
Drinking mode how to drink water correctly. How much drinking regime is important for the body? The role of pure water in the preservation of beauty health

Ponds in the garden

So what to do? Where to begin?

With water! With a drink of pure structured water , restoring the rheological properties of not only blood, lymphs, but generally liquid media organism. Restoring the body's hydrodynamics in general. Only in this way, i.e. By activating the hydrodynamics of all levels of the body, the process of general cleansing the body can be launched. Not in parts - intestines, liver, joints, etc. - And in common. In fact, water becomes the first and striking medicine for us. Each cell cell is washed, each cell begins to breathe freely, the energy of the cell increases. And, as a result, the overall health of the body begins. It is worth noting that the detoxification process itself, the purification of the body will be held in the sequence and hierarchy, which the nature itself was asked. We can only maintain and strengthen this process, trying not to break his logic ...

It must be clean, i.e. Filtered water. It should not be boiled, because After boiling, its biochemical and biophysical properties are sharply changed into an unfavorable side for us.

In nature, water has a completely defined structure. This is a liquid crystal. And, like every crystal, has the ability to memorize, record information about many processes occurring in nature. In essence, natural, structured water carries information about the lifetime itself, about its movement, it carries a certain energy-informational matrix that regulates the ratio of substances necessary for the development of life. That is why it is desirable that drinking water will save this structure. Boil destroys the liquid crystal structure of water. We are in the body about 5 liters of blood, 2 liters of lymphs, about 35-40 liters of inside and intercellular fluid. That is why, in order to return the necessary and sufficient level of endoecological purity, it is necessary 2-2.5 liters of water per day.

So, from tomorrow and until alive, you start drinking clean, non-fitted, not heated, room temperature, preferably structured water. It can be melting water, infused on silicon. This can be the usual water passed through the water-purification filter, which is based on the track membrane, which allows to obtain drinking water almost ideal for the body, and structured. These are filters of the FTM series. I inform about them not for the sake of advertising, but for the sake of truth. These are the safest, unpretentious and sustainable devices, acting in the field, and in rustic, country, and in the conditions of urban life.

You need to drink water by sip, several sips, fractionally, not a volley. With this method of drinking, the water quickly goes into the intestines and diverges through the body. The effect of "dropper" occurs. The originality of this effect is that even if a person is predisposed for one reason or another to swells, they do not arise. And the usual swelling associated with cardiac or renal failure, as a rule, disappear after a few days.

If the edema already exists in order to help the body cope with them, it is necessary to abandon the use of table salt for a while, because Sodium delays water in the body. As a rule, enough of the week to dramatically improve the situation with existing edema.

An additional means of helping with edema, at first, there may be tea from the grass of the garden of the garden. 1 tablespoon of fine fresh parsley, or 1 teaspoon dry, brewed with a glass of boiling water, it is 7-10 minutes and drunk in a warm form. Petrushka has a soft diuretic and bactericidal action. It enhances the urination and at the same time hesitates the urinary paths. And this is important with liquid stagnation. It is enough 1-2 glasses of such tea per day. In the morning - before breakfast and about 18-19 pm.

Every day you need to drink pure structured water.

  • With weight from 60 kg and above - 2.5-3 liters per day.
  • With weight from 40 kg - 2-2.5 liters per day.
  • With weight from 30 kg - 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • With weight from 20 kg - 1-1.5 liters per day.
  • · With a weight from 10 kg - 0.5 liters per day.

You need to drink fractionally, sips. 3-5 sips, preferably with intervals 1-2 minutes.

The first and inadequate element is water. The passage and preparation of the course begins with the fact that we change the drinking mode. The main task is to "tweak" the body prior to the beginning of the following techniques. Modern urban residents almost forgot what water is. But in this clean, an amazing crystal is laid on our whole life. Seventy percent of our organism is water.

Water is a completely striking tool for exposure to the internal self-regulation system. Why? Because with the help of water, we form a re-liquid medium of the body. It is necessary to drink 2.5 liters of water - half of the amount of blood, which is in our organism. Blood changes during the day, it means that giving all the time clean water, we have blood itself, that is, the plasma of life, we begin to keep in order. Does the reaction of the protective system change? Sure! It gets better, stronger, more active, she herself begins to work, treat us. The question is how long it is necessary to drink water, should not stand at all. Without a meal, we can live 40 days, and many people for the sake of prevention, for the sake of conservation of health spend forty-day posts, and without water we can live a lot of week, and after 3 days there will be a catastrophic situation for the body. Children under 13 needed 1.5-2 liters, young children - up to 1.5 liters, a young man is 17-18 years old - 2-2.5 liters of water a day. In a more mature age, we must reach up to 3 l, because over the years our body, unfortunately, dries, dehydrated.

The second element is nutrition. When changing the drinking mode and the power mode, the gastrointestinal tract begins to work completely differently, its motility changes, forcing the esophagus, the intestine of the food lump. Purified elastic connecting fibers begin to force our biochemical laboratory normally.

The third element is another very important mechanism providing our health and longevity - hyperthermia, or hyperthermal baths that will help restore the normal activity of the peripheral vascular system, the importance of saving which he wrote to Dr. A. Zalmanov. The preservation of the peripheral vascular system, the capillary system, the microcirculation system is health, because as long as these bricks are under the skin, in the tips of the fingers are alive and healthy, - everything will be fine. Each cell of our body, any organ - will be alive, healthy and strong, if it is alive, healthy and pure concurrents, according to which blood comes with oxygen, power, power and energy, micro- and macroelements, vitamins, Proteins, carbohydrates. If this outstanding vascular is intact, pass, the cell will be healthy, it will be great to live, eat well, breathe perfectly and give everything that she does not need. That is why there is a significant place in our program to use baths.

The fourth element is controlled self-regulation. This tool helps us manage health processes in our psyche, which is extremely important, since the central nervous system is managed by all physiological, biochemical, biological processes. Our brain develops by its program, manages us according to your program, and all the mistakes that we have accumulated, to great regret, are superimposed on this program. Changes in this program, changing the mental internal "I" or mental climate and mental internal connections between our systems and bodies is a very interesting point.

There are other elements.

How can I start helping yourself before a person decided to seriously engage in his health on your system?

If you want to get rid of extra kilograms, you need to start a day from a glass of water - the simplest, non-pecked, room temperature. Further your task is to drink about two more liters of water during the day. This quantity is calculated individually: the body during the day should receive in 30 mg of extensive moisture to every kilogram of weight. At the same time, drinking immediately harmful - water must come gradually, in small quantities, but quite often. Take the rule to drink on the glass before each meal and be sure to thicken thirst in the breaks between food. Only in this case the process of weight reduction will flow optimally.

Let's notify immediately - the drinking water itself will not lead to fat burning, for this we need restrictions in nutrition and physical activity. However, the correct drinking mode will create favorable conditions for weight loss.

Moisture should be filled with water. Juices, compotes, soda do not give such an effect. In addition, they themselves are rather calories. And coffee and tea (including those beloved by many green) have a diuretic effect, additionally pulling fluid from the body.

Fat, split!

Some time ago, the opinion was widespread that those who want to lose weight, it is impossible to drink during training. They say so the weight loss is faster. Now this myth is debunked. And nutritionists, and sports doctors advise little, a few sips, but often thicken thirst directly during classes. The point here is not only in danger of dehydration, which appears due to the fact that during exercise, we sweat. Water directly participates in the splitting of fat, and, if it is not enough, it disintegrates extremely slowly. As a result, instead of weight loss, we only get overwork. This is true not only for the gym, but also for everyday life. If there is not enough moisture in the body, weight loss is slower even with rather hard restrictions in nutrition.

In addition, water is necessary in order to remove the used metabolic products. With the breakdown of fat, a lot of harmful and even toxic components are formed. If they are not removed from the body in a timely manner, the general well-being deteriorates, lethargy and apathy appear. And this, in turn, reduces motivation to maintain physical activity and limit oneself in food. The saturation of the body water allows it to prevent it.

Leather, pull up!

Stretching and sorcement of skin - the frequent problems of those who manage to reduce weight. Moreover, the creams and body lotions often do not help. The reason is that they provide skin tone only by 15-20%. For a good effect, it is necessary to feed it from the inside, and the water plays a decisive role here.

The skin becomes elastic due to the fact that the fibers contained in it are of special protein-collagen drink moisture. If the water in the body is not enough, it leaves the skin very quickly - the body consumes it to more important needs, for example, to ensure the work of the heart, digestion. Because of this, the skin is worse than shrinking, saves, looks lifeless. And restrictions in nutrition, which adhere to thin, are further exacerbated by the situation. Want to avoid this, do not forget to drink during the day.

Edema, tee!

Full people often suffer from edema. Sometimes, eliminating the stagnation of the liquid, you can lose weight on half, and even on the whole size of clothes. It seems that you need to drink less. It is often true, especially if you drink acute or salty food. But edema can appear not only from excess, but also from lack of moisture in the body.

Against the background of the water deficit, blood and lymph are condensed, they flow the vessels slower, it is stagnant, and part of the fluid inevitably goes into the intercellular space. Such edema on legs and in the field of Galifa are particularly strong - where cellulite is most often observed. It is often possible to reduce it, it is simply regularly felt by the liquid reserves.

It's no secret that in the human body is contained up to 70% of water. It depends on this element literally everything is the rate of cell regeneration, elasticity of the skin, metabolism, digestion.

A special danger is a hidden lack of life-wing moisture. Modern people are catastrophically drinking clean water, believing that the best drinking liquid is tea, coffee, sweet drinks and broths.

Neglecting ordinary water, the person dehydrates the body with his own hands. Over time, the body begins to confuse thirst and hunger - when a glass of water should be done, a person stretches for a snack. Consider in more detail how to properly drink water during the day and in what quantity to lose weight

The essence of the problem

Water plays the role of an "internal solvent." Her deficit leads:

  • to an undesirable change in the composition of blood, lymph, digestive juices and an intercellular substance;
  • to the violation of the timely delivery of nutrients to all organs;
  • to improper decay products - slags and toxins are beginning to clog blood, liver and kidney;
  • To accelerated aging - the skin of the first responds to insufficient moisture (wrinkles, dryness and peeling appear).

It is noteworthy that only during breathing a person loses to a liter of a lifeful moisture! Another 2-3 liters are output from then with different natural discharge.

An equally important role is played by water balance and weight loss. For this reason, the requirement to drink daily at least 1.5-2 liters of water enters the vast majority of diets.

What you can drink

Not any water is equally suitable for a person and useful for its body. Any additive will turn this substance into a simple drink that will not have much importance for health and weight loss.

Important: Various types of tea, beer, coffee and carbonated water leads to dehydration. They have a pronounced diuretic effect, so it's simply impossible to quench the thirst for a cup of tea!

High-quality water should be with neutral acidity, low content of pitch and absolutely clean (without impurities in the form of bacteria or other dangerous components).

Main sanitary requirements for different types of water:

  1. Bottled - most secure for humans, as it matches all sanitary standards. This is the best choice for urban residents.
  2. Distilled - not suitable for use. Its acidity is quite high for the human body. To drink forbidden!
  3. Spring, from a well or well - the best choice for villagers and owners of private houses in the suburbs. Before using the source, you must pass the test of water into the laboratory to eliminate dangerous pollution.
  4. Mineral - suitable exclusively for the treatment of diseases. Reception is prescribed by a doctor. It is constantly impossible to quench your thirst!
  5. Structured or "live" - \u200b\u200buseful for the body, as it has a special structure. Such melting water can be collected from glaciers or prepare on their own.
  6. Filtered is not dangerous if suitable filters are used (they are selected in accordance with the existing well or well contamination).
  7. Boiled - not welcomed by nutritionists (considered "dead"). You can only drink in the event that it is impossible to quench thirst in another way. In the boiling process, the hazardous compounds of chlorine and mineral salts is released.
  8. Calculated - usually gaining it from the crane. Suitable for quenching thirst only in cases where the water was initially clean.

You can drink water of any temperature, but it is important to know that:

  • in the hot state, this liquid stimulates the production of gastric juice and removes slags;
  • the warm is better absorbed.

What should be the norm

To determine the amount of liquid required, you should pay attention to the color of the urine:

  • colorless or gentle yellow - everything is normal;
  • bright yellow - the first stage of dehydration;
  • orange - catastrophic lack of water (usually accompanied by chronic constipation).

The calculation formula is simple: the current weight is necessary to multiply by 30 ml (it is so much consumable by the body by 1 kg of weight).

In the summer, with colds, breastfeeding, poisoning, the norm can be increased to 3-4 liters per day.

One-time reception no more than 350 ml! But this indicator largely depends on the volume of the stomach. You can drink only 200 ml. One-time dose drinks slowly, in small sips.

Drinking Mode Table when Slimming

In total, the day is drunk on average from 8 to 12 glasses. If the amount is measured by another capacity, the total daily volume should not be less than 1.5-2 liters.

During food, it is not recommended to drink - this reduces the concentration of gastric juice and worsens the digestion. But before each admission of food drinking a glass of water - a prerequisite for weight loss. This simple method allows to abundantly allocate digestive juice - the absorption of products is faster and better.

It is also important not to confuse hunger with thirst. If the drinking glass of water in a few minutes does not quench the feeling of hunger, it is necessary to eat. Food should be fractional - at least 5 food remedies per day.

Only subject to these rules, weight loss will occur quickly.

Water is part of not only blood, but also lymphs. If blood vessels are comparable to rivers, then the lymphatic vessels can be called the organism sewer pipes.

Japanese gastroenterologist and Surgeon Schiro Schiro is widely known for fans of the head as the author of several bestsellers about human health.

Those who drink little water are sick more often - the doctor is sure. Learn to drink a lot of pure water - this is the best thing you can do for your health!

How to drink water

Drink water an hour before meals

From day to day I follow one good habit: before each meal, I drink 500 ml of water.

They say it is useful to drink a lot of clean water of good quality, but it is necessary to drink it correctly. This is no less important than it is.

I will understand the gardeners well. Due to excessive irrigation, the roots rot, the plant cares and dies. You need to know when you should water the flowers and how much water pouring.

The same principle is applicable to people.

The human body mostly consists of water.In the body of babies and small children, about 80% of water, in the body of adults 60-70%, in the body of old people - only 50-60%.

The skin of the baby is fresh and young precisely because the cells of his body are nailed with water.

It is very important to drink fresh and clean water.

Water enters the digestive organs, absorbed by the walls of the stomach and intestines, and then together with blood penetrates the cells.

The more water, the better the metabolism and blood circulation.

The abundance of good quality water reduces cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

Therefore, adults need to drink at least one and a half or two liters of water per day, and elderly people are no less liters.

Next question:When is it better to drink water?

If you drink water before eating - the appetite decreases, since the stomach is filled with liquid.

But if you drink water while eating - the process of learning is hampered, since food enzymes in the stomach are diluted with water.

Those who cannot but drink during meals should be limited to one cup of water (up to 200 ml).

Some doctors advise drinking water before bedtime and at night, even if you don't want to drink: this, they say, prevents blood concentration. But I am not a supporter of this approach.

If you do not want the liquid to rise up your esophagus,do not drink before bedtime.Finding into the stomach, water is mixed with gastric juice. When a person takes a horizontal position, this mixture rises in the esophagus, penetrates the trachea and ingest with air.

So the risk arises to get inflammation of the lungs.

Water is best to drink in the morning, immediately after awakening, as well as 1 hour before each meal - This is the best way to satisfy the need of the body in liquid.

For some thirty minutes, water moves from the stomach to the intestines and, it means that the digestion process will not break.

I drink water for such a schedule:

  • 500-700 millilitres in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • 500 milliliters an hour before breakfast;
  • 500 milliliters an hour before lunch.

Of course, options are possible here.

In the summer you have to drink more. Those who sweat greatly, requires more water.

In people with a weak stomach Excess fluid can cause diarrhea.

Generally speaking, the needs of the body in water are determined by its individual characteristics, including body sizes.. If one and a half liter of water per day lead to diarrhea, start with 350 ml per day and increase this dose gradually.

In winter, drink slightly heated water, and small sips, so as not to cool the body. Enzymes are maximally active at a temperature of 36-40 ° C, and an increase in temperature for every 0.5 degrees means an increase in enzyme activity by 35%.

That is why the patient usually occurs in heat: the body increases the body temperature to activate enzymes.

Water and "Magic Enzymes" - our best friends

Water participates in all processes in the human body. We can say that the main function is the regulation of blood circulation and metabolism.

It displays toxins and waste of life, activates enzymes and intestinal microflora.

Those who drink little water are sick more often

A learning to drink a lot of clean, good water is a great way to become healthier.Water moisturizes the surface of the bronchi and the gastric and intestine mucosa (areas that are maximally subject to attacks of bacteria and viruses), activating their protective properties.

When the body lacks water, mucous membranes are dehydrated and dry. Then the wet and mucus stick to the walls of the respiratory tract, turning into a fertile environment for bacteria and viruses.

Water is part of not only blood, but also lymphs.If blood vessels are comparable to rivers, then the lymphatic vessels can be called the organism sewer pipes.

They perform the most important function of cleaning, filtering and eliminating the organism of proteins and waste of digestion - along with water.

In the lymphatic vessels there are gamma globulins (protective antibodies) and enzyme lysozyme, which has antibacterial properties.

The normal functioning of the immune system without pure, good water is simply unthinkable.

Water is necessary for the body. It is not growing in the desert precisely because there is no water - every plant needs sunlight, and earth, and water. Nutrients of the most fertile soil can be assimilated by plants only with water.

If your body lacks water, you no longer feel - After all, the toxins and waste of life are not derived and accumulated inside the cells.

In the worst case, the toxins may damage the cells and turn some cells into the foci of the development of a malignant tumor.

Water is involved in a variety of processes- Starting from regulating the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and ending with the normalization of blood circulation and lymphotoka.

Power supply of sixty trillion cells of the human body and the removal of waste of their livelihoods is also a water function.

If this sixty trillion cells lack water, "magic enzymes" do not cope with their work.

To live without disease, the body needs not only vitamins, minerals and enzymes, but also water - the "vehicle", delivering all these riches on its intended purpose.

During the day, the human body allocates approximately 2.5 liters of fluid (including sweat).

To fill these losses, man should drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water (In addition to the water contained in food).

For my proposal to drink more water, people often answer: "I drink water rarely, but I love tea and coffee" .

But it is very important to obtain liquid in the form of pure water. The fact is that in such drinks such as tea, coffee, coca-cola, beer, and so on, contains substances (sugar, nutritional supplements, caffeine, alcohol), which pull water from blood and cells.

They thicken blood and dehydrate the body.

Some people gladly overturn the mug of another beer after the sauna or in a hot noon. Beer really can quench thirst and refresh.

But in people of middle and older age with a high level of cholesterol in the blood, high pressure, or in patients with diabetes, a fair portion of beer can cause a heart attack or stroke. In such matters should be careful.

We have a habit of getting thirst for a thirst without beer, tea, coca-cola or coffee, but good clean water.published. If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project .

© Schiro Chirome, "Book about the dangers of a healthy eating, or how to live up to 100 years, not pain"

P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Drinking mode is the most rational order of consumption of water during the day. At the same time, the drinking mode is directly tied to the correct nutrition, since in addition to food intake for the human body, sufficient water consumption is vital. After all, water takes part in the processes of thermoregulation, dissolves mineral salts, carries out the "transportation" of nutrients inside the body, displays the products of exchange from the body and other studies of scientists already proven that the use of the optimal amount of water can minimize the manifestation of such chronic diseases as pain in Back, migraine, rheumatic pain, as well as reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, normalize blood pressure and contribute to weight loss.

How to balance the drinking mode correctly?

In case of insufficient use of water, blood viscosity increases, the load on the heart increases , the heat exchange processes are violated, efficiency decreases. And with unlimited drink, the burdens load can increase 10 times.

Do you know that only with breathing a person loses almost half a liter of water daily. On average, every day we spend about 2.5 liters of water during breathing, sweating, in the process of withdrawing from the body with urine and feces of life products, as well as to fulfill other physiological needs.

It is estimated that to replenish these losses of a person whose weight is 56 kg, should consume an average of 8 glasses of fluid per day. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day! To more accurately determine the needs of the body in water, it is necessary to take into account the factors affecting the increase in the need for a drinking liquid. The role and age and physical activity, and climatic factors, and working conditions play.

It is necessary to drink more water under the following conditions:

  1. Raising ambient temperature
  2. Painful condition and elevated body temperature
  3. Increased protein content in the diet
  4. Active physical exertion
  5. Women, nursing breasts
  6. If you smoke
  7. If you like frequent feast
  8. With increasing body weight
  9. If you drink coffee or sturdy tea (more than one cup per day)
  10. If you drink alcohol

How to drink water? What water to drink? How much do you need to drink water?

For frequently asked questions about the resolution of drinking regime, we asked to answer Elizavet Murzich, consultant "Schools of Proper Power":

1. I drink little water (1-3 cups), and how to drink water correctly?

Start drinking water gradually: the first three days 4 glasses (2- to breakfast, 1- to lunch, 1- to dinner), in the future, add 0.5 glasses every day. You need to reach the required number of 2.5-3.5 liters in 2-3 weeks (depends on your weight).

2. What water do you need to drink: mineral, usual or boiled?

The perfect option is the usual water skipped through the filter or purchased in the store. Mineral water can only be used non-carbonated, because Carbon dioxide flushes calcium from the body. Boiled water is dead in its properties. In more detail about what water can be considered drinking, read.

3. I can not drink ordinary water, how to be?


9 comments on the "drinking mode and the role of water in the diet"

    Elizabeth, thanks for the interesting article! All the information is really very relevant, many do not know how and how much to drink water, and that the elementary observance of the drinking mode may noticeably improve overall well-being, appearance and will help avoid many diseases.

    I want to once again draw the attention of readers that one of the most important rules is not to drink while eating. At least half an hour before meals and at least an hour after (and in the case of abundant reception of protein food - meat, mushrooms, etc. - Better after two hours) - and then food and water will be used as efficiently as possible by your organism.

    And, of course, it must be remembered that neither tea, no coffee, nor juices, nor milk are able to fully compensate for the need of the body in water. About tea and coffee Elizabeth already said. Juices: Sugar and preservatives are almost always present in the shop juice, and freshly squeezed juices are saturated with fruit acids, so if you drink them in large quantities, there may be irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and allergies. Milk is rather food than drinking, and not all it is normally absorbed. Therefore, if you do not drink 2 liters of clean water per day, then compensate for the body's need for the above-mentioned drinks is, of course, it is better than not to drink at all, but not the most perfect option. Drink more water :)

    You can go crazy ... I advise you to drink water on well-being and sensations !!! The body will say when the water wants himself!

    I agree that you need to drink water, but an excessive amount of water besides the kidney also loads the heart !!!

    I am for the reaction of the body !!!)))))))

    I drink coral water for half a year. I buy coral-mane bags. In a bundle of 30 pieces 1,5gr. Sango coral bags. Coral Sango grows near Okinawa and Tokunasim Islands in Japan. In Japan, so many long-livers, and on Okinawa, the life expectancy is another 10-15 years longer and there are no senile diseases. These islands are coral atolls and all the water on the island is filtered through the coral. It turned out that water interacting with coral acquires the following properties:

    1.Cral-powerful sorbent. He binds chlorine in a few seconds. That is, purifies water from chlorine, and harmful impurities. In the west in Minsk, very chlorinated water. I pour 2 glasses throw in one coral - and the water with coral does not smell chlorine, but without - smells.

    2. The surface tension is up to 45 din / cm2. And tap water has a tension 73-75. That is, the body exists energy so that water can be in a cage, so as the surface tension of the cell 45.

    4. The larger acquires a negative redox potential (OPP). In bottled water and from under the Crane ORP \u003d +150 ... + 300. OVP is a measure of electron activity. If the OVP is greater than 0, the water is a free radical, which oxidizes (kills) cells, if the OSP is less than 0 water - antioxidant, which restores cells. Water with a minus in nature is only in mountain sources and in places such as Mirgorod, Truskovets, R. Hunza. Water with a minus is not possible to bring, because water, interacting with air, oxidizes and minus leaves. Therefore, cooked coral water must be kept closed and have a drink. I was shown how the water of the water from the tap changes in the eyes when adding coral with an OPP meter.

    5. The value becomes structured.

    6.Vode is saturated easily absorbed in ionic form by calcium and other minerals.

    1 Package is enough for 1.5 liters of water. I usually buy water in bottles. She is dead, but peeled. Or bring the well. And add coral. To date, the price of the pack of coral Coral Mine for members of the coral club 96.000 Bel.R. or 3.200.

    one bag for the day. Cheaper coffee mugs or tea in a cafe and useful. Even Zeland mentioned in his books about Coral Main and Coral Sango.

    Well, in quantity, the physiological norm is 30ml per kg of weight. I should drink 2100ml at 70kg weighing. Now I drink more and I like, I feel great.

    Who is interested in writing in a personal

    [Email Protected]

    • As far as I know from the movie "The Mystery of Water", the structured water is in no way related to the presence or absence of any chemicals in it. There is an energy impact - water absorbs emotions and, depending on their nature, becomes either structured or vice versa. If anyone who did not see the film - I recommend to see. There were experienced: poured water into two vessels, "Thank you", "I love you" all the time, "I love you" and other nice words, and also put "listen" to classical music. Another vessel, on the contrary, scolded and let's listen to a heavy rock. Under the microscope it was seen that the water from the first vessel in the frozen form acquired a beautiful pattern, and from the second - solid chaos. Based on this experience, it is clear what a huge impact on a person are capable of providing positive or negative emotions, because a person is about 70% consists of water.

    they wrote above that the body himself will tell ... so. Thirst is a threshold feeling, thirst for this when the body had to give water, so to speak, yesterday. So he will not say, well, or you will not hear it in time. It is necessary to drink water simply in a sip of something else during the day, drinking 2 liters, no less, medical fact. And do not drink any of what, and clean water. For example, I already drink 100,500 years old from the filter, it stands in the kitchen aquaphor jug, cleans perfectly, just not to forget the blocks to change. You can not even boil, some kind of boiled water is not so tasty, and this filter cleans very well. In the morning I will drink a glass, then Nalu in a bottle for my day and drink a little - the dignity is excellent.

    In my opinion, the best water is artesian. In theory, it should be clean and useful. On the other hand, now such an ecology, something already you do not know, on which depth can all these harmful substances and evaporation can penetrate. Therefore, it is difficult to say how clean Artesian water in a particular place. And, honestly, it's hard for me to get her living in the city. Therefore, when I go to the village of parents, I drink well water. And in the city I cleanse the usual water Aquadisk. It becomes softer and more pleasant to taste.