
What is plasma cutting of metals - technology description. Plasma metal cutting - the principle of operation and the necessary equipment

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Plasma cutting Metal is well suited for the separation of high-alloy steels. Such a method is superior to gas cutters of the minimum warm-up zone, which allows you to quickly produce, but avoid the deformation of the surface from overheating. Unlike mechanical cutting methods ("grinder" or machine), can be separated from the surface according to any figure to obtain unique one-piece forms with minimal material waste. ? What is the technology of cutting process?

Plasma cutting of metal and its principles of operation are based on strengthening electric Dougie., by overclocking gas under pressure. This increases the temperature of the cutting element several times, in contrast to the propane oxygen flame, which allows you to quickly carry out, without giving a high thermal conductivity of the material to transfer the temperature to the rest of the product and deform the design.

Plasma metal cutting on video gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe process. The essence of the method is as follows:

  1. Current source (feeding from 220 V for small models, and 380V. for industrial installations designed for a large metal thickness) issues the desired voltage.
  2. According to the cables, the current is transmitted to the plasma torch (the burner in the hands of the coil welder). The device contains a cathode and anode - the electrodes between which the electric arc lights up.
  3. The compressor is heating the air flow transmitted by hoses into the apparatus. Plasmanent there are special swirls that contribute to the direction and twisting air. The flow permeates the electric arc, ionizing it and overclocking the temperature many times. It turns out plasma. This arc is called duty, because it burns to maintain work.
  4. In many cases, the mass cable is used, which is connected to the resulting material. Applying the plasma torus to the product, the arc closes between the electrode and the surface. Such an arc is called a worker. A large temperature and air pressure permeate the desired place in the product, leaving thin sharps and small glances, easily removed by tapping. If contact with the surface is lost, then the arc automatically continues to burn in standby mode. Returning to the product allows you to immediately continue cutting.
  5. After the end of work, the button on the plasma torus is released, which turns off all types of electrical arc. For some time, blowing the system to remove garbage and cooling electrodes.

The cutting element is an ionized arc of the plasma torus, it allows not only to cut the material into parts, but also welding it back. To do this, use a twisted wire corresponding to the composition for a specific type of metal, and instead of ordinary air is supplied inert gas.

Varieties of plasma cutting and principles of work

The separation of metals by ionized high-temperature arc has several modifications for the approach and purpose used. In some cases, the electrical circuit, to perform the cut, should be closed between plasma torus and product. This is suitable for all types of conductive metals. Two wires come from the device, one of which passes into the burner, and the second is attached to the surface being processed.

The second method lies in the burning of the arc between the cathode and the anode concluded in the plascript nozzle, and the ability to draw the same arc. This method is well suited to the materials are unable to carry out current. In this case, one cable leading to the burner comes from the device. The arc is constantly burning in working condition. All this refers to the air-plasma cutting of metal.

But there are models of plasmores, where steam from a filling fluid is used as an ionizing agent. Such models operate without compressor. They have a small tank for filling distilled water supplied to the electrodes. After evaporated, pressure is created that enhances the electric arc.

Advantages of Plasmorezov

The principles of the operation of the plasma cutting using a high-temperature arc make it possible to obtain a number of advantages over other types of metal separation, namely:

  • The ability to process any types of steel, including metals with a high thermal expansion coefficient.
  • Cutting materials non-conducting electricity.
  • High speed of work.
  • Easy learning workflow.
  • Diverse lines of cut, including curly shapes.
  • High accuracy cutting.
  • Small subsequent surface treatment.
  • Less environmental pollution.
  • Safety for the welder due to the lack of gas cylinders.
  • Mobility during the transportation of equipment having small sizes and weight.

Metal Plasma Cutting Technology

How the plasma cutting works is shown on the video. After seeing several such lessons, you can proceed to independent samples. The process is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The cutting product is exhibited so that there is a few centimeters under it. For this purpose, lining under the edges are used, or the design is installed on the edge of the table so that the part being processed is above the floor.
  2. The markup of the cut line is better to perform a black marker if the work is carried out on stainless steel or aluminum. When the "black" metal is to be treated, the line is better to carry out thin shallow, which is clearly visible on a dark surface.
  3. It is important to make sure that the burner hose does not lie next to the place of the cut. Strong overheating can spoil it. Beginner welders may not see and damage the equipment due to excitement.
  4. Safety glasses are worn. If you have to work for a long time, it is better to use the mask, which will close not only the eyes, but also the whole face from ultraviolet.
  5. If the cutting will be carried out on substrates on the floor, then the metal sheet should be placed so that the splashes do not spoil the floor coating.
  6. Before starting work, it is necessary to make sure that the compressor scored sufficient pressure, and the water models warmed up the liquid to the desired temperature.
  7. Launching the button lights up the arc.
  8. Keep the plasma torch must be perpendicular to the surface cut. A small deviation angle is allowed relative to this position.
  9. The beginning of the cut is better to produce from the edge of the product. If you want to start from the middle, it is desirable to drill a thin hole. This will help to avoid overheating and depressions in this place.
  10. When conducting an arc, it is necessary to observe the distance to the surface in 4 mm.
  11. For this, the focus is important under the arms, which is carried out by elbows on the table or about the knees.
  12. When conducting the cut, it is important to verifiable in the appearance of a lumen on the site passed, otherwise it will have to be cut again.
  13. When the cut line ends, it is necessary to observe the precaution so that the item does not fall to your feet.
  14. Lighting the button stops burning arc.
  15. A thin layer of slag on the edges of the cut is lit up with a hammer. If there is a need, then an additional stripping of the product is carried out on the emery circle.

Used equipment

To carry out plasma cutting, various devices and fixtures are used. The current source may be small, and contain a transformer, several relays and an oscillator. Small models are very compact for transfer and work at height. They are able to cut the metals up to 12 mm thick, which is enough for most types of work at work and at home. Large devices have a similar scheme of the device, but have more powerful parameters through the use of larger cross-section materials, and increased incoming voltage values. Such models are transported on trolleys, and work with products is carried out by plasma torch, fastened to the bracket. They can cut materials with a thickness of up to 100 mm.

Plasmores as large and small devices are arranged the same, but differ in size. Everyone has a handle and start button. Each has an electrode of the rod (cathode) and an internal nozzle (anode), between which the arc is burning. Flow swirl sends air and accelerates temperature. The insulator protects the external parts from overheating and premature contact of the electrodes. The outer nozzles are mounted depending on the thickness cut. Tips close the nozzle from the splash of the molten metal. At the end of the plasma torment, various nozzles can be dressed, helping to maintain a distance during operation and removing the nagar from the chamfer. The compressor serves air through the hose, and its output is regulated by the valve.

The invention of plasma cutting made it possible to accelerate the work with many alloyed steel, and the accuracy of the cut line and the ability to produce curved figures helps to receive a variety of products for production processes. Understanding the functioning of the apparatus and the essence of the work performed by them will help to quickly master this useful invention.

To date, it is difficult to imagine the heavy industry without the use of welding and cutting metal. On most industrial enterprises engaged in the processing of metal products, a special method of cutting is used - plasma.

Plasma cutting is the process of processing materials in which the cutting element is a plasma jet.

Few know how the plasma cutting of the metal is carried out with their own hands and what are the main stages of this process. Most often, the thickness of the processed products is less than 20 cm. It is for cutting the metal of such a thickness and plasma devices apply.

Characteristics of the cutting of products with plasma

Those who for separation of metal use an oxygen cutter, know that the plasma cutting is largely different from this method. Here, instead of the cutting gas, a plasma jet is used. As with conventional welding, an electric arc is used at plasma cutting. It ignites directly between the surface of the subject and the electrode. The supply gas becomes plasma. Interesting is the fact that the temperature of the latter can reach several tens of thousands of degrees (from 5 to 30 thousand). At the same time, the speed of the jet often reaches 1500 m / s. Plasma metal cutting is suitable for products with a thickness of up to 20 cm. As for the gas supplied to nozzle, it happens several types: active and inactive.

The first category includes oxygen and air mixture, to the second - nitrogen, hydrogen, as well as some inert gases, for example, argon. The choice of one or another gas depends on the metal. If this is a black metal, then apply active gases. Inactive suitable more for non-ferrous metals (aluminum, copper) and their alloys. Manual plasma cutting is superficial and separating. The latter is used much more often. You need to know that a similar method of cutting metal is the most automated. Plasma cutting includes the use of special automatic (programmable) machines.

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Positive and negative sides

Plasma cutting has its own positive and negative sides. Benefits, firstly, it is possible to use equipment for cutting any metal. This is achieved due to elevated temperature in work zone. Secondly, an important aspect is a high speed of work. It provides the best productivity. Thirdly, plasma cutting is great for cutting products of various geometric shapes. Simple gas method is impossible to achieve this. Fourthly great importance It has something that such cutting of the metal is accurate and fast. It is largely reduced by the likelihood of extreme-quality products, as the work is automated.

Fifth, everyone knows that simple oxygen cut can be dangerous for humans and others. Plasma cutting is the least dangerous. Sixth, such work can be carried out both outdoors and under water. It is also important that the cost of 1 m material is much smaller, due to all this plasma cutting is increasingly used on large industrial facilities. As for the negative sides of this process, the equipment is quite expensive, therefore such a technique is rarely used at home.

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Which device to choose

Plasma metal cutting begins with the preparation of equipment. To do this, you will need to choose a high-quality apparatus. 2 types of equipment are isolated: inverter and transformer. Inverters are familiar to many, as they are welding with their help. They came to shift transformers. Inverter aggregates have small dimensions, they are compact, aesthetic and consume less energy. When purchasing equipment, you need to pay attention to the characteristics such as the duration of operation in active mode and power. The lack of such an aggregate is that it is quite sensitive to voltage jumps in the network.

Equipment for cutting over the type of transformers is the most reliable and durable. A feature of transformers is that at high power, they can be used for automated cutting. Manual method also applied. If the cutting of the metal is expected to be carried out in a private workshop or in industrial facilities, it is more expedient to acquire a transformer type apparatus. It is also widespread in the manufacture of cars. It must be remembered that any plasma cutting is expensive.

The device will cost anything. An important criterion for choosing equipment is the maximum thickness of the cutting. For non-ferrous metals (copper), it is always less. If a maximum thickness is 10 mm in a technical passport, this indicator refers to the lacter metals.

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Features of manual arc plasma cutting

For cutting of metal products, a manual method is often used. Its feature is that high qualifications are not required to cut the product. A person can perform any person knowing all the main stages of the process. By purchasing a plasma cutter, you can cut not only metal, but also tiles, wood and other materials. Plasma cutting manually begins with an inspection of equipment, nozzles, electrodes. Nozzle and electrodes must be securely fixed. To save materials, it is advisable to light the arc as less as possible. In order for the device to start working, it requires compressed air.

For this purpose, you can use cylinders that are filled with air, compressor or connect the equipment to the central pipeline (if the cutting is carried out in industrial conditions). The most reliable devices are equipped with a special control device with which the incoming air is distributed in the device.

The next step is to set up the equipment. To do this, it is required to correctly choose the current strength. It is preferable to start cutting on a strong current. This makes several trial cuts. Incorrectly chosen mode can lead to a metal overheating and splashing it. With the optimal combustion mode of the arc, the cut line must be smooth, and the metal should not be deformed.

If it is required to cut a sheet material, the nozzle burner is placed close to the metal surface. This includes a power button on the machine. Shortly after that, the duty arc should light up, and after it cutting. The arc should be directed at an angle of 90 ° to the metal. The burner moves from top to bottom. If automatic plasma cutting is characterized by high speed, then with a manual method, the burner must be moved slowly. At the end of the work, it is advisable for a while stopping the burner promotion to complete the cutting.

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Cutting various metals

Cutting of a metal can have its own characteristics. To date, cutting sheet material is more often used. It is usually represented by steel. Often you have to cut the aluminum. If the welding of this metal is hampered due to the formation on its surface of the protective film in the form of aluminum oxide, the cutting of aluminum is completely simply. It is important to remember that the air and active gases are not needed.

Plasma aluminum cutting is performed using argon or nitrogen.

Argon and nitrogen are chemically less active elements, therefore, in the process of cutting and heating the metal, an oxide film is not formed on it. Another common material is steel. In this situation, cutting is carried out without the use of protective gases. Air-arc plasma cutting perfectly suitable for stainless steel products. This is the most available way Cutting.

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Cutting plasma jet

Unlike the arc method, with a cutting of a plasma jet, the metal does not participate in the formation of an electrical circuit. The electrical arc itself is available, but it is formed directly between the inner part of the nozzle and the electrode. Such an electric arc is necessary in order to formed plasma. This makes it possible to cut materials that do not conduct an electric current. Plasma in this situation is high-speed. Most often, this method is applied to separate the sheet material. As for the use of electrodes, electrodes based on various tungsten alloys are suitable for plasma cutting.

It must be remembered that to carry out the cutting of materials using the plasma stream, you need to have in stock required tools and materials. They include cutting apparatus, electric current source, workwear, shoes, mask, mittens, hammer, chisel, metal brush. Often, the apparatus for plasma cutting is made with their own hands. By power, he may not give up the factory.

Plasma cutting is very often used in such industries such as shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, as well as in the manufacture of metal structures, a communal sphere, etc. In addition, Plasmorez is quite often used in a private workshop. With it, it is quickly and efficiently cut any material conductive, and some non-conductive materials - wood, stone and plastic.

Plasma cutting technology allows you to cut the sheet metal and pipes, perform curly cut or make parts. Work is carried out using high temperature plasma arch. To create it, only the current source, air and cutter will be required. So that the work was performed quite easily, and the cut was obtained smooth and beautiful, it should be found out how the principle of operation of the plasma cutting is carried out.

How Plasmorez is arranged

This machine consists of the following items:

  • power supply;
  • air compressor;
  • plasma cutter or plasma torch;
  • cable hose package.

The power supply for the plasma cutting apparatus is supplied to the plasma torch of a certain current force. It is an inverter or transformer.

Inverters are pretty light, in terms of energy consumption economical, at a price inexpensive, however, can cut the blanks of a small thickness. Because of this they are used only in private workshops and small industries. Invertor plasmaisses of efficiency by 30% more than that of transformer and they are better burning arc. Often use them for work in hard-to-reach places.

Transformers are much honesty, spend a lot of energy, but at the same time have less sensitivity to voltage drops, and with their help cut the blanks of a large thickness.

The plasma cutter is considered the main element of plasma band. Its main elements are:

  • nozzle;
  • cooler / insulator;
  • channel required for supplying compressed air;

The compressor is required for air supply. The principle of operation of plasma cutting involves the use of protective and plasma-forming gases. For devices that current for strength up to 200 aThe only compressed air is used for cooling and to create plasma. They are able to cut the blanks with a thickness of 50 mm.

The hose cable package is used to connect the compressor, power supply and plasma torus. By electric cable From the inverter or transformer begins to flow for the excitation of the electric arc, and the compressed air is supplied on the hose, which is required for the plasma plasma torus.

Principle of operation

When you press the ignition button, the current flow of high frequency from the power supply (inverter or transformer) begins. As a result, an electric arc duty is formed inside the plasma torus, the temperature of which reaches 8 thousand degrees. A pillar of this arc begins to fill the entire channel.

After the duty arc arose, a compressed air begins to flow into the chamber. Breaking out of the nozzle he passes through an electric arc, heats up, while increasing in a volume of 50 or 100 times. In addition, the air begins to ionized and ceases to be a dielectric, acquiring properties to carry out the current.

The plasma torch nozzle, a narrowed down, crimping the air, creating a stream from it, which begins to escape from there at a speed of 2 - 3 m / s. At this point, the air temperature often reaches 30 thousand degrees. It is such a split ionized air and is plasma.

At the time when the plasma begins to escape from the nozzle, its contact occurs with the surface of the metal being processed, the duty arc at this moment goes out, and the cutting is ignited. She starts warp the workpiece in the place of the cut. Metal as a result of this melts and res. On the surface of the metal cutting, small particles of the molten metal are formed refrigerated to the air flow from it. Thus, the work of plasma torus is carried out.

Benefits of plasma cutting

Metal cutting works are often carried out on the construction site, in a workshop or shop. You can use autogen for this, but not all suits it. If the scope of work related to the sharp metal is too large, and the requirements for the quality of the cut, it is very high, then you should think about using a plasma cutter having the following advantages:

Disadvantages of plasma cutting

Disadvantages in the work of plasma cutting are also available. The first of them is the maximum allowable thickness of the cut is quite small, and in the most powerful units, it rarely happens more than 80 - 100 mm.

The following drawback is quite stringent requirements for deviation from the perpendicularity of the cut. Deviation angle should not be more than 10 - 50 degrees And it depends on the thickness of the part. If there is a way out of these limits, there is a fairly substantial expansion of the cut, which leads to rapid wear of consumables.

In addition, the work equipment is quite complicated, which makes it absolutely impossible to use two cutters at the same time, which are connected to one device.


The principle of operation of the plasma cutting is quite simple. In addition, the device that is used for this has a large number of Advantages, which are several times superior to the existing shortcomings. If it is properly exploited, then you can significantly save time and get a qualitative result.

Metal cutting apply several in different wayswhich differ from each other efficiency and cost. Some methods apply only to solve industrial problemsSome can be used in everyday life. The latter refers to the cutting plasma. The efficiency of cutting this method is limited only. right choices Installations and experience of the Master. What is metal cutting plasma? What is the basis of the principle of work? In which fields is this method of cutting metals?

Basics of plasma cutting

In order to understand the basics of cutting metal using a plasma method, it is necessary first to understand what plasma is? From the understanding of how the plasmatron is arranged, and the principle of working with this device will depend on the final quality of the cutting.

Plasma thermal processing of metals depends on certain parameters of the working jet of liquid or gas, which under pressure are sent to the surface of the area being processed. To achieve the required effect, the jet must be brought to the following indicators:

  1. Temperature - To appear plasma, air is needed to warm up to 5-30 thousand degrees. Increased temperature is achieved by creating an electric arc. During the achievement of the required temperature, the air flow ionizes and changes its properties by receiving electrical conductivity. The metal plasma processing technology implies the use of degraders removing moisture, as well as air discharge systems.
  2. Speed \u200b\u200b- on the surface of the material, the jet is heading under high pressure. It can be said that the cutting of the plasma metal is based on the warming of the material to the melting point and the instant blowing. In this case, the operating speed of the jet is approximately 2-5 km / s.
  3. The presence of an electrical circuit. All about the cutting of the plasma metal can be recognized only in practice. But certain features must be taken into account before buying the installation. So, there are plasmatimes of direct and indirect impact. And if for the first it is necessary for the material being processed to be connected to a common circuit (speaking as an electrode) and passed electricity, then there is no this need for the latter. Plasma for cutting metal in this case is obtained using an electrode that is built within the holder. This option is used for metals and other materials that do not conduct electricity.

Another important point that needs to be considered is that the plasma cutting of thick material is practically not done, as it is inffective and leads to high financial costs.

Principle of operation

The main principle of operation of the metal cutting plasma can be described in this way:

  1. The compressor delivers air under pressure to the plasmaton burner.
  2. The air flow is instantly heated due to its electric current. Taking into account healing, the air mass through itself begins to pass electricity, as a result of this, plasma is formed. In certain models of plasma torus, inert gases are used instead of air flow.
  3. The cutting of the plasma of the metal, if it is considered in more detail, is made by the method of narrowly-controlled fast heating of the surface to the desired temperature with further blowing of the molten material.
  4. During work, some waste appear inevitably, which include cutting or residues of sheet material after carving the required parts, as well as the remnants of molten metal and scale.

Since the process is associated with instant heating of the material being processed to liquid state, its thickness in the cut must be:

  • copper - 8 cm;
  • aluminum - up to 12 cm;
  • cast iron - up to 9 cm;
  • alloy and carbon steel - up to 5 cm.

There are two main method of processing materials from which the characteristics of the plasma cutting will depend. Namely:

  1. Plasma-jet - in this case, the arc appears directly in the plasma torch. Plasma-jet processing method is universal, as it makes it possible to process non-metallic materials. The only minus is the need for regular replacement of electrodes.
  2. Plasma-arc - this option is suitable for any varieties of metal that can conduct electrical current. As a rule, the plasma-arc cutting is used for industrial equipment. The meaning of this method is reduced to the fact that the plasma appears due to the arc, which occurs directly between the plasma torch and the surface of the material being processed.

Plasma cutting works on the principle of ordinary arc, but without the use of the usual electrodes. In this case, the effectiveness of this processing method depends directly from the thickness of the material being processed.

Accuracy and cutting speed

As and during any other way heat treatmentAt the plasma cutting there is some metal melting, which affects the quality of the cut. There are other features that are characteristic of this method. Namely:

  1. The melting of the edges is, regardless of which modes of material processing are applied, and from the professionalism of the master who produces work, it is impossible to avoid minor surface melting during the very beginning of the work.
  2. Cause - taking into account the performance of the installation and professionalism of the masters, the taper may vary in the range of 4-12 degrees.
  3. The speed of work is the usual cutting of the metal with the help of the plasmatron produced quickly and with low power consumption. According to GOST I. technical characteristics manual equipment, plasma cutting speed is no more than 6500 mm / min.
  4. Cutting characteristics - the speed and quality of the cut will depend on which specifically the operation is required to produce. Thus, the separation incision with low quality is faster than everything, and mainly manual installations can cut metal to 65 mm. For curly processing of parts, a thickness of the material is possible up to 45 mm.

The quality of work will significantly depend on the level of professionalism of the master. Accurate and clean cuts with minimal deviation from the required dimensions can only be made by an employee with profile formation. Without the necessary preparation, make a figured cutter is unlikely to come out.

Processing of color alloys

During the treatment of non-ferrous metals apply various methods Cutting taking into account the density of the material, its type and other technical indicators. To cut non-ferrous metals, it is necessary to comply with such recommendations:

  1. Cutting aluminum - For a material with a thickness of up to 7 cm, compressed air can be applied. Its use is inappropriate during the low density of the material. A high-quality cut of an aluminum sheet up to 2 cm is achieved during the use of pure nitrogen, and with a thickness of 7-10 cm with hydrogen with nitrogen. The cutting of aluminum plasma with a thickness of more than 10 cm is made with a mixture of hydrogen with argon. The same composition advised to apply for thick-walled high-alloy steel and copper.
  2. Cutting stainless steels - To carry out work, the use of compressed air does not advise, taking into account the thickness of the material, a pure nitrogen or a mixture with argon can be used. It is necessary to take into account that stainless steel is quite sensitive to the action of alternating current, which can lead to a change in its structure and faster output. The cutting of the stainless steel is made using the installation that uses the principle of indirect action.

Field of use of plasma cutting

The use of plasma torches is so much popular in vain. During relatively simple operation, as well as not very high cost of manual equipment (unlike other cutting devices), you can achieve high indicators regarding the quality of the obtained cut.

The use of plasma cutting of the metal received its distribution in such industrial areas:

  1. Construction of metal structures.
  2. Treatment of metal - with plasma, almost any type of metal can be cut, including black, refractory and color.
  3. Different spheres Industry, aircraft manufacturing, capital construction of buildings, mechanical engineering, etc. - in all these areas can not do without the use of plasma cutters.
  4. Treatment of parts and art forging. With the help of a plasma cutter, you can make a detail of almost any complexity.

The use of plasma cutting machine tools has not replaced. In this way, art cutting plasma It makes it possible to make unique details that exactly match the artist's plan for applying them as decorative decorations of stairs, railings, fences, fences, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

Almost no industrial production, which is somehow connected with the metal, can not do without cutting the metal. Cutting the exact holes, curly decorative cutting, fast cutting on sheet metal blanks - all this can be done quite quickly with the help of plascript. The advantages of this method are as follows:

  1. Economy - Plasma method Against the background of standard methods of processing materials, significantly wins. There is only one limit that is associated with a material thickness. It is economically unprofitable and inappropriate to cut with a plasma torch with a thickness of more than 50 mm.
  2. Mobility of plasma manual units.
  3. High speed Processing parts and performance. In contrast to the usual electrode method, the speed of work increases 5-12 times.
  4. Cutting all types of metals (copper, aluminum, steel, stainless steel, titanium, etc.).
  5. Safety.
  6. Accuracy - From the heat load of the deformation, almost imperceptible and subsequently will not require additional processing. In this case, the accuracy of plasma cutting is 0.24-0.34 mm.

All these advantages of plasma cutting Explain why this method is so highly popular not only in production purposes, but also in domestic needs.

But speaking of advantages, it is necessary to note certain negative points:

  1. Clear requirements regarding the processing of parts. The master is necessary to strictly observe the angle of inclination of the cutter in the area of \u200b\u200b10-50 degrees. If this rule is not fulfilled, the wear of component parts is accelerated, and the quality of the cut is violated.
  2. Restrictions related to cut thickness. Even in powerful equipment, the greatest density of the material being processed cannot be more than 10 cm.
  3. In addition, the work equipment is very complicated, which makes it absolutely impossible to use two cutters simultaneously, which are connected to one unit.

Comparison of laser and plasma cutting

The difference in the plasma from the laser cutting of the metal consists in the methods of action on the surface of the material. Laser equipment provides greater speed of processing parts and performance, and after performing work there is a smaller percentage of reflow. The disadvantage of laser devices is their high price, as well as the fact that the thickness of the material being processed is obliged to be no more than 2 cm.

Plasmane, unlike laser, it is much cheaper, and also has broader functionality and scope.

For effective processing A row of metals is often used by plasma cutting, the principle of which is the use of plasma arc.

1 Metal Plasma Cutting Technology

The process of cutting the plasma arc in world practice is "hiding" under the abbreviation PAC. Under the plasma, there is a high-temperature ionized gas that can carry out electricals. And the plasma arc is formed in the unit called the plasma torch from the usual electrical.

The latter is compressed, and then they bring in it gas with the possibility of plasma formation. Slightly below will be described about how such plasma-forming gases have such a value for the plasma cutting process.

Technologically, there are two cutting techniques:

2 Plasma cutting - the principle of the plasma

The plasma torch is a plasma cutting device, in the housing of which the arc chamber of the cylindrical shape is placed in cross section. At the outlet of it there is a canal that creates a compressed arc. From the back of such a camera there is a welding rod.

Between the tip of the device and the electrode ignite the pre-arc. This stage is necessary, since the arc excitation between the cutting material and the electrode is almost impossible to achieve. The preliminary arc comes out of the plascript nozzle, contacts the torch, and at this moment the workflow is already directly created.

After that, the generating channel is fully filled with a plasma arc post, a plasma-forming gas enters the plasma torch chamber, where it is heating, and then ionization and an increase in volume. The described scheme determines the high temperature of the arc (up to 30 thousand degrees Celsius) and the same powerful rate of gas expire from the nozzle (up to 3 kilometers per second).

3 Plasma-forming gases and their effect on cutting capabilities

The plasma-forming medium is perhaps the key parameter of the process that determines its technological potential. The possibility of this medium depends on the possibility:

  • settings for the heat flux in the metal processing zone and the current density in it (due to the change in the nozzle cross section to the current);
  • varying the volume of thermal energy over wide limits;
  • regulating the surface voltage, chemical service and viscosity of the material that is subjected to cutting;
  • controlling the depth of gas saturated layer, as well as the nature of chemical and physical processes in the processing zone;
  • protection against the appearance of swakes on metal and (at their lower edges);
  • formation optimal conditions For removal from the cavity of the molten metal.

In addition, many technical specifications Equipment used for plasma cutting, also depend on the composition of the medium described by us, in particular the following:

  • the design of the cooling mechanism for the device nozzles;
  • the embodiment in the plasmatone of the cathode, its material and the level of intensity of the flow of coolant on it;
  • the control circuit of the unit (its cyclogram is determined by the cost and composition and composition of the gas used to form a plasma);
  • dynamic and static (external) power source characteristics, as well as its power indicator.

Little to know how plasma cutting works, in addition, it is necessary to properly select a combination of gases to create a plasma-forming medium, taking into account the price of the materials used and the cost of the cutting operation.

As a rule, for semi-automatic and manual processing Corrosion-resistant alloys, as well as machine and economical manual processing of copper and aluminum, use a medium formed by nitrogen. But already low-alloy carbon steel is better cut into an oxygen mixture, which is categorically impossible to apply for the treatment of aluminum products, resistant against corrosion steel and copper.

4 advantages and disadvantages of plasma cutting

The principle of operation of plasma cutting causes the advantages of this technology to gas techniques for the processing of non-metallic and metal products. The main advantages of using plasma equipment include the following facts:

  • technology Universality: Almost all known materials can be cut with a plasma arc, ranging from cast iron and copper and ending with aluminum and steel;
  • high speed operation for metals of medium and low thickness;
  • the cuts are truly high quality and high-precision, which often makes it possible not to produce additional mechanical processing of products;
  • minimal air pollution;
  • no need to perform a preliminary metal heating for its cutting, which allows to reduce (and essentially) the time of burning material;
  • the high safety of the work is due to the fact that the cutting does not need gas cylinders, which are potentially explosive.

It is worth noting that according to some indicators, gas technologies are recognized more appropriate than plasma cutting. The latter disadvantages are usually attributed:

  • the complexity of the design of the plasma torus and its high cost: naturally, it increases the cost of performing each operation;
  • relatively small cut thickness (up to 10 centimeters);
  • high noise in the processing process, which arises due to the fact that the plasma torus of the gas flies on an near-racing speed;
  • the need for high quality and maximum competent maintenance of the unit;
  • an increased level of extraction of harmful substances when applied as a plasma-forming composition of nitrogen;
  • the impossibility of connecting to one plasma torus of two cutters for manual metal processing.

Another minus described in the type of treatment is that the deviation from the perpendicularity of the cut is allowed by no more than an angle of 10 to 50 degrees (the specific value of the angle depends on the thickness of the product). If you increase the recommended indicator, there is a significant extension of the cutting area, and this causes the need for frequent replacement of materials used.

Now you know what plasma cutting is, and perfectly focus in all its features.