
We grow a garden strawberry seeds. How to grow seedlings of garden strawberries from seeds

Tracks and paving

Growing strawberries, which also refer to garden strawberries, acquires last years Great popularity. And this is not surprising, because the fruits of this common culture are not only extremely delicious, but also can bring some profits. There are several ways to obtain strawberry seedlings, each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses. But the landing of strawberry seeds to seedlings still deserves special attention.

If you visit the cottage only on weekends, you can easily sow strawberries in late February or early March. The fact is that in the winter there will always be time for a detailed care of seedlings, and plants in the garden you go out in this case before drought (which is especially true if the summer is roast in your region). It is still possible for home designer, but about it a little later.

If you live in the country site throughout the summer and are able to pay due attention to the care of landings, you can sow strawberries in March or June. Even later sowing is allowed if summer is non-jar. But the seedlings at the same time, most likely, will not have time to grow enough to transplant to the end of the season. So, will hold the following winter in pots or boxes.

Stage NO2. Determine with varieties

So, if you plan to get healthy and strong seedlings, you should not use the first strawberry seeds. There are several proven if you can express it, options, consider each of them more details.

  1. Small-shaped removable strawberry (both hybrids and varieties) are sold in almost every specialized store. It is relatively cheap, so you will get the opportunity to experiment annually with new items and choose only the best options.
  2. Large-door garden strawberry Also popular, but it costs quite expensive. But seedlings from such seeds it turns out strong and healthy.
  3. Seeds collected by their own hands. Obviously, they need to collect them not from F1 hybrids, but from varieties - only in this case the quality of the offspring will not give way to parent plants.

Below is a more original way to collect strawberry seeds at home.

Video - the original way to collect strawberry seeds

Stage NO3. We prepare the ground for seedlings

Finished soil for seedlings can be easily purchased in the store, but experienced gardeners still prefer to cook with their own hands. Consider two popular ways how it can be done.

Soil for seedlings - important element Success

Fashion first. Take the sand, peat and turf soil in terms of 1: 1: 2, split a bit of complex mineral fertilizer (as an option, you can replace with overworked dung and ash). But note that in the soil a lot of seeds of weeding plants, various kinds of bacteria, larvae / eggs insects. To get rid of all this, pass the soil for half an hour over boiling water pots. After that, insist it for another 3 days to restore microbiological properties.

Method of the second. Take biohumus, peat and sand (necessarily coarse-grained) in a 1: 3: 1 ratio. Another possible option is a peat with sand in a 4: 1 proportion.

Stage NO4. Preparing sowing material

Thanks to the germination of seeds, you can continue to control the process of germination. To do this, soak the seeds in the rain or melt water for about 2-3 days and change it daily 2 times. Because of this, inhibitors of germination in the sowing material, which slow down the growth of the embryo, will be destroyed. After this period, decompose the swollen seeds on a wet toilet or filter paper, pre-laid on a saucer, thin layer. Then place it all in the cellophane package and transfer to a warm place (but away from the direct rays of the Sun, otherwise it will take frequent watering).

Note! Crumpled seeds take one by one with a toothpick or sharpened matches and planted in a container with loose sainted soil.

There is another preparatory procedure - stratification. It contributes to getting stronger, friendly and healthy shoots. For stratification, take a container with wet seeds, place in the refrigerator and keep there for 21-28 days, then put it in heat for subsequent germination.

Stage NO5. Sow strawberry seeds at seedlings

Video - How to plant strawberry seedlings in autumn

Even experimental gardeners It is difficult to plant strawberry seeds to seedlings. The berry does not work for a long time, it is very capricious, and during an excess or even short-term disadvantage of moisture immediately dies. But its reproduction is sometimes necessary. What advantages gives the cultivation of strawberries from seeds, and what difficulties will have to overcome?

What are the advantages?

Getting strawberry seedlings seeds - a matter full of trouble. But in contrast to breeding berries in a vegetative way, he has other advantages:

It is impossible to get strawberry seedlings from hybrid varieties. Hybrids can be multiplied by a vegetative way. But then to get no infected plants will no longer succeed. If you like the hybrid, but the berry requires rehabilitation, it is better to re-acquire seed in the store.

Choose variety

Before planting strawberry seeds to seedlings, you need to choose a variety. Berry can be cultivated in unprotected soil or round year in greenhouse. But note: if you planted the hybrid variety of strawberries, then do not harvest the seeds from the resulting harvest, and spread only to the mustache. Otherwise, the varietal qualities of the plant will be lost.

Greenhouse varieties

For year-round fruiting fit repair. Their feature is as follows: the bush from which the harvest has already been obtained (up to 1000 berries) must immediately replace the new one. Seedlings for this are grown from seeds or subsidiaries. Below we reduced the table common greenhouse varieties of strawberries.

Popular strawberry varieties for greenhouse growing
Variety Ripening time Description of varieties
Alba Early Berry bushes of ordinary size with a small amount of leaves give the fruit of large size. Each strawberry has the correct cone shape and painted in the color of venous blood. Fruits are distinguished by excellent transportability. The variety is perfectly opposed to diseases.
Octave Early The high yield consists only of large fruits, characterized in juit and bright aroma. Oktawa - transportable grade.
Sonata Early Sonata is not infected with pulse dew, it is not afraid of an earthen tick and rot. Bright red fruits have a sweet taste, a juicy flesh - a real delicacy. Berries are transported.
Joseph Magomet. Early The bushes are very developed root system. Fruits oval, dark red. Joseph Magomet is characterized by a guaranteed harvest and one-time ripening of berries.
Honey Midhranny The ground part of the plant is strongly developed. Bushes give major fruits of conical shape with a large base. Berries have a pronounced strawberry fragrance, taste - sour-sweet. Weakness - root system subject to many diseases.
Darenka. Early High reprehension bushes are plentifully fruit. Sweet berries have a strawberry aroma.
Baron Solemacher Early Each splashing bush gives about 500 g of berries per season. Fruits small, smell strawberries. Suitable for jam.

Pollination in the greenhouse is made artificially, so the transferaging is almost impossible. This means that you can safely sow strawberry seeds to seedlings. You will definitely get the same result as on packing with seed material. This is especially true of large-scale strawberry varieties.

Sort for open soil

The election of strawberry varieties for growing in the open ground mostly depends on the term when you wish to collect a harvest, and on what you need it at all. To comnitive fresh berry, take early varieties, fruitful already in May. For the workpieces will fit the average varieties (ripening in June) and the late (the crop is collected in the second half of summer).

The best grades of strawberry for growing in the open ground
Variety Ripening time Description of varieties
Dash Early Berry bushes are high. Give the fruit of the egg-shaped medium size. Color bright, red. Yield - up to 2 kg / m 2.
Rusapovka Early Big bushes provide a crop of 1.7 kg / m 2 per season. Berries juicy and fragrant, sweet-sweet taste. They have a spherical shape, painting - red. The surface is just sleeping by seeds.
Gum Early Ribbed bright red berries are very large. Pink flesh, and her taste is sour-sweet. Yield - over 2 kg / m 2. Poor amenable to transportation.
Pokeshontas Middle Yield about 2 kg / m 2. Berries are painted in red-orange color, butter-sweet pulp, orange. Good transportation. Disadvantage - Yagoda incorrect form At the beginning of fruiting and too small - at the end.
Festival Middle The fruits are very large, but the latter fruits weigh less than 10 g. They have an oval and flat form. The flesh is very juicy and gentle. Yield - approximately 1.8 kg / m 2.
Mascot Middle Berries of the correct shape of small sizes. The top is lighter than the bottom of the fetus. Chasselistic breaks away from the base badly. Yield - 2 kg / m 2.
Zengan Middle Power Berries in shape resemble a wedge, painted in a dark red color. The pulp is painted in the color of the cherry, it is very fragrant and has an acid-sweet taste. Yield - from 2 kg / m 2.

When to sow?

With year-round growing berries, it does not matter when to plant strawberry seeds to seedlings: the replacement of plants is constantly. Therefore, it is worth considering the embodiments of strawberry culture in the open ground:

  • Landing at the end of February or early March;
  • In the late spring or early summer.

If the cultivation of strawberry seedlings from seeds in the apartment began in spring, then the crop will already get this year. But it is important to transplant seedlings in open sad Before the onset of drought, otherwise the bushes do not fit well. Summer seedlings falling down in the fall, and the crop will be obtained on next year. If the seedlings did not have time to grow to winter, they leave them to winter in pots.

Preparation of seed material for sowing

Before planting strawberry seeds to seedlings, it is necessary to produce their stratification in one of the ways:

  • Place the seed material in the refrigerator in 14 days before seeding. Then remove and leave the battery for 12 hours;
  • Moisten the water dense natural fabric, put the seeds between the two layers. Send B. refrigerated Camera for 14 days. Try to moisturize as needed;
  • This stratification method is combined with landing. It is enough to put seeds in a layer of snow with a thickness of 2 cm, which lies over the soil in the pot.

Gardeners believe that strawberry grains are too small in order to germinate to landing. But if you missed the moment when sowing the strawberry seeds at the seedlings are best, then they are too clear. To do this, lay out seeds to the toilet paper, moisten them with melt water. Put in a warm and bright place before punishing. Moisturize daily.

Preparation of nutritious substrate

Before sowing strawberry seeds to seedlings, prepare soil mixture:

  • Wood ash, compost or humus, earth from the garden (1: 6: 6);
  • Sand, peat, vermiculite (3: 3: 4);
  • Biohumus (humus) with coconut fiber in half;
  • Humus, garden land and sand (1: 1: 3);
  • Humid and sand (5: 3);
  • Peat, fine sand, turf land (1: 1: 2).

Satch up the mixture and rent it in a frying pan or hold over the ferry for 30 minutes. Then paint the soil with a solution of manganese: seedlings of strawberry seeds require full disinfection. Otherwise, the plants will die or will be very weak. The treatment with antiseptic preparations and fungicides is desirable.


To plan strawberry seeds to seedlings, you will need a wet sharpened match or toothpick:

  • Pour the container with soil with warm water;
  • Make a match small recess in 10-15 mm increments;
  • Launch 2-3 seed in each hole in order to rose at least one plant;
  • Close the slightly earth.

A good seedling of strawberry seeds at home is obtained if after sowing to close the container polyethylene film. She is put in a bright and warm place. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is constantly moistened (although water is almost never leaves it). The time of germination (always uneven) depends on the variety and continues between 2-4 weeks after disembarking.

How to care?

Now how to grow strawberry seedlings from seeds healthy and strong. Pursuing this goal, you need to remember that for various plants Need different conditions content. For strawberries at first, it is necessary to observe the thermal regime. The air temperature must be in the range of + 20 ... + 25 degrees Celsius.


Watering the seedlings of strawberries from seeds can not, since their root is very weak. To moisten the soil, you need a sprayer. It is necessary to do this as needed: observe that the upper layer of the Earth is constantly wet, but not filled. If it dries, the shoots quickly die if it is too watery - risk risk of fungus.

You do not lose if you plant strawberry seeds into plastic containers with a lid with holes done in it. Follow the condensate on it. If it is absent, urgently moisture the soil. If it is so much that it drips from the lid - ventirate the container. If it is present, but not dripping - moisture is enough.


When growing seedlings from strawberry seeds at home, it is necessary to artificially adjust the light day. Natural light in spring is not enough, and it is simply necessary for strong shoots for 12 hours. Check plants with luminescent or lED lamps. With insufficient lighting, seedlings are lengthened and pale.


The picking seedlings of strawberries from seeds produced when the seplies are formed a pair of real leaves:

  • Moisten the soil with seedlings;
  • Relieve the land around the roots so that the plants are easily taken out;
  • Pull the seedman behind the seedy leaves, not a touching stem. It is easily damaged, and the plant is circumscribed on death;
  • Make a centerpiece of the central root.

Pere out of strawberry seedlings, obtained from seeds, into separate boxes in increments of 10 cm or into individual cups, pre-recess. Soil mixture, use the same as they were prepared for the extension of seeds. Pour a spoon with an earth's com. Watch the growth point not to clog soil.


If you dream to raise strawberry seedlings from high-quality seeds, after picking seedlings, start them to feed them with a frequency of every 10 days. To do this, water the plants with fertilizers with a small amount of nitrogen (no more than 10%) and a large content of iron (about 2%). Ideal fit water-soluble feeding "Rassenin" and chelates of iron.

Preparation for landing in unprotected primer or greenhouse

With a sharp change of conditions in the seedlings of strawberries grown by seeds there will be stress. But it can be minimized by planting plants. For this, a week before transfer to a permanent place, we order seedlings. If the minimum temperature does not go down for 10 degrees, then you can leave strawberries on the balcony.

No need to think that strawberry seedlings intended for the greenhouse does not need hardening. Plants should get used to sunlight. To do this, take out seedlings on the street.

Good day to all readers!

Each of us knows such a berry like a strawberry, and appreciates her benefit and taste. The strawberries are familiar to the garden strawberries of a large size. Breeders brought many new varieties with different taste, aroma and duration of storage. Each variety has its own sowing time, usually the manufacturer indicates them on the packaging.

Some believe that growing strawberries ensure Too troublesome, but such a landing method justifies itself. You get a healthy strong seedlings (when complying with all the rules) exactly the same variety you need.

Do not be afraid to grow strawberries from seeds. Its planting material has high light sensitivity and easily germinates. On the very first year after landing, you can get a small harvest, and in the future it will be more abundant. Best Recommendations Experts for cultivation at home Removable varieties sad strawberry. . They spare together and easily grow on the windowsill before landing in the ground.

These species allow us to collect harvest throughout the summer. As soon as the first berries are ripe on the bush, the plant begins to re-blossom and form the fruits. The only minus of the repair strawberries is its low frost resistance. As a result of breeding, cold-resistant varieties were displayed:

  • "Autumn fun";
  • "Holiday";
  • "Makovka";
  • "Ruby pendant."

Before choosing seeds for planting strawberries, you need to decide what you want from the variety. For some more important, the size for others is the taste, the third it is necessary that the harvest is preserved longer. An important factor can be considered the climatic features of your region. Plays the role of precipitation, summer duration. If a strong moisture in the site is suitable:

  • "Chamomile";
  • "Grenada";
  • "Fairy".

There are zoned cultures that were displayed for certain climatic zones. There are universal plants. For example, strawberries "festival" perfectly fertile and gives great crops in a different climate. Try to experiment and grow in your site.

If, with the choice of varieties, beginner gardeners decided, it remains to know when it is better to make seed seeds. Landing time can vary. Strawberry can be planted in December, January, February. To accurately determine the deadlines, the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. Sort of seeds. Look on the packaging, how much time must go before the emergence of the first germs.
  2. How often do you visit garden plotTo ensure full-fledged berries.
  3. When the seedling landing is planned in the soil - in spring or autumn.

Most often, seeds at seedlings are beginning to sow in January. One way or another, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities of the variety and the climatic zone in which cultivation will be made. The correct definition of seeding dawns for seedlings will allow in the future to obtain a shared harvest. Many use the recommendations of the lunar calendar, which is also justified.

Dates of planting strawberries in the suburbs

The optimal period of seeding of strawberry seeds to seedlings in the Moscow region is considered January-February. Of course you need to not forget that in such early deadlines Young shoots can be grown only with backlit. By the time the landing in open ground, bushes will have fully formed. In addition, in this case, they will have time to take root before the onset of heat.

It is important that the seedlings are strong and in the event that you rarely visit country cottage area. Young plants may not survive your weekly absence.

If you are planning to live in the country all summer, the quality of seedlings does not matter much, because the proper care will be provided.

In Siberia, in the Urals

For weather conditions, Siberia and Urals are characterized by long periods of frost and short summer. Freezing can be observed even in the late spring, so the strawberry seedlings are planted at the open soil before the beginning of June. For both regions, seed seeds for seedlings are shifted to the beginning of March.Fruit such a berry will be in late June - early July. The advantages of sowing in March - seedlings develop well and without prolonged shower. Sunny day is already long enough.

Recommendations of the lunar calendar for sowing strawberries 2019

The main rule of landing of any cultures lunar calendar: Never plan and do not transplant the plants in the new moon phase and full moon. At these time intervals, the juices of the plant are poured to the top or roots, so there is no need to speak about the normal development of seedlings.

Grow strawberries from seeds is a rather difficult lesson. Pre-sowing material must undergo stratification in the cold. If we take into account when landing the moon phase, seedlings will turn out to be more rustier and strong. With winter sowing, bushes will have time to give a harvest in the current season, the strawberry planted in April will be able to please you with harvest only the next year.

For sowing work in 2019, the following dates will be favorable:

  • in January - 7-20, better days - 15 and 17;
  • in February - 6, 7, 9, 11, 12;
  • in March - 7-20, the best days - 8, 14, 15;
  • in April - 7-17.

If you sit in seeds to seed out to other numbers, seedlings will be weak and non-visual. Consider favorable days On the lunar calendar, the plants in open ground should also be transplanted.

Unfavorable days:

  • January - 6,21;
  • February - 5.19;
  • March - 6, 21;
  • April - 5, 19;
  • May - 5, 19;
  • June - 3, 17;

Many gardeners have long taken to armared the landing method on the lunar calendar, and did the right thing. Specialists confirm that the connection between the Phases of the Moon and the growth of plants is really.

Self-cultivation of strawberries from scratch is considered troublesome, especially for inexperienced gardeners. But still, it is worth trying. With the acquisition of the skill in the future you can grow in your site exactly the grade that you want. Create the seedlings you need is not always possible. In addition, the sale of the variety is not excluded.

Preparation of seeds

Strawberry seeds are considered to be tugless and demand before planting preliminary training. A few days before the landing, they are soaked in melt water, which is changed twice a day. This will make rid of those chemicals that seeds have been processed before selling. After such a procedure, the sowing material is laid out on the surface of a wet cotton disk or napkins and removed in plastic container With a lid. Polyethylene package is suitable.

The seeds are then placed in a shaded place on the windowsill and wait for their germination. After the appearance of sprouts, immediately begin to land. To get friendly shoots, you can preradize seeds. To do this, they are pre-placed in a refrigerator for 1 month, after which they are transferred to heat and wait for the appearance of sprouts.

Soil mixture for sowing strawberry seeds are prepared from a turf, peat and sand. The turf must be twice as much as other components. Before sowing seeds, the ground must be prepared.

3 weeks before landing, the land is written in a water bath, or calcined in the oven to get rid of unwanted microorganisms and insect larvae. The subsequent period is necessary to restore the microbiological properties of the soil.

  1. For sowing, the soil mixture is placed in the landing boxes and slightly seal.
  2. On the surface of the soil, a shallow groove is cut on a tweezers or a stupid side.
  3. The same seed tweezers are placed in a groove at a distance of 2 cm from each other.
  4. If several varieties of strawberries are seized immediately, the grooves should be marked with marked tags.

In view of the small size of the seed, many practic them under sowing under the snow. In this case, the seeds are simeds are simed along the surface of the soil, and then sprinkle with a layer of snow with a thickness of 1-2 cm. Snow mass will be melted, and to carry the seeds in the soil, which will thus be at the desired depth.

Significantly simplifying strawberry seeds will allow peat tablets. In addition, such seedlings do not require picking. It is only necessary to place peat pills in a container with water, and when they eat moisture and swell down - each pill is placed in the center. Excess water from the container is recommended to merge. When sending peat tablets over time, it is necessary to pour a little water to the bottom of the container.

After planting seedlings, it will be necessary to create a greenhouse effect, for this, the container is closed on top of a film or a transparent lid. After that, the container is placed on the bright window sill until the first pair of leaves appear. Watering produce soil spraying from the spray gun.

Daily for a short time, the cover is opened to provide ventilating. When the condensate appears on the film or lid, it is cleaned. Otherwise, seedlings may be affected by mold or rot. If this happened, the affected plants are removed, and the remaining is treated with a solution of fungicide.

When the first pair of leaves is strengthened, the strawberry is picked out of the seating box on a separate pot of 9 cm. Too long roots can be discharged. Further irrigation is also worth producing carefully so that the soil is not eroded, and the roots are not taken out. Once in 2 weeks, seedlings are fed by mineral fertilizers and gummats.

In March, seedlings begin to order, putting it in warm weather on the balcony. Reduced temperatures (3-5 ° C) will be favorably affected by its further growth. Plants so that they do not get straight sun rays. In the open ground, seedlings are planted at the beginning or end of June, depending on the region.

Growing strawberries from seeds: video

For proper growing seedlings and care for her excellent yield You are provided. It is only necessary to comply with the dates of landing, provide bushes with warmth and light. The first berries can you try this year already, and in further strawberries It will be fruiting even more abundant.

Delicious and useful strawberry berries can grow even on little plot Earth. In my garden, you can immediately grow several varieties that differ in the maturation of fruits and their size. So that the berries are ripe on time and there were a lot of them, we suggest you find out when to plant strawberries in 2018 according to the lunar calendar.

To begin with, prepare material for planting. From this will depend on the final result. It is absolutely not important, the expensive you bought seeds or not. Strawberries should be planted only after preparation. For the start of the strawberry seeds, soak for 24 hours. There is an opinion that it stands before soaking to put seeds in the fridge for a day.

Take a segment of the fabric, pull out all seeds into it, tie in the bag and plunge into the water for 12 hours. Then remove the fabric, twist in the sausage and put in a plastic bag and on the battery or in any other warm place. After the day passes, you can land the strawberry seeds in the box.

Before buying seeds, decide what you want to get. Someone is important that the bush be fruitful many times per season, others love to be sweet, third to be the berries are large. Consider also their climatic living conditions. If you often find rain in the region, then choose such varieties as a "fairy", "chamomile", "Grenada".

Today and zoned cultures are sold, which were selected specifically for climatic features.

Favorable days for planting strawberries to seedlings

To seed out a strong, prepare and plan the seedlings in February or March, but if you are late, you can put it in April.

Council. In February, according to the lunar calendar, seedlings can be planted on the 3rd, 8th, 13th and 16th. In March, these days will be the 3rd, 7th and 8th, 30th. In April - 8, 14 and 15th, 16th, 30th.

There is an opinion of astrologers that the seeds of berry crops will grow much better if the moon will be in the constellation of fish or twins.

Experienced gardeners say that strawberries, like any other berry, loves the heat of sunlight, so it will be a good harvest when landing in March. Of course, it will be good if you plant strawberry seeds collected from their garden. Then you can not think about the origin of these seeds. If you have to buy them in the store, then note that small berries are easy to care, they calmly carry freezing and unfavourable conditions. But a large-scale strawberry needs special conditions and rather tender.

In the winter season, planted seedlings will need additional lighting with lamps, it is desirable to phytolamps that most favorably affect the germination of berry cultures.

Unfavorable days for planting strawberries

According to the lunar calendar, unfavorable days for planting seedlings in 2018 will be as follows. In February it will be the 4th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 26 and 27th. In March 11th, 13th, 20th, 25th, 28th. In April, this is the 10th, 12th, 20 and 21st, 25 and 26th. These days will be a decreasing moon, which gives a slow growth of cultures. Also in some of these days there will be a new moon, in which it is also possible to plant cultures. Also can not be engaged in transplanting bushes with beds.

Many dackets argue that it is not necessary to be determined by favorable and unfavorable days For sowing. The main thing follows the rules of landing, feed the plants. But still, planting plants to a new moon gives a favorable growth. But when disembarking on the full moon, the sprouts may behave in different ways. In full moon and days before and after it are extremely not recommended for sowing, since then the seedlings will grow very slowly, and part of it will die.

How to plant strawberries on seedlings

Take the container of different values, usually a box or a large bowl is suitable for this. The main thing is that there are drainage holes at the bottom. Then make the soil correctly. Put in boxes clay pebbles, 3-4 cm thick. If there are no such peasons at hand, you can take a foam or fine crushed stone. Then we need fertile soil mixed with sand and peat in proportion 3 to 1 to 1. You can additionally add perlite or dend, compost, biohumus, river sand in the soil, biohumus, river sand, coconut fibers, humus. If there is nothing at hand, then use the usual primer from your land.

Try landing seeds into a big plastic bottle. Take a half or two-liter container.

Cut it in such a way that the cap came along the entire length of the bottle, which could be opened. Do not touch the lid, leave the donyshko alone. Bend the lid and pour into the ground to the edges. On the top layer of the soil, pour snow if it is on the street. If not, then you can take it out of the freezer. Seeds pour into the snow so that you see them. No need to bury anything. Close the lid, you can press it a little scotch. Earth no longer touch, do not loose. Water moderately with a syringe, drip. An ordinary watering from the watering can simply kill sprouts.

If you have sown seedlings in the box, then cover it with a film to create a greenhouse effect. Box Place on the brightest and warm place until the first leaves are shown from it. In large tanks, seedlings are watered with spraying from springs.

Every day, for a short time, open the film so that the seedlings are a little ventilated. If condensate was formed on the underpent material, it should be removed. Otherwise, seedlings will be subject to mold or start rotting. If this has already happened, the blackened sprouts are eliminated, and healthy are treated with disinfecting solution.

As soon as it becomes strong the first pair of leaves, the strawberry shoots are pyric in separate containers, in a diameter of 10 cm. If the roots are pretty oblong, then you pinch them. After watering the plants with accuracy, without wasteing the soil and not barren roots. Use feeders once a month.

Gradually, starting from March, take the box with a seedl of the street for quenching. If the street is still cold, you can make it on the balcony. Reduced temperatures will well affect the subsequent growth of strawberries. Plants put so that they are not under the right sun. Plants in the open ground at the end of June.

When to plant seedlings in open soil?

From the seedlings, the formed bushes are planted before the appearance of the mustache, when strong leaflets have already been formed on the trunks. Strawberries are imprisoned late, at the end of May or early June. If you are late with the landing, you can land it in the middle of June. The main thing is that the street does not have cold. And if in your region, spring comes early, and the soil is good and long warmed, then plan the seedlings in April.

Strawberries can be planted in autumn, taking already formed bushes. But you need to do it until September 15, otherwise the plants may not be taken.

If you live in Siberia or in the northern regions, then the graceful seedlings are planted in an open ground from mid-May to mid-June, as there is a short summer. It takes only 45 days. The first yield will appear only by July.

Preparing a landing site

Place the beds allocated to the seedlings of strawberries from the north to south. Try the crops to be protected from the North Wind. In winter, they need to be covered with snow 20 cm thick. If you put the whimsical elite varieties, with large berries, then you need them all summer under the sun. If the grade from strawberries is small, then it can be planted in a half. Cross the land plot, it is advisable to make a bias on southwest.

During the selection of the land plot for berries, find out what has grown there before, last year. It will be good if vegetables grew up there: carrots, beets, onions, garlic; There may be bean cultures, such as oats or rye.

But if it grew up the cabbage, cucumbers, representatives of the grained crops, then plant a strawberry here, like other berries can only be in a couple of years.

Important. Consider the level of groundwater at the place of the fallout of future strawberries. Water should be located at least 1 m to the top of the soil.

So that the sprouts of strawberries did not beat frost, cover the bed with a film. Otherwise, the leaves of the bush blacken, and you will not collect the first harvest of berries.

Most best harvest Strawberries will give bushes with which 3-5 years. After five years, old bushes dig and change new ones. You can not plant a young bush instead of the old entirely, but a strong escape, the mustache from the big bush. But of course, then the big bush will lose in its strength. The mustache is usually removed to increase the forces of the main bush, and it gave more berries.

Circling with strawberries update once in 4-5 years. Old remove, and leave a touch mustache. If you want to grow new ones instead of old bushes, then in the spring seedliness. She will sprout after sowing seeds in 30-45 days. And you will need to have time to grow it before disembarking into an open ground. Therefore, read our tips on growing strawberry at seeding from seeds in 2018.

Strawberry is one of the cultures that can grow under the snow. If the snow still lies in the spring, then in the gardens you can see how its greens make their way. Heat is required to strawberry bushes, so that all berries are ripe and were sweet.

By the way, now you can enjoy the taste of strawberries from your windowsill or loggia. Scientists have brought special selection varieties for this, which can be fruit up to several times a year. Of them grow most often, large, spreader bushes.

But low, squat bushes grow up to 30 cm from the ground in open place. Of course, they will give a harvest only twice a year, instead of five, but the berries are much sweeter. The cold at the same time they are no reason.

Strawberry bushes are divided into women's and men. If the fruits on the bushes little, then it is a male bush. Women's socket gives not only a lot of berries strawberries, but also sockets. When sowing berries from seed, it will not be possible to guess, male or female will be sockets.

In order for the harvest every year is abundant, the bushes age one year should be released from male outlets. Men's bushes will differ from female also because they give intertwined mustache, and not tied berries. Remove the mustache to the roots remain integer. Over time, they will appear again. Unnecessary parts of the plant should be removed several times over the summer and autumn.

Of course, the independent cultivation of strawberries from scratch is troublesome, especially if you have never been doing this. But you need to try, especially since the family budget it will be cheaper purchases of ready-made berries. You bring up, and you will grow by those varieties that you will give a rich harvest. For the experiment, several varieties of strawberries can be planted and see which of them are tastier and larger. You are unlikely to find on the market, the variety of types of strawberries, which can grow with their own hands.

Even experienced gardeners is difficult to plant strawberry seeds to seed out. The berry does not work for a long time, it is very capricious, and during an excess or even short-term disadvantage of moisture immediately dies. But its reproduction is sometimes necessary. What advantages gives the cultivation of strawberries from seeds, and what difficulties will have to overcome?

Selection of strawberry varieties in seedlings

Self-cultivation of strawberry seedlings begins with the selection of preferred varieties. Gardeners will have to choose a variety of strawberries, which are suitable for certain climatic conditions and soils. Information about these features is usually located manufacturers on packages with seeds.

Also, when choosing, it is important to take into account the complexity of growing a variety. Currently in garden centers for sale a huge number of seeds various varieties strawberry. Non-novice gardens are best to pay attention to unpretentious varieties with medium berries, which do not differ in complex agricultural engineering and can be successfully grown by a person who does not have solid knowledge in the field of agriculture.

To develop the production of planting material of large repairing varieties and capricious hybrids can experienced summer houses familiar with the subtleties of how to plant strawberries on seeds from scratch.

Preparation of strawberry seeds on seedlings

Thanks to the germination of seeds, you can continue to control the process of germination. To do this, soak the seeds in the rain or melt water for about 2-3 days and change it daily 2 times. Because of this, inhibitors of germination in the sowing material, which slow down the growth of the embryo, will be destroyed. After this period, decompose the swollen seeds on a wet toilet or filter paper, pre-laid on a saucer, thin layer. Then place it all in the cellophane package and transfer to a warm place (but away from the direct rays of the Sun, otherwise it will take frequent watering). There is another preparatory procedure - stratification. It contributes to getting stronger, friendly and healthy shoots. For stratification, take a container with wet seeds, place in the refrigerator and keep there for 21-28 days, then put it in heat for subsequent germination.

Soil for strawberry seedlings at home

The soil used for adult plants is categorically unsuitable for seeds. If you take the land used for seedlings, you will not succeed. The composition of the soil for seeds is significantly different.

You can make a soil for strawberries with your own hands in two main recipes. In the first case, it is recommended to connect in proportions 1: 1: 2 such components:

  • peat;
  • river sand;
  • cherry earth.

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To ensure future high-quality food plants, the soil must be enriched with complex mineral fertilizer. With its absence, you can apply the mixture from wood ash and reworked manure. It will provide shootouts with all necessary meals. The veterinary type of soil is a mixture in proportion of 1: 3: 1 of the following components:

  • biohumus;
  • peat;
  • river sand is a large fraction.

In extreme cases, the use of two-component soil consisting of 4 parts of the peat and 1 part of large sand is allowed, but this composition is undesirable.

An important indicator in the cultivation of strawberries from seed is the acidity of the soil, in which the material will be primary. It must be neutral. Knowing how to cook enriched substrate for strawberries, it is not difficult to observe this criterion.

When to sow strawberry seedlings at home

The process of planting strawberries is not too complicated and there is little different from the sowing of any other cultures:

  • If sowing occurs in the box, the distance between the seeds should be from 2 to 5 cm.
  • Sowing is carried out superficially, the seeds are not close in the ground. To lay them on the surface of the soil, you can use a toothpick or a small tweezers.
  • It is important to constantly maintain the moisture of the soil, conducting a regular spraying of crops before shooting.
  • The container with seeds must be covered with glass, put in a package or put it in a greenhouse, since strawberries demanding to humidity.
  • Before the first germs appeared, the box with sown seeds can be kept in a dark place, but after the appearance of the sprouts they need a lot of light.

It is important to carry out daily checking of seeds to avoid posting and excessive condensate. Gradually, time outside the greenhouse can be increased. At a temperature of about +18 degrees, the first shoots will appear in two weeks. However, the likelihood is very high that the seeds will not be uniform - some can only pass in a month. When most seeds germinate, the shelter from the box is removed.

Care of strawberry seedlings at home

If the strawberry seeds are planted in one container, then after the first three to four real leaves appear, the seedlings must be signed in separate containers, it can be: plastic glasses, tetra-packs, etc. In each tank, do not forget to make drainage holes.

Separate seedlings need carefully so as not to damage the roots. When two or three weeks left before disembarking, it is necessary to temper the seedlings, ie, to teach to sunlight, wind, rain. If there is a balcony, a veranda, it is necessary to make seedlings there, starting from two hours, gradually increasing time. During this time, seedlings will get used to fresh air, stronger will grow.

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Watering strawberry seedlings

Watering depends on weather conditions, i.e. The frequency is determined by the humidity of the soil. Watering strawberry seedlings are preferable in the morning watches so that the plants have time to warm up by night. Before flowering, you can use the method of sprinkling, leaflets are better clean from dust and develop faster. From the moment of the onset of flowering, and then fructures watered only the soil, avoiding water from entering the plants.
Do not often watered, and even low doses, since such watering leads to the reproduction of diseases ( puffy dew, Gray rot). In dry warm weather, they are watered more than once a week. Before flowering, water consumption per quarter. m about 10-12 l, with the onset of fruiting - increases twice. Cannot watered cold water, optimal temperature For watering - 18-22 degrees C.

Picking of strawberry seedlings

Picking is carried out when the seedlings appear 2-3 properties. Sprouts are transplanted into separate small containers (50-100 ml.). For the successful development of the root strawberry system, it needs to be protected from light. Therefore, the containers are neglected (dark plastic). You can use conventional transparent cups for water, but it should be installed in a dark high pallet. In the bottom of the containers make drainage holes. They must be large enough for sprouts to absorb water from the pallet. Due to the watering of seedlings through the pallet, the development of a powerful root system is accelerated.

In the soil, where the plant is transplanted, deepening with a stick or pencil. It should be sufficient depth so that the root does not bent. A solution of "corneeling" or other stimulator for root formation is dripped into the hole. Rostock is taken for a piece of leaf and falls into the prepared pam. The socket, from where the leaves grow, should not be broken into the soil, but also should not write out of it. On the first day after the dive, seedlings are preferably covered with a film.

Before landing in a soil, seeding care is in the periodic watering, spraying the leaves once every 2-3 days, for which we use taula water. The feeding is carried out once with a liquid complex fertilizer in a half dose 2 weeks before transfers to the ground.

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Ordinary varieties need to plant into the ground, pre-fertilized by rewriting. You need to make it one month before disembarking. For 1 sq. M Ginochki contributes 1 bucket if the soil is prepared quite well, then during the year only nitrogen composts, 50 g of phosphoric fertilizers and about 100 g of potash fertilizers contribute.

Facing the removable strawberries varies significantly. Since these varieties are distinguished by a strong harvest and intensive growth, you need to make up to 5 buckets. organic fertilizer. Also contribute to 100 g of complex fertilizers and 5 buckets of peat. Further add dung Zhip. or any other complex fertilizers. Before making fertilizers, it is necessary to pour berries. For the preparation of the dunglaze, a cow is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 5, if a chicken sings are used, then the proportions are 1: 10. For each meter of the garden, there are 10 liters of solution.