
Swimming garlic in the spring, what to do - how to quickly save the future harvest? Swimming garlic in the spring - how to save the crop.

To help hostess

Gardeners are often found with the problem of the yellowing of garlic leaves. Consider how and how to water garlic when it turns yellow.

Watering garlic when yellowing

Causes of yellowing

The shroud garlic begins with the tips, then gradually changes the color completely. There is a stop in development, and garlic does not grow to the desired size, and sometimes it completely ceases to grow.

Causes of such a problem:

  • presence of pests;
  • damage to plant disease;
  • non-compliance with watering (water regime);
  • lack of nutrients;
  • weather conditions (frost);
  • lack in soil nitrogen, magnesium and potassium;
  • violation of the correctness of the landing;

How to identify the cause

If there are no signs of illness and pests, it means that the case is in the lack of nutrients in garlic, and the soil does not receive the desired number of trace elements. It may be a consequence of small frosts, because in cold weather garlic is difficult to take substances for growth from the ground, because of this, his immunity decreases, and it begins to yellow. Therefore, you need to additionally feed the soil.

How to fix the problem

Pour with fertilizer

Consider what to do and how to water garlic when the source of the problem is defined.

The plant requires feeding. This can be humid or nitrous fertilizer diluted in water. If you are sure that the cause of yellowing served frosts, then use any growth stimulants for garlic. Do not be afraid by applying stimulants, overdo the dose, because the plant will take so many substances as it needs.

  • Dilute the solution with any stimulant first warm water, and then pour into the declined bucket with water and water, can also be sprayed.
  • A weak warman mortar will also serve good to a toolSince manganese woman has disinfectant properties. Divide the water to get pink and water.
  • 12 cm Ammatic Selitra, 12 gras potassium and 20 grams of the Superphosphate are in 20 liters of water and water from the calculation (20l. Water by 2.5 sq.m.). If you need to repeat the procedure, then not earlier than 30 days later.
  • Preparation of urea feeding will help get rid of the yellowness of garlic (30g. By 10 l. Water). Pour the finished solution to the recovery of the plant.

Water the vegetable time, so that it does not turn yellow. Calculated water is ideal for watering this plant. Especially in months of formation of vegetable, it is necessary to frighten the soil more often and it is plentiful to water it.

Folk remedies

Winter garlic in the spring. Why yellow feather?

Diseases and pests of garlic. Swimming garlic

If you begin to shut down onions and garlic


Funds and methods to eliminate the yellowing of garlic large quantities, and if you follow these ordinary tips, then you can save the plant and get a qualitative harvest.

Spring - wonderful time! How many positive emotions we get at the beginning of the summer season, when the first shoots of planted plants appear from the ground! Some of the first make their way to the sun juicy, strong, green garlic pads. But often the joy is replaced by anxiety - it seems that neither from this young leaflets begin to yellow. Why is this happening? How to get rid of such a mischief? What steps do to take this problem to bypass garlic landing?

The reasons for the yellowing of garlic

The yellowing and drying of garlic tops are a normal phenomenon at the end of the season, before harvesting. If winter or spring garlic turns in spring or in the midst of summer, then this process is not just unwanted, but dangerous, so you need to look for the cause and immediately eliminate it. The delay in this case threatens the loss of harvest, or even the death of plants. Among the main reasons for the late yellowing of garlic can be called the following:

  • improper landing depth;
  • violation of landing timing;
  • poor-quality landing material;
  • lack of nutrients, in particular, nitrogen, macro- and microelements. If the fertilizers were made to the soil with autumn resistance, their part, especially from the sandy soil, can be washed with melt water;
  • increased soil acidity;
  • disadvantage or oversupply of moisture;
  • poor air permeability of the soil;
  • damage to disease and pests.

Chlorosis - the yellowing of the leaves - most often begins with the tips and quickly applies to the entire garlic pen and the stalk of the plant.

If garlic is observed premature yellowing, leaf drying, then he suffers from chlorosis

What to do to warn the yellowing of garlic

It is well known that all the problem is easier to prevent than then take measures to fix it. If you analyze the causes of chlorosis of garlic, then it can be noted that the most often problems arise due to the violation of agrotechnical rules when planting and caring for plants. Let's remember the highlights for which you need to pay attention to the cultivation of garlic to prevent his yellowing.

High-quality landing material and proper landing of garlic

To begin with, talk about garlic heads intended for landing:

If from year to year you use to plant grown garlic cloves, then risks to get plants with low vitality. Experts recommend periodically updating garlic seeds through the cultivation of one-building from air bullbobs. This is how it is possible to get seed raw materials free from various diseases.

Garlic alone grows from air seed after the first year of vegetation

Follow an important point Is observance of crop rotation. Garlic can be planted on an old place no earlier than in 3 years. This period is necessary that malicious disputes of mushrooms and bacteria have lost their activity, did not infect young shoots.

The landing of garlic should be carried out in optimal deadlines. Winter garlic B. middle lane Russia is planted in early October, in the southern regions - in November. This is the most comfortable period, since before the start of frosts, the teeth will have to root, but will not throw away the foliage. Spring garlic land in the garden early in the spring after the soil warming up to + 5-7 degrees. This temperature will be favorable to form the root system of the plant and the growth of the growth of the leaves.

A special role is played by the depth of planting of winter garlic. Small back can lead to the freezing of teeth in the winter. In the spring such a plant will throw off green feathers, and yellow, chlorose. The unenviable fate is waiting for deeply planted garlic - it can be unevenly climb, to swell, strain. The outer symptom of these problems will also be yellow leaves.

The optimal depth of the landing is the depth of two heights of the tooth itself (from the bottom to the top).

It is believed that from the brushes of garlic to the surface of the earth should be no more than 2-3 cm

A bed with a winter garlic in autumn can be covered with fallen foliage, which will serve as a good shelter from winter cold. Protect the emerging shoots from spring frosts will help the mulching of straw, freshly adhesive grass.

Garlic Mulching Time - Early Spring, immediately after the soil hits well: If you have to be procrated before, the mulch will hold the cold from the roots

Compliance with the agrotechnical rules of garlic care - the guarantor of preventing yellowing

First of all, it is necessary to organize the right watering of garlic landing. At the beginning of the growing season, when the garlic is actively increasing the green mass, the plant needs abundant irrigation. If the moisture is not enough, then the tips of the leaves will begin shirt. In the phase of the formation of heads, watering should be moderate, the overvolution of the bulbs in this period will lead to bulbs, the first sign of which will again be the yellowing of the leaves.

For watering, it is advisable to use water with a temperature of +15 - 18 degrees

In the early levels, there are high standing of groundwater on many gods, and garlic in this case will suffer from the convergence. The only way to solve the problem is to land garlic on high ridges.

After watering or rain, garlic landings require compulsory soil loosenings, since the dense earthwood crust makes it difficult to access the air, and the branch of the air balance will react to the yellowing of the foliage.

To leave garlic leaves are not grathers from a shortage of nutrients, then the plants should be done on time. At the beginning of the growth, most of all it needs nitrogen, so without waiting for the garlic to inform you about starvation with its appearance, make feeding with a cowbank solution (in a ratio of 1:10), herbal ins or mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Fresh manure as feeding is not recommended.

As soon as the first garlic leaves will appear from the ground, you need to put nitrogen fertilizer into the ground

Prevention against diseases and pests

Damage to diseases and pests is one of the main reasons for the yellowing of garlic feathers. Effective preventive measure to solve this problem is to disinfect the sowing material. To carry it, it is possible to apply the above composition, as well as other, no less effective:

  • 1% solution of potassium permanganate or copper Kaper. Exposure time - up to 10 hours;
  • owner lump. To prepare 4 cup of wood ash, 2 liters of water are poured, boiled for half an hour, cooled. After the bundle of the solution, it is used by its light part for soaking the planting material. Exposure time - about 2 hours;
  • phitosporin solution (according to the instruction).

Some gardeners advise to apply the heating of the teeth for 8-10 hours at a temperature of + 40-42 degrees.

On the Internet you can meet recommendations on careful cleaning garlic cloves from surface dry scales. Based personal experienceLet me even doubt about the need and security of this procedure, as it can cause damage to the crumbling scales, and this will open the path to various pathogens and pathogenic microbes.

If you do everything correctly, observe the dates of planting, pick up fertilizers, regulate the state of the soil, garlic will grow without any problems, and with the yellowing of the leaves you will not have to come together.

What to do if garlic started yellowing

If the garlic feathers still appeared yellow, the first thing to do is try to determine the reason for her occurrence, and then decide what means you will eradicate this problem.

Garlic jersey

The leaves of garlic that fell under freezing can be made of available growth stimulants. According to the reviews of experienced gardeners one of the most effective tools In this case, Epin is. It increases the immunity of the plant, stimulates the growth of new leaves. After processing the drug garlic easier tolerate the temperature and lack of moisture. Epin can be used once a week, repeating processing to complete recovery of culture.

In a dissolved form, the means is suitable for use only 48 hours, but really a strong effect it will give only if it is applied immediately

Another drug providing a recovery effect is a zircon. It helps garlic at the cellular level to quickly develop and restore, increases the growth of leaves, protects the plant from stress and disease, strengthens immunity. The tool is absolutely safe, as it consists of vegetable components. Zircon is recommended to be combined with vitamin additives and fertilizers, then it will bring much benefit.

Garlic well responds to the processing of the zircon under the condition of a small concentration of the substance: no more than 40 drops on 10 liters of water

Universal medicine for garlic is amber acid. This is a drug created based on amber processing products, it has a stimulating effect, and also feeds the plant by trace elements. As a result, garlic treated with succinic acid is rapidly restored after damage to frosts, it is easier to transfers the periods of drought and other stressful situations.

The solution of succinic acid can be used both for spraying and watering garlic

Amber Acid can be bought in specialized gardening stores and pharmacies. This agent is recommended for improving human immunity.

Video: Amber Acid on the garden

Lack of nutrients

If you assume that garlic begins to turn yellow from lack of nutrition, you should immediately feed the garlic.

Table: Recommended recipes for garlic fade in early period

Do not forget that in the period of active growth, garlic can be brightened from lack of moisture. Weekly watering (with hot weather every 5 days) will help to correct the situation.

With damage to diseases or pests

It happens that all agrotechnical measures have been carried out, nutrients and moisture garlic enough, and garlic continues to yellow. In this case, it is necessary to check the plant for the presence of signs of damage to diseases and pests. It is necessary to remove the plant from the ground and carefully examine it.

The use of chemical preparations for protecting garlic crops is a highly effective way to destroy pests and causative agents, but its significant disadvantage is that there may be significant damage not only to the environment, but also to human body. Therefore, many gardeners prefer tested, decades proven folk methods for solving the problem with the yellowing of garlic and its protection. Dedovsky tips do not require large labor costs and material investments, they are easy to perform, the components of the funds are substances that are always at hand.

We give some folk tips to help improve garlic and protect it:

  • the soil on garlic prepared garlic is recommended to shed boiling water into which manganese is added (the solution should be dark pink). This procedure gives a good disinfection effect;
  • grokes with winter garlic should be under a thick layer of snow, which will protect the arranged cloves. If the winter turned out to be a minor, then the snow is engaged in the area where a vegetable is planted;
  • discard the rustle of garlic tobacco dust or ash. These substances effectively scare onion mums;
  • near garlic drink carrots. Persistent fragrance of her tops also does not like Lukovaya Fly;
  • misses garlic pests the smell of ammonia alcohol. To prepare a solution of 5 liters of water, 30 ml of the means is added. Spraying is carried out in the evening, after watering the bed with water;
  • struggling with onion fluff helps spraying with brine (200 g of salts on 10 liters of water);
  • from tobacco dust you can cook infusion and also spray garlic from pests. For this, 200 g tobacco is poured 5 l warm water And insist for 2 days. Then filter, add another 5 liters of water and are used to process landings.

The garlic head struck by nematode, becomes soft and loose, the bottom is rotting, and the roots die

Do not forget that the calendula, sown in the aisle, is a living cordon from many dangerous pests, including from stem nematodes.

Please note: if garlic leaves are simply years, then the situation is in most cases correctly with the help of recommendations from this article. But drying, deformation, leaf twisting, the appearance of spots on them, rotted at the base of garlic indicate more serious problems that require immediate removal of amazed plants and processing garlic landing with special means.

My name is Ludmila. Higher education, graduated from the Minsk Institute of Culture. I live in Belarus. Rate article:

Sadders engaged in growing vegetables periodically faced the garlic begins to yellow. This article discusses the reasons why swimming garlic in springHow to care for him to avoid it.

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The main reason for yellowing is a violation of cultivation technology. But you need to specifically understand the reasons because of which yellow garlic than pouring and gettinghis to collect a healthy harvest.

Why garlic yellowes in spring

To prevent this problem in the future, it is necessary to arm your knowledge of what is happening to be able to correctly define it. There may be several main reasons:

  • Unfavorable weather conditions and freezing;
  • Poor-quality material that was planted;
  • Violated landing time;
  • Harmful insects or diseases of plants;
  • Excess or lack of moisture in the soil;
  • Improving the acidity of the soil;
  • Lack of macro and trace elements in the soil.

Adverse weather conditions and freezes

This is the first and most often meeting the reason for yellowing. Here are options.

Too early landed

When landing garlic, like any other plant, it is important to choose the right time. If you plan it early, it may have time not only to root, but also to put the first leaves. Because of this, the spring leaves will surely yellow, because they will be damaged by frost.

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  • For the middle strip the correct time for landing garlic - October;
  • For the southern regions, it is possible to plant in November.

Watch the video! Yellowes garlic, what is the reason. Savor crop

Strong frosts in winter and frost in spring

Unfortunately, this factor is no longer able to change, because a person cannot influence the weather conditions. Green, first, not yet strong leaves of young winter garlic can be yellowed due to spring frosts. In addition, due to severe frosts in winter, the roots can freeze completely.

It is not enough deeply planted - a frequent reason that garlic leaves are already growing yellow or their tips are yellow. The optimal depth for planting: 4-6 cm.

Tip! To avoid the consequences of strong frosts, it is recommended to climb garlic with dry leaves and grass. Then he will be easier to stand during a strong frost.

If the plant has already been exposed to too low temperatures, it will be necessary to use special biological products that will help to cope with the consequences.

Such means stimulate growth, restore the culture in case of damage.

Humidity of soil

Top and lower leaves of garlic can dry and high humidity, and when drought, because there is a violation of airborne balance. Garlic need to water, but know the measure. It is especially worth paying attention to watering in May and June. Do not forget to regularly break the soil so that the roots receive enough air.

It is worth remembering! Garlic suffers more from the rebupping of moisture than from insufficient irrigation. Therefore, the closed beds are watered as necessary:

  • A couple of times in the spring;
  • If the spring is dry, then it is necessary to do it more often;
  • If spring is rainy, then you can not watered additionally at all;
  • A month before cleaning, garlic is not necessary to water at all.

Diseases and pests

People are often used beneficial features garlic to combat diseases or pests. But he also has its own enemies, due to the damage to which the leaves of the vegetable are yellow. Garlic often suffers from:

  • false mildew dew;
  • rot;
  • mold;
  • rust;
  • moths;
  • onion flies;
  • nematodes;
  • chlorosis;
  • tick.

How to determine the cause of the defeat? It is necessary to dig the head of the plant, the leaves of whom the wishes. It is necessary to study the state of the bulbs and its base. If there are fetched roots, mold, pink bloom or larvae is the cause of yellowing.

Chlorosis is the process when the leaves begin to turn yellow from the tips, then the yellowness goes to the entire sheet. The bulb, respectively, does not grow to the desired size or dries completely.

Than processing garlic in spring

Fungicides preparations help to fight various diseases. The leaves are sprayed with a solution of these means.

In order not to multiply the Lukovoy Fly, it is necessary to carry garlic next to other cultures. But, unfortunately, there are no effective recipes from nematodes.

  • on 10 liters of water;
  • 200 g salt.

To pour each plant with one glass solution. Be sure to rinse clean water Plants the next day.

In the same way, a weak solution of manganese can be used. But in the case of combating disease and pests, the best tool is prevention.

Several tips from specialists:

  • Use the rules of crop rotation for garlic, changing his place every year;
  • Turn the cloves directly before landing;
  • The material that is used for landing is recommended to change once every 4 years;
  • Close near garlic calendula, coriander, velvets and mint so that nematodes do not develop, because the roots of these plants for them are poison;
  • Do not use for fertilizer fresh manure.

Increased acidity of soil

Garlic loves neutral soil acidity. If it is raised, use lime. Add the required amount directly to the soil when pumping.

It's important to know! Restoration of the level of acidity will save from another problem - nematode. After all, they develop in an acidic environment.

  • 60 kg of lime with high acidity;
  • 45kg - with medium acidity;
  • up to 30 kg of lime - with weak acidity.

Lack of micro and macroelements in the soil

If none of the above reasons suitable (there are no disease and pests, soil with normal acidity, not overcooked and not overprained, warm weather is held), and yellowing is still occurring, it can only occur due to a lack of micro or macroelements.

It's important to know! If only the bottom leaves are yellow - it means that they give their useful substances to the growth of garlic heads.

Most often in the soil there is a lack of magnesium, potassium or nitrogen. This can be corrected only by fertilizers:

  • early spring - lack of food (roots grow slowly, magnesium enters insufficient quantity);
  • at another time - lack of nitrogen;
  • on poor soils there is a lack of potassium.

Than to feed and water garlic in the spring

Most often, garlic feeds once and enough. It is done in early spring when the ground is not completely excited, so that there is no lack of nutrients.

There is a specific recipe:

  • on 10 liters of water;
  • 6 g of ammonia nitrate;
  • 10 g of superphosphate;
  • 6 g of potassium sulphate.

The square meter uses 10 liters of solution. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure in a month.


If used in pure form, then the square meter is a matchbox of urea.

  • matching boxes of urea
  • 10l water.

Watering is carried out 3 liters per square meter.

It is necessary between the rows to break the soil and make small grooves. After feeding the urea garlic, closed with a humus or compost, after 2 weeks it is necessary to repeat the feeding and add complex fertilizer there.

Possible extractive feeding. 30 g of urea is needed per 10 liters of water.

Alternatively, you can take a special tool for garlic, for example, Agrikola 2, Kemir Firth or use potassium sulfate.

Folk remedies

There are recipes and for those who give advantage of folk remedies.

Mulching by humus

It is possible to climb chicken litter, which has been resistant for more than 2 years. You can also add any organic matter.

Infusions of herbal

The simplest preparation of infusion is pouring the waters of the grass in any large container. You can use weeds or nettle. It is also recommended to add wood ashes and leave for 3-5 days, so that it is fill. This solution is suitable for watering under the root or make an extraxnealing feeder.


All the bulbous ash will benefit. Used and as an extraordinary feeder and when pumping is added to the ground.

To use extractive feeding:

  • 0.3 kg of ash to slaughter in 1 liters of boiling water for 20 minutes;
  • strain and stir in 10 liters of water;
  • you can add to the solution of 1 tbsp. l. Liquid soap for better sticking.

Plants whose leaves are already years old, you can also feed and spray with complex fertilizers (nitroammofosk, nitroposka 1 tbsp. L. On 10 liters of water). But the main thing in this matter is a sense of measure.

Watch the video! What to do if yellow garlic

When growing vegetables, gardeners are often faced with the yellowing of garlic feathers and stems. Such a phenomenon threatens poor-quality, small heads, so it is necessary to figure it out why yellowes garlic than to pour and feed it to get excellent yield The most popular product in our kitchen.

This task is solved by a timely landing, the right departure, making fertilizers, the use of disinfecting agents. But how to do with harmful insects of culture, diseases, after the impact of which, green, juicy leafy plates deform, dry, roll, are covered with a touch and rot?

Yellowes any garlic and spring and winter. And it is considered normal by the time of cleaning. Do not allow him to lose its qualitative properties in the midst of the growing season.

  1. Common reasons
  2. Solving the problem - making fertilizers
  3. How to get rid of diseases and attacks of harmful insects?
  4. Prevention of yellowing

Common reasons

The reasons for this phenomenon are several:

  • Early garlic zubkov falling in autumn

They began their height and went to wintering with green feathers. So they will surely be sure, culture will grow weakly, large heads Ogorodnik will not wait. It follows in the spring and throughout the summer it is properly to care for landing, water, make fertilizers. Then the plant will restrict, and the stalks and feathers will become green and juicy

  • Insufficient landing depth

Landing is considered small - less than six centimeters and, if it is not closed, in the winter cold, the teeth are frozen. Spring leaves already appear with yellow ends or generally grow completely yellow. Culture will be restored, but only with proper care

  • Frosts also adversely affect garlic

Growth stimulants are used for improper leaf improvement (epin, zircon, succinic acid, silk)

Salok is designed to restore the immunity of culture, full-fledged development, the appearance of new green feathers.

Epin enjoys a special authority of gobby. It has adaptogen with a pronounced anti-stress effect. The plant resistant tolerate freezes, temperature drops, drought. This is an excellent fiction stimulator. They spray garlic once a week, instead of dried feathers grow young. While the plant does not recover, the techniques are repeated.

Amber Acid is a natural amber product processing. For garlic, this is a versatile agent - a stimulating, immunoping, powered by trace elements. After processing, the plant does not ill, resistant to frost, drought, is rapidly restored.

There are others reasons why yellow garlic:

  • There is no necessary polyv

In the spring and at the beginning of summer, the culture has an active phase of development and, if there is no precipitation, the site must be watering at least once every ten days. In the hot period, the plant needs frequent watering - every five days. If irrigation mode is broken, yellow and dried up the lower feathers. With a lack of moisture helps mulching peat, humus

  • Outsimation of moisture

Even in the arid, it is not worth the plant to fill. Feather yellowing occurs if the area with garlic is in the terrain of high groundwater. Here the problem is solved by the construction of high beds. Roots of the plant will breathe, the Earth after each moisture, in order to prevent the appearance of the crust, should be fried

  • Heavy quality of soil

Before planting, such land is complemented by sand, peat. Excellent option - Overworker

  • The overestimated sublence of the soil garlic does not tolerate

It is lowered with lime, irrigated with an ash solution (1stAK / 10L.V.). Nematode lives in sour soil, it does not have chemistry or folk remedies. Even the crop rotation will not help, because her worms without meals live for years. To combat nematodes in the spring, lime pour out lime, dolomite flour in a bent, then loosening them in the ground

  • Culture is limited by the useful substances

Weak growth, the feathers are yellowing - this is an obvious testimony that there is not only nitrogen in Earth, but also other useful elements

Solving the problem - making fertilizers

Healthy crops grow on nutritious soil. In the fall before landing in the ground, last year's humus, peat, compost contribute. But mineral supplements at this time make meaningless. For the winter months, early in the spring with melting of snow, they will go deep into the ground and the short garlic roots will not reach them.

During the vegetation, garlic is very much in need of nitrogen:

  • Urea is an excellent nitrogen-containing substance. Two tablespoons need to be scattered on one square meter, loosening it close in the soil
  • It is possible to plant with urea solution (two tablespoons on the water bucket). Consumption - three liters per square meter
  • As an extra-root treatment, the same solution is used - twenty-five grams on the water bucket

Nitrogen in full allows the plant to increase the green mass. It should not be allowed to be adequately - only feather and stems will grow, and the heads will remain small.

Mineral complexes are required to develop heads.

All bully react positively to wood ash due to the fact that it is potassium in its composition. It contributes to the development of the bulbs, increasing the teeth, increases the resistance to attacks of harmful insects.

In the fall, in the preparation of the section under garlic, wood ashes are made, sprinkled between garlic rows. It should be confident that there are no organic in the soil. Such a duet is not compatible - healthy diet From the feeding disappear.

For spraying, a solution is prepared - three hundred grams of sainted ash powder are poured with a liter of boiling water, then boil twenty minutes. The cooled infusion is filtered and bred in a bucket of water. So that infusion did not roll with feathers, add detergent or liquid soap.

How to get rid of diseases and attacks of harmful insects?

Despite the fact that garlic is often used in folk recipes To combat misfortunes for vegetation, he also has enemies:

  • Rotten, mold
  • Mol, Lukova Fly
  • Stickless nematodes, ticks (garlic, horse)
  • Wave, weevil, bulk sharpened

Chlorosis is the most common disease of cultures. This lack of an indispensable plant component of photosynthesis is chlorophyll. It must feed the culture of oxygen and, if this does not happen, the entire biological development process is disturbed, in which yellow and feathers and stems are violated.

The reasons for the appearance of chlorosis:

  • Lack of minerals and vitamins - sulfur, lime, magnesium, zinc, iron, etc.
  • Infection of pathogenic bacteria, which can adversely affect the plant. These are different viruses, microorganisms, fungi and their disputes. They are entered by insects that come from the affected landing.
  • Violation of landing, care. The disease appears during damage to the roots, insufficiency of the drainage layer, the poor condition of the soil and other defects
  • Heredity. It is not easy to reveal it, although they are trying

If yellow is garlic, what to do with a strong lesion of sheet plates and radiusing roots?

Prevention of yellowing

In this issue, prevention is prevented. It is necessary to observe the crop rotation, to fit the land before planting, treat the seed material. The teeth should be soaked for half an hour in the Maxim or in the pink manganese. Such solutions can be disinfected soil.

Plant recovery guarantee folk recipes:

  • The copper sulfate solution is an excellent analogue of wood ash (1stol. / 1 \u200b\u200bV.V.)
  • The cooking salt will scare not all pests, but will get nitrogen-containing elements from the ground to restore the color of the pen (3st.l. / 1v. in.). From the onion flies and its worms can be eliminated by an extraxanitic treatment with a salt solution.
  • The ammonia alcohol perfectly dares pests and has the necessary nitrogen stems (60ml / 1V.V.)
  • Calendula and velvets. They are specifically planted around the perimeter of the garden to scare away harmful insects with a specific sharp odor and poisonous juice.
  • Tobacco or Machorka solution (400g / 1 V.V.) Bow Much will not let the plant. It is used infused for two days and the pros

Garlic is considered an unpretentious culture, but if it is right, to plant it in time, to ensure proper care, regularly water, feed, protect against pests, then, of course, you can count on a high-quality and abundant harvest of large heads.

In the spring on the plot, many dacms with annoyance reveal the yellowed leaves of garlic landing. And this is not only an unpleasant effect, but also a sign that the agricultural engineering of ozimo growing is broken. After all, after the yellowing of the leaves, the plant and at all ceases to grow, and the cloves are rotten. Why yellowing winter spring and what to do, consider in this article.

Low temperature in spring

First of all, the foliage of winter garlic in spring is yellowing due to low temperatures. And this is the main reason.

Snow no longer covers the plant, and it becomes vulnerable - the roots weaken, and the energy for development is taken from the leaves.
Basically, the freezing of garlic leads deep landing. Therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of yellow leaves, it is desirable to plant this culture to depth 5-7 cm. And prevent the appearance of yellowness in the spring, you can, cover young seedlings with a film.

If garlic landings grax slightly grabbed frost (there was freezing), they should be immediately treated with "HB-101" solutions, and others. They will not only improve the root formation, but also make a plant more resistant to different.

Did you know? Avoid frozen winter garlic can be by proper landing In the fall - 10-20 days before the onset of frosts.

Low soil acidity for cultivation

In order to make garlic pleased with its harvest, it should be planted in neutral. If the land on your site is distinguished by increased acidity, it must be reduced. To do this, with autumn resistance in the soil add lime.
At elevated acidity, the norm of lime per weave is 50-70 kg, for sour - 35-45 kg, for weakly acid - 30-35 kg. After making the lime, the site must be thoroughly overpowered.

Nitrogen deficiency

The lack of some nutrient elements, including, is also the reason for the yellowing of the foliage and the appearance of a reddish shade.
If you have noticed that winter garlic yellow the tips of the leaves are yellow, the first thing to do is to urgently feel the soil by manure or carbamide (). At the same time, urea is recommended to water the plant right along the leaves.

Important! The fertilizers made in the fall are washed out of the soil.

Insufficient watering plants

Garlic landings like moisture, so the soil should be loose and well moisturized - so it is enriched with oxygen.

Watering is especially relevant at the beginning.
It would be nice to use highly efficient additives, helping to break the earth and structure it, increasing the degree of moisture and nutritional elements.

Important! Excess moisture for garlic is more destructive than its disadvantage.

Lack of potassium

Potassium deficiency can also harm the young plant. In most cases, the yellowing of the leaves for this reason is observed with cold spring.
Roots in this case do not receive sufficient food from the soil and begin to take potassium from the leaves. Potassium deficiency can also be determined by uneven growth of leaves, they turn down and become thin.

At such a time you need to know than to pour garlic if it turns yellow due to the lack of potassium. It can be any, or simple.

Did you know? Well fills the disadvantage of potassium an intertime solution - a glass of wood ash and 2 tablespoons of salt on the water bucket.

Diseases of winter garlic and the yellowing of the leaves

The most common diseases accompanied by the yellowing of garlic leaves, are:

  1. White Rot. The leaves of the plant are first yellow and wither, the bulbs are covered with mold and rot. Plants are dying after each other, and the fluffy whitish flare is visible on their surface. Most often, the disease occurs in the spring, with a nitrogen deficiency.
  2. Basal Rot. Although this kind of fungus is present in almost all soils and does not deliver special problems if the plants do not worry stress. Manifests itself by yellowing leaves, which moves down. In principle, the symptoms do not differ from white rot, only the plant rotes slower. It is necessary to fight this nuisance in advance, processing the planting material by disinfection solution (for example, "Tiram").
  3. Aspergillosis or black mold. The most perhaps a dangerous disease, which most often amazes an immature plant. Symptoms - bulbs become soft, yellow leaves.
  4. Fusariosis. The source of this disease is an excess of moisture. The leaves begin to turn on top in the process of ripening. For this disease, brown stripes are characterized on stems. If because of the fusariosis turns yellow winter garlic, the first thing to handle the plant is solution permanganate potassium.
  5. Penicillosis or blue mold. It strips mainly a plant after harvesting as a result of non-accurate circulation. Garlic gradually yellow and dying.
  6. Rust. Loves high humidity. Manifested by yellowish spots and specks on leaves. Over time, foliage becomes orange and brown. Method of struggle- Processing of teeth before planting.

Garlic often yellows from fungal diseases. Of course, fusariosis and bacterial rot is easier to warn than to treat.

Therefore, before planting, the cloves of the plant are desirable to disinfect with a weak solution of mangalls or Maxim preparations and, the bay of the planting material for 15-30 minutes. Even if you did not do it before landing, the solution can already be polished.

For prophylaxis, it is also possible to displaced the soil by treating it with a solution (copper sulfate) or salt solution. With the appearance of the first signs of lesion, the plant urgently needs to be treated with garlic or similar preparations.

Garlic is one of the most popular vegetables in the world. it herbate plant Refers to the family of foam. Loves light, moisture and fertile soil. It has sharp taste and sharp odor. Garlic cloves are not only used in food, but also serve as a landing material. The leaves and arrows of young plants are also edible, but what should I do if they started shutter?

Varieties of garlic

In terms of landing, two groups distinguish:

The main reasons for yellowing

Usually yellowing begins with the tips, gradually spreads to the leaves and stems of garlic - this is chlorosis.

Chlorosis is a disease of plants in which the formation of chlorophyll in the leaves is disturbed and the activity of photosynthesis is reduced.


Consider factors negatively affecting the growth and development of vegetables.

Failure to comply with agrotechnology

So that your work was not in vain and brought good result, We must follow some rules. Scheme of planting this culture 25-30 × 6-8 cm.

Place and landing depth

Garlic - the plant Solmeylubiive, you need to place a bed on the southern or south-eastern side of the site, without shaders. Has a surface root system, so autumn landing It is plunged not more than 4-6 cm. Special attention is paid to the composition of the soil: if the soil is light and loose, the teeth are planted for 2-3 cm deeper, and during heavy, tight soil do not need to do it. In the spring, when the soil temperature reaches + 3 + 5 °, proceed to planting a spring culture to a depth of 3-4 cm. Bullet landings are one of the reasons for the yellowing of the tips of the leaves.

The depth of planting of winter garlic is 4-6 cm

Correct the landing time correctly so that the plant does not have time ahead of time To move into growth and throw away leaves that can join and ship.

Table: Timing of garlic landing in the regions of Russia

The soil

Do not land garlic after bow and potatoes who have general disease. Best predecessors - Siderats, legumes, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers and strawberries.

This culture is planted in neutral soil. If the soil is too acidic, it is necessary to lower its acidity to the application of lime of any kind (limestone powder, dolomite flour, wood ash, chalk, etc.) before autumn preparation beds. To increase the fertility of the soil add with a poppin 20-30 g of superphosphate, 20 g potash fertilizer 1 m 2 and mix well.

Garlic prefers fertile and neutral soils


After planting garlic, the soil must be meditated by foliage or straw to protect germs from winter and spring frosts, which may adversely affect the development of vegetables, including its appearance. Young feather can start yellowing.

Video: Garlic landing with mulch

Wrong watering

In case of violation of the water balance, garlic leaves are yellow: with a shortage of irrigation into dry weather, from an excess of moisture in rainy days or when the soil moisturizing norms are non-compliance.

Excess moisture Garlic tolerates worse than its deficiency

Optimally for this culture to carry out one watering in two weeks, to frying - 1-2 times a week, and with rainy weather, it is better not to water the plants. Water use the remaining, heated in the sun. A month before harvesting moisturizing vegetables stop.

Garlic grown on high Grokeless exposed to fungal diseases and does not suffer from excess moisture

Table: Garlic irrigation rates

Video: Garlic Watering Tricks

Nutrient deficiency

One of the reasons for the yellowing of garlic is a lack of nitrogen, potassium and magnesium. To avoid this after the snow from the beds, it is necessary to feed vegetables with nitrogen-containing mixtures, humid or urea.

Garlic feeding begin to spend from early spring

If the yellowness still appeared, then after a week, feeding to repeat.

Pests and diseases

Garlic has phytoncidal properties.

Fitoncides (from Greek. Φυτν - "Plant" and Lat. Caedo - "Kill") - Biologically active substances that kill or overwhelming and developing bacteria, microscopic fungi, simplest.


It is often used to scare the pests from landing other crops. However, he himself suffers from onion flies, moths, ticks, toli, ants, nematod, etc.

Photo Gallery: Pest of Garlic

Lukova Fly - Pest of Garlic Leuk Mol - Pest of garlic Nematodes - garlic pests

Among the common diseases of garlic are known: false torment dew, fusariosis, rot, rust, mold, etc.

Photo Gallery: The main diseases of garlic

False Puffy Rosa - Wellected Garlic Disease Rust - Common Garlic Disease White Rota - Common Garlic Disease

To make sure that there are any damage, dig yellowed garlic and carefully inspect it. If there is a mold, rotting on the roots, larvae or raid on the bottom urgently proceed to the treatment of plants from pests and diseases. The best tool is timely prevention.

Video: Pest of garlic

Basic methods of struggle

Starting from early spring of all gardens please greener shoots of garlic, which make their way through the layer of mulch and snow. But suddenly the tips of the plants wish, what to do?

The use of finished drugs

Strictly follow the instructions for the use of drugs recommended by manufacturers:

Garlic may suffer from recurring spring frosts

Video: Review of garlic treatment preparations

Folk remedies

Resort to the use of folk methods:

This is a 10% ammonia solution. It can be purchased in any pharmacy.

Summer alcohol - an indispensable assistant in the garden

What is the gardeners apply for? The answer is simple: in its composition 82% of nitrogen. In addition, this is an excellent preventive agent. Calculation of the required amount of alcohol depends on the purpose of its use:

Among other things beneficial for plants, ammonia also acts as a means against pests - a wave, indoor flies, worms, jumpers and other nasty, which spoils you all "raspberry" (raspberry can also be processed). Well, such a feeding, as already wrote above - will assist with rapid growth.


Video: Ambulance at the yellowing of garlic


The appearance of worms in garlic leaves are pending eggs onion flies.

When eggs are detected, onion flies on the stems of garlic urgently process the bed with brine

When they are detected, it is necessary to prepare a solution from the calculation of 200 g of the cooking salt on 10 liters of water and spray the tops or shed the soil. Norm: 1 cup of solution on 1 damaged plant. The next day, the garden must be moistened with simple water and trigger wood ash. Repeat in 10 days.

Video: Use of salt on the garden

To scare insects, a mixture of Machorkas and lime in a 1: 1 ratio, which falls asleep vegetables is used.

To scare insects, use a mixture of Machorkas and lime

Mixed planting

Protect garlic can help plants planted in aisle. This is calendula, Tagtess, etc., whose juice is poisoned for pests.

Mixed fit on the garden - preventive measures to combat pests and diseases

Video: Neighbors vegetables on the garden

Spring feeding

After a long winter, it is necessary to help plants to restore forces, for this it is necessary to make nitrogen-containing fertilizers. It is better to do it in 1-2 week after snow comes down. At the same time, the protective layer of mulching from the bed must be removed.

1 option

Option 2

In fact, this is the same way. The differences are:

Video: Garlic Fucking Spring

3 option

The best way to provide a plant with nitrogen during the yellowing of garlic is to hold an extraxanle feeder.

Extra-corner feeding is a reception of fertilizers, in which the plants receive nutrients through the leaves.

Dictionary of Ogorodnik

To do this, it is necessary to dissolve 25-30 g of urea in 10 liters of water and spray feather.

Spraying of garlic leaves - the best extraordinary spring feeder

From my personal experience I can add that for extractive feeding of garlic and the struggle with the yellowing of the leaves, I use a solution of one tea spoon of potassium sulfate in 1 liter of water. Spray plants in the evening, dry and mad weather so that all nutrients absorbed and start working. There is another way of making fertilizers: 300 g of wood ash sifted, pour into twenty boiling water minutes, after which I spread in 10 liters of water and spray the plants.

Video: The importance of extracurricular filtering plants

Organic fertilizers

For summer feeders, fertilizers are used, which improve the quality of the crop.


This is an aqueous solution from cow's manure. Its composition has all nutrients for the development and fruiting of vegetables, as well as macro and trace elements. Prepare such infusion should be two weeks before it is applied:


During the period of active formation of the bulbs of garlic, it is necessary to feed the culture of phosphorus-potash fertilizers, the best of which is wood ash. Technique is simple:

You can use an aqueous solution for watering, adding 1 cup of ash on 10 liters of water, or dry plant treatment, triggered a garden with garlic ash. The main thing - you can not mix these feeders with entering the soil of manure, bird's face or superphosphates, when interacting with which their effect is weakened.

Video: Summer feeding garlic

Preparation of such fertilizers is very popular today. These are liquid organic natural feeding.

Make an organic fertilizer can be done with her hands from grass and weeds

As for me, herself preparing an infusion from lawn grass, weeds and siderats. Such feeders are safe and quickly acting not only on garlic, but also on tomatoes or other plants. For the first time I read about green fertilizers in the book Y. Slastinina "Reasonable farming." The recipe is simple: the plastic barrel fills more than half the grass, add 1 kg of wood ash, 0.5 buckets of chicken litter, 1 liter of natural whey, 100 g of dry yeast and pour water. I insist for two weeks, stirring once a day. After this period, I will get the grass from the capacitance that tosses with water. I use 0.5 liters of the solution at 5-6 liters of water for root and extracurricular feeding. Introduce herbal fertilizers only on cloudy days. I can say with confidence that plants have a healthy kind, well tolerate bad weather, they grow rapidly and do not hurt. The main thing - do not forget that it is necessary to use green fertilizers during the actual growth of plants (spring and early summer). And good harvest you are provided!

Video: Natural fertilizer from nettle

Autumn feeding

By the time harvesting, the yellowing, drying of the leaves and stems of garlic is a normal phenomenon. This suggests that you can collect vegetables from the bed. This is usually July for winter and august for a spring grade. After that, it is necessary to prepare the Earth for its further use. For which specialized fertilizers are introduced into the soil under the autumn polling surgery for growing garlic. Such are onions and garlic, Agrikola 2, Kemira, Fertika, and others. Strictly follow the instructions of the manufacturers by applying.

For me, the fertilizer "Onions and garlic" is very convenient to use - I put it in the ground after harvesting (in September) and leaving the garden. After October 15, I will plant winter garlic on a pre-prepared bed and fertilize it and feasting it only in the summer. This will allow garlic in the spring quickly "wake up" after the cold weather and cheerfully trigger into growth.

Prevention of yellowing garlic

Quality crop rotation is a key to success in the fight against diseases and pests.

Crowning is a scientifically based alternation of crops and vapors in time and in the territory or only in time.


Plants are planted for the same place in 3-5 years. By this time, fungal and bacterial controversy die. And the observance of agrotechnics and the use of a healthy planting material are the basic rules for the prevention of the yellowing of garlic on your bed.

Video: scheme of alternation of crops on the garden

You can prevent the yellowing of garlic by observing the planting technology and the correct culture care. The choice of place, time, the fertilizer of the soil, regular watering and feeding of plants, timely processing from diseases and pests - all this will help to successfully cope with the reasons of the yellowing of garlic.

In May - June, many gardeners complain that winter garlic on the garden shook. Let's deal with why this is an undesirable phenomenon and what to do in this case. The shore garlic begins with the tips of the leaves, and this is the first sign that something is wrong with the plant. It is important to take action on time to help garlic recover and form large, fragrant heads.

Why in May - June yellowes garlic?

The reasons may be the following:

  • winter garlic fell under heavy frosts, which often happen in May - early June;
  • fungal disease on a bulb (check easy - pull out and inspect the diacon);
  • the plant lacks nutritious elements (most often the leaves of garlic are yellow, if there is not enough potassium and nitrogen);
  • insufficient watering (such often happens in June, when it is already warm enough);
  • too dense soil, a meager oxygen inflow to roots (loosening);
  • pests are a leek fly and a hidden voice (they can be found in a naked eye).

Determined with the cause? Then urgently take action! 😉

What to do? Fuck!

The most common causes of the yellowing of garlic - return freezes and lack of nutrients. The first thing you can do is to feed the plants. The feeding will strengthen them, it will help to restore it faster after frosts, the supply of nutrients in the soil will fill. Fertilizers under garlic can be made in dry form, as well as by watering under root or spraying leaves with liquid solutions.

Dry feeding. The soil between rows of garlic is first needed to braid, then cut the grooves with a depth of literally a couple of centimeters and pour the granules of urea (carbamide) or complex mineral fertilizer with a high content of nitrogen. Fertilizers sprinkle the earth and watered a pretty bed with garlic. Without watering, it is not necessary to do here because plants consume nutrients only in a dissolved form. In completion, the bed can be closed by a compost to keep moisture in it.

Root feeding. In the bucket poured water and dissolve 1 st. Supply of urea (with a slide) or complex mineral fertilizer, for example, "Suite Firth". The resulting solution is watered garlic, from watering can or bucket. Solving consumption: 10 liters per 1 square meter landing.

Extra-corner feeding. To spray leaves, potassium sulphate is used (this trace element is also often not enough garlic) or complex fertilizers. The rate for the preparation of potassium sulfate solution: 1 h. Support for 1 l. Body. Complex fertilizers dissolve, according to the instructions on the package (for watering and spraying, as a rule, dosages are different).


  • In May, garlic needs nitrogen feeds, and in June - in potash-phosphorus.
  • Watering yellowed garlic can be both folk remedies: solution of ammonic alcohol or wood ash (This will be discussed below). The ammonia alcohol is a source of nitrogen, and the ash - potassium and phosphorus. In addition, both substances reduce the acidity of the soil, which is very important for garlic.
  • It is important to regularly loose soil and remove weeds from garlic beds. In a dense, rough ground, garlic grows worse, yellowing. And weeds create comfortable conditions For the development of mushroom diseases.

After freezing Preparation of plants help drugs "Epin" and "Zircon". And if the garlic was noticeably injured from return freezers, it is advisable to process with these means. And in order to prevent the frozen of garlic leaves and, as a result, their yellowing, early spring beds should be covered with spandbon.

Gloomy garlic, it means - sick!

If the lower leaves of garlic were covered with yellow spots - it is perronosporosis. Over time, the feather becomes mucous and disappears. From the bottom side of the sheet you can also see the mold raid. Such a picture is observed not only in garlic, but also onions.

From Peronosporoz will save the treatment with the preparations of "Quadris", "Phytosporin", "Triphodermin", "Glyocladin", they suppress the development of the fungus. Enhance immunity and resistance to various diseases also help feeding. Diseases more often affect weak plants, and strong and well-groomed - everything is not necessary!

Another unpleasant disease that often amazes garlic is rust. It manifests itself in the form of a rusty specks on the leaves, which then cover the entire plant entirely. Helps the processing of fungicides "Oxych", "Ridomil", "Bravo".

The reason for the bad "well-being" of garlic and the yellowing of the leaves can also be too acidic soil on the plot. IN acidic soil The plant looks oppressed, weakened, it grows poorly because the absorption of nutrients is disturbed. Can be decking the soil with lime, dolomite flour Or chalk, in advance, not immediately before planting. Since the plant is weakened in acidic soil, it is more susceptible to attacks of pests and diseases. That is why it is important to pay attention to this parameter.

Folk remedies (than to pour yellowed garlic)

In Arsenale folk remedies For feeding garlic are more often used ammonia and ash.

Ammonia - Nitrogen source for plants. An aqueous solution of ammonia often pour onion and garlic for the purpose of feeding, as well as increasing resistance to diseases and pests. The solution is prepared in the proportion of 2-3 stoves of the ammonia for 10 liters of water. Watering garlic ammonis is more relevant in May, since it is in spring that the need for nitrogen is high in the garlic. And in June, potassium and phosphorus needed. The ammonia is useful not only for garlic, but also for soil. It reduces its acidity and improves the structure, which is very important, because one of the reasons why the tips of the leaves of garlic are yellowing - it is too acidic.

The most dangerous and common pests of onions and garlic, which are capable not only to damage the leaves, but also to destroy the whole harvest is lion fly and hidden. And here again will rescue the ammonia alcohol (the proportions are the same)! You need to water three times, with an interval of 10 days.

Ash - Source of potassium and phosphorus. For watering under the root, 1 cup of ashs per 10 liters of water is breed and insist 1-2 hours, and for spraying prepare an extract in the proportion of 1 \\ 2 ash by 10 liters of water. If the soil is moistened enough and rains are regularly, the ash can just scatter on Earth, slightly close the loose. Together with the rains, fertilizer will penetrate roots.

Hydrogen peroxide Spraying garlic and onions at the rate of 1 liter 2 tablespoons. Restores the yellowed leaves after frostbing.

Kira Tsekolova

Bitter cloves of garlic are used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Because this vegetable culture stands on the market is not suiced, it makes sense to go by cultivation. In general, the culture is unpretentious, but sometimes it is subjected to diseases. Consider why the garlic turns yellow and what to do if the leaves of garlic are yellow.

Causes of yellowing

The reasons for the yellowing of the leaves in garlic a little.


If we are talking about early shoots, often yellowing garlic feathers from frosts. At the same time, you need to understand the difference between the concepts of frost on the ground and freezing in the air. Sometimes the air temperature exceeds 0 ° C, and the soil is already freezing to -1 ° C.

On the night frosts on the ground says the morning frost. If there are open containers with water on the garden, it is necessary to see if the surface of the water is fine icy crust. You should also pay attention to appearance Cultures: In the frozen plants, first lay on the ground of feathers, and then yellow tips.

Pests and diseases

Another yellowing of garlic leaves may indicate the presence of diseases. Often feathers are yellow due to fungal diseases. Sometimes malicious insects become all the blame. Determine what causes the yellowing of the leaves vegetable culture In this case, it is easy. It is enough to dig one plant and look at the bulb. If there are larvae insects or insects, mechanical damage to the root system or pink bloom on the bottom of the bulbs, it means that pests are to blame.

Bad care

Sometimes the tips of garlic are yellow due to improper care of vegetable culture. The plant needs moderate watering. The oversuetting and lack of moisture equally negatively affect the appearance and state of foliage. First yellow the tips of the lower leaves on garlic. In the absence of any actions on the part of a person, gradually feathers of the lower tier become completely yellow and faded. In parallel, the tips of the rest of the plant feathers begin to turn yellow.

Lack of trace elements

If garlic turns yellow without visible causes (there are no disease and pests, the plant is moistened to be moistened), then maybe a vegetable lack of nutrients. Most of all, vegetable culture needs potassium, nitrogen and magnesium. Unfortunately, methods for determining at home chemical composition Soil does not exist, so it is impossible to say that the reason for the yellowing of the tips of the leaves of garlic is the lack of a trace element, it is impossible. But if mineral and organic fertilizers are extremely rare, the probability of a lack of nitrogen, potassium and magnesium is 90%.

The composition of the soil

Explain the appearance of yellowness on the leaves can not suitable type Soil. This garden culture grows poorly on acidic soils. It needs neutral soils. When growing a culture on a sour coarse garlic on a garden turns yellowing a few weeks after the appearance of germs. First yellow lowerflows, then the top.

If it is known that the composition of the soil in the garden is not suitable for growing a given vegetable culture, it should be artificially made a small greenhouse with a suitable type of soil. The event is costly, but the efforts will pay off. The use of agrotechnical methods to change the type of soil does not always give the desired result.

What to do with the yellowing of garlic

To eliminate this problem, you need to figure it out why garlic yellows. Let's talk about the elimination of every problem separately.


Most often yellowing during frosts winter garlic. To protect the beds from frosts, they should be closed. For mulching, use humid, peat, fine chips or straw. It is best to mulch soil organica, which serves fertilizer for vegetable culture. To protect the planting from frosts, laid at least a 5-centimeter mulch layer.

Sometimes in spring yellowes and summer garlic, planted too early. Before proceeding with the landing of culture, check whether the soil warmed, and watch the weather forecast. Sometimes the reason for yellowing winter garlic is non-compliance with landing time. In the southern regions should plant vegetable culture not earlier than November.

In the middle strip, vegetable plant in September or early October. After landing, the soil must be mounted. It helps the plant survive harsh winter frosts. In this case, it is best to mulch with leaves.

If the wishes of the tips of garlic leaves, the situation can still be saved. The store acquire any growth stimulant for plants and treated with a culture with this solution.

Bad care

Often the reason for the yellowing of the leaves in garlic is improper care. If the spring is little rain, the plant is watered 2 times a week. If there are no precipitation, the vegetable culture is watered 2 times more often. If the spring is too much rain, you should not water the culture. Does not require watering and medium-medalized vegetable. Excess moisture The plant tolerates worse than its disadvantage. The next day after irrigation, the soil is carried out.

Lack of minerals

In addition to the timely watering and jams of the soil, the culture must be fed. In early spring (April-March) Mineral fertilizers contribute to the ground. For this, there are a furrow between the beds and fall there fertilizer, after the furrow fall asleep and water all the plot. Since it is not enough to determine which microelement is not enough, it is impossible to use comprehensive means. In their composition, potassium, nitrogen and magnesium must be present.

After the appearance of sections produced extra-greened feeding mineral fertilizers (May early June). Also, a young vegetable in May can be filled with organic. The second extractive feeder is made in the summer (June-July).

If the stalk and shoots of the plant look powerful, you should not divert with feeders. The oversupply of trace elements also negatively affects the plant, as well as their drawback.

The composition of the soil

If the wishes of the tips of the leaves in winter garlic immediately after germination, then, most likely, the case is in high acidity. You can lower the acidity of soil by wood ash. True, it will not work out by several handfuls of ash. The site needs to be abundantly filled with these natural material. If we talk about the norms, to reduce acidity per 1 kV. M Earth make about 700 g of ashes. Alternatively, the ash solution can be prepared (on 8 liters of liquid 200 g of ash). This solution is watered even the landing of the young vegetable, which is yellow.

You can lower the acidity of soil lime. 40-50 kg of lime contribute to one hundred. Make this natural material Best of all under the winter. We do this during the people of the garden. When stirring with the soil, the desired effect is achieved faster. After limestrieving cultures that need neutral soils are possible for 10 years. After this time, the lime is repeated.

You can lower the acidity of the soil using the Siderats. In late August or early September, Rye, Oats, White mustard or Facelius are planted on the site. The green mass is mounted, before the buds begin to form. Her jumped into the ground. It is advisable to make Siderats 2 weeks before disembarking white teeth.

Fighting pests and diseases

If the spring is yellowing winter garlic because of diseases or pests, first of all, it should be determined, with what kind of disease or pest should have faced.


Considering why the young garlic turns yellow, first of all, you should talk about Fusariosis. With this fungal disease, the tops of the leaves are turned yellow, after the brown stripes appear, then the leaves, arrows and stem are dry, as a result, the plant dies. The disease is developing quickly. If you move the leaves and look into the sinuses, you can see a pink flare. At the bulb during fusarium dies root system And soften the Donets. Most often, the disease amazes plants in the southern regions of the country.

Preparations for the treatment of fusariosis does not exist. In order for the disease does not apply, the grooved plants are removed from the garden, they burn them. Since the spores of the fungus can live in the soil, the place where the patient plant grew is treated with a concentrated solution of copper sulphate.

Bacterial rot

If the garlic turns yellow, and brown dots appear on the bulb, the plant is affected by bacterial rot. First yellow feathers, then stem and arrows. At the launched stages of the disease from the bulbs, an unpleasant smell occurs.

Preparations for the treatment of bacterial rotes do not exist.

Strong nematoda

With the defeat of the stem nematode planting garlic yellowing early. This is the most dangerous pest that feeds on the juice of vegetable culture, which leads to her death. First yellow the ends of the leaves. Then light stripes appear on the leaf plate. As the disease spreads, the leaves begin to twist, the plant fades. The bulb, affected by the stem nematode, dries.

Plant affected by the stem nematode is difficult. Not today effective drugs against nematodes. Folk Methods Also ineffective, so the plant must be burned. You can destroy only the tops, and bulbs, if they managed to form, leave: they can still be saved.

Treat of bulbs from nematodes

You can fight the worm people's methods. The first implies the use of a solution of ash, in which bulbs are soaked for 2 hours. The second method involves the use of a mortgage solution, in which the bulbs are soaked 24 hours. You can still try a solution of formalin. Also effective is saline. For every 10 liters of water take 100 g of salts. Suitable the usual cook salt.

Preventive measures

We figured out why yellow garlic in spring. Basically, the cause of yellowing are diseases. In order not to think about how to treat those affected by those or other diseases of culture, it is necessary to carry out prevention before the vegetable began to fade and turn yellow.

Diseases and pests of garlic. Swimming garlic

Garlic. The first steps in the spring.

The objective causes of the appearance on the young greenery are not so much. If you quickly determine why yellow garlic turns yellow, it is possible to fix the problem, minimizing the crop loss.