
Nervous diseases in dogs. Diseases of the nervous system in dogs

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Skull fractures are a consequence of road traffic accidents, very strong blows or dog drops with a significant height. They can be open or closed, depressed or linear. The result of fractures become various brain damage. There are such damage to the brain, which are not associated with fractures of the skull, is bruises, concussion and brain swelling.

Bruise is easy damage that is not accompanied by loss of consciousness and any manifestations of a threat to the life of a dog. Normal well-being is restored relatively quickly.

A concussion of the brain is characterized by a higher degree of severity. It is a consequence of a strong impact and may be accompanied by loss of consciousness.

Ham and hematomas formation in brain tissues are of great danger to the life of the dog. They arise as a result of damage to the vessels of the brain and are characterized by an extremely severe condition of the animal. The dog not only loses consciousness, but can go to whom.

In the swelling of the skull, the brains squeeze out, which can lead to a sudden death of the dog. When the hematoma is formed, paralysis can occur one side of the body, one pupil ceases to respond to light.

In cranial injuries, symptoms of increasing intracranial pressure can occur. Various severity of the state of the animal is characterized by various features.

For 1 day after the dog was injured, it is necessary to carefully observe her well-being. The dog may have unusual drowsiness, the lack of reaction to the surrounding items and people, including the owner, may be observed unhealthy excitement. To control the common state of the body, the animal for 1 day must be wakeful every 2 h.

When the brain is easy to squeezing the brain, the dog's breath remains normal, but there is weakness and lethargy of one of the sides of the body and the narrowing of one pupil, but the reaction to the light is preserved. An animal can be in a slightly excited state.

With the average degree of squeezing the brain, the animal breathes hard, there is a general weakness and difficulty of movement. The reaction of pupils to the light remains normal.

The severe degree of squeezing the brain is characterized by the shift of the dog into a comatose state. Cardiac and respiratory rhythms are broken, breathing is very difficult, the reaction of pupils is missing. This degree of squeezing is especially dangerous, and it is necessary to consult a doctor, as the brain damage can entail heavy complications and death of the dog.

In the brain injuries, it is important to properly transport the dog to the nearest veterinary clinic. An animal can be wrapped in a blanket and to carry in such a way that the dog's head is slightly lower than the body. Feed and drink the animal should not.

In case of serious damage to the bones of the skull, as well as in the presence of a hematoma, surgical intervention may be required. During brain edema, diuretic and steroid drugs are prescribed, and antibiotics are used to avoid infectious infection.

The success of treatment depends on the severity of injury and on how timely and qualified was assisted. With the duration of the comatose state, over 1 days, the chances of recovery is a bit, but with a persistent and constant improvement of the condition, the animal may be curable. However, in the future various complications are possible - such as partial loss of vision, changes in the position of the head and periodically repeated attacks of convulsion.

The injuries of the spinal cord arise for the same reasons that both the crank-brain - as a result of falls and traffic accidents. The most often damage to the spinal cord is associated with various spinal fractures, displacement of the vertebrae and the gap of intervertebral discs.

The symptoms of damage to the spinal cord are loss of sensitivity or even paralysis of the extremities, accompanied by the overall weakness.

Damage to the spinal cord is very dangerous, and with suspicion of them you need to immediately deliver the dog to the veterinarian. With light bruises, it is usually enough course of drug treatment aimed at removing edema. With more serious injuries, surgical treatment may be required, but not in all cases it completely eliminates all negative changes that occurred in the body of the dog. The consequences of severe injuries are often saved for life. Very serious damage can cause the death of the animal.

Heavy injuries often lead to the fact that the dog flows into the state of the coma. Coma is such a deep loss of consciousness that the animal ceases to respond to external stimuli. The dog can go to whom suddenly (for example, with strong impact on the head), but a gradual transition from simple fainting to more and deeper states of complete insensitiousness is also possible.

In addition to injuries, the cause of the comatose state can become a thermal or solar blow, strong supercooling, some diseases, as well as carbon monoxide poisoning or other potent poisons.

When a dog is shifted to whom, first of all, the most important indicators of the life of the body should be checked - the pulse and respiratory frequency. It is necessary to clean the mouth of the mucus and pull out the language outward. An animal must be put on a rigid surface in such a way that the head is slightly below the hind limbs. In the absence of signs of life, it is necessary to make a heart massage and artificial respiration. Be sure to call the veterinarian.

In injuries of the head, as well as with such a disease of the central nervous system, like epilepsy, there is a convulsive syndrome. It includes a whole complex of symptoms, among which involuntary fines, chewing movements, chaucancing, isolating foam from grazing, uncontrolled urination and defecation, as well as loss of consciousness.

An atypical manifestation of this syndrome may be observed, which is expressed in increased activity and inexplicable aggression. An animal can bark for no reason, lick and bite their own parts of the body or rushing to the owner and other people, or the dog can begin hysterical fit and convulsions.

The cause of convulsion is usually the increased activity of certain groups of brain cells, often as a result of injury.

The convulsive syndrome is observed in dogs with a reduced content of sugar or calcium in the blood, with poisoning with various potent toxins, with renal or hepatic insufficiency, as well as puppies when they infected with helminths. A number of states similar to convulsive syndrome are distinguished.

They develop in certain insect bite (for example, bees), when ingredients in the throat of a foreign body, as well as during heart arrhythmias. In addition, strong anxiety and stress are able to cause muscle twitching in dogs. In the latter case, they give sedatives - "Diazepam", "Sedukesen", "Relanium", but to designate these drugs must veterinarian.


This disease is manifested in repetitive convulsions. The reason may be either congenital predisposition to the disease, or its later development, for example, after the crank-brain injury.

Since similar symptoms are observed with many diseases, it is necessary to know that epileptic seizures are characterized by the fact that they all proceed equally.

The epileptic seizure consists of 3 phases. The first phase (aura) is a sign of an approaching seizure. At this stage, an animal has an increase in the level of anxiety, the dog becomes restless, shakes his head, it appears involuntary chewing movements, foam out of grazing, eyes run.

The next phase (rigid) is characterized by abundant salivation and convulsions. Animal expanded pupils, involuntary urination or defecation can occur. After the completion of this phase, the dog is observed by the gaitness, and in the presence of irritating factors, the attack may repeat.

Such irritating factors can be a strong noise, coarse treatment, fatigue and over-excited status of a dog, bright lighting and even a burgher.

These two phases pass quite quickly (for 3 minutes), but the subsequent phase creates the impression that convulsions continue in the animal, although in fact, the actual epileptic seizure does not continue to share 5 minutes. The picture of the attacks in different dogs can vary greatly, so at the veterinarian reception, it is necessary to describe all the characteristic symptoms of the animal disease, the frequency and similarity of attacks.

During the epileptic seizure, in no case can you try to put the fingers into the mouth of the dog, as the animal, being in an uncontrolled state, can bite you.

The concerns of some owners regarding the fact that the dog can swallow his own language are groundless.

The attack runs quickly, but it is necessary to cause a veterinarian so that he examines the animal and prescribed the appropriate treatment.

Phenobarbital and Prisononon are used from drugs, and also intravenous injections of Relanium. It was noted that those dogs in whom the disease developed in adulthood are more susceptible to significant deterioration in the state of health against the background of epileptic seizures. Treatment does not always give the desired effect, and this is connected not only with the features of the disease, but also with the lack of necessary skills in dog owners, therefore consultation of an experienced doctor is necessary.


Parabi, that is, the lesions of the motor nerves, as a result of which the animal completely or partially loses the ability to move, can cause not only injuries, but also some diseases.

One of the reasons for paralysis in dogs can become a poison contained in the salivary glands of females of forest ticks. Symptoms developing in the dog in this case are very similar to the symptoms when infected with helminths, so the non-professional is difficult to understand the cause of the painful state of the animal. First, for several days, the dog has severe weakness, then paralysis is also developing. It is necessary to refer to the vet as soon as possible, since the animal can not only lose the ability to move, but even die due to the respiratory stop.

Another cause of the development of paralysis can be bacteria - pathogens of botulism. The source of infection with this infection is Padal, as well as spoiled food products. Symptoms are similar to the above. This disease often leads to death, so it is important to refer to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Doctors usually apply the drug "Anatoksin".

In addition to paralysis, with a number of diseases there is an increased weakness of the entire organism or the limbs of the animal.

During myasthenia, there is a violation of biochemical processes in nerve cells, which leads to the weakening of the rear limbs of the dog. The movement of the patient's animal is difficult, the gait is observed. Treatment is carried out using special preparations under the supervision of a veterinary doctor.

Brain disease

Encephalitis, or brain inflammation, can be caused by various reasons. Often encephalitis is one of the symptoms of any infectious disease.

Brain inflammation provoke plague viruses, rabies and parvovirus, as well as some others. In addition, encefilite can develop as a result of a bacterial or fungal infection.

The symptoms of encephalitis are increased drowsiness or unreasonable aggression, violation of coordination of movements, the inadequacy of reactions to external stimuli, fever, convulsions, fainting and coma.

Bacterial infection can cause other heavy lesions of the brain - meningitis, that is, the inflammation of the brain shells and the spinal canal.

Treatment of these diseases should be carried out by a veterinarian. It is aimed at identifying the causes of dog health violations and their liquidation. For this purpose, antibiotics and corticosteroid drugs are applied.

The reasons for the occurrence of granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis in dogs are not yet accurately installed. It is assumed that this is not a well-known infection. Symptoms of the disease are the loss of coordination of movements, paralysis, convulsions and coma. This disease can manifest in different form. Sometimes the picture of the disease resembles the symptoms observed when the brain tumors appear. In rare cases, complete or partial blindness occurs.

Act of this disease has not been developed for effective treatment. The use of some drugs can temporarily facilitate the state of the sick dog, but the full recovery does not occur.

Brain tumors arise mainly in dogs with a large volume of skull. With benign neoplasms, a surgical treatment method is used, as well as radiation and chemotherapy. When forming malignant brain tumors, treatment is inefficient.

Diseases of the spinal cord

Various injuries are usually the cause of these diseases, as well as age changes in the organism of the dog and the genetic predisposition of some breeds to certain diseases.

The hernia of the intervertebral disc

The symptoms of this disease are pain, weakness, savory gait and disruption of coordination of movements, as well as fainting. Damage to the intervertebral disk can lead to the development of the paralysis of the hind limbs, along with which a violation of urination act is often observed.

The causes of this disease are different, it can develop gradually, or damage occurs unexpectedly as a result of a sharp movement of the animal. It has been established that some breeds of dogs are more than the rest are predisposed to this disease. This is primarily referring to beagles and Pekingese.

There are distinguished damage to the disks of the lumbar and cervical spine. The latter are less common, and in this case, paralysis of the limbs is usually not evolving. In case of damage to the disk of the cervical dog, the dog is trying not to move his head, as it causes her pain. Because of this, the neck of the animal seems shorter than in good condition.

Surgical intervention during damage to the intervertebral disk is usually not required. However, it is necessary to show the dog to the veterinarian, as the doctor will be able to establish the nature of damage and prescribe treatment. Apply drugs with anti-ethnic effects. For the recovery period, the load on the spine and the spinal cord of the dog should be limited.

In no case can you try to independently correct the intervertebral disk.

Syndrome of unstable vertebra

The disease develops due to the degeneration of cervical vertebrae and their displacement as a result of a sharp movement head. The symptoms are deterioration of the coordination of the movement of the hind limbs, which is constantly progressing, and the blazing gait. There is a violation of the coordination of the forelimbs, as well as partial paralysis.

This syndrome is most often striking dogs with a long neck (for example, Doberman Pincher and Dogs). It is not exactly established which factors affect the development of the disease, but there is an assumption that it provokes excessive nutrition of puppies.

Treatment should be carried out by a veterinarian. It is mainly aimed at eliminating swelling and inflammation of the spinal cord, for which special drugs are applied. If the state of the dog does not improve, a surgical intervention is possible.

Horse-tail syndrome

This disease has the following symptoms: the chromotom of the hind limbs and the breach of the gait, the palsy of the tail, incontinence of urine and uncontrolled defecation (which are caused by the urinary bubble paralysis and rectum). An animal can bite and nibble the anal area, since the sensitivity is lost.

The disease is caused by damage to the nerves located at the tail end of the spine.

Therapeutic treatments are successful in the event that the symptoms are expressed weakly. In severe cases, surgical operation is carried out. With the paralysis of the bladder and the rectum of the tangible effect of treatment, as a rule, does not occur.

Other diseases of the nervous system

Stresses, long-term stay alone, as well as a violation of content conditions can cause psychic disorders from the dog, manifested in changing the behavior of the animal.


Neuroses in dogs are developing for various reasons. The most frequent is strong stress, in addition, the cause of neurosis can be the inattentive attitude of the owner and poor-quality food of the animal, infectious diseases.

Nursing can manifest itself on the inhibitory or excited type. In the first case, the dog's activity decrease sharply, the animal does not respond (or reacts very slowly) to external stimuli, ceases to execute the host commands.

In the second case, on the contrary, the animal becomes extremely susceptible even to the insignificant effects of external factors, the activity of the dog increases and at the same time it either becomes extremely harmful or aggressive.

Neuroses can be a provoking factor in the development of many serious diseases of the internal organs, so when the symptoms described described, it is necessary to take measures to cure a dog.

With a light form of neurosis, it is often sufficiently prophylactic measures of a general nature so that the animal recovered. First, you should not physically and emotionally overload the dog. Temporarily refuse to actively train. Walking better in quiet places, away from motorways and crowded streets. You need to handle the animals, not to allow coarse and punishments - all this will only aggravate the neurotic state of the animal.

Food that you give a dog should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements. It is recommended to include more dairy and meat products in the diet. Of course, they all should be fresh and high quality.

If the dog has developed a severe neural form, it should be consulted with a veterinarian regarding the use of drugs. The tranquilizers should not give an animal. You can try the funds of traditional medicine - the ragners of the roots of Valerian, the herbs of the mother-in-law as a sedative, and to raise the life tone - the tincture of the barrier Elewerococcus, Levze, Saflorovoid, Robol, Pink, Chinese or Ginseng. But we should not forget that even during, and after treatment, you need to carefully treat your pet, try to protect the dog from strong experiences, which can cause not only neuroses, but also other diseases.

Obsessive states

The result of strong stress can be the so-called obsessive states when the animal regularly repeats the same actions devoid of practical importance, and sometimes damage to the dog itself. An animal can lick wool and bite its own parts of the body, which leads to the development of skin diseases and the appearance of wounds and ulcers on the skin. Also, dogs with obsessive state syndrome may try to catch their own tail, chasing him, go to eat, swallow pebbles and dirt. Often there is an increased salivation. In addition to the listed symptoms, visual hallucinations can occur in dogs - in this case, the animals behave as if they hunt imaginary prey.

It has been established that such a dog behavior is an unconscious desire to protect against the negative impact of stress. However, the actions carried out by dogs with obsessive state syndrome do not reduce the effects of stressful factors on the animal organism.

To overcome the syndrome, it is necessary to pay more attention to the animal. It follows more often to walk with your pet, train the dog, and also play with her. Obsessive states often appear in those animals that are long staying alone and do little walk, so you need to try to make the life of the dog more interesting and diverse. At the same time, everything should be avoided that causes animal stress.

With the symptoms of obsessive states (imaginary hunting, licking, etc.), it is not necessary to show the dog's concern about her behavior, since the host of the owner is quickly transmitted to the animal.

To achieve the maximum effect from treatment, you must consult with your doctor. A number of effective antidepressants have been developed that will accelerate the process of recovery of the dog, but their reception should be carried out under the control of the specialist.


This disease is characterized by excessive dog activity. Along with it, other symptoms related to the impaired activity of the nervous system are also manifested: increased arousal, involuntary movements of limbs, breathing and heartbeat, expanding pupils and redness of the eyes.

Veterinarians are usually prescribed Amphetamine and Ritalin preparations. In addition to therapeutic treatment, an animal with this disease needs significant physical exertion, so you need to walk as much as possible with a dog and train it.

Most of the diseases of the brain are not infectious nature, is associated with the effects on the vessels of this organ, an over-high temperature. On a hot day, the owner of the dog should protect his pet from hyperthermia and sunshine. All these states are accompanied by similar symptoms, but caused by various reasons and require different treatment.

Hypertermia It occurs when overheating the body as a whole. In addition to the brain, the functions of all organs and systems are violated with hyperthermia. Most often, hyperthermia occurs in dogs closed on a hot day in a car or other stuffy, easily heated room. The risk group includes dogs of brachicephic rocks, aging or noisy animals and animals with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Hyperthermia occurs at the ambient temperature close to the body temperature of the dog, wet air and the absence of drinking water enhance the risk of developing hyperthermia. This is a very dangerous to the life of the dog a state that requires immediate assistance to the affected animal.

In the most typical cases, the body temperature rises to 42-44 degrees. The dog is depressed, the breath and heartbeat rapid, mucous membranes are white or blue, it is possible to vomiting, narrowing or expansion of pupils. The dog can not move, rises with difficulty and immediately falls back, the shortness of breath is growing, it is possible to sign into comatose state and death.

Sunstroke After finding or active workouts in the open sky, a particularly dangerous afternoon sun is. Unlike hyperthermia, the body temperature may remain normal, especially if the dog has received a sunny blow not during training, but in a calm state. For a solar strike, a strip of gait, alternation of deceleration and gaining breathing, filled eyes, strong cramps. Sometimes death comes suddenly from a clinically healthy dog.

Practical recommendations: The dog should be translated into a cool place, cool by vessel or cold compresses, put the enema with cold water. Injection of heartbreaks are needed, labeline is set when the breathing is stopped, diphrolol is introduced in any situations.

During the edema of the lungs, the intravenous injections of 40% glucose and calcium chloride are made.

In the recovery period, sodium chloride and ringer-log sodium solutions are introduced intravenously.

Brain violation of vessels

Blood circulation disorders are associated with an insufficient inflow of blood (anemia) or with overflow of blood vessels (hyperemia). The latter can be active caused by the strengthening of blood flow and passive, which manifested itself as a result of a blood outflow disorder.

Active hyperemia It occurs with the active work on the heat, fright, physical or emotional overvoltage, as well as during a transimate of unusual to this dogs with various types of transport. The dog quickly increases the excitement, it becomes a restless, irritable and abnormally fearful, inadequately reacts to the external stimuli and can apply or surrounding injuries. The dog barks, squealing, grabs the tooth the air, trying to escape, sometimes there is vomiting. Temperature of the body remains normal or slightly increased. But significantly increases the temperature in the head of the head.

Stagnant hyperemia Most often is the complication of heart disease, less often occurs due to squeezing of vessels with close collars or growing tumor. Symptoms arise slowly, dog drill, apathetic, reflexes are weakened, painful sensitivity reduced. The dog is indifferent to everything, stands, lowly lowering his head, appetite is reduced, leather and mucous membranes of blue shine. The body temperature remains normal. When progressing a stagnant hyperemia, a dog falls into anyone.

Brain anemia It may become a consequence of strong blood loss, thrombosis, embolism, atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis of vessels that feed the brain, as well as squeezing the vessels with a tumor or rope when you try to suffocate. In addition, the brain anemia can cause various blood diseases, and heart disease, accompanied by acute cardiovascular failure.

In the acute course of the disease, there is a sudden violation of coordination of movements, the gait becomes a pod, the dog can suddenly fall into fainting. The pulse becomes a filamentous, breathing intermittent, muscular trembling arises, sometimes cramps and convulsions. The mucous pale, the head of the head is cold. Possible vomiting, paw pads.

Chronic anemia is manifested by weakness, fatigue, decrease in vision and hearing. With any physical exertion, shortness of breath arises, muscle tremor, heartbeat.

Practical advice: It is necessary to choose the collar correctly, not allow the passion of the dog and to inhibit all the diseases of the cardiovascular system in a timely manner. Early diagnosis and timely therapy - the key to success in violation of the blood circulation of the brain.

Inflammation of the head and spinal cord and their shells

Meningitis - Inflammation of the shells of the head and spinal cord. It is accompanied by an increase in intracranial pressure, the expansion of pupils, disruption of coordination of movements, with the tension of the cervical muscles. Sometimes the squint is developing, paresis and paralysis of the limbs.

Encephalitis - Inflammation of brain tissues. Characteristic symptoms of vomiting, light-free, seizures similar to epileptic, drowsiness, parish limbs can develop a coma.

Myelitis - Inflammation of the spinal cord. Symptomatics depends on how the spinal cord is struck, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back, chest or cervical vertebrae. In any case, myelitis is accompanied by general signs of the infectious process: increasing body temperature and sensitivity disorders in paw pads.

Myelitis of the lumbar part is characterized by paralysis of both pelvic limbs, with the absence of tendon reflexes and spontaneous release of feces and urine. Melith of the chest area is accompanied by spastic paralysis of the limbs, the absence of abdominal reflexes and delay of defecation and urination, subsequently by replacing incontinence. Melitis of the cervical department causes respiratory disorder and often leads to the death of a dog.

The inflammatory process can be distributed from one department of the central nervous system to others, in which case meningoencephalitis, encephalomyelitis or meningomyelitis are observed. These states are characterized by even more serious impaired nervous system and heavier symptoms.

Practical recommendations: At the very first signs of violation of the behavior of the dog, a full-fledged examination should be carried out, allowing to identify inflammation at an early stage. The most reliable medical procedure is MRI, and for the selection of the most effective treatment requires biopsy of the spinal fluid for bacteriological research.

Bacterial inflammatory processes in the central nervous system are treated with antibiotics. All cases require the use of anti-inflammatory (methipred) and diuretic (mannitol, furosemide) of funds. With inflammatory processes, antihistamines are put in the central nervous system. The use of immunostimulants is contraindicated, since the phagocytosis process of affected infection of nervous tissue cells leads to the aggravation of the clinical state of the dog.

About the gentle dog psyche

All who believe that in dog life there is no place of neurosis and stress, seriously mistaken. The complexity of the psyche of the first friends of a person allows them to receive serious mental injuries, followed by this or that violation of nervous activity.

TO nesroesam Sports and service dogs are predisposed with gross violations during training. Often neuroses causes a beating of dogs, frequent blood take, long lack of owner. Especially hard dogs transfer the change of the owner or the area of \u200b\u200buse, for example, the translation of the hunting dog to the guard service, on the chain.

Symptoms: Resistant loss of appetite, excitation and aggression, are replaced by oppression, feastfulness and attempt to hide. Urination is expensive, unconditional reflexes increase and conditional are perverted. For example, a dog's neurosis is characterized by an inadequate reaction to well-known teams. The pulse becomes rapid, arrhythmical.

Stress, disadaption syndrome differs from neurosis chronic flow and arises from long-term impact on the psyche of strong stimuli. Most often, dogs have transport and emotionally pain stress. Transport stress manifests itself immediately or 2-3 days after the transportation of the dog and is accompanied by excitation, disorder of the intestinal work (more often by diarrhea than constipation), sometimes convulsions.

For emotional and pain stress, a consistent change of stages is characterized: 1) Stage of anxiety with a decrease in performance and increased concern, 2) the stage of adaptation, during which the dog looks quite healthy and 3) the stage of disadaptation, accompanied by the oppression and disorder of the intestinal work, less often pneumonia.

Practical recommendations: It should be remembered that the dog's body is long restored after a strong impact on the nervous system: in light cases of 7 days, in heavy - more than 20 days. With severe stress - syndrome, the coma and death of the dog are possible, especially the puppies of dwarf rocks are subject to.

In the state of neurosis or stress dog should provide a relaxed content and good nutrition. An important condition for recovery is to eliminate the traumatic factor. Apply soothing, if necessary, anticonvulsant preparations, glucose, vitamins and adaptogens, such as leverage extract, ginseng and chinese lemongrass.

About epilepsy and other convulsive states

True epilepsy is rare. This is a hereditary impairment of the balance between the processes of excitation and braking in the cerebral cortex. The disease proceeds chronically and manifests itself by periodically arising convulsive activity with loss of consciousness and reflexes.

True epilepsy is incurable, the help of a dog at the same disease is to use anticonvulsant and sedatives.

Complete the situation numerous diseases accompanied by attacks clinically not different from epileptic. These are the consequences of bruises and concussions of the brain, disorders of the integrity of the eardrum caused by the abnormal ticks, strong intoxication.

The cause of convulsion can be a lack of calcium, magnesium and glucose, as well as an excellent sodium content in the blood. It is not rare convulsions arise due to tumors, water, abscess or inflammation of the brain. The places similar to epileptic seizures may be accompanied by the plague of carnivorous, lack of oxygen caused by cardiac or pulmonary diseases, acute hepatitis, chronic diseases of the kidneys, poisoning with phosphorodorganic compounds and other household chemicals.

Symptoms: The most characteristic suddenly emerged convulsive fit, less often before the seizure there is a change in the behavior of the dog: aimless walking, increased bugness, unfortunate concern. During the attack, the dog falls to the ground, pupils are expanding, the head throws out, the muscles of the head, neck, limbs and back are strained and twisted, consciousness is lost. A foam saliva is distinguished from the mouth, the dog disrespectfully opens and closes the mouth. Breathing becomes hoarse, there is an involuntary allocation of urine and feces. Blue mucus. Cramps are becoming violent and continue 2-3 minutes.

Practical recommendations: Any convulsive attack by manifestation of epilepsy should not be considered, it is necessary to conduct a dog survey and find out the real cause of the painful state. Many reasons can be eliminated, providing a dog a quiet life without dangerous attacks. Corvalol can be used as a first aid toilent attack.

Eclampsia - disease lactating dogs

Eclampsia - These are seizures that arise from dogs in the first 2 weeks after childbirth, less often during pregnancy or after the end of lactation. Sometimes Eclampsia is observed in puppies in early dairy age.

Cause: Postpartum hypocalcemia is also found in dogs receiving a large number of calcium during pregnancy. Consequently, the lack of this mineral substance in food is not the only reason for the development of the disease. It was revealed that eclampsia accompanies any violation of calcium metabolism, when it is redundant or insufficient admission to the food. With an excess of calcium, the activity of the parathyroid glands is suppressed and the production of the pararathmone necessary for the absorption of calcium is presented.

Symptoms: Early signs are increased excitability and rapid breathing. In the absence of treatment, enhanced salivation occurs, stiffness of the gait, violation of coordination of movements and convulsions. The seizures are repeated after 10-30 minutes. The content of calcium in the blood is reduced. Frequent complications of the disease becomes aspiration pneumonia. In case of severe eclampsia, the dog may die from the edema of the lungs.

Practical recommendations: It is necessary to balance the diet of the dog according to calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. A 10% calcium solution of gluconate is introduced to remove a convulsive attack. Introduction should be carried out very slowly and stop at the very first signs of deceleration of heartbeat or arrhythmia.

After the normalization of the work of the heart, the administration of calcium continues. To prevent repetitions of attacks, the convulsion subcutaneously puts the calcium borconate in the dosage of 0.5 ml per kilogram of the dog weight 3 times a day 1-2 days. The dog is prescribed vitamin preparations, the vitamin D is given special attention to the vitamin D. If, despite the treatment, the convulsions arise again, it is recommended to take puppies from the dog and feed them artificially.

Violation of the vestibular apparatus

Under the violation of the vestibular apparatus is manifested by a complex of symptoms: head slope, trembling eyeballs and disruption of coordination of movements while maintaining muscle tone. Diseases accompanied by such a clinical picture quite a lot, so it is very important to establish an accurate diagnosis.

It is especially important to distinguish between violations of the vestibular apparatus caused by damage to the central nervous system (cerebellum and nerve centers) and caused by damage to the peripheral vestibular unit (the structures of the middle ear). The latter can be successfully cured, in contrast to the lesions of the CNS, in which the chances of success are much less.

Causes of damage to the peripheral part of the vestibular apparatus:
- Inflammation of the middle ear with a long outer otitis or pharyngeal infection.
- New Education of the middle ear.
- injury to the head, palpation is accompanied by severe pain.
- In thoroughbred dogs (German Shepherd, Cocker Spaniel, Doberman, Akita-Ina) may have congenital disorders of the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. Symptoms are manifested in the period from birth to 3 months of age, but the survey shows the absence of organic damage in the middle ear.
- Degenerative changes in the vestibular apparatus caused by long-term use of antibiotics in excessively high doses. The most dangerous aminoglycosides (gentamicin, kanamycin).

Causes of lesions of the central part of the vestibular apparatus:
- Inflammation of the brain and its shells. Most often, meningoencephalitis complicates infections: carbon monoxide plague, granulomatous meningoencephalitis, cryptococcosis, toxoplasmosis, rickeciasis.
- brain tumors. More often hit dogs older than 5 years, but the hormaglastomes and papillomas of the choroid plexus can occur in young dogs.
- Tiamine deficiency. Most often occurs when a predominance in the diet of a dog fish or industrial feed of low quality.
- Injuries of the skull with a fracture of bones and indulging their fragments.
- Congenital enzymatic failure, leading to a violation of fat metabolism and accumulation of toxic for the nervous system of substances. Symptoms are manifested approximately in one year old. In addition to violations of the vestibular apparatus, there is a rise in growth, an increase in the liver and the curvature of hip joints.

Symptoms: The dog comes with a non-hard gait, bent, can fall on the side of damage. She is tilted on the same side, and sometimes the spine is bent. With more severe damage, there is a movement in a circle in the direction of the head and vomiting. In the first week after damage to the vestibular apparatus, a rhythmic trembling of eyeballs (nystagm) occurs, which is subsequently compensated for by itself.

When bilateral defeat, the dog prefers to sit, an attempt to move ends with a drop on one, then on the other side. Neither the tilt of the head, nor nastagma is observed, deafness is possible.

The diagnosis is made after a neurological examination, skull radiography, taking on bacteriological sowing of fluid from the cavity of the middle ear and the spinal liquor.

Practical recommendations: It is necessary to seriously refer to the inflammation of the oars and not to engage in self-medication. Without extreme need, do not use aminoglycosides, but if there is no other option, treatment should be carried out under the control of the doctor. Full feeding, regular vaccination, and timely removal of neoplasms of ear sinks will reduce the dog from the main reasons leading to the violations of the vestibular apparatus.

Damage to the spinal cord is not inflammatory character

Most often with myelopathies, the owners of the dachshund face, but violation of innervation and paralysis of pelvic limbs can develop from any dog. The fact is that there is quite a lot of reasons leading to the same result - narrowing the spinal channel and squeezing the spinal cord or its roots.

Degenerative changes in intervertebral disks. These are age-related changes in the structure of cartilage tissue characteristic of large breed dogs. Intervertebral discs of elderly dogs become more hard, cease to amortized, with time they deform, which can lead to the introduction of cartilage in the spinal channel.

Symptoms: The disease leaks chronically, first there is a slight stiffness of movements, then the pain is growing, and the dog more and more loses its mobility. Since the introduction of a disk substance in the spinal channel, the dog begins to scroll legs, washing the outside surface of the fingers, sometimes it comes to the full inability to move.

Treatment: In the early stages, the development of the disease can be suspended by changing the diet, proper motor activity and physiotherapy techniques. In later stages, only surgery is effective. But even it gives only a temporary effect, since pathological changes relate to the entire spine and can at any time manifest themselves in the other of its plot.

Chondroid metaplasia of the pulpal nucleus is the conversion of the liquid substance of the intervertebral disk to the hyaline cartilage, which is extruded into the vertebral channel and disrupts the blood supply to the spinal cord. There are breeds predisposed to such changes - these are fees, poodles, French bulldogs and pugs. Contrary to popular belief, the elongated form of the body has no relation to this disease. For example, Bigley chondroid metaplasia do not suffer.

Symptoms: The dog is experiencing a strong pain, dragging motionless pelvic limbs. Huge importance is the speed of assistance - squeezed nerve endings die out and the later the problem will be eliminated, the less chance of the full restoration of the dog.

Treatment Depends on the degree of lesion: if the sensitivity of the limbs is preserved, and the dog does not paraly, but only a violation of movement coordination is possible - conservative therapy (immobilization, peace, methipred) is possible, and if paralysis is observed - the damaged area is observed with MRI and surgical operation is performed. If the sensitivity in the pelvic limbs is missing longer than 48 hours, then even surgical treatment will most likely not help, since irreversible changes in the nervous tissue occurred.

The spinal cord compression is a vertebra in injury or a growing tumor. These states require surgical treatment in a specialized clinic.

Symptoms depend on the nature of the damage and in which department it is localized:
Damage in the cervical department is accompanied by muscle stiffness, anus pulsation and involuntary tail movements, in a chest department - there are no chest extremities reflexes, in the lumbar section - the dog sits, stretching the rear paws forward along the body. Reflexes on the front limbs are saved, and in the rear - reinforced. The most characteristic of the damage to the vertebrae in the lumbar-sacral region is the front of the body moves normally, the entire back is paralyzed, the tail hangs, the anus is gaping, the defecation occurs involuntarily.

Spinal cord ischemia. Relatively rarely diagnosed pathology associated with the blockage of the feed spinal cord vessels by particles of fat. It has been observed in dogs with an increased cholesterol concentration in the blood and bodybuilding disorders. At the miniature schnauzers, a breed predisposition to this disease was revealed.

Symptoms: In the area of \u200b\u200bthe damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe spine, painful swelling, the sensitivity of the skin and muscles of the underlying parts of the body is broken, as well as coordination of the movement. Depending on the degree of damage, both complete recovery and the death of the dog are possible.

Conservative treatment is associated with the elimination of the cause and restoration of vessels. Surgical intervention is not required, since the spinal cord is not compressed. But to put an accurate diagnosis of MRI and make sure that there are no other reasons.

Practical recommendations: Any conservative treatment of diseases associated with damage to the spinal cord without setting an accurate diagnosis - an adventure, a consequence of which the disability or death of a dog can be. It should not be afraid of diagnostic research under anesthesia (MRI) and operations - on how reasonfully you will come to the treatment of your pet depends on its life.

Material prepared specifically
For the portal of dog breeders Website
veterinary doctor Kalashnikova O. V.

Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous disease affect brain, brain shells and / or spinal cord. Most pathological processes causing meningitis also lead to concomitant encephalitis and / or myelitis. In dogs, non-infectious and (presumably) immuno-mediated forms of meningoencephalomyelitis are distributed much more than infectious forms. The causes of most immuno-mediated violations are not established. It is believed that immuno-mediated diseases include meningoencephalitis, corticosteroidal therapy, granulomatous meningoencefalomyelitis (GME), necrotizing vasculitis, necrotic meningoencephalitis (NME) in certain breeds (MOPS, Maltea Bologna, Chihuahua) and necrotic leicoenetsephalitis (yorkshire terriers). The final diagnosis is made according to the results of histological research; In most cases, it is not possible to put a lifestyle diagnosis without histological research, since the clinical signs and the results of laboratory studies are often non-specific and indistinguishable from the signs of infectious meningoencephalomyelitis, vascular diseases and some TSN Tumors. Differences in the histological picture with non-inflammatory meningoencephalite can reflect (or not reflect) different reasons or immunological mechanisms.

Meningitis, amenable to corticosteroid therapy (polyarteritis, necrotizing vasculitis, painful beagle syndrome)

Meningitis, amenable to steroid therapy, is predominantly in young dogs of large breeds (the average age is 1 year), although it is also found in smaller breeds (for example, the Bigley polyarthter (called the Bigley's still pain), Novoshotland retriever and the Italian greyhound marked last time). The symptoms characteristic of meningitis include pain in the back, a unnatural pose, a coward, lethargy and apathy. Frequency is often found, with a general clinical analysis of blood, leukocytosis can be found. Clinical signs are both sharp and heavy and episodic. Neurological disorders (paressers / paralysis) are rare, but it is possible to damage the dorsal or, in rare cases, brain. Cases of necrotic vasculitis of vessels of soft and spinal cord shells of the spinal cord in young beagles, German short-haired Points and Berne Mountain Dogs, sometimes found from other breeds are described. Clinical signs are similar to those observed in meningitis, amenable to steroid therapy, however, symptoms of multiple or focal damage to the spinal cord may be present. Treatment is similar to that used in meningitis, but the forecast depends on the degree of damage to the spinal cord.

A pronounced playiocytosis is usually detected in the CMF with the content of neutrophils to\u003e 10 000 / μl. In the interval between episodes, the results of the analysis of the SMF can be normal. Microorganisms in the SMZ are missing, sowing results are negative. Some animals develop an accompanying polyarthritis. The treatment is a long-term course of corticosteroids in the initial dose of 2 - 4 mg / kg per day, which is gradually reduced over 3 - 6 months.

In animals only with the symptoms of meningitis, the forecast is good, although relapses occur often. If corticosteroids do not give effect or animal, poorly tolerates side effects, anosatioprine can be used.

Meningitis, amenable to steroid therapy, sometimes occurs in cats.

Term is often used to designate all other noncommunicable inflammatory CNS diseases (excluding meningitis, amenable to steroid therapy), although pathological physiology may be different.

For a more accurate designation of the diagnosis, the term "Meningoencephalitis (or meningoencephalomyelitis) of unknown etiology (or origin) is proposed" (MNE or MNP). Other proposed or previous terms include non-propogenous meningoencephalomyelitis, non-infectious inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, ungounted meningoencephalitis, reticulose, etc.

In this paper, the GME term will be used to describe all noncommunicable inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (even if it is incorrect), since it is generally accepted. These diseases are widespread around the world and can be up to 25% of all cases of CNS diseases in dogs.

The wider than the GME is widespread in dwarf and small rocks, especially Maltese Bolon, dwarf poodles and all terriers (including Staffordshire and Erdelterier). However, it can develop in dogs of any breed, including large, as well as methots. Middle age dogs are most often ill (less often a dog is 10 years old). The disease occurs in both sexes, however, it is possible that bitches are sick more often.

The diagnosis of noncommunicable inflammatory disease is centrally established on the basis of clinical signs and the exclusion of infectious reasons - often according to the results of serological examination, the analysis of the SMEM and the research of the brain methods of visual diagnostics. However, in many cases, the estimated diagnosis is made on the basis of the most likely assumption, taking into account the breed, age, anamnesis and clinical signs. For inflammatory CNS disease, a typically acute development of symptoms of multiple damage to the central nervous system (head or spinal cord) and / or hyperesthesia (in a cervical or lumbar-breast department). Clinical signs include the symptoms of the front brain lesion (change of mental state, obsessive movement in a circle, cramps) and / or caudal fossa (ataxia, vestibular disorders, disorders of the cranial brain nerves) and / or spinal brain damage (at any level). In many cases, it is difficult to determine the anatomical localization of the lesion. However, the disease has a chronic progressive nature and in some cases appears episodically, while in a significant number of dogs there are focal neurological symptoms. Animals with meningitis often suffer from strong pain in the neck, take a hittered pose, marked reluctance to move and coward the "wounded" gait. Many owners of small dogs note that the animal hides, sculits or shouts without a visible reason when trying to take it on hand. Often there are pain in the back of an indefinite localization. However, signs of back pain are observed in all cases.

The symptoms of the focal damage of the spinal cord (any department, but most often cervical), including paresis or paralysis are possible. The shape of the GME, accompanied by the neuritude of the visual nerve, is described, but it is rare. Clinical signs can be acute and rapidly progressive or invisible and progressive slowly for weeks or months.

In general, GME can have any anamnesis, accompanied by any neurological symptoms, develop in dogs of any age and breed!

Attempts have been made to classify the shapes of the GME as disseminated, focal or leaving the spontaneous nerve. It is very difficult to do this in line and does not always matter for diagnosis, treatment and forecast. The breed necrotizing meningoencephalitis (at Pugs, Maltese Bolon, Chihuahua and Yorkshire Terriers) can develop at a young age (

Usually, a clinical inspection, clinical and biochemical analysis of bloods of dogs with any forms of noncommunicable inflammatory diseases of the Central CNS does not show deviations. Fever is possible, but it is rare.

Analysis of the CMF usually shows the playiocytosis from mild to moderate degree with a predominance of mononuclear cells and a different degree of increasing protein concentration. The total concentration of leukocytes varies from 5000 cells. The protein concentration can be from normal up to 4 g / l. Neutrophils usually make up less than 50% of all cells detected. Sometimes macrophages and single eosinophils are found. Some dogs (sometimes more than 10%), the analysis of the SMF does not show deviations. Changes in the composition of the SMF may indicate inflammation, which serves as a basis for suspicion of GME, but a similar picture of the SMG is possible with other diseases, including infectious, vascular (heart attack) and neoplasms. In most cases, the analysis of the SMF is insufficient for setting the final diagnosis, however, it can give clarifying information when searching for a probable diagnosis in cases of damage to the spinal or brain. Analysis of the CMF allows you to establish inflammation, but only provided that the inflammation covers brain shells, ependymal dilution or tissues lying close to the circulation paths of the CD. Non-specific Channel Changes are often observed in vascular, traumatic, degenerative, tumor and inflammatory CNS diseases.

In animals with elevated intracranial pressure (VCHD), the SMI fence is associated with a significant risk and can lead to such consequences as the formation of the hernia of the brain in the cutting of cerebellar outlines or the hernia of the cerebellum in the big hole. The size of the SMF is also risky in severe brain diseases, including without an increase in intracranial pressure, when changes in brain perfusion and the reduced brain ability to self-regulation can lead to a further deterioration in neurological status.

Unfortunately, it is in such animals that the analysis of the SMF often gives the most valuable diagnostic information. The clinical signs of the increased GFF include a stupid state, a stupor, shortness of breath, the desire to rest on their heads into items, bradycardia and an increase in the overall blood pressure. In some animals with elevated intracranial pressure there are no obvious clinical signs.

The fence of the CDM from the tank will also entail the risk of damage to the structures of the nervous system (spinal or oblong brain), especially in small animals or in animals with the obstruction of the CMF current at the brain-brain tank level. Most dogs with GME refers to small rocks, some of which are predisposed to the defects of the development of a craniocerevical transition, such as vices of the type of Kiari.

I am not practicing the planned fence of the SMG in dogs with a high probability of GME, especially in the presence of neurological disorders pointing to the defeat of the brain. The analysis of the SMG is useful for assessing animals with damage to the spinal cord or brain shells (I usually use a lumba puncture).

Identify changes that are characteristic of inflammatory disease can also be used using visual brain research methods; MRT is considered to choose from GME. Magnetic resonance tomography (MRI) is the most sensitive technology of visual diagnosis of diseases of the head and spinal cord. Installations for MRI with powerful magnets 1.0 t, 1.5 tons allow you to better visualize inflammatory lesions than installations with weak magnets. However, the "typical" picture of MRI does not exist, and changes may be indistinguishable from those observed in infectious, vascular or tumor diseases. Single or multiple lesions can be detected in any department of the central nervous system, they can be hypostensive on T1-suspended images and hyper-atthensive on T2-weighted and flair images. The degree of increasing contrast varies. It is possible to strengthen the contrast of the brain shells. However, the most typically multicolored defeat. Visual diagnosis also helps to exclude other reasons for the lesions of the head or spinal cord, such as neoplasms or vascular disorders, although focal granulomas for GME can give a picture, very similar to neoplasms and infarction, as inflammation sometimes looks very similar to vascular disorders due to other reasons. In case of necrotic encephalitis in Chihuahua, Pugs, Maltese Bologink, etc. In large hemispheres, characteristic multiple foci with an erased boundary between the gray and white substance and the zones of hyperfensity on T2-weighted / hypo intensity on T1-suspended images corresponding to necrosis zones are found.

In some cases, inflammatory diseases of the CNS MRI does not show changes. Computer tomography (CT) is a less sensitive method, especially in the study of lesions in the caudal fossa area (artifact increasing the rigidity of the beam). The brain sickle shift or the change in its normal anatomy as a result of squeezing by volumetric neoplasm can be both visible and invisible on CT or MRI shots.

The final diagnosis of GME is possible only on the basis of the results of the histological examination of the brain - which is obviously difficult to do it in vigenous. Microscopically, the GME is characterized by tissue infiltration by lymphocyte vessels and / or macrophages. Such foci can be merged into granulomas, visible macroscopically.

The presumptive diagnosis of GME is often raised by eliminating other reasons (according to the results of serological examination / seeding of SMI in some circumstances), as well as, in many cases, based on the result of treatment. To eliminate the infectious causes of meningoencephalitis, serum can be explored to determine the titles of cryptococcal antigen, antibodies to Toxoplasma Gondii and Neospora Caninum (in some cases, also explore the SME). The result of the seeding of the SMF is often negative, even with bacterial and fungal infections.

If there are severe neurological symptoms in animal, it is necessary to weigh the benefit of diagnostic research, especially the SMF, in comparison with the risks of the procedure.

The causes of GME are unknown - most likely this is an autoimmune process, which is based on hypersensitivity, mediated by T-cells.

Make a forecast difficult. The GME can be acute, rapidly progressive and fatal disease, despite the treatment, but in many cases of the alleged GME treatment gives a good result and animals remain in the remission stage for several months or years. In most published sources, the prognosis for GME is indicated as unfavorable or hopeless, but in practice there are cases of successful treatment. Since the diagnosis is made according to the results of histological research, the authors of the published work are usually based on the cases of a confirmed diagnosis (i.e. posthumous).

The forecast does not depend on the severity of clinical symptoms upon admission, as from the severity of changes in the analysis of the CM) or visual studies of the brain.

The basis of treatment remains corticosteroids (mainly prednisone) in immunosuppressive doses. In many cases (for financial reasons and / or due to the risk of further diagnostic research), treatment is appointed empirically without further confirmation of the diagnosis.

The initial dose of prednisolone 1 - 2 mg / kg every 12 hours. Small dogs (40 kg) corresponds to a dose for dogs weighing 40 kg, in general, I would not recommend giving more than 40 mg every 12 hours a long time. The response to corticosteroid therapy can manifest only in a few days.

The dose of prednisolone is gradually reduced for at least 6 months depending on the clinical response. For the first time, the dose is reduced in 2-4 weeks. After reaching remission, a supportive dose of prednisolone is used (0.5 - 1 mg / kg every other day or 2-3 times a week) for 1-2 years. Install, "crushed" whether the animal is difficult. If a dog receiving prednisone in a low dose is 2-3 times a week, there are no neurological symptoms of 6 months, you can cancel treatment. However, the side effects of corticosteroids, especially in large dogs, can become a source of significant problems in the long term. The long-term use of corticosteroids leads to a non-herogenous hyperadrenoxticism, accompanied by significant exhaustion of muscle mass and springs of the skin. In addition, treatment predisposes to the ulceration of the tract, pancreatitis, diabetes, infections (especially urinary tract), ligament injury and tendons. Small dogs often transport high doses, but animals that have occurred recurrence of neurological symptoms against the background of corticosteroid therapy, which is required to facilitate neurological symptoms, high doses of corticosteroids (1 mg / kg) are required for a long time, and with significant side effects should be considered The possibility of applying other immunosuppressors. Large dogs are recommended timely appointment of additional drugs, since many animals poorly carry high doses of corticosteroids. All dogs with pronounced neurological disorders associated with the damage to the spinal cord should be prescribed additional therapy, such as cytarabin, at an early stage of treatment. The addition of other immunosuppressors reduces the dose of prednisolone, but the need for a certain dose of prednisolone remains in most animals.

Azatioprine (Imuran) is an immunosuppressor, the overwhelming function of T cells. In healthy dogs, it does not penetrate the hematorecephalic barrier. Although this drug can be effective in meningitis that can be steroid therapy, especially in young dogs of large breeds, in my opinion, it is useless at GME. Nevertheless, other clinicians recommend Imuran and describe cases of successful use of nastyopril in combination with prednisone, which made it possible to reduce the dose of the latter. This drug almost does not cause side effects, the main problem at high doses is the suppression of bone marrow activity. Recommended dose 0.5 - 1.0 mg / kg every 48 hours. In the first 5-7 days, it can be given it at a dose of 2 mg / kg every 24 hours.

Citosine Arabinoside (Citarabine, Ara-C) is a drug used as an antitumor agent for dogs and people, for example, for the treatment of Limphoma CNS. The mechanism of its action is unknown. Since this drug penetrates through the hemat andufalic barrier and is an immunosuppressor, about 6 years ago, it was proposed as a possible treatment for GME. Most authors recommend applying it at a dose of 50 mg / m2 subcutaneously twice a day for 2 days in a row with the repetition of this cycle every 3 weeks. This dose is lower than the usual dose when chemotherapy neoplasms. The number of adverse events of the cytarababine is small. It describes the suppression of bone marrow activity (usually 10 to 14 days after the start of treatment), but it usually does not lead to clinical disorders. It is recommended to periodically make a general blood test, but optional at each cycle. After treatment, vomiting, diarrhea and / or loss of appetite are possible. Citarabine is inexpensive (when purchasing in 10 ml bottles) and is suitable for outpatient treatment, however, when this drug is introduced and, when contacting urine and feces / their disposal, it is necessary to wear protective gloves. Cytarabine is used in combination with prednisone; If the neurological status of the animal remains stable, I usually gradually reduce the dose of prednisolone every 2 cycles of cytarabine. Citarabine can be used indefinitely for a long time.

Leflomoid (Arava) - Immunosuppressor, used in medicine mainly for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Described successful use for the treatment of dogs, first in combination with corticosteroids, and then independently (with uncontrolled adverse reactions on corticosteroids). Initial dose 2 mg / kg per day. In my practice, animals came recurrence or the condition was not improved. This drug does not cause any significant side phenomena and is given inside. It can be combined with prednisone.

Cyclosporine was also proposed for treating GME due to the estimated autoimmune T-cell nature of the latter. Cyclosporine is a powerful immunosuppressor, overwhelming T-cell immune responses. In healthy animals, the penetability of the hematorecephalic barrier for cyclosporine is low. However, since the GME proceeds with the lesion of the tissues around the vessels and the probable violation of the hematorecephalic barrier, it is assumed that the concentration of cyclosporine in the affected zones of the CNS may be higher. My experience of using this drug is limited, the treatment of two dogs with a lack of response to therapy prednisone and cytarabin turned out to be ineffective.

Prolobazin - antitumor agent, soluble in lipids and easily penetrating through the hematorecephalic barrier; It is used mainly in medicine for the treatment of lymphoma. Recommended dose 25 - 50 mg / m2 per day. Procarbazin often causes side effects, including the suppression of bone marrow activity (30%), hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (15%), nausea, vomiting and violation of the liver function. I have no experience in the use of this drug, and its effectiveness has not been proven. Side effects and low availability limit its use.

Lomoustine (CCNU) is an antitumor alkylating drug of the nitrosouroevine class, which is highly soluable in lipids and penetrating through the hematorecephalic barrier. Doses used for the treatment of GME are relatively arbitrary, but high doses are not recommended. The treatment with a lomoustine is associated with significant, in some cases threatening life, the suppression of bone marrow activity, the ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatotoxicity. The frequency of side effects increases with an increase in dose, however, such phenomena sometimes occur at an initial relatively low dose. A significant risk factor when suppressing bone marrow is sepsis. Toxicity is unpredictable, and I do not recommend using this preparation planned for primary treatment.

Sudges are needed anticonvulsant drugs.

Do not vaccinate patients with animals, if it is not absolutely necessary. Vaccination can lead to recurrence of clinical symptoms. In addition, a non-fat diet is recommended.

The response to therapy is usually assessed on the weakening or disappearance of clinical symptoms. The re-analysis of the SMF is usually not recommended, since the severity of changes (or the absence of them) poorly correlates with the severity of inflammation of the CNS.

In my experience, at least 60% of dogs with alleged GME or non-infectious meningoencephalitis, steroid therapy, is well replied to monotherapy with corticosteroids, and ultimately they can be gradually canceled without subsequent relapses. Nevertheless, recurrence may occur in a few days, weeks, months or years after the first appearance of clinical signs. If neurological symptoms persist, despite the high doses of corticosteroids and / or prednisone, and when the dose is reduced

Animals that require high doses of corticosteroids for a long time to reduce neurological symptoms, can add cytarabin; This will reduce the dose of prednisolone and achieve acceptable quality of life over several months and even 1 year.

In several small rocks, other types of idiopathic meningoencephalitis are described, including encephalitis of pugs, necrotic encephalitis of yorkshire terriers (necrotizing leicoenetsopalitis), Chihuahua and Maltese Bolon (necrotizing meningoencephalitis). Necroticing encephalitis occurs in other dwarf rocks. In histological cuts, extensive inflammation and preferential necrosis of the crust of large hemispheres are found. Often, for such breed inflammatory diseases, a picture of necrosis and the formation of cavities in the parenchyma of the brain is characterized, while the defeat of the brain shells may be present or absent, and changes in MRI snapshots closely correspond to the defeats discovered after opening. The forecast in all such cases is very careful. Treatment is the same as with GTE, although the response to treatment is often weaker.

The enormous importance of the nervous system is that it regulates the relationship between the organism and the external environment, as well as the interaction of the organs. It provides the unity of an animal with the outside world, which is carried out through reflexes.

The nervous system is divided into a central (brain and spinal cord) and peripheral (coherent work of internal organs and a response to external stimuli).

There are many diseases of the nervous system, they all manifest themselves specifically and require further diagnosis and treatment. Owners of an animal, having studied the habits and preferences of a pet, can timely suspect the problem and contact the veterinary clinic.

Neurological symptoms can be divided into 2 types:

1. Primary: The reason for which is the changes in the head or spinal cord.

Anxiety, uncharacteristic aggression, decline in hearing, confusion of consciousness, drowsiness, apathy, trembling, weakness, change of gait, difficulty climbing or looking for stairs, walking in a circle, inability to stop, difficulty receiving feed and water, reluctance to move, improper formulation of limbs, Sewing, stubbing, attacks, epileptic seizures, fainting, loss of consciousness, paralysis of the extremities, etc.

2. Secondary: The appearance of neurological symptoms against the background of other diseases (liver disease, kidneys, heart, breathing, auditory apparatus (chronic otitis), visual apparatus, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, etc., injuries, infectious (plague, rabies ) and invasive diseases (babesyosis), ingressing in the body of pesticides (household chemicals, rat poison, isoniazide, etc.)

Also, the neurological picture may affect the receptions, age, gender, presence or absence of vaccination, genetic predisposition, heredity, weight.

List of dog breedshaving a predisposition to neurological diseases:

Yorkshire Terrier



Japanese Hin.

Fox terrier


German Shepherd

Golden retriever


French Bulldogs

Borzaya, etc.

True primary symptoms associated with a brain impairment are more common in small rocks and wears more genetic predisposition, in large breeds of dogs more often disorders of the spinal cord are associated with their mass and heavy load on the spine. This list is not a sentence, if your dog entered it, since each problem is individual and neurological problems can occur with any animal.

As for cats, the most often the symptoms they have a secondary character.

The right approach to diagnosis.

The primary reception of a veterinary doctor should be made up of several consecutive stages:

    The doctor asks in detail about the main complaint with which they turned to the veterinary clinic. The owner must understand that for the animal change of the situation and the presence of new people can cause stress, as a result of which a pet can hide obvious signs and ailments, so an accurate description of the problem will help the veterinary doctor and it is more correct to understand what happened (the video made by the owner in the home The atmosphere on which there will be a clear confirmation)

    Inspection. Localization. Detection of cause.
    The general state of the animal, its behavior, motor ability, consciousness, body position in space is estimated, the reaction to external stimuli (light, sound) is checked, a series of tests are carried out, allowing to identify the coherence of the brain work with individual parts of the body or dissonance, are also checked Reflexes and pain sensitivity.

    Differential diagnosis.
    After the necessary manipulations, the veterinarian can put a preliminary diagnosis, but it may be necessary for additional research to form a final one. If neurological disorders are a consequence of a common disease, i.e. We are secondary in nature, it is necessary to carry out a general clinical examination of the animal (clinical, biochemical blood tests, ultrasound, x-ray, etc.). In individual cases, such diagnostic methods may be required as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRT- allows to explore structural changes and biochemical processes in the body).

According to the results of the above, it can be concluded that each animal is a unique being requiring due attention and care, but since it is a living organism, it is not immune from any diseases and unforeseen situations, so it is in your hands the health of your favorite and to whom how Do not understand and suspect the first news of any problems.

What symptoms should be running towards a neurologist, which is the reason for which one can confuse the epileptic attack and how to help a pet - about this we talked about this with a veterinary doctor, the neurologist of the Biocontrol clinic, Olga Vasilyevina Krivonogova.

- With what symptoms of domestic pets owners need to contact a neurologist?

- The most obvious neurological complaints are convulsions, breach of coordination and orientation in space, changes in behavior.

The signs of a neurological violation may be involuntary obsessive movements, tremors, so-called Manezhny movements - when the animal goes in a circle, it stumps on items. When a pet demonstrates blind behavior when the head turns towards and other symptoms.

In case of damage to the peripheral nerves and muscles, muscle weakness may be observed, and when damaged by the cranial brain nerves - paralysis of the face, tongue atrophy and swallowing. With inflammation of cerebral shells, with the root syndrome, with compression diseases of the spinal cord, pain occur.

Neurological disorders may accompany systemic diseases such as renal failure, liver disease, thyroid gland.

Any processes that violate the glucose and oxygen's brain supply will be accompanied by neurological complaints.

- What could be the cause of neurological disorders?

- It is impossible to answer this question in two words. Neurological disorders can be both primary and secondary - against the background of systemic diseases (metabolic, toxic, infectious, traumatic and oncological).

The large group consists of congenital pathologies and genetic anomalies. Such diseases include, for example, genetic (idiopathic) epilepsy. Since the cause is a genetic mutation, then in no analyzes, nor on MRI we do not find violations. That is, in other words, this is a diagnosis of exclusion - elimination of all other possible causes of attacks.

Inspectorate with viral infections can lead to various neurological disorders. Thus, when the punching plant in kittens, there is a violation of coordination - a cerebelchok ataxia, due to the underdevelopment of the cerebellum.

The pathological development of the nervous system can lead to diseases such as hydrocephalus, Lissencephalia, Siringomyelia, hereditary deafness.

Anomalies at the molecular level can lead to miastic gravis, accumulation diseases, narcolepsy.

Mulformations of the bones of the skull and vertebrae may also affect the development and function of the nervous system, for example, half-breeds and transition vertebrae, found at bulldogs and pugs.

The cause of neurological disorders is often disorders of cerebral circulation and strokes, for example, against the background of high blood pressure, which can accompany the renal failure.

The inflammatory diseases causing such violations include meningoencephalomyelitis, both infectious and aseptic. Dwarf breeds of dogs are predisposed to them - Yorkshire terriers, Toyerier, pugs, Maltese Bologinks and others.

The cause of neurological disorders is often injuries - cranopy, brain injuries of shoulder plexus and peripheral nerves, spinal injuries. Post-traumatic complications can be manifested in remote time after injury.

There are many toxins. Many rooms are toxic, household chemicals, inadvertently fallen tablets, chocolate, isoniazide, phosphorodorganic fertilizers, mycotoxins in spoiled products, ethylene glycols and other substances.

The alimentary diseases causing neurological disorders include diseases resulting from a diet violation - is thiamine insufficiency, alimentary hyperparathyroidism, hypervitaminosis A when feeding the liver.

Metabolic diseases - such as renal, liver failure, porto-system shunts, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus.

Infectious diseases include such as the plague of carnivorous, non-closure, chronic viral infections of cats, for example, viral peritonitis.

And one more cause of violations - neoplasms as peripheral nerves and the central nervous system.

- The list of reasons is really huge. But when you are talking about veterinary neurology, first of all, such a diagnosis is remembered as. How often do you have this diagnosis?

"Yes, I often hear the phrase" My dog's epileptic attacks ". But in reality, not everything that we see is an attack, and not every attack is a consequence of idiopathic epilepsy. This diagnosis is made only after the elimination of all other possible causes of convulsion, and this is a sufficiently large list. One of the important landmarks is the age of the beginning of the attacks. Even at the breeds predisposed to genetic epilepsy, the beginning of the attacks after the six years will talk about some other reason.

It is not always the owners of an animal with attacks can understand - there was no loss of consciousness, since the animal often had eyes during an attack. Signs of loss of consciousness may be position on the side, the inability to respond to words or actions of the host, violations in behavior after the attack - the dog seems to re-recognize the surrounding environment.

- What can I confuse the attack?

- For example, fainting against arrhythmia. It is important to look at the color of the mucous membranes of the animal during an attack. Ideally - make a video attack. This can give the necessary information to the doctor. And of course, a cardiological examination is necessary, which often includes a cardiographic examination within 24 hours.

- Is it enough video attack and the description of the owner to establish a diagnosis?

- Of course not. For this, neurological inspection is needed, on which both the general condition and reflexes are checked, and the inspection is complemented by various studies. However, the video is also important, the doctor will find out with him and notice more than according to the verbal description of the owner.

- What additional research may require a doctor for diagnosis?

- The first step is a neurological inspection, which determines the amount of necessary research. Further is a standard set of research: blood tests (clinical and biochemical with electrolytes, cholesterol, triglycerides and hormone T4 common), analyzes for infections, abdominal ultrasound, antimephous of the chest cavity (spine, if necessary), MRI and the analysis of the liquor.

- Often the owners of patients with attacks ask whether the purpose of animals is justified for the treatment of people's epilepsy? How safe are they for our pets?

- Yes, it is absolutely justified and accepted throughout the world. Anticonvulsants have side effects, this is true, but the attacks themselves are much harmful and harder to the body. The main thing is to confidence in the doctor and the implementation of recommendations that always include control over the state of the animal, regular inspections and blood tests.

-What diagnoses, in addition to epilepsy, are often found in your practice?

- This is paroxysmal dyskinesia - a group of diseases with motion disorders, meningoecephalomyelitis, meningitis, dischair (intervertebral discs), craniocerevical malformation, siringomyelia, various malformations of the head and spinal cord, vestibular syndromes (idiopathic, central and peripheral), vascular disorders. Among my patients there are also many animals with brain tumors.

- Is there a breed and age predisposition to neurological diseases?

- the young animals often show hereditary, innate pathologies, inflammatory, degenerative pathologies, various malformations, as well as infections and injuries. Old animals are prone to metabolic, degenerative and tumor processes.

In many cases, clinical symptoms are evident shortly after birth and do not progress, that is, the state of the animal does not deteriorate. Sometimes, with degenerative processes, the beginning of the manifestation of clinical symptoms falls for the first months or even years of life. They can slowly progress and eventually lead to the death of the animal.

Clinical symptoms related to idiopathic epilepsy or spinal cord compression can manifest itself in more adulthood. Soft, not too obvious neurological disorders observed from the birth of an animal can be perceived by the owner simply as an individual or normal age feature.

Some hereditary diseases may be obvious during the inspection due to a typical clinical picture - for example, hydrocephalus. But most often specific tests are required.

This is a very big list. I will give only a few examples of the breed predisposition.

Epiopathic epilepsy - Labradors - Retrievers, Dachshunds, Padel, Husky, Bigley, Bulldogs, Cocker Spaniels, Dalmatians, Schnauzers, German Pinchers and others.

To such a disease, as hereditary ataxia-myociamia-neuromiotonium, Jack Russell terriers are predisposed.

German shepherd has a predisposition to degenerative myelopathy, which can develop after the five-year-old age. This is a degenerative process in the white substance area of \u200b\u200bthe spinal cord, leading to the progressive discordination of pelvic limbs.

- Is it possible to prevent neurological diseases? How?

- Prevention is possible with respect to a sufficiently limited list of neurological diseases. When buying a purebred puppy or kitten, it is good to have a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe breed predisposition to diseases and explore the pedigree. It is necessary to pay attention to the conditions of detention: with the crowded content of a large number of animals, the risk of chronic viral infections in cats is increased, for example. It is important to comply with the vaccination schedule and regularly carry out degelmintion, to feed correctly, to limit access to home plants and household chemicals, not allow to pick up garbage. That is, as you can see, have enough general advice.

A balanced full-fledged diet is very important. It is impossible to feed the animal with one meat or fish. Because of this, calcium deficiency, the so-called alimentary hyperparathyroidism, in which spontaneous fractures of the limbs and the spine occur. And with the deficiency of thiamine, there may be a violation of coordination and muscle weakness.

And one more important factor is the presence of all vaccinations and regular degelmintion. Often, people do not vaccinate their pets, despite the fact that they are not only walking in the city, but also go to the countryside. The lack of an integrated animal with neurological violations is always suspicious about the possible infection of rabies or the nervous form of the plague. Moscow and the Moscow region are not favorable for rabies, and this is an extremely dangerous disease with one hundred percent mortality.