
What treated the gooseberry from the powdered dew in early spring. Get rid of mildew dew on the gooseberry

Water supply, options, device

Yesterday I read a lot about this disease in the internet. That's what I liked:

Spraying plants with an ash solution. I made sure that the way is effective, reliable and, I argue, completely destroys the disease. Fortunately, there is always a tree in hand.
I take about 1 kg of pure sainted ashes and stirring in 10 liters of water heated in the sun. The solution insisters 3-7 days, occasionally stirring. Then carefully drag into the number of bucket without turning. In this very light solution before spraying plants, add a little soap, so that it is better sticking to the leaves. To accelerate the preparation of the calculation, you can put a container on fire and boil, stirring, not less than 30 minutes, and then, without turning, cool and, as soon as the solid particles are mounted on the bottom, to drain the solution into clean dishes.
After preparation, the solution immediately proceeds to the spraying of the gooseberry and black currant. The tip of the sprayer - with a sprayer. The solution should not go through. Spraying the plant from above, and then - on all sides to moisten the leaves and on top, and from the bottom, and all shoots, not missing any. If there is no spray-la, you can simply take a pelvis, pour into it a solution and bushes to dip in the pelvis so as to melt good all the leaves and branches. Processing plants with early in the evening. If the Faming Plant fell under the rain, then I repeat the operation. Spraying plants three times, every day or every other day. The thick mass remaining in the solution dilute up to 10 liters with water and watering the bushes.
You might think here is special? The fact that I processes the plant is not when they sick and have already been covered with a white mild ripple, but before the appearance of the disease, ahead of its offensive. Prevention. We know that this disease appears at the end of May - the beginning of June. Here at this time I spray the bushes.
I will give an example. I had a bush of the gooseberry of the Avenaus variety, strongly affected by torment. It was terribly watching him. I chose time, and then all the hands did not reach, prepared an olom solution and threw it a plant as described above, repeated for the second year. Forted and other bushes currant and gooseberry. Avenairius completely recovered, it has a good increase, it is good for himself and for three years it does not suffer.
In such a spraying, I kill three hares as if we destroy the mildew, I give a root and extractive feeding. I also process plants, prone to malfunctional dew: zucchini, pumpkins, phlox and others. In my garden now this infection has no move. I highly recommend such a way to protect plants.
For example, the infusion of grass and the roots of Ceister is actively used to spray bushes against shields and aphids: 100 g of dry grass insist in 1 liter of water 2 days.

7. The decoction of tomato tops acts on sucking pests. 4 kg of tops finely chopped with water in the amount of 10 liters and boil 30 minutes on weak heat. The decoction is styled, filtered, then 2-3 liters are diluted with 10 liters of water, add 30 g of household soap and sprayed

8. Tomatoes growing in the gorgeonberry drivers will protect it from flax and sawder. The striking shoots are twisted and in the end dry. The amazed leaves are twisted, become brittle, cease to grow. The amazed berries do not have time to ripen, they simply crack and creep with a bush green. The result of such a disease is the absence of harvest and young growth, and for several years and the death of the entire plant.

Puffy dew (or spherose) is a fungal disease that begins to spread in the spring with the beginning of heat disputes. By the way, this disease is from America, so it is often called "American Multi-Rosa". Well, again the trouble on our head from the American continent. The colorado beetles are few. Actually, as already mentioned, this is a truly bad disease, which is not worth passing. But in spite of all my seriousness, it is quite easy to fight with a torment.

Here you can distinguish two directions of action - agrotechnical and chemical, which give a good result in the aggregate.
For those who in no way recognize the use of chemistry in their plot, agrotechnical methods (including folk recipes) can be quite enough. But if the disease is still too raging or plantation of the gooseberry is extensive, then, perhaps, should not be abandoned from chemicals. Moreover, it is quite literally one spraying by them, while not two and not three times per season will have to resort to the folk recipes for the season, and more, especially if the distribution muced dew Promotes warm and wet weather.

Multiple dew prevention:

1. Trimming gooseberry bushes in autumn or in early spring Promotes the good development of the bush and helps to withstand various diseases, incl. and pulse dew. During trimming, it is imperative to remove the branches amazed by the disease, and then it is better to burn them or carry away from the site and drag up.

2. During the entire growing season (i.e., spring and summer), detected diseases infectized by disease and berries can be deleted as possible. It is believed that disputes of the disease winter on the amazed shoots, and sometimes on fallen leaves. Therefore, in early spring, last year's foliage from under bushes should be removed.

3. Early spring when the snow melted around the bushes, and passed the threat of severe frosts, but strictly before the swelling of the kidneys, well drop the bushes of the gooseberry hot (+90) water. In such water, you can dissolve manganese pink colour or soda (1-2 table. Spoons on 10 liters of water). Such a "hot shower" is good as prevention from many fungal diseases, and on black currantThey say it helps also from the web tick.

4. Apply only potassium (to which, for example, ash) and phosphorus are used as fertilizers. They contribute to the resistance of the gooseberry to the disease of the mildew. But from nitrogen fertilizers it is better to refrain. Nitrogen can lead to the fact that shoots will not have time to grow and as a result they will be stronger than mildewing dew.

These methods of prevention useful to apply in the complex.

Recipes for the treatment of muffin dew chemistry and folk remedies:

1. Early spring to swelling the kidneys at the gooseberry spray bushes and bedding around them (last year's grass, leaves) with a 1% copper sulfate solution (100 grams of copper mood for 10 liters of water).

2. In magazines and literature, it is recommended to use the chemical preparation "Topaz" (according to the instructions). Such a solution to spray, if necessary, twice - before flowering and immediately after flowering. You can do with one spraying - immediately after flowering. I tried this drug in practice and I can confirm its effectiveness.

3. An excellent drug to combat pulmonary dew is "Xom". This is a kind of burgundy substitute mixture. We are riveted with a solution of hom (0.4%, i.e. 40 grams of waters on 10 liters) before flowering gooseberry. Despite the fact that "Hom" is a copper-containing drug, it can be used comprehensively together with the preparations against pests. That is, we take 40 grams of homes and wept in a small amount of water. Then we take the ampoules "Fufanon" or "Decis" (calculation according to the instructions attached to the drugs) and also wept in a small amount of water. Then these two solutions mix together and bring up to 10 liters of water. Spray before flowering.

4. 150 g of household soap + 20 g of copper mood at 10 liters of water.
Economic soap rolls on a grater with large holes. Copper vigorous is first dissolved separately in hot water, and then the thin flowing is poured, constantly stirring, in the soap solution room temperature. The resulting soap-copper emulsion should be bluish color, homogeneous consistency, without falling out flakes. Spray immediately after flowering, or in the worst case immediately after the berries tying.

5. Here are another number of drugs recommended in various literary sources (me, truth, not tested): "Vectra", "Sorrow", "Kumulus", "Abiga Peak", colloidal sulfur.
"Tiovit Jet" (20-30 grams of 10 liters of water) is characterized by other sulfur preparations, protective and eradicating infection with action on initial stages Development of malical dew. It is also used on currant.

6. 50 g of soda (2 tablespoons) + 50 g of a frozen soap on 10 liters of water. Soap rolls on a grater with large holes. All this is thoroughly dissolved in water. In such a solution, I do not spray the bushes, but watering directly from the watering can via the nazeychko, as well as watering the earth around the bushes. Not bad prevention. It is necessary to make this procedure before flowering, as soon as the leaves began to bloom, and immediately after flowering. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure again 2 with an interval of 7-10 days.

7. Daily infusion of ash - 3 kg of ash on 10 liters of water. The ash is poured with boiling water and leave one day, then to strain and spray the bushes before and after flowering. This procedure is usually repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days. On one bush, 2.5-3 liters of liquid is consumed. I do not really love this way, because I do not like to be born in this way with ash. Yes, moreover, the ash is primarily important for me as a fertilizer under cabbage, strawberries, bows and other cultures. Therefore, for the treatment of pulse dew gooseberry, I do not apply it. Note - one liter can accommodate 500 grams of ash.

8. And one more way to fight torment dew. Take 200 gr (1 cup) Urin and diluted in 5 liters of water. The resulting mortar is immediately sprayed bushes. This spraying is carried out immediately after flowering gooseberry. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times the season with an interval of 7-10 days. This recipe shared one of the readers of the journal "Pomisery". I tried it, helps.

Of course, I do not use all the recipes for treatment at once in one season. I choose the most convenient recipe for me. For example, this summer I resorted to a solution of soda and economic soap (paragraph 6). Purned its bushes before flowering and immediately after.
So I think that choose some of the recipes and spend two spraying: the first to flowering, and the second is immediately after, and this will be enough to defeat the mildew.

Be sure to say that among the gooseberry there are varieties that are resistant to mildew.
And if at all I do not want to contact this disease and spend your precious time on all sorts of spraying there, it is better to choose just such grades and breed them in your site.
Here are some varieties that are resistant to mildewing:
"Kolobok" (tested in practice, this bush grows next to the local gooseberry, which is covered with white rod every year, and he would at least be without any spraying there)
"Ural grapes" (also tested the stability of this variety to pulse dew on personal experience)

In general, it is observed that the sophisticated gorge varieties are almost not exposed to malicious dew. So when choosing a variety should pay attention to the presence or absence of spikes.

But there are varieties that are subject to mildew:
"Lefor's sighter" (every year I falls, always have to spray)
"Date fruit"
"Golden Ogonok"

Another useful Rule - When buying seedlings, it is necessary to be very attentive and not to take those that cause doubts covered with incomprehensible raid and look somehow not very.

In conclusion I would like to say that many plants suffer from malievable dew - trees, flowers, vegetables. But, apparently, for each type of plants there is some kind of a separate mild-dew fungal, which applies only to it and more anywhere. In other words, if your gooseberry fell ill with mildew, then, for example, cucumbers planted nearby, they will not be injured by flies dew from the gooseberry. At the gooseberry, its malicious dew, not transmitted by other cultures, the cucumbers have their own, in the colors, the apple trees are also their own, etc.


The author of the text and the photo is Katerina Shlykov (a gardener-amateur since 2003) quite a lot of literature. I want to recommend some of them, as it seems to me the most efficient:
1. Early dumping gooseberry bushes with boiling water partially destroys the spores fungus.
2. Then can be processed the gooseberry and soil around it with a 3-percent burglar mixture or a solution of calcined soda (50 g of soda on 10 liters of water), adding the economic soap to the best adhesion of the solution. This spraying is desirable to spend the kidneys on the gooseberry.
3. To spray the bushes is still well wood ash (300 g per 10 liters of water), as well as bring ash into the rolling circles, evenly distributing it and stirring with the ground.
4. Very nice results Gives the bacterial method of combating this insidious disease. To do this, take the 1st of the infusion of a cowboat or overwhelmed manure, wept in 3 parts of the water and insist for three days. Then the infusion is three times diluted with water and filter.
You can also prepare infusions from a heated hay or hay pipes, greenhouse land or forest litter. The effectiveness of these infusions is that the bacteria breeding in them, hitting the gooseberry bushes, they are happy to eat with fungny.
Treatment with these irons is desirable to spend three times for the season: the first time spray before flowering, the second time immediately after it and the third time we carry out treatment before leaf fall.
5. Another interesting method - we make such a solution: 1 liter of serum weighing in ten liters of water and add 15-20 yeod drops. This solution can be sprayed through the bushes throughout the season every 10 days.
6. Outping loops on tomatoes, do not throw them away. They will also help us overcome the mildew. Insist tomato Bottva, then add in the infusion of 40-50 g of the household soap and spray the gooseberry bushes with this means. And at the end of the summer, when we are already starting to remove the stems of tomatoes, you can put the gooseberry for the winter. Such a people's method is guaranteed to save from pests and pulse dew.
7. In the fall, it is necessary to thoroughly trimming the affected plants, removing without any pity the defeated ends of the shoots, collect the fallen leaves and immediately burn, without postponing this case for later, as the spores of the torment dew are quickly quickly.
8. If the disease is already running, then, in order to avoid distributing it all over the garden, it is simply necessary to apply chemicals protection. These are drugs such as: "Topaz", "Oksich", "Phytosporin" and others. In this case, strictly follow the dose recommended in the application instructions.
Itself only I will treat the gooseberry.

The gooseberry can be found in almost every garden. These berries love for the unique taste and high content of vitamin C. It must be remembered that, the older the bush, the greater the likelihood of the damage to the mildew. If you do not take action, then the disease can not only reduce the crop, but also to completely destroy it, as well as hit shoots and even roots.

Puffy dew on the gooseberry is a fungal disease, it applies to microscopic particles - disputes that are transferred to a plant through insects or winds. You can meet another name - the American mildew of the rose of the gooseberry bush - as this disease came to us from America. Puffy dew is divided into two subspecies - real and false. The disputes are well winter on the lower branches, in the thicker of foliage and soil under the bush, and in the spring begin their journey through the crown.

Puffy dew on the gooseberry requires actively applying measures to deal against it, as it may appear on raspberries, and on currant, and even on a rose. With the onset of warm and wet weather at the bottom of the first leaflets close to the ground, when the plant is infected, you can already notice a white loose flaw, similar to a scattered flour. From such leaves you need to get rid of as soon as possible, delete and burn them. If you skip the first signs, then later the white flare will become dark, brown with a dense texture, will strike all parts of the plant: the leaves are folded, infected branches become curves, and the berries will deteriorate and not mature.

Weak sickness

It should be borne in mind that the disease has fungal nature. There are three basic methods of treating the gooseberry from pulse dew: agrotechnical, chemical and agrochemical. The agrotechnical method consists in the immediate trimming of leaves and branches with signs of lesion, planned pruning before the beginning and after the end of the growing season, as well as in planting varieties resistant to peronospose. At the very beginning of the spring, it is necessary to clean the bush from damaged and old branches, and the Earth from last year's foliage.

Knowing that mushrooms twice a year, in spring and summer, form disputes, we process the gooseberry three times during the growing season: before and after flowering, as well as to the autumn leaf fall. Processing bushes in the evening, abundantly treating the solution all the plant, as well as the ground under the bush. Irrigation is produced using a wide spectrum sprayer, paying special attention to the involving side of the leaves. Before processing, we get rid of possibly infected leaves or other parts of the plant, collect the entire litter, in which the disputes could have wintering.

Correctly formed, severe shoots are well opposed to infection with pulse dew. This largely depends on the feeding of potash and phosphoric fertilizers. The use of nitrogen fertilizers, on the contrary, suppresses the growth rate of shoots and makes them easy to prevent fungal infection. If many plants are affected on the site, it is necessary to apply potent chemical means of protection against pulse dew on the gooseberry. For this purpose, apply copper Kuner or special preparations.

The protection of the gooseberry from the mildew of the radios by the agrochemical way is combined by the methods described above and gives very good results. For plant treatment, apply as folk recipesand special chemicals.

Folk remedies

How to deal with mildew folk methods, Know experienced dacnis and gardeners. Early spring bushes are treated with hot (about 90 degrees) solution of manganese. Thoroughly shed it with this solution, disinfect shoots and soil under the bush. After flowering, the plant is treated with a solution of ammonium or potash nitrate. One of the cheapest and efficient ways is to process with the help of water ash water. Welcome bushes in the late spring three times every other day. The ash residue, diluted with water, watered soil under the bush.

In case of appearance on the gooseberry white Nalea, Social soda solution with soap. The bush is treated with this thick solution, and the ground with a diluted residue is watered under the bush. Another way to combat fungal diseases - treatment using kefira or acid milk, which is carried out three times every three days. For this, it is possible to apply milk serum.

The resulting film prevents the breath of the fungus and heals the gooseberry. A solution of soda, aspirin, liquid detergent, vegetable oil and water. This composition is treated with a bush twice a month throughout the season.

On the initial stage Factory infection can be treated with a decoction of field chewing. Plants irrigate three - four times with a periodicity of five days. The decoction of the pizhma watered the ground around the bushes twice a year, in spring and autumn. Can be used for irrigation decoction low husk. Proceed with this present before flowering, after flowering and before leaf fall. In the same mode is treated with a solution of a cow.

Fighting chemicals

Modern fungicidal drugs help to actively fight against the perionospory, to which the powdery dew. This is Quadris, Sorrow, Tilt, Topsin, Fundazole. FROM preventive goal The phytosporin M. This drug is very effective for the prevention of the disease, but powerless in the fight against the disease itself, when it has already manifested itself. Biofungicidal methods include the use of a cowboat, which is described above.


Fungal diseases are much easier to prevent than to treat. Let's start with the choice of space for the bush. For the gooseberry, the solar sections are chosen, with a low level of groundwater, good drainage, so as not to give metleous dew opportunities for development. The distance between the bushes should be sufficient for good ventilation and drying the soil. Usually they are planted in the rows with an interval of 1 - 1.5 meters, and there should be no less than 1.5 - 2 meters.

It is undesirable to plant a gooseberry after crops that can be amazed by the same pathogen: Yoshty, raspberries, currants. Now you can choose varieties resistant to fungal infections. In a complex with agrochemical measures (timely trimming of the crown, the removal of patients of the plant and the burning of them, preventive treatment of plants, loosening and mulching of the soil, feeding with potash and phosphate fertilizers) All this helps to overcome the disease and get a rich harvest.

Video "Fighting torment dew"

In this video, the specialist will tell about effective methods Fighting torment dew.

In this article, you will find useful information about why malfunction dew on the gooseberry appears, how to deal with it simple and efficient ways.

Puffy dew on the gooseberry - preventive and therapeutic measures

Puffy dew amazes the gooseberry very often. Moreover, leaves, branches, and berries.

Thunder these whitish spots - it seems to be erased. As if, really, the bush just trembled with flour.

But simply erasing spots from the leaves from this fungal disease can not get rid of.

What should I do if a pulse dew on the gooseberry appeared?

One of them reads:

  • it is necessary to cut all sick branches, leave only young and healthy;
  • shedding what remained from the bush, a solution of manganese saturated color;
  • pollinate the bush ashes and not know what tormentous dew is five years old.

So looks like a pulse dew on the gooseberry

The fact that the affected branches with leaves should be cut and destroy - quite right.

But there are also other methods of struggle ...

  1. "Topaz" and "Vetra". Here are the preparations, the most effective against the flies dew on the gooseberry. It is told experience and gardeners professionals. True, they also add that "Topaz" today is "not the one." One way or another, but spraying with these drugs is performed twice in spring with a repeat in two weeks. After harvesting, the third spraying should be performed.
  2. It is quite effectively spraying the gooseberry and drugs that are not containing "chemistry." For example, the "zircon" or "phytoosporin". "Zircon" a bush should also be thoroughly sprayed, as well as "topaz" or "vector", and the "phytomporin" you can water a bush according to branches and leaves directly from the watering can.
  3. Anti powdered dew helps the infusion of fresh manure at the rate of 1 kg per 10 liters of water. Only watering should be stable and frequent.
  4. Some of the gardeners are practicing infusion of ash (1 kg per 10 liters of water), but such a measure is rather prophylactic nature than therapeutic.

American powdered dew is distributed Everywhere and causes a mushroom ( table. 56.). Symptoms of the disease appear in spring after flowering on leaves, shoots, stiffs, berries.

Berries are greatly affected by the gooseberry, and in black currants - fruit sprigs and frozen. The initially affected parts of the plants are covered with a white loose bloom, which is a fungouncing, then raid quickly becomes thoroughly, tormented, which is due to the formation of a mushroom dispute.

Later raid It is compacted to the condition of the brown felt, black dots are formed in it - fruit bodies of the mushroom. The raid is also developing on both sides of the leaves, but more - on the top.

Table. 56. American milder dew rose, signs:

1 - affected leaves and berries;
2 - affected berries;
3 - disputes;
4 - At the bottom of the peritiation with a bag, at the top of the bag and dispute;
5 - conidial spray mushroom;
6 - dried escape

Formation of a dense fly on shoots, leaves and berries suspends plant growth. The defeated shoots are twisted, the interstices are shortened, the leaves become corrugated, small, fragile, chlorobic, they are lagging behind the fabrics, the berries are cracking, they will seek unreasonable with sick leaves.

Puffy dew Amazes mainly young, intensely growing leaves and shoots. Warm shoots are resistant to the disease. A severe damage to mildew raises the bushes to death after 2 - 3 years.

For the summer, the mushroom develops a lot (10-11) generations Spores that cause repeated infection. Therefore, during the growing season, therefore, chemical processing must be repeatedly carried out.

Under favorable conditions Weather mildewing dew on the gooseberry can develop throughout the summer while there is an increase in new young leaves and shoots. On currants, the disease of maximum development reaches in July - August. IN last years Currant is stronger than the gooseberry.

Disease causes great damage. The strong lesion of the gooseberry of the torment of the dewy leads to the loss of the yield of the berries by 20 - 50%, to reducing the growth of the bush, to the elimination of shoots, and the long-term exposure of the disease can bring bushes to complete death.

Winter mushroom on fallen berries, leaves and affected shoots. In the spring he infects young leaves and shoots.

Relatively resistant to the sort of black currant - Dove, glory of Leningrad, Karelian, Ruby, Altai Giant and Primorsky Champion; In the average degree of mildew Rewa Lacters, the leaf is fertile, non-switching, neapolitan, bogatyr, Dutch black, coke, victory, hope, Michurin's memory.

Relatively resistant to the disease of the gooseberry - Emerald, Malachite, Preschooler, Isabella, Mannaya, Raisen, Siberian, First Head, Pioneer, Zaporizhia, Hoodon, Grape, Mesovsky 17, Change, Sunny.

Red and white currant Amazed with mildewing dew to a lesser extent.

Relatively resistant to the variety of currant white - Boulogne white, crystal, dutch white; Red - Red Cross, Fairy Fertile and Boulogo Red.

Ways to combat milder dew gooseberry:

1) the use of a healthy planting material;

2) Landing with grains only with healthy bushes;

3) trimming patients, and then disinfecting overhead parts in a solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water) 5 minutes, followed by washing in clean water in the case of the use of affected planting material (from the nursery);

4) Spraying bushes and soil under the bushes to destroy the wintering infection with a solution of nitrafen (200 g per 10 liters of water) or solution iron Camp (300 g on 10 liters of water) early spring before the start of the blown of the kidneys;

5) Spraying bushes during the growing season in order to protect them from contamination, calcined (linen) soda with soap (50 g of soda and 50 g of soap on 10 liters of water) 4-5 times: before flowering, immediately after it, and then 2 more - 3 times at intervals of 8 - 10 days after the previous one;

6) Treatment of bushes with Nasty Surround or Sennaya Truchi 3 - 4 times during the season in the evening or in cloudy weather: first - before flowering; Second - immediately after flowering; Third and fourth - with an interval of 10 days.

7) One part of a cowboy or hay pipes to fill 3 parts of water and insist for three days.

Before use, the solution is diluted twice, strain and spray bushes in the evening or in cloudy weather. Two or three spraying with an interval of 10-15 days can completely suppress metleous dew; the first spraying during the dissolution of the kidneys; Second - in mid-June.

The gooseberry is popular for the people thanks to its taste and health benefits. Just gather from him good harvest It turns out not always. The wines of all powdered dew, which constantly overcomes the bushes of the gooseberry.

The old varieties are especially susceptible to the disease, which are the most delicious. Below we will look at what to process the spring gooseberry from mildew, preventing damage to the berries and the death of the bushes. The main thing is not to miss the time by spending precisely spring processing.

Indeed, if you don't fight with mildew, it is able to completely destroy the harvest, and for several years a bush can die in general. This is a fungal infection that is officially referred to as sphere.

She is striking young shoots and leaves first, then enters the fruit, and then it is accepted for perennial branches. Parts of the bush are covered with a white bloom, which after a while it becomes brown and even brown. Flowers begin to crumble, the leaflets are withering and twisted, the berries do not develop, branches are twisted and dry.

The fungus is propagated by air or by insects. At the end of May, the disease is already becoming visible. Comfortable conditions For breeding infection is considered warm and wet weather. This disease has already adapted to our weather conditions, so it perfectly tolerate cold.

Disputes are saved on fallen leaves and shoots.

But you can not lose heart if you have noticed this disease on your bushes. It is quite successful with him. The most important thing is not to postpone the treatment for an indefinite period.

When is it better to carry out processing?

To prevent the appearance of mildewed dew on the bushes, as well as destroy the existing disputes, it is recommended to carry out 4 gooseberry treatments:

  1. Before the start of the dissolution of the kidneys. It is better to do that with hot water, as described below.
  2. Before the start of flowering, on a green cone.
  3. Immediately after flowering.
  4. Autumn processing that needs to be performed before leaf fall.

If it did not work out to prevent the disease by the method of prophylactic spraying, measures should be taken immediately after you notice the first signs of the disease.

Ready preparations for spraying gooseberry

There are many drugs capable of healing plants from pulse dew. We will highlight 2 categories: chemical and biopreparations.


It is believed that the use of chemicals helps to quickly get rid of the disease.

However, when the fruits have already been formed, it is better to use more secure funds:

  1. Nitrophen. 200 g of preparation is bred in 10 liters of water. Bushes are processed strictly on bare offspring, to the dissolution of the kidneys. It is impossible to use a solution if the kidneys moved into growth, as this can lead to their death.
  2. The solution of one of the following fungicides: Topaz, Fundazole, Tiovit-Jet, Tilt, Vectra or the like. Processing the gooseberry with these drugs is preferably twice: before and after flowering. The proportions of dilution with water you need to look at the packaging of each of these drugs.

Based on the medium

These include a large number ready-made compositionswhich are bred by water before use. For example, HOW, Oxychich, Copper Copper, Copper Cap, etc. They are bred by water in accordance with the instructions.

You should know!Preparations containing copper are capable only to prevent the development of the disease, but they are not capable of healing the existing disease. This is an excellent protection of plants, but not a medicine.

The fact is that mildew mycelium live inside the cells of the plant, and only his disputes are on the surface. Copper can not get to mycelium. So the best result gives spring treatment Gooseberry with these substances.

Colloid sulfur

The action of sulfur on fungal infection is that, penetrating the mushroom, sulfur is connected to hydrogen molecules and displaces oxygen. Mycelium, without receiving oxygen, dies.

Divorced in 5 liters of water 30-40 g of sulfur. Use the finished solution immediately, on the day of preparation, because it is not stored for a long time. The sulfur is not mixed with other drugs, and is used only in pure form.

Important!You can use a colloidal sulfur in the temperature range from +20 to +35 degrees. For larger temperatures, there is probable burns and leaves.

The protective effect of sulfur lasts 10-14 days. It is recommended to apply no more than 3 times per season, but it is advisable to spend the last processing no later than a week before harvesting. If the bushes were previously processed by other pesticides, then before applying sulfur, it is necessary to withstand a pause for 2 weeks.


List some of the dozens of possible options.

These funds are checked in practice and give a positive effect in the treatment of pulse dew:

  1. Hauksin. It is a concentrate. For the preparation of a solution of 150 g of the preparation is bred in 10 liters of water.
  2. Phitosporin. Available in powder, liquid or paste. A water solution is prepared, which is processed.
  3. Bactophyt. This is a biopreparation of a wide range of action produced as a powder.
  4. Triphodermin. Available in powder. Before use is divorced in 5 liters of water 10 g of powder.

Biopreparations contain a colony of microorganisms that feed on fungal disputes.

Positive qualities of biological preparations are that they are safe for humans and plants, and spray plants can be sprayed at any time. Disadvantage - short time. For example, Gaouxin acts only 15 days. True, for this period he has time to cope with fungi. Biopreparations cannot be combined with copper-based substances.

Folk remedies for processing gooseberry

Below will be given folk ways Fight with mildewing dew on the gooseberry.

Wood ash

The ash effectively destroys fungal disputes, prevents the appearance of tribes, caterpillars and slugs on plants. In addition, it is a supplier of phosphorus, calcium and potassium, which are necessary plants.

1 kg of sifted wood ash (2 liter banks) is insisted during the week in 10 liters of water. The solution is filled with the precipitate to remain at the bottom, and then handle the bushes with the interval of several days.

Multiple treatments are allowed throughout the season. But the best results give when using early spring. Complete compatibility with any substances. The ash is harmless to plants and man.

A solution of mangartee

About 1.5 g of manganese takes 10 liters of water. Bushes are processed twice: before and after flowering. Be sure to make a manganese coil circles under the gooseberry for their disinfecting. If you apply a manganese on time, the disease can be stopped completely.

Infusion of cowboy or reworked hay

1 part of the reworked manure or hay is taken and divorced in 3-parts of water. For 3 days, the mixture is insteaded, and then fastened. To obtain the finished solution, it is necessary to add another 9 parts of the water and spray the gooseberry. Microorganisms actively developing in the revival of dung or hay, feed on the mushroom and destroy it. Processing can be repeated every 10 days.

Baking soda

It is used in combination with the economic soap. 50 g of soap is pre-rubbed on the grater and sucks in a bucket with water (10 liters). After its dissolution, 2 tablespoons of soda are absorbed into the water. The solution is used to spray the bushes or for their irrigation with the help of watering can. The procedure must be done before flowering, and then after flowering.

Dairy serum, kefir, reverse, milk

Any fermented milk product, when applied to leaves or shoots, forms a strong oily film on their surface, overlapping oxygen access to the fungne. As a result, the fungus dies.

The dairy product is divorced by water in a ratio of 1: 10. Plants are sprayed only with dry weather, several times, with intervals of 3 days. An increase in the number of treatments is only beneficial, since the gooseberry receives additional nutrients.

Decoction of wild chemistry

For cooking, the racca is suitable both fresh and dry grass. Fresh herbs need to take 1 kg, and dry - 100 grams. The grass is soaked in 10 liters of water for a day, after which it is boiling for 1 hour. Infusion It is necessary to cool and dilute with water in proportion 1: 5. Now you can spray the bushes.

Attention! Broth of the horsetail of the field is stored no more than 7 days.

The decoction can be used multiple times throughout the season.

Decoction of flowers of the Pijmas

In order to prepare a decoction, you should take 300 g of fresh or 30 g of dry flowers of the Pijmas, insist the day in the water bucket, and then boil within 1 hour. You do not need to dilute. Use for treating bushes and land under the bushes.

Long husk

200 g onion husk need to soak in a bucket with hot water for 2 days. After filping, you can apply. Multiple treatment of the gooseberry throughout the season is allowed.


If during the season to spend prophylactic measures with the gooseberry bushes, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of infection:

  1. Early spring and autumn bushes are cut off. Old and sick shoots are removed, which contributes to the better development of the bush. Sick branches must be burned.
  2. In the spring, you should remove the foliage under the bushes, on which the arms of the mushroom has been wintering. After that, the soil is drunk under the bushes.
  3. Early spring, before the blown of the kidneys, it is recommended to carry out a very effective procedure. Gooseberry shoots are filled with hot water with a temperature of 90 degrees. Hot water Destroys disputes not only mildew, but also many other fungal infections. To obtain a better result, you can add food soda to water (2 tablespoons on the water bucket) or a dilution solution of manganese. Only single processing of hot water bushes is allowed!
  4. The resistance of the gooseberry to the torment rose increases when phosphoric and potash fertilizer. Extract from wood ash - a great tool not only to feed the bushes, but also to protect them from sphere. But nitrogen fertilizers are better not to apply. Soothers may not be criticized to autumn, which will increase the likelihood of their infection.
  5. Landing near the gooseberry of dill, garlic, the Chernobrivans reduces the likelihood of infection.


Plant treatment to topaz, colloidal gray or other fungicides should be carried out in the means of protection. Also, it is advisable to use a respirator or a gauze bandage. If drugs are hit on the skin or eye, to avoid burns, it is necessary to wash these places with plenty of water.

It is recommended not to use some one drug, but alternate them. So you will be able to avoid addictive mushrooms to some one substance. Also, you can choose the most effective and convenient options for the effects on mildewing dew.

The struggle against malievous dew should be carried out in a timely manner and fully, in several techniques. In this case, it is possible to avoid the appearance of the disease, as well as to completely get rid of the manifestations of the disease.