
How to grow large and healthy carrots.

Basics of Garden composition

Carrot - the plant is relatively unpretentious and having a mass useful properties and excellent taste. That is why it takes one of the main places on any garden. This root is used in cooking for more than 500 years: first in the course of the "tops", and now in almost any dish you can detect "roots". Buying it in the store is constantly quite expensive for the wallet of the maternity owners, and therefore those who have their own country sites are necessarily engaged in the cultivation of carrots. It is a simple matter, even a newcomer in the world of gardening.

Compared to tomatoes, peppers or other vegetable crops, carrots really - the plant is not whimsical. But, preparing for its landing, you should consider a few simple rules:

  1. Carrots love light and warmth, so choose a place for the garden equipment on the sunny section of the garden. In the shaded place, the plant will be Chahl and give silence fruits.

  2. For seed landing, prepare the soil: it should be loose and fertile. To grow carrots, sucks and loams with acidity of 6-7 are suitable for the cultivation of carrots.
  3. Remember what was grown on these beds to carrots. Good predecessors for rootpod are bean, cruciferous, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers. But where carrots grew up, parsley, cumin, dill or Pasternak, the carrot is better not to plant.
  4. Observe the crop rotation, as the carrot grown constantly in the same place is stronger at risk of getting sick.

  5. The landing in the soil of spring varieties is made after the air temperature is not lower than +8 degrees. It is usually produced in April-May depending on the region and weather conditions.

Attention! The timing of carrot landing is often dependent on its variety. There are those that sow under the winter. They tend to give a crop before spring varieties, but are not suitable for storage.

We prepare soil

"Prepare Sani in the summer" - says folk wisdom. And beds for carrots are prepared from autumn. Soil should be carefully overhauded after the harvest is assembled from the site. The depth of the soil repack should be at least one and a half bayonbs of the shovel. If the soil is dense, then the sponsors will be very difficult to break through it, and large-scale carrots will grow curvily grow. In the spring, loose soil is quite a bit handle robble.

Before planting seeds, it is necessary to bother the soil a little. To do this, it is added to the ground and the compost or humidization at the calculation of half a bucket per 1 sq.m. Square.

Attention! If feeding the soil to carry out fresh manure, then you will not get ready for crop: the fruits will be tasteless, small, but the tops will go to growth.

If the soil is too dense, then add a little sawdust into it - about 3 liters. per meter square.

In strong soils, it is necessary to add some ash or lime to create an optimal pH level for carrots. IN perfect version Most fertilizers for carrot beds are best to make autumn during the soil resistance.

Adding lime for earth deoxidation

Do not forget about good soil moisturizing. It is advisable to produce carrots before starting the tightened rains.

We choose the variety and prepare seeds

How quickly carrots will grow and what fruits you get, largely depends not only on the conditions of cultivation, but also from what kind of grade you have chosen. On the shelves of stores there are now a lot. At the same time, carrots can be raised even unusual colors: not only orange, but also white, black, purple and so on.

Type of varietyDescriptionNames
RadineThe aging period from the moment the first sprouts appear - from 70 to 100 days. In some cases, the first harvest appears after 50 days. As a rule, it is characterized by a small size of the fruit. Varieties are ideal for early selling and summer eatingTuskon, Fairy, Mars, Kinby, Fun, Alenka, Artek
MediterraneanThe aging period is from 100 to 120 days. Fruits are perfectly stored, suitable for use in billets and for eating in cheese. Middle sizesOlympian, Rex, Nectar, Nantes, Callisto, Vitamin 6
LateVierThe timing of the aging - from 120 to 150 days. They are distinguished by good fierce, well stored until spring are suitable for use in blanks. Middle and large fruits, less often - smallTing, Java, Vita Long, Selekt, Tinging F1, Cardam F1

Sometimes the classification of seeds at the rate of aging add more media, medium-stage types of varieties. They are also divided in the form and size of rootepodes - cylindrical, conical and others.

So, you decided what kind of grade to grown in my site and have already acquired seeds. Now it's time to make their preparation for landing.

  1. Pour seeds from paper bag.
  2. Machine them for 2-3 hours in warm water.
  3. After this time, we take out seeds and lay them on clean wet fabric.
  4. From above, the seeds must be covered with another piece of fabric, also moisturized.
  5. Seeds should be indoors when room temperature. Periodically, they need to mix.
  6. If the tissue dries out, with the help of a pulverizer, wipe it with water.
  7. Wait until the seeds are swollen and start sorry.
  8. After that, you need to handle them, placing 8-10 days in the refrigerator.
  9. After hardening, seeds can be seen immediately into the prepared open ground.

Carrot "tricks"

So that the shoots appear as early as possible, and the ripening period decreased as much as possible, during the preparation of seeds to landing some experienced gardeners Go to various tricks.

How to put seeds

To plant carrots seeds in the ground is very simple - anyone will cope with it. The main thing is not to forget to prepare soil and seeds, and then success is provided.

Peretrate the seeds with your hands before landing - it will allow you to remove the bristles from their surface.

  1. In order to sow seeds, a shallow groove (2 cm) are made on the explosive and aligned soil, the distance between which should be at least 15-20 cm.
  2. Carefully place the seeds into the grooves at a distance of 5 cm from each other and pour the soil. The first shoots, as a rule, appear in 10-15 days.

Since carrots seeds are very small, it causes certain difficulties when landed them into the ground. To simplify the task, summer houses came up with how to make seed falling faster and more convenient.

Caring for the garden

To get in autumn good harvestIt is important to correctly care for carrot shoots. When she appears the first real leaves, it is necessary to carry out (if the seeds were planted close to each other) so that a distance of at least 3 cm remained between the sprouts. After about a month, another breakning is done - this time the distance between the shoots should be 6-7 cm. If this is neglected, the fruits will be chili and small and partially lose their taste.

After each watering or precipitation, it is necessary to loose soil so that a sufficient amount of air has been received to root. Watering carrot beds are often produced, but in small portions are preferably in the evening of the day (at the rate of 3-15 liters per 1 m.kv. Depending on the growth stage). It is especially important to observe moisture regime during the first stage of cultivation, when the seeds only germinate, as well as at that time when the fruits are included in the phase of active growth and development.

It is important to stop watering carrots in a couple of weeks before harvesting to avoid cracking of fruits.

Well, if you find a little time to glue the grown bushes - then the top of the fruit will not green and will remain as sweet and tasty, as the carrot itself. Greeting is important and weeds - weeds can crush young plants and stretch everything nutrients From the soil.

Fighting pests and diseases

Pests and diseasePictureMethods of struggle
Carrot fly The most dangerous and widespread pest carrot is carrot fly. But it is simple enough to cope with her: place the garden where the breeze blows - the insect does not like him. It is advisable to sow and onions, which scares the TRU and carrot flies near the carrot. Also, this pest does not like the smell of pepper and ash - they can be a little sprinkled with the soil. Morkovay crops can also be treated with special biopreparations.
Rot To avoid rot, you should not enter into the soil as a fertilizer fresh manure. Also necessary before sowing disinfection seeds
Wire To cope with the wireman, in the soil it is necessary to insert the cutting fruits of potatoes and in a few days dig them - all the larvae will gather there, which is now easy to destroy

Video - Sowing of carrots in open ground

Video - Care of sown carrots

Many beginner gardeners and dacms are strongly mistaken in growing carrots easily. What is their surprise when part of the sowing does not work at all, and the fact that it has grown up is a small and non-sparkling carrot, even the neighbors show a shame. But not only newcomers have problems - not every gardener with experience, it turns out, collect a wonderful harvest. In this article, you will learn how to grow carrots so that it is not only large and long, but also sweet!

Morot cultivation secrets in open ground

Carrots, like any other culture, have its own requirements for the content and cultivation of which it is worth remembering. The most important thing is that the carrots love light and, on the contrary, does not carry even the slightest shadow. It retains durability and continues to grow even during periods of drought, but at the same time good, abundant irrigation will be only a plus for her. In addition, carrots confidently holds at low temperatures and frosts than actually, not every culture can boast.

Good land is one major factors of good and high-quality crop. The soil usually choose a lung, with good drainage and necessarily fertile. Also, it is worth paying attention to the depth of the arable layer, and the Earth itself should be slightly with an acidic medium.

Since it is clear about arable layer, it is called so not because it is good and deeply overwhelmed with a shovel or forks, but because of garden assistants - worms, siters and weeds, other crops and organisms. These natural "hard workers" are so diligently and scrupulously structure the soil that neither some shovel or plow go to comparison with them. So, have this in mind when you choose a bed.

By itself, carrots are not much demanding to what culture grew on the garden to her, however, the most desirable precursors can be called tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, legumes, and everything without exception, garlic, etc. It makes no sense to list everything.
But planting carrots so that it was long and large, on the same bed, you can not more than three years in a row.

Soil preparation for carrot falling into outdoor ground

The land for landing is usually prepared from autumn, much less often in spring. The preparation process is to remove the stones from the soil, to well jump the bed, it is necessary to easily help with a manure or compost, in the proportions of 10 liters per m2. If you have too hard land, then it is necessary to make sand (sinking), add peat and sawdust. If the soil is too with an acidic medium, then it should be swapped with chalk.

With the arrival of spring, a week or a little more, before disembarking seeds into open ground, the garden should be pre-aligned with rakes, and all the kids smash. Further, the land must be poured, (preferably warm water, but if there is no possibility, it will be good and touched by the film to save moisture and heat.

Preparation of carrot seeds for landing

So, the ridge is prepared and waiting for its o'clock, but it is impossible to so easily suck seeds, they must be prepared. As you know, carrots seeds have not too high highlights in open soil: from 50 to 75 percent, but these indicators only fall over time. Therefore, for sowing it is recommended to take the most fresh seeds and avoid those for more than 2x-3 years.

The first shoots usually appear only after 2-3 weeks, from the moment of landing and this process proceeds unevenly, i.e. Some seeds germinate earlier, others are much later. This is connected with the shell, which is covered with seeds. It is she who does not allow to scream spons. Over time, the shell is washed off with water and only then the whole process starts. To avoid this, the seeds must be prepared, and for this, you can use one of the ways below.

Soak. One of the most proven and known methods. Seeds wrapped in a rag and placed in warm water for 24 hours. It is important to constantly maintain the water temperature (30-35 degrees), so changing it as cool - 2-3 hours. More efficiency can be achieved if the ash is mixed with water. After the day after soaking, the seeds must be reached and washed under clean water. Sometimes, some gardeners before pumping seeds are carried out for them to quench, placing in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Heat treatment. Everything is simple here. Seeds also wrapped in a rag and placed in water, only this time the temperature should be higher - 50-60 degrees. In such water, they need to hold 20-30 minutes, and then pull out and put in cold water for 2-3 minutes.
Barbing. This is the procedure for treating seeds in water, which is saturated with oxygen. It is considered one of the most effective methods.

Installing. Another no less effective method. Seeds wrapped in fabric, you need to bury into the immentable soil at the full depth of the bayonet. Keep them underground need no more than two weeks. Thanks to this processing, the seeds give the first sprouts for the fifth day. Additionally, you can mix the seeds together with peat and put somewhere in a warm place for a week, and then hang out.
As soon as you decide with the processing method and take it, you can start landing seeds. Just before proceeding, spread all seeds at home on any surface and let them dry, it will be more convenient to sow.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Depending on the variety and diversion of ripening, the planting of carrots in the open ground produces:

  1. In the spring - more often it happens on the last week of April or the first days of May.
  2. In the winter - for this you choose the time when the Earth becomes a little labeled: the last numbers of October or the beginning of November.

Because of its small seeds, many gardeners turn out an uneven landing - somewhere more, somewhere less. To avoid this, you can use one small cunning. One cup of sand takes 1 tsp. Seeds and all this is well mixed, after which it feels on the site.
Crichers for carrots so that it was long and large is better to do narrow, somewhere on 4 row, it will be much more convenient.

If, apart from carrots, there will be nothing more grown on the site, then there is its own technique. In the spring, on a pre-prepared area, it is necessary to cut the grooves, with a distance of 15-20 cm. Then, they should be poles to pour and sprinkle a thin layer of ash. When everything is done - you can sow seeds.

The depth of seeding seeds depends on the planting season and their status. If you plan to plant in spring, then there will be quite a depth of no more than 5 cm. After landing, the land falls asleep, and the compost layer is poured from above. Then, all the beds are covered with a film, but so that she was above the earth, and did not lie on it.
If the landing is carried out in the winter, the depth of the rockers should be no more than 2-3 cm, but the compost layer should be at least 5 cm. It will also be a plus if the winter will be covered with a large layer of snow, but it already depends on nature and your region, because there are no winter everywhere with snow, even with its little.

How to properly care for carrots in the open soil

Like any other culture, carrots require proper care, while complying with which you will be able to get a good harvest.

Temperature conditions
The first sprouts begin to appear at temperatures from 3 degrees. 23-28 heat is considered the most acceptable temperature when the most proper development of culture is ensured.
If we talk about frost resistance, then with minus 6, young shoots are dying, but minus 3-4 degrees are transported quite calmly.

Basically, watering depends on the period of ripening of carrots, usually - once a week.
Young shoots water from the calculation of 3-5 liters per 1 square meter. More adults - 10 liters per sq.m. At the aging stage - 20 liters. Do not forget that the closer the period of cleaning, the less you need to water the carrots. A couple of months before harvest, water the carrots every 10 days, and when it remains 3 weeks - stop it at all. And yet, avoid the moistener of the soil - it can lead to reinforcement of fruits.

It is necessary to monitor and so that weeds do not appear, because They impede carrot growth. To combat them, every 10-15 days must be performed. Also, "cleaning" it is advisable to make it every time the rain will pass, and the Grocery itself should periodically loose.

As soon as your first shoots appear, you can hold a feeder. As fertilizers, use the chicken or cow manure, you can also use ash or compost. Fertilizers in water in the proportion of 1:10 are bred.

Do not forget that over time, rows need to cut forward, especially in those places where many seeds have grown nearby. The first time the thinning is made after two weeks after the appearance of germs, and the second 20 days later. The gap between the shoots is 3-5 cm, not more.
I advise you to see you how the carrots grow in their sites in the open soil on the video placed below.

How to get a good harvest of carrots at home

Actually, to grow and get an affluent harvest, you must follow several rules:

  1. Girling for carrots is chosen with good lighting.
  2. Avoid solid and clay land.
  3. If the carrot is grown in an acidic environment, then sweets will not be in it.
  4. From extra moisture, the fruits begin to rotate, and from the protracted drought are obtained very hard.
  5. Try not to hurt the roots when you make a weeding and in no way, do not make the fresh fertilizer.

Growing carrots at home. Soil and crop turning

This is a plant with a two-year cycle. In the first year they collect roots, if you leave for the second - it gives seeds. Carrots cold-resistant, easily transfers low positive temperatures, after frosts continues to develop.

The cultivation of carrots at home requires the presence of a structured, lightweight, neutral soil with low acidity. Sudace, light lighter soils - optimal for her. Carrots need light, the plant cares for the smallest shaders. Cultivation of carrots and care for it is carried out after preparation in the garden of the appropriate conditions. Care consists of several points: soil fertilizer, disembarkation, weeding, thinning, watering.

The cultivation of carrots will be efficient if it is prepared to prepare the soil from the autumn. Large blocks of land are left, they are spilled in the spring - so much moisture is preserved, the larvae of carrot flies are dumping. You need to distinguish between some nuances, how to grow carrots on different soils. Unfinished with a compost, humus - enough two buckets per 1 square meter. m. If the area has increased acidity, it decreases with the addition of chalk, a small amount of wood sawdust, lime. The clay heavy earth is stirred with river sand, peat. All these procedures are desirable to do in front of the fall.

In the fall, it is recommended to collect a crop, cover the mulk plot (layer of humus, peat, beveled grass or sawdust), falling by his sites. These are plants that plant in front of the main culture so that they have had the soil with useful substances and structured it. Carrots are grown from the seed juicy and the correct shape with such a soil.

The agricultural machinery of growing carrots includes taking care of crops that grew to it. It will be fine if the bed carrots were planted with cucumbers, zucchi, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, bean. In one site, it is recommended to plant it for no more than three years.

It is necessary to take into account some nuances how to grow a good harvest of carrots in the spring. At this time of the year, the land fertility:

  • ammonium sulfate (15-20 grams per 1 sq. M);
  • precipitate (30-40 grams);
  • potassium sulfate (25-35 grams).

The plant fits the soil with moderate humidity, but not dry: excess moisture is the cause of rotting roots, and they do not develop in drought.

Cultivation of seed carrots

Before disembarking, you should carefully go through and prepare. Carrots are grown from seeds in several stages.

Preparation of seeds

Carrot seeds are characterized by a small level of germination - only 55-75%. They are losing her long storage. The cultivation of carrots at home will be efficient if plant fresh seeds. After storage of 2-4 years, their germination is checked: the seeds are put on the moistened napkin, covered with the film and put in place with a temperature around +23 ° C. Then count how much it germinates.

Preliminary processing methods

Growing carrots requires preparation not only soil, but also seeds. After 20 days after disembarkation, slender, friendly and energetic sprouts should be exhausted, for this, they are treated and cleaned seed shells from essential oils.

  1. soak. Seeds wrapped in gauze or tissue dipping water with a temperature around +30 ° C for 24 hours. It is desirable to change several times on clean. Well, instead of using a solution of ash (large spoon on a liter of water);
  1. soaking and hardening. Seeds wrap with cloth, moisturize and put in the refrigerator. There they are 2-6 days. At the same time, the bag is constantly wet;
  1. treatment hot water. Water is heated to +50 ° C, the seeds dip in it, hold there for 20 minutes, after that - kept in cold water 2 minutes.;
  1. barbing. The gauze bag with seeds is located in water tanks, above the aquarium supercharger tube to saturate water by air. Include the device - the process continues 18 hours;
  1. capture. Seeds wrapped into a moistened fabric or gauze and bury into a wet ground for 10-12 days. The land must be cold, the depth is about 30 cm;
  1. germination. Seeds are mixed in peat, leave for 6-8 days. After germination, they are sown. Created seedlings of carrots with growing it in the peat, and in the future in the beds;
  1. After each of the procedures, the seeds are washed with clean, running water, dried over 20-25 minutes - dry them comfortably in their hands - and immediately planted. Prepared seeds give sprouts for 4-5 days.


There are three periods for planting carrots:

  • the first landing is the beginning of the spring, the end of April, the beginning of May. Locking is performed very early, immediately after thawing the Earth. Provisional spring earth and temperatures up to - 4 ° C plant are not terrible;
  • second - summer, beginning of June. Summer landing can last until October - early November. The temperature of the soil must be +5 ° C and above;
  • third - the end of autumn, October, November, beginning of December. Sit down when the soil temperature drops to +5 ° C. How to grow carrots secrets: seeds are placed even in frozen soil, if the climate is not very severe, while the landing is covered with a layer of snow at 40-50 cm.

Seeds are small, so you can mix a small spoon with sand. Sand glass is enough for 10 square meters. m. You can also stick them to a strip of toilet paper. There is a dragee on sale - seeds wrapped in a shell of useful trace elements. Original way With a hubber - seeds mix with it and squeeze a culinary syringe into bed.

The plan of planning stages:

Before growing a carrot in the spring, 7-14 days before planning, earthlings are broken on the plot, the surface levels. Earth spill warm water (+ 30 ... + 40 ° C) and are covered with polyethylene. It will moisturize the bed and warms it;

It is necessary to distinguish land lined in different pores. Growing carrots and care for it has its own characteristics. In the spring, the swollen wet seeds are planted in summer. The depth of planting is 3-4 cm. At the end of autumn, the dried seeds are sowed for a depth of 1-2 cm. The step between them is 1 cm. Synopal in the ranks with a distance of 15 cm - for early and medium, 20 cm - for late varieties . Carrots are better developing on narrow beds (4-5 bands);

The grooves are watered, drinking ashes. After planting, the garden is recommended to spray mulch (in winter with a layer of 3-4 cm). In the spring or winter, the beds are covered with polyethylene at an altitude of 5-7 cm above the soil, it can be put on bricks.

Agrotechnology of growing carrots. Conditions

The cultivation of carrots requires a systematic verification and creating the necessary properties of the medium and soil.


Growing carrots by high beds and rows - the most the best ways Get a generous harvest.

High beds are a frame, a kind of formwork, in which the soil falls asleep, so it is raised above the surface. Formwork make both boards, slate, branches, drawers. Cultivation of carrots as a business is often carried out in this way.

Rows make in the shape of a bodied - they have the appearance of tubercles, and seeds plant in them. The recommended bed width is not greater than 1 m, the rows are preferably located 20 cm from each other.

Watering and temperature

Before growing good carrotYou need to create a moderately humid environment. Best temperature mode 20-22 degrees (seeds germinate already at +3). Water just once a week. After planning, much water is not needed - enough about 3 l per 1 square meter. m. In the future, when the root cornestode begins to develop, the norm increases by 20 liters. For a month and a half before harvest, it is poured less frequently: once for 14 days. The intensity of the procedure decreases twice - 10 liters per 1 square meter. m, a month before harvesting is stopped.

The cultivation of carrots in the suburbs or any other place is possible with a well-cordon area with a slight, fertile moderately humid soil.

Weeds, thinning

Correct gardening is one of the important stages. How to grow carrots secrets: the first weeding is made 10-12 days after the sprouts got out, and leaflets were formed. The second weeding is 8-10 days after the first, and then - as needed.

It is best to pour out after watering, in the morning, the beds are so thinned. During the first weeding, thinning should be left 2-3 cm between the sprouts, with the second - 4-5 cm, after the procedure, the plant is poured again.


In the list of procedures, methods and councils how to grow a good carrot is an important place. After germination of the first sprouts, then a month will feed: a korovyan is bred by 10 liters of water, bird litterThe solution is mixed ash. After the start of the development of root crops, they feed the second time. If the soil is good, then such a procedure is not required.


It is necessary to take care of the removal of all pests and treating diseases. Several secrets how to grow a carrot healthy: carrot fly will fly off the garden to the tenth road, if you sprinkle with a soil with red pepper or alternate carrot and beds with a bow, and it is necessarily planted earlier. Also well alternate with carrot beds, sage, calendula - it will protect it from the appearance of pests.

Conditions affecting the quality of the crop

The cultivation of carrots has its own characteristics. How to grow a big carrot? It is necessary to ensure the plant is sufficiently light. The lack of it is the cause of small fruits. Insufficient thinning - Skinny carrots with a big topper.

Before growing a large carrot, it is necessary to take into account that it is not always the size means good taste. Overhairs, rare crops and abundant moisture - rooted roots, are cracking, they are coarse and tasteless. Insufficient irrigation - fruit coarse and dry.

Grids with dense, stony, clay structure give bad taste, wrong shape. Sour - carrots will be awesome. Do not recommend landing it after celery, horseradish, beets, cumin, dill.

Carrot growing agricultural equipment takes into account the moderate balance of moisture in the ground. But what sunlight It will not damage the plant - than it is more, the better.

The cultivation of carrots in the suburbs can be performed for their needs, as well as on an industrial scale - the plant is unpretentious, gives a good crop. It is only necessary to consider the above tips how to grow carrots correctly.

Carrots, this is a sufficiently arrogant vegetable, which is capable of responding to unaccounted nuances in the process of growing strange in its type harvest and pretty low collection. Care for carrots in the open soil implies a strict sequence in each of the items following each other in the steps of the root of the root plant, and lose some of the items, it means that all the expended works are threatened. How to care for carrots right?

How to grow carrots correctly? High yield begins with the preparation of soil under the landing, and the initial cooking is needed from the autumn. A flat place is selected on the garden, quite illuminated by the sun during the light day and, desirable, previously used under the landings of cucumbers, white cabbage or grain crops. Depending on which the soil loves carrots, namely neutral or weakly acidified - adjustable alkaline balance of the soil.

To begin with, it is required to estimate whether the soil for carrots is suitable for this indicator. The easiest way is to collect a pinch of the earth on a piece of pure glass from the desired site and pouring it with a cutlery vinegar. Alkaline and weakly acidic medium will be reacted by strong or moderate foam protrusion (as with soda quench), and the acid will not roll out changes.

You can also pay attention to the depth of the grass:

  • neutral soils are rich in brown long vegetation: nettle dwarfish, swan, clover;
  • acidic soils, on which it is impossible to grow sweet carrots, will be abounded by mint, tail, violet and butter;
  • on the soil with weak acidity will meet the ray, alfalfa, small pharmacy chamomile and odds;
  • alkaline medium, the poorest and also a little suitable for the cultivation of carrots in the open ground as acidic, it is characteristic of it: poppy, donel, bint.

The second task in the question how to grow a good harvest of carrots is to create conditions for saturation of soil with oxygen. It is required so that the carrot is sweet to taste and slightly grown in length, and did not go horned to be fermented in all directions, bumping into a fiden of a non-explosive land. Corning carrots occurs when the vegetable begins to start branching in search of a convenient direction and softer soil, and not sweet - due to lack of air.

Light fluffy soil, not scored clay, it is enough to work out with garden rakes, and solid, blind layers need to be completely smashed deeply.

How to put carrots

How to grow carrots with even rows and with a uniform distribution of the groove? In order to get a good harvest, vegetables should not sit tightly to each other, which means that the distance between the seeds should be respected, convenient subsequently for thinning. There are many such convenient ways in Agrotechnology:

  • a mixture of flour and water, to a strip from paper towel or napkins, seeds are glued at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, then these tapes are invested directly into the grooves after the prestacious watering;
  • connect the contents of the seed sachet with 1 cup of clean sand, mix all and this mass of the thin flowing is introduced into the dumped groove;
  • in a liter of water, two tablespoons of starch also boil and this barely warm substance, with the seeds added to it, poured into the prepared grooves;
  • most of the gardeners, planting this culture, traditionally invest seeds into the soil with a distance of about 4 cm and the gap between the rows of 15 cm.

What to do immediately after landing? The bed is covered with polyethylene, which hold before the appearance of the first germs. The vegetable is completely tolerant tolerates low temperatures and even soil frosts, but long-term cold is the reason why carrots go to the arrow to the detriment of the root development.

Watering carrots

Carrots in the open ground does not require so much regular as uniform irrigation - the plant does not matter how often the soil will be moistled, but the level of moisture should be permanent and unchanged. The deviation from a comfortable plant of saturation of water in the soil leads to pathologies of the root formation:

  • surface and minor soil moisturizing leads to the formation of a drowned rhizome - a pale core of such a vegetable bitter taste, and the carrots itself grows sometimes to bulky shapeless balls;
  • with the cultivation of carrots, it is also dangerous to overstat the soil with irrigation - there is a risk of obtaining unbelievable twisted freaks with a branched vico.

One of the signs of improper and uneven irrigation is a horned carrot having two or more root fork. To prevent such a kind of errors, it is better to water the roots, adhering to the approximate scheme:

  • when the first shoots appear, it is carried out 7-8 polishers for a month, 6 liters of water for 1 m 2 of the site;
  • in the first month of the summer, the norm increases to 11-12 liters, multiplied by 5-6 polishers;
  • in July, polishes should be only about five, but 13-15 liters per meter of the square;
  • the onset of August entails a decline in water consumption and labor costs - grows carrots already on two watering 6 liters of water on each.

14-20 days before the day scheduled for harvest, irrigated. Then conduct single moisturizing the soil so that the digging process is facilitated.

Sunglet and thinning of carrots

The cultivation of carrots in the open soil must be accompanied by repeated weeds, especially in the period before the appearance of germs, when the weed grass with powerful rhizomes may not allow to climb vegetable culture. You can not allow the weeds to grow too high - late weeding is one of the reasons why the gardeners are not subject to useful culture, because together with the grass in the common jug, both the young tops and not grown vegetable are.

How to get high yield with regular weeding? There are two equivalent of the theory of gardeners are equally informed, how to conduct a weeding vegetable:

  • after watering or rain - thus weeds are easily pulled out with the entire root system;
  • before irrigated when the earth is dry - thin grass roots in this case remain in the ground and dry out, which prevents the germination of new weed plants.

Another mandatory procedure, without which cultivation and care in the open soil of this culture is not possible - this is a competent thinning of plants in the garden. When the seeds initially landed with the same distance from each other in 2-3 cm, the thinning is the procedure, rather corrective and not always mandatory. Solid sowing by any of the ways when the seeds went to the furrow chaotically, in the future always means one or two stages of breaking over fright. Do I need to do this? Necessarily. The first thinner is made immediately as soon as the crumpled greens can distinguish between the individuals of the tops.

Often the answer to the question: why the carrots grow ugly, it lies precisely in the wrong actions when removing unnecessary sprouts.

There are certain secrets of how to properly make this simple operation.

What to do and in what sequence to perform actions:

  • before thinning, the beds should be abundantly shed from the garden watering can;
  • the sprout needs not to pull, but pull out strictly up, without swaying it;
  • it is necessary that there is a distance of 3 or 4 cm between the preserved bushes;
  • immediately after the procedure, the garden is watered with warm water.

At the same stage, it is customary to conduct the first glue of carrots and the first loosening between the rows. And, if the second part of the big question algorithm does not cause, about the first many disputes arise.

So - is it necessary to enjoy carrots?

We plunge correctly

Often, even from experienced gardens, you can hear that carrots do not plunge. However, if you do not be lazy to produce this pouring work at least three times for the period of development of vegetable, you can secure future yield Directly from three misfortunes:

  • from the defeat of the open part of the root of carrot flock, which loves to lay eggs at the base of the vegetable;
  • from the spelling of the novel on the top of the root;
  • from the effects of direct sunlight, which are left on the surface of the root of the burning burns.

Mulching vegetable

How to grow a large carrot and at the same time knowingly exclude the risk of soil cut, the danger of the invasion of pests, and also significantly reduce the amount of weeding and loosening? To do this, there is a coating technology of the mulch soil, and the technique itself is called "Mulching".

Than mulching carrot Groke? The most common way to climb the bed, it is to cover the space between the rows of vegetables planted with a seed, straw or sawdust. The last option is preferable, since the shelter of sawdust retains the moisture longer and is a more reliable shield from the invasion of Kapustyanki and other pests.

At the soil coating with sawdust, there is another important advantage over herbal flooring - weeds are not sprung through it, while the dried grass itself can have mature and ready-made seeds, which will go into growth in contact with moisture. The same properties, along with sawdust, has a small chip.

Mulch carrots are recommended when the outer part of the plant reaches 14-16 cm, and the vegetable itself will be a diameter of about 7-8 cm in the widest part of the root. Is it possible to mulch the root varieties? Not only can be, but also needed, since the shelter retains the temperature for a long time, which receives from the sun during the daytime and as a result, the rootpilodes are obtained by juicy and not cracking.

The forums often meet complaints, like the following: "I mulch vegetable culture For all the rules, but the vegetable is tugged, the tops fall, and in the end it turns out a horned or other ugly carrot, which has no sweetness. " Important condition Before conducting the procedure - drying the material. Whatever mulching, the shelling should not be honest and serve, thus, inhabited for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms. And the mystery of worst, falling topping - disaggregation of the root, to which oxygen does not reach the dense crust of the crude mulch. That's all the secrets of the correct mulching.

Typical errors

We will call the most common mistakes of gardens that meet the most frequent complaints, why carrots are not growing:

  • the seeds were planted without prior soaked or in the insufficiently heated soil (the norm is 7-9 seconds);
  • too deep sowing or improper formation of the furrow (it should be deepened to the groove by 2 cm, then the bottom of the palm ribbon or the chilli of the roof);
  • no watering before or after planting, or watering cold water;
  • abundant watering soils for time until the sprouts were turned off from the soil (before the Green Brush of Spring Plants did not appear on the Grocery, it is impossible to water the garden);
  • frequent watering with a small amount of water in which moisture does not penetrate enough deeply;

Why does carrot grow poorly? Perhaps due to the lack of a detachable element throughout the development of the plant. In a non-rested or depleted soil, vegetables will be thin, pale covered with white hairs. The lack of potassium will immediately affect the root density - it will become widespread, and the lack of phosphorus will affect the taste - the carrot will become tasteless or even acidic.

In vain, some gardeners believe that grow carrots on the cottage plot is a simple matter. Despite the simple and affordable agricultural engineering of this root, in order for a decent harvest to work out a lot to work.
The cultivation of long and even root roots can be powered by any garden. Just do not need to be lazy. Perform necessary work Care for carrots, and get a good harvest.

How to grow carrots on their garden

First thing is the selection suitable place landing and soil preparation. The type of soil directly affects the quality of carrots. This unpretentious vegetable is planted on the lungs on mechanical composition, fertile lands with good drainage. In addition, it is necessary to choose a smooth, most open and well-lit room for beds. It is best to plant carrots on the ground where there were places onions, cabbage, early potatoes, especially if the soil was fertilized by organic fertilizers.

And to the places where before this were Celery's beds (celery, cumin, dill, fennel), as well as carrots, it is better not to plant carrots, because you will not get a good crop. On the small sites With a complex rotation, carrots can be grown. Do not consider such a situation of hopeless - the soil is severe: take woodwood In the amount of 0.2-0.3 kg, and scatter it on one square meter of soil. Then dig up. Do so twice for a year.

The soil itself is prepared in the fall, so that in front of sowing the soil is settled. Places where you plan to plant vegetables, clean the stones, carefully dig (on one or two bayonet), forming high beds.

If it is necessary, poor soil adopt with humus, heavy soil - peat, wood sawdust and river sand, add chalk or lime into the acid ground. It is not recommended to introduce fresh manure to avoid obtaining ugly root roots. If carrots are grown in soils having a high level of groundwater, without raising the height of the bed, it can grow ugly.

Spring beds are heated, and 7-10 days before the location of carrots thoroughly burst the ground and disinfected it with a solution copper Kaperprepared at the rate of 1 table. Spoon on 10 liters of water. Then paint the beds with warm water (about 40 degrees), and cover the landing site polyethylene film. Thanks to the latest actions, the Earth warms and keep moisture. With hot spring and snowy winter, as well as, if you are waiting for a late crop, it is not necessary to do. With complete certainty that carrot seeds are high-quality, and frosts will not be foreseen, you can refuse to warming up.

Sowing carrots depends on the amount of moisture in the ground and climatic conditionsIn which it grows: in the central lane of Russia, sowing is carried out in a period of 20 to 25 April. A little earlier (for one or two weeks) rootes are planted when it took three weeks after the snow left, after establishing relatively warm weather, excluding night freezes.

Almost later, the carrots are planted, if freezes are preserved at night. But do not tighten the landing - optimum time - No later than May 5th. The southern regions can land root in two stages: for summer use - March 10-20, to obtain seeds and winter use - June 10-15.

In order for the seeds of Nobuchly, and moisture to them passed through the crust, which contains in sufficient hydrophobic essential oils, they are rocked in two or three times with warm water, and then they are covered with a moistened cloth. When Ignoring this, most likely, segments will be late for 2-3 weeks, the ripening of root crops will deteriorate.

To speed up germs, it is necessary to conduct the following procedures:


Placing carrot seeds into a vessel, water in which has a temperature of about 25 degrees. During the day, water is aimed with air pump, and then seeds are stored in the refrigerator on the middle shelf about 5 days. Before sowing (in 12 hours), the seeds get from the refrigerator and dry well. Then there is a landing in bed. They will germinate for 5-7 days.

Installing in the soil

Dry seeds are stacked in a bag of natural fabric and bury in beds (depth - shone shovel). They do not watered and do not fertilize. After a couple of weeks, the bag is removed, and the seeds dried on dry cloth or parchment. Then they are planted in bed. They will heat up 4-5 days.

Use of nutrient solution

Seeds are folded on the fabric, put the canvas on top. All this is poured on a day with a nutrient solution. Nutrient medium can be different:

  1. Mixed boric acid, nitroposka and water in the ratio: 1/3 h. spoons: 1/2 h. spoons: 1 liter.
  2. In a liter of water mixed with waterman's water until the solution is obtained, and ½ h. Spoons of fertilizers.

After soaking, it is necessary to rinse the seeds with warm water and remove into the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Before planting, they are dried to the flowability. Then it is planted in the ground.

Plant carrots with grooves, which are pre-tried in beds. Optimal landing the following: groove of a width of a matchbox, depth in its half, distance - 200-240 mm.

An extreme furrow should be placed from the edge of the garden of 120 mm. The groove should have a width not exceeding 900 mm, and the ridge is 1.1 meter. Before planting seeds, paint the garden with a strong manganese solution. Seeds scatter snake (step - 10-15 mm). Then swipe mulching using the soil, peat or peat-sand mix. Landing cover the film, leaving the ventilation gap (120-150 mm). Thanks to the shelter, the film is better preserved with heat and moisture, as well as the film prevents the pest (carrot flies), which can destroy the harvest.

Careful carrots

In order to grow a good harvest of carrots, mandatory proper carewhich will not be much difficult. This is a timely breaking of a garden, soil loosening, weeding, feeding and watering root.

Getting a rich harvest of carrots on its summer cottage.

Sleep the carrots as the tops grow

As soon as the first shoots appear, pull the smallest shoots, withstanding the interval of 20-25 mm between the root. The second time is thinned in June or July, observing an interval of 75-100 mm. With the second thinning, carrots extracted from the Earth is suitable for people and animals. You can cut forward and three times if the root crops will interfere with each other to grow.

Feed carrots

When the fifth sixth leaves appear, in 2-3 days it is necessary to introduce mineral fertilizer. After the plant, the plant produces the first time, repeating it after each thinning, and then - once every 2-4 weeks. Due to the glance, the fruits are hidden in the ground, do not get sunny burns And the top of the shoulders.
With the cultivation of carrots, some gardeners use a three-phase method: 5, 7, 10 leaves. In all cases, the necessary depth of the earth for rooteplood is approximately 50 mm.

How to water carrots

Water carrots need to be intensively so that there is no drying of the soil, but not excessively so that it is not transferred. Optimally adhered to uniform irrigation: if the water is not enough, the carrots will be coarse, and if excess is shallow and tasteless. Stick up the following scheme when watering:

  1. From the emergence of the first germs and before the start of the formation of roots, regular irrigation is needed: once in 3-4 days. At the same time by 1 square. The meter is poured 3-4 liters of water.
  2. When carrots appear and until the end of the summer: 1 time per week (10-20 liters of water). The amount of water depends on the weather. If the weather is dry - water more. With precipitation, which continues in the course of 5 days, watering take 5 days after their end.
  3. From the end of August: 1 time in 1.5-2 weeks (8-10 liters of water per square meter. Meter).
  4. Two weeks before the removal of the crop ceases to water the roots.

How to assemble and keep a crop

The time of harvest is the end of September - the beginning of October. Roots are extracted from the Earth for the tops, and stacked near the ground to remove excess moisture from their surface.

If, growing carrots, you irregularly buried the earth and passed the beds, the earth can harden. Then removing the rooted roots will have to dug their garden bracket. This is done very carefully, in order to avoid damage to carrots fruits.

When harvesting in the rain, carrots are then laid out in a dry place. Drying can continue for 1-1.5 hours until the surface is completely dry.

Then cut the tops with a garden knife or a secateral. It is cut under the root, trying not to damage the root of the root. Simultaneously sort the harvest: the damaged, fallen and fruit curves are selected. The rest of the carrot is stored in a ventilated drawer in a cool and dark place.