
Planting seedlings of cauliflower into open ground. When to plant cauliflower into outdoor ground

Fences, fences

As you know, cauliflower has a thinner and delicate taste than white-born, but in connection with this, and the process of its cultivation is more complex and painstaking.

Cauliflower - Popular product, but efforts should be made for its cultivation.

The newcomer will be difficult to cope with the cultivation of cauliflower, because for a good landing need certain knowledge.

In nature, cauliflower is impossible to meet. There is an opinion that it was obtained by breeding from broccoli, and then, was brought to white colorWhat makes it outwardly similar to white. Therefore, now, most people know how to distinguish a cauliflower from white.

Botanical description

The root system of such cabbage is in the upper soil layer, and if the plants immediately plant on the bed, then the roots of this vegetable will be much stronger than those who plant with the help of seeds.

The weight of each cauliflower head can fluctuate, and reach 2-3 kg. Cauliflower have a different shape. Usually this:

  • round
  • flat;
  • cone-shaped.

Over color, cauliflower can be different, it all depends on the grade of seeds and from the sun, but most often either yellow, or white, like a white cabbage.

White - the most popular variety of cauliflower

Features of biological character

If you compare cauliflower with other species, it is most demanding on planting and cultivation conditions. Therefore, when dackets are asked about how to grow a cauliflower, they have to hold a numerous collection of information. After all, otherwise, if you do not follow the requirements that the cabbage rose good, beautiful, big and tasty, nothing will happen, and the seeds will be wasted.

When chooses best time For landing, it is necessary to take into account that cabbage does not like strong temperature fluctuations, as well as conditions high humidity At all, they do not positively affect each stage of its cultivation.

It is important to understand that cauliflower, as well as any other plant, need care.

Cauliflower is very demanding on growing conditions

Growing process

First stage

Planting cauliflower requires certain preparations. First you need to prepare a mixture that will be nutritious for cauliflower seeds.

There are two options: you can immediately buy a ready-made nutrient mixture, then you don't have to doubt as definitely, or you can prepare it yourself. When the mixture is prepared independently, you need to get a considerable number of peat. Moreover preparatory work Need to do in the fall.

Peat is chosen because it helps to ensure proper departure to seeds, which will then grow up a beautiful harvest. Peat remarkably absorbs moisture, which cauliflower does not like. Here it is very similar to white. Excessive moisture - enemy good harvest.

Proper preparation requires accuracy and thoroughness. The selected peat mixture must be disappeared for several hours, and then add 20 grams of nitrogen fertilizers and fertilizers that contain microfertilizers.

The resulting mixture should be stored until spring in an inaccessible place. You can store it both in the country and at home.

Periods when you can sow seeds, there may be several:

  • The first period. If you seep seedlings at this time, then the crop will be early: March 15-20.
  • The second period. Seedlings are seated from March 30 to April 8.
  • The period is the third. Sowing is performed from April 25 to May 8.

In order to assemble the crop in the fall, sowing must be done from the beginning to mid-June.

For landing you need to select only the highest quality seeds.

Dates are determined individually. As already mentioned, planting cauliflowers is a painstaking case, but worthwhile. After all, later, you will have a delicious, juicy, beautiful harvest.

Cauliflower seedlings are chosen so that its seeds are larger. Because they will give the best result. They are equally well suited for landing and in the Moscow region, and in Siberia, and in the Urals.

The preparatory stage on the nutrient mixture does not end. It is necessary to prepare for sowing in the same way. It can be easily done at home. Take seeds of the right variety, and warm them in hot water For 20 minutes. After that, they must be cooled in cold water. Next, overnight, hours on 8 need seeds for sowing to soak in a solution of manganese.

If all the blanks are made in the fall, you will have to save the seedlings and the nutritional mixture for the winter. With the storage of the mixture there will be no problems. It should be away from the eyes, especially if there are children in the house, and from rodents, if you live in a private house.

In the ground, you need to make small grooves on your dacha, the depth of which will not exceed 2 cm.

They unfold seeds according to 3 cm scheme for 3 cm. Properly planted seedlings will help you avoid many problems when the harvest begins to stretch in the garden. Make the desired number of cauliflower landing. Thus, leaving the distance between the grooves, you provide space for the growth of each cauliflower coach, as well as it is done with white cabbage.

Picking is not recommended when landing. Since usually, picking delays seed growth for several weeks. It turns out that you wanted it or not, and the harvest will be late. And it will prevent your plans if you calculated that the cabbage will be early.

Cauliflower seedlings do not require picking

Continuing to care for your future harvest, it is necessary to single out the nutritional square, from the mixture that you were harvested for the winter for storage.

You can also highlight a separate pot for each plant, it will be more convenient to follow the climbing of the crop and care for it. This approach will allow the seedlings in a comfortable environment, which will only have a positive result.

While seedling from the soil has not yet become climbing, it must be in optimal temperature conditions (about 22 degrees). Each cube or pot, you need to cover with a film. It is necessary so that the soil does not dry under the seed.

Second phase

At the next stage, we will answer the question of how to grow cauliflower seedlings. After all preparatory stageswhich were described above, it is necessary to lower the temperature to 10 degrees for a week. This will help ensure the best harvest and contributes to the rapid development of its root system. It is important that the soil temperature be in the range of 20-20 degrees.

Seedling cauliflower does not tolerate when there is a lot of moisture around. But at the same time very harmful, the cutting of the soil. It is necessary to ensure that air humidity when growing cauliflower remained within 80%.

If not observe comfortable conditions For the plant, do not follow the humidity and dryness of the soil, do not control the drops of temperature and moisture, then the plant will violate all the terms, grow, forming small empty heads, and goes to the next stage - the flowering stage.

If you do not adhere to the conditions of cultivation, the cabbage will bloom without forming the head

Third stage

When the weather is already steady warm, approximately in early May, early seedlings can be transferred to the garden for a permanent place. The main thing to choose good timeSo that seedlings do not strongly stretch the best age seedlings of cauliflower before it falls into the ground, should be at least 50 days. Just like both the temperature and moisture, it is important that the seedlings are not too early, but at the same time it is harmful to be overgrown.

If the age of seedlings will be more than 50 days, then the quality of the finished crop will be very bad. The reason is that after planning such seedlings, it will lose a few sheets, and in this case, a small kochan of cauliflower is formed.

On small kochene, the leaves are bad and will disappear. It is important to choose a moment when four full-fledged sheets will grow around Kochan. Seedlings must be planted at a permanent place very carefully, not very showering the core. From how correctly it will be planted seedlings, the final result will depend on.

While seedling will grow up, you have enough time to prepare the beds in the garden. The best soil for cauliflower is the fertile soil with a neutral reaction.

If you are the owner cottage plot, It is best to plant cauliflower and grow in beds. This will help ensure proper care for it.

The scheme of the seating is extremely simple: the entire seedlock is placed in two rows, the distance between the half meter / meter. It will give the opportunity to grow crop, not touching each other.

Cauliflower bed must be convenient for care

Under adequate care it is understood that the seedlings must be placed in the optimal conditions for it. It should be blunting not very much so that you can care for the leaves and the plant itself.

In order to the growth cabbage in comfortable conditions for it, it is necessary that the soil from which it grows is warm. To preserve heat, each garden "is covered" by film. The film not only helps to keep warm, but also does not give weeds to get out and spoil the harvest.

After you see in the garden already small cauliflower kochenes, you need to continue care and storage. It is necessary to water the harvest in a timely manner, girding the bed and feed the plants.

Another important condition for the quality cultivation of cabbage both color and white-baked, in principle, is the correspondence of its varieties and climatic conditions. For example, in the conditions of the south, it is impossible to use varieties intended for the middle strip, etc., because it will be difficult to care for a certain variety as required.

When the cabbage matures it can be removed, or remove selectively. The collected vintage for storage will be sent to the boxes. In addition, if there is a bit seedlings, it can be stored in the house, in the refrigerator, on the balcony, in the basement, where it is convenient.

The main thing is that the storage conditions are as optimal as the conditions under which the cabbage grew.

Cold cabbage can be collected as ripening

Cauliflower varieties and hybrids

Color cabbage varieties can belong both to domestic selection and foreign. It may also refer to the wound, middle and late varieties.

For each grade of cauliflower, there are individual requirements for growing, care and storage. But remember that the cauliflower is a perishable product that cannot withstand long-term storage (at the cottage, in the cellar or somewhere else). There are several ways to store this product (storage in an open, fresh form, it can be salted, pickled or freeze). Cabbage care at all growing stages are very important if you intend to achieve the desired result.

Gudman cauliflower may have a yellowish tint

Foreign selection varieties:

  • Veson. It is a Dutch hybrid, which spill early early. This plant has a big head and looks quite powerful. The head of this representative of the Dutch selection is tightly covered with leaves. Typically grown in spring and summer, sometimes in the fall.
  • Goodman. Another representative of the Dutch selection. This grade cauliflower has a yellowish head and a flat shape. Cabbage head is only partially covered with leaves. It has a pronounced taste. Gudman's cabbage is ideal for early products in open ground and film greenhouses at home.
  • Opal. It is the most scooped variety of Dutch cauliflower. It can be grown in almost all territories and in various conditions. Suitable for growing in greenhouses and on the ground. It has a bright white head and a flat shape. It tastes great.
  • Alpha. Very raven variety (from germination to 85-95 days). Folded cauliflower Alpha varieties for the Urals and regions with similar weather conditions (Siberia). This grade has excellent taste. Alpha white cauliflower heads are white, smooth, medium density. Therefore, it is so popular in the Urals and Siberia. This variety is successfully used at home for different ways Recycling: cooking, frying, salts and freezing.

Cauliflower Alfa ripens quickly and suitable for cold regions

Color cabbage varieties in addition to Dutch, can be other selection. Although Dutch are the most common. Among them can be called:

  • Domestic. This grade of cauliflower can be rightfully considered veteran, since it is grown from the 50s. It has a flat shape and bright white head. Delicious, long does not lose form. It is designed for consumption in recess, salting and canning, as well as storage. Cabbage domestic does not require much care.
  • Early mushroom. It has a white head, quickly matures and has excellent taste. Usually grown in spring and summer. Cauliflower Mushroom 1355 is very popular in the suburbs.
  • Smillh. A rather popular hybrid that can be grown almost everywhere. It has a flat shape, a bright white mid-size head, which is completely covered with leaves. In the weight, one head can easily reach 3 kg.
  • Snowball. Famous domestic hybrid grown everywhere. It has a white head, round shape, completely covered with leaves. Wonderful taste. May grow and give a harvest even with bad conditions. Designed for growing in film typols and open soil. This variety is great for salads and salting at home.

As can be seen, cauliflower is not a very picky plant for cultivation, but requires certain knowledge and training, as well as compliance with temperature conditions, climate and humidity. However, compliance with all these rules allows us to obtain a good and tasty harvest.

Cauliflower is an indispensable product of the children's and dietary menu, superior to the content of useful trace elements and vitamins, even with all the well-known white-baked, however, it is not possible to grow this vitamin vegetable. To avoid the most common mistakes, you should know exactly when to plant cauliflower seedlings and transplant it in open sad.

If you do not know the deadlines and the subtleties of growing this vegetable, then instead of juicy and dense snow-white heads can be seen on the garden loose green flowers or the lack of uncess. Indeed, many daches scares the capriciousness of this type of cabbage, however, having studied the agrotechnik, you can achieve very good results. Few know that cauliflower heads can be not only snow-white. On the different photos And the video you can see the yields of yellow, greenish and even purple shade!

But how to grow cauliflower on the garden right? First of all, it is worth considering the main nuances of its agrotechnology. Since the snow-white juicy head of cauliflower is nothing more than a tightly accomplished inflorescences near each other, the main efforts are best to send to the creation of favorable conditions for flowering.

For early and high-quality flowering, any plant requires such microelements as boron, potassium and phosphorus.

If the soil for the cultivation of cauliflower contains these substances in the required quantity, the beginning of the flowering of the vegetable is noticeably accelerated. On the contrary, the lack of these nutrients is the main answer to the question of why the cabbage seedlings dry.

The main nuance that worries gardeners, the first time collided with the process of growing cauliflower seedlings, is when it is possible to sew the seedlings of this vitamin vegetable. Options here quite a few:

  1. From March 15 to March 22 - early varieties and hybrids, with disembarking in the ground in 30-55 days.
  2. From March 30 to April 12 - secondary varieties, with landing in the ground through 35-45 days.
  3. From April 25 to May 12 - the middle-plant variety, with landing in the ground in 30-40 days.
  4. From June 5 to June 17 - Late varieties for the autumn harvest, with disembarking in an open ground after 32-35 days.

You can grow cauliflower and a reckless method, immediately living seeds in open ground. Landing time is the end of April, when the soil temperature reaches 5 ° C. The most popular varieties of cauliflower in our area are "white perfection", "Amethyst", "Maliba" and "Fortados".

Cold cabbage seedlings

Planting cauliflower to seedlings - troublesome business, as you have to make a lot of effort to create optimal conditions For its cultivation. To properly grow cauliflower seedlings at home, you need to give a little time to prepare the nutrient mixture. In flower stores, you can choose a ready-made substrate for vegetable crops, but it is better to prepare it yourself. For this you need to mix peat and overworked sawdust in the proportion of 3: 1. The prepared mixture is necessary to disappear within 1.5-2 hours and make nitrogen fertilizers (20 g of ammonium nitrate to 10l). Immediately before landing in the soil should not be made a large number of ash.

Seeds selected varieties are also better prepared in advance. First, they need to go through and leave only large and whole branches. For disinfection, they are poured with boiling water (50 ° C) for 20-30 minutes, and then quickly lowered in cold water. Slightly dried seeds are soaked in a weak solution of manganese, where they leave for final disinfection for 7-8 hours.

Since the cauliflower, like most of the representatives of her kind, poorly tolerates the pickup, preferably to buy peat pots or tablets in advance and fill them with a prepared nutritional mixture. If you land seeds into plastic cups, the picking should be made very carefully so as not to damage the delicate root system. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. In one pot you can plant no more than 3 seeds according to the 3x3 scheme. Then the pot is covered polyethylene film Before the emergence of the first germs.

Care cauliflower care is quite painstaking. Important condition Growing a healthy seedling is maintaining comfortable for seeders of air temperature in the room. Immediately after planting seed, the temperature needs to be maintained in the range from 20 to 22 degrees. It is also worth noting that the thermometer column should not exceed the mark at 24 ° C, otherwise such seedlings may not form inflorescences, which means that will leave you without a crop. After the appearance of the first sprouts, the temperature should be reduced to 10 ° C. To keep the seedlings in the coolness need no more than a week, this is done so that the sprouts do not stretch, and root system I managed to grow and develop well. However, it should be ensured that the room temperature in the room fell below 8 ° C, otherwise instead of a good crop you will get small and loose heads.

When 2 real leaves are formed on sprouts, they make the first feeding. To do this, 0.5 microelements tablets dissolve in liter of water and spray with a plant solution. Next subcord You need to take 10 days. Seeding is ready for landing in open ground after the formation of four real leaves. It should not be pulled too long with a transplant, since the grown bushes can significantly worsen the quality of cabbage heads.

Landing seedlings for beds and care for her

While young seedlings will grow, you can prepare a garden. Cauliflower feels well on fertile soils with a weakly acidic reaction. If you have an acidic soil in the garden, then it is required to be taken with the onset of autumn - to make a dolomite flour and switch the plot. At the end of autumn, you can easily feather the soil mineral fertilizers and organica.

How correctly put cauliflower in open ground? It is desirable to plant in the afternoon. The wells dump it the middle, adding a small amount of ash in them. Singing cauliflower according to the 50x25 scheme, and the varieties with too bulk outlet are placed even less often. Planting seedlings should be carefully so as not to injure the roots. The plant is plunged until the first sheet, fall asleep with the soil and pour themselves. Until complete rooting, young bushes are recommended to cover sponbond or polyethylene film. This will not only protect the leaves from the sun burn, but also will save the plants from the crotacetle fleece attack.

For the first time, young bushes are plunged 20 days after landing. Repeated extracts are performed in 8-10 days. About 3 weeks after the seedling seedlings in open ground, you can make the first feeding. To do this, you can use a liquid cowbar, mixing it with water in the proportion of 1:20. The next feeding is taken after 10-14 days. However, for better growth of bushes in a solution of a cowboy should be added 1 Art. l. Chrisstaline. Another feeder is desirable to produce a month, using a solution of 5 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. nitroposki.

Most often, cauliflower is amazed by such diseases as phytofluorosis, black leg, peridosporosis and mucous bacteriosis. With many diseases you can easily cope folk methods, for example, pollination ashes.

Planting cauliflower into outdoor ground

If you are interested in how to grow a crop of cauliflower without spending time to germinate seedlings and picking, then you will have to be patient. This method gives a small germination, and also significantly increases the heading time. Despite this, the cultivation of cabbage with a reckless method can also be very successful. Moreover, such cabbage germinates faster and more tolerant to the lack of moisture. Seeds before landing are prepared as well as for landing in peat pots, but before sowing, they should still be frozen hexahloran. Seeds are sown in a predetermined soil at a depth of 2-3 cm, the landing scheme of the rank - 70x30. There are 3-4 seeds to be placed in each well, ground and slightly compact it.

The first shoots can be expected already in 6-8 days. The biggest problem of all varieties of cabbage is a cross-belt flea, which can completely destroy all selections in a matter of days. To prevent her appearance, young sprouts should be treated with DDT preparation and repeat processing every 10-14 days.

Flying of cauliflowers is customary to be sealing salad, radical or dill, living seeds with lines between rows of cabbage. Such a neighborhood not only does not prevent the care of cabbage, but also will help increase its yield.

Cauliflower is considered valuable dietary product. Vitamin C is twice as much as in white cabbage. It also has a significant amount of group vitamins B and PP. This is a rapid vegetable. Depending on the grade, the commercial head is formed in 70-120 days from sowing. In principle, early grades can be grown by straight seeds immediately in open ground. But to get as much as possible early harvest, and especially for late, more valuable varieties, always apply a seed basis.

Preparation of soil

Tens of use are used different recipes Cutting the soil for seedlings of cauliflower. The compositions are mixed from the following components in of different combinations and proportions:

  • Garden land.
  • Cherry earth.
  • Upper layer of forest land.
  • Fully mature humus or compost.
  • Peat.
  • Sand in no more than 10%.

You can also use ready-made soil from stores.

Main requirements: The ground must be enough enough - and moisture-permeable, that is, loose and should not stick together in a wet state. Also, the soil must be quite nutritious and fertile. It will greatly improve the quality of any mixture. Adding wood ash from the calculation of not more than 0.5 liters per 10 l of soil.

Special fanaticism in the preparation of the soil should not be. The plant in a seedier will grow long, and in a small condition, it does not need so much food as an adult plant. Eat can be a little worse than the garden in a permanent place. Then the plant is easier to transfers transplant stress and develops better.

It is better if the ground in the boxes or bags wintering on the street in a frozen state. Frost kills pests, ice crystals tear the lumps of soil, and after thawing, the soil becomes more loose.


Seedlings can be grown in two ways, with a picking (intermediate transplant in a more spacious container or a greenhouse) and without it.

When growing with picking, use drawers of any suitable area from different materials. But wooden boxes are preferable. In them, the soil breathes better, always comes with excess water and there are no conditions for zaking and posting. In hermetic plastic boxes there must be holes at the bottom for water supply during overflow, it is harder to maintain the optimal moisture mode. That is, seedlings in a wooden box can be watered with excess, and in hermetic boxes there is a risk of overflow or nothing.

In the boxes, you can compact a large number of seedlings, saving a warm and bright area in the cold season.

But if a small amount of seedlings are required, each seed can be planted in a separate container: cups, pots or cropped packages from under dairy products with a capacity from 0.2 l to 0, 5 liters. The capacity of 0.5 l is optional to pour completely, enough volume is about 0.3 liters. Although normal seedlings can be raised in another less, in a cassette container. For growing without picking, the minimum cell volume must be at least 0.1 liters. Such a small amount is sufficient for nutrition and development of roots, but inconvenient that the earth dries very quickly. It takes carefully to follow the humidity of the soil and water more often. In addition, in a small volume, the plant over 50 days becomes closely, and no one can predict how long the cold can happen at any year. From any container, a transplantation aged 50-55 days is recommended, but in a large container in the case of protracted frosts on the street, seedlings can be held in warmth and up to 60 days.

Capacity of each section of about 100 g

Dates of landing

The first dates of planting seeds to seedlings in the cool regions of the North-West and Moscow region - March 10-15. In the turbulent regions, in Central Russia and closer to Kuban can be planted for 7-10 days, and in the colder, in the Urals and Siberia for the same time later.

But in the same region, according to the conditions of each year, spring may form absolutely different. Therefore, in determining the timing of seeds, it is more reliable to apply such a calculation: in open soil planted seedlings aged 50-55 days. That is, the seedlings, exiled seeds on March 10, it is time to plant on April 30 - May 5. What the weather usually stands on the street at this time, the inhabitants of each region know better.

It is possible to reduce the period of growing seedlings up to 30 days, if there is a sustainable heat and a suitable weather for landing seedlings to this period on the street. The main thing is that the plant before landing formed an extensive root system, a strong stem and 5 of these sheets.

In the case of frost, the seedling plant can be delayed up to 60 days, but seedlings older than 55 days takes away worse.

Cauliflower is a cold-resistant plant. It develops well at 15-18 degrees. Claimed seedlings can be transferred short-term freezing to - 3-4. Uncaped during freezing - 1-2 no shelter dies.

An adult plant can carry freezes to - 2.

But early landing deadlines are needed only to obtain as an earlier harvest as possible, at the end of June - early July. And for the cultivation of cauliflower by the conveyor, until the autumn, seedlings can be planted in several days, until the end of April, or until mid-May in the cold regions.

From mid-May, in most central and southern regions, the cabbage can already plant directly seeds into the ground. Then, until the middle of September, even late varieties will have time from the maturation of 120 days from sowing. In more northern regions, we will have time to grow early grades with a period of ripening 80 days from sowing.

Preparation of seeds

Unprepared seeds ride longer, and can be infected with pathogenic microflora. Therefore, before planting seeds, it is recommended to process. There are two ways to prepare seeds

Simplified way

Three cloves of garlic are pressured, 50 g boiling water is poured. The working solution should not be hot 50 degrees (barely tolerates finger). Seeds are soaked for 30 minutes. Then they dry, and they are ready to land.
It is more convenient to soak in fabric bags than ominous

Full way

  • Seeds are soaked for 15 minutes. In pure 50-degree boiling water.
  • They dry on a sheet of paper or fabric.
  • Placed 24 hours in a nutrient solution of diammophos or nitropos (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).
  • Seeds are washed and dried again.
  • Placed in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 + 2 degrees for 2-3 days for stratification (hardening).

In hot water at 50-55 degrees, pathogens of bacterial, viral and fungal diseases die (if they were in seeds), so the seeds after such treatment can be considered disgraced.

But at a temperature of more than 60 degrees, the seeds themselves may die, and at 40 deafness there will be no disinfection. Therefore, it is guaranteed to displaced seeds, mocking them for 30 minutes in a pink solution of manganese or a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Landing seeds

The depth of seed seed into the ground is about 1 cm. The distance between the rows in the box is about 5 cm. Between the seeds in the row should be 1.5-2.5 cm, but manually in practice it is difficult to achieve such accuracy. In addition, not all seeds can take, so the interval is different in different ways. And if the plants are not thickened obviously and too much (more than 2 plants per 1 cm), then they are not thinned. While they are small, the area of \u200b\u200bnutrition is enough for the dive. It will be possible to dive in April into unheated greenhouses or for the simplest film shelter in the garden.

Care for seedy

For room temperature The air and in warm soil seeds board at 3-5 days.

And then the responsible moment comes. As soon as shoots in the form of a looping appeared, the container with a seedle is put in a cool place. At a temperature of 5-8 degrees, it is cooled 4-5 hours for 4-6 days. At a temperature of 12-15 degrees - up to 8-10 hours, and at such a temperature, seedlings can already be fused until readiness, without entering back in a warm place. Without cooling, seedlings will deteriorate very quickly, literally for days and even hours, especially with a shortage of light. This abnormal elongation of the stem will then remain for the entire period of plant growth. An extended plant can form a good fruit, but the trunk of the plant (cacrees) will be excessively long and can fall under the weight of the head. In any case, it is an abnormal development.

Room temperature 23-27 degrees are overly high for seedling cabbage. However, if seedling grows in the room, after cooling it can be continued to grow in the same place.

In addition to too high temperatures, seedlings can be stretched for two more reasons:

  • Lack of sunlight in the absence of artificial illumination.
  • Too thickened landings in drawers and a delay with picking.


The frequency of watering is determined in place. Faster dried up:

  • Loose, peat soil without clay.
  • Soil in container with a thin layer of 5-7 cm.
  • Soil in the capacles standing on a straight sunshine.

Direct sunlight can harm seedlings, especially the first, after a long cloudy weather during a small seedlings. Therefore, if seedlings faded even after watering, the windows are covered with paper or nonwoven translucent material. After addictive seedlings to the Sun, this measure is not needed.

Watering is carried out with warm water with a frequency and quantity sufficient to maintain in the ground constantly in a wet state. Overflow in hermetic container is fraught with reinforcement roots and festivity of the plant.

Cabbage, unlike Parenic, can be watered both under the root and in foliage. But under sunlight It is impossible to water the foliage, since the droplets of water on the foliage with a certain focus can work as the magnifying glass lenses and cause the burn.


With an obviously normal growth of plants, feeding is not required, especially when using a full fertile soil. Depleted peat mixtures may not give a sufficient amount of sufficient nutrition, which will be visible on a pale anemic form and weak growth. Then every 7 days 2-3 times it is fed by the infusion of wood ash (1 st. Composition per 1 liter of water, insist for 2-3 days). In the ash there is a complete set of substances necessary for any plant. In addition to nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizer separately (3-4 g per 1 liter of water). 1-2 times for the entire period of growing seedlings. Excessive feeding of nitrogen will lead to the fact that the seedlings increase the powerful green mass. The plant will have a good commodity view, but after the transplantation to open soil, the root system is not yet able to immediately provide such a mass of food, and some of the lower leaves will definitely cease.


Piking starts approximately 21 days after seedlings. By this time, the plant forms up to three real sheets. In the central regions, weather conditions allow you to dive cauliflower from April 1-5 into unheated greenhouses or under film shelter in the garden. However, this is a risky time frame. The preceding plant under the film can withstand short-term frosts up to minus 5. Just planted - up to minus 2. Therefore, in unheated greenhouses, it is necessary to provide emergency heating in case of frosts - a simple wood cutting furnace, electrical heater or other heat sources.

And low film shelters on the gardens in the case of frosts are closed with any breeding material - watin, syntheps, old clothing, straw, second and third layer of film, nonwoven material.

The heat-saving properties of the film and nonwoven material are such that one layer of such materials will be removed from 2 degrees of frost. Accordingly, three layers can save from freezes of 6 degrees.
On top of a transparent film - nonwoven material

Picked seedlings are required more square Power than in boxes. But not too much, because before landing for a permanent place to grow it for a long time, not more than 25 - 30 days. And this is not an adult, but a small plant. On 1 sq. M closed area can accommodate 180-210 plants. This is the interval between rows 7-8 cm and 5-6 cm between plants.

Under the dive can be used a gardening soil of good quality - loose and fertile.

Seedlings in a separate picing container does not require. A few days before the disembarkation, it will need to harden and teach to the conditions of the open space, the wind and the live sun.

At first, the seedlings are put on the street for several hours and watch how she behaves. The sheet should be dry, and the ground is wet. Thilled in cloudy, warm and quiet weather, any seedlings tolerate easily. A completely uncrowed seedlings with hard weather conditions in the sun and wind can burn out for counting minutes. Therefore, when the first signs of fading, it is cited back, and the hardening continues in shading and lull. Having spent 4-5 hours of seedlings already significantly adapted, not so gentle and does not require such close attention as in the first hours.


Finished seedlings at the age of 50-55 forms about 5 real sheets.

Cauliflower is more demanding on the quality of the soil than the white-born. She needs a fertilized organic. Fertile soil with a water permeable subfectant layer so that water is not styled after heavy rains. This can cause root rotting.

It is better to plant in cloudy weather, then the seedlings will not faded like a landing with the sun and easily carries out.

The predecessors of the cauliflower should not be related cross-color, and they plant it after potatoes, greenery, legumes or cucumbers. It is planted under a 60 cm scheme between rows and 30 cm between plants in a row, or 70 cm between rows and 20 cm between plants.
Optimal for transplant size and number of real sheets

The organic is brought in autumn in the form of manure - 50-60 kg per 10 sq. M, or in the spring in the form of humus - 30-40 kg per 10 sq.m.

Care of the cauliflower consists of conventional receptions - weeding, loosening, watering and feeding. And before the formation of the head, the plant should increase a large green mass, only then it can give a full yield. Therefore, cauliflower is demanding of watering and feeding even before the start of the fetus launch.

Cauliflower seedlings

Cauliflower, like all cultural plants, is susceptible to diseases of three main species:

  • Fungal.
  • Bacterial.
  • Viral.

However, most of these problems affect the plant already in the open soil and rarely touch the seedlings in an isolated and clean space from these pathogens, where they can get through the underacted seeds and with the soil. Diagnose without looking at the types of these diseases and recommend the means of struggle is impossible. Each case requires accurate diagnosis and application of specially recommended drugs for this problem according to the instructions for use. But general rules Aid is. In case of the appearance of the first problems, you need to immediately:

  • Temporarily stop watering, dry leaf and dry the top layer of soil using a fan, fan heater, infrared tubes or seedlings in a dry, solar ventilated place.
  • Create seedlings with 0.3% hydrogen peroxide solution (pharmacy 100g vial 3% peroxide by 1 liter of water).
  • To frustrate the foliage and soil of wood ash, regardless of the processing of peroxide - before, after, together or instead of peroxide. The ash dries a sheet.

Most of the pathogens are growing rapidly on a wet plant and will not be able to survive in the solution of hydrogen peroxide and dry ash. Therefore, if pathogens did not have time to penetrate the deep into the plant, the disease will stop.

But hydrogen peroxide can be effective against pathogenic viruses and bacteria. And against fungal problems use copper-containing drugs and systemic fungicides.

Today, more than 30 items of various fungicides are offered on the market for mass applications.

Also, problems with the seedliness may appear with poor cultivation conditions:

  • Inappropriate temperature, below 10 or more 25.
  • Waste or overflow.
  • Watering cold water Immediately from under the tap.
  • Thickening.
  • Growth in the shade, constant lack of lighting.
  • Critically unfastened soil.
  • Excessive feeding.

Soil is preparing in autumn based on the purchase of the rigorous peat and 2-3 year old humor, with the addition (autumn) dolomite flour. Surveillance with dive is excellent, and disembarking on PMZ from individual cups in stage 5-6 cabbage leaves does not even notice. After rooting on permanent residence permanent, in the garden I'll have ash (with loosening), and before tying - I put a complex macro and microfertilization for cabbage in bed). In it among micro elements, there is a boron and molybdenum. When you cut off the head, then if the knocker is without emptiness on the cut, then the boron was in moderation. Otherwise, the head will not even get tuned, or will be ugly and quickly bloom. With molybdenum deficiency, young leaves are thin and long as tails and also problems with tying will be.

Grant, Minsk

From the very beginning: 1. Cooker is prepared in autumn. C. Kapusta loves fat, neutral soil. Therefore, if the soil is acidic to add lime. 2. Seeds. Early Dutch varieties, well-tie heads in hot weather. The title has not yet decided. 3. The key to a good crop is a good seedling with a well-developed root system. I will sow in March to the cassette. They greatly make it possible to grow just such seedlings. Seedlings should be hardened, not overgrown with 5-6 leaves of dark green color. 4. Landing in the most early deadlines. Shed into tight ground, do not flock short. Sat at the soil level. I put in a dry ground, watering and mulching only then. Seedling from cassettes is good and does not get sick even in the hottest weather.

Alekcan9ra, Moscow region\u003d257&start\u003d135

I bought Gavrish seeds in my shop. Some seeds from Holland, others from the Japanese. Last year, Gavrish did not deceive with hybrids, good cabbage increased.\u003d25&t\u003d257&start\u003d180

Masleno. S. Petersburg.

Video: Planting cauliflower seedlings in greenhouse

Cauliflower - a product on an amateur. But there are dozens of ways to prepare, including old - in boiled form, with breadcrumbs and oil. It is also frying with eggs, marinate and canned, extinguish, used in the preparation of the first hot dishes. Therefore, everyone can choose its favorite recipe, and cauliflower will benefit, because it is a very valuable food product. Especially its, fresh, with famous owners the conditions of cultivation and treatments.

Cauliflower (Lat. Brassica Oleracea Var. Botrytis) - Wide in culture variety of the Botritis Group of Cabbage Time. In Wildlife, this plant is not found. It is believed that in the culture of cauliflower was introduced by Syrians, so for a long time was called Cabbage Syrian. Ibn Sina recommended her in food as a winter vitamin product. In the XII century, the Arabs brought cauliflower to Spain, and the Syrians are on the island of Cyprus, and by the XIV century some grades of cauliflowers were grown in Italy, England, Holland and in France. Today, culture is widely cultivated not only in Europe, but also in Asian countries, as well as in the countries of Northern and South America.

Landing and cauliflower care (brief)

  • Landing: Sowing seed seeds of early varieties - at the end of February or early March, the transplant of seedlings to the ground - from April 25 to May 15. Sowing seed seeds of mid-freed varieties - in the second decade of April, and the landing of seedlings on the beds - from May 20 to June 15. Seeds of late varieties sow a month after the middle-air, and seedlings plant in open ground a month after sowing.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight.
  • The soil: Podzolic loams and chernozem with pH 6.7-7.4.
  • Watering: Regular and sufficient: on average once a week, but immediately after landing, seedlings are twice as often. Water consumption is 6-8 liters per m², but with increasing cabbage, the amount of water will increase.
  • Feeding: 3-4 times for the season: 1st - 3 weeks after disembarking seedlings into the ground, a cowhide solution, spending half-liter on each plant. 10 days after the first feeding, they spend the second, adding a Crystalline tablespoon at 10 liters and spending on each plant in a fertilizer liter. The third feeder is carried out by a mineral fertilizer after another two weeks: in 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of nitroposki dissolve and spend on each m² of beds 6-8 liters.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: Cruciferous fleece, cabbage flies, cabbage clips, cabbage moths, whitens and scoops.
  • Diseases: Alternariasis, keel, false mildew (peronosporosis), ring spot, mucous bacteriosis (wet rot), vascular bacteriosis, fusariosis (jaundice), black leg, viral mosaic.

Details about the cultivation of cauliflower read below

Cauliflower - Description

Cauliflower - annolete plant With the urine, close to the root system close to the soil surface. It has a cylindrical stem, height from 15 to 70 cm. Cauliflower leaves are arranged horizontally or space up, often they are curved in a spiral. They can be both whole and sedentary and lovid-separate, on stiffs with a length of 5 to 40 cm. The color of the leaves is different shades of the green color up to the sizogue from the wax. The cauliflower body used is fleshy flowers, or heads. Cauliflower inflorescences are used in the eating condition, they can be of different colors - a well-known green cauliflower, snow-white, cream and even purple. The technical ripeness of cabbage reaches an average of 90-120 days.

The fruit of cauliflower is a multifaceted pod of 6 to 8.5 cm long, cylindrical or surplus-cylindrical shape. Grow cauliflower in the seed method - seedliness and reckless.

From this article you have to find out when sowing a cauliflower to seedlings, how cauliflower sowing to seedlings, how to grow seedlings of cauliflower at home, when cauliflower planting in open ground, how to grow cauliflower in the open soil. In addition, we describe you the most popular cauliflower varieties for open soil, which you can successfully grow in your garden.

Cauliflower cultivation of seeds

When sow cauliflower to seedlings

Planting cauliflower to seedlings are made in several techniques: the seeds of early varieties can be sowed at the end of February, 40-50 days before the seedlings landing on the garden, after two weeks they sow the varieties of the average ripening time, and then, in a month, sew late varieties of cauliflower.

Cold cabbage seedlings

The cauliflower seeds are subjected to processing: first they are placed in a thermos with water with water 50 ºC for 15 minutes, then lowered to cold water, after which it is soaked in a solution of trace elements for 12 hours, and then washed thoroughly and placed one day in the lower Refrigerator box. After such treatment, the seeds are dried and sow several pieces into separate pots to subsequently do not expose the seedlings to the picking that they are poorly transferred. Drainage is placed on the bottom of the pots, then a neutral reaction soil, which is made up of 4 parts of the low peat, 1 part of the cowboat and one and a half of the volatile sawdust. You can also use the substrate of their 10 parts by humus, 1 part of the sand and 1 parts of the low peat. Make a little ash in a wet substrate and mix it thoroughly. Sowing cauliflower into the ground is carried out at a depth of half a hundredthimeter, after which the substrate is sealing.

Cauliflowing conditions are as follows: Before the appearance of germs, the temperature in the room should be within 18-20 ºC, and when the seeds are germinate, it should be reduced to 6-8 ºC, placing seedlings as close as possible to the light. After 5-7 days, set the temperature regime during the daytime at the level of 15-18 ºC, and at night - 8-10 ºC. Cauliflower seedlings growing in a room with too high temperatures (above 22 ºC), it may later not form inflorescences at all.

The cultivation of cauliflower and the care of it in the repertline is temperate irrigation, regular soil looser and prophylactic treatment of the substrate with a pink solution of mangalls from a black leg and other fungi. When seedlings develop 2-3 sheets, they are sprayed with a solution of 2 g boric acid In 1 liter of water, and when the seedlings will be added to another leaflet, the seedlings will not hinder the treatment with a solution of 5 g of molybdenum-acid ammonium in a bucket of water.

Picking cauliflower

The cultivation of cauliflower does not imply dive, as it is poorly tolerated by seedlings. But if you decide to sow seeds not in separate containers, but in a common box, choose a sudden deeper, and place the seed less frequently, so as not to damage the root system of seedlings when transplanting into open ground.

For those who believe that it is necessary to dive cauliflower seedlings, we suggest to do this when the seedlings turn two weeks, dissolving them in separate containers, carefully trimmed when the root is gentle. After picking, contain seedlings at a temperature of 21 ºC, until they come down, then install this temperature mode: 17 ºC afternoon and 9 ºC at night.

Planting cauliflower into outdoor ground

When to plant cauliflower into outdoor ground

Seedlings of early grades of cauliflower, sowed at the end of February or in early March, land in open ground from about April 25 to May 15. Landing of cauliflower of middle-timed varieties sown from the second decade of April in the second decade of May, is carried out in a month and a half - from May 20 to June 15. Late varieties of cauliflower grown across seedlings are planted on a bed of about a month from the moment of sowing.

A week before landing in the soil, cauliflower from seeds needs to be filtering with a solution of 3 g of superphosphate and 3 g of potassium chloride in one liter of water - this will increase its cold resistance. Well, of course, for ten days before disembarking seedlings, they harde them, gradually catching up to the medium in which they have to grow.


Transplanting seedlings to open ground is carried out in warm cloudy weather. The cauliflower growing area should be sunny, and the hydrogen soil is close to neutral - within 6,7-7.4. Well, if last year, carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, seeders, grain or legumes grew up in this place. But after such garden plantslike beets, tomato, radishes, radish and all kinds of cabbage, cauliflower can only be planted in four years.

The soil on the site is drunk to the depth of the bayonet shovel since the autumn, at the same time lime, if the soil has a sour reaction. In the spring, before planting, a humidization or compost or compost is made to each well, 2 cups of wood ash, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and a teaspoon of urea. Do not forget all these additives thoroughly mix with fertile soil.

How to plant cauliflower

The distance between the wells depends on the sort of cabbage, but on average, the gap between the plants in the row should be about 35 cm, and the width of the rod is at least than half the meter. Seedlings are plunged into the ground in the first real leaves, the soil surface compacted after planting and watered. If the landing is made in April or early May, the first time the seedlings are better for a couple of days to cover with a plastic film or a nonwoven fleece - the coating will protect the seedlings from possible night frosts and from the cruciferous flew.

Readers ask is it possible to grow cauliflower immediately in the open soil. Sure you may. In the southern regions of Ukraine and Russia, from mid-April, seed seeds directly into the soil, since they will sprinkle at a temperature of 2-5 ºC, but in more cool areas, it is still safe to use a seaside method of growing cauliflower.

How to grow cauliflower

Cauliflower care

Since cauliflower is poorly adapted to the conditions of the middle strip, the quality and amount of the crop entirely depends on how you will care for it. Caring for the cauliflower in the open soil is not much different from the care of the white-born cabbage - watering, grounding of the soil, emphasis, weeding, feeding and treating from pests and disease, but to perform all this is needed carefully and scrupulously.

The soil between the plants and in the aisles are loose to a depth of about 8 cm, while at the same time removing the weed grass from the site. It is usually done after watering or rain while the earth is wet.

Watering cauliflowers

Cauliflower in open ground requires regular and sufficient polishes. They watered this culture on average once a week, although the first time after planting moisturizing the plot with the seedle will have two times more often. Water consumption during watering is approximately 6-8 liters per m², but with increasing cabbage, the flow rate will increase. In order not to overdo it with the humidification of the soil and not provoke this development of fungal diseases, focus on weather conditions - with regular abundant precipitation, when the soil is impregnated with moisture on a decent depth, you can do without watering. In order for moisture in plants to remain longer and the inflorescence of the cauliflower was not covered with dark spots, cover the heads with their own leaves, bouncer 2-3 of them.

Falker cauliflower

Over the growing season, the cauliflower feed 3-4 times, and the first feeding must take place no later than three weeks after disembarking seedlings to the garden. The best fertilizer for cauliflower is considered a cowhide solution - in 10 liters of water bred half-liter composition. The consumption of solution is a half-liter bank per plant.

The re-feeding of a cowman is carried out ten days after the first, adding a tablespoon of crystaline into the solution and spending already in liter ready on one instance.

The third feeder can be made by mineral fertilizers, for example, dissolving in 10 liters of water 2 tablespoons of nitroposki and spending on each m² of a plot of 6-8 liters.

Cauliflower treatment

Since cauliflower is often amazed by diseases and pests, you will have to protect it from them in all possible ways. The advantage of this particular cabbage is that with its pests you can cope without the use of pesticides. The best tool for the protection of cauliflower from insects and from slugs is to break the plants with wood ash or tobacco. It may be effective may be a spraying of cauliflower with a solution of infusion husk, loophs or tomato tops. As for the disease, it is possible to avoid the use of protective drugs only in the pedantic observance of the agricultural equipment of culture, but even in this case, success is not guaranteed.

Cauliflower cultivation in the suburbs

In the conditions of the Moscow region, it makes sense to grow early and secondary grade of cauliflower, and later grades usually do not have time to ripe. Therefore, the most important is to choose the right variety of plants and not be lazy to grow seedlings - a seaside method of growing cauliflower in the middle strip of reliable reckless. Those who categorically do not want to grow seedlings should be aware that it is possible to sow cauliflower seeds into the ground in the conditions of the Moscow region not earlier than the end of March, since with earlier sowing seeds may die in unheated land, and no later than June - if you are late with sowing Cauliflower may not have time to mature.

Pests and Cauliflower Diseases

Diseases of cauliflower

Cauliflower in open ground is subjected to all sorts of risks, for example, attacking harmful insects or infection with fungal, bacterial or viral diseases. Questions often sound in your appeals, why the cauliflower turns yellow, dries or rot. The cause of everything - amazing its diseases, which, like pests, a lot of cauliflowers, and we will introduce you to most of them. Of the diseases most often, the cabbage is amazed:

Alternariasis - fungal disease, manifested by black or dark brown plas and concentric circles on cabbage leaves. Leaves die. In a humid environment at a temperature of 33-35 ºC, the spores fungus spread faster.

Measures of struggle: Mandatory preliminary disinfection of seeds with planaries, plant treatment with copper-containing drugs - burglar liquid, colloidal gray, copper vitriol, eg;

Kila - In this case, the diseases on the roots of the cauliflower are formed, thighs and bloating, leading to rotting the root system. As a result, the plants cease to receive nutrients From the soil, yellow and dry. On too wet and acidic soils, the keel applies faster.

Measures of struggle: nice results It gives to the ground throughout the season of vegetation of cauliflower of wood ash. Do not plan the cauliflower on the site where Kila was discovered, 5-7 years old. In the wells when landing seedlings, make some lime-puffs. From time to time, water the cabbage under the root with a solution of 1 cup of dolomite flour in 10 liters of water;

Ring spottedness - A fungal disease that manifests itself by the formation of small black dots on the leaves and stalks of cauliflower. With the development of the disease, the point increases to 2.5 cm in diameter, forming concentric circles around them. As a result, the surface of the sheet turns yellow, its edges are made uneven. Promotes the development of ring spotting cool wet weather.

Measures of struggle: To combat the disease, the processing of cauliflower fungicides is used. After harvesting, remove vegetable residues from the site;

Mucous bacteriosis or wet rot There is due to the violation of the water balance: small watery spots of dark color arise on the heads of cauliflower, and on the stems - black oblong stains. Then in these places, the fabric of plants begins to rot, black and publish nasty smell. Progresses the disease under wet weather, contributes to the infection of the mechanical damage to the plant.

Measures of struggle: The spots that have appeared must be cut immediately, capturing a healthy fabric. Highly affected specimens need to dig and destroy. In the spring it is desirable to carry out the prophylactic treatment of cabbage 0.4% suspension of colloidal sulfur. After harvesting, remove all plant residues from the site;

Vascular bacteriosis It is manifested by scattered chlorotic stains on the terrestrial cauliflower organs, which develop necrosis. The leaves are fading, and black rot in the heads appear. If the disease struck the plant on early stage Development, the heads of the cauliflower are not formed at all. Progresses the disease at the time of protracted rains.

Measures of struggle: Observe the crop rotation - do not grow cauliflower after cruciferous. We are disinfected by seed material and soil for seedlings, timely conduct preventive treatment of cauliflower against fungal diseases. In the fight against vascular bacteriosis, the processing of plants with tripbandomine and planaris;

Fusariosis or jaundice, It is excited by a fungus penetrating into the vascular system of plants, as a result of which the leaves acquire the yellow-green colors from one, and sometimes on both sides of the plate. Then the leaves appear on the leaves, and the veins are slightly darkened. The leaves are falling, and the cabbage head is deformed.

Measures of struggle: On time, the detected disease can be cured by processing the cauliflower of the foundazole (beomyl). If you take rainwater or water from water bodies for watering, add phytosporin-m to it;

Blackleg - This disease is striking cabbage in a seaside stage. Root neck against the background of too high humidity of soil and air is black and made soft, from which a sighter dies.

Measures of struggle: Seedlings should be purchased only from well-proven firms, but if you bought it from a dubious seller, the disinfection of the seedlings exceeded. The soil before sowing seeds is sterilized with a solution of formalin or steam, the seeds are treated with a solution of manganese or pseudo-bacterial-2. Patient plants immediately remove and destroy;

Peronosporosis or false powdery dew It develops on terrestrial parts of cauliflower, and often the manifestations of the disease can be found already in the repentance - at the semi-dealers and real leaves of the plant, slightly depressed spots are formed. The leaves planted in the soil seedlings, if it is infected with peridosorosis, in conditions of high humidity favorable for fungus, covered on the bottom side of the plates with a whitish flap, which gradually becomes gray. At these places, necrosis develops, the growth of seedlings slows down, chlorotic stains are formed on the leaves, they dry and fall out.

Measures of struggle: At the first signs of the defeat of cauliflower peronosporosis, it is necessary to carry out the processing of plants by fungicide, for example, Ridomil Gold (suspension 0.05%). As a preventive protection, seeds and soil are recommended before sowing and observe the agricultural engineering of culture;

Mosaic - The cultivation of cauliflower in the open ground is often accompanied by a viral disease, the first signs of which manifest themselves a month after planting seedlings to the garden: the veins on the leaves are brightened, and the dark border is formed around them. The growth of residents is suspended, as a result of which the leaves become wrinkled. Gradually, necrotic stains are formed on the leaf plates, the leaves die and fall, the heads are formed small, strongly deformed.

Measures of struggle: As a rule, the carrier of the causative agent of the disease are sucking insects - which is why it is necessary to lead a merciless struggle with them. In addition, there is no treatment from viral diseases. It is possible to protect the cauliflower from the mosaic, strictly observing the mandatory agrotechnical activities, including the removal from the cruciferous weeds and the treatment of cauliflower from the Tly.

Pest of cauliflower

From the permanent and most persistent cauliflower pests, such insects can be called:

Cruciferous fleece - Small bugs feed on shoots and cauliflower leaves. To protect the plants from this pest, the seedlings twice with an interval in 10 days are treated with a solution of trichlorometaffos. Since these insects do not tolerate the smell of garlic and tomatoes, it is recommended to seal the planting of cauliflower by these plants;

Capping fly Singing eggs at the bottom of the cabbage stems, in the clocks of the earth and cracks in the soil, and after 8-12 days, the larvae appeared fill the root system of the cabbage, destroying it, which young plants die, and adults gradually collapse. In order to scare a cabbage fly, planting cauliflowers are sealing celery, the smell of which insect does not tolerate. Water the ground around the cabbage with a 0.2% carbofos solution at the calculation of a glass-and-a half per instance - you will need 2-3 such treatment with an interval per week;

Capping Tla - The harmful insect, infecting cabbage with viral diseases and juice sucking out of it. Whewing Whew on cruciferous weeds and vegetable residues, inconsistent after harvest. It is recommended to seal the bed with a cabbage planting of tomatoes, the smell of which scares the pest. In the fight against the tool, the infusion of garlic, onions, acute podpok peppers, wormworms, pyzhms, yarrow, tobacco dust, mustard, potato tops with the addition of grated household soap are used. In the case of mass occupation of cauliflower, the tox will have to use insecticides - actuar, tank or biothel, for example;

Capportean Belyanka, cabbage scoop and capping mole - The caterpillars of these insects feed on the leaves of the cabbage, sometimes leaving only the veins from them, they minounter them, bite them in the heads. It is necessary to destroy the masonry and caterpillars manually, good results gives the treatment of cauliflower with a 0.5% solution of the microbiological preparation of Entobakterin-3.

Cleaning and storage of cauliflower

Cauliflowed heads begin to achieve technical ripeness, which is determined by such signs:

  • heads are reached in diameter 8-12 cm;
  • head weight - from 300 to 1200 g

Early varieties of spill from 60 to 100 days, medium ripening varieties can be removed after 100-135 days, the late varieties are matured at least 4.5 months.

The overrevous vegetable loses not only taste, but also useful qualities. Cabbage is cut very carefully, leaving on the head 2-4 leaves. If the cabbage has formed lateral shoots, leave a couple of them the strongest, and new inflorescences will develop. Do not leave cut heads in the sun, otherwise they will yellow and become unsuitable.

Store the heads of cauliflower in the cellar, in plastic or plywood boxes covered with film - the term of such storage to two months.

If you do not have a cellar or basement, disassemble and flush inflorescences under running water, dry them and freeze - it is possible in the fresh form, it is possible in a slightly boiled (no more than 5 minutes). Shelf life is 1 year.

You can store cauliflower in suspended condition, like white-baked, but then do not cut inflorescences, and dig plants from the bed, cut the roots, remove the top leaves, tie a cabbage for the knob with twine or rope and hang up so that the heads do not come into contact with each other. Shelf life month.

Sometimes late varieties of cauliflower do not have time to ripen even before technical ripeness, and they have to fool them at home. Rather, it is better to do it in the cellar - it is stored there, and rushing. Make a couple of boxes from gardens in the cellar. Cabbage on the garden is good, and you dug out after two days, keeping the root of the earth on the roots. Pere out the dug cabbage in the boxes in the cellar, immersing them into the ground for the same leaves. The temperature in the room where the cauliflower will be released should be from 0 to 4 ºC, and air humidity at 90-95%. Provide indoors good ventilation and enjoy the cauliflower all winter.

Types and varieties of cauliflower

Cauliflower - popular in culture variety of garden cauldron. Today there are many varieties and hybrids of this plant, among which everyone can choose samples to taste and adapting to one or another climatic conditions. We offer you a familiarity with the best of these varieties.

Early Color Cabbage

Early grades of cauliflowers include those that ripen for 100 days and earlier. For example:

  • Snowdrift - Midhranny yieldripening for 90-100 days, with compact and dense snow-white heads weighing up to 1,200 kg, which are long stored in a frozen form, without losing excellent flavoring qualities;
  • Snowubol 23. - Harvest middle early grades, growing about the same deadlines as the previous one, with the same white heads weighing up to 1 kg. Variety of excellent taste, which is not lost during freezing;
  • Amethyst - medium grade, maturing in 80 days from the date of the seedlings to the soil with a purple shade heads, approximately the same size, weighing up to 1 kg;
  • Maliba - Superraznia and superfront grade, adapted to areas with different climates, which begins to give a harvest after 55-65 days from the date of the seedlings falling into the ground. Cabbage heads of this variety dense, rounded, milky white color, weighing up to 5 kg;
  • Fortos - A harvest, stress-resistant grade maturing a couple of months after disembarking seedlings to bed. Rounded heads, snow-white, dense, weighing up to 2 kg;

In addition to those described, such varieties like Fremont, Movir-74, Express are popular. Snowball, Sugar glaze, Regent, White Castle, Berdegruss, Blue Diamond, Purple and others.

Middle Cauliflower

This group of varieties belongs to those who spit for 100-135 days. For example:

  • Lilac ball - High-yielding, resistant to autumn frosts varieties with middle-density heads with a weight of up to 1.5 kg. The heads of this variety are well stored;
  • Domestic - a yield grade with small white heads weighing 700-800. Vegetation period of 100-120 days;
  • Asterix F1. - Sustainable K. mildew and adverse climatic conditions Hybrid variety with small white heads weighing up to 1 kg, which are securely closed with leaves;
  • Yako - high-yielding grade with a short period of ripening and solid head weight up to 850 g. The variety is derived for summer and autumn cultivation;
  • Flora Blanca - The yield, winter-hard-resistant, well-stored variety of Polish selection with dense white-yellow heads of high taste quality weighing up to 1200 g, which ripen after 110 days after seed germination. The advantage of this variety is that the heads ripen almost simultaneously, so the crop collect quickly and easily.

Also in demand are also the middle-wide varieties of white beauty, Moscow canning, Rashamor, Emeying, Parisian, Koza Dereza, Goodman and Dacznitsa.

Late varieties of cauliflower

This group of varieties belongs to those that ripen from 4.5 to 5 months and longer:

  • Cortes F1 - a high-yielding hybrid, requiring fertile soil, stealing freezing, thanks to the "self-absorption" of the head with leaves. The inflorescences of this variety are dense, white, weighing up to 3 kg;
  • Amerigo F1. - high-yielding and heat-resistant and frost hybrid varieties with white-colored heads weighing up to 2.5 kg;
  • Consista - one of the latest varieties, perfectly carrying autumn frosts, with large dense heads weighing up to 800 g;
  • Autumn giant - The period of vegetation of this grade cauliflower from 200 to 220 days. The heads of this cabbage are dense, white, weighing up to 2.5 kg;
  • Regent - Mass of the head of this late variety of cauliflower, steadily carrying autumn frosts, from 530 to 800 g.

Known in culture and such late sorts of cauliflower, like Altamira, Adler Winter, Incline, Amsterdam, Sochi and others.

Cauliflower for Siberia

In Siberia to ripen before the onset of cold weather, only early varieties of cauliflower have time, and they grow exclusively ensure. Popular in culture such varieties like:

  • Baldo - Superrazny high-yielding grade with rounded medium-sized milk-white heads;
  • Candid Charm F1. - hybrid grade with a snow-white head weighing up to 2 kg, well protected by leaves;
  • Opal - a yield early grade with homogeneous dense white heads weighing up to 1.5 kg, ripening almost simultaneously;
  • Helsinki - Powerful hybrid variety for open soil with large heads Snow-white color;
  • Whitekel - Hybrid variety-resistant and climatic conditions with homogeneous, dense, snow-white heads of dome-shaped weighing up to 3 kg.

Suitable varieties for the Siberian climate are Movir-74, a snow ball, a lilac ball and amphorah hybrids F1 and Cheddar F1.

Cauliflower for the suburbs

Cauliflower varieties for the middle strip must have such qualities:

  • resistance to sharp differences in temperature and humidity;
  • undepair to heat and light;
  • ripening time no later than mid-October.

To varieties that meet such requirements can be attributed as follows:

  • Radineel - Early variety, relatively resistant to diseases. Heads round, white, dense and juicy;
  • Mushroom Early - Early grade, which does not harm a slight shading. The heads of the cabbage of this variety weighing up to 700 g, somewhat loose, but excellent tasteings;
  • Snowball - medium, resistant to diseases and cold-resistant varieties with snow-white large heads reaching 1.2 kg;
  • Alpha - Early grade with very large heads weighing up to one and a half kilograms, which, unfortunately, is stored for a long time;
  • Guarantee - Early grade, the dense heads of which weighing up to 850 g long do not break down.

We grow well in the Moscow region such grades of cauliflower, as an express, Muscovite, Snowflake, Broadcase, Round head, Movir 74 and others.

Cauliflower properties - harm and benefits

The taste and dietary qualities in the cauliflower are expressed more clearly than other varieties of garden cabbage, and for nutritional value, it also exceeds them. Ascorbic acid and protein in it are greater than, for example, in white cabbage, 2-3 times - 50 g of cauliflower contains the amount of vitamin C sufficient for the human body for a day. In addition, in this culture, the content of other vitamins - pp, h (biotin), k, d, a and vitamins of B.

Cauliflower includes carbohydrates, fats, starch, sugar, fatty acids, chlorine macroements, sodium, potassium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus and magnesium, and microelements copper, manganese, iron, zinc, cobalt and molybdenum, and iron in it is several times more than in lettuce leaves, zucchini, bulgarian pepper and eggplants. Vitamins and minerals contained in cauliflower strengthen the antioxidant protection of a person, and enzymes are actively removed from the body toxins and slags. Rich colored cabbage tartronova, apple, lemon acids and pectin.

Due to this composition, cauliflower is not only a valuable nutrient product, but is also included in the diet as a therapeutic agent for many diseases - with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and urinary tract, endocrine system.

Since there is little coarse fiber in cauliflower, it is easier to digest and digested by the body than a white or red cabbage, therefore, it is recommended to doctors even with gastritis patients, as well as patients with liver disease and gallbladder. It is shown a cauliflower with diabetes mellitus, since it normalizes cholesterol and glucose levels.

In cauliflower found substances that are beneficial affecting nervous system The person and those are excellent prevention of cancer: regular use of cauliflower reduces the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate glands.

Cauliflower is a record holder in the content of biotin, or vitamin H, which prevents inflammatory skin diseases, including seborrhea, therefore biotin is often included in the skin care products and hair.

Fresh salted cauliflower juice, due to the presence of vitamin U in it, successfully helps to burn ulcers: the acidity is normalized, and it contributes to the regeneration of the gastric mucosa and duodenum. Freshly squeezed juice due to the content of tartronic acid in it helps to be free from excess weight. Bad wounds or burns are treated, applying a mixture of raw egg squirrel and cashel from cauliflower leaves.

Cauliflower - Contraindications

Danger cauliflower presents:

  • for the increasing acidity of the stomach, intestinal spasms and acute enterocolitis - it will strengthen the pain and may cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the internal organs;
  • for recently undergone operations on the abdominal cavity;
  • for patients with renal diseases and suffering high pressure;
  • for patients with gout, since in the composition of cauliflower there are purines, and when they accumulate in the body, the concentration of uric acid increases, which can cause a relapse of the disease;
  • for people with a weakened endocrine system, since abuse provokes the development of goiter;
  • for those who have cauliflower causes allergies.

The same, who has cauliflower does not cause negative reactions, we recommend bakeing it in the oven, because with this method of preparation, it almost does not lose its useful qualities.

Came to us under Catherine II from Europe, and to Europe - from Syria, cauliflower in last years It becomes frequent vegetable on our tables. He fell in love with her excellent taste, rich biochemical composition, dietary properties.

Growth of the popularity of cauliflower

In Russia, cauliflower began to spread through Bolotov Andrei Timofeevich, who managed to bring the northern kind of vegetable. Cauliflower is cultivated worldwide. In Germany, for example, this vegetable occupies 10% of lands left under vegetable crops. We also have a little on an industrial scale. And in their own sections, many gardeners are not taken for the breeding of this valuable culture.

Cauliflower is cultivated worldwide: for example, in Germany, it takes 10% of the lands left under vegetable crops

Cauliflower is very capricious vegetable, demanding to growing conditions. Culture loves solar places, while the temperature range is small - 10-26 ° C. Needed fertile light earth, without water stagnation, do not fit and sour soil. Cabstone needs a moderate constant watering. In our latitudes, such conditions are quite difficult, often a vegetable has to be grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. And yet the popularity of cauliflower grows. Although most varieties and hybrids have foreign origin, you can successfully grow this vegetable and with us.

Dates of seeding, choosing a cauliflower planting method

From the region, in which region will grow cabbage and when we want to get a crop, will depend on the timing of seed landing.

Eat and reckless ways of growing cauliflower are possible. At the same time, seeding immediately in open soil is more suitable for southern regions, and the growing seedlings - for Middle strip, Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

Eat method

A seaside method of growing cauliflower can be used in all regions.

When growing seedlings, it is necessary to focus on the period of plant landing in the ground, because the optimal age of planting seedlings is 35-45 days. You also need to look at the weather outside the window: By the time the landing, the air should warm up to a temperature of +17 ° C. All seed packs have instructions with instructions on the best dates for disembarking a particular variety or hybrid. For regular production, seeds can be seen with intervals in a few days.

Table: Dates of sowing Cauliflower seeds for seedlings by region

Reckless way

With a reckless method of growing cauliflower, you can land seeds in the ground when the upper layer of the Earth warms up to 14-15 ° C. This method is suitable only for southern and centrally black earth regions. Advantages of this landing option:

  • there is no need to replant plants;
  • estimated less forces and means.

In each well, it is necessary to put 2-3 seeds, after germination, leave the steadst plant.

It should be noted that the late varieties in the open soil are worth growing, perhaps, only in the southern regions.

Preparation of soil and capacities for seedlings

For proper growth of seedlings and high yields, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil. Cauliflower does not like acidic soils, no poor and hard are also suitable. Cauliflower seeds are better to put in the soil from the rod, humoring and peat in equal proportions. Well add to the soil phosphoric fertilizers, for example, superphosphate in the amount of 40-80 grams to the soil bucket or complex fertilizer (cabbage multiflor), add trace elements, especially molybdenum (ammonium molybdate).

In the soil for seedlings of cauliflower it is necessary to make fertilizers, especially molybdenum (ammonium molybdate)

You can purchase and finished soil. So that in the future eliminate the diseases of the seedlings, the soil is desirable to roller or pour a solution of manganese.

Cauliflower root system very fragile. Therefore, the seeds often immediately plant in separate cups with a diameter of 5-7 cm. Very comfortable in this case peat pots. The walls of such a container provide a good air-water mode, there are no pests and harmful connections, the root system will not be damaged when landing will not be damaged, and the declaring walls will continue to serve fertilizer for the plant.

For seedlings of cauliflower, it is convenient to use peat pots, which will allow you to further plant plants in the ground, without damaging the root system

Very comfortable peat pills. When used, there is no need to prepare soil and picking. Dry pills flooded warm water And in a few minutes are ready for landing seeds.

When using peat tablets, there is no need to prepare the soil and pickup seedlings

It is possible to plant cabbage seeds and containers, a 3x5 cm planting scheme, but in the future a neat seedling picking will be required.
Another advantage of landing into separate pots or pills is the ability to transfer containers with sprouted seeds to another place.

Preparation and seeding

First of all, you should select the most large seeds, Check them for germination.

The short-term heating of seeds in hot water is one of the disinfection methods when the seeds are heated for 20 minutes in water at 50 ° C. It makes plants resistant to fungal diseases and keel. Also, for disinfection, it is possible to use the juice of garlic, by placing the seeds for 1 hour per solution from 1 piece of garlic juice and 3 parts of water.

Before boarding cauliflower seeds, it is necessary to displaced in hot water or garlic juice

After preparation, you can start landing. Unpainted seeds are planted at a depth of 0.5-1.5 cm, the sproured can be boldly to blow out 2 cm and wait for gear. The temperature is maintained in the range of 18-22 ° C and after 4-5 days, shoots should appear.

Growing and care for seedlings

After the appearance of seedlings, the seedlings should be quickly transferred to a room with a lower temperature. The optimal temperature regime is 10-15 ° C. It is possible and even desirable to reduce the temperature to 6-8 ° C in the first seven days after sedimentation for planting plants.

After the appearance of shoots, the air temperature should be reduced to 6-8 ° C in the first 7 days

The second after temperature mode Performs watering regime seedlings. It cannot be allowed to cut the earth, it is necessary to water rainwater with temperatures above the soil temperature.

Young seedlings should be placed on a well-lit side to prevent plant pulling.

Video: Cold Cabbage Seedlings

Rechazzle seedlings of cauliflower in the ground

When the seedlings reach the age of 35-45 days and it will form a socket with 4-6 leaves, it is planted in an open soil, taking into account all the requirements for this plant (illuminated, light fertile soils). Seedling is plunged to the first leaflets and is abundant. At first, seedlings are advisable to take. Planting scheme: 30-40 cm between plants, 60-70 - between rows.

Cauliflower seedlings can be planted in an open ground aged 35-45 days

Video: Rechazzle seedlings in the ground

The cultivation of cauliflower seedlings is not much different from growing seedlings of other types of cabbage. Therefore, in order not to look for a cauliflower grade interested in the market, do not be lazy, grow your seedlings that will bring you a rich harvest.