
Vasilek blue medicinal. Vasilek - therapeutic properties and application in medicine


LKE; m. 1. Herbate plant sem comprehensive; Bright blue field weed growing in sowing rye. Hugging in the field of Valkov. Eyes like cornflowers (bright blue). 2. Effective varieties of this ripping with flowers of different color. B. Blue ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (CENTAUREA), Rod Perennial, Less often T-and annual herbs. Cost-colored. All flowers in inflorescences are tubular, median rims, edges of useless, different color. Seed b. h. with Khokholcom. St. 550 species, in Eurasia, Africa, America, Australia ... Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

This term also has other values, see Vasileuk (values). ? Vasileuk ... Wikipedia

- (CENTAUREA) The genus of grassy plants of the family of comprehensible. Inflorescences (baskets) with a bristly blossom and tubular, diverse painted flowers (purple, pink, blue, yellow, etc.); The edges of them are useless, sometimes ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

cornflower - LKE /; m. See the DJ. Vasilek, Vasilkova 1) Herbal plant ses. comprehensive; Bright blue field weed growing in sowing rye. Hugging in the field of Valkov. Eyes like cornflowers (bright blue) 2) Effective varieties of this ripping with ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

Vasileuk, Vasilka, Husband. Light blue field flower, weed growing in rye and other cereals. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Vasileuk, Lland, husband. Light blue field flower weed, growing in rye and other cereals. | arr. Vasilka, Aya, Oe. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Vasileuk, the genus of herbs (Family complex). Over 550 species, in Eurasia, Africa, America. Vasilek blue medicinal (anti-core, diuretic), honeycomb plant; weed. Some species are decorative ... Modern encyclopedia

CORNFLOWER - (CENTAUREA), Rod Perennial, Less often T-and annual herbs. aster, weed, lek. and decor. Nie. Vasileuk Blue: 1 top blooming Plants: 2 root; 3 flower; 4 fruit (seed with a pavement); 5 seeds. St. 550 species ... ... Agricultural encyclopedic dictionary

CORNFLOWER - Field flower of a family of comprehensible, weed. One of the most common wildflowers in Russia. It is usually growing among cultural cereals, especially in rye *. Despite the fact that Vasilek wegnor, the Russians * are very loved. Rye field with ... ... Linguistant dictionary


  • What grows around you. The determinant of plants, I. V. Ivanova. Many plants meet you in the forest, in the meadow, in the field and in the swamp. Some of them are well acquainted: fragrant valley, modest dandelion, blue Vasileuk and wild rose-rose rose rose, sorrel, ...

Vasilek blue - Centaurea Cyanus L. "Style \u003d" Border-Style: Solid; Border-Width: 6px; Border-Color: # FFCC66; "width \u003d" 250 "height \u003d" 334 "\u003e
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Other names: Vasilek field.

Diseases and impact:kidney disease I. bladder, colds, malaria, conjunctivitis.

Active substances:chicarin, Centaurine, Pelagonine, Cyanin, Cyaniana, Bitter substances, tannins, protein substances, saponins, mineral salts.

Plant collection and harvesting time: June August.

Botanical Description Blue Vasilka

An herbal two-year or annual grayish-green fluffy plant with a height of up to 50-100 cm, the family of compositae - Compositae (astera - AsteracEae). Sometimes (most often in some regions of Ukraine), Vasilkom called Barwin small.

Stem Direct or branched. Branches from the middle. The branches are thin, long, directed aposlep.

Leaves Lancetolinear, bottom - cut-out all-ray or peristopole, upper - seating all-wide. Burnt leaves die to flowering time.

Flowers Collected in inflorescences - baskets on long flowers. Flower baskets are single, with egg-shaped or oblong wrap. Mid-median flowers are small, tubular, blue-purple, five-rigneled, with a latch and pestle; The edges are larger, funnel-shaped, blue, uneven-five-sufficant.

Fetus - Smooth seed with a hokholkom - a short beam of durable hairs.

Flowers from May to August. The fruit matures in August.

Distribution and habitat Vasilka blue

It grows on sandy and squealed soils, like a weed among sowing of rye, wheat, flax, less often - on steam fields.

Distribution areas are almost the entire territory of the CIS, except for arid areas and the Far North. Collect and harvest mainly in Ukraine, Belarus, Krasnodar Territory, Western Siberia.

Blets Vasilka Saint

For the manufacture of drugs, the flowers of cornflowers are used. They are collected in July-August - mature bright blue edge leuke-like (funnelized) flowers.

First, the whole floral baskets are torn off, and then from the baskets pull the veins of extreme blue flowers, trying not to hurt the inner tubular flowers (the content of the latter in the raw material is unacceptable). Flusted beans discarded.

The collected raw material is immediately dried in a warm base room, which is well ventilated, scattering a thin layer on paper or clean canvas, often smudging in order to preserve natural color. Dried flowers are stored in a tightly closed dish in a dark dry room.

Chemical composition of Blue Vasilka

Vasil's flowers contain cycosic glycosides, centaurine, coloring substances (cyanine), painting flowers in blue color, pelargonine. In addition, they found bitter substances, tanning and protein substances, saponins and mineral salts.

Pharmacological properties of Blue Vasilka

Galenic preparations Vasilka flowers have diuretic properties. These properties are due to the plants contained in the flowers of the plants, which are easily dissolved in water. Alcohol galenic forms of this action in the experiment do not provide. In addition, cornflower flowers have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and insignificant choleretic properties.

Application Blue Vasil in Medicine

Vasilka flowers and champs are used in complex therapy in chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Preparations are effective in edema associated with the disease of the kidney and the cardiovascular system. Plant flowers are prescribed as part of diuretic fees with urolithiasis, pyelits, cystitis, urethritis, nephrosis and other diseases.

Anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties of plant flowers are also used in conjunctivitis, blufarites, with increased fatigue of the visual apparatus. Clinical data indicate the possibility of using cornflower flowers in diseases of the liver and biliary tract, accompanied by a violation of bilexidation. In this regard, Vasilek is part of various fees used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In folk medicine, infusion on flowers of cornflowers is sometimes used in the treatment of kidney and bladder diseases, with colds (like antipyretic), malaria. There is data on the use of it as well as a light laxative.

Dosage forms, use and dose

Infusion flowers Vasilka Blue (Infusum Florum Centaureae Cyani L.): 1 tablespoon of raw materials are placed in enameled dishes, 200 ml poured (1 cup) hot boiled water, covered with a lid and heated in boiling water (on a water bath) for 15 minutes. Cool for room temperature For 45 minutes, focusing, the remaining raw materials are pressed. The volume of the obtained infusion is brought with boiled water up to 200 ml. A cooked infusion is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

Take inside in warm form 1 tablespoon 3 times a day as a light diuretic, choleretic and antimicrobial agent.

Blue Vasilka flowers are produced in bundles of 100 g. Store in a dry, cool place.

Vasilek in myths and legends

Vasilek came to us from deep antiquity. During the excavations of the tombs of Tutankhamon, many items were found from precious stones and gold, but no less awesome was the fact that along with all these treasures archaeologists found a small wreath of Vasilkov in the tomb of Pharaoh. Flowers dried, however, retained color and shape.

According to Greek mythology, Vasilek was opened by Kentaur Chiron, which the Vasilka juice heal his wounds applied by Hercules.

But the ancient Roman legend claims that this flower got its name "Cyanus" named the beautiful young man who was so passionate about the beauty of Vasilka, which all his time devoted to weaving garland wreaths from him. The young man did not leave the fields until they had at least one corn. And he always dressed in a blue dress only. Subsequently, the young man was found dead on the breadfield with an overwhelmed cornflowers. Then Flora (Roman goddess of flowering), who was his beloved goddess, for such a constancy and in a special location for him, turned the body of a young man in the cornflower, and all the cornflowers have since become called cyanus.

The Slavic name of this flower, according to belief, has happened on behalf of the young guy Vasily, the only son has a mother, the defeated and destroyed mermaid. Forest in love with a mermaid in the young pahahar Vasily. Every day she looked inconsidered, hiding behind the reeds, from the very morning I had no idea about him. And once, when Vasil, graduating from work, went to the river to wash, could not stand the mermaid and appeared in front of him in all his glory. They fell in love with each other. In all, they had complete consent, just could not agree, where they best live together. Mermaid called Vasily in her native aquatic element, and he offered to settle from Pashnya. For a long time they argued, but they could not find consent. Realizing that the disappointing Vasil would never submit to persuasion, the mermaid decided to last extreme: she turned it into a modest blue flower. More than once, looking like raindrops, it was going to merge into the river, she hoped that both blue flower - Vasil - in the end he would come to her house, but her expectations were not justified - Vasilek tightly keeps roots for his native arable land.

About it beautiful flower There is another beautiful and lyrical Russian legend.

Once the sky was said to Niva: "Everything that Land inhales, thanks me. Birds send me singing, flowers - fragrance and color, forest - noise oak, and only you do not express your appreciation, although no one, namely, I fill the roots of your cereals with rainwater and forcing the risen of the ears. "

Niva began to object to the reproach of the sky, that she also grateful to him: "I decorate a lot of eternally worried greenery, and in the fall covering it with gold. And I, of course, I would like to climb to you and squeeze your caresses and words of love, but you know - I can't. "

And he decided the sky that if Niva could not climb him, then he, so to be, will come down to her.

And as soon as the sky said these words, the miracle immediately happened - among the sections grew gorgeous blue flowerssimilar to color with a sultry sky. Since then ear bread Zlakov With each blowing wind, the winds are inclined towards the messengers of the sky - cornflowers and whisper of delicate words them.

This legend explains the fact that Vasilek has always been a permanent satellite of an rye field. True, now, fighting weeds, they are smeared, while modern science It has been proven: if a hundred seeds add one seed of Vasilka - Rye will grow better.

The first was noted when earlings appeared on the Niva. During this holiday, young girls and guys gathered on the outskirts of the village, got into two rows against each other, were taken by arms, and in the hands, as in the bridge, the girl was crushed and ribbons. The pairs passed from the last rows in the first until the girl came to the Nive. In Niva, she went to the ground, disappeared a few ears and fled to them into the village, where her parents were waiting for her.

The second holiday - the "Name Sheaf" was held at the end of summer, before harvesting breads. Women hostess came out with bread and salt to heazy Niva. The first sheaf knitted, decorated it with cornflowers and put in the red corner of the house. The first sheaf and wore the name of the birthday room.

Vasilek and Germans used the same popularity. Another hundred years ago on the most magnificent feasts, among other colors, it was necessary to present Vasilek.

Application Vasilka in magic

Basic magic property Vasilka - protection against unclean power. According to many people, Vasilek expelled the demons and evil spirits. A feature of this plant in terms of protective properties is that it is applied only in the case when it is precisely known that in one or another place was started by the evil spirit, demon and the like. That is, it is not recommended to use cornflower "just in case", as it has a very strong energy field, which, if you can say, unidirectional. Therefore, this plant is rarely used as an overag, and most often as a specific measure of cleansing space from malicious vibrations. For example, Vasilka flowers are left in the room in which the evil spirits are allegedly started. In the morning, the flowers are cleaned.

Often, cornflowers are used in agrarian magic to protect wheat field from targeting damage. And also in order for during the field work, neither the sorcerer, nor the witch could smooth or cause any other harm. For this, the corners of the field are planting cornflowers.

Vasileuk in dreams

Vasilek is a medicinal plant that helps from many ailment. We will talk about its properties, the main directions of its use, and contraindications.

The content of the article:

Nature gave us a lot of wonderful, which is capable not only to prevent the eyes, but also intercepts breathing. The animal world, manitis with its beauty and diversity, and the world of plants, never leaves anyone indifferent. Most people, he forces to detain his breath at the sight of his uniqueness and powerful beauty.

Our planet is rich in so much plants that they are simply not possible to remember everything. beauty vegetable world, it is primarily a variety of flowers that are able to hit not only with their beauty, but also useful properties. One of these sophisticated, gentle, useful flowers is cornflower.

Blue Vasilek ("Will", "Synyushka", "rye gloss", "Xinki") - weed meadow flower, is a bright representative of a family of comprehensive, with delicate aroma and useful medical properties. Known by a large number of people like a magic plant from different fairy tales and ancient legends. To date, many of him know how about a meadow weed, which few people grow specifically. But if we talk about the purposeful growing of the whole, then it is primarily used for the manufacture of drugs, and decorative finishes holidays.

Therapeutic properties of Vasilka

With the help of cornflowers, you can get rid of the huge number of illnesses. Thanks to its unique composition, cornflowers are well deserved, it can be called a medicinal plant.

The composition of the field cornfield includes:

  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins, in particular vitamin C;
  • tannins;
  • mineral salts;
  • alkaloids;
  • coloring substances;
  • essential and oily oil.
Due to this composition and healing properties, Vasilek is widely used in folk medicine. Folk remedies from Sonyyushki found use in the fight against various ailments and even serious diseases, such as:
  • eye disease;
  • antiviral and anti-happose agent;
  • anesthetic and wounding;
  • antispasmodic pain - removes harsh and strong spasms during menstruation in women;
  • antioxidant and antimicrobial;
  • diuretic and pathogenic impact - excretion from the body of excess fluid;
  • choleretic action.
Flowers of the Voloshka are part of herbal gastric fees, increase their appetite, significantly improve digestion and are an indispensable tool in bowel disease, and stomach disorders. As a result of the clinical trials, the Vasilka flowers can be used in diseases of biliary tract and liver. They are a sedative and healing tool with increased fatigue, conjunctivitis and other problems with eyes.

Application and Use of Vasilka

If you want to get a maximum of benefit from medicinal plant, it is necessary:
  • Calculate flowers in a clearly set season (for cornflower it is the end of July the beginning of August).
  • First, carefully cut the flower baskets entirely, and only then pull the edge flowers from them.
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bwipes decompose on clean paper, a thickness of at least 2 centimeters.
  • Dry the plant is needed in a well-checked and dark room.
  • Eliminate cornflowers from direct sunlight. Because of which they lose not only their blue color, but more than 50% healing properties.
  • Periodically mix the plant so that it successed well from all sides.
  • When the cornflowers are dried, they must be folded into a glass and dry capacity, or in tissue bags.
Dried cornflowers B. modern medicine Found a wide range of their application. Very often they are used to calm the cough, fade menstrual pain, to have a positive way to work on the body so that he faster wins a cold or ghi. Food poisoning, skin disease, blindness, gout, colic, fever or jaundice - this is all under the power of such a small and gentle plant. With the help of a hair, you can learn the head and strong dental pain, as well as carry out a general blood purification.

Folk medicine and the result of some clinical studiesAlready have long allocated ailments and health care, where corrugated tools becomes an indispensable means.

When and how can I use therapeutic vasilek?

As a diuretic, antibacterial or choleretic agent. Infusions of the flower, one of its most frequent applications: 1 tbsp. l. Flowers, the hair is put in a glass or enameled vessel pour 250 ml. Boiling water, covered tightly with a lid, and heated for 15 minutes in a water bath. When the infusion cools up to room temperature, it is filtered, the raw materials are pressed, the prepared pre-harvested and already cooled boiling water so that there is 250 ml again. Drink decoction is necessary in warm video, 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l., 15-20 minutes before meals. Stored infusion should be in the refrigerator no more than 2 days.

Inflammatory urinary bubble diseases, prostatites and urethritis. To prevent these diseases, it is necessary to prepare a tincture on cornflowers in such proportions: 1 glass of boiling water pour 2 h. Wood flowers, for an hour, it must be broken. Take a fluid decoction 3 times a day, 1-2 tbsp. l.

Urination delay, kidney problems and bladder. If you encounter such problems do not need to be upset, and immediately despair. You need to prepare such a collection:

  • 10 g. Herry hergling, cornflowers and flowers field;
  • for 15 g. Toloknyanka leaves, Burzina root and birch kidney;
  • 5 G. Grass horsetail.
All herbs mix well among themselves, and pour cold water In the ratio of 1 tbsp. l. Herbs on a glass of water, everyone leaves for 8-10 hours, then a future decoction is necessary to boil 5 minutes. The herbs must be laid within an hour, then they are drunk per day (1 liter in 5 receptions, 200 ml. Per reception).

Also Vasilek is applied if worried

  • Toxicosis, Frequent manifestation during baby tooling. The infusion of flowers of the Wood is used in toxicosis, but only in the second half of pregnancy, it is categorically strictly prohibited. Vasilki - are able to fucked nausea, vomit reflex and eliminate frequent headache. In addition, during the lactation period, in order to produce more milk, specialists advise to drink tea from Vasilkov.
  • Poisoning and severity in the stomach. To speed up the recovery process, after poisoning, you need to drink tea from cornflowers several times a day, its property is quickly removing toxins from the body, your recovery will accelerate.
  • Diabetes. People who pushed themselves with this disease, often begin to take "Butamide". "Butamide" is a drug to reduce blood sugar levels, and a decrease in its removal from the body along with urine, even despite a large number of Side Effects that they are called. We must not forget about nature, because in preparations blue Vasilka Sugar-based action is much more pronounced than "Butamide", and side effects are significantly less. Just do not need to forget that all drugs should appoint your attending physician.
  • External use of cornflowers: neurodermatitis, exudative diathesis, allergic dermatosis, rash, furuncula and terrible blisters.
  • Eye disease. Irritation, conjunctivitis, detect the eyes of non-healing wounds, all this is easy to eliminate with the help of cornflowers. 30 grams of Sonyyushki, it is necessary to pour 250 grams of boiling water, to insist 1 hour, strain and make a bummer.
  • The problem of baldness 1st. l. Sinyushki pour 1 glass of boiling water, and immediately after 2-3 minutes of insistence rubbing the hot scalp.
  • The problem of hypertension. Herbal fee: We take the flower of cornflower, Valerian root, yarrow grass, black-roasted rowan berries, white-white leaf leaves, horseshki grass and fear of a hawthorn - for 15. Total. Then on 1 tbsp. l. Herbal collection, 200 ml. Hot boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. After the specified time, the acquired tool must be strain. 70 mg. Each time after eating this fund, and you will forget about hypertension forever.
Also from Vasilkov, you can make excellent tonic and lotions for the face, which will primarily remove the fat shine and clear the problem skin from acne and acne.

Harm and contraindications Vasilka

As in almost all medicinal plants, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of individual intolerance to this medicinal flower. It is impossible not to mention the fact that cornflowers belong to weakly poisonous plants, and active compounds with cyanine components make them potentially dangerous for the human body.

But besides the fact that this plant is toxic, it brings more benefits than harm. The main thing is to take cornflowers strictly for the appointment of a doctor and independently not increase the dose.

Contraindications for the use of Sonyyushka:

  • women with diseases of the sexual system and predisposition to uterine bleeding;
  • pregnant on 1 trimester and breastfeeding;
  • too long course of receiving this plant;
  • significant and independent dosage, which can provoke poisoning.
It is impossible to treat indifferent to myself and your health. Do not believe in the advertified drugs and chemicalswho offer you pharmacies. Look around yourself, because what gave us nature is the most useful and harmless to the body. Medicinal plants - salvation from all diseases, you just need to know as, and in what quantity to take them. A bright representative of natural and efficient natural resources is precisely Vasilek blue.

About therapeutic properties of blue cornflower see this video:

Vasilek blue - Cenfaurea Cyanus L. - one-, a two-year plant from the Astrov family, or composure (asteraeae, or composffae), a height from 30 to 80 cm, with a well-developed rod root. Stem upright, branched. The lower leaves are early die away, peristo-or-cable-chaplain, with sweets; Medium and upper - linear, seats, function all summer. Stem and leaves are slightly coatinist-wool.
Stems and branches end in inflorescences - baskets. Edge flowers in baskets are pretty large, funnel, blue, fruitless; Domestic - smaller, tubular, purple, rigging, in every flower 5 stamens and 1 pestle with lower bands. (When they talk about the cornflower spout, there is a color of the edges of the Blue Vasilka Vasilka, many other species of this kind have inflorescences not at all "Vasilkova" color.) Fruits - oblong ash-gray seeds 3 - 5.5 mm long, equipped with reddish Khokholki is almost the same length as a seed.
Flowers in June - July, fruits ripen in August. Multiply exclusively by seeds. One plant forms from 700 to 7000 viable seeds. Seeds retain the germination in the soil, at least three years, and when stored in a dry state - up to 10 years. Plants littering spring bread crops, develop on the spring type as annual: germinate in the spring and the autumn managed to give mature seeds. Seeds at Vasilka, living in the crops of winter bread, germinate in the fall and go under the snow in the form of a rosette of leaves, spring grows a colorless escape, more deer and more abundant than that of spring cornflower. This plant has a pronounced ability to timed its development cycle to the cycle of developing breads of breads - has time to form mature fruits and to interfere before harvesting culture, in the sowing of which it lives.
The modern range of Vasilka Blue is very big - it is found almost on all continents (except, naturally, Antarctica), including almost throughout Russia, except the northernmost districts. Typical habitats - sowing rye, wheat, flax, other grain and disappear crops, young deposits, poorly processed pairs, also grow on wasteland, garbage places in villages, on ramps of railways.
In connection with the improvement of agrotechnics and the use of herbicides on many fields, the cornship disappeared completely or its number sharply decreased, which began to slow down the preparation of medicinal raw materials. It is necessary to introduce this weed, which has valuable medical properties, in culture.

Economic use of Blue Vasilka

Vasilek blue - The weed of cultural agriculture, known from prehistoric times. In principle, it should be considered a harmful plant. However, this conclusion would be at least one-sided. Not to mention the fact that Vasilek is a valuable medicinal plant, as evidenced, in particular, and the fact that he was on the pages of this book, it is also very beautiful. Bouquets and wreaths from Vasilka in Russia at all times highly revered and ordinary people, and "noble" society. It is not by chance that the cornflowers are captured on the picturesque canvases, etudes, watercolors, etchings, drawings of many artists around the world. I did not pay this wonderful flower and poets.
how decorative plant Vasilek blue was introduced into the culture, grown in flower beds, even brought varieties with terry inflorescences. It is considered a good honey.
From flowers you can get a resistant dye blue and blue color For woolen fabrics.

Drug value Vasilka Blue and methods of therapeutic use of Vasilka

As drug Used the dried edges and partly the tubular flowers of the blue cornflower. The edge flowers contain anthocyans (cyanine is characterized for cornflower); Flavonoids - Apigenin, Quercetin; Tubils, essential oil, polysaccharides, carotenoids, vitamin C.
Pharmacological studies have shown that the vasil flowers increase the diuresis, reinforce the bile and possess antimicrobial properties.
In scientific medicine, Vasilek blue is used only in the form of a light diuretic effect under sweatshirts of renal and heart origin in the form of an infusion in a ratio of 1:10. Apply 1/4 cup 3 times a day for 20 to 30 minutes. before meals.
In folk medicine, it is used as a choleretic, diuretic and coating agent for water, jaundice, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder; With a cold, as well as to improve digestion. Infusion has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, removes spasm of smooth muscles internal organs. It is used as an antipyretic agent for fever, sharp respiratory diseases and headaches.
For the preparation of infusion 1 teaspoon of raw materials poured 1 glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. and take 1/3 - 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.
Infusion of edge flowers are often used in the form of a mission for eye and washing eyes in conjunctivitis, blufarite, chicken blindness - disease associated with twilight violation.
In the treatment of chicken blindness, you must comply with the diet: often enter the liver in the diet with a general enhanced nutrition with fish oil.
With dyskinesia of biliary tract, cholangitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, as auxiliary agent in the treatment of gonorrhea, with nephropathy (late toxicosis of pregnant women), with eczema, fuunculosis to use infusion of flowers: 1 teaspoon of dry crushed raw materials for 1 glass of boiling water, insist 30 min., strain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. With eczema and furunculosis, infusion can be used externally.
Vasilka flowers serve as the basis for the treatment of furunculese with mixtures of herbs. For the preparation of infusion 2 tablespoons of a mixture consisting of flowers of cornflowers and burdock roots (15 g), hubby herbs, a turn, blacks and Veronica (south), in the evening poured 1l hot water And insist, and in the morning it is boiled on a slow heat 5min., 30min is cooled. And filter. Take one glass 5 times a day before meals. Course of treatment - 1.5 - 2 months.
Flowers are used with heartbeat barks. 1 - 2 teaspoons of flowers brew 1 cup boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Pour 1/4 cup 3rd per day for 20 minutes. before meals.
With sinking for rinsing, the infusion of flowers is used: 1 tablespoon for 200 ml boiling water. Insist 30min.
One tablespoon of flowers Vasilka brew 400ml boiling water. Drink at 3 receptions for 30 minutes. before meals. Bulgarian ethnoscience Uses this as a toning gastric tool and how bitterness, exciting appetite.
One teaspoon of flowers to insist 1 hour in a closed dish in 200 ml of boiling water, cool, strain. Take 3 times a day for 15 - 20min. Before eating at shimmer arrhythmia.
With warts to apply crowded seeds.
With a sharp hair loss in some areas of the scalp 1 tablespoon of floral baskets. Vasilka pour 200ml water and 200ml vinegar. After insistence, boil. Hot infusion rub into the scalp, daily 1 time per day.
With blusted eyelids, barley and tired eyes, towered in the wind 1 tablespoon of flowers pour 1 glass of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, strain and use for a ride. Tampons, moistened with this infusion, apply to the eyes for 15 to 20 minutes.
1 teaspoon of cornflower petals insist for 1 hour. In 200ml, boiling water and drink 50-70 ml 2 - 3 times a day before eating with cystitis.
Vasilka leaves apply cranes to accelerate healing.

Features of Blank Blue Vasilka

Flowers of cornflower collected in the full blooming phase of plants. They are pulled out by hand from the basket, while trying to ensure that internal tubular flowers do not fall into the raw materials, worsening the quality of medicinal raw materials. The flowers are dried in the places protected from the sun and bright (in attics, in darkened rooms, etc.), a slim layer on a clean litter. It should be remembered that the dried flowers become very light and at the same time with large sailboats, so even a small breeze can dispel them and reduce the cost of collecting raw materials and transportation to zero.
Dry raw material has a bright blue color, a bitter astringent taste, odorless. It is hygroscopically, therefore it is better to store it in glass or metal tanks with dense lids. Shelf life is 1 year.
In the Botanical Dictionary of P. Sedir read about vasilka: "According to legend, this flower was opened by Chiron. It is useful from jaundice, colic, bark fever, gout, sorrow, worms, and regulatory disorders. I expelled demons (plins). From a magic point of view, the forces of this plant increase, if you read the words of the spell over it before collecting. Being laid in the lamp oil with a small admixture of the female fodder, it causes those present to hallucin. If you throw a flower into the fire and then look at the sky, it will seem that the stars are moving. Smoke from him, being inhaled, causes fear (Albert Great) "
Vasilek contains the Forces of Jupiter, Saturn. Collect the sun in the Taurus and the moon in the twins.

Vasilek (Centaurea) - weed field plant Astrov family, comprehensive families. Lancing linear leaves, felt, in different types From 15 to 100 cm. Stall straight, ribbed and rough. Flowers have a color from blue to a purple and purple, in the form of single floral baskets, covered outside with egg-shaped wrappers with brownish fleece fringe edges. Root rod. Fruits have a thin reddish tank.

Vasilek - species and places of growth

According to roads and on forest edges, Vasileuk meadow is most often found, which is a perennial weed. Annual or Two-year-old Blue Vasilek except the rooks of the road grows in the fields and gardens among gracious crops. Vasilki grow in Europe, the European part of Russia, Ukraine, Baltic States, Kazakhstan, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea and the Far East (except for the regions of the Far North and the Southern Regions).

Vasilek - Medical Properties

This plant on a full basis can be called a medicinal, a sufficiently large list of illnesses is heal with cornflowers. Preparations from it have a variety of healing properties, among them the strain, antipyretic, diuretic and antimicrobials. When it can be relaxed, healing and painted wounds, removing spasms of smooth muscles and improve digestive processes. Vasilki excite appetite and improves digestion, and a laxative means are prepared from their roots. A large area of \u200b\u200bapplication of this medicinal plant is associated with eye diseases - it is a grazing for the eyes, medicine with blindness. Jaundice, gout, fever, colic, worms - here is another list of diseases in which cornflowers can be useful.

Vasilek - dosage forms

For the manufacture of infusions, dried edge flowers and canvil leaves are used. The collection of grass should be carried out as follows: Collect the baskets of flowers, pluck the edge flowers and ventilate in a dark place. Properly assembled blue cornflower flowers will be a blue color, they taste bitter and have a bitter smell. When drying flowers is not allowed sunlightsince he destroys medicinal properties. Separately dried grass and roots.

Vasilek - recipes

IN therapeutic purposes this is folk remedy It is used internally in the form of tinctures of herbs, roots or flowers and in the composition of herbal fees, also a lotion and lotions.

1. For the preparation of a laxative of cornflowers, poured 2 hours. Spoons of the roots of the plant 200 ml of boiling water and insist 2 hours. It is necessary to take 1 tbsp. Spoon shortly (15-20 minutes) before meals.

2. Infusion for strengthening hair: in 500 ml of a mixture of vinegar with boiling water Add 1 tablespoon of flowers and leave half an hour in a dark place. Rinse your hair twice a day.

3. For a collection of conjunctivitis 6-8 times a day, they use a lesion and cold solution - 2 tbsp. Spoons of grass on 1 glass of boiling water.

Vasilek - contraindications

There is evidence that there are cyanic components as part of the plant, therefore it is necessary to consult with the doctor before it should be applied. Be careful!

Vasilek is one of the few "reasonable" flowers, which communicates with insects. Pollen from the tubule in the assembled form is stored in the tubular petal until the insect touches the flower. The insect with its touch leads to a movement of a natural mechanism: the crude tube slides down and under the abdomen of the insect is pushed out the pollen clips. 5-6 servings are stored until the following shocks.

Myths and legends

His Latin name Vasilek received from Charles Linnei, who choosing the name of this plant, was based on an ancient Greek myth. The history of the flower is closely connected with the healing of the Kentaurian Hirona from the poison obtained from the bite of the Lerneysian hydra, so the female race latin name The CENTAUREUS flower means "retaignery".
Another version of the name is from the words "prick" and "Bull", that is, the "bull".