
Chamomile Garden: species, reproduction and care rules. We grow a daisy pharmacy

Herbs in the garden

Chamomile garden refers to the category of perennial herbatous plants. It is characterized by simplicity in care, which allows it to grown on any plot.

For successful cultivation Sadden chamomile initially need to produce the right selection of the variety:

  • The most popular variety is the garden chamomile Princess. She has large flowers, the diameter of which can be from 10 to 12 centimeters. In one place, this plant is up to 4 years. Flowers of this chamomile are very often used to compile bouquets.
  • Chamomile Alaska refers to the category of large-flowered plants. Its heads in diameter reach 12 centimeters. This plant in height reaches up to 90 centimeters. This variety is characterized by unpretentiousness, drought resistance. He begins to bloom July August. The fallout of this plant can be made in the fall, and the next summer it will already bloom.
  • Chamomile varieties Silver Princess is characterized by the presence of snow-white flowers, the diameter of which is 10 centimeters. Plant height is up to 30 centimeters. This variety is very often used in group landings. The flowering of this plant begins in July and continues to frosts.
  • Chamomile variety The winner is quite popular, as it has very beautiful inflorescences. The height of flowers is from 50 to 90 centimeters, and their diameter from 8 to 12 centimeters. This variety is characterized by the presence of snow-white petals. This plant is growing for 4 years, not requiring a transference and division of the bush. This variety is able to bloom only for the second year after disembarking. This garden chamomile blooms from June to August.

To date, there is a huge number of sorts of garden chamomile, which allows you to choose the most suitable option For registration of the design of the plots.

Sadden chamomile landing can be made in such ways:

  • With the help of seeds
  • From seedlings
  • Dividing bush

Daisy landing in any way requires the selection of weakness soils. This plant does not like shadows, so it must be planted at sunny places. Before disembarking, the soil fertilizer is made. In the event that it is acidic, the deposit of dolomite flour or gashed soda is made. For a garden chamomile, it is enough space, which greatly facilitates care for it. In one place, this plant is capable of growing up to 5 years.

When disembarking Romashek sadroom seeds It is necessary to pick a sunny place. Seed landing should be made directly into the ground at the end of May - early June.

Chamomile garden has very small seeds, so in order for them quickly sprout, they must be sprinkled with a very thin layer of soil. After the shoots of the chamomile, it is necessary to provide regular watering. After the plant appears on the plant 4-5 leaves, it must be searched by 2-3 flower. Daisy landing seeds can also be made in the autumn period.

When landing this plant in spring, it is necessary:

  • So that the air temperature ranges from 16 to 18 degrees.
  • In order for the seeds to go faster, the chamomile garden must be sowned under the passing material.
  • This plant does not like thickening, so when you grow up the chamomile, it needs to regularly cut forward.
  • A chamomile falling in the ground should be made on neutral soils. This is explained by the fact that this plant does not tolerate wetlands.
  • In order for the chamomile to fully grow and develop, it is necessary to deposit mineral fertilizers before it falls into the soil.

In order to grow chamomile from seedlings, the seeds are evinted in March. To this end, you need to take a good drainage and pour it into the pots. Seed landing is made in wet land. Purzing seeds can be a thin layer of the Earth or do not sprinkle at all. During the dive, you can use ordinary plastic cups. In these tanks, it is necessary to make a mandatory hole at the bottom.

After picking the plant, it is necessary to sprinkle with water from the pulvezer and cover the film. Film cannot be opened before the first germination appearance. Cups with seedlings are placed in a warm and dark place.

When the first shoots appear, the film from the cup is removed. Cups must be placed on the window, as seedling requires light.

Seedlings appear 10-14 days after disembarkation. After the threat of frosts in May is a threat, you can transplant seedlings of chamomile garden to the ground. Rechazzle seedlings. At the same time, the distance between the bushes should be from 30 to 40 centimeters.

Another highly efficient method of breeding the chamomile is the division of the bush. To do this, it is necessary to dig a daisy bush bush in the spring and divided it into 2-3 new bushes, depending on its size. The division of the bush should be made by bare hands so as not to damage the root chamomile system. Further in the ground pumps a fossa, the size of which corresponds to the diameter of the new bush. Mineral fertilizers are added to the bottom of the fossa, which are covered with a layer of land. Next, the chamomile is planted into the ground and watering. Absolutely all methods of breeding chamomile are highly efficient, which allows the gardener to choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Chamomile garden is quite unpretentious in leaving the plant. In order for it to fully grow and develops it necessary:

  1. Provide timely and abundant irrigation.
  2. This plant does not like the weeds, so it is necessary to produce it regularly. Weeding will help not only get rid of weeds, but also passes the air to the root chamomile system, as well as the looping of the Earth, since this plant loves fertile soils.
  3. Saplings of this plant, which are planted in a poppy, must often wipe and feed. For this purpose, a infusion of a cowboy or nitrogen fertilizers can be used.
  4. Adult bushes plants also need feeding. For this purpose, urea is used. Its necessary only 20 grams per square meter.
  5. With dry weather, the soil after making fertilizers is spilled by water.
  6. If the leaves of the chamomile garden began to acquire a light green color, then it is necessary to re-feed it. The need for re-feeding occurs only if the plant has not been observed when leaving and disembarking the plant.
  7. Making mineral fertilizer It should be alternate with the introduction of chicken litter, which will limit the possibility of soil screaming, negatively affecting this plant.

Also, the garden chamomile requires rejuvenation. To do this, five years after disembarking this plant, the bush on one side must be cut off. A fertile land is poured into the resulting junction. After three years, a rejuvenation of chamomile is rejuvenated, only trimming the root system of the bush is carried out on the other side.

In the autumn period, pruning the above-ground part of this plant.

Chamomile garden is, which is not able to carry too low temperatures, so it must be stolen for the winter. Chamomile Garden can be amazed by TRIPS. At the first manifestations of the lesion, this plant is processed by insecticides.

Growing and care for chamomile garden is fairly simple. That is why any dacket or gardener can decorate landscape design and not to apply special effort.

More information can be found from the video.

Garden chamomiles are among the most universal plants.

They can be planted on flower lawns in parks, in flower beds in front of the house, on cottage plot And in the garden among the trees.

Everywhere they look very beautiful and gently.

Garden chamomiles grow Usually two colors: blue and white.

They grow a large bush and constantly interchange. That is, new buds and inflorescences appear during the summer and autumn.

The duration of the bush is in one place for 3-4 years. Then it is better to dissolve them and transplant to another place so that the plants do not degenerate.

The camomile winters perfectly under the snow and do not require a separate cover. They are very unpretentious to the soil and not too suffer from weeds.

Watering should be moderate and not very frequent - 2 times a week in hot weather. If summer is rainy enough, then in the additional watering, they practically do not need.

Chamomile can grow well both on the sunny side and in the shade. This does not affect the quality of flowering.

Seaming nyondyan can be seeds, rhizomes or cuttings. Seeds can be planted directly to the ground in autumn or in spring. Shoots appear on the 20th day and grow quickly.

But with such a crop, plants bloom only for the second year. You can plant camomiles and seedlings.

Then they need to be seeded in March-April, in good soil and raise the landing time, which you define in your region.

In this case, the plant can be blooming in the first year of landing. You can plant seedlings immediately after the spring April frosts, when their repetition is reduced to zero.

After disembarking, seedlings can be slightly imparted. It is also necessary to disassemble nyondist in spring or autumn, before or after the start of flowering.

Rhizomes are divided into small parts, trying to do so that every part of the main root intended for transplanting has a sufficient number of uriced small roots.

It is necessary to plant such Delinka, but try to fall asleep rhizome. Such landings grow very well.

There is another way of reproduction of these colors - shifting. For landing, the socket of small shoots is separated, which is planted in the middle of summer with a piece rhizomes.

The planted "socket" sprinkle loose ground and leave for germination. Chamomile is very beautiful in lawns, on the flower beds, in the gardens.

But there is a special variety of dwarf daisies, designed for borders. These flowers are good not only for stationary cultivation, but also under the cut for bouquets.

Personally, I really love daisies and on the flower beds and in bouquets and constantly grow them in the country area.

But it is because of the fact that they are very unpretentious, I boldly plant them between trees in the garden. It turns out a good design!

A large garden chamomile is an unpretentious representative of perennials, its cultivation brings pleasure, and beautiful flowers Decorate any corner of the Earth.

Solden Romaist varieties

To enjoy all the beauty, you need to choose a suitable variety. Often these are perennial garden chamomile, characterized by the sizes of the bush, the diameter of flowers and the number of petals in inflorescences, which, by the way, can be terry. They are not only white with a yellow middle, but still red, lilac, pink and yellow.

White Suns in the Garden

  1. Big chamomile is called Nyurist (giant). This excellent flower in size and beauty is ideal for cutting. Nivnyaka has a flower size of 15 or more centimeters in diameter, and the length of the stem above 70 cm.
    The plant can be multiplied by the division of the bush every four years. It is permissible to grow a garden large chamomile from seeds, which are sown in March, and in the soil transplanted in May. Or in the end of spring you can sow seeds right in open sad.

Nyondist prefers solar places.
If you put it in the shade, then the stems will be weak, and bloom is scarce.

  1. Princess - many years of flower with large white inflorescences with a diameter of about 10 cm and a large number of stalks up to 35 cm high. The shoots are formed the whole season, this variety blooms from July to the most frosts. Growing the garden chamomile Princess from seeds is possible if you sow them in the fall in open ground.
    In the spring seed seed on seedlings. Princess prefers to grow in sunny places, loves fertile and wet soil.

  1. Alaska - a plant with large floral heads about 12 cm and high stem (up to 90 cm), drought-resistant and unpretentious. Big plus: Flowers all summer. It is possible to plant Alaska seedlings in spring or seeds just in the soil in the fall.

  1. Northern Star - one of the most popular sorts of garden chamomile. Plants are high, blooming all summer, love the sun, drought resistant. Landing and gardening garden chamomile Northern Star is no different from similar varieties.
    It is planted in spring or autumn into the open ground, but this culture starts blooming for the second year. If you grow the northern star on the cut, then every year in the spring it is necessary to share old plants and disassemble them.

Colored sunshine

  1. Pyrethrum - perennial, up to one and a half meters high. Plant seeds in autumn under winter, and he blooms on next year. The care is simple: watering, soil looser and feeding if necessary.
    There are two types:
    • pyrethrum pink, bush reaches 60 cm, pink flowers;

    • pyrethrum red tolerates semolot, flowers pink or red.

  1. Doronikum is a chamomile variety with bright yellow flowers and openwork leaves. Unpretentious doronicum to the soil, the sun and watering. In one place there may be five years old, after which the bushes are divided and transplanted into another place.

Growing flowers

Growing and care for a garden chamomile is not very different from other unpretentious perennials.

Flower can be grown:

  1. Without seedlings. Growing a garden chamomile from seeds falls at the end of the spring, the last sow in the open ground, slightly sprinkled with the earth. When it goes, it can be seeded at a distance of 35-40 cm for 2-3 seedlings. Over the summer, luxurious bushes will grow, which will bloom closer to autumn.

Some varieties can be sown in late autumn, closer to winter, then chamomile will bloom in summer.

  1. Across seedlings. Seeds sow spring in pots are not too thick, the earth will initially be wet. From above you need to sprinkle with water, cover with a film and put in a warm dark place.
    When the first shoots appeared, it is necessary to remove the film and put the seedlings on the window (during this period plants needed sunlight). At the end of May, plants should transplant 3-4 pcs in the ground. At a distance of 40-45 cm. The price of seedlings grown by independently, several times cheaper purchased.

Caring for chamomile

For the winter chamomile in the garden is covered with dry leaves, pre-cutting shoots. When frosts end and snow comes down, the shelter from the plants is removed, the leaves gently argue. Important for flowers after wintering feeding. It is enough to scatter on a plot with daisies urea.

During the growth period, two or three feeding can be carried out before flowering, then the leaves will be dark green, and the flowers are large. Do not make a mistake with the dosage will help instructions for fertilizer.

So that the main flower is large, you need to break down the steps in a timely manner. They are formed on the trunk of the plant in the sinuses of the leaves during the formation of bud. Do not forget to water the flower garden in the hot season.

For many centuries, people wondered on daisy petals, admired this flower, composed songs about him. This confirms the video in this article.

It is beautiful I. useful plant It is easy to grow in your own garden. Grind the seeds of chamomile indoors or directly in the garden. After that, it is necessary to take care of plants until it is time to collect a harvest.


Seeding seeds indoors

    Press the seeds of the chamomile indoors at the end of winter. It is best to plant seeds six weeks before the end of the last frost. In many regions, this time falls at the end of February or the beginning of March. Select the seed landing time in accordance with the climate in your area.

    Use for planting seeds tray for seedlings with multiple cells. Such a tray can be purchased in the store of goods for the garden and the garden. Check the tray with a set of small cells, which is suitable for several seedlings.

    Push off the wet compost for seedlings. Check a special mixture for growing seeds in the nearest store of products for the garden and garden or order it via the Internet. Fill each cell with this mixture about ¾. Fill enough water so that the mixture has become wet.

    Plant seeds so that they are covered with a thin layer of soil. Personal seeds in an empty bowl and manually disappear suitable seeds. Mark a little seeds with a nail and put in each cell about 6 seeds. Slightly sprinkle their soil.

    • Seeds should be visible through a thin layer of their soil covered.
  1. Spray the tray with a bottle with a spray bottle. Immediately after landing, spray seeds with water from a bottle with a spray gun. Daily examine the tray: the soil should remain wet, but not wet. If necessary (approximately once a day) spray the soil with water.

    Change the temperature to stimulate the germination of seeds. It is best to maintain the temperature in the range of 18-29. In the afternoon, exhibit a tray on the sun lit by the sun, so that the soil warmed a little. At night, reduce the temperature slightly. Thus, you imitate daily temperature fluctuations.

    Comer seedlings when they grow up to 5 centimeters. Leave in each cell one seedling. To remove extra seedlings, cut them at the soil level. Do not pull the sprouts along with the roots, because at the same time you can damage the roots of the seedling you leave.

    For two weeks, prepare sprouts to the transplant. This process is called "seedlings". This procedure prepares seedlings for transplanting to open ground. To begin with for a few hours a day, transfer the tray to the street and put it in a shady space. Over the course of two weeks, gradually increase this time.

    • Take a tray with seedlings to the street only with favorable weather. If there is sharply cool or raises a strong wind, keep the tray indoors so as not to damage the rapid plants. However, the light wind is useful for seedlings.
    • Within two weeks, gradually train seedlings to sunlight and put them on the shadow. At the same time, make sure that the soil remains wet.
    • At night, put the tray with seedlings into the room.
  2. Peread seedlings to open ground after the last frosts will be held. This should happen approximately six weeks after you sowed seeds. Gently bursting the soil, get the seedlings from the cells and transfer them to the pits, the diameter of which is twice the size of the ball of roots, at a distance of about 20-25 centimeters from each other. Pull the pits with a mixture of the Earth and slowly released fertilizers.

    • Pour the plants approximately an hour before you transplant them into open soil. When you transplant seedlings, spray them with water.
    • The pits must be deep enough to make the base of the stem at the ground level.

    Growing chamomile in the garden

    1. Choose a sunny and warm place for chamomile. Although a chamomile is capable of carrying a little shadow, it prefers sunlight. Choose a well-lit garden.

      Break the soil with robbles and scatter it to prepare for plants transplant. Remove all the stones, the Koma Earth and weeds. Break up the ground at least up to a 30 centimeter depth. After that, how to align the soil with rakes.

      If you have poor soil, grow the chamomile medicinal. This chamomile is also called the German chamomile, a little more worn than her relatives. It can grow into a slightly clay soil or soil with low nutrients.

      • Chamomile dosage formally is an annual plant, that is, it must be planted every year. Nevertheless, she leaves after seeds, of which it grows back the next year, so you will not need to plant it again! In this it is similar to perennial plants.
    2. If you have fertile soil with good drainage, put the Roman chamomile. This variety of chamomile requires better soil. The Roman chamomile is a perennial plant, that is, it does not need to plant it every year.

      • If you want to improve the quality of the soil, mix the ground with a slowly released fertilizer before planting seeds.
    3. Sent seeds late spring or early summer to avoid freezers. Seeds should be planted after all frosts go. This time depends on what region you live in.

      Low seeds on the surface of the earth. Just crumble seeds by the soil. Do not worry about the location of the seeds - later you can break them so that even rows remain. Manually accurately cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. This layer should be really thin, since for germination, the seeds require sunlight.

      • You must see the seeds after slightly put on their land.
    4. Pour the earth so that it becomes wet. To germinate, the seeds require a lot of water, so they paint them immediately after disembarking. Put on the garden hose Sprayer and paint the soil. Watch that the soil remains wet during the germination of seeds and while sprouts remain small. It is possible that you will have to water the plants every day.

      Sleep the sprouts when they reach a height of about 5 centimeters. After that, the distance between adjacent plants should be 20-25 centimeters. It can be done so that the plants formed smooth rows. To break the sprouts, cut minor plants at the ground level. Do not pull the seedlings along with the root, because at the same time you can damage the roots of the plants you want to leave.

      Squeeze the daisy seedlings in the fall or in the spring. If you do not want to germinate seeds indoors or on an open soil, you can buy ready-made seedlings in the store of goods for the garden and the garden. Having cut the pits with a diameter of about two times more tangle roots and deep enough, so that after planting the base of the lower leaves was at the ground level. Lack into the soil slowly released fertilizer, slightly press it out and pour it so that it becomes wet.

      • Although perennial plants can be planted at any time of the year, it is best to do that early autumn or late spring. Annual plants It should be planted exclusively at this time of the year.
      • The best time to plan the chamomile depends on which locality you live. As a rule, it is better to do this in transition seasons when warmer or cold. Do not put a chamomile when it's too hot or cold.

      Caring for chamomile

      Often water the chamomile. Water the plants daily until the flowers appear on them. This will give them enough water for ripening. However, do not water the chamomile too much - the soil should be wet, but not wet.

      • If rains often come in your area, you can water the chamomile less. However, in hot weather it is necessary to check the soil even if it rains.
    5. Reduce watering after the plants are fixed. Chamomile is rather unpretentious. When seedlings are growing, you can water them less often. Be wait until the soil dryness, and only then again water the plants. Usually between watering passes 1-2 weeks.

      Watch the weeds on the site. Weeds should not steal the chamomile nutrients! Otherwise, weed grass can strangle the chamomile. Once a week we have a plot.

Brightness, unpretentiousness, tender beauty, abundant and long-lasting flowering - these are the main qualities that the chamomile is attracted. It is planted on the flower beds, included in the original landscape compositions and used for the design of household plots. In addition to the traditional and all familiar large snow-white flowers, there are views with pink, yellow, red, lilac and even brown petals. However, no matter what shade is your chamomile, gardening, landing and care for all varieties are carried out according to a single agrotechnical rules, quite simple and quite accessible to perform not only by professionals, but also by amateur flowers.

Multicolored garden chamomile medium sizes

Chamomile on Monotepe Klumba

General description of the plant

For the decorativeness and beauty, the chamomile garden is called "silver princess". It is planted with individual or mixed groups on lawns, used in curbraders and mix bears, are grown on a slice to create spectacular bouquets and floral compositions.

Classic Garden Chamomile Variety Nyurist

The flower refers to the family of astrine or complexeer perennials. Strong, elastic stems grow in a height of 30-100 cm. Smooth, two-dimensional greenery has a juicy shade with a delicate deciduous ornament. Neat flat petals are placed around a dense and convex yellow core. Fully revealed bud, depending on the variety, can reach in diameter 10-15 cm. As a real princess, chamomile has a sweet, sophisticated smell and pleases long blossom - from the beginning of June to the end of September.

Most Popular Daisies

  • Northern Star - Multi-Year Sadden Chamomile Sort, very beloved by many flowers. Landing and care for it do not require any effort. High (60-70 cm), a strong plant loves the sun's rays very much and easily transfers drought. It is possible to plant seedlings into open ground, both in the spring and autumn, but this culture will delight you only for the second year.

Snow-white beauty - Chamomile Northern Star

  • Chamomile Garden Princess is a perennial plant with lots of dense, elastic stems up to 35 cm high and large snow-white inflorescences reaching 10 cm in diameter. This variety can be grown from seeds, and directly in the open soil. The flower loves windless, well-lit places, wet, drained, fertile soil and regular feeding. The first buds open in July, and the last - in front of frosts in mid-October.

Chamomile Garden Princess - Compact Plant with Lush Inflorescences

  • Nyurist is the largest view of a garden chamomile (15 cm and more in diameter), which is most often grown. It gives high, slender and strong shoots up to 80 cm long. The drop-down flower has a dense, well-pronounced bright yellow core and wide elongated petals. Propagated by seeds or division of the mother's bush once every 3-4 years.

Large garden chamomile grown on a slice

Proper cultivation and care

Perennial garden chamomile loves bright lighting and well-drained, sandy soil, necessarily containing lime. In order for the flower to receive full nutrition, it is necessary to regularly enter compost, humid and peat into the soil. If the land is excessively sour, then it is necessary to fertilize it in autumn dolomite flour and hawed lime. Such an approach will provide a comfortable habitat with a plant and will allow him not only to develop efficiently, but also plenty of blossom. Water flower should be regularly, not allowing in a hot period of drying the adjacent soil.

Makhrovka chamomile from a variety of nyond

Large garden chamomile loves regular feeding. In the process of preparing the beds, it is recommended to enrich them with a nutrient organic composition. The roasting circle near the flower must be meditated, and in the middle of the spring, it is necessary to enter an ammonary salter in the ground. Fertilizer is crumpled in the aisle at the rate of 20 g per 1 sq.m. Watering the soil after that is not required, the composition independently absorbed into a slightly wet soil.

Repeated urea feed is made during the bootonization period. In this case, the nutrient is applied only under plants having faded stems and leaves. So that the Earth does not oxidized from the abundance of mineral fertilizers, it is worth adding a bit of nitrogen-containing substances to it (fresh cowhide solution, mid-centered infusion bird litter).

After 2-3 years, the bushes of perennial daisies are thickened, and shoots in the middle naturally die away. The size of the inflorescence is significantly reduced, and the plant loses its effect and decorativeness. You can avoid this, once every 3 years, sit down young shoots with strong stems. It is best to do at the end of September or early October, when the street is standing overcast, non-fit weather. Prior to the onset of winter cold, the flower has time to form a strong root system And he calmly transfers the separation from the maternal bush. Place a young sprout is necessary in the ground, preheated by humus in the proportion of 1 bucket per 1 square meter. m earth. The garden must be carefully reckoned, and in the wells when planting stipples. Soothes are located at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.

Preparation of beds for planting seedlings

On the eve of winter stems perennial grades Cropped almost under the root. Adults 2-3-year-old plants easily carry even strong cold, and gentle palfts necessarily require a shelter from a thick layer of fallen leaves.

Growing chamomile garden from seeds

Garden chamomiles can be grown from seeds. Some varieties are allowed to sow autumn, but for the bulk, the end of spring is suitable. The planting material is immediately placed in the open ground and the earth is sprinkled slightly. When the first sprouts seem, they can be transferred to the flowerbed. In the summer they will turn into beautiful, lush busheswho will bloom at the very beginning of September.

Seeds for seedlings can also be dried in a prepared container in early March. The first shoots come out three weeks later. When two full-fledged leaves appear, young sprouts need to be moved to separate containers. In the open soil, small daisies can be determined only when the danger of return freezers will be afraid and the smooth warm weather will be installed.

Spirled seedlings of many years of chamomile

Chamomile Ideas for Landscape Design

A few years ago, many owners of cozy urban courtyards and large-scale household sites seemed to be able to create on their territory alpine hill Or some similarity of a strict English park. Today the so-called Russian style has entered the fashion, in which daisies become the most important flower in the garden. They decorated the porch of the house, plant around the fruit-growing trees, compose with medicinal plants Type Melissa and Mint or used as borders to highlight recreation areas.

Chamomiles and poppies on one flowerbed

Very successful, snow-white chamomiles are combined with decorative red poppies, juicy-orange velvets and other unpretentious flowers characteristic of the classic rustic landscape touched by their natural simplicity.

Video: Perennial Chamomile