
How to cook aleutter from starch. Pleaster: Recipe from flour for different ways of application

Where to begin

Despite the crazy rhythm of life, we are more and more strive to use natural products and materials in different areas Life: Whether food or household moments. Pleaster from flour and starch is a completely natural product that is used in repairs, and in the manufacture of crafts with children - where the adhesive needle needs, but do not want to use synthetic materials. You can cook it yourself, but how justified such troubles with cooking? How to cook the Clauster and how else can you use it?

Application Claysther

Homemade glue is suitable for the following works:

  • wallpaper sticking and gluing decorative elements interior;
  • with needlework (for example, creating textile decorations);
  • when embeding slots in old wooden frames;
  • when sowing seeds.

If everything is clear with crafts and repair, then how and for what is the Cleaster used when sowing seeds? Everything is simple: many plants seeds are very small, so it is difficult to distribute on the furrow. Having put them in advance on a soft loose paper, you get rid of yourself from having trouble in the summer. No need to cut forward plants, and the crop will be higher. For this use natural glue. Its application:

Nuances of manufacture

What flour is suitable for cooking

More often hostess use wheat top grade, since it is in every home. But if you purposefully select the ingredients for boiling glue, note that the larger the flour grip, the higher its level of viscosity. Rye flour of large grinding - perfect optionBut when working with light materials, dark spots may come. You can find wholegrain wheat flour (wallpaper) on sale. It will fit perfectly for any work.

Corn flour can also be used to cook alert, as well as starch. The advantage of starch glue is that it is absolutely transparent. Therefore, it is used where neat work is needed.

Please note: the adhesive composition cooked on the starch, after a few hours it acquires a specific smell, so it needs to be used immediately.

Summing up, we can say that glue from rye flour will endure even heavy vinyl wallpapers. But on the light material can leave stains. Wheat flour of large grinding is suitable for needlework, and for repair. And where you need a fine work so that there are no traces of glue, you can use starch.

Additional ingredients

To improve properties, depending on the destination, add to the Clauster:

Please note: when working with light materials, you should not add carbon black, and for children's crafts, it is better not to use any additives at all in the manufacture of alert.


The proportions of water and flour depend on the purpose of the Clays. The harder items connected, the thick should be the composition.

How to bring hubster to the desired consistency

If after making it seems to you that the adhesive mass is not thick enough, do not hurry to add water to it. Cool the mixture of up to 40 ° C and observe. If the adhesive is still liquid, mix the flour with water and pour into the finished mixture, stirre and boil.

ATTENTION: Do not pour flour directly to Cleaster - lumps will appear.

In the inverse situation, when the Cleaster turned out to be thick, without waiting for cooling, add gram of boiling water and stir the mass. So bring it to the desired consistency.

Cleaster, with time thick. If it is required to dilute before use, do it gradually, thoroughly mixing the mixer mixer. Then re-boil it.

How to cook aleas of flour and water: insightruction and video

Homemade adhesive composition can be applied to wallpaper, and on the walls as a primer. In the first case, use the chilled Clauster, and in the second - hot.

Cook glue for wallpaper

From the calculation of 1 liters of water, you will need 200 g of flour. The dishes are better to take enameled. Given that it will take a lot of alert for pasting rooms, you can take a bucket - enamelled or galvanized.


  1. Boil the water in the bucket.
  2. Pour flour. Do it neatly, gradually, constantly stirring.
  3. Bring to the state of liquid test.
  4. Welcome and strain the holter to get rid of lumps.

The most effective is a warm mixture - 40 o C.

How to cook for crafts from fabric

Here you will need water: flour, vanillin and sugar.

Operating procedure:

  1. Dissolve 4 tbsp. l. Flour in a glass of cold water.
  2. Separately dissolve in 3 glasses of water a teaspoon of sugar and put on fire
  3. After boiling into the sweetened water, pour water with flour.
  4. Boil to thickening.
  5. When the mixture thickens, remove from the heat and add a pinch of vanillin, stirre and cool down.

How to make for papier mache

In addition to flour and water there will be a salt here.

Operating procedure:

  1. In a glass of cold water, add a glass of sifted flour and 0.5 h. Salt.
  2. To this mixture, pour 2 glasses of boiling water, mix.
  3. Put on the fire, and after 10 minutes. After boiling, remove.

For dischargeing paper in the adhesive composition, prepare a mixture of 100 g of flour on 1 liter of water.

Storage term

Given that the composition is natural, you cannot store the solution for a long time. With each day, adhesive properties deteriorate.

If you still plan to use the remaining Cleaster, recover it to the container with a tightly closing lid and put it in the refrigerator. Storage period of the product, without loss of properties, day. To extend it, add some carbolic acid during the preparation (10 liters of the Cleighter - 25 g).

Besides low cost, Cleaster has a number of advantages: it does not cause paper turning, does not leave stains, it does not cause allergies, hits with surfaces treated with oil and oil paint. The only drawback of self-made glue is low moisture resistance, so it is impossible to use it in a wet room.

The abundance of multicolored packages with glue on the shelves of building stores is a familiar picture. You can choose compositions for any purpose, for all available types of wallpaper, for any cost. True, the minimum price of such adhesives bite, and the quality of the product may be far from perfect. In addition, despite the assurances of manufacturers, such compositions may be unsafe for health. In such cases, you can make a holter from simple ingredients at home.

During cooking you need to constantly stir the mass


The word "Cleaster" in itself can serve as a tip, how to cook it and what ingredients will be needed for this. Translated from German, it means glue from starch or flour. And no chemical components need to cook it with your own hands. The composition includes only water and one of the dry ingredients.

The choice of dry ingredient depends on the further use of glue. For example, a flour is more suitable for pasting walls with wallpaper or making children's crafts, since the finished product does not leave the traces after use. Random pollution is easily removed even after drying. The wallpaper canvas, cardboard, paper for crafts do not twist, surfaces glued firmly.

The number of ingredients included in the celastic recipe is taken at the rate of:

  • coarse flour (a variety product is suitable) - 0.25 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

To make a wobble hitch, need a coarse flour


Prepare dishes and suitable tools for proper cooking tools. The most convenient to cook aleas, using:

  • the glass container of a small volume (it will be needed for the bolt);
  • enameled or glass heat-resistant saucepan (3 l);
  • sieve;
  • fork or a whisk;
  • wooden spoon with a long handle.

Simple recipe

Cook on the chosen chosen or electric stove in the kitchen. Before you cook the flour, the flour should be carefully sifted with a sieve to remove pollution from it and formed lumps. How to cook a hubber from flour, tells the instruction:

  1. Make a bolt. The sifted flour is placed in a glass container. Then, it is gradually gradually, with a continuous stirring for a fork or a wedge, cold water is added to the moment until the mass of homogeneous consistency is formed in the container.
  2. Add boiling water. If you first try to make a hubber from flour, it is better to take the amount of the bolt and boiling water in proportion 1:15. Boiling water strengthened slowly, with continuous stirring. Gradually, the mass in the tank acquires luxury and homogeneity.
  3. Bring to the condition. The resulting mass is heated on the stove, stirring continuously.
  4. Cool The cooked composition is removed from the fire. Use cold water Or ice to speed up cooling, it is impossible - it will worsen adhesive properties. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the mass be cooled completely.

Special attention requires the stage of bringing to the condication. By adding boiling water to the chatter and having achieved a thick mass, you will make glue, quite suitable for children's crafts or packaging mache. But for the finishing works of adhesive properties of this, the means may not be enough.

Need to stir a plastic or wooden blade

Recipe for wallpaper glue

A simple way, how to make houses Cleaster from flour, suitable for use during repair:

  1. Boiled boiling water transfuse in enamel saucepan, The container is placed on the stove.
  2. Heat, not bringing to a boil, on a small fire.
  3. Cleastern during heating is imperative.
  4. As soon as the first bubbles appeared, and the characteristic "baking" began, the pan is removed from the stove and leave for cooling.
  5. Film resulting after cooling is removed.

All that remains to be done is to strain the finished liquid through the sieve.

How to make sure that the holter glit

Basic recipe, how to make a kleuter of all of the two ingredients, especially suitable in cases where the need to spend finishing work. Punching of wallpapers often turns out to be poor quality even subject to the use of adhesives specifically designed for one or another type of wallpaper. As for the flour coolness, it can be safely called the best glue for wallpaper. The opinion is quite reasonable, since the home product differs from the factory number of benefits:

  • Applying glue from wheat flour for wallpaper on the cloth, you can not be afraid of breaks and deformation.
  • The homemade celaser for wallpaper makes it easy to disconnect the cloth from the surface using the steam generator or simply warm water.
  • It has a solid level of adhesion. Changes with any type of wallpaper, cardboard and plywood. Prints finishing materials even to painted surfaces.
  • Different with a long service life.
  • It is easily dispersed and does not leave stains on the surface of the cloth even with random contamination.
  • Prepares in minutes and requires minimum attachment funds.
  • You can use as a primer before sticking wallpaper.

Ways to correct deficiencies

Find a special recipe, how to cook glue from wheat flour, no need. Enough already known basic instructions. It remains to take care to eliminate the shortcomings that still have:

  1. Bad water resistance. Fit this disadvantage will help the additive of the PVA (at least 5% of the total), which will make a flour ceuple more resistant to moisture.
  2. Natural ingredients of the Clays not only ensure the safety of a person, but also attract pests and a lot of bacteria. Danger increases if the composition is used additionally as a primer. However, the way to make a flour Clayaster is unattractive for microorganisms, there is. In the process of cooking you need to add diluted in water copper Kuner At the rate of 10 g of vitrios per 1 kg of flour.
  3. Limited storage. The finished product can be stored no more than 12 hours without loss of adhesive properties. After a day, the composition begins to kill and becomes unsuitable for use. Since it is impressed to cook the hube from the flour, it remains to prepare only the required amount of glue.
  4. Too thick consistency. In the process of cooking, the flour Claister thickens, and after cooling, its density is only enhanced. To put the glue on the wallpaper uniform and not too thick layer, the product has just made to be moderated liquid. There is a simple way to make a hubble in the desired consistency, not so thick. To do this, it is enough to add the desired amount of water and warm up the composition again.

Despite the minuses, the advantages of the flour Clays are much more. The time on his cooking goes a bit, but to make universal glue, suitable as wallpaper, and for children's creativity, everyone will be able.

Conducting redecorating With your own hands, a small amount of wall mounted glue is required.

Buy an expensive box that is not useful in this situation, it does not make sense.

You can cook a hubber for wallpapers from undergraduate materials, while saving the family budget.

Consider how to make a kleuister, classic homemade adhesive recipes, its advantages and disadvantages.

Methods of preparation and compositions

Cool powder breeding depends on the type of wallpaper, the harder canvas, the less water needs to be added.

Not so long ago, our grandmothers and mothers glued all the wallpaper on the hubby, without using the finished mixtures. do it yourself not difficult.

Environmentally friendly glue, cooked at home, does not give up its position in our day. Using it, you can be absolutely confident in the safety of the adhesive composition.

It can include starch and flour simultaneously, and you can use only one product. Depending on the type of wallpaper, a solution of different density is prepared.

If desired, the hub can be strengthened by adding a little PVA or joinery glue into it. These additives will make an ordinary ceucer more resistant to moisture.

Flour-based glue

Dissolve flour in cold water

How to cook aleas yourself? Classic recipe Flush Clays at home is simple in performance. For the preparation of 1 liter of the stubble, we will need 200 g of flour.

To avoid unnecessary temporary and material costs, you should adhere to the following instructions:

  • flour sifting through fine sieve;
  • carefully dissolve flour in a small amount of cold water;
  • 1 liter of water must be boiled;
  • thin weaving pour boiling water into a flour solution; We put the composition on a slow fire and with constant stirring, bring to a boil;
  • we remove from the fire, let it cool down a little and remove the resulting film;
  • fix the prepared mass through the sieve.

Glue is ready to use. If the composition turned out to be very thick, just dilute with water. Check the consistency is very simple. The solution must merge from the fingers.

If the fingers are slightly glued to the fingers, then everything is done correctly.

Use better flour 1, not top grade. A mixture of coarse grinding will provide better adhesion.

Prepare glue costs immediately before use, the composition is stored for a short time. After a day, his adhesive properties deteriorate greatly.

Starch based on starch and mixed view

Pour the starch mixture with a thin flowing in hot water

Glue based on starch at home is carried out in a similar method with a flour view. Proportions for its preparation: 1 to 10, i.e. To prepare 1 liter of the cooling agent, you will need 100 g of potatoes or corn starch.

You can improve the composition, mixing the flour and starch. Such a hub is prepared by the method of brewing:

  • in a small dish, mix 1 cup of flour and 2 tablespoons of starch;
  • boil 2.5 liters of water and leave on slow fire;
  • when water in a saucepan boiled, in a bowl with starch and flour pour cold water with a thin weaving and mix thoroughly;
  • to the resulting mixture, pour hot water, stirring constantly, let's boil and remove from the fire;
  • after cooling, the composition must be strain. See this video Read more:

Many believe that the hubble need to cook. In this recipe, cook the mixture is not required, you only need to bring to a boil and immediately remove from the fire.

Before pasting walls, be sure to prepare the necessary and familiarize yourself with the tips,

Advantages of homemade glue

The shelf life of such glue is very small

In addition to the obvious advantages in the simplicity and economy of preparation, the glue for wallpaper prepared with its own hands has a mass of other advantages:

Beautiful adhesionWith the help of alee, you can glue the wallpaper on any type of surface, even if it is processed by olifa or oil paint.
1 Safety and environmental friendlinessAll celays components are not just safe, in fact they are edible. Such glue can be safely used in children's rooms and bedrooms. It will not cause allergic reactions, does not excrete harmful substances or unpleasant odors. Absolutely harmless when entering the skin in the process of work.
2 UniversalitySuitable for use with wallpaper of any type of severe species. The dried glue is not inferior to industrial mixtures.
3 Easy removalDespite the strength, wallpapers glued with a hub, it is easy to remove from the wall, it is enough to wet the canvas.
4 Not aggressiveCleaster does not destroy the structure paper wallpaper, It does not cause scope, so that the risk of damage to the canvas is reduced when a wall sticker.
5 Not noticeableThe glover solution has a slightly muddy whitish color, during drying it disappears. Finding on the wallpaper canvas, leaves no traces.

There is a Clayshin cooked at home and disadvantages, not to mention that it would not be fair. The main problem is the fear of water.

Do not use flour-based glue or starch in rooms with high humidity.

To give greater resistance to moisture, you can add glue PVA in the calculation of 100 ml per 5 l of finished glue. In such a composition, you can either paper wallpaper.

Cleastern has a very short time of useful use, its shelf life is no more than 24 hours.

The abundance of multicolored packages with glue on the shelves of building stores is a familiar picture. You can choose compositions for any purpose, for all available types of wallpaper, for any cost. True, the minimum price of such adhesives bite, and the quality of the product may be far from perfect. In addition, despite the assurances of manufacturers, such compositions may be unsafe for health. In such cases, you can make a holter from simple ingredients at home.

During cooking you need to constantly stir the mass


The word "Cleaster" in itself can serve as a tip, how to cook it and what ingredients will be needed for this. Translated from German, it means glue from starch or flour. And no chemical components need to cook it with your own hands. The composition includes only water and one of the dry ingredients.

The choice of dry ingredient depends on the further use of glue. For example, a flour is more suitable for pasting walls with wallpaper or making children's crafts, since the finished product does not leave the traces after use. Random pollution is easily removed even after drying. The wallpaper canvas, cardboard, paper for crafts do not twist, surfaces glued firmly.

The number of ingredients included in the celastic recipe is taken at the rate of:

  • coarse flour (a variety product is suitable) - 0.25 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

To make a wobble hitch, need a coarse flour


Prepare dishes and suitable tools for proper cooking tools. The most convenient to cook aleas, using:

  • the glass container of a small volume (it will be needed for the bolt);
  • enameled or glass heat-resistant saucepan (3 l);
  • sieve;
  • fork or a whisk;
  • wooden spoon with a long handle.

Simple recipe

Cook on the chosen gas or electric stove in the kitchen. Before you cook the flour, the flour should be carefully sifted with a sieve to remove pollution from it and formed lumps. How to cook a hubber from flour, tells the instruction:

  1. Make a bolt. The sifted flour is placed in a glass container. Then, it is gradually gradually, with a continuous stirring for a fork or a wedge, cold water is added to the moment until the mass of homogeneous consistency is formed in the container.
  2. Add boiling water. If you first try to make a hubber from flour, it is better to take the amount of the bolt and boiling water in proportion 1:15. Boiling water strengthened slowly, with continuous stirring. Gradually, the mass in the tank acquires luxury and homogeneity.
  3. Bring to the condition. The resulting mass is heated on the stove, stirring continuously.
  4. Cool The cooked composition is removed from the fire. Use cold water or ice to speed up cooling, it is impossible - it will worsen adhesive properties. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the mass be cooled completely.

Special attention requires the stage of bringing to the condication. By adding boiling water to the chatter and having achieved a thick mass, you will make glue, quite suitable for children's crafts or packaging mache. But for the finishing works of adhesive properties of this, the means may not be enough.

Need to stir a plastic or wooden blade

Recipe for wallpaper glue

A simple way, how to make houses Cleaster from flour, suitable for use during repair:

  1. Cooled boiling water The chat is overflowed into the enameled pan, the container is placed on the stove.
  2. Heat, not bringing to a boil, on a small fire.
  3. Cleastern during heating is imperative.
  4. As soon as the first bubbles appeared, and the characteristic "baking" began, the pan is removed from the stove and leave for cooling.
  5. Film resulting after cooling is removed.

All that remains to be done is to strain the finished liquid through the sieve.

How to make sure that the holter glit

A basic recipe, how to make a kleuister of all of the two ingredients, especially suitable in cases where the need to conduct finishing works. Punching of wallpapers often turns out to be poor quality even subject to the use of adhesives specifically designed for one or another type of wallpaper. As for the flour coolness, it can be safely called the best glue for wallpaper. The opinion is quite reasonable, since the home product differs from the factory number of benefits:

  • Applying glue from wheat flour for wallpaper on the cloth, you can not be afraid of breaks and deformation.
  • The homemade celaser for wallpaper makes it easy to disconnect the cloth from the surface using the steam generator or simply warm water.
  • It has a solid level of adhesion. Changes with any type of wallpaper, cardboard and plywood. Prints finishing materials even to painted surfaces.
  • Different with a long service life.
  • It is easily dispersed and does not leave stains on the surface of the cloth even with random contamination.
  • Prepared in per few minutes and requires minimal investment of funds.
  • You can use as a primer before sticking wallpaper.

Ways to correct deficiencies

Find a special recipe, how to cook glue from wheat flour, no need. Enough already known basic instructions. It remains to take care to eliminate the shortcomings that still have:

  1. Bad water resistance. Fit this disadvantage will help the additive of the PVA (at least 5% of the total), which will make a flour ceuple more resistant to moisture.
  2. Natural ingredients of the Clays not only ensure the safety of a person, but also attract pests and a lot of bacteria. Danger increases if the composition is used additionally as a primer. However, the way to make a flour Clayaster is unattractive for microorganisms, there is. In the cooking process, it is necessary to add copper vigorous diluted in water at the rate of 10 g of vitrios per 1 kg of flour.
  3. Limited storage. The finished product can be stored no more than 12 hours without loss of adhesive properties. After a day, the composition begins to kill and becomes unsuitable for use. Since it is impressed to cook the hube from the flour, it remains to prepare only the required amount of glue.
  4. Too thick consistency. In the process of cooking, the flour Claister thickens, and after cooling, its density is only enhanced. To put the glue on the wallpaper uniform and not too thick layer, the product has just made to be moderated liquid. There is a simple way to make a hubble in the desired consistency, not so thick. To do this, it is enough to add the desired amount of water and warm up the composition again.

Despite the minuses, the advantages of the flour Clays are much more. The time on his cooking goes a bit, but to make universal glue, suitable as wallpaper, and for children's creativity, everyone will be able.

How to cook aleas of flour and water

Casting pasting wallpaper walls in the house, you need to buy special glue for them. But it will not always be the best way. In some situations, it is better to use Cleeter cooked at home. In addition to low cost, he has a number of advantages over industrial glue, so many make their choice in its favor. How to cook a hubber from flour and water and in what cases it is better to use it precisely below.

Advantages and disadvantages

Previously, the homemade holter was widely used when the walls are pasting any types of wallpaper and successfully replaced special glue. But in our time there are admirers of this glue, which are glad to use to stick wallpaper and for other purposes.

If the surface of the walls was treated with oily substances at least once, it is better to choose a leak and water for pasting. So the wallpaper is better to post, which is due to the peculiarities of the interaction of the tire and oil.

The main advantages of home glue:

  • Use on different surfaces;
  • Leaves no spots on the wallpaper;
  • It holds well, but at the same time wallpaper can easily be removed at the other repairs;
  • Non-toxic and safe for humans;
  • Low cost compared to industrial glue.

Lack of homemade glue one, but very significant - low moisture resistance. Therefore, it should not be used in indoors with high humidity.

To prepare a hubber with flour with high moisture resistance, you need to add special ingredients to it that the needed properties can be changed. How to do this to consider further.

How to cook

There are several clay cooking methods.

From flour

Cleaster from flour is the most popular. For its preparation, it is necessary to bring the water bucket to boil and gradually fall asleep the flour with small parts, constantly stirring the solution, as shown on. Flour must be added until the hubby does not comply with the consistency of the liquid dough. In order to remove lumps, the mixture is passed through a siete or gauze, folded in several layers. After cooling, the hub is used for its intended purpose. Cooking a hubber from flour should be immediately pronounced, as it loses properties and dries even with short-term storage.

From Stachmala

Prepared by the same method as the first option, but starch is added instead of flour. After a complete cooling of the mixture, a small amount of PVA glue should be added to it, which makes the Clauster more sticky. The starch celaser is obtained transparent, so it is good to use it on bright wallpaper shades. The addition of joinery glue is darkened by Clauster, making it ideal for salary with dark wallpaper. Starch Kleister is less reliable than a hubber from flour for wallpaper.


To prepare, starch is warmed up to 400 ° C until brownish translucent lumps are formed. The cooled lumps need to be confused into powder and dilute with water. At 100g powder is added 250 ml of water and 30g sugar to give additional strength. The mixture is pretty stirring and hubble. It is used for paper wallpaper.

In each type of Claystaer during cooking, it is necessary to add copper vigorous, dissolved in water, at the rate of 1G of a mongrel per 100g flour or starch. This supplement will protect the finished glue from insects and bugs.

Cleeter from flour: The recipe includes wheat or rye flour, preferably large grinding. In this case, white flour is used on bright wallpaper, and rye on dark. If the light wallpaper can be saved with a rye chaliest, dark divorces or stains can be obtained.

One rule should be remembered - to work only with cooled glue, as warm can damage the wallpaper.


How to make a holter from flour we figured out. And for what purposes is it used in addition to the wallpaper glue? In addition to pasting wallpaper, Clauster is used for:

  • Ripping slots in wooden windows;
  • Children's creativity. For example, for the manufacture of figures and toys in a papier-mache technique, applications. To do this, you will need a liquid holter.

The undoubted advantage of Clays in children's work is its safety. For children, you should cook glue only from flour and water, without adding other substances.