
Causes of business communication. Business Communication: Principles, Features and Practical Recommendations

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Business communication is an interaction in which there is an exchange of experience, information and activities to achieve specific goals, solving one or another problem, the realization of conceived.

Business communication is differentiated conditionally on the straight line (with an eye on the eyes) and indirect (by correspondence or technical devices). It is worth noting that a direct form business communication It is characterized by high performance, emotional impact.
In general, business communication, if comparing it with informal, is distinguished by the goal and defined tasks that need to be solved. Friendly communication does not imply specific tasks and goals. Such communication can be stopped at any time as soon as you want, unlike business.

Forms of business communication

  • Performances in front of the audience
  • Negotiation
  • Business conversation
  • Meetings
Characteristic features inherent in business communication:
  • In the process of business communication, the partner is a person who plays a meaningful role for the subject.
  • Partners understand each other in matters relating to the case
  • The main task of business communication is useful cooperation.

Principles of business relationships

Principles that affect the flow of business communication processes:
  • Interpersonality. Despite the business orientation, business communication is the features of interpersonal contact. Business communication takes place not only in the context of the topics discussed, but also reflect the relation to each other.
  • Focality. Business communication is characterized by the presence of several goals. In addition to the main goal there is an unconscious goal. For example, the speaker, outlining the general situation in the company, is also trying to impress the audience, demonstrating the intellect.
  • Continuity. As you know, any communication concludes verbal and non-verbal components. During the conversation, we send a partner behavioral messages, in accordance with which the interlocutor makes its own conclusions. Any behavior carries any information.
  • Multidimensional. During business communication, the interlocutors not only exchange information, but also correct their relationship.
In the process of business communication, the relationship is implemented in two aspects:
  1. Business contact, exchange of business information.
  2. Demonstration of emotions to the interlocutor.

Business Communication: Contexts

Business communication depends on the physical, emotional and moral and socio-role contexts:
  • The physical context is determined by the place, the time, the physical condition of the interlocutors. Any of the listed factors can positively or adversely affect the communication process.
  • The socio-role context depends on the motives of communication and on what conditions it is carried out (on a business meeting, in a cafe, in the working team).
  • The emotional-moral context is responsible for the mood and feelings that each of the conversation participants invest in the communication process. Also play the role of connections that have a place to be between participants in business communication and formed in the preceding communication processes.

Partnership. RIVALRY. Dominance.

Self-assessment, as well as the assessment of the partner itself affects the choice of approach to the organization of business communication. Relationships can be based on partnership, dominance, rivalry.
  • Partnership provides for an equal attitude towards each other. The main ways to influence the interlocutors to each other: a vowel or a tight agreement, which is a unifying factor or a means of mutual control.
  • Rivalry provides for the desire to overire the other side, achieve advantages.
  • During dominance, the partner is used as a means of achieving goals.

Business communication is a communication in the field of business cooperation with its own rules and regulations. Its main task is to achieve a specific goal in the business interaction process.

In practice are used different kinds Business communication, each of whom has its own characteristics. In order to fully reveal the concept of business communication, it is worth considering its types and forms and their features.

Business communication in the organization helps people to satisfy their need for communications, share experiences, learn something new, evaluate their business qualities. Properly conducted business negotiations make it possible to maintain their reputation, image and achieve success in business.

Also, thanks to business communication, you can effectively present yourself. In addition, it gives people the opportunity to build benevolent relations with future partners, which contributes to fruitful cooperation.

An important function of business communication is the exchange of information. Throughout life, people pass each other their experience and knowledge. For example, when the fixed and his head discusses working moments, information is exchanged, which help to work more efficiently.

Another feature of the business style of communication is the opportunity to influence the surrounding people. Each person tries to influence someone, convince, support, persuade and so on. This is also very important, since the skill of influence on people allows you to achieve many success in life.

The main task of business communication is interaction with partners aimed at achieving a mutually beneficial agreement.

What are the principles of such communication?

For successful negotiations, it is necessary to create a certain atmosphere. It is important to achieve it that partners feel as comfortable as possible in the process of communication. Therefore, it is necessary to know which the basic principles of business communication that should be followed.

These include:

  • Control over emotions. The concept of the principles of business communication must include this item. This is very important momentSince emotions can destroy even the long-built relationship and show a person from a negative side in a second. Do not react if the interlocutor behaved unrestrainedly. Everyone should clearly understand that work and emotions are incompatible things.
  • The desire to understand the opponent. When business negotiations are underway, the parties should carefully treat each other's opinion. If one participant will constantly speak only about his interests, inattentively listening to the other side, it will not give any positive results, and the relationship is most likely to come to no.
  • Concentration of attention. Very often with a monotonous communication process, they can escape really fundamental moments. In the process of the conversation, it is important to be able to focus on people on the topic when it is observed that the partners stopped listening to carefully and delve into truly important things.
  • Truthfulness of the conversation. Maintaining a successful case is based on trusting relationships. Let the opponents do not negotiate something or specifically slightly shuffle to raise their advantages. But in fundamentals, it is necessary to say things the corresponding reality that you can reinforce the case. This is how reputation in business is being earned.
  • The ability to separate the interlocutor from the subject of communication. In no case should not mix personal attitude to the interlocutor and working moments. It also distinguishes personal communication from business. It often happens that a very unpleasant opponent may be useful to you and miss the benefit for the success of your business. Naturally, we are talking about things that do not violate the main moral principles of the person. And on the contrary, it happens that very good and imposing people in life in the business plan are untenable.

These are the basic principles of business communication, which each person must take into account, who wants to learn how to negotiate and build a good business reputation.

Features of business communication

Principles and forms of business communication form some features of this type of communication. You can always distinguish business communication from personal. What are the main features of business communication in business?

  • An important element in business relationship is the reputation of partners. A businessman who has lost her, practically loses his whole job. Reputation does not fall from the sky, it is purchased for years, so it is important to appreciate your name to each person. If the head really follows his reputation, he will never allow himself to make something that will defile it.

For example, an enterprise engaged in the manufacture of dairy products should make the main emphasis on the high quality of its goods, otherwise the company will lose its face.

  • In addition to reputation, business communication is based on the specifics and clarity of the task. The manager should always establish what purpose it is necessary to achieve at a certain stage of business development. This will allow the entire team to work in the right direction to work.
  • The next feature can be called collaboration at which all participants in the Treaty receive benefits. Experienced businessmen know that the most profitable and durable relationships are established when it is mutually beneficial to all parties to the transaction. Therefore, you should not care only about your profits, sometimes you can almost begone, but support relationships with your partner. Thus, you will contribute to the future, which will definitely bring you dividends in the future.

Types of communication in business style

The task of business communication is always the interaction of people to achieve a specific result. Deciding working issues can occur with the help of many forms of communication. Thus, there are some types of business communication:

  1. Business correspondence. These types of business communication are considered absentia, because the necessary information for the opponent is informed in writing without a personal meeting. Catching every day is engaged in a huge number of people. However, to write a business letter - this is not such an easy task.
    It is necessary that it is correctly executed, sent to a strictly current period, the information must be set forth specifically and briefly, nothing superfluous. Leading a business correspondence, interlocutors can already make some conclusions about each other.
  2. Business conversation. The most common form of business communication is it. In each company, the head must be held conversations. Their content should be favorably affecting the team and business development. With such a conversation, the head and its subordinate can solve certain working moments, tasks, company performance and much more.
  3. Business meeting. For better performance, the company has meetings. They are created in order to solve issues that do not tolerate deposits and allow you to achieve the most effective interaction between employees or partners. The meeting is not always held with the boss and its subordinates, it is also possible to discuss important problems only and managers.
  4. Public speaking. The use of this form of business communication is necessary in order to convey any information that have an introductory and presentation character to the listeners. The serving person must necessarily understand the knowledge regarding the subject of his speech. The business speech of the protruding manager should be competent, for beauty can contain expressive language funds, the person himself must be confident, and the text is clear and logical.
  5. Business negotiations. Considering the varieties of business communication, it is impossible to bypass this form of communication. After all, it is considered an integral part of the interaction in business. Thanks to the negotiations, you can short time Allow any problems, establish tasks and goals of business development, take into account the opinions of the interlocutors and make faithful conclusions. Usually they are held between the leaders of different enterprises and are aimed at demonstrating their position and as a result to achieve a solution that would satisfy the interests of all partners.

Business Communication and Management Styles

There are several styles of guidance and the manner of filing information in business communication, each of them has its own characteristics that distinguish it from others.


In this case, business communication is based on the absolute authority of the head of its subordinates. That is, the chief wishes that all the tasks that he puts in front of employees, performed clearly and strictly in certain deadlines. At the same time, he does not consider it necessary to take into account the opinion of the subordinate.

This style of management implies such an interaction under which the head denotes the idea, and the responsibility of employees is its implementation. It does not matter whether the identified with it agree, the goal should be achieved by any way, whether they have their own points of view on this account or not.

The choice of this style of business communication does not affect the development of the company, because people do not have the opportunity to express their ideas that can be really valuable. Subordinates cannot manifest initiative that could help companies produce productively.


In this case, business communication is based on the coordinated activity of all employees. Here, the subordinates can safely declare their ideas, freely express their own opinion. It is even welcome. After all, it is important for such a manager that its employees can self-realize. The more truly creative ideas Representas subordinate, the better for the company.

The head that chose a democratic style of communication is always friendly with its employees, fair and adequate. It is important for him that his company develops safely.

This type of interaction is the most effective of those that currently exist. After all, he helps each person to emphasize his importance, to move through the career ladder, to realize himself in various directions.

Constantly communicating with the boss, which is always ready to help and maintain, the employee has the opportunity to gain useful experience undoubtedly necessary for the future life.

When business communication is based on a democratic style, labor productivity increases significantly, the staff is always interested in their activities and are happy to do everything on themselves to ensure that the company flourishes.


This type of business communication in modern world It is characterized by the fact that the management is absolutely anyway, as the work of his subordinates is organized, and what results it brings. In most cases, the choice of this style is associated with the formal guidance. It is also possible that the head is simply young enough, has no experience in doing business and organizing the workflow of its subordinates.

Of course, this type cannot be effective and help the development of the company, because it is simply impossible to productively carry out activities and grow in a professional plan with this state of affairs. Workers usually get used to such an atmosphere in the team and consider it normal.

Official business

The most important style of business communication is formal business style. It is usually applied by managers in order to conclude contracts or make other business documents. This type of communication is significant at meetings and negotiations, it shows the boss as a competent specialist.

Personal communication does not imply the use of official statements. But at official meetings with partners, it is necessary to demonstrate their competence and knowledge in the issues discussed in such a style. This type of communication from the first minutes adjusts people to the fact that the conversation will be business and serious.


This style is used by people who carry out work in the field of education and science, for example, teachers of the university. This method of transmitting information is considered effective, but within its orientation.

When participants in the seminars discuss one or another question using a scientific style, they acquire knowledge of objects or phenomena under the moment. The principles and forms of business communication in this style are characterized by the fact that it should be strict, brief and flattened.

Ethics of business style

Ethics of business communication is one of the most important components of the successful cooperation of partners.

What is ethics? In general, its concept includes a totality of norms that regulate human behavior in society. The Word itself denotes the Manera, how to behave when communicating with the surrounding people. Business ethics implies almost the same thing, only applies to exclusively managers and businessmen. It is the rules that must be observed during business negotiations.

Not always the head of the company can unmistakably communicate. But each perfect emboss can lead to failure. That this does not happen, you should be able to recognize your mistake and take steps to prevent it in the future.

  • During greetings, it is necessary to say hello politely, having shook the hand to all participants in the negotiations. Do not strongly compress your hand.
  • Before entering directly to the conversation, it should be offered coffee or tea partners. This tradition appeared not so long ago, but at present it is used almost everything. Drinks are offered so that a person felt relaxed and has become more positively configured.
  • In the event that in the negotiation process was unpleasant, then it is necessary to apologize to the partners for the inconvenience caused. After that, you can continue the conversation.
  • Discussing business moments with a partner, try to answer all your questions. If for some reason you cannot answer right now. Apologize and ask the time to think about some kind of defined date.
  • Have a handle and notepad with you and write down all important information. It is not worth returning and asked the information that you have already reported.
  • Do not raise your voice, say clearly and clear.
  • In clothes stick to business style.

Ethics of business communication also implies consequences of certain stages in business communication.

What stages are business communication?

Communication in business style is produced in stages, each time moving to the next step. At the same time, it is undesirable to pass at least one stage, because it is a full-fledged procedure forms successful communication.

Business communication is based on some consecutive actions. Thus, the supervisor needs:

  1. To create a motive. After all, communication is created meaningfully, the person is coming to contact for some specific purpose. Business communication in the organization cannot be effective if people do not know whether they need to enter into negotiations or not. Therefore, it is necessarily a motive, why it is worth or not working with a partner. For this and get out preparatory stageIn the course of which people conduct an analysis of the need to participate in the negotiations and determine the importance of future interaction.
  2. To set up a contact. This must be done when the partners meet for the first time. They need to build a friendly relationship. When meeting, partners usually shook hands with each other, welcome, and then they begin to discuss issues, because of which they actually gathered.
  3. Denote the essence of the question. It is clear that business partners do not appoint meetings in order to simply talk or enjoy tea drinking. The reason for their collection is some kind of a certain problem that concerns both sides and requires a solution. Therefore, partners stipulate the essence of the question and go to the discussion of all important points.
  4. Share information. In the process of business communication, you can share useful information with your interlocutors, which could come in handy for analyzing your transaction.
  5. Find a solution to the question. It is important that the solution to the problem is beneficial for everyone who participates in the negotiations. If there are contradictions, you must first be allowed to be allowed. Otherwise, come to the consent will not work. As soon as a confidence conversation is installed, you can discuss ways to solve an exciting issue.
  6. Conclude an agreement. Accepted by all participants a conversation, the solution should be enshrined by the relevant agreement. Business negotiations are always aimed at the result, creating a specific product of cooperation. Therefore, it is important to achieve the necessary agreement and impeccably follow all items contained in it.
  7. Analyze the outcome of the negotiations. At this stage, communication partners ends. After some time, they again encounter and analyze the results obtained. For example, income calculates, determine the need for further cooperation.

Thus, the concept of business communication is based on certain principles, has its own forms, features. The supervisor simply needs to be able to correctly build a conversation with its customers subordinate, partners.

After all, the role of business communication is to establish mutually beneficial cooperation. If a person knows all the subtleties of the negotiations, he will surely take place as a businessman. We can say that business communication is based on the ability to create all the necessary conditions To achieve the intended goal in business.

Communication in the general sense is an informational exchange between people or their groups. There are interpersonal, social (functional role), business communications. The subject of our conversation will be the last form.

What it is?

Business communication is interaction in the field of official relations, the purpose of which is to solve specific tasks, achieving certain results, optimize any activity. At the same time, each participant has its own status - the boss, subordinate, colleagues, partners.

If communication takes place between people located at different steps of the career ladder (head and performer), then there is a vertical relationship, that is, subordination relations. If interaction is conducted on the principles of equal cooperation, then this is a horizontal relationship.

It is business communications that a person employs daily at work, at the university, in schools, official institutions. This is the name of the communication of teachers and students, bosses and subordinates, colleagues, partners and competitors.

From how much the interlocutor is familiar with the rules, forms and methods of such communications, it depends whether it will be able to achieve the goal. Partners must speak in the same language (both in direct and figuratively), to understand each other, have a common social experience.

Terms of Business Communication

For business communication to be effective, a number of conditions should be observed:

  1. Communication must have a clear goal, in achieving which everyone involved in the process is interested. For example, establishing relations, conclusion of the contract, coordination of the event, developing cooperation conditions, etc.
  2. Participants should contact each other regardless of sympathies and antipathies.
  3. Be sure to comply with business etiquette, subordination, official roles, formal restrictions.

Under formal restrictions are understood as various regulations, schedules and protocols, and the banal need to control their own emotions and respect the interlocutor.

Also, the head or other, the most interested member must take care that business communication is manageable. You need to motivate participants to find a solution, otherwise they will be simply passive meeting observers who do not offer any ideas.

Forms of Business Communication

The two main molds of communication are the contact (immediate) communication and indirect (indirect).

In the first case, the interlocutors communicate with an eye and have the opportunity to assess the non-verbal behavior of each other, therefore the effectiveness of such contact is higher. In the second case, the interaction occurs with the help of any means of communication - telephone, letters, etc.

To speak more specifically, the following forms of business communication are most often found:

  1. Meeting.
  2. Presentation.
  3. Business conversation.
  4. Conversation.
  5. Telephone negotiations.
  6. Exchange of official-business documents (statement, contract, power of attorney, service note).
  7. Consultation.
  8. Interview.
  9. Public speaking, conference.

In turn, using certain forms of business communication, participants can apply a confrontational or partner approach. The first option is a confrontation: each side intends to win. A partnership approach involves finding such a decision that will be acceptable to all participants.


Despite the fact that the types of business communications are different, several stages are almost always characteristic of them:

  1. Preparation. This is setting tasks, goals, collecting and analyzing information, determining the strategy of behavior. After all, a business meeting or negotiations are not organized in order to chat "nothing" and find out how things are in personal life from the interlocutors.
  2. Planning. The meeting can be spent spontaneously, but still it is believed that the professional should have a clear plan: what he will talk, how to argue, which specifically he wants to get from the second side.
  3. Discussion - discussion of ideas, proposals, finding common points of interest, making a joint decision.

This scheme is most relevant for negotiations. Other types of communications may include not all stages. "Cold" phone call or issuing instructions, for example, may not assume any discussion.

Styles of business communication

There are not only types of business communications, but also styles. When it comes to professional interaction, the following are most often used:

  1. Official business. In turn, he has administratively-stationery, legislative and diplomatic lit up. For business conversation, speech clichés and certain communicative forms are characteristic.
  2. Scientific. Used in preparing reports, speeches at seminars and lectures.
  3. Publicistic. This includes any performance in the public, including through the media.
  4. Conversational household. Informal relationships also occur in a professional environment, and in individual companies are even encouraged. Not always, colleagues communicate exclusively with the help of report notes. However, it is necessary to understand where such a style is appropriate, and where there is no.

Features of business communication

Why does business communication require preliminary preparation for communication in advance? First, people do not just spend personal and working hours to official meetings, and no one wants to wait until the initiator gathered with thoughts. Secondly, the second party is not always interested in any interaction or is configured to cooperate, but sees it completely different.

As you know, there will be no second chance on the first impression. You must be able to establish contact so that all participants get a setting to discuss. If the second party initially did not plan to work together, then at least an interlocutor interest and agree on a meeting at a more convenient time.

At the international level, there are features of business communication, because different cultural features can greatly interfere with the movement of negotiations. For example, Americans are used to coming to a meeting on time and after a short greeting to move on to business. Arabs are also punctual, but the business conversation starts from afar, first discussing the nature of the weather. Italian does not see anything terrible late to the meeting and also starts a business discussion not immediately. And the Japanese will avoid a straight look during the conversation.

Thus, we learned what business communication is that its features, what forms, species and styles are characteristic.

Business (managerial) Communication is a special kind of communication, which is implemented in the joint professional and subject activity of people and the content of which is determined by the socially significant subject of communication, the mutual psychological influence of the subjects of communication and the formally role-playing principle of their interaction.

Without special communicative skills and skills, i.e. Skills and skills of communication, even an excellent specialist of his Delhi will not be able to support the business conversation, carry business meetings); Take part in the discussion, defend your point of view. This means that the business person, in addition to professional competence (knowledge, and skills in the formulation of tasks and the implementation of technological actions in a particular area), must master the communicative competence, i.e. knowledge of psychological, subject (meaningful) and language components necessary to understand the negotiation partner and (or) generate their own behavior program, including independent speech works.

Unlike other types of communication (social, personal, target, instrumental, modal) business communication has its own essential characteristics and signs. The allocation of these signs will allow to give a clearer definition of the concept of business communication.

What is business communication? What kind of significant signs are inherent in it? The definitions given in modern educational literature characterize business communication as:

  • * objective operations;
  • * Private moment of any joint productive activity of people who serves as a means of improving the quality of this activity;
  • * Method for organizing and optimization different species subject activity: industrial, scientific, commercial, etc.

As can be seen from these definitions, a significant sign of business communication is that it is always associated with any subject activity of people and there is no existence. Indeed, this is a very important feature of business communication, which distinguishes it from other types of communication. For example, in targeted communication, communication itself serves as a means of satisfying any needs of people, including the need for communication. Personal communication always affects the inner world of communicating subjects, their deep personal experiences, sensations, desires, intentions, cognitive and value meanings.

The first significant feature of business communication is that in objective reality, business communication exists in itself, as a separate process, and is always included in any joint social and significant objective activity of people (economic, political, legal, pedagogical, etc. d.) And is a form of organization of this activity.

The second sign of communication is that the content of communication is determined by the subject of communication itself: the fact that the subjects of communication are directly occupied. The subject of business communication can be the production of any goods, intellectual products, creation of services (for example, information, legal, advertising, educational, service), discussion of any problem (for example, economic, political, legal, scientific), business compilation - Blood, development of a draft technical resources, exchange of knowledge, services, actions.

The subject of business communication that determines its content for business partners becomes the main social purpose of communication. Thus, the instrumental orientation of business communication on solving a socially significant problem is being implemented. As for the internal personal world of business partners, it is practically not affected in business communication. But its influence can affect the emotional background of business communication.

The third sign is the presence of mutual psychological influence of business partners in the business communication. It is found in all parties to interpersonal communication of business partners: communicative, interactive, perceptual, although each of these parties can manifest themselves, special types of psychological influence. The most common types of psychological influence include persuasion, suggestion, location, ignoring, petition, motivation, imitation. The type of psychological influence can be determined both by the structure of business communication and a specific business situation. As for the means of psychological influence, they are usually used in two base levels: verbal and non-verbal.

Along with these essential features, other signs that determine its specificity and difference from other types of communication are also inherent in business communication. One of them is that business communication serves as a way to acquire and consolidate professional skills, knowledge and skills. This is largely promoted by diverse forms of business communication: business discussions, press conferences, debates, negotiations, presentations, meetings, conversations. On their basis, the development of professional qualities of business partners and increase their professional competence.

The most important sign of business communication is the presence of a formally role-role principle of interaction between subjects of communication, which is implemented on the basis of the distribution of their official roles and status functions. Essentially, the formally role principle determines the communicative environment for communicating business partners, the focus and subordination of their communications and business interaction. A special role is acquired by various kinds of conventional restrictions, which determine the status framework of business communication. These include social and legal norms of business communication (labor law, employment contract, labor code), moral norms (Code of honor, business etiquette), as well as business traditions existing in the enterprise, in the establishment, firm, corporation.

Signs of business communication make it possible to determine its special status among other types of communication.

The content of business communication is determined by a socially significant subject of communication, which can act as any social and significant problem of any sphere of life of society (material, spiritual, regulatory). It may be related to the production of material or spiritual products, creating and offering a different kind of services (information, educational, financial, managerial, marketing).

The most important structural component of business communication is the goal of communication, which characterizes the focus of actions of business partners to solve any socially significant problem. In modern practices of business communication, a wide variety of goals are being implemented related to the expansion of the information fund of business partners, the development of new information; Strengthen the traditions of firms and enterprises, the creation of products and services, the satisfaction of various kinds of needs, formation and change in interpersonal relations and installations. The implementation of these goals is impossible without the psychological influence and impact of business partners on each other. Therefore, by the objectives of communication and used according to these purposes, the types of psychological impact are made to distinguish such types of business communication as an emotional, informational, conventional, suggestive, imperative, manipulative, affiliate.

The structural components of business communication include both communication facilities - iconic and symbolic systems of business communication, ensuring the transfer, exchange and processing of information coming from business partners.

There are non-verbal and verbal, paralying and extrallinguistic means of business communication.

Nevertheless include figurative (non-language) system of business communication, which include signals of kineic (facial expressions, gestures, gait, pose, view), taxesier (bodily contacts: pattering, handshake), proxhemes (distance between business partners and an angle of orientation towards to each other).

Verbal (speech, verbal) means of business communication reflect the essential logical and semantic canvas of business communication. They include various speech structures, phraseological turns characteristic of the official business style of the language. In addition to a professional language, which requires the limit accuracy of speech, in business communication there may be colloquial vocabulary, various kinds of speech patterns, emotional-painted neologisms, metaphors. They are mainly a target communicative function in spontaneously emerging dialogues, business partner conversations.

ParalyingVistical and extrallinguistic means of business communication essentially serve as an addition of verbal communications. Pararoger signals that make up the basis of the paralynguistic system characterize the tone of the voice of the business partner, its range and timbre, logical and phrase stresses. The extralyinguistic system characterizes the tempo of the business partner's speech, the inclusion of pauses, passing, laughter, crying elements.

Thus, speech shades in the statements of business partners will signal about their emotional states and in general about the most emotional background of business communication.

The form of business communication is the most important structural element of business communication. It characterizes the way to implement the communicative business communication process. The same information content of business communication can be implemented on the basis of different ways Communication and joint activities of business partners: business conversations, meetings, negotiations, press conferences, public speeches, presentations, discussions.

Depending on the content, such multiproductibility of business communication allows the main types of business communication: activity, cognitive, motivational, material, spiritual, regulatory.

Activity business communication is carried out in the form of exchange of actions, techniques, skills, skills in the joint professional and subject activity of people. Here, communication between business partners is clearly pronounced learning and instrumental-operating character. With this type of business communication, there is a learning of professional techniques, skills, skills, individual operational actions, behavioral acts.

Cognitive business communication involves the exchange of cognitive professional and social life experience of business partners. This exchange is carried out both on the basic, socially significant for business communication, the professional level (exchange of professional knowledge, ideas, ideas) and at the ordinary practical level. The latter is present in business communication only in indirect form, as a cognitive background of communication, revealing himself only in separate verbalized judgments, beliefs, beliefs that have established on the basis of the daily practical experience of business partners.

The peculiarity of motivational business communication is that it ensures the election orientation of the actions of business partners, stimulates their behavioral activity and maintains it at a certain level. Motivational communication is carried out as a mutual exchange of business partners with personal dispositional (internally inherent in) motivations: aspirations, desires, needs, interests, installations, motivations. This exchange can be activated under the influence of situational motivation - determinizing the factors of the business situation. The need for motivational business communication occurs when business partners need to form a certain setting to action or update, any need.

The specificity of material business communication is manifested in the fact that it is implemented mainly in the economic sphere of society associated with the production of direct material life, the exchange of material products and services and the satisfaction of the pressing material needs of business partners. That is why material business chat is determining among other forms of business communication, since it creates a basic material basis for the formation and operation of all other forms.

Business communication in the spiritual sphere of society - spiritual business communication - has its own characteristics. It is associated with the production of spiritual values \u200b\u200band the creation of services in such spheres of society as science, art, religion. Here the creative mental nature of business communication is mostly manifested. It acts as a form of realization of socially significant scientific, aesthetic activities of business partners. At the same time, business communication is being implemented as the exchange of spiritual values: scientific information, philosophical, aesthetic ideas and ideas. Spiritual business communication, thus, is most promoting the development of the spiritual, mental inner world of business partners.

Regulatory business communication is the form of the implementation of joint socially significant activities of people in the political, legal and moral spheres of society. It is carried out by business partners as a mutual exchange of political, legal, moral knowledge, ideas, ideas. Through regulatory business communication, the socialization of business partners is carried out, the assimilation of political, legal, moral norms, values, traditions.

According to the method of exchanging information, the oral and written business communication is distinguished.

Oral types of business communication, in turn, are divided into monologic and dialogic.

Monologic species include:

  • · greeting speech;
  • · Trade speech (advertising);
  • · Information speech;
  • · Report (at a meeting, meeting).

Dialogic species:

  • · Business conversation - short-term contact, mainly on one topic;
  • · Business conversation - a long-term exchange of information, points of view, often accompanied by decision-making;
  • · Negotiations are a discussion in order to conclude an agreement on any issue;
  • · Interview - a conversation with a journalist intended for printing, radio, television;
  • · Discussion;
  • · Meeting (meeting);
  • · Press conference;
  • · Contact business conversation - direct, live dialogue;
  • · Telephone conversation (distant), eliminating non-verbal communication.

Stages of business communication

  • · Installing contact (acquaintance). Spends an understanding of another person, representing himself to another person.
  • · Orientation in a situation of communication, understanding of what is happening, excerpt of the pause.
  • · Discussion of the problem of interest.
  • · Solution to the problem.
  • · Completion of contact (exit from it).

Basic principles of business communication. Any business communication is haunted by some interest, which ideally must be supported for a while, and therefore it is very important that people feel comfortably in solving business issues and problems. To succeed in this, you must adhere to the main principles for the preservation of this type of relationship:

1) Rational communication. Do not stand emotions to dominate, even if the interlocutor "went out of himself," that is, it behaves unrestrained. This makes it possible to control the course of the conversation and ultimately allows you to get the desired one. You just need to understand that business is not a place to manifest feelings and emotions.

2) The desire to understand a person. In business negotiations, each side sincerely tries to convey some information. In order to analyze it, this information needs to be perceived in full. If one of the partners closes on the fact that he constantly imposes its point of view, he will not get the desired - negotiations will be resiluted.

3) Concentration of attention. The human psyche arranged in such a way that attention periodically dissipates, as if resting in short periods of time. You need to learn to catch such moments and try to activate it again so that communication is effective. In most cases, it is just enough phrase: "Pay attention ...".

4) Truthfulness of communication. In case of business communication, it is impossible to give false information, even if it is exactly known that the partner about something is silent or even deliberately deceives. With a possible temporary loss of advantages, it always provides a strategic victory.

5) Proper branch of the interlocutor from the subject of negotiations. You can never allow personal relationship to interfere in the subject of negotiations. Sometimes a very unpleasant person can bring information unique in its importance, and his partner simply ignores it. You need to learn how to abstract from such emotions.

Also, principles can be:

The ability to behave with people is properly; Being punctial, confidential, competent, be neat and so on ...

TO general principles regulating the flow of business communication processes relates it interpersonight, focus, continuity and multidimensionality.

Interpersonality. Interpersonal communication is characterized by the openness and multiplicity of the interaction of people based on their personal interest in each other. The implementation of business communication in any case is due not only to a specific business or a business issue discussed, but also the personal qualities of partners, their attitude towards each other. Therefore, business communication is inseparable from interpersonal contact.

Focus. The focus of business communication is multipurpose. In the process of communication, along with a conscious purpose, the information load also carries and an unconscious goal. So, the speaker, reporting the audience statistical data, wants to outlines an objective situation in the problem area. At the same time, it may be at an unconscious level, he has a desire to demonstrate its intelligence, erudition and eloquence present. In the same episode, other goals can be found.

Continuity. Once in the field of view of the business partner, we initiate continuous business and interpersonal contact with it. Because communication includes both verbal and non-verbal elements, we constantly send behavioral messages to which the interlocutor attaches a certain meaning and makes the appropriate conclusions. Even the silence of the partner or its physical absence is currently included in the act of communication, if they are significant for another person. This is because any our behavior informs about anything. It is a reaction to the situation and the surrounding people. Experienced participants in communication are obliged to know about the constantly transmitted explicit and implicit messages.

Multidimensionality. In any situation of business interaction, people not only communicate with information, but somehow regulate their relationships. For example, when, going on a trip, Leonid says Denis: "We need to take a map with you," he not only transmits information. It is important how Leonid says - depending on the tone, his message may mean: "I'm more good than you - if not for me, we would have forgotten an important thing for our trip."

In the course of business communication, at least two aspects of relationships can be implemented. One aspect is to maintain business contact, transferring business information. The other is the broadcast of an emotional relationship to a partner (positive or negative) present in any interaction. For example, someone says to someone: "I am glad to see you." Mimica, accompanying these words, will show whether the speaker is truly sincerely glad to see the interlocutor. If he smiles, he says sincerely, looks into his eyes and pats the interlocutor on his back or confidently shakes him his hand, the latter regards it as the location signs. And if the words of greetings are pronounced quickly, without penetrating intonation, with an impassive facial expression, the one to whom they are addressed, will perceive them only as ritual signs of etiquette.

16. Types of communication in business communication: the differences of oral and written speech

Business conversation - This is a way to exchanging information between partners existing or potential. This type of communications is subject to certain laws and rules of business etiquette.

Types of communications in business communication can be divided into the following groups:

· Verbal. As such communications, human speech is used, with which the main part of the information is transmitted.

· Non-verbal communications - This is the exchange of information using gestures and facial expressions. They allow you to maintain a psychological contact between the interlocutors. With the help of non-verbal means of communication, the exchange of information acquires an emotional color. This type of communications in most cases is not amenable to control from the speaker and is implemented at the subconscious level.

Main types of business communication divided by the method of transmission of information:

· Oral communicationwhich in turn is divided into monologic and dialogic. Under the first one is understood as such a type of information transfer as advertising speech, presentation, greeting, report, etc. Dialogue communication is negotiations at a meeting, conference, in other words, discussing an important issue by several people.

· Written communicationThis implies the exchange of information with the help of documents - official letters, orders, orders, contracts, reports, applications, instructions, certificates, service notes, etc.


Oral speech is transmitted by sounds, written speech - graphic signs. Oral speech is usually different from writing speech. Oral speech in the overwhelming majority of cases addressed to the interlocutor, who can hear it directly.

If a letter of understanding is a competent writing for a letter, then an important distinctive feature of oral speech is the use of intonation, gestures. The interlocutor can say: " Be there eight"And the listening will understand it if the gesture will be indicated. In a written speech, a similar phrase is most likely not adequately understood. The intonation allows you to change the meaning of speech.

The most important feature of oral speech is its spontaneity, unpreparedness. If, when creating even such simple written texts, as a note or a friendly letter, each statement is in one degree or another, then when creating such complex texts as the text of the document, we are talking about painstaking and difficult work. Such texts are written first in line, then discussed, edit and approved. In oral spontaneous speech, everything is different: the moment of producing (creation) of speech coincides with the moment of thinking and with the moment of pronouncing. Etc…

Forms of business communication:

  1. Service Meeting - one of effective ways Attracting employees to the decision-making process, the management tool for the involvement of employees to the affairs of their division or organization as a whole.
  2. Business conversation - Interpersonal speech communication of several interlocutors in order to resolve certain business problems or establishing business relations. The most common and most often applied form of business communication.
  3. Business negotiations - Exchange of views to achieve any goal, developing an agreement of the parties.
  4. Public speech - Monologic oratorical speech, addressed to a specific audience, which is pronounced in order to inform listeners and in their desired impact (conviction, suggestion, inspiration, call for action, etc.).
  5. Business correspondence - a written form of interaction with partners, consisting in the exchange of business letters by mail either by email. A business letter is a brief document that performs several functions and relating to one or more interconnected issues. It is used to communicate with external structures, as well as within the organization for transmitting information at a distance.
  6. Business conversation by phone - A method of operational communication, significantly limited in time, requiring information from both sides, knowledge of the rules of telephone conversations (greeting, interconvelation, message and discussion of the subject of call, summing up, expression, farewell).
  7. Business discussion - Exchange of opinions on the business issue in accordance with more or less defined rules of procedure and with the participation of all or individual participants.
  8. Press conference - Meeting of officials (managers, politicians, representatives of the state-owned, specialists in public relations, businessmen, etc.) with representatives of the press, television, radio with the aim of informing the public on topical issues.