
With what moon it is better to transplant homemade flowers. Lunar calendar of color transplants - favorable and unfavorable days


The moon plays a huge role in the vital activity of the living organisms of the Earth. It is able to "move" the huge arrays of the water of the seas, the oceans by tides and sings. Human organisms, animals and plants are more consisting of water, so their biorhythms are associated with the cycles of the moon. Humanity has long been watching this heavenly body. Already many generations people pass to each other knowledge about the influence of the Moon on the development of all living things. Lunar calendar for indoor plants It can become an assistant in successful flower growing, you just need to understand some patterns.

How the moon affects houseplants

Biorhythms of all plants directly depend on the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, leading to the change of day and night, the seasons. Indoor flowers are no exception. The cyclicality of their life processes is connected with the passage of the moon by a 12 zodiac signs for moon month (29-30 days). Lunar energy affects the periods of growth and peace of vegetation organisms, the direction of movement of their juices, the ability to accumulate nutrients.

Moon phases

During the movement of the Moon in its orbit, it illuminates the land in different ways. These periodically changing states of illumination are cyclic and are called the moon phases. The new moon is the position of the moon when it is located on one straight line between the ground and the sun. This is the time when our planet's satellite is not visible in the sky. In the full moon moon looks like a complete glowing disk. Its influence on the vital activity of plants is based on the compilation of lunar calendars for indoor plants.

Phase Moon

influence on the plant

Waxing Crescent

(first, second lunar phase)

There is a movement of juices from roots to leaves, flowers, fruits. The period is characterized by the high activity of green organisms, active growth. Nutrients are collected by its ground part. Sowing seeds, abundant irrigation, crop transplant, rooting cuttings, the division of the bush, the looseness of the Earth.

Full moon

The vitality reaches the maximum value. The plant organism has absorbed all the beneficial substances available to it. Favorable landing for long germinating seeds. At this time, thinning, watering, mineral feeding, spraying is well tolerated.

Waning moon

(third, fourth lunar phase)

A gradual decline in vital activity, the level of cell fluid decreases, the feed of nutrients to the roots developed during photosynthesis occurs. Favorable rooting, preparation for pasting the bulbs, tubers. Pruning is produced in order to slow down growth. Effectively spraying with drugs and pests. It is recommended to limit watering.

New moon

All the power concentrates in the root system, the body needs peace, it is preparing for a new cycle. During this period, it is not recommended to touch the plant. Any manipulations will negatively affect colors. Good day to combat disease and pests.

The moon, making his move in the sky, is for some time in a particular sign of the zodiac. Astrologers know about the lunar effect on the physiological processes of living organisms and make up lunar calendars for indoor plants. Earth satellite is located in each of the 12 zodiac signs of 2-3 days, affecting a certain way on the biorhythms of living beings. Select zodiac signs:

  • "Fertile". They are named because the culture planted or expensive at this time is rapidly growing and give high yields. This is: Cancer, Scorpio, Fish, Taurus (partly) and scales.
  • "Breakfast." In the days when the moon is in these signs, you should not land cultures in flower growing and agriculture, sow seeds. This is fixed in the lunar calendar for indoor plants. It is noted that shoots will be "not friendly", painful when the moon is under the influence of Leo, Sagittarius, Aries.
  • Signs of the middle "fertility": Capricorn, Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius.

Over the centuries, humanity on grains collected information about the germination, development, growth, plant fertility. The lunar calendar indicates the position of the moon in a particular zodiac constellation and its influence on the culture-grown culture:

  • Aries. It is characterized by intense growth of new shoots.
  • Calf. Harvest During this period, it is long stored without sprinkling.
  • Virgo. There is a quick germination and excellent survival rate of plants during transplantation.
  • Libra. The flesh of fruit is poured with juice, flowers are especially fragrant these days, resistance to pests and diseases of representatives vegetable world Maximum.
  • Scorpio guarantees cultivated cultures planted during this period, resistance to infections and long storage fruit.
  • Sagittarius contributes to the formation of a large number of seeds and a long stem sparks planted on his days.
  • Capricorn is considered to be a fertile sign. He gives excellent yield, stability of plant organisms to frost, drought, diseases.
  • Cancer contributes to a rich crop that is badly stored. Seeds are obtained by a weak germination.
  • Twins. Vintage is not high, but has a greater storage duration.
  • Aquarius, the lion is good for collecting seeds.
  • Fish. Agricultural crops planted on this day have a high yield. Harvesting should not be planned for these days: the storage period is short, the fruits quickly deteriorate.

Lunar Calendar of Flower for 2018

Flowers familiar to a wonderful feeling of contact with wildlife even in the face of a small space of our own homes. The cultivation of indoor plants brings great pleasure to people when their pets are healthy, full of strength and delight with their beautiful bloom. The great property of a person who dedicated some of his life to flowers is moon calendar For indoor plants. For excellent results in flower growing, astrologers advise the use of information about the favorable flower growing periods of the lunar phases of 2018:

  • January. From the 26th - the period of the growing moon, which is in the fertile signs of the calf and cancer. it favorable days For planting room colors. It is recommended to change the Earth in adult cultures and cook cuttings for rooting for new seedlings.
  • February is the beginning of the vegetative season of many indoor flowers after the rest period. You can reconsider and explore the seeds for the future fit, prepare soil and containers for annual crops. It is worth a falling out of such colors as Petunia, Lion Zev, Lobelia after March 17 on the recommendations of the lunar calendar.
  • March. From the 21st, it is safe to deal with the transplant of adult room colors in more free pots and vases. Minor damage to the root system at the same time the flowers will suffer painlessly. On the lunar calendar, this time is characterized by the dominance of "water" zodiacal signs.
  • April. From 1 to 15, the number of the moon will decrease. This is a favorable period for the fight against diseases and pests. Cutting the stems of colors to slow down growth. After 17.04.18, you can resume the transplant of green pets if this procedure has not been previously carried out.
  • May. The first half of the month is devoted to feeding and disembarking of bulbs in the outdoor containers, designed to decorate balconies and loggias. After the 16th - the appropriate time for transplanting floral seedlings of annuals.
  • June is a suitable month for the formation of the crown, overlapping decorative room shrubs, such as hibiscus. The workpiece (trimming of the tops of the branches) and the cuttings for the landing material is better carried out after June 25. Continue to land in the open soil of pansies and forget-me-not.
  • July. All work on the update of green crops was carried out. It remains to take care of pets and admire your work. Watering, washing and cleaning plants is better to carry out the zodiacal "water" days: 3-4, 12-13, 20-22.
  • August. The month begins with 18 lunar days (Aquarius). This time does not imply active actions against plants. It is necessary to limit the soil loan, removing dry leaves. From proper trimming Skes will depend on the formation of flowering crop buds. You should use the lunar calendar to select the best period for these manipulations.
  • September. The first lunar days fall on September 10, the moon is under the sign of the Virgin. The period has a good energy for breeding colors. Gloxinia, Begonia, the violet is easily multiplied by the leaves, which must be placed in water for the formation of roots. The end of the month is a great time to transplant colors.
  • October. Autumn enters their rights. Some plants are preparing for the winter peace. The first decade of the month requires limiting watering and spraying to a minimum. October 9 to the new moon home garden must be provided with complete rest. The second and third decade can be devoted to the preparation for the winter, which provides for the last transplant of flowers this year.
  • November. Succulents need to arrange an artificial drought. In November and December, they are watered 1 time. Avoid irrigation costs in January and February. With insufficient natural lighting Light-loving indoor crops must be transferred to the south side windows. The moon growth phase begins on November 7. It is worth providing sufficient watering of colors under the central heating of the premises.
  • December. Appended by December 7, annual bulbous cultures will delight in spring abundant blossom. From the second decade of the month, special attention should be paid to orchids that begin to prepare for flowering. The lunar calendar advises to use this time to soak seeds, which will positively affect the friendly germination of seedlings.

Table of favorable and unfavorable days

The lunar calendar for indoor plants provides information on favorable and unfavorable days for the work of flower water. It helps flowers lovers not to make gross mistakes in everyday leaving plants. The table presented on the basis of the graphics of seasonal biorhythms of colors, monthly phases of the moon, its annual motion for zodiac signs:

Favorable days for

adverse Days for Room Care Works

watering, washing leaves


landing, breeding

trimming, Pest Control

swimming soil

1, 7, 11, 16, 20, 26

6-7, 12, 19, 25, 28

8, 19, 21-22, 25-27

5-7, 15-17, 22-23

5, 6, 10, 12, 17, 22

10-11, 20-21, 22, 25

3-4, 9, 14, 18, 31

2-3, 8-9, 12-13, 21-22, 27, 31

8-9, 12-13, 15, 27, 29

8, 17-19, 20, 23-25

2, 4-5, 7, 14, 30

1, 8-11, 16-17, 25, 27, 31

4-6, 8-9, 10-11, 17, 27, 31

4, 6, 8-9, 17, 19, 20, 22-23, 26-27

2-3, 7-8, 11, 13, 28-29, 30

4-6, 10-11, 14, 23-24

4-6, 10-11, 14, 23-24

6-7, 12, 14-16, 18-20, 22

1-3, 8, 12, 27, 30

2-4, 12-13, 20-21, 30, 31

2-4, 12-13, 21, 30-31

2, 14-18, 22-23, 25

5, 7-8, 10-12, 19

1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 17, 27-28, 30

1-2, 8, 10-11, 15, 17, 30

4-5, 12-13, 14-15, 19-21

6-7, 10, 24-25, 27, 29


2-5, 12, 21-23, 26-27

2-5, 12-13, 22, 26-27

1, 11-13, 17-19, 23

5-6, 15-16, 26, 30

1-3, 6, 8, 15, 27, 29

2-3, 10-11, 16, 20-21, 29, 30

2-3, 16, 20-21, 29

6-7, 10-11, 16, 20-21, 29

1, 4, 8-9, 22, 24, 31

4, 15, 17-19, 22, 24

2-3, 9-10, 16-17, 25-26

2-3, 9-10, 16-17, 26

2-3, 14, 16-17, 30

4-5, 12-14, 23-24

4-5, 13-14, 23-24, 29

1-2, 18-19, 20-21, 24, 28

1-3, 11, 16, 19, 24

What days you can transplant indoor flowers

For a successful change in room colors, along with seasonal changes and features moon days It is necessary to take into account the individual qualities of each plant. For example, orchids bloom from October to April - at a time when the state of rest is characterized for most room colors during the winter months. Winter not only can not transplant decorative culturesBut recommended to water from cut to a minimum. Succulents are completely stopped watering in winter.

Decorative deciduous

Many types of homemade plants have inexpressive flowers, but they are appreciated for decorative leaves. Indoor trees look very cute: coffee, tea, palm. Popular decorative deciduous species are:

  • asparagus;
  • diffenbachy;
  • dragera;
  • monster;
  • peperomy;
  • ficus;
  • chlorophyteum.

Each such culture has its own biorhythms and requires an individual approach. All of them do not tolerate high air temperatures, low humidity and straight rays of the sun. To enhance humidity, it is recommended to put a pot with a flower on a pallet with drainage type clamzite, which is moisturized from time to time. All decorative deciduous cultures require special attention. in early spring. Transplanting houseplants in the lunar calendar will give excellent results. In 2018, the best dates for this are (in brackets indicated the zodiac sign through which the moon passes):

  • march: 20-21 (Taurus), 24-26 (Cancer)
  • april: 16-18 (Taurus), 21-22 (Cancer);
  • may: 18-19 (Cancer), 27 (Scorpio).

Change of ampel and curly home plants

Flowers with pleasure grown ampel and curly flowers. Among them are indoor perennial lianas and fast-growing annual cultures that are decorated with balconies in summer. The most popular are:

  • clerodendrum;
  • ivy;
  • bougainvillea;
  • passionflower;
  • monster;
  • hoya and others.

The lunar calendar of the 2018 houseplant transplantation recommends this manipulation in the spring and autumn in the days when the decreasing moon at is under a zodiac sign of Sagittarius, Virgo, and growing - under the twins:

  • march: 8-10, 22-23;
  • april: 4-6, 19-20;
  • may: 2-3, 16-17;
  • september: 30.
  • october: 6-7
  • november: 2-4

Bulbous and tuber houseplants

Homemade flowers with bulbous and tuber roots are very beautiful. Their distinctive feature is that after flowering, these cultures require resting period under reduced temperature. For some species, tubers and bulbs are kept in winter without an overground part. Flowers with great pleasure, such bulk and tuber cultures are grown:

  • amaryllis;
  • begoniaball Begonia;
  • porsley;
  • hippeastrum;
  • gloxinia;
  • sourness;
  • clivia;
  • lily;
  • cyclamen;
  • euharicis and others.

The lunar calendar for indoor plants will be an excellent helper for flowerflowers who have decided to grow in the cultivation of indoor bulbous and tuber colors. It is best to transplanting them in 2018 in the days when the decreasing moon is under the sign of Scorpio, and the growing - Capricorn:

  • february: 6-8;
  • march: 6-7;
  • april 2-3;
  • may: 1;
  • october: 15-16;
  • november: 11-13.

Features of the care of plants in the lunar calendar

One of important factorsaffecting the liveliness of indoor flowers is watering. Inexperienced flower products often allow mistakes, because the plants are incorrect. Seasonal differences individual characteristics Crops, temperature, air humidity provide a different level of water consumption with flowers. Enhanced watering and spraying is necessary when:

  • comes the period of active growth of the flower;
  • cultures have thin and gentle leaves (Diffenbachia, Asparagus, etc.)
  • the pot has a small volume relative to the green overhead flower mass;
  • the home garden is indoors with central heating;
  • for growing a flower, a ceramic pot is used;
  • culture by origin from wetlands (water fern, sirpus).

Watering will be effective if it is carried out in "water" days when the moon is under the signs of cancer, fish, scorpion. It is not recommended to conduct watering and spraying colors in "air" days of weights, aquarius, twins. It may threaten the fact that pests will attack on green pets. The lunar calendar provides the necessary information about the favorable days of the necessary actions to care for indoor flowers.


Plants that live at us at home as well affected by lunar rhythmslike all the plants that grow in open soil. If you have room flowers at home, you already know your own experience, which of them are better coming out in your apartment, what care requires and how you behave, but if you feel something wrong with your plants, try to care For them in accordance with the lunar rhythms.

If you are a beginner flower, you will undoubtedly use our advice, following which you you can boast beautiful garden At home on the windowsill.

Indoor plants not only please the eye and are proud of any mistress. They bring a lot of benefit, ventifying air indoors and even elimination of harmful effects Electrical appliances.

In the bedroom, for example, do not advise placing flowering plants. For this room are suitable more leaf plants, eg, chlorophytum or heltsinawhich will improve the microclimate and reduce harmful radiation. For the living room will fit beautifully flowering plants, eg, hippeastrum or orchidwhich you can boast of guests.

It is important, of course, do not forget about the lightweight features of your apartment. For example, if your living room is very dark, flowers that love light in it do not fit without additional lighting. Therefore, if there is no need to install additional lamps, it is better for you to place plants in such rooms that do not love lightFor example, such as ferns, Chinese, Anthurium, Begonias, Aglionm, Puancetia, Mirt, Diffenbahia Spotted, Alokasia other.

Lunar calendar of room plants

Moon Tips: Plant new or transplanted old plants in the days when the moon goes into virgin Sign with Growing Moon. Also these days you can tear out the processes in plants for planting. Such reproduction of indoor colors is very common, but not all the processes should immediately plant in the ground. Some of them need to be in the water so that the processed the roots.

Stornar Plants should not bloom, but should look healthy and full forces. Sometimes enough separate sheet. Plants like gloxy, Violet, Begonia, Tradesska, Ivy, Balzamin, easily multiply with leaves that are pre-placed in water. Chlorophytum We conclude "kids" that appear on the plant after flowering. It is rooted by such a baby even without prior soak.

Cacti and others succulents You can also breed with the help of ChenkovHowever, that the plant does not start, the cut off the cuttings should be dried a couple of days.

Another way of reproduction of plants is division bush. Thus, you can multiply such plants as tsiperus, asparagus, spathifylum, rigor. This method will allow you to immediately get a few adult plant bushes. Doing the procedure of dividing the bush should also be in days of the Virgin on the Growing MoonSo that the plants quickly learn and grew well.

Successful days for planting and transplanting plants this summer: June 14-16, July 12-14, August 8-10, 2013

Lunar calendar watering room plants

Moon Tips: Watered houseplants best in days of waterwhen the moon is in the following signs Cancer, Scorpio, Fish. Thus, there is about 7-9 days between watering.

There are plants that require more frequent irrigation, so water them and other days, but better avoid air days (twins, scales, aquarius). These days, the plants are poorly absorbed by the nutrients, water can stand in a pot and lead to reinforcement. It should also be remembered that in the summer watering plants follows often, in winter - less often. CactiFor example, it is possible to water every month in the winter, and even less often.

IN days of Fire (Aries, Lion, Sagittarius) Water the flowers carefully early in the morning (in winter and autumn) and in the evening after sunset (in summer and spring) so that the scorching sun has not led to the formation of burns. This is the same to spray colors.

Spray flowers are needed if the air indoors is very dry. Many modern bedroom flowers arrived to us from the tropics where the humidity of the air is very high, so indoors with dry air they can escape. Some flowers are so required humidity that they need to be substituted under the pot pallet with a wet clay.

Spraying requires such flowers as cacti, Succulents, Orchids, Maranth, Ivy, Tradesska, Ferns.

You can not spray such plants like violet, begonia, cyclamen.

Watering plants should be estimated for several days water waterAlthough some gardeners recommend watering such flowers like orchids, boiled water. Chlorine is added to the tap water to clean it, which adversely affects the colors. To chlorine evaporated, water is enough to defend in open container 12-14 hours.

If the plant is poured from above, water it from the edges of the pot, not to leave the roots. If a leaf plant has a leaf funnel, you should pour some water to the center of the funnel. If the plant is afraid from below, like a violet, gloxy or orchid, then water should be pouring into the pallet or immerse pot For 30-60 minutes, if the plants are strongly dehydrated. If in the pallet in a couple of hours after watering, water remained, it should be merged.

What to do, if you are leaving on vacation, and to pour in your lack of flowers? For example, in order for flowers to be not overwhelmed if you are forced to leave, use water bucket and bandages. The bucket with water is placed on the middle of the room, and around places pots with flowers. Then cut the bandages of such a length to get from the bottom of the bucket to the pot. One end of the bandage is lowered into the water, the other is sticking into the ground. This method allows protect the land from cutting.

If your flowers are still slightly worse after your arrival, usually they quickly come to life if you start them again proper to water in days of water or land. If you are going to leave again, it is better to find the one who can come to your home and water the flowers. Make a scraper based on the lunar calendar, and give it to a person who take care of your plants. Also prepare in advance passed water for watering and spraying.

Once a month in days of water Plants can be broken and washed. Plants that cost indoors are covered with dust, which scores them on the pores, not allowing to breathe normally. Moreover, the kind of dusty plants will not decorate your home, even if the plants are more or less healthy.

Successful days for watering plants this summer: June 9-11, June 19-21, June 27-29, July 7-9, July 16-18, July 25-26, August 3-5, August 13-14, August 21-23, August 30-31, 2013

Unsuccessful days for watering plants this summer: 7-8 June, June 17-18, June 25-26, July 4-6, July 14-15, July 22-24, August 1-2, August 10-12, August 19-20, August 28-29, 2013

Lunar calendar of plants: how to fertilize indoor plants?

Fertilize the bedroom plants advise all the flower products, since plants in close pots do not have the opportunity to get those necessary Minerals and Vitaminswhich they get with natural growth in the ground. Fertilizers help extend flowering, strengthen plant immunity.

For some species of room colors, for example, cactus or orchids, There are separate fertilizers, which are not recommended for other types of colors. there is universal fertilizersthat are suitable for almost all deciduous plants in the house.

Usually such fertilizers contain in their composition nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen avoids the brittleness of leaves and stems; phosphorus has a positive effect on flowering, helps grow the root system; Potassium supports immunity, ensures resistance to various diseases and unpleasant environmental impacts. Also plants require such trace elements as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum.

If you buy ready-made fertilizers for colors, pay attention to dosage and frequency of their use. Typically, these fertilizers are sufficiently concentrated and bred in large quantities water.

Another important moment In the feeding of plants is contraindications. Usually fertilizers are used in spring and summer, during growth. In winter, when the flower is usually at rest, it is better not to fertilize it. If the plants get sick, should not be pushing with its fertilizers. Try to feed only healthy plants. It is impossible to make a very concentrated solution of fertilizer so as not to harm the plant.

Moon Tips: Fertilize indoor plants follows a decreasing moon and better in days of water (Cancer, Scorpio, Fish). This can be done simultaneously with watering, dissolving fertilizers in the correct proportions in water. With a poor survival of plants, it is possible to fertilize them in capricorn Days and Taurus.

Good days for plant fertilizer this summer: June 27-29, July 25-26, August 3-5, August 21-23, August 30-31, 2013

Days of Capricorn and Taurus (decreasing moon): 4-6 June, June 23-24, July 2-4, July 29-31, August 26-27, 2013

In order for flowers to be rarely saturated with intense blossoms, they should be provided with full-fledged care, taking into account the characteristics of the species. Indoor crops, like any others need timely watering, feeding, transplant.

Not a little important is the right neighborhood, but these are specialists in the field of landscaping of the windowsill, loggias are not limited. Folk observation led to the realization of the importance of transplanting room colors, taking into account the favorable of lunar phases.

Why do you need to know a favorable day for transplantation?

From how the moon is located according to the zodiac, the healthy growth of greenery depends. IN modern worldThis issue is engaged in qualified astrologers. Annual calendar tables are expected by professional flowers and are no less in demand by lovers.

The numbers in which it is allowed to transplant indoor speciesindicate the most favorable time For adaptation, if necessary, move to a new place.

Thus, seedlings are practically not ill and does not negative effect on the growing season.

What days are favorable for transplantation?

Every year, the lunar calendar changes, respectively, for people who are engaged in dilution of domestic species and for 2018, a moon schedule-tip was drawn up, as with less damage to plants to carry out a transplant.

Monitoring of lunar movements is important, since the luminaire is an incredible source of energy with different power of influence depending on the month.

Favorable days depend on what iconic connections is the moon.

Constellations concomitant gardening and homemade crop production are considered:

  • Fish;
  • Tales;
  • Libra;
  • Crayfish;
  • Lions;
  • Scorpions.

Note! In addition, it takes into account the period in which the satellite is located. If there is a full moon or the birth of the moon, it is worth refrangic from work. If the moon is at the stage of growth - it is necessary to use this period for transplanting houseplants.

Successful table for home flower growing and moon location transfers (2018):

MONTH Favorable days Unwanted days PROHIBITED
JANUARY 18 - 27 1 - 3; 14 - 17; 28 - 31 4 - 13
FEBRUARY 17 - 24 13 - 16; 25 - 28 1 - 12
MARCH 18 - 26 1, 2, 12 - 17; 26 - 31 3 - 11
APRIL 17 - 25 14 - 16; 26 - 30 1 - 13
MAY 16 - 24 11 - 15; 24 - 31 1 - 10
JUNE 14 - 22 10 - 13; 23 - 30 1 - 9
JULY 14 - 21 10 - 13; 22 - 31 1 - 9
AUGUST 12 - 20 8 - 11; 21 - 31 1 - 7
SEPTEMBER 10 - 20 9, 21 - 27 1 - 8; 28 - 30
OCTOBER 11 - 18 9, 10, 19 - 25 1 - 8; 26 - 31
NOVEMBER 12 - 18 1, 2, 7 - 11; 19 - 25 3 - 6; 26 - 30
DECEMBER 8 - 17 1 - 7; 18 - 24 25 - 31

It should be understood ^ What is the most favorable sometimes for transplanting houseplants, is spring, but if it is discomfort and needs to be transferred for a year, it is not worth tormented by a seedling, it is important to successfully choose the time to ensure optimal conditions.

Usually annually B. flower pots Replace 2 - 5 cm of the upper layer. Fully plant moves to a more voluminous pot once a few years. If not to be attached to the generally accepted rules, it is worth examining the influence of the moon cycles on the growth and development of room flora.

Transfer in January

At the beginning of the year, the plants are predominantly in sleeping condition, care for them does not require activity. If you need a flower transplant to another place or a pot wider, use the growing moon's as successful for this month (18 - 27).

In January, green plantings are not growing and stimulants should not be made to the soil to activate the process. Since during this period they get an insufficient amount of light and heat, fertilizers are able to lead to illness and even the death of the flower.

How to grow more harvest?

Any gardener and the dacket nicely get a big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% In just a few weeks of application.
  • You can get good vintage even on low-grade soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Transplant in February

For indoor species, February, the time of awakening and preparation for throwing out buds. Flowers expect this month, as the flowers need special care: fertilizer, irrigation, soil breaking.

If the transplant is inevitable, the process should be taken with accuracy and produce it only in days especially favorable (17 - 24). The second winter month is a completely natural period for sowing for a long-growing species, moreover, it is a good time to land on bulk.

Transplant in Marta

Since the beginning of spring, plants are actively growing, filling the volume of the pot. At this stage, colors are worth changing the ground. The soil for the winter was heleras for beneficial components and green plantings suffer from lack of food.

The transplant is recommended to carry out, waiting for favorable days (March 18 - 26) - this will provide full-fledged development, rooting. The tiles are practically painlessly tolerated manipulation and will soon be happy with flowering.

Transplant in April

In April, active actions with the soil should not be carried out, since at this time there is an intensive growing of the roots. In addition, care for leaves and trunks should be gentle.

Irrigation is carried out superficially not to overstat the soil moisture. If necessary, transplant the flower, you should wait for the second half of the month. Strong plants are recommended to transplant in favorable days (17 - 25).

The stories of our readers!
"I am a gift with many years of experience, and this fertilizer began to use only last year. Tested it on the very capricious vegetable of my garden - on tomatoes. They grew and bloomed the bushes together, the crop gave more than usual. And the phytoofluorosis did not hurt, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives a more intense growth garden plantsAnd they are fruiting much better. Now without fertilizer, the normal harvest is not growing, and this feeding increases the number of vegetables, so that I am very pleased with the result. "

Transplant in May.

May in itself is a good time to grow young shoots. All conducive to development - air, sun. The soil before landing should be supported, and to obtain a maximum positive result, still perform work with the landing material to the days (16 - 24) favorable on the lunar calendar.

Transplant in June

Summer is a hot season and plants should be abundantly watering, loosening the soil, fighting harmful insects. When the moon enters the cancer phase, you can engage in the transfer of seedlings, processes and adult plants in a better place.

Note! Since the constellation is characterized by a special fertile strength, care for capricious plants will also bring good result. The period is successful for the removal of new colors, searches, transplants (14 - 22).

Transplant in July

The abundance of the Sun increases the percentage of the germination of plants. At this time, it is possible without consequences to engage in transplantation of vegetation with complex roots. Indoor flowers are carried out on the loggia, the street is for direct contact with sunbeams.

Transplant in August

By the end of summer, the plants grow in slow Tempe. If you transplanses them into successful days on the lunar calendar, it will not affect them detrimental, moreover, they become more resistant to temperature fluctuations.

Particularly useful procedures aimed at caring for leaves, trunks. Useful for breathing the root system, loosening the Earth.

Transplant in September

With the arrival of the first autumn days, it should be started to think about the preparation of the wards for the winter period.

They are brought to the place of wintering, having finished off the extra branches, after having grunted, feeding. In order to transplant the plant, the flower flower in September is assigned a decade than professional layers actively use.

Transfer in October

Young seedlings are better to plant in October, since the period is favorable for further flowering. This month, more attention is paid to the moay of the soil, watering at this stage is not intense. On the transplant Lunar calendar allocates a week. Exercising the procedure, it is worth making feeding for more active growth.

Transplant in November

The operation of heating devices negatively affects plants. They need control over the state of the soil, constant spraying and irrigation. It should be noted that the plants transplanted according to the calendar are perfectly adapted and less prone to diseases. By providing proper care, flowering can be seen in winter.

Transplant in December

Winter start - growth time and flowering. At this stage, the plants are grateful to loosening, care for the root system.

If the flowers stopped growth, then the likelihood is that they are in the sleep phase. Sleeping plants should not be disturbed. Choosing a favorable time to transplant, you can transfer colors growing regardless of the season.

How do the phases of the moon affect the growth of plants?

The effect of lunar phases on living organisms has long been proven at the scientific level. The growth of indoor plants also depends on the lunar energy, so the flower products are vigilantly regulate their work, according to the calendar.

It is quite logical that the growing moon has a positive effect on the growth of flowers. Since the lunar phases eight, with the beginning of each subsequent conduct actions aimed at improving development (fertilizer, irrigation, loosening).

The main lunar phases are:

New moon

Lasts three days. This is not the most good time For any manipulations with home species. At this stage, plants need rest and themselves do not show activity.

During this period, it is impossible to produce landing work and transfer flowers to other pots, you can not break root system And to disturb it with the introduction of drugs in the roots, the days are not suitable for the vaccination of trees.

The period is favorable for:

  • weed cleaning;
  • fight pests
  • eliminating non-visual plant fragments;
  • non-intense flavored;
  • sleeping irrigation.

Phase growing moon

Energy source for intensive growth. During this period, you can:

  • sow seeds and plant shoots;
  • transplant;
  • saturate the soil with useful substances, fertilize, make lure;
  • adapting well;
  • effectively disappearing flowers and watering.

Full moon

Energetically affects the root system. Ideally, it is better to refrain from transfers to not disrupt the root, but the trunk, crown, the fruits perfectly deserve attention and all work can be sent to care.

With a decreasing moon, the flower flows perform the following actions:

  • saplings and young shoots are planted;
  • shoot;
  • struggle with insects and weeds;
  • treated plant diseases;
  • saturated with the ground with nutrients;
  • produce pruning.

A true lover of homely flower growing in any phase of the moon finds the opportunity to pay the necessary attention to plants.

Lunar calendar - flowerfather's crib. Knowing when a certain satellite phase begins, you can plan your actions and avoid manipulations in an unfavorable period.

Note! Homemade, gratefully refer to the right attention and please the owners intensive vegetation, lush blossom during a year.

Plants that live at us at home as well affected by lunar rhythms, like all the plants that grow in the open soil. If you have room flowers at home, you already know your own experience, which of them are better coming out in your apartment, what care requires and how you behave, but if you feel something wrong with your plants, try to care For them in accordance with the lunar rhythms.

If you are a beginner flower, you will undoubtedly use our advice, following which you can boast a beautiful garden in your windowsill.

Indoor plants not only please the eye and are proud of any mistress. They bring a lot of benefit, ventifying air indoors and even elimination of harmful effects Electrical appliances.

In the bedroom, for example, do not advise placing flowering plants. For this room are suitable more leaf plants, eg, chlorophytum or heltsinawhich will improve the microclimate and reduce harmful radiation. For the living room will fit beautifully flowering plants, eg, hippeastrum or orchidwhich you can boast of guests.

It is important, of course, do not forget about the lightweight features of your apartment. For example, if your living room is very dark, flowers that love light in it do not fit without additional lighting. Therefore, if there is no need to install additional lamps, it is better for you to place plants in such rooms that do not love lightFor example, such as ferns, Chinese, Anthurium, Begonias, Aglionm, Puancetia, Mirt, Diffenbahia Spotted, Alokasia other.

Lunar calendar of room plants

Moon Tips: Plant new or transplanted old plants in the days when the moon goes into virgin Sign with Growing Moon. Also these days you can tear out the processes in plants for planting. Such reproduction of indoor colors is very common, but not all the processes should immediately plant in the ground. Some of them need to be in the water so that the processed the roots.

Stornar Plants should not bloom, but should look healthy and full forces. Sometimes enough separate sheet. Plants like gloxy, Violet, Begonia, Tradesska, Ivy, Balzamin, easily multiply with leaves that are pre-placed in water. Chlorophytum We conclude "kids" that appear on the plant after flowering. It is rooted by such a baby even without prior soak.

Cacti and others succulents You can also breed with the help of ChenkovHowever, that the plant does not start, the cut off the cuttings should be dried a couple of days.

Another way of reproduction of plants is division bush. Thus, you can multiply such plants as tsiperus, asparagus, spathifylum, rigor. This method will allow you to immediately get a few adult plant bushes. Doing the procedure of dividing the bush should also be in days of the Virgin on the Growing MoonSo that the plants quickly learn and grew well.

Successful days for planting and transplanting plants this summer: June 14-16, July 12-14, August 8-10, 2013

Lunar calendar watering room plants

Moon Tips: Watered houseplants best in days of waterwhen the moon is in the following signs Cancer, Scorpio, Fish. Thus, there is about 7-9 days between watering.

There are plants that require more frequent irrigation, so water them and other days, but better avoid air days (twins, scales, aquarius). These days, the plants are poorly absorbed by the nutrients, water can stand in a pot and lead to reinforcement. It should also be remembered that in the summer watering plants follows often, in winter - less often. CactiFor example, it is possible to water every month in the winter, and even less often.

IN days of Fire (Aries, Lion, Sagittarius) Water the flowers carefully early in the morning (in winter and autumn) and in the evening after sunset (in summer and spring) so that the scorching sun has not led to the formation of burns. This is the same to spray colors.

Spray flowers are needed if the air indoors is very dry. Many modern bedroom flowers arrived to us from the tropics where the humidity of the air is very high, so indoors with dry air they can escape. Some flowers are so required humidity that they need to be substituted under the pot pallet with a wet clay.

Spraying requires such flowers as cacti, Succulents, Orchids, Maranth, Ivy, Tradesska, Ferns.

You can not spray such plants like violet, begonia, cyclamen.

Watering plants should be estimated for several days water waterAlthough some gardeners recommend watering such flowers like orchids, boiled water. Chlorine is added to the tap water to clean it, which adversely affects the colors. To chlorine evaporated, water is enough to defend in open container 12-14 hours.

If the plant is poured from above, water it from the edges of the pot, not to leave the roots. If a leaf plant has a leaf funnel, you should pour some water to the center of the funnel. If the plant is afraid from below, like a violet, gloxy or orchid, then water should be pouring into the pallet or immerse pot For 30-60 minutes, if the plants are strongly dehydrated. If in the pallet in a couple of hours after watering, water remained, it should be merged.

What to do, if you are leaving on vacation, and to pour in your lack of flowers? For example, in order for flowers to be not overwhelmed if you are forced to leave, use water bucket and bandages. The bucket with water is placed on the middle of the room, and around places pots with flowers. Then cut the bandages of such a length to get from the bottom of the bucket to the pot. One end of the bandage is lowered into the water, the other is sticking into the ground. This method allows protect the land from cutting.

If your flowers are still slightly worse after your arrival, usually they quickly come to life if you start them again proper to water in days of water or land. If you are going to leave again, it is better to find the one who can come to your home and water the flowers. Make a scraper based on the lunar calendar, and give it to a person who take care of your plants. Also prepare in advance passed water for watering and spraying.

Once a month in days of water Plants can be broken and washed. Plants that cost indoors are covered with dust, which scores them on the pores, not allowing to breathe normally. Moreover, the kind of dusty plants will not decorate your home, even if the plants are more or less healthy.

Successful days for watering plants this summer: June 9-11, June 19-21, June 27-29, July 7-9, July 16-18, July 25-26, August 3-5, August 13-14, August 21-23, August 30-31, 2013

Unsuccessful days for watering plants this summer: 7-8 June, June 17-18, June 25-26, July 4-6, July 14-15, July 22-24, August 1-2, August 10-12, August 19-20, August 28-29, 2013

Lunar calendar of plants: how to fertilize indoor plants?

Fertilize the bedroom plants advise all the flower products, since plants in close pots do not have the opportunity to get those necessary Minerals and Vitaminswhich they get with natural growth in the ground. Fertilizers help extend flowering, strengthen plant immunity.

For some species of room colors, for example, cactus or orchids, There are separate fertilizers, which are not recommended for other types of colors. there is universal fertilizersthat are suitable for almost all deciduous plants in the house.

Usually such fertilizers contain in their composition nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen avoids the brittleness of leaves and stems; phosphorus has a positive effect on flowering, helps grow the root system; Potassium supports immunity, ensures resistance to various diseases and unpleasant environmental impacts. Also plants require such trace elements as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum.

If you buy ready-made fertilizers for colors, pay attention to dosage and frequency of their use. Typically, these fertilizers are sufficiently concentrated and bred in a large amount of water.

Another important point in the feet of plants is contraindications. Usually fertilizers are used in spring and summer, during growth. In winter, when the flower is usually at rest, it is better not to fertilize it. If the plants get sick, should not be pushing with its fertilizers. Try to feed only healthy plants. It is impossible to make a very concentrated solution of fertilizer so as not to harm the plant.

Moon Tips: Fertilize indoor plants follows a decreasing moon and better in days of water (Cancer, Scorpio, Fish). This can be done simultaneously with watering, dissolving fertilizers in the correct proportions in water. With a poor survival of plants, it is possible to fertilize them in capricorn Days and Taurus.

Good days for plant fertilizer this summer: June 27-29, July 25-26, August 3-5, August 21-23, August 30-31, 2013

Days of Capricorn and Taurus (decreasing moon): 4-6 June, June 23-24, July 2-4, July 29-31, August 26-27, 2013