
Bathroom design with blue blue mosaic. How to use mosaic in the interior of the bathroom

Vegetable crops

In the planning of the bathroom repair, special attention must be paid finishing work Wall and floor. Increased humidity, periodic temperature shifts, a possible mechanical effect on the walls - all these factors indicate the need for the stability of the facing material to the above conditions. Combining the bathroom with a toilet, which is so often found in apartment houses, requires the surface of simplicity in washing and resistance to an aggressive chemical environment detergents. One of the best constructive solutions of this issue will be cladding walls with mosaic, since this material fully meets all the necessary requirements.

Mosaic in the bathroom opens up new features for the interior designer

Advantages of mosaic

In addition to its high functionality and the indisputable beauty, the mosaic has several advantages over the rest of the facing materials.

  • Practicality - mosaic is very easy to wash even after strong contaminants.
  • Durability - with proper laying, this material will serve the owner of a long time.
  • Resistance to temperature and humidity drops.
  • A wide range of products will give the opportunity to choose a mosaic for any style of the bathroom.
  • Easy facing - work with a mosaic makes it possible to accumulate any, not even smooth surfaces, and also gives a fantasy space, allowing you to create a variety of ornaments.
  • Can be facing surfaces from any material, be it concrete, plaster or wood.

The beauty of the mosaic decor is combined with its emergency practicality

Among the flaws, the only aspect is the price of facing, but when depreciation is taking into account for a long service life, this deficiency is leveled and becomes rather the advantage of this material.

Mosaic will keep his beauty for a long time, despite unfavourable conditions Operating

Of course, the mosaic is the perfect option for the interior of the bathroom due to its practicality, but should not please the beauty that it is possible to create thanks to this material. Weight designer ideas Create a huge scope of style selection of both for a combined bathroom in a small Khrushchev and for the design of a chic bathroom in a big house.

Decorative mosaic capabilities are endless

Bathroom design with mosaic and its features

Bathroom design with mosaic begins with material selection. There are several cladding concepts, among which the most popular is the combination of mosaic with tile and the creation of ornaments without the participation of the tile.

Mosaic and tile are created for each other

Deciding with the design design project, you must select the shape, size and color of the mosaic. The main forms of tiles are square, rectangle, rhombus and oval. As practice shows, it is more convenient to work with a square mosaic with dimensions of 10 * 10, 20 * 20 or 50 * 50 millimeters.

Large mosaic beige color will be a great background for bathroom interior objects

The drawing ornament can be diverse. You can simply choose your favorite color gamut in bright or bright colors, imitation of nautical patterns, various panels or ornaments in the entire wall. If the plumbing knot of the apartment is combined, it is necessary to designate the disarming of the toilet and the bathroom in a smooth transition of the pattern or the color gamut mosaic tile.

Ethnic ornament will give the interior bathroom national flavor

Decorative mosaic elements like a "chip" bathroom

In addition to the complete decoration of the walls, the mosaic can be approached to this issue with a fantasy and create a unique decor element that will become a real raying of the room. To do this, you can create a panel with a picture or fresco, which can be like small sizes, so and take the entire wall. Pictures of paintings can be diverse, but the most appropriate options with sea theme or wildlife are most appropriate. It is important to observe the overall stylistics of the room, and in the case of creating several panels to observe their unified direction. Otherwise, the walls will look tasteless and ridiculous.

From fine mosaic tiles you can fold a beautiful panel

Decorative mosaic allows you to create real masterpieces

On modern decorative tile You can capture landscape

The main types of mosaic in the bathroom interior

A huge range of material for cladding is not limited to colors and sizes. The modern building market has several basic materials for the manufacture of mosaic tiles.

Ceramic tile

The most common material in this industry. He received widespread due to a relatively low price, a large range of color solutions, practicality in operation.

Ceramic mosaic has the widest range and inexpensive price

Ceramic mosaic with gilding fill the bathroom with metal glitter high-tek

With the help of ceramic mosaic you can successfully imitate natural stone

Glass mosaic

Made from quartz sand by special heat treatmentthat gives the finished product high strength to mechanical effects. This tile can also be used for walls and floors, but before facing the floor it is important to check the material for sliding. The glass texture has a property of being very slippery, especially when in contact with water. For walls, a glass mosaic is suitable perfect, giving the interior a special shine and the game of light.

Mosaic made of glass tiles of different textures gives an interesting pattern

The oldest mosaic material glass looks very modern

White and black mosaic combines well with gray-white bathroom

Natural stone tile

Suitable for cladding walls and floors, because it has exceptional mechanical properties and is not subject to chips and scratches. For the manufacture, stones such as marble, jasper, granite and onyx are used. The cost of the product is high enough, but a large duration of the service allows you to recoup the price with interest. Even with direct hit sunlight Color quality material will not change over the years.

In the middle of masonry from ceramic tiles can be laid from natural marble

Stone mosaic has its own classification.

  • Roman mosaic is performed from such a stone as pebbles. The roots of this art take their beginning in Ancient Rome, uniting the cultural heritage of Greece and Byzantium. Patterns of paintings made in this style can serve as many drawings scored by small natural stone.
  • Florentine mosaic. The next historical stage of this facing material. By execution, the Florentine mosaic is the most complicated, since thin cuts of natural stones became the facing material, carefully selected in shape, color and texture of the pattern. However, the heritage of this style is truly considered by the work of world art.
  • Russian style. The most late stage of development of mosaic originated in the Urals. According to its technology, this species is the continuation of the Florentine trend, but the feature and distinctive feature of the Russian mosaic should be considered to be leaving the external texture of the natural stone in a natural state (that is, the exclusion of grinding).

The high-cost mosaic from stone is compensated by spectacular design and durability

Wall pattern in the shower cabin made of stone mosaic

Technological process of laying mosaic

Mosaic in the interior of the bathroom with his own hands is not only beautiful, but also quite laborious. The main complexity of the facing is the preparation of walls to the state of the perfectly smooth surface. Therefore, the first stage of work is preliminary preparation. It is important to provide not only a flat wall, but also check it on the subject of integrity to eliminate the pumping of pieces of plaster.

Apply the starting and finishing layers of putty

Carefully check and align the walls before sticking the mosaic

After the preparation of the wall, you can start the blowing mosaic. The facing is carried out with the help of glue, the brand and the properties of which depend on the choice of mosaic tiles (the universal solution for all occasions does not exist). Facing is carried out from below the wall up on the pre-applied adhesive mixture. The glue is applied using a toothed spatula, which allows you to provide a better tile hitch with a wall.

Apply glue with a toothed spatula and start the sticker from the bottom row

Mosaic tile can be made in various formDepending on the basis, which can be paper, mesh or absent. Facing with your own hands will be much easier with a mosaic having a base.

After 48 hours, when the glue completely freezes, you can move to the sutures of the seams. Grout is carried out by a special construction mixture, the color of which depends on the concept of the composition itself. Excess grouts must be removed with a damp cloth or a sponge 20-30 minutes after the process itself.

Two days later, you can proceed to the grout of the seams with a special mixture

With insufficient possession of construction skills, it is better not to engage in independent cladding of walls with mosaic. In order to better use expensive material, it is better not to save, and contact the team of specialists.

There are a lot of moments familiar with experienced masters. Among the mains useful Soviets Beginner tilers can be selected as follows.

  • With small sizes of the bathroom, you should not arrange experiments with the variety of colors. In this case, two or three bright tones will be most relevant, mutually harmony with each other. In the event of the desire of contrast design, it is worth limited to two elements that will strictly join a single concept.
  • For plumbing units of small sizes worth paying attention to the mosaic of small sizes. Such a move will help visually increase the space in the room;
  • When lining ornaments of different shades of one color scheme (as in the case of marine themes), it is recommended to start with dark tones that will be at the bottom of the wall, gradually lightening the drawing to the top.
  • With self-laying mosaic, it is recommended to use a canvas exclusively with a paper or mesh substrate. An axized mosaic can deliver insurmountable difficulties to the master without proper experience in this field.
  • For floors of the floor and walls, you need to choose different consistency of the adhesive mixture. For the floor, it should be elastic, and for walls - more viscous (otherwise glue will slide down).
  • The glue needs to be adjusted, since the application to large areas will lead to its rapid drying.
  • Due to the excessive humidity of the bathroom on the seams between the mosaic, fungus and mold can be formed. To prevent this trend, it is necessary to carry out planned (approximately every six months) processing of seams special chemicals. The tile itself must be washed at least once a week (two times a week in the case of a combined plumbing node).

Observe the unity of the color palette of the bathroom

Make a smooth transition of mosaic from one color to another

In conclusion, it can be noted that the facing of the bathroom with mosaic tiles is one of the best design solutions. Thanks to its properties, this material is practical and durable, and a huge range of colors and patterns will allow you to choose any design for large and small rooms.

Watch video with mosaic examples in bathroom design:

Mosaic is really able to transform even the most ordinary and boring interior, giving him sophistication, wealth and taste. But everyone will happen only if the mosaic in the bathroom comes with all the subtleties and nuances, and the bathroom design is thought out in advance with the help of photos, sketches and advice of professionals.

Mosaic B. modern interior The bathroom is an excellent decorative tool.

Mosaic you can arrange a bathroom of any size

In addition, even the most complex curvilinear surfaces can be awarded with a small tile, making them a real interior highlight. The design of the room is a mosaic process complex and time-consuming. Here, every detail is important: the type of tile, the color palette, the layout method and its number in the interior. Also, the floor is covered with mosaic can be equipped.

Types of mosaic and their main characteristics

Mosaic is made from different materialsFor the bathroom it can be glass, smalt, stone, ceramics, porcelain or metal. In the manufacture of exclusive collections, pearl, precious stones, gold foil and artificial aquamarine can also be used.

Mosaic from Venetian Glass

  • Glass mosaic is made mainly from Venetian glass. It is a durable, waterproof, shockproof and has a one-piece structure, it means that it prevents the development of microorganisms and fungi, which populating the pores of the finishing material in wet rooms. Glass mosaic is represented in a very diverse color palette and textures. It also happens metallized or mirror.

Smalt Mosaic.

  • Smalt mosaic is a kind of glass, but unlike it has a matte tint. Get smalt by pressing the smallest particles of painted glass with the necessary impurities. As a result, each individual element is slightly different from others. In the multicolored calculation, this moment is not noticeable, but if the whole wall is lined with a single-color tile, the interior will look a little sad.

Ceramic Mosaic

  • Ceramic mosaic in appearance resembles the usual tile, actually it is only a small size. Ceramics can be glazed, matte or have the surface of any other texture. Today a mosaic with a craquelur is very popular (this is when ceramics has a unique texture with small cracks.), And especially organically, it looks in ethnic style.

Stone Mosaic.

  • Stone mosaic is made from absolutely any rock breeds, starting from the cheapest tuff and ending with rare rocks of marble, jasper or onyx. Of course, the cost of finishing will depend on the exclusivity of the material. The color texture of the stone is unique, and the mosaic facing is obviously unique and luxurious. Stone mosaic can be polished or kolotaya.

Metal Mosaic

  • Metal mosaic is a modern and elegant solution, but relevant such decoration will be far from all styles. The surface of the metal tile can be matte or polished to the mirror glitter. It produces more often from aluminum or stainless steel, but any other metals can imitate its surface.

Mosaic use options in the interior

Finishing shelves with mosaic in the bathroom interior

Mosaic in the bathroom can be used for:

  • wall cladding (completely, in the form of panel or friezes);
  • floor finishes (full facing, layout of mats or friezes);
  • creating apron (near the washbasin, bathroom, shower);
  • screen decoration under the bathroom, countertops, pallet for the shower and other surfaces, in particular non-standard forms;
  • finishing of built-in shelves or niches.

Interior design ideas mosaic

In most apartments and houses of sizes, or even at all. But it is in such premises that correctly chosen mosaic will become an exquisite addition of the interior and will help visually expand the space. For example, in the event that the shallow tile will be lined with a wall opposite the large mirror.

Mosaic pattern in the bathroom

  • Mosaic is an excellent way to zoning space. Functional zones can be separated by posting part of the wall and floor with a mosaic, while the rest of the surface will be lined with a conventional tile. No less effectively, the elements framing zone will look: smooth or strip curves.
  • Mosaic can be put on only a few thin stripes on the walls or on the floor, so that the interior gains new paints, especially if the large and fine tiles are selected in contrasting shades.
  • If you wish, the mosaic can be lined with all the walls and the floor, but this finish is very active and, as a rule, it must be diluted with one or two monochrome walls.
  • Very fresh and originally a rectangular mosaic laid out in the horizontal layout.
  • Using a mosaic in design opens so much wide opportunitiesWhat is difficult to decide where and in what quantity it will be appropriate. Perhaps a little easy task View photos from the gallery in which the most beautiful and original interiors Bathrooms.

Bathroom interior with mosaic over the entire wall of the walls

Tip! Mosaic lay out not only the usual chaotic patterns, and the whole pictures. Mosaic panel will undoubtedly become a central element of the interior, since it looks very impressive, originally and unusual. A part of the wall, lined in this way, is not inferior to the usual ceramic finish on operational characteristics.

Choosing a color palette

A feature of the mosaic is that it can be both monophonic and easily allows you to combine on little plot dozens of shades. Choosing this or that color palette is important to focus on the overall concept of the interior and the result that is expected in the end.

Combination of shades in a mosaic pattern

  • Mosaic gradient, he is a smooth transition from the dark to bright - today it is one of the most popular colors when it comes to mosaic. Guided here the same rules as for conventional tiles. In small rooms, the dark bottom should smoothly move into a brighter top, and in spacious bathrooms can be done on the contrary, light bottom and dark top.
  • Pixel mosaic is a combination of several shades, less than two, in chaotic order. But unlike gradient, there are no special color accents here.

Pixel mosaic in the bathroom interior

  • Color combination with tiles. In the event that the mosaic is combined with conventional ceramic tiles, the most dark color A separate element of the mosaic should be the darker of the main palette of the room, and the brightest, respectively, lighter, in the flesh to white.
  • Monotonous solution. It is very interesting to be a mosaic with a pearl brilliance, if you put it with stripes or pattern against the background of matte walls in the same color.
  • Metal mosaic looks stylish and expensive. But it makes the situation somewhat cooler, so it is recommended to use such a finish only for decorating and selection individual elements interior.
  • The only way to lay a mosaic in which a dozen is possible, and sometimes from hundreds of colors is a panel and paintings. They make the interior bright, unusual and very cozy. Finished patterns and panels from mosaic are rarely laid out directly on the wall. They are sold in the form of separate fragments collected on fiberglass grid or paper. To create a panel can be used any kind of mosaic, but more often it is a smalt.

Bathroom design with mosaic: video

Bathroom interior with mosaic: photo

The combination of tiles with a mosaic in the bathroom can completely change the interior of the room, giving it a more expensive look. No wonder the mosaic is becoming increasingly popular like the designers and those owners who themselves make repairs.

The mosaic tile is suitable for both small bathrooms in Khrushchev, and for spacious premises. It is possible to combine mosaic with any materials: vinyl wallpaper, plastic panels, textured paint or plaster. But most often, a ceramic tile with a mosaic is used in the bathroom.

Advantages of a combination of mosaic with tiles

It would seem why in the bathroom add another finishing material other than ceramics? Why it is impossible to arrange all the walls and floors only with tiles, because, is it the most practical material? Of course, it is possible, but the combination of tiles and mosaics has several advantages:

First, the mosaic is one of the "flexible" materials, in the literal sense of the word. It can be facing complex forms, curly niches and countertops for the sink. The space under the bathroom of the semicircular shape is also better than plastic material, and the mosaic for this is suitable as it is impossible.

Secondly, if there are many complex protrusions in the room for the adoption of water procedures, it is much more complicated to be facing them: labor and material cost will increase, because the tile will need to cut, waste will become more.

Thirdly, mosaic can adjust the design by adding where necessary, vertical or horizontal frieze. Also, you should not forget that from small pixel modules you can add any image or pattern, complementing the main tile. Also, this material can be used to zoning the room.

As for the stability of the mosaic elements to the chemical impact and an increased level of moisture, most are not inferior to good ceramic tiles. Even the temperature of the mosaic is withstanding from minus to

Another advantage of the mosaic can be called a variety of material from which mosaic elements are made: glass, ceramics, acrylic, metal, natural stone, wood.

Mosaic is stacked in the same way as the tile - glued on most of the bases (concrete, plaster, plasterboard, wood, foam blocks, metal).

In a word, the advantages of the tile mosaic are not less than that of ceramics, but there are features inherent in this type of finishing material.


However, any construction or finishing material has not only advantages, but also cons. In our case, this is the financial side of the issue. This applies to both the material itself, the same work on its installation. It will also require more grouting in the place where mosaic was laid.

But, on the other hand, high-quality work and materials that will serve for many years and will delight the eyes - a profitable investment. After all, as in any way, we start the day with the bathroom, and end it here.

How to pick up a mosaic to the tile

Using two finishing materials, it is necessary to take into account the different properties of their properties, right up to the sizes. To choose a mosaic for a bathroom, consider the following:

  • product material;
  • form and size of modular elements;
  • tint and combination with the main tile.


Depending on the material from which the mosaic is made, you can get a different visual effect. To date, manufacturers produce tiles of the following materials:

  • Plastic.The most economical option, both in price and in appearance. However, even the cheapest mosaic may look better than budget ceramic tiles. So, for the preservation of the budget, you can think over the combination of simple tiles with a plastic mosaic. As for strength and hygienic properties, such a material is not inferior to the cafée. One of the practical solutions for the use of plastic mosaic is on the floor, since it is less slippery than a ceramic tile.
  • Ceramics. One of the most popular and frequently used for bathrooms. Ceramics mosaic make it easier to pick up to the thickness tile and color gamma. Most often, manufacturers produce a mosaic suitable for a specific collection of ceramic tiles. The mosaic ceramics is obtained from a mixture containing kaolin or clay, they are subsequently covered with icing - the process is identical to the manufacture of ordinary tiles. Ceramics mosaic can have both a glossy surface and rough, matte.
  • Glass. At the price of a glass mosaic a little more expensive than from ceramics, but in appearance, elements look much more expensive and aesthetically. You can pick up both transparent glass of different shades and with various textures or impurities. For the manufacture of glass elements, silicon sand is used, subjected to burning at a very high temperature. Thanks to the technology, a glass mosaic is much stronger than ordinary glass.
  • Smalt. Artificial colored glass made by special smelting technologies with the addition of metal oxides. The mosaic from the smalt is much stronger glass, but it is an order of magnitude higher due to a long production cycle. But the images laid out with a smaller mosaic look especially effectively.
  • A natural stone. One of the most expensive types of mosaic is made of natural stone. For production, use: travertine, marble, granite, onyx, jade, lazuli, jasper. Such a mosaic looks elegant and aesthetic. Naturally, natural stone is very practical and durable, and the shade will not find a job.
  • Fake diamond. If the budget is strictly limited and does not allow to combine tiles with an expensive mosaic of natural stone, then it is quite possible to stay on a mosaic of acrylic, agglomerate or another artificial stone. Such material can be both monophonic and with imitation of any natural material.
  • Mirror. It looks expensive, but also costs more than the usual glass mosaic. Manufacturers offer various options Mirror elements: with spraying, with the effect of a broken mirror or ancient. The color scheme can also be different - from the usual white to purple or black.
  • Metal. The basis for production is the same plastic, on top of which the metal plate is glued. You can pick up a mosaic for brass, bronze, copper or stainless steel. However, this mosaic does not possess practicality, since it is designed for use in zones with low moisture concentration. In other words, a metal mosaic in the bathroom will quickly acquire an unattractive look.

Also in the range of manufacturers there are such types of mosaic, which cannot be used in the bathroom, for example, from wood. Increased humidity of the room does not imply cladding with wooden elements.

Form and size of elements

To pick up a mosaic to the main tile, it is necessary to take into account its size and shape. The most popular is the square mosaic, as to do beautiful design Bathroom with mosaic will not be difficult. In addition to square elements, also produce a rectangular, rhombid, round, hex or asymmetric form.

For ease of masonry, select better modular elements of a small size, for example, squares of 1x1 cm in size to 5x5 cm. But, again, it all depends on which the mosaic tile is mounted and which area is mounted.

As for the thickness of the selected material, most often the mosaic is thinner and have to either use more glue, or apply another layer of plaster under the mosaic so that there are no drops in height. To avoid unnecessary labor, pay attention to the collection of ceramic tiles with a mosaic - in this case, both materials will have one thickness.

How to make a bathroom with mosaic: choice of color and decor

There are several options for creating a beautiful interior with two materials - tiles in combination with a mosaic.

Option first - Selection of similar color with small differences. If a certain color is dominated in your bathroom, for example, beige or white, and you do not want to create contrast inserts, then the shade of the mosaic tile can be selected close to the main one. It can be any suitable tone.

Option second - game in contrasts. The next way to transform the bathroom is to make inserts from the mosaic bright or contrasting towards the main color. Color combinations can be absolutely different: black and white, white-red, gray-yellow, yellow-blue. The main thing is that both colors approached each other. Also, the elements of the mosaic may differ in color among themselves.

Creating a drawing or pattern. With the help of a mosaic, you can create all kinds of compositions, not only geometric (for example, strips, squares), but also floral patterns, wavy lines, zigzags, whole pictures. It is incredibly spectacular about ornament from mosaic in oriental style.

The original interior in the bathroom can be created by licking one of the walls with a mosaic, for example, above the bathroom, creating a beautiful panel from it. Little elements pixels are selected of a wide variety of shades, and since the basis of most of the mosaic is a grid, then they are cut very easily.

Partial finish Mosaic

The bathroom, fully lined with a mosaic, looks very impressive. However, such a finish is suitable not every room. You can create the right atmosphere only in a spacious bathroom, and in the hygiene rooms in typical apartments you can hardly get a masterpiece.

Therefore, the combination of mosaic and tiles in the bathroom becomes an ideal solution for a close bathroom or bathroom. Moreover, the small rooms in the area dictate their rules. Using a mosaic, some elements can be awarded or distinguish different zones.

Frame for mirror, doors, window opening

If you plan to use a mirroring facility, an inserted in the wall with a wall is planned, then a frame laid out of a mosaic will help to make it beautifully. And so that such registration does not seem lonely, you can post the same frame for the company and around the doorway. In such cases, the mosaic is selected contrasting to the main tile of shades.

You can also make small inserts on the wall from the mosaic as a companion to the frame from the mosaic, or to bind the niche mosaic elements, if any.

Table top for washbasin

We have already said that mosaic is the perfect material for the design of complex and curved forms. If in the bathroom, it is decided to mount the overhead sink-washbasin, then the countertop will be needed. The material for it is used the most different - from moisture-resistant laminated chipboard stoves to artificial or natural stone. One of budget options - Make a tabletop from metal products, tinkering drywall and separated by mosaic. In addition, the form for such a tabletop under the washbasin can be the most different - from strict rectangular to the curved, smoothly turning onto the wall. At the same time with the worktop, you can also bind and apron over it, since this surface requires special care. And the practicality of the mosaic as it can not be suitable for a similar purpose.

Bath or Pallet Screen

The space under the bathroom or pallet can become an element of the decor, and not a gaping hole. Very often, the screen is lined with the same ceramic tiles that is used in the finish. But who interferes make a beautiful screen under a bath from a mosaic? This is especially true if the bowl itself has beautiful curved forms. To create a full-fledged beautiful interior with a mosaic, in a pair to the screen, you can separate the wall over the bathroom with the same mosaic or lay out separate inserts.

Niches, shelves, columns ...

Options for combining tile with mosaic Great set. If the bathroom has engineering boxes, niches, racks and shelves for cosmetics and towels, they can also be isolated or decorated with mosaic. Typically, for the facing of complex elements, tiles have to spend a lot of time and strength on its fit and trimming. And mosaic, how can not be suitable for decorating hard places.

It is enough to build round or curved interior elements, such as columns. For the decor of such structures, it is better to pick up a mosaic with small elements.

Facing plumbing

A rather rare, but very good move - to bind the bath itself or bowl for washing the mosaic. Rarely, what cracker manage to do everything neatly and aesthetically, however, such use of mosaic is also the right to be. In addition, if the shower is designed in the bathroom, the pallet for it is more practical to post all the same mosaic. For registration of complex geometric shapes, elements should be the most small - such modules are easier to choose the size and glue.

Combination of tiles and mosaic in the bathroom: Beautiful photos

In the interior, you should always consider the combination of two different materials, whether it is paint, tile, wallpaper or plaster. Addition of the main tile mosaic in the bathroom can very much to change the appearance of the room and create the desired atmosphere. Some types of mosaic can be used not only for beautiful inserts or friezes, but as the basis for decorative panels, patterns or borders. Designers have long appreciated this practical and spectacular material as the basis and additions to the cafela. The combination of white tiles with a mosaic in the bathroom, especially elegant, is especially elegant. We offer to familiarize yourself with the collection "Tile and Mosaic in the bathroom Photo ready-made interiors", Which can be the basis for your repair. Happy viewing!

Mosaic tile is one of the best facing coatings for the bathroom. With it, you can focus on a specific section of the wall, make original panels, Create an interesting ornament. Tile mosaic can be used to decorate walls or floor.

Mosaic tile is the most suitable bathroom material; It meets all the requirements of this room.

What is a mosaic?

Mosaic is an ornament created from several small ceramic, glass or stone pieces. In most cases, pieces have a rectangular shape.

The main difference of mosaic from tile - small size.

Mosaic for decorating surfaces began to use for a very long time. She was used yet in Ancient Greece And Rome to create drawings on the walls of the temples.

Mosaic is great for decoration of rooms in which a high level of humidity, first of all, for bathrooms.


Mosaic makes materials having a solid texture. Most often used thermally processed clay, but you can find wooden panels created from mosaic.

There are several varieties of mosaic coverage. One of the most popular is a ceramic mosaic. Such pieces of mosaic are well adapted to humidity, simply lay them.

A ceramic mosaic of different colors is represented on the market. From a large range, you can choose a suitable interior. To produce such a mosaic, a ceramics has a porous structure.

You can often find a stone mosaic coating. It is made of granite, marble, sometimes from jasper. Due to the hardness of these materials, high strength and durability of the material is achieved.

Stone mosaic has good performance characteristics, excellent wear resistance.

Glass mosaic is obtained from glass, which is subjected to special processing, due to this, high strength is achieved. In order for the surface to be matte, in the glass add coloring components. Little glass tile looks very beautiful in the design of the bathroom.

Of particular interest is the smat mosaic. Smalt call a variety of glass with an unusual property: it lies in the glow. The mosaic of the smalt looks differently, it can change the color depending on the light. Because of this feature, the smad mosaic coating is used to create bright drawings, abstractions.

Metal mosaic is rarely applied. Usually such a mosaic complements the main tile pattern. Metal mosaic is steel plates having a small thickness, the basis of which the rubber serves.

Advantages of mosaic coating

Mosaic coating has many advantages. Translated from the Italian "Mosaic" means "composition of small parts".

Little size is the main advantage of this facing material.. This allows you to use a mosaic for registration of hard-to-reach surfaces, for example, having a rounded form. This feature It is of great importance for the decor of the bathroom - a room that has a small area in which there are many bizarre forms.

Another advantage - variety of shapes. Mosaic tile can have a different shape, and for the design of the premises it is very important. Thanks to the polygonal pieces of the masters, interesting compositions create. The usual tile does not have such possibilities.

Mosaic is an eco-friendly material, almost all components in its composition have natural origins. Tile mosaic safe for health.

One of the main reasons for the great popularity of the mosaic tile is durability. This material is easy to use. The main quality of the mosaic cover - high resistance to moisture.

Ceramic tile mosaic in the bathroom does not absorb liquid at all, water absorption coefficient equal to zero.. Due to this coating, created from mosaic, do not destroy very long and do not need special care. They are easy to clean from contamination.

Mosaic has good resistance to mechanical damage and sudden temperature drops, does not fade, does not darken over time. Mosaic can be combined with a conventional tile.

In the interior of the bathroom room, the mosaic tile is great for the placement of accents, performs a decorative function and gives the interior special originality.

Patterns and images

The main feature of the mosaic tile is that with its help you can create unusual ornaments in various colors. Many drawings created from the mosaic of several centuries ago, preserved to the present day. This is the best evidence of the durability of such a finish.

In the interior of the bathroom you can create interesting design And lay out your own ornament using multicolored mosaic elements. The occupation is unprecedented, painstaking, will require efforts and some skills: a professional will be able to cope with this task.

On sale there are ready-made mosaic blocks with the already applied pattern, it remains only to decorate surface surfaces.

In the interiors of bathrooms, you can often find a colorful floral ornament from mosaic. With this pattern on the walls, the room is transformed, such a design causes genuine admiration. Such a decor is individual, as the design attracts attention to its uniqueness and reflects the preferences of the owners of the house.

Floral patterns in the bathroom finish are one of the most popular. Floral ornaments have smooth lines, natural energy comes from such a decor. The indoors reigns the atmosphere of freshness and ease, a man feels his proximity to the world of nature. Sometimes to transform the bathroom, quite even a small ornament of flowers.

Mosaic you can create not only floral, but also oriental ornaments. Against the background of oriental mosaic ornaments, a highlighted mirror looks luxuriously.

Mosaic in the decoration of the bathroom can be combined with small pebbles. Little pebbles, if used with a mosaic, is a very spectacular decoration of walls.

Excellent option - make a mosaic drawing on marine topics. This image is best suited for the bathroom. The underwater world (exotic fish, algae) on the walls of the bathroom always looks advantageous. Blue mosaic on light surfaces is a classic design for a cleaning corner.

Using small pieces, you can create any image on the surfaces. You can apply both multicolored pieces for unique design and blocks with already ready-made patterns. Laying such blocks is similar to picking up puzzles.

You can choose a mosaic pattern, focusing on your personal preferences, fashion trends and style in which the interior is decorated.

Bathroom finishing options

There are many options for finishing with a bathroom mosaic.

The old bathroom from the cast iron can be separated by a mosaic and, thus, to update it, transform the setting.

In the bathroom, characterized by large sizes, it seems to decorate the floor and the surface of the walls of the mosaic patterns.

A good option is to make a mosaic exclusively the bottom walls, for example, next to the washbasin.
In the shower, decorate the floor with the mosaic, and around the mirror make a bulk frame from the mosaic.

An interesting, but nonsense pattern made of small tile pieces will make the decor of the walls exclusive, while the inhabitants of the house will feel indoors in the room, since such an atmosphere hesitates calm, and for the design of the bathroom it is especially important.

Using a small mosaic tile, you can focus on one of the walls. Thanks to this design, the design will be original and not too expensive.

Mosaic allows you to protect working area From moisture and give the decor a highlight and originality. It can be issued both larger area and small areas of surfaces.

Mosaic makes it possible to highlight a specific decor element. With the help of these decorative pieces of ceramics, it can be divided into zones even a small bathroom area.

Zoning the premises will help and big mirrorInstalled from the opposite side of the entrance to the bathroom: Due to this, you will be able to visually expand the boundaries of the room. The wall area on one side of the mirror decorate a mosaic having a rich blue shade, and the second side will be placed with a light blue mosaic.

Inserts from mosaic can be made not only at the mirror, but also next to other elements of the decor, for example, a shelf. Mosaic can be separated by a niche: it will bring harmony to the room.

It looks very aesthetically cladding with pieces of mosaic surface of the walls around the bathroom. Rama from mosaic for panel - also a good solution.

Mosaic you can upload beautiful panels. A similar decoration of the wall surface attracts attention, besides, the wall of the wall with such design can be the main element of the design.

Mosaic is perfectly suitable not only for decorating walls, but also for flooring.

Small tiles can be postponed or make a rug. The mosaic often separate the floor next to the bathroom, besides, this design of the floor is much safer than the tile.

Important! The material has a special texture that differs from ordinary tiles, and the likelihood of slipping on such a coating is much less than on a tile.

If the bathroom finishes are made in bright colors, then you can lay out separate sections with a bright mosaic with a shiny surface. It's easy to do it, and the result will be stunning: it will create a special atmosphere in the bathroom.

Mosaic tile is indispensable and when finishing a multi-level floor. The staircase steps are more convenient to decorate a small tile than a tiled with standard sizes.

For registration you can use both a monophonic mosaic tile and a pattern. As a rule, designers combine several shades and due to this create spectacular compositions.

Design Examples: Learn how best to equip a small-sized bathroom, the more combined - describes in detail designer techniques visual expansion Tight space.

A detailed review of cabinets with a mirror for a backlit bath and without you will find.

View photos of bathrooms with a corner bathroom in the article at:

Methods of laying tile

Pretty mosaic laying options. Most often, the mosaic laid like the grid is the easiest option. This method allows the use of mosaic of any form, but preferably one-photon.

The corner method lies in the laying of a mosaic in the form of a rhombus. There is a mosaic of such a form on sale, but you can lay a diagonal and mini-tile, having a rectangular shape, thus showering or placing them in parallel one to another. Seams must match diagonally.

It is recommended to use two contrasting colors, since such a finish looks dynamically, allows you to align uneven surfaces, and due to this method of laying, you can visually expand the room. Similar design is nondrivially, but looks very beautiful.

Another laying option is a chess pattern. To do this, use the tile of two contrasting shades, the seams are not shifted. It is best to use black mosaic and white color. This method is suitable for creating 3D drawings, alignment of accents with mosaic and smoothing wall defects.

Council. It will be interesting to look and the striped pattern when the horizontal and vertical stripes alternate. But note that a similar pattern causes visual curvature of the surface, which is not too nice for the eyes.

In small rooms you can make a linear laying. In this case, different shades are selected, textures.

Lines can break down, crossed out, shifted to the side. This allows you to visually increase the space. This method can be used in the interiors in the style of modern or high-tech, eclectic design.

Mosaic can be laid in the shape of a Christmas tree: In this case, one-photon tile is applied.
Styling also produce "in the dispersion" or with a shift to the side.

Mosaic can be laid on top of ordinary tile. This technique is called "Multilayer Finish".

Bathroom finish with a mosaic is a practical solution: such a decor looks very attractive and besides, a mosaic is distinguished by durability.

Mosaic tile is a great facing materialallowing to create beautiful interiors Bathrooms.

Gallery photo with design options

Bathroom requires non-standard solutions. The repair is complicated by a large number of equipment, supplying communications and electrical appliances. The material for the room must meet the special requirements. To satisfy all the desires, create comfort and save the style of the apartment, you should consider the numerous variants of the bath finishes in advance. Mosaic is one of the most comfortable and interesting, allowing you to create a special situation in the bathroom and modern design.

Mosaic is one of the most comfortable and interesting, allowing you to create a special situation in the bathroom and modern design.

The bathroom is more often covered with tiles. It allows you to carry out easy room care. Modern colors, materials with a decorated surface, with a pattern attached to the room a special charm and create an interesting style solution. One of the latest proposals of designers steel mosaic tiles.

Their species diversity is so surrounding that finding an option for your apartment is simple enough. The raw material for the canvas from individual particles can be the usual glass and a brilliant metal.

Types of mosaic (video)

Mosaic of glass

Mosaic takes venetian glass as the basis. His advantages can be listed:

  • water resistance;
  • long term use;
  • hooding high loads.

Glass is not afraid of mold, fungal formations. Pathological microorganisms die on the glass from exposure hot water, chemical solutions. The material does not lose its quality and appearance. Material is performed according to the laws of flower combination.

Glass mosaic is interesting and harmonious. The palette of the paints is diverse. Glass has two design styles: metallized, mirror. The glass surfaces are beautifully filled with the surfaces of the walls, creating the illusion of view penetration inside.

Mosaic of glass is interesting and harmonious

Stone Mosaic.

Almost all types of stones are suitable for making a mosaic. The material is very durable, so it is taken to cover not only walls, but also gender. The cost of stone mosaic depends on the price of the used raw materials. It is clear that granite, marble or onyx can no longer cost.

Stones are always original and unique, parts of the mosaic contribute to the decor in its own way. They can be polished or, on the contrary, rough. It all depends on the desire of the host bathroom. In the bathroom, the stones are installed around the toilet, under it. It is hygiene, and convenience of cleaning, and beauty.

Stones are always original and unique, parts of the mosaic in their own way the decor will contribute


Metal structures are rare options from offers of outlets. They are very attractive, but they are not always recommended to use them for bathrooms. External surfaces Metal is losing their quality due to high humidity.

Some metal unstable to find constantly under the jet of water. But it is impossible to completely abandon metal ceramics in the bathrooms. They can be issued that part of the room where the dressing room is provided, a resting place. Suitable for premises with large squares, free and spacious. Aluminum shine and radiance became a new designer approach. You should pay attention to the quality and raw materials, selected for the product.

Metal mosaic is very attractive, but for bathrooms it is not always recommended to use


This variant of the material is the most affordable. Ceramics is performed in numerous color solutions, sizes and forms. To any subject, the drawing can find the desired version of ceramics. Parameters and physical characteristics are close to tiled coatings. Ceramics can be two varieties:

  • matte;
  • glazed.

Use the material very often, because it is suitable for any styles. It gives a special charm when decorating an ancient decor. The surface of the mosaic plays under the rays of light, interesting under the moisture drops. Ceramics gives warmth, softness. It is chosen regardless of age.

Ceramic mosaic - most affordable material


It is a kind of glass mosaics. The difference lies in the matteness of the shade of the upper layer. Created by boat mixing glass with additives. Mosaic parts are obtained close by the main tone, but different in shades.

The multicolored surface looks gently and original. Matte shine mitches and create a cozy calm interior atmosphere. Methods for cleaning and care for smallers are similar to glass canvas. The decoration of the smalt allows you to make the room is not just original, but amazingly gentle, noble.

Gallery: Mosaic in the bathroom (71 photos)

Recommendations for the preparation of patterns from mosaic in the bathroom

Mosaic is the ability to make a pattern that another person will not restore. Individual approaches allow experiments. Small partial parts can be scattered over the entire surface, mixed with each other, put it with solid cloths. Mosaic patterns are so exclusive that even photographs cannot transfer the options for all possible drawings. Material recommendations Many:

  • think over the main background;
  • choose a rainbow palette;
  • thinking up the pattern: abstract drawing, hero, color ornament;
  • connect different types Materials: glass, stone, metal.

Mosaic to perform the tasks that the Master puts in front of them: expand the area, sharpened the corners, hide the bathroom, add light.

How to put a mosaic (video)

Ideas for the design of the bathroom mosaic

Mosaic inserts or fully filled parts wall coatings Create to change the form and volume of the room. Therefore, before the start of work, the project of the future bathroom is made up. Ideas for registration is better to look for style in which the entire apartment is repaired.

Design Options Little Bathroom Mosaic

For small baths, mosaic tiles are used as not the main coating of the walls, and inserts. They distinguish those parts of the room that need to be shown from a more winning side. What zones more often require attention:

  • mirror;
  • glass;
  • doors;
  • shower (bath).

The mosaic is placed around in the form of clearly smooth strips or stepped, it is possible to fill the niches, protrusions. The remaining surfaces are covered with panels or conventional tiles. Small squares, attracting a look, distract from general view premises. True sizes will be hidden.

For small baths, mosaic tiles are used as not the main coverage of the walls, and inserts

Creating a panel from a mosaic in the bathroom

On one of the walls you can position the mosaic panel. More often choose a wall that is free from technology and other equipment, that is, central. The panel will task the common theme, the remaining parts of the interior and the material of the rest of the walls and the floor will already be seamless.

Sure, The most acceptable topic is water expanses. But this is not a mandatory approach. The bathroom will create a feeling of purity and tenderness with floral bouquets. The drop-down bout of the small parts of the mosaic tile will create an environment of purity and freedom, a floral fragrance will be constantly present in the bathroom and the breath of fresh breeze will be felt.

On one of the walls you can position the mosaic panel

Features for creating a bathroom design with mosaic and tiles

Combinations of mosaic and solid tiles require a proper choice of flower combinance. Mosaic can become a contrasting main tone or smoothly move into its color.

  1. Classic designers board - contrast. Mosaic should be visible, mute her under the color of the tile is not worth it, the whole point of use is lost for the decor.
  2. Mosaic make out all the protrusions, create bands of horizontal and vertical location. Their multidirectness is not connected on the same wall. The difference looks good: one wall is vertical poles, another wall - horizontal or wave-like lines. The bathroom will become wider, above and spacious.
  3. Combine with a tiled in the form of a frame. Figures made of small particles Against the background of the main monochrome surface will become original and unique due to carved bends. Frames can be somewhat arising from one base or opposite each other in a mirror mapping.

Combinations of mosaic and solid tiles require a proper choice of flower combination

Bathroom Brown Mosaic Registration

Brown tone is considered calm and noble. Paintings of this color on the mosaic canvas differ from ordinary tiles Multicolored transitions of shades. Dark particles, a special color will be addressed next to light. Design options in the interior bathroom:

  1. The easiest - one of the walls is completely closed with a dark mosaic. The rest is paler.
  2. Selection of corners. All angular surfaces are taken: internal and discovering (external).
  3. Vertical stripes are created, opposite the dark walls.
  4. Closing the lower space: on the same level with a bath height: washing apron, a screen under the bathroom and so on throughout the room.

It is possible to combine color with white and red, yellow and orange. Brown tone alone shades will allocate, others are muffled. It will look original with gold and silver.

Brown tone is considered calm and noble

Bathroom Ideas with Red Mosaic

Red for most is considered frightening. In the bathroom, I want to avoid such a psychological state. But this is not always the right approach. Among red colors are well resting, but not everyone.

According to psychologists, the red in the bathroom will return lost energy. Pure red tiles will crush. Mosaic with his own peculiarity of the shades of individual parts will perform this task. A person will rest, will return positive, will feel the rise. That is why, if the owner of the apartment often flows into the despondency, goes alone, tries to block in herself, the bathroom of the red color will become very necessary and important.

According to psychologists, red in the bathroom will return lost energy

White mosaic in bathroom interior

White mosaic cloths are suitable for any bathroom sizes. Against the background of white, decorative items, bright decorations, metal pipes. White tiles made of small parts expand space, rounded connections and transitions. Minus colors - the need for regular care. Any contamination will be noticeable on perfectly light surfaces.

The original will be the connection of white and black canvases. Moreover, it is interesting to combine white and black on one wall, on the contrary, in half, diagonals, chess order.

White mosaic cloths are suitable for any bathroom sizes.

Mosaic combination with wallpaper

Combination with wallpaper is possible in bathrooms, but the material of the wallpaper must be waterproof. These are the so-called everyday wallpaper. Mosaic will have to be allowed with wallpaper not on the seams, but with nasup, that is, press wallpaper to the wall. Pasting should be small - up to 5 mm. Work with two materials some are considered complex. You have to mark the markup, draw the guides, work with the level.

Difficulties arise with the height of the material used. Wallpaper Thinn by structure, so they will be lower. Transitions should be provided. It is better that they are in places of angular connections. Mosaic will have to be reduced. Somewhere you need one bar from the whole pit. On wallpapers, designers sometimes make small mosaic inserts. They become elements of decor and decoration. Having advanceed forward, a space hiding understandable volumes is created. If there are many different niches in the bathroom, then such a connection will be perfect. Zoning will become smooth, beautiful.

Combining mosaic with wallpaper is possible in bathrooms, but wallpaper material should be waterproof

Mosaic design in the shower

Mosaic use for shower rooms. The lower part of the shower is lined with small particles, creating a drawing or a classic ornament. Blue colors, stone forms and bright palettes look original.

Another option is the corner location of the mosaic in the shower. It allows you to change the wall shape: to lower the cascade, create a cone, bend the side lines. The shower will become a special zone separated from the rest of the surfaces. Visually will be allocated, giving the volume, although in fact everything will be on the wall at one level.

What is better tile or mosaic (video)

How to make the shelves from mosaic in the bathroom

Shower and bathrooms are hard to imagine without shelves. The practical hostess is covered with a large number of detergents that are beautifully placed in plain sight or are removed for individual use by each family member. The main task of the shelves - preservation of purity. Mosaic - excellent shelves.

Convenience is that the dimensions can be selected according to individual preferences. Any niche, intended for the shelves, coated with small tiles. Masters advise to take a mosaic from stones for shelves. They will not be just a place of storing care products, but also a design element. Stone surfaces look volume, unevenly, exquisitely and unusual.

Among the numerous options for design of bathrooms, Mosaic is most convenient. The finish will make it possible to make a comfort zone and comfort from ordinary sanitary premises. Visiting the bathroom will be an excellent place to restore forces and return to normal mental state.

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