
Barbaris: Care of shrubs and rules for its cultivation. Decorative barberries - landing and care on your site

Culinary recipes for cottages and houses

All of us have long been known such things like Lollipis Barbaris, Gazarov with the taste of Barbaris. If you deepen into this word, it turns out that many beloved is a shrub or a bombardian border family family.

From its roots, bark or wood get yellow paint. Its berries are edible and contain citric and wine-acid. It is from berries that make sweets, floppers, jam and jam. Its eaten it is also edible, they are used in the manufacture of various marinades. From some species make honey.

Barbaris reproduction

  • Cuttings. The cuttings are cut and rooted in a greenhouse. Capped by film, you can pour. The greenhouse is ventilated and the cuttings are watered as necessary. When the first young leaves appear, the greenhouse is discovered for hardening young cuttings. The soil must be constantly loosen.
  • Seeds.To do this, you need to take away well ripe, ripe berries. Separate a bone from the pulp and dried. Not excess will be treated with a weak solution of manganese. The seeds should be dried in the fall in the soil specially prepared for them before the onset of cold weather. You can plant and spring, but then the seeds all winter need to strategy (mix with sand and withstand in a cold place). Six months later, the seedlings choose the strongest and transplant them to a permanent place. Fruit starts 2-3 years after they rose, every year, but since they are crossed out, you need to have several plants nearby.

  • Diggers.At the already existing bush, you need to choose annual young branches, then in the rolling circle to make grooves, and as soon as the soil gets up, tilt and put these branches in the groove of a depth of about 20 cm, consolidating them. Next to fall asleep them, leaving the tip of escape on the surface. By autumn, you can get ready-made seedlings.
  • Dividing bush.Very carefully dug and cut the maternal bush. If the bush is strong, sawing the garden saw porovna root systemwithout damaging the roots.

Landing Barbarisa

Barbaris loves the soil of normal acidity, but on soils of increased acidity can also grow normally. If the soil acidity is higher than PH7, then enjoy the soil. You can do it even when landing. To do this, directly into the landing point of size 40:40. Add a mixture from the ground (peat, nerd land, humus) and about 400 g of harated lime or about 200 g of wood.

If you put the bushes single, then the distance between them should be no more than one and two meters. If you put the bushes to get, then you need to prepare for them a trench and arrange them from the calculation of 2 bushes on 1 raman meter.

Barbaris can grow both in the sun and in the shade. But the plant itself loves the sun, many varieties in the shade are decorative. Plots on the leaves, patterns, color saturation in foliage.

You can choose Barbaris saplings in our market, where products of many large online stores are presented.

Lush hats flowering hydrangea draws attention to even the most distant people from the flowerness of people. Their rich palette is capable of decorating any flower garden or garden worse than roses, and the ability to remain blooming to late autumn allows you to extend the summer mood.

In the middle lane, two types of hydrangea are the most common - a scattered and tree. These unpretentious plants are perfectly withstanding frosty winters and do not require bright solar lighting. They look spectacularly both in single landings and in various mixes.

Most loved by landscape designers hydrangea MisbulatayaSince she is well tolerates half. In the middle of summer, the bush begins to be covered with snow-white pyramidal inflorescences, which gradually change the shade, becoming the end of blossoms bright pink.

Hydrangea Not inferior to the blurred variety in its popularity. It is also unpretentious and looks no less effectively when decorated with spherical inflorescences of all shades of white - from alabaster to the color of the fuel milk.

Composite combinations of these shrubs with other plant species are very diverse and depend on the destination and location.

  • Hydrangea perfectly complement the compositions of spirius, lilacs and the pots, who usually decorate the sunny corners of the site. They enliven its inflorescences of greens in the second half of the summer, after earlier shrubs wondering.
  • Good large varieties of hydrangeas on the shore of the reservoir. Here, they themselves become the main part of the composition, which we successfully complement the moisture and teothelubiovy hosts, Astilba and Badan. Even in the absence of inflorescence, such a combination will not look monotonously due to the variety of shapes and colors of the leaves.
  • Hydrangees look impurities against the background of compact landings or alive hedges from the Samshat, Juniper and Kizilnik.
  • Do not be afraid to plant a hydrangea under the canopy of fruit trees. It is able to add colors and the volume of your garden, sitting under the old pear or apple tree.
  • Luxuriously looks in flower arrangements, combining the tree of hydrangea with roses, lilies and clematis. Here, the shrub most often simultaneously acts as a living hedge.
  • In autumn bad weather, the bright spots of the texts will disappear from the garden, the hydrangea continues to admire the rainbow inflorescences, which are especially good against the background of evergreen conifers (blue spruce or juniper).
  • Garden tracks will wonderfully decorate mixboraders from hydrangea and barbaris surrounded by perennial herbaceous plants.

What is next to what to plant in beds?

Plant compatibility table in bed. Who comfortably grow together? Is it possible to plant tomatoes next to garlic?

See the table and change cultures necessarily, from year to year.

Compatibility of cultural plants. This table was compiled, taking into account the analysis of several sources on the mutual influence of cultures. That is, the principle acted: those data on compatibility, which turned out to be the same, common in several authors - were made to the table. Data that differed or were contradictory, there were no data in the table. So, the entire table represents a conclusion or a result of several sources on this topic. We present you a table of compatibility of vegetables, rootpodes and herbs.

Table that after which it is planted on the beds.


Carrot Does not like anise, dill, cabbage. It is unacceptable to her neighborhood with apple trees: if you put a carrot under the tree, and apples, and the root corrupts will be impatient.
- Onion does not grow with beans, peas, sage.
- Tomati Not the best satellites of potatoes, they have a common illness (phytoofluorosis) and one pest (Colorado Beetle).
- Pepper Does not endure fennel, do not put it with beans, since these cultures are subject to one disease.
- Rope and Pumpkin Do not get along with potatoes.
- Apple and pears Do not like the neighborhood with alcohol, cherries, cherries, plum and apricot



Eggplant They grow well next to the beans, it protects against the Colorad beetle.
Cabbage Do not suffer from an earthen flew, if in the neighborhood to plant celery. Dill saves it from caterpillars and tri, and chamomile and mint - from the cabbage butterfly.
Potatoes It gets well with spinach, cabbage and radish. From the Colorado Beetle, the velvets and nasturtium are defended, and from phytoofluorosis - garlic.
Strawberry Loves the bush beans, garlic, salad, onions, radishes, radish and beet. To scare from the berries of the smears, a parsley plant between the beds.
Onion Combined with carrots. These cultures protect each other from pests. Onions with beets, salad, cucumbers, spinach, radishes, cress and salad grows well.
Carrot "Friends" with peas, radish, garlic, salad and radish.
Cucumbers Fuckily adjacent to the beans, celery, beet. Good satellites are both salad, cabbage, garlic, onions, radishes, spinach.
- K. tomatoes You can pick up onions, but only for greens - the tops of tomatoes quickly grow up and the neighbor shads greatly.
Beet Friendly to Luka, Beans, Salat.
Carrot, rEPU and cucumbers You can combine with peas, it enriches soil with nitrogen.

What to plant with juniper

Juniper, thanks to their unpretentiousness, conquer increasingly love among the gardeners. Familiar to warm climate, they gradually become residents of the gardens of colder belts, because everyone wants to decorate their garden softwood. A variety of varieties allows you to choose the most suitable in shape and color. Juniper is planted depending on the varieties in the alleys, mountaineers, on the slopes, or in rockers, in containers along the tracks, or on terraces, etc. Particularly interesting compositions are obtained in which juniper is combined with other plants.

Selecting the neighbors for juniper, you should select their desired growth and coloring, with similar living conditions and care. Juniper more often act as plants creating a background, but this does not mean that they cannot be the center of attention. Since many juniper have a dark green hue of the crown, then the partners for them need to be chosen with green or nasya foliage and needles.

Juniper in the garden always creates a feeling of fairy tale, so this idea can be taken as a basis by creating the surrounding space. For the types of juniper with yellow-green, the neighborhood of dense and large conifers, such as Tui, spruce, pines, firs. It is possible to plant plants next to the juniper, preferring the same composition of the soil, the level of humidity and lighting, for example heers, azaleas, rhododendrons, Erica.

A composition with large varieties of juniper can be supplemented with fluffy barberries that are contrasting needles with their soft rounded leaves. In general, small shrubs, such as kizylniki, honeysuckle, the bearer will always successfully complement the picture with juniper. Near the low-grade variety you can plant a dwarf barberry. Harborhood, yellow and orange spiries will be harmoniously.

Bulb plants to plant with juniper can also be used for these purposes. Tulips, hyacinths, daffodils are suitable. Swelling varieties of juniper, such as Cossack juniper well combined with soil workers: Bartancom, Badan, Veronica, Verbaken, coychatte, hoofed, by European, and kidding. All these plants are well tolerated wet soil and are familiar to the coniferous litter. In order to add a fabulous shade, you can plant next to the juniper MAY, taken from the forest. Thanks to its phytoncidal properties, the juniper will become a good guard from pests and diseases for fruit shrubs, such as raspberries and blackberries.

By the way, to give even greater charm to your coniferous garden Place the street lights around your site around the perimeter. Today, many manufacturers offer subsidiaries a large range of all kinds of highlights for giving, which rightfully make the garden number 1 Among everyone else. Be sure to look at the online store " New World"Where you can choose lamps not only for the street, but also for your country house.

Barbaris with what to plant

What to plant near?

As a rule, gardeners in their gardens grow plants related to different biological groups. For example, apple trees, pears, IRGA, Rowan are belonging to seed fruit rocks; to the bone - plum, cherry, apricot; And to berry plants - currants, raspberries and honeysuckle. In the middle lane, walnut cultures like a haze or manchurian walnut, as well as lemongrass, whose varieties can perfectly carry harsh winters with duly care. Planning the garden, the question inevitably arises, which plants can be planted nearby, and which are not worth it, at what distance they need and can be placed how they will interact. The main rule of landing is the best of all grow plants of one culture, but of different varieties or hybrid representatives.

The many years of experience of gardeners showed that many varieties of fruit trees and shrubs can not be squeezed in the neighborhood. For example, it is not recommended to plant an apple tree, pears or peaches in the immediate vicinity of walnut trees. Because of this location, after 2-3 years, apple trees and other fruit trees are combined and driving. Walnut trees should always be planted separately from other fruit garden plantsOtherwise, harvesting from fruit and berry plants to wait.

In addition, apple trees are badly getting around with cherries, cherries, viburnum, barberry, apricot, so these plants need to be planted in different zones garden plot. With the rest of the fruit trees, the apple trees perfectly gets around in the immediate vicinity. This rule applies to all combinations of bone and seed garden crops - boncers will always be angry with seed plants.

Also, near the apple tree can also be planted fruit shrubs like gooseberry, currant and raspberries. Plum grows poorly next to sea buckthorn, cherries and nut, and the gooseberry does not tolerate the neighborhood, both with black and red currant. Cherry and sweet cherry require a landing separate from other fruit trees. It is better to land them with clean groups. The pear does not advise to plant next to the cherry or cylinder. Besides, fruit trees It is impossible to plant next to decorative trees It seems like poplars or birches. If there is a cherry and walnut on the site, then they do not advise sit near Alych. If the site is planned to plant peach, it is better to do it away from cherries, cherries and nuts. In addition, the conflict will be lilac and roses with an apple tree and a pear. A few more examples of good and poor neighborhood are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Compatibility and incompatibility of garden plants Strawberry Compatible plant: Cherry Incompatible plant Raspberries Cherry Compatible plant: It is better pure landing Incompatible plant Black currant Pear Compatible plant: Apple tree Incompatible plant Alycha, Hawthorn, Cherry, Jasmine, Kalina, Juniper, Fir, Rose, Plum, Lilac Apple tree Compatible plant: Sweet cherry Incompatible plant Alycha, Birch, Hawthorn, Cherry, Jasmine, Kalina, Juniper, Fir, Rose, Plum, Lilac Rowan Compatible plant: Better individual landings Incompatible plant Hawthorn Grapes Compatible plant: Better individual landings Incompatible plant Cabbage, Oshness, Leschina Gooseberry Compatible plant: Better individual landings Incompatible plant Black currant Leschina (Hazelnuk) Compatible plant: Separate landings Incompatible plant Coniferous plants Black currant Compatible plant: Separate landings Incompatible plant Cherryukha

In addition, when planting plants should take into account their features of fruiting, the possibility of interactiveness, the timing of ripening of fruits. For example, when landing sea buckthorn it is worth remembering that it is divided into men's and women's plants. Therefore, one instance cannot be planted or several same-sex copies. As a rule, one male plant is enough for pollination of 5-6 female plants, provided that the male plant will fall from the west of other representatives. Since self-visible sweet cherry, then there should be two trees on the site. But since these are rather large plants, then the gardeners are usually vaccinated on one somewhat twigs of another variety. When growing, pears should also land on a plot of a small group of two or more plants so that they can be converted. Sutting off lemongrass or actinidia, useful among plants with rim or female flowers to plant at least one male copy.

What to plant next to peonies

Peonies are one of the few colors that are great in themselves. Their lush flowering caps of a wide variety of shades - from the snow-white to purple - spectacularly looks against the background of a green lawn and fill the garden with a wonderful drinking aroma. Compositions of hone and loved ones in size from sizes of peonies do not require additions.

Choosing neighbors for such "self-sufficient" colors is not easy. During the flowering period, their magnificent magnificence should not compete with the bright colors of partners in the club, and the rest of the time the carved greenery of the leaves becomes a wonderful background for other flowering plants.

If you decide to supplement the boarding of peonies with other colors or shrubs, choosing neighbors for them, stick to three basic principles.

Color combinations

If you are paired to peonies, you select plants with the same blossoms, then it should not be planted next to the bright varieties of plants having flowers of red shades. It is better to choose, for example, modest snow-white chips of the decorative bow.

Pink hats will especially gently look on the background of the decorative greenery of the Tui or Barbaris.

With white varieties, the spectacular combination will be pomegranate cloves or bloody-red Geikhera, and a loyal, honeysuckle, irises or poppies only emphasize their magnificence.

Composite decision

If the composition is assigned small plotIt is better to combine the bushes of peonies with low-spirited neighbors - such as primulous, daisies, Badan or cuff. They will not distract attention from the main decoration of the mixboarder, but unobtrusively diversify the surrounding space.

To emphasize the magnificence of juicy shades or the tenderness of a white-pink gamma, one should create background landings from juniper or other high swarms.

Add flowerbed with peonies of vertical lines of internship or dolphinium.

Whatever your neighbors you pick up, remember that you should not land them between the bushes to always be able to loosen the soil between them.

Continuity of blossoming mixes

In order for your mixborder to always look decoratively, pick up plants so that the flowering dates of some ended before the advent of the magnificent peonies caps, while others decorated the flower leaf after the king of the mix graduates.

Beginning with early springThe early crocuses, irises or hanales are revived.

During the formation of buds, the brightness of the flower bed will give tulips or daffodils.

After the Garden's main main decoration, its green lace will become an excellent background for lilies and petunias, Pelargoniums and Astilbs, Godition and Zinni.

In the autumn, the greens of shrubs will flourish bright stains chrysanthemums, Floxes and Astr.

What can be planted next to Malina?

Plants obstructing a bush

Many gardeners are aware of the effect on each other, placed nearby plants. Often, such interaction turns out to be safe for both plants, but it happens that the aggressors' plants conquer the neighboring soil, suppressing and displacing their neighbor.

In order to prevent such a picture in its garden, it should be considered before landing, which culture grows nearby.

Elementary plants compatibility rules will help to prevent a lot of inconveniences and troubles in the future, when the harvest of berries will be under threat of a breakdown.

Malina is a shrub that instantly grow up, winning a year after year the new area around him. Very often there is such a picture that in the center of shrubs adjacent to Malinnik, for example, blackberries, the next year you can find raspberry shoots.

If planting plants that limit the growth of raspberry bushes, many difficulties can be mounted.

The leader among plants that impede the spreading of Malinnikov, the sorrel is considered. As the culture contains different kinds Acid and at the root level, including this factor serves as a limitation in the growth of the raspberry. If sorrel is planted next to the raspberry around the perimeter, the squeeziness of its bushes will noticeably decrease. The use of this method of restriction, helps many gardeners to cope with the growth of raspberries.

For experienced gardeners A real find in limiting the expansion of raspberries is a variety of weed - Mettlez. Many gardeners eliminate him, by ignorance of the weed functions, which limits the roots of the raspberry. Mettle, growing near the raspberry, protects it and exerts beneficial influence. The weeds deeply launches the roots into the soil, steal a dense path on the aisles of the Malinnik, prevents the evaporation of moisture in which the raspberry, moisture culture needs.

In order to limit and prevent the Malinnik's spreading throughout the site, and, as it is known, the growth occurs in the southern direction, slate sheets are bought. The slate plates are burying into the soil along the perimeter of the shrub, deepening it to the root level of the bushes. But this method is dangerous in that there is a high probability of damaging the roots or take a shrub at all.

Video "What to do to not smashed a bush"

From the video you will learn how not to give Malina to grow on the sides.

What grows well next

The ideal conditions are to grow raspberry in the garden separately, placing on the site different raspberries, but often there is a shortage of free space. In these circumstances, you can land near such berry shrubs: Blackberry, as well as red, yellow, black currant.

It feels well next to the raspberry plantings such shrubs: Barbaris, Rose, Juniper. Shrubs in such a neighborhood grow well and fruit.

However, this can not be said about all shrubs, strawberries - a bad neighbor Malina, unlike blackberry, as bushes are subject to identical diseases and pests. For the same reason, it is not close to the raspberry and strawberries.

It feels great, growing near Malinnik, dill, its fragrance lays insects, pollinating the flowers of the raspberry branches, which increases the yield of the bush.

Suitable neighbors with raspberry bushes are fruit trees: plum, apple tree, pear.

But with the cherry friendship they do not develop, since the root system is on the same level, and the plants affect the detrimental on each other, which manifests itself in the form of weakness of bushes and low yields.

Plants, releasing pests from the bush

Malina love not only for delicious and useful fruits, it simply "adore" various insect pests. They cause a lot of concerns to gardeners and make tremendous harm to the plant: the harvest is reduced, and sometimes shrub perishes.

Insects are struggling differently, treated shrubs with various chemicals. There is another way: near raspberry plantations to grow plants, whose aroma pushes pests from the bush.

One of these varieties is the red elder. Due to the high content of phytoncides, which extend to the air and distinguish many types of pest insects.

It protects the Malinik and garlic fragrance, it is for this reason that garlic can often be found near Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries.

Less effective, but still useful, cultures are considered to have a pronounced aroma: fern, peony, basil, celery, coriander, asters.

It will be very advisable to plant them around the ruin shrubs, blackberries, currants, thus, the plants will benefit, in part of protection against insects.

Video "Plants and raspberries. What are getting on, and what no "

From the video you will learn that you can and you need to sit next to Malinik, and that it is not desirable or even dangerous.

Unpretentious Barbaris varieties are very in demand among Russian gardeners. Due to the bright colors of foliage - from green and yellow, to magenta and red, shrub looks very picturesque. There are copies with color edging, motley and even in the speck.

Botanical description

Barbaris plentifully fruits large, often edible berries that are used in food in many kitchens of the world. Elegant appearance of a decorative plant is actively used in landscape design. Dwarf varieties Barbaris grown at home.

Plant does not require special care and increased attention, it has drought-resistant and frost-resistant qualities. Well multiplied by all popular in gardening in ways. Does not require constant feeding, rarely sick, perfectly carries out in any soil.

Barbaris is called candy bush with the filing of Soviet confectioners, which gave its famous caramel his name. But if you look at large, ripe and bright fruits of the plant, and the truth is difficult not to associate them with sweet delicacy.

There are varieties with evergreen, partially fallen and leaf falling crown. Leaves Grow in the beams in the next order. Thin branchesSpit-covered, strive up at a sharp corner.

Depending on the type and variety, the shrub can reach a height from 30 cm to 3 m. Crown The latter in the adult period acquires columnary, spheroid or spreading outlines. Average age Oracle - 35-50 years.

Barbaris blooms in the late spring-early summer of the bright palette of shades: purple, purple, red, pink, yellow, white, green, motley. Blossom continues for 2-3 weeks. Closer to the beginning of the fall, berries of the oblong oval shape, red, black or burgundy color appear.

The fruits are not spoiled on the branches for a long time, even in winter diluting a snow-white landscape with saturated summer paints. Most of the types of Barbaris are honeycomb. Fresh honey has a middle-aged consistency, sweet taste and a golden shade.


The plant is a typical inhabitant of almost the entire territory of the northern hemisphere, with the exception of the latitudes of permafrost. It is divided into decorative and cultural purposes in Europe, in the Far East, in China, Japan, Central Asia, North America, in the Caucasus, in Persia, Siberia, Crimea.

The shrub is well tolerating the temperature differences characteristic of a moderately continental climate. Separate varieties are insulated for the winter, the rest are enough frost-resistant. Heat is also not a big problem for Barbaris.

Grows in any soil, even with the poor in quantity nutrients composition. The unwarked root system allows the tree to be easily cut with other vegetation.

The main requirement for the conditions of the medium is the absence of stagnation of moisture in roots and a sufficient amount of light.

Barbaris is much better to carry drought than excess water. It is able to grow in the shade, but in this case the color of foliage will not be bright and saturated. Fruption will not be abundant.

Popular species and varieties

According to modern taxonometry, the genus Barbaris has almost 600 species of plants. Most of them are divorced in decorative purposes. Here are the plants of giants, and low-spirited individuals.

Many species are divided into separate varieties, which further increases the number of versions of the shrub. Consider the popular varieties of Barbaris, the best for cultivation in the Russian regions. Some of them are edible, others are grown in pharmacological, aesthetic and other purposes.



In natural conditions, the species grows in China and Japan. This is an elegant leaf falling shrub, the palette of the colors of the crown of which includes all shades of red, yellow, orange and green. Excellent freezes frost, drought, not afraid of pests, grows in the conditions of the urban environment in rocky soil without fertilizers.

  • Tunberg Echet.. A straight, pyramidal bush with bright green leaflets of the correct, oval shape. Crown is thick and dense. The average height of the individual is 1.2-1.5 m. Flowers are yellow and pale-red.
  • Tunberg Admiirshn. Miniature, dwarf trees with a wide, round top, which can reach 1 meter in diameter. At the same time, the height of the adult instance rarely exceeds 50 cm. Leaves have yellow, red and orange colors with a clear, light edging.
  • Tunberg Koronita. Neat bushes high up to one and a half meters with vertical shoots. Oblong, gentle pink leaves have a light green edging. Flowers are yellow, fruit juicy red.
  • Tunberg Golden Rocket. Yellow barbaris with a pyramidal crown, growing up to 1-1.2 meters. Differs on brown green-yellow foliage and bright yellow flowers. It grows well in many regions of Russia.
  • Tunberg Harlequin. Wide, spreaded bush, approximately 2 * 2 meters, with purple leaves in white and yellow stains. Excellent tolerate frost and lack of water. Requires regular trimming to give a form.
  • Tunberg Atropurpur. Plant with purple leaves and high oval crown. Flowers yellow-purple flowers, gives fruit deep coral coloring.



Natural habitat - East China, North India, Tibet Mountains. Asian Barbaris is considered one of the most useful plants Among all the representatives of the family. The healing basket of the scarlet fruits of the plant is especially famous.

Trees grow up to 3.5-4 meters, the branches are widely expanded upwards and sides. Dark green leaves are twisted into the tubes, and the flowers have an unusual purulent color.

Grandge Smembala variety. Very spiny shrub, up to 3.5 meters high. It is famous for the famous berries of Godji, which is attributed to the healing force in the treatment of cancer and other dangerous diseases. This barbaris grows in any soil, except for wetlands.

Canadian (Ottavsky)

Canadian (Ottavsky)

The varieties of this species combines red foliage and thick, spreading crown. The color of the leaves varies from dark purple to saturated-scarlet. In Russia, it is not common, more often found in Siberia and in the Urals, because of its frost-resistant qualities.

  • Superba. Violet shrub with yellow crown and red berries. It grows quickly and actively, needs regular trimming. Unpretentious, drought-resistant.
  • Aurikoma. Burgundy tint foliage with silver overflows. It grows compact, but volume.
  • Silver Miles.. A low tree up to 3 meters high. The color of the leaves is from purple to burgundy. Flowers are yellow-red, small, grow abundantly.



This type of barbaris in nature is found in the Far East, in China and Japan. The varieties are usually high - from 2 to 3.5 meters, the crown is not thick, stretched. In the summer he bright green with yellow petals. Berries eat in food, prepare medicinal tinctures. Cora is used for mosaic finishes.

Ordinary (evergreen)

Ordinary (evergreen)

Large, slow-growing shrub with narrow, long leaves. They do not fall fall and remain on the branches the entire period of frosts. In the spring, when the new crown begins to grow, the old leaves dries and fall.

The plant is not afraid of frosts up to -35 ° C, so it is actively grown in the middle lane in Russia, in Siberia, in the Urals. It rarely becomes the object of the pest attack, does not suffer in organically weak soil. Good grows in the conditions of a gasped urban atmosphere.

  • Alba variety. Beautiful fluffy shrub with unusual white fruits. Growing in the Crimea and in the Caucasus.
  • Lutea variety. Light yellow berries are eaten. Abundant fruiting is possible only on a light, sunny plot.



The birthplace plant is the Korean Peninsula, its stony slopes, gorges, mountain regions. Large egg-shaped leaves in summer green, fall blushing. Spiny flattened, long, thick.

Fruits bright red, perfect round shape, with a diameter of 10-12 mm. Shrub badly tolerates harsh frosts and prolonged thaw.


The plant is planted in the spring, with the onset of the first warm days. It is important that the kidneys on shoots have not yet blocked. Shrub is good, it rarely dies when landing.

If you purchased seedlings with a closed root system, they can be planted in autumn, a month before the onset of frosts, no later than mid-October. Such escape grew in a special container, its roots are well formed, not bare, are in their native land coma. Therefore, he will be fine in winter, especially if you additionally wrap up with a young bush with branches and throw on top of snow.

For saturation of the color and paintings of the future shrub to land, you should choose a sunny place. Barbaris grows in the shade, but the color of foliage becomes dim, bright leaves are green. Especially light-loving individuals with multi-colored shades on petals and krone.

The soil can be sandy, rocky, clay - it is important that it is not excessively moistened, as it happens in a wetland. So that the moisture is not in the roots, take care of the good layer of drainage. Battered brick, pebbles, crushed stone, any average stones in size.

Step-by-step instruction landing Barbarisa:

  1. The pit is digging 10-14 days before disembarking. Optimal size - 50 * 50 * 50 cm. If you plan to put several plants, the distance between the pit should be 1-1.5 m. For a living hedge - 0.5 m.
  2. Fall asleep a small amount of sand, laid drainage.
  3. Add a layer of mixed soil and humus.
  4. 100 g of simple mineral fertilizer Based on phosphorus.
  5. Vertically install a seedling, gently spread the roots.
  6. Fall asleep to the level of the neck root system. Slightly adjusted soil. A bush should be tightly fixed.
  7. The top layer of the soil is mounted with organic material. This layer is further supported by the Earth, will save the desired temperature and humidity in the root system. Reception allows you to improve air-gas exchange, which facilitates the nutrition of the new shrub.
  8. The final stage becomes watering the plants and pruning the tops of the shoots. Leave 5-7 kidneys to begin growth.

Despite the unpretentiousness and lack of special care claims, so that Barbaris pleased the eye with a picturesque view, should be observed simple rules Watering, trimming, entering feeding, combating pests and diseases.

Polishing rules

The plant is not moisthable. In non-shit summer period He is enough seasonal precipitation. If dry, warm weather is installed, the bush is watered 1 time in 2 weeks. There are enough 10-15 liters of water for an adult shrub and half of this measure for copies of the first year of life.

Young seedlings must be moisturized 1-2 times a week until complete rooting. Check if watering is needed, you can slightly digging the top layer of the soil. If he is dry - plot water, if wet - waiting a couple of days.

Rules trimming

So that the shrub is beautiful, acquired an aesthetic form and graceful look, it must be cut regularly. This procedure is performed not only in decorative purposes. In March and October implement sanitary trimTo remove patients, dried or damaged branches.

The young tree is not cut in the first year. The first procedure is performed by the second spring, before swelling the kidneys. At the end of the summer, further adjust the aesthetic type of plant.

Some low-grade varieties have a very dense and frequent crown, which grows the right cone or column. If visually not observed broken or unhealthy shoots, the plant is not cut.

Fertilizer and subcut

During the first 3 years of life, Barbaris has enough mineral supplements that were entered into the soil when landing. An adult plant fertilizes in spring urea. This is a fever with a high content of nitrogen, which stimulates active growth, contributes to the set of saturated color by foliage, forming the lush crown.

Urea preparation instructions: The remedy is bred in proportions - 30 g of dry composition on 10 liters of water.

In the summer, when the plant is wondering, it is additionally supplied with any fertilizer with a phosphoric-potassium base. It will strengthen the roots, catalyzes the maturation of the berries. It has a favorable nutrient impact on the soil.

The feeder is bred, strictly following the instructions.

Probable diseases

Barbaris has excellent immunity to many diseases faced by plants in the country. It rarely sicks, resistant to pest attack, does not depend on sharp temperature drops. However, if you move to irrigate, the process of rotting can begin in the root, and the fungus appears on the trunk.

Consider frequently occurring diseases of Barbaris and ways to combat them:

1 From the pests on the foliage you can meet the TRU and the peeling machine, and the berries are sometimes amazed by the flower spin. If the number of insects are small, the bushes are treated with dishwashing tools: 3 tablespoons of a soap substance are added to 1 liter of water and spray from the distance of 0.5 m. If the pests are many, the drugs "AKTELLIK", "carbofos", "Aktar" are added.

2 Sometimes the branches amazeing the fungal flare, which is called "torpid dew." Externally, it looks like white spots, as if sprinkled with flour. Patients shoots cut and burned. Shrub is treated with fungicides.

3 These same substances will get rid of barberries from rust and bacterial cancer. The first is manifested by red leaps and spots on the stem. Numerous cracks and growths speak about the occurrence of the second.

In the launched cases, the plant does not spare and irrigate the entire bush. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection of other garden crops. All affected branches are destroyed at the fire.


Despite the frost resistance of most types and varieties of barberries, young plants for the winter need to be stolen. This applies to copies of age younger than 5 years. Thin and not sufficiently strong root system may not transfer cold and die.

In the regions with severe frosts, adult bushes are burned. Building like a barbell makes meter and dry branches. When snow falls, it is additionally thrown into the roof of an improvised house.

See also:

  • Top 22 most popular and noncainting ornamental shrubs for giving or private house (90 photos & video) + reviews
  • Rhododendron: description, landing in open ground and care for it to ensure lush flowering from the Moscow region to Siberia (80 photos & video) + reviews
  • Deren: Description, types, landing rules and plant care in the open soil, reproduction (75+ photos & video) + reviews
  • Lilac: Description, types and varieties, landing in open ground and decorative shrubs (85 photos & video) + reviews
  • Magonia: Holly, Creeping, Apollo, Atropurpource - Edibility and Mission, Decorativeness, Care, Landing in Open Soil (115+ Photo & Video) + Reviews

Methods of breeding

Barbaris is bred by everyone known in the Botanic methods: shilling, seeds, grain, dividing the bush. The plant is equally good when using any of them. Consider step by step each process.



The method requires constant cuttings.

  1. At the beginning of the summer, fresh shoots are cut off with fresh shoots with a length of 15-20 cm.
  2. The bottom is removed from the foliage, the cut is treated with any phytohormon.
  3. Upper leaves cut up to half.
  4. In the ground from humoring, peat and sand, covered in a greenhouse container, stalks planted. Outside, there is a barrel of 1/3 branches.
  5. Saplings are watered, covered and ventilated daily.
  6. In the greenhouse they grow throughout 2 incomplete years. The second spring seedlings are planted into the open ground.



One of the easiest and easy-to-see methods.

  1. With the onset of spring, they choose strong shoots growing at the bottom of the exterior circle of shrub.
  2. They are flex to the ground and laid in specially drenched trenches with drainage, a depth of 0.5 m.
  3. Pinned with brackets, sprinkle on top of the ground, mulched.
  4. Do not forget to regularly water and feed, like a maternal bush.
  5. After a year, the branches are cut off by a second-hand from the parent, dig out from the ground together with the resulting root system and transplanted for the rearing.
  6. Another year, in the spring, the fresh shoots of Barbaris land at a permanent place.



Barbaris seeds have a high level of germination.

  1. At the beginning of autumn, fruits ripen on the shrub. They are collected and washed. After a day, wipe and lay out on drying.
  2. In the same fall, a month before the onset of frosts, the seeds are planted in an open ground in a furrowing depth 1-2 cm.
  3. For the winter, the garden is covered with a sweetheart.
  4. In the spring, when shoots appear, they are thinned. Leave one seedling every 3-5 cm.
  5. During the summer, they do not forget to regularly water, loose, spin and fertilize.
  6. With the onset of the second spring, the seedlings are seated for permanent places.

Please note that the method of breeding in young barberries may not be preserved signs of the maternal individual.

Division bush

Division bush

For this method, it is necessary to choose plants not adext for 5 years.

  1. In the spring, with the onset of well-minded warm weather, a young bush digit. The kidneys still should not swell.
  2. The secateur is cutting the root system so that at least 3-5 escapes remain on each side.
  3. The location of the cut is treated with charcoal, and immediately planted on a permanent place.
  4. Water, mulch, fertility according to plan.

Barbaris division is used only for breeding dwarf shrubs. For example, domestic plant varieties.

At home, the lowest varieties of the type of Tunberg are growing. They react perfectly into frequent decorative trimming, so such plants look aesthetic and elegant.

For home, varieties are perfect:

  • Natasha. Pepling foliage with white, pink and green overflows looks unusual on pinkished branches. Unpretentious plant, grows slowly.
  • Echet. Leaflets of the right round shape of green. The decorativeness of the bustle gives a smooth column-like crown, which does not grow above 80 cm.
  • Bagatelle. A dense, spherical shrub with bright purple leaves in green crossing. The height of the adult plant does not exceed 30 cm.

For indoor barberries, choose universal soil. Do not forget to put on the bottom of the drainage. Watering produce twice a week in summer, autumn and spring, and once in winter.

Regularly spray with water, excluding flowering period. The pot will set on the sunny side, with a constant influx of fresh air.

Facilities landing in different parts of the country

Choosing a suitable variety, guided by the weather conditions of the region and the characteristics of the resistance of the plant.

  1. Soft Women Mediterranean, South Caucasus and Black Sea Coast allow you to grow almost any kind of barbaris. The warm climate contributes to favorable growth, abundant flowering and fruit.
  2. Moderately continental climate of the central part of Russia It is characterized by hot summer and non-meter in winter with a temperature of up to -20-25 ° C. For the winter, Barbaris is better to bite, and in the summer, do not forget to water in the absence of rains.
  3. In areas with a high content of groundwater in the soilTo which the Moscow region refers, when landing do not forget about the drainage layer. Its height should be 1/3 from the depths of the landing pit.
  4. In the Urals and Siberia Frost-resistant varieties of barbaris are good. Young plants here necessarily cover the bag and throw in snow. For less resistant, colds build a greenhouse.

Usage in landscape design

The diversity of the coloring of foliage and barbaris stems, the decorative shape of the crown and unpretentiousness to urban conditions, caused the frequency of use of different varieties of shrub in landscaping and landscape design. It looks spectacular at any time of the year. In spring and summer fresh greens, in the fall, the flame fire, and in winter, bright fruits decorate a faceless snow-white garden.

A fantastic combination of shades is equally well distinguished by a bush and in a single landing, and in group, where he often acts as the center of the composition. Live hedges from Barbaris, especially from several varieties with different crown coloring, look gorgeous.

The shrub is perfectly pruning, sufficiently takes the right shape, it grows correctly in the specified direction. With its use, picturesque ensembles are obtained, which please the eye of passersby in urban squares and parks.

The use of fruits, foliage and wood

In addition to the chic appearance, the plant is famous for dense and embossed wood. Some of its types are used in turning, as a material for openwork inlay. The tree of many varieties has a rich red, burgundy, yellow or purple shade, so it is actively used to lay out the Indian mosaic.

Some souvenirs, crafts, toys. Of them make shoemal nails. And from the yellow bark and rhizomes get natural yellow paint.

Crumpled and dried fruits on Tibet are added to spicy mixtures. In the east, seasoning from Barbaris berries is used everywhere. It is added to meat fillings, pilaf, dishes with stewed meat.

From fresh foliaves, acidic soups are boiled, crushed them into salads, add to canned food. Of dry fruits and greenery get valuable and useful tea The taste of Barbaris. In the cosmetology industry, oil refuse from fresh berries of Barbaris is added to creams, hair lotions and face.

Healing properties

Barbaris sincerely is known as a plant with a rich healing basket. The composition of its fruits, crust and leaves contains a mass of nutrient biological substances and useful trace elements.

The medicinal properties of the shrub are used in pharmacology, folk and traditional medicine:

  • a decoction of fruits of the plant has a hemostatic function. Regular reception normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the vessels
  • barberry compote is famous as an effective antiviral agent. It helps well in respiratory diseases
  • plant-based drugs normalize metabolic processes, shuddered and toxins. They increase appetite and help food correctly digest
  • there are studies that prove the effectiveness of treatment with barberry of malignant cancer
  • tea eliminates headaches, increases the mood, acts as a good anti-stress agent

Specific substances in the composition may cause an allergic reaction.

Tasty and useful fruits will strengthen the health of the whole family, and the domestic seasoning from the dried berries will give new dishes a refined and unusual taste.

The plant is included in the list of components that contribute to a healthy longevity.

Plant Barbaris in his garden on the shoulder even a novice gardener. The minimum care for most varieties will not cause trouble, and does not take a lot of time. Picturesque coloring of the shrub round year Will please be your appearance.

Look at a small video dedicated to the unacceptable landing rules of the candy plant:

Lollipops "Barbaris" still remain the favorite delicacy of the children, and adults are not against feeling kissing. But it is unlikely that many know what Barbaris represents, and as he looks. Moreover, it does not occur to anyone to have a landing and care for which they still remain a secret to the dacha barbaris.

Barbaris is perennialwhich belongs to the barberry family. His name "Beiberi" in translation from the Arabic language denotes the shape of the sink. This plant prefers to grow in highland and occurs in the countries of the northern hemisphere. There are no less than one hundred seventy species of this plant in the world.

Gardeners are interested in this shrub in order to obtain raw materials for the preparation of various drinks, jams, applications in folk medicine. The leaves are used for marinades and cooking honey, and roots and wood give yellow paint. Barbaris will decorate any garden as a decorative plant, because its leaves have an unusual color. In nature, there is a barberry with leaves of such colors:

  • green;
  • yellow;
  • purple;
  • motley;
  • spotted;
  • with border.

Barbaris purple

Also, this shrub, depending on the type, is three meters high and very low - dwarf, growing no more than thirty centimeters. Barbaris ordinary and Tongberg are considered the most common. Gardeners who like Barbaris, you need to know how to plant and care for this plant.

Place for landing, preparatory work

Plant Barbaris is best in the spring, while you need to have time to dissolve the kidneys. Sometimes landing is done in the autumn period. It is best to produce it when the leaves from the trees fall very actively.

Barberry shrub grows both in the shade and in the sun. This plant feels comfortable on an open surface and is completely not afraid of wind or draft. The soil for planting barberry should be neutral, but at the same time a small increase in acidity is allowed. If the acidity is above seven, then it is recommended to make lime into the soil. It is necessary to do this either when preparing soil, or during the landing. In addition, the soil must be filing with such fertilizers as:

  • 8-10 kg humidiation, compost or garden land;
  • 100 g. Superphosphate;
  • 400 g. Hained lime;
  • 200 g. Wood ash.

If barberries land like a separate shrub, then between the two bushes there should be a distance of at least one and another or even two meters. If you want from Barbaris live hedgeThe plant must be planted in a trench, while two bushes should be planted on one square meter.

Landing Barbarisa

Landing young seedlings

You can plant a barberry with two options: as a single bush and as a living hedge. Before the planting "Live hedge", a trench is digging, in width and depth of forty centimeters. It is necessary to do it a few weeks before planting seedlings. In order for the roots of the shrub freely breathe, the bottom of the trench is lined with sand. If the soil is suitable for growing plants, then a mixture of fertilizers must be poured into the trench, it does not need to use lime and ash. After that, the saplings of Barbaris landed, and the roots are sprinkled, they carefully compact it. After planting the surface around the plant is abundantly watering with water and murdered. For this, the peat or compost is used. After that, the seedling must be cut so much so that only three to five kidneys remains above the earth.

Seedling Barbarisa

When landing, Barbaris needs to be remembered that it can grow both in the shade and in the open area. But if the bush receives little solar lighting, then its leaves are completely or partially losing their decorativeness and become faded.

Barbaris seeds reproduction

Barbaris breeds in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • side shoots of shrub;
  • division of the main bush;
  • replanting young shoots.

In our areas, such a plant like Barbaris is very rare, but, nevertheless, it is possible to grow this shrub. When choosing a planting material, certain difficulties may occur, since each of them has its drawbacks:

  • Cuttings very slowly develop the root system;
  • Seeds have a low germination. It varies within twenty-forty percent, while there is no guarantee that the varietal qualities will remain;
  • In the process of dividing the bush, the root system is significantly damaged, it does not affect the health of the plant;
  • The young pigle can only be obtained from some species of Barbaris.

In order to breed a shrub at home, it is recommended to try all the ways and find the most efficient.

Consider in more detail the reproduction of Barbaris in the seed way. In order to get a seedlove, you need to use several bones at the same time, since there is no complete confidence in their germination.

In order to collect sowing material, you need to select the most ripe berries and get bones from them. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the flesh from them and dip in a weak solution of manganese. After that, the bone is dried.

A solution of mangartee

Summary Barbaris seeds fall. For this, the Earth is falling, weeds are removed, and a small groove is made, not deeper than three centimeters. During the winter period, the bones are trained by frost and spring gives germs. In the spring period, only those seeds can be heated, which all winter were in the sand at a temperature not higher than +3 degrees. Such sowing material is transferred to open ground no earlier than April.

After the seeds gave shoots, they need to be switched. In the process of weeding, only weakly developing pigs should be removed. Strong seedlings leave. On a permanent place, the seedlings are transferred only to next year, Before that, they make it possible to graze and develop the root system. The first fruits from the shrub can only be obtained in two years. In this case, the plant requires vaccination.

Interesting information. Barbaris seedlings can be obtained in the case of a self-session. This happens when the ripe berries were not collected and fell to the ground. At the same time, the young piglet can be transferred to a permanent place.

Care rules

Care for Barbaris can any newcomer-garden, since this plant is completely undemandingly. In addition, it does not matter what kind of plant is planted on the site. Thus, having studied step-by-step instructions "Barbaris Growing and Care", you can grow in your site not one bush of this delicious berry.

The List of Plant Care Company includes:

  • watering;
  • loose;
  • weeding;
  • feeding;
  • trimming.


If a sufficient precipitation falls into the season, then watering can not be done. If the summer was hot and arid, then in this case you need to water the plant every week. In this case, the water is recommended a little to warm up in the sun and pour only on the root system, not allowing it to fall into the leaves.

Watering Barbarisa

The same plants are poured, which are planted this year. Watering is committed until they come down, and the root system will not start fully developed. But it should be taken into account that the enemy of Barbaris is not drought, but an excessive amount of rain. The reason for this is the accumulation of water from the root system, which is why it begins to rot, and the plant can die.


It is for this reason that it is necessary to completely remove weeds from the shrub and loosen the soil. In order to facilitate their work on the care of the plant, it is best to mulch the roasting zone. To do this, you can use:

  • peat;
  • sawdust;
  • shell nuts.


Since during the landing of Barbaris under the root system, a certain amount of fertilizers is made, this will be enough a plant for the whole year. Only a year later, you can deposit urea, divorced in water. To do this, take twenty or thirty grams of fertilizer on the water bucket. After that, nitrogen fertilizers can be made only after three or four years.

In order to commerce each year delicious berries, Barbaris need to feed phosphorus and potassium. Under one bush, it is enough to make 10 grams of potash fertilizers and 15 grams of superphosphate.


Barbaris, like any shrub, needs pruning, in the process of which all weak, dry and damaged branches are removed. Be sure to cut the shrub, as the fruits will be small in thick pigs. At the same time you need to know how to crop barberry in the spring. The first haircut on the bush is carried out when the bush was shown a year. It is the trimming of Barbaris in the spring is done to form a shrub, for this shoots are shortened by half.

Trimming Barbarisa

After that, the trimming of Barbaris can be done twice the season. The first is made in early June, the second - in early August. It is important for the plant not only for the purpose of sanitary care, but also in order to correctly form a crown. At the same time, those plants that grow no higher than 30 centimeters, do not need it in pruning.

Fighting pests and diseases

The most dangerous pests of Barbaris are:

  • barberry Tla;
  • barberry sawl;
  • flower spine.

On the appearance of TI on the plant indicate wrinkled and dry leaves. Pyadenitsa eats the fruits of the plant. In order to destroy the pests on the plant, you need to apply the following means:

  1. The wave is washed off with a solution of the household soap. It is divorced for this in the ratio of 300 grams of soap by 10 liters of water;
  2. To destroy the spine and sawder, more cardinal measures are applied. To do this, use a three-percent chlorofos solution.

In addition to pests, Barbaris may affect diseases, the most common of which are:

  • puffy dew;
  • rust;
  • bacterioses spotted leaves;
  • withering.

Puffy dew has the appearance white Naleawhich covers not only the leaves, but also berries, shoots. In the autumn period, the tightness is formed on damaged areas, thanks to which the bacteria winter. To get rid of this disease, the plant needs to be treated with colloid gray. At the same time, those sites that are most damaged must be completely removed and burn so as not to leave the focus of infection.

Rust plant is sick if there are growing next to them cereal plants. In this case, yellow spots or pillows of red-colored appear on the leaves. On plants that are damaged, very strongly begin to dry and fall leaves. Fight with a disease can be colloid gray or borobo liquid. The plant is cultivated in early spring, when the leaves are just started to bloom, the procedure is repeated every three weeks.

From spotting the plant can be saved with copper oxychloride, which is divorced in ten liters of water. In addition, borobo liquid can be used to prevent the disease.

High oxylochloride

Bacteriosis is a cancer that the plant is sick. With this disease, cracks, growing, peculiar tumors are formed on it. If the disease was only detected and covered only the upper part of the shoots, they need to be removed up to a healthy part of the branch. If the lower part of the plant is amazed, it means that the bush will not be able to save. It must be completely removed from the territory and burn. For prophylaxis, you can use drugs that contain copper in its composition.

Grow barbaris at home on the site is completely simple. The main thing for Barbaris shrub - right landing and care. To do this, you need to adhere to all methods of agrotechnics, schemes and rules for the care of the plant. Of course, do not forget about diseases and pests. The fight against them will be pledged good harvest and a healthy type of your plant.


Many owners of household garden sites and cottages plant shrubs, possessing high decorative properties. One of them is Barbaris. Landing and care for this shrub do not represent much difficulty. The article discusses how to put the acquired plant, care for it. Also, tips on breeding Barbaris and the struggle against the pests and diseases can be used.

Varieties and varieties of Barbaris

Barbaris - Spectacular decorative plant with extended fruits bright red, yellow or white color. This is unpretentious, drought-resistant and frost-resistant shrub with elliptical leaves of the most diverse color: green, yellow, red, purple. Ordinary Barberry Berries are edible and widely used in cooking and medicine. They have a pleasant sour taste and are used for the preparation of compotes, kissels, jams, pastes, syrups, etc.

Barbaris with ripe fruits

Due to the presence of many beneficial substances - malic, wine and lemon acids, carotenoids, vitamins, mineral salts, fruits and leaves of the plant are used for the manufacture of drugs:

  • reduced blood pressure;
  • possessing a bactericidal action;
  • preventing development in the body of the human gamblery;
  • to stop bleeding;
  • removal of fatigue;
  • fight against psoriasis.

Exists three main varieties of BarbarisEach of which has many varieties:

Also distinguish the types of barbaris, having on external signs similar to Barbaris ordinary:

  • gybrid Barbaris Provensky, obtained as a result of crossing ordinary and Siberian plant species;
  • growing in the Himalayas is ostic;
  • barberry Zimbolda, James, Dilsa.

Landing Barbarisa

In order for the seedlings to develop well, abundantly bloomed and fruited, it is important to carefully treat the selection of space for landing and the preparation of the soil. For Barbaris, the soil having normal acidity is most suitable if its pH is more than 7.0, it is recommended to make a sudden lime before or during plant planting.

Saplot Barbarisa

The optimal distance between the bushes during single landing is 1.5 m, when creating a living hedge - 0.5 m. Barbaris does not carry out water stagnation, so it should be planted on the most highly located places of the site and drain the soil by entering sand to improve the aeration of the root plant of the plant.

Attention! Despite endurance and unpretentiousness, Barbaris is lightly, when planting in the shadow, bright shades of color of his leaves fade, may disappear decorative elements On the leaves for which this plant is especially valued: stains, stripes and other patterns.

Ordering order:

  1. Prepare planting Yama with 40 x 40 x 40 cm sides.
  2. The bottom of the pit is stacked by a small sand layer, then a mixture of a delicate earth with 8-10 kg of humus or compost. If a organic fertilizers No mineral (200 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium sulphate) can be used instead. With a high pH of the soil (high acidity), 400 g of lime or 200 g of wood ash are added to it.
  3. The plant is placed in the pit, fill the free space by the trained earthy mixture, is abundantly watered, mulch the surface with peat or compost. Root neck Koxy should be at the level of the surface of the soil.
  4. The top of the plant is cut with leaving at the bottom of 3-5 strong kidneys.

It is very important to hide a plant for the winter well.

Best time For its landing or transplantation in the fall - from September 15 to October 15, in the spring - from the 20th of March until April 15. Plants that are purchased in a container can be planted in summer by choosing a non-jar of day and the first days defending direct sunlight.

Care for seedlings

The main care operations of Barbaris are:

  • soil loosening, facilitating oxygen access to plant roots;
  • watering into arid weather, weeding with the removal of weeds;
  • trimming of weak and sick branches, the formation of a bush;
  • podrel.

In the first 2 years after landing, the seedling should be covered by the winter burlap to protect against cold weather. Adult bushes easily tolerate negative temperature. If the winter is harsh and frost damage branches, they are cut off with the onset of spring to healthy kidneys.

Barbaris reacts very well to mulching

Barbaris is a fast-growing shrub, which is recommended to regularly trim in spring or autumn. This will make it possible to remove skeletal branches located in the central part of the bush, leading to its excessive thickening, but also to give a beautiful decorative shape using a haircut. The first trimming is made one year after landing, removing half or two third increments of the branch. The best time to give a neat shape of the living hedge from Barbarisa - June and August.

Attention! Some varieties of barbaris have sharp spikes, so when careing you should protect your hands with durable gloves. Regular watering (once every 4-7 days) is required only when drying the soil into arid hot weather and recently planted plants.

Fertilizer and feeding of Barbaris bushes

Barbaris does not need too frequent feeding. The first feeding of the plants spend a year after disembodies, then with periodicity of 3-4 years. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are made (on 1 bush dissolves in 10 liters of water 20-30 g of urea), autumn - phosphoric, potash (15 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potash salt by 1 plant), organic fertilizers. It is good to combine these drugs with trace elements.

In July, plants can be fertilized by a complex drug Kemira-Universal at a concentration of 15 g per 10 liters. Nitrogen fertilizers - ammonium nitrate, urea contribute to powerful growth, formation of leaves and stalks of seedlings, potash and phosphorus provide abundant flowering and fruiting bushes.

Seeds Barbarisa

Barbaris reproduction

For barbaris seeds reproductionThey are separated from the bone, withstand 3-5 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The dried seeds close in a ground for 1-2 cm, with the arrival of spring, the shoots are thinning, leaving the distance between them 3 cm or more. After 2 years, seedlings can be transplanted to another place. With the spring seed seeds, they need to be prepedentially stated: mix with sand and put in the refrigerator for 2-5 months. The stratification temperature must be within 2-5 ºC. In order for the plants in a few years to give fruit, you need to post a few copies, as it is a cross-peer shrub.

Shining It is produced in the morning in the middle of July. The preparation of cuttings is to remove the lower leaves, shortening 2 times the upper and room for 3-5 hours into aqueous solution of heteroacexin or another rooting agent. After washing with water, the cuttings are planted into greenhouse. The soil should consist of equal parts of the dermal land, humid and peat, to which a small amount of sand has been added. Within two weeks, regular ventilation of the greenhouse and moisturizing the soil are carried out, and when the cuttings are completely rooted, the film is cleaned.

Young plant, ready for landing for a permanent place

For breeding Barbarisa thaw In the spring, a powerful one-year escape is selected in the lower part of the bush, it is fitted and fixed in a small groove, which falls asleep earth so that only the upper part of the branch looks out from under the ground. By the end of the season, the glasses will be able to put the roots, it is separated from the bush and transplant.

Diseases and pests affecting Barbaris

The most dangerous for Barbaris insects is a flower spine, a wave and a sawmologist. Signs of lesions of the plant tool - drying and wrinkling the leaves. The pest can be eliminated, spraying the bushes with soap solution (300 g of the household soap takes 10 liters of water). Other pests can be destroyed using 1-3% of the chlorofosium solution.

Puffy dew on barberry leaves

Also, Barberry can be amazed by fungal diseases, for example, tormentous dew, as can be seen in the photo, the spottedness of leaves, rust and other diseases. To destroy pathogens muced dew The bush needs to be treated with 1% r-rum of colloid sulfur, cut sore branches and burn. With the damage to the rust plant, it should be threefold to treat 1% rival burgue liquid or colloidal sulfur with periodicity once a week. In case of illness, copper oxychloride (30-40 g per 10 liters of water) is used twice to dissolve flowers and at the end of flowering. Plants affected by the faded mushrooms are treated with copper oxychloride or burglar liquid. In the occurrence of bacteriosis, manifested by cracks and tumors on the stems, it is necessary to cut off the sick escape, capturing a healthy part of the plant and burn it, and a bush spray with burglar liquid or its analogue.


Posted by the bubbaris in the nucleotone site, you can get great pleasure from the amazing beauty of this plant, create beautiful compositions using his branches, thick-covered fruits, as well as use berries for making many dishes and therapeutic tincture.

Barberry for Garden: Video

Barbaris Growing: Photo