
Autumn work in the garden. Gardening calendar: September, October, November. Autumn in the country. Garden, garden and plot. Autumn country concerns. November - We make the latest cooking for winter

All about the lawn

With the onset of autumn approaches the completion of the country season. During this period, it is necessary not only to collect a crop, but also prepare a plot for winter. Autumn work in the garden can not be postponed so that everything is in prior to the first frosts.

Autumn work in the garden at the cottage: harvesting and soil treatment

Weather in September are still quite warm and allows you to collect the remaining harvest in the country. At the beginning of the month, potatoes are digging, tomatoes collect, bell pepper, eggplants. Then there comes a turn of carrots and swarms. At the end of the month, they proceed to the collection of zucchini, pumpkins and cabbage.

They dig it in dry weather, otherwise wet tubers will be badly stored. Seed specimens within a few days put in the sun so that they are slightly green. Solaninged in the tubers is a poisonous substance, it scares rodents, destroys the fungal infection and allows you to save potatoes until spring. The rest of the crop is removed immediately into storage premises, as the green tubers can not be eaten.

Tomatoes must be removed from the bushes before the air temperature begins to fall below + 5 ° C. If the fruits did not have time to ripen, they are placed in the box, shifting layers with paper towels, and covered with paper. Optimal temperature Air for storage is 15 - 18 ° C.

A sign of the ripening of carrots is the yellowing of the tops and the appearance of hairs at the root. Only entire specimens will be suitable for storage, so extract vegetables from the Earth should be careful. Botto cut off immediately. Roots do not wash, but only ventilate. Storage is placed in boxes with sand or sawdust.

The best time for cleaning the swirls - the second half of September. Kornefloods by this time reach the desired size and accumulate a sufficient amount of beneficial substances, and the tops begin to fade. Vegetables are selected for storage without damage. The tops are cut off until the end, leave about 1 cm. It is best to store beets together with potatoes.

To determine the readiness of cabbage to cleaning, it is necessary to compress Kochan. If it is elastic and not forgotten - you can cut off. The upper leaves are removed, the knockerel leaves about 2 - 3 cm. It is well stored small dense tochens of light color.

After harvesting, the area is freed from the tops. It should be borne in mind that the tops of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and eggplants are destroyed immediately. It can not be used for further fertilizer of the soil in the form of compost. Closer to autumn, many leaves amazing such a disease as phytoofluorois, and the Earth may be infected.

When collecting yield beets (video)

Then the garden is drunk and make fertilizers. In winter, the soil rests, and additional food in the form of fertilizers allows it to restore it better and prepare for the upcoming season.

Fertilizers are 2 species: organic and mineral.

  • From organic fertilizers, manure and litter are most valuable, they increase soil fertility. Fertilizers contribute during the rescue to a depth of 10 - 15 cm. Such feeding is especially useful for growing cucumbers, sweet pepper, cabbage. Feeling the soil by manure and the litter is recommended no more than once every 3 years.
  • Many valuable trace elements in their composition ash. It is also made under the step. On 1. square meter The soil will need about 1 kg of ash. This fertilizer is useful for potatoes, raspberries, strawberries.
  • Compost laid on the prepared loose land and close up with robbles. It is possible to pour by humus concentrates containing the bacteria necessary for the soil, the so-called EM - preparations. With this method there is no need for additional mineral and organic fertilizers. It is especially effective for early grades Vegetables.

  • Mineral fertilizers enrich the soil with elements important for the vital activity of plants. They are divided into potash, phosphate and nitrogen.
  • Potassium fertilizers contribute to increasing the viability of plants, their stability to adverse weather conditions and pests. Most often apply chloride or sulfate potassium.
  • From phosphoric fertilizers: superphosphate, tomasshlak, phosphate flour. They have favorably affect root system Plants.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers are needed for protein synthesis. Basically use salter, urea and ammonium sulfate.

When using ready-made comprehensive fertilizers, you must follow the instructions. Many compounds have a limited area of \u200b\u200bapplication and are designed for specific plant species.

In the fall, the re-added primer is not broken, Leave large layers to delay snow and maintain moisture, as well as to destroy pests that are wintering in the upper layers of the soil.

Autumn planting of garden and garden crops

To provide early yield Landing some crops are produced under the winter. It allows you to save time in the spring and harden plants. Sowing is produced when the air temperature drops to 0 ° C. Otherwise, seeds can a proportion and sprouts perished.

Easily carry winter frost seeds of such plants:

  • carrots, swallow;
  • onion and winter;
  • dill, spinach, sorrel;
  • radish, turnip.

Seeds are sown in dry soil, the grooves are sprinkled. From above, you can coat a layer of peat or humus and cover with branches for snow detention.

A month before the onset of frosts, seedlings are planted fruit trees. Depending on the region, it may be the end of September or October. For autumn planting It is necessary to choose winter-hardy varieties adapted to the local climate.

Most often, fruit trees planted in the fall as:

  • apple tree;
  • pear;
  • plum;
  • cherry.

At the bottom of the landing jama, it is desirable to pour a layer of clay. The soil is prepared in advance, mixing the ground, vegetable soil and overwhelmed manure. Fertilizer when landing makes very carefullyso as not to burn the roots of seedlings. Top puffed dry ground. The root cervix should be exactly at the soil level.

Fruit-berry shrubs are planted in the fall. Saplings are chosen with a well-developed root system. During this period, it is best to come true:

  • black currant;
  • raspberries;
  • gooseberry.

Malina is better to plant a depth and width of about 50 cm in the trench. On the bottom of the trench put compost. Soil can be supported by superphosphate.

For currant and gooseberry prepare landing pit a depth of about 40 cm. The prepared mixture of compost, superphosphate and wood ash is placed on the bottom. The top layer of the soil does not fertilize.

Under winter, cold-resistant flowers and decorative shrubs, such as barbaris, hawthorn, honeysuckle.

In order for the spring to improve the structure and fertility of the soil, in the fall of the field in the fall, seeded systems are sown. These include:

  • rye, barley, oats, wheat;
  • rAPS, Freedha;
  • soy, lentils, beans, peas, clover, alfalfa;
  • sunflower;
  • buckwheat.

How to prepare a plot for winter (video)

What autumn works need to be carried out in the garden

Autumn work in the garden starts from harvesting from fruit trees. It is important to do it on time so that the fruit is kept longer. The maturity of fruits is determined by seeds. As soon as they reached Light - brown color, Fruits need to be removed, otherwise they will stand. Tear fruit for the base of the fruits, so as not to leave dents.

It is necessary to remove with trees and under them all the fruits, even spoiled. They can winter viruses, fungi, garden pests.

Trees and shrubs cut, remove old, sick branches. As a fertilizer for garden trees use woodwoodwhich scattered around the trunk.

To protect against rodents, a mixture of clay and a cowboy taken in equal proportions are prepared. Creilin or carbolovic acid is added for smell. This composition covers trees trunks. It should be borne in mind that such a composition makes it difficult to access oxygen to plants. Currently, for these purposes it is more expedient to use a plastic mesh with small cells. She turns around the trunk of a tree, which makes it difficult to access rodents.

Important work in the autumn period is moisture profitable watering. This procedure is made with the beginning of the fiction of the leaves. Around the priority circle, small watering grooves depth of about 15 cm are digging around. It is necessary to wash the soil to a depth of 1 m. To determine the degree of moisture, it is near the hole with a depth of about 40 cm. If the scene of the earth from the bottom of the pit can be squeezed into a tight com, it means soil is sufficiently moistened . You can add complex mineral fertilizers to the grooves.

When the air temperature is no longer rising above -5 ° C, it is necessary to hide the heat-loving plants for the winter. For this use sawdust, fabric, fonduous, burlap or special agrofiber.

Preparing greenhouses for winter

It is necessary to remove all the remnants of plants, the Bottva, where the pathogenic microorganisms can dwell. The surface of the greenhouse is thoroughly washed with disinfectants. If the greenhouse covers the film, it must be removed, rinse with soap mortar, carefully dry and remove to spring.

Wooden racks are treated with solution copper Kaperthat warns the rotting and germination of MCH.

In addition to the disinfection of the greenhouse surface, it is necessary to process and the soil in which a considerable amount of pests have accumulated during the country season.

Earth in the greenhouse is carefully loosen. If the area is not very big, you can use thermal disinfection. The soil is covered with a film and pour boiling water under it. For processing often used haired lime or dolomite flour which destroy pests and enrich the soil of potassium and magnesium. Additional nutrients Provides fertilizer of the Earth by superphosphate.

How to prepare the soil for winter (video)

For the winter it is necessary to strengthen the carcass to the greenhouse so that it does not fall asleep under the weight of the snow. To do this, inside the greenhouse on a solid surface, the backups or arcuate attachments are installed. If the surface of the greenhouse is made of glass, it is necessary to check its integrity. Small cracks can be sealed so that the wind and snow do not destroy the surface completely. If possible, in winter it is necessary to check the integrity of the design.

On time, the autumn events will save time in the spring and get a rich harvest from all cultures.

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In the fall of the growing season comes to an end, nature is preparing for winter hibernation - All processes slow down. Meanwhile, the amateur gardener comes the time of intensive work. Cottage in autumn is not only a harvest, but also the preparation of land to winter.


The preparation of the garden in the fall implies the processing of the soil. Dropping of the Earth is not a mandatory procedure, but improves the properties of the soil, and therefore conditions for the development of plants in next year. Especially such a procedure is useful for clay soils with high density and viscosity.

Deep Packet of the Earth is carried out only in the late autumn to allow the completion of the processes occurring in the soil. Thanks to the deep rustling of the soil, the air gains access to the layers where roots are developing. The depth of entry of shovels for such clay soils is about 25-30 cm. If you dig into short, take the usual and play the soil every 5-10 cm to ensure at least partial aeration. You can radically relieve the load on the back, using a motor-cultivator or a motor-block for looser, which will take all the hard work.

You will be surprised, but the vegetable garden must be watered if there was a pair of sunny days. The fact is that the dripped soil must have the appropriate humidity. The plus of deep steaming is that the wintering pests at the depth are on the surface, and this reduces their chances to survive.


What is the preparation of cottage to winter after the arrival of the first frosts? When the upper layer of soil is frozen (at a temperature of about -5 ° C), it is necessary to take care of low temperatures sensitive plants. Sprinkle the earth around them with bark, branches coniferous plants, sawdust or leaves. In no case use the foliage infected with fungus, as well as with a high content of Tanin, for example, oak and flavory.

So protect trees and shrubs sensitive to cold-sensitive trees and shrubs, as well as flowers that spring cut low above the ground (roses, hydrangea, budleys). The curls can be sprinkled by the earth, forming "shala" with a height of about 30-40 cm. This is exactly what come with a grape vines.

If a certain type of plants requires the complete closure of the above-ground part, then you can use the straw mats, jute or agrofiber. It is important that the latter is breathing, otherwise the plants rot. Know, too dense coating around the evergreen plants will lead to the development of gray mold, so the insulation material is stretched on supports. Especially necessary to tinker with. Before the shelter, the samshet, thus, juniper and other evergreen plants are abundant.

Leaves decorative plants Especially sensitive to the frost. Unfortunately, the dacha loses its aesthetic appearance. Before the onset of frosts, the stems of pampas grass, young monkantus and cane bind, and then turn the insulating material or straw mats. The roots of plants are additionally protected by a thick layer of a crust, sawdust or dry leaves.


Vegetable garden in the fall, you need to protect from the hares, no matter how cute they seem. These animals will not touch the bark of young trees if you use runnerdoor, fiberglass or chain grid - all that prevents mechanical damage to the crust.

Some amateur gardeners are deceived by the trunk with a special whitewash and bind coniferous branches (needles down).

Already in early November, feed the birds, scattering seeds, grains, crushed nuts, cereal flakes, pieces of fruit, etc. Thanks to this, the birds will find out where frosts will come. The sooner you begin to feed the birds, the sooner they will have time to stock upside down in the cold season. In the spring and summer, they will thank you for care, destroying pests.

Winter is no longer around the corner and works on panstone still enough. But experienced gardeners And gardeners know that from how you perform autumn works in the garden depends on your crop next year.

  • You can not remove berries and fruits from trees after rain or dew. Torn from trees fruit is best to immediately cooled to a temperature of 4-6 ° C, otherwise they quickly pepper and deteriorate. Walls of the room in which you will store harvestProceed with solution of formaldehyde or soda, it will prevent the appearance of a mold mushroom.
  • Old branches and root pigs should be removed. In the fall, it is time to make forming or rejuvenating trimming.
  • Stems of raspberries that are no longer fruit, cut off at the ground level. Black currants need to remove weak and old shoots (also at the ground level). White and red currant, on the contrary, gives berries on old branches. At the gooseberry remove low hanging, old shoots.
  • Heat-loving fruit trees (for example, peach and apricot) cover it for the winter.
  • Carefully treat the inner surface with a solution of 10% iron or 5% copper solution vitriol. The hole of the hollow is filled with broken brick or pebbles, then this place is cement and covered oil paint.
  • Wire brushes or scrapers remove the sick bark from the trees (under the tree to unlock the film), the resulting garbage burn outside the garden. If there are wounds on the tree, lubricate them with a garden boiler. Choose a day with dry and windy weather, dine safety glasses and a dressing and treat large branches and strains with mortar iron Camp (5%). It will relieve you from pest problems and diseases.
  • Around the fruit trees, make circles out of glue, so that the larvae of the winter spiders do not creep on the trees. Adhesion of glue: pine resin 10 pieces, Vaseline 1.5 parts, rosin 1,2 parts. Use the curiy belt on the trunks of the trees for catching the spiders (in September she puts eggs on the crust). At the end of November, these simple devices are cleaned, whites of trunks, robbing the trunks of coniferous branches and paper.
  • For young trees, make protection from mice. For this tree trunks, reincut the burlap, then wrap the rubberoid and aluminum wire. From above Ruberoid Turned Lime. Excellent material for strapping - fiberglass or old categories (the bark does not exceed them, and the mice never bite such a strapping).
  • So that the trees in the winter are not extincting, carry out moisture productive watering of trees.

The garden loves purity and order, in the fall, you need to prepare it to fit and frost.

Make the grooves depth 15-10 cm around the tree trunk (every 80 cm). It is necessary to water at the rate of 60 l / m² for an adult apple tree, 40 l / m² - for cherries, plums and young apple trees. With the last watering, it is good to make mineral fertilizers, after this grooves fall asleep.

Boots in vegetable garden

  • Plants with signs of diseases and trails of pests should be deeply saved outside the vegetable garden or burn.
  • To dig the garden in the fall or not - to solve you, but all the vegetable remnants from the site must be removed.
  • On the liberated beds, you can sow kinza, Redishka, dill. From the first night frosts, these cultures will save the observer film.
  • In the greenhouse, remove the top layer of the Earth (5 cm), mix it with a compost and mineral fertilizers, pour into the compost pit.
  • Peat, old fallen leaves, sawdust will save the root system of plants from severe frosts. So strawberries are covered with a solid layer (about 10 cm), and currant bushes are mounted in a radius of 80 cm.
  • As a rule, autumn works in the garden are carried out, taking care of the future crop. So, the old leaves of strawberries are cut into the soil nitroammofosk (on 10 liters of water 2.5 pt. L.). To flower kidney The next year was more, in early September, the soil fertility fertility (on 10 liters of water - 30 g). Plants are treated by phytosporin fungal diseases, from muced dew - Colloid gray, from rot and spottedness - copper chlorokis.

Do not forget about such an important agrotechnical reception as mulching.

  • Fur and old fallen fruits assemble and carry out the site.
  • Plant the garden with the crop rotation.
  • If the soil on your area is acidic, it is necessary to conduct a lime. It is best to focus the earth in the spring.

Blank cuttings for vaccination

This is the mandatory and necessary autumn work in the garden. Cuttings for vaccination are harvested in November. Healthy trees (apple trees, pears, bone) need to cut cuttings with Western or from the southern top of the crown (the length of them is about 40 cm). Then the cuttings are collected in bundles and supply labels. It is necessary to put beams into wet sand or in sawdust vertically (immerse them in the sand on 2/3 of length). Small cuttings can be stored in the refrigerator, pre-wrapped with a wet cloth. In the snowy winter, the cuttings conveniently bury in the snow from the northern side of the house (do not forget the bound cuttings to wind up the ruberoid and the rope to protect against mice).

In winter, the cuttings will feel comfortable at a temperature of 3-5 ° C, and the labels will help you deal with species and varieties in spring.

Autumn work in a flower bed

  • In September-October, you can share and disembark perennials. At this time, hyacinths, daffodils, small bulbous plants, which need time to be rooted. Tulips planted in front of the frosts.
  • The autumn varieties of garlic and onions are also planting in September-October. In order to save space, they can be planted on the flower beds where roses grow (this will benefit both cultures).
  • Before the most frosts cover fragile plants.
  • In the fall, do not fertilize and do not cut roses. Cut only dry branches. Swipe the roses of the soil mixed with gravel or with a crust.
  • After the first frosts, dig a dahlia tuber. They need to be stored in a dry, warm and dark place.

Bright and cheerful autumn flower beds also need care.

For many gardeners and gardeners, autumn work at the cottage - pleasant troubles, gratitude to the land for the harvest. Work on cottage plot With love and pleasure, and the garden and garden of the Storm will reward you for their efforts.

In order to grow in a flower bed, the blooming plant is important to comply with the subtleties content. Gardeners want to grow exotic plants. The secrets of the care of large types of colors are different. A rare living creature requires special care. In the article, the editors tried to present the selection of conditions in order to avoid death in the cultivation of an exotic plant. It is important to understand for yourself to which class your flower is defined.

What work on the plot is coming in the fall

Autumn - active time for work in garden sites. It is in the fall that needs to be covered in time garden trees And shrubs from pests, prepare plants for wintering, to carry out the culmination of crops, to improve flower beds.

In September, there is usually a lot of hassle with vegetables. It is necessary to leake potatoes, which was selected for seeds under the subsequent landings. Clean the sowing bow. With rainy weather, the onions need to be dried. Under the equipped canopies dry out and spring garlic after its cleaning. The first frosts are carried out on the protection of still fruiting plants that cover them light material. It continues by watering eggplants, peppers, cabbage vegetables, tomatoes, fading are made. If the weather conditions are such that frosts are pretty strong, then vegetables are better to assemble with the beds, tie in the premises of tomatoes and pepper. For the October yields of salad, radish or spinach, these vegetables should be sown in the first days of September.

If parsley, beets, dill are planned, it should be organized at the end of October. At the same time, the seeds are prepared in advance and in quantity, which is twice the number that would need during crops at another time of the year. During this period, it is also necessary to sow shrubs: barbaris, hawthorn, rosehip. Plant and Kalina.

In the process of vaccinations fruit garden It is necessary to take care of seedlings of young trees, for example: pears, cherries, apple trees. So that the fruiting trees are not subject to illness, carefully clean the crowns from the already quicken fruits. When the leaves fall, the trees are cleaned from lichens. For this, the trees spray with iron vigor, or rather 5% solution (500 grams. Dissolved in water liter).

So that young seedlings are not subject to frost and bright winter sun, the trunks need to be blossoming. Good protection against rodents will serve as a winding of the trunks of trees tool, sweet snap, malinic twigs, can be wrapped with even rubberoid.

At the beginning of October, landing begins winter garlic. And by the end of the month such autumn works in the garden are produced as somimnia Sowing Parsley, carrots, sorrel, Luca-Chernushki and many other winter-hardy crops.

In the garden you can spend sowing some annuals directly to the ground. It can be a cosmy, calendula, poppies, cornflowers or sweet pea. Narcissus can be planted in early September, but hyacinths and tulips - a few weeks before the start of frosts.

In any case, a lot of work in the garden and garden in the fall. Try to have time to do everything before the first frost. Pay attention to each tree, each bush so that next year your garden and the garden again pleased the eyes and brought a big harvest.

Autumn work in the garden - we bring order on the countryside, in a garden and a flower bed

Autumn work on the country's dacha

  • Heat-loving fruit trees (for example, peach and apricot) cover it for the winter.
  • Carefully treat the inner surface with a solution with a solution of 10% iron or 5% copper sulfate solution. The hole of the hollow is filled with broken brick or pebbles, then this place is cemented and coated with oil paint.
  • Wire brushes or scrapers remove the sick bark from the trees (under the tree to unlock the film), the resulting garbage burn outside the garden. If there are wounds on the tree, lubricate them with a garden boiler. Choose a day with dry and windy weather, put the protective glasses and a bandage and treat large branches and stans with iron mood with a solution (5%). It will relieve you from pest problems and diseases.
  • Around the fruit trees, make circles out of glue, so that the larvae of the winter spiders do not creep on the trees. Adhesion of glue: pine resin 10 pieces, Vaseline 1.5 parts, rosin 1,2 parts. Use the curiy belt on the trunks of the trees for catching the spiders (in September she puts eggs on the crust). At the end of November, these simple devices are cleaned, whites of trunks, robbing the trunks of coniferous branches and paper.
  • For young trees, make protection from mice. For this tree trunks, reincut the burlap, then wrap the rubberoid and aluminum wire. From above Ruberoid Turned Lime. Excellent material for strapping - fiberglass or old categories (the bark does not exceed them, and the mice never bite such a strapping).
  • So that the trees in the winter are not extincting, carry out moisture productive watering of trees.

Garden work, autumn

Gardening calendar: September, October, November. Autumn in the country. Garden, garden and plot. Autumn Countries

Autumn - It's time for harvest, completion of the garden season and preparation for winter. It is in the fall in the country that the basics for a successful and fruitful future season are laid in the garden and in the garden. Read about the main garden work in the fall. To clarify the term of work, focus on your climatic zone and the weather of the current season

September. Garden work

Compared to the summer, the light day in September is already noticeably shorter, and temperatures are lower. Work in the garden in the fall is still enjoyable, especially in quiet, dry and cool days. In September, autumn perennials (anemons. Perennial Astra (September). Georgina, Chrysanthemums. Poskonnik, Sedum), shrubs (roses, heather. Hydrangea), Autumn Lukovichny ( autumn unscrewing - Kolchikum, Nerina, etc.) and many decorative cereals.

Major Garden works of September:

October. Garden work

October - Mid-Autumn, time of mass leaffall and the actual completion of the garden season in colder regions. The garden in October is filled with bright and warm autumn paints from reddened and yellowed leaves, ripening berries on trees and shrubs (hawthorn, rowan. Beautiful) and still blooming shrubs (Magonia).

Main Garden Works October:

  1. Autumn Cleaning in the Garden
  2. Seeding seeds of cold-resistant annuals in open soil (Mac. Nigella, Vasilka, Cosmeya, Calendula, etc.) for earlier flowering
  3. Transplanting trees and shrubs (after they dropped the leaves)
  4. Pruning and mulching perennial and shrubs for the winter
  5. Winter garters, supports and shelters. Frame, touch. See winter shelters for roses and hydrangea. And also chrysanthemum in winter.
  6. Reproduction of perennials and shrubs dividing and brass
  7. Sleeping of gladiols in cold regions (35-50 days after the end of flowering). Fravel the rhizomes of Cannes, dahlias and other perennials, if you dig them (after the first frosts)
  8. Collection of fallen leaves and leaf laying
  9. Planting summer bulbous (crocosmia. Lilies, allium - decorative onions). Landing on bulbs of tulips and landing of winter garlic (3 weeks before the first frosts) in the cold regions
  10. Garden. Preparation of soil under spring landing (making potassium and phosphorus, manure, ash, etc.). Shelter ready-made black film to protect the soil and better warm-up warm-up. See garden without popopower. Shelter leafy gardening crops transparent film will protect them from the first frosts and will extend the harvest
  11. Preparation of the house patio for winter (cleaning of pipes and wastewater, cleaning of summer furniture for storage, etc.)
  12. Cleaning in the greenhouse. Disinfection, preparation of greenhouses for winter

November. Garden work

November - the last month of autumn. In November, it often comes in winter cold weather. Garden life freezes, and in colder regions - postponed until spring. A short day and cold, however, mean that you can enjoy doing pleasant home affairs in the comfort of a hungry living room. For example, planning a new year. November gardening, listed below, mainly relate to gardeners in regions with a sorting climate (Western and South Europe, seaside zones of the center and the south of the United States, etc.).