
What does the facade of the house look like. Types and methods of decorative finishing of facades of private houses

All about grapes

After a private house erected should not forget about the last, very important stage - the creation beautiful facade. In addition to aesthetic attractiveness, he carries a serious protective function from bad weather, as well as helps to keep heat inside. Finishing is necessary to hide defects resulting from construction.

However hurry to fulfill finishing work Do not. After all, after construction, for 5 years, the building is actively sedentible. If the repair is too early, the facade material can break, crack or move away.

Another step that needs to be taken into account in front of the walls of the walls and the porch is the weight of the finishing materials, which will put pressure on the foundation after the repair. Before choosing, what kind of facade option will be suitable for, read technical characteristics at home.

Selection of material for external wall decoration

There are many options for the materials used to finish the facade. Installation of some can be carried out independently, others - for only professionals.

Basic materials for finishing at home:

  • Natural and false stone,
  • Siding,
  • Lining and block house,
  • Tile for decor,
  • Facing brick
  • Stone crumb.

Selecting the final finish option depends on you. However, the competent owner will first appreciate all the pros and cons of one or another way, and only then will take a final decision. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a coating, consider a number of factors:

  • Color and texture;
  • Resistance to changing weather conditions;
  • Hydro -, moisture-, heat insulation;
  • Lifetime;
  • Final installation cost;
  • The complexity of the finish.

Think how much the material for the design of the facade and the porch is suitable for your microclimate and weather conditions. This will be the main point of sending to the right choice.

Fake diamond

Fake diamond

Only recently in the market building materials An innovative plagin for finishing the facade of private houses appeared. At first glance, it is impossible to distinguish from natural stone. The main advantages of this material is:

  • Low pricing policy;
  • Freedom of decorative opportunities;
  • Easy installation.

It consists of cement, resin, polymer concrete, which are painted with special dyes. The presence of polymer allows you to increase the strength of the stone and improve the repair indicators of the facade. When buying, ask the seller to provide quality certificates, some that are part of the component finishing stone can be dangerous to health.

A natural stone

Little can compare with natural stone. It guarantees beautiful appearance Houses and the porch, durable and completely safe for others. The most common use of natural facing material and repair of the walls of the first floor of a private house. On the porch and other floors it is replaced with lighter and cheap, for example, artificial stone or tree.

The following natural stones are used on the faces of private houses:

  • Granite,
  • Marble,
  • Basalt,
  • Quartzite,
  • Limestone,
  • Sandstone,
  • Slate.

As you can see, of the variety of proposed options for the facades, you can choose any suitable and financial requests to your exterior and financial queries.

Block House and Wooden Lining

Another option of the natural design of the facade of the porch and private houses is a tree. Lining - wooden flat rails, 1.6 centimeters width, having a groove and spike from opposite sides. Thanks to such a design, you can cover all the walls. It can be made a variety of materials - alder, oak, pine, linden, beech or ash. However, the wooden lining can not live for a long time without a special processing specialist, which must be carried out once a year.

One of the most popular varieties of lining for the facade was a block house. These are convex processed boards, flat base for fastening. For the manufacture of this facing material for facades of houses, fir, pines, other conifers and oak are used. Everything else does not have the necessary technical characteristics. Before its acquisition, it is necessary to consider the porch, since the massive parts of this coating are quite problematic to be placed on small spaces.

Decorative tile

Not all variants of materials are suitable for finishing existing private houses. One of the universal ways - decorative tile. It can be mounted on both new buildings and an old house. Thanks to the glossy surface, the old building acquires the new kind After repair. For facades of houses can be used:

  1. High-grade red clay tiles - terracotta;
  2. Tile with glass spraying;
  3. Tile with a ceramic coating;
  4. Two-layer, with burnt ceramic coating.

Those who used it for repair own house, There are high strength at low weight, environmental friendliness, frost, moisture resistance.

Facing brick

The natural properties of the brick is difficult to leave without attention. Due to low heat resistance, durability and practicality, he won the hearts of the inhabitants as the most noble material for repair and construction. He gives the house noble species, masks building shortcomings, protects the design of private houses, insulates and creates the necessary comfort. In addition, it is easy to bleve and paint, changing the appearance. This method has significant disadvantages: high cost and considerable weight design. In order for the facing to succeed lasting and durable - it is necessary to lay or extend the foundation.

Stone crumb

Facade work is carried out in order to enlarge the appearance of the house, as well as to protect the structure from the effects of unfavorable external factors, such as rain, snow, wind, temperature difference, heat, frost, etc. In addition, the correctly completed facade finish will help make the house warmer and significantly reduce the cost of heating.

Number of options outdoor decorationpresented in the modern building materials market, can affect even the sophisticated consumer. The choice of a suitable material depends on many factors.

For example, it has great importance: from which the house was built, as far as he was insulated, what kind of size he had, on which foundation it costs, but the most important thing is the presentation of residents at home about its future appearance.

The option of finishing the facade of the house.

Facade materials

Each option for finishing the facade has its own set of certain advantages and disadvantages, considering which you can pick up perfect option For outdoor design of any home.

In addition, prices for various facade materials are significantly different, and their technologies themselves. The most ordinary and unremarkable house can be turned into a chic palace, just skillfully using modern achievements in the field of facades.

Here are the main options for finding the facade, which exist today:

  • facade panels;
  • natural or artificial stone;
  • plaster;
  • tile;
  • siding;
  • block house;
  • brick.

Each of these species is divided into its category for another varieties, stretchingly different in appearance, quality and price.

Facade panels.

Facade panels

This is a fairly popular way to finish outdoor walls at home.

Facade panels are available in several types:

PVC panelsMimicing brick or natural stone. The size of one panel depends on the manufacturer's brand and on average is 0.5 m 2. The price of them is quite accessible to the ordinary consumer and fluctuates from 390 to 600 rubles per 1 pc. The main advantages of such panels are lightness, simplicity of installation, a huge variety of colors and textures, reliability and durability. For their fastening on the facade, the neckenet of bars or profile is pre-mounted. The space between the crate at will may be insulated by polyurethane foam or mineral Vata.. This is an excellent inexpensive version of the outer decoration of both a wooden and stone house, which can be done independently.

Fibro cement panels appeared on the market relatively recently. They produced in Japanese technology, have a size of 0.5 m to 1m, have a light weight and increased frost resistance, which allows them to use them even in the most severe conditions. They are attached to the pre-assembled metal frame, imitate various types of natural stone, wood and are very durable. But the price of them is high enough (from about 999 to 2500 rubles per m 2).

Fibro cement panels.

Front panels from foamHaving a protective reinforced layer from plaster is both a heater, and a finishing material. They allow you to save on energy and do not require the installation of a special frame. But they cannot be mounted on wooden houses, as they are not vapor-permeable and can lead to the formation of condensate and rotting wood. In addition, they relate to strongly combustible materials and allocate toxic substances during a fire.

Front panels from foam.

Facade metal panels The polymer coating is made of galvanized steel and aluminum thickness of 0.55mm. They are durable, not subject to corrosion, fireproof, produced various sizes and colors, mounted vertically on the frame using self-tapping screws. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that such panels are poorly preserved in winter, heated in the sun in summer and create electromagnetic interference, worsening cellular communication in room. The price of them is very different depending on the material, coatings and manufacturer. Basically, such panels are used to finish shops and industrial premises.

Facade panels made of metal.

Wood facade panels manufactured out different species Pressed wood, soaked with special compositions extending their service life, are easily mounted and maintained warmth. But they relate to the class of strongly combustible materials.

Wood facade panels.

Sandwich panels There are two metal sheets, between which there is a layer of insulation with a thickness of 20 to 70 mm and vaporizolation. The outdoor view of the panels can imitate plaster, wood or stone, the installation of them is made on the frame or immediately on the wall of the building, they are absolutely not combustible, durable and reliable. But in the junctions between the panels in violation of the installation technology can be formed in a strong frost of cold bridges. Among the varieties of this material there are still three-layer sandwich panels with moisture resistant plywood and a cassette-based sandwich panel.

Sandwich panels.

Glass facade panels Previously, used only in the finishing of large business centers and administrative buildings, but recently they are increasingly used in the construction of private residential buildings. They produce such panels from special impact-resistant glass and can be supplemented with reflective laminated film. They are great to keep warm, provide remarkable sound insulation, give the building unusual viewbut installation work on the installation and the panel themselves are very expensive, therefore it is rare enough and only on small sites facade.

Glass facade panels.

Natural Stone Facade Finish

This type of finish is considered one of the most expensive. The price depends not only on the value of the material, but also from the complexity of mounting workthat will require a lot of time and efforts, moreover, they will be difficult to hold a non-professional.

Facade finishing with natural stone.

But the advantages of natural stone are to be in its exceptional environmental purity, reliability, good noise and thermal insulation. The house decorated with natural stones looks very expensive and presentable. However, it is possible to use this material not only for finishing the whole house, but also for some parts of it, for example, base or corners.

Artificial stone for finishing the facade.

Facade Finish Artificial Stone

Modern technologies allow you to arrange the facade of the house is also beautiful and luxurious, like using a natural stone, but for a lower price. Alternatively, manufacturers offer an artificial stone, which is accurately imitating the texture of natural. It is made from cement or from gypsum. The cement base is ideal for cladding a solid surface, and the plaster is best to mount on the walls insulated with expanded polystyrene, as it has a smaller weight.

The color scheme and the variety of artificial stone textures are unusually diverse, it is durable and not a fuel, and the price for it is quite acceptable for most consumers.

The number of shades of plasterers is large enough.

Facade plaster

The plaster facade is used to decorate buildings built of foam blocks, slag blocks, gas blocks, etc. The plaster should be applied on a pre-prepared basis, it is also desirable to use a special reinforcing grid that will prevent possible cracking of the plastering layer.

The surface of the postebred facade may be smooth or textured, depending on the type of material that was used when finished. It is permissible and combining it with other types of finishing elements, for example, with natural or artificial stone. Textory plasters are presented in the modern market very widely, the most popular are "Coroed", Cameshkovaya and others.

Facade plaster.

Also facade stucco may differ in compositionwhich defines the properties of this material. In the modern market, you can purchase the following types:

  • mineral Plaster , is one of the cheapest options, vapor permeable, but has insufficient plasticity and durability, dust and contamination attracts, is not recommended for buildings that did not give shrinkage;
  • acrylic plaster , very plastic, waterproof, durable, recommended for insulated extruded polystyrene walls, but actively absorbs dust and absolutely not "breathing";
  • silicate plaster It has good plasticity, vapor permeability, durability, does not attract dust, but is also one of the most expensive;
  • silicone plaster Perfectly "breathes", is waterproof and elastic, as well as very durable.

The prices for facade plaster are very reasonable, and the ability to dye the house in completely different colors allows you to give a unique appearance to any building.

But for wooden houses This type of finish will not fit categorically, since the plaster does not possess vapor permeability and the walls will not "breathe."

Facade trim tiles.

Facade trim Tile

Tile for finishing facades is produced by several types:

  • clinker;

Clinker tile.
  • ceramic;
Ceramic tile.
  • porcelain stoneware.

Cerambrants for ventilated facades.

The clinker tile imitates a natural brick, and in its properties of thermal insulation, strength, reliability and noise insulation far exceeds it. This is one of the most modern facade materials, but unfortunately the price is high enough, so it uses particularly widely popularity.

Facade finish ceramic tiles Requires careful preparatory work, in addition, it is unacceptable to put it on the walls that have not yet given shrinkage. To mount the facade tile, it is necessary to use only a special glue, work at air temperature above 10 degrees. From how correctly the technology is fulfilled, it will depend as this type of finishing will last.

Sayding varieties

Thanks to a relatively low price, simplicity of installation and attractive type, siding has become one of the popular types of facade coating. Currently, the market presents a huge number of siding varieties, differing from each other price, manufacturing material, manufacturer and coloring.

Vinyl Siding

One of the cheapest types of siding, enjoying great demand for many years. It perfectly protects the outer walls of the house from any atmospheric influences, allows you to mount the ventilated facade, attached to the frame, is rather durable and reliable, suitable for houses from wood and foam blocks, produced different colors, has a small weight.

And the price of it depends on the manufacturer, about 85 rubles per piece and more. The only disadvantage can be considered that vinyl siding is quite a fuel and toxic substances during the fire.

Siding installation must be carried out with strict observance of all technologies, leaving the gaps in order to provide the entire design of mobility. This will help avoid the deformation of the material during further operation.

Metal Siding

More reliable, durable and durable can be considered metallic siding. Its price is slightly higher than that of vinyl, but color is significantly less. It looks wonderful with metallic siding, imitating a natural tree. A special advantage is the stability of this material to the fire, but the electromagnetic waves he spends very badly, so the Internet and mobile communications in the house can work with interruptions.

Finishing facade blockhaus

This type of facade material is most often used for lining of wooden houses, but it can also be used for the facade of the house from the foam block. Made of valuable wood, impregnated with a special composition, a block chamcus can give the appearance of the house a noble look and to serve for many years. Among the advantages of this material it is worth noting the environmental friendliness and good thermal insulation. Blockchaus can imitate a rounded log or bar.

It should be remembered, this material belongs to the class of combustible materials, and before starting the installation work, the blockhaus panel should be kept in a dry room for several days to avoid the deformation of the material in the future. The price of the blockhaus is high enough, as it is made exclusively from natural materials.

Using bricks to finish the facade.

Use bricks for finishing facade

Basically, the facing with the help of bricks is made even at the stage of the construction of the walls of the building, but in some cases it is possible to carry out finishing works of the ready-made home. But it should be noted that the use of bricks for the design of the facade wooden house It is undesirable because condensate will appear on the walls.

Special thermal insulation properties of the brick does not show, the structure of the foundation is required for it, and the price of this type of material is quite high.

The desire to make your home unusual and unique - without a doubt, the trait of all people. If you do not talk about individuals with, right for example, unlimited financial capabilities, even the owners of small dacha Domikov They want to make them stylish, fade away. And give your home the features of the fashionable designer direction, make it simultaneously recognizable and unusual, different from the neighbors - the dream of very many owners. Despite the seeming complexity of the task, creating the design of the facade of his dream can literally each.

A little about stylistics

It is possible for a long time to argue that the specific design of the facade must have exactly the outlined list of features, so that it is right to wear the title "Provence" or "Country". But in fact, it is only invented, the proprietary marketing husk, which adheres to companies that earn that develop and sell an architectural project.
In fact, it does not exist to accurately assess the facilities of the structure to a specific style. Visual recognizable appearance that has realized projectmay fold from:

  • clear, striking the features that are created in the cottage decoration;
  • common range of colors in which the front part of the building is painted;
  • proportions and configuration of windows used in the project;
  • materials that are separated by the facade of the cottage or country house.

In order to be clear how easy it is to create visual stylistics and implement a recognizable project, we will look at key features that relate to the recognized canonical design of facades.


Minimalism, Loft, High Tech and many other modern destinations today are very often selected to create a facade of a country cottage. Such stylistics with an abundance of glass surfaces, neat walls, looks great on a small structure. It is not recommended to apply a stone finish. Buildings should look light and air, so the tree, siding, plaster, decorative and painted are used.

In short, modern design styles provide greater freedom and do not put forward any requirements for design solutions, doors, there are no recognized recommendations on the combination of decoration colors.

However, several characteristic features that are distinguished by modern, open and minimalistic design styles are distinguished:

  1. Facade parts can be painted both in compliance with the minimum difference between the parts of the walls, the areas of the structure, windows and doors and with the creation of a sharp contrast.
  2. Strict straight lines are used.
  3. The head of the corner is put restraint and openness. Rectangular forms, large glass spaces or walls without additional decoration and other features.
  4. Doors - as simple as possible, laconic.

It is worth noting that modern styles are often easier to implement, in addition, the designer can use the characteristic features of the design to manipulate the interior space and exterior, ensure good level natural lighting, Solve other tasks to create convenient housing.

In conclusion, we suggest you watch the video below. It describes in detail for various facade technologies and decor materials.

Fakhverk - Germany and Scandinavian countries

Very neat and stylish houses constantly flashed in the promotional materials of the Alpine farmers products, they are replete with the landscape of Germany, dwellings with such design are found in England, yielding in terms of distribution only at home with classic English windows and stone finish.

The appearance of facilities and the design of facades depend on the construction technology, which was distributed in past centuries, namely:

  • for a cottage or house, a power frame of powerful beams has always been created;
  • the space was filled with various auxiliary materials (it makes no sense to list, since in some regions it was even a mixture of various garbage with horse manure);
  • parts of the beams on the outer part of the walls were left open.

The walls were painted or descended, beams were covered with dyes with water protection characteristics. As a result, a recognizable stylist brand has emerged, very neat.

With modern architectural design, to create such a design of the facade of the house, you can go a few ways:

  • clear slim lines of dark beams can be migrated, form from plaster;
  • when creating ventilated facades or when applying any secondary finish, the pattern can be created using linings from the most different material;
  • for frame construction or erection of the house from the sip panels (Canadian technology) can be left partially open beams;
  • for stylistic awareness, it is easy to form a design using a beam structure that is not supporting load.

It is always necessary to remember that open parts of the beams, despite the level of protection against the impact of the atmosphere and moisture, are destroyed. It is recommended to change wooden constructs every 17-20 years. For the finishing of the facade in the style of Fax, there are no restrictions on the use of materials. The main identifiable feature is precisely in the recognition of the drawing - dark beams and bright walls. Canonical option - black with white.

Country, or "Rustic Style"

Style, mention of which in circles of designers can even become crucial. This is a very and very wide direction. Country with equal rights can be called and a village house from a tree (Russia), a stone-looking (AMERICA), wooden plates (America), with some restrictions - rustic, but elegant Provence (France), even covered by the boardwalk of the house (Finland).

Therefore, if we decided to create the design of the facade of a private house, cottage, a country building, one must first follow a number of principles and the requirements that the exterior of the structure should be responsible.

  1. Country is inherent in some rudeness and simplicity. Therefore, there are no arches, curves of lines when designing a structure. Only straight.
  2. The perfect form of windows is a rectangle or square. The perfect maximum variability of the form is the beveled top of the window block.
  3. It is desirable that with glazing there were no huge open areas. In the design of the style of Country, frames with crossbars are used, it will strengthen the impression of simplicity.
  4. Country style house houses - wood or imitation, simple viper design, without curvilinear elements.

For trim in the style of Country, it is best to use natural materials. Ideal stone, tree in a wide variety of forms. However, those who cannot afford such luxury and prefers manufacturability, can use imitation.

There is another key style decision making houses unambiguously related to country style. The project must, first, provide for a single color finish of the first, second and other floors. Secondly, it is necessary to observe a single stylist. For example, if a stone was used when finished the base, the corners of the house were also drawn up with such material.

Otherwise, if you do not stop on the features of country style of various countries, you can recommend to follow when the building of the cottage or houses is the following rules:

  • the walls are painted in brighter colors, compared with frames;
  • the decoration of frontal and end walls should be different;
  • doors, window blocks, decoration elements (window sills, shutters, flows, water supply, pipes) - color in one color.


A separate branch of the country stylistry, which became distinctive and even has its own distinctive features. Provence is characterized by ease and some romanticity, while maintaining the simplicity of country.

It is achieved quite simple. It is enough so that the project becomes somewhat not canonary, squeezed, deliberately careless, namely:

  • finishing and applying style elements on different floors (and even within one floor, for example, a combination of frames with rectangular and rhombic glasses) can be different;
  • easy arches, semicircular elements of windows, roof lines are used;
    The color of the design of the facade is warm, but deliberately minimally unsaturated, as if tempered by time;
  • it is advisable not to create contrast between the color scheme for decorating the roof, the veranda, walls, except when it is a tinting of diametrically opposite shades;
  • frames, doors, platbands, it is advisable to paint in extremely light colors.

Provence Style Finish is a variety of textural plasters, paint, lining, the stone is rarely applied. The overall style of the facade should not have severe and noticeable elements.

Monumentality of English style

Houses of stone - the most recognizable feature inherent in English landscapes. To create a design facade of a private house in such a style and implement a building project, you will need significant financial investments. However, efforts are worth it. The buildings look monumentally, very aristocratic, expensive, and if you add the design of the country cottage or other buildings by plants and landscape decoration Outdoor plot, you can get an extremely stylish object.

There are noticeable currents within the purely English style of facades, namely:

  1. the so-called Tududine Design Option will require that the project includes huge, high windows. Often they are made with arched riding to emphasize majesty and heights further;
  2. victorian stylistics is characteristic of strict rectangular windows with a grid of small glass sections, as well as underlined asymmetry of the structure. To emphasize the direction of design, the high yields of chimneys or ventilation moves are used.

For English style, high triangular roofs with several slops are characterized, the Victorian direction allows for cones, as well as sections with curvilinear lines.

The main finish of the facades that the project uses is a natural stone, a red brick, the roof is perfect as a roof covering.


Buildings in the Byzantine style become visually recognizable if the project corresponds to only two criteria:

  • the windows are deliberately narrow, compared with the walls of the walls in which they are located, the perfect option is high openings, the narrow window blocks with arched tops are perfect;
  • the entrance is made monumentally, in the form of a separate block of the building, with massive doors, the arches of increased width and height look good, compared with the dimensions of the input opening.

For the Byzantine style, the roofs with straight skates and low lifting of the skate are characterized.

Tower structures of the structure with conical roofs can be used, as well as multi-level construction. However, the Victorian style, as mentioned above, is unmistakably identified by the appearance of walls with narrow windows and a monumentally decorated entry into the building.
Different plasters are applied when finishing, light tones of staining are recommended. The roofing and design of the walls always form contrast, the requirements for painting the frames, doors, the staven and other decoration elements - does not exist.

Design in the style of "Romantic"

Of the romantic style of the design of the facade simply does not exist. It does not belong to any of the recognized architectural design trends. The main features of the romantic style building is:

  • calm tones of registration of both the facade surfaces of the walls and roof coatings;
  • no requirements for the symmetry of the structure;
  • abundance of stucco decorations, forged elements in the design of the facade, carved,
  • the glazing is always performed in frames where there are no large open areas of glass.

When designing a romantic style, a construction with different forms of windows of the first and second floor will be recognizable, an abundance of columns leaving for common overall lines of the structure of portals, lattice fencing of balconies and other elements that create a feeling of light disorder and negligence.

When creating a romantic style design, it is not recommended to use contrast combinations of colors. Rarely for finishing is a stone, only in cases where it has muffled colors, but even then it is better to plan them only buildings. Extraly look at light, unsaturated paints. For decoration, you can apply plaster or tree without creating an underlined coating structure.

Facing a private house is an important final stage of construction. And at this stage, most developers are chosen the cheapest finish of the facade of the house. Why is this happening?

On the one hand, the cladding of its own housing must comply with all norms of reliability and aesthetics, and on the other - it is obvious that it is not worth throwing away to the wind a large number of cash, without guarantees, what the decision will be fully justified.

Only one family of ten can afford to choose any finish option, without regard to its greater cost. The remaining 9 families, and this is 90 percent of developers try to save maximum and choose the cheapest way to finish the facade, sometimes even to the detriment of functionality and visual beauty.

To fall in extremes either will not be the most optimal option. If you stay at the very budget variant You can lose on the operational characteristics of the facing material. As a result, he will not be well to resist adverse natural conditions, such as: wind, frost, snow, rain. On this score there is a saying "I pay twice twice."

Cheap facade facing house - quite real, just need to choose the most optimal optionThe cheaper to separate the facade of the house at which all the most best features material. In order to competently separate your accommodation, it should be safely saved, you should decide on the main aspects of the material selection. If you buy a good and reliable finishing material, then this is already 50% of success.

Choosing a facing material

When choosing, you need to know that basically pay attention to the aesthetic characteristics already. There is no doubt that the "beauty" of such a cladding is a very subjective question, because it depends on the individual preferences of each host.

Nevertheless, there are such parameters of facing materials that will not be ignored anyway. You can choose the cheapest material for the facade, just need to look at such criteria as:

  • the presence of the manufacturer of the facade material of the color lines;
  • parameters of resistance to fading and external defects;
  • what raw material is made of finishing material, including what he has ecology.

Another important criterion is the durability of the facade. When choosing an inexpensive material, you need to make sure that it does not have to change it every year. Because the cheap facade of the facade of the house, initially low-cost, can turn into annual renovations or repairs, which hurts on the wallet of the economical owner.

The final value of the installation of facade materials

How to get a brick cheap? Buy a good brick with small defects. This can be done at the factory or buy remnants from the dealer in the warehouse.

Choosing this inexpensive facing material, It is possible not to fear that the facade of the house will enlighte. The only minus is that there is a chance of the appearance of hears.

Ceramic tile

Prices for the material are quite low, and the tile itself - the material is reliable, so the house facing by ceramic brick fully justifies the invested cash. Tile is mounted, as a rule, for a long time, but if you need the desired installation information facing bricks You can perform work in the range from 5 to 8 weeks.

Facade melted primer

The facade primer is a material that has become very popular in the trim of facades in the shortest possible time. If the facade of the house is plastened in advance, it is best to use deep penetration primer to favors private housing. For that impregnated with an antiseptic to avoid the appearance of harmful beetles.

As you know, the appearance of the house must create a feeling of comfort and comfort. Therefore, you should not save too much, as it can badly affect the integrity of the house in the future.


Another economical option is a thermopanel. The facade from this material has a lot of advantages, since it is used with a dense polystyrene foam, which contributes to excellent thermal insulation. In the summer, the house will be cool, and in winter it will not leave warmth.

The installation of thermopanels is carried out with the help of conventional screws, so almost everyone will be able to install themselves in the shortest possible time.

Another worthy advantage is that the panels can be installed at any time of the year, since the material has increased strength.

A natural stone

At all, it is impossible to call a natural stone facade with an economical option. However, where there is an opportunity to get this facade material in fact, it will be the cheapest way to finish the facade.

Where to get a natural stone for free? Go to the nearest quarry with your own trailer or try buying a stone with small defects at the dealer.

You can also buy stone residues after cladding big houses. If your home is small, then the remains from the lining of the big house you will be enough to do.

The house performed by this material will look very beautiful. The stone will give him a very original and unique aesthetic appearance. Stone cladding technology is very simple.

First you need to prepare the basis. This stage includes alignment of the surface of the base, with the help of ordinary plaster. Then it is necessary to install extruded expanded polystyrene foam. It is attached with the help of self-tapping screws or dowels. Next to the surface of the slabs you need to apply acrylic primer. End preparatory work The fact that a steel grid is installed on the wall.

Then you need to decide on the mosaic, which will be filled with stone. You can draw a plan in advance in order not to be mistaken during the work. It should be very tried, as the appearance of the facade depends on this. Next, you need to sweep the seams and joints with the solution. After completing the work, experts advise on a stone special varnish to make the color of the material brighter and saturated.

In this way, you can protect the walls from wind, rain and frost. The facade facing natural stone will be the most reliable and, at the same time,.

Output. The cheapest facade of the house is possible if you have chosen the cheapest material for the facade or the material, when installing which you can save.

Also, if you have the opportunity to get very cheaply to get a dear facing material, it is he will give you the opportunity to make an expensive facade of the house of Zadeshevo.

Look, do you have any opportunities for a little money to take out non-condational natural stone or decorative brick with defects. For these materials, small defects are not critical, but this facade will be mounted on the century, and it will look very impressive.

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The design of the facade of a private house is something, with which it is necessary to decide even before the construction of the building. Many factors affect the decision to decide on the style of outdoor design. This article will deal with the peculiarities of the choice of facade design, its stylistics, as well as materials for proper decoration.

Features of facade design

Regardless of whether you need to decorate the facade of which building: country brick house or cottage in the city feature, dacha wooden or frame house with a mansard - there general featuresdetermining the choice of the style of the facade that must be taken into account.

Design determines:

  • climate of the region;
  • building material and facing;
  • form of construction;
  • stylistic directions of neighboring houses.

The climate affects the choice of materials for the construction and facing facadewhich, as well as the form, set the tone design.

As for the last point, this is your desire not to stand out from the overall picture of the residential area, or, on the contrary, stand out.

Square and floors practically do not affect the design, the difference will be in the budget spent: it is clear that to build one-storey house It will take less material and means than for a two-storey.


It is necessary to approach the work on the facade of your home not only from the creative side, but also with the practical one. Facing material is important, and the choice should be relying not only on the budget, but also for strength and environmental friendliness. The range is great, but we will look at the most popular facing materials.

Brick is the most popular and sufficiently durable material. There is a color assortment on the market from light yellow and red to dark brown shades. It looks very beautifully facing from a combination of different colors. The masonry occurs at the stage of the walls.

When buying should be relying on the following indicators:

  • Resistance to the destruction of up to 100 cycles of freezing and thawing.
  • Hold up load up to 250 kg per 1 square meter. cm.
  • Moisture absorption is not more than 13%.

Facade plaster - Mineral, silicone, acrylic, silicate. Diverse color solutions. Quite acceptable price category. Corrosive in the event that an antiseptic is added to the mixture. The plastering option for buildings in the styles of Mediterranean and Provence is especially good.

Siding is a relatively new facing material that has conquered access to and a wide range of colors. Nested in the installation. It can be wooden, base and vinyl. Wooden - the most eco-friendly and beautiful optionBut not the cheapest, in this case, replace the usual wooden clapboard.

If you decide to make cladding siding, choose bright shades, because it quickly burns into the sun.

Stone or tile - natural materials, dear, but eco-friendly. The tile is made of seven, limestone, dolomite and sandstone. Therefore, the material has natural shades - gray, brown, yellow, bright and dark their options. Tile frost-resistant and not deformed.

Natural stone is durable, but expensive, which is often replaced by artificial. At the same time, it is much easier to put it, and the color spectrum is wider.

But the design does not end on the facing.

To decorate the facade of the house there is your own decorative elements:

  • rust;
  • cornice;
  • column;
  • arch;
  • socket;
  • pilenk;
  • platbands;
  • pattern.

These stucco elements are usually made of the following materials:

  • Gypsum - All castles and palaces are decorated with plaster stucco, but in our time they try not to use this material. There are several reasons for it - high cost, poor resistance to weather conditions and high weight.
  • Polymerbeton - Thanks to attempts to improve the properties of the gypsum, this material was produced. His advantage in resistance to moisture, low cost and significant simplicity of installation.

  • Polystyrene foam- Polyfoam, easy to install, but the material is very fragile. The service life does not exceed 8 years, but it is increased due to the coating acrylic, then the operating time can last up to 15 years. The decor of polystyolistrol is the cheapest way, but not the most reliable.
  • Polyurene Foolder- more than the other materials, but serves to 30 years. Resistant to moisture and temperature difference. It does not crumble and does not crack. Polyurethane stucco should only be as painted once in a decade.

  • Grokomposit- Durable, has low weight and elasticity. Corrosive material, not amenable to deformation, resistant to climatic conditions. It has a wide range of design solutions.

There are such creative enthusiasts that can decorate the facade of the painted house even plastic bottles or mosaic from multicolored glass. Painting is one of the cheapest methods, quite self-sufficient, not requiring in some stylistic directions Additional decor.

You can find private houses, decorated with wood or wooden panels, buildings from concrete blocks often decorated with a timber imitation.

Color solutions

Any facing material has its own color. The most popular options for private houses are red, yellow, white, green and others. But the choice of color of your home determines and the terrain in which it is located.

For houses located in the city feature, bright saturated tones are chosen.

The houses surrounded by lush vegetation, located in the forest area, choke into warm pastel colors to emphasize the natural landscape.

Colors have different properties and are able to influence the psyche. Therefore it is worth coming to the choice of literate to own house did not become an annoying object. If you are tie to rich bright colors, then add them accent. Eaves, painted in favorite red or green, or bright roof and doors at the White House.

Some practical SovietsTo which you should listen to:

  1. If there is a financial opportunity, then visualize your home, it is possible thanks to a special program. To do this, contact a specialist.
  2. In the absence of unnecessary means, do not hurry to buy material for the whole house. In the store, choose several colors options like and test them accently on kind, so you will understand how color will look like in day and evening lighting. How to lay on the texture of the facade.

We are determined with stylization

Consider the most popular stylistic architectural directions in the construction of private houses.

Modern style

He was born due to the combination of many - modern, high-tek, country, classic, fanning their best features.

Exterior B. modern style Distinguished by:

  • Direct geometry, clear simple lines.
  • Extensive area for building.
  • Panoramic windows, maximum glazing facade to achieve natural lighting.
  • Restraint in decorative elements.
  • The use of vehicles.
  • Combining finishing materials.

Modern house harmoniously combines all these features. There are no clear rules in the use of materials for finishing the facade, you can combine several options at once.


It can be attributed to the French Provence, Spanish Gasiends, Russian and English Rustic Style and American Ranch.

They have common features:

  • Registration both exterior and interior of the house only by natural materials - wood, stone, ceramics, tile.
  • For coloring the facade, only pastel shades use, beautifully looks like white matte walls. Allow staining to the contrasting color of the decor elements, but it still should not be bright.
  • The windows are small, sometimes there are shutters, window sills and platbands.
  • Massive wooden doors.

The outer country finish can be on the manner of houses in an English rustic style - a wooden drying of a white matte facade with wooden platbands, windows and doors.

In french Provence The facade is facing natural stoneThe roof is covered with rock tiles, the windows are decorated with wooden carved lattices and flowers in pots.

A brighter option - with a reference to the Latin direction. The walls in this case are separated by multi-colored tiles, and the roof is covered with clay tiles. Windows with wooden shutters and platbands.

All these options will be good for houses in the village, country and country cottages.


Baroque architecture - truly gorgeous spectacle. Smooth forms, pompousness, wealth and luxury reflect this style.

Baroque learns any, but we still consider it features:

  • openwork stucco;
  • gilding;
  • complex form of the facade;
  • thread;
  • columns.

The appearance of this house should be luxurious, reflect the status and position of the hosts. The facade is decorated not only by gilded figure stucco and thread, but also by columns and domes. Huge windows and balconies are decorated with figured cornices, patterns and stucco. The house has an extensive front door with a wide staircase decorated with plaster statues. Yes, and the building itself should be very massive.

This is the style of palaces, and therefore for small cottages it will not fit.

Romantic style

The progenitor of the romantic style was the French gothic of the XII century. And today these features are drawn on the facades of buildings in this style.

Distinctive features:

  • wrought elements of the decor;
  • stucco;
  • columns;
  • multi-level facade;
  • strengted towers;
  • french and arched windows;
  • rusta.

Wasing such a house with a tile made of natural stone, but modern approach Allows both artificial. The roof is covered with tiles of shale tiles. Windows and balconies are decorated with a wrought lattice, and the corners of the facade - Rustami.

Byzantine style

The style arose together with the birth of the Byzantine Empire in 395. And combines the best architectural techniques of the Roman Empire and Greece, with considerable influence of Eastern culture - a lot of luxury and decoration. In Russia, this is a favorite and even native architectural direction, it is worth a look only at our temples and cathedrals. Byzantine culture greatly influenced Russian.

Distinctive features:

  • Facing with brick or stone.
  • Arcade columns with figure capitals.
  • Cross-dome facade.
  • Built in a row vertical narrow windows with rounded cornices.

The house in this style is lined with dark or light brick, the structure itself has asymmetric forms - straight lines of the lower part and a round diver from above. The wide drive is decorated with mosaic. The painting of the facade is welcomed.