
Growing and care for strawberries. How to maintain a garden strawberry in the spring

All about Alpinaria

Strawberry love everything - both children and adults. However, the process of growing berries usually proceeds with a number of difficulties, which is due to the specificity of the culture care in different periods. For example, not everyone knows how to care for strawberries in the spring.

Caring for strawberries in the spring at the cottage begins immediately after the snow from the bed and the soil graze. The autumn shelter of beds in the spring is removed first. After that, the entire garbage is removed from the site, and cultures are cleaned from last year's leaves. Old mustache and dried inflorescences are cut. Spring strawberry care provides for the elimination of dead individuals. Only after that the seedlings can be planted into unprotected soil.

Cut leaves and dried grass need to burn because it the best way To defeat last year's disease and "expel" pests. "Clean" bushes in preventive purposes should be treated. It is best to spray burgundy liquid or other kept copper, substance. In the spring, such a processing is carried out twice.

Video "feeding spring"

From the video you will learn how to properly feed the spring bed with berries.

Spring subcord

Growing and care for strawberries is inseparable from each other. After all, only correctly by watering and feeding can be collected a rich harvest. Spring - a period when fertilizer berry is especially necessary. After all, they will help individuals faster "come to ourselves" after the winter and put new kidneys. However, the benefits of feeding will be only if the contribution will be timely, and the amount of fertilizer is appropriate. An excess of beneficial substances will make a culture with a giant, but such individuals will be blown significantly later, it is weaker to be fruit.

Fertilizing young bushes

A young strawberry in the spring, planted last year, can not be fertilized at all or to be filtered with a solution of water bucket, half-liter chicken litter or cow manure and a tablespoon sodium sulfate. Such a mixture is poured each bush in the amount of 1 liter.

Fertilizer adult bushes

Earth after 2-3 years loses fertility, and the plant feels deficiency nutrients. Therefore, to collect a rich harvest you need to know how to treat strawberries, as well as when and what. In the spring processing the culture is needed three times:

  • after the formation of a pair-triple leaves;
  • before blooming;
  • during the actual formation of fruits.

For the first time, useful substances should be made at the end of April. Depending on the area and climatic conditions, the term may change. At this time, it best contributes to a body: a korlard or chicken litter. They are scattered under the roots of each bush, and the ground is sprinkled from above (layer - 2-3 centimeters). In addition, it is permissible to prepare a liquid solution. For this you need to dilute in the bucket of water liter of manure. Such a solution is to pour each individual.

A good version of the substance for feeding yeast. They usually contain many useful substances - proteins, amino acids, micro and macroelements. Yeast as a fertilizer will help the plant grow, and roots reliably strengthen in the soil. You need to make a 0.2 kilogram of yeast water for baking and leave for 20 minutes. After the finished mixture it is worth pouring into a container with 9 liters of water. The finished mixture of each plant must be hidden abundantly.

Growing and care for strawberry large-scale spring provides for the following fertilizer application during the flowering of strawberries. During this period, it is worth feeding the plant with minerals.

These substances have a significant positive effect on taste and size of berries. As a result, strawberries will be sweet and large.

The next fertilizer is better made after the end of flowering. During this period, the culture is watered with a solution, which consists of 2 tablespoons of nitrophosphate, 1 tablespoon of potassium and water buckets. The finished solution is poured by each bush under the root. On each individual enough of the total half-liter mixture.

Today the market presents a huge range of mineral fertilizers, which is easy to buy in specialized points of sale. However, they are used only according to the instructions indicated on the package. Any violation of recommendations can destroy the plant or make it impossible to eat in food its fruits. Particular attention should be paid to the dose fertilizer and in no case to break them.

Extra cornering subcortex

Strawberry Care Spring Tips for experienced gardeners suggest that in the spring you can fertilize not only strawberry root, but also the berry bush itself.

Strawberry cultivation involves spraying a plant with a solution containing nitrogen, or organic. Such a feedback has a positive effect on the growth of cultures and increases their promise. Spraying helps useful solutions Impact directly into the leaves, which speeds up the positive effect.

It is best to spray a bush in the evening when there is no wind and precipitation.

Fertilizers of mineral nature are 2 species: highly mobile and low. The first group usually includes phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and nitrogen. They are perfectly absorbed into as soon as possible. There are substances in the roots, the leaves of the plant and their kidneys. The second group consists of iron, boron, copper and manganese. The substance is slower absorbed and give effect not so quickly. That is why it is necessary to spend spraying very carefully that the useful substances fall into the destination.

So, the summer cottage is a great option for growing strawberries. But only in the case when the gardener knows what to do with strawberries in the spring. After all, the strawberry growing has its own characteristics that everyone needs to know who decided to engage in its breeding.

Video "Care"

From the video you will learn how to care for the berry of strawberries.

Fragrant, delicious and useful - the favorite of children and adults. How to grow on your garden such a wonderful berry and get a good harvest.

Many gardeners growing strawberries face difficulties. This berry is capricious and requires careful care. To strawberries were large and sweet, it is necessary to carry out timely feeding, watering and processing.

Spring strawberry care works, as soon as the snow came down, and the earth dried a little. If the fall is covered in the fall, then after the end of the shelter frosts are cleaned. Next, it is necessary to clean the beds from last year's garbage, and the plants themselves from the dried leaves. Also, it should be trimmed with old mustache and flowers.

If some plants died, they need to be removed. In their place, you can land a new one, but only to do it you need as quickly as possible so that new bushes have time to take root before the onset of hot days.

Grokes need to be broken, while not damaging the horse system. You need to update the mulch layer if it is. For mulching will fit pine needles, sawdust or wood ash. It will also help prevent the appearance of some pests on the beds, for example, slugs.

Cropped leaves and dry grass should be removed away, and it is better to burn to get rid of last year and diseases. Purified bushes are better immediately handled, in order to prevent diseases. To do this, you can use burglar liquid or other drugs containing copper. Such a spring procedure can be spent 2 times.

Spring feeding of strawberries

Strawberry Strawberry in the spring plays a major role for the future harvest. It will help the plant faster to ride after the winter and form new kidneys. But it is worth noting that the feeding should be timely and in the right amount. In excess fertilizer, excessive growth of the plant will begin, and the color and fruits will be weak and late.

Fertilizing young bushes

Undercumation of young bushes, planted last year, in the spring can not be made at all or do it with the help of the next solution: in a bucket of water to dissolve 0.5 liters of chicken litter or cow manure and 1 tbsp. Spoon sodium sulfate. This mixture is pouring plants - 1 liter under each bush.

Fertilizer adult strawberries

After 2-3 years, the soil on the beds becomes not fertile and the plant is nowhere to take useful substances. Therefore, in order to collect a good harvest, you need to know when and than feeding strawberries. Spring feeding is made 3 times:

  • When the first 2-3 leaves appear
  • Before starting color
  • During the formation of fruits

The first fertilizer is made in the middle of April, depending on the region. For such feeding, organic fertilizers are ideal: a coward or chicken litter. They must be scattered under the roots of bushes, and on top to put a little land (about 2-3 cm). You can also make a liquid solution. Take a bucket of water and breed in not 1 liter of manure. The resulting alien to pour each bush (1l under the bush).

An excellent means for are ordinary yeast. Their composition includes a large number of useful substances: amino acids, proteins, minerals. Supporting yeast will provide good growth and strengthening the root system. It is necessary to dissolve 200 g of living bakery yeast in 0.5 l warm water, give to stand up for 20 minutes. Then pour the mixture into a container with 9 liters of water. In such a solution, every bustice is abundantly.

The second feed must be carried out during the color of strawberries. To do this, it is better to take mineral fertilizers. They have a positive effect on the taste and size of berries. Strawberry will be large, beautiful and sweet.

For feeding you need to prepare a solution: 2 tbsp. Spoons of nitrophosphate, 1 tbsp. Potassium spoon and 10 liters of water. Such a solution you need to pour each bush under the root system. 0.5 l is enough of a mixture for each plant.

Now a huge selection of mineral fertilizers that can be purchased in specialized stores. But it is necessary to use them strictly according to the instructions indicated on the package. Incorrect dosage harm the plant.

A good tool for the third feeding will be infusion of weed. After weeding, you need to collect weeds, chop them and pour them with water. Let it brew, about a week in the warm room, and then pour strawberries. Such feeding is absolutely harmless for both plants and people. But it will help increase the amount of fruits and will have a positive effect on taste. Fertilizer weeds will protect the plants from some harmful insects. Beautiful feeding is infusion from nettle.

We want to note that for proper feeding sad strawberry You need to know exactly how old bushes are growing. It is best if they are located on different beds, it will simplify care. So, young plants can not be fed only when, when planting, a sufficient amount of useful substances are laid. On the second and fourth year of life, the strawberry can be taken as the organic, and mineral mixtures, but the three-year-old bushes will like mineral fertilizers.

During the first application of fertilizers in the season, we recommend that it is necessary to use mixtures with a high content of nitrogen, so that the bushes can gain a green mass. You can simultaneously trim. Then it will reduce the number of stressful situations for your strawberry. Instead of manure, you can take a nitroammophos.

More, you can use ash. It is useful for plants primarily by a significant content of potassium and phosphorus, accelerates the decomposition of the organics, and also helps in the fight against fungal diseases and rotting roots. You can put on a small bunch for each bush. In addition, during the landing of young annual plants It is recommended to intervene some ashs in the ground.

One of the most important elements Fucking while flowering is potassium. His drawback may indicate the peeking of the leaves. This is a symptom of a serious problem that can lead to a crop loss. To fill the lack of nutrients, we recommend applying a potash salter. Usually one teaspoon on a bucket of liquid is divorced from the calculation. Under each bush, you need to pour about half liters.

Extra-corner feeding of strawberries

In the spring feeder often fertilize not only the root system, but also the bush itself.

Strawberry spray nitrogen-containing solutions or organic. The feeder contributes to good growth and increasing the wound. When spraying, the useful substances are absorbed immediately in the foliage. It is necessary to carry out the procedure in dry and weak weather, in the evening.

Mineral fertilizer formulations exist two species: high and low-power. The first to which phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and nitrogen include, are distinguished by speed absorption. They instantly fall into the roots, kidneys and foliage. The second is iron, boron, copper and manganese, act slowly.

Therefore, it is important to spray the plant with a special thoroughness so that the nutrients get into the right place.

What fertilizers choose - mineral or organic?

Many gardeners have a question: what better to feed the strawberries in the spring - organic or minerals?

Mixtures are quite effective and give nice results. But they need to be used correctly and with extreme caution. You should follow the instructions and avoid overdose. This may be adversely affected not only on the crop, but also on human health. Do not make minerals later than 12-14 days before the maturation of the first fruit.

Supporting the Organic will not provide the promise of very large berries. But it is safe for the human body. In addition, manure and chicken litter can be made in any quantity. Plants will take so many useful substances from them as needed, no more.

Very good saturate the soil of wood ash. It can be used to feed roots, and also extra-corner subordinate. To do this, use the extract from ash.

Strawberry care after harvest

Strawberry fruiting rather short. Already in mid-July, plants stop fruit.

And from the end of July to September, the basis for the crop on next year. Therefore, during this period, strawberries also require proper care:

July and August is the time when plants begin to form new leaves, the old leaves that have fulfilled their function be killed and the intensive growth of the mustache begins. It is necessary to neatly cut the old foliage, leave only young and hearts. The mustache should also trim.

After put in order, the soil must be filled. Well take advantage organic fertilizers - Cow or horse manure. It will improve the structure of the soil and will help the plants to fall.

It is very important to remember the strawberries, after graduating from harvest. The soil must be protected from drying. It is necessary to water abundantly, but not too often.

Regularly eliminate plants from the mustache so that the bushes do not spend all the forces on the formation of new sockets. Usov pruning contributes to the formation of new kidneys.

While watching the video, you will learn how to care for strawberries in the spring.

If the autumn bushes have healthy scratched leaflets - it will provide good wintering and high yield For the next year.

Caring for strawberries in early spring

Spring strawberry care ensures the success of the future harvest by 80%, so it is important to help the plant recover after a long winter.

Strawberry care early spring

Experienced gardeners know how to care for strawberries in the spring. The process, as a rule, includes the following activities:

  1. first wait for the threat of frosts, and the bushes are finally "fatty";
  2. then remove dry and frozen leaves;
  3. clean the lying mulch, laid in the fall - it will allow the root system to warm up faster, and plants - to go into growth;
  4. final stage - removal of weeds and loosening.

As you can see, the procedure is simple, but the processing of strawberries in early spring is simply necessary, otherwise it will not bring generous harvest.

Spring strawberry feeder - what to fertilize

When the spring processing of strawberries is complete, including basic care procedures, you can begin to feed the plants on your site.

Than the south of your region, the earlier you need to start fertilizer:

  • for areas with a soft winter and a warm climate, for example, Moscow, do it in the middle of April;
  • for the northern zones, including the Urals - a little later, approximately in mid-May.

So that these events were effective, it is important to clearly know the flowering time of those varieties that grow in your site, and understand how to care for strawberries.

The fact is that if you feel too early, the beneficial substances will quickly go into the ground, and during the flowering period, it will not get any bushes. If the strawberry feeding will take place later than you need, the harvest can be lined, and then it will be scarce.

In addition, it should be noted that at different soils this culture can respond differently on Tuki. This is understandable, because the composition of the soil can differ significantly in different localities, and sometimes even in one site. Therefore, it is worth carefully referring to the choice of the makeup of the feeding, which planned the processing of strawberries in the spring.

Tuki - mineral substances saturated soil. Mix into the ground to restore nutrients required plants For proper development, since over time they are depleted, especially when growing vegetable crops

What feeders are needed for strawberries?

The main minerals needed to grow strawberries are, above all, potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus:

  • Nitrogen is responsible for the taste quality of berries and for their magnitude, but its oversupply, on the contrary, makes the fruit less sweet. With the deficiency of this mineral, the leaves become red.
  • Potassium is very important, like feeding strawberry in the spring, for its content in berries increases their storage time, and increases sugar and sweetness. If we noticed that the tips of the leaves on the bushes wished - know, the plant clearly lacks potassium.
  • Phosphorus takes part in the processes of growth and development of roots, its lack does not affect the endurance of the plant. The lack of phosphorus is manifested by coloring leaves in a dark green or reddish color.

Tuki are inorganic:

  • nitrogen: ammonia nitrate, urea;
  • potash: potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate;
  • phosphorus: Superphosphates.

Organic fertilizers for strawberries in the spring contain and nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, besides environmentally safe. They have a positive effect on the properties of the soil and growth, although the berries are not growing as large as when making inorganic feeding.

These include:

  • woodwood;
  • manure;
  • humus;
  • chicken litter.

There are also complex fertilizers - most often ready-made mixtures containing a balanced complex of beneficial substances. They should be used according to the instructions on the package, where the deadline for making and dosage is indicated.

Here is some of them:

  • Ammophos;
  • Diammophos;
  • Nitroammophos;
  • Nitroposka.

The most convenient is complex, but if you prefer to set the norms of feeding, remember that tuki are made combined: that is, nitrogen, potash and phosphate combined with each other. Only nitrogen, if necessary, added separately, as it is especially important to regulate its content in the soil.

Periods and ways to make fertilizer for strawberries

In the season, strawberry beds need 3 feeders in different periods of their development:

  1. It is best to make the first fertilizer for strawberries in the spring, when behind a heavy winter time, and ahead is a season of active flowering and fruiting;
  2. Then - immediately after harvesting;
  3. The final stage - the feeding of strawberries in the fall, approximately in mid-September to help bushes to withstand diseases, pests, to move well.

Remember that usually this culture grows in one place for 4 years in a row, then old bushes need to be replaced with young.

Applying fertilizers depending on the life cycle of strawberries

In the first year, the young strawberry, as a rule, do not fertilize, because the soil make feeders immediately before planting bushes.

In the second year, care for strawberries in spring, before flowering, such a potash-phosphorus mixture will help: humid and water 5: 1, add 150g potassium sulfate (or potassium nitrate) and 60g superphosphate. Consumption - 1 bucket by 3-4m (watering into the grooves of rod). In the future, potash-phosphoric fertilizers apply once again in the second half of the vegetation in the same dosage.

Nitrogen tuki can not be made this year if they have already been added when landing. It is also not recommended to make them in spring, before flowing, as it will negatively affect fruiting.

Falker of Nitrogen Later Aggrass worsens the winter hardiness of plants. But after harvesting, you can add:

  • ammonia Selitra: It either crumbles on the site at the rate of 1kg per 100m.kv., or divorced in water (20-30g by 10 l water), which watering the area per 0.5 liters per plant. When watering, make sure that the solution does not hit the leaves.
  • urea in dosage 1 tablespoon of dry fertilizer on water bucket, solution consumption - 0.5 liters per bush.

In the third or fourth year, the care of strawberries is to feed only inorganic fertilizers in the above methods.

Strawberry Care Spring. Feeding organic fertilizers

If you have strawberries in small volumes "for yourself", and in the farm there are in sufficient number of manure and litter of birds, then it is quite possible to do with organic fertilizers.

Manure, humus, chicken litter, as well as wood ash - natural sources Potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. They sufficiently fertilize strawberries once at the beginning of the season with spring processing, throughout all 4 years of growth.

  • Manure and humus are simply scattered over the site after cleaning the garden in the spring, the flow rate is no more than 5kg per 1kV. m, then the soil should be braid.
  • How to treat in the spring strawberry wood ash: it is possible in a dry form, sprinkling on a handful for each bush, or in dilution - 1 cup of ashes per 1 liter hot water, It is possible to brew a day, then bring to 10 l water, and water at the rate of 1 l solution on 1kv.m. Earth.
  • Chicken litter It is more convenient to use in a solution: 0.7 liter of fresh litter for 10 liters of warm water. The consumption of the solution - 10l by 6-8 bushes for a mature plant, and on 24-26 - for the younger.


So what to do with strawberries in the spring? Care and feeding - this is what is necessary for the full growth of this all beloved garden culture. She can not do without additional nutrition, which will significantly increase the yield, resistance to diseases, pests, as well as unfavorable external environmental factors.

If your strawberries on cottage plot Brings you a rich harvest, you can safely congratulate you. You are considered an experienced gardener, which is all right. However, this situation is far from every dac. In many cases, the cultivation of strawberries brings some chagrins. And all because this berry is considered a capricious. Consequently, getting a rich harvest is extremely difficult. But remember that it is possible. You should learn how to care for strawberries in the spring so that there is a good harvest and already in the current season to collect a lot of berries from each bush.

We carry out the strawberry care in spring time

Caring for strawberries in the spring is considered complex. However, it has a significant impact on the harvest assembly. If in the spring to bring a bed with strawberry in order, then the spring will remain controlling the growth of bushes and follow their health. Now it is worth considering the all stages of strawberry care.

With the onset of Spring, many dacms ask each other when to start to care for strawberries in the spring? And it is worth saying that care must be carried out immediately, as soon as it warm and all snow will come down. So, at this stage you need to clean the bushes of strawberries from the dead and dry leaves. Plants that extinct also need to be removed immediately. Remove the top layer of the soil from strawberries, approximately 3 cm. This will allow you to save strawberries from pests that walked in it. In addition, in this case, the strawberries will be able to warm up faster.

On a note! Early spring can not be plugged to the bushes of strawberry land. In this case root system It will warm up for a long time. As a result, the ripening of berries will happen much later.

If you do not plan to clean the autumn earth, then between rows of strawberries it is recommended to be braid into depth to 7 cm.

In order for strawberries to bring a good harvest of delicious berries, it is important to implement correct care In the spring. And the tips of this publication must be useful to you. It is worth noting that spring care for strawberries cannot be imagined without feeding and mulching. Therefore, after the soil breaks, the following should be done:

Strawberry beds need to sprinkle: sawdust, shallow straw, naughty peat. Even as a subfolder can use humus. At the same time, strawberry bushes are fed by fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.

Once, on the bushes of strawberries, green leaves will appear, a cowboy solution is introduced under each bush. Also add ammonium sulfate into it.

Comprehensive fertilizers are made in early May.

In order to prevent the diseases of the strawberries' bushes and get rid of pests, each bush and land around it spray with mortar copper Kaper. It is necessary to do this before the strawberry stops his leaves.

Watering strawberries is recommended to carry out warm water. Do it you need once a week in the morning. Before the strawberry blooms, it can be watered by sprinkling. And when flowers and berries appear, the water should not fall on them.

Weeds should not appear on the beds with strawberries. Avoid their appearance will allow you a layer of sawdust. Water and fertilizer will freely enter the root system, but we will not be able to break through the weeds through this layer.

How to care for strawberries in the summer

About how to carry out the care for strawberry in early spring, we told above. You probably have already noticed that it is not particularly difficult to do. Now it is worth talking about how to carry out the strawberry summer. Summer care Behind the strawberry should include:

  • Regular prepott of beds;
  • Watering once a week;
  • Inspection of bushes for the presence of pests and signs of diseases;
  • Timely removal of strawberry bushes and those parts of the plant, which are damaged;
  • Subsidation to the bushes of shallow straw or sawdust;

On a note! Subsidation of straw and sawdust, it is necessary to do well. This usually happens before the appearance of the first berries of strawberries. In this case, they will not be contaminated from the soil.

  • Collection of strawberries together with fruit;
  • Finger after harvesting with water with wood or with nitroposka ash. This procedure is carried out until August 10;
  • If the summer was rainy, the bed of strawberries can be covered with a film. As a result, you will not allow the convergence of berries. If not to do this, there may be diseases in the strawberry, and the berries themselves will become watery.

How to prepare strawberries to wintering

When you collect the last strawberries from Kostikov, do the trimming of the leaves and the mustache. As a result, you can prepare the plant to a comfortable wintering. Each bustard leaves are cut into 10 cm from the distance of the Earth. It is also necessary to cut all the mustache. In general, after such manipulations, you have some stems from strawberries. Do not scare! Before the winter is still a long time. New leaves will be able to appear at strawberries, and the bush itself will grow well. As a result, the strawberry bush will be able to transfer severe temperatures even better.

One mustache, which comes from strawberries. Leave for breeding. Join it with a power outlet. From this socket next year, a healthy and beautiful bush can be obtained. From this bush you will collect delicious berries. And if you make the replacement of strawberries in this way, then you can achieve good harvest. And if you follow all the rules for the care of strawberries, then the crop will be able to increase by another 15%.

Buckets that you cut off spray from diseases and pests. After that, adopt the plants. In this case, mineral fertilizers are used. Later in the fall, strawberry bushes can once again about mulch. Used in this case wood sawdust or peat. The layer should be 5 cm.

On a note! The subference should be done neatly. Bushes at the same time should not be covered. You will remove this subference in the spring. Roots as a result will get a lot of sun and will be able to quickly warm up.


Now you have learned how to care for strawberries in the spring after winter. We hope that these recommendations will help you to achieve a rich harvest of berries. Be sure to take care of strawberry bushes correctly. Observe all the recommendations and then the harvest will be not only rich, but also tasty.

Among all the berry crops of strawberries is high yield, but it is rather demanding on growing conditions. To regularly collect rich harvest, it is necessary to provide strawberry bushes. Proper care.

This article describes what activities should be carried out in the garden in spring and autumn and what features is the care of care various varieties strawberry.

Strawberry one of the first garden plants wakes up after winter. And in the spring you need to make maximum effort to get a good harvest.

As soon as the snow came down and the weather has improved, you need to collect dry leaves, the remains of the mustache, as well as all plant residues.

Memorial residues should be removed neatly into dry sunny weather. Old leaves need to carefully cut, so as not to damage the young leaves and the core. You should also remove the remnants of mulch. Thus, the roots of plants warm better and will quickly go into growth. But do not sit down in the spring thick layer of the Earth, by this you will slow down the growth process of plants and ripening berries. If you do not want to clean the autumn litter, then thoroughly jerk the earth to the depth of seven centimeters.

After loosening, the beds sprinkle peat crumbs, straw, sawdust or humus. At the same time, you need to feed the bushes with nitrogen fertilizers.

With the appearance of a green mass under each bush, a solution of cowboat and ammonium sulfate should be made. In early May, it is feeding with complex mineral fertilizers.

To protect against diseases to the dissolution of kidney planting, it is necessary to make a solution with a solution of copper sulfate. Watering need warm water once a week in the morning. Before flowering, it can be used by watering the method of sprinkling, and with the appearance of flowers only under the bush.

Spring care in open ground

All spring events in the garden are directed not only to obtain a rich harvest, but also to protect plants from diseases and pests, therefore, such works should be paid to high attention.


Spring work on the garden begins with examining bushes and collecting the old layer of mulch or plant residues. But this is not all the necessary events (Figure 1).

To the main moments for the care of strawberries in the spring can be attributed:

  1. Swimming: After the snow came down, the ground was a bit around bush and the green leaves appeared, you need to drain, remove the shelter before it. This allows the roots to "breathe", quickly warm and go to growth. Not survived the winter of plants, dry and sick leaves should also be removed and burn.
  2. Watering: It is recommended to water the culture abundantly once a week in the morning with a warm water. Watering is carried out on furrows that are made along the rows of plants. Before the start of flowering, you can use the refining method.
  3. Fertilizers: With the appearance of leaves and before the start of flowering, the plant should be fed. To do this, you can use the finished fertilizer or make it yourself from the cow. The diluted mixture is watered over a liter for each bush.
  4. Pest processing: After the first loosens, it is recommended to spray the soil from the fungus with a solution of copper sulfate. Immediately before flowering, treated from pests. The processed bed is needed to cover with a film for several hours.
  5. Mulching: The mulch protects the beds from the drying and overheating of the soil, as well as the appearance of weeds. For these purposes, agriched and black film are often used, it is also possible to cover the beds with sawdust, straw, peat crumbs or humus.

It must be remembered that sawdust and needles are very oxidized by the soil, so on top it is necessary to scatter ash.

Growing technology in open soil

Figure 1. Basic stages of spring care

Saplings in the ground are shallow, so that the heart is at the ground level. After landing, each bush needs to be well to pour so that the boss of the seedling with the soil was better. After some time, strawberries need to be filing, it will speed up the process of growing. For this use complex and nitrogen fertilizers. It is also necessary to climb the landing to prevent the fruit rotting.

Care Tools

For the spring care for strawberries, you will need: chipper, bucket, secateur and sprayer. In addition, you should be killed, chicken litter, nitroammophos, potash nitrate or other mineral fertilizers. It is also necessary to prepare chemical preparations for the destruction of pests and diseases in advance.

How to care for strawberries in autumn

After completion of fruiting, it is necessary to inspect the bushes. Determine the type of disease or pest and treat plants.

Note: Unfortunately, there is no one drug to get rid of all diseases and pests at once. It is necessary to use preventive tools to fight. Next, remove dried and sick leaves, blackened and damaged parts of plants and burn. Then remove all the mustache and weeds. If you transplant plants, then leave the first two sockets from the mother's bush and cheer them.

Then the bed must be exploded. You can feed in the spring and autumn. In this case, organic mixtures and wood ashes can be used (Figure 2).

Autumnal care also implies frequent watering until the end of the season. Avoid surface irrigation, it will not give any result.

In August or in early September, you can transplant bushes. Close at this time, bushes are already the first harvest for the next year. To get a boarding material in July, cover the formed mustache and when they come down, cut off the maternal bush.

Figure 2. Autumn works in beds

The final stage of autumn departure is the shelter. Two days after feeding the bushes are covered by a cheese, straw, fallen leaves. Such a shelter will save bushes from winter frosts and will be a good organic fertilizer.

Growing from seeds at home

This method of cultivation is not very laborious, but requires the implementation of some rules. It allows you to get exactly the view we want. It is also used to remove new varieties.

When to dive

In the main strawberry of seeds begin to dive when 2-4 dense real leaves appear on the plant. Seedling itself is strong and chore. To transplant seedlings, it is best to use individual pots, but you can use conventional disposable glasses. The main thing is that the plant has enough space, and the drainage hole was necessarily in the bottom (Figure 3).

Note: If the seedlings were grown in the greenhouses, then before picking, be sure to harde the plants.

After picking about a month and a half, the seedlings will need to still keep on the windowsill. And as soon as the spring warm will come to change the cold - you can carry out a disembarking into an open ground. It is necessary to plant seedlings at a distance of 30-35 cm, trying not to damage the upper kidneys.

Growing and country tricks

After the first leaflets appeared, it is necessary to provide them with the right care. The main factor is the light. Young shoots need to provide a long luminous day. To do this, you can use the usual desk lamp.

It is necessary to constantly monitor moisture. The first time the cover will help you. If there is condensate on the lid, then everything is fine, if it is going to a drop of a lid, you should open. In the absence of condensate, the plants are watered.

Figure 3. Features of picking seedlings

For irrigation, medical syringe uses not to pour tiny plants and not damage them. The air temperature in the room where seedlings are located, should not be descended below +20 degrees.

Strawberries from Seeds, Growing and Care: Video

To fully master the technology of growing this culture from seeds, we recommend to familiarize yourself with the video, which shows the main stages of this process.

Growing strawberries on Finnish technology

When growing strawberries on this technology when landing uses black polyethylene film. They produce it in Finland and it has high quality. Planted with single-row and double row (Figure 4).

The advantages of mulching with black film when cultivation of this technology are as follows:

  • In the upper layers of the soil, the nitrate nitrogen accumulates, which improves the nutrient medium of plants;
  • A barrier forms for the growth of weeds, which simplifies landing care;
  • Increases the activity of microorganisms in the soil;
  • Moisture remains longer;
  • Soil warms uniformly;
  • Berries do not come into contact with the earth, which reduces the disease, as well as to preserve the product view of the product;
  • Thanks to the black film, a special microclimate is created inside. The roots are constantly warm, which allows planting seedlings earlier and earlier to receive a crop;
  • Plants practically do not hurt and are not damaged by pests.

The essence of the technology is that instead of mulch, a black film is used, which is covered with a bed. Then planted seedlings.

Figure 4. Arrangement of beds in Finnish technology

Film is used in black color, because it attracts heat and create it comfortable conditions. This technique can be used for growing strawberries in greenhouses.

Finnish cultivation technology is focused on growing in the northern regions.

Dutch strawberry cultivation method

The cultivation of strawberries in the Dutch technology is that the seedlings are planted into the closed soil. It can be special bags, drawers, pallets, a greenhouse (Figure 5). Choose a place for year-round growing strawberries is based on the volume of the crop that you want to receive.

Figure 5. Growing a berry culture in Dutch technology

This cultivation method involves the "awakening" of strawberries to obtain a crop. You can achieve this by creating the necessary conditions For plant growth. For this, they provide the supply of essential nutrients using drip irrigation. In addition, plants need to provide additional lighting.

When using this technique, vertical and horizontal accommodation of bushes is allowed, it all depends on you and free space. For harvest round year It is necessary to constantly plant new bushes.

Growing in PVC pipes horizontally

Today you can see quite a lot different ways growing strawberries. You can find pyramids from automotive tires or from garden pots, also vertical landings (Figure 6).

We will look at the advantages and disadvantages of strawberry growing with a horizontal method in PVC pipes.

This method of cultivation has its advantages and disadvantages. To begin with, consider the advantages of this method.

Strawberry landing horizontally in PVC pipes has many advantages:

  1. Saving the landing site: if you correctly arrange horizontal beds, you can collect twice as much more harvest than with a normal bed.
  2. Mobility of the beds, as they can be moved at any time to another place.
  3. The soil does not need to be processed, since in horizontal beds it is practically absent. Pests, weeds and other strawberry attacks are not terrible.
  4. Berries are always clean, as they are at a high distance from the surface of the Earth.
  5. Collect the harvest is very easy, especially if the beds are located at the level of 1-2 m above the ground.

Figure 6. Horizontal cultivation in pipes

In addition, such an unusual garden will become an excellent decoration for your site. But this method has certain disadvantages. First, during the cultivation you need to constantly water the beds. Secondly, you will have to incur some additional costs, as you need to purchase in advance plastic pipes. But if you have recently completed repair or construction, you can use remnants. In addition, with this method of cultivation, the garden should be transferred to the room.

Materials and technology manufacturing

Before starting the manufacture of horizontal beds, you need to decide on materials and tools.

We need:

  1. Trimming pipes with a diameter of 15 cm, also pipes with a diameter of 4-5 cm;
  2. Plugs suitable for pipe diameter;
  3. Drill or other tool to do the holes on the surface of the pipes;
  4. Clamzit, fragments of bricks, crumbling coal or other material for drainage;
  5. Prepared soil.

Next, go to the manufacture of beds. First of all, cut thick pipes to the desired length. Pipes of small diameters are customized under the dimensions of large, shortening by 15 cm. In all large pipes, you need to drill holes at a distance of 10-15 cm. In thin pipes, also drill holes at a distance of 8-10 cm.

Thick pipes on one side are closed with plugs, the pipe is inserted into the center with a smaller diameter and filled with clay half. Next, fall asleep with fertile soil, then planted strawberries. Do not forget to install watering system.

Strawberry cultivation vertical way

By building vertical beds in its plot, you can grow twice as much vegetables and berries, as well as beautifully and unusually decorated it (Figure 7).

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Most types of vertical beds are conventional containers of various designs. Therefore, they have both pros and cons.

The advantages of vertical beds:

  • Decorativeness: Beautifully made vertical design with plants will always decorate any plot. And many ways to build such structures.
  • Minimum soil treatment, as plants are constantly in a closed space and do not overgrow weeds.
  • Saving the place: when the lands are not enough, I want to plant a lot, vertical beds come to the rescue, which can be accommodated anywhere: along the fence or on the fence, along the walls of the house, shed or summer kitchen and so on.
  • Mobility of structures: Many designs can be easily moved. Some options allow you to rebuild, combine and supplement.

However, along with the advantages of vertical beds there are disadvantages that need to be taken into account when arranged. First, it should be taken into account that vertical beds require regular irrigation, since the soil in them dries faster than in the garden.

Figure 7. Arrangement of vertical beds

Secondly, such beds are not suitable for all plants, and planted cultures require additional nutrition. Thirdly, the soil can freeze in winter. Perennial plants, such as strawberries, in this case grow problematic. In winter, the soil fuses and the root system will die. It should be considered when choosing structures.

The disadvantages of vertical beds can be slightly reduced by using the hydrogel when planting. He is able to accumulate moisture, and if necessary, the plants will take water from it. You can also use drip irrigation system.

Strawberry removable: cultivation and care

The removable strawberry is increasingly found on the beds of lovers of this berry. True, do not everyone know how to grow it correctly. The cultivation of removable varieties has its own characteristics to be considered.

This species fertures the whole season, so it is demanding on the conditions of cultivation. For example, removing the first spring flowers, you get the opportunity to get a second harvest in large quantities and in earlier deadlines

In addition, similar varieties are characterized by a short growth cycle. This is due to rapid growth and constant fruit. The best predecessors for repairing varieties will be Siderats, carrots, peas, garlic, radishes, onions, salad, beans, beets, cereals. Do not land it after tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, peppers, eggplants.

Correct keeping lies in regular loosening and subsequent mulching, frequent and abundant watering, removing damaged leaves and mustache, as well as feeding and prevention from diseases and pests.

Curving strawberries: care and cultivation

There are strawberry varieties that give long mustes on which sockets appear, and shortly and blooms. If rooting such sockets on a vertical basis, it is quite possible to get a curly strawberry (Figure 8). To do this, you need to purchase any kind of ampel strawberry and put it correctly.

Growing and care for the curly strawberry is not very different from ordinary varieties. There are several simple rulesBy performing which you will get your delicious harvest:

  • It is impossible to water the bushes on top. Water should be pouring only under the root;
  • In time, we have a bed of weeds in time, because they take a lot of moisture and useful substances;
  • Make fertilizer in time. Plants need frequent feeding;
  • Without pity, remove unnecessary bushes and mustache if they are not fruiting;
  • Bushes require a lot sunlight And do not tolerate drafts. Therefore, the place must be chosen solar and protected.

Figure 8. Growing curly varieties

Ampel Strawberry: Care and Growing

Growing and care for ampel strawberries has some features associated with the conditions of growth and the formation of bushes (Figure 9).

It should be noted such features:

  1. Watering should be permanent and moderate. It is impossible to allow either a drying, no convergence. To do this, you can use hydrogel or drip irrigation systems.
  2. Throughout the vegetative season, ampel varieties require enhanced nutrition, so the feeding should be carried out regularly. If you grow an ampel strawberry indoor, use complex mineral fertilizers for feeding. If in open soil - Different organics.
  3. During the cultivation in time, delete extra shoots and sockets. The bush is able to feed two sockets on the mustache, the rest are removed. The amount of mustache also should not be too large. Usually leave five first mustows.

Figure 9. Cultivation of ampels

Before the cold cold, it is necessary to stick to the ground and climb straw or fallen leaves. If there is a place in the house or an extension, you can transfer them there. When landing on the grille, the mustache is distinguished and stacked next to the bushes, top above the mulch.

Spring care is very important for strawberries and contributes to the development of plants and getting a good harvest.

In addition to general rules Care experienced gardeners Stay some nuances that help grow a good and tasty harvest.

The first thing to do for successful cultivation, It is to install drip watering. Choosing a landing place, prefer the sections where onions, garlic, beets, carrots, greens, celery were grown before. The soil should be easy. In dense soil, it is recommended to add sand and peat.

Note: If you are planning a spring disembarking, the bed must be prepared from autumn.

Young shoots require trace elements. To do this, you can use a mixture of manganese, molybdenum-oxid ammonium, boric acid and water. Also recommended to conduct spring processing using folk remedies: onion infusion, a solution of mustard and decoction of wormwood (for watering). To protect the landing from pests to land garlic, onions, mustard, fennel, velvets, and not to miss important moments Current care is recommended to make a plan for plant processing.

After reading the theoretical care information for strawberries, it will be useful to view and the thematic video in which are given. practical recommendations for the cultivation of this culture.