
Coniferous tree. Larch is a coniferous or deciduous tree

Vegetable crops

Topic: Pine, spruce and other conifers.

The purpose of the lesson: teach to learn to distinguish between conifers.


1. To contribute to the formation of the concept - conifers, to acquaint with the distinctive features conifers.
2. To create conditions for the development of methods of analysis and synthesis through comparison of trees, classification and generalization, to consolidate the ability to work with tables.
3. To contribute to the education of cognitive interest, to continue the formation of a value attitude towards the nature of the native land.

A type : combined.

View: research lesson.

Form of work: group, individual.

Planned results: learners will learn to highlight similar and distinctive features appearance conifers; educational and informational (to carry out observation), educational and logical and educational and intellectual actions (to highlight the main, essential, classification, generalization) and educational and organizational actions (the ability to explain, provide assistance) will be formed.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: “Today is a beautiful winter day. I hope everyone is in a good mood and will stay that way until the end of our lesson.

To become a friend of nature,

Find out all her secrets

Solve all the riddles

Learn to observe

Let's develop mindfulness together,

And our curiosity will help to find out everything.

2. Announcement of goals, lesson plan.

Today we have an unusual lesson. You will all become researchers. Who are called researchers? (the one who investigates, studies the object and makes a discovery).Show presentation.

Slide 1.

Look children at these pictures.

How can these plants be called in one word? (trees)

Remember what parts all trees have? (Trunk, branches, root, flower or fruit with seeds.)

Show parts of the tree.

On what basis can trees be divided into two groups?

How can these trees differ from each other? (Deciduous trees have leaves, while conifers have needles.)

What trees are called conifers?

Conifers are those trees whose leaves are shaped like needles.

Why did conifers get this name?

They got their name - "conifers" from the word "needles".

What are pine needles?

The needles are many green needles covering the branches of trees.

How do conifers differ from deciduous trees?

Conifers differ from deciduous trees in that their seeds are formed in large woody cones.

What are the most common types of conifers?

Spruce, pine, larch, fir, cedar, juniper, sequoia, yew, cypress.

3. Updating knowledge. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

The topic of our lesson is "Spruce and pine and other conifers."

Today we must learn and remember how they are similar and how they differ, we will observe, compare, play, work in groups, guess and guess riddles, we will play a little fairy tale.

Slide 3.


What is the name of a forest in which only spruce grows? Spruce, spruce forest.

Look at the picture. What is the name of this tree?

Pine. What is the name of a forest in which only pine trees grow?


4. Statement of the problem and "discovery" of new knowledge.

Do you think that all conifers are the same color in winter and summer? (Not really).

To answer this question, I propose to go on an excursion into nature, observe conifers.

Where is the best place to do this?

The forest is our friend, helper, and we are the friends of nature. Therefore, going on a visit to the forest, let's remember the rules of cultural behavior. I'll show you the signs on the slide, and you tell me what they mean. (do not pick flowers, do not make noise in the forest, do not kill animals and birds, do not litter, do not burn a fire, etc.) What other rules of conduct in the forest do you know? Well done. We leave for the forest.

Slide 4.

5. Watching a video. Shishkin school "Conifers".

Slide 5.

What trees did you see in the forest?

What are these trees called?

What did this music help us show? (The power of trees, their greatness, gigantic size).

What surprised you during the tour? (Coniferous tree of huge size).

And who wants to know about a coniferous tree called sequoia? Then I propose to listen to my story and answer the question "why is this tree called a sequoia."

Slide 6.

6. By watching a video. America. State of California, Sequoia National Park. The teacher's story.

Sequoiagenus woody plants ... Some of the sequoias reach a height of over 110 m - they are one of the tallest trees on Earth. The maximum age is about two thousand years. The name of the genus was given in honor of the Sequoia George Hess - the leader tribe. Medicinal properties sequoia has no less than pine and fir. Sequoia essential oils are used to purify the air and aromatize the room, they have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory organs. Sequoias grow only in ecologically clean places. The tree is not susceptible to attacks by pests, rot and diseases. The life span of a sequoia is about 6000 years. These gigantic plants have come to us since the time of the dinosaurs. Due to the predatory attitude of man towards them, about 500 copies remained on Earth. All plants are under the strictest protection and are natural monuments.


What have you learned? Why was this tree called "sequoia"? What is the life span of a sequoia? What is used in medicinal purposes? What is special about this tree?

7 . Comparison of trees pine and spruce.

Slide 7 - 14. Coniferous quiz.

Question: What are the sizes of spruce and pine needles and how are they located?

Answer: In spruce, the needles are short, located singly, while in pine they are long and narrow, arranged in pairs.

Question: What are the spruce and pine cones in size and color?

Answer: We ate big cones bright red in color and the size of a hazelnut, and the pine has smalllight yellow bumps, the size of a cherry pit.

Question: Which country is considered the historical homeland of Christmas, and then Christmas tree?

Answer: Germany.

Question: How do spruce and pine branches grow?

Answer: The branches of the pine grow in all directions, and the tree grows upwards.

Question: What are the thickness of the trunks of pine and spruce?

Answer: In a pine, the trunk is thicker, it is smooth, there are no branches below and needles do not grow.The branches of the tree grow to the very bottom.

Question: What is the color of the bark of pine and spruce?

Answer: The color of the bark in pine is lighter, in spruce it is much darker.

Question: Think about why pines always have branches growing at the top of the trunk, and spruces - to the very bottom?

Answer: The pine loves the sun. But there is no Christmas tree.

Question: How are the needles located and growing on a branch of a pine and spruce?

Answer: In a pine tree, needles grow in bunches, and in a Christmas tree, around twigs. Pine needles grow 2 from one place, and a Christmas tree - one at a time.

Question: What is the shape of the spruce and pine cones?

Answer: Oval spruce cone, round pine cone.

Conifers are trees and shrubs whose leaves have been modified into needles or scales. The seeds ripen inside ligneous cones or juicy cones. All representatives contain a large amount of essential oils and resin. Many species are of medical importance.

The medicinal properties of all conifers are primarily due to the substances that make up their composition. These are mainly essential oils. That is why conifers are so fond of bath attendants and adherents of aromatherapy. The most common and most noticeable of all the conifers that we grow is probably pine. Pine is a tree up to 40 meters high; a large number of plant species belong to this genus. The most common type is this. Scots pine needles are collected in two and not very long. There are pines with needles reaching 15 - 20 cm. Another plant, which is also familiar to many, in the common people it is called "cedar", although in fact it is Siberian Pine. Siberian pine needles are collected in a bunch of five pieces. Cedar seeds have been used medicinally for a long time. It is well known in Siberia that pine nuts contain a large amount of protein, vitamins and various microelements. That is why they were used not just for food, but very often crushed and with a small addition of water, they were used as a substitute for breast milk when the mother had a lack of it.

Scots pine seeds are much smaller in size and are not used for food, at least by humans. But many other parts of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. These are needles, young buds, pollen and, most importantly, resin.

Pine resin is harvested from living plants and is called "gum". On an industrial scale, several kilograms of resin can be harvested from one tree. Of course, after that, the tree dies, so this is done in those places, in those parts of the forest that are intended for felling. Pine gum has long been used in place of chewing gum. Due to the fact that it contains a huge amount of vitamins, biologically active substances, essential oils, it was used in the fight against diseases associated with a lack of vitamins, that is, with vitamin deficiencies, as well as in inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and throat.

Pine resin is also the most valuable chemical raw material. From it, for example, get turpentine, rosin. Rosin is also used in the music industry for lubricating bows, and for soldering various metal products. But the petrified resin is amber.

Pine needles preparations have a number of useful medicinal properties. They are used as a diuretic, choleretic, tonic, hemostatic agent. In addition, they also have disinfectant and expectorant properties. Decoction pine needles used for bronchitis, upper respiratory tract diseases, asthma. They are drunk or used as inhalation.

Young pine buds are usually harvested in the spring at a time when the needles have not yet fully crawled out of their bud scales. They are cut with scissors, dried, and then infusions and decoctions are prepared from them. But pine needles can be harvested in almost any period, even in winter. You need to collect needles from thin young twigs, the diameter of which is no more than 2 - 3 millimeters. Such needles are not stored for long, usually 2 - 3 months; from it you can prepare decoctions, infusions. It is finely cut and poured cold water... In this case, the infusion is prepared within 12 hours, and half a glass is drunk 2 - 3 times a day.

Pine also uses pollen for medicinal purposes. Pine pollen matures in male cones. These cones, unlike the female ones, are usually located on the lower shoots and are easy to collect. The optimal time for collection is also very easy to find. If at the end of May - beginning of June you approach a pine tree and hit the lower branches, then during the period of pollen ripening a whole cloud of yellow dust will rise above these branches - this is pollen. It is collected by cutting with scissors or a knife, the needles are separated, dried and used in the same form as infusions and decoctions. Pine pollen is a commonly used and found dietary supplement. It is primarily a tonic and immunostimulating property. In addition, pine pollen preparations are believed to have anti-aging properties and help to increase joint mobility.

Pine pollen cones will never make real cones, because these are male cones. But female cones are on other branches and usually these branches are located higher. I must say that the pine cone and the spruce cone are very different from each other. The pine cone is shorter and the scales that cover the seeds are harder, harder and more woody. Female pine cones are not used in medicine. Cones ate, on the contrary, are elongated and in a fresh (not dry) form they look like a carrot. Their scales are thinner and they adjoin tightly to the axial part, covering the seeds that are hidden there.

Young spruce cones with unripe seeds are used in medicine. Decoctions are prepared from them, which are used when various diseases associated with inflammatory processes of the mouth, throat, respiratory tract - tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis. They are used as gargles and are also applied externally. Unlike pine, which is used in both the official and folk medicine, spruce is used only in folk medicine, but there it takes its rightful place.

On the territory of our country, basically one species grows in the wild - this. In culture, however, there are other types of spruce, for example, blue spruce... In the forest, you can find a plant very similar to a spruce, which is called a fir. Fir needles are softer, not as sharp at the ends, more rounded and flatter than those of spruce. In spruce, needles are the most valuable medical raw material, much more valuable than spruce cones.

In medicine, mainly young spruce shoots are used. It is best to collect needles in the spring, at a time when the needles are still soft and differ in color from the old ones - they are lighter and brighter. Spruce needles, like pine needles, contain a very large amount useful elements... First of all, these are essential oils, phytoncides, various trace elements. Spruce needles are very rich in tannins, and, most importantly, they contain a large amount of vitamin C, even more than pine needles. That is why young shoots were used during the war as a powerful remedy against scurvy. They were chewed, added to salad, and various other dishes. In the spring, walking through the forest, if you find young needles on the spruce, try them to taste - they will be sour.

Decoctions and infusions of spruce needles are used for diseases such as tonsillitis, tonsillitis for rinsing and ingestion. Most often, unlike pine, spruce is used for gout, rheumatism, various diseases associated with the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary system.

But the drugs ate have their own contraindications. For example, they are not recommended to be consumed in large quantities by people who suffer from certain kidney diseases. These are mainly nephritis, nephrosis and diseases close to these.

Despite the fact that pine and spruce are close relatives, they even belong to the same family - the pine family, the forests of which are very diverse in their appearance. For example, a pine forest is light, transparent and, as it were, filled with air. That is why pine forests, they are also called in another way - pine forest, very often inspired artists to write these landscapes. And the spruce forest, on the contrary, is dark and gloomy. This is due to the fact that the spruce forms a very dense crown, which practically does not allow sunlight... That is why nothing grows in spruce forests except the spruce itself.

But there is another family that also belongs to conifers, this is the cypress family. And in addition to the southern representatives of this family, such as thuja and cypress, which in our middle lane are not found, there is one tree, or a shrub that is also used in medicine - this is a juniper.

evergreen shrub the cypress family. Grows in the undergrowth of coniferous and coniferous-small-leaved forests. The seeds are located in succulent, fleshy cones, which are used medicinally and also to make gin. All parts of the plant, including wood, contain a large amount of phytoncides.

Unlike spruce and other conifers, juniper usually does not grow more than 3 to 5 meters. The largest juniper tree described by botanists is located in Norway and is 17 meters high; this tree is about a hundred years old. In our forests, the height of the juniper is usually 1.5 - 3 meters. But, if you plant it on your site, it may turn out to be higher. The appearance of a juniper is very different from that of a spruce. Firstly, it has completely different needles - they are shorter and much sharper than the needles they ate. In addition, juniper twigs are short and located closer to the main trunk. Very often, a juniper is represented not by one trunk, but by two or three at once, which extend from one root.

Juniper, unlike pine and spruce, forms not just cones, but the so-called cones, which look like a berry, but from the point of view of botany, they are a cone in structure. Unlike pine and spruce, female and male cones in juniper ripen on different plants... On one plant, female cones ripen, from which cones are then formed, and on the other only male pollen cones. Therefore, if you planted a juniper on your site and want to get fruit from it, then the plant will definitely need a pair.

For medicinal purposes, juniper uses mainly fruits, that is, cones. It is best to collect them during the period when they ripen as much as possible, this is the end of August - the beginning of September. It should be noted that in all conifers, including juniper, fruiting is not the same over the years and a large number of fruits is usually formed every 3 to 4 years. If suddenly you went into the forest and found a juniper densely covered with pine berries, then collect it in advance and for future use, because on next year they may not be there at all. The shelf life of this raw material is 2 - 3 years.

People have known about the beneficial bactericidal properties of pine, spruce and other conifers for a long time. For example, scientists have found that in the clay cuneiform tablets of the ancient Sumerians, whose age dates back to about 5,000 years, there is a mention of useful properties pine trees. The ancient Egyptians used resin, that is, the resin of pine and spruce, to prepare embalming compounds. Surprisingly, more than 3000 years have passed, and these compounds have not lost their bactericidal properties.

Conifers are found almost everywhere, including both warm and cold regions. In some areas, representatives of this family prevail over other plant species. The most famous of these are fir, spruce, pine, cedar, juniper, cypress, larch, yew and sequoia. These are mainly tall trees, but their dwarf representatives and shrubs are also found. In our latitudes, conifers are widespread, but not everyone knows, for example, how spruce differs from pine.

Features of these trees

All representatives of gymnosperms are united by the method of reproduction with the help of cones. This species is called so because their seeds are located directly on the scales of the cones. Another feature of these trees is that they have needles instead of leaves. This is an adaptive function developed during adaptation to cold conditions of existence. Conifers are cone-shaped, often grow very high, and do not shed their needles during the winter. This is general features all representatives of this species.

A very important quality is also the composition of the wood, which is enriched with such important components as esters, resins and trace elements that give these trees a special value. Use it in the manufacture different types products ranging from clothing and paper products to high-quality furniture, for the production of which the best representatives of the forest are selected.

Spruce and pine

These are the most common representatives Peacefully existing in the coniferous kingdom, spruce and pine trees have a fragrant aroma and graceful form, standing out against the general background. These are the ones found in every city, in the forests, used as raw materials for the manufacture of paper, furniture, for construction. Many poems and songs are dedicated to them, in all countries there is a custom to put a Christmas tree on New Year... The needles and resin of these trees are also used in medicine and cosmetology.

Spruce: a short description

It is a very nice pyramidal shape. In the first 15 years, the spruce is considered a young tree and has a simple taproot structure. Then, in the process of development, it becomes more branched and the main root dies off as unnecessary. On the surface, an identical situation occurs, for a long time the tree grows exclusively upward, without giving lateral shoots.

The trunk is covered with scaly layers of gray bark. Spruce cut light color with a light golden tint, practically does not emit resin, the structure is homogeneous. The shape of the spruce needles is characterized by a conical structure. The complete renewal of the coniferous crown occurs within 6 years. The places left without thorns are covered with fresh vegetation in the coming year.

Considering the cones of different conifers, you can understand how spruce differs from pine. Upon closer inspection, a cylindrical shape and slight sharpness can be noted. A feature of the spruce cones is also the fact that they hang down.

Types of firs

For a more detailed consideration of the features of these trees, it is worth mentioning the blue spruce. This wonderful plant is used for decorative planting. The height of an adult tree can reach 50 meters. True, there are often specimens no higher than 25-30 meters with a trunk diameter of 1.5 meters. The spruce needles initially take a conical shape, then, expanding, become cylindrical. The length of the needles does not exceed 3 cm, and the cones of blue spruce can grow up to 11 cm in length, taking on shades from reddish to purple.

Glen's spruce is original tree with an unsightly crown. It reaches a height of about 30 m, while the trunk diameter varies from 60-80 cm.The Japanese, Kuril Islands, as well as some regions of Sakhalin are the main place of growth of this interesting kind... Looking at this tree, you can understand exactly how spruce differs from pine. This is mainly the shape of the needles and the length of the needles, not exceeding 3 cm. To this can be added the structure of the bark and wood.

Pine: a short description

The pine tree is a centuries-old tree, and its age can range from 100 to 600 years. Subspecies of this plant are found as shrubs, trees or elfin trees. Currently, only a few specimens are known that have survived to the 500-year mark. The pine can be up to 75 meters high and its base is 4 meters wide. Preferring a medium tree in wetlands does not exceed 1 meter.

Pine grows in open areas, as it is a light-loving plant. Here the height of the pine can reach a maximum of 50-75 meters, and the variety of shapes and sizes pine cones strikes with unpredictable curves.

What are the pines

This family includes several different types... For example, consider the main places where the tree has taken root perfectly, are European and Asian territories. The length of the needles can reach 10-15 cm. The centuries-old trees are distinguished by spreading branches, high strength and resinousness. straight, covered with a thick protective layer of gray-brown bark. The top of the pine tree has an orange-red bark that coarsens quickly and easily. The main growth of the tree occurs in the first century of its life.

Dwarf pine is used as a decoration for personal plots. It takes root well in a small area, is easy to process and does not leave debris. In addition, due to its small size, it can be placed in a small area. These trees go well with the flora of any landscape design thanks to all kinds of colors. Dwarf pine - unpretentious plant, but for planting it is necessary to use seedlings aged 3 to 7 years. Additional watering can be excluded, since trees are able to receive all the necessary moisture on their own from the environment... The most arid regions may be an exception.

What is the difference between spruce and pine

These two trees have become so familiar to modern man that many do not even think about which of them grows under their windows. And on the New Year's holiday, dressing up prickly beauty, everyone calls her "Christmas tree". But after a detailed study of the facts, you can understand how spruce differs from pine.

  • Firstly, the structure of pine wood allows it to be used as an excellent raw material for the woodworking industry. While spruce is used only for the production of low quality paper and lumber.
  • Secondly, if you take a closer look at the needles of trees, you can easily see the difference between the length of spruce and pine needles.
  • Thirdly, the trees are completely different in shape: the spruce branches are always lowered, covering the trunk, in contrast to it, the pine branches, like candles, are directed upward. On a spruce, branches are evenly distributed throughout the trunk from top to bottom. In pine, the needles are located mainly in the upper part of the trunk.
  • The fourth difference is root system, thanks to which massive trees are kept on the surface. Spruce rhizomes often come to the surface, making them vulnerable to windy and arid areas. The roots of the pine go deep into the ground, which allows it to firmly hold on to its place, regardless of climatic conditions.

Biological types of trees are subdivided according to the type of leaves into coniferous and deciduous, which are also called broadleaf.

Tree types

Deciduous trees have flat leaves that fall in autumn. These trees are in bloom and can bear fruit.
Conifers have hard needle-shaped leaves - needles. Cones or juniper berries grow on them.
According to the lifespan of the leaves, evergreen and deciduous trees are distinguished.

In deciduous trees, the leaves fall in autumn, in winter there are no leaves on the trees, and in spring new leaves appear from the buds. Evergreen trees do not have a specific leaf change time. Old leaves change to new ones gradually throughout the life of the tree.

Deciduous trees: names, description

Deciduous plants appeared on our planet after conifers.
Deciduous trees have leaves of different shapes and sizes, the color of which changes in autumn. Gradually, by winter, the leaves fall from the trees.
There are many types of deciduous trees, for example:

  • Oak
  • Beech
  • Birch
  • Elm
  • Hornbeam
  • Willow
  • Chestnut
  • Alder
  • Linden
  • Poplar
  • Ash
  • Acacia

A quarter of European forests are made up of deciduous trees.

There are more deciduous trees in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere. On the territory of our country, oak and beech are the most common deciduous trees.
Common oak: diameter - up to 1.5 m, height - up to 40 m, life expectancy - up to one and a half century.

Oak leaves are wider at the top than at the bottom.
Beech: trunk diameter - 2 m, height - up to 30 m, lifespan exceeds the threshold of 400 years. Beech leaves have a more strict shape (oval), in contrast to oak leaves.

Conifers: names

Some will be surprised to learn that the needle (the same "needle") is a leaf, just modified.
Let's note the main types of conifers:

  • Larch
  • Thuja (western, eastern)
  • Scots pine
  • Fir
  • Spruce (gray, European)
  • Cedar
  • Yew
  • Juniper

Spruce ( evergreen tree): trunk diameter reaches - 1.5 m, height - up to 40 m, life span - up to 500 (less often up to 600) years.

Needles: length - up to 3 cm, width - up to 1.5 mm. Norway spruce grows in Siberia, Central and Northern Europe.

Larch is very common in our country, as well as throughout the earth.

Despite the name, larch is coniferous but not an evergreen tree. Larch needles (soft to the touch) fall off once a year before winter.