
We save the gooseberry from American mildew. White raid on gooseberry berries: methods of struggle

Basics of Garden composition

If you have found on the fruit of the gooseberry raid of a gray-white color, then this suggests that your plant has been infected with a dangerous disease - malievable dew. This disease came from America. It spreads on the plant rather rapidly.

Over time, the whiten flask turns into a gray or even brown shade. It is necessary to deal with this ailment immediately after the first signs were discovered. muced dew.

Description of the disease

Understand the presence of mildewing dew on the berries of the gooseberry, if there is a spider-loose white flare. Over time, it will turn into brown spots. If you do not proceed to treatment, then besides fruits, the disease will begin to hit shoots and leaves, which over time yellow and fold.

Fruits are formed cracks, and they begin to crumble, and not yet matured. In this case, it is necessary to conduct therapeutic measures as soon as possible. Otherwise, the powdered Rosa will spoil the bush, and he will no longer be fruit, and then it will disappear.

On the video - malievable dew on the gooseberry:


Old branches and those that give little fruit, you need to cut. Under the bush to lay the tops of tomatoes and potatoes, and still water it with a solution of uh-preparations. Top will slowly decompose under the influence of bacteria, which will swallow the spores fungus. But when the leaves are all disappeared, then the overloading tops remove from the site and burn. In the fall and in the spring, be sure to switch the plot.

Another prevention will be the landing of the gooseberry varieties that are able to resist the mildew. These include:

But what variety of cauliflower is better to plant, it will help to understand this

To land the gooseberry, it is necessary to choose only healthy and strengthened plants, which are already adapted to the conditions of cultivation in a certain region.

An excellent prophylactic agent is considered phytosporin-m. It is made on the basis of the concentrate from bacillus subtilis bacteria. And although the tool is considered very effective. It can only be used for prophylaxis, since it cannot be treated for mildew. But how trembled flies dew on currant and gooseberry, indicated


How to treat with the help of drugs

Today in specialized stores you can see different kinds drugs. But they are all divided into two large groups - chemical and biological. Modern fungicidal preparations allow you to quickly cope with mildew. Their active ingredients penetrate the plant cells, treat it and create reliable protection From the development of fungus.

Taking into account the tool will be used to combat the disease, the processing of bushes should be 1-4 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

To date, these drugs remain the most popular:

In addition, dachensions can also be used by such chemicals:

Home methods of struggle

Proven folk remedies can be used to combat the disease. The following recipes can be considered the most effective:

Puffy dew is a common disease that affects various cultures, among which the gooseberry. You can fight him both ready preparations and folk remedies. Of course, it is better to carry out prevention in a timely manner, so as not to leave the fungus chances for development. And if you do not struggle with the disease, then be prepared for what you have to say goodbye not only with harvest, but with the culture itself.

Usually the gooseberry bushes, who grow long in one place, sooner or later affects mildew. Not every gardener will decide to get rid of such a bush, especially if it is a rare and delicious variety. Therefore, the question becomes relevant how to get rid of malief dew.

There are many in different waysHow to defeat this fungus. Some of them are based on folk methods, and chemicals are recommended for others. What of the proposed choose, solve the gardener itself.

Puffy dew: what it is, as affected by the disease on the yield of berries

Determine the infection of the bush is simple. On the berries, a spider loose white flare is formed, which over time develops into dense brown stains. Gradually, with berries, fungus goes to shoots, curving them, and then on the leaves, why they are yellowing, fold.

Berries begin to crack and turn, not even dosing. If you do not accept the appropriate measures in time, the mildew roaster will strike and spoil the entire harvest, and over time, the entire plant will destroy.

Did you know? The gooseberry belongs to the family of the same name. Its natural habitat is Western Europe and North Africa, although today it is common worldwide. The wild plant settles in the forests and on the slopes of the mountains.

How to get rid of malief dews, country methods

It is necessary to fight with your misfortune after discovery. If the berries have already appeared, they are mercilessly destroyed together with affected shoots. If you have detected a disease, it was possible before the kidneys were blown, it was necessary to immediately take appropriate measures.

Important! The fungus throws the disputes twice a year: in spring and summer. Accordingly, processing the bushes is necessary three times: before the flowers appear on the bush, immediately after flowering, as well as before the bush drops the leaves. The plant is not sprayed, and be abundantly wrapped. Around the bush collect all the litter, and the earth is treated with the same composition as a bush. All work is held in the evening.

How to defeat tormentous dew? We offer several tested folk methods.

Use Selitra

To combat use different types Selitera, but about the same proportion. So, for the processing of bushes after flowering make ammonium Selitra solution: On the water bucket take 50 g. Also used potash Selitra Together with mangartee-acid potassium in the ratio of 50 g and 3 g on the water bucket.

Aspirin and soda

When the White Plaque gooseberry is appeared for spraying soda solution with adding aspirin and soap. The latter is needed so that the tool adherently sticking to the chip, lingering on it.

At the bucket of water take approximately 50-60 g of soda and about 10 g of liquid or grated economic soap. It is important that the solution is sufficiently thick. It is necessary to spray every week two or three times.

How to remove a white flare on the gooseberry with ash

Among the safest folk remedies from pulse dew is considered solution wood ash . To cook it, you need to take a kilogram of ash, clean it and sift it. Then to heat the bucket of water and dissolve the cleaned ash in it.

It must be insisted for about a week, stirring periodically. And on the last day it does not touch it, letting it well stand well.

Then it is necessary to strain it, add the household soap and use for its intended purpose. Treatment of bushes should be carried out in the windless weather in the evening. Leave a little solution, add water to it and sprinkle a bush.

Did you know? Today there are about one and a half thousand cultural varieties Gooseberry. Its berries contain vitamins, sugars, useful acids. It is consumed both in the raw form, and the jam, marmalade, kissel, wine are prepared from it. Sometimes used for medical purposes.

Using kefira or skis milk

Whatever it is surprising, but the fight against mildewing by folk remedies has in stock such a means as fermented milk products - milk and kefir.

The fact is that their consistency helps to create a kind of plant on the plant, which interferes with the breath of the mushroom. At the same time, the gooseberry itself receives nutrients and is adopted.

For the preparation of the solution uses lactic acid products and water in a ratio of 1:10. In this case, the bushes are treated only in dry weather. Make it you need three times in three days.

Treatment of muffin dew

Another folk remedy from pulse dew on the gooseberry - horsetail. For the preparation of the solution, 100 g of fresh plants take and poured a liter of water.

After a day, infusion is adjusted to a boil and boiled for a couple of hours. Then it must be cooled, strain. The concentrate is diluted with water 1: 5 and process bushes.

If you have to treat an already infected plant, it must be processed by this solution every five days three or four cycles. However, the method is effective only when initial stage Diseases. For the prevention, the bushes from pulse dew in spring are carried out.

Use of drugs in the treatment of pulse dew on the gooseberry

There are many traditional methods of combating fungus. There is a number of chemical preparations on the market, which are truly quickly and efficiently struggling with the disease.

But some gardeners prefer less reliable, but a bacterial method of processing for a plant and humans. Let's look at each of them so that every gardener having a pretty gooseberry can decide on their own rather than spraying the plant.

Important! Infection of mildew dispatches can occur by air from other infected plants or trees, through infected water for watering, even through the hands of a gardener, which, before touching the gooseberry bush, touched the infected plant. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the disease does not appear on other plants in the garden.

Use of chemical preparations (fungicides)

The current fungicidal means allow you to effectively deal with mildew. They penetrate the cells of the plant, treat it, protect and suppress the development of fungus.

Depending on which the means you decide to fight the disease, it is necessary to process the bushes from one to four times with a break of about 7-10 days.

The most popular drugs from pulse dew are:

  • Amistar Extra;
  • Vitaros;
  • Soon
  • Preview;
  • Acrobat MC;
  • Topaz;
  • Fundazoll.
The phytosporin-M is used as a prophylactic agent, which is made on the basis of a concentrate from bacillus subtilis bacteria. And although this is a trouble-free tool to prevent the appearance of the disease, it is not capable of fighting the milderous dew.

Biofungicides: how to cure the gooseberry with the help of biological preparations

Fungicides of biological origin also use in the fight against white attack.

First of all, it fresh manure cattle. For the preparation of the solution, a third of the bucket of the manure is taken, which is filled with water to a complete bucket.

The mixture is insteaded for three days, then filtered and diluted with water in the proportion of 1:10. Dilute infusion every time before processing.

In the fight against pulse dew, weeds from the garden, which are used in cooking rady herb. It is necessary to finely leash half the bucket of weeds, pour them hot water Before the top of the tank and mix. The mixture also insists for several days, focusing and used undiluted.

Actions for prophylaxis

Prevention is primarily in proper care Behind the shrubs. So, it is necessary to ensure that the landing does not thicken, had moderate humidity, and the soil was quite fertilized by organic.

Be sure to cut the old branches and those that are bad fruit. It is also recommended for a bush to fold the tops of tomatoes and potatoes, watering it with a solution of EM-preparations.

Puffy roaster roaster: Mushroom pathogen - Sphaerotheca. Mors-Uvae Berk. ET CURT.

Class: Ascomycetes - Ascomycetes.

Malicness of the causative agent of mildew roaster

This disease is widespread. All overhead organs of plants, leaves, inflorescences, shoots, predominantly young, berries are affected. The disease begins to manifest immediately after the dissolution of the leaves and progresses throughout the growing season.

Symptoms of the damage to milder dew gooseberry

Starting from the spring infected organs of the plant begin to be covered with a whitish mild ripple, which is very easily erased. Young affected leaflets are usually twisted, and the fringe appeared, berries, affected by the disease shrink and quickly dry. The shoots become deformed, twisted, their growth slows down and ultimately they die. In the summer, a raid, covering berries and shoots acquires the type of browned film.

Biology of milder dew gooseberry

The mass infection of the gooseberry bushes occurs in the stage of the conidial spioning, the development of which occupies a long time, forming many generations.

The short stage in the development of the pathogen comes in summer period, the flare becomes more dense and acquires a brownish color. This brown raid consists of mycelium and fruit bodies. Winter mushroom on infected shoots and gooseberry berries.

Summospore, in fruit bodies ripen only in the spring, after overcoming.

The release of ascospores from fruit bodies and plant infection occurs in the spring in the first warm days and coincides with time with the dissolution of the leaves and the revelation of the kidney gooseberry.

The causative agent of the disease infects only young plants fabrics: ten-day leaves, young shoots and recently formed berries. After 12-15 days after infection, the first symptoms of the disease appear on the gooseberry bushes. Especially Buchino disease develops in thickened deprived landing care at a temperature of 20-30 o C.

Puffy dew gooseberry photo

Measures to combat milder dew gooseberry

Puffy dew causes huge damage to the gooseberry plantings. With a very strong damage to milder dew, yield reduces to significant indicators from 20 to 50%, the increase in the bush falls and young shoots die. As a result of the active activity of the causative agent for two or three years, the complete death of the bush may come.

Agrotechnical measures of struggle

  • preventing taxation of landings;
  • sleeping of thickened plantings;
  • destruction of weed vegetation throughout the summer;
  • dropping soil under the bushes;
  • making Forforno-potash fertilizers;
  • avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • it is necessary to grow healthy bushes.

Chemical measures of struggle

The spraying of the bushes is made either in the fall after the flow of the leaves, or in early spring (the flow rate of the production fluid is 1500-2000 l / ha).

  • Topaz 100, K.E. - 0.3-0.4 l / ha, spraying is made during the growing season, multiplicity 4 times;
  • Horus 75, V.G. - 0.5-0.7 l / ha - during the growing season it is necessary to produce 3 spraying.

Many already have a belief - they charged rain, wait on the gooseberry the mildew. The gooseberry very often suffers from this disease. It becomes very disappointing when the bush, covered with juicy berries, is all covered with raid. Berries become unsuitable for food, and such a situation can be repeated from year to year. What to do in such cases?

The first signs of the disease - the lower foliage and young shoots are covered with raid white color. It is dry, velvety. It seems that flour fledged on the bush. If you shave the branches, the raid is not satisted, but if you thoroughly rub my fingers, it is considered.

The taxes spread rapidly around the bustice. The upper leaves, petioles, branches are affected. Berries are damaged last. After some time, the rings darkens, becomes dirty gray or brown.

The disease is caused by the spores of the fungus. They apply to the wind, some insects, winter on Earth in the rigorous circles of recovery plants.

Favorable for malievable dew conditions: wet and warm. If the gooseberry was sick last year, the disputes can begin to multiply even in dry weather.

If the powdery dew on the gooseberry appeared in spring or early summer, then chemical fungicides can be used:

  • "Rajak" - apply both to combat the disease and for its prevention. It does not wash off rain, it is important that there are no precipitation within two hours after processing. Protection against disease 7 days;
  • "Tiovit-Jet" - processing is carried out when the air temperature does not exceed 15 ° C;
  • "Topaz" - effectively use at the initial stage of the disease, after 10 days the processing must be repeated;
  • "Vectra" is used at the first signs of defeat, you can handle 4 times per season.

If the disease attacked the plant in the middle of summer, when the branches are already covered with berries, biological preparations should be applied:

  • "Alin-b" - besides treatment from pulse dew, he restores the soil microflora, reduces the level of nitrates in berries, increases the content of vitamin C fruits;
  • "Phytosporin" - it is recommended to process all parts of the plant and the soil under it. Processing is recommended throughout the growing season every two weeks.

Folk remedies in the fight against mildew

Folk remedies have the expected effect only when processing plants at the initial stage of the disease. Application must be regular, spray all parts of the plant should be repeatedly.

  1. The calcined soda is divorced in water at the rate of 30 grams per 10 liters. To extend the duration of action into solution, any liquid soap is added. In the same proportion you can breed food soda. It is treated in spring to flowering and immediately after its end.
  2. Effective against pulse dew: kefir, prokobvash or dairy serum. 1 liter of any milk product is diluted in 9 liters of water. Treat 3 times, the interval is 3 days.
  3. Boiling water pour the gooseberry from the watering can. It is necessary to make it early in the spring, after the snow came down.
  4. Helps in the fight against the torment dew, the extraordinary feeding of the gooseberry ammonium Selutyra. For the preparation of a solution of 50 grams of fertilizer is divorced in 10 liters of water. Processing once after flowering.


Prevention should be started in the fall when the gooseberry will reset all the leaves. The foliage is removed and burned. Remove all weeds.

Conduct trimmed bush. In addition to old and sick branches, all that thicken the gooseberry thickening.

The smallest bushes are sick, growing separately in the open sunny plot. If the gooseberry is part of the day in the shade, it should be transplanted into another place.

In the spring, to the dissolution of the kidneys, it is advisable to process copper vitrios. Spray all branches and a rolling circle.

If the struggle measures do not help, and the gooseberry is sick from year to year, then the best way - Originate the old bush, and plant a gooseberry in the garden, resistant to mildew.

Gorge-resistant gorgeous delets

Sorts resistant to mildews have high immunity. Due to this, they are not damaged by some other diseases.

  • "Peach" is a medium variety of drooping branches without spikes. Medium-time maturation, ripe berries do not remain on branches for a long time. Winter hardy and drought-resistant.
  • "Ural grapes" - green berries, after ripening they need to quickly collect. Perevani fruits become tasteless, quickly crept.
  • "Commander" - early grades. Little bush, spikes are rare. Berries to taste are similar to grapes.
  • "Salute" - high-yielding. Ripe berries do not cry for a long time, do not lose taste, do not pepper.
  • "Kolobok" - the berries of the gooseberry are very large, the ends of the branches fall on the ground. Requires frequent trimming.
  • Kuybyshevsky is a ball-shaped bush, there are few spikes. Berries are dark, with thin but durable skin. Requires thinning trimming. Winter articles.
  • "African" - a gorge variety suitable for areas with a wet climate. Winter articles, shoots without spikes, the taste of berries resembles the taste of currant.
  • "Jubilee" - a small bush, shoots covered with spikes. Berries have good efforts. Sustainable frost and arid summer.
  • "Harlequin" is a mid-grade bush, spikes are not frequent. Withstand frost. High-threshold.

It is possible to overcome torrential dew, but all therapeutic measures should be carried out not only with the gooseberry, but also by other plants in the garden. Regular inspection of plants, preventive treatment, agrotechnical measures to care for the garden, timely treatment - only with such an approach can be completely eradicated by this disease.


Yesterday I read a lot about this disease in the internet. That's what I liked:

Spraying plants with an ash solution. I made sure that the way is effective, reliable and, I argue, completely destroys the disease. Fortunately, there is always a tree in hand.
I take about 1 kg of pure sainted ashes and stirring in 10 liters of water heated in the sun. The solution insisters 3-7 days, occasionally stirring. Then carefully drag into the number of bucket without turning. In this very light solution before spraying plants, add a little soap, so that it is better sticking to the leaves. To accelerate the preparation of the calculation, you can put a container on fire and boil, stirring, not less than 30 minutes, and then, without turning, cool and, as soon as the solid particles are mounted on the bottom, to drain the solution into clean dishes.
After preparation, the solution immediately proceeds to the spraying of the gooseberry and black currant. The tip of the sprayer - with a sprayer. The solution should not go through. Spraying the plant from above, and then - on all sides to moisten the leaves and on top, and from the bottom, and all shoots, not missing any. If there is no spray-la, you can simply take a pelvis, pour into it a solution and bushes to dip in the pelvis so as to melt good all the leaves and branches. Processing plants with early in the evening. If the Faming Plant fell under the rain, then I repeat the operation. Spraying plants three times, every day or every other day. The thick mass remaining in the solution dilute up to 10 liters with water and watering the bushes.
You might think here is special? The fact that I processes the plant is not when they sick and have already been covered with a white mild ripple, but before the appearance of the disease, ahead of its offensive. Prevention. We know that this disease appears at the end of May - the beginning of June. Here at this time I spray the bushes.
I will give an example. I had a bush of the gooseberry of the Avenaus variety, strongly affected by torment. It was terribly watching him. I chose time, and then all the hands did not reach, prepared an olom solution and threw it a plant as described above, repeated for the second year. Forted and other bushes currant and gooseberry. Avenairius completely recovered, it has a good increase, it is good for himself and for three years it does not suffer.
In such a spraying, I kill three hares as if we destroy the mildew, I give a root and extractive feeding. I also process plants, prone to malfunctional dew: zucchini, pumpkins, phlox and others. In my garden now this infection has no move. I highly recommend such a way to protect plants.
For example, the infusion of grass and the roots of Ceister is actively used to spray bushes against shields and aphids: 100 g of dry grass insist in 1 liter of water 2 days.

7. The decoction of tomato tops acts on sucking pests. 4 kg of tops finely chopped with water in the amount of 10 liters and boil 30 minutes on weak heat. The decoction is styled, filtered, then 2-3 liters are diluted with 10 liters of water, add 30 g of household soap and sprayed

8. Tomatoes growing in the gorgeonberry drivers will protect it from flax and sawder. The striking shoots are twisted and in the end dry. The amazed leaves are twisted, become brittle, cease to grow. The amazed berries do not have time to ripen, they simply crack and creep with a bush green. The result of such a disease is the absence of harvest and young growth, and for several years and the death of the entire plant.

Puffy dew (or spherose) is a fungal disease that begins to spread in the spring with the beginning of heat disputes. By the way, this disease is from America, so it is often called "American Multi-Rosa". Well, again the trouble on our head from the American continent. The colorado beetles are few. Actually, as already mentioned, this is a truly bad disease, which is not worth passing. But in spite of all my seriousness, it is quite easy to fight with a torment.

Here you can distinguish two directions of action - agrotechnical and chemical, which give a good result in the aggregate.
For those who in no way recognize the use of chemistry in their plot, agrotechnical methods (including folk recipes) can be quite enough. But if the disease is still too raging or plantation of the gooseberry is extensive, then, perhaps, should not be abandoned from chemicals. Moreover, it happens quite literally one spraying by them, while to folk recipes It will be necessary to resort not two and not three times per season, but more, especially if warm and wet weather contributes to the spread of mildew dew.

Multiple dew prevention:

1. Pruning the gooseberry bushes in the fall or early spring contributes to the good development of the bush and helps to withstand various diseases, incl. and pulse dew. During trimming, it is imperative to remove the branches amazed by the disease, and then it is better to burn them or carry away from the site and drag up.

2. During the entire growing season (i.e., spring and summer), detected diseases infectized by disease and berries can be deleted as possible. It is believed that disputes of the disease winter on the amazed shoots, and sometimes on fallen leaves. Therefore, in early spring, last year's foliage from under bushes should be removed.

3. In early springWhen the snow only melted around the bushes, and passed the threat of severe frosts, but strictly to swelling the kidneys, it is good to hide the gooseberry bushes with hot (+90) water. In such water, you can dissolve manganese pink colour or soda (1-2 table. Spoons on 10 liters of water). Such a "hot shower" is good as prevention from many fungal diseases, and on black currantThey say it helps also from the web tick.

4. Apply only potassium (to which, for example, ash) and phosphorus are used as fertilizers. They contribute to the resistance of the gooseberry to the disease of the mildew. But from nitrogen fertilizers it is better to refrain. Nitrogen can lead to the fact that shoots will not have time to grow and as a result they will be stronger than mildewing dew.

These methods of prevention useful to apply in the complex.

Recipes for the treatment of muffin dew chemistry and folk remedies:

1. Early spring to swelling the kidneys at the gooseberry spray bushes and bedding around them (last year's grass, leaves) with a 1% copper sulfate solution (100 grams of copper mood for 10 liters of water).

2. In magazines and literature, it is recommended to use the chemical preparation "Topaz" (according to the instructions). Such a solution to spray, if necessary, twice - before flowering and immediately after flowering. You can do with one spraying - immediately after flowering. I tried this drug in practice and I can confirm its effectiveness.

3. An excellent drug to combat pulmonary dew is "Xom". This is a kind of burgundy substitute mixture. We are riveted with a solution of hom (0.4%, i.e. 40 grams of waters on 10 liters) before flowering gooseberry. Despite the fact that "Hom" is a copper-containing drug, it can be used comprehensively together with the preparations against pests. That is, we take 40 grams of homes and wept in a small amount of water. Then we take the ampoules "Fufanon" or "Decis" (calculation according to the instructions attached to the drugs) and also wept in a small amount of water. Then these two solutions mix together and bring up to 10 liters of water. Spray before flowering.

4. 150 g of household soap + 20 g of copper mood at 10 liters of water.
Economic soap rolls on a grater with large holes. Copper Kuner first dissolved separately in hot waterand then thin flowing poured, constantly stirring, in a soap solution room temperature. The resulting soap-copper emulsion should be bluish color, homogeneous consistency, without falling out flakes. Spray immediately after flowering, or in the worst case immediately after the berries tying.

5. Here are another number of drugs recommended in various literary sources (me, truth, not tested): "Vectra", "Sorrow", "Kumulus", "Abiga Peak", colloidal sulfur.
"Tiovit Jet" (20-30 grams of 10 liters of water) is characterized by other sulfur preparations, protective and eradicating infection with action on initial stages Development of malical dew. It is also used on currant.

6. 50 g of soda (2 tablespoons) + 50 g of a frozen soap on 10 liters of water. Soap rolls on a grater with large holes. All this is thoroughly dissolved in water. In such a solution, I do not spray the bushes, but watering directly from the watering can via the nazeychko, as well as watering the earth around the bushes. Not bad prevention. It is necessary to make this procedure before flowering, as soon as the leaves began to bloom, and immediately after flowering. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure again 2 with an interval of 7-10 days.

7. Daily infusion of ash - 3 kg of ash on 10 liters of water. The ash is poured with boiling water and leave one day, then to strain and spray the bushes before and after flowering. This procedure is usually repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days. On one bush, 2.5-3 liters of liquid is consumed. I do not really love this way, because I do not like to be born in this way with ash. Yes, moreover, the ash is primarily important for me as a fertilizer under cabbage, strawberries, bows and other cultures. Therefore, for the treatment of pulse dew gooseberry, I do not apply it. Note - one liter can accommodate 500 grams of ash.

8. And one more way to fight torment dew. Take 200 gr (1 cup) Urin and diluted in 5 liters of water. The resulting mortar is immediately sprayed bushes. This spraying is carried out immediately after flowering gooseberry. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times the season with an interval of 7-10 days. This recipe shared one of the readers of the journal "Pomisery". I tried it, helps.

Of course, I do not use all the recipes for treatment at once in one season. I choose the most convenient recipe for me. For example, this summer I resorted to a solution of soda and economic soap (paragraph 6). Purned its bushes before flowering and immediately after.
So I think that choose some of the recipes and spend two spraying: the first to flowering, and the second is immediately after, and this will be enough to defeat the mildew.

Be sure to say that among the gooseberry there are varieties that are resistant to mildew.
And if at all I do not want to contact this disease and spend your precious time on all sorts of spraying there, it is better to choose just such grades and breed them in your site.
Here are some varieties that are resistant to mildewing:
"Kolobok" (tested in practice, this bush grows next to the local gooseberry, which is covered with white rod every year, and he would at least be without any spraying there)
"Ural grapes" (also tested the stability of this variety to pulse dew on personal experience)

In general, it is observed that the sophisticated gorge varieties are almost not exposed to malicious dew. So when choosing a variety should pay attention to the presence or absence of spikes.

But there are varieties that are subject to mildew:
"Lefor's sighter" (every year I falls, always have to spray)
"Date fruit"
"Golden Ogonok"

Another useful Rule - When buying seedlings, it is necessary to be very attentive and not to take those that cause doubts covered with incomprehensible raid and look somehow not very.

In conclusion I would like to say that many plants suffer from malievable dew - trees, flowers, vegetables. But, apparently, for each type of plants there is some kind of a separate mild-dew fungal, which applies only to it and more anywhere. In other words, if your gooseberry fell ill with mildew, then, for example, cucumbers planted nearby, they will not be injured by flies dew from the gooseberry. At the gooseberry, its malicious dew, not transmitted by other cultures, the cucumbers have their own, in the colors, the apple trees are also their own, etc.


The author of the text and the photo is Katerina Shlykov (a gardener-amateur since 2003) quite a lot of literature. I want to recommend some of them, as it seems to me the most efficient:
1. Early dumping gooseberry bushes with boiling water partially destroys the spores fungus.
2. Then can be processed the gooseberry and soil around it with a 3-percent burglar mixture or a solution of calcined soda (50 g of soda on 10 liters of water), adding the economic soap to the best adhesion of the solution. This spraying is desirable to spend the kidneys on the gooseberry.
3. It is still well sprayed with a bushes with the infusion of wood ash (300 g per 10 liters of water), as well as bring the ash into the rigous circles, evenly distributing it and stirring with the ground.
4. Very nice results Gives the bacterial method of combating this insidious disease. To do this, take the 1st of the infusion of a cowboat or overwhelmed manure, wept in 3 parts of the water and insist for three days. Then the infusion is three times diluted with water and filter.
You can also prepare infusions from a heated hay or hay pipes, greenhouse land or forest litter. The effectiveness of these infusions is that the bacteria breeding in them, hitting the gooseberry bushes, they are happy to eat with fungny.
Treatment with these irons is desirable to spend three times for the season: the first time spray before flowering, the second time immediately after it and the third time we carry out treatment before leaf fall.
5. Another interesting method - we make such a solution: 1 liter of serum weighing in ten liters of water and add 15-20 yeod drops. This solution can be sprayed through the bushes throughout the season every 10 days.
6. Outping loops on tomatoes, do not throw them away. They will also help us overcome the mildew. Insist tomato Bottva, then add in the infusion of 40-50 g of the household soap and spray the gooseberry bushes with this means. And at the end of the summer, when we are already starting to remove the stems of tomatoes, you can put the gooseberry for the winter. Such people's method Guaranteed saves from pests and pulse dew.
7. In the fall, it is necessary to thoroughly trimming the affected plants, removing without any pity the defeated ends of the shoots, collect the fallen leaves and immediately burn, without postponing this case for later, as the spores of the torment dew are quickly quickly.
8. If the disease is already running, then, in order to avoid distributing it all over the garden, it is simply necessary to apply chemicals protection. These are drugs such as: "Topaz", "Oksich", "Phytosporin" and others. In this case, strictly follow the dose recommended in the application instructions.
Itself only I will treat the gooseberry.