
What to feed the fruit trees and bushes in the spring. How and what to feed fruit trees and shrubs in the spring

Answers to gardeners

This article expands and complements the theme of the fertilizer of the garden, already outlined on this site. Here, the use of mineral fertilizers in the garden is described in more detail. About feeding black currant and gooseberry is also written in separate articles. On the other fruit and berry cultures can be found in this material.

So, knowing the characteristics of the soil on the plot, you can determine which types of fertilizers to enter and in what quantities. It is necessary to take into account: how much soil is fertile and nutritious, its composition (clay or peemer), as far as environment Favorable for fruit plants, what age in plantings and so on.

Young plants especially need phosphorus, which is a growth stimulator.

Food-potash fertilizers close deep into the ground before planting fruit and berry crops (trees and shrubs). These fertilizers will be enshrined in the application zone, so doses should be large, per long period of action.

Nitrogen fertilizers are well soluble and movable, easy to use when leaving for the garden. But it must be remembered that when you make these fertilizers in a dry form, it is necessary to immediately close them in the ground, so that the loss of nitrogen does not occur, because his form is flying, and nitrate - mobile, especially when watering and in light soils.

Methods for processing heavy and lung soils with nitric fertilizers are different. With light irrigated soils, nitrogen needs to be used often, but in small doses. For heavy soils, the dose may be greater, and the number of applications is less.

In the first half of summer, plants need 3 batteries: phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. In the second half, excess nitrogen can cause a protracted growth of fruit crops, especially bone, which reduces the stability of plants during the winter season.

For feeding apple trees, drain, cherries, pears, reworked manure and phosphoric-potash fertilizers should be made in advance prepared landing pitFor berry crops - under the poppill.

Superphosphate is used, mixing with the organic matter, in the following proportions: 300 grams of simple superphosphate or 150 grams - double and bucket of the dysubh. The mixture is prepared 2 weeks before use. For the apple tree, you will need 2 - 3 buckets of this mixture, where 15 - 25 kg of manure, superphosphate - 450 - 900 grams. number potash fertilizers - 200 - 300 grams. For bone cultures Fertilizers need 2 times less.

It is not recommended to use nitrogen fertilizers and non-dried manure. If the soil is good before planting trees and shrubs, it will not require additional sealing of phosphorus-potash fertilizers during the first 5 years.

In the first year after disembarking, the manure is used in the form of a mulch, and then organic fertilizers will be needed not before the fourth year, before the garden starts fruit.

Nitrogen fertilizers use when plants have taken root and grate (2 years after disembarking), with earlier use of young roots can get burns. Nitrogen in a nitrate form is needed by young fruit cultures growing on fertile soil during the period early springWhen the snow has already descended, but at night the land is still freezing. Nitrogen doses in a nitrate form (ammonium nitrate) are equal to 15 - 20 grams per square. meter.

The main effect of fertilizer is beginning to have plants during fruiting. When trees and bushes are sufficiently developed and begin to bear fruit, fertilizers contribute according to the following scheme: in the fall (main introduction), spring and feeding. During the main introduction, which is carried out under the steamer, organic fertilizers (compost and manure) are used, phosphorus-potash fertilizers, which includes superphosphate (30 - 45 grams per square meter) and potassium sulfur or chloride (20 - 25 grams per square. m).

Phosphorus-potash fertilizers made deep into the ground help to fix the root system. The best way The contribution is focal, which is a hole in a depth of 30 cm - 35 cm, located along the periphery of the crown (for 1 run meter - 1 hole), where the separated poverty fertilizers are placed.

If mineral fertilizers are combined with organic, then the normal rate is reduced by half.

In the spring under fruit cultures, it is customary to make an ammonium saltper, as well as organic and phosphorus-potash fertilizers, if they were not used in autumn.

The feeders are important for fruitful crops if the garden is iriced. Otherwise, bypassing an ammonium nitrate in the amount of 15-20 grams per square meter. The meter to the appearance of fruits, 20 - 25 grams, when fruiting comes.

In the irrigated fruit-free garden, where the movable nitrogen is constantly washed away, to the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers in early spring Add one or two feeders carried out for the growing season. The first feeding includes an ammonium nitrate (10 grams per square meter) and is made after squeezing. After 20 - 25 days, the second feeding is needed if the harvest is high. It is better to use nitroposk for it - 25 - 30 grams per square. meter or nitroammofosku - 20 grams per square. meter, adding chloride or sulfate potassium (10 grams per square meter).

A year, when there is practically no harvest, sufficiently basic fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer in early spring.

When feeding, mineral fertilizers are used as in the form of a solution (from 20 to 30 grams per 10 liters of water) and in a dry form with subsequent irrigation.

Effective also feeding such organic fertilizers as bird litter or dung alive. They are brought in an amount of 1 buckets on the furrow 2 - 3 meters long, around the tree from two or four sides, to a depth of 15 - 18 cm (under the apple and pears) or 12 - 14 cm (under cherries and plums). A bird may be diluted with water, withstanding the ratio 1:12, and dung Zhip. - 1: 4. The feeder is better to spend on rainy weather or simultaneously with watering.

Using feeding and nitrogen fertilizers, it must be remembered that the first will not replace the main fertilizer, and the second are harmful in excess for young plants, which will react with rosy growth in the absence of fruits.

With the beginning of spring, when all plants after the long winter sleep wake up, fruit trees, shrubs need to feed. They need nitrogen, which will help the start of vegetative processes, will contribute not only to good launch, but also the yield of fruit shrubs.

How and what they need to fertilize, in which the characteristics of the process, what kind of fuel will be favorable on the crop - consider in detail.

What you need to know about shrubs?

If you have a private house Or the country area, then without fruit shrubs can not do. They will not only decorate the landscape on the plot, but also will give useful rich in the berries vitamins. Especially since it is not required for their cultivation of special skills and skills. The main feature - places occupy a little, unpretentious, always in fashion. Among them are such types:

  • raspberries,
  • currant,
  • blackberry,
  • gooseberry,
  • edible honeysuckle
  • barberry,
  • aria (black rowan),
  • kalina
  • irga
  • dogwood,
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn,
  • hazelnut,
  • forest walnut (leschina),
  • actinidium,
  • fig
  • cranberry,
  • lemongrass
  • rosehip.

Since berries help with many diseases, they are used not only in raw form, but and dried, frozen, in the form of jam.

Fall - optimal time For disembarkation, since it is easier to prepare the soil, as well as a large selection of material for planting. But if in the winter because of the climatic conditions, the soil is deeply freezing, the landing is better to spend in spring.

In addition, care for berry shrubs includes not only watering, according to inexperienced gardeners. Since the plants are perennial, their root system absorbs useful substances whole year. Fertilizers need to be made not only in autumn, but also in the spring. They must be both so far and extractive.

Choose feeding in the spring!

Fertilizer for fruit trees And shrubs are best to take organic. Preference gives:

  • compost
  • torfa
  • humus
  • navigation.

They enrich the soil with the useful substances, contribute to the growth of plants. Mineral fertilizers, which contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassiums are also used to feed berry bushes.

For fruit shrubs, there is a certain drawing schedule:

  1. In the first decade of May, when they actively bloom.
  2. May is the first decade of June - a period of strengthened growth of shoots.
  3. The beginning of July, when the berries are tied.
  4. Last feeding after autumn harvest.

Facely currant bushes

Currant can be planted, focusing on every taste: black, red, white, golden. But if the care for it is reduced only to infrequent irrigation, then every year the berries will be less and after five years they will disappear at all. If you provide currants correct care, then fruit in one place the bush will be able to be over ten years.

Since currant for fruiting is ready for a year after planting, then at the beginning of the spring it is necessary to feed plants with organic fertilizers.

To begin with, they are brought with a nitrogen in the roar way. To do this, it is necessary to overcoat carefully, and then richly pouring the earth around so that the feeding does not burn young roots.

The humus is placed around berry bushes and sufficiently deeply hammer the land in a circle of at least 80 centimeters. In the summer, in order to increase the yield, each bush is fed separately 3-6 kg of compost, 10-15 g of potassium sulfate, 30 g of superphosphate.
In early October, the fruit shrubs make chicken litter or humus to feed the plants for the winter with useful trace elements.

We feed raspberry

To stock healing berries until the next season, do not forget about the benefits of mineral and organic fertilizers for raspberries.

How to improve yield?

We constantly write letters in which lovers of gardeners are experiencing that because of the cold summer this year, poor crops of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year, we published tips on this. But unfortunately, many were not listened, but some were still applied. Here is a report from our readers, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the harvest to 50-70%.

Read ...

Experienced gardeners made of organics are chosen to dense manure. Relief bring in spring or autumn - for each square meter About 6 kilograms. Bird lips in a liquid form or compost from peat, dry leaves, manure not only saturate the plant with the necessary substances of phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, but also perform disinfecting bushes from pests. For fruit shrubs, raspberries as feeding will need 9-10 kg per m2.

Potassium salt and superphosphate are used for spring feeding. Opponents of mineral fertilizers can use wood ash instead of potash feeding. It has no chlorine in its composition, but there are useful substances that help growth and fruiting. The ash can be made as dissolved in water and dry.

The "chemical" fertilizers practiced for feeding both individually and in the complex composition. A mixture of phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and manure contributes not only to the growth processes of new shoots, but also a buoy flowering, as well as good yield.

The appearance of raspberry bushes will say what nutrients lack:

  • brown leaves - a shortage of potassium,
  • thin, very weak shoots - phosphorus needs,
  • yellow leaves, small - apply nitrogen,
  • dark huge sheets - a lot of nitrogen, berries will be little.

The main thing is to correct the situation in a timely manner.

Proper feeding for "Northern Grapes"

It is so called the gooseberry. One berry of this shrub contains almost 50 kilocalories. Its makeup is striking the number of useful vitamins and trace elements: iodine, potassium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, iron, organic acids, vitamins A, C, D, E. It is considered a dietary berry that not only helps with metabolic processes, but also works against Malokrovia , deriving heavy metals and salts from the body.

The gooseberry bushes can not be sealing in places with a large moisture content of the soil, because in this case they will attack fungal diseases. This will lead to low yields, the rapid death of the plant.

The first two years, young shrubs do not fertilize. They have enough organic feeding, produced before landing. For the third year, the soil is fed by manure or humidize the way of loosening. An early spring before the dissolution of the kidneys is made by urea, ammonium salter (15-20 g per m2). Mineral fertilizers scatter around the bushes, the hoe is close to a depth of about 8-10 cm.

How to properly feed the gooseberry?

Programming the harvest of sea buckthorn

This golden berry is indispensable not only for burns. Her useful properties have long been appreciated in ancient China. In inept hands, she can quickly die. After all, the roots of these fruit shrubs are very close near the surface of the Earth. Therefore, it is necessary to drag the soil near the bushes. Optimal option - Use for shallow loosening chipping.

Feel the sea buckthorn follows no more than two years with a compost, humus (5-9 kg per m2). Do it better in the autumn period after completing the collection of berries. Mineral fertilizers prefer the potassium salt (25 g), superphosphate (60 g).

Experienced gardeners advise twice a year to feed the plant with a mixture of sand and humoring (2: 3), plus a couple of glasses of chopped egg shell.

If the sea buckthorn grows on the sandy soil, then a small nitrogen is not prevented by nitrogen. Note that for the year per meter square you can make no more than 20 grams of ammonium nitrate and 15 grams of urea.

Please note that all kinds of fertilizers for growth and fruiting sea buckthorn must be made before the formation of fruits.

Features of the feeding of Kizyl

it unpretentious plant Almost always take offense. Beats records for the content of vitamin C, and bones have antiseptic properties.

It can be formed not only as a bush, but also as a fruit tree. Dogwood from the south, so he loves the sun, and the very wet soil is contraindicated. There is a summary that the fruit shrubs of Kizyl can grow and be froning almost three hundred years.

For the fertilizer of the soil during the spring growth, mineral feeders containing nitrogen and phosphorus use. Autumn bushes feed potassium or wood ash. So that the plant is good fruit, add compost, humus, lime into the soil. But the ammonium sulfate is impossible to feed a dog.

Undercaming for Barbarisa

This evergreen shrub - decent decoration for garden plot. Its value is not only in beauty, but also in useful properties. It is believed that the use of Barbaris can extend the youth. And all because it removes toxins, cleanses blood, eliminates the organism harmful microbes.

The natural habitat of plants is associated with dry and gentle slopes. The clay soil before planting fertilize the mixture of sand and peat, humidiation or compost in equal parts. If the soil is acidic, then it is necessary to neutralize the ground in the holes using a hawned lime (350-400 grams per bus) or 250 grams of wood ash.

Feed the barbaris to the next spring after landing. The growth of young shoots stimulate mineral fertilizers With nitrogen (urea) at the rate of 25 grams per average water bucket. A similar feed is carried out every four years.

Fertilizers of organic origin (manure, humus) nourish shrubs before flowering and after. Prepare it like this:

  1. kilogram humoring soaked in three liters of water,
  2. after three days, filter,
  3. break infusion (1 liter) with water in a ratio of 1: 3 /

This dose is enough for one fruit bush.

Potassium and superphosphate are brought in autumn so that Barbaris prepared for the winter period. Do not forget to water the bushes after the fertilizer has been made. Then the soil must be closed with sawdust or peat.

How to grow a barbaris easy?

Help fruit the hazelnuts

This useful and tasty shrub is the closest relative of the Forest Out (Laming). If you decide to grow it yourself, you should be patient.

In most cases, the hazelnut will have to grow with nuts. The soil should be pretty loose, it should be easily equipped with humus.

The plant is transplanted in the well when it reaches 15-18 centimeters. Before boarding, make a feeding of ammonia nitrate, which contributes to growth. The first sign is produced at the end of April, the second - in the first decade of June. Four kilograms of manure are prepared, 45 grams of superphosphate, 45 grams of ammonium nitrate, 25 grams of potassium sulfate, the mixture is divided by half.

The hazelnut feed after rich watering or rain. Fertilizers need to be scattered evenly on the soil and step up soil. In the spring and summer it makes finely, the autumn dig up twice deeper.

Why do extractive types of fertilizers apply?

In summer, use for feeding fruit plants extreme fertilizers. In this way, shrubs are feeding not through root system, and through the leaves. The fact is that so nutrients Enter the plant faster than through the roots.

Not only organic, but also mineral fertilizers are used. The only warning is to use very weak solutions so that the salts do not damage the leaves. Therefore, the concentration of superphosphate should be no more than 4%, and the urea and chloride or sulfate of potassium - about 1%.

Plants spray or early in the morning. In the afternoon, the solution will quickly evaporate, so this process is possible only under cloudy weather.

Young leaves are treated with a weaker solution. For example, after collecting currant berries, the bushes can be sprayed with a solution of 4 grams of manganese, 2 grams boric acid, 8 grams copper Kaper. They are bred in ten liters of water. Malina is desirable to feed in this way after flowering and harvesting berries. It can be a solution of manganese or zinc, copper sulfate or ammonium.

Advantages of extractive fertilizers:

  • contribute to the increase in flowering branches and weight of berries,
  • the number of Padalitsa and rotting fruit decreases,
  • becomes more young shoots,
  • vegetative processes occur faster.

Important moments when feeding

If you decide to come up to the process of feeding berry bushes responsible, pay attention to such details:

  1. with abundant irrigation, the supply of nutrients should be increased,
  2. before cutting the bushes to increase the number of young shoots, the dose of feeding should be greater,
  3. liquid types of fertilizers contribute around the plant at a distance of approximately half the meter from the crown diameter,
  4. when the soil often focuses ashes, then mineral feeders do not need to make,
  5. if simultaneously makes feeding with organic and mineral substances, then the norm is doubled.

Fruit shrubs, like any plants, need extra nutrition. The fertilizers made on time, correctly selected dosage and type of feeding favorably will be favorable not only on the growth of bushes, but also on yields perennial plants!

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It is important to realize that feeding fruit trees and shrubsin the spring is an important event towards getting a rich harvest. At the beginning of the growing season, any culture on or in the garden requires a supply of nutrients, without which it is impossible to fully development and good fruiting.

What do shrubs and trees in spring need

Most of all in the spring period, fruit trees and bushes need nitrogen. He plays a key role in growth, in the development of a powerful root system, the formation of new leaves, colors and fruits. Nitrogen-containing feeding is able to increase yield, and also significantly improve the quality of the fruit.

In addition to nitrogen in spring garden plants, such chemical elements are needed such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, boron, cobalt, copper, manganese. There are two ways to feed shrubs and fruit trees:

Spring Complex Mineral Fertilizers - are the product of the chemical industry and are designed to meet the needs of specific cultural species during a certain period.
Organic feeding - are the result of natural processes of nature (bird litter or cow manure, compost).

Organic feeding - this is part of nature

First Spring Falker of Garden Cultures

Specialists advise the first time to feed fruit trees and shrubs at the very beginning of spring. Do not wait to wait until all the snow melts, but the Earth must lean a little. For feeding during this period, use nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers (ammonia nitrate, urea). Loss them around each trunk in the snow, which during melting will deliver nitrogen and other important chemical elements to the root system of fruit trees with shrubs.

During such feeding, it is important not to overdo it, since the excess of nitrogen hurts culture. Having received an excessive portion of this element, the tree will become so actively developing its crown and the root system that there will be very little effort to the zeeping and good development of fruits. How to calculate the number of feeding? Very simple - one young tree Use approximately 40 g, for adults - about 100 g.

Do not overdo the nitrogen-containing feeding

If you are an adherent of organic feeding, wait until the earth fully utters. Prepare the nutrient solution by adding 300 g of urea to the water bucket, 1.5 liters or 4 liters of manure. For a reference point: On one tree we spend 3-4 liters of feeding.

Second feeding of fruit trees and shrubs

During the flowering and formation of leaves, the bushes and fruit trees especially need potassium and phosphorus. Potassium is necessary for the formation of new shoots, improving the level of sugar in the fruits, as well as for the sustainability of crops to disease and unfavorable external factors. Phosphorus helps to strengthen the root system of bushes and trees.

Experienced gardeners say that it is better not to acquire mineral fertilizers containing both substances at once, but it is better to make them in the soil separately. First phosphoric, having the name "Superphosphate", - 60 g on adult tree. A little later, potash (potash salt, potimagnesia, potassium sulfate, ash) - 20 g per tree.

Third and fourth spring fertilizer of garden plants

It is very important to feed berry bushes and fruit trees in spring after flowering for the full development of fruits. In this period, the body is best suited. From organic fertilizers, the compost gardeners especially loved. They watered the root zone of flowering garden plants, pre-diluating water.

During the development of the proposed fruit, it is desirable to finish the garden cultures by the Organic (cowboy, compost, biohumus) once again. If there is no such possibility, then purchase a special mineral mixture, with a minor predominance in the composition of nitrogen. Fertilizer either chop up the ground or stirred with mulch.

In the period of flowering and education, the fruit trees and shrubs need potassium and phosphorus

Each dacket takes care of the health of fruit trees and berry Sustainers, rejoicing lush blossom Plants in spring and tasty juicy fruits in summer and autumn. The basis of a rich harvest of the garden for the future season is laid in autumn. The main task during this period is to feed the plants, saturate them with nutritional elements to help transfer the rest stage and cope with the lute winter frosts. Therefore, feeding fruit trees in the fall is a very important stage of garden care.

During the growing season, when fruits are matured on trees and shrubs, plants absorb the set of nourishing elements from the soil. First of all, we are talking about nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and other trace elements. The introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers fills the balance of chemical elements, and also contributes to the improvement of the structure of the soil and creating favorable conditions for the development of useful soil microflora.

What fertilizers are used for autumn garden feeding?

Fertilizer selection depends on the preferences of the summer house. For example, fans of biological farming are trying not to use on the mineral tuki plot, believing that the traditional organic agent can completely eliminate the soil imbalance and restore the optimal content of trace elements in the soil.

  1. Phosphate. Contribute to strengthening the root system, as well as accumulation in the wooded juice of protein compounds and sugar substances.
  2. Potash. Increase the frost resistance of all crops, lead to removal of excess liquid from plant tissues.
  3. Wood ash or vegetable ash. Structures the soil, prevents the rise of land, enriches the soil mixture by all the necessary trace elements.
  4. Organic. Increase the percentage content in the humus soil, contribute to improving the moisture and air permeability of the soil, prevent the soil mineralization, increase yields.

As you can see, among the list of fertilizers there are no nitrogen feeding. The fact is that after the middle of the summer, nitrogen connections in the ground are not made. This is due to the fact that chemical element It activates the extension of green mass and stimulates the growth processes of trees and bushes. And, since August, the completed and ending fruiting plants are preparing for resting period, and such activation of vitality they are simply contraindicated.

Mineral autumn feeding

We will analyze in detail how correctly and in what quantities are made every of the feeding.

Phosphoric fertilizers

To enrich the soil phosphorus use superphosphate or double superphosphate. The difference between these compositions is only in the concentration of the main existing item. Granulated or in the form of a powder Mineral Tuk has proven himself in practice, as on small dumart sitesand in large gardens.

All horticulture should be known that phosphorus is a substance of a low-propelled and hard-soluble in water. Therefore, the superficial fertilizer (spreading the composition on the surface of the Earth in the hope that the water will deliver it in the deep layers) is ineffective, and it is easier to say completely useless. Superphosphate is required to close the soil in the location of suction root processes.

The scare in the root of the soil of phosphoric tanks is recommended to a depth of 10 to 15 cm for trees and from 7 to 10 cm for berries.

In addition, fertilizer does not close the trees in the very trunks or at the base of the shrub, since the suction roots are located along the periphery of the rolling circle.

It is best to bring superphosphate to the wells, dug around the projection of the tree crown around the trunk. The depth of the hole is up to 30 cm (shtyk shovel). In each hole, fall asleep on one handful of fertilizer, poured with water and bury.

The usual superphosphate (monophosphate) is close at the rate of 45-50 gr / sq. meter, granulated superphosphate - 35-40 gr / sq. meter, double superphosphate - 25-30 gr / sq. meter.

Exact fertilizer standards for each culture, depending on the type and age, are shown in the instructions on the package.

Potash fertilizers

Potassium sulphate is considered better than potassium feeding, as there is no harmful chlorine. The grinding rate under the people from 5 to 10 g / sq. M. meter. The simultaneous sealing of phosphate and potash compositions is preferable than the mono introduction of each tuk, since in this case phosphor is better assimilated in the soil complex.

Cheaper option - the use of potassium chloride. So that chlorine does not damage the roots, this fertilizer is brought as early as possible so that the harmful substance can be washed out with watering waters and autumn precipitates into deep layers of the soil.

Kalimagnesia is another fertilizing composition containing in addition to potassium so necessary trees and magnesium bushes. This fertilizer is desirable to use in the form of an aqueous solution, watering the priority circles and the ground under the bushes. Please note that the needs of plants in magnesium rises on light sandy soils.

Combined fertilizers

Comprehensive potash-phosphor feeders, which are used according to the instructions have proven well. There are many autumn fertilizers such as mineral and organic, non-nitrogen compounds. The attached instructions allow up to several grams to calculate the norms of application under each culture.

There are specialized fertilizers for fruit trees, for berry cultures, for the whole garden marked "Autumn". For example, "fruit", " Fruit garden"," Autumn for Garden "," Universal ", etc., which allow your plants to fall and gain strength for the future season, and also increase the percentage of their survival halve.

Such fertilizers contribute to the attractive circles of young seedlings, and in the ripe garden, they close not only in them, but also handle the arsect of trees and bushes or close the crown projection.

Vegetable asna for autumn feeding

Autumn feeding of fruit trees and shrubs in autumn can be carried out by plant ash. The ash practically does not contain nitrogen compounds, as well as a dangerous chlorine for some crops.

The ash is considered natural source phosphorus and potassium, the concentration of which ranges from the original burned material. In addition, it has magnesium, iron, calcium, fluorine, boron, iodine, and all other plants needed for the vital activity.

Many gardeners successfully replace the ash potassium-phosphoric Mineral Tuki.

The only minus in the use of ash is the need for large quantities. But the maternity owners burning plant residues from the beginning of the spring and until the end of the summer (cut trunks, branches after trimming, tops vegetable crops, sheet oped, straw, etc.) and saving it in paper bags in the barn, ash is always provided in the desired volume.

Rings of ash in the garden: ½-1 bucket for each adult plant. Throughout the summer, the ash is recommended to scatter in the rolling circles, and fall into the soil in the fall at the pool and the garden.

Organic autumn fertilizers

Fresh manure of agricultural animals under fruit trees And shrubs are not used, since this tool contains high doses of ammonia, which can significantly damage (burn) roots.

For the garden, the best organic is considered:

  • Rided compost (so-called "black gold").
  • Peat or peat-null compost.
  • Humile (composted or completely overwhelmed korovyat).
  • Dry cow and bird excrement.
  • Biohumus. Biohumus granules are added according to the instructions on the package.

Each plant is made from 1 to 5 buckets of organic fertilizers depending on age. The seal is carried out during the rescue, trying to carefully enrich the ground with a nutrient substrate by means of a deep scare.

Complex autumn feeding of garden crops

According to reviews experienced gardeners, best subordinate A combination of organic and mineral fertilizers is considered for the garden. It is a complex feeder that provides assimilation of all nutritional components in the ground and turn them into easily accessible to suction roots of the form.

  • Apple trees and pears. Under the trees up to 8 years old is taken 10 kg of humus or compost, from 8 to 10 years - 30 kg, and over 10 years old - 50 kg. The nutrient substrate enriches 0.3 kg of superphosphate and 0.2 kg of potassium sulfate. Fertilizer is splashing deep into the rolling circles and in the projection of the crown by the method of rescue.
  • Berry shrubs (raspberries, gooseberry, currant). Under each bush, 50 kg of humidiation or compost is taken, 60 Gy of superphosphate and 40 casine salt are added. The nutrient mixture is sealed in ditch (depth of about 20 cm), dug up at a distance of about 0.3 m from the plant in a circle or in the aisle.
  • Plum and cherry. Scatter with a smooth layer of dry litter of birds or cow excrement, close in the priority circles or ground under the bushes with a shovel. After a few days, it is pouring a nutrient solution. It takes 40 liters of water on an adult tree, dissolve 10 st. spoons of superphosphate and 8 tbsp. Potassium sulfate spoons. The resulting liquid shed a rolling circle at the beginning of autumn. Fertilization consumption for young trees from 3 to 5 years - 2 buckets of the composition.

When to fertilize the garden in the fall?

So that all plants prepared for the winter, and left on the "full", fertilizer making an event should be planned as early as possible.

After the feeding, all the priority circles are recommended to be insulated with compost. "Black Gold" laid out with a layer of 5-6 cm, not only protects the roots from moving, but also enrich, as decomposition, the soil with the necessary power. It is not necessary to remove the mulching layer, it is enough to overheat together with the ground in early spring (after the snow and the soil warming).

Intensive development of the root system of trees and perennial shrubs happens at the end of September. A sufficient amount of moisture and the entire spectrum of nutritional elements provides plants in life forces and allows them to prepare with high quality for wintering.

Autumn - the most favorable time For fertilizer perennial plants. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this event. Earth enrichment with nutritional compositions is not only a guarantee of the future harvest, but also serious assistance in increasing the resilience of all cultures of diseases and the invasion of pests. Canceled Yields in the garden every season!

Feeding fruit trees and shrubs in the spring will provide you good harvest, find out which drugs it is better to choose and how to make feeding. This is because at the beginning of the intensive growth period, any plant simply needs a supply of nutrients. With its absence, it will not be able to develop normally, as well as and abundantly fruit.

What nutrients are needed by trees and shrubs in spring time

Spring fruit shrubs And trees need nitrogen. It contributes to the active growth of new sheet plates, flowers and fruits, and also takes direct participation in the development of relatively powerful roots. Fertilizers containing nitrogen contribute not only to an increase in the amount of fruits, but also to improving their quality.

Undercine of fruit trees and shrubs in the spring includes the need to make the following substances: magnesium, iron, boron, copper, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, cobalt, manganese. The feeder can be conducted by 2nd ways:

  1. Use organic fertilizers - they are completely natural, for example, compost, bird litter, manure, etc.
  2. Use integrated mineral fertilizers - they are created by a person in chemical enterprises. With their manufacture, features are taken into account separate species plants during a certain period.

First feeding garden crops in spring

The very first feeding of garden crops is recommended to produce at the beginning of the spring period. It should not be expected to wait for the entire snow cover, but the soil must be slightly soaked. Finding plants at this time can be mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen (urea, ammonium nitrate). Fertilizer need to sprinkle directly on the surface of the snow cover around the shrubs and trees. In the process of snow melting, the necessary nutrients achieved the root system of plants.

Proper feeding of fruit trees and shrubs in the spring eliminates the raporage plant with nitrogen. The fact is that the green mass will start actively develop, but the yield will deteriorate sharply. In this regard, a young plant needs no more than 40 grams, and an adult is 100 grams of such fertilizer.

In a fully exhausted soil, organic fertilizers can be made. For their preparation of 10 liters of water, dissolve 1.5 l litter, 0.3 liters of urea and 4 liters of manure. On one bush, approximately 4 l of nutrient mixture will be required.

Second feeding of garden crops in spring

Garden cultures during flowering and intensive growth need phosphorus and potassium. Potassium contributes to the growth of young shoots, increases the amount of sugar in the fruits, increases resistance to diseases and pests. Phosphorus makes more powerful roots.

Specialists advise you to make these substances in the ground separately, and not together. At first - 60 g "Superphosphate" (contains phosphorus) for 1 adult tree, and after some time - calmagnezia, ash, potassium salt or potassium sulfate (contain potassium) for 20 g per tree.

The third and fourth feeding of garden crops in spring

Required feeding at the end of flowering. At this time, gardeners use organic fertilizers, and in particular compost. It is dissolved in water, and then poured into the root area of \u200b\u200bthe tree or shrub.

During the risk of fruits, feeding organic fertilizer (For example: with a compost, a cow or biohumus). You can buy a specialized mineral mixture in which nitrogen is contained in minimal quantity. Mix with mulch either to fit into the ground.

How to fertilize garden trees And shrubs, interesting advice of gardeners.

Feeding garden crops in spring time, you need to remember:

  • after putting into the soil of dry fertilizer, we need a relatively abundant watering;
  • in order not to get burns on the root system, the liquid fertilizer does not contribute to dry ground;
  • 1 year after landing any garden Plant in the soil fertilizer do not contribute;
  • feedly recommended in the evening;
  • fertilizing the plant must be remembered that the roots of the adult tree go beyond its roots by approximately half the meter.