
Horoscope with whom compatible scales. Video: Scales ♎ Zodiac Sign


Compatibility of scales with other signs depends on many circumstances. The relationship is influenced by the moon and the sun, the elements and the planet, the year of birth. This zodiac sign is looking for an equilibrium and harmony, because he has good understanding with many people. Who would have met the scales, their compatibility will be possible only when both partners want to find a common language. Astrology only suggests how it is better to do.

Character of weights

Compatibility of the sign of the scales directly depends on their nature. These people are calm, good-natured, try to be in normal relationships. They are inborn diplomats and peacekeepers. Sociable, scales poorly carry loneliness. Can be very efficient, but periodically suffer from felt attacks. Pretty stubborn, achieve goals, going along the path of least resistance. Here are the main features of the nature of this sign:

  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • good nature;
  • sociability;
  • delicacy;
  • diplomacy;
  • stubbornness;
  • indecision;
  • elegance;
  • developed intelligence;
  • dedication.

Scales are cruel and ruthless if their interests affected, someone moved the road to them. Periodically, you are capricious, annoyed and nervous. Among the representatives of this sign a lot of egoists. When they do not want to do something, they cannot be forced. Responsibility are always trying to shift on others. Scales compatibility with other signs of the zodiac find easily, despite negative character traits. They are always ready to search for a compromise first.

Compatibility of aircraft with air signs

The elements of the air gives the signs of the zodiac ease, developed intelligence. These people do not like to undertake commitments and build strong connections. Air signs are:

  • Twins;
  • Libra;
  • Aquarius.

Who is compatible with weights better than his fellow? In fact, in this relationship, everything is not so simple: air signs are very freedom-loving and independent.

Compatibility of scales with twins

At the meeting, these people quickly find mutual understanding. They have similar interests, temperaments, life glances. The pair is perfectly spending time on travel, at parties, exhibitions and other wonderful places. They are compatible in friendship and work, but family life may not be climbed.

Horoscope compatibility signs of scales and twins promises them a lot of difficulties. They absolutely do not want to take responsibility. There may be strong sexual attractiveness between them and even real love. But the relationship is divided into life, the slightest difficulties can destroy them.

Scales compatibility among themselves

Relationship between the two representatives of one zodiac sign are beautiful. This is the perfect couple in which love reigns, respect and mutual understanding. Both partners are creative personality, pay a lot of attention to their spiritual development. They do not tolerate conflicts, so very rarely quarreled among themselves. Even when married is not all right.

Problems arise when you have to make important decisions. None of the partners want to take responsibility. In such a situation, the compatibility of two scales can easily shake, mutual claims will appear and accusations. Often, steam is experiencing material difficulties: both love to spend money, but do not know how to earn them.

Compatibility of Scales and Aquarius

This is a beautiful couple of two spiritual people. They already feel at the first meeting how much fit to each other. Between the two representatives of the air element, love arises at first glance, followed by a stormy novel and a beautiful wedding. Family life promises to be happy, in the percentages of divorces such a couple falls very rarely.

No matter how good the compatibility of Aquarius with a sign of scales, there is a pair. Aquarius loves freedom more than his partner. For him, the family is a very relative concept. Also, this sign of a stingy emotion, for him is primarily an intellectual component of relations. Often weares have to take over all responsibility for the family, which they do not like to do.

Compatibility of weights with fire signs

Element of fire is energy, passion, emotions. The people with whom she managed - inborn leaders, they cannot live if they are not engaged in important things and do not set themselves high goals. The flame elements include signs:

  • Aries;
  • Sagittarius.

Compatibility of air scales and fiery signs is not bad. It is important that the fire does not overheate the air, and he did not blow it. But since our zodiac sign is looking for an equilibrium in everything, it rarely happens.

Scales and Aries compatibility

These signs are complete opposites. Nevertheless, they attract each other as Venus and Mars, their planets. The air inflates the fire, makes him burn. The fire heats the air and it rises upwards. Approximately this is the relationship in this union. The horoscope compatibility of signs of scales and Aries promises them an interesting family life, complete emotions, uplings and falls.

Begging in a pair is, and often. Aries cannot understand the torments and indecision of the air sign, trying to stir up his partner. In response, it receives resistance and complete reluctance to do anything. It happens on the contrary: the air sign takes upon itself all the homework while his fiery partner catches the crane in the sky.

Compatibility of scales and lion

The lion is well compatible with weights, it will confirm any astrologer. The air sign actually acts on a lion, keeps it from rash actions and solutions. The lion becomes a defender for his partner, takes responsibility for the family and relationship in general. Such a tandem is quite successful if the partners learn to find compromises.

Disruption compatibility may pass the air sign to disputes. He likes to object in the evening, which the lion organically does not tolerate. Poorly affects the relationship aggressiveness of the fiery sign. It can turn into a real beast, terrorize loved ones if something goes wrong in his affairs. Whoever lion, a homemade cat or wild animal, he wishes to be in a pair of the leader.

Scales and Sagittarius Compatibility

Two creative personalities quickly find a common language. Sagittarius likes a light temper, sociability, partner wit. The aircraft is fond of energy, optimism and decisiveness of the Sagittarius. They can be friends, work, but love still arises between the boy and the girl. They are very quickly in marriage, more often on the initiative of the scales.

The family of these signs is strong and happy, although not devoid of problems. Most often, disagreements arise due to the indecision of the air sign and the aggressiveness of the fiery. Domestic affairs are mainly engaged in the scales that they also do not like it very much. But important decisions take the Sagittarius, not always believed to the opinion of its half.

Scales compatibility with earthly signs

Earth elements symbolizes wealth, stability, patient. Signs with which she controls, conservative, calm and founder. Here are their list:

  • Calf;
  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn.

Compatibility with the sign of the Earth, the scales arrange themselves. Only from them will depend on how the relationship is being collected.

Compatibility of Libra and Taurus

These signs are able to combine their patroness - Venus. She gives them love, sensuality, rich inner world. Both love comfort and homemade comfort, are not afraid to work for this. Partners are well compatible in sex, there is a very strong physical attraction between them. But the horoscope compatibility of signs of scales and the body of them is an easy life does not promise: a lot of contradictions between partners.

The earthly sign is slow, he does not have time for a dynamic air partner. This is the cause of irritation of the latter. In turn, the Taurus is surprised by the ease with which the scales change their opinions, forget about their own promises. Both are experiencing their love differently: one sign is in the clouds, and the other is firmly standing on Earth. The stubbornness and the disadvantage of both signs will bring attitudes towards collapse.

Compatibility of scales and virgins

Compatibility of air scales and earthly virgin bad. Between them very little in common. Combine partners can love for order, good taste and sexual attractiveness. Virgo is not charged with anyone with such optimism as with weights. But this is too little to build a strong relationship. Conflicts and quarrels in this union - the usual and usual.

Aerial sign is too lazy, according to the Virgin. She certainly speaks him about it at every opportunity. The discretion of the partner displays the masters of himself, deprives peace. In turn, the scales do not endure the constant criticism of the Virgin and begin to seek consolation on the side. Lies, treason, quit destroy relationships, partners are running out in different directions and never meet again.

Compatibility of scales and Capricorn

To build relationships, these signs will have to make a lot of effort. They can give a lot to each other: Capricorn - confidence and stability, air sign - useful contacts, dynamism. But partners rarely reach the stage in relations when they can appreciate the advantages of their union. They part very quickly, if they start to meet at all.

Closed, egocentric Capricorn - the exact opposite of its partner. He hardly understands his changeful nature, mental torment. Earthlanin annoys the indecision of the air sign. He, in turn, frightened the coldness and worriedity of Capricorn, its factories bordering the aggression.

Compatibility Scales with watermarks

Element of water is mysterious and mysterious. It gives her children supernatural intuition, emotionality, the ability to hide thoughts and feelings. Here are what signs belong to the water element:

  • Scorpio;
  • Fish.

Compatibility with water signs Scales are not too good. But relationships are possible if the partners want to build them with their own hands.

Compatibility of scales and cancer

The horoscope compatibility of scales and cancer is complex, but they can reach a compromise. Both signs try to avoid conflicts. They appreciate related relationships, homemade comfort. These are creative personalities with a rich spiritual organization and fine sensuality. It is on this soil that they converge with each other.

Problems arise between signs often. Cancer is the owner, and its partner is above all appreciated freedom. Both love to closes in themselves, for a long time to hone offense. The peacekeeper in the family performs an air sign, but it is soon annoying to pick up offended cancer from the shell. Partners can establish relationships only when they appreciate the positive aspects of their union.

Compatibility of scales and scorpion

There is a karmic connection between these signs, their compatibility is high enough. Scorpio acts in such an alliance by a mentor, and his partner is a diligent student. They can support each other in difficult situations, many people envy their friendship. But in love relationships between signs of water and air is not so simple, they have a lot of contradictions.

Aerial sign is indecisive and controversial, at the same time he is a big optimist, only a good one in humans. Scorpio is also not deprived of contradictions, but his views were already established. In addition, he does not share optimism and gullibility of his partner. On the basis of different perception of the world between them and conflicts arise.

Compatibility of scales and fish

Building relations with these two signs is very difficult. At first, your horoscope compatibility scales and fish are interpreted optimistic. Between them there is love, a romantic connection, they can drown with their heads in their feelings. Very soon the difference in characters and temperaments makes itself felt. Partners or run up, or torment each other all their lives.

Each signs tries to shift responsibility to another. As a result, the fish assumes all homework, and their air partner is trying to save the family boat in the stormy sea of \u200b\u200bthe outside world. But this distribution of roles does not suit them, the internal tension is growing. As a result, both are closed in themselves, feelings are sick, the spouses live in habit or part.

The patronage of the scales of Planet Venus endowed them with an incredible beauty and ability to experience deep feelings. People born under this constellation have an outstanding appearance, a fraction of artistry and charm, charming the opposite sex. But it is worth offending them, the merryman is immersed in the state of apathy and laziness.

Representatives of the air element sociability. Their nature endowed with good intelligence. With others, they are not just frank, but also too trusting that some are used for mercenary purposes. For any comments and advice, scales can issue a series of their own, no less weighty, arguments and arguments, so it is most often not necessary to join the representatives of this sign of the zodiac into a dispute.

Fun, lightness in communication, the wonderful sense of humor can be changed in confusion, sullen and irritation. But for weights it is a familiar state. Supporting people do not need to focus on special attention.

Woman scales

  • The union of two scales is considered the most unpredictable among other combinations. This couple can go through all the stages of relationships: from friendly to the most tender and deep. But the complete hostility is also possible in the case when the similarity of the nature and lifestyle reaches more than 60%. People of air elements are moving and are in constant search for something new. Therefore, a partner should be able to curb the life of bright colors. Then the other will pull up and move at a given direction. In the opposite case comes boredom and laziness, which devours everything is fine, from which the relationship began.
  • With scorpion, women develop ambiguous relationships. From the first minutes between partners, the same spark runs from which a large and bright feeling is obtained. Next, it is supported by almost perfect compatibility in sex. But a little happier, the pair begins to solve household problems and everyone shows their real person on this basis. Both signs consider themselves the leaders, it is equally well able to manipulate. Here on this field and unhealthy wars for the status of the family.
  • Representatives of scales and fittings are several types. If a woman meets an ardent admirer of secular parties and a public life admanistant, then herself should have fun of such a lifetime. Family values \u200b\u200bfrom this pair will be far away. Although the union is long and strong. If one of the partners set the task of creating a family, then his lover must have a sincere desire to become the custodian of the focus. Only such combinations of the types will be truly happy together. In other options, the marriage will quickly disarm the waves of life.
  • With Capricorn, good relationships are not immediately. Weighs does not imply the old-fashioned and conservatism of the partner, but it is very attracting his stability. A woman understands that with him she and the offspring will be like a stone wall. On this and the union is held. Insolvent Capricors will not be able to hold the charming chief of themselves.
  • With aquiet, you will not have to miss. And in this case, the constant desire of weights to the balance will bring novelty and intrigue into the relationship. Aquarius versatile identity, you need to have time. He likes a fun and mobile partner, so he will always strive to satisfy her needs. If a woman does not fly with the distribution in the role of roles, the marriage has every chance of successful development.
  • Fish men, falling under the influence of women of the scales, first greatly fascinated by the partner, but after a while they understand what they lose themselves. It is not possible to realize how to make a male fishing fish. They are more likely to be repeated. And sometimes there are energy exhaustion, accompanied by physical pain.
  • Being in diametral opposites with Aries, scales, however, have a painful feeling of thrust. No wonder it says that different poles are attracted. So with this pair. Become friends they have great chances, but to create a family - very low. The first in love and all-things to the partner will soon be replaced by setting some requirements and rules, which are both will not. Tightens the game that can extend the Union up to several years. The chance to develop further close relationship falls not all.
  • Full harmony in sex and the opposite in the lifestyle of the manitis and repels the women's weights and men of the Tales overnight. There are no serious differences between them, but so many little things that everyone does not want to have to come that family life has such a couple under a big question.
  • Weighs of women are incredibly interesting partner Gemini. It is so interesting and informative with him that a certain interchange is felt in the energy level. Both each other is useful, interesting and helpful. The personal space and rights suffer from this communication. Couple can conduct a whole day together and there will be little.
  • Union of the Woman of Aerial Element with Cancer Male more reminds the battlefield. Both each other will pass, trying to change. In good location, the spirit is accepted for strategic planning that it brings them closer. Dreams with dreams, but to carry out the intended coming far from always. On this basis, mutual reproaches begin again. Relationships are similar to the expression "Neither with you, no without you."
  • Forky and passionate relationship with a man Lvoma delivers and stimulates a woman an air element. Partners admire each other in his soul, but at the bottom of their feelings rarely exhibit. Compatibility in friendship and love is high enough. The main thing in the relationship with the lion does not reset the stick.
  • Union with a man's male lasts extremely rarely longer than several years. Such uneven relations are depleted by both partners. Too between them a lot of different things to find compromises. Light and ardent woman sometimes does not understand the scrupulusity and pedantry of their chosen one, considering him by the soul and snob.

Scales man

  • Compatibility with a scorpion woman is pretty good. Basically, relationships are based on a constant search for balance, which leads to spiritual growth, the implementation of personalities. The union between such a couple may not be long, but the fact that he will bring a lot of benefit to both partners, you should not doubt.
  • A lot of tests can fall to the share of the Union with a woman, but they will strengthen the relationship between lovers. The spouses are tremendous to each other and the family as a whole, so there is plenty for a long and happy life.
  • Pretty contradictory relationships arise in men of weights with a woman Capricorn. Different interests and rhythm of life sometimes lead to a solution to part, but inappropriate way pair to make the last step is very difficult. We defeat deep feelings, giving patience and wisdom.
  • Aquarius woman attracts and binds the attention of a man of air element to its special attention. He is charming not only by its external data, but also by the nature of the intelligence, versatile interests, constant search for something new. It is similar to balance balancing, so this pair has every chance to live a long and interesting life.
  • Too different characters and views on life in men weights with female fish. She is economical, and Mila, but he does not feel her frankness, mood. The pair is difficult to even talk to the souls, so the union can only be a friend.
  • Explosive and attractive mixture is obtained in a union with a woman with a fan. But it is its unpredictability and thrust for creativity who needs a partner. Full opposites are attracted, and it has not been able to give a logical explanation to this anyone.
  • Woman Taurus is able to flip life from the legs. Her stubbornness and constant mood change is superimposed on balancing the scales themselves. Quarrels and conflicts arise more often from scratch. Such a union will not benefit with both partners.
  • The ideal similarity of interests and characters with a woman twins. It will become an ideal friend and wife. Freedom-loving scales will more often forget about their own desires, because it is much more interesting to be with a smart and beautiful spouse.
  • Woman cancer can be a good friend. It is always interesting to her, you can learn a lot of new things. But it is difficult to hope for her support in family relationships. As a wife, she will demand the satisfaction of all her needs, forgetting to give something in return.
  • The lionesses are not able to evaluate their air and a little frivolous partner or understand. Strong women themselves achieve large victories in the life and require the same partner. They do not understand the simple desire of the weights of men to sleep, walk the job for the sake of going to nature or meet friends. For a lioness, this is a gross violation of the rules of family and non-disabling behavior.
  • Woman Virgo will be boring partner. She is correct for him. The man annoys a rational approach even to small things, so finding points of contact with a pair is difficult. As a friend, she can approach, that's just enough for his strength to listen to the endless morals.

With whom the best compatibility

Ideal may be the Union in weights with Square. Similar temperament, lifestyle, desire to move on combines a pair. Small turmoils they disassemble quite intelligently or just ignore, not wanting to spend time on trifles.

Their relationship is positively reflected on personal growth and promotion through the career ladder. The family is home and do not allow a stranger to interfere in relationships.

No less successful is the union between weights and twins. Such a couple envy everything around. Full harmony and accepting each other with such as their mother-nature created.

Create a family has every chance of weights with Aquarius, but in the case when both families have in priority.

Who is the worst compatibility

You should not feel the fate of people born under the sign of the scales, and the calves. Stressful relationships, constant conflicts or vice versa, ignoring each other sooner or later will still lead to the divorce.

The most painful relationship in scales with crayfish. Complete misunderstanding, lack of trust relationships, the desire to constantly change something in the partner literally incite the souls of each spouse. Worse, you have to children who see the form of relationship from birth.

Fish are also not the best option for close relationships. Moreover, the energetic fields of the pair are completely incompatible.

Insecurity, constant fluctuations, difficulties with decision-making - these features, first of all, complicate the life of the scales themselves. Often they prefer to shift responsibility on other people's shoulders. But this is perhaps the only large lack of weights. Otherwise, out of the representatives of this sign, excellent satellites of life, interesting interlocutors, inborn directions who are able to turn boring weekdays to a fascinating endless performance are obtained.

Compatibility in Love Scales and Aries

Union of representatives of the two opposite elements - air and fire - an explosive mixture. In such respects, passions are literally boiled. At the first meeting there is a strong mutual attraction. A man-Aries seems to be a strong weight, self-confident knights without fear and reproach. Woman Aries - passionate seductive. Scales see the features of which they lack, this is a classic case when opposites are attracted. If scales and Aries are solved for a long relationship, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be solid extremes - from mad passion to mutual hatred. The main problem is the struggle for leadership. If in the first three years of living together, it will be able to keep the family ship afloat, take each other, there is a chance to live together for a long time and happily.

Compatibility in Love Scales and Taurus

These relationships have little chance of a long joint future. But they have a common heavenly patron - Planet Venus. Therefore, with a certain internal work and a desire to adjust the partner, you can achieve a stable union. Taurus-man attracts scales with its strong charisma, self-confidence, character hardness, practicality, male sexuality. But at the same time, he can suppress the scales with its authority and rudeness. Woman Taurus enchants femininity and love for beautiful. But may irritate an excessive landing of interest. If all contradictions are settled, a strong alliance based on mutual respect and durable friendship may occur between weights and tales. Marriage can be especially happy if the spouses have a big difference in age. Moreover, a male-taurus should be older.

Compatibility in loving weights and twins

This is one of the most successful unions, because it connects representatives of one element. Together they are never bored. Traveling, craving for change of places, new projects, boiling ideas, experiments - they will constantly come up with something new. In such a marriage, it is especially important that the spouses have an equal intellectual and educational level. Or, if we are talking about the Gemini men, so that the husband performs a kind of teacher for weights. Conversations, discussions, disputes on a variety of topics - from culinary to political - this is the necessary ingredient of their family happiness. If the twins in the pair are dominated, it is very good for weights, because they stretch behind the leader and at the same time grow. The main problem of relationships is in the windiness of both. And we are not so much about treason, although it will not cost and without it, as about adventurous ideas that can be dangerous for the future family.

Compatibility in Love Scales and Cancer

This is an union more business than sensual. Perfect marriage by calculation. One of the few options when the scales take the role of a leader in a pair. They can be a good mentor for cancer on a life path, skillfully fading all obstacles and obstacles. If a man-cancer agrees to such a role, relationships can be quite harmonious. At the initial stage there will be many romance, outbreaks of feelings, conversations until the morning. Over time, emotions will go away, giving way to a sober calculation and very specific purposes. A cancer can be for the scales by the ideal adviser in affairs, with its deep intuition and the ability to predict the future. The problem in this relationship can be the proprietary instinct of cancer in combination with his suspension. If the scales do not take into account this factor, marriage can collapse. Moreover, such unions are often disintegrated on the initiative of the scales, tired of cancer claims.

Compatibility in Love Libra and Lion

This is one of the best partners for weights. Love does not break into their lives as a tornado, but comes gradually, on the basis of pleasant mutual discoveries, growth of confidence and interest in each other. The man-lion attracts scales with its confidence in itself, indispensable internal energy, desire to shine. At the same time, the scales may well meet the strict requirements of the lion to their partner - sophisticated, with a natural sense of measure and taste, the scales can look great, causing universal admiration and turning out the focus. And the lion is only necessary! In addition, scales can be a grateful audience for a lion, listening to his grand plans, throwing new ideas and constantly praise. If the scales learned imperceptibly to manipulate the lion, causing acting in the direction necessary for the family, this marriage can be called happy.

Compatibility in Love Libra and Virgin

They are combined by intelligence. The novel can begin with a white envy - one of them after the first conversation will sincerely envy the mind and analytical abilities of the other. On this basis, mutual interest will develop, which will grow very quickly in romantic relationships. True, they will be romantic will be with difficulty - rather, it will be a holiday of intellectual rivalry, when both just bathe in exciting conversations, disputes and verbal battles. In addition, scales and virgins will appreciate each other feeling of taste, style. In family life, problems can happen on the basis of raising children. Scales are very democratic, and Virgo, on the contrary, tends to total control. In addition, the virgin will irritate the imperfaction of the scales when such a problem, as a choice of space for recreation, becomes simply insoluble, because ideas change every day. If a male-male is very demanding and critical in relation to the scales, the union can break.

Compatibility in Love Weights and Scales

An excellent option for short bright relationships, for example, for a spa novel. Both are freedom-loving creative people who do not try to re-educate a partner or impose their point of view. They will spend a great time, but hardly at least one of them will have the idea to translate attitudes to another, more permanent level. If they still decide on such a union, it should be borne in mind that the charm of their reflection can very soon go to the "mirror curve", when the disadvantages of a partner, so clearly repeating your own, will begin to irritate with doubled power. Another problem of such a marriage can be mutual infidency, a tendency to flirt on the side. And the indecision inherent in both can lead to the fact that the long-standing relationships have long exhausted, because none of the partners find determines to take the first step to freedom.

Compatibility in Love Scales and Scorpion

Harmonious this relationship is difficult to call. But they can develop successfully if love has grown out of friendship, and the partners had time to get acquainted with the lack of each other and accept them. In general, such a union is quite rare. Peaceful and calm scales subconsciously face scorpion, which is allotted from contradictions and inner aggression. But if love preceded a long acquaintance, and the scales understand what they go, they can get in such a marriage a powerful charge of the energy that they lack so much. Unpredictable Scorpio, his constant readiness for the jump admires the representatives of the scale of the scales. This pair should dominate Scorpio. And if the scales take such a state of affairs, marriage can be happy and long.

Compatibility in Love Scales and Sagittarius

That rare case when scales act as a senior in the Union. Energetic, but unshakable Sagittarius willingly submit to reasonable weights if they won't fade his freedom and too tied to the house. At the same time, he will bring the air of long-range air, mad rhythm of life, rich communication and indomitable craving for novelty. Connect your lives forever they are solved quite rarely. Scales scare the straightness of the Sagittarius, his infantility and a tendency to spontaneous actions. But if it still happened, you need to try to avoid directly clarifying relationships, because the True-Sagittarius may, not wanting to offend the sensitive representative of the sign of the scales so much that the case will end the rupture.

Compatibility in Love Scales and Capricorn

In his youth, they simply do not notice each other. Scales and Capricorn exist as if in parallel universes - emotional, mental, etc. Maximum, which may arise between them - this is friendship, and, based on some business interest. In this relationship, Capricorn will act as a wise practical patron, and the scales will become a secret advisor to his partner. With age, both become wiser, and the union may arise - first on a practical basis, and then on the basis of mutual respect. We will have to fully accept the rules of life of Capricorn. For example, it will be useless to argue with him, he will still stand on his. And you need to either gain patience and wait until he is aware of his wrong. Or learn how to manipulate them so that he thinks that he changes the decision on his will. Happiness in this union depends largely on material income. Capricorn could not accept even with temporary poverty, quickly falls into depression and desperation, and optimistic weights it is difficult to pull it out of this swamp.

Compatibility in Love Weights and Fish

With the first acquaintance, which, most likely, will happen at one of the secular events that both of these signs like that, they may seem ideally compatible. Fish will be fascinated by the manner of behavior of the scales, their ability to lead a conversation, wide knowledge, feeling of taste. At first, love can be very strong, especially from fish. But in time, deep internal contradictions will begin to emerge. And if they do not take them into account, the relationship can completely end. The main conflict lies in a different emotional background, in which both partners are used to exist. For fish emotions - native element. Scales do not take everything so close to the heart and very quickly get tired of reproaches, hysterics, curses, etc. For weights, the dominant sphere - intellect, and such immersion in the world of emotions seems meaningless to them. And even if sexual attraction is pretty much, over time, these relationships can very much to tire a representative of the scales, and it will begin to look for the opportunity to free themselves.

Libra strive for excellence in all aspects of their being, and in love too. They have good compatibility in love and marriage with people of those zodiac signs that share their values. A negligent person is unlikely to be compatible with them. One of the most notable traits of weights is a warm smile, and if they smiled you with all my heart, you will not be able to pass by.

The best compatibility in love and marriage at the scales with the signs of the Zodiac Gemini (from May 21 to June 21), scales (from September 24 to October 23) and Aquarius (from January 21 to February 18). They are well compatible with Lvom (July 23 - August 23) and Agriculture (November 23 - December 21).

Incompatible signs are cancer (June 22 - July 22) and Capricorn (December 22 - January 20), although the union with cancer can be useful for a career, and with Capricorn for emotional support. Relationship with scorpion (October 24 - November 22) can give weight advantage in financial plan. As for marriage compatibility, one of the best elections is Aries (from March 21 to April 20). For spiritual development, a fruitful partnership with the Virgin (August 24 - September 23).

Read more about Love Compatibility Scales with all the twelve signs of the zodiac Read in the following articles:

Horoscope compatibility scales with zodiac signs

Scales - Aries Scales - Scales
Scales - Taurus Scales - Scorpio
Scales - Gemini Scales - Sagittarius
Scales - cancer Scales - Capricorn.
Scales - Lev. Scales - Aquarius
Scales - Deva. Scales - Fish

Libra carry peace and consent and will shy away from conflict with any means. They are incorrigible romance, love to surround themselves with beauty. Learn to be diplomatic, and your scales will give you love. If we talk about love and heart attachments, they do not like to demonstrate their feelings, sometimes it is unnecessary to weigh all the "for" and "against", forgetting that love is a flight of the soul, and not the subject of academic studies.

Scales are looking for a partner who can reveal the best in them, will allow them to feel the completeness of being. But if you met such a person, make the final decision to start the relationship to them not easy. They need a lot of time to weigh all the pros and cons of the potential life satellite, and then decide. And even after so long thought, they can instantly change their opinion if they consider that the choice was wrong. The one who in love relationships with the scales should learn to be patient and understand that hasty in decision-making violates the spiritual equilibrium of the people of this sign.

According to the horoscope compatibility of the Male Scales - if you like it, there is good news: as he can care, no one knows how much. If you are lucky to make sure you understand what we are talking about. Flowers, gifts, compliments - others are capable of all. But only with such an exquisite taste that you will find yourself on the top of bliss.

Male scales enjoys in women popular because it has a rare ability to be friends with them and understand them. He spends a tremendous amount of time and energy to support relationships. He is an incorrigible idealist, always looking for an impeccable partner who will appreciate, understand and idealize it.

In general, the man's weights are not indifferent to beauty in all its manifestations, including the beauty of a beautiful floor. A charming woman for him is the same piece of art as Leonardo's canvas or Brahms music, and this beauty he is ready to admire and admire to deep old age.

That is why you most likely will not be difficult to lure a man-scales in your love networks. Another question is that in the case of him, even the most ardent feeling does not guarantee you a proposal of hands and hearts. The fact is that . More precisely, there will always be so many different "for" and "against" in his head, that it is difficult for him to dwell on something (or on someone) one. With a wedding, he can pull over the years, and finally you have a proposal, the next day is able to change your mind.

By the way, keep in mind that a charming man-scales have a lot of fans and his inability to make a choice often leads to the fact that he cares immediately for everyone.

In other words, if you want a matter to come out, and not crawled before the wedding, take urgent initiative in your hands. Imprivant - because the weights, like any man, do not like when they manage. Let the circumstances be challenged in such a way that they will force him to make you a proposal today. Otherwise, who knows where the arrow of the sympathy of change weights swing tomorrow?

In compatibility in love and marriage, male scales are trying to avoid excitement. A woman is difficult to provoke him on a quarrel, because he does not want it. He is a diplomat who can reconcile your desires with your own. Such a man loves him to praise, and as often as possible. If you use this property of its character, the relationship is collaborated.

In his home, the man-scales always wants to see beauty and grace, so his wife must be prepared for the role of an ideal mistress. You must learn to please all organs of the feelings of esthete-scales, ranging from the preparation of delicious food and ending with the purchase of beautiful furniture and selection of a soft music that caresses his sensitive rumor.

Naturally, the house must reign the perfect order, even if the man-scales and finger himself will not stand for this. And of course, your image of an ideal sweetheart should always be at the height: there are no shape-free bathrobes, ridiculous Bigways and circles under the eyes.

What to say, to be a wife of scales is not easy, taking into account its demand, and frequent mood change. But when you see that when compatibility, a man-scale and twenty years later looks at you with the same admiring, as before the wedding, eyes, when the arrow of his barometer is at the mark "Sunny" and he demonstrates you all the abyss of his charm, you understand that happiness to be near him is worth all your little victims.

Compatibility Male Scales - Image of Favorite

The dream of a man-scale is that everyone in the family spins around his person. In this case, he will play the role of perfect husband and father. Therefore, a dream woman must unconditionally admit his authority. Not to mention the fact that this lady should be beautiful and smart.

Compatibility Male Scales with Zodiac Signs

Compatibility Male Scales - Woman Aries

A pair of woman-Aries and male-scales compatibility feel, as if they found themselves the second part of themselves. This is a very good, complementary, couple.

Woman Aries is very strong and decisive. These of her qualities help her go ahead, keep passion, constantly maintain the novelty of feelings, and the man-scales - very tactful, never invades the personal space of the Aries, does not like disputes and does everything to live in harmony and do not alter each other. ..

Compatibility Male Scales - Female Taurus

The compatibility of Women Taurus and Male Scales is this couple, one of the most common. Taurus and weights pull to each other and they have good compatibility. This union of partners unites love for small everyday joys and pleasures. The male scales are a thinner and creative nature than a woman-taurus, however he, and she knows how to appreciate delicious food, beautiful things, good sex. Thanks to this, their relationship is often very durable - nothing closes people as the ability to enjoy the little things together.

In everyday life, the female Taurus, as a rule, gladly takes homework: prepares delicious food, takes care of children. True, it is not always satisfied with the successes of men-scales at work and sometimes can reproach him in indecision ...

Compatibility Male Scales - Gemini Woman

The compatibility of the twin women and men's weights - This is the most fabulous, distant from everyday life, air and light alliance. Rarely meet a happier couple thanGemini and scales When they found each other.

Between them, ideal mutual understanding and harmony, they do not bind each other from the material world, but will never break up, because they are united by love.

The surrounding this union may seem strange, but in life there is often enough. The fact is that with all the disabilities of the characters of men-scales and twin women, they combine such common features of nature as emotionality and change of mood. Thanks to this, they understand each other perfectly ...

Male Scales Compatibility - Woman Cancer

Relationships in this pair are not simple, but interesting: first partners for a long time and painfully learn to understand each other, which is not as simple as it seems. Then their union acquires amazing harmony.

According to the compatibility of female cancer and weight-male - in this union, partners are in many ways similar, and this is his dignity, and its disadvantage. Male scales and female cancer are emotional and thoughtful nature, and can walk around for a long time, before taking some important decision. That is why the period of courtship in this pair can delay the months, if not for years.

In the collaboration of a pair of cancer-scales, everything is usually advanced by the same turtle pace, but it is thorough: first they can meet for a long time, then live together with parents for a long time ...

Compatibility Male Scales - Woman Lion

The compatibility of Women Lion and Men Weighs - This union is one of the most harmonious and interesting. According to statistical data, in the marriage union between lions and weights the lowest percentage of divorces. This pair has a form of communication, interest in each other at the highest level literally from the first meeting. Probably, therefore their joint life, both during courtship, that is, before marriage, and after it is full of joy and happiness, mental warmth and mutual understanding. Partners quickly and easily get used to each other, are attached and together go to the rise.

But, despite mutual understanding, to create an ideal relationship with a pair of lion-scales you need to try. And then they will not get bored with each other, their love affair is movable, dynamic and interesting. This is especially important for the temperamental lion, which is tired without a rapid life even from the very good relationship ...

Compatibility Male Scales - Woman Virgo

Interesting Union. On the compatibility of Women's Virgin and Male Weighs - various options for the development of relations are possible, but if the Woman Virgo and Male Scales are married, divorces in this pair rarely happen. They can live with each other the strength of habit and unwillingness to change something, as both easier to support what already exists than starting something new.

If Woman Virgo is tuned to a serious relationship, then she can endure difficulties for years, and a thoughtful man-scale, even when it does not suit him a lot, it is also difficult to go to the gap. Or both can take a partner as it is, to put up with his shortcomings, go towards each other and try to understand each other. Then the joint life of the Varia-Libra will turn out to be not only long, but also happy ...

Compatibility Male Scales - Woman Scales

This union has all the prerequisites to be long-term and durable. In each other, contradictory scales acquire their second "I". The compatibility of women-scales and men's weights - they have good understanding and excellent sexual compatibility. They perfectly understand the thoughts of feelings and aspirations of each other. But, there is a minus in this marriage - their emotions are not inferior to each other.

In everyday life they can pour into conflicts that, however, rarely lead to a rupture. For thoughtful weights, a very serious reason is needed to dare to divorce. That is why, if the scales are waiting for this union not only long-term, but also a comfortable relationship, they should learn to make compromises and more often to give way to each other ...

Male Scales Compatibility - Scorpio Woman

On the compatibility of the Scorpio and Male Women in their family union, all existing options for relationships are possible, from friendship to cooperation and from hatred to love. If this couple is visited by real love, then this pair can be called a truly bright, and the union is hot and passionate.

The male scales are very loving, and the scorpion woman is unusually sensual, and all this together draws them to each other. However, in addition to harmonious sexual relations, there are still many things that unite these people. All this serves as a good basis for a very temperamental marriage, in which there will be noisy quarrels, and insults, and love, and passion ...

Male Scales Compatibility - Sagittarius Woman

Couple Woman-Sagittarius and Male Scales - Have a magnificentcompatibility almost in all spheres of life. Their family union is almost always durable and happy. If there is mutual love, then all the difficulties are easily overcome.Female-Sagittarius and Male Scales perfectly understand each other with a half-clow or even look, and each other does not even pay attention to the minor shortcomings.

In their relationship there is always mutual understanding, support, complicity. Sagittarius woman, having married a man-scale acquires reliable shoulder and protection against any adversity, and for a man-scale, more expensive than all awards is loveSagittarius Besides, she brings good luck. Being close to each other, they feel completely satisfied with life...

Compatibility Male Scales - Capricorn Woman

Many it seems that between the rational and pragmatic woman-Capricorn and a romantic man-scale can not be anything in common. However, it is not. In a pair of compatibility, female Capricorn and Male Weighs there are love, and mutual understanding, and physical attraction of each other - in general, everything that makes a pair compatible and gives a chance for a long and happy life together...

Compatibility Male Scales - Aquarius Woman

Compatibility Women Aquarius and Male ScalesDespite the fact that neither a cautious man-scales, nor freedomizing aquatic woman has no long-term relationship, they can live together for many years, and their family union can rightly be called perfect. It practically does not have crises and conflicts. Their house cannot be called exemplary and stable, but both partners understand each other superbly and together receive maximum pleasures from life. They go through the life hand in hand and spend time not to clarify relationships, but to improve the world, knowledge of themselves. Being togetherAquarius and scales Expand each other's horizon enriches inner, spiritual experience.

Male scales shares her numerous hobbies and interests with his wife-aquer, and she, having extensive views on life never "saw" him about working or salary. ..

Male Scales Compatibility - Female Fish

Compatibility Female Fish and Male Scales - Their relationship is difficult to call the perfect family union, but they will be able to get along, if the female female can keep the distance that man-scales needs for his comfort.

The expression that someone else's soul of dwarf is very suitable if you apply it to this union. Male scales with his unstable and changed mood and dreamy female fish are rarely sincere in relation to each other. Each of them has their secrets and "their skeletons in the closet." But, their sense of independence and internal freedom is fully preserved, even after many years of living together. And this, by the way, does not interfere with the pair of compatibility of fish and weights feel comfortable and good together . ..