
How to grow seedlings of velvets from seeds. When to plant velvets to seedlings - we define the best time


Each flower dealer knows that spring will begin much earlier than for other people. After all, he ships the calendar leaflets with trepidation, waiting for the moment when it is possible to finally lower the first seed into the ground.

Most often, cultivation of flowers begins with the purchase of seeds. Taking a bag in the hands, do not forget to check the expiration date: the germination of old seeds is much lower. In addition, you ask the conditions in which the flower you like.

Before you begin breeding in your site of unpretentious and beloved by many velvets, let's find out when to plant them on seedlings and what are the conditions for growing these wonderful colors.

Sowing velvetsev at seedlings

These flowers can be grown in two ways - seeds immediately sow in open sad Or apply the cultivation of velvets through seedlings. The first way to practice is better in late February-early March. The velvets bloom at about 75-77 days after sowing. Therefore, you can sow seeds to seed out with a gap in one or two weeks and plant seedlings also in different times. As a result, the flower beds will be in colors to the most frosts.

By the time the deadline will come to sow velvets to seedlings, you must stock containers for its cultivation. It may be plastic cassettes, mini-greenhouses or other capacity. If you plan to sow seeds into homemade dishes, for example, in the cups from yogurt, then you must first wash it well with soda and make drainage holes in the bottoms.

If you are not stuck in the fall of the earth for sowing seeds, you can buy in the store to grow for growing seedlings of vegetables and colors. It consists of peat, sand and humus.

On the bottom of the tank, we smell the small clay for, and we fall asleep the ground. It is desirable before sowing it to treat hot and sturdy manganese solution. Do not start sowing, until all the water stalks, and the soil will not cool and will not get sick.

Saving enough large seeds Vitytsev, close them to a depth of about 1 cm. Watering, cover the tank with a plastic film or glass and put in warm, not necessarily a light place. The first shoots will appear about the fifth day.

Velhets - landing and care

After the friendly shoots of velvets appear, reveal the containers and carry them into a well-lit place. The presence of a sufficient amount of light for the younger seedlings in the future will provide a plant with a beautiful decorative color.

After the first two leaves, the velvetsev seedlings can be divert. To do this, you need to dig sprouts, pinch the root from him and plant a plant into another container, deepening it to the level of the cotyledon, which will contribute to the best root formation. After picking, hold for several days of the tank with a seedy away from direct sunlight.

Approximately 10 days before planting seedlings to open soil, it is necessary to start harding it. Expose containers with plants on fresh air, gradually increasing the "air procedures" time. With the onset of warm weather, leave seedlings on the street all night.

Do not water the seedlings of the velvets in the evening - it will deteriorate from it and become more susceptible to disease. It is desirable to water it only in the first half of the day and only accumulated water room temperature.

Velhets are very thermal-loving plants, afraid of frost and returned cold. Therefore, to plant them in open the soil is recommended only when warm weather is established, that is, in late May-early June. Best time For the leaning of a grained seedlings - cloudy weather in the afternoon or evening. If you put it on a sunny day, it can adversely affect the rapid young plants.

Before the fallout seedlings of velvetsev in the ground, prepare the soil: disappear and remove the weeds, and then paint the ground. Saplings also pour and, breathe them together with an earthen room, carefully place in advance prepared holes by about 5 cm in depth. This moment of the care and landing of the velvetsev you see in the photo. Seal the land around the plant and moisten it again.

Velhets, Tagtessa, Chernobring - all these are the names of the same plants, the pet of many dachensons. Unpretentious bright lights "burn" on the picturesque flower beds, pleased with their sun beauty. Flowers decorate garden tracks, "Velvet" flower beds and create comfort on urban balconies. So that they bloomed on time every year, you need to know how and when different regions Put the landing of velvetsers to seedlings.

Why veciatts so popular at gardeners

The velvets are diverse in color and texture, do not require complex care, looks good at the flower beds and in various flower compositions. The velvets have long come true at dachas and in the parks, but they are valued not only for bright beauty. This is also I. useful plants. They are widely used to protect vegetable and garden crops from pests, use in folk medicine and cooking.

Favorites of gardeners not only make beauty, but also benefit

What are they good?

  • Flowers have a specific, strong smell, insecticidal properties and produce phytoncides. Therefore, they serve to combat insect pests. The decoction of tagnets disinfect the bulbs of flowers and spray seedlings.
  • They stand in a cut in bouquets for a long time.
  • The velvets are used in folk medicine to relieve stress, normalization of blood sugar, eye improvement.
  • In cooking, dry flowers are used as a spice and add to sauces and marinades. This is still the famous Eastern seasoning - the History Saffron.

These plants are widely used in landscape designThey scatterly look in monochlers (solites) and glorify lawns and lawns. Flowerbed, made up by different types of tagtebs, extremely effect. They replace each other with waves - from low-speed on the periphery to the highest in her center. Yes, and the shape of their bushes is different: ball, inverted pyramid or openwork, delicate deciduous lace. And the color palette varies from lemon or gold to white or yellow brown.

Velhets are combined with other flowers in bright compositions

They bloom all summer and almost all of autumn, perfectly combined with zinnia, levech, flocks, petunias, astrams, dahlias and other blooming annuals. Sunny, bright flowers for warm shades well combine with cool purple-lilac or blue flowers. A. small sites The velvets perfectly color potato or other vegetable beds, scaring the pests from them.

Bright flowerbed from annual plants Decorates city park

Landing deadlines in 2018

The cultivation of TAGETES is practiced by a seaside and reckless method or sowing seeds right on the flower. But due to the fact that these plants are thermal-loving and better tolerate drought than frosts, sowing on seedlings gives bloom before almost a month. Yes, and flower beds are uniform, because With direct crops, not all seeds can climb.

The use of seedlings for the cultivation of velvets in a favorable climate allows you to rejoice in their flowering in April. To achieve such a result, it is important to correctly calculate the timing of Seed seeds into home greenhouses. Recommendations on calculations are based on various criteria.

Dates of sowing seeds for seedlings are different for the regions of Russia

Experienced flowers believe that the most early time Seed seeds - February, but it can last until mid-April. Dates are influenced by different factors: growing technology, variety and region.

There are such technological methods of Seed Seeds:

  • On the seedlings - from the end of winter, but the backlight is required in the evening.
  • Under the film - since May.
  • In the open ground - for a couple of weeks later, but in southern locations from April.

At the time of Seva, weather conditions affect the weather, which differ significantly in different regions. When calculating the deadlines, it is taken into account that the time of landing of bustles in the open ground should be established steadily warm weather. And the soil must warm up to 15 degrees. It is taken into account and the fact that the seedlings should be 45-60 days. Considering these factors it follows that the landing of the velvetsers to seedlings in different regions is different.

  • In the Urals, in Siberia or in the Leningrad Region (with possible night frosts, even in mid-May), the velvets is better to plant in June. And, therefore, it is not necessary to sow seeds to seed earlier than the middle April.
  • In the Moscow region I. middle lane Seed seeds can be started for a couple of weeks earlier to transplant seedlings at the end of May. If it is covered with spa, then the time can be shifted for a couple of weeks.
  • In southern regions with soft winter and friendly in early spring Sowing can be started for another 2-3 weeks earlier.

Flowers need to pay attention to the fact that different varieties are distinguished not only appearance (The height of the bush, its shape and color). They have different deadlines from seed germination before flowering. It is known that tall grades grow slower than thin-filled and low. Making the amendment to the types, the timing of the sowing looks like this:

  • Direct-resistant varieties that need 2-month maturity for flowering, sew from late March to early April.
  • Sharpening varieties - for a couple of weeks later.
  • The timing of Seva seeds of thincase copies occurs from the end of April to the first half of May. They need only a month before landing on flower beds.

In any of the options for transplanting to the ground, it takes place in May, then bloom can be observed in June.

Sowing velvetsev in the lunar calendar

There are calculations of favorable and fruitless days for repentable cultivation of TAGETES lunar calendar For 2018. Based on them, successful (per month) are considered to be the following days:

  • In January - 12, 16, 22, 30 numbers, but additional lighting is needed.
  • In February - 20-23, 25-27 numbers. Seedlings obtained from seeds are planted under the film in the flower garden in a month.
  • In March - 7-10, 19-22, 24 numbers. In this case, the transplantation on the flower beds start from mid-April.
  • In April - 7-9, 17, 19, 22, 25 numbers. Seedling matures for transplant to May.
  • In May - 1, 2, 8, 17, 23 numbers.

Living seeds on the specified days, you can grow bushes that bloom earlier and generously grown out of seeds sown on the bed at once.

An unfavorable for sowing Tagtess is considered:

  • In February: 1, 9, 14-16, 19, 24, 28 numbers.
  • In March: 2, 12-15, 17, 23, 31 numbers.
  • In April: 10, 15, 15, 24. 30 numbers.
  • In May: 7, 14, 15, 29 numbers.

These days are empty, it includes new moon, full moon and solar eclipses.

When sowing velvetse seeds: Table of terms by region

Varieties of varieties Regions
Kuban Moscow region Leningrad region, Ural, Siberia
Sowing in the greenhouse:
Early: end of January-beginning of February (for blooming in April).
Normal: beginning of March
End of March-beginning of AprilThe second half of April
shortyMiddle of MarchMid-AprilThe end of April
tod-collarThe end of MarchThe end of AprilMid May
Sowing an open primerMarch end of AprilBeginning of MaySecond half of May.
Sowing in open ground without shelterThe end of AprilThe end of MayMid-June
Reference: Transplant seedlings from greenhouseThe end of AprilThe end of MayMid-June

Simultaneously with the velvets (on the same time), it is possible to sow on seedlings: Levko, Eshcholving, Flox, Qinnia, Astra, Petunia, Dolphiniums, sweet pea, Daisy.

Ways to landing

Besides traditional fashionwhich will be described below, exist more simple methods Growing the seedlings of Tagtetes. Consider three of them:

  • In snail. The low-laminate substrate roll is cut on 10 cm wide ribbons. They are folded into the spiral and fold into a five-liter plastic water bottle, cut in half along. For reliability, "snail" fasten the stationery. Between its layers, neutral moistened soil is falling asleep. The seeds are sticking down the seeds down, put markers-pointers of grade and sowing time. Then the tank is covered with a film or medical boot and waiting for germs.
  • A small layer of the Earth is poured into the same container, then abundantly falling asleep with seeds. They will look like a layer of mulch. The sowing material is abundantly watered from the sprayer, cover the second part of the tank, rushing with scotch. When 2 real leafs appear on the seeds, they are transplanted into separate cups. To make it easier to separate them, seedlings are wetted from the spray gun.
  • In the pelleon. The food package is laid out in several layers of paper, which is well moisturized. Returning from the edge of 0.5-0.7 cm, it lay the seeds of black nose down ,. The pelleton is folded like a self-tape, put in a glass with water, covered with a film. Shoots appear in a few days.

Step-by-step instruction landing velvetsev

Prepared seeds plant in cups or boxes. It is necessary that the drawers have drainage holes to exit surplus water. Their dona is first covered with paper, and a layer of 3 cm is poured with a drainage of crumbs or rubble. Subsequent actions are carried out according to such a scheme:

  1. Preparation of soil. The colors are suitable for light and nutritious composition of 2 parts of the garden soil, 1 part of the peat, humoring and slightly smaller than large sand. So that the land is better to "breathe" in her some coconut fibers. It is disinfected, watering the hot solution of manganese saturated color. There are special means for this (phytosporin). Then the earthy mixture calculates 1 hour in the oven or 10 minutes in the microwave. The finished substrate acquired in the store does not need it. In order for useful bacteria in it, the substrate is shrinking into boxes and leave at room temperature for 3 days.

    Earthy mixture must be rolled in the oven

  2. Seeds purchased in the store or collected with garden plot, fold in cotton bags, are abundantly wetted with warm water and leave for 3 days in warmth, so that they rose faster.

    Before planting seeds need to soak

  3. In the prepared excavation mixture, the grooves are stuck at a distance of 4 cm from each other. They laid seeds to a depth of approximately 1 cm, leaving the interval of 2 cm.

    In the tanks from the ground make grooves for seeds

  4. On top of them fall asleep with a mixture of equal parts of sand and land, and in order to prevent the prevention of the disease with a black leg, a little add wood ash.

    Velhets seeds poured soil

  5. From above, the contents of the boxes are covered with glass or film and leave at 22-25 ⁰c.

    Velchatse seeds should be covered with something transparent

  6. Greenhouses are ventilated every day so that condensate does not accumulate. Watering is carried out with dustwater water, and it is better to splash it from the sprayer. The land should not dispel.

    When selecting seeds, irrigation mode should be observed

  7. When sprouts appear, the temperature in the room is reduced to 18 ⁰c.

    Clear care rules include the following items:

    • The temperature in the room should not exceed 18 ⁰C.
    • Watering is carried out with warm water-resistant water in the morning as the soil dries.
    • Light day should be 15 hours. If plants lack the sunlight, then the highlighting of daylight lamps are used.
    • Every 2 weeks, the plants are fed by complex fertilizers, stopping the feeder 2 weeks before the seedlings in open soil. You can use the Ideal liquid tool (2 caps per liter of water). It is useful to alternate such compounds: hydrogen peroxide (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) or ammonia (1 tablespoon halfdered).
    • When forming 2 of these sheets, chopping into the soil with a similar composition is carried out. The transplant is made according to the scheme 7 by 7 to 7. At the same time, the main root is shortened in order to form lateral processes.
    • 10 days before landing on the flower, the seedlings are hardened, exposing to the air. The time of these "walks" is gradually adjusted to the day.

    Video: How to plant flowers seedlings

    When growing these bright thermo-loving annuals, blooming at least 4 months a year, it is better to apply a confused method. It allows you to speed up the flowering of plants, improve its quality. But it is important to correctly calculate the seeding time, taking into account the climatic conditions, the specifics of the growth of each variety and other factors. Then the velvets will bloom together soon after landing on the bed.

The root system is urine, the leaves are perista-disseated or peristo-separate, the next or opposite, the color of the greenery can be light or dark green.

Baskets Inflorescences from yellow, to bright orange or brown shades. Blossom starts from June and can continue until the first frost. It is worth noting that velhets can be seen independently. The germination of seeds in the soil remains up to 4 years. A pleasant smell comes not from buds, but from the greenery of the plant.

In addition to this flower bed with velvets on the plot, this is an invaluable home pharmacy.

Flowers help with the treatment of the following diseases:

  • cataract prevention;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the spleen;
  • stomatitis;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • cold.

How to grow at home and in the plot?

The velvets have a small growing season and can start blooming for the second month after seeding. Due to the fact that the plant is unpretentious to weather conditions and tolerates small spring frosts, it does not need a passionate material when sowing seeds directly into open soil or in boxes on the balcony.

Plant seeds of velvetsets need at a time when stable temperatures will be installed on the street +5. The landing deadlines are directly dependent on weather conditions, if in the regions with a warm climate to sow seeds to the ground can already be in April, then in the middle lane it will be the end of May. Blossoms appropriately occurs at the end of June in early July.

If you want the velvets to begin their bloom earlier, it is worth applying a seaside way to planting. At home, they grow seedlings, and at the occurrence of warm weather adult, the plant is ready for blossom plant to a permanent place.

You can learn more about the peculiarities of the cultivation of velvetsev.

Seed collection

Velchatse seeds are oblong black chopsticks with white tips, resulting in the center of the flower after drying it. As seeds retain their germination for more than 4 years, flowers can be mossets.

The varieties of American selection will germinate later French, and the hybrids will not grow out of seeds at all, they may not climb or parental properties in the new plant will not.

How to reproduce the velvets seeds? Start in September, in his second half. The main feature for this is the fading of bushes, especially if the drying stem near the head - the seeds are ripe. For collecting seed material Need dry windless and sunny weather - seeds collected in bad weather can dance and germination will be reduced.

Seeds are collected by the following way:

  1. cut the seed and put it in a ventilated place to dry;
  2. then carefully reveal the head with seeds and shake them on the newspaper.

There is another way to collect seeds:

  1. collect flowers into a bundle and hang in a ventilated and dry room above the newspaper;
  2. once the boxes are visiting and open, the seeds themselves can be saturated.

Then the seeds are placed in a paper bag and stored until spring sowing.

Methods of growing

The velvets can be raised in two ways - to sow directly into the ground, whether in a separate pot of houses on the windowsill.

It is worth considering both of these options in order to accurately decide on the landing time in one way or another. It depends on how early and plentifully the plant will begin to delight with its beautiful flowers.

Details about how to grow velvets at home, read.

When to sow?

If it was decided to sow seeds in the ground, then optimum term Sowing will be May-June depending on the region. It is during this period in many regions of Russia a good and stable warm weather is established.

In open soil and seedlings

Flowers are grown by sowing seed material in the ground in the following dates:

As for the conference method of growing velvetsev, it is possible to sow them in pots at any time, starting from February to March.

Preparatory stage

It should be understood that in order to obtain good germs, fresh seeds are needed, which has not yet turned two years, and the soil must be prepared fertile and very light.

Before sowing, seeds should be prepared - germinate, then shoots will be quick and friendly. Seeds are placed in a cotton fabric that you want to hunt warm water. Put on a saucer and wrap with a polyethylene, food film, to create a greenhouse effect. Put a saucer in a warm place and after 2 days to check the seeds, if they are good quality, the main mass of the planting material will already be processed. Seeds are ready for landing.

Requirements for the Earth

The most optimal for sowing velvetsev will be the following soil composition:

  • garden land - 1 kg;
  • washed river sand - 500 g;
  • peat - 1 kg;
  • humus or compost - 1 kg.


Seed landing is carried out as follows.:

  1. on the beds to make grooves, between which 2 cm should be;
  2. decompose the seeds at a distance of 1 cm from each other;
  3. depth of sealing no more than 10 mm;
  4. shed a groove with warm water;
  5. fall asleep seeds;
  6. cover the beds by observing material before shooting.

As soon as shoots appear, the film is removed. This will help harde the plant for further favorable development and growth.

In case sowing produce ensure, the procedure is the same, only the pot after the appearance of germs is transferred to the bright, sunny window sill so that seedlings do not stretch.

We select a pot

Any capacity is suitable for growing velvets - Plastic, plastic, containers, boxes, separate cups. It is worth noting that shoots may appear in any capacity, only there is the main condition - a good drainage on the bottom of the pot and holes for the flow of excess water.

Choosing soil

The soil can be prepared, self mixing in equal amounts of garden earth, peat, humid and river sand. And you can buy ready-made soil in a specialized store, for growing velvetsev.

Care for ceta

As soon as the seedlings rose and planted to a permanent place, will be as follows:

  • watering regular, while in hot weather twice a day - early in the morning and late in the evening;
  • constant weeding;
  • the formation of a bush with removing dried flowers and damaged leaves;
  • soil looser is carried out 1 time in 7 days, the roots must breathe.

Watering correctly

Velhetsy love moisture very much, especially during the period of active vegetation. But in watering it is necessary to observe not only uniformity, but also the norm of water.

It is worth remembering that if irrigated is abundant, with water stagnation, then the roots of the plant will begin to rot. With a lack of moisture, the flower may not bloom, or form small, ugly flowers.

During growth, watering should be moderate, and later it will need to be reduced so that there is no stagnation of moisture, from which the plants are sick, rot and do not bloom. In summer heat is better to water in the evenings.


The velvets do not really need fertilizers, but for obtaining lush and long flowering flowering fertilizers is only welcome. Fingering the plant must be 1 time per month.

Try not to overgrow the plant with nitrogen fertilizers, as the flower will give a lot of greenery and will bloom much later.

Main according to the councils experienced gardeners held three times per season:

  1. as soon as the height of the seedling reaches 10 cm;
  2. with the formation of the first buds;
  3. at the beginning of flowering.

You can feed the plant and for the fourth time in a period of stormy flowering, this will increase the growing season. The feeder is made by complex fertilizers for flowering plants.

Useful video

We offer to watch a video about how to plant velvetse seeds for growing:


As a result, it is worth saying that The plant is light-chapter, and they need to plant them on light, sunny areas. This culture easily transfers the temperature differences and the lack of moisture. These characteristics allow you to use a plant in decorative flower growing. Also, the cut plant can stand in a vase, without losing its beauty for almost three weeks. But it is not necessary to plant culture near water bodies or in highly shaded areas - or perish.

On each city club, when decorating the entrances of apartment buildings and private household plots there are velvets. These unpretentious flowers look perfectly in vases, pots and open areas. Flowers are distributed throughout the planet, and in almost every country have its own name and history. Our gardeners were loved by the ability to scare many pests from the beds with their aroma cultural plants, Well, of course, for the bright sunny color of buds. That is why many are interested in how to grow seedlings of velyts.

Historical facts

Homeland Favorite Many Colors is Mexico, where they grew in wildlife as perennials. Today, flowerbeds are decorated only annual gradesAnd there are already more than 40 species. In many countries, the buds of velvets are used in folk medicine.

The Indians were delivered by inflorescences in their magical rituals, in Japan, they are considered "colors of ten thousand years," and in the UK are called "Gold Mary". In our country, the flowers were painted by "African" as soon as they appeared, but latin name Vitytsev -Tagetes. By the world, they spread quickly, hitting first to Spain, and in some states are used in cooking as a spice "Imeretin Saffron".

Popular species

When to plant velvets to seedlings - it largely depends on their varietal supplies. They begin to bloom in June, but for tall species on growth, it takes a little longer. Of course, it is easier to buy already grown by someone seedlings, but get your own flowers much economy and more pleasant.

Today, there are 4 types of Tagtess: 4 species:

  1. African. Flowers can reach a height of one and a half meters. Inflorescences in diameter can be 6-13 cm, simple terry or semi-grade.
  2. French. The height of the plant is not more than 50 cm, the buds are 4-6 cm. The bushes grow well into the width.
  3. Mexican. The height of the bushes is up to 40 cm, the buds are small, not more than 3 cm in diameter.
  4. Anise. Flowers with a unique aroma of Tarkhun.

Growing seedlings

Sowing immediately into open ground, residents of the southern regions are often practiced, but the velehats grown in such a method bloom 1-1.5 months later later than their ever-eased fellows. So that the seedlings are not pulled out and not frozen, to transfer them to the ground is necessary at the age of 50-60 days, and the threats of frosts at this time should not be. This is the main rule when choosing a time when planting velvets on seedlings depending on the region. For high plants, it takes a little longer before the start of flowering, so they are always the first to be sow, a couple of weeks before the lowest varieties.

It is very important that during the transplantation to the soil the air temperature at night did not fall below +5 oh.

Sowing according to the phases of the moon

The time of landing of velvetsers to seedlings, many are determined by the lunar calendar, but taking into account their region. So, the inhabitants of the southern regions choose for this favorable days February, central regions, Moscow region and the Urals are carried out in March. And plantievodes from Siberia and other northern territories of the country are forced to start landing seeds no earlier than April.

Favorable days for the sowing of the velvetsers at seedlings this year is considered to be:

  • February 19-22;
  • 12-14 and March 21-24;
  • 7-10 and 19-20 April.
  • 11.02, 24.02, 26.02;
  • 1.03, 11.03, 28.03;
  • 1-3.04, 16.04, 24-25.04.

Preparation for sowing

Use for planting seeds can be finished soil or prepare the ground yourself. To do this, you need to mix 1 part of the peat, garden land and humus and add 0,5 parts of the sand. After that, the soil must be defamatory, shed a weak mortar.

The seeds themselves are necessary in a pale-pink solution of potassium permanganate to soak for several hours. If the planting material is purchased, then its processing has already been carried out, and it is not required to do this.

As containers, you can choose any convenient containers, drawers and pots. The variant of the cultivation of the seedlings of the velvette in the "snail" is especially popular.


It is very important that drainage holes are on the bottom of the selected container. At the bottom of the container, first laid out a layer of drainage, and the primer prepared earlier. Seeds are plunged by 1-0.5 cm and should be located at least 2 cm from each other. After sowing, the soil should be slightly moistened, to cover the package and put in a warm place for germination by 1-1.5 weeks. "Snail" is completely covered with a package.

After the first shoots, the film must be removed, and the container is transferred to a well-lit room with a temperature of no less than +18 o and leave for 2-3 weeks, periodically watering.


When seedlings already have 2-3 listers, the velvetse seedlings are taken. The transplanting of flowers at the same time follows the same soil, only in large capacity, and shuffle to seedy leaves. The landing scheme at the same time 7 * 7 cm. It is very important at this time to protect seedlings from diseases and ensure that it is not too abundant watering, sufficient lighting and warm windowsill. To do this, under the container you can put a foam or other moisture-proof insulation.


Depending on when to plant the velvets to seedlings, the time of their transplant is selected. A week before the planned transfer, the flowers need to start hardening, pulling out on the street at least 30 minutes on the first day and gradually increasing time. At the same time, it is necessary to put the capacitance in the halftime so that the sprouts do not get burns.

The landing place should be on a well-lit hill or in a half. Soil there should be carefully swing and focus, from the evening to pour and the next day to start work.

The landing of seedlings, like sowing the velvetsers to seedlings, is carried out according to the scheme. Between the low-spirited colors should be left at least 10 cm, and between high - 50 cm. Tagtessia is accepted very quickly and after a couple of days will begin to actively grow.

Caring for flowers

The velvets absolutely do not need mulching, regular feeding and excessive watering. The colors perfectly carry light droughts and fell only when the buds of the buds are twice in the season. It is necessary to water them only when the soil is dry by 1.5 cm. The support is required as an additional departure for high colors.

Best of all instead of complex mineral mixtures, watering by irrigated herbal grass.

Collection of sowing material

The question is when to sow the velvets at home, concerns those crop those who have seeds of colors in the presence of flowers. If you wish to collect them yourself, many newbies face another problem - their search. The fact is that the characteristic seed flowers do not form, and in the role of repository for future generations is the bud himself. When the flower is completely dry on the stem and will not have traces of rotting, it is necessary to gently cut it down and send it to storage. It is only possible to pull over dry petals, and black sticks will be sprinkled from the bud, which are seeds.

Store them in a dry, cool and dark place until the next season.

Diseases and pests

When to plant velvets to seedlings - often gardeners who wish not only to decorate their plot, but also scare away from the garden with cultural plants of harmful insects. It is believed that the fragrance of flowers is unpleasant to nematodes, cabbage larvae and potato beetles. Growing next door to tagtebs, cucumbers, eggplants, potatoes, pumpkins, beans and other crops contribute to the protection of the latter from pests.

Of course, the marriages themselves may be subject to some ailments. Most often, they are affected by bare slugs and a web tick. To get rid of the latter, you can spray insecticide flowers, infusions of garlic, pepper or onion. Mysters often put bait or scatter the phosphate of iron, wood ash or eggshell.

It is very important to carry out seed disinfection when the velvetse seed on the seedlings is preferable to buy ready-made sowing material. If this is not done, the flowers can hit the root rot or black leg. Most often, this is due to excessive moisturizing or thickened landing, but prevention always reduces the risk of infection. To cure flowers can loosen and stop watering, but if it did not bring results, it is better to delete patients.

Most. popular flower In the country areas, urban areas and in recreation areas are the velvets (TAGETES). They have other names - hats, lights, blacks. Even inexperienced rabbing will cope with their cultivation. Velhets can be grown from seeds and sow in open ground. Decorative flower Looks like a carnation or a small chrysanthm.

Basic breeding methods

Tagtessa grows perfectly on any soil. The main thing, it should be loose, breathable and skip water well. Tagtess, or velvets, multiply by two main ways - seedlings and seeds contribute directly in open soil.

Work starts in mid-April, early May, when frosts are no longer threatened. Sowing can be made both dry and pre-closed material, the shelf life of which does not exceed 2-4 years.

Using polyethylene filmThey can be made to the ground from March.

Growing seedlings

So that the plant had a healthy, strong look, you need to properly prepare soil mixture. The seed of velvets is grown for seedlings in the ground, which consists of humus, peat, turf, sand (1: 1: 1: 1.5). For the disinfection of the soil, the phytosporin fungicide is used or a dark pink 2% manganese is prepared. The processing of the soil substrate will allow the flower to not die from the black leg.

For cultivation, various tanks are used, 3 cm of drainage material is put on the bottom. The grooves are watered with warm water, they distribute uniformly seeds, and the ground is sprinkled with 0.5-1 cm. The container is covered with a transparent film, put in a light room with a temperature of + 15-20˚C. After 5-7 days, the first shoots will appear.

Direct sowing in open ground

TAGETES - unpretentious flowerwhich is planted sediate or make grains immediately into the soil. If you sow in open soil, bloom will appear in July - August. The grooves are made, and seeds are driving. In order not for attempts are properly, they are recommended to soak. To do this, the grains are laid on a wet napkin, closed with a hermetically cover for 3-4 days. When the process appears, you can hang on a depth of 1-1.5 cm. After this method of growing colors does not require dive. If shoots climbed too thickly, you need to break them.

Collection and preparation of seeds for landing

The planting material can be bought for first sowing, then get their seeds. To do this, choose a strong, healthy bustle bush, let him dry. During the collection of ripened seeds will be felt by the rust. The flower head contains black, like a needle with a lightweight tip, seeds. They are not necessarily processed, but to prevent diseases, you should be treated. Four methods are known:

  • Heat treatment. The planting material is lowered in hot water (+ 50˚С) and withstands for 30 minutes.
  • Soaking. Prepare 1% solution from manganese and lower the seed for 20 minutes.

Ripened material will give a strong seedlings and rouse flowering.

When collecting married seeds

During flowering, you need to remember or somehow mark the most attractive bushes to assemble the sowing material in the fall. Time to collect seeds falls on the 40-45th day after the start of flowering.

How to collect velvetse seeds

For planting material, you need to prepare a cardboard box or cotton handbag. In the plastic container, it molds or checks out. When the flower head is dry, the seeds are easily shrinking into the container. To assemble them from cut colors, you need to hang dry heads down. Under the bundle put a sheet of paper to which they will fall. It will stay to collect dry seeds, folded into the prepared box.

Planting material can be prepared directly on the site, on a plant growing in the ground. He is not inferior to the germination and suitable for 3-4 years.

The subtleties of growing seedlings

The growing season of the TAGETES 40-50 days, so it is necessary to sow in early April to get a strong, healthy seedlings. The soil must be fertile and loose. It fertilizes the mixture consisting of one part of the garden land and one - the purchase of soil. Be sure to add perlite for air and moisture permeability.

Flowers are sometimes dying from the fungus of the black leg, so the earth must be soaked with fungicide, it is desirable to warm up 30 minutes at a temperature of + 50 ° C. Help to strengthen the immunity of seedlings of river sand dolomitic flour, the ash that the soil will be spripped for seedlings. When growing seedlings, it is necessary to use comprehensive means, such as Maxim and Vitaros. These drugs will protect flowers from harmful bacteria.

When to plant velvets on seedlings

If you first make the blacks in the soil, they will bloom early. Razbing plant seed seeds in March - April, then bloom will begin in the first days of June. When the light day is short, additional lighting will be required so that the seedlings are not pulled out, as well as the correct temperature and moisturizing the soil. If the flowers are designed for closed rooms, such as loggia, they can be seized them in January. The first shoots will appear in 5-7 days.

Capacity and soil requirements

Boxes, seedling boxes can be made of different materials - Cardboard, wood, plastic, metal. Despite the fact that the velvets are unpretentious flowers, the soil should still be fertile, loose. For fertilizers, peat, humid or compost, squeezing ground are used, add ½ part of the sand. A good seedling is obtained in the garden land, which is pre-mixed with ½ part of the sand.

Technology Sowing

Performing an event, you need to prepare the soil substrate from peat, ash, dery, sand, which will be filled with seating containers. Tagtetes landing is carried out as follows:

  • Plastic container, cassette or cup fill the earth, compact, moisturize.
  • Make a shallow row 1.5-2 cm from each other.
  • Halong the grooves with warm water.
  • Seed seeds at a depth of 1-1.5 cm and pour out the ground by 0.5-1 cm.
  • Cover with transparent material.
  • Contain seedlings at a temperature of + 15-18 ° C.

Fertilizer is entered after 2 weeks. To do this, you can use a multicomponent universal composition of multiflor.

Care for seedlings

After the first germs appeared (5-7 days), the injection material is removed and the plant is well ventilated. This is done in order to protect the flowers from the black leg. After 2-3 days, the film is cleaned completely.

Then the tagtess is regularly watered, it is impossible to allow the soil to drive. In the place where seedlings are worth, the temperature at night should be at least + 13-15 ° C, and in the afternoon + 17-19 ° C. When the day increases, no additional lighting is needed, but the seedlings better put closer to the window.


When the real 2-3 carved leafs are made, proceed to the change of Chernobriv. Picking seedlings of velvetsev are needed in separate glasses or seedlings. Deliver flower to lower oblong leaves (cotyledons). It is impossible to be allowed to contact the Earth.

In the soil substrate on 5 liters of soil add 1 tbsp. spoon mineral fertilizer with the content of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, 0.5 st wood ash. Seedlings can be replanted without a coma of soil on the roots that can be shortened if they are too long. Peak seedlings to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.

Do I need to pinch velvets

The breeders withdrawn new varieties of different heights, coloring, shape of a bush. Large flowers can be seen on low rise plants. These are modern Antigua, Mandarin, Vanilla, Lunasi, for which the searchable is not required. Their height is 25-30 cm, the stem is a reprehension and will not tear to the ground from the severity of inflorescences.

Flowers themselves decide whether to carry out manipulation or not. When the stem stretched out, some part of the plant is removed so that the bush is formed by side shoots. It is possible to pinch the velvets after the appearance of 6-7 carved sheets, which pierce with their fingers or cut off with scissors. Capture better ampel plants or lianas, and for Taghetis it is optional, since he has a ball-like bush.

Terms of landing in the ground

Each region is different climatic conditionsTherefore, when determining the time of making seedlings in the soil, this feature should be taken into account. Flower with accuracy is calculated by the growth time on its territory. The age of seedlings should be about two months. Frosts stop in April - May, and if they did not become earlier, then the seedlings are introduced at the beginning of spring.

To avoid the consequences of unexpected cooling, plants are covered with one of the nonwoven materials - spunbond, Loutrasil, Agrosuf, Agrospan for the night, and take off in the morning.

Direct sowing in open ground

The velvets land in the ground only in those regions where weather conditions allow. So that they do not overshadow and not died, it is customary to sow them in the spring after frosts, when snow came down from the soil. Landing seeds in open ground does not need difficult events, the technology is not much different from the seedliness. They can be sown in two ways:

  • Dry. They are placed in prepared and polished grooves, the depth of which is 3 cm, and the distance between them is 5-10 cm.
  • Germinated. For this, the seeds are poured with water for 10 minutes, shifted on a plate, covered with a wet cloth and a film. After 2-3 days, the swollen sprouts are planted.

If you need to plant seeds in the spring before, they will bloom before.

Dates of sowing

When frosts were gone, the air temperature rose to + 10-12˚С, each gardener tries to improve his site. Tagtessa belong to the first spring annual colors that grow in the soil without seedlings. In the northern regions of the landing country, it is recommended to cover with nonwoven material 10-14 days after sowing into the soil. You can make seeds until the beginning of June, since they have 40-50 days from the growing season.

Preparation of seeds and beds

The flowerflowers are familiar with the velvetts, so they advise you to put the planting material in the soil germinated. It needs to be soaked in containers with water temperature for 10 minutes. Then decompose, cover with a wet cloth, wrap, remove on a warm sunny window sill. Seed will germinate in 3-4 days. The soil must be fertilized and disinfected. A rows to make a shallow 1-1.5 cm, and the distance is 15-20 cm. When the seeds are dried dry, it is possible to take the paper for convenience, folded twice and pour branches. Tilt paper will help evenly dispel them.

Singing technology

Velhets do not require special careTherefore, they feel comfortable both in the sun and in the shade. No need to make feeding, it will lead to the active growth of the stems, but will move away the flowering. The soil must be fertile, lightweight, slightly moistened. The Black Seeds in the soil are ingenved almost the same as in the seaside capacity:

  • Cut the row to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.
  • Pour warm water.
  • Dispatch the planting material, pour 1-1.5 cm soil.
  • Cover for 5-7 days by observing material, after the appearance of the greenery is removed.

In case of obtaining dense shoots, flowers can be switched and planted to another place.

Features of growing at home

Velhets - bright, annual, unpretentious plant. They are decorated not only country sites, Streets, squares, but also loggias, balconies. The cultivation of tagetse from seeds at home requires sufficient lighting. It should be not only natural, but also additional.

Check out seeds in December. The soil can be purchased universal for flowers or nutritional substrate - hardening land, peat, humus, sand (2: 2: 2: 1). The soil is desirable to disinfive by manganese, 2% solution. The velvets plant at home in a pot so that they do not reset them. For this recess is poured with warm water, the seeds are distributed in a circle to a depth of 1.5-2 cm and slightly cover the ground. From above, the pot is covered with hermetically transparent film and put in the illuminated place. It is impossible to dry up the Earth, but also it is impossible to moisturize. Sully spray from the sprayer slightly. Shoots will appear in 3-5 days.

For proper landing Unpretentious velvets can be all summer and autumn to enjoy their abundant flowering.