
Herbaceous plants for open ground were bought. Multi-flowered kupena: description of the variety, care and cultivation in the open field

Answers to questions from gardeners

Kupena is somewhat similar to a lily of the valley. As soon as it is not called by the people: deaf lily of the valley, kokornik, signet, solomon seal, wolf grass, wolf fang, core, raven berries... This unpretentious perennial is not only decorative, but also one of the medicinal plants.

Kupena is unpretentious and grows quickly

Description of the plant

(Polygonatum) Is a perennial rhizome herb, which in nature often grows in meadows and slopes. Lignified multi-generational (articular) rhizome is located horizontally near the soil surface. In spring, a new stem grows from the bud at the end of the root. In the fall, it dies off, leaving a mark that looks like a seal. By the number of small round scars with a depressed middle from last year's stems (“ Solomon's seal") Determine the age of the plant.

Ribbed stems covered with a thin smooth green skin, in some species with a reddish tint. The shoots are bent in a half-arc, large sessile oval-shaped leaves with smooth edges, a pointed tip and embossed veins are alternately located on them.

Blooming kupena and white lilac

Kupena as a medicinal plant

Kupena has long been referred to as medicinal plants that help with many diseases. Traditional healers use it, but do not forget about contraindications:

Kupena is a poisonous plant. Roots, grass, flowers and berries are emetic. Overdose can lead to more unpleasant, even dangerous, symptoms. Kupena is contraindicated in pregnancy (RB Akhmedov "Plants are your friends and foes").

This plant relieves pain, inflammation, stops bleeding and helps with severe coughs. But often self-medication leads to bad consequences. Therefore, without consulting a specialist, you should not use decoctions and infusions bought inside. Better to use fresh juice applied externally. It heals wounds well and heals abscesses.

Kupena is able to quickly heal wounds, bleeding abrasions, bruises, as well as relieve bruises and bruises.
The easiest way is to use a decoction: boil 2 - 3 tablespoons of chopped roots over low heat in 0.5 liters of water for 20 minutes. Use for compresses and lotions. Do not take internally, as this dosage is strong, it will immediately cause vomiting. For oral administration, the proportions are different. The plant is poisonous, it requires an attentive attitude towards itself (RB Akhmedov "Odolen-grass").

Kupena and mysticism

Kupena is often called “ the seal of Solomon", or " Solomon seal "... There are two legends associated with this plant and the biblical king Solomon. In one of them, the king, who lived for a very long time, marked the kupin with his seal, so that it would be easier to find medicinal plant prolonging life for people. In the second legend, the tsar ordered to put the same pattern on his seal, which he saw on the round scars on the rhizomes of the kupena.

From a dried piece of rhizome "with a seal" is made amulet strengthening family ties.

The peasants cut off those pieces that looked like a cross from the root and wore them as amulet from the evil eye, damage and anger of heavenly forces (lightning, hail, etc.).

Until now, healers speak on the "seal of Solomon" hernia .

A shoot of a kupena with an even number of leaves was called “ loupe ". In the old days, he was insisted on spring water, and then washed his face with it so that the damaged skin came off. They also found a shoot with an odd number of leaves, or “ foam ". They washed their face with such an infusion to reduce freckles and other age spots.

Burning bush ... Our beauty Kupena has nothing to do (except for a similar pronunciation) with dictamnus, or ash tree (Dictamnus). This is southern perennial the Rutov family is well known in the Crimea and the Caucasus. During flowering, a characteristic pharmacy smell appears. The fruit smells like freshly ground cinnamon. The insidiousness of this flowering plant lies in the fact that a burn on the skin is felt only after a few hours, when watery blisters appear. After them, a wound remains. She heals for a long time. The ash is shrouded in ethereal vapors, so the flame burns them without damaging the plant itself. One gets the impression that the fire scorches him, but cannot ignite.

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Kupena is a shade-loving perennial plant that can grow in any corner of the garden, even under the dense crown of trees. In nature it is unpretentious plant lives in shady forests and does well without sunlight and even prefers to hide from them. Thanks to these properties, kupena is an opportunity to refine and decorate such corners of the garden where others ornamental plants you can't plant.

Kupena is a plant from the Liliaceae family, widespread in Europe and Asia. Its rhizome is developed, the stems are inclined, growing in height up to 1-1.5 meters. The leaves are lanceolate. From their sinuses grow small tubular flowers of pink, cream, white tones. After flowering, the plant forms fruits in the form of inedible berries. The resulting blue-black berries give the plant a particularly decorative look.

The most popular varieties and types are bought with photos

Kupen flower , also known in nature under the name of Solomon's seal, it is naturally distributed in the temperate and subtropical belts of the Northern Hemisphere. In its natural habitat, there are several dozen species of this plant.

The following species are cultivated in the gardens:

  • Purchased medicinal (pharmacy). Plant height up to half a meter. The leaves are large, located on a faceted stem. The buds form on an oblique stem with long pedicels. Blooms in May-June.
  • Kupena multiflorous. The height of the bush is about 100 centimeters. Leaves are oval. Flowers of 5-6 pieces are formed in the axils of the leaves. Blooms all June, after flowering forms dark blue berries. The variety of this type Variegatta, with white stripes at the tips of the leaves, is especially decorative.
  • Fragrant kupena. The leaves of this species are distinguished by a bluish tint. There are varieties with crimson bases and veins. Plant height is about 80 centimeters. Flowering continues throughout May and the first decade of June.
  • Kupena is whorled. Plant height from 30 to 60 centimeters. Leaves are lanceolate, up to 17 centimeters long, with pointed edges, light green. The upper leaves are collected in whorls of 5-8 pieces. Flowers are white, elongated, hanging on long peduncles.
  • Kupena squat (low). The species is common in Siberia, Primorye, Sakhalin. Prefers stony soils. The bush grows no more than 20 centimeters. Leaves are ovate, pubescent below. It produces single shoots, in the axils of the leaves of which white flowers are formed.
  • Purchased with abundant flowers. In nature, it grows in coniferous and deciduous forests among shrubs and on shady edges. Plant height is about 50 centimeters. The leaves are located on both sides of the stem. They have a lanceolate shape, the length of the sheet is 9 centimeters. Flowers are small, from 2 to 5 pieces are formed on long pedicels. After flowering, dark blue berries are left.
  • Siberian bought. One of the tallest species, up to 60 centimeters. Leaves are lanceolate or linear, growing in whorls, 8 centimeters long. Flowers of 2 are formed on bare pedicels. The perianth is white, with greenish teeth and slightly pubescent. The berries are red.
  • Kupena is pink. Grows in China, Tien Shan, Siberia. The stem of the plant is straight, reddish in color. Leaves are linear-lanceolate, grow in whorls of 5-6 pieces, up to 15 centimeters in length, with slight pubescence. Flowers are formed in the axils of the leaves in 2-4 pieces. Perianths are pink, lanceolate, with teeth bent outward. At the end of flowering, in June, it forms elongated red berries.

Fragrant Kupena

Landing features bought in open ground

Kupena is a surprisingly unpretentious and hardy plant with an unusual development cycle. In the first year, its shoots develop underground, forming a powerful root system and main stem. In the second year, an erect shoot grows from a rhizome growing horizontally underground.

Simultaneously with the formation of the stem underground, a new branch of the rhizome grows. Kupena is an ephemeral plant, the aboveground part of it dies off after the vegetative period, and the underground part continues to grow and form new stems up to 15 years. These growth features dictate some of the rules for planting and care in open ground behind this original plant.

Place and soil for planting kupena

It is necessary to plant a kupena in shady or semi-shady corners of the garden, under trees or tall shrubs. This flower will not die in direct sunlight, but it will look unpresentable. Leaves bought in the sun become pale and small, flowering may not come at all.

It is advisable to plant the kupena in shaded areas: she does not really like bright sunlight

The soil for growing kupena needs neutral or slightly acidic. The plant is not very demanding on its composition, but it develops better on fertile dense soils. In areas with a high level of groundwater, it is impossible to plant a kupena, since its roots in this case will rot.

Planting rules and breeding methods bought

It is possible to dilute the kupena on your own site by sowing seeds or planting part of the rhizome. Planting can be done at any time of the year, but it is more advisable to carry out this procedure at the end of summer. Each of the methods has its own characteristics.

Sowing seeds

Sprouted seeds kupena

The peculiarity of Kupena seeds is their fragility. They retain their germination capacity for less than a year, so the planting material collected from the plant is planted in the same year. After the seeds are freed from the pulp of the berries, they are placed in the cold for stratification for 3-4 months, and then sown in a peat-sand mixture.

After stratification, the seed pot is placed in a warm and bright place. Seedlings emerge and develop very slowly. Alternatively, the seeds can be sown directly into the ground, where they will undergo a process of natural stratification. The development of kupena lasts from 3 to 5 years, and only after this time a full-fledged and flowering plant is formed from the seeds.

The difficulty of growing from seeds is that fruits do not always appear on the store. This is due to the fact that pollination of flowers occurs only with the help of long-trunk bumblebees, which are rare guests in gardens. An exception is the broadleaf kupena, which produces fruits almost every year.

Rhizome division

Using the rhizome or part of it is the easiest and most reliable way of planting and reproduction. The rhizome is bought geniculate; marks of dying stems are clearly visible on it. These characteristic marks can even determine the age of the plant.

The division of the rhizome is carried out in August or April, every 3-4 years. Digging out the rhizome is a rejuvenating procedure, and also serves as a way to get new specimens of a flower. The rhizome is removed from the ground and divided into segments with formed buds. Delenki are planted to a depth of 8 centimeters, laying them in pre-prepared grooves. The distance between plants is 20-25 centimeters.

Plantings are watered and mulched with peat or humus ... In the first two years, the kupena develops underground, and in the third year, the first shoots appear.

Kupena can be propagated by dividing the rhizome

Caring for the bought in the process of growing

Kupena requires minimal attention to herself, and it is very easy to look after her. Plant care consists of watering, feeding and pest control. Regular watering is necessary only in dry years, when the plant lacks natural moisture. Moistening the soil should be moderate so that excess water does not lead to the development of rot on the roots.

To prevent crust formation after watering, the soil around the kupena should be mulched. This will help keep the soil moisture level and protect the roots from overheating on hot days.

It is impossible to loosen the soil around the kupena, since the roots are close to the surface and their exact location is almost impossible to guess. When loosening, the delicate rhizome can be damaged and the plant will begin to ache and may even die.

If the soil is well filled with organic and mineral fertilizers during planting, no fertilizing is needed. The plant will receive a sufficient amount of fertilizers if a small amount of humus and complex compounds are purchased annually in the spring on the growing site.

Kupen needs to be fed annually

In the first year after planting, when the aboveground part of the kupa is not yet developed, the site must be carefully weeded. The weeds will not provide space for the development of shoots, and it can stop its growth. In subsequent years, the kupena will cope with the weeds on its own: they simply will have nowhere to grow.

Pest and disease resistance

Gray rot and slugs are the only enemies bought. Rot affects the plant when the soil is waterlogged. The invasion of slugs threatens the compartment almost constantly, since the most favorable environment has been created for their existence in the shade. To destroy the slugs, the compartment is periodically treated with an appropriate insecticide. You can scare off annoying slugs by sprinkling the plantings with wood ash.

Wintering plants

Kupena is a frost-resistant plant that can withstand quite severe cold. In late autumn, all shoots are cut at soil level, leaving hemp about 5 centimeters. Additional shelter for the plant is not required; you can only lightly sprinkle the area with rotted humus or compost. In spring, the plant shoots out almost from under the snow.

Kupena hibernates practically without shelter.

Purchased in landscape design and combination with other plants

Kupena serves as an indispensable element for decorating shady corners of the garden and near-trunk circles fruit trees... Its planting, in addition to decorative, also carries a practical load, since weeds do not grow at the place of cultivation.

Bought in landscape design is widely used. It looks great with dicenter, fern, doronicum. Kupena looks spectacular in rocky gardens, next to, forest geraniums,. With the help of a flower, you can decorate any deserted and unsightly corner of the garden.

Neighbors should be located at some distance from it, so that its powerful shoots do not obscure other flowers.

Frequently asked questions of flower growers about caring for a bought

Questions about caring for a bush are often raised by inexperienced flower growers, they are related to the peculiarities of caring for this unusual plant.

How many years can a purchase grow in one place? Is it possible to transplant it to a kupen?

On the site, the kupena can grow constantly for 10-15 years. Transplanting it is often not recommended. The first transplant can be carried out no earlier than 4 years after planting. So that the area under the bunk is not clogged, the dying parts of the root can be removed, and new specimens can be planted in this place.

Do I need to cover the compartment for the winter?

The kupena does not need shelter for the winter, since it root system resistant to frost. In the spring, the site with the planted bush must be freed from debris and excess snow as soon as possible in order to prevent overmoistening of the roots.

How long does a kupena bloom last?

Kupena, depending on the variety, blooms 35-45 days in May, June or July. After flowering, small berries are formed on the stem, so the plant retains its decorative effect for another 30 days.

How to protect the compartment from slugs?

Slugs on landings can be harvested by hand or destroyed with the help of chemicals. Nice results give. Beer traps are effective against slugs. A bottle filled with 100 ml of beer is poured into the soil next to the plant at an angle of 45 degrees. Place the neck of the bottle flush with the soil. Slugs are recruited into such a trap at night, and in the morning they are destroyed. The disadvantage of this method is the need for daily replacement of the contents of the trap.

You can learn more about the kupena and the peculiarities of its cultivation by watching the proposed video material. Happy viewing!

Kupena is a herbaceous perennial plant. A distinctive feature is thick, fleshy erect peduncles with thin drooping petioles. The petioles on the stems are arranged alternately, on which white or greenish-white bell-shaped flowers hang. Peduncles are developing in early spring from the nodular root system. The leaves on the peduncles are arranged in two rows, from top to bottom. The shape of the leaves is oval-elongated. In the article we will consider step-by-step cultivation Purchased in the open field, reproduction and determine where and when to plant a flower.

On one erect peduncle of the Kupena there are more than 20-25 flowers.

In their natural environment, Kupena can be found with pink, purple and cream flowers. Depending on the species, Kupena is dwarf and tall, the height of the first bush reaches no more than 10 cm; the second is 1.5 m.

The bell-shaped flowers of the Kupena bloom in May. Duration of flowering 3-4 weeks. After flowering, poisonous dark blue berries appear.

Kupena shade-loving plant... It grows rapidly under favorable conditions. Prefers to grow in moist, fertile soil. Kupena has a multi-stage root system. The plant is propagated by seeds and dividing the rhizome.

Planting spot in the garden

Kupena grows well in sunny and shaded areas, which means it can become a worthy decoration of any corner of the site. Kupena responds lush bloom on almost any soil. However, the duration of flowering and resistance to low temperatures and diseases of a given plant depends on the fertility of the soil.

Kupena poorly tolerates waterlogged soils, as well as soils with a close occurrence of groundwater. Intolerance to highly moist soils is associated with the root system of the plant, which quickly decays even with a slight accumulation of water.

Kupena looks good along the fence and the wall of the house. Can serve as a shield for other plants from direct sunlight.

Preparing the soil on the site for planting kupyna

The process of preparing the soil for planting Kupena begins with the completion summer season... The main activities for soil preparation include:

  • removal of weeds;
  • digging the soil by 25-30 cm (or a shovel bayonet);
  • introduction of drainage material into the soil;
  • application of mineral fertilizers;

Many gardeners prefer to use sand and gravel for drainage. Such components make it possible to improve the mechanical structure of the soil, namely, make the soil more air-permeable, and therefore fertile, since in such soil there is an intensive growth and development of beneficial microorganisms. Moreover, the Kupena root system on well-aerated soil easily absorbs the required amount of nutrients produced beneficial organisms, as well as micro - and macronutrients introduced into the soil as fertilizers with the help of humans.

In the table, we will consider the types of drainage for growing Kupena in the open field:

Drainage types Drainage features Breeding species Kupena
Perlite Makes the soil structure porous. Promotes good rooting of root suckers, cuttings, cuttings When propagating by dividing rhizomes
Vermiculite It absorbs most of the water, in case of drought it returns some of the water to the roots. When transplanting and propagating a plant by divisions
Charcoal Protects the top layer from water flooding Used at all stages of plant development
Sand Prevents stagnant water at the roots When planting seeds and dividing rhizomes
Crushed stone Promotes the penetration of water into deeper layers, which avoids stagnation of water at the roots For all types of reproduction

Reproduction Kupena by dividing the rhizome

Kupena reproduces predominantly in a vegetative way, namely by dividing the rhizome. The procedure for dividing the rhizome of the mother plant can be carried out throughout the year. However, it is best to divide the rhizome in August. During this period, there are fully formed growth points on the roots. Consider step by step instructions on the landing of the Kupena divisions:

  • add complex mineral fertilizers at the rate of 20-30 g per m2;
  • dig up the soil together with mineral fertilizers by 20-30 cm.
  • add to the dug and fertilized soil wood ash at the rate of 10-15 g per plant;
  • before planting, treat the delenki in a solution of a growth stimulator;
  • ready-made cuttings with at least two buds are placed horizontally at a depth of 10-12 cm.
  • the soil is lightly compacted with a garden trowel and watered abundantly with water.

For the first year and a half, the cuttings planted in open ground will grow slowly. Active growth begins as soon as the rhizome takes root in a new place.

Tip # 1. Rhizome plots should be large, since large plots contain a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for further successful rooting.

Kupena has a horizontal root with bulges, each of which has a mark that resembles an old seal. That is why Kupena is popularly known as the Solomon's seal.

Reproduction Kupena seeds in the open field

Kupena is propagated by seeds very rarely, since the seeds of the plant are rarely tied. Seeds are formed when the plant is pollinated with the help of long-trunk bumblebees. Moreover, Kupena seeds have a low germination rate and do not retain the varietal characteristics of the parent plant.

Seeds of Kupena must be stratified before planting in early spring. Therefore, experienced gardeners prefer to sow seeds in late autumn. Such seeds do not require stratification, as they are naturally stratified in winter.

Consider the step-by-step instructions for sowing seeds in open ground:

  • elevated beds with a height of 5-7 cm are formed on the site;
  • seeds are sown in a belt method at a distance of 5-10 cm, depending on the desired planting density;
  • deepen the seeds into the soil by no more than 2-3 cm;
  • the sowing is sprinkled with loose soil and watered abundantly with water.

Seedlings appear on next year at the end of spring. Gardeners note cases of seedlings appearing at the beginning of summer due to the slow development of the plant. In the table, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of the two Kupena breeding methods:

Kupena in landscape design

Kupena forms dense decorative thickets, and well covers empty and unsightly areas. Since Kupena is a shade-loving plant, gardeners often plant trees and decorate tree trunks.

Kupena looks good in combination with compact lush plants.

Cultivated varieties Kupeny for planting in the country

Wild varieties of Kupena grow in mountain and lowland forests. In regions with a temperate climate. The uncultivated varieties of Kupena are used as a medicinal plant. Distribution area medicinal Kupena- Siberia, the Caucasus and the Far East. Consider varieties suitable for growing in garden plots:

  • Kupena Fragrant;
  • Kupena Multi-flowered;
  • Kupena Variegata;
  • Kupena Sickle.

Mineral complex fertilizers for growing Kupena

Mineral fertilizers are necessary for Kupene not only for growth and development, but also for abundant and long flowering. When planting Kupena in fertile soil, it is enough to introduce individual mineral elements for positive growth and flowering. In the table, we will consider what mineral elements are necessary for applying when planting Kupena, taking into account the type of soil:

The lack of useful elements manifests itself in the form of yellowing of the leaves, weak growth and short flowering. Often, on poor soils, the abscission of unopened buds is observed. With strong mineral starvation, Kupena is characterized by low resistance to such pests as the sawfly.

It is advisable to apply mineral fertilizers taking into account the structure and fertility of the soil. To compensate for the lack of nutrients in the soil, you can use fertilizers such as:

  1. With nitrogen deficiency:
  • Ammonium nitrate - for introduction into the soil;
  • Urea solution - for foliar feeding.
  1. With a phosphorus deficiency:
  • Superphosphate solution - for foliar feeding;
  • Monophosphate - for soil application.
  1. With potassium deficiency:
  • Potassium chloride - for introduction into the soil;
  • Potassium salt solution - for foliar feeding.
  1. With calcium deficiency:
  • Calcium sulphate for soil application;
  1. For magnesium deficiency:
  • Magnesium sulfate for foliar feeding.

The above fertilizers are applied before and after flowering. To reduce the acidity of the soil, it is best to use organic fertilizers, manure, compost or humus. The introduction of complex mineral fertilizers for flowers, as well as biofertilizers to increase soil fertility will not hurt.

Tip # 2. Bad soil for planting Kupena should not be enriched with earthworms. Since the optimal soil moisture for worms should be more than 80%, which means that frequent watering is required, which can negatively affect the growth and development of the plant's root system.

Slugs and sawflies attack plants with weak immune systems.

Common gardeners mistakes when breeding and planting Kupena

  1. Grown on highly moist soils or on soils with a close occurrence of groundwater.
  2. The soil for planting Kupeny choose dense, poorly drained.
  3. Kupena is grown in the sunniest areas.
  4. Seeds are sown in open ground in spring without stratification.

Frequently asked questions of gardeners when breeding and planting Kupena

Question number 1. How many years can Kupena grow in one place?

Kupena grows in one place from 10 to 15 years, depending on the care of the plant.

Question number 2. Do I need to shelter Kupena for the winter?

If Kupena was planted in fertile soil and a sufficient amount of fertilizer was applied, Kupena can not be covered for the winter. Healthy plants overwinter well outdoors.

Question number 3. How to protect Kupena from slugs?

It is enough for protection to carry out treatment with preparations with insecticides of a wide spectrum of action. These drugs include the universal insecticide "Intavir" or "Aktofit".

Question number 4. How long does Kupena bloom?

The duration of flowering depends on the care of the plant. On average, all types and varieties of Kupena bloom for 4-5 weeks. After flowering, dark berries appear.

Question number 5. Can Kupena be transplanted?

Kupena is very difficult to transfer the transplant, since the survival of the root system in a new place is very slow.

Kupena is a perennial herb of the Asparagus family. In its natural environment, it lives in the subtropical and temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, prefers slopes, meadows.

Botanical description

By appearance similar to lily of the valley. Plant height ranges from 10 cm to 1.5 m. Rhizome is multi-generational, lignified, mainly located horizontally close to the soil surface. On the rhizome there are rounded traces with a depressed middle - the so-called seal of Solomon. According to legend, she was abandoned by the king thanks to medicinal properties plants. The return of the plant is determined from these marks.

Numerous growth points release stems to the surface. They are ribbed, covered with a thin smooth skin of a green or reddish hue. Arcuate shoots are covered with large sessile leaves arranged alternately. The shape of the leaf plate is oval, the edges are smooth, the apex is pointed. The leaves are covered with embossed veins running vertically.

When it blooms

Flowering occurs in May-June. Snow-white bell-shaped buds appear in the leaf axils. They are collected in whorls, hang along the lower edge of the stem, and exude a rich, pleasant aroma. After pollination, fruits appear: rounded berries of a reddish hue, which become blue-black as they ripen. Each berry contains 1-9 seeds. Be careful - they are poisonous.

Growing Kupena from seeds

Seed and vegetative propagation is possible.

Growing purchased from seeds is a rather troublesome process, but it allows you to immediately get a large number of seedlings.

  • Gather ripe fruits, remove seeds, rinse from pulp.
  • Store the seeds in the vegetable section of the refrigerator for about 1 month.
  • Sow in a container with a sand-peat mixture and keep at an air temperature of + 2-5 ° C for 3 months.
  • The next 3 months crops should be kept warm (about 20-23 ° C).
  • Then keep cool again for about 3 months - at this stage, the seeds will begin to germinate.

  • The sprouts develop slowly. Grow at an air temperature of 20-23 ° C, illumination is necessary diffused, moisten the soil.
  • Plant in open ground in the spring. Flowering will occur in the 3-4th year of growth.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Carry out vegetative propagation in late summer or early autumn.

Rhizome division is the most simple and effective method reproduction. The bushes should be divided every 3-4 years, otherwise the kupena will greatly expand and drown out its neighbors. Dig out the bush, carefully divide it into pieces. The strips should be large, contain a piece of rhizome with buds of growth and part of the stem.

How to plant kupen seedlings

Delenki, as well as plants grown from seeds, are planted in the same way.

  • Dig the area to the depth of a shovel bayonet, get rid of weeds, level the soil.
  • It is recommended to add complex mineral fertilizers, compost, ash. Add sand to dense, heavy soil.
  • When planting, place the rhizome horizontally, deepen by 8-9 cm.
  • Keep a distance of about 20 cm between plantings. Compact the soil, water it.

Delenki will take root for about 2 years, and then the bush will begin to grow and bloom.

Grows best in the shade. It develops more slowly in a sunny area.

How to care for a bathtub in the garden

Watering and loosening the soil

Water only in severe drought.

To maintain moisture and to avoid crust formation on the soil surface, the site should be mulched. Loosening the soil is not recommended so as not to damage the roots of the plant. Pull the weeds gently.

Top dressing

If the soil is fertile, apply a complex mineral fertilizer or organic matter in early spring. Fertilize lean soil in the spring and during the flowering period.

Diseases and pests

The plant is resistant to diseases and pests. Occasionally slugs may appear on juicy greenery. Collect them by hand, use traps, you can cover the soil surface with a thin layer of ash or crushed eggshells.


V middle lane Kupena successfully winters without shelter. If winters in your region with frosts above 20 ° C, mulch the soil with peat, sawdust, cover with spruce branches. Remove the shelter in the spring.

Kupena in landscape design

In landscape design, the compartment is most often planted for landscaping. shady areas... Grows well in illuminated areas. It retains its decorative effect even after flowering - luscious greenery dies off in autumn.

Looks good in rockeries, rocky gardens will become bright accent in vertical planting with low-growing plants (, asters, etc.).

It is combined with daylilies, it will advantageously cover the withered greens of faded tulips and other spring bulbs.

Cupena healing properties

Roots and shoots are rich in alkaloids, saponins, glucose and other active substances. Thanks to this, the plant is used as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic, enveloping, expectorant.

With fresh juice, abscesses are externally treated, wounds heal. The broth is taken for bronchitis, stomach ulcers, pneumonia.

Alcohol tincture on the roots of kupena should be taken for headaches, gout, osteochondrosis, heart failure.

Be sure to consult your doctor before using any folk remedies... Overdose leads to negative consequences.

Types bought with photos and names

The genus has about 50 species. Let's consider some of them, grown decoratively.

Purchased pharmaceutical or medicinal, it is also fragrant Polygonatum odoratum

Kupena 30-65 cm high. Ribbed stems are covered with oval-shaped leaves. Flowering starts in mid to late May and lasts about 5 weeks. The flowers are snow-white, bell-shaped.

Kupena whorled Polygonatum verticillatum

Kupena whorled Polygonatum verticillatum cultivar 'Rubrum' photo

The height of the plant is 30-60 cm. The leaves are sessile, the lower ones are attached alternately, the upper ones are collected in whorls of 4-8 pcs. The length of the leaf is 10-17 cm, the width is 1.5 cm. Flowering begins in June-July.

Kupena multiflorous Polygonatum multiflorum

Plant height is about 1 m. Leaves are arranged in two rows. Small snow-white flowers of 1-4 are collected in the axils of the leaves. Grows best in the shade, loves moisture.

Kupena broadleaf Polygonatum hirtum

Height is about 50 cm. Leaves are oval with pointed tops. Flowers appear at the end of May white with a green tint.

Kupena squat or low Polygonatum humile

Kupena 15-35 cm high. Leaves are sessile, light green in color. The flowers are white with a pinkish tinge.

Hooker's Kupena Polygonatum hookeri

Original. The dwarf is only 5 cm high. The leaves are narrow, oblong. The flowers are purple.

Kupena variegated

Purchased multiflorous variegatum Polygonatum odoratum ‘Variegatum’

They are beautiful with longitudinal white stripes along the leaves. Even fading away, such a kupena remains a central accent in mixborders.

Kupena pratti Polygonatum prattii

A beautiful plant with placers of lilac bluebells, collected in dense panicle brushes. The leaves are lanceolate, elongated, have a peculiar greenish-silvery color. Stems are dark purple.

Kupena is a perennial plant that is cultivated mainly for decorative purposes. Belongs to the Asparagus family. Another name found in the literature is the Solomon's seal. Under natural conditions, it grows in temperate and subtropical latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. It has a thick rhizome with traces of dead stems. Ovate or elliptical leaves, in the axils of which white flowers appear. In nature, there are more than 50 plant species.

Plant care

Having dropped off the compartment on the site, she will need good care... When all the instructions are followed, the flower grows quite tall with large leaves and numerous flowers. If the rules are not followed, a fragile plant may die or lose its attractive appearance.


A fairly shade-tolerant culture has been bought. She doesn't need a large number sunlight , but rather the opposite. Favorite growing places - in the shade of spreading trees or on flower beds on the north side of buildings, where the sun practically does not penetrate. This is a great opportunity to improve areas where most flowering plants just won't survive.


The flower cannot stand drought... He is cozy and comfortable only when the soil is sufficiently moist. However, do not overuse watering. Possessing numerous advantages, including benefits for many insects, it can quickly become their delicacy or a breeding ground for fungal diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to water regularly, but in moderation. Water stagnation at the roots should not be allowed.

Loosen the soil around most plants after watering. However, this does not apply to purchases. Large roots close together can be easily damaged. When growing kupena, it is better to use mulching. This will ensure moisture retention, eliminate crust formation and, as a result, ensure sufficient oxygen supply.

Top dressing

The plant prefers saturated fertile soils... On meager on nutrients soil grows very poorly and multiplies hard. Therefore, when the land becomes scarce, fertilizing should be done periodically.

After planting on soil-rich soils, the kupena can not be fed for 2 years. After that, mineral fertilizers should be applied twice a year: in spring and during the flowering period. It is advisable to feed them once a year, mainly in early spring, after the first shoots appear. organic fertilizers: manure or compost. They are allowed to be scattered dry directly around the flower and neatly between the plants, and then mulch the soil.

In addition, solutions can be made from organic matter by insisting them in warm water for a week, at the rate of 1:10.

After the expiration of the period, root watering is performed. This feeding should be done several times per season. Do not water the plant during the day or in extreme heat. It is advisable to choose the time in the evening or early in the morning.

Preparing for winter

In the fall, the upper part of the flower dies off completely. Only rhizome overwinters... Kupena needs no special preparatory work, upon completion of its growth and transition to wintering. However, in a harsh climate or the danger of severe frosts in the absence of snow cover, it is advisable to additionally cover it with spruce branches, peat or spruce branches. This is to protect the fragile roots from damage.

In milder climates, the flower does not need shelter and hibernates calmly.

Pests and diseases

Kupena is very resistant to most known diseases. But in dry weather, the plant can be chosen by snails, or sawfly caterpillars, which can completely destroy the flower in a few hours. In order to avoid such misfortunes in the heat, monitor the appearance of these insects and take measures in a timely manner to destroy them. What are specially designed insecticidal preparations suitable for?

Of the diseases, the kupena is exposed only to fungal diseases. This may be due to excessive watering. For prevention, the amount of water entering the plant needs to be normalized. When symptoms of rotting appear near the root, the flower must be treated with fungicidal preparations. In case of significant damage, some of the plants will have to be removed.

Planting and breeding

Basically, two methods are used for reproduction of the kupena:

  • planting with seeds in open ground;
  • division of the root.

There is no other way to increase the number of flowers on the site. In addition, the second method contributes to the rejuvenation of the plant and the extension of the growth period. The flower, unlike other cultivated ones, at the end of the growing season continues to grow underground, and the aboveground part of it dies off. This way of growth also affects the increase in the number of representatives.

Outdoors by seed

This method is considered not the most effective, but is sometimes used by gardeners.... Planting is carried out almost at any time of the year. Most often in summer or early spring. For this, the site should be prepared in advance. Organic matter is scattered to the selected place and then dug up. The soil is prepared two weeks before the start of sowing.

If planting is carried out in spring, then sowing is done when the soil has completely thawed and a stable positive temperature has been established. Several seeds are placed in holes up to 7 cm deep.After that, the planting site is spilled warm water and mulched.

For the first two years, the kupena grows underground. Its root is lengthened horizontally and buds appear on it. In the third year, the first shoots will appear at the planting site, but flowering will begin only in the third year. What is the main disadvantage of this breeding method.

Reproduction by dividing the root

The most popular and frequently used method of planting kupena is reproduction, by dividing the rhizome into several parts. To do this, in August, the root is dug out of the ground and divided into parts. When determining their size, one should proceed from the presence of kidneys. On the larger part of the root, the buds are often located, from which the flowering stem will turn out. On the young part, shoots are formed, which will bloom only after a year.

Division is carried out neatly with a sharp knife. The incision site should be disinfected using special compounds or ash. After that, in a previously prepared place, fertilized with organic matter, parts of the root are placed in the holes to a depth of 8 cm. Sprinkle with earth on top and spill abundantly. The distance between flowers is taken to be 20-25 cm. The first year of the kupin develops underground and only the next year you can see the first shoots.

Use in landscape design

The flower goes well with or. Can be used in cut for decorating bouquets of various flowers. With its help, you can create unusual compositions and decorate any room.

When carrying out landscape work with the help of a bucket, you can smooth out the imperfections of the site and hide unsightly places.

Subspecies and varieties

The most popular among florists are only some varieties of purchased. These include:

  • Multi-flowered... Plant height often reaches 1 meter. Large white flowers are pleasing to the eye throughout June. After that, dark blue berries appear, which are not eaten because of their toxicity. The most decorative variety is considered to be Variegatta with a white stripe along the edge of the leaves.
  • Fragrant... Basic distinctive feature is a bluish shade of flowers with a crimson base and veins.
  • Medicinal... It reaches a height of 50 cm. Large white flowers form on long pedicels.
  • Pink... Found naturally in China or Siberia. Not afraid of frosts and low temperatures. Reddish erect stem. Often located white flowers will delight you with their flowering for a long time.

A wide variety of species and varieties makes it possible to choose a plant for specific purposes and location.