
The most popular perennial flowers for summer cottages. Perennial flowers for Siberia


Since the choice of vegetation for decorating a garden directly depends on climatic conditions, residents of the Urals and Siberia often face the problem of choosing flowers that could bloom with bright colors throughout summer season.

This is due to the fact that most plants are very demanding on temperatures, and perennials hardly survive harsh winters.

The harsh climate of some localities dictates the conditions for choosing plants for decorating the garden. But there are a number of plants that will not only firmly withstand temperature changes, but will also be able to bloom in a year no less brightly. Of course, they will also require some care, so it is better to start planning such a garden with the preparation and study of the features of suitable vegetation.

We have prepared for you photos and names of perennial flowers for the Urals and Siberia, blooming all summer, with a description of their characteristics.

Stunted plants

As a rule, undersized flowers are grown in the foreground of garden zones. We offer you several options for perennials blooming all summer for Siberia and the Urals, which grow to a low height:

Perennial flowers for Siberia, blooming all summer: photos and names

Plants of medium height

The basis of any garden corner on your site there will be perennial flowers blooming all summer for the Urals and Siberia, having an average height. Their height can reach thirty centimeters. All flowers of this type can be divided into two categories: having beautiful buds and attracting attention due to their foliage.

We'll talk about flowering perennials that will allow you to diversify color range natural landscape.

Can be grown in cold climates early varieties tulips... For example, simple and double tulips, which can bloom in Siberia and the Urals at the end of May. But such plants need care: they should be dug up and dried every year to preserve the bulbs.

Frost-resistant and unpretentious iris varieties can even grow up to 85 centimeters. For Siberian and Ural gardens, Siberian Iris, blooming in a blue-blue palette, is suitable. Such a plant tolerates even severe frosts favorably. Also popular is the bearded Iris variety, reminiscent of tropical epiphytes. It begins to bloom in early summer.

By the way, by combining different varieties of such plants, you can achieve a bright and lush bloom throughout the summer season.

Attention! There are re-flowering varieties of Irises that, in cool conditions, can delight you with their bright buds twice a year.

Another example of unpretentious perennial flowers for Siberia and the Urals is mountain cornflower... Throughout the summer season, flowers of a rich blue hue appear on it. Careful care for such plants is not required, as well as watering, as well as special transplants, typical for many other species. The height of the mountain cornflower can be about 0.6 meters.

You can decorate the garden plots beautifully with the help of a locust or curly lily... The petals of these flowers look like an oriental turban. Most varieties have a pinkish tint, but there are others, for example, orange. Such plants are especially in demand among gardeners, since they do not cause any difficulties at all when planting and growing.

Attention! Today, many hybrid varieties of such vegetation are being created, so you can turn to specialists and find options that would suit your aesthetic preferences and most favorably tolerate the climate characteristic of your area.

If you are looking for plants that will attract attention in the garden, take a look at lily of Pennsylvania... This plant blooms during the summer and has large red and orange buds.

We can also offer you to decorate the site decorative bow... This perennial plant not only has a striking appearance, but is also beneficial to health. And thanks to its unpretentiousness and resistance to severe frosts, it will persist for subsequent years, so you can enjoy the benefits of growing this variety for a long time.

During the flowering period, charming inflorescences with flowers of a lilac, lilac, snow-white, purple palette appear on the decorative onion.

Popular in gardens created in the Urals and Siberia, and yarrow... To date, experts have bred many decorative varieties of this plant, differing in appearance and flowering period.

To maintain the beauty of the yarrow, you do not have to constantly water or transplant the plant. But your garden will be decorated with lush inflorescences of various shades, from white to bright red.

Perennial flowers for the Urals blooming all summer: photos and names

And the next plant will not only be a worthy decor for your garden, but will also decorate unsightly areas. This is about climbing rose: This perennial plant begins to bloom in early summer. Red, pink and white buds will look great on any homemade hedge.

As for perennial plants with decorative leaves, they are most often used as a backdrop in garden plots. When the flowering season of most plants is over, these varieties will continue to attract attention with their greenery.

For example, you can plant in the garden hosts with large lush leaves, badan having round, oblong foliage and pink inflorescences, and lyatrice, which is characterized by thin lush leaves of great height and inflorescences tending upward of delicate shades. They will also look charming chrysanthemums, which bloom in lush buds during the flowering period, rudbeckia resembling yellow daisies with a dark center, and doronicums, which are small lush bushes of small yellow flowers.

Perennial flowers for Siberia: photos and names

Tall plants for garden decoration

The composition in your garden will be completed by unpretentious perennials for Siberia and the Urals of great heights. For example, a flower can grow up to one and a half meters Astilba... This shrub grows best in good light conditions and during flowering is a tall, lush inflorescence of a pink hue. Depending on the variety, Astilba can bloom in different months of summer.

Perennial flowers for Siberia: photos and names

Also you can plant in the garden echinacea having medicinal properties... During the flowering period, flowers will bloom on it, having a delicate purple colour and the core of the brown palette.

Echinacea is not demanding to care for, it does not need to be repotted frequently, and it blooms throughout the summer season.

Perennials in Siberia: photos and names

The next high-altitude perennial plant suitable for cool climates is delphinium... When flowers bloom, it looks like tall bright candles with petals. As a rule, several varieties of delphinium are planted in the gardens at once, so that it becomes possible to observe many bright colors at the same time during the summer months.

It is not necessary to transplant such a plant, but it will delight with its color both in a sunny area and in partial shade conditions.

The delphinium is characterized by colors of purple, blue, pink, blue and many other palettes.

Perennial flowers for the Urals: photos and names

Experts recommend combining high, medium and low-growing plants in height, creating multi-level compositions, but they advise refraining from overly close planting so that over time the growing plants do not interfere with each other. In addition, under these conditions, different varieties may require different doses of moisture.

Draw up seating diagrams - and it will be easier for you to complete all the work on creating a decorative garden area.

You have familiarized yourself with the names of perennial flowers for a garden in the Urals and Siberia, and now you can start creating a fabulous beautiful garden at your suburban or summer cottage.

Due to the tolerance of winter conditions and unpretentiousness, these plants will retain their beauty for many years and will delight you with their flowering.


For perennial flowers that can be planted in mixborders in the gardens of the Urals and Siberia, see this video:

Perennial flowers for Siberia (photo below) are of particular value, since they do not need special care. Many of them are already blooming when annuals are just beginning to be planted. Some of the flowers grow well without transplanting up to 5 years, even in partial shade and shade. Today, gardeners in this region have the opportunity to plant those plants that previously grew only in the southern regions of the country. The most common perennial flowers for Siberia are daffodils and lilies, rudbeckia and tulips, berry and gypsophila, delphiniums and ground hydrangea, phlox and roses, cannes, and many others. Even clematis decorate many Siberian areas. True, you have to tinker with them, but it's worth it.

Let's list some perennial flowers for Siberia:

The bather is a herbaceous perennial that usually lives near water. The flower has an interesting spherical shape, thanks to which its pollen is protected from dampness. It blooms in May-June, the aroma of the swimsuit is weak, reminiscent of a tangerine.

Eschsholzia is an unpretentious plant related to It grows even on sandy dry soils. Her flowers are mostly orange or red, the flowering period is from June to October.

Saranka (she is marchon or grows most often in the Urals or Siberia. It blooms in June-July. It is pollinated mainly by night butterflies, which flock to the peculiar aroma of this plant.

Irises are another herbaceous perennial flowers for Siberia, which have been cultivated in culture for more than 2 millennia. They are appreciated for the aroma and beauty of flowers. Iris root is used in perfumery. They bloom from May to July.

Lupine belongs to the legume family; its hybrid varieties are grown in horticulture. In addition to being decorative, it is also used for animal feed and in medicine. It begins to bloom in June, then again in September, until frost.

Schisandra chinensis is a perennial decorative vine that belongs to the magnolia family. It has woody, curly shoots that grow up to 10 m. It blooms in soft cream or white small flowers with a rather strong and pleasant scent, reminiscent of lemon.

The Siberian prince is another one with large fawn or white flowers. It blooms in June. Loves open spaces, but also grows well in shaded places. By the way, in shading, its stems will be longer, and it will bloom longer.

Clematis is probably the most popular plant of all flower growers. Today these are also flowers for Siberia. They fell in love because of their colorful and long flowering. They have flowers of various shapes and shades. Even one clematis plant can transform your garden plot.

Aquilegia remains decorative even after flowering in June. Her flowers can be red, white, purple, pink and blue. Grows well in shady places.

Delphiniums are also perennial flowers for Siberia, which perfectly tolerate winters, growing up to 2 meters in height and delighting with beautiful blue or blue flowers.

Decorative bows are perennials with globular inflorescences of various shades: lilac, blue, white or lavender. When they bloom, it looks like a festive fireworks display has frozen on the site. These unpretentious plants not only beautiful and spectacular, but also edible.

Phlox is a very popular plant that requires nutritious soil. It blooms from mid-July with beautiful white, reddish or pink flowers.

And, of course, there is no point in describing the well-known daffodils, lilies of the valley, primroses and tulips, which have always grown well in Siberian conditions. Today, it probably doesn't matter where your garden area is. He can smell and amaze with a riot of colors in any corner of our country.

When choosing flowers for a flower bed, you should take into account the peculiarities of the climate in your region. Some flowers do not tolerate severe temperature changes, others need a certain air humidity, and others need a specific soil condition. Perennial flowers for Siberia, for example, can easily live in any climatic zone, but not every southern plant will survive the season in Siberia. In order not to miscalculate with the choice of colors, let's consider what unpretentious species will take root in this region.

Low-growing plants look great as small areas flower beds, and in vast meadows. Frost-resistant varieties include virtually all known primroses. Primrose blooms last long, so they will decorate your garden throughout the spring season.

They are low, about 10-25 cm, look good when planting in a group, often not looking very good in single plantings. The bright colors of the inflorescences are characteristic of the varieties Arktika red, Bicolor calypso, Cherry with a border. If you need more restrained colors, pastel shades, then pay attention to the Yellow Eye, Blue, White, Salmon Orange, Apple Blossom, SPRINGTIDE Mix.

Snowdrops are certainly suitable for the unresponsive Siberian climate. The snowdrop snowdrop, among other things, scatters on its own throughout the site, and the broad-leaved snowdrop with its double flowers will make any flower garden sophisticated. Lilies of the valley and pansies will not only brighten up the spring season with their flowering, but also provide a green carpet for the rest of the year.

The not very popular Chionodox flower blooms with blue or of blue color, very similar to snowdrops. Narrow basal leaves create a cushion for the inflorescences. The flowering period of Chionodoxa is from April to May.


Flowers and grasses of medium height will help create neat living fences along garden paths or low flower beds. Almost all varieties of tulips survive the weather conditions in Novosibirsk with envy. Early terry varieties such as Bonanza, Carlton, simple types Diamond Star, Diana. Due to their height (from 30-40 cm), tulips can be combined in group plantings, or planted one at a time.

Narcissus also fits perfectly into cold climates. Moreover, it does not need to be dug out every year. Preference should be given to tubular (Mount Hood, Beersheba), large-crown (Helios) or terry (Golden Ducat, Inglescomb, Snowball) varieties.

Iris reticulated, as well as its brother bearded iris, frost-resistant, unpretentious, beautiful during the flowering period. There is also a Siberian variety, which gets along even better with the Siberian climate, decorating flower beds with blue-blue flowers. They will easily survive the cold, hardships, short summer: anemone, chrysanthemum, daylilies, medium-sized varieties of asters, erythronium, panicle hydrangea.

Video "Perennial flowers of Siberia"

The video shows photographs of perennial flowers growing in Siberia.

Tall plants

Tall plants can always be included in an interesting design composition your flower beds, building bizarre cascades, combining tall plants with those that are lower. This will give your flower bed or garden a zest, transforming your relaxation area into a horticultural masterpiece. Siberian gardeners in their cooler latitudes can grow beautiful flowers on tall stems.

Among them are the most unpretentious, incredibly beautiful phloxes. Fragrant flowers, reaching a height of 40 cm, are resistant to low temperatures, do not require special additional care - the bulbs of this perennial do not have to be dug out every time and kept warm. Even in frozen soil, the plant retains its vitality.

Rose - will become a real decoration of your garden and flower beds. Of course, the queen of flowers requires special care, as well as a lot of effort to create the conditions for her growth. But beauty and scent pink flowers deserve all the effort.

The real bedstraw, a companion of the spring heat-loving bedstraw, reaching 1 meter in height, will also become a real decoration of the flower bed. Its yellow inflorescences will add juiciness, sunshine to your garden, and its "wild" beauty will add elements of naturalness to your composition. The plant is completely unpretentious and takes root well in any kind of soil, and especially in soil containing clay.

New Belgian aster - luxurious bushes of beautiful flowers of different shades. It blooms in the fall, continues to delight the eye until the onset of cold weather. Astra also gets along well with coolness and is able to get along with other perennials. Special care The New Belgian aster is not needed, but mineral fertilizers will provide its density, juiciness, saturation.

Perennial decorative flowers, growing on the territory of Siberia, are truly not inferior in their diversity to plants of warmer latitudes. If you approach the matter with imagination, calculate the flowering time of each of the perennials, you can decorate your garden so that starting with early spring and until the very frost to admire the picturesque man-made landscape of your garden and flower beds. Combine, choose varieties, combine colors, so you can create for yourself the most comfortable corner where you can relax, enjoying the natural beauty.

Video "Perennials of Siberian latitudes"

Video selection of the most common perennial flowers that grow favorably in the northern regions of Russia.