
How to get rid of powdered dew on the gooseberry, removal of white spots from the plant. Measures to combat American milder dew gooseberry

To help hostess

On the berries of the gooseberry. These berries are often amazed by such a disease. They can not eat, the harvest disappears, it may repeat it every year. Fight S. muced dew On the gooseberry should be systematically and carefully. So, the powdery dew on the gooseberry is measures to combat her and preventive measures.

What does the mildew of dew on the gooseberry look like?

The gooseberry affected by flies dew looks like this: the root of the gooseberry and the lower leaves are covered with a white bloom. Place velvety in appearance, dry. It seems that the bushes sprinkled with flour. If the branches shake, the bloom remains in place, but it can be considered with his fingers, if you thoroughly rub.

The spread of plaque is rapid, all over the Kuste. Upper foliage, branches are amazed very quickly, but the berries whites are last. Over time, the plaque becomes darker, acquiring a brown or dirty gray shade. Provoke the development of the disease fungal disputes, which will spread the wind and insects. If moisture is constantly maintained and the high air temperature is ideal conditions for the development of malical dew.

Contribute to the emergence of the disease and other factors:

  • In the soil a lot of nitrogen.
  • The gooseberry is planted closely with cultures exposed to a mildew: grapes, currants.
  • Nutritional soil poverty.

Folk remedies from mildew on gooseberry

Treatment of gooseberry from pulse dew folk remedies Must be safe for people and plants. No need to use sulfur as a measure of the struggle, because you can simply burn the leaves and the gooseberry bark, it is better to use other ways. For instance:

  • Manufacturing and spraying with soda solutions.
  • Application of copper sulfate.
  • The use of solutions of manganese and ash.
  • Treatment of onion husks and decoction of pijmas.

There are other formulations that are used by gardeners in practice. When working, even with folk remedies should not forget about gloves, in order to avoid burns and manifestations of the skin allergic reaction. Start all processing events better on initial stage Diseases, not allowing global infection.

Soda from pulse dew on the gooseberry

The calcined soda from the pulse dew on the gooseberry is applied as:

  • The soda is dissolved in a small amount of hot water and stir so that it turns out to be Cashier.
  • Take water to the volume of 10 liters.
  • Add 10 grams of liquid soap (economic or degtyar).
  • Conduct the processing of the bush before the start of flowering, the second processing is before the appearance of fruits.

You can prepare a solution and on another recipe: 60 grams of soda are added to 10 liters of water, 10 aspirin tablets, 10 grams of liquid targeted soap. Spraying exercise every 7 days 2 times. How to deal with mildewing dew on the gooseberry using soda, each gardener solves himself.

Iodine from pulse dew on the gooseberry

Processing of the gooseberry iodine from pulse dew is carried out like this:

  • 1 liter of dairy serum is taken
  • Add 2 drops of iodine.
  • It turns out the composition with which the gooseberry spray at 3 to 4 days is sprayed.

Preparations from mildewing on the gooseberry

Preparations against pulse dew on the gooseberry are divided into 2 types: biological and chemical. Chemicals act faster, but if the time was missed and fruits have already been formed on the gooseberry, it is better to use the safest, in the category of biological. Effectively treat both type of type. Among the most common drugs can be allocated:

  • topaz;
  • trichopol;
  • bactoff;
  • hauksin;
  • nitrophen.

Phytosporin from mildew dew on the gooseberry

Phytosporin is a biofungicide, a wide range of action. Based on the bacteria that the fungus grew. It can be used as a prophylactic agent and at the initial stage of the diseases of the gooseberry with a torment of dew in the form of an effective measure of struggle. Before processing, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the instructions for use.

Phytosporin against pulse dew on the gooseberry is used as follows: 100-150 ml of the drug are divorced by a declined water container. Treat bushes and soil under them in spring until the start of the flowering stage, as well as in the fall after the end of the fruiting. In addition to the destruction of fungus, phytosporin significantly increases the immunity of plants.

Topaz from pulse dew on the gooseberry

Topaz - a systemic fungicide, he perfectly treats fungal diseases on different cultural plants, gooseberry is no exception. The use of topase from pulse dew on the gooseberry is as follows:

  • On 10 liters of water take 2 ml of the preparation of topaz.
  • Carefully stirred a working solution.
  • Use the composition at a time, it is impossible to store it.

The protective effect of the drug lasts 8 - 18 days, depending on how the disease is developing rapidly. To spray 1 adult gooseberry bush, an average of 1.5 liters of composition is needed. Spray plants 1 time in 14 days. From processing before collecting berries should ideally go through at least 20 days.

Trichopol from mildew dew on the gooseberry

Trichopol is a drug, the main active substance in which is metronidazole. Gardeners argue that trichopol from mildewing dew on the gooseberry is effective as measures to combat infection. Processing can be carried out in two ways: spraying and watering. Spraying more efficiently, the drug acts faster.

Dosage for the working solution: 1 trichopol tablet per 1 liter of water. Spray bushes in dry weather, closer to the evening. Tablets before dissolving the ticks in powder so that they dissolve faster. It should be remembered that the specific research of the mechanism of the drug in the field of agronomy was not conducted, therefore it is worth remembering about safety measures and avoid the solution to the mucous membranes and the skin.

False powdery dew on the gooseberry - measures of struggle

When infected with false torment, the leaves of the gooseberry are wrinkling and become brown. After drying, pieces of leaves can infect healthy gooseberry bushes. If you find a disease at the initial stage, it is still possible to fight it, but many daches solve the problem more radically: destroy the affected gooseberry bushes and other measures of struggle are not used.

False powdery dew on the gooseberry differs from the usual because it is striking not only the leaves, but also the growth kidneys, only cutters remain free. The disease is distributed due to frequent evening irrigation, strong morning dew, with an excess of nitrogen and a lack of phosphorus. The affected parts of the gooseberry as a control measure are removed and burned, it is worth acting with berries.

Prevention of flies dew on the gooseberry

The gardeners are important to learn not only about the methods of treating the disease, but also on how to prevent milderous dew on the gooseberry. Prevention - the best way Not only to reduce the likelihood of infection, but also to avoid it. Puffy dew on the gooseberry - measures of the struggle in the form of prevention:

  • In the spring and autumn to cut the bushes. Patients and old shoots delete and burn.
  • In the spring period, remove from under the gooseberry bushes all the fallen, last year's foliage, after that the soil is better to swap.
  • Early spring root shoots pour hot water (Temperature is about 90 degrees). You can add a manganese or food soda to the water. Such a measure of struggle should not be abused, there is enough single processing.
  • Increase the resistance of the gooseberry to the torment can be increased, if you make potash and phosphoric fertilizers, such as extractor wood ash.

Experts recommend to start measures to combat right choice Places for landing gooseberry. Between the bushes it is worth abide by the distance to the soil of the sink and ventilated. Previous cultures must be considered, it is not necessary to plant the raspberry and currants. An important prophylactic measure can also be called an increase in the immunity of the gooseberry, an increase in its resistance to diseases of various kinds.

Puffy dew on the gooseberry is a disease, combating measures to be effective and systemic. On which stage the disease will be discovered, the meaning and efficiency of health events will depend on. In some cases, it is easier to destroy the sick plants than letting them infect all the planting of the gooseberry in full.

In this article, you will find useful information about why malfunction dew on the gooseberry appears, how to deal with it simple and efficient ways.

Puffy dew on the gooseberry - preventive and therapeutic measures

Puffy dew amazes the gooseberry very often. Moreover, leaves, branches, and berries.

Thunder these whitish spots - it seems to be erased. As if, really, the bush just trembled with flour.

But simply erasing spots from the leaves from this fungal disease can not get rid of.

What should I do if a pulse dew on the gooseberry appeared?

One of them reads:

  • it is necessary to cut all sick branches, leave only young and healthy;
  • shedding what remained from the bush, a solution of manganese saturated color;
  • pollinate the bush ashes and not know what tormentous dew is five years old.

So looks like a pulse dew on the gooseberry

The fact that the affected branches with leaves should be cut and destroy - quite right.

But there are also other methods of struggle ...

  1. "Topaz" and "Vetra". Here are the preparations, the most effective against the flies dew on the gooseberry. It is told experience and gardeners professionals. True, they also add that "Topaz" today is "not the one." One way or another, but spraying with these drugs is performed twice in spring with a repeat in two weeks. After harvesting, the third spraying should be performed.
  2. It is quite effectively spraying the gooseberry and drugs that are not containing "chemistry." For example, the "zircon" or "phytoosporin". "Zircon" a bush should also be thoroughly sprayed, as well as "topaz" or "vector", and the "phytomporin" you can water a bush according to branches and leaves directly from the watering can.
  3. Anti powdered dew helps the infusion of fresh manure at the rate of 1 kg per 10 liters of water. Only watering should be stable and frequent.
  4. Some of the gardeners are practicing infusion of ash (1 kg per 10 liters of water), but such a measure is rather prophylactic nature than therapeutic.

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2. White spotty (septoriasis) on the gooseberry.

Methods for the fight against mildew


All agrotechnical measures are aimed at increasing the overall resistance of plants. And the main task for the gardener is the creation of favorable conditions for the speedy aging of coating fabrics. What to do:

Signs of damage to mildew


"- system fungicide. Used as a preventive and protective agent. Activity - Propiconazole. Available in the form of an emulsion concentrate. It has a high duration of action, ceases to further develop the disease, suppresses the formation of the rift of the fungus. Increased air temperature favorably affects the operation of the drug, reinforcing its effectiveness. "Tilt KE" has a high raidness, as it quickly penetrates the plant's tissue.

Copper vigor and calcined soda

Causes of malievable dew

Soap solution with ash

- regular landings regularly;

The leaflers and shoots of the gooseberry were covered with a whitish rode, and soon the leaves begin to twist and sink. Berries also partially become unsuitable for use. What is so ruined shrub? This is a milder dew of the gooseberry, to deal with which you need to start immediately.
Amazes leaves, less often berries. At the end of May-early June, the departure of the leaves overwhelmed and infection take place. In early June, they appear small angular yellow-brown spots, which are then whiten in the center and are framed by a buroy border. In these places, black dots are formed - picnides (fruit), in which disputes are winter.
The main diseases of the gooseberry are:
Try to land shrubs on solar and ventilated places;
Young shoots.

A solid solution, a concentration of 0.4 to 0.5 ml per liter of water, must be prepared immediately before use. It is not recommended for use at air temperature exceeding 29 ° C, accompanied by a humidity of less than 60%. Protective action exceeds half a month and begins to manifest themselves two hours after the end of processing. It is dangerous for fish and bees.

Prevention of malievous dew

- Fresh Horsetch Grass - 100 grams;
- soda calcined - 25 grams;
- remove old leaves in contact with the ground;
The powdery roar of the gooseberry is striking not only this garden shrub, and also currants - red and black. The pathogen is a mushroom, the contamination of which occurs through disputes from neighboring patients. Favorite the development of mushroom wet weather at temperatures from 17 to 28 ° C. Sometimes the mildew is called American, probably because there is an opinion about the factory of this disease to Europe from America.

The rapid development of the disease occurs in the second half of summer. Already in August, the septoriasis can cause massade of leaves, the infected shoots are poorly affected, the increase decreases, weak kidneys are laid. The crop of next year can significantly decrease.

1. American torment dew (spherosek)

Treatment from pulse dew

Control the thickness of the crown of the plant;

The main features of the disease are quite simple to determine. In the specified parts initially appear foci with white, as if flipped with flour. This is nothing more than a mushroom with disputes, which in dry windy weather are spread not only by the air masses, but also insects, thereby infecting the adjacent bushes. In the process of the rivalry of the fungus, the lip of the mushroom is a grubeet, compacted and acquires a dark brown shade, resembling felt. The diseased plant begins to weaken and dies.
Preparations are also used to combat the spread of mildew dew: "
​- copper Kuner - 80 grams;
- ash - 1 kilogram;
- Water is 1 liter.
- liquid soap - 5 grams;
- Watering plants only after the upper layer of the Earth will dry completely;

First of all, it is necessary to remove all sick branches by the fall and burn them, as a huge number of acroser accumulates, which in the spring dispel and infect new branches and other shrubs. Early spring, even before the dissolution of the kidneys, the bushes are watered with hot water and spray with a bordrian fluid solution that is bred according to the instructions. If, during flowering and tie, the berries still appeared areas with a white rode, treat them with fungicides, but no later than 30 days before harvesting. You can save the gooseberry from the torment of the dew with the following folk methods: Calcined Soda and Shopping Soap. To do this, divert in 10 liters of water 100 g of soap and 50 g of soda, mix and spray patients with shrubs. Shopping soap and copper cunery. The working solution is prepared from 100 g of household soap and 5-10 g of copper sulfate. The soap is cut into chips and dissolve in 1 liters of water, then poured in 9 liters of water, the vaporaza is stirred and soapy solid. If everything is done correctly, it turns out a bluish liquid without flakes. Processing garden shrubs several times with intervals of 4-5 days and you can get rid of American powdered dew.

Folk remedies from mildew

Ways to protect the gooseberry from white spotty (septoriosa). 2. White spotty (septoriasis)Do not carry out a strong trimming;

The appearance of pulse dew is observed on the gooseberry usually after its flowering. During this period, the bush actively gives the growth of young shoots and forms the promise of its fruits. Traditionally, the disease spreads from the lower tiers of the plant, amazing young, tender shoots and berries. This distribution is associated with suitable, for germination of pathogens, the conditions within the bush itself. It is the lower tiers that are closest to the ground, where the source of the infection, which is on last year's leaves and berries, successfully winters. After that, the disease applies higher and higher.
- water - 10 liters;

- Water - 1 bucket.

The cost is poured with water and withstand a day. Then boil on fire for two hours. Then get cold and filter. The resulting concentrate is permissible to store in a cool and dark place for about a week. Before spraying, the agent is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5. Processing produced from three to four times every five days.

- Hot water hot - 5 liters.
- Do not abuse nitrogen fertilizers;
The disease of the mildew delivers many trouble to the owners of garden and garden sites. This disease amazes like vegetable crops, so I. fruit trees and shrubs. It is not easy to prevent its appearance, it is even more difficult to get rid of saving the infected plants. But before applying certain drugs from mildew, it is necessary to make sure that it is the cause of the problems that have arisen.

Before flowering and after harvesting, the processing of bushes and soil under them oxychloride (40 g per 10 liters of water), near (20 ml per 10 liters), infusion of ash or soap-copper emulsion. Autumn or early spring collection and burning of fallen leaves.

3. Anthracnose Timely and competent feeding.Note: During summer period Puffy dew on the gooseberry has time to attack shrubs twice. The first defeat occurs in spring sometimes at the time of active growth of green shoots and forming the strings. The second - with the onset of the second wave of growth of young shoots, when the harvest is already assembled.

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- calcined soda - 50 grams;

Water is heated to about 40 ° C and the ash is poured. The solution is thoroughly mixed and insist about a week. After that, they drag, separating and removing the ash suspension gathered at the bottom. Before spraying, a little soap is added to the solution. You need to handle every other day or daily.

​4.​The soda is dissolved in water, while adding soap. After cooling spray plants and adjacent to them the upper layer of the Earth. It follows at least two times, with an interval of 7 - 10 days.- in time to carry out phosphoric-potassium feeders.

A business card of pulse dew - a whitish gray raid. Slim and dust similar at the beginning, it gradually starts thickening over time and black. On the upper side of the leaves are formed small brown balls. The fallen leaves dry out, shoots are twisted at the ends, darken and dying.
3. Antraznosis on the gooseberry.

4. Stilled rust

Important: excess in the soil of nitrogen will contribute to the strong and growth of young shoots. But the introduction of potash and phosphate fertilizers will contribute to the rapid aging of the tissues. That undoubtedly the best way It will affect the overall resistance of the gooseberry to the mildew. Four a muggy mouthpiece of a malicious dew through the young coating layers of the gooseberry. This is the most vulnerable place of the plant. This is precisely that such selectivity of the disease is explained. After all, during this period of development, young shoots, wounds and leaves do not have time, as it should be cut. Interestingly, the infection may appear on young sheet plates in their 10-day age. On the berries, the mushroom can successfully develop within 50 days from the moment of their formation and growth.Sulfarid.

- Water - 10 liters.
Copper mood with soap

Another option:

Another type of pulse dew prevention can be carried out. in early spring, Before the dissolution of the leaves. Berry shrubs And other perennials are simply covered with steep boiling water. It is necessary to do it quickly using a watering can with a diffuser. It follows all branches of the whole, without lingering for a long time on one thing. On the leaves of roses, grapes or cucumbers can appear blessed mildery spots. In the first stage, even before the formation of plaque, the contaminated leaves become matte, lose elasticity or lightly shrink.Amazes young growing leaves. Disputes infect them in the spring. At both sides sheet plate Small brown-brown spots appear. With a strong defeat, they merge. The leaves twisted the edges up, become like burnt and fall. Infected anthracnose bushes decreases winter hardiness, and with severe frosts they can freeze.

5. Basic rust
Application chemicals The struggle is aimed at destroying disputes and mushrooms. Autumn Sometimes and spring gooseberry is best concretened with a solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 10 liter water bucket 200 grams of the preparation.

The milderous dew fungus of the gooseberry bushes loves high humidity and warm weather. So the optimal temperature range for the growth of mushrooms is the range of 17 OS up to 28 OS. Air humidity should be\u003e 90%. With raising the ambient temperature, up to 30 OS infection suspends its development. And with 32 ° C and air humidity, less than 30%, the fungal starts to dying and dies.

​», «​ In the spring, even before the blooming of the kidneys, sprayed with a solution of vitriol, and after the end of flowering - calcined soda.Infusion of reworked cow

- Food soda - 1 tablespoon;

The short-term impact of very hot water does not have time to inflict harm not yet fully wokeered after winter plants. But the disputes, the mushroom, as well as the pathogens of other diseases, are dying. A similar action also has a jet of pressure steam, obtained using a domestic steam cleaner.

Most often, the infection begins its destructive effect from those leaves and shoots that are near the earth. Gradually, it rises above and captures all the plant, including petioles and fruits. Infected fruits are usually cracking and puments. Ways to protect the gooseberry from anthrand.1. American torment dew (spherosek) on the gooseberry.

IMPORTANT: Soil under the bushes, with the aim of a speedy decomposition of fallen foliage and other plant residues, spray with 7% carbamide mortar.
Interestingly, in different years, malievous dew applies to the gooseberry in different ways. This is associated with those or other weather conditions. For example, sharp outbreaks of plant disease occur in years with favorable conditions for fungus. In just a few days, the maximum in a week, all young growths and ovary are affected. During the years with hot and dry weather, the disputes are not in a hurry to germinate, and therefore dacms manage to collect a good harvest of berries, untouched by infection.


​10.​​;​ - Copper vigoros - 5 grams;

- liquid soap - 0.5 teaspoons;
To successfully combat mildew, it is necessary to destroy not only mycelium, but also disputes fungus. At the very first signs of the appearance of the disease follow:

In order to find effective means from mildew, it is necessary to clearly represent, from where and why it occurs.

The same as against septoriosa. SAMI dangerous disease Gooseberry. Young parts of plants are affected: leaves, cutters, shoots, green and ripening berries.In addition, in the fight against the torment, which appeared on the gooseberry, it is recommended to use such drugs as:

In addition, such factors affect the spread of American powdered dew.
​», «​
Solution of colloidal sulfur
- overwhelmed manure - 1 part;

- soap - 50 grams;

- water - 4 liters. - completely eliminate any spraying;Spore fungus, causing a disease of the plants with mildew, live in the soil. They are present there almost always. But manifest itself begin only under certain conditions. So, in sunny, warm weather, with sufficient watering and optimal nutrition, the plant is extremely rarely infected with this fungus. But it is worth the ambient temperature to decrease to 12 - 15 ° C and hold out for about a week, as an alarming begins to appear on the leaves. white flag.​

4. Strong rust on the gooseberry.
The first signs of infection

Topaz - dissolve one 2 ml ampoule by 10 liters of water;

Special chemical preparations from mildew

Agrotechnik growing gooseberry; Preview ​:​

- Water - 3 parts. - Water - 5 liters. All parts are well stirred and spray plants 3 times at intervals no more than a week.

- abandon the feeding of those beds where affected specimens are seen;

Gardeners have long noticed that not all plants are ill. Even the rampant cucumbers in the greenhouse can remain intact if they are not reconciled by nitrogen and are not exhausted too much humidity. The fungus is not inserted and where the feeders were made on time and thinned. Amazes gooseberry leaves in the second half of summer. On the upper side, small yellowish spots appear, and on the bottom-oscillage-orange pads. Of these, the brown-yellow columns spores will be germinated. Highly infected leaves are wrinkled; The shoots on which they grow, are worse, and the bushes decreases winter hardiness. Since the intermediate owner of the disease is coniferous plants, then the gooseberry growing next to them is striking. You can see at the end of May-early June, when a white loose raid, consisting of a dispute, appears on the bottom of the leaves. They are spread by the wind, rain, insects, infecting healthy parts of the plant. After 2-3 weeks, all the top leaves, sweets, ends of young shoots and green marks are covered with a mild ripple. By the end of the summer, white raid booty, compacted, becomes like felt. Bordeaux mixture -100 grams per 10 liter water bucket; Distance between plants; ​», «​ - sulfur - 40 grams; Manure poured cold water And they leave for at least three days. Before spraying, diluted with water twice. Soap dissolve B. warm water. Separately diluted vigorous, using a glass of hot water. A sipop solution is gently connected to soap, pouring a thin flowing and constantly stirring. The resulting emulsion is treated by affected plants several times with weekly intervals. ​2.​ - if possible, improve the illumination of plants; What factors contribute to the infection of the torment? As practice shows, it is: 5. Basic rust on the gooseberry. Surprise causative agents Aqueous solution of soda with economic soap - 40 grams of soap and 50 grams of soda calcined by 10 liters of water.

What to do if mildewed dew on the gooseberry, fighting and prevention

And other factors.

  • Acrobat MC.
  • - Water - 10 liters.

Signs of the appearance of pulse dew on the gooseberry

Milk serum solution

- to break the landing and remove all the weak and old leaves, break the flowerons;

Causes of the propagation of mildew dew on the gooseberry

- Cool cloudy and raw weather when air humidity exceeds 80%;

Spring rust disputes wind are transferred to leaves, shoots or young wound up the gooseberry. In places of infection there are bright yellow-orange pads, resembling boxers. They are well noticeable on the bottom of the leaves or on the background of a green margin. The affected parts of the plants fall, not infecting healthy leaves. The carrier of the disease is the OCC.

On the affected leaves and shoots. In the spring they are the primary source of infection. The development of the disease contributes high humidity Air (80-90%) at a temperature of 20-25 ° C.

  • Natural remedies will also be equally effective means of struggle against malievable American dew.
  • It is known that plants located in lowlands garden plot Amazed faster and stronger than on elevated places. There the soil breathes poorly. There is constantly going fog at the surface, water is stared. And these are the most favorable conditions for the development of mushrooms.
  • ​», «​

The tool is well suited for spraying currant during periods of its growth. But it is necessary to remember that it cannot be used for the gooseberry.

Garlic infusion

Mortgitious solution

Prevention and struggle with mildewing dew on the gooseberry

  • - if the plant is in a pot or container it is advisable to replace the ground in its upper part;
  • - the presence of an excess amount of nitrogen in the soil;
  • Ways to protect the gooseberry from Rust Valley.

Disease is inflicted great harm bushes. Felt flare, almost completely covering young leaves, shoots and berries, violates the development of plants. Soothes slow down or completely stop growth, curvatched. By the autumn, their tops are black, they seem burnt, interstices are shortened, the leaves become small, yellowish. Some of the sick berries agrees, but they are completely covered with a raid and become unsuitable for food and blanks.

  • IMPORTANT: Similar tools, cowboat or hay pipes are used as such funds.
  • In addition to this outbreak of the disease on fruit plants and their difficult course may be provoked by the dackets themselves. Excessive watering and use as a mulch of dark materials (peat, nonwoven geotextiles, etc.) can be the very reason for the lesion of the gooseberry with malicious dew. From such agrotechnical techniques, the humidity and air temperature in the shrub increases, which contributes to the active spread of the disease.
  • Soon

- serum - 1 part;

- produce watering or dialing with the use of a particular means from malieving dew;

  • - strongly thickened landings;
  • Before the flowering against the column rust spraying the bushes with oxychloride (40 g per 10 liters of water), and after harvesting, the treatment is the same against the grocery rust.
  • Ways to protect the gooseberry from American mildew (sphere).

Such infusions allow you to cultivate special bacteria that feed on exclusively by mildew. Prepare them as follows. For 1 kilogram of raw materials take 3 liters of water. All this insists for 3-4 days, filter and dilute the resulting extract 10 liters of water. Spraying shrubs best spend the evening sometimes after sunset. Carrying out such an event in the morning or daytime hours, no effect will be given, as useful bacteria with sunlight Dish.

Another reason for the spread of the disease is insects, both leaf-racing and sucking. These include the gooseberry spiders, a yellow gooseberry. Perhaps and united leaves on shoots contribute to the active appearance of a vulnerable to malievable dew, young growth. By the way the appearance large number Young shoots can provoke excessive breaking and inept trimming bushes.


- garlic - 50 grams;

- mustard powder - 2 tablespoons;

- Water - 10 parts.

How to deal with gooseberry diseases

- soil is often overwhelmed, and then poured;

Collection and burning of fallen leaves and barriers. Do not plant a gooseberry in low wetlands, where the seed is growing. It is undesirable and the neighborhood of coniferous trees.
As soon as the bushes come out from under the snow, pouring them with hot water (80 ° C). When the first signs of the disease appears, spraying with topaz (2-3 times with an interval of 10-14 days), now (before and after flowering) or strobe (1 time every 2 years after flowering). For the preparation of a working solution in 10 liters of water, 20 g of one of these drugs is diverged.
In addition, experienced dacnis In the struggle for the preservation of plants and fruits, soap-rally solve is used, which sprayed bushes. It is prepared at the rate of 400 grams of wood ash and 50 grams of crushed outbuilding soap on the water bucket.
And here dear readers We approached the most important thing our article - to the struggle, and preventive measures With American pulse dew on the gooseberry bushes. In the aggregate, this is a number of protective events that need to strictly perform if you want to see healthy shrubs and collect good yields. To those, you can attribute the following:

"- Popular systemic fungicide used for the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases. The active ingredient is Penkonazole. For spraying currant, gooseberry, grapes, cucumbers and strawberries, one ampoule is bred in 10 liters of water. For colors and potted crops - in 5 liters. Spray only with freshly prepared solution, wetting the entire plant evenly. Processing is repeated in about two weeks. Protective action lasts up to 14 days. The drug belongs to the third hazard class - toxic for fish, but is not dangerous for useful insects and birds. It is considered moderately dangerous for animals and humans. - Water - 2 liters.

- Water - 10 liters.Plants are treated 3 times with three-day gaps, so that a film that prevents the breath of the mushrooms on the leaves is formed. The tool is effectively only in dry weather.

For treatment, you can use proven folk remedies, or acquire ready-made chemicals. - Watering is produced when the top layer of the soil is still wet.

Return -

During the formation and ripening of berries, double-tempered with an interval of 10 days, the treatment of the bushes with the influence of ash (300 g per 10 liters of water, to insist 2 days) or the introduction of dry ash under the bush (300 g). Good results gives a spraying of plants with a cowboy or a heavy hay. They fill the bucket to the third, pour 3 l of water, insist 3 days, before use is bred with water 1: 3. Another effective tool - Infusion of dairy, odd. Stems with leaves cut on a piece of 3-4 cm long, lowered in a bucket with water. After 5-10 minutes, take out, lay a new batch and so before dyeing the water in white (milk) color. And, of course, special attention should be paid to preventive measures to combat gooseberry flies. It is very important to delete and destroy damaged fruits and contaminated shoots. Pumping soil is very important in the rigorous circles.

The gooseberry is popular for the people thanks to its taste and health benefits. Just gather from him good harvest It turns out not always. The wines of all powdered dew, which constantly overcomes the bushes of the gooseberry.

The old varieties are especially susceptible to the disease, which are the most delicious. Below we will look at what to process the spring gooseberry from mildew, preventing damage to the berries and the death of the bushes. The main thing is not to miss the time by spending precisely spring processing.

Indeed, if you don't fight with mildew, it is able to completely destroy the harvest, and for several years a bush can die in general. This is a fungal infection that is officially referred to as sphere.

She is striking young shoots and leaves first, then enters the fruit, and then it is accepted for perennial branches. Parts of the bush are covered with a white bloom, which after a while it becomes brown and even brown. Flowers begin to crumble, the leaflets are withering and twisted, the berries do not develop, branches are twisted and dry.

The fungus is propagated by air or by insects. At the end of May, the disease is already becoming visible. Comfortable conditions For breeding infection is considered warm and wet weather. This disease has already adapted to our weather conditions, so it perfectly tolerate cold.

Disputes are saved on fallen leaves and shoots.

But you can not lose heart if you have noticed this disease on your bushes. It is quite successful with him. The most important thing is not to postpone the treatment for an indefinite period.

When is it better to carry out processing?

To prevent the appearance of mildewed dew on the bushes, as well as destroy the existing disputes, it is recommended to carry out 4 gooseberry treatments:

  1. Before the start of the dissolution of the kidneys. It is better to do that with hot water, as described below.
  2. Before the start of flowering, on a green cone.
  3. Immediately after flowering.
  4. Autumn processing that needs to be performed before leaf fall.

If it did not work out to prevent the disease by the method of prophylactic spraying, measures should be taken immediately after you notice the first signs of the disease.

Ready preparations for spraying gooseberry

There are many drugs capable of healing plants from pulse dew. We will highlight 2 categories: chemical and biopreparations.


It is believed that the use of chemicals helps to quickly get rid of the disease.

However, when the fruits have already been formed, it is better to use more secure funds:

  1. Nitrophen. 200 g of preparation is bred in 10 liters of water. Bushes are processed strictly on bare offspring, to the dissolution of the kidneys. It is impossible to use a solution if the kidneys moved into growth, as this can lead to their death.
  2. The solution of one of the following fungicides: Topaz, Fundazole, Tiovit-Jet, Tilt, Vectra or the like. Processing the gooseberry with these drugs is preferably twice: before and after flowering. The proportions of dilution with water you need to look at the packaging of each of these drugs.

Based on the medium

These include a large number ready-made compositionswhich are bred by water before use. For example, HOW, Oxychich, Copper Copper, Copper Cap, etc. They are bred by water in accordance with the instructions.

You should know!Preparations containing copper are capable only to prevent the development of the disease, but they are not capable of healing the existing disease. This is an excellent protection of plants, but not a medicine.

The fact is that mildew mycelium live inside the cells of the plant, and only his disputes are on the surface. Copper can not get to mycelium. So the best result gives spring treatment Gooseberry with these substances.

Colloid sulfur

The action of sulfur on fungal infection is that, penetrating the mushroom, sulfur is connected to hydrogen molecules and displaces oxygen. Mycelium, without receiving oxygen, dies.

Divorced in 5 liters of water 30-40 g of sulfur. Use the finished solution immediately, on the day of preparation, because it is not stored for a long time. The sulfur is not mixed with other drugs, and is used only in pure form.

Important!You can use a colloidal sulfur in the temperature range from +20 to +35 degrees. For larger temperatures, there is probable burns and leaves.

The protective effect of sulfur lasts 10-14 days. It is recommended to apply no more than 3 times per season, but it is advisable to spend the last processing no later than a week before harvesting. If the bushes were previously processed by other pesticides, then before applying sulfur, it is necessary to withstand a pause for 2 weeks.


List some of the dozens of possible options.

These funds are checked in practice and give a positive effect in the treatment of pulse dew:

  1. Hauksin. It is a concentrate. For the preparation of a solution of 150 g of the preparation is bred in 10 liters of water.
  2. Phitosporin. Available in powder, liquid or paste. A water solution is prepared, which is processed.
  3. Bactophyt. This is a biopreparation of a wide range of action produced as a powder.
  4. Triphodermin. Available in powder. Before use is divorced in 5 liters of water 10 g of powder.

Biopreparations contain a colony of microorganisms that feed on fungal disputes.

Positive qualities of biological preparations are that they are safe for humans and plants, and spray plants can be sprayed at any time. Disadvantage - short time. For example, Gaouxin acts only 15 days. True, for this period he has time to cope with fungi. Biopreparations cannot be combined with copper-based substances.

Folk remedies for processing gooseberry

Below will be given folk ways to combat flies dew on the gooseberry.

Wood ash

The ash effectively destroys fungal disputes, prevents the appearance of tribes, caterpillars and slugs on plants. In addition, it is a supplier of phosphorus, calcium and potassium, which are necessary plants.

1 kg of sifted wood ash (2 liter banks) is insisted during the week in 10 liters of water. The solution is filled with the precipitate to remain at the bottom, and then handle the bushes with the interval of several days.

Multiple treatments are allowed throughout the season. But the best results give when using early spring. Complete compatibility with any substances. The ash is harmless to plants and man.

A solution of mangartee

About 1.5 g of manganese takes 10 liters of water. Bushes are processed twice: before and after flowering. Be sure to make a manganese coil circles under the gooseberry for their disinfecting. If you apply a manganese on time, the disease can be stopped completely.

Infusion of cowboy or reworked hay

1 part of the reworked manure or hay is taken and divorced in 3-parts of water. For 3 days, the mixture is insteaded, and then fastened. To obtain the finished solution, it is necessary to add another 9 parts of the water and spray the gooseberry. Microorganisms actively developing in the revival of dung or hay, feed on the mushroom and destroy it. Processing can be repeated every 10 days.

Baking soda

It is used in combination with the economic soap. 50 g of soap is pre-rubbed on the grater and sucks in a bucket with water (10 liters). After its dissolution, 2 tablespoons of soda are absorbed into the water. The solution is used to spray the bushes or for their irrigation with the help of watering can. The procedure must be done before flowering, and then after flowering.

Dairy serum, kefir, reverse, milk

Any fermented milk product, when applied to leaves or shoots, forms a solid oily film on their surface, overlapping oxygen access to the fungne. As a result, the fungus dies.

The dairy product is divorced by water in a ratio of 1: 10. Plants are sprayed only with dry weather, several times, with intervals of 3 days. An increase in the number of treatments is only beneficial, since the gooseberry receives additional nutrients.

Decoction of wild chemistry

For cooking, the racca is suitable both fresh and dry grass. Fresh herbs need to take 1 kg, and dry - 100 grams. The grass is soaked in 10 liters of water for a day, after which it is boiling for 1 hour. Infusion It is necessary to cool and dilute with water in proportion 1: 5. Now you can spray the bushes.

Attention! Broth of the horsetail of the field is stored no more than 7 days.

The decoction can be used multiple times throughout the season.

Decoction of flowers of the Pijmas

In order to prepare a decoction, you should take 300 g of fresh or 30 g of dry flowers of the Pijmas, insist the day in the water bucket, and then boil within 1 hour. You do not need to dilute. Use for treating bushes and land under the bushes.

Long husk

200 g low husk You need to soak in a bucket with hot water for 2 days. After filping, you can apply. Multiple treatment of the gooseberry throughout the season is allowed.


If during the season to spend prophylactic measures with the gooseberry bushes, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of infection:

  1. Early spring and autumn bushes are cut off. Old and sick shoots are removed, which contributes to the better development of the bush. Sick branches must be burned.
  2. In the spring, you should remove the foliage under the bushes, on which the arms of the mushroom has been wintering. After that, the soil is drunk under the bushes.
  3. Early spring, before the blown of the kidneys, it is recommended to carry out a very effective procedure. Gooseberry shoots are filled with hot water with a temperature of 90 degrees. Hot water Destroys disputes not only mildew, but also many other fungal infections. For getting better results You can add food soda to the water (2 tablespoons on the water bucket) or a diluted solution of mangartee. Only single processing of hot water bushes is allowed!
  4. The resistance of the gooseberry to the torment rose increases when phosphoric and potash fertilizers. Extract from wood ash - a great tool not only to feed the bushes, but also to protect them from sphere. But nitrogen fertilizers are better not to apply. Soothers may not be criticized to autumn, which will increase the likelihood of their infection.
  5. Landing near the gooseberry of dill, garlic, the Chernobrivans reduces the likelihood of infection.


Plant treatment to topaz, colloidal gray or other fungicides should be carried out in the means of protection. Also, it is advisable to use a respirator or a gauze bandage. If drugs are hit on the skin or eye, to avoid burns, it is necessary to wash these places with plenty of water.

It is recommended not to use some one drug, but alternate them. So you will be able to avoid addictive mushrooms to some one substance. Also, you can choose the most effective and convenient options for the effects on mildewing dew.

The struggle against malievous dew should be carried out in a timely manner and fully, in several techniques. In this case, it is possible to avoid the appearance of the disease, as well as to completely get rid of the manifestations of the disease.

The taste of the gooseberry is many familiar from childhood. It's sour-sweet, very delicious berry Love and children, and adults. Her and many gardeners respect her. Is it possible to do at least without one bustle of this wonderful berry on your panstone, realizing that this is the most complete source of vitamin C, and the future delicacy, and one of the most delicious jarry for winter?

However, growing this berry on its site, not every gardener can collect a large harvest with large and beautiful fruits. The reason for this is the ignorance of gardeners in how to protect the bushes of this plant from of different types diseases and pests. Especially many problems and difficulties for beginner gardeners brings the occurrence of malievable dew on the bushes of this berry.

Disease mildew Rosa

This disease is one of the worst enemies for the gooseberry, which contributes to the destruction of not only the fruits alone, but also, if it does not take measures to take measures, the death of the whole bush, because it is amazing even the roots of the plant.

Not only gooseberry bushes, but also other cultures, such as raspberry, currant, yoshta may suffer from pulse dew. Do not notice the beginning of the disease on the sites affected by him almost impossible. The fungi of these microscopic fungi creates a specific white flare on the leaves of the gooseberry, which is similar to the flour being filtered on them. It is similar to and gave the name of the disease.

Disease powdered dew can hit not only the leaves and trunks of the bush, but also, as they said, roots and even young shoots of the plant. If there are no appropriate measures to eliminate this disaster on time, then, in the end, the entire harvest will die, and quite soon. The development of this disease can be traced, knowing, at what time of year it begins to appear. As a rule, she can give their first signs at the end of May. At this time, the gooseberry bush begins to form new shoots. The light appears, which will further contribute the formation of zerry jets.

Disaster will spread much faster if favorable favorable climatic conditions. Disputes especially love warm weather and wet air. Develop the disease begins with lower branches of the gooseberry. If the soil is already infected, the disputes may appear without special carriers. In this regard, through the soil, the disease goes to the lower bushes of the branches of the plant.

Novice gardeners and dacketswho do not take into account or do not know the specifics of working with plants, can be very easy to miss the beginning of this disease by ignorance, just not knowing what it can be, and what needs to be followed by its possible advent. Accordingly, when the entire bush is suddenly covered with a white bloody, such a picture is able to cause a considerable surprise from the owners of the garden.

White color This disease will save several weeks, after which it changes its painting and becomes brown. If such a picture occurs with the fruits and brown raid appears on the berries, then the berries become unsuitable for food. The peel is practically not considered to be. Especially at the time when it appears, the berry has a ripening process. The disease is firmly entrusted to the body and the structure of the fruit.

If the disease is infected with the leaves, then they over time twisted into the tube, cease to grow, and young shoots change their usual shape and, in the end, dry. If the infection fell on the ovary, then most of them are very quickly falling, which leads in almost complete loss of crop. If you do not take action, the plant will soon die completely.

Puffy dew on the gooseberry: control measures

Fighting torment dew on the gooseberry - the case is pretty cotton. But even such a complex disease fruit shrubs With certain efforts, you can not only win, but also prevent. For the successful completion of the case, you can use the following methods.

Method 1: Selection of a gorge-resistant gorge

The first method is the initial choice of a special gorge of the gooseberry resistant to mildew. When choosing a method with the desired variety, it will only be possible to trim the contaminated branches or in the fall, or early spring.

Although disease resistantThe initial manifestations can touch this kind of gooseberry both in spring and closer to autumn. As a result, without hurting a critical plant and not destroying the harvest, the tormentous dew can spread to neighboring fruit shrubs whose varieties can be unstable to this disease.

If you wish to appeal exactly to the selection of varieties as effective method preventing malievable dew, it will make sense to draw my attention to the following gorge varieties, which are resistant to this disease:

  • Bun
  • Harlequin,
  • Ural grapes
  • Peach
  • Kuibyshevsky
  • Masha
  • Senator
  • African,
  • Jubilee Finnish
  • Houton.

These varieties have proven their effectiveness and are very popular among experienced gardeners.

Cut infected branches will need to burn or take away away from plants and bury into the soil. Optimal option will still ignite.

Method 2: Remove last year's foliage

Also one of the methods of combating reproduction dispute is the following. As soon as the first spring heat comes, it will be necessary from under fruit bushes, including from under the gooseberry, carefully remove last year's foliage and burn. Detected damaged leaves, shoots and branches it is necessary to delete immediatelyAs soon as the disease is found on them.

Method 3: Spraying

Before swelling the kidney, the gooseberry branches must be treated with manganese, heated to 90 degrees. It is the disinfectant and, most importantly, a hot shower makes it possible to effectively disaminant not only all branches, trunk and shoots of the plant, but also the soil under the bush itself. Then the medications stalk to the roots and will have its own beneficial effect in the event of the dissemination of the disease through the soil. The heatman's solution must be performed in the proportion of 2 tablespoons on 10 liters of water.

Method 4: feeding

To reinforce the immunity of bushes The gooseberry also use feeding with potash and phosphoric fertilizers. It is these elements that actively participate in the formation of full-fledged shoots that are capable of providing decent resistance to mildew. If you use nitrogen fertilizers, how to make part of the gardeners, in this case this method will be ineffective. On the contrary, nitrogen brakes the development of the gooseberry itself. Because of this, shoots will lose their natural immunity and will be most susceptible to mildew, than if they were not touched at all.

Method 5: Chemical method

Another of the methods of fighting the torment dew is a chemical method. It makes sense to use when the situation has already acquired a critical character. The chemical method is to spray the gooseberry potent chemicals.

Spraying It is advisable to spend before the bloom starts. Or, as an option, this procedure can be carried out after the flowering has already ended. Then the result will be more obvious.

Folk methods to combat pulse dew on the gooseberry

The struggle against the torment of the dew in folk remedies is no less effective than the protection of the plants above the methods. There are also many effective people's methods, who will protect the gooseberry from mildew And even help you completely get rid of it.


Puffy dew, however,, like other fungal diseases, especially respects moisture, unhappy landings and soil, especially poor organic.

Knowing this, the following measures should be applied:

Taking advantage of these useful adviceYou will contribute to a favorable setting for useful microorganisms. They will quickly take care of their work and will participate with you in the fight against malieving dew, effectively consuming the whole organicity, and with them and pathogens. And the question "how to get rid of pulse dew"will not be so terrible.