
What to make strawberries after collecting. How to treat strawberries after harvesting: Tips and recommendations of experienced gardeners


At the end of the summer, strawberries end the rising resource of leaves. They need to cut, especially those on which the stems are blushing is a sign that the plant cannot provide them with nutrients. On old bushes, which 3 to 4 years, foliage is cut completely. It is not worth it to be afraid, as the mineral savings occur and the next year berry bushes will again bring a large harvest. But this fall still need to think than to feed the strawberries after harvesting.

Mandatory condition for rapid growth of springs and appearance large number Kidney - strawberry feeding in August after trimming. From them subsequently formed ovary.

How to process strawberries in the fall for winter

In order for all the wound up to the autumn and have become fruit, care needs to be carried out regularly during the entire growing season. It consists in timely removal of dry leaves and mustache. A mustache that throws a bush, take a lot nutrients, take them in ripening berries.

Cutting in the summer is produced by scissors or a secateur. Cut shoots do not emit, if you need to breed a bed. They are cheered on time to put on their permanent place in the fall. Until autumn they will open root system And in a new place will be rooted without problems.

This method of planting strawberries in August with usami requires the use of fertilizers - organic or mineral. Stuffs are watered by the presentation of the manure or diluted with a mixture of a complex mineral mixture, for example, containing potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen additives are better not to use that young seedlings do not go into growth. It will not allow her to get well. The main thing that should develop is the root system.

The best than you can feed the strawberry mustache in September to seedlings are a ash from the branches of trees, straws, tops and herbs. It does not contain nitrogen, only phosphorus, potassium, calcium and trace elements.

When the landing place is selected new Ginochka, it is cleaned of weeds, loose, fertilizers contribute:

  • Compost - The most useful mixture of organic, soil, superphosphates.
  • Humus - Picked up the manure of cattle. It is used by adding to each well when landing. Under the influence of soil microorganisms turns into nutrient humus.
  • Infusion of chicken litter. The substance must necessarily insist for at least a week to destroy the extra ammonia and did not damage the roots of the young strawberry seedlings.
  • Mineral fertilizers. Young strawberries are entered for feeding in August based on dosages in the manual for one hole.
  • Siderats. If this method is used by the hosts of the site, then, in addition, it disinfects the soil and simultaneously feeds the plants by the organica, which decomposes in the soil.

On the maternal bushes of strawberries, you can leave no more than two young sockets. The rest of the trim and land in a nutrient soil mixture

Care for old strawberry bushes

To make fertilizers for strawberries after fruiting you need to start closer towards the end of the season, so that all the berries have come. The next step is sorting. Bushes, which are over 4 years old, need to be removed with the root and throw into compost. The greatest crop increases 2 - 3 year old plants.

Order of work:

  • Removing old leaves with bushes. Experienced gardeners practice full of greenery.
  • Weeding weeds.
  • Moisturizing soil and watering the nutrient mixture.
  • Mulching straw or sediates.

Video: Strawberry care after harvest

What to bother strawberries after trimming leaves:

  • Ammophos. You can use dry granules by sprinkling them evenly under the roots, then pour the soil so that the fertilizer is dissolved and falls into the ground.
  • Kemira for berries. Drop the deepening around the bush and sprinkle with granules. Pour water and close the soil layer.
  • Chimney ash. Make an exhaust, bay substance with boiling water and insistence 2 - 3 days.
  • Green manure in the form of a solution or a mowed form. Lay in bucket chopped nettle or other plants that are used as sitarats. Pour water and insist 2 weeks until you wander. The resulting innoral process each strawberry bush under the root after fruiting and trimming.

So that the plants do not hurt and did not damage the pests, the autumn feeding of strawberries after trimming includes treatment of urea - 30 g on the water bucket.

Cheap strawberry feeding methods

Siderate landing on cottage plot - This is a way to save fertilizer. Siderates restore the fertile layer and give plants all the necessary nutrients - potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Plus the method is that it is suitable for all gardening crops, including - for sadkin strawberry.

Green mass is used in different ways:

  • cut and dripped with soil - in the case of strawberries it should be done carefully, so as not to damage the root system with a shovel or flat;
  • mulch berry bushes greens;
  • prepare infusion and watered strawberry beds than feeding it after fruiting for the future harvest.

Mulching is the safest and useful way in every way. First, it is not necessary to spend your strength on the pumping of the earth, simply setting the mulch in the aisle. By the spring, she herself overloaded and the nutrition will fall to the roots of the bushes.

Secondly, the work of the soil microflora is not disturbed, which fits with the rescue from ultraviolet rays. Thirdly - mulch warms the roots in winter and plants survive even at very low temperatures.

Fourthly - plant residues hold the snow and moisture in the spring, giving the opportunity to grow green mass faster. Fifth - Mulch does not give to weeds, than reduces manual labor costs and retains nutrients for strawberries.

Victoria variety - than to feed in autumn

Strawberry Victoria is the most popular and unpretentious variety, but to obtain annual yields behind it, it also needs care, which consists in periodic circumcision of the mustache, watering, transplanting as necessary and processing against diseases and pests. The variety belongs to the repair and fruit only once per season.

With proper agrotechnology in one season from one bush, you can get more than 1 kg of berries. For proper care It is better to take advantage of the O. Garichkin on the dressing of strawberries after fruiting:

  • Victoria feeding in autumn is carried out by natural fertilizers to restore the fertile layer.
  • Mulch is needed by plant materials - sawdust, straw, sita, peat.
  • Feed the removable strawberry after fruiting begin in July, so that the plant gained strength before wintering. During this period there is a laying of generative kidney, which will provide a crop next year. It is important that these kidneys get food and did not degenerate, then promised by a kilogram of berries with a bush exactly matures.
  • In autumn before undercaming Victoria need to pour out up to 10 liters of water for 1 square meter So that good and deeply moisten the soil. You can then prepare a working solution of fertilizers and water the bushes. Roots in strawberries are deep enough - up to 30 cm, so there is a lot of fluids.

In order to do not bother the strawberry tick in the spring, it is necessary to shed seedlings with pests from autumn, preferably natural - phytovir or its analogues. In the spring during deformation of growing leaves, repeat the processing.

Which of the gardeners did not dreamed of gathering a rich harvest of bright and juicy fruits of strawberries. Strawberry not only tasty. Red berries are a real source of vitamins and minerals, such a needed person. However, you need to follow the plant not only when it is covered with white correct colors. After harvesting, the strawberry bushes also need to be careful, which is to process the shoots with phytopreparations to prevent the development of diseases, in the pruning of old leaves that have grown over the summer of moles-musty. If you correctly and competently carry out these events, they will become the basis for obtaining a new abundant harvest in the future.

Why and how to mow strawberries in the summer?

How to mow strawberries in the summer and why do you need to do? Mowing strawberries becomes familiar. Each summer season is shot by the end of summer, the resulting leaves and shoots on strawberry beds, without thinking about how the plant reacts to such a method and whether to carry out the time. Before you to take for a braid, it is better to re-read articles about growing strawberries, look at the horticultural forums. The owners of strawberry plantations are often advised, to hold the disgraces. Immediately after harvesting berries, seasonal strawberry treatment is carried out if the leaves on the strawberry are covered with brown spots. Timely removal of infected shoots reduces the risk of further dissemination of the disease.

What to do with strawberry bushes in July, August?

Experienced gardeners advise wait and carefully look at the plant. As soon as the escape begins to beat down a new foliage and produce a mustache, which means it is time to remove old leaves and unnecessary mustache. This process is held in compliance with some rules:

  • In July early grade Strawberries produce shoots with young sockets. For reproduction, grooves with large outlets are selected. Usually it is the first two on shoot. They should be picked, without cutting the mustache with which the process connects to the maternal bush. Unnecessary sockets should be removed. This process must be repeated regularly so that the bush is not thickened to the autumn. If the time is passed, then the plant is better not to touch, otherwise the growth of the plant will be delayed, and this will affect the future crop.
  • The leaves drying and damaged are cut at an altitude of 5 cm from the ground, since the disputes of pests can be on the cuttings of strawberries.
  • If you remove the old leaves on time, then the reproductive organs, the flowers, is formed a lot, and this is a deposit good harvest. It should be remembered that it is impossible to raise the leaves on young shoots. Only after the plant is strengthened, that is, for 3-4 years of fruiting you can throw the shoots of strawberries.
  • Pruning old shoots - a process that cannot be performed by a slanting. In order not to damage the bush (strawberry shoots are very durable), it is necessary to work with a sharp and clean secateur so that the tool does not cause the carrying infection.

In August, work on strawberry beds continues:

  • it is necessary to hide the bushes of strawberries;
  • separate the largest outlets, prepare them for landing;
  • the soil between strawberry beds should be switched;
  • to climb the aisle using sawdust or straw, dried moss or leaves that fell from trees; Mulching drows out the growth of weeds, prevents the formation of peel on the ground, in winter the mulch will serve as a heater for plants, in the spring it will be necessary to shit it.

Paco of strawberries is not only cutting leaves, this is a whole range of activities that are aimed at increasing the future harvest. If you be late with the trimming of strawberries, the plant will not be able to provide the desired stock of trace elements. Young leaves will not have time to appear, the shoots will remain bare. The seedling will not postpone the winter cold.

When to trim the strawberry?

When and how to treat strawberries? Regarding the time of trimming strawberries also go disputes. Two options are considered:

  • first - trimming in mid-June;
  • second - Spring Pruning

When can I handle strawberries after fruiting? Experienced gardeners are waiting for July, because the July trimming does not violate the natural cycle, because at that time, the shoots of the shoots are separated, and dry foliage prevents further development of seedlings, only need to choose a dry little days. But the trimming falls harm to the plant. After the old shoots are beveled and cleaned, the soil around the plant should be disinfected by a solution of manganese, to impose, insulate. For this purpose will fit wood ash.

Seasonal Tips: What to do with strawberry bushes in July and August

How to care for beds after trimming and mowing? Many gardeners express the opinion that after collecting berries on strawberry plantations, you can not pay attention to the autumn. With this approach in the next strawberry season, you can not collect generous yield. Sadden strawberry is simply necessary processing after harvest. In two months of summer, strawberry beds will face grass, and the plant needs to fill their strength, release new leaves, while old still continue to hold on, laying floral kidneys. New strawberry shoots will throw away until autumn. Small sockets will require nutrients that they will "pull out" from the maternal plant. All these reasons and force the gardener to allocate time to care for strawberry plantation.

Seasonal tips can be as follows. In July, the gardener needs to take such steps:

  • put all the weed plants that managed to grow by the end of July;
  • if a strawberry has been growing for several years, throw foliage, not forgetting to leave the right number of sockets for subsequent reproduction of berries, burn the foliage;
  • understand the soil under the bush and emphasize each bush to prevent the plant's roots drying on the surface of the Earth; During the diploma, it is necessary to ensure that the Earth does not get into the center of the bush;
  • bring out aisle and organize watering a plot, after each watering you need to loosen the soil around the bushes.

It should be done and spraying the plantation. The simplest I. affordable way is the processing of bushes and soil on a plot with a solution of potassium mangartage or copper Kaper. At the end of the day, the beveled plants need to be treated with inside wormwood, garlic, tobacco dust. Mineral fertilizers, as feeding for strawberries, can also be used. The solution of superphosphate or sulfate potassium is watered cropped strawberry plantations.

Strawberry trimming after harvest

After the crop strawberry plantation is freed from fruits, the gardenover continues to care for the berry. Strawberry treatment is needed after collecting strawberries in order to get a rich harvest next summer. It is necessary to remove old leaves and weeds. They cannot be used as a mulch, because in old leaves there are pests that will start multiply by hitting a new environment.

After fruiting on the plantation, the question arises how to handle strawberries. Among the gardeners are disputes about the feasibility of cutting strawberries. Two opinions are put forward:

  1. Many gardeners doubt the need for trimming and argues that the complete removal of leaves is stress for the bush, and the intervention in the natural development of the plant can only harm him.
  2. Others argue that the stressful state caused by cropping leaves, on the contrary, stimulates a bush to an increase in fruiting.
  3. Third are advised to become experimenters: choose two strawberry bushes and on one of them crop leaves, not touching the other. View which plant will give a greater harvest.

Causes of cutting leaves: "For" and "against"

Continuing the conversation about the pruning of strawberries after fruiting, you need to consider the arguments that are convinced of the need for trimming, and the evidence that advise not to do so.

The arguments "for" are as follows:

  1. Trimming leaves and stalks accelerates the growth of the root system. This is an explanation: useful substances and trace elements rush to roots, because there is no above-ground part of the plant.
  2. Pests that are hiding on the leaves of the plant will be destroyed with the leaves. If you do not remove the old foliage after the harvest is assembled, the spring can bring new troubles. Initially, the bush looks quite healthy, but after the first flowers appear on it, the leaves change the color, are covered with brown spots. This suggests that phytobolese hit all the plantation. How to trim the leaves if plants are amazed by diseases and pests? Cut the leaves now, it means to stay without a crop. Leave everything as it is, to destroy the strawberry landing completely. Here the gardener scolds itself for the fact that he did not cut the leaves last summer, and after all, the scheme of cutting leaves and mustache is simple: to cut all the shoots that begin to dry, leaving the stalks, up to 50 cm high.
  3. Some gardeners argue that beveled beds with strawberries do not suffer from frosts. The argument is in some kind of doubtful, but common sense is not deprived. For the winter: the processing of a strawberry after fruiting consists in feeding and insulation.

Arguments "Against" Such:

  1. In the autumn period on the bushes of strawberries, the kidney is started - the harbinger of the future harvest. Cutting off shoots, the gardener can damage the generative and vegetative kidneys, because in the process of work every bus is not examined, so it is not worth the crop plantation.
  2. It is believed that stress caused by the removal of leaves will slow down the further development of culture, the fruits on which are formed much later than that of other plants.
  3. As a rule, before the removal of leaves, the gardener does not produce the treatment of plantation with poisons, considering it excess. It turns out that he simply shakes the pests to the ground and forgets about them, but as soon as young leaves appear, insects are revived again and crawled into young greens.
  4. The leaves are the respiratory system of plants. Thanks to them, photosynthesis occurs, which provides shoots and stems with oxygen. With the removal of leaves, the flow of oxygen decreases.

Why trim the mustache?

Any variety of strawberries appear mustache - long processes without leaves, divergers in all directions from the bush. Why trim the mustache? When is it better to do? In the horticultural forums for a long time the discussion of this problem continued. Finally, some rules for growing garden strawberries were formed, in particular, cutting the mustache from the garden strawberry after harvesting is necessary. It is impossible to bring the plant to the state when the mustache will cover the entire maternal bush completely. In this case, a good harvest from strawberry plantation can not be expected. The mustache is needed if planning is planned. And in this case, you need to be lazy to cut all unnecessary processes, leaving the strongest and large. Gardeners advise to leave the mustache - the first from the bush.

How to trim the mustache? The opinion of gardeners on this issue again splits. Some believe that it is necessary to cut the mustache as an appearance, another group of gardeners relatively calmly monitors the development of the plant and perform pruning at a time. But in the time of trimming of the mustache, special disputes do not arise. Unnecessary processes are better removed from mid-July to the end of August. It is important that the plant beat back new shoots by the plant. You should not pull the mustache: so you can damage the parent plant. Soots on the plants that are not needed, it is better to trim the sharp secateur or garden scissors.

A few words about the diseases and pests of strawberries

The struggle against pests of crops is a painstaking process. The pests of the strawberry plantation just to see it difficult, so annually it is necessary to carry out strawberry processing after harvesting from diseases. Their list is quite numerous:

  1. If earlier the leaves of the plant were covered with brown spots, it means that a fungal disease was settled on the plant. What can be treated with strawberries after collecting strawberries. Bordeaux liquid, drugs "Ridomil Gold", "Ordan" are effective.
  2. Little holes on the leaves suggest that strawberry plantation attacks Malino-strawberry weevil. In such cases, insecticide is needed, which is carried out regularly.
  3. If a strawberry tick appeared, as evidenced by wrinkled leaves, which are gradually yellowing die away, the gardeners think about how to carry out treatment? How to make a strawberry with simple drugs, destroying an earth mite:
  • "Phytoverm", "Titovite Jet" - concentrated solutions that need to be used with an interval of 5 days;
  • "Aktellik", "Carbofos" - serious compositions;
  • colloidal sulfur, bordlock liquid.
  1. Than to handle strawberries from diseases, if the berries have been reinforced, the processing of existing fungicides is necessary - karate or into-vir. In the absence of poison for processing simply sprinkle bushes hot water: The tick will die.
  2. If the bush has bad shoots, the conclusion suggests that nematodes settled on the plantation. It should be known that no measures will help. It is better to immediately remove the bush, and the land on which he grew to boiling water.

Processing strawberries from pests is carried out after harvest. Save these drugs. As competently handle strawberries, you will prompt instructions on packages.

Further plant care?

When should I handle strawberries after fruiting? This question asks himself a gardener who finished collecting sweet berries. When you need to feed, fertilize, because the increased growth of leaves has already begun? It is now that time is to lay a new plantation of strawberry crops or to transplant old bushes if they have brought five years for five years. To do this, you should prepare a new area: it's nice to find a plot where the onions or legumes were grown.

On the site you need to scatter bird litter or humus, and then step and moisturize. To land, choose young strong mustache, and the old bushes are better to throw.

If the transplant will not be performed, then you must perform:

  • rinse the site;
  • crop all the mustache and yellowed leaves, but young shoots should not be disturbed;
  • harbor foliage on the strawberry area;
  • treat plants by colloid gray;
  • belt the soil on the site, by observing a depth of 15 cm (you need to work carefully not to damage the root system).

Important is the feeding of strawberry bushes with minerals (it is better to buy formulations intended for strawberry crops, because they contain phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, humus, compost). For summer feeding, organic fertilizers are suitable (any manure to pour water, wait until the fermentation process takes place). Wood ash has a good effect. The ratio is the following: 1 kg of sol of a square meter of crops. Scattered ash falls asleep with a layer of soil. After making fertilizers, it is necessary to shed the soil well on the plot. Does not tolerate chlorine strawberry. Drugs containing this element can be destroyed by the entire plantation of strawberries.

A little about watering a strawberry plantation

Famous agrotechnology believe that watering is the main event for the care of strawberries, which will be the key to good fruiting. Before starting to engage in the preparation of the site, it is necessary to consider the system of watering, otherwise the costs of drawdown will be excessive.

Watering per season is held a lot:

  • the first irrigation is made after the thawed water left;
  • in the next time it is necessary to ensure that the soil under the strawberry crops does not stop, otherwise the development of berries and throwing out the floweros, otherwise the process of aging bushes begins, the leaves begged and die away.

In the age of applying new technologies, watering all strawberry plantations can be ensured by arranging drip irrigation. Plantations need watering as in early springand in summer periodBecause the growth of plants after harvesting depends on how the amount of nutrients proceeds, and they are absorbed only in dissolved form. After irrigation, it is imperative to carry out the bruises.

Conditions of successful growing strawberries

There is an opinion that strawberries - unpretentious plantwhich fertures itself and does not require any care. But growing garden strawberries on garden plot It differs from strawberries, which grows in the forest. The bright red berry of the eyelids adapts to natural conditions, and even then, not all young bushes survive, but only the strongest. Garden specimens are usually the hybrids that brought the breeder, so they require special conditions for growing. Without proper care, the culture will not give a crop. Therefore, the gardener who decide to grow strawberry plantations will have to make a lot of effort:

  • in order to pour a berry and a vegetative process of crops need to wipe well;
  • it should be understood that loosening prevents soil sealing and enriches the soil with oxygen;
  • feeding increases the crop and the quality of berries;
  • mulching protects sowing from the hot sun and jubilate frosts.

Experienced gardeners advise not to confuse the varieties of strawberries and for a new variety to remove individual beds, because there are varieties that fruit only once and repairing fruit-sighted two or three times. All varieties of strawberries are distinguished by the unique aroma, jam, jams, compotes are a real storehouse of vitamins.

Several tricks for strawberry care and processing

Gardeners engaged in breeding strawberries, gradually accumulate their rules for growing this copy, of which develop practical recommendations. Here are some of them:

  1. Choosing a place for the future strawberry plantation, you need to choose a plot that does not pate and it has been in bulk, carrots, beet, garlic, greens. It should be sunny territory, because in the shadow the plant will not be fruit.
  2. This specification prefers light soils; If the soil is dense and heavy, then peat and sand should be scattered, and then overheat.
  3. The plot needs to be prepared for six months ahead. Before the landing itself, you should not scatter the manure, since it can burn the root system; It is better to make it in the spring that the soil be sat down, and in the fall to put new rows of strawberries.
  4. Strawberry is a moisture culture. Good effect to give drip system glaze.
  5. A good feeding for young bushes is a solution of potassium mangartan and boric acid.
  6. Interesting variants of natural feeding:
  • It is necessary to chase nettle shoots, pour it with boiling water, insist a few days. The strain solution will cause the development of shoots and change the color of the leaves.
  • In the second recipe used milk products. Serum or kefir (1 l) pour into water (3 l), mix. A solution to pour crops under the root of the plant. A hardworking gardener is not lazy to water the plants every 14 days.
  • In subsequent years, the plants must be made compost, which is conveniently embedded by flat.
  • In order to fruit each bush, it is necessary to pinch the mustache on time. At that time, when the fruits are tied, it should not stimulate the growth of shoots.

An experienced gardener is still planning all the cultural events in winter. Strawberry will definitely reward a gardener for the efforts of bright juicy berries.

Each gardener loves to assemble large strawberry yields. But on this, its cultivation does not end. In this article, you can find out what actions are necessary to prepare strawberries to the new yield season.

Many gardeners engaged in the cultivation of strawberries in their sites will not be able to answer how strawberries develop after harvesting, and what to do after fruiting. But the correct care of the strawberry after the collection of berries becomes the basis of a good crop in next year. It is necessary to conduct preparatory events in the fall.


Strawberry begins to bloom and fruit very early. Around the middle of the nurse begin to ripen the first berries. However, during this time, plants simply could not get all the necessary substances in sufficient quantities for the formation of sweet and large berries.

There may be a legitarily question, how is such a harvest formed? Future harvest begins to form at the end of the summer of the previous one. As soon as the crop of fragrant berries is assembled, the bookmark of new kidneys begins, extension of colors and rustling of the mustache. At this time it is very important to take care of strawberries.

It should be borne in mind that various varieties Strawberries and mature will be different. The bulk of the varieties finishes fruiting at the beginning of summer. However, the latest varieties of removable strawberries can ripen until mid-August. Therefore, the dates of events can be shifted.

Mulching straw


After the end of the fertilization period foliage on the bushes of strawberries begins to die and replaced new. Thus, the strawberry itself is getting rid of the old leaves after harvesting, what to do (video) gardener in this case? It is necessary to help plants get rid of extra old leaves and cut them.

The reasons for which it is worth getting rid of the leaves:

  • Old leaves can no longer participate in the process of photosynthesis. Nutrients on their maintenance are required much more than the benefit that they can bring. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and die down because of their old age, then plants should be helped and carefully remove them.
  • It is necessary to remove the leaves if they were amazed by diseases and ticks. Such leaves need not only to cut, but also burn to completely destroy infection. The tools that leaf cutting will be made should be disinfected in order not to dismiss infection in all plants.

After such a procedure, it will be appropriate to feed the strawberry to the roots of strawberries manage to gain nutrients before the winter period.

In the same period, the mustache begin to actively form. It is important to know when processing strawberries after harvesting, what to do with a mustache. Mustache for strawberries are a reproduction means. If there is no need for this, then you can cut them all. Otherwise, 1-2 best instances are left. They are neatly drunk.

It is not desirable to start trimming. In this case, all nutrients necessary for laying new kidneys will spend money on the development of mustache and sockets that will still cut off.

The processing of strawberry bushes should be carried out constantly, but the bulk of the work falls for the period after fruiting. If, after such treatment, the strawberry bushes turned out to be altogether without leaves, should not be panic. Before the onset winter period She will have time to grow new foliage.

Deleting weeds

There is nothing complicated in the soil looser, although there are some features that should be taken into account when carrying out this agrotechnical event.

  • The soil between bushes is frozen carefully, but neatly and not deep. The main part of the roots is at a depth of 10 cm. It is necessary to loosen so as not to affect the roots.
  • Conducting loosening, it should be slightly inhaling the soil so that the side roots are underground.
  • A question may arise when leaving the strawberry after harvesting, what to do with weed plants. Weeding and removal of weeds are very conveniently carried out simultaneously with loosening.


During flowering and fruiting, it is not recommended to make nitrogen-containing fertilizers. They contribute to the formation of new foliage. And this is not very good for ripening berries. But after the completion of fruiting, everything changes dramatically, and fertilizers containing nitrogen are especially necessary for strawberries.

Standard strawberry


Before the occurrence of the winter period, watering should be carried out regularly. Watering is very important for the care of strawberries after fruiting, what to do next and how to produce watering correctly, you can find out below.

  • The soil must be in a wet state. This can be provided with regular irrigation.
  • Frequent and surface watering do not give proper result. It is better to water strawberries rarely, but abundantly. It is considered optimal abundant watering every 7-10 days.
  • To protect the soil from rapid drying, it should be inspired by peat or use non-woven underflowing material.
  • Watering should be done in the morning or in the evening, otherwise the leaves of strawberries can get a burn.

Conducting a full-fledged irrigation after harvest will be positively affected by the crop, which can be obtained in the next yield.

Processing from diseases and insects

Diseases and insects can cause huge damage to strawberry landings. In some cases, this can lead to the complete destruction of all plants. Therefore, it is necessary to handle landing from the most common pests and diseases annually. It is better to do it after harvesting not to break the flowering and ripening of berries. How signs of the disease on the strawberry are manifested after harvesting, and what to do (video) to combat them, you can find out below.


Puffy dew

  • Puffy dew. The disease occurs quite often and manifests itself in the form of appearance white Nalea. Spore fungus winter in the affected parts of plants and spread by the wind when favorable conditions occur. It can lead to a slowdown in the development of berries and further drying.
  • Gray rot. On the berries, a small spottedness of gray or brown color begins to appear, on which the gray mossy raid is formed. Such berries begin to rot very quickly and become unsuitable. On the foliage, such signs are much less likely.
  • Brown spotty. The fungus develops on old leaves from mid-summer. The sign of the disease is the formation of brown spots. Fungus negatively affects the formation flower kidneythat can badly affect the future crop.
  • Phytofluorosal rot. On berries, spots of brown color appear, which are gradually moving to the entire surface of the berries. Berries themselves acquire bitter taste and fall. On the foliage, dark green stains of inhomogeneous shape are formed.
  • White spotty. It manifests itself in the appearance of brown spots on any part of the strawberry bush. Later, the stains become white. The fungus reduces the yield of bushes on which it managed to develop.


Pests can cause the destruction of the entire harvest. They are easily winter in plants, and in the spring begin to eat them with juices. Therefore, it is very important to know signs of their appearance on the strawberry after harvesting, and what to do to get rid of these pests.

Cobed tick

  • Nematodes. Small and poorly distinguishable worms, inhabitants, as a rule, in the soil. We breed very quickly. They are embedded to the available parts of the plant, feeding it with its juices and poisoning with their enzymes. They are very difficult to withdraw, and in the launched cases it is necessary to change the soil.
  • Strawberry tick. Pretty petty insect. Wintering at the base of the leaves. The larvae of the tick feed on the juice of plants, after which they appear wrinkle and yellowness to them, and after they die at all.
  • Strawberry and raspberry weevil. Small black beetle, just 3 mm long. Winter under the residues of foliage. With the onset of heat, young individuals begin to eat foliage and buds. With the beginning of the flowering of female beetles begin to lay eggs into buds.
  • Small black scoop. Small black bugs, up to 5 mm long. Winter underground, where eggs are laying off. The larvae prefer to eat roots, and young beetles - leaves.


The best way to protect your crop from pests and insects is to conduct preventive measures.

Strawberry bush structure

  • Eliminate plants from diseases and pests will help grow of stable varieties.
  • Compliance with the rules of crop rotation is not foundally considered the main thing in a garden. Grow strawberries in one place is not more than 2 years in a row. Then it should be transplanted to another place.
  • Most strawberry diseases are fungal. Therefore, after removal of the crop, the area can be treated with fungicides in order to prevent. It is strongly recommended if there were signs of diseases
  • The use of insecticides will help destroy the majority of insects living on plants and feed them. Such a procedure must be carried out after removing the crop, so as not to prevent blossoms and not turn the berries into the inedible poison.
  • Weeds often become a refuge for pests, so they need to be removed from the site at the first opportunity.

Compliance with these simple rules It will help to prepare strawberry bushes to wintering, and the spring spent efforts will pay off in the form of a rich harvest. Knowing how strawberries develop after harvesting, and what to do (video), removing all berries, you can develop an optimal plan for growing these plants.

All gardeners and gardeners begin to master their sites from landing Sadovaya strawberries (in common routine called strawberries). Berries of strawberries open the fruit season, they are tasty and fragrant. They love adults, but especially children. The cultivation of strawberries business seems to be simple but troublesome. The plant needs constant care, especially the attention of strawberries after harvesting should be given.

With the harvest of the last berries, the time of training the bushes of strawberries to the crop of next year begins, since with the arrival of spring forces on the growth of young foliage, flowering and strawberry fruiting takes from the accumulated reserves of last year's season.

therefore fight for future yield need to start immediately after collecting the current And it consists in the winter bushes of strawberries manage to build a good root system and stock nutrient substances.

To do this, immediately after harvesting is necessary:

  • if the gardening with strawberries were covered with a mulching material (straw, sawdust) it is better to remove it, as diseases and pests could accumulate in it;
  • weoling Grokes with strawberries to remove weeds, because they take power from the soil;
  • laying soil Under the bushes and aisle, it is necessary to perform for the best air exchange of the roots, it is necessary to do it carefully, trying not to damage the root system and at the same time it is necessary to dip the bushes of strawberries, sprinkling the growing growing roots (the main thing is not to fall asleep heart);
  • remove old foliage and extra mustache;
  • do timely polyv. Strawberry beds;
  • perform feeds plants;
  • make a number of treatments Strawberries in order to avoid diseases of plants and the fight against pests.

Autumn subcord sad strawberry

Removal of foliage and mustache, trim diagram

Strawberries Sadovaya Updating Leaves takes three times per season: in spring, summer and autumn. On average, the life expectancy of strawberry leaves is 60-70 days, after which they are aging and dying.

Spring foliage foliage plays a major role for fruiting. In the period after fruiting, the second phase of the formation of new foliage occurs is the period of bookmarking flower kidney and the accumulation of nutrients of the future harvest. Autumn foliage Important for good wintering bushes.

Signs of aging of leaves are the appearance of spots of whitel, red or red. While the leaves die naturally, they are taken from the plant additional nutrients and depleted plants. therefore preferably 2-3 days after the end of the fruiting remove the old leaves with replicating busheswithout damaging the growing young leaflets and hearts.

Simultaneously with leaves, we remove the extra mustache. If we need planting material to increase the strawberry plantation or replacing old bushes on new, you need to leave the first outlet from the mother's bush. It is the strongest and yield. All other thiefs of the mustache remove them so that they are not depleted and so weakened by fruiting maternity bush.

As a result of the foliage of foliage, we partially get rid of diseases and pestswhich settled aging foliage.

All beveled foliage should be removed from strawberry beds. It is impossible to use it as a mulch, so you can put into compost piles.

Pruning We produce a secateur if the strawberry beds are not large. If the size of berry plantations exceed the ability to handle them manually, crimping process will help to perform electric trimmer or benzocos.

The height of the mowing should be 5-7 cm, the growth point (hearts) should not be deleted. The trimming of old foliage is performed on the bushes older than 2 years, only referring and sick leaves are removed on one-year. After trimming, berry landings need to be implanted and pouring.

Do I need watering in the fall?

The land on strawberry beds should be wet, since after fruiting and trimming of foliage plants should recover as quickly as possible, putting fruit kidneys, to increase the root system. Watering should be abundant, at least once a week in dry periods. To avoid sun burns Leaves need to water in the morning or evening hours. After irrigations, necessarily loosening the beds to prevent the formation of a crust on the soil surface. To maintain the soil under berry bushes in a wet and loose state, it is best to climb.

Mulching is the best way to save moisture

The closed soil becomes more loose. In the process of decomposition of mulching in the soil, the accumulation of nutrients and the enrichment of its useful microorganisms occurs. Mulching restrains the growth of weeds, which facilitates landing care. Berry beds look more aesthetic.

Garden strawberry under black underfloor material

In the role of mulch, you can use sawdust, straw, crushed dry grass (If there is a lawn, then after its haircut, grave in the sun and decompose between the bushes and in a bent), compost or leaf humus, chew. You can hide the ground under the bushes of spandbon (Better black, weeds practically do not grow under it) or lay new planting strawberries immediately on high ridges, covered with black underfloor material.

Feeding after fruiting

In the period after collecting the harvest, the bushes strawberries are weakened, all the forces went to fruiting. To restore plants, stimulating the growth processes and bookmarks of floral kidney during this period, feeders are particularly necessary.

Experienced gardeners are recommended to feed three times. Immediately after trimming the leaves in August, you need to give feeding with nitric fertilizers to stimulate the growth of young foliage. Two weeks after the first, they make feeding the organica with the addition of phosphorus and potassium, it will contribute to the laying of flower kidney. In mid-September, they perform a third feeder with a solution of a cow.

Options for feeding a lot of choice for you. E. then may be mineral feeding or organic.


  1. Ammophos - Contains in its composition nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as magnesium, calcium, sulfur. The flow rate of 20-30 grams per 1 m 2 in a dry form is scattered on the beds, then close to the soil and watering. You can pour a bushes can, prepare a solution at the rate of 20 grams (match boxes) of fertilizer on 10 liters of water.
  2. Nitroposka and nitroammofoska At the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water.
  3. There is I. special mineral fertilizers For strawberries, containing all the necessary fertilizers for it.

It is impossible to be made under the strawberry fertilizer containing chlorine, he is contraindicated.

Water soluble fertilizer crystal for strawberries and strawberries


  1. Mullein.

It can be worn both in a dry form using for mulching of rods and in the form of an infused solution.

For the preparation of the solution, one piece of the cowboat is poured with 10 parts of waterThe mixture of day is insisted, after which the solution can be made under plants. In this infusion, for the enrichment by trace elements, one part of the ash can be added.

  1. Bird litter.

In a dry form, it is better not to put it under the growing bushes, as you can burn the roots and destroy the landings. For the preparation of infusion 1 part of the bird litter is bred in 10 parts of water And insist at least two days. Then 1 liter of the solution is divorced in 10 liters of water and water watered.

  1. Herbal infusion.

In a barrel or other larger capacity, up to half of the grain volume (weeds from the weeding, nettle mowed from the lawn) are added, the ash is added, poured all with water to the full volume and leave to wander in the sun 10 days. You can add 200 grams of yeast on the barrel, they will accelerate the fermentation process and enrich in the infusion of microorganisms. Ready infusion is bred in a 1: 1 ratio with water and strawberry bushes. Infusion not only fertures plants, but also contributes to the deoxidation of the soil.

It is useful to make wood ash rich in strawberry beds, which is rich in potash-phosphoric fertilizers and microelements, helps to reduce the acidity of the soil. Ash is made after cutting leaves, watering and soil loosening.

The main thing is not to overgrow the strawberry so that it does not start to live (build up the green mass of the leaves, and not to lay the flower kidneys). It is better not to pectinate than to overgrow.

Fighting diseases and pests

After collecting the harvest, it's time to start fighting diseases and pests, because during the fruiting it is impossible to do this. After trimming the leaves, strawberries are treated with a weak solution of manganese in order to disinfect the remaining stuffs and soil processing under the bushes from mushroom diseases.

If the strawberry got drunk, the berry landings are treated with the drug "Intavir" twice with an interval in two weeks. You can cook iodine solution: 10 yod drops per 10 liters of water and process plants.

To avoid the defeat of strawberry planting with strawberry tickThe planting is treated with insecticides of a wide range of action ("Phytoverm", "Fufanon", "Aktellik", "Cemifos") immediately after harvesting and fall.

When processing strawberries in the tank mixtures, it is desirable to add fertilizers, alone, thus extractive feeding with the struggle against diseases and pests.

Autumnal care for garden strawberries, preparation for winter

Caring for strawberry in the fall consists in removing weeds and loosening the soil, mulching of bushes and rifry by humus, foliage. Single patients and old leaves remove with bushes. It is impossible to drastically to trim the foliage, the bush will not have time to increase the foliage, go to winter weakened, may not transfer the cold and freeze.

The barbed roots of the plants need to fall asleep the earth or well to emphasize, but the heart (growth point) cannot be filled.

From frosts, beds are covered with branches, dry foliage, sweetheart. It is not worth to cover with a hay or straw - you can get mice under them and nibble roots.

If you correctly care for strawberry plantings after harvesting, do not leave them on the mercy of fate, then the next year you will definitely be with an abundant harvest of sweet, fragrant berries. It will bring joy and pleasure not only to you, but also your children and grandchildren.

Pruning strawberries after fruiting and harvesting is related to the number of mandatory events, the implementation of which ensures not only impressive (from 30 to 40%) an increase in the yield of this culture next year, but also improves appearance and taste quality berries.

Competent and high-quality planting guarantees obtaining particularly large, juicy and sweet fruits.

Sadroom strawberry trimming helps:

  1. Without resorting to the use of chemicals, prevent the occurrence of dangerous infectious diseases (gray rot, spotted, muced dew), which is subject to this culture.
  2. Significantly alleviate the weeping of landing.
  3. Create optimal conditions for the natural liberation of the surface of the garden from pathogenic fungi due to improving air circulation in bushes with bare bases. The removal of patients and old leaves contributes to the disinfection of the soil due to its good ventilation and heating with sunbeams.
  4. Create obstacles to the prosperous development of the strawberry tick - microscopic pest, loving dampness and a founding least Cherchkov.

Ways trimming

Pruning strawberry bushes after harvesting can be:

  • full (total);
  • partial (selective).

From the complete removal of leaves with strawberry bushes it is better to refuse, since total trimming contributes to rapid depletion of plants that spend all their strengths not to lay the fruit kidney of the future harvest and the supply of nutrients, but on the extension of the green mass.

It is advisable to complete the leaves to be performed only if the strawberry landing was strongly suffered from insect pests or fungal infection.

In the course of partial trimming after harvesting, it is necessary to first remove all (including healthy) leaflets lying on the ground. After that, carefully examined the bush, remove old, filled and sick (dotted with spots, specks and dots) leaves of the upper tiers.

Young and healthy leaves better leave. Do not touch the bushes of this year: they need to strengthen and gain strength.

Cutting leaves infected with diseases and probably containing insect pests are subject to immediate burning. For laying into compost and use as a mulching material, they are not suitable.

If the garden does not plan to engage in the reproduction of strawberries, throughout the vegetative period, it must definitely remove its creeping shoots (mustache), cutting them as close as possible to the middle of a sheet outlet.

Basic rules trimming

Strawberry trimming after harvest requires conscious actions, since the rapid removal of leaves can harm plants:

  1. Despite the fact that some gardeners call it to miserably, the use of braids, lawn mowers or sickle in this case is completely unacceptable. This is an exceptionally handmade, requiring the use of acutely sharpened garden tools: a secateur, scissors or knife.
  2. To avoid mechanical damage to the root system of plants, the leaves are categorically forbidden to break the leaves manually. Damaged bushes will be sick, to restore long and certainly will not bring a large amount of fruits.
  3. In order to prevent the penetration agents of hazardous infections into the base of the bushes, it is impossible to trim the leaves under the most root. The length of the left of the petioles should be at least 5 centimeters.
  4. Cutting should only be done in dry weather. Processed bushes are watered solely under the root. Watering by the method of sprinkling can only be applied after the final tightening of the wound remaining after trimming.
  5. It should be started with the beds on which healthy and young plants grow, gradually moving to older and problem landings. Crichers, on which some bushes have signs of fading or damage to viral diseases, should be processed last of all, as often as possible disinfecting the applied tool using a strong solution of potassium permanganage or copper mug.
  6. Since the main purpose of trimming is to clean the landings from insect pests and causative agents of dangerous infections, cut leaves must be carefully assembled and immediately burn. It is not recommended to lay them out in the compost (except for cases when they fall into the deepest layers that will not be used over the next five years).


Any creaming of the green mass is hurt and loosens strawberries, but there is a period during which its bushes are able to quickly restore, painlessly transferring the removal of almost all overhead part.

This period occurs 7-10 days after the cessation of fruiting (as a rule, at the end of July). The optimal duration of the cutting of strawberries in the regions in which the establishment of snow cover occurs at the beginning or in mid-November, they expire by mid-August.

It was by this time that the gardeners of the Moscow region, the Urals, the North-Western and central part of Russia, Siberia, the Far East and Altai need to complete the work on the processing of strawberry ridges. Strawberry trimming are somewhat delayed (until the time of obtaining high-quality planting material) only if the mustache for its reproduction is supposed to be taken from the fruiting plantation.

Such a stringent date is due to the fact that the strawberry need not less than 2-3 months of active vegetation to build a new sheet apparatus and preparation for winter, since it is the leaves that make the process of photosynthesis that affects the development of the root system, annual horns and the fruit kidney bookmark.

If for some reason the optimal duration of the brewing of the berry was missed, it is carried out in a gentle mode, which assumes the removal of only lower and affected (covered with a white bloom, spots and uncharacteristic redness) of the leaves.

Step-by-step instruction

Strawberry trimming technique after harvesting is extremely simple: bumping a bush with one hand, sharply sharpened tool cut off the entire above-ground part (including leaves, unnecessary mustache and dead blossoms).

As a result, the trimming of leafy cuffs sticking over the land remaining over the land (their height is to avoid damage to the growth of growth kidney in the center of annual horns and strawberry heals - there must be at least 8 cm) and the young leaflets appeared.

The cardinal circumcision of all foliage is unacceptable, since the bushes that did not have time to increase the green mass, will go to wintering weakened and, not carried cold, simply will be freezed.

Cut leaves are carefully combed with a robber.

From the quality of the processing of bushes and compliance optimal deadlines Their trimming depends on the fertility of strawberry plantation in the future season.

Strawberry care after fruiting and harvesting

Care for Victoria in the period after fruiting provides:

  1. Removal from a variety of dry and affected leaves, as well as a layer of old mulch, containing causative agents of dangerous infections and insect pests.
  2. Careful weeds of weeds, taking nutrients in plants.
  3. Pruning old foliage and mustache.
  4. Ruthless destruction of bushes affected by strawberry nematode (for preventing the spread of this pest).
  5. Careful soil looser in the aisle.
  6. Watering landings (during drought).
  7. Preventive treatment of bushes from infections and pests.
  8. Periodic making feeding.
  9. Soil mulch.

Laying soil

  1. In order not to damage the roots of strawberries, loosen the soil on the beds only in the aisle, immersing a tool to a depth of 70 mm.
  2. Having completed the loosening of the beds, it is desirable to emphasize strawberries, paying special attention to plants with a bare root system (as a rule, it is typical for 2-3-year-old bushes) and following the soil to fall asleep the growth point (the so-called "heart"), which is In the very center of the bush.

Polishing rules

  1. In order for the treated bushes to quickly recover, adjusting the root system, the green mass and laying the fruit kidneys, the ground on the strawberry plantation should be wet.
  2. In dry weather, strawberry beds should be poured at least once a week (watering should be abundant). Immediately after trimming, it is necessary to water the processed bushes.
  3. So that the growing leaves are not injured from sunburn, it is necessary to water strawberries either in the morning or in the evening.
  4. After irrigating the soil on the beds, it is necessary to explode, not allowing the formation of solid peel on its surface.
  5. So that the land under the bushes always remained loose and wet, the plantation is desirable to climb.

Mulching strawberry beds

Mulching of the soil - extremely useful manipulation, which contributes:

  • bursting soil in beds;
  • the accumulation of nutrients and soil enrichment by a multitude of useful microorganisms (due to the decomposition of a mulching material);
  • deterring the growth of weed plants, substantially facilitating the care of plants;
  • more aesthetic type of berry beds.

Suitable mulching material for strawberry landing is:

  • needles;
  • sawdust;
  • sheet humus;
  • straw;
  • crushed dry grass, remaining from a lawn haircut and precompanited in the sun.

As a mulching material, spanbond can be used (preferably black, preventing weed growth), covering them high Grokesdesigned for new strawberry planting.

Fighting pests and diseases

Plumbing strawberry bushes It is advisable to undergo chemical treatment designed to destroy pests and combating all sorts of diseases, since during the period of fruiting the possibility of its implementation was absolutely excluded.

Before proceeding with chemical treatment of strawberry bushes, it is necessary to save them from sick, old, dry and pest damaged by pests:

  1. After removing the damaged foliage of the petioles remaining from it, as well as the soil under the strawberry bushes are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This measure prevents the occurrence of fungal infections.
  2. About infecting landing with strawberry ticks can be guessed by the presence of leaves, the surface of which reminds corrugated paper. To combat it, you can use the antellik anti-tech, "phytoverm", "fufanon", "Cemifos" and aqueous solution of colloidal sulfur, acting in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instruction.
  3. Active rotting of berries indicates the defeat of the bushes with a gray rot. In this case, the garden must be treated with copper chloroksi solution.
  4. The presence of yellowish leaves localized in the center of strawberry bushes, distinguished by unusually thick cutters, is evidence of their defeat nematode. As experience shows, in this case any attempts (including spraying by chemicals) save the plants are completely useless, so they should be destroyed. The beds on which the injured bushes were grew, it is necessary to shed a large amount of steep boiling water.
  5. To combat Malino-strawberry weeving, strawberry fit should be treated with a solution of the drug "Intavir". The interval between processing should be at least 14 days. Not bad results gives a spraying of a garden with a solution, prepared from ten drops of iodine and 10 liters of water.
  6. The presence of brown spots on the leaves of strawberries can be a consequence of viral infections. It is possible to cope with them by spraying the leaves with a solution of burgundy fluid.
  7. The fight against pests and diseases of strawberries can be combined with extra -orn subordinate Kustov, if adding fertilizers in the used tank mixture.

In order to prevent the development of diseases, planting strawberries must be regularly inspecting, immediately removing patients with leaves and getting rid of patients, using a weak potassium mangartane solution for watering the soil.

Undercalinking reproaching strawberries

By the end of the fertility period, weak bushes of strawberries, who have given all the strength of the fruits of the new harvest, especially need to make feeding. Only with their help plants will be able to fully recover and lay enough flower kidney.

After harvesting, experienced gardens feed strawberries at least three times:

  1. Immediately after trimming the affected leaves (at the end of July or in early August), strawberries are fed by nitrogen fertilizers. This measure will speed up the growth of young leaves.
  2. Two weeks later, they carry out the second feeding, consisting of making organics enriched with potassium and phosphorus. This feeding stimulates the laying of flower (or fruit) kidneys.
  3. About a month later (in mid-September), strawberries feed the third time using a cowhide solution for this.

Facing can be organic or mineral.

Most popular mineral feeding:

  1. Ammophoska is a complex fertilizer containing four main components: potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen. It can be seen in the soil with the help of a chipping, scattering dry granules on the surface of the strawberry bed (at the rate of 20-30 g per square meter), and then watering. Ammophos can be dissolved in water (match boxes on the water bucket) and pour plants from the watering can.
  2. "Nitroammofoska" and "nitroposka" are used in the form of an aqueous solution prepared from one tablespoon of fertilizer on 10 liters of water.
  3. Specialized fertilizers for garden strawberries: "Gardener", "Crystal", "Ferktika".
  4. An aqueous solution of a mixture cooked from potassium sulfate, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate (in proportion of 1: 3: 1).

Gudders should be aware that the feeding of strawberries cannot be used fertilizer, which includes chlorine, destructive for this culture.

Among the most sought-after organic fertilizersused to feed strawberries, includes:

  1. Biohumus. It is plugged directly to the roots of strawberry bushes.
  2. A cowhide solution made from one part of the manure and ten parts of water and infused during the day, after which it is used to introduce strawberry under the bush. To enrich in the infusion of additional trace elements, the experimental gardens add one piece of wood ash into it.
  3. Infusion of bird litter. To make a bird litter under growing bushes in a dry form is not recommended: it is fraught with the roots burn and the death of plants. To prepare infusion, the bird litter is bred by water (in the ratio of 1 to 10) and insist at least 48 hours. After that, diluing one liter of the finished ten-liter-liters of water, use it for watering strawberries.
  4. Herbal infusion made from nettle and other weeds left from weeding. Having laid grass into a large barrel (about the middle of its volume), they add some wood ashs into it, fasten the water to the very edges and for ten days they leave in a sunny place for fermentation. To accelerate fermentation and enrichment of infusion of useful microorganisms, you can add 200 g of yeast to the barrel. Ready herbal infusion Diluted with water (in proportion 1 to 1) and used for watering strawberry beds. It not only feeds strawberries, but also contributes to the deoxidation of the garden soil.
  5. Wood ash rich in trace elements and used to reduce the acidity of the soil on the beds. After trimming strawberries, the soil is sprinkled (at the rate of: two-liter bank per square meter), after which it is watering and loosening. Since wood ash is incompatible with fresh manure, the simultaneous use of these fertilizers is unacceptable.

Fairing strawberry beds, you should remember the inadmissibility of its overproampulation. Otherwise, it will begin to "live", actively increasing the green mass and abandoning laying flower kidney. Experienced gardeners argue that strawberry is better than her stubble.

Preparing landing for winter

  1. Preparation of strawberry beds By winter consists in making a mulching material (peat or sawdust) under the bushes. The thickness of the mulching layer should be at least 5 cm. From the use of straw or hay, as a mulch should be refused, as they can attract mice capable of gnawing roots.
  2. In order to reduce the pressure of the snow cover on the plants, at the end of November they are covered with raspberry or spruce noodle.
  3. To protect the strawberry from severe frosts, it is possible to strengthen it with a thick layer of dry foliage.