
Basset Hound small. Basset Hound: Breed Description, Care

Secrets for harvesting and storage

The low, renewed and clumsy ... Representatives of the Basset Hound breed will not be awesome to the owner of talents and unclaimed, but unforgettable hunting instincts. Contrary to external impulvagement, this is an active and gambling dog, and also a dedicated pet and the intellectual of the dog in the world.

Basset Hound comes from the UK and completely falls under the idea of \u200b\u200bthe rest of the world about its Majesty. The mask of lazy aristocraticness and sad look at the whole world are hiding the qualities of hunting humps, a sharp mind, and a peculiar sense of humor. The dog demands from the owner of attention and respect for his own person, in exchange for which it will be an excellent companion for almost everyone.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, when this breed was finally formed and branched off from other hounds, the word "BAS" was called all the low-speed dogs, "SET" meant planted, "Hound" - English hound dog. Thus, Basset-Hound is low racing.

Description of breed

These are low strong dogs with wide breasts and back, short legs, short smooth wool, forever sad eyes and hanging long ears that can close the whole face. The length of the body should exceed growth. The folds of the skin are allowed on the paws, but they should not be too much. This breed has a peculiar structure of the lip - the top should hang freely, overlapping the lower jaw, which makes the dog constantly slumping.

Modern breed standard describes these dogs as follows.

  • Weight . Average 23-30 kg. Males are slightly larger and harder. Their weight can reach 34 kg.
  • Height in the withers. Up to 38 cm at the "boys" and 36 cm in "girls". Dogs above 38.5 cm are considered inappropriate breed requirements.
  • Color. Often the coat is black with white or white with shades of brown (from red to lemon). Frequency three-color variations. The standard allows any color that occurs among the hounds.
  • Life expectancy. 10-15 years. This is an average term for a dog of this size.
  • Character. Friendly, contact against people, non-aggressive. The hunting past makes itself felt curious and love for tracking and searching, but on playground Basset will rather communicate with a relative food than with dogs of other breeds. They cannot be called phlegmatic, but the baskets are so withstanding that often parents have to defend the dog from a small child, and not vice versa. But this is not a dog-nannaya, and better Basset will be laid with children over five to six years.
  • Intelligence. Basset Hound is at height. They have good memory and at the expense of high socialization, this breed is perfectly learning. But their sharp mind and self-esteem can play against the owner: Having reassured slack, Basset can try to manipulate the man. Before you execute the command, the dog will take your own solution, perform it or not.
  • Security-watchdog potential. This breed was output for hunting, and not to protect. Therefore, on the uninvited guest, the Basset Hound can and will react, but to tear the sip or climb into a fight for the sake of the owner's property will not.

According to the international classification, this is a companion dog. But practice shows that not for everyone. The hunting past makes compulsory physical activity and non-intensive, but sufficient walks. A prideful time-benefit facilitates training tasks. "If you need a master - boost the basset," the experienced owners joke.
The dog is suitable if you:

  • do not be too active lifestyle, but not a household;
  • patient, restrained and stubborn;
  • have a family;
  • have children older than nursery;
  • feel calmly to the fact that the apartment will be constantly smearing the saliva PSA.

Pay attention to representatives of other breeds if you:

  • athlete or traveler, carrying out most of life outside the house;
  • limited in health walks;
  • look for a dog-guard and defender;
  • pedant and are obsessed with purity.
  • dream about the perfectly twisted dog, which is listening to half off.

History of origin and interesting facts

The history of Basset-Hound breed takes the beginning in the Middle Ages. With the development of a feudal society, the hunt gradually turned from the fishery in the refined pastime of the nobility, for which it became fashionable to keep and breed special hounds of dogs. TO XVII century In France and the United Kingdom, where the baskets were very popular, they were up to 12 species. Each owner of Psarni sought to bring his subspecies. These dogs differed both externally and specialization. The ancestors of the Basset Hound at that time were used both for hunting for shallow hearts and for finding truffles.

The Great French Revolution turned out to be a social fracture not only for the French, but also for the Basset's population in France. Dogs were associated with the ruling class, and the rebel masses destroyed them together with the owners. It helped that together with the "democratization" of society, a wide popularity has acquired a walking huge hunting, affordable more people. For her, slow, but tireless and not losing the trail of the Basset Hounts were an ideal dog. But most varieties of the breed were lost.

The famous Basset Houndov was brought out in England in the XIX century. The breed has become more massive, the ears lengthened, wrinkles appeared. There, in 1870, a documented breed selection began. IN late XIX. The century has been approved by the standard of rocks, the latest additions in which were introduced in 2010.


The current standard of the International Cynological Federation does not provide for dividing inside the breed. Rather, the Basset Hounts themselves belong to the extensive family, out of the hounds, which also includes the following varieties.

  • Artesian-Norman basset. "Ancestor" of modern basset khaundov. It differs from relatives by more curved limbs and much more active behavior. Color orange-white or orange with brown and white.
  • Vandy basset griffin. Wool slightly longer and rougher. Color, besides ordinary two or three-color, can be pure white.
  • Blue Gaskon Bassett. A peculiar color with different shades of gray.
  • Red Breton Bassett. Color includes all shades of redhead.

Preparing for a meeting of the puppy

If you are going to start the Basset Hound in the apartment, prepare housing for its settlement.

  • Personal place. Buy a bed and decide where it will be located. The place should not be on the draft, in damp or near the heating devices.
  • Bowls and toys. Buy dishes for water and food and the reducing stand under it, toys so that the puppy can scratch the cutting tear.
  • Accessories for walking. Be sure to buy a leash and collar. On the collar, it is better to fix the sign with the contacts of the owner in advance - even enough adult basset can get drunk and run away, ignoring the teams. Puppies walk only on a leash.
  • Safety. Remove the electrical cabbage and minor items from the available puppy places that it can shrink.
  • Carpets and coatings. The floor in the apartment should not be slippery, but if possible, it is worth removing the carpets, so that the puppy not yet accustomed to the toilet did not spoil them.

Basic care

In the first months in the new house, the puppy needs an increased attention of the owner, because it is on the one hand the period of active growth and the formation of character, on the other, there is a relationship with a person and the basic socialization of the dog.

In general, the breed is unpretentious in the content. Combining the dog once a week. Bathing once a month using a special shampoo. It is important that during the bathing in the ears of the animal the water was gathered. It is necessary to clean your ears with a cotton disc with the use of a special solution. Since the breed is short-haired, then the molting does not cause special problems, but during this period it is better to comb the pet daily or every other day in order to delete the harsh hairs in a timely manner.

Please note that in the first six months it is very important not to injure the front paws of the puppy, which accounts for a large load. At this age, they can not be clogged, jump from items and descend the stairs. If you live in a multi-storey building without an elevator, you will have to wear a puppy for a walk in your arms.


The breed is prone to a set of excess weight, so it is important to feed a pet balanced, calculating calorie based on its physical activity and age.

The puppy in the first seven or ten days should be fed the same thing that he ate at the breeder. Then, meat, dairy products, quail eggs are then added to the diet. For puppies, it is important, especially in winter, get enough vitamin D with food. How to correctly enter it into the diet, it is better to consult with the veterinarian.

Little puppies eat up to six times a day. The amount of feedings are reduced as the dog groves. After nine months, the PSA fed twice a day. For adult dogs, there are often unloading days once a week or two. Basset Hound virtuosos tricks and begging. It is almost impossible to refuse this sad face, but it is necessary for their health.

The diet of a pet can be built on finished feeds, and it is possible on natural food. Some owners prefer to one feeding to give dry food, to another - natural. Choosing factory feed, preference premium-class products, the bulk share of which occupies meat.

If you decide to prepare for the dog yourself, it is important to include in its menu:

  • non-fat meat;
  • fish;
  • by-products;
  • vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apples, etc.);
  • eggs;
  • porridge.

Excelted wheat, bias and pearl cereals, which are able to cause the basket problems with peristaltics. Remember, porridge cannot be the basis of the diet.

The basset khaundov has a sensitive stomach, it is categorically impossible, salty, smoked and greasy. It is impossible to give a dog tubular bones and fish with bones. Healthy wool and animal skin and its active behavior are the best power supply indicator.


Contrary to the generally accepted high intelligence of the breed, the Basset Hounts are poorly leaving for training. It makes itself felt a hunting past and a specific character. At the same time, experts believe that basset has excellent memory and teams they remember immediately and for life, but before performing these self-confident British every time they think whether it is worth it, and do not always decide in favor of a person.

Start upbringing a puppy is needed from the first day, once and for all by setting the rules of behavior of the house. To retreat from the stated tab in the case of the Basset Hound, it is impossible, because every weakness will remember, and will try to use.

Training begins after three months when the puppy can already walk on the street. At the beginning - in the format of active games, gradually moving to the study of commands. Basic commands "To me" and "Fu" can be started to teach at home, calling the puppy or demanding to stop gnawing the sneakers. The baskets are very stubborn and have their vision on the need for learning, so be prepared to show imagination and creative approach in choosing motivation for pet.

The Basset Houset Hunter can wake up at any moment, and during Gon, even a relatively educated pet can ignore any teams. It is almost impossible to achieve ideal training from this breed at home, but you simply need to train a pet for basic teams. Try to find an opportunity together with the dog to study at professionals.

Diseases and treatment

Basset Hound lives more than ten years, which indicates a strong breed health quite strong. But due to the characteristics of the body structure, these dogs have a number of breed risks. Disproportionately long in relation to the lips of the body - the potential threat of violations in the development or age problems with the musculoskeletal system. Disturbances are possible in the shoulder joints, the curvature of radial bones in case of injury or irregular loads at a young age, injuries of knee cups.

Representatives of the breed often suffer from such pathologies.

  • Displays of hip or elbow joint. Pathology in the development, which is diagnosed only upon completion of the formation of the skeleton. Manifests pain when moving and chromota. With timely discovery, drugs are pressed. In the launched cases, operational intervention is necessary.
  • Paregin. Inflammatory disease leading to chromotype. In the risk zone puppies and young animals under the age of two years. It is treated with medication.
  • Willebrand disease. Hereditary pathology at which blood clotting is reduced.
  • Ophthalmological diseases.Glaucoma, cataract, eyelid deformation, conjunctivitis due to free skin of the eyelids, which protects the eye worse.
  • Otitis. The disease of the ears characteristic of such long-haired breeds.
  • Current stomach or intestines.It happens due to the pathology of the ligaments supporting the internal organs.
  • Allergy. Reaction is possible both on food products and plants.
  • Skin diseases.Dermatitis, seborrhea, violation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Avoid a significant amount of the above-mentioned diseases will help control of animal nutrition, regular inspections of the skin, ears and eyes, as well as voter profuses every six months.


  • plague of carnivores;
  • parvulovirus enteritis;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • paragrippa;
  • rabies;
  • coronavirus;
  • trichophysi.

Top Klickek

Choosing a name for a pet, remember that it should be simple, without complex combinations of sounds, intact commands. It is better to invent the name with the whole family. You can draw inspiration in the English origin of the breed, its antiquity and peculiarities of behavior.

Examples of clicks for males:

  • Parker;
  • Willy;
  • Casper;
  • Cooper;
  • Lars;
  • Mason;
  • Martin;
  • Butch;
  • Eustace;
  • Niels;
  • Rufus;
  • Silver.

Examples of nicknames for succ:

  • Asti;
  • Alma;
  • Willma;
  • Gladys;
  • Gracy;
  • Lola;
  • Lizi;
  • Crista;
  • Martha;
  • Ronda;
  • Daisi;
  • Jessica;
  • Basse;
  • Elma;

Photo review

Looking at the photo of representatives of the Basset Hound breed, it is difficult to believe that this is hunting racing of dogs, not in the status of companions character and spirit of adventurism.

Cost and where to buy

Acquire a puppy Basset Hound better professional breeders or in a tribal nursery. Decide in advance, for what purpose you buy a dog. If we are talking about a pet pet, then a PET puppy is suitable, which due to some kind of narrowly defects is not suitable for exhibitions and tribal breeding, but the rest is well and fully corresponds to the characteristic of the breed. If you plan to engage in dog breeding seriously, you need to look for a show puppy or bridged-class with excellent pedigree and from titled parents. Such puppies are often ordered in advance of the planning mating.

For breeding, experts recommend to stop the choice on a high-quality bitch of a show or bridged class, as it is easier to find a suitable mobble for mating. For the first time, the Basset Khaundov is recommended after two years (for the third passion at the bitch), when the PSA's body finally formed and gained strength to reproduce a healthy offspring. Pregnancy lasts about two months, childbirth occur between 56 and 67 during the day.

Puppy selection nuances

To purchase a puppy, it is worth collecting information about breeders and potential pet parents in advance, to ask the health and career of previous litters. If possible, go to the breed exhibition, where you can get acquainted with the experienced dog owners of this breed.

Pay attention to the conditions of dog content. Puppies must be clean and replete, without rash, bumps and bites on the skin, with clean eyes and ears. The stomach must be soft, without seals, tail - without chances, paws are straight and thick. Kids must be active, movable, non-empty.


On average, in Moscow, the puppy Basset Hound costs from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. (Data for January 2018). The price may vary dependencies from the region and the pedigree. Private individuals offer puppies cheaper than nurseries, but such dogs are not insured against problems in a pedigree, which will then turn into the problems with the health of a pet or his behavior.


Basset-Hound breed in Russia and in the post-Soviet space is not the most common, but nurseries are in many major cities and regional centers:

  • "Kolani" (Moscow)-;
  • North West-Major (St. Petersburg) -;
  • Moy Laskoviy I Nezhniy Zver '(Kiev) -;
  • "Kanis Hound" (Minsk)-

Before buying a pet, you need to evaluate your financial capabilities. The dog requires expenses not only to feed, but also for leaving funds, vaccination, visiting the veterinarian.

Basset Hound is pretty an unusual breed. At first glance, these animals create the impression of such pensive and lazy creatures.

However, such deceptive appearance lies the nature of the present hound - active and playful. Because of such a melancholic appearance in the homeland of Bassetov, they are jokingly compared with the elderly gentleman who forgot to pull the pants.

This breed is still used to hunt the hares in some States of America. The name of Basset Hounds comes from the English "Bass" - low and "hound" - hound.

Thanks to instincts, excellent sense of smell and low growth, they are particularly effective for chase in a shallow game.


Description of the Basset Hound breed is to start, first of all, with common characteristics species.

Hounds - the most numerous group derived for hunting animals and birds. The main features of the species are: perseverance in the persecution of the goal, endurance, obedience and holoism.

The main task of the PSA of this kind is to teach the target and drive it to the arrival of the hunter.

Common parameters:the life expectancy of the dog of this breed is 10-12 years old, sometimes 15 years. The smell is one of the most developed among dogs.

Low growth and short paws do not allow the dog to develop the speed of brethren of their own species, but they have a different advantage in the hunt - the ability to sneak, hide in high grass.

Appearance:color can be any, as part of standard colors. As a rule, it is two- and three-color combinations of black, red and white. Wool smooth and dense.

Dark brown diamond eyes. Excess skin, wrinkles on the face and very long ears make appearance memorable and recognizable.

Dimensions: As for the body, the baskets are not like most of their fellow among the races of pieces. Their growth is low - an average of 33-38 cm in the withers, weight 20-29 kg depending on the floor.

Paws are quite dense and short. Thus, incorrectly calculate the basket to small dogs is a large on short paws.
Character:suitable even for inexperienced breeders, as the nature of the basset is good-natured, social, and health is good enough. However, do not forget that the basset is a hunter.

His instincts are constantly forced him to look for something to search, somewhere to run away, and also loudly bark not only in case of danger, but during the game or in the pursuit of something.

At the same time, being in a house or apartment, the dog can behave quite calmly, coming to the "chase and hunting" only. Dogs of the form are very stubborn, so training requires certain skills and skills.

However, if you start the PSA for the soul, it will be hard to find the best companion. The baskets love children, very contact and love to stay in the company, enough playing and not aggressive, gentle and easily adapt to environmental change.

Breed history

The roots of the Basset Hound Breed History go into two states - France and the United Kingdom. The first predecessors of the low racing appeared in France, but still weakly reminded contemporaries.

Further, British breeders were improving the form of a fairly long time. It is possible that precisely thanks to the perfectionism of the selector, it turned out quite healthy, but at the same time not to lose its congenital hunting qualities.

Did you know?The final result, which became standard in 1998, was derived by artificial fertilization of Bloheland.

There is another story of the origin of the species. They say that Bassetov brought a certain monk Hubert in the monastery named after himself in the XVII century.
Now Hubert is considered to be holy, patron of hunters. An indisputable evidence or refutations of the intervention of the spiritual person in the emergence of this breed is not.

Choosing a puppy

Choosing a Basset Hound puppy, pay attention to it appearance, on the overall character in the behavior of breeders. Do not limit the inspection of one litter and, moreover, one puppy.

The litter is considered successful if the puppies are healthy, movable, with a clear look, and breeders proudly talk about merit and achievements of puppies' parents.

Evaluating the appearance of the pet, pay attention to the purity of the wool, the absence of sores in the ears and on centuries. There should be no plaque and wrong bite on the teeth.

Please note that if the puppy is firmly on earth, in thick and smooth paws, this is a good sign - it means that the skeleton was formed correctly. It will not be superfluous to check the tail for the presence of the chances, and the belly for the presence of hernia.

Important! Powdery baskets with pedigree on groin or on the inner part of the ear put a mark-stamp with the number that is listed.

The cost of Basset Hound fluctuates within $ 115-1050 per puppy and very much depends on the quality of the litter and health of the animal.


This breed is very adaptive. It will easily adapt to various climates, terrain, to move, the tempo of the owners. That for the PSA will be really important, this is the presence of space for walking.

This breed needs a territory that can be explored. It is important to remember that their elongated torso on short legs is little adapted to the walking on the stairs.

So, if you decide to start the pet that exactly this breed and live in a high-rise building, prefer rare, but long and active walks. As an option - the dog can be demolished on your hands or choose another breed.
Because of such a positive characteristic of the dog breed, the Basset Hounts are quite popular. However, they have their own shortcomings in behavior. In particular, active salivation.

In addition, the baskets categorically do not like to be alone. When the animal feels anxiety or loneliness, it begins to loud and let droach. Thus, this breed expresses fear and experiences.

If the owner does not have the opportunity to be always with a pet - it's worth starting one other PSA or "for the company."


It is believed that the care of the Basset Hound is quite simple. Their character is friendly, they are not conflict, health is strong, and the behavior is fun.

There are only a few moments to be paid attention to. FROM laby places of dogs of this breed can be considered Ears, the spine and the tendency is exorbitant.


The basset is smooth and short waterproof wool. Lines constantly, with a reinforced linky in the offseason. You need to comb into a dog at least 2-3 times a week, and in the period of high molting it will not be superfluous every other day.

It is desirable when combing, passing the skin folds along the way, especially on the face and neck.

Important! Bassetov has its own characteristic dog smell. The reason for this is a protective oily sheath of wool. Trying to wash off the smell of water or detergent not worth it. First, it will negatively affect the scent dogs. Secondly, very quickly the smell will come back again.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

Caring for the teeth and claws of the basset does not differ from standard hygienic procedures for dogs. But the ears must be paid attention.
Bassett ears get to the ground and collect not only odors, but also various dirt. Once a week they should be wiped and inspecting for the presence of infections and inflammation.

If you ignore the importance of this procedure, the dog may soon earn otitis, which is inclined by nature.

Low enough, so it is very much dirty on walks. Therefore, the pet washed regularly - 2-3 times a month, not forgetting about the ears.

Did you know?Basset- absolutely not floating species of dogs. There are two reasons for that. First, 2/3 weights are in front of the body, and secondly- They are actually heavy bones. That is why the dog with a rise of about 30 cm weighs as an adult hound 50-60 cm of growth.


Hunting character, curiosity and activity - standards for Basset Hound breed. They are friendly to everyone around, so you don't fear against dogs and cats, they are unlikely.

Like other hounds, the basket is quite hardy. They can be safely taken with her hiking or cycling. The main thing is not to forget about the leash.

Basset is a born hunter, so at any moment there can be a smell of some animal and "escape to the hunt." In addition, such walks allow the animal to keep themselves in the form that it is so important when it is tasty to enjoy everything in a row.

With all the endurance of the breed, jumping should be reduced to a minimum. With a heavy long torso and short paws, located far from each other, the spine is exposed to a large load.

The dog is better to avoid jumping and shaking. When transporting an animal in the car, it is better to take it on your hands - so you will provide additional depreciation and minimize the harm from the trip.

So that they love the basket, except for the barking and sniffing new items, so it is to eat. They know how to use their melancholic look to quickly ask for households.

This breed of dogs is enough theatrical, so you can hear from the beggar not only barking, but also the uplifting, whining and many other sounds. However, you do not need to be kept on these complaints.

If something has failed to proceed, they gladly wash something from the table, catch out the spilled or waking up. The pools love to eat very much, but it is extremely harmful to them.

Obesity for the basset gives an additional burden on the back, which is so it is a weak link. In addition, bloating may happen from overeating that for dogs - an extremely dangerous situation. Cake pet three times a day in small portions and extremely rarely indulging in the table.

It is worth noting that the elevated salivation of this breed also comes during the meal, so this should not be surprised.

Training and training

Basset Hound is the necessary part of the breeding of a dog. However, they are badly sufficiently due to their stubborn character.

In addition, the pet may simply not perceive the coach seriously, fulfilling the task for the delicacy, and without a delicacy quickly forgetting the task. Therefore, inexperienced trainers are often doomed to failure, so it is better to give a pet to a professional.

Health and characteristic diseases

Basset Hounts are considered a sufficiently healthy breed of dogs. She has no hereditary, deviations and pickly.

There are only three weaknesses:

  1. Ears - because of their length, they not only collect dirt on themselves, but also inclined to accumulate infections, to infuriate, resulting in otitis.
  2. Spin - a large long body on short paws creates a load on the back. If the animal was injured, it was incorrectly crushed or suffering, hernia may appear.
  3. Region - due to excessive hobbies, the weight is quickly gaining weight. If you do not provide basset enough active games and walks, then the extra weight will go soon in the problems of the back, only reinforcing the pressure on the spine.

However proper care The dog does not hurt, active and pleases the household with its unusual charismatic muzzle.
Basset Hounts are great friends for any family. Wherever you live, in which rhythm, the dogs of this breed will gladly make you a company, will be merged with your activity and facial expressions. All they require to themselves - love, care and active walks in the fresh air.

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Basset Hound - a dog with a peculiar, somewhat comical and memorable literally at first sight appearance. The special popularity of the breed was conquered in America, where a large number of families will start it as a family dog. Despite the external clumsiness, Basset Hound is active, moved and cheerful almost around the clock.

According to one version, the ancestor of Basset Hound is the Norman basset Artesiano, brought in the 18th century to the UK and crossed with Blakhaud. According to another version, the progenitor breed is made by Saint Hubert - the hounds inhabited in France.

In the old canine books, two types of baskets are described. The Artesian line is the degree of modern breed, and Flemish - mixed with terriers and served as the beginning of the dachshund.

The initial destination of the breed of dogs Basset Houndov was a walking hunt for small game. Behind the short-legged pet, the hunter was easily moved by the usual step, so the breed was actively used to track and mining the beast from Nor. The name of the basset was originally the French gave all short dogs. Later, short-racing and small growth were elevated to the characteristic signs of precisely a particular breed.

The short-legged breed was presented on a dog exhibition in 1863. The flourishing of the popularity of the breed began with it in England, where the hunters appreciated the advantages of the basset and engaged in consolidating their working qualities. At this time, the group of Basset Hounds included three varieties of breeds: Ardenan, Artesian and Artesian-Norman.

Each of the breed branches was crossing owners with other hunting dogs. One of the good results was the Union of Basset and Beagle, from which the breed received compactness and activity.

A description of the Breed of the American Type Baszen was officially registered in 1933.

In times French revolution Dogs of this breed almost comprehended complete destruction. The dog was counted by the symbol of the authorities of the aristocrats and began to exterminate systematically. Of all the representatives of the breed lines managed to save the Norman and Artesian branches. In the 19th century, individual copies fell into the United Kingdom and were crossed with Blohehund. Appeared new Type Basset, with a longer body and ears. A characteristic sign of a new breed of wrinkle steel on the skin. The new breed was named Basset Hound.

In 1883 in the UK, the club of lovers of Basset Hounds is created, thanks to which the breed has gained wide fame throughout the world. Dogs were listed in the register of the Cynological Union of America and the first breed standard was approved. The English and French Bassetov Lines began to mix. And as a result, the American type of Basset Hound appeared on the world. A description of the Breed of the American Type Baszen was officially registered in 1933.

In Russia, Basset Hounts appeared recently, although the first representatives were imported into the territory of the country from France since 1740.

Appearance and standard of breed photos

Modern Basset Hound is a low-spirited dog with a dense body on short, massive legs. Characteristic feature Breed - surplus skin, going on the face, neck and deep folds. Dog growth from 33 to 38 centimeters, weight from 20 to 29 kilograms.

Photo. Two basset Hound in foliage

Dog breed Basset Hound in photo

Standard Basset Hound has the following characteristics:
  • Head Rectangular, massive. The transition from his forehead to the face at the end, explicitly pronounced. Cheeky high.
  • Bite Sciser-shaped. The teeth are strong, smooth.
  • Nose Black or brown, depending on the main color. Nostrils open, wide.
  • Eyes Have a diamond form due to loose centuries. The color of the eye is dark in a brown palette.
  • Ears Large hanging and tightly adjacent to cheeks. Low landing.
  • Body Extracted, with strong bones. The neck is strong, wide. Spin smooth, wide. Chest low planted, convex, wide. Ribe elongated, rounded.
  • Limb Short, powerful covered with folded skin. The forelimbs have a rounded shape, an envelope of the chest. At the bottom side of each other. The hind limbs are strong, muscular. Paws are strong, large, straight and slightly arranged out. Rear straightforward. Pads separated, massive.
  • Tail Highly planted, powerful, narrowed to the tip.

Type of wool and color features

The basset houses are short, dense, adjacent to the body of wool. Initially, the breed was attributed exclusively hard wool, but among the representatives of the Basset Hoods there were many real champions with soft ishing hair.

The most popular color of the Khaundov basset is a three-color (white with black and brown or red).

Classic breed colors:

  1. White combined with black, red, brown.
  2. Three-color: white-black-red and white-black-brown.
  3. Lemon - white with light brown.

Characteristic of breed

Basser Hound has a difficult character. These dogs can simultaneously die and annoy their owner. The feature of the characteristics of the Bass-Hound in combination of affectionate companion, devotee and friendly, with a rare stubborn, sometimes not to upbringing. Softness, lack of aggression, calm and friendliness - these are the main features of the Basset-Hound breed.

Basset Hound is a husherous dog that has a sense of self-esteem. It will not be hurry to fulfill the commands of the owner, and at first blows them. The peculiarity of the nature of the Bassetov is some detachment from the owner and other family members. At the same time, loneliness is not acceptable for them.

Basset love to be in the company large number People love games with children and can even fulfill the role of nannies. But the familiar handle does not tolerate the dog. With cats and other dogs in the house Basset gets along without problems.

IMPORTANT. You should not start in the house simultaneously with the basset Hound of small rodents and birds. The dog's hunter instinct can manifest itself at any time, and then they will not last.

Basset is always on his mind. He is gentle and devoted to the owner, while independent and stubborn. The owner needs to be able to negotiate with it. Attempts to push the dog lead to the fact that he will start to portray blindly and deaf and continue to do the way he conceived at the beginning.

Basset Hounts are very patient dogs, but at the same time they love to have fun.

The owner of the basset should be thinking to be able to install contact with the dog. At the same time, the dog loves the owner very much and everyone's home, loves to be in the center of attention, asks to attire her.

The guard from the basset will not work. Having met a stranger on the threshold, the dog hubnets a couple of times for order and calm down. Rushing at the stranger for the sake of saving the owner of the owner Basset will not be, because he is a hunter, not a watchman.

Features Training

From the first months of the appearance of a dog in the house, it is necessary to start her upbringing. The teams of the Basset are mastered quickly, but do not always hurry to perform them. Puppy stubbornness is stopped by a light slap with a carved newspaper.

First of all, the puppy must learn the team "Cannot" and Fu. The rustling newspaper puppy will be afraid and hurry to execute the command. Start early training is important because puppies are more points.

New teams will help assimilate the incentive delicacy.Creek and the use of physical punishment will cause a negative reaction of the dog. Make this breed to do something in this way it is impossible. If the dog is offended, she will definitely hide anger and revenge at any convenient moment. Basset bite to bite the owner of his dignity, but the shoe belonging to the offender, he shrinks with great pleasure.

With the basset Hound, it is necessary to negotiate, otherwise he will simply refuse to fulfill the owner's requests.

Learning Basset Hound teams and obedience - the task is not from the lungs, and it can cope with her solely persistent and patient man. There will have to show ingenuity and even the trick to find motivation to perform any action. All teams should be reasonable, otherwise the wayward pet finds them useless and will not perform.

Basser-Hound - breed for keeping in the apartment, and can not live on the street. If the owner lives outside the city, the dog should live in the house, and not on the street. Booth or aviary for basset are not suitable. But walking in the yard the dog loves very much.

Physical activity is necessary to the Basset, because without her dog quickly gaining weight, which can provoke the development of diseases of the joints and spine. You need to walk the dog 2 times a day. Walking may be long, but the excessive activity of the Basset is not needed. A leisure walk can be alternating with games.

Currently, the Baszden Hounts are not used as hunting dogs, but the working quality of the breed has retained. Basset, who revealing the beast, stands on the trail and begins to pursue prey, without reacting to the owner. Therefore, for a walk, the dog needs to withdraw on a leash.

For walking in cold weather, the basket is dressed in warm clothes.

For walking in slushful weather you need to purchase special clothes. It will protect the pet from the cold and at the same time prevent excessive pollution of wool. In frosty weather, the dog is recommended to wear in a warm overalls, since the close location of the body to the ground can lead to the supercooling and cold of the dog.

IMPORTANT. Basset hunde is contraindicated by jumping from height and long walking along the steps. It will also cause problems with the musculoskeletal system.

In the apartment of the basset Hound should be their own place. It should not be too soft, and it is located in the place distant from drafts.

Care of the breed is not complicated and provides for the following activities:

Organization of feeding

Basvet Hounts are famous for their excellent appetite. The dog will not refuse any piece of food offered to her, therefore tend to obesity. In this regard, the dog's nutrition must comply with the recommendations of breeders at a dose and composition.

From the first days of the puppy you need to teach eating strictly by the hour, without the fault of the treats in the intervals between the eating. Portions must be strictly reconciled with amendments to the lifestyle of the basset. Feeding the residues of food from the master's table of this breed is categorically contraindicated, since the large content of fats and carbohydrates in food will affect the health of the pet.

IMPORTANT. Basset Hound can not be overproed or succumb to his request to give food from the business table. It is worth treating a dog in breaks between feedings several times, and all family dinners and dinners will be under the bouquency of a dog that creates pieces.

Puppies are fed 6 times a day, adult dog 3 times. The bowl for feeding the Bass-Hound with the help of a special stand is in such a way that the dog's head does not breathe during food treatment, as this leads to deformation of the cervical vertebrae and twisting the small intestine.

The basis of the dietary rock should be protein.

The basis of the dietary rock should be protein. Meat (beef, chicken, sub-products) give daily in cheese or boiled to half-preparation. Excellent complement the menu Vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, carrots), greens, porridge from buckwheat and rice.

Twice a week Basset give a chicken egg. One or twice a week, the pet is treated with dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, ryazhenka, prokobvash). Bean, sweets, flour, sharp, fried, smoked dog contraindicated

It is possible to organize a premium and super-premium (,) rational to organize the nutrition of the Bass-Hound. It should be strictly followed by recommendations for the size of the serving of dry food depending on the age and weight of the dog. As a rule, adult dog requires 2-4 cup feed per day.

Characteristic diseases and life expectancy

The main problem of Basset Hound - disease and spinal injuries. Behind the state of the pet must be monitored from childhood, as obesity and excessive physical exertion can disrupt its health. To maintain the musculoskeletal system from an early age, the dog should receive a sufficient amount of calcium.

Photo. Three-color puppy basset Hound

Two puppies basset Hound in the photo

The correspondence of the breed is determined by the appearance of parents and the characteristics of the puppy itself:
  • Powerful and straight paws.
  • Rectangular head.
  • Long ears.

When buying main references serve three factors:

  1. Compliance with parents.
  2. The appearance of the kid.
  3. Puppy behavior.

Healthy and corresponding to the standards of the puppy Basset Hound can be exclusively in a specialized nursery in cities:

  • Moscow - at a price of $ 400 (,
  • St. Petersburg - at a price of $ 350 (,

This wonderful breed can no longer leave anyone indifferent. Basset Hounts - the true aristocrats of a dog world with wonderful qualities. We will talk about these obedient, friendly and few melancholic dogs in this article.

Breed history

The history of the breed. The name of the breed comes from two words: "BUSS" - bottom, and "hound" - a hound dog, that is, in other words "Low Hound". The theory of origin of this breed is also very interesting. Two countries participated in the formation: France and England. Most kinologists tend to think that the basis for creating a new branch was the Norman French hounds, possessing a "good character and sympathetic appearance".

Until the middle of the last century, the baskets did not stand out in a separate breed, these were simply taken from the total number of "non-standard" hounds with low growth, sparkling paws and dumbfounded on the Ears, which specialized on the norny hunt for foxes and hares. This situation could not be allowed until the graph of Lekteh and Mr. Lan did not pay attention to these dogs. They created two types of breeds: "Bastes of the lectow" - small squat dogs with slightly twisted paws, and "Lana Basset" are massive and large animals with a large head and ears.

Both of these types were officially delivered to England in 1866, when Lord Gelway brought a magnificent couple of Basal Khaundov as a gift, later they gave excellent offspring and became the British branch of the breed. But the British were not limited to the fact that they received and further began experiments to mix baskets with Bladheounds, in the desire to strengthen the main signs of the animal: folds on the skin, the shape of the head and the big distilm ears.

It is interesting! Currently, many kinologies agree that in the blood of the current basset houses is very little from the initial french breed, and much more signs from Bloheland.

Description and appearance

The standard of the breed describes the Basset Hound: this is a hound with good working qualities, reliable, looks like a beast with the help of a scent, works well in a flock, the team qualities are well developed. It has a pleasant humid melodic lamin. Does not have aggressiveness, fearless, calm, balanced, devoted to the owner's dog. The feeling of self-esteem and slowness is the distinctive qualities of this breed.

Appearance. This is a massive hound of large physique, the body is well balanced. The frontal line and the protruding part line go almost in parallel. A small amount of folds on the face and around the eyes are allowed, but they should not be too much. The skull is large, slightly convex, with a pronounced population and smooth transition from the forehead to the face.

The nosa is predominantly black, representatives of the breed of light color allowed a light nose. The whole muzzle is elongated, massive. The upper lip is crushed, it closes the bottom to a large extent. Special attention to the teeth and jaws, they must be well developed, bite: the right, in the form of "scissors".

Eyes in the form of "Roma", they should not be convex or deeply planted. The dark-colored representatives of the breed are only dark brown, a light brown color is allowed at the basset khaunds with brown wool. Any shades of blue, gray and yellow in the color of the iris are not allowed.

The ears are large, in structure are located low, in structure are not thick, easily twisting, pleasant and silky to the touch. The neck is quite powerful, strong with severe muscles and drunken skin, it should not be short. The spinal line is deep, the height of the body is approximately uniform over the entire length. The chest can slightly succumb, but it should not be narrow. Ribe bones should not stick together, and to the touch can spring.

The tail is long, tightly planted, thinner on the end, at the bottom - with a small amount of wool. It is not allowed to twist in the sickle or ring, it should be in the form of "sabers". When running - with a small rigidity, a little curved and turned to the side.

The front of the body is well folded, the front paws are powerful, with thick bones, wrinkle is allowed on the legs. The back of the round, muscular, on the skilled joint, the skin can be collected in a small fold. Lape pillows are large, developed, convex. The front paws look straight or united, the total weight of the animal is evenly distributed without pressure on the front or back. The footprint on Earth must correspond to a typical race, and only pillows must touch the surface, the touch of other parts is unacceptable.

It is interesting! Basset Hound, despite the "clumsy" figure moving smoothly and elegant. It should be thrown out the paws correctly, widely, the rear and front paws are equally evenly moving. There should be no finish of claws.

Wool glossy-shaped, good density and structure, medium thickness. Plots with wools and long wool are not allowed, even small. Typical color for hounds: three-color, white with black or brown, white with brown. Height in the withers in males 35-38 cm, bits 32-36 cm.

Character of breed

From the side of Basset Hound seems slightly lazy and nervy, but this is a very deceptive feeling. This is a dog with a big intelligence that loves respect and will not tolerate familiarities. Possessing a rather calm temper, they do not mind plenty to cut down and run, so they require good physical exertion. Behind the appearance of semi-sound phlegmatics is sometimes hidden by a real leader capable of manipulating the owner. Therefore, much attention should be paid to training and knowledge of elementary commands.

It is interesting! Such a dog needs a special approach, and for understanding you will need to make a lot of effort and patience. Scream and order this dog is useless, she just will ignore you. Basset Hounts love to communicate "on equal" and if you achieve their respect, then get a faithful and devoted friend.

With all harmful habits You need to start fighting since you bought a puppy. For example, if you do not take it to ignore dubious street "yummy" from early childhood, then in the future, in the future, it will be very problematic to retire adult basset-hon.

These dogs do notize loneliness and boredom can "eat" a chair or favorite boots. To avoid a similar catastrophe, you need to buy more toys, it can be various sakes, "bones" or balls. But before buying, you will definitely consult with the seller so that the ball is not too small, otherwise the dog can easily swallow it.

Relations with young children may be very good, as the dog has a balanced character and is not aggressive. But be sure to make sure that the kids do not bother, did not jerk the dog behind the paws and the tail. Since the pool is straight descendants of the hounds, their content with other animals is rather problematic. Especially it is necessary to avoid the neighborhood with the usual historical "prey": rabbits, foxes, ferrets and small rodents, otherwise it can provoke a hunting instinct and the dog will become aggressive and unmanaged.

Basset Hounds need long walks in the fresh air, they need moderate physical exertion. If you let go of the dog, always make sure that it does not come out too far. This breed has a thin scent and can "take a trace" of a cat or mouse in the park. A dog enthusized with such a "hunt" can be easily lost.

Basset Hound - a dog exclusively for keeping in a house or apartment. Keep it in the aviary or the worse - it is completely unacceptable on the chains. Recently, this excellent has turned the PSA-companion for unhurried long walks. Basset Hounts love to play and jump outdoors, but because of short paws they often contaminate belly. Therefore, in advance, teach the dog to hygienic procedures after a walk, for this purchase a special terry mam and shampoo for smooth-walled dogs. For cold and rainy weather, you can buy a beautiful overalls.

Caring for wool minimal, quite enough one or twice a week to deduct PSA special brushes. Also follow the condition of claws and cut them regularly.

Like all dogs with the long ears of the Basset Hounts need careful and regular cleaning of ear shells. Also very often they may suffer from diseases such as otitis, ear ticks and various inflammation. It is necessary to purchase a special solution for cleaning or simply wipe the ears with cotton disks or chopsticks in moistened in warm water. If suddenly the dog began to rub his head, shake her without a visible reason - sign up for reception to the vet.

The eyes of the Basset Hounds are also often susceptible to diseases, it may be breakdown or age glaucoma. After each walk, carefully inspect the eye folds and, when detecting abundant tears, pus or redness immediately refer to the veterinarian.


Another dangerous disease is an overweight, which for this breed can create a strong load on short paws and spine. To avoid this, feed the dog strictly by specifying breeders, and when you switch to dry food, be sure to follow the instructions on the package: the daily rate must correspond to the weight and age of the animal. If the dog has become overly fasten, proceed to dietary feed and increase the physical exertion.

Important! In the diet should not be pork, fat lamb or duck. To avoid gastric bleeding, dogs can not give hollow tubular bones of birds.

Where you can buy a puppy and its approximate cost

The price of a purebred puppy fluctuates from 20 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on the "names of the parents". It is strictly not recommended to buy an animal "from hand" from strangers. In this case, you can purchase a weakened animal with bad heredity. You need to purchase a puppy in specialized formal club clubs, before buying you need to carefully study the pedigree of his parents. Pay attention to the appearance of the animal, as well as on vaccinations in a veterinary passport. If you do not take the dog not for exhibitions or breeding, but just "for the soul", you should not overpay for "titles and regalia" in a pedigree, it is enough to buy a cute and healthy puppy.

Video: Basset Hound

Basset Hound - detailed description Dog breeds, photos, videos, features of the content and history of breed

Breed dossier

  1. Country of origin: Great Britain.
  2. Classification: Group 6. Hounds and related breeds. Section 1. Hounds.
  3. Training: Basset Hounds are smart, but sometimes they can be stubborn.
  4. Color: Basset Hounds are usually a tricolor color (black with white and fawn). Sometimes there are two-color individuals, and even less often - monochrome (color accepted at the hounds).
  5. Dimensions. The dog is pretty large, although low. Height in the withers Males: 33 - 38 cm. Weight: 20-25 kg.
  6. Overall impression: Shut-up massive dog with long ears. On the head, the skin forms folds, head with a suspension. The skin also forms folds on the legs and knees.
  7. Using: Hunting breed. Nowadays, the pool has greatly proven themselves as companions dogs.
  8. Physical exercise: Active. Basset love active games, large physical exertion.
  9. Character. Strong, the impassive nature of Basset Hound has become practically legend. Representatives of this breed are almost never angry, they are phlegmatic and rarely show aggression. There are very stubborn, so the baskets need a master's calm and with a firm character, because if the basset is learning the slack in the character of the owner - it is definitely declared.
  10. Content: Basset Hounds for content in the apartment are not suitable, because this is a dog hunting, they need a space for movement and active physical exertion.
  11. Grumming: Not very complicated, because representatives of this breed are short smooth wool. Basset Hound is sufficiently combed once a week. These dogs need careful care for past sinks and eyes.
  12. Drying: Get well with cats and dogs in the house. Love young children.
  13. Diseases: Basset Hounts suffer from glaucoma, skin dermatitis, they also have problems with digestion and a musculoskeletal system.
  14. Ration: Basset Hounds are glad to eat dry food, as well as natural origin products. These dogs can not be fed a lot, otherwise they get fat and become sluggish, nervy.
  15. Life expectancy: 10-12 years.

History The origin of the breed

Original Basset Hounts were used as hunting dogs, for rabbit hunting. Experts believe that the baskets come from Bladhunds, but to keep the features of the Basset Khaundov - the breeders were selected only by individuals with shortened paws.


The head is pretty big, with a convex skull and a powerful muzzle. The muzzle is elongated, the jaw is strong. A distinctive feature of the basset - the skin on their heads forms folds and wrinkles. The lower eyelids can be a little assume, giving a little basset a little sullen look. Rhomboid eyes, dark brown. The ears are planted very low, they are very soft and long. Neck with suspension, muscular. The case is massive, elongated in length. Breasts and back wide, convex ribs. The limbs of the basset khaundov are short and powerful, muscular, but compact. The paws are massive, with a wide dirty fingers. The tail is long, the base is very wide, gradually narrows by the end. The wool is short, smooth, fits tight to the body. Tow tough.

Psychological picture

Strong, the impassive nature of Basset Hound has become practically legend. Representatives of this breed are almost never angry, they are phlegmatic and rarely show aggression. There are very stubborn, so the baskets need a master's calm and with a firm character, because if the basset is learning the slack in the character of the owner - it is definitely declared.

These dogs are very attainable and are committed, the souls do not make in their owner, they suffer alone.

Basset Hounds for keeping in the apartment are not suitable, because this is a hunting dog, they need a space for movement and active physical exertion. Grooming is not very complicated, because representatives of this breed are short smooth wool. Basset Hound is sufficiently combed once a week. These dogs need careful care for past sinks and eyes.

Price policy

Dogs Basset-Hound breed is pretty expensive. For one puppy, the basset you will have to fork out 15,000 - 25,000 rubles. The price varies depending on the pedigree, the floor and class of the puppy. In addition, when choosing a puppy should only be addressed only to proven breeders, otherwise there is a risk to purchase a puppy with poor health.

Price: 15 000 - 25 000 rubles