
New horoscope for March from Martha. Horoscope for a month


In 2017, the rooster promised to be favorable to most representatives of the zodiac circle. This does not mean that it is time to rest on the laurels, because the first spring month will be characterized by the activation of business activity. Suit spend this month with the mind, forming the basis for a long annual jerk, which will end only in winter.

It is in March that many signs of the zodiac will be able to show themselves from the best side in the workplace, and it will try to give you the necessary amount of vital energy and strength. Special attention will require the health sector. Totem 2017 is a well-known perfectionist, including in relation to appearance. In this regard, astrologists have prepared recommendations and tips on how to quickly lead themselves in the form to the summer season.

In March 217, you need to pay time to yourself and your appearance

Spring will make their own adjustments and your personal life. After the February clutch, many will have chances of promising dating and romantic relationships. The main thing is to approach this issue with the mind, because the fiery roosch will not tolerate a frivolous attitude towards love and indignant if you neglect traditional values \u200b\u200band moral implications.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Aries

Representatives of this sign will be able to take control of all spheres of life. I have enough energy for two, so it's not surprising that in March he will try to do everything and immediately, without feeling fatigue. Innovative ideas will not always be perceived by surrounding with due enthusiasm, but do not hurry to force people to go for themselves - it can spoil not one good relationship. From a financial point of view, you have nothing to worry about - the stars predict a constant cash stream, which, with a competent distribution, can turn into a real stream.

Free Aries with heads will be loaded into a new novel, however, in order to warm up their interest in his person, you will need to show indifference and unpredictability. Family personalities should pay attention to the second half. The best option astrologers consider joint visits on the weekend. Heavenly shovels recommend that you begin to fight with predisposition to salt deposition. Reduce the number of snacks and salts in the diet, preferred fresh vegetables and fruits.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Taurus

Taurizes will have to come with the usual weight lifestyle to realize the chances provided by the rooster. It is time to get out of the comfort zone and even sacrifice the time allotted for sleep and entertainment. The straight-line Taurus will have to learn to perceive elusive hints and understand the non-verbal language of communication so as not to fall aspass. The situation with money can be described as stable. Particularly lucky to the carts employed in the sales area - the growth of profit is guaranteed by the stars.

As for love, in this issue for astrologers prepared one of the most favorable forecasts. In March you are waiting for romantic meetings, interesting dates and dating. The family will require the correct placement of priorities. Stars recommend relaxing so that it was interesting to all households, otherwise the risk of quarrels and misunderstanding arises. To improve the figure, the calves are recommended swimming and wrapping with the sauna effect.

Horoscope for March 2017 for twins

For March will be a month of summing up. It is time to reap the fruits of your efforts - or it is understood that you worked, after the sleeves, so you only need to complain about your laziness. Attempts to fix something and turn the time to reverse to anything will not lead, you just need to realize the mistakes made and prepare for new achievements. At work it is worth to forget about a comfortable condition - the authorities decided to fill you avalanche of tasks, the successful execution of which guarantees you an increase in the salary. In the meantime, you will have to tighten the belt and influence the usual spending on entertainment and pleasant little things.

In love you can wait for a serious disappointment due to overpriced expectations. Partner, alas, will be far from so ideal as he would like to twins. An attempt to remake a person under his vision will not lead to anything good. Astrologers warn that any surveillance intervention is best to try to move away at the end of the month, and even better - in mid-April.

Horoscope for March 2017 for cancer

Cancers are tired of the need to constantly concentrate on current affairs, so they try to immerse themselves into the familiar fertile state. In the field of professional employment, everything will go as a guy. The load can be big, but all tasks will be familiar and will not cause panic. By the way, the stars say that all the efforts spent will be equivalent to money, so it will be able to pamper themselves another beautiful thing or a status accessory.

The month is favorable for new acquaintances that will be very promising. Single cancers can find a permanent pair, and family representatives of this sign will finally understand that their current union is almost perfect. Stars recommend that you actively do sports to fit the figure for recognized beauty standards. The only warning is not overloading your back, in March it will be your weak place.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Lion

No matter how much Lion wanted to take revenge on all offenders, March is not the best time to clarify relationships. Especially since most complaints of others will be completely defined. At work, the situation will be unstable and explosive, some long-standing intrigues and glooms will float on the surface. It is categorically not recommended to be in the center of the scandal. A month promises lone lonely a few romantic dating. They will not have a continuation, but you can disperse a bit and have a good time.

Family representatives of this sign will be able to temper their formidable temper and turn into a purring kitten, which will be perceived by your second half with due recycle. You can knock out the unexpected costs for small repairs from the gauze, but you should not worry, because in March you will not have any money problems. Stars predict the lions the risk of a sudden deterioration of well-being. Do not hurry to panic - most likely, it is a banal avitaminosis and chronic lack of sleep.

Horoscope for March 2017 for the Virgin

Waiting for a great time to implement plans that have long been postponed for later. You can easily solve old controversy or surrender the project that could not finish. In the career questions you will need to imagine requests. Do not start your own business and enter into new contracts. Spend this month to carefully think about business plans and establishing relationships with partners - this will play an important role in the future. Not too rainbow will be the situation with finance. Surprisingly, usually the economical maiden will constantly allow the reserved funds and perform unnecessary purchases.

The scope of love in single virgins is characterized by the state "then thick, then empty." In the first half of the month she will not have a penalty from fans and adorable, but completely unexpectedly will leave you closer towards the end of March. In the circle of families, representatives of this sign should behave tolerant and not respond to small quirks from home. In March, chronic diseases can be aggravated, so do not neglect the visits to the doctor.

Horoscope for March 2017 for weights

March 2017 will be for not the simplest period. It will seem for you that those surrounding and tormented to offend you or an insult. Try not to focus on conflicts not to spoil relationships with a good friend. At work, you will have the opportunity to slow down the pace and relax - the month will pass calmly, without Abrals and Deadlignes. Astrologers advise you to become an active participant in public events to better join the team. This is especially true of the scales that recently changed the place of work. In matters of finance, it is worth showing caution - high risk that fraudsters will be attended.

Family scales will finally feel that the second half is ready for the birth of children. Take advantage of this chance, because the rooster promises to children, conceived in the year of his rule, favor and patronage. New acquaintances in March are not foreseen, but the unexpected resuscitation of long-haired feelings can be expected. The health sector will not be disturbed, but this is not a reason to abandon physical exertion and hardening.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Scorpio

For representatives of this sign, March can become a period when you want to cool your life cool. The rooster favored adventurous agents and winds, so if you have long wanted to change the place of work or even a country of residence, it is worth using the totem favor. The month will be very successful for scorpions employed on the field of agriculture or in the food industry. Most likely, you will be waiting for a promotion and a new round in the development of professional skills. The field of finance will not please the stability, but the money sufficient to finance primary needs will be included in your wallet.

In matters of love can feel drunk in the corner. However, do not think that constant calls and messages are an attempt to keep you "on a short leash" - this is common concern and attention. Astrologers advise you to sign up for active fitness so that it should be prepared for the summer season. Dancing or martial arts will be the best choice.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Sagittarius

Stop catching your whims! Otherwise, you can plunge into the power of gambling and seriously play out, losing not only accumulation, but also real estate. At work, the archers will have to increase the level of discipline and responsibility. Your regular findings have long become a subject of close attention from the leadership. A month promises to be successful for the archers related to the scope of jurisprudence. The lawyers will be easily winning things, and the notaries are formed a constant stream of customers.

In March, there will be a sin to complain about the lack of finance. With reasonable savings, you can even accumulate for expensive acquisition or make repairs. The month does not contribute to the tying of new novels, so - it will have to be satisfied with the company of old friends. Family representatives of this sign should pay attention to children. It is possible that they have problems in school. As for health, the shooters should abandon harmful snacks and smoked, so as not to sharpen the problems with the stomach.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Capricorn

The main problem will be constant stress. It may seem that each of those surrounding is trying to bring you to white crown. Friends, colleagues and family are tired of your eternal excuses. Having exhausted his patience, the closest decided to hear you a little. Cockerel advises to make the right conclusions and adjust the behavior. The month will be favorable for caperpashers employed in the public service. The chance of what you will have a powerful patron, which will be a mentor for you and a friend.

Financial component of life will not please stability and receipts. Most likely, it will have to even borrow a small amount. The first month of spring will bring to Capricorn unprecedented splash of feelings and emotions. The man you thought was just a friend will suddenly be the subject of romantic thoughts. Family representatives of this sign should be given more time to household responsibilities that you tend to neglect. The main risk in the field of health is household injuries, so be careful with fire and electrical appliances.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Aquarius

We will have to apply all your prerequisitive to achieve the planned results. The rooster warns that the policy of strict calculations must have a certain measure. Do not attempt to use friends for mercenary purposes, so as not to a person without honor and conscience. In the professional sphere you will find a small stagnation. The bright thoughts of someone will leave your head, so any project will go with Natoga and take a large amount of time. It is quite possible to check and friction with government instances.

In the field of romantic relationships, successes will not shine. Stars decided that it was time for a timeout. But if you have long and patiently achieve one person, you should show activity - you will get a chance to win. Family Aquaries must temper the level of their claims. You yourself are far from a gift, and your half can be tired of endless notations and morals, which can lead to a rupture. As for health, then listen more to the doctors - self-medication can make you seriously harm.

Horoscope for March 2017 for fish

Fish can finally relax and rely on their lucky star. This month, the rooster decided to make you with his pets. It will be especially possible for the month for who are busy with personal business. If you wish, you can even take a loan to expand the case. Stars say that you will be able to earn so much to return it on time. It is worthwhile to beware of unfamiliar partners - one of them is not entirely reliable and can substitute you with a contract.

In matters of love, everything will go like oil. Fish will be able to take possession of the attention of an interesting person, which may well be the subject of romantic dreams. In the family it is worth sticking to non-interference tactics: if the homemade can be satisfied, stay away and do not let the tips, until you ask you about it. In health issues it is worth paying attention to the purification of the body. Astrologers do not recommend adhering to strict diets, but unloading days will benefit.

March again "will" pay more attention to the issues of relationship with loved ones, partners, spouse, as well as enemies - if disagreements are not settled in the first decade of the month (the probability of aggravation of contradictions remains since February, including internationally) . In March, the number of legal proceedings may grow, including with relatives and neighbors, as well as with foreign partners and in educational institutions.

By the way, education is another important topic in early spring along with travel and the expansion of the usual boundaries of the world (in different senses). On the one hand, fundamental changes in education will be inevitable. Most often they will occur too sharply, even forcibly, not without scandals and proceedings, especially in the first half of March. On the other hand, significant difficulties will arise in the transport and communication industry: you can wait for the breakdown of plans and violations of the usual work schemes, the risk of breakdowns, accidents and delays increase - from the postal delivery to failures in the schedule of transport. In early March, high care is required on the road and working with communications.

Good news is related to the fact that at this time it will be possible to find ideas for improving old work schemes and solving long-time problems in these areas (transport, communications, information technology, education, travel). Although it will be difficult to quickly use successful innovations in practice, at this time there will be quite good opportunities for real improvements in the future.

The first decade of March will be unpredictable in developing cooperation with foreign partners: transactions can break or postponed. This is not a very favorable time for long journeys, especially by air. But the beginning of March is favorable for simple physical labor - from needlework before construction.

The second decade of March will be associated with delays in trips and current affairs, working with documents, but everything will be able to quickly settle. More serious wires will arise in relations with higher (from direct supervisor to official structures). Increased attention will require the health of the elderly, especially men.

The last week of March is able to be particularly tense: this is the work in the Avral mode, and the need to keep several important areas under control immediately. Closer to New Marthenia (March 28), all this can lead to increased fatigue, so it is desirable to rationally distribute its strength.

The main aspects of the planets in March 2017

Venus in Ovne (imprisonment) moving to retrograde movement (From March 4 to April 14): the reassessment time of values \u200b\u200bat the individual and social level, there is a revision of relationships. This is a period of increased vulnerability for women (especially from March 21 to April 3, while Venus is imprisoned in Aries and "burned" by the Sun). An unfavorable period for the field of fashion, beauty, entertainment. Unwanted plastic surgery, sharp change of image, large investment, marriage conclusion. At this time, it is useful to get rid of unnecessary things that have tested installations and false, imposed values. There are hidden processes in the spheres of design, beauty, art capable of becoming a sensation.

Mars in Tales (from March 10 to April 21): imprisonment. Active Will is aimed at gaining material independence, achieving specific results in the work. It is also strengthened by the importance of basic biological needs, the satisfaction of which can be achieved by brute force. Not a very favorable period for male self-esteem, which at this time is vulnerable and susceptible to the opinion of others.

Mercury in Ovne (From March 14 to March 31) - thinking becomes more egocentric, focused on personal prestige. Optimal time for short-term projects that enlist personal benefits or the opportunity to declare themselves, "break."

Sun in Ovne (From March 20 to April 20): the climax, the beginning of the astronomical spring and the awakening of nature. A period of increased confidence, thirst for recognition, attention, approval. Very good time for truly creative, strong, charismatic personalities, but even people are more modest and insecure at this time it becomes easier to declare themselves.

Jupiter in opposition (180 °) with uranium (accurate aspect March 3); Mars in trine (120 °) with Saturn (accurate aspect March 6); The sun in compound (0 °) with Mercury (accurate - March 7):

Time of sudden change in plans, agreements, connections. Large, large-scale, international and educational projects require a large investment of forces. Agreements in large groups of people are achieved with great difficulty. At the individual level - an increased risk of loss of documents, keys and other small property due to scattered. You need to be attentive on the road. Good results are obtained in the spheres of active physical labor.

Sun in Qinconse (150 °) with Jupiter (accurate aspect March 11-12); Mercury in a square (90 °) with a saturn (accurate aspect March 12-13); Sun in a square (90 °) with a saturn (accurate aspect March 17-19); Mercury in compound (0 °) with Venus (accurate - March 18-19):

The period of defending its positions, collisions of authorities, exacerbations in the confrontation of the personality and system (in each case it is felt in its own way). At the individual level, at this time, the delays in affairs, late. And also - the ability to become truly sincere with a partner and show your feelings (which is another question).

Mercury in a square (90 °) with Pluto (accurate aspect March 24); Mercury in opposition (180 °) with Jupiter (accurate aspect March 24-25); Mercury in compound (0 °) with uranium (accurate - 26-27 March); Jupiter in a converging square (90 °) with a Pluto (an accurate aspect March 31); The sun in compound (0 °) with the Venus (exact - March 25-26); Mars in sextile (60 °) with neptune; Mercury in Trinina (120 °) with Saturn (Accurate Aspect March 29-30):

By the end of March, the point of no return to the former position of things (in creativity, relations, work or other) will already be passed. In order not to stay not to affairs, but confidently go to a new level of self-realization (taking into account the Sun in Aries), it must be remembered that similar needs of other people are not a hindrance to personal well-being on the same way, and the opportunity to enlist mutual support.

Full moon: March 12 at 17:54 (Moscow time),
New moon: 28 March at 05:58 (Moscow time).

However, those who have accumulated enough wisdom, as well as everyday and professional experience, will still be able to turn the situation to benefit themselves and extract financial benefits from it. Enough forces and to pull out those whose fate is not essential from the collapse, and those who are associated with common commercial affairs.

In addition, the second decade of the month will be successful almost everyone - it will be possible to increase revenues, acquire new useful ties, make your existence more comfortable and deal with whom it is better to cooperate to multiply, and not lose. So, in the period from March 10 to 19, it is not necessary to relax - this is the time of beginnings that many will feed enough long.

In addition, in the first half of March, intuition will play an important role, and the desire to "leave dry out of the water" will make deftly bypass underwater trends, adapt to circumstances, agree on compromises and unexpected cooperation. And although the combat mood and pride will periodically push some active (and not always - productive) actions, caution will still win, putting self-preservation in the first place and moved the ambition to the background.

But in the third decade of the month, a common sense can change to many - the reckless acts, independence, the realization of those ambitious ideas, which were not previously implemented due to quite reasonable fears to lose more than to gain. The thirst for profit will speak full voice, and this will deprive carefulness. Because of the desire for "enrichment at any cost", a business reputation will fall.

In early March, many will have to try to link what is happening around with a familiar way of life. In the middle of the month, we have to begin new projects in collaboration with those who deserve confidence. At the end of March, the enterprise and commercial vein can play a cruel joke, pushing the actions that will not lead to an increase in welfare, but to problems and conflicts with others.

Favorable days: C 1 to 4, from 6 to 11, from 13 to 19, from 21 to 27, from 29 to 31.

Unfavorable days: 5, 12, 20, 28.

I would like to remind you that people born from 1 to the 18th day are "clean" signs, and the previous or next sign affects the rest - as in the characteristics of the person and in astrological predictions. And it must be considered.

Horoscope for March for Aries (March 21 - April 20)

The Aries in March, obviously, they decide that they sail downstream - the fastener of weak, so they will actively change what they do not suit them, even if they have to cope with some unfavorable circumstances alone. The likelihood is that you will go against those who have fully cooperated with anyone before.

In addition, there may be a desire to try yourself on the field, which was previously for you a completely uncharted territory. It is possible that you will pull on something mysterious, otherworldly, irreal. However, since you are a rational person of action, it will be difficult for you to get comfortable in this mysterious space.

At the beginning of the month, initiating any changes, do not discard the inner flair. In mid-March, there will be a chance to use once lost opportunities. At the end of the month, the vital tone will increase, the forces will appear on something time-consuming, but very important for your future.

The most favorable days: 1, 7, 29.

: 3, 10, 17, 24, 25, 31.

Horoscope for March for Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

The calves in March are waiting for the changes that they after a long struggle with someone from others still initiate and appear at their own discretion. It is the likelihood that you decide to change the niche of professional activity, returned, will take a long time ago.

In addition, the reassessment of values \u200b\u200bin terms of attitudes towards their health or appearance is not excluded. Perhaps you will take advantage of self-improvement, go through the course of some wellness procedures, use those internal reserves that are practically not used now. Mode can be changed.

At the beginning of the month, the worldview and understanding of his place in this world will be changed. In mid-March, some interesting, although the ideas are uncharacteristic for you will help increase revenues. At the end of the month will have to be able to consult with some energetic and strongly configured person.

The most favorable days: 2, 3, 6, 24, 30, 31.

Days in which you need to be careful: 7, 14, 21, 28.

Horoscope for March for Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Gemini in March, most likely, will get rid of the habit that has become to be treated, and it will require wills. In addition, you obviously have to start a new project, and first everything will go smoothly, but then you will have to defend the right to continue and develop, it may be necessary for additional financial investments.

In addition, conflicts with people are not excluded, who are constantly reinsured and do not give you to do the way you consider correctly, and at the same time you are sure that they are protected from something. The likelihood you will go to an open confrontation to make them reckon with you as an independent personality.

At the beginning of the month, something will cause you concerns, but you will handle your fears, going against the circumstances. In mid-March, some kind of idea will require a comprehensive thinking and consultation of some competent specialist. At the end of the month, unforeseen expenses are likely.

The most favorable days: 4.

Days in which you need to be careful: 2, 8, 9, 16, 23, 30.

Horoscope for March for Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

For cancers March, most likely, will be quite a comfortable and profitable month, despite the fact that in the first decade they will have to recover due to what they will occur at work or at home. In addition, something important will come into your life, something that will remain with you for a long time.

In addition, you can make a very interesting business offer, which will give you a chance to increase not only your account in the bank, but also a professional rating. Having accepted and implementing the proposed, you will become more popular specialist, seriously strengthen your positions, you will be able to feel protected in social plan.

In early March, you may encounter something mysterious, and it will truly fine. In the middle of the month there will be some additional benefits, and any of your activities will be very successful. At the end of March, conflicts are not excluded with those whose way of thinking is significantly different from yours.

The most favorable days: 2, 6, 16, 30.

Days in which you need to be careful: 7, 11, 21, 28.

Horoscope for March for Lion (July 23 - August 22)

Lions in March can remember those intentions, the implementation of which some time for some reason did not give the desired results or at all "Zabuxal". It is possible that you will change the approach to the implementation of your designs: reduce some kind of barbell or realize that it is necessary to act in stages; And it will lead you to victory.

In addition, the first decade of the month is expected to be the beginning of a profitable project, which will become something completely new for you, although it will be based on the accumulated vital or professional experience. Large acquisitions are also likely. But then you should treat business proposals and refrain from unreasonable spending.

In early March, you will obviously work a lot - both above old and on new, individual projects. In the middle of the month will have to pay maximum attention to relatives, their needs and problems. At the end of March, activity will increase, new desires will appear, but at the same time income will decrease or something will require additional investments.

The most favorable days: 9, 10.

Days in which you need to be careful: 4, 18, 25.

Horoscope for March for the Virgin (August 23 - September 22)

Marta, most likely, you will have to pay high attention to your health. The aggravation of chronic diseases is not excluded, which will be provoked by an extremely intense work schedule or some physical activity that you, objectively speaking, cannot afford.

However, this does not prevent you in the second decade. Contrary to some circumstances to start a long-term and very profitable project, which will allow you to safely arrange their financial affairs, and at the same time help those relatives who now need support. And the third part of the month will bring some pleasant surprises.

In early March, some unconstructive idea can turn into trouble. In the middle of the month, money will appear on solving the problem you considered intractable. At the end of March, some kind of person from the past may become a source of financing or profitable proposals.

The most favorable days: 1, 11, 12, 15.

Days in which you need to be careful: 16, 17, 23, 31.

Horoscope for Mart for Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Scales in March may encounter some difficulties due to the fact that they did not change something in time in their lives in their lives or get rid of some habit that influential people pointed out. It is possible that you still have to do this, but not quietly and calmly, but under pressure of some circumstances.

In addition, some enterprise may require large financial investments, and you will be forced to take a loan or seek help to secured friends. And this month is likely some events that make you worry and look for an additional source of positive emotions.

In early March, due to difficulties at work or due to health problems, they will have to abandon some particular plans. In the middle of the month there will be an opportunity to correct past errors; If we use this chance, greatly facilitate your life. At the end of March, do not take new commitments.

The most favorable days: 13, 15, 18, 24.

Days in which you need to be careful: 5, 12, 19, 26, 28.

Horoscope for March for Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpions in March will have to complete the cases started in January-February, to give some material and karmic debts, to be determined with the attitude towards people in which they were disappointed last month. All this will cost you calm, but when you understand all this, you will experience a feeling of deep satisfaction.

In addition, the next stage of mature and self-knowledge is expected, you will become better to understand yourself and your desires, it is not excluded and the passion for some occult or spiritual doctrine. And after the 10th, you may have financial difficulties, which will also teach you too.

At the beginning of the month, a meeting with a person with whom you do not really want to communicate because of the events that have happened; But the conversation with him will put all the points over "E". In mid-March, you will obviously expect to count on someone's help. At the end of the month will have to look for a new or additional source of income.

The most favorable days: 16, 21.

Days in which you need to be careful: 3, 6, 13, 20, 24, 27, 31.

Horoscope for March for Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Archers in March will rush forward, often initiate some new projects, try to earn more than usual. However, be prepared for the fact that people who always support you, for some reason will not approve of your actions. Perhaps they will not like that you will be distracted from the case that you associate with them.

In addition, problems may arise due to some not very healthy habits. Do not miss the "first swallow", it will be a very unequivocal warning that it's time to tie with something. But this month awaits victory in some competition in which you need to go to overcoming.

In early March, some affected thoughts are not excluded; Do not give will pessimism. In the middle of the month, several brilliant ideas will bring good income, but they can provoke problems in interpersonal communication. In late March, the source of forces or salvation from some trouble will be the sport.

The most favorable days: 9, 16, 18, 19, 30.

Days in which you need to be careful: 1, 22, 29.

The horoscope for March 2017 predicts global changes in various spheres of life - social, political and public. Jupiter will enter the hot "dispute" with uranium, which will create a disharmony in relations between people. Possible quarrels, parting and serious distribution. In March, Jupiter retrograde, so you need to be extremely careful this month. There may be hits in matters of pedagogy, science and culture. Jupiter in March passes by weight, therefore difficulties in communication, both love and business plan are possible. At the beginning of March, Venus will enter the retrograde phase, which will also radically change the personal lives of many people. It will be difficult to control the emotional and mental state. A horoscope for March 2017 promises problems of a material, professional and legal plan. It is better to cancel business trips, especially abroad. Events and impressions in March will be a lot, but not the fact that they will all be painted in rainbow tones. Although, many will feel themselves on the rise, so they will be taken for important and urgent cases. Others, on the contrary, will feel the decline of strength and energy. He wants to rest, retire and think about the future. Horoscope for March 2017 advises everyone to find his way of solving complex problems and restore forces. You can take soothing baths, take a little vacation or, on the contrary, to engage in active sports. It is desirable to find a favorite experience in the shower that will help in March to reveal the creative potential. If you think carefully and not give up, then the victory will be on your side, and success will not leave you throughout the month.

Horoscope for March 2017Aries
Aries in March will be quite stubborn, which will help him come to victory in different spheres of life. In love there will be small grinds, but these are temporary difficulties in 2017. The main thing is that Aries himself really fell in love and wanted to be together with the chosen one. Finance will be enough for everything you decide to buy. To strengthen the health of Aries, the horoscope for March 2017 advises less sitting at the computer, and more walking out in the fresh air.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Aries
Horoscope Career for March 2017 Aries

Horoscope for March 2017 calf
From Taurus in March 2017, everyone is waiting for real actions, not empty words. You can meet close to the human spirit, as well as sign favorable contracts for the whole year. With love, be careful, and do not deceive and do not change the one who sincerely loves you. If the Taurus in March is rational and intelligence in everything, then his health can be safely called the Bogatyr.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Taurus
Horoscope Career for March 2017 Taurus

Horoscope for March 2017 Twins
Gemini in March need to relax more often, otherwise they get into the hospital and undermine the health. Financial position above average, so you can afford expensive purchases. Love Romance will seem so beautiful that in 2017 you decide to officially issue relationships with the chosen one. Twins have small heart problems, so physical exertion needs to be reduced to a minimum.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Gemini
Career Horoscope for March 2017 Gemini

Horoscope for March 2017 cancer
Cancer in March 2017 will be tremendous to hide their true feelings from those surrounding people. To your opinion, everyone will listen to everything - from colleagues to just acquaintances. Lonely Cancer will meet a wonderful person with whom he wants to tie his fate. In March, the cancer should be extremely careful on the road and in everyday life, since this month is attendable for him.

Love horoscope for March 2017 cancer
Career Horoscope for March 2017 Cancer

Horoscope for March 2017 lion
Lion in March will come a beautiful and clear period, especially if the question concerns work, money and love. Horoscope for March 2017 advises you to collect new information that will allow you to move forward through the career ladder. In order for the Lion to have no trouble in the health plan, he needs to drink vitamins, walk before bedtime and not to transhe away.

Love horoscope for March 2017 lion
Horoscope Career for March 2017 Lion

Horoscope for March 2017 Virgo
Virgo in March will meet his soul mate and will be truly happy. An old apartment question is finally successful in 2017. Horoscope for March 2017 promises the Virgin a little competition from business partners. But you will handle everyone if you do not lower your hands. The Virgin in March 2017 should pay attention to the nervous system, which recently really "loosened" from excitement and overloads.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Virgo
Horoscope Career for March 2017 Virgo

Horoscope for March 2017 Libra
Web are not worth remembering the past in March. Otherwise, they will melted the most important thing in the present time. There will be a lot of chances to success, so the horoscope recommends to be attentive and accurate in 2017. Sighs in March should not be treated independently, and it is better at the first symptoms of the disease to consult a specialist doctor. Swimming and fitness will help save and strengthen health.

Love horoscope for March 2017 years
Career Horoscope for March 2017 Libra

Horoscope for March 2017 Scorpio
Family Scorpio will be so pleased with the relationship with his spouse, which will decide to arrange another "honeymoon". Horoscope for March 2017 advises to engage in the settlement of financial problems. Long-round travel is better to postpone another month. In order for scorpion in March to catch the inflammation of the lungs, he needs to communicate less with those who are cut. Harding water procedures will benefit you.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Scorpio
Horoscope Career for March 2017 Scorpio

Horoscope for March 2017 Sagittarius
If in March, the Sagittarius will go to emotions and passionate feelings, then he will lose much - money, work and friends. Horoscope for March 2017 predicts you an unforgettable journey and a romantic meeting. Morning gymnastics, contrasting souls and multivitamins - that's what is needed in March a rapid and restless fire. In the evening, take a relaxing bath with a lavender and think more about good.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Sagittarius
Horoscope Career for March 2017 Sagittarius

Horoscope for March 2017 Capricorn
Capricorn in March it is necessary to find a lesson in the shower, and not chase for big money. If you are offered a new job or contract, then carefully sign the documents. Possible deceptions, theft and betrayal. Capricorn in March 2017 can often torment insomnia, so less nervous, drink tea with Melissa and add fruit juices to your diet.

March 2017 will be characterized by low activity. Spring will penetrate the thoughts and feelings of people even before nature starts his awakening. For this very reason, most of us let romance in their daily life, and all other things will take secondary roles. A similar alignment is unlikely to play on the hand to those who exactly in March planned to give starts to his business ideas. Even if your internal potential is sufficient to implement this goal, you do not get a special return. As a result, running his project at the beginning of spring, you will have to spend a long time in a state of uncertainty, not knowing than in the end it will end.

Horoscopes for a month March 2017 on the signs of the zodiac:

Also read the current and next.


March 2017 will bring a lot of change in the interpersonal sphere. If you used to be quite pleased with how your romantic relationship develops, at the beginning of the spring you will not have the slightest reason to doubt that you have created the main novel of all your life. It is high a chance that you are now and your permanent partner. Decide to apply to the registry office or think about the birth of offspring. Everyone who stays in search of an ideal second half, in March will be able to get rid of loneliness. Relationships that you will start completely spontaneously will give you everything: and passion, and love, and spiritual proximity. However, this union needs to be careful, and therefore you will have to protect it from external aggression.


Taurus will hold March 2017 with varying success. The first decade of the month will fly for you in one breath, since you will be spinning in a robbery of meetings, new acquaintances and other pleasant events. Finance The first two weeks of March will also delight you with stability. Alas, this idyll will come to no idea, as soon as Mart will step over the middle! The main annoying factor for you will be the troubles that are destined to occur in the sphere of your career. By their fault you will work with double energy, which will bring you to complete exhaustion. By the end of March, service troubles will be completely eliminated by you, and you will with a calm soul begin to make order in the sphere of your personal affiliations.


Gemini in March 2017 will search for workarounds to implement their "Napoleonic" plans. It is for this reason that you will again and again make useful dating and connections that are able to provide a rapid growth of your career (and in the maximum short time). You really manage to find a powerful patron, but it does not exclude the need for you a lot and fruitfully work. Fortunately, your energy potential will be very high, and therefore you can equally distribute your strength and personal life and career. Moreover, leading the offensive for all the "fronts" of life, of all, without exception, you will learn the winner.


For cancers in March 2017, the finance field will be released. You first carefully analyze what the level of your current income, then compare it with your expenses, and even later make disappointing conclusion - your well-being does not reach the mark that is vital to you. Finding out this moment, you will come to think about how to become at least a little richer. It is possible that for the sake of this you will take extra-hourly parting or try to organize your tiny business. In general, and fully focused on this issue, you will cease to notice what is happening in your personal life (the benefit that nothing bad in this area does not happen).

a lion

Lions in March 2017 are active than in the past, begin to conquer the career Olympus. You will undertake a lot of the most complex tasks at once so that your leadership does not have any doubts that you are an indispensable employee. This fact will have to recognize your boss, that's just career growth, no increase to the salary will follow. You, experiencing a huge disappointment, start it very slow to look for another job, or, as an option, will seriously begin to think about how to make your favorite hobby with a source of consistently big income. At the time while you are planning the future of your career, a number of bright events will happen in your personal life that it will be a real inventious for you.


Deev Mart 2017 will open a lot of tempting prospects, and most of them will concern the financial sphere. If in the past you did not really satisfy his average income, at the beginning of this spring the situation in the root will change. You attach a certain proportion of work, after which your bank account will reach the desired mark. You will be able to afford a lot (including to organize an unforgettable stay for loved ones of your family or, if you are alone, entertaining in society of your old passion). True, becoming much richer, you will lose the pair-troika buddies. They will not carefully observe how your life is changing for the better, and they will begin to dissolve dirty gossip about you.


Weight behavior in March 2017 will not get decisiveness and independence. Everything you get to implement, you will only do with the support of your relatives, friends or colleagues. In personal matters you will still count only on yourself, which will not lead you to special success. If you have for several months or weeks, the favor of some particular person, in March you will become understandable - you are generally unlikely to ever be able to conquer this inaccessible fortress. You will be difficult to recognize your defeat, and you again contact your friends for moral support (however, it will be not friends for you, but a person who will accidentally appear in your life).


Scorpions March 2017 will bring a lot of romance. In the first half of this month you will start a bright novel, which will completely turn your usual way with legs on the head. Moreover, not all your relatives and friends will take place, the opening of the arms, your zaznob. Many this person will seem strange (uncompatible, uneducated, dishonest and so on). You will first try to convince all your close surroundings in the opposite, but then I realized that you would not be able to do it, you will go to them the opposition. It turns out that for the sake of his new one you will cease to communicate with people who were sincerely respected in the past. It will cause you a certain pain, but you will soon forget about it.


Archers in March 2017 will have to focus on solving a number of important intrameal issues. It is possible that you will be forced to urgently look for a new school for your child (or children), or someone from the older members of your family will seriously get sick. According to the fault of these problems, almost all March your mood will balance on the verge of depression, but you will find enough strength in yourself to get rid of it in a short time. At the moment when inside your family, everything is not as smooth, as you would like, the main thing and, perhaps, the only inching will be the work for you. In the service you will spend many hours, which will create a reputation for the most diligent of employees.


Capricorn in March 2017 will be able to create around him surprisingly a calm and cheerful atmosphere. You fully understand yourself and decide that your life is surprisingly good, and therefore you should not spend time on unnecessary fears, experiences and other dramas. You will become calmer, wise, and your glance will start emitting healthy self-confidence. Together with these changes, you will have many new friends, and someone you want to call your second half. Moreover, this novel you will also perceive in philosophically. You decide that you and your gaznob should not be too hurry, and that this love connection should be built thoroughly, brick to the brick.


Waterwords March 2017 will throw a lot of problems in the field of finance. The probability is high, that in your business (at the enterprise where you work) there will be a number of irresistible problems, and you will have to be seriously concerned about the search for new types of income. In addition, your personal life in early spring will stir up some unexpected event. It is possible that your Passia will decide to interrupt your barely started love romance or your marriage partner will occupy a divorce. Too much of the drams that collapsed on you during March will choose you from the rut and shakes your emotional equilibrium. At that moment your friends will come to the rescue, finding the right way to save you from depression.


Fish will hold March 2017 without a number of outgoing events. Your income will remain on the usual mark, the spectrum of your official duties will not increase, but also new career heights you will not achieve. But you will have time to do yourself, and you are noticeable. In addition, you will start developing your inner world, think about the soul and will often attend cultural events. You will get acquainted with a lot of interesting people, and with some of them you will have friendly relationships. If you are alone, do not miss the moment when someone from these people will make a step towards approaching with you (who knows, perhaps this particular person will become your perfect second half).