesting meeting took place in the office of the Association of British Insurers, which includes about 95% of the country's insurance companies. It is already clear: the impact of the climate will be a comprehensive, growing risk size dictates the need for adaptation. Serious business concerns, insurance companies cause a growing frequency and increasing damage from the effects of climatic anomalies.

In this regard, it is extremely important to provide for relevant measures both in new projects and in their insurance against possible risks. For this purpose, legislation is laid. It is clear that the business one will not cope with this most important task, you need cooperation with state structures. A well-thought-out risk management strategy will optimize insurance payments.

According to experts from the Ministry of Environment, Food and Regional Affairs (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Defra) in the Thames region of about 25 million people. (215 thousand units of property, the total cost of over 160 billion pounds sterling) are in the flood risk zone. Protection systems are aging, and risks increase. Additional adverse factors are the lack of drinking water and thermal pollution of the metropolis.

The work strategy in conditions of uncertainty includes a phased risk assessment and the choice of adequate tools for its decline - in stages, as new data has been received. The Environment Agency, established in accordance with the Law on Environment (1995), works in close cooperation with the government and local authorities to protect people from flooding, promoting projects in industry, with business circles, farmers, especially protected natural territories. Over 400 projects are carried out by the Agency annually, control functions are effectively carried out, both government powers and public opportunities are used.

A trip to the wonderful city of Oxford program was divided into two equal parties. ECOSEKUURITY is a research center in Oxford, dealing with as seen from the very name, environmental safety issues that provide relevant consulting services in 34 countries of the world. Currently, the Center leads about 500 projects in the field of the flexibility mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol. These are, first of all, the so-called cleaner development projects, providing for the implementation of decisions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries, and transfer quotas for the investor's country emissions. It is clear that increasing energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective and rapid and rapid reserves for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, so over 70% of projects are associated with the industrial sector, blood concerned in increasing energy efficiency.

An old university city met us with sunny weather and real golden autumn, professors and students hurried at bicycles lectures, and in the windows of the 17th century buildings, library racks and computers Macintosh on the tables were visible. The warm welcome of the Russian delegation was organized by the head of the Institute of Environmental Changes of the Oxford University, Professor Diana Liverman. The Institute of Environmental Changes was established in 1991 as an interdisciplinary division of the University of Oxford University for a comprehensive analysis of environmental changes and the development of relevant public policy, private and social initiatives.

Research and training at the Institute are characterized by a focus on global and regional environmental changes and projects that integrate natural and social sciences in the direction of the development of informing, public influence and adequate environmental solutions. The Institute is organized around the three main topics of analysis - climate, energy and ecosystems, in close cooperation with the Faculty of Geography and the Environment. At the reception attended specialists of various profiles, including from Russia.

The report in particular was the head of the program on the effects of climate, Chris West. According to him, to develop a successful adaptation strategy, it is necessary to spend three important steps - to evaluate what was in the past (costs, damage), remember, fix the current state of things, to schedule a joint action plan. Climatic changes are more likely to feel people who are closer to the Earth - farmers, field workers, builders, and solutions take other people and it is imperative to establish communication between them, to develop a language for communication and interaction of power, science, society in this matter. And this atmosphere was indeed felt in academic and at the same time a democratic environment of the oldest European University.

The next day, a visit to the Department of Energy and Climate, created by the British government in October 2007, was visited by the British Government in its function, the preparation of energy efficiency programs, the plan for the introduction of renewable energy sources (up to 15% by 2020), the development of appropriate regulatory mechanisms, legal tools to ensure energy savings. With its most important task, the Department together with the Ministry of the Environment, Food and Regional Affairs (Defra) considers the involvement of the population into climate issues.

Such tools experts consider CO2 calculator (Figure 2), located on the website of the Ministry, individual energy efficiency devices that everyone can establish at home. Wholesale price of such devices is small - about 15 pounds sterling (660 rubles). The display of such a device connected to the usual home meter visualizes the efficiency of home consumption. In addition, the promotion of environmental brands is on television, on the Internet, in transport. The young energetic team of ecologists showed us and a funny roller "Economic Dad" - about how ordinary families reduce the growing bills for energy. This is currently becoming a serious task for consumers.

The government goes towards people, not monopolies: a long-term assistance program has been announced, which helps save up to 300 pound sterling per year due to energy efficiency events, etc. It is intended to equip all buildings with water and energy meters (now this share is not more twenty%). Since 2016, it is planned to introduce buildings with zero energy consumption (buildings consume "green" energy, the air conditioning system operates the minimum amount of time, etc.), and from 2019 - with zero greenhouse gas emissions (first of all from 2). Existing buildings undergo the necessary certification, receive a passport and labeling of energy efficiency.

"We are not too well prepared for extreme weather changes," Alex Nixon, head of the climate adaptation program and water resources, began a meeting with such a sincere statement. While London is responsible for 8% of the UK full emissions, according to the forecast, this figure can grow to 15% by 2025.

Climatic changes in London are already visible and include more wet winters, arid summer days, "heat islands" (tight construction sites characterized by elevated temperatures) in the city. Priority problems, according to the leadership of the city, is winter floods, summer overheating and restriction of access to water resources. The problem of water supply is extremely relevant for London, water supply in the Thames region is small. In addition, up to 23% of the water (609 million l / day) is lost in the distribution networks of the city, the frequency of accidents is growing. The city plans to equip all buildings with water meters (including at the expense of the budget and water-supplying organizations).

Program of landscaping was prepared, over 99% of new construction occurs on the so-called "brown" sites, i.e. During reconstruction, not on clean earth. New buildings should provide "green" or cold roofs (without heat), the use of renewable energy. By the way, the roof of the Glass Building of Big London Corporation on the banks of the Thames is equipped with solar panels (photo 3).

The city has developed a strategy for the use of "heat waste", creating publicly available cool buildings, where people can come into dry days: an unusual summer heat for London, according to health authorities, adds about 2,000 additional deaths per year.

As we know, London has achieved serious results in the transition from private road transport to public transport, cars with hybrid engines (in the city there are 80 electrodesters) and bicycles. Indeed, traffic jams in London a little and breathe somewhat easier than in Moscow. Maybe even because it does not occur to anyone in the head of the Hyde Park and other green zones of the capital of Great Britain.

It is important to increase the level of awareness of these problems with society, and this can be done only in collaboration with all interested organizations. Small and medium business is actively involved - the adaptation and preparation of people to change is the new promising market for them. The government has created several working groups in sectors, the chairmen of which are nominated by the private sector. 9 regions of the country are equal partners of the climate change program: who will prepare earlier, he will survive - such a major slogan adaptation.

The last meeting took place with the Carbon Reporting Project Project - CDP project specialists (CARBON DISCLOSURE PROJECT - CDP). CDP information requests for the first time encouraged thousands of corporations of all continents to participate in climate change issues. The collected data from 1500 companies from all continents provide investors an understanding of the strategy of large corporations, risks and new opportunities discovering in connection with climate change.

Over $ 115 billion in general was invested in 2007 to new technologies, the demand for new products (environmentally acceptable vehicles) is growing. Obviously, those who are preparing, understanding the legislation invests in energy efficiency, renewable energy sources will benefit already in the near future. The same work is carried out with the Gossector in terms of improving government procurement efficiency, the use of budgetary funds.

The project takes part in the city: occupying about 1% of the territory, urban agglomerations consume up to 80% of energy. The accompanying effects becomes overheating cities and, accordingly, energy overruns for air conditioning. Sharp and unexpected climatic changes are especially relevant for seaside cities. It is interesting that about 800 US cities participated in the climate change program, despite the refusal of the government of the country to join the Kyoto Protocol.

Some conclusions from a short analysis of the measures and actions of the cities of England

1. City authorities, business community, public organizations are combined towards the development of uniform adaptation measures, among which energy efficiency is key. To the words "Sustainable Development" definitely and demandingly joins the new concept - adaptation, the adaptation of the economy, energy, social services of the city to the observed and future changes, the most important of which are climatic.

2. In the UK, the tragic consequences of the Katrina hurricane in 2005 made a strong impression on the authorities of all levels and on business (especially insurance and related). An even greater than our accident in Chagino on May 25, 2005. Therefore, workers' contacts are established to develop a common policy, active public involvement, specialists aimed at predicting possible situations, making joint decisions and their implementation.

3. An important outcome of what was seen was that it was fundamentally important to create and develop a language of communication, an understanding between business, authorities, scientists for dialogue, a language for public relations to prepare for changes, possible risks. It is important that it includes both scientific criteria and parameters and a wide audience model explaining climate problems and changes. Access to information about how such tasks are solved in the UK is provided by the International Project "Climate Strategies for Russian Megacities" (

Even at the dawn of technical progress, in the era of the heyday of the heavy industry, England has become one of the most dirtiest countries in Europe. Covered with black dust coal mining areas, London was able - it was the actual business card of the British Isles.

Only in the 1950s and 1960s, the situation began to change after the adoption of laws on the prohibition of industrial emissions into the atmosphere. In the 1980s, the "Green" movement has gained popularity against the background of a deep economic and political crisis. Almost all parties included "green" items in their election programs.

However, the ecology in the UK is still not quite exemplary, and the country itself is still far to the title of the very clean country of the European Union. Most of the British show anxiety to environmental problems, but not everyone is being desire to engage in their decision. Although since 1960, smoke emissions in the atmosphere decreased by 85 percent, many believe that the government insufficiently controls the violators. They can be separated by insignificant fines, or even bypass the law. Also, insufficient pressure turns out to be industrial enterprises so that they upgrade the cleaning facilities that use the oil-producing companies, whose towers are in the North Sea, agriculture using toxic fertilizers and pesticides.

Most power stations in the UK are thermal, i.e. working on a fuel fuel. At one time, the categorical disapproval of the inhabitants of the islands stopped the construction of nuclear power plants. There is still a debate on the safety of nuclear power. In the meantime, projects for using natural resources are being developed for energy. Climatic conditions do not contribute to the construction of solar power plants, but at the University of Liverpool developed an interesting hybrid - a wind turbine whose blades are covered with solar panels. Unfortunately, in the UK itself, the number of sunny days is not enough to fully use the benefits of Heat Waver technology (the developers called their brainchild), but she has already been interested in Australia, Spain, Italy and Morocco.

The British Aquamarine Power Ltd company offered another ecoproject of using natural resources. It started building a power plant from the coast of Scotland using the wave energy. Tides and flows - powerful natural force. Why not use it for the benefit of man? In 2018, on the coast of Lewis Island, the hebrid archipelago will earn the most powerful in the world of a wave power plant. It will consist of 50-turbines of the Oyster system, which pump water and fed under pressure on the shore-standing hydroelectric power station. The sea in this region is almost all year round, so such a power plant can actually work continuously.

In the meantime, the United Kingdom is waiting for an environmentally friendly energy from this power plant, the British continue to search for alternative to fuel fuel, polluting the atmosphere. After all, vehicles operating on biofuel, electricity, hydrogen and compressed air, although not so common, but they will not surprise anyone. However, even their use does not save the atmosphere from carbon dioxide. And here is the British research company Air Fuel Synthesis made a sensational statement - they managed to develop fuel based on water and carbon dioxide. An experimental installation, designed by the company's engineers, was able to produce 5 liters of fuel suitable for use in the internal combustion engine. The production process is based on the assembly of carbon dioxide and subsequent electrolysis. According to the press release of Air Fuel Synthesis, after the launch of full factory production, the yield of fuel will be about a ton per day, and its cost will be approximately at the level of the cost of gasoline. While skeptics doubt, the construction of the plant has already begun.

London authorities in their own way fighting the greenhouse effect. Work is conducted in several directions. For example, since 2012, the climatecars taxi service has appeared on the streets of the city, consisting only of electric cars.

At the airport, Heathrow runs Ultra unmanned electrolyxi, connecting terminals, take-off stripes and huge parking spaces. Traditional double-decker dubddecers buses are gradually replaced with new models, more environmentally friendly and economical. They consume 40% less fuel than the previous, and, accordingly, the air of London is less polluted.

The mayor of Boris Johnson comprehensively supports projects aimed at improving ecology. He himself moved from the car to a bike and plans to turn London to "Little Holland".

On his initiative, about one and a half billion dollars were allocated for the development of London's cycling infrastructure. The construction of special maximum safe cycles, covering the entire city, cycling, virtually near each building, and even a uniquely bicycle bridge, a length of 24 km, which will connect the city center and West London.

Another initiative of the London authorities is a cooperation with British Airways airlines. London garbage will now turn into biofuels. Two parallel programs - a draft reduction of garbage dumps surrounding London and a draft reduction twice as 2050, carbon dioxide emissions on all cycles of British Airways - now united. The airline signed an agreement with the mayoria for garbage collection. Already in 2015, it is planned to launch a garbage processing plant into biofuels. And the London authorities undertake to regularly supply the raw materials and even pay extra for its disposal. Everyone will win, and first of all residents of London - they will receive a cleaner city and cleaner air.

Thus, the Ecology of Great Britain may already largely be an example for imitation.

The United Kingdom with territory of more than 240,000 square kilometers is located in the British Islands, including Shetland, Orkney, Hebritski, White Island, Arran, English and Minor archipelagoes. It is washed by the waters of the North, the Hybrid Celtic and Irish seas and has only one land border with Ireland. What environmental problems can be in this country? The United Kingdom is located in Europe, but from the most mainland at a respectful distance, which reduces the likelihood of transboundary pollution in the territory of the state from the mainland European countries, besides, the south-west winds from the Atlantic Ocean are often blowing.

Based on this country, their own environmental problems are more terrible, which arise due to pollution from energy, industrial, utilities and industrial industries. The extractive industry is constantly contributed to the pollution of the environment, the production industry is constantly contributed, since various natural resources are present on the islands. Gold, silver, iron ores, tin, lead, white clay, stone salt, natural gas, plaster, chalk, limestone, quartz, coal and oil are the main minerals of British lands.

With resource mining, enormous harm is caused. In the production area, the landscape is changed, a large amount of dust of various composition is made to the atmosphere, the ground surface is deformed, harm to groundwater, the channels of the rivers and their tributaries are changing, the soil and nearest reservoirs occur.

The most serious environmental problems of Great Britain are to pollute the atmosphere and hydrosphere from enterprises of the metallurgical and chemical industry. In the wastewater ejected by them contain substances exceeding the maximum permissible norms, and are in different states. Often, wastewater contains in its composition an overpriced content of such elements such as lead, zinc, chrome, cadmium, copper, molybdenum, nickel, mercury, arsenic, sulfur, magnesium, nitrogen and hydrogen.

In the air, there are pollutants such as chlorine, fluorine, selenium, phosphorus, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, various aerosols, dust and thermal emissions. The air condition is worsening due to vehicles. In the UK, high population density and people have to breathe exhaust gases. In addition, there is a deterioration in the electromagnetic, light, thermal and noise state of the environment.

The Ways of Solving Environmental Problems of Great Britain are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in applying a modern filtering system for emissions and discharges from factories and factories. The use of modern technological processes and the latest equipment at industrial and manufacturing enterprises, an increase in waste sent to secondary processing, monitoring the overall environment in the field of ecology. As well as monitoring of the objects particularly dangerous from this point of view, it can significantly reduce the Environmental Problems of Great Britain and show a good example for the development of a further strategy.

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    "Environmental problems Humanity is too slowly suitable for understanding the scale of the danger, which is creates frivolous Environmental relationship. Between tech (if it is still possible) such terrible global problems, as an environmental, requires urgent energetic joint efforts of international campaigns, states, regions, public. The time of its existence and especially in the 20th century, humanity devour about 70 percent of all natural environmental (biological) systems ...

    3388 words | 14 pp.

  • Global environmental problems

    regional problems Environmental medium. Content 1. Global and regional problems surrounding natural medium. 1.1 Essence of global human problems 1.2 Environmental problems 1.3 Specificity of regional problems of protecting individual components and natural complexes 1.4 Environmental problems seas and natural zones 1.5 International cooperation and solutions environmental Problems List of sources used 1. Global and regional problems surrounding ...

    8879 words | 36 p.

  • Global environmental problems

    Global environmental problems . Introduction Currently, environmental issues often go to the level of world global Problems. Despite the broad discussion of these issues, humanity is still weakly aware of the scope of the danger that a frivolous attitude towards the environment. Meanwhile, the solution environmental Problems require the urgent efforts of international organizations, states, regions, the public. During its existence and especially in the XX century, humanity destroyed ...

    3738 words | 15 pp.

  • Global environmental problems

    Global environmental problems Table of contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Problem Overpopulation 3 3. Problems Energy Resources 3 4. Global Pollution of Planet 3 4.1. Pollution of atmosphere 3 4.2. Soil contamination 3 4.3. Pollution of water 3 4.4. Radio Pollution 3 5. Desertion and cutting of forests 3 6. Desertification 3 7. Global warming 3 8. List of references 3 Introduction Currently, humanity has collided with the most global ...

    4713 words | 19 pp.

  • Environmental problems of the biosphere: ozone holes.

    Environmental problems Biospheres: Ozone holes. The ozone layer is known that the main part of the natural ozone is concentrated in Stratosphere at an altitude of 15 to 50 km above the ground. The ozone layer begins at altitudes about 8 km over the poles (or 17 km above the equator) and stretches up to the heights of approximately 50 km. However, the ozone density is very low, and if it is squeezed to the density that the air has the surface of the earth, the ozone layer thickness will not exceed 3.5 mm. Ozone is formed ...

    860 words | 4 pp.

  • Global Environmental Problems of Manicity Ecology Control

    Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia St. Petersburg University of State Fire Service Department _________________________________________________ Examination on the discipline "Ecology" Subject: "Global environmental problems mankind. " Performed: Listener of 1 course 516 groups of correspondence training ...

    5086 words | 21 pp.

  • Environmental legislation of the Russian Federation

    Environmental Environmental protection legislation and the rational use of natural resources are complicated and Multiple problem. Its solution is conjugate with the regulation of human and nature relationships, subordinate to their specific system of law, instructions and rules. In our country, such a system is established in the legislative order. The legal protection of nature is a combination of legal norms established by the state and arising from them ...

    2810 words | 12 pp.

  • Ecological problem

    1. Introduction Environmental problem - Problems of relations between society and nature, the preservation of the environment. On the Millennium, a person has constantly increased its technical capabilities, strengthened the intervention in nature, forgetting the need to maintain biological equilibrium in it. Especially sharply increased load on the environment in the second half of the 20th century. In the relationship between society and nature, there was a high-quality horse when as a result of a sharp ...

    11475 words | 46 p.

  • Global problems of humanity

    OGOBOU SPO Ulyanovsk Railway Transport Technical School Global problems mankind performed: kirsanov Maxim student of the group ST 11.1 checked: Rodionova I.A. Ulyanovsk 2013 Plan: 1. Introduction 2. The concept of "global problems "And their characteristics 3. Threat environmental Catastrophes 4. Concepts of the Further Fate of Mankind 5. Conclusion 6. List ...

    4269 words | 18 pp.

  • Problems of expansion

    "Golden Billiona", with the help of global culture opportunities to move to this purpose. Resources are enclosed in environmental ..problem Expansion to Russia of the Western Values \u200b\u200bSystem and the formation of a mass culture for full viewing of the document must be registered! Added Bocman2, Sep 2014 | 30 pp. (7370 words) | 23 Views | 4.5 12345 | Complain | Plan: 1. Problem Expansion to Russia of the Western Values \u200b\u200bSystem and the formation of mass culture. 2. Conservation Trends ...

    5025 words | 21 pp.

  • Terrorism as a global problem of modernity

    Terrorism as global PROBLEM Modern process of globalization gives rise to numerous socio-political crises, contradictions and Conflicts, one of the ways of permissions of which terrorism becomes. Terrorism acquired the nature of the world problems Even at the end of the 19th - early twentieth centuries, turning into weapons, huge force of intimidation and destruction in the eternal and irreconcilable antagonism of different worlds, cultures, ideologies, religions and worldviews. Terrorism became problem "Number one in the world" threatening ...

    1174 words | 5 pp.

  • Socio-ecological problems at the present stage

    Plan: Introduction. 1. Social Ecology - Science of problems interaction of society and nature. 2. Social environmental problems Modern. 3. Factors and sources of social environmental Problems of modernity. 4. Ways and ways to overcome social environmental Problems. Conclusion. Bibliography. Introduction Now, when humanity stands on the threshold of the Third Millennium, there has been a need to understand and overcoming many problems that have accumulated over the entire period ...

    5334 words | 22 p.

  • ecological disasters

    educational institution of higher professional education "Sakhalin State University" Technical Oil and Gas Institute of the Department of Geology and environmental management Environmental Catastrophes Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 2014 Contents Introduction 1.Next environmental Catastrophes of the second half of the XX century 2. Pollution of the atmosphere 3. Rods and anthropogenic pollution of water 4.Radoactive pollution. 5.Things and dangerous waste 6. Put solutions Conclusion Introduction ...

    3844 words | 16 pp.

  • Environmental problems of nature

    that part of our planet in which life exists. The Earth's biosphere is currently subjected to increasing anthropogenic effects. Wherein You can select several of the most significant processes, any of which does not improve environmental The situation on the planet. The most ambitious and significant is the chemical pollution of the medium by the substances of chemical nature by the substances. Among them are gaseous and aerosol pollutants of industrial and domestic origin ...

    4166 words | 17 pp.

  • Environmental problems of forests and other biological resources.

    AcademyImiatriculty of the Hydrohydron Economics and Organization of Hunting Economy on the topic: Environmental problems Forests I. other biological resources. Performed: 5th year student Denis checked: teacher S. D. Tsydjapova Irkutsk 2009 Contents: Introduction 1. Environmental problems mankind. 51.1. Pollution atmosphere. 51.2. Natural and anthropogenic pollution ...

  • Details Created on 28.06.2018 10:23 Written by Natali

    Scientists from the United Kingdom of the University College published a new study, which argues that the green zones in cities can capture the same amount of carbon as tropical forests.

    London and Paris introduce a new vehicle emission monitoring system

    Details Created on 04/02/2017 21:51 Written by Natali

    Immediately after the new US President Donald Trump issued a disposal about the return of coal energy causing, mayor and decided to send strength to reduce in their cities.

    Bus stop with solar panels can provide energy whole home

    Details Created on 04/10/2016 16:58 Written by Natali

    Pigeons send messages on Twitter about London Air Pollution

    Details Created on 03/24/2016 14:16 Written by Natali

    Stunning Park in London on the site of the former gas storage

    Details Created on 12.01.2016 01:34 Written by Natali

    The iconic industrial object in was transformed into a magnificent new public. Bell Phillips Architects recently completed its latest project: a circular park area inside the framework of the historic gas storage facility.

    Biofuels from coffee grounds will help to provide London

    Details Created on 09.10.2015 17:29 Written by Natali

    The morning cup of invigorating can be something big than just a pleasant drink. The company from London, Bio-Bean, hopes to turn the remaining biodiesel for vehicles and granules of biomass for the heating of buildings.

    The train of the London metro provides the power of the power plant, producing energy when braking

    Details Created on 01.10.2015 03:32 Written by Natali

    The first testing in the world, during which the latest technologies allowed the train to collect during braking, showed that the assembled electricity is enough to power the large metro station - this opens the way to a significant savings throughout the entire metro network.

    Underground farms in abandoned tunnels of London

    Details Created on 07/08/2015 15:54 Written by Natali

    the site has already talked about a pair of entrepreneurs from the western part of England, who organized a project that provides for a transformation of about 2.5 acres (approximately 1 hectare) of tunnels in the underground