
How to plant garlic under winter: do the right and get a large head. How to put garlic under winter for good yield


Among the owners of small sites, planting garlic for consumption, larger popularity gained winter garlic. He has higher yields, such vegetables grow faster. However, narrow grades enjoy large households.

Winter garlic has arrows, where the air teeth are growing. If they are present, the bulb becomes smaller in size, since the arrows take the lion's share of soil substances. Remove arrows in the garden is not difficult. But the field for this will require large human resources. The cost of goods from this is rapidly increasing. Skinny varieties of garlic arrows are not.

When and how to plant garlic under winter in the fall in 2018

So, if you are a resident of the northern regions of our country, then the landing of winter garlic needs to begin in September. At the same time, it is better if you do it on a decreasing moon in the days of the root, that is, the moon must pass through the fertile signs of the zodiac - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Please note that the landing is not recommended in the full moon and the new moon period.

But most of the inhabitants of Russia garlic under winter are planted in October. The lunar calendar recommends the following favorable dates: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 29, October 30.

It is not necessary to work with this culture in the new moon - 8, 9, October 10 (New Moon in September and October coincided) and in full moon - October 24.

Preparation of soil

Garlic - light-loving culture, favorable for him Earth - light, loose, with a normal pH level.

Heavy, clay, dense ground must be given in a normal state. For this, during the rescue, sand and peat is made in it (by bucket per square meter).

In an excessively loose land, you can make a humid or pre-dried clay. Then they are mixed with sand (by bucket) and poured onto the landing site.

Peat soils are most often sour, therefore so that the acidity of the soil is lowering, lime (250 gr), the sand river, clay (to mix on the bucket). Components are entered immediately before piping the beds under garlic.

The depth of planting is also important!

The depth of planting is important for successful wintering. The cloves are recommended to lower 10-12 cm to depth (Source: Book "Onions and garlic on a nice site").

In another source, the landing depth is said so: the teeth fall asleep the ground to the depth of 5-6 cm (Source: Book "Garden. Practical Tips").

In one of the Internet sources, it is said that in the northern regions it is better to plant the most deeply - by 10 cm, and in the southern - close to 5 cm.

We hope the article really helped to deal with the timing of garlic landing in autumn. We will be glad if you share our own experience when you plant garlic under the winter. Write a comment on the article - your experience is important for all.

Methods landing

Skivar garlic spreads into teeth. Planting material is prepared in advance. For landing, the largest outdoor slices are taken, which have no damage. Current GOST also characterizes the state of scales (dry) and dons (solid).

To reduce the growing season, the heads stored at room temperature, in the spring of at least a month withstand in the refrigerator. Positive result gives germination of polek. For this, they are placed in water for a couple of hours (it is a weak solution of manganese or ash), and then put into a plastic bag and removed in a dark place for several days.

The sprouted teeth are planted on the beds so that there is enough space for the development of the head: the distance in the row is up to 8 cm, between the rows - 25-30 cm. The depth of the sealing is. It is better not to close deep (the top of the teeth should be 2 cm below the soil level), otherwise the development of the plant will slow down.

How to care

In the initial period of growth, the culture needs constant moistening of the soil, especially when leaves and the formation of bulbs occurs. The lack of moisture is evidenced by yellowing leaves or their dried tips. After watering the Earth, it will be necessary to braid to ensure the access of oxygen to the roots of the plant.

As the underground part increases, it is necessary to cut the watering, and in August - to abandon them at all to create conditions for the aging of the bulbs.

Timely and competent landing of garlic under the winter is a guarantee of a good crop next summer. Therefore, it is necessary not to be mistaken with a period of winter landing.

Garlic is planting in spring (spring grades) and autumn (winter grades). Yarova does not give the arrows and is well stored.

Winter differs from the Svarovoy that he:

  • yammer;
  • matures faster, just by the time of the billets for the winter;
  • much larger than spring;
  • fight, that is, it makes it possible to get your planting material;
  • not afraid of frosts;
  • resistant to diseases and pests.

Winter sleeping before the Svarovoy for 2-3 weeks because it still has to root from autumn. It can grow even at -5 ° C. And therefore, shortly after the departure of the snow already gives first sprouts.

In addition, putting garlic under the winter, the garden will have more time in the spring for other garden work.

When garlic is planted in different regions

The clear date of planting garlic under the winter does not exist. But there is a time period in which you need to meet.

Possible mistakes:

  1. When landing in warm weather, garlic will be able to germinate. This is not critical, because in the spring it will give new arrows. But still the teeth weaken, and the crop will be much worse.
  2. Under late landing, the seeds before the onset of frosts will not be rooted as follows. And if they do not freeze, the spring will spend a lot of time and effort to grow new roots.

Therefore, garlic landing time directly depends on climate in the region.

Approximate deadlines:

Planning an exact date for planting under the winter, focus on the weather and its forecasts.

Determining the time of disembarking

You need to have time to plant garlic in such a segment of time so that before the onset of the roots, the root has been developed enough, and the above-ground part has not yet went to growth. Therefore, it is impossible to plant it in too warm, nor in the marzlu earth.

The best time for such work is when the daily air temperature holds about + 12 ° C, and the night - + 10 ° C.
The soil temperature by this time should be + 10 ° C. With a deep landing, it is allowed to plant garlic at the soil temperature not lower than + 7 ° C.

Deadline landing under winter

The optimal length of the roots, which will ensure good wintering and the formation of full-fledged bulbs in summer - 10-12 cm. The time required for this is 1-1.5 months.

Therefore, from landing garlic to serious frosts should pass at least three weeks. This is a deadline, it is desirable to plant even earlier.

Planting material

Plant garlic to teeth or bulbs - air bulbs - seeds that are formed on the arrow.

Landing the Bullbob is a reliable way to rejuvenate the variety. You can plant them in the spring and autumn. But the air bulbs in cold soil often freeze, so they are planted under the winter only in areas with a warm climate.

For the season of the Bullbobs grow alone. This is a good planting material:

  • not afraid of frosts;
  • the bulbs grow very large;
  • practically does not hurt;
  • it is kept better what is grown from the teeth.

But mostly garlic is planting with teeth. To get a good harvest, select large, healthy, smooth bulbs.

Then the head is divided into parts. Do it carefully. In no case can not damage the donce and cooping of teeth, otherwise they will not give roots or rot.

They need to carefully examine, select healthy teeth. The surface should be smooth, smooth, without mold, rot, stains. Patients and damaged for landing are not used: they will not be powder, but also will be infected with the rest of the landing material.

Best grades for autumn landing

Any variety can be planting in autumn and spring. But spring and winter species have their differences. Surround varieties planted in autumn, are getting worse and more often die frosty winter. Therefore, it is also more correct to take into account the vegetative features of the variety.

The best garlic varieties for planting under the winter:

Head weight


Gulliver 120–250 Middle Power
Nazus 60–70 Frost-resistant
Near Moscow 50–60 High-yielding
Reliable 55–75 Frost-resistant
Lubash 120–200 Radine
Alekseevsky 180–190 Resistant to disease
Kharkovsky 50–60 Mediterranean
Belorussian 50–80 Rannoveful

There are a lot of winter grades. When choosing seeds to land under the winter, you need to take into account the climate of the region, the zoning of the variety, the speed of ripening.

How to keep garlic before landing under winter

Calculated on the landing of the bulbs of garlic special care do not require. Store them in a dry cool place aside from direct sunlight. The room should be well ventilated.

It is not necessary to divide them in advance to separate teeth so that they do not start to dry. This is done immediately in front of the falling into the ground.

Than to handle garlic before landing for the winter

Preparation of garlic to landing under the winter begins with its processing. Soaking in a special solution disinfects the teeth and makes them resistant to infectious diseases whose pathogens can live in the soil.

Prepared landing material always gives a good harvest.

Possible ways:

Solution Structure

Time of processing

1 Olod Water - 2 l;
Wood ash - 400 g;
Boil 30 minutes.
2 hours
2 Salo Water - 1 l;
Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
30 minutes.
3 Copper-Salo 1 Water - 5 l;
Copper vigoros - 0.5 h.
2 minutes.
2 Water - 5 l;
Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
1 min.
4 Manganese Water - 200 g;
Manganese - 3 crystals
24 hours
5 Copper Water - 10 l;
Copper vigoros - 1 tsp.
24 hours

Garlic for planting under the winter can be treated with ready-made fungicides, which provide reliable protection of planting material from rotors and other diseases.

Breaks preparations according to the instructions specified on the package. After processing the planting material, it is immediately embarked on landing.

Preparation of Grokery

Work begins with choosing a place for garlic beds. For last year's area, this vegetable is not worth it, you need to wait at least two years.

How to choose a plot:

  1. Garlic loves a sunny place.
  2. Soil, he needs a soup, loose, fertile, neutral acidity.
  3. It is desirable that high trees do not grow in the neighborhood and there were no shadowing buildings.
  4. Ideal if the place is located on the hill. This will protect the place of landing from flooding when melting snow.
  5. The best location of Grokes - from the north to south.

Speak the ridge you need 25-30 cm. You need to do it in advance, no less than 2 weeks before the landing: the land must settle.

If this time is not to withstand and plant garlic in just rejected loose ground, the teeth will go too deep. And therefore, in the spring for a long time shoots will not appear, and when harvesting will be harder to dig ripen bulbs.

Weeds, their roots and vegetable residues are carefully removed.

Then the soil is disinfected. It can be done with a solution of copper sulfate (10 g / liter of water) or "phytoosporin" (15 grams per bucket of water).

If the soil is dry, the day before the landing work is watered with clean water or (if the processing of other drugs was not treated) with a pink solution of manganese.

Then suck winter garlic

When choosing a site for garlic ridges, it should be taken into account that culture grew here: after some vegetables, the garlic is poorly forms heads, often sick.

Bad predecessors:

  • potatoes;
  • beet;
  • turnip;
  • tomatoes;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • carrot;
  • radish.
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • bean cultures;
  • pepper and eggplants.

What to fool the soil

For this culture is very important. Well, if the soil is rich in humus. In this case, large, healthy bulbs will grow.

In the fall, nitrogen fertilizers do not contribute to the fall, this procedure is postponed at the beginning of May.
All other feeders scatter on the surface of the Earth before the surpasch of the garden is approximately 15 days before the landing.

Examples of nutrients (per square meter):

Composition No.



1 Humus (compost) 10 kg
Superphosphate 1 tbsp. l.
Ash 1 cup
Sulfate potassium 2 tbsp. l.
2 Humus (compost) 6 kg
Superphosphate 30 g
Potassium salt 20 g
The solution for watering the entire finished ridge:
Water - bucket, copper cune - 1 tsp.
3 Humus 10 kg
a piece of chalk 1 cup
Ash 2 glasses
Superphosphate 1 tbsp. l.
Sulfate potassium 2 tbsp. l.
4 Humus 10 kg
Ash 2 glasses
5 Urea 20 g

Fresh manure garlic is contraindicated. It can not even be planted on that time, where dung was made in the summer. And it's not just that on a fertilized manure place, it is often infected with fungi, but also that in this case, with a powerful foliage, the bulbs will grow friable and they will be poorly stored.

But the ash can not be added with a poppinge, but sprinkle directly into the holes prepared for the landing of the teeth.

How to plant

Garlic can be planted into the grooves that are placed in bed in parallel to each other. It is convenient to lower it in the round holes done in the ground with a stick or peg. Well, if a label is applied on the tool to adjust the depth of the holes in the ground.

The bottom of the grooves or wells is useful to sprinkle with sand - it will protect the teeth from rotting.

Lower the teeth into the ground down by Don. You don't need to go deep away. Then the earth falls asleep, and the surface is gently spilled with robbles.

After landing, it is not necessary to water the beds.

Planting schemes

Rud for garlic make about 25 cm tall and 1 m wide.

The distance between the rows is 20-30 cm, between the teeth - 10-15 cm. The choice is made based on the size of the planting material. If the teeth are small, they put them more often from each other if large - less often.

What depth to plant winter garlic

The wells for winter garlic can be a depth of 5-15 cm. It depends on how cold and snow winters in the growing region.

If you put a shallow, in the spring it will go fast, but at winter frost will get out. Therefore, in areas with a cold climate you need to plant a dealeared. In addition, with a deep landing, the plant is well rooted.

You can adhere to the rule, according to which 5 cm should remain over the surface of the ridge to the surface of the ridge.

Mulching and shelter for the winter

The landing site of garlic needs to be covered in a winter with a loose vegetable material with a layer of 5-10 cm. It will protect the beds from frosts, and in the spring it will keep the growth of weeds.

It can be:

  • sawdust;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • fallen leaves;
  • hay;
  • needles.

Before the frosts, garlic ridge are additionally covered with branches, vegetables, spunbond, rubberoid or film. It is important to do if strong freezing begin to fall out of snow or there is a slight snowy winter. But in the spring this coating must be removed before the first searches.

It is not necessary to clean the mulch in the spring, it is left on the ridge. She will not give rise to weed herbs, the need to loosen the soil will disappear. Only if the slot layer is too thick, it should be reduced, leaving 2-5 cm.

Planting garlic in the fall under winter for the experienced gardener seems to be trifle. The newcomer necessarily arises a lot of questions related to the definition of accurate deadlines, the preparation of the planting material, beds. To bring a good harvest from the first time, let's consider the technology of growing spicy vegetable on its garden.

When planted garlic in the fall: timing

The optimal time for planting winter garlic in the fall, each rostow defines individually. Terms depend on the climate of the region. Usually garlic under the winter are planted three weeks before the intended occurrence of frosts. Soil late in autumn should still keep warmly about +10 o C. You can plant a zube winter or seeds in a colder soil, but it should not be frozen.

The choice of such terms is due to the fact that before the winter, the landing material should have to have to root. Late autumn is accompanied by cool weather. Heat only land. The conditions are optimal so that garlic is developed root, and not an overhead green stem. If we land the landing in the fall, then the leaves will go to the growth, since the heat is still kept. In winter, green plantings will freeze or suffocate under the crust of the ice.

Approximate deadlines for the winter in different regions are the following:

  • middle strip - the last few days of September and mid-October;
  • south - the last numbers of October and all November;
  • the northern regions are the second decade of September, ending with the first fewers of October.

For folk signs, old people try to send the garlic in the fall until the occurrence of the church holiday of the Intercession.

On the video tell about the timing of garlic landing in autumn:

How to prepare garlic to landing in the fall

To learn how to prepare garlic to landing in the fall, you need to know from which spicy vegetable is grown. For reproduction, the following material is used:

  • Teeth. The planting material is obtained from the head, separating it into parts. For the landing of winter garlic, the autumn of the teeth is not always beneficial, as they are quite large. To plant a large plantation under the winter, you will need to use a lot of heads.
  • Seeds. Vegetable breeds also call this planting material by bullbags. You can grow seeds yourself, if you do not tear off the arrow plants.

It is easier to grow a crop of teeth, but over time you have to start another garlic, since diseases are accumulated in such a landing material. Fasciner with bulbs, but every year there will be a healthy harvest every year.

Preparation in the fall of teeth to the landing occurs in the following rules:

  • Only large intact heads are taken. The bulb has arms to the teeth, trying not to damage the shell. Be sure to lay out some of the Donets.
  • There are varieties that do not emit arrows. The bulb may consist of several rows of teeth. For landing in the fall takes a teeth only an external first row.

The resulting teeth are carefully examined. All damaged emit. Get rid of dual teeth.

To prepare bullbars to land under the winter, you must first know how to grow them. If there are no harvested seeds, the teeth are planted in the fall. In the spring he will germinate. To tear the greenery on food is impossible. Over time, arrows will appear, twisted at the end of the bagel. In the summer, the floweros is formed from which the bulbs will appear.

Arrows are broken in autumn. The signal will serve the yellowed foliage. However, it is also impossible to redistribute them, otherwise the bullbars will break through a thin shell and get squeezed to the ground. To accidentally do not disrupt the unworthy seeds, the gardeners tie the head of the marley flowers. If the bulbs even break through the shell, they will continue in the bag.

Important! If it was landed in the fall of garlic bolbos, then in the summer it will not grow a full-fledged head. The first season of seeds grows the little bulb rounded shape - one-building. The obtained seedlings again plant under the winter, and only in the second season grows a large head of garlic.

Than treat garlic in autumn before landing

Protecting the lesion of the bulbs helps the treatment of garlic in the fall of disinfecting drugs. Each vegetable has its own way to disinfect. You can use the following options:

  • Teeth are soaked for 20 minutes in the solution of the drug "Maxim".
  • Reliably displaced landing material helps soaking in the "Fundazole". Time tortigue time and method for preparing the solution is described in the instructions of the drug.
  • The simplest and efficient treatment is obtained by soaking the teeth of 30 minutes in the solution of pink manganese.
  • When using a copper vapor, a disinfecting solution is prepared from 10 g of powder per 1 liter of water. Time of etching is 30 minutes.
  • Good results are obtained when soaring the teeth of 10 minutes in a solution "Phytosporin".
  • A solution consisting of 1 liters of water and 2 tbsp of the folk methods is popular with popularity. l. Kitchen salt. Teeth are soaked for 30 minutes.

When preparing a bobbin to landing, a pink solution of manganese is used. Seeds are soaked for 2 hours, after which they dry slightly. There is another people's recipe based on the use of a salt solution. In two liters of water dissolve 1 tbsp. l. Salts, immerse the bulbs for 3 minutes. While the seeds are etched, they prepare another solution of two liters of water and 1 tsp. copper mood. The bulbo extracted from salt water is sent to be treated for 3 minutes in a new solution.

On the video tell about the preparation of garlic to landing:

Preparing soil under garlic in the fall

For a minimum, in two weeks, they begin to prepare the soil under the landing of garlic in the fall, so that the Earth managed to slightly compact. Too loose soil is unacceptable for garlic landing. When subsidence, the land is drawn by planting material for greater depth.

The bed is broken in the sunny plot. Optimal location - from north to south. The soil is leaving the depth of about the bayonet shovel. From the Earth, the roots of weed grass are chosen, purified from large stones. Spicy vegetable grows well on light fertile soil with neutral acidity, well-driving water and oxygen. If the soil is heavy, sand is added during the rescue. Acidity reduce lime or chalk.

Than to treat land before landing garlic in the fall

In the fall in the ground all pests are hidden. The soil may contain spores of fungi and other causative agents of diseases. For prevention a few days before the landing, the entire bed is watered with 1% solution of copper sulphate. If you pour out from the watering, 1 buckets of the liquid will be enough for 2 m 2. On the day of the landing on the surface of the garden, the urea granules are scattered about 20 g / m 2 and the top is pure water from the watering can.

Fertilizer for garlic when landing in autumn

During the preparation of the garden, it is brought in the fall of fertilizer under garlic at the rate of 1 m 2:

  • compost, peat or humus - 1 bucket;
  • ash - 1 cup;
  • superphosphate - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • potassium sulfate - 2 tbsp. l.

Fertilizers are drunk together with the ground after cleaning the garden from the roots of grass and garbage.

Attention! Fresh manure cannot be used for fertilizer. Garlic heads will grow loose. In winter, the harvest will badly be stored.

How to plant garlic in autumn

General rules for landing garlic in the fall into the ground provide for the following actions:

  • taking into account the rules of the crop rotation, the optimal place is chosen;
  • prepare soil;
  • process planting material;
  • the grooves cut the grooves, adhering to the landing scheme;
  • seashells, alone or bulls plant;
  • pop up the earth.

In the cold regions for the winter, the garden is additionally covered with the mulch of the organic. From above, you can put fine branches of trees for detention.

After which you can plant garlic in autumn

Planting spicy vegetable under the winter is carried out taking into account the observance of the crop rotation. Garlic grows well after:

  • legume crops;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • siderates, excluding barley and oats.

A spicy vegetable spicy vegetable grows quite well after all country crops. An exception is carrots, spicy greens, radishes.

Attention! In one place, it is possible to land under the winter of garlic only two years in a row.

What depth to carry garlic in autumn

The teeth are plugged into the ground about 10 cm. In the vegetable breeding, there are two landing rules for the winter:

  1. The depth is determined by the height of the teeth, adding to the result of 5 cm.
  2. According to the second most common rule, depth is calculated by multiplication by 3 heights of the teeth.

In the land, the teeth are immersed by Don.

Bullbars when landing under the winter it is impossible to plunge strongly. Seeds sow in the grooves depth 3 cm, the earth falls asleep top. Crying do not watered. Before the arrival of winter, crops are covered with straw or other mulch.

From the Bulbo in July will grow full-fledged alone. The bulbs dig up, dried in the shade. Under the winter, one-building planted for the next season of garlic heads. The depth of immersion of the bulb into the ground is not more than 4 cm. For the winter, a bed with alone falls asleep mulch.

Garlic landing scheme in autumn

Ski landing scheme under the winter provides for the cutting of long grooves. Between the rows leave the gap of about 30 cm so that it is convenient to be poured with a tip. If the garden is very long, cut smooth grooves difficult. As a markup, vegetables use a stretched rope.

Consists can be placed in the wells if the garden is small. The holes dig up with a shovel or squeeze the bottle with a neck. The distance between the teeth is withstanding about 10 cm.

When garlic is underway to seeds in autumn, there can be 2 cm between the bullbars, but not more than 10 cm. Single unubs are planted for the winter in the same scheme as garlic teeth.

Care after landing

In the fall, the planted garlic practically does not require care, but a small preparation for winter is needed. The garden after planting the teeth and one-building is usually not watered. Rain enough. If the autumn is dry, the ground can be slightly moistened from the watering can, so that the bulbs are faster to root.

For the winter, the garden must be inspired. The rule does not concern only residents of the southern regions. In all other districts, the Grocery is falling asleep with mulch from straw, foliage, small branches. In the spring, large organic is cleaned. Small mulch can not be stradder. Organizer will serve as a fertilizer, prevents the evaporation of moisture, will slow down the growth of weeds. Well-experienced winter landing material, you can determine the punching spring from under the mulch of green sprouts. No need garlic. At first, the moisture is enough in the ground after the melting of snow. As soon as the garden will begin to be covered with a crust, perform the first loosening. It is impossible to delay, otherwise the crops may suffocate.


Planting garlic in the fall under the winter, as well as the care of plantings - the process is simple. It is enough to stick to the simple rules of the agricultural engineering, and the spicy vegetable thanks the generous harvest.

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It is important to know the farmer and dacket: when to plant winter garlic - in what time frame, at what distance to which depth. How to determine the exact time of landing, subtleties, nuances - agronomists advise, experienced farmers recommend.

When the garlic can be in autumn:

It is necessary to 34-40 days so that the root system will form from 12 to 18 roots with a length of 5-10 cm. The dates for planting winter garlic - 2-3 weeks before the onset of frosts: the teeth should have time to be rooted, but not exist.

The dates of landing of garlic depend on three factors:

  • soil temperature + 10 ... + 7 ° C;
  • the absence of night frosts with T is not lower than -10 ° C;
  • the soil should not be too wet to be able to plant garlic both manually at the cottage and in field conditions using mechanized techniques.

Late landing of garlic in late October-early November, adjusted to the region fraught with a low germination: who did not have time to root the teeth die.

Tip! Not falling in autumn winter garlic can be planted and in spring.

Depending on the variety, in the spring of the north, the teeth will form not differentiated on the bow on the bulb - the so-called. Single-tooth bulb. More likely to get a cut-off onion to the bulb will give cold storage at T -5 ... + 5 ° C and early landing.

The preparation of the soil under the planting of winter garlic by a warehouse method.

Approximate terms depend on the region. Winter garlic in the suburbs plant from September 15-20 to the first decade of October, in the Kostroma region - until mid-October inclusive, in the South Urals - until October 5-10. Given the climate change and the warmer autumn, the timing can be shifted. If you ask the older generation, they will answer clearly: until the post has come, marking the arrival of winter - October 14.

At the household site, a landing scheme between rows is possible from 45-40 to 30-35 cm. In comparison with commercial areas, it is possible to reduce the distance between the rows due to the increase in the distance to the row: 25 cm x 12 cm, 30 x 10 cm.

When the garlic under winter and how - agronomists advise.

Scheme of landing of winter-firing garlic with different teeth mass for large areas as follows:

  • for large teeth weighing 6-9 g - 45 cm × 70-10 cm with a power area of \u200b\u200b35-45 cm2;
  • for medium weighing 5-7 g - 45 cm × 7 cm with a power area of \u200b\u200b300-320 cm2;
  • for small 2-3 g - 45 x 5 (up to 220 cm2 per plant);
  • for very small to 1.5 g 45 cm × 3 cm (up to 140 cm2).

Why are all these numbers? To determine the desired amount of teeth in terms of weight per unit area.

So, when planting a medium-sized gauge at a power area of \u200b\u200b320 cm2: 10000 m2 divided by 0.0320 m2 and we get 312500 pieces.

To determine the mass of garlic per 1 hectare: Middle Weight multiply by quantity: 312500 × 4-5 g \u003d 1406 kg per hectare. The norm of sowing large teeth can be up to 2000 kg / ha.

Important! Taking into account the scales, the bottom of the arrows, the amount of garlic per 1 hectare increased by 5-7%.

The optimal landing scheme for industrial space, farm landings will be a ribbon two-row landing scheme - 45 cm between rows (two rings) and 20 cm between double rows, as well as a broad method - with a broader width 40-45 cm.

Landing density at the first method will be about 380000, during the second - about 2,70,000 plants per 1 hectare.

For mechanized care and cleaning on industrial areas, a four-row landing scheme is also practiced (with a width of the main 24 cm, and 27 cm - four narrow). Not bad results will give the lower case planting of winter garlic - with a strokes of 30-40 cm.

Power area of \u200b\u200bone plant - from 80-100 to 360 cm2 depending on the variety, the size of the teeth, agricultural engineering, soil-climatic conditions.

Distance in Ray

The distance in the row depends on the magnitude of the teeth. So, winter garlic is usually larger than spring (up to 2-3 g), and require a larger distance: from 6-10 to 12 cm. With a broad method (45 × 7), the optimal power supply will be up to 320 cm2.

A two-row plan for planting winter garlic.

Important! An increase in landing density leads to a decrease in gross collection, while improves product quality due to a larger amount of large-size bulbs.

At the same time, the rate of sowing of air seeds (bullbob) of garlic by 1 phenim m of a row of 55-60 bulbs with a weight standard of about 50 kg / ha depending on the caliber.

Landing depth

What depth to carry garlic - opinions a lot. The right answer is the depth depends on the size.

Flame garlic sighs to a depth of 7-8 cm and up to 10-12 cm depending on the size of the bulbs: the average instances are plugged at 7-8 cm, large - by 10-12 cm, small - by 3-5 cm. The soil layer over Teeth should not be less than 3-4 cm.

Important! On the sandy lungs, soils should be placed on a greater depth due to the faster soil freezing with a light mechanical composition. At the same time, the decrease in T to -12 ... -14 ° C in the zone of the Donette can become critical, lead to extinction.

Collection of winter garlic.

Proper landing - the question is extensive. It is worth noting several nuances and harmful councils.

About soaking. Before planting, the teeth are soaked in a solution of foundation, immersing for 2-3 minutes. Classical manganese can cause burns in high concentration, and Fundazol is more effective.

Some sand. At a low agrofon, it is recommended to spray the bottom of the landing row to sprinkle with sand so that the bottomshene does not come into contact with the soil to avoid root rot, etc.

Position. The teeth for better rooting should occupy a strictly vertical position that the mechanized landing is not always possible: the teeth are stacked at an angle, which affects productivity - reduces 10-15%.

Do not loose soil. The most common anti-hike - loosening before planting. The Donets should lie on the compacted bed: a loose ground will not give a dense planting with an earthen room, slow down germination.

The too loose soil at industries rolled up, pressing is practiced on light soils. Gardeners are simply molded, under the top of the land hill.

On mulching. Do not mulch the planting peat, tyrsa: these are heavy moisture-intensive materials, and in the spring make it difficult to warm the soil.
About fertilizer. The introduction of organic before planting negatively affects the germination and on phytosanitary quality of products, give rise to green mass to the damage to the bulb.

Let's hope that simple tips - when to plant garlic, where and how to be useful, and not useful tips will not be used. Greater harvest!

Garlic, which is planted under the winter, is called winter. From the spring (sazing spring) garlic, it is distinguished not only by landing timing, but also appearance. Many dackets make a choice in favor of winter varieties due to the large size of the heads and large teeth. To get a quality harvest, the landing of garlic under the winter should be carried out according to a certain technology and with the observance of the deadlines.

The dates of the autumn planting of garlic directly depend on the depth of seelings of the teeth. Most often, the teeth are plugged into the ground by 3-5 cm. Such a surface landing should be carried out in 2-3 weeks before the alleged frosts. In the regions with a cool climate, it is preferred to land garlic on a large depth - 10-15 cm. The landing date also depends on the weather conditions of a particular area.

In outskirts of Moscow

The climate of the suburbs - moderately continental, with a sharply pronounced seasonality. For the middle strip, a warm summer is characterized, a moderately cold winter, a sufficient thickness of the snow cover. In recent years, the overall trend of strong warming also appears here. Winter in the suburbs began to come later, there are still strong frosts and more and more and more often - thaw.

The maximum amount of precipitation falls on the summer season, in winter, strong winds are blowing with the predominance of the Northern, Western, southwestern direction. In fact, winter in this area lasts 5 months. Snow cover appears in November, and disappears by the beginning of April. Taking into account the weather changes, the landing of garlic under the winter in this region should be made from September 20 to October 10. In more southern regions, the term is postponed until November.

The presence of the Urals from north to south is more than 2,000 km. It is clear that the climate of the northern and southern Ural regions is very different.

  • In the Northern Urals, planting winter garlic is recommended to start in mid-September. If autumn weather has been established earlier, it is necessary to plant garlic in early September.
  • For the South Urals, the landing time is shifted to the first decade of October. The adjustments may make weather conditions.

On a note! Folk sign suggests that garlic is time to plant when the birds began to fly to the south for wintering.

In the climatic conditions of Siberia, the appropriate time for planting winter garlic is for the period from September 15 to October 5. If you plan the cloves at this time, to frosts, they will have to root and form enough long roots without the formation of leaves. Plant garlic is better at a depth of about 10 cm. After that, the garden is watered well - it increases the winter hardiness of the culture.

The climate of the Leningrad region is considered special. It is characterized by non-permanent weather conditions, which is due to frequent change of air masses. From the Kara Sea comes dry and very cold Arctic air. From the western direction, cyclones come with cloudy, windy weather and precipitation.

Sometimes weather conditions change dramatically even for one day, and predict these differences with weather forecasts are very difficult. In addition to weather fluctuations, strong winds are characterized by a strong wind, right up to Shkvalov, blizzards, snowfalls, fogs, severe frosts and intensive heat, droughts and floods.

For landing in the Leningrad region, you should take the zoned varieties of winter garlic. These include: Hermann, Dobrynya, Alkor, Moscow region, Novosibirsk, replicant.

The deadline for landing of winter garlic can be called the end of September.In the south of the Leningrad region, landing can be held a week earlier, in the colder parts of the region - a week later.

Roots in the plant are weakly developed, they begin to grow with a small positive temperature. This process occurs within 1.5 months after landing. When the garlic is rooted, it is able to endure winter frosts. Therefore, the plant and need a certain reserve of time, before the freezing will begin.

Planting garlic is carried out by separate teeth. Preparatory work includes separation of the head into separate teeth, followed by the sorting of the planting material and its processing. Garlic slices can be large, medium and small. Their size should be considered when landing. Large teeth are plugged at 8-10 cm, smaller - by 6 cm.

The planting material must be clean and healthy, without damage. If the batch prepared for landing contains too many cloves with spots and movements, it should be completely replaced.

Important! Do not use for landing heads that contain only 3-4 teeth. Such a small amount of rally testifies to the degeneration of culture.

Garlic must be completely succeeded so as not to move into growth. His donyshko normally has a light gray color. In order for culture to grow well in the spring and has been resistant to diseases, it is recommended to conduct presets. This can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. Soaking garlic in a pink milganti solution in front of the landing itself for 30-60 minutes.
  2. Processing with a 1 percent solution of copper sulphate. Garlic cloves are more convenient to dug out from the evening, and in the morning put planting.
  3. Disinfection with a saline: 3 tbsp. Salt spoons are dissolved in 5 liters of water and soaked garlic for 3 minutes, after that they dip in the solution of copper sulphate per minute and immediately planted.
  4. Processing can be phased. First, garlic is soaked in a solution of nitroammophos on one day, then in a strong salt solution to 30 minutes. Third solution must contain 1 tbsp. A spoonful of copper sulfate on 10 liters of water, in it garlic soaked for one minute.
  5. Using the ash solution: 1 tbsp. A spoon of ash is stirred in a liter of water.
  6. Soaking in the solution of the drug "Maxim", which is considered a natural antibiotic and protects plants from many diseases. For processing, one ampoule of the drug is used per liter of water. Plant garlic in a solution of 30 minutes.
  7. Phytiolyvin treatment. The agent protects the culture from bacterial and fungal diseases, root rot.
  8. Application phytoosporin-m. This fungicide is often used for pre-sowing garlic preparation - it increases the immunity of the plant, makes it resistant to disease. Phytosporin-M divorces according to the instructions. The teeth in it are soaked for 1 hour.

In addition to the preparation of the planting material, it is also necessary to prepare a garden in advance. Further development and growth of culture will depend on the quality of the Earth.

Cooking Grokery

Experienced summer residents, which from year to year are planted under winter garlic, have their secrets on landing and care for this culture. Listen to their recommendations:

  • Garlic landing should be avoided in places with high groundwater sitting, otherwise in spring with the arrival of heat, the vegetable will be simply washed with their streams.
  • The culture is not planted in the ground, which before that feasured by manure. Otherwise, the plant will have a magnificent topper and chilly heads. Plus, the garlic, grown on the uniform soil, often suffers from fungal diseases.
  • Only when landing after the right predecessors you can get large heads. If it is impossible to observe the crop rotation, put a pre-order for the garden of Vicia Sativa polka dot. This plant is a wonderful Siderate that will enrich the soil with a compost, will shuffle it and dismiss.
  • Under the winter it is best to plant a purple-striped species, which is better adapted to the winter cold, unpretentious and well kept.
  • The earlier the garlic is planted, the deeper there should be his landing.
  • Ideally, for garlic, it is necessary to change the place annually. It is possible to re-return it to the same garden, not earlier than in 5 years.

When and how to plant garlic under winter: video

Planting garlic under winter: video

Compliance with all listed rules will provide you with large and strong heads of spicy vegetable. Be sure to grow garlic on your site. At the expense of its useful properties, he will extend you the youth, will retain health and beauty, add bright shades of taste with cooked dishes.