
Basic rules for the transfer of houseplants. The most favorable days for transplanting room plants


Every owner of home plants is sooner or later asked when to conduct a transplant, how to do it right and what time to do this.

Transplant - the same prerequisite Successful development of a healthy plant, like watering, feeding, lighting.

When better to transplant indoor flowers?


The best time to transplant from March to May. During this period, all life processes are activated, the plant is renewed hard and develops rapidly. There are shoots, the leaves are growing, buds are formed.

Transplanted during this period flower easily takes the procedure unpleasant to it. Change the habitat is possible by plants of all types, including the most tender - violets, azalia, orchid.

Important to remember! Not every plant can survive a transplant during flowering, so it is worth waiting for his end.


At the beginning of summer, before the onset of hot July days, you can transplantplants for a new place, they will come down. There will be no problems with succulents, geranium, ficus, monster, colors with thick leaves and strong roots, but SENPOLIA is better not to disturb, they will not have time to recover before the heat may die.


Not the most good time for transfers of most home plants with the exception of tuber and bulbousthat bloom in winter or at the beginning of spring.


During this period, the flowers do not translate - they, as a rule, are hardly leaving, they are sick and often die so better to wait for a favorable time.

An exception may be the case when the flower appeared signs of posting. In this case, for salvation, it is necessary to change the land and a pot, removing the pre-spoiled roots. It is better to do this on a growing moon.

How to transplant? Planned and emergency transplantation

The planned transplant is performed in the spring, and for bulbous and tuber plants in the fall. Pre-prepared soil, pots. Earth is better to buy in the storeIt is not infected with pests, contains important nutritional elements.

Capacity should be chosen by 2 cm. More by volume Previous. Flowers are cleaned from rotten, sluggish and dry fragments both ground parts and root. We transplan all plants both healthy and patients.

In the emergency transplant, ill flowers need if they suddenly began to dying, shutter, the leaves became sluggish and lowered, the root rot, and when the plant is affected by the tool, trips or ticks. They are transplanted regardless of the period of flowering and season.

Tip!You should not wait when the sick plant will flash, the transplant must be made immediately until it died.

Reason for transplant:

  1. roots are visible from drainage holes pot;
  2. the flower twisted, as if he was closely;
  3. because of the abundance of foliage, the land is not visible;
  4. the plant began to shrust, wreck and stopped in growth;
  5. the flower does not produce buds or they fall, without blossoming;
  6. green pet and soil are infected with pests (root mites, snails, nematodes, etc.);
  7. the plant is presented or purchased 1 month ago in a flower shop or nursery.

Two ways of transplant


Usually they transplanted young actively growing flowers, seedlings and cuttings, as well as plants with subtle, filamentous, weak roots. This is the safest for the life of the flower, the way. The roots are not injured, the plant retains its integrity. Soil before the procedure must be dried.

Flower tip over the palm, holding the stem and carefully remove from the pot. In the prepared capacity (more than 2 cm. Former), put drainage (clay, pieces of wood or foam), pour a little soil, put the flower and fall asleep emptiness of the earth.

Use only fresh soil! Wood warm (slightly warmer room temperature) Standing with water and slightly sharpened. You can put on the floor for 7-10 days. Water gradually, without pouring roots.


The procedure is painful for any plant, but if it survives, the transplant will lead to the renewal of the root system..

Flower roll out with a lore earth from the tank. View roots. Clear them from the soil, trim rotten, sluggish and on the sight of empty parts. Slices Scroll with crowded charcoal or root. Roots must be pure from larvae and insects.

Sprinkle a flower in a fresh soil. Hiding the warm water and remove the darkened place. Water gramwhile the plant is sick. After 2-3 weeks, spray or pour phytoosporin. Next, continue to care, as usual, moderate watering and feeding every 10 days, i.e. 10, 20 and 30 numbers.

Interesting! If we transplant the plant into a much larger pot compared to the same, the top of the flower will stop in growth until the root system is gaining strength and the space of the container will not fill.

What moon to transplant?

It has long been known for the fact that hair and nails grow better, and the patient who has undergone operation in the growth phase of the moon gets faster. So flowers, like any other living organism very sensitive to the influence of the night shone. This phase is accelerated by metabolic processes and the juices are faster than the nutrients throughout the plant.

If you put or transplanting flowers during this period, they will quickly take it, will be strong, healthy and rapidly go to growth.

At the phase of new moon with plants, it is better not to carry out any work, except for watering and loosening the soil. At the descending moon in the fertile signs of the Taurus, fish and cancer you can transplant plants, they will successfully come in.

Favorable days in June 2018

So, for example, in June from 14 to 27 - time of growing moon And these days will be favorable for transplant, it is not worth it on other days.

In the video below the flower dealer shows how to transplant different plants - OT coffee trees To succulents, the usual method and transshipment, which pots and what kind of flowers are used:

Typical errors in transplanting and leaving

Tip! If a mistake occurred with the choice of pot and it turned out to be great, you can fill it on the third part, adding 1 time half a year in small parts of fresh soil.

Transplantation - vital Procedure for Plantsthat will allow it to be updated both the root system and the ground part. Flowers will get strength and become more decorative to the joy of their owner!

The room plant transplant procedure is extremely important for its prosperous growth. For colors that are at the stage of growth, it is necessary to periodically replace the pot on the larger, providing an extra room for the developing root system. Updated soil is a source of new portion nutrients For the plant.

When do you need to transplant the plant?

Conditionally can be divided into two types of transfers:

  1. 1. Planned - held on certain days, usually in spring, when the flower comes out of the resting period in the stage of active growth. The reason for such a transplant is the rapid development of the root system and the depletion of the soil. For young fast-growing plants, the planned transplant is carried out annually, adult flowers are enough one procedure in 2-3 years.
  2. 2. Emergency - necessary if suspicion of the appearance of root pests or reinforcement of roots. In case of overflow, it is recommended to immediately transplant the flower to prevent the soil watering. This type of transplant is carried out regardless of the year, immediately after the problem is detected.

You need to transplant the flowers purchased in the store. It is not necessary to do it immediately, and after 2-4 weeks so that the plant to get used to the new conditions. If the purchase was performed in the fall or in winter, it is recommended to wait with resetting before the beginning of the spring.

To understand that the plant is closely in the old pot and the soil update is required, on the following signs:

  • the soil does not hold water and dries faster than usual;
  • the root system is visible from drainage holes and on the surface of the soil;
  • the pot becomes too small for the flower, the plant outweighs it and falls;
  • growth slows down and the flowering of the plant is stopped;
  • the transplant was carried out over one and a half years ago.

Choosing a pot

When choosing a tank for landing, it is important to pay attention not only to decorative qualities, but also parameters such as a form, size and material pot.

The most common and convenient to use are flower pots Rounded shape, slightly extended up. It is also possible to use the containers of other forms, for example, pots in the form of a cylinder or rectangle look very original. According to gardeners, pots, the form of which is narrowed up, are very inconvenient and not recommended for use. Regardless of the choice of a prerequisite, the presence of drainage holes.

The size of the new pot in diameter should be greater than the old on 3 -5 cm. It is important to remember that the transplant of the plant in too much capacity will not bring benefits.

The most common materials for the manufacture flower Gorshkov are clay and plastic.

Material pot Dignity disadvantages For which plants are recommended
Clay pot Great weight potted clay gives additional stability. Thanks to the porous structure, excess moisture in the ground is better evaporated, which helps to prevent root rotting, contributes to saturation with oxygen roots. Good thermoregulation Breaks down when falling. Reduced durability due to porous structure. Residues mineral salts On the walls, the pot is sometimes impossible to extract. High price Large copies that can overturn from light pots due to their own weight, indoor trees
Plastic pot Small weight, convenient when transporting plants. Resistant to shock. Easy to wash even from mineral salts. Affordable price It is possible to boil the soil and rotting the root system due to the accumulation of moisture in the ground. In the hot season, it can be very hot Small blooming or evergreen plants requiring frequent movement

Selection of soil for landing

First of all, the choice of soil depends on the type of transplantable plant. A ready-made mixture is usually used for a specific plant, in the presence of the necessary knowledge, it is allowed to manufacture a substrate with your own hands.

If the store did not have a mixture for a flower, it is possible to use the Earth for another plant, provided that they belong to one family. Buying soil in the store, you need to pay attention to the shelf life, composition, acidity indicator. It is recommended to use the finished primer from the proven manufacturers ("Terra Vita", "FASHAS").

It is undesirable to plant a plant into the ground from the newly open packaging. It is better if the packaging will come to some time open - this will force the nitrogen accumulated in the ground.

And ready, and homemade soil before landing should be a sterilization procedure. For this, the soil must be moistened and warm in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees at least 1 hour.

Rules and methods of transplantation

By the method of carrying out a transplant is divided into the following types:

  • The usual - is carried out by moving the flower into a new container with the full cleaning of the root system from the old soil, cropping the roots from damaged or bothering parts. Recommended for emergency transplant.
  • The transshipment method is to transplant a flower with the preservation of an earth coma. The plant is extracted from the old pot and is transferred to a new, greater size. Used for planned transfers.

The choice of method depends on the health and age of the flower. Young copies, seedlings and sparks are recommended exclusively for the transshipment method. The usual transplant is carried out in suspected rot or other root diseases.

Replanting an adult healthy plant, you can choose the method on the basis of the flower experience and the appearance of the root flower system. Azalea, palm trees, ferns, ficuses, money Tree Painly react to the transplant procedure, the risk of damage to the roots in these plants is very large.

Chlorophytum, Aloe, Hibiscus, Monster can be attributed to room colors with strong roots. These plants easily transfer the usual transplant, a slightly injured root system is rapidly restored. If the flower was planted in loose soil, clean the roots from the ground will not be difficult. If the plant was grown in clay soil, it is necessary to pre-dunk the earthen car in water.

Before proceeding to transplant, it is important to make sure that there is all required tools Both materials, namely: a new pot, drainage, soil, blade. When carrying out a conventional transplant, you will need a sharp knife and coal.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. 1. Before boarding it is necessary to prepare a pot. Previously not used required to be carefully flushed, the pot in which the flowers have already grown, you need to disinfect. Clay capacity is recommended to soak and leave overnight to get rid of the balance of burnt lime.
  2. 2. Place the Drainage to the bottom of the pot, which will serve as a broken brick, ceramzit, ceramic dishes or pebbles. Drainage, which was on the street, must be disinfected. Depending on how much the translated plant is moisture resistant, the volume of drainage is calculated. Moilable colors, for example, a white-dollar, isoque or cigraus, a sufficiently thin drainage layer. Such copies like drazena, laurel, succulents, etc., stagnation moisture is dangerous, so drainage should be up to a third of the volume of the pot.
  3. 3. The flower in the old capacity must be thoroughly pour an hour before the transplant. After that, you need to carefully remove the flower along with an earthy room.
  4. 4. If a regular transplant is performed, it is necessary to carefully clean the root system of the flower from the old soil, rotten or damaged root disease. Root removal places poured with coal. On top of the drain layer, pour the ground with a thin layer. Plant Plant in a new pot so that the root neck does not reach the edge of the pot on 2 cm.
  5. 5. When transplanting the transshipment method, put the flower into a new container along with an earthen room.
  6. 6. The remaining space is filled with soil. Slightly compact the soil around the stem, shove the soil if necessary.
  7. 7. After transplantation, the plant must be pouring. Flowers that do not require careful moisturizing do not need watering, enough transplant to wet soil.

Some major instances do not require a transplant. In such cases, it is enough to update the upper layer of the Earth for Fresh.

Domestic flowers need to replant from time to time - otherwise they will begin to wake well or, at a minimum, to rearrange a beautiful view. In order for the transplant to be successful, you need to know not only a few simple rulesBut also to check your actions with the lunar calendar. The earthly satellite, under the influence of which rushes and flows occur, is able to improve from the excellent initiative with resetting to zero.

Size pot

Causes of transplant - flower rose from its pot. The roots appeared in the drain holes, visible on the surface. How to choose a size? There is a golden rule: if

you put old pot In a new one, there should be a clearance between them at least one centimeter. Someone will decide to reinstate and choose a vessel twice

more than the former - and it will not be completely right. Some plants have growth and flowering may stop, so, for example, the root system of violet needs to take the entire volume of the pot, and only then it will begin to bloom again. Plus, in the big pots there are more chances that the land will "zakisnet": the plant will not be able to "pump" the whole moisture that enters the volumetric vessel.

How to transplant?

But it is still better to "be confused" and pick a special mixture: for cacti needed a poor organic, but a well breathable soil, for violet - moisture-intensive neutral soil, and the ficus loves a substrate saturated with oxygen, and that there was a sheet, squeezing land, peat and Sand. It's good that the prepared mixture

sold in stores - for cacti, orchids or the same ficuses. Processing it before landing or not - decide for yourself. If you do not trust the manufacturer or have already been unpleasant incidents, learn the mixture in the oven (1 hour at a temperature of 100-120 degrees) or span boiling water. It should be remembered that everything is useful - along with harmful - after such treatment from the soil disappears.

When choosing the soil, do not forget about drainage, perfect option - Ceramzit. Enough centimeter layer at the bottom. (Some experts are sprinkled and the surface of the soil with clay - it reduces the likelihood of the appearance of moss and mold.) If you want to save, you can use foam drainage - unlocking the foam packaging. Or a broken brick - a choice for you.

After the drainage, the soil and pot are chosen, you can start landing. It is better to do it in a day after a rich watering of the plant - the earth will not be

wet, and you will be easier to even get the earth from the pot. This is especially important if you decide to start a complete transplant - that is, clean the roots from the entire old substrate. This option is suitable if the soil zakislah, covered with mold or the process of transplant itself did not take a very long time.

If the roots have become closer, and there are no claims to the soil itself, you can use the so-called transshipment - the plant moves into new house with old lore land. In the second case, by itself, the roots are injured much less.

Place the bottom of the pottery (1 cm), then it does not interfere with the peat or moss layer, so that the earth does not wash out of the pot, follow-up - a small layer of soil and a plant itself, which is neatly sweeping from all sides. After landing, it needs to spill well and put on the shadow side for a week to recover the flower.

When to transplant?

It is well known to do it better spring - It is at that time the root system grows intensively. Now it remains to choose the right day: The best phase of the moon for transplant is, of course, the new moon and the growing moon.This period lasts 12 days, so time for manipulations will be more than enough. If you need high stems at the flower, transplant it closer to the full moon. Want to low rise plant - Immediately after the new moon. But to know the moon phases little - it is necessary to take into account the sign of the zodiac, in which the earth satellite is located. Help the colors to grow fish, scales, calf, cancer, scorpion. On the lunar calendar of this year, the growing moon will be in these signs on June 24, July 24, August 22 and December 18.

But wait for these dates only if the home plant feels quite cheerfully. If it is yellowed and worse - take action urgently, regardless of which phase is the moon.


Agree, the flowers in the house are the joy for the soul, a sort of small oasis, looking at which we give rest and nerves, and tired of the computer and the television. Beneficial features indoor plants Very multifaceted hostesses are not in vain, they are happy to engage them.

Moreover, most colors do not require our constant attention, most often they only have to water, and all other "operations" spending from time to time - feeding, spraying, transplantation.

And today we will develop the most responsible operation, find out how to correctly transplanted housewalks, which have long arrived at us at home, and flowers purchased in the store.

So, the flower, based on its requests, we chose, and, pleased with the purchase, brought home. Now it is necessary to fulfill all the rules in transplant, otherwise it will be possible to carry a mourning ceremony for the end of the dried "body." Either, at best, the flower will hurt for a long time, get used to, but will never be the same as he was at first.

The transplant of purchased flowers has its own nuances, during which the mistress frequently admit the same errors. If you have gathered to transplant your homely pet, you will use items 3-5.

The first error

After buying, the plant immediately put next to other domestic flowers.

So do not do, because if your "newcomer" is infected with pests, it will bring harm and its neighbors. Therefore, after the purchase, we send a plant to quarantine, during which it, at the same time, will be able to "get used to" to the house. Usually, the "floral quarantine" lasts 1-2 weeks, during which the flower is acclimatized, and we do not worry it, do not feather and do not transplant.

During this time, we observe the plant and if pests and pathogens appeared on it, then boldly put it in your collection. If they appeared, then the pest "Identify" and neutralizing the treatment with special drugs.

Second error

And the most important flower bought in the store, leave to grow in the same pot in which it was sold.

The fact is that the transportation of natural soil in open containers (koimy and are flower pots) across the border is prohibited. Therefore, manufacturers at the time of transportation replace the nutrient soil inert mixture.

The inert mixture is a combination of coconut chips, perlite (natural shape of volcanic glass) and long-acting concentrated fertilizers. Live and develop in such a mixture of plants can only a limited period of time. And if you do not save the root system of plants, they will die.

Alternatively, plants in stores may be contained in the peat that at home is also destructive for them.

Several times during transplantation, right in the main pot with the ground, on the roots of colors, I found special bags or small pots. If they do not remove them, then the plant will simply stop growing and developing. Therefore, the transplant of flowers in pots is vital.

Third error

Incorrectly selected soil.

Now on sale there are soils for different species Plants. But, on the basis of his experience, I will say that they are still not ideal suitable for transplanting your green pets. And almost always, the composition of the soil has to be adjusted.

Soils can be:

Too dense, then add additives to it, which will break it, allowing to breathe plant roots. You can add coarse sand (river, lake), or perlite, about which we spoke above, in this case, performing the functions of the sand. Either a long-fuel peat (which grows import plants in stores).

If the soil, on the contrary, is too peat, it is necessary to compact it by adding a more dense and nutritious type of turf.

Four error

Color transplant is carried out by gentle scheme

That is, the flower transplant in homemade pot Together with a part of the soil from the purchased pot in which it grew. This technique for purchased colors is not suitable.

In the transplantation of imported plants, technology plays the most important role, with it, first of all, we must clean the root system of the plant from the "substrate" in which he was from the moment he left the overseas greenhouse and until the moment of arrival in your home.

Take out the plant from the transport pot and put it on the roots in the container with warm water From under the crane, so that they are mocked. While the flower shaves the flower, the pots are laid down drainage and pour nutritious soil.

When the main part of the substrate "disappears" from the roots of plants, gently take it, keeping for the base of the trunk, and transferred under flow water. Under the jet of water completely wash with the roots of the substrate residues. After that, it is recommended to spray the root system of the drug type "Kornin", but to be honest, I have never done so much.

Carefully lower the plant on the cooked soil and completely sprinkle the roots on top. After that, we abundantly water the warm water.

When transferring home facilities using the same technology.

The only exception is the ground with the roots do not wash off, but only a little sharpen and the plant, along with the remnants of the "native" land, lower in the prepared pot, we fall asleep the root system with the prepared soil and watering the steamed water. Everything, our flower is absolutely happy 🙂, but still weak, so the transplanted flower is protected from cooling, drafts and convergence.

Fifth error

Early feeding plants

After such a "cruel" transplant, many hostesses want to help their pet recover and take care of new conditions, for which various feeders begin to add.

But this cannot be done in any case, it is impossible to feed a transplanted plant, it will be possible to start not earlier than in a month and a half and only after it will show the first signs of normal rooting - new leaves will appear, sprouts, shoots.

A transplant method that I told may seem too traumatic. But do not be afraid, in fact it turns out to be much more humane for the plant, as the pet will not suffer in the substrate unknown for its environment.

This method of transplant I applied to all plants acquired in the store, and they all safely transferred it, continuing to grow and delight with their beauty. My very "missing" plant was myrtle, but he disappeared because of the wrong care for him, the subtleties of which at that time I did not know, only this is a completely different story.

I hope that my experience of transplanting green domestic lovers to you come in handy, and if I missed anything in the article, I will be glad to your prompts.

Houseplants useful for human health

Absorb carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen:

  • sunsivier, whom the people are called "Pickpiece Tail";
  • chlorophytum;
  • a coffee tree.

Plants capable of absorb dust. These properties have conifers:

  • pine;
  • juniper;
  • cypress.

In the house they, of course, can only be in the form of a small coniferous tree - Bonsai. I have never come across coniferous bonsai in flower shops, and even the search for them through the Internet has not yet given results. Although such bonsai I would buy with great pleasure.

With harmful bacteria fighting:

  • chlorophytum;
  • asparagus;
  • monster;
  • myrtle;
  • eucalyptus.

Help relieve tension and fatigue, soothe and improve sleep, so it makes sense to put them in the bedroom:

  • rosemary;
  • melissa;
  • and everyone's famous geranium.

Credit with toxins:

  • ivy;
  • ficus;
  • philodendron;
  • dracaena;
  • aloe.

Azalea or Rhododendron has a rare gift.

So that the plants grow well and develop, they need to regularly care. Depending on the species, each of them requires certain cultivation conditions. The transplant of indoor plants is one of the main measures for their normal growth and well-being.

Why need to transplant indoor flowers

Plants develop in close floral pot. Root system over time increases in size, the soil loses beneficial features, Therefore, home plants require a transplant. In this case, the soil is replaced partially or completely. It is possible to determine whatas the need for such an event is possible when thin roots penetrating the flower pot from the drainage holes. They sign up that the roots in the tank are already closely.

In addition to the transplantation of plants carried out by the resting period for them, there are emergency cases requiring extracurricular transplantation.

To do this, there may be different reasons:

  • root roots;
  • the land acquires an unpleasant smell;
  • replacement of a broken pot;
  • you need to transplant the imported copy of the growing in peat pot.

If urgently do not take action, indoor flowers can develop badly and even die.

What time of year is better to transplant flowers

The best period when it is recommended to transplant the houseplants - the end of rest. Soon, their active vegetation will begin, so stress is not so painful. It is necessary to be guided by the recommendations of specialists developed for each species, where specific terms and frequency of the required transfers are indicated. Parameters such as age, flowering time and others are taken into account.

General recommendations for the frequency transplantation of flowers: plants of young age and those who are peculiar to rapid growth should be replant annually, adults - after two or three years, growing in the PCD - once every four or five years. Terms for some species are installed hard, other flowers are transplanted from spring to summer.

Spring - the most favorable timeWhen indoor plants can be resettled. Most of them are touched into growth in late February. Spring transplant is often combined with vegetative reproduction and trimming. Weak and thickened shoots are removed, too long cut. Such a reception stimulates the growth of lateral branches, the plant is restored faster, the crown becomes more dense, there is plenty of blossom.

Practicing and transplanting houseplants in the fall, when there are still warm sunny days, contributing to rapid recovery after a traumatic operation. Most often, plants are transplanted, the roots of which over the summer are too rummaged or, on the contrary, it began to rotate from frequent irrigation. Often, the reason becomes compacted, non-frozen soil, which requires immediate replacement. Another reason is the landing in the pots of household colors growing in the summer in the open ground.

Many flower products are used moon calendar To identify the most favorable days for the transplantation of indoor plants. Phases of the moon and zodiac signs affect their further development. So, flowers are growing well, transplanted in the phase of the growing moon, when it is in the constellations of fish, cancer, taurus, scorpion.

Preparatory work

Pre-prepare everything you need. Acquire the soil for each view of the room colors, carry it disinfection. Westing drainage - for this purpose, clamzit, pebbles, coarse sand, shards, charcoal, and other are fitted with suitable flower pots.
In cases where the plants have grown significantly, the pots are selected larger than the old. If it is planned to remove some of the damaged roots, take the container less than the former. All pots are carefully wash. Plants per day before the event watered. Prepare workplace: The table is covered with film or newspapers.

Room transplanting

The procedure is carried out in two ways - with a transplant or transshipment, at which the earth comes is not disturbed.


The transshipment method is used for plants such:

  • suffering from the destruction of the earth coma;
  • young, intensively developing;
  • adults, large, negatively reacting to root damage.

Recommendations, how to transplant the plants by the method of transshipment, are that the car of the ground around the roots is not broken. The plant gets out of the pot, transfer it to another, placed at the desired level, adding a fresh substrate on top of drainage and sides. If you make such an operation in the fall or in winter, when plants are at rest, harm from it will be minimal.


The flower is gently removed from the tank. If it is small, palm is put on the surface of the soil, while the stalks of the plant are placed between the fingers. The other hand the capacity turns up the bottom, slightly tapping onto its surface, so that it is easier to get a flower. Thanks to such measures, it will turn out to be on the palm of the land. If a room flower It feels well, you can change not the entire substrate, but only a part.

Roots with a lore land are placed in the package to protect from drying out. The pot is freed from drainage, wash. Return to the place of drainage, poured on top of it a little fresh earth. From the Earth Koma remove the top layer, until the outdoor roots are exposed. Carefully put the plant in the pot, gently adding from the sides and from above the new substrate, while slightly tamping. Earth is watered.

How to transplant indoor plants with a complete substrate replacement?

First, they are getting out of the pot, the roots free from the soil and explore. Patients and damaged gently cut off, sprinkled with sections of wood coal powder. To preserve the equilibrium between underground and above-ground parts, green shoots are trimmed.

At the bottom, the pot is placed in a layer of drainage about 2-3 cm. In colors, imposing excess moisture, drainage can take up to a third of the volume of the pot. From above, fresh soil "Holloch" are poured on top, plants are placed on it, the roots are evenly distributed down the side surfaces of the soil. Holding the troller with one hand, the other mank the land.

It is necessary to calculate so that the upper roots are coated with 2 cm. Flowers are watered, except for some types of cacti and copies with disgregate roots. The substrate should be a bit wet, so you can wipe cacti a few days later. For the convenience of watering the pots, it is always filled with soil not to the edges, but below the edges by 1-1.5 cm.

Any transplant causes anxiety, so after resetting the indoor plant should be put on 4-5 days in the greenhouse - a privided, warm place. There are light-minded copies, which requires a fairly light enough, but at the same time the direct hit of the rays of the sun is excluded. To the question, is it possible to transplant flowering plants, the answer is negative. After such stress, they are restored for a long time.