
The forest in which the pine grows. Conference Trees Time. Pine, short description

Ponds in the garden

- it's simple. But first, it is necessary to decide what to plant, where to plant, and how our garden should look like three years old and twenty years ...

Summer. Smolded smell heated to the sun pine ... Winter. Green pines under fluffy hats of snow ... Here is my idea of \u200b\u200bthe earthly paradise. And, as any idea of \u200b\u200bthe paradise must be. Do you have so too? Then I propose to discuss the urgent questions of pine bun.

Before planting, you need to decide on the type of pine. Actually, the main options here are only two - pine ordinary (or extraordinary) full-resistant and pine Gorna. Compromise option - pine cedar.

Sold almost in any garden center. Prices for small specimens are quite democratic. Mountain pine is different forms and sizes in adulthood: a small tree, a branchy bush, soil forms. The choice is yours.

pros: Compactness and branches to the base. Without any containment of growth, they and in an adult state do not clutter the plot, do not work out, breaking the wires, darling the beds and offering the owners to admire only bare trunks.

Minuses: Slow growth. Of course, overseas Compactness, but, agree, I want to see a plot in the "completed form", such as the design project (joke) is planned.

More minus, but this is my personal opinion, it is impossible to experiment and participate in the formation of a tree. I have two mountain pines. I love them. They live remarkably without my participation (with the exception of the weeding).

Cedar Pine

Pine landing (transplantation)

Transplanting pines better spring Or, at least, in the first half of summer.

The most important thing is to dig a pine. Do not choose big plant. Than younning a treeThe greater chance that it suffers a transplant. It must be remembered that the pine is a rod root. Whipping the tree around, I squander my hand under him, trying to grope a rod root, so as not to refill. Perhend the pine should be necessary with the land of the earth. Even if the com ruptured and the roots were denaked, I quickly sprinkle the roots of the earth from under the pine. It is believed that conifers live in symbiosis with soil mushrooms, form mbocornia - "Mikariza". Therefore, the more "native" land will be in the landing point, the better pine.

To the soil fertility, in my opinion, pines are indifferent. I successfully transplanted them in acidic peat soils, and in heavy loam. For pine, the sun is important. In the shade it stretches and does not show all its fluffy beauty.

For pine, as well as for any village, you need to dig a landing pit, thoroughly shed it with water, pour on the bottom of the forest land, insert a tree, pour roots of the forest earth, and then - a garden. Be sure to trigger the land around the trunk to avoid the air cavities around the roots. And once again to pour. Do not forget to pronounce a tree for a few days and water more often throughout the season, especially in the heat and drought.

It is common that when transplanting pines it is necessary to maintain orientation on the sides of the light. Honestly, I almost always lost southern labels, and the pines of it seemed to notice.

So, with the boarding of pines we figured out. What is pine care? — Not with anythingIf you want to grow free-free tree. Sometimes, however, unexpected guests are attacked on coniferous, but about this individual stories and. If you need to keep pine growth, increase its branches, get an interesting form - dare! And to help you, my experience of plucking, hazing, trimming and nudice of garden pines.

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Analysis of the growth of pine (Pinus Silvestris) on the territory of the State Forest Natural Reserve "Families Orman"

Changes. Especially great these deviations at a young age. I will confirm this by analyzing the statistical indicators of measurements of growth in the height of pine height at the age of 15 (Table).

Pine growth rate in height

Rising indicators Years

1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967
Increase in height, m Tree height, M.

As can be seen from the table, a one-time increase in height has significant fluctuations: from 0.1 to 0.8 m: they depend on many reasons and especially from weather conditions of the growing season. The increase in height over the period of time is characterized by the average

Pine - fast-growing breed. In the absence of shading, the greatest increase in height in favorable growth conditions is noted at the age of 15-20 years; In the worst conditions of growth - N 25-30 years. Annual increase in pine height at favorable conditions of growth can be 0.8-1 m.

After 40-50 years, the increase in height begins to gradually decrease, although it remains a very long period. Siberia sometimes there are 300-year-old trees, which have an increase not only in diameter, but also in height. Pines reaches a height of 46-50 m with diameter of 1 m. There are separate trees over 500 years.

Pine growth in height in the conditions of South Taiga subzes, usually begins in early May and ends in the second half of June, a minor increase in the length of shoots is observed in July. Trees I class I throughout the growing season is characterized by better growth energy and grow a longer period of time, the more oppressed,

The increase in pine, but the diameter depends on the air temperature and precipitation of the growing season. During cooling, the increase is dramatically reduced. In the second half of summer, when moisture reserves in the soil are depleted, the growth of pine in diameter depends on the amount of precipitation drops. During prolonged zaxx, the radial increase stops and can be resumed after the rains.

Pine is a lightbow breed and grows well only without shading. If the spruce teen under the color of the stand does not lose viability up to 60-80 years and more, then teen pines usually dies at the age of 10-15 years, and only group teenager, located in the windows, retains vitality above the specified period.

With natural and artificial renewal of pine on cutting with high-performance soils, clarification is necessary, i.e. the removal of hardwood, which heat the pine, dramatically deteriorates its growth and lead to death.

The poor growth of adolescent pines, especially under the canopy of adults, growing on dry poor soils, is due not only to the lack of light, but also the fact that the trees of maternal stand their powerful and well-developed roots are intercepting nutrients and moisture from the soil. Studies conducted in the steppe boras of Western Siberia and Transbaikalia, as well as in other parts of the country, indicate that the sections, artificially isolated from the root systems of the stand, have a significantly greater supply of moisture and the death of germs here is significantly less compared to control sections.

The characteristic feature of the pine is common is very high resistance to low relative humidity, as evidenced by the successful growing of pine in steppe areas, here it penetrates sometimes to the semi-desert border. Even in dry years, pine forests are damaged to a much lesser extent than forests consisting of other breeds. In pine, especially at a young age, very well expressed the ability to restore the drying vertices when they die; Gradually, the main barrel is formed from the strongest side branches. Therefore, not in all cases it should be hurrying with a solid cutting of damaged drought of young people.

According to V. V. Mironov (1977), Pine is also carrying high air humidity. So, it grows well in areas with a wet climate of the northwestern part. However, with extremely high humidity The air is observed a mass lesion of pine with mushroom diseases (ore altai).

The ordinary pine does not differ in high demands for soil-primer conditions. In contrast to other conifers and hardwood, it has an exceptional ability to form forest forests of the poor, as well as very wetlands. On the connecting and sampling soils within the range "of many tree breeds (spruce, birch, oak, linden) competitive! Consistent with pine, which forms clean or mixed ancient.

Pine is growing on the soils of various mechanical composition, however, on light soils (sandy, soup), it grows significantly better and faster than heavy (links, clays). In the forest area on the spoes and light loams, as well as on sandy soils, underlayed by loam, pine forms highly productive ancient.

The productivity of pine, as well as the asstensions of other woody rocks is determined by a favorable combination of such main factors such as heat, moisture, free oxygen, etc. Roots pine are distinguished by slightly increased demands to the soil temperature. The root growth begins at a temperature of about 5-6 ° C, but in the temperature range - up to 8-9 ° C is very slow (eagles, wallets, 1971).

A great influence on the growth of pine has water regime. Under the conditions of the taiga zone, the excess of moisture in the soil leads to a decrease in the duration of the growing season for roots, a decrease in the soil aeration, which worsens the wooded conditions and reduces the productivity of forests. The best pine growth is usually observed at a depth of groundwater 1.5-2 m. With an increase in the level of groundwater, oxygen mode deteriorates, which leads to the braking of growth processes.

The water in the illuvial horizon is significantly affected on the vital activity of the roots, which occurs in the spring after melting snow. With its high standing, the vital activity of the roots is delayed, the duration of the growing season is reduced and, as a result, the increase decreases. In the wet types of forest (donkeys, sphagnum) with close location of the outkenish horizon (0.25-0.3 m), more successful pine growth is possible only on microwsticks.

Of all the wood species growing on sandy soils, pine is most resistant to the lack of moisture. Thus, in the zone of coniferous-deciduous forests on rippleholds with a deep level of groundwater roots, pine roots can penetrate to a depth of 6 m or more. The number of such roots is usually small. These roots supply plants by moisture during arid periods and thereby prevent pine death from draining, and also contribute to better growth and development of plants.

Pine also has a very important ability: long time to withstand a strong soil drainage. Earlier it was believed that the pine fitness to dry, poor soils due to the ability to form a powerful root system, with which the large volume of soil is covered.

Unlike other wood rocks, pine roots are very resistant to the lack of oxygen (anaerobiosis). It has been established that the sucking roots of pine, which ended in autumn, can be maintained in continuously flooded soil layers under complete anaerobiosis during the two subsequent growing periods. However, the long-term absence of oxygen in the soil leads to a decrease in the duration of periods of active life of the roots, impaired their absorbing surface, as well as to the death of a more or less significant part of the root systems, which causes a decrease in the overall balance of nutrients receipt, as well as a decrease in the productivity of Taiga pine forest products. zones.

The oxygen mode of the soil moisture depends on the intensity of the absorption of oxygen entering the soil with rain or melt water, and the rate of outflow depleted oxygen water from the soil. So, in pine-art-boxes and complex soil water can close to the soil surface, but due to the structure of the soil and its water-physical properties in these types of forest, there is a relatively fast outflow of water from the upper layers of the soil, and the oxygen concentration in it does not have time to decline Critical for the vital activity of the values \u200b\u200bof magnitude. In these types of forest, anaerobic conditions are observed only in the lower horizons of the soil, and in wet blueberries at a depth of 40-60 cm.

In addition to the water and physical properties and the presence of oxygen, the soil fertility depends largely on the content of moving (available) forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and some other elements in it. According to the total consumption of food elements, highly productive pine, spruce and birch plantings do not have significant differences, although these rocks are distinguished by specific features in the accumulation of individual elements, especially nitrogen and potassium.

At low nutrient concentrations to the soil of pine is capable of accumulating organic matter than spruce and birch. With a decrease in the provision of young plants with nitrogen to the same value, the rate of accumulation of dry matter at pine is reduced to 62%, while the ate is 48%, in the birch - 24%. This is due to the fact that pine is more vigorously absorbs nutritional elements and more economically uses them. This breed is capable of supporting its existence for a long time with a very limited admission of nitrogen from the soil.

So, pine grows on different soils - with dry sandy or underdeveloped stony to marsh, from poor, deprived of mobile forms of nitrogen and other mineral elements, sanding sands to rich chernozem. Such a fitness is due not only to the peculiarities of pine described above, but also because this breed has a high plasticity of the root system, intense roots, the ability to cover them more or less significant part of the soil strata, penetrate the deep layers of the soil, overcome unfavorable Your properties horizons.

Pine roots and first of all their suction tip are highly resistant to adverse effects: low or high temperatures, laptop moisture and oxygen, excess salts, etc.

Depending on the power, the mechanical composition of the soil, the wealth of its minerals, water-physical properties, the dynamics of soil moisture, etc. Pine forms various root systems. Under the conditions of northern taiga, the temperature and development of the root systems have a great influence of the temperature and depth of the soil thawing in the growing period, since the roots of woody rocks, as a rule, show their livelihood only at temperatures, not lower than 5-6 ° C.

On relatively loose soils with a fairly favorable mode of moisturizing, aeration, temperature and nutrient content of pine pine forms powerful horizontal roots (mainly in the surface layer), as well as deeply penetrating the lower horizons of the soil rod and anchor. Anchor roots are formed in the immediate vicinity of the tree trunk; These roots are in turn branched to a slightly thinner running vertically down and ending in most cases deeper than the branched rod root. On loose soils with a favorable moisturizing and aeration mode, the length of horizontal roots is 2-3 times higher than the radius of the crown. Such roots lie at a depth of 10-30 cm, forming the most branched activity under the layer of the forest litter. The volume of the soil used by the horizontal roots of ripe wood, up to 26 m3. The rod and anchor roots penetrate a significant depth, sometimes up to 5-6 m or more. This structure of the root system is found on relatively small areas, since the various features of the soil conditions impose a deep imprint on the morphology of the root systems. Numerous studies made in various conditions indicate that the root system of pine is developing more strongly than rich soils. So, on the chernozem, the total length of all the roots is significantly less than in the sands.

On dry and poor sandy soils with a deep level of groundwater, the pine is developing a powerful branched surface root system up to 18-20 m long, i.e., 2 times more than on the soils. In the underlying conditions, vertical roots penetrate a small depth. It has been established that at no longer conditions increases the ratio of the mass of the roots to the ground part.

Under the conditions of excessive moistening, the structure of the root system of pine is primarily determined by the drainage of the soil. On turf-podzolic and podzolic soils, the roots of pine penetrate to a depth of up to 2 m and more, but the bulk of the roots is located in the upper layer to 10-30 cm. In addition to the roots developing in the surface layer of the soil, which are 80-90% of the total, There is an abundant development of roots in the leaching horizon. These roots account for 8-10% of their total number.

On the shape of a rod root of a pine of 20-40-year-old age, growing on the drained squares, S. E. Vomperski (1968) 4 types of root systems are allocated:

the root is directed vertically down with a blunt or shortened ending, from which the horizontal root brush is moving;

the root in the form is the same as in type 1 or more frightened, but is directed obliquely down;

the root at a depth of 10 cm is curved sharply, takes a horizontal direction, gradually soles, forming a robe of root endings;

the root is represented by several walking deep roots, whose ends are very branched; Each such root has the appearance of "paws";

the root is absent or has a view of a horizontal root.

Factors affecting pine growth

Factors affecting pine growth are extremely diverse. All of them express the provision of plants in living conditions. Some of them are positive, i.e., contribute to a high pace of accumulation of wood mass and creating favorable medium conditions, other negative, i.e. slow down growth.

Favorable factors for pine growth should be considered the optimal air and soil conditions, moisture security and air permeability of the soil, the presence of ash elements, nitrogen and trace elements for the supply of plants.

The negative factors are sharp fluctuations in air and soil temperature, disadvantage or stagnation of moisture in the soil, the abundance of competitive herbs, etc. In the fight against the unfavorable environment of the environment, often adapting to them and caused them, young woody plants, growing, form a solid forest canopy. There is a closure of a cannon, often depending on the number of individuals on a unit area. From the moment of closure, the young trees experience new conditions other than those. Since then, the process of the formation of angle, uniting growth and development in one inseparable integer begins. The new forest is to either naturally, or with the help of a person, to replace that maternity canopy, which, having achieved the maximum stock of wood, was cut to meet the needs of the needs of the national economy.

The formation of a new forest on the site of a fired from the preliminary concomitant or subsequent renewal occurs differently and depends primarily on biological features. At the same time, the composition of young people is of great importance. Different tree breeds have an unequal growth rate in height. So, light-minded coniferous breeds Pine Weimutova and others - in young age increase in height more vigorously than, for example, shadow-firing fir, fir, although in favorable conditions and those and others achieve in the end of 30-35 m in height. The growth rate of trees in a closed forest floor depends on the conditions of growth. On fresh squeezed soils, underlayed by the maternal rock, easy-to-mechanical composition, pine reaches I bonitte class I, and on dry sands or on soils of wetlands -IV bonitte class.

After the crown of the crowns of trees and the formation of the forest is a decisive factor in the successful formation of the forest is the number, or density, stand. Depending on the number of trees on a unit of Square on each particular age stage of the forest, the trees are differentiated, i.e., manifestation of the properties of growth and the development of trees in the forest floor. Thus, the growth, development and productivity of the forest must be considered in connection with the space (land, atmosphere), time and security of living conditions.

Changing pine ordinary

Changing pine fir. The attention of forest products and nerds has long been replaced by a replacement of pine fir and the reverse replacement process of spruce.

High demanding to soil and flowing moisture, large trendiness in young age compared with the pine ensure a good growth under a pine canopy (Fig. 49). The resulting second tier of the fir prevents the resumption of pine, worsens the physical and chemical properties of the soil, helps to increase its acidity. In the spring time, the soil under fir is in a cold condition for a long time. All this weakens the normal growth of the first tier of pine, it begins to dying and yielding her place ate. The pine canopier serves as a positive factor for the village of Eli. But not under any pine canopy spruce finds favorable conditions for growth. B. Low-stock products growing on poor sandy soils, spruce either either does not form or die shortly after the appearance. On wetlands, where pine has IV-V classes of Bonitet, spruce teenager does not happen. On the rich soils, the underlying mother breed of a heavier mechanical composition, the Eli manifests the properties of the "conqueror" of the territory. There is a sensitivity to the wealth of soil with mineral nutrition elements. Replacing a pine tree, spruce forms high-performance ancient on soils rich in nitrogen, with flowing moisture. On the soils, in which the top horizon is sandy and betes light and medium-sized links, the spruce is less productive than pine, and therefore the predominance of ate on these soils does not represent a refinery or economic value. By logging out the departure and other forestry techniques, the forestwater can send the shift of rocks to the desired side.

Changing pine birch and aspen. This process occurs most often after solid cutting of pine stand. On the freshly squeezed soils on the place of the fledged pine forest on the cutting, as I. S. Melekhov believes, a herbaceous cover may be preserved, released from under the forest, and adapt to new environmental conditions. These are lichen, long-shaped cutting. The appearance of birch and aspen on lichen and durable deforestations is combined with the resumption of pine, whose shoots maintain the competition of herbs and hardwood. After cutting the birch, natural pine teen appears.

Changing pine oak occurs in complex pine-oak plantations, where because of the thick undergrowth and the second tier, the pine is not renewed. The inepting cutting of the forest contributes to the formation of a threshold oak low-performance forest, which can be prevented in the process of proper forestry activities.

Selection of pine ordinary

Pine ordinary (Pinus Sylvestris L.) is a typical forest-forming breed. It creates the appearance of the forest and together with other plants forms the characteristic forest communities - a group of pine forest types. Pine wood durable, resistant against rot, is well processing. From the logs build houses, grinding, rudpatic, telegraph poles. Corre. pine trees Press in briquettes that can be used as fuel. Pine resin - valuable raw materials for the production of rosin and turpentine, which is used in the production of varnishes, paints and even drugs. It is well adapted to various conditions of growth: grows on sandy and clay soils, rocks, swamps, often where other wood species can not grow.

When forming a varietal ideal of pine ordinary, forest-growing features and manifold of economic use are taken into account. The improved breeding material of the ordinary pine should be responsible to the following primary criteria:

High productivity;

Resistance to diseases (bubble rust, root sponge, sponge, pine sponge, etc.) and pests (subcortical bugu, pine sawder, etc.);

Sufficient reproductive reproducibility;

Good shape of the trunk and high quality wood.

In addition to the above-mentioned key criteria, some special varieties of ordinary pine should have special properties, for example, high with mole about productivity or drought resistance. Separate variety criteria are often mutually excluded each other. Thus, the selection on productivity, as in general, any selection can lead to a henofand of the form and, as a result, to a decrease in immunity and stability. You should always remember this when working with forest wood plants.

The direction of selection of pine ordinary depends on the specific purpose of creating plantations and from the region. In the forestry-industrial regions of the country, breeding is carried out on high productivity, for the forest area in the southern - on drought resistance, immunity to diseases and resistance to pests. In the regions where concentrated cuttings are practiced and the task of the fastest afforestation large squares, It is necessary to focus on the variety population. The principal possibility of obtaining such varieties is evidenced by the practice of selection of positive plantations.

Forms of diversity. The ordinary pine is a very polymorphic view. Of the large number of forms described by L.F. Pravdina (1964), 31 were allocated in the form of the crown and trunk, 9 - on the structure of the crust, 21 - in size and painting of the needles, 12 - on the color of the strobils and the structure of the cones, 3 - on the quality of wood and 5 - in color of seeds. Each ancient consists of a variety of trees, differing by morphological, anatomical, physiological and other signs. Among them are forms that have valuable properties that can become an object of selection.

According to the type of crown, pine is distinguished by narrow-blooded, ordinary and concrete trees. The main features defining the shape of the crown are: the length and thickness of the bruises, the angle of attaching the branches to the trunk, the number of shoots in one mutant. The lateral branches of the first order in narrow-blooded pines thinish, with a diameter of up to 3 cm, depart from the trunk at an angle of 30-60 °, but there are individuals with short branches that are separated from the trunk at a right angle (column-visible form). The branch branches of the first order branches in the branch are thick, depart from the trunk at an angle of 60-90 °. The branches in the muve of them are usually less than that of trees with a narrow crown.

In the structure of the peel, it is customary to distinguish between the scaly and plate-tokore forms of pine. The hereditary sign is also the height of raising on the trunk of coarse crust. Signs of the color and structure of the bark, like the form of the crown, change significantly with the age of trees. A good sign, allowing to distinct individual forms, is the structure of the shield (apoophysis) in scales pine cones. According to the structure of apophysia, flat, convex (bug) and hooked forms are distinguished. The shape of the cones within the tree is the same, but trees usually meet all forms. The representation of convex forms within the pine range is about the same everywhere. Flat shield trees are more common in the north, and with hooked - in the south.

Several forms of pine are isolated in color of seeds. The color of seeds is monotoned in all cones of the tree and does not change depending on age. In the north of the range, pine trees with brighter coloring seeds prevail, in the south - with dark. According to some authors, the color of seeds in pine has a protective value, and a wide variety of shades is associated with the variety of substrates, which are seed after departure from the cones. The main colors of the pine seed are: black, brown, motley and beige or light. About the structured value of these forms information is contradictory, but most authors celebrate some trees advantage with dark painted seeds.

Special economic value have forms that differ in growth rate. Forms on the intensity of growth in pine can be highlighted, starting from early age. At the annual seedlings rebel oppressed in growth and patients. Among the two-year plants, fast-growing copies differ not only with dimensions, but also the amount and size of the top kidney, as well as the length of the needles. Long-screwed pine seedlings with the number of top kidneys over five and with the early terms of their dissolvement were in test cultures more fast-growing. Starting from about 10 years of age, the growth intensity form can be determined directly in height. There is evidence that the village of pine, overtaking at the height at this age of their peers, continue to maintain a leading position in the future. However, the final judgment on the speed of growth of trees can be made up aged two-thirds of the age of cutting.

11.1.3. The methods of selection of pine ordinary main method of selection of pine ordinary is considered selection. Hybridization as a selection method can also be used, but a large period of obtaining the results of this method when working with durable plants move it to the second largest plan. Work on the experimental mutagenesis of pine ordinary is also conducted, but until it has been out of scientific institutions and forestry practice much has no. Vegetative reproduction of the pine is difficult, so the selection of the species is not focused on the clone, but on the family and population level. The most common common when working with a pine ordinary is massive selection during the breeding inventory of natural pine trets. With an increase in the age of experimental geographical and testing crops, the selection of better climates, ecotypes and forms is becoming increasing importance.

It is also promising with the selection taking into account the molding diversity when cutting out the departure of the forest.

3.4 National Equity of Pine Ordinary and its Economic Efficiency

It is difficult to overestimate the national economic, aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic and recreational value of pine and formed pine plantations. All parts of a pine tree, ranging from kidneys, needles and ending with stumps and roots, are very valuable raw materials for woodworking, pulp and paper, timber, medical and other industries. In tab. 10 shows the data characterizing the productivity of various parts of pine woods.

Great value of pine to protect the soil from erosion, improving the climatic conditions and water regime. It is widely used in the creation of traction strips, strengthen the rolling sands, afforesting the banks of rivers and overview-beam systems; It is used for gardening cities, workers' settlements. In pine forests, a large number of mushrooms, berries and very important forestry raw materials are harvested - Zhivitsa,

Table ratio,% to absolutely dry mass, different parts of pine racks of different ages

As can be seen from the table, the bulk of the tree is a barrel, which consists of organic substances, which include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other chemical and minerals. The content of these elements in different tree species is almost the same.

Table Chemical composition of wood,% of absolutely dry mass

Wood in pine shiny, soft, resinous, well gives back to bend, easily ourselves. Swamp is wide, yellowish-white, core of brown-red color. Sevective layers are clear; Late wood is quite dramatically different from the earlier; Smith strokes numerous, rather large. Core rays, numerous, up to 0.5 mm high.

The quality of pine wood, prepared in various natural and geographic areas, is not the same. Thus, in the northern regions of Pine usually has higher technical qualities than pine growing, in other areas. Within each area, the technical properties of wood depends on the conditions of growth. It is known that the pine grown on boron, well-drained sandy soils, is distinguished by yellowish-red, fine-grain, has the most dense and resinous wood. Pine, growing on wet and rich soils, has wood more loose, coarse, less resinous and less durable.

It has been established that with an increase in the content of late wood, the physico-mechanical properties of wood pine are improved. The most high-quality wood is located in the comlevous part of the first log.

When assessing the quality of wood, in addition to physical and mechanical properties, its defects are taken into account. The main varietophores include bitch, rot, curvature and cracks. The standards define the requirements for permissible vice sizes in a variety of each sorting.

Various forestry events conducted in the process of creating and growing pine forests have a great influence on the quality of the grown wood. More thick plantings are distinguished by a smaller batch, higher coefficients of the shape of the barrel. The batch of pine also affects the composition of the angle. So, the admixture of birch often contributes to an increase in pine sunscity. If there is a task to grow pine to obtain high quality wood, then the admixture of birch is undesirable.

However, when solving such issues as the choice of density lugs, their composition at different stages of growth and development, etc., it is necessary to take into account not only the amount of wood grown, but also a number of other points: the cost of growing, the subsequent need for cutting care, The performance of water protection functions by planting of various compositions and others. Pine forests are characterized by high output of the main assortments (Table).

Table Exit,% leading assortments from pine wood

Due to the high properties and quality, pine wood is used in industrial, housing, agricultural and railway construction; It is very widely used in the coal, mining and oil industry, bridge, ship, car buildings, as well as in agricultural engineering, is widely used in the furniture industry, as well as for the manufacture of containers and plywood. In the process of logging from the barrel pine, the following main assortments are prepared: a sawmaker, construction logs, a mining rack, a seal, poles, pins and shipbuilding ridges, hydrostroincing logs and for pillars, plywood ridges, balances.

The demand for assortments, prepared in pine forests, annually increases. Therefore, in almost all parts of the country, the estimated texture but a pine farm is mastered completely.

Stumps pine after 10-15 years after cutting the asstensions are used for the workpiece of punch osmol - chain raw materials to obtain resinous substances in pittal-turptine production. The billet of punch osmola is carried out with the help of cortic machines or explosive way.

Given that Osmole is bought on old cutting, where pine young people usually occur, it is necessary to take measures to preserve the latter. When using the cortic machines on cuttings, more than young is damaged than with an explosive way. For the removal of osmola, for the purposes of greater preservation of young, wolves should be laid on old forestry roads, buses, rogs. Despite the measures taken to preserve young, it dies very much in the process of mentioning. To eliminate the unwanted consequences at clearing, it is necessary to strengthen the research on the use of fresh meals as osmole, as well as to increase the resinness of pine wood with a scorching.

Posor with confidence can be called one of the most unpretentious plants adapted to existence in conditions of different climatic zones. Today, a wildwife can be found on many panstones - It perfectly complements any landscape, towering among decorative shrubs and alive hedges.

Pine is easily accepted and starts to grow on any soil. This tree feels perfectly in the area even without interference from the person and he does not need any feeding, frequent watering and mulching of the soil. Forest beauty is not as scary and pest plants, and all sorts of fungal diseases. The only thing that is required from the landlord is to produce right landing Young pine.

Pine landing on the site

When boarding a pine on its household plot, one important moment must be taken into account - the tree grows well only in its native soil. In other words - to dig pine needed together with a certain number of land, in which the formation of its root system occurred. If the tree was purchased in one of the garden centers, then it is necessary to plant it together with an earthen one of the pot. It is advisable to plant a pine tree preferably in the spring (late April-beginning of May) or at the beginning of the fall (September - beginning of October). It is also necessary to take into account that without the Earth root system of this plant can only live a very short time - a maximum of 15 minutes. If the soil in which pine is planted, contains a large percentage of chernozem or clay, on the bottom landing pit It is necessary to pour gravel or sand. As such a peculiar drainage pillow, you can use finely crushed bricks. The ideal pit can be of different depths - everything depends on the sizes of the tree. For example, if the pine height is 30-40 cm, the pit should be cut down with a depth of 50-60 cm. The drainage layer is about 10 cm. Important: When landing, it is impossible to fall asleep the ground root neck of the plant (stem transition zone to the root). After the young pine is planted, the soil around it can be decorated with pebbles or small decorative stone. Roots should receive a sufficient amount of water, so it is important not to overdo it with this kind of decor.

Types of pine

In total, there are many types of pines in the world, however, on the household plots, in addition to the ordinary, only cedar and mountain sheds are mainly planted. Methods of planting data of species are practically no different. Cedar pine is notable for what reaches a truly with a truly giant sizes, but it grows very long. To form the crown of this plant is not at all necessary, since it develops very uniformly. The needle of cedar pine remains green throughout the year. North pine is also growing for quite a long time, but unlike smooth cedar, this tree can take the shape of a small, bizarre tree or a large bush.

How many pine grows when growing on the site

The coniferous species of trees are quite popular with the design of garden sites, reception areas, parks and squares. Making a choice in favor of a coniferous tree, it is desirable to know the final sizes and growth rates. From this will depend on both the number of plants and the place of their landing on the site.

Otherwise, it may turn out that the dulling tree will block and sunlight, and will be an interference on the aisle. Given that with such plants like Tui, juniper, fir, and pines are becoming in demand, it is important to know how much pine is growing, what kind of size can reach an adult tree.

Pine, short description

Like most coniferous pines relate to evergreen plants with branches, on which needles are located, assembled in a bunch of 2, 3 or 5 pieces. It is by the number of needles in a beam and color of needles, one type of pine from the other can be distinguished. Depending on the number of needles, the pine is referred to two - three - five well. Life forms Plants from the genus Pine, Pine Family - this is:

  • trees
  • shrub
  • slyniki

Pines are spread almost everywhere. In geographical areas with tropical climates, they grow mainly in the mountainous areas. Locals with a moderate and even cold and subarctic climate of pine are forming whole pine forests or are part of mixed forests. Not found in natural forests Representatives of the family pine in the territory south America. On one plant, pines have both men's gates (bumps), collected by the spike, located at the ends of young branches and women's strovers in the form of oval cones in the top of the plant.

In total, there are more than 100 types of pines, in the territory of Russia in vivo, about 16 wild species of pine trees and about 70 are torn. The most common:

  • pine ordinary, up to 40 meters in height
  • pine Korean or Korean cedar, up to 50 m
  • cedar staber, up to 1 m
  • crimean pine, on average up to 30 m
  • pine Weimutova, up to 50 m

Selectors when working with wild-growing pines, many slow-growing miniature and dwarf pines were obtained. These varieties are usually distinguished by minimal annual gains.

How pine grows from shortwrecking up to five years

Choosing a view of a pine for a garden, very many lovers most often choose low varieties. Sometimes when buying it is difficult to say whether the instance will grow to one - two meters or easily overcomes all 20. The rate of annual growth is an important distinguishing feature of many pines as wild and decorative. In general, pine trees relate to fast-growing plants, however, the growth rate of this plant changes throughout life.

In the first four years, the sagoe of pine is increasing no more than 10 cm per year. And at the age of four does not exceed a height of 40 -50 cm.

In the first year, pine shoots do not grow more than 5-6 cm. But if you fulfill uncomplicated recommendations, then young pines will be 9-10 cm. It should be borne in mind that pine has large needs in the light, it is desirable that no weeds nor other plants create For seedlings shadow. Important condition Is the organization of watering. Roots in the first two years in pines are quite nervous. To ensure not only the availability of water, but also minerals, the plant needs a regular watering. In the first week after germination, pine is watered daily by choosing morning or evening hours.

Video about the pine ordinary:

To get a faster increase, on the third year, after the seedlings of the pine will go, they need to be seeded and fought in shuttless for two more years. The transplant will give an impetus to the formation of the root system, which will ensure further faster growth of the ground pine part. It is important to send pines at a distance of at least 20 - 25 cm from each other. For proper growing Pine in schools, they will increase by about 15 cm in the first year, but still will not be ready for disembarking at a permanent place. And after two years, at the age of four years, the pine seedlings achieved size 40 - 50 cm and will be ready for a transplant to a permanent place.

If the growth slowed from - for improper care, then replant the pine is better on next yearWhen she is for five years. It should be remembered that miniature varieties give a slightly smaller annual increase and the older such pine, the slower growing. In addition, for various reasons, the growth of seedlings of one year can differ significantly. Maximum pine growth can reach 70 -90 cm for five years.

How pine grows from 5 to 50 years

Most of the pines, such as ordinary pine, Weimutow belong to fast-growing trees. At the age of five to ten years, they give an increase from 25 to 60 cm annually, and over ten years older growths of the majority of pines reach from 0.6 to 1 m annually. At pines aged 30 - 50 years, the increase in the height slows down and the growth of trunks in width begins.

Most pines long-livers and on average live 150 - 300 years. Miniature and stabel shapes of pine grows with age very slowly and their increase is from 2.5 cm to 10 cm annually.

Thus, choosing a pine for a plot, you need to take into account its growth rates and adults. After all, many pines aged for 15-20 years will turn into real giants with bare trunks and rather modest on the decorativeness of the crown at the very top. For small sites, you should not take wild forms, and it is better to stay on miniature pine trees with beautiful color of the needles and an attractive crown shape. To growing in the site, you can recommend the types and forms of pine trees:

  • pine cedar "Strickt", grows up to 1 m, needles with a blue tint, Konic crown shape
  • pine mountain "Gnome", up to 2 m with a pyramid green crown
  • pine Weimutov "Radiat", up to 1.5 m, with gray - blue cheese
  • pine Weimutova "Aurea" up to 8 m, the needle of a golden yellow shade
  • pine Weimut "Minor", up to 0.5 m, Croon spherical, needles light - green

It is important to remember that it is better to acquire decorative pines in proven nurseries, then the miniature pine will justify the expectations and will not turn into a huge giant.

Sit coniferous trees on the plot - Fir, Pines, ate - House Practice

Previously, I landed on my countryside of birch, maples and linden. However, now every year I land coniferous trees on a plot on which my home stands and the surplus buildings.

More and more young firings, fir and pines surround my small houseAnd someday my dwelling will be surrounded by a real coniferous forest.

Coniferous trees on the plot - why are they?

Why is coniferous plants worth putting on the plot? Because they can delight you with fresh greens of their crowns and winter, and in summer. And the smell that spread conifers - spruce, fir and pines - on the site on a warm summer day it is impossible to compare anything.

Conference Trees Time

Best time for transplantation coniferous trees - this is winter. This is especially true of large-scale plants more than 2 meters high and age for more than 5 years.

The best time to transplant coniferous trees to the plot - Winter.

In winter, even such big trees are transplanted.

If you do not have the ability to transplant coniferous plants in winter, then you can transplanted them in late autumn or in early spring. So that the transplant "under the snow" was successful, you can apply a little trick. Pubs for transplant plants digging in advance and closed with insulated shields. Also prepare the land in advance for falling asleep and tamping the root system of transplant Christmas trees and fir.

At the moment when the snow had fallen, and the earth slightly frozen, the trees scattered to the transplantation and transfer them to the pits ready for landing.

In the case, if you buy coniferous trees in the nursery, there will be no problems with digging out - you buy trees in peat pots. So their root system does not suffer.

In the nursery you buy coniferous trees in peat pots.

When digging trees in the designated forest areas, remember that the roots of the firings and the fir are quite long. And the pines have a large number of roots lying in the plane of the top layer of the soil, and one root goes vertically down and it is very brittle. No way damage it.

Where to plant coniferous trees on the plot

Pine on the site can be attached anywhere - this is the most unpretentious plant Of all conifers. Pine can grow on such poor soils, on which no other large plant can grow anymore. The same applies to sunlight.

Unlike a pine, which can feel well on solar open spaces, fir and ate more accurately to shaded territories on the site.

And if pines can be planted from the south side of the house or garage, then ate better to plant from the north side of the structure. This is especially true of regions with hot and often dry summer, when there is no possibility to regularly water coniferous plants.

Even with regular watering, there are often transplanted ate and fir in the second year dry and lose their needles very much, despite the fact that in the first year after the transplant they felt pretty good.

How to protect coniferous trees on the plot

So that the coniferous trees on the site did not suffer from hot summer, you can protect them in the available ways:

1. Sit coniferous trees with groups, especially fir and fir. It is possible to protect a group of fir and firings from the south as young birch or linden, whose foliage will serve as a peculiar shield from the ray of the scorching sun. 2. Can be summer period Were coniferous trees with light slit shields from the south side that will give a moving shadow during the day. 3. Try to plant spruce and firs also from the west side - there will not be harm from the summer sun at sunset.

Pine on the garden plot

Pine - one of the oldest medicinal plants. Her joy included in the compresses and the sipal 5000 years ago. In the ancient Egypt, pine resin was part of the gaming formulations. It is proved that these compositions are still no longer lost their bactericidal properties. In Greece and Rome, the pine was used in the treatment of colds. In Russia, it was customary to chew pine resin to strengthen teeth, gums, for disinfection of the oral cavity.


This tree is found from Festry to Equator. Recently, Posina is increasingly used instead of the New Year tree. Most (about 100 species) Pine is found in the moderate countries of the northern hemisphere. In more southern latitudes, the most common mountain views are common. Some pines can be found in the tropical zone of the northern hemisphere. Thus, along with the thermal-loving southers, there are many very cold-resistant species that can grow to an extremely northern or altitude border of the spread of woody rocks. Most of the pines are drought-resistant and light-minded. Therefore, they should not be seated on shaded places or in dense plantations of other trees. And a very important feature of most pines can be considered their low demanding to soil.

Pine needles, cones and seeds Pine needles are long and narrow, on the cross section flat-convex, lives for 3-6 years. It is collected in bundles of 2, 3 or 5 (sometimes 1 or 4) green cheops, between which the kidney is located. The bumps are reprehension, rejected or hanging, very different in size and shape, all pines ripen on the second after flowering a year. They can open immediately or for a long time to remain indispensable. Sometimes fall along with seeds. Seeds with a long wing, less often with a short rudimentary wing or stiff. Shoots with 4-15 Semi-uniones, followed by single cups in the continuation of the first 1-2 years, after which an adult needle appears in the beams.

Place for landing A varied glare, color and arrangement of needles on shoots, as well as other signs of pines allow you to create the necessary variety when landing in the landscape. Because the trees are light-sounded, they are recommended to plant them in the edges or between other, lower woody rocks. The low-spirited views can be placed in front of higher plants, and sharpening - on the slopes, among the rocks, because they are most often found in mountainous areas. However, you need to remember: pines are very sensitive to smoke, soot and various gases.

Reproduction Pines breed seeds. Their germination is 80-90%. Sow spring to in advance (since the autumn) prepared ridges or in greenhouses, as well as in drawers or a blush with a soil. Pines with large seeds need in nature in cold stratification for 2-6 months or in the autumn sowing. When sowing them, they do not fall asleep, but only slightly cover the soil. Large seeds covered with a layer of soil with a thickness of up to 1 cm. They germinate in the same year or the next one, less often on the third. Young shoots are dialed and watered as needed. For the second year, the seedlings develop only the top escape, for the third to form the first flutter of lateral shoots.

Garden forms of pines Garden forms of pines are breved in love. When buying pines, it is important to know where the look does not lose its landing in the first winter. Cuttings, even in dwarf forms, root very badly. A well-pronounced crown, a young plant is usually acquired by 5-7 years and up to 15-25 years old dressed by branches almost to the ground. But from 20-30 years old begins the lower branches. The crown acquires the egg-shaped form first, then the spherical and, finally, becomes more or less flat, or umbrella-shaped. Having achieved almost marginal growth in height, the trees develop the crown of stitch, especially in single landings.

Transfer Pines carry the transplant painless only at young age. But the cautious handling of the root system is required even then. First of all, the roots should be protected from drying. For adult plants require preliminary preparation of the root system. Only a pine mountain, having a more compact root system, is easier to transfer the transplant with relatively large sizes. Material from the site: - pine - landing, breeding, garden forms of pines, transplant

Collection and drying of raw materials

Dosage purposes use pine buds, pollen, needles, resin (zhivitsa), products obtained from pine: turpentine, tar, rosin, wood vinegar. The kidneys are collected in the spring in March - April, when they are swollen, but did not move into growth and covering their scales pressed against the kidney and glued. With too early collects (in February), the kidneys have small sizes and there are fewer biologically active substances. The collection is produced with a spring cutting of the forest, sanitary cleaning of pine planting. When collecting in young landings, forests are categorically prohibited to collect the top kidneys. The destruction of the top kidney makes the tree unsuitable in the future for receiving business wood. Collect the kidneys with whole groups in the form of crowns (with the residues of a branch with a length of about 3 mm), cutting off their knife or tearing off his hands. Single buds are also used and separated. With old kidney trees are not assembled, as they are too small. The collected pine kidneys are dried in attics or under canopies with good ventilation, decomposing them with a thin layer (3-4 cm). You can not dry the raw materials in attics with an iron roof or in dryers, as with this method of drying the kidney resin melts, the quality of raw materials is often reduced. In good weather in attics and under the canopies, raw materials dries in 5-10 days. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years. The smell of raw fragrant, resinous, taste is bitter, the color is pinkish-brown. You can collect at any time of the year, but best in the late autumn and in winter, when it contains the largest number of ascorbic acid and essential oil. The preparation of technical greenery (coniferous foot) to obtain chlorophyllic paste, coniferous extract and coniferous-vitamin flour from it are made on the conceded trees throughout the year, by roasting shoots (thickness up to 8 mm). Zhivitsa pine (liquid resin) is obtained during the growing season. The line is produced in 5-10 years before cutting the forest. From the purified gils (turpentine), the turpentine and rosin. Overlooked mmmole stumps are subjected to dry distillation. In this case, they receive turpentine, liquid tar and charcoal, and by distillation with water ferry branches (paws) - essential oil.

Pharmacological properties

The pine kidney decoction acts as an expectorant due to the excitation of the secretory activity of the respiratory tract, to reduce the viscosity of sputum, stimulation of the function of the family epithelium. In addition, buds of pine have a diuretic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, disinfecting effect. Preparations made of pine needles have expectant, antimicrobial, disinfecting, diuretic, anticating, painful properties.

1. Well-mounted young cheva pine (50 g) insist in boiled water (2 glasses) for 2 hours in a dark cool place. In a lesion solution for taste add a bit citric acid and sugar sand. Use immediately after cooking, since when storing the drink loses vitamins.2. To boiling water (215 ml) put a thoroughly washed with pine hive (40 g), sugar (8 g), lemon zest (1 g), cook 30 minutes under the lid, strain, cool, add lemon juice (3 g).

Sherbet coniferous.

For the preparation of 150 ml of a drink of several spruce or pine needles to be confused into a mortar, adding raspberry syrup (30 ml), strain syrup and gently pour the glass to the bottom. Carefully, on the blade of the knife, so that individual beverage layers are not mixed, pour chilled orange juice into a glass (70 ml). Top to put ice cream (50 g), decorate with a sprig of needles.

If the pine designer landed on the garden plot

The problem is considering engineer gardening and park construction, landscape designer - Nata_Land

It happens that gardeners complain that lovingly trembling pines begin to yellow themselves. We can say, with the fading of the heart, people ask: "Are they already dying?" As often ask Told me this question - I will explain publicly for all those who suffer, who at the beginning of the fall (and sometimes in May) are yellowing any pines - mountain, black, ordinary, cedar and ilk. To understand, a tree dies or everything is fine with him, despite the yellowness, very simple.
Evergreen is just a figure of speech. Coniferous plants, as well as deciduous, periodically change the foliage, or rather a cheva, and this is an absolutely normal process. Just do this robbery less frequently, as deciduous, about once every 2-4 years, in the sense that if the kingdom "was born" this year, it was destined to live green from the year to 4 years. If the tree is very, very good - it will be less rarely changing, and if you just transplanted or experienced other stresses - more often.
Look, what part of the needles yellow. Considering the branch, it was very easy to see how she grew up, count how many years she has been for so-called dwellers - the sprigs of the soldiers, distinguish between last year's shoots, before last year and so on. From where in the branch of the yellowness, the escape of what year breaks up with a cheese, it depends literally everything!
1. At the tip of each viable pine branch, the kidney (or several kidneys) should be laid. What it is larger and greater - the better the tree feels.
2. Wheel (kidney) sits at the end of the shoot of the current year. In trees that are not going to die, but to live, he should be green.
3. The escape of the previous (second) year at pine, most likely, also remains green, but if the needles on it turns yellow - it is just a sign of some weakenly tree, a dropping ballast that is not able to pull the roots. Such a pine next year is preferably feeding with delicious coniferous fertilizers. She is not going to die, do not worry.
4. If the needles of the needle of the wave of the year - and FIG (sorry) with it. Everything is okay. But if she suddenly green - your pine is notepimo good, they just bow out of good care.
So, if the kidneys are laid on your pines in the tops of the shoots (green inside - resinous outside), the needles near the kidneys are quite green - do not worry, everything is fine, after the only exception.
The only exception:
Carefully inspect the pine stem. Whether there are no holes, there is a born flour under these holes - brown smallest chips, whether the bark does not fall off? If there is - Kirdyk tree. This is a croroede. Then the tree must be cut down immediately and be sure to bother so that it does not become a new hordes of the beetle.

Analysis of the growth of pine (Pinus Silvestris) on the territory of the State Forest Natural Reserve "Families Orman"

Table ground germination of seeds,%, with various ways of soil preparation

Various representatives of herbal cover have an unequal impact on the emergence of shoots. Below are data on the effect of herbal cover on the appearance of pine shoots.

Primer germination of seeds,%

Bean (rank, clover, astagal) 4.0

Son-grass 8.4

Lingonberry 3.0.

Creeps 8.0

The negative effect of herbal cover is due not only to the drainage of the soil, but also by other undesirable consequences. Especially detrimental to the emergence of germs affects herbal cover from cereals.

Seed seeds have 4--7 triangled cotyledons. Coupling on Single shoots, sits spiral. The needles, located on shortened shoots pairly, appears in the second year. On the elongated second-year shoot, the top and several side kidneys are laid, of which the next year the axial escape is developing with 2--3 lateral notes forming the first dwelle, then the muts are formed annually, which allows them to count the age of the tree. However, firstly, to calculate the age of pine in the dumps easily until 30-50 years, after the specified age, the lower bumps of the meal die and they are difficult to detect; Secondly, with favorable conditions, moisturizing and the summer period and warm long autumn of the pine can give two increments of escape per year and form a second mutant. The age of the tree most accurately can be determined by calculating the annual layers of the wood on the slice of the stump in the neck of the root, since the second-year-old rings of wood in the event of the formation of the second increment of escape is not formed.

Sigger shoots are distinguished relatively high resistance to action as extremely high, so I am extremely low temperatures (Table 7).

Table The effect of high and low temperatures on the survival of pine seats

Temperature, C.

Temperature, clock


The data of the table show that the shoots of the pine successfully take out a relatively long exposure to temperatures + 50 ° C and only with a 5-hour exposure to the temperature of + 60 ° C a significant number of them dies. Shoots of pine are also suffering from both late and from the ranverous frosts, which are very often observed, especially on solid cuttings of the taiga zone.

The temperature and humidity of the soil have a great influence on the emergence and growth of shoots. It has been established that the germination of pine seeds occurs only within temperatures from + 7 to + 37 ° C. Both excess and lack of moisture make it difficult to germinate seeds. In natural conditions, pine seeds after 25 days of soaking reduce the germination of up to 15%, and after 35 days - up to 1.2%. On sandy and dust sandy soils optimal conditions For the appearance of shoots, 25% are created with soil moisture, and the bedding is 45%. With the humidity of the soil soil less than 10%, and the litter of less than 20% sections appear isolated.

Since the appearance of pine shoots, their best growth is noted with full or close to it. Exception is observed only in the southern part of the range, where the survival and growth of shoots is higher with partial shading,

The ordinary pine is a good trip when vaccinated on it different species Pines, especially the cedar of the Siberian and Pine Korean, as well as such fast-growing pines, like Weimutov, Rumelis, etc. This is a property Pines are widely used to move to experienced seeds on a selection basis. For this, seed experienced plantations are created, which provide forestry with seeds with high sowing qualities II hereditary properties, such pine plantations are created by vaccinating shards, harvested with plus trees, distinguished by high economic valuable signs: speed of growth, straight trunk, high quality wood, resistant damage, pests and diseases.

Features of the growth of seedlings of pine ordinary

The pine is preferably desirable to grow on enough fertile sampling and light-coded well-drained soils.

Pine seeds are sown in spring after the snowy for 1-- 1.5 months in well-warm soil. The best time of sowing is a period dedicated to the Fepofase of the renal refinement of the Birch and began its ability. On unscrewing soils, autumn sowing is possible before the onset of sustainable freezers (in October). An early plaster sowing with snowdered seeds (in early June) with a mandatory regular irrigation.

Pine - demanding to moisture, so her crops are watered in all zones. If necessary, we are pre-sowing and the prime watering (at the end of October). Seedlings feed mineral fertilizers To enhance their growth, especially in the first vegetation period.

In the forest zone annolete crops covered in late autumn (before the soil freezing) layer of sawdust 3--4 cm to protect pine seedlings from squeezing. In the spring, the tire is removed. On sites with sowing and seedlings are carried out with snowstand.

Seeds, which found themselves in favorable soil conditions, begin to germinate due to nutrientsexisting in the seed itself. But for the successful completion of germination, the seeds are needed air, water and heat ambient. Various hereditary data and variability of the hereditary features of the body, which caused the differentiation of plants for growth and development at the very beginning of nucleation, are intensified by diverse microclies, including the depth of seed location. The deeper the seeds in the soil are, the harder the spans to pierce the thick layer of the soil, the later they will appear.

For the normal germination of seeds of most tree breeds, it is necessary that the air temperature is 18--20 °. Different tree breeds require different temperature conditions. For example, pine begins to germinate at a temperature of 5--6 °, spruce - at 20 °, the kept is ostrootted - prints 4--5 °, and the high-air maple is about 0 °. Seeds of most tree breeds stop germination at a temperature of 40 ° and more.

Favorable to germination of pine seeds are mineralized soil, strongly decomposed humid and peat, well-protected from direct sunlight and wind.

Seed germination in the same way as the further growth and development of the seedlings depends on the compliance of seed requirements of habitat. Whether it is a preliminary resumption or subsequent, in each individual case it is necessary to promote the successful germination of seeds.

The appearance of shoots and their growth under the canopy of the mother forest depend on the access of light. The woodcutting of ripe maternal stands does not consume all useful rays of light due to aging and then penetrating to the soil, the rays of light are warming up and thereby contribute to the germination of seeds in the soil. Thus, a trustworthy self-sacker and teen appear under the canopy of ripe forest.

In addition, the seed germination is influenced by the soil wealth, condition and species ratio of grassy cover, soil moisture, relief and microrelief area, exposure of slopes and other factors of environmental conditions in combination with the hereditary features of seeds. All this must be considered in forest-state activities.

Development of shoots. Swords, or seedlings, published on the surface of the soil in the process of natural renewal, are considered a self-survey under the age of 1 year. Shoots that appeared on the surface of the soil as a result of seed sowing are called seedlings.

In the first year of his life, the sizes of shoots are far from the same. For example, the height of 2-year-old seedlings of pine ranges from 2 to 14 cm, and the height of 2-year-old seed birches varies from 11 to 76 cm. A significant difference in height, diameters and other external signs of self-learning and teenager was explained by Ch. Darwin. Wipers in the growth and development of C. Darwin explained primarily individual variability. The hereditary features of organisms within one species and age are different.

Individual variability of plants is most brightly manifested in young age. External environmental conditions, such as grassy cover, shower, snowfall, snowfalls and other factors, increase the differentiation process, which ultimately ends with an outpad. As a result of the discrepancy between the requirements of the body, the conditions of the habitat occurs natural gel, i.e. the outpad of the part of the self-learning and the teenager, which lasts in planting throughout the life of the stand, reaching a maximum at a young age.

At each stage of life, the plant in the process of its growth shows continuous requirements for the conditions of the medium, absorbing everything necessary for its existence.

For successful resumption and germination of seeds, the forest bed is of great importance. In the spring, the seeds penetrate the humus horizon with the help of melt water, where they germinate. The forest litter retains moisture in the soil and thereby contributes to the germination of seeds and the growth of germs. However, the germination of seeds and the growth of shoots depend on the thickness and density of the litter. With an increase in the thickness of the forest bedding, the total number of self-seams and teenager decreases. In the types of forest, where the litter consists of fading of hardwood-- ash, oak and conifer, resumption of pine can be successful. If there is a dense litter of maple leaves, aspen, linden, Ilm shoots, covered with these leaves, die. Maternal trees in the forest create favorable conditions for the development of self-sewn, protecting, for example, gentle shoots from the Sun, not giving a rusty to grow herbal vegetation.

Dense moss, permeated with gifs of mushrooms, in the coniferous forest prevents successful resumption. Seeds and even emerging seedlings with a strong grinding of moss cover hovering in its thick layer and in the lack of moisture die. If there is a field of wood or on the cutting of heather, the appearance of turf cereals is excluded and favorable conditions for the natural resumption of pine are created.

Live forming cover on cutting can be useful for seedlings of woody rocks, as it protects them from frosts, the burns of the Sun, which dries wind action. At the same time, the cover is dangerous for wood shoots as a competitor, which takes moisture, food, light and warmth.

Plants that appear in the first year after a fire or log cabins (for example, Cyprus), partially cover wood seats from the Sun, wind, frosts and are not their dangerous competitors. These herbate plants Associate the natural resumption of valuable tree species. Separate plants (for example, lupine and clover) enrich the soil with nitrogen, improving the development conditions of the forest. Knowing the nature of herbaceous cover, it is easy to prevent its negative effects on the growth of pine sophost.

Development of teenager. The young generation of trees starting from the second year and to the age of closure of crowns on cutting or age, in which young plants reach half the height of the upper tier of the stand, are called a teenager. The presence of a sufficient amount of teen under the canopy of the forest or on cutting does not mean that the forest needed for the economy is formed. There are a number of factors that directly or indirectly adversely affect the further course of forest formation. First of all, low temperatures and frosts often damage teen, as a result of which the plants grow poorly and take a curved form. On heavy wet and raw soils, teen squeezes frost from the soil. Among the young teenager there are a large amount of damage and diseases.

Taking into account the quality of Teenager I.S. Melejov, the following classification was proposed: a trusty physiologically, impeccable technical terms - BB (drawing); Target physiologically, but also defective technically - database; dubious - unrealized - n; Dry - dry. Classification of teenager by I. S. Melekhov can be used in assessing the preliminary associated and subsequent resumption.

The state of the teenager is its growth and development under the canopy of the forest - depending on the crowns of the maternal rope. The greatest number The trustworthy teenager always happens at fullness of 0.4--0.6. A decrease or increase in the cloud closure adversely affects the reliability and number of teenagers. There is little light and heat, the moisture in the soil in the soil is not enough, the top layer of the soil is insulted in the supercount of the soil. Therefore, those seeds that "lucky enough" here will germinate here, in the future almost everything is dying. In the rare forest, the other extreme. The abundance of light and heat contributes to the growing turf. Under these conditions, there is a teen pine, having gained independent importance, it does not withstand competition with herbaceous cover or from frosts, or from the sun and dies.

Standing pines under the forest cloud can exist 2--4 years. Teenager, which is under the woods, reacts in varying degrees to the clarification, which should always be borne in mind when justifying the ways of cutting forests. A sharp laying on the light of teen pines is less destructively affecting its further growth than the change of light conditions on the livestability of ate.

Study of growing adult pine

Growth and development of pine and its productivity

Pine growth is characterized by an increase in height, diameter, volume. The development is a qualitative change occurring in the process, growth and formation. Development differs from growth in the fact that it can be different with the same growth and is determined by external morphological, taxation and physiological features. One of the most visible signs of quality change in the process of pine growth is fruiting. In trees of the same growth and age, fruiting can come at different times of their lives.

Pine productivity is the accumulation of wood masses for a certain period of time in the form of a stock (in cubic meters). The rate of stock of wood is dependent on woody breeds and environmental conditions. Depending on how much the needs of woody rocks are satisfied with food, and will vary forest productivity.

Growth and development of wood species are the function of time and environmental conditions. Being in the state of self-seamless, young trees have a low-disabiliated root system and a small leaf surface. As the roots and leaves are growing, the assimilant ability of the crown increases, the growth of wood increases. So continues until the appearance of fruits and cones tree in the crown. With the onset of fruiting, the growth of them is slowed down and as trees stop as aging. If we take an increase in the height of the ripe forest, which grows in the optimal conditions of growth, the intensity of growth during the period of time from the self-session to the age of ripeness can be expressed by the curve (Fig.).

The sections of the curve corresponding to certain stages in the life and formation of the forest are not the same. Arriving on the cut or under the canopy of the forest of self-seaming spends energy for the decoration of the stem, the formation of leaves and the development of the roots, as if the stage of the formation of the body and prepares themselves to actively grow to the crown closure period. After closing the crown when the trees are formed on the trees at six or eight mutoes with thick ligation, the period of young people begins, characterized by a high rate of growth of the trunk in height, which continues at the age of the village and slows down after the start of fruiting. In the growing age, the trees increase fruiting and sharply decreases growth in height.

In the practice of forestry, the following age groups of pine are adopted: Young people, Gerdnyak, middle age, growing, ripe and overripe.

Young is a class of class I, up to 20 years.

Zherdnyak - therapist, located in the period of intensive growth, when the trunks have the dimensions of the pole (II class of age, i.e. from 21 to 40 years).

The average age - which is intensively growing and in the age ratio is approximately in the middle between the periods of emergence and ripeness. This is ancient aged 41 to 60 years.

Fixing-- ancient, slowed down his growth, but not reached ripeness. These are coniferous aged 61--80 years.

Ripe - pine - almost not showing signs of growth in height, but still capable of increasing the growth of wood in diameter. It is pine aged 81 to 100 years or 101 --120 years.

Perepnoye - ancient, ceasing growth, collapsed from old age and diseases from 120 years and above.

These age stages, or periods, in the life of pine are conditional in nature, since within each of them there are other qualitative changes in the process of growing trees, depending on climatic factors, changes in water mode and soil nutrition, human activity, etc.

In the growth rate of trees there are annual changes. Especially great these deviations at a young age. I will confirm this by analyzing the statistical indicators of measurements of growth in the height of pine height at the age of 15 (Table).

Pine growth rate in height

As can be seen from the table, a one-time increase in height has significant fluctuations: from 0.1 to 0.8 m: they depend on many reasons and especially from weather conditions of the growing season. The increase in height over the period of time is characterized by the average

Pine - fast-growing breed. In the absence of shading, the greatest increase in height in favorable conditions of growth is occurring at the age of 15--20 years; In the worst conditions of growth - N 25--30 years. Annual increase in pine height at favorable conditions of growth may be 0.8--1 m.

After 40--50 years, the growth in height begins to gradually decrease, although it remains a very long period. Siberia sometimes there are 300-year-old trees, which have an increase not only in diameter, but also in height. Pines reaches a height of 46-50 m with diameter of 1 m. There are separate trees over 500 years.

Pine growth in height in the conditions of South Taiga subzes, usually begins in early May and ends in the second half of June, a minor increase in the length of shoots is observed in July. Trees I class I throughout the growing season is characterized by better growth energy and grow a longer period of time, the more oppressed,

The increase in pine, but the diameter depends on the air temperature and precipitation of the growing season. During cooling, the increase is dramatically reduced. In the second half of summer, when moisture reserves in the soil are depleted, the growth of pine in diameter depends on the amount of precipitation drops. During prolonged zaxx, the radial increase stops and can be resumed after the rains.

Pine is a lightbow breed and grows well only without shading. If the fir-teen under the color of the stand does not lose viability up to 60--80 years and more, then the teen pines usually dies at the age of 10--15 years, and only group teenager, located in the windows, retains vitality above the specified period.

With natural and artificial renewal of pine on cutting with high-performance soils, clarification is necessary, i.e. the removal of hardwood, which heat the pine, dramatically deteriorates its growth and lead to death.

The poor growth of adolescent pines, especially under the canopy of adults, growing on dry poor soils, is due not only to the lack of light, but also the fact that the trees of maternal stand their powerful and well-developed roots are intercepting nutrients and moisture from the soil. Studies conducted in the steppe boras of Western Siberia and Transbaikalia, as well as in other parts of the country, indicate that the sections, artificially isolated from the root systems of the stand, have a significantly greater supply of moisture and the death of germs here is significantly less compared to control sections.

The characteristic feature of the pine is common is very high resistance to low relative humidity, as evidenced by the successful growing of pine in steppe areas, here it penetrates sometimes to the semi-desert border. Even in dry years, pine forests are damaged to a much lesser extent than forests consisting of other breeds. In pine, especially at a young age, very well expressed the ability to restore the drying vertices when they die; Gradually, the main barrel is formed from the strongest side branches. Therefore, not in all cases it should be hurrying with a solid cutting of damaged drought of young people.

According to V. V. Mironov (1977), Pine is also carrying high air humidity. So, it grows well in areas with a wet climate of the northwestern part. At the same time, with extremely high humidity of air, there is a massive loss of pine with mushroom diseases (ore altai).

The ordinary pine does not differ in high demands for soil-primer conditions. In contrast to other conifers and hardwood, it has an exceptional ability to form forest forests of the poor, as well as very wetlands. On the connecting and sampling soils within the range "of many tree breeds (spruce, birch, oak, linden) competitive! Consistent with pine, which forms clean or mixed ancient.

Pine is growing on the soils of various mechanical composition, however, on light soils (sandy, soup), it grows significantly better and faster than heavy (links, clays). In the forest area on the spoes and light loams, as well as on sandy soils, underlayed by loam, pine forms highly productive ancient.

The productivity of pine, as well as the asstensions of other woody rocks is determined by a favorable combination of such main factors such as heat, moisture, free oxygen, etc. Roots pine are distinguished by slightly increased demands to the soil temperature. The root growth begins at a temperature of about 5-6 ° C, but in the temperature range - up to 8-9 ° C is very slow (eagles, wallets, 1971).

A great influence on the growth of pine has water regime. Under the conditions of the taiga zone, the excess of moisture in the soil leads to a decrease in the duration of the growing season for roots, a decrease in the soil aeration, which worsens the wooded conditions and reduces the productivity of forests. The best pine growth is usually observed at a depth of groundwater 1.5--2 m. With an increase in the level of groundwater, oxygen mode deteriorates, which leads to the braking of growth processes.

The water in the illuvial horizon is significantly affected on the vital activity of the roots, which occurs in the spring after melting snow. With its high standing, the vital activity of the roots is delayed, the duration of the growing season is reduced and, as a result, the increase decreases. In the wet types of forest (long-distance, sphagnum) with close occurring of the outkenish horizon (0.25--0.3 m), a more successful pine growth is possible only on microwsticks.

Of all the wood species growing on sandy soils, pine is most resistant to the lack of moisture. Thus, in the zone of coniferous-deciduous forests on rippleholds with a deep level of groundwater roots, pine roots can penetrate to a depth of 6 m or more. The number of such roots is usually small. These roots supply plants by moisture during arid periods and thereby prevent pine death from draining, and also contribute to better growth and development of plants.

Pine also has a very important ability: long time to withstand a strong soil drainage. Earlier it was believed that the pine fitness to dry, poor soils due to the ability to form a powerful root system, with which the large volume of soil is covered.

Unlike other wood rocks, pine roots are very resistant to the lack of oxygen (anaerobiosis). It has been established that the sucking roots of pine, which ended in autumn, can be maintained in continuously flooded soil layers under complete anaerobiosis during the two subsequent growing periods. However, the long-term absence of oxygen in the soil leads to a decrease in the duration of periods of active life of the roots, impaired their absorbing surface, as well as to the death of a more or less significant part of the root systems, which causes a decrease in the overall balance of nutrients receipt, as well as a decrease in the productivity of Taiga pine forest products. zones.

The oxygen mode of the soil moisture depends on the intensity of the absorption of oxygen entering the soil with rain or melt water, and the rate of outflow depleted oxygen water from the soil. So, in pine-art-boxes and complex soil water can close to the soil surface, but due to the structure of the soil and its water-physical properties in these types of forest, there is a relatively fast outflow of water from the upper layers of the soil, and the oxygen concentration in it does not have time to decline Critical for the vital activity of the values \u200b\u200bof magnitude. In these types of forest, the anaerobic conditions are observed only in the lower horizons of the soil, and in wet blueberries at a depth of 40--60 cm.

In addition to the water and physical properties and the presence of oxygen, the soil fertility depends largely on the content of moving (available) forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and some other elements in it. According to the total consumption of food elements, highly productive pine, spruce and birch plantings do not have significant differences, although these rocks are distinguished by specific features in the accumulation of individual elements, especially nitrogen and potassium.

At low nutrient concentrations to the soil of pine is capable of accumulating organic matter than spruce and birch. With a decrease in the provision of young plants with nitrogen to the same value, the rate of accumulation of dry matter in pine is reduced to 62%, while a fir is 48%, in the birch - it is 24%. This is due to the fact that pine is more vigorously absorbs nutritional elements and more economically uses them. This breed is capable of supporting its existence for a long time with a very limited admission of nitrogen from the soil.

So, Pine grows on different soils - dry sandy or underdeveloped stony to marsh, from poor, deprived of mobile forms of nitrogen and other mineral elements, translated sands to rich black soils. Such a fitness is due not only to the peculiarities of pine described above, but also because this breed has a high plasticity of the root system, intense roots, the ability to cover them more or less significant part of the soil strata, penetrate the deep layers of the soil, overcome unfavorable Your properties horizons.

Pine roots and first of all their suction tip are highly resistant to adverse effects: low or high temperatures, laptop moisture and oxygen, excess salts, etc.

Depending on the power, the mechanical composition of the soil, the wealth of its minerals, water-physical properties, the dynamics of soil moisture, etc. Pine forms various root systems. Under the conditions of the northern taiga, the temperature and development of the root systems have a great influence of the temperature and depth of the soil in the growing period, since the roots of wood species, as a rule, show their livelihood only at a temperature, not lower than 5--6 ° C.

On relatively loose soils with a fairly favorable mode of moisturizing, aeration, temperature and nutrient content of pine pine forms powerful horizontal roots (mainly in the surface layer), as well as deeply penetrating the lower horizons of the soil rod and anchor. Anchor roots are formed in the immediate vicinity of the tree trunk; These roots are in turn branched to a slightly thinner running vertically down and ending in most cases deeper than the branched rod root. On loose soils with a favorable moisturizing mode and aeration, the length of horizontal roots is 2--3 times higher than the radius of the crown. Such roots are locked at a depth of 10-- 30 cm, forming the most branched activity under the layer of the forest litter. The volume of the soil used by the horizontal roots of ripe wood, up to 26 m3. Rod and anchor roots penetrate a significant depth, sometimes up to 5--6 m or more. Such a structure of the root system is found on relatively small squares, since various features Soil conditions impose a deep imprint on the morphology of root systems. Numerous studies made in various conditions indicate that the root system of pine is developing more strongly than rich soils. So, on the chernozem, the total length of all the roots is significantly less than in the sands.

On dry and poor sandy soils with a deep level of groundwater, the pine is developing a powerful branched surface root system up to 18--20 m long, i.e., 2 times more than on the squeezes. In the underlying conditions, vertical roots penetrate a small depth. It has been established that at no longer conditions increases the ratio of the mass of the roots to the ground part.

Under the conditions of excessive moistening, the structure of the root system of pine is primarily determined by the drainage of the soil. On the dend-podzolic and podzolic soils, the roots of pine penetrate the depth of up to 2 m and more, but the main mass of the roots is located in the upper layer to 10-- 30 cm. In addition to the roots developing in the surface layer of the soil, which make up 80--90% of the total Quantities, there is an abundant development of roots in the wilderness horizon. These roots account for 8--10% of their total.

On the shape of a rod root of a pine 20--40-year-old age, growing on the drained areas, S. E. Vomperski (1968) 4 types of root systems are allocated:

the root is directed vertically down with a blunt or shortened ending, from which the horizontal root brush is moving;

the root in the form is the same as in type 1 or more frightened, but is directed obliquely down;

the root at a depth of 10 cm is curved sharply, takes a horizontal direction, gradually soles, forming a robe of root endings;

the root is represented by several walking deep roots, whose ends are very branched; Each such root has the appearance of "paws";

the root is absent or has a view of a horizontal root.

Factors affecting pine growth

Factors affecting pine growth are extremely diverse. All of them express the provision of plants in living conditions. Some of them are positive, i.e., contribute to a high pace of accumulation of wood mass and creating favorable medium conditions, other negative, i.e. slow down growth.

Favorable factors for pine growth should be considered the optimal air and soil conditions, moisture security and air permeability of the soil, the presence of ash elements, nitrogen and trace elements for the supply of plants.

Negative factors are sharp fluctuations in air and soil temperature, disadvantage or stagnation of moisture in the soil, the abundance of competitive herbs, etc. In the fight against unfavorable conditions media, often adapting to them and caused them, young wood plants, growled, form a solid forest canopy. There is a closure of a cannon, often depending on the number of individuals on a unit area. From the moment of closure, the young trees experience new conditions other than those. Since then, the process of the formation of angle, uniting growth and development in one inseparable integer begins. The new forest is to either naturally, or with the help of a person, to replace that maternity canopy, which, having achieved the maximum stock of wood, was cut to meet the needs of the needs of the national economy.

The formation of a new forest on the place of the fledged concomitant or subsequent resumption occurs differently and depends primarily from biological features. At the same time, the composition of young people is of great importance. Different tree breeds have an unequal growth rate in height. So, light-loving conifer breeds of Vaimutov, etc.-- in young age increases in height more vigorously than, for example, a shadowless fir, fir, although in favorable conditions and those and others achieve ultimately 30--35 m in Height. The growth rate of trees in a closed forest floor depends on the conditions of growth. On fresh sandy soils, underlayed by the maternal rock, easy-to-mechanical composition, pine reaches I class I bonitet, and on dry sands or on soils of wetlands - Bonitet class.

After the crown of the crowns of trees and the formation of the forest is a decisive factor in the successful formation of the forest is the number, or density, stand. Depending on the number of trees on a unit of Square on each particular age stage of the forest, the trees are differentiated, i.e., manifestation of the properties of growth and the development of trees in the forest floor. Thus, the growth, development and productivity of the forest must be considered in connection with the space (land, atmosphere), time and security of living conditions.

Changing pine ordinary

Changing pine fir. The attention of forest products and nerds has long been replaced by a replacement of pine fir and the reverse replacement process of spruce.

High demanding to soil and flowing moisture, large trendiness in young age compared with the pine ensure a good growth under a pine canopy (Fig. 49). The resulting second tier of ate prevents the resumption of pine, impairs physical and chemical properties Soil, helps to increase its acidity. In the spring time, the soil under fir is in a cold condition for a long time. All this weakens the normal growth of the first tier of pine, it begins to dying and yielding her place ate. The pine canopier serves as a positive factor for the village of Eli. But not under any pine canopy spruce finds favorable conditions for growth. B. Low-stock products growing on poor sandy soils, spruce either either does not form or die shortly after the appearance. On wetlands, where Pine has IV - V classes of Bonitet, spruce teenager does not happen. On the rich soils, the underlying mother breed of a heavier mechanical composition, the Eli manifests the properties of the "conqueror" of the territory. There is a sensitivity to the wealth of soil with mineral nutrition elements. Replacing a pine tree, spruce forms high-performance ancient on soils rich in nitrogen, with flowing moisture. On the soils, in which the top horizon is sandy and betes light and medium-sized links, the spruce is less productive than pine, and therefore the predominance of ate on these soils does not represent a refinery or economic value. By logging out the departure and other forestry techniques, the forestwater can send the shift of rocks to the desired side.

Changing pine birch and aspen. This process occurs most often after solid cutting of pine stand. On the freshly squeezed soils on the place of the fledged pine forest on the cutting, as I. S. Melekhov believes, a herbaceous cover may be preserved, released from under the forest, and adapt to new environmental conditions. These are lichen, long-shaped cutting. The appearance of birch and aspen on lichen and durable deforestations is combined with the resumption of pine, whose shoots maintain the competition of herbs and hardwood. After cutting the birch, natural pine teen appears.

Changing pine oak occurs in complex pine-oak plantations, where because of the thick undergrowth and the second tier, the pine is not renewed. The inepting cutting of the forest contributes to the formation of a threshold oak low-performance forest, which can be prevented in the process of proper forestry activities.

Selection of pine ordinary

Pine ordinary (Pinus Sylvestris L.) is a typical forest-forming breed. It creates the appearance of the forest and together with other plants forms the characteristic forest communities - a group of pine forest types. Pine wood durable, resistant against rot, is well processing. From the logs build houses, grinding, rudpatic, telegraph poles. The bark of pine trees is pressed into briquettes that can be used as fuel. Pine resin - valuable raw materials for the production of rosin and turpentine, which is used in the production of varnishes, paints and even drugs. It is well adapted to various conditions Growing: grows on sandy and clay soils, rocks, swamps, often where other tree breeds can not grow.

When forming a varietal ideal of pine ordinary, forest-growing features and manifold of economic use are taken into account. The improved breeding material of the ordinary pine should be responsible to the following primary criteria:

* High productivity;

* Resistance to diseases (bubble rust, root sponge, spin, pine sponge, etc.) and pests (subcortical bug, pine sawder, etc.);

* sufficient reproductive reproducibility;

* good shape Barrel and high quality wood.

In addition to the above-mentioned key criteria, some special varieties of ordinary pine should have special properties, for example, high with mole about productivity or drought resistance. Separate variety criteria are often mutually excluded each other. Thus, the selection on productivity, as in general, any selection can lead to a henofand of the form and, as a result, to a decrease in immunity and stability. You should always remember this when working with forest wood plants.

The direction of selection of pine ordinary depends on the specific purpose of creating plantations and from the region. In the forestry-industrial regions of the country, breeding is carried out on high productivity, for the forest area in the southern - on drought resistance, immunity to diseases and resistance to pests. In regions where concentrated cuttings are practiced and the task of the fastest afforestation of large areas should be focused on the variety population. The principal possibility of obtaining such varieties is evidenced by the practice of selection of positive plantations.

Forms of diversity. The ordinary pine is a very polymorphic view. Of the large number of forms described by L.F. Pravdina (1964), 31 were highlighted in the form of the crown and trunk, 9 - on the structure of the crust, 21 - in size and painting of the needles, 12 - on the color of the strobils and the structure of the cones, 3 - on the quality of wood and 5 - in color seeds. Each ancient consists of a variety of trees, differing by morphological, anatomical, physiological and other signs. Among them are forms that have valuable properties that can become an object of selection.

According to the type of crown, pine is distinguished by narrow-blooded, ordinary and concrete trees. The main features defining the shape of the crown are: the length and thickness of the bruises, the angle of attaching the branches to the trunk, the number of shoots in one mutant. The lateral branches of the first order in narrow-blooded pines thinish, with a diameter of up to 3 cm, depart from the trunk at an angle of 30-60 °, but there are individuals with short branches that are separated from the trunk at a right angle (column-visible form). The branch branches of the first order branches in the branch are thick, depart from the trunk at an angle of 60-90 °. The branches in the muve of them are usually less than that of trees with a narrow crown.

In the structure of the peel, it is customary to distinguish between the scaly and plate-tokore forms of pine. The hereditary sign is also the height of raising on the trunk of coarse crust. Signs of the color and structure of the bark, like the form of the crown, change significantly with the age of trees. A good sign that allows you to clearly allocate individual forms is the structure of the panel (apophysia) in pine cones scraps. According to the structure of apophysia, flat, convex (bug) and hooked forms are distinguished. The shape of the cones within the tree is the same, but trees usually meet all forms. The representation of convex forms within the pine range is about the same everywhere. Flat shield trees are more common in the north, and with hooked - in the south.

Several forms of pine are isolated in color of seeds. The color of seeds is monotoned in all cones of the tree and does not change depending on age. In the north of the range, pine trees with brighter coloring seeds prevail, in the south - with dark. According to some authors, the color of seeds in pine has a protective value, and a wide variety of shades is associated with the variety of substrates, which are seed after departure from the cones. The main colors of the pine seed are: black, brown, motley and beige or light. About the structured value of these forms information is contradictory, but most authors celebrate some trees advantage with dark painted seeds.

Special economic value have forms that differ in growth rate. Forms on the intensity of growth in pine can be highlighted, starting from early age. At the annual seedlings rebel oppressed in growth and patients. Among the two-year plants, fast-growing copies differ not only with dimensions, but also the amount and size of the top kidney, as well as the length of the needles. Long-screwed pine seedlings with the number of top kidneys over five and with the early terms of their dissolvement were in test cultures more fast-growing. Starting from about 10 years of age, the growth intensity form can be determined directly in height. There is evidence that the village of pine, overtaking at the height at this age of their peers, continue to maintain a leading position in the future. However, the final judgment on the speed of growth of trees can be made up aged two-thirds of the age of cutting.

11.1.3. The methods of selection of pine ordinary main method of selection of pine ordinary is considered selection. Hybridization as a selection method can also be used, but a large period of obtaining the results of this method when working with durable plants move it to the second largest plan. The work on the experimental mutagenesis of pine is also conducted, but as long as it did not go beyond the limits of scientific institutions and in the practice of forestry does not matter much. Vegetative reproduction of the pine is difficult, so the selection of the species is not focused on the clone, but on the family and population level. The most common common when working with a pine ordinary is massive selection during the breeding inventory of natural pine trets. With an increase in the age of experimental geographical and testing crops, the selection of better climates, ecotypes and forms is becoming increasing importance.

It is also promising with the selection taking into account the molding diversity when cutting out the departure of the forest.

3.4 National Equity of Pine Ordinary and its Economic Efficiency

It is difficult to overestimate the national economic, aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic and recreational value of pine and formed pine plantations. All parts of a pine tree, ranging from kidneys, needles and ending with stumps and roots, are very valuable raw materials for woodworking, pulp and paper, timber, medical and other industries. In tab. 10 shows the data characterizing the productivity of various parts of pine woods.

Great value of pine to protect the soil from erosion, improving the climatic conditions and water regime. It is widely used in the creation of traction strips, strengthen the rolling sands, afforesting the banks of rivers and overview-beam systems; It is used for gardening cities, workers' settlements. In pine forests, a large number of mushrooms, berries and very important forestry raw materials are harvested - Zhivitsa,

Table ratio,% to absolutely dry mass, different parts of pine racks of different ages

As can be seen from the table, the main mass of the tree is a trunk that consists of organic substanceswhich includes carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other chemical and minerals. The content of these elements in different tree species is almost the same.

Table Chemical composition Woods,% of absolutely dry mass

Wood in pine shiny, soft, resinous, well gives back to bend, easily ourselves. Swamp is wide, yellowish-white, core of brown-red color. Sevective layers are clear; Late wood is quite dramatically different from the earlier; Smith strokes numerous, rather large. Core rays, numerous, up to 0.5 mm high.

The quality of pine wood, prepared in various natural and geographic areas, is not the same. Thus, in the northern regions of Pine usually has higher technical qualities than pine growing, in other areas. Within each area, the technical properties of wood depends on the conditions of growth. It is known that the pine grown on boron, well-drained sandy soils, is distinguished by yellowish-red, fine-grain, has the most dense and resinous wood. Pine, growing on wet and rich soils, has wood more loose, coarse, less resinous and less durable.

It has been established that with an increase in the content of late wood, the physico-mechanical properties of wood pine are improved. The most high-quality wood is located in the comlevous part of the first log.

When assessing the quality of wood, in addition to physical and mechanical properties, its defects are taken into account. The main varietophores include bitch, rot, curvature and cracks. The standards define the requirements for permissible vice sizes in a variety of each sorting.

Various forestry events conducted in the process of creating and growing pine forests have a great influence on the quality of the grown wood. More thick plantings are distinguished by a smaller batch, higher coefficients of the shape of the barrel. The batch of pine also affects the composition of the angle. So, the admixture of birch often contributes to an increase in pine sunscity. If there is a task to grow pine to obtain high quality wood, then the admixture of birch is undesirable.

However, when solving such issues as the choice of density lugs, their composition at different stages of growth and development, etc., it is necessary to take into account not only the amount of wood grown, but also a number of other points: the cost of growing, the subsequent need for cutting care, The performance of water protection functions by planting of various compositions and others. Pine forests are characterized by high output of the main assortments (Table).

Table Exit,% leading assortments from pine wood

Due to the high properties and quality, pine wood is used in industrial, housing, agricultural and railway construction; It is very widely used in the coal, mining and oil industry, bridge, ship, car buildings, as well as in agricultural engineering, is widely used in the furniture industry, as well as for the manufacture of containers and plywood. In the process of logging from the barrel pine, the following main assortments are prepared: a sawmaker, construction logs, a mining rack, a seal, poles, pins and shipbuilding ridges, hydrostroincing logs and for pillars, plywood ridges, balances.

The demand for assortments, prepared in pine forests, annually increases. Therefore, in almost all parts of the country, the estimated texture but a pine farm is mastered completely.

Stumps pine after 10-75 years after cutting the trunks are used for the workpiece of punch osmol - chain raw materials for obtaining resinous substances in ground-chicken production. The billet of punch osmola is carried out with the help of cortic machines or explosive way.

Given that Osmole is bought on old cutting, where pine young people usually occur, it is necessary to take measures to preserve the latter. When using the cortic machines on cuttings, more than young is damaged than with an explosive way. For the removal of osmola, for the purposes of greater preservation of young, wolves should be laid on old forestry roads, buses, rogs. Despite the measures taken to preserve young, it dies very much in the process of mentioning. To eliminate the unwanted consequences at clearing, it is necessary to strengthen the research on the use of fresh meals as osmole, as well as to increase the resinness of pine wood with a scorching.

When serving the main and intermediate use, except for the barrel and stumps, another component of the tree is becoming increasingly used on the processing - Krone, especially its green part - needles. In the cells, the needles are contained by numerous people needed biologically active substances - vitamins, chlorophyll, microelements, etc. From the needles make plates for baths. The mechanical and chemical processing from the needles receive vitamin flour, chlorophyllo-carotine paste, essential oils. Important drug raw materials are pine buds and spring shoots. Pine kidneys are harvested in early spring at the time of their swelling, when the upper scales are closed and the kidneys have not yet revealed. In the kidneys there are essential oils of resin, tanning substances.

Browns of pine, which make up about 10-- 15% of the total stock of the old, are used for the manufacture of technological chips. The seams are used in the pulp and paper industry, for the production of chipboard and tree fiber plates, building blocks, plastics, etc.

Non-timber products of pine plantations

Pine and pine forests give valuable products not only as a result of cutting hardware, but also in the process of their livelihoods. The main and most important product of the lifetime use of pine forests is Zhivitsa. Fresh, leakage from the pine, the Allowers is a light (almost colorless) viscous liquid. It consists of almost non-volatile crystalline resin acids (rosinis) and bats of terrent hydrocarbons (turpentar). In the air, the Allbiz quickly flies, becomes opaque and more viscous, clogged with pieces of bark, needles and wood (mechanical impurities), as well as water from rain and grew. Zhivitsa contains about 75% of rosin, 18--20% of terrent hydrocarbons (turpentar), 5--7% water and up to 1% of different mechanical impurities.

It is difficult to name the industry, where the products of the processing products were not used. Pine zhivitsa in recycled form is used to prepare some drugs in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as for the preparation of typographical paints and lithographic inks, mastic and ski ointments.

The main product of the Zhivitsa - rosin - used in cellulose and paper, paint, chemical, electrical and soap industry. It should be emphasized that the rosin in these industries, except soapy, has no equivalent substitutes. Riniphol is also used to prepare a valuable preparation - Creolain, widely used in veterinary medicine.

From the growing pine, the savage is mined by applying systematic suns, so-called shinks, or repetitions, on a tree trunk in the growing season (April - September). Removals are applied to resume the exit of the Livis. Zhivitsa, flowing at the pine slope, is in the special channels of resin moves, which are located in wood, needle, primary crust. For the number, only resin moves are important, located in the swamp wood. The zhivitsa is formed in the lining moisy of cells, from where it is squeezed into the cavity of the resin canal. As the channel of the resin stroke is filling, the lining cells are compressed, creating pressure on the wire located in the channel. When applying, the jungle follows from the resin stroke, and then the newly formed by the Live again fills the resin moves.

Conclusions and offers

Due to the fact that the pine area is very extensive: in the north it comes to the border of the forest zone and due to the fact that this wood has high resistance to rotting, high enough strength is well processed, it is very widely used. It is used in construction, mechanical engineering, furniture manufacturing, railway transport, cargo production, for mounting mining dashing, etc. In addition to her pine is the filling natural wealth, in contrast to both iron and oil, so it can be very widely used.