
Apple tree wonderful landing and care. Little garden miracle - various varieties of dwarf apple trees. Dwarf apple trees for the Moscow region

Fruit and berry crops for the garden

Today, apple trees are becoming increasingly popular among amateur gardeners dwarfs or so-called dwarf apple As they occupy much less place And they are much easier to care for them. In addition, in the fruiting, they already come to the third year after landing, they need less nutrients, they grow well even in areas with high groundwater sitting. And since the growing season of these apple trees ends much earlier than the apple trees of ordinary, and they have time to prepare for winter.

Winter dwarf varieties

The correct depth of planting an apple tree remains a very important problem. Except for systems with high support density, the bouton compound should be located 5 cm above the final soil level. The length of the tail of the root over the soil surface determines the strength of the rebound. This is a greater factor with dwarf, the stronger stools. Strengthen deeper can lead to the appearance of root processes and a decrease in the dwarf influence of catching. So that the union overly over the earth reduces the size of the tree and introduced the possibility of the formation of burrs or air roots.

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Dwarfs - Description

Dwarf apple tree - not some the new kind plants. To get a dwarf apple tree, varietal cuttings are vaccinated on a clone dwarf dive. As a result, an apple tree grown on such flows reach no more than 2.5 m. It is necessary to know that the life expectancy of the dwarf apple trees is internally shorter than that of the stronal, but when proper care They live 20-30 years, while the life expectancy of ordinary apple trees is 35-40 years old.

This destruction in the cortex can be captured by a petrel and will lead to the loss of trees. To ensure consistency of the sizes of trees and a decrease in unnecessary trunk injury, special caution is required to properly position the bud.

Plans landing gardens can be grouped into three general grade, depending on the share of trees on the hectare. The landing time interval ensures the complete development of the tree, with the exception of the minimum workout and corrective trimming. This plan requires the smallest investments on the hectares on the trees. While the wide distance between the trees was a recognized sign of a traditional garden in the past, it is not recommended for gardens planted now. The predicted life expectancy of a sapling planted at low density is perhaps 40 years.

The difference between tall and dwarf trees, as we have already written, solely that the lowest shapes grow on dwarf-colored ingredients with a surface root system, while in tall and mid-hearted trees the root system rod, leaving into the depths of the soil. But it is precisely this difference that needs to clarify the question for readers, what kind of apple trees on dwarf-darkens are suitable for districts with a cool and cold climate.

A moderately close distance of this plan requires relatively high investments in the trees, and in labor - to manage them, which should be more than compensated by increasing profits. Trees are trained in the central leader. They are held on their allocated space by peripheral trimming, reducing the natural spread of at least 20%. The average density is recommended only in special cases when environmental problems are basic considerations, such as spring frosts and wind.

The predicted service life of the gardens of about 20 years. The higher the number of trees, the greater the need for programming management system for the garden life. Many options plan are possible. Dwarf reserves should always be used. The possible advantage of earlier returns is compensated for by a greater cost per hectare for trees.

Dwarf apple trees for the Moscow region.

Best varieties Dwarf apple trees for Moscow region:

  • Melba - High-yielding summer grade, round-elongated yellow-green with a red baro-shaped blush fruit of which weighing from 150 to 250 g ripen in late July. The pulp of the apples of this variety is gentle, juicy, sour-sweet, with caramel flavor;
  • Candy - This fragrant and unpretentious summer grade was derived by Michuurin himself, and he still exceeds all other summer grades in taste. Apples with yellow leather and red-brown blush, weighing on average about 120 g, to the beginning or middle of August. The pulp of fruits is sweet, dense and juicy;
  • Zhigulevskoye - viable, sustainable disease and pests. Harvest autumn varieties with very large apples in red-orange striped peel ripening by the end of September and stored for six months. The pulp cream, gentle, coarse, moderately acidic. The trees of this variety are afraid of strong frosts;
  • Autumn striped - Mid-ferric grade with round yellow fruits weighing up to 200 g with a saturated sour-sweet taste, which are perfectly stored at 6 ºC;
  • Georstek Moscow region - has long been a popular high-yielding Late variety, resistant to the paschers, with small rounded-elongated yellow apples with a red barrel;
  • Bogatyr - winter-hardy, practically not affected by diseases and pests winter grade with a strong branching crown and slightly elongated apples Red and yellow and acidic taste resembling Antonovka.

Growing "Dwarfs" in Tatarstan

Training and trimming methods should be very specialized to control the size of trees and encourage early crops. Separate trees should never be used for these systems. Systems with higher density, such as a thin spindle and vertical axis, have demonstrated great advantages compared to single-standing high-density nozzles.

There is also a possible need for irrigation, and the risk of color and size of fruit decreases as trees reach large sizes in maturity. Fruit color and size decrease as the effect of light decreases. Quality is as important as profit.

In addition to those described, we grow well in the conditions of the Moscow region of the city of Moskovskaya necklace, snowdrop, carpet, landing, northern synap, Antonovka, legend, Moscow red, low and others.

Dwarf apple trees for the Urals.

The varieties of dwarf apple trees for the Urals should have even greater winter hardiness than an apple tree for the suburbs. Such frost-resistant varieties include:

How to care for dwarf apple trees

An indication of the distances between the trees for each of the various densities of the garden is shown in Table 2. The proposed intervals in the table belong to the soils of the middle fecundity and varieties of the average force. The table suggested the distance in the meters of varieties of the apple of the middle force on some leading congestion.

Dwarf apple trees: Care

Table Number of trees with hectares at different distances. Sources: John Kine, Crop Division, University of Gwelf, Simko, Ontario. The following lists the various styles used for apple trees, peach, pears, cherries, apricots, plums and quince. We dissolved our trees on a concrete ground, which we consider the most appropriate for the individual diversity of fruits and soil conditions in the Southern Central Pennsylvania. Please keep in mind that cultural customs, soil and environmental conditions, irrigation and rebound strength can affect the genetic effect of catching.

  • Wonderful - Latelete winter-hard-resistant variety of high yields with plane-rounded, slightly ribbed yellow-green apples weighing up to 140 g with a saturated dark red blush and the flesh of the dessert taste;
  • apple tree dwarf frach - The name of the variety as "brother is wonderful" is deciphered. This is a highly productive and very winter-hardy late grade with average large-scale-round ribbed greenish-yellow fruits weighing up to 120 g, with a characteristic side seam and a weak coarse flesh of an excellent sour-sweet taste;
  • Landing - Mid-veterinary high-strength and sustainable seaside winter-hardy grade, withstanding frosts up to -40 ºC. Green with a bright red blush fruit weighing up to 150 g have a flat-round shape and an excellent sour-sweet taste;
  • Sokolovsky - a yield and winter-hard-resistant winter grade, resistant to a brummer, with greenish yellow with shiny peel and red blush fruits weighing up to 200 g and cream fine-grained, juicy and dense butt sour-sweet taste;
  • Snowdrop Winter-hardy and productive winter grade with light yellow, slightly ribbed fruits with blurred reddish barrel, weighing up to 160 g, although it is also three hundred-gram apples.

In addition to those described, we grow well in the conditions of the Ural climate, such as the sun, early sweet, low, carpet, the Urals, Sverdlovsk, Ksenia, Ksenia, Bashkir, Schrefing, Amber and others.

Mature heights are approximate. Causes early fruiting in 2-3 years. Rarely produces burrs or suction knots. Very resistant to the nail of the collar and moderately resistant to mildew and apple passhers. Fruits tend to be larger and ripen earlier. Trees on this root can withstand heavy soils and humid conditions, but should not land in dry light soils. The disease is resistant to the rotation of the collar, but susceptible to mold. Good in areas with frequent spring freezes, due to its delay in the development of spring bud.

Dwarf apple tree for Siberia.

A truly winter-resistant varieties of dwarf apple trees capable of carrying frost below 40 ºC, not so much, but there is still a choice. The most promising for cultivation in the harsh conditions of Siberia is considered to be varieties:

  • Ermakovo mountain - Summer yieldRemoved by crossing the varieties of Felix Altai and Altai doves and can withstand frosts up to -51 ºC. The fruits of the apple tree of this variety are small, weighing up to 80 g, round, smooth, light yellow, almost completely covered with red stroke. Fragrant pulp, fine-grained, white, juicy, sour-sweet;
  • Antonovka desserts - Mid-line winter-hardy grade, resistant to the pasche, obtained when crossing Peping Saffron and Antonovka ordinary. The fruits of this variety, weighing from 150 to 200 g, have a rounded shape, a greenish-cream color with a light red craft-striped brush and a medium-trumped juicy fragrant flesh of an excellent sour-sweet taste;
  • Arkadik - Summer productive grade, maturing already in mid-August, with red-striped extended fruits weighing up to 160 g with a sweet, juicy white flesh of a pleasant dessert taste;
  • Medicarian winter - Winter hybrid variety, resistant to a seamless, with rounded-conical yellow-green fruits weighing up to 120 g with a fuzzy red rumbling and a white flesh of a medium juice of the unplaced and sweet taste. Fruits can be stored until March;
  • Uslada - Early autumn variety with round-conical yellow-green fruits with a red-raised blush that occupies most of the apple. The mass of fruits is about 150 g, the flesh is fine-grained, white with pinkish residences, juicy, sour-sweet, with a light taste of raspberry;
  • Gift graphic - Highly productive winter grade, resistant to fungi, with round-conical coallabry, yellow fruits with a purple-red blush covering most of the apple. The flesh of fruits of light yellow color, sour-sweet taste, mean jucia, with a weak fragrance.
  • Rating 4.56 (9 votes (s))

Apple-dwarfs are becoming increasingly popular with gardeners. These trees with a height of no more than 3-3.5 meters in contrast to other apple trees are characterized by high yield and sideline.

It transfers little heavy, excessively acidic or unusually wet or dry soil. Not resistant to rotting the collar and exposed to firewall. As a rule, it is free, but with a heavy set of fruits can be relying on very windy areas. It has excellent binding, without the need for investment. Very drought-resistant, high temperature of the soil and adapts to sandy and clay loam. Best semicard for heavy or poorly drained soils. Quite resistant to the nails of the collar and wool, solid and moderately resistant to fiery light.

Dwarf cultures are low, occupy a small amount of soil. Apple-dwarfs are not demanding of care, so even a beginner will be able to grow this culture and enjoy her sweet fruits.

Dwarf trees are weavorous apple trees or pears, which multiply vegetatively and are grown on low-duct. Under we win, you should understand the cuttings, to which a certain one is given.

It may be susceptible to burrs and mildew. One of the most desirable convictions are considered when factors such as production efficiency, durability, ease of distribution, resistance, compatibility and disease resistance are considered. It has an exceptional winter hardiness and good binding, but may require laying at a young age if it is in an open wind zone. It is well manifested in most soils, especially in deep, fertile soil and light sand or heavy clay.

Well suited for soils with a high content of arsenic and old garden sites with problems associated with replacement. May be susceptible to the hand of the collar. Malling-rhizome, which is very vigorously and early. Which then has a bud of a certain variety, grafted on the stem. The resulting tree has the stability of the flow in the ground and the increase characteristic of the stem, with the fruits of the selected variety. Arriving from Iowa, this is a relatively new oddism for peaches. It turned out to be very cold. It develops a rich root system and resistant to the nematodes of root lesions.

The main advantages of dwarf apple trees:

  • Previously fruiting and high yield
  • Small root system sizes
  • Low size
  • Plain
  • High product quality
  • Weak differences in fruiting

An essential disadvantages of apple-dwarfs can be attributed to the short term of fruiting. Unlike the stronger apple trees, the length of the fruction of dwarf apple trees fluctuates an average of 12 to 20 years.

Compatibility with all commercially grown varieties with good resistance to disease. It works well and has good story production. Since this eyeliner comes from a seed, the size of the tree may vary. Rhizome does not provide growth control, but provides good fixation and compatible with most pear varieties. Provence Iiva. Arriving from France, this is a high-yielding dwarf chandency. Roots well and produce good quality trees. Resistant to bile crown, nematodes and root toughs and limestone soil types.

Under the weight of fruit and wind trees-dwarfs often lean down. This is due to the vaccination of trees on dwarf-wining, which have a surface root system. It is less durable compared to grazing trees. In this case, it is necessary to put special subs. This placement of roots in the soil requires special care, regular feeding and.

This shows some susceptibility to firewall. It is considered one of the best troubles for sweet or grated cherry. It is cold hardy, drought-resistant and highly productive. He is susceptible to the root of the oak mushroom, the root node and especially the phytooftor. It is somewhat resistant to the crown of the gallbladder and resistant to bacterial cancer and damage to the root.

Easy to care

Prefers light sandy soil and will not survive on wet or heavy soils. Mazzard. This chance produces an energetic tree with very good binding. It is most compatible with cherries. It tends to resist common cherry diseases better than mahaleg. It possesses some tolerance to the phytoofluoride and moderately resistant to the mushroom from the oak root. It grows best in the soup soil, but also tolerate to heavy soils. It is susceptible to the crown of gall and bacterial shells, but it is resistant to water stress and root nodes.

It should be carefully taken to buy young seedlings. Root system Dwarf tree urine. It is worth paying attention to the roots: they must be fresh, and not angry. Young twigs must end with the kidneys. There should be no injury or damage to seedlings.

After buying the roots of the seedling should be wrapped with a wet cloth, and at home it is desirable to immediately fit the landing.

It has a wide range of soil applicability and really loves heavy soils. It has good resistance to the bacterial nucleus and tolerance for viruses, equal to Matsard or Mahalaba virus. This requires support for its heavy agricultural loads and management systems that contributes to the growth of new shoots to balance his early hard work. He did not show any species of incompatibility.

The tree structure is open, the centerpieces spreads. This stock is very early and productive. It has good virus resistance and does not cause sucking problems. Particularly suitable for heavy soils with excellent mount. Many fruit trees, including semi-dry varieties, can easily grow up to 15 feet and higher. Anyone who tried to manage one of these large trees in the backyard will instantly appreciate the value of small fruit trees: they need less space, they are easy to care and produce fruits in controlled quantities.

Varieties of dwarf apple trees

The dwarf apple trees Krone is the same as that of ordinary tall trees. Among the dwarf apple trees are isolated summer, winter and autumn varieties.

The most summer varieties of dwarf apple trees include the following:

  • Candy
  • Melba
  • Wonderful

Candy grade

The fruits of this apple tree of a small size light yellow color. The whole surface is covered with red strokes. Fruiting occurs after 3-4 years. This variety is sufficiently resistant to low temperatures. This variety of dwarf apple trees is good for fertile and wet soils, loves solar lighting.

Features of growing apple trees on dwarf

Growing compact trees allow you to collect more fruit varieties in the corners of your property or small gardenAnd this means that you can choose these varieties to taste and adapt to climate, and not by the size of the tree. Almost any standard and halfwall - from pears, peaches and dragging to apples and apricots - can be trained to remain much more compact.

Cropped procedure described in this article will create a significantly smaller fruit tree than what you are accustomed to - the size of most dwarf trees. Here is the key to this little-known technique: the reaction of fruit trees on pruning depends on the season in which cuts are made. The answer of trees is determined by whether the tree is actively growing, collects nutrients, preparing for peace or completely inactive. Remember this when using your scissors.

Melba variety

These trees are average, have a rounded crown. The fruits of the average size, rounded shape, weakness. The pulp of apples is sour and sweet with a candy taste and aroma. The Melba grade is fast and the first fruits appear after a few years after landing.

Viicity variety

Prunty fruit trees for small gardens: the first incision

The first step towards growing small fruit tree It is that when landing cut a solid header. Although such a reduction may seem extreme, your landing work will be completed only when you separate the upper two-thirds from your new tree. This cut slice is crucial because it will create low scaffolds, and this reduction during peace will give strength and elasticity of the tree, which is especially important for heavy fruits. Most importantly, it will help keep a ripe wood canopy within reach.

He is a late summer variety. The height of the apple tree varieties is wonderful not exceeded 1.5 meters. The fruits of apple trees are rounded and slightly flat, medium size. The color of fruits is yellowish-green, pulp juicy and has a fine-grained structure. After using the fruits of this variety, there is a pleasant aftertaste.

Apples begin to ripen in early August. After landing, the first fruits appear after 3 years.

Common winter varieties of dwarf apple trees:

  • Bogatyr
  • Borovinka
  • Pepin saffron

Grade Bogatyr

These are strong tv trees with a wide crown. Fruits elongated, with a red-yellow tint, slightly acidic taste. Apples ripen only late autumn.

Variety Borovinka

Winter-hardy variety of dwarf apple trees. This is a weak-tangible tree with a crown of spherical shape. The first fruits appear in 4-5 years after planting a tree. The fruits of the right shape, color gently red or whitish yellow. The pulp of apples is juicy, yellowish shade, sour-sweet taste.

Safrana Pepin variety

Summary winter grade. The apple tree is medium in size, in the form of rounded, the branches are omitted down. The first fruits appear for 5-6 years after landing. Apples of small conical shape, have a small ribbon. The flesh of the fruit of cream shade, they taste sweet and have a pleasant aroma.

Famous autumn varieties of slaughter apple trees:

  • Golden Delishes
  • Zhigulevskoye
  • Sokolovsky

Grade Golden Delisheshes

The trees of this variety average with a rounded crown form. Fruiting occurs after 2-3 years from the moment. Fruits rounded shape with dense skin. Yellow apples with juicy flesh of cream or green shade.

Sort Zhigulevskoye

Apple tree after planting starts fruit for 2-3 years of life. Fruits are pretty large, red-orange painting, sour and sweet taste. Completely ripen by the end of September or early October. The assembled apples can be stored for 6 months in a dark and cold room.

Sokolovsky variety

The first fruits appear late in the fall, before the first winter frosts. Apples have greenish or yellow color. Fruits juicy, with small sourness.

When buying a sapling and choosing a variety, it is necessary to take into account the winter hardiness, fruiting, as well as resistance to various pests.

Features of growing apple trees on dwarf

Landing of low-spirited trees has similarity to planting on a stronger, but still has its own some features.

The reproduction of the apple tree occurs with the help of vertical or horizontal grooves, root cuttings or vaccinations. Before planting trees, it is necessary to dig a cylindrical yam, the diameter should be 80 cm, and the depth is about 60 cm. The pits preferably prepare in advance.

When filling the pit, the soil must use only its upper fertile layer. In the soil, it is necessary to make organic or mineral fertilizers. In this case better suitable humus, wood ash or superphosphate.

Organic fertilizer will need about 2-3 buckets per pit. It is mixed with the ground, and then fall asleep into the pit. Pre-in the pit you need to drive a length of 150 cm.

Before boarding, follow the following requirements. The root cervix should be located above the soil surface in about 4-5 cm. It is important not to be confused and the root neck. Vaccinations are a few centimeters above the root neck.

The root system of dwarf trees lies shamelessly. For this reason, the roots are poorly fixed in the soil. Therefore, when landing, it should be uniformly and gently distribute them and ensure that the roots are not flex. Only after the cutting of the roots can be covered with the soil.

If the landing is made near, then this procedure is carried out on bulk hills, the height of which should be at least 50 cm, and the diameter is 1.5-2 m. For such hills, the imported soil is used.

When landing, it should be borne in mind that the bare roots apple trees should not be located on the surface. This can lead to a decrease in survival and root drying.

Landing best exercise early autumn or spring.

Low grades should plant tight. After planting, trees should be tied to supports. To do this, you need to install supports and stretch the wire.

After the seedlings are planted, it is necessary to make holes and pour them with two or three buckets of water. So that the moisture in the ground is preserved, the soil is mulched.

Fast trimming of dwarf trees

All types of apple trees need. This is necessary for the best suspiciousness of trees, restoring the equilibrium between damaged and overhead parts and the resolution of growth force.

Like landing, pruning should be made, observing certain rules.

Crimping should be carried out only after the formation of the crown. A few years after the landing, not only the main escape will be strong and developed, but also skeleton bones. The upper branches are cut by 25-30 cm from the base, and all the remaining cutting levels.

If the krona is a Yarny type, then no more than 4 branches should be left. The remaining branches cut into the ring. It is necessary to leave strong and developed branches, weak and hanging down are subject to removal. If seedlings do not have crowns, then after landing, they are shortened by about 80 cm from the base.

Part of the cutting technology is pinching of escapes that must be performed in summer period. Pincation or pinching provides for the removal of young non-devented sprouts. The procedure is necessary with the help of a secaterator and only if the kidneys appear or weak, unsuccessful shoots.

The first pincation is carried out in the first days of June, next - in mid-July. If necessary, the third parting is carried out, but in this case you need to be careful: young processes may not have time to mature and at first freezes they will die.

Proper piping will help reduce the active growth of young and developing twigs.

The main way of trimming fruiting trees with annual growth is the thinning of the crown. This procedure provides triggering of broken, as well as thick sprigs. If the branches are intertwined, they are shortened.

With a weak increase in shoots, in addition to thinning, you can make a rejuvenating trimming of all branches.

How to care for dwarf apple trees

Care for apple-dwarfs is quite simple. Care is in timely irrigation, feeding, soil looser and trimming branches.

Watering must be carried out throughout the summer. On one tree will need about 4-5 buckets of water. After that, the soil should be exploded. This manipulation should also be carried out after the rain. End in August, otherwise there will be a height delay. In addition, damage to the wood by frosts is possible.

Depending on which the soil grow young trees, irrigation rate is performed. For the sudea soil, about 4 buckets of water will need, and for a sublinous soil - at least 6 buckets of water.

It is important to regularly inspect the trees for dry, damaged or sick branches and to delete them in a timely manner.

You can feed young trees in summer, but not more than 2-3 times. Best fertilizer Corovary or chicken litter is considered.

Trees should be protected from possible pests: hawars, fruit tick, weeving, etc. Treatment of trees from pests are not carried out during the distance of buds.

The first processing should be carried out in the spring, when the kidneys are not yet formed. For this, special chemicals are used, the trunk is treated lime solid etc.

During flowering, it is categorically forbidden to apply any solutions from pests, as you can harm insect pollinkers.

The best option will be the removal of weeds located near the village, and removing the detected pests on their own.

Grow and care for dwarf apple trees is easy and simple, it is only necessary to observe simple rules and recommendations. Only then can be achieved good harvest in 2-3 years.

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