
Dormon Latin name. Dormnik Yellow - Healing Grass and Excellent Fedonos

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About 10 species grow in Russia dONONNIHowever, the greatest use in folk medicine found two of them - the donner medicinal (yellow) and the donon white. They grow both types of color in the fields, along the ravines and roads, mainly as a weed. On properties, use and contraindications to the use of these plant species and will be discussed in this article.

Plant Description

Dormon medicinal

Dormon medicinal (yellow) Differs high (up to one meter) branchy stems and yellow flowers.

This kind of color (in contrast to the white) is more studied, and therefore much wider is used both in the people and in traditional medicine, in the treatment of the following states:

  • increased nervous excitability;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • menstruation violations;
  • hysteria;
  • melancholy;
  • mastitis;
  • furunculosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • dropsy;
  • flatulence;
  • purulent wounds.

Dock white

White donnik It has small flowers white color. The chemical composition and properties of white donel and yellow have differences.

Important! The white donon is poisonous, for this reason it is used as a healing agent only experienced herbalists.

This view of the Donnik has insecticidal properties, that is, scares the blood-sucking insects, for which the plant needs to be crowned or to stretch to the formation of juice.

The plant is used for:
1. The removal of worms.
2. Enhance appetite.
3. Treating boils, ulcers, injections.

Treatment with Donnik

FROM therapeutic goal The blooming top (grass) of the dononon is used, namely leaves and flowers.

Grass of Dinner

The grass is a component of mitigating fees used as a suppress for the treatment of corns, fusing and poorly healing wounds and ulcers, as well as tumors of the joints.

In addition, the grassland grass helps to cure such diseases:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • lymphostasis;
  • cold;
  • cough;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • skin diseases;
  • inflammation of the eyelids.


Well-sparkled plants flowers are recommended to apply on colder cloths, as well as slowly formed furuncula. Also, through the color of the donon, you can cure a flux, otitis, breastput in women.

As an ointment, plants are used for the treatment of skin diseases and employment wounds.

Collection and storage

The donel (and medicinal, and white) is harvested during his flowering, that is, from June to August a month. In the process of collecting the plant, knives are cut off by knives of its tops, as well as side shoots, the length of which does not exceed 30 cm, but the thick and coarse stems for the preparation of medicines are not suitable.

It is recommended to collect a donon in dry weather: the fact is that the wet plant, assembled immediately after the rain, is quickly warming up and darkens, as a result of which it weakens it healing properties. The assembled donon should be dried immediately, for which the raw material is folded on paper under a well-ventilated canopy, a thin layer (the layer thickness should not exceed 7 cm), with the raw material it is necessary to periodically turn over. Drying the plant stops when the stems acquire a fragment. It is important not to overcover the raw materials, otherwise the leaves may turn.

If a dryer is used for drying plants, then the temperature in it should not be more than 40 degrees. Properly dried donon has a smell of fresh hay, and a brass-bitter taste. Dried raw materials are suitable for two years, and due to a strong smell it is stored in hermetically clogged container, in a place well-protected from light.

Important! The donon is medicinal and white, growing often interspersed, it is impossible to mix during drying and blanks of raw materials.

The composition and properties of the dynamist

Action Kumarina:
  • an increase in systolic blood pressure;
  • an increase in the amount of blood emitted in one minute;
  • an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood;
  • improvement of cerebral and peripheral blood supply;
  • improving the blood circulation of the abdominal organs;
  • depression of the CNS.
This substance prevents blood coagulation, thereby contributing to the prevention of the formation of thrombus.

It is from this substance in the process of drying the dynamist dynamon, due to enzymatic splitting, the Kumarin is distinguished.

Holin Properties:

  • assimilation of fats;
  • normalization of the functioning of the liver, as well as the gallbladder;
  • decrease in cholesterol in blood;
  • improving attention;
  • stimulation of cardiac activity;
  • strengthening nervous system;
  • stimulation of smooth intestinal musculatory;
  • prevention of premature aging.
Tubils destroy the structure of the protein, as a result of which a protective albuminate film is formed, which produces bactericidal microorganisms, as well as bacteriostatic action. Tubils have astringent properties.

Mucous substances
Used as enveloping and softening drugs in the treatment of burns, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as digestive organs.

Bactericidal, bacteriostatic and anti-inflict effects are provided, so that in medicine everywhere is used in the manufacture of patches and tinctures.

Action of saponins:

  • regulation of water and salt metabolism;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • normalization of cholesterol exchange;
  • strengthening the protective forces of the body.
Properties of saponins:
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • potting;
  • conjunctive;
  • emetic;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic.
Protein is a source of energy that provides human body with hormones, antibodies and other vital enzymes (for example, amino acids that ensure the structure of new tissues, in particular muscles and internal organs). Protein also provides restoration and support of the above-mentioned structural elements. Lack of protein can provoke problems with digestion and fluid delay in the body.

Starch is a complex carbohydrate with high energy value. It is starch, passing through the gastrointestinal tract, transformed into glucose, which is the source of energy for the operation of all muscle groups, including the heart.

Flavonoid properties:

  • antitoxic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antiallergic;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound-healing;
  • antitumor;
  • bactericidal;
  • diuretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antipyretic;
  • antiastmatic.
Flavonoids strengthen the walls of capillaries, increasing their elasticity and lowering blood pressure, which is the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Ascorbic acid
Action of ascorbic acid:

  • normalization of the operation of the CNS;
  • stimulating the activities of the endocrine glands;
  • improving iron assimilation;
  • normalization of the blood formation process;
  • remove toxins.

Properties of tocopherol (vitamin E):
  • stimulating estrogen production;
  • acceleration of wound healing on the skin;
  • protection of the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet;
  • slowing the aging of the skin;
  • maintaining the water-lipid balance, which allows to eliminate the peeling of the skin;
  • elimination of acne
  • stimulating the work of the glands, including sex;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • improving the assimilation by the body of vitamin A.
Fixed oils
Bold oils contain both unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are not produced by the human body, but at the same time are extremely important for health. In addition, it is oily oils There are many vitamins providing skin regeneration.

Thanks to the healing properties listed, the plant is used in official medicine, as an effective anticonvulsant. And in folk medicine, the use of this plant is much wider. Thus, drugs from the dynamist donon are used as painkillers, antiseptic, wound-healing, sedative and expectorant means.

Composition and properties of white

Chemical composition of the model of white:
  • coumarin;
  • choline;
  • resinous substances;
  • vitamin C;
  • fixed oils;
  • tocopherol;
  • ocumaric acid;
  • tannin;
  • essential oil;
  • protein;
  • ash.
Many of the listed substances are described above, so we will discover more on the characteristics of the components whose properties were not covered.

Ocumaric acid
This substance has an antiseptic property.

The substance belonging to the class of tanning, which, in the process of modification of the cell protein, forms a protective film, thereby rendering on pathogenic microorganisms and bactericidal, and bacteriostatic impact. The drugs are white (due to the presence in the plant of Tanin) have an astringent action, as a result of which is used everywhere as rinsing for the mouth, wound-healing means for burns. Also, the tanning helps to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate the symptoms accompanying the poisoning of heavy metals or poisons of plant origin.

Essential oil
Possesses the following properties:

  • painful;
  • sedative;
  • antispassmic;
  • bactericidal;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory.
Essential oil normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, helps soften cough due to an increase in the separation of the mucus. Also, essential oil improves both the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Properties of protein:

  • immunity;
  • participation in the construction of muscle mass;
  • ensuring the synthesis of hormones and enzymes.
The ashes contained in the inquiry of white, have an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect, thanks to which the compresses and ointments from this plant are used to treat purulent wounds and furunculov.

The donon white has such pharmacological properties:

  • anticoagulant (slows down blood coagulation);
  • fibrinolytic (dissolves intravascular thrombus, due to which it is used in the treatment of arterial, as well as venous thrombosis);
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound-healing.

Application of dynamic donel

The donon drug has an expectorant and softening effect, so shown in diseases of respiratory organs.

The plant has painful, soothing and anticbandsmatic properties, due to which it is used to treat the following states:

  • headache, provoked by hypertension;
  • climacteric neurosis;

It has been proven that drug-forming drugs affect the organism as follows:
  • significantly improve the blood supply to both myocardium and peritoneum organs;
  • eliminate convulsions;
  • reduce blood clotting;
  • contribute to the recovery of liver cells;
  • increase the content of blood leukocytes;
  • increase the production of milk in nursing.
The donon is part of the medicinal charges used to treat rheumatism, as well as oncological diseases.

Dimon Drugs also found an application in the treatment of female diseases and violations, including:

  • impairment of the menstrual cycle;
  • diseases of female genital organs.
The plant has a wind-dry effect, that is, normalizes the intestinal peristalsis and reduces increased gas formation.

Preparations from the dynamist dynamist are effective and internal and in external use. So, with external use (in the form of a suppress, compresses and powder), this plant contributes to rapid maturation, softening and, accordingly, opening the dishes, ulcers, ulcers and furunculus.

Also, the external use of the dynamist of the drug is shown in such diseases:

  • rheumatism;
Drug formal drugs are used as:
  • brazers;
  • informants;
  • tinctures;
  • ointments;
  • extracts;
  • compresses and baths.

Decoration from the Donel

20 g of dry and crushed raw materials (herbs) are poured with two glasses of water and boiled for half an hour on a weak heat, after which the decoction is fastened and used according to 1 tbsp., Two - three times a day. This decoction is shown in such diseases:
  • diseases of the kidneys and liver.


2 tsp Finely chopped herb of the donon is poured with two glasses cold water And they insist 4 hours. Then the infusion is fastened, and drinks on one third of the glass no more than three times a day, 40 minutes before meals. Reception infusion will help to take pain and remove spasm.


100 g of dry grass pour 500 ml of vodka or 40 percent diluted alcohol. The drug insists 14 days, and then focusing and is used inside 15 drops three times a day, before meals (infusion is powered by a small amount of water). A tincture is used in the treatment of infertility, endometriosis and migraine. Also, this recipe contributes to the restoration of the hormonal background. The tincture is stored for two years in the refrigerator.

Ointment from the Donel

2 tbsp. Draised flowers of the donon should be thoroughly pulled into the powder, which is then added 50 g of vaseline (can be used or vegetable oil). The resulting mass is well mixed and superimposed on the affected areas of the skin. Ointment contributes to the rapid healing of furunculov, carbuncles and purulent wounds.

Formon extract

50 g of chopped grass is poured with 500 ml of alcohol or vodka, and 10 days are insistant in a dark place. The tincture is focused and takes 20 drops, twice a day.

Compresses and baths

For outdoor use is prepared by infusion, for the preparation of which 2 tbsp. Raw materials poured 500 ml of boiling water. The resulting agent is 30 minutes and focused. Infusion will help relieve inflammation and will contribute to the rapid healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Donnikov honey is used everywhere in the treatment of the following states:

  • tumors of joints;
  • inflammation of the thoracic glands;
  • bronchitis;

Dormon medicinal

Name: Dormon medicinal

Other names: Burkun, Harding, Malayasnik, Tomka, Moled Grass, Yellow Burkun.

Latin name: Melilotus officinalis L. Pall.

Family: Bean (moth) - (Fabaceae (Leguminosae))

Life expectancy: A two-year-old grassy plant with branches. Straight stem, with tremendous leaves on a pet.

Stem (stem): The stem is a reprehensive, branched, naked or above the scattered-hair.

Height: 60-150 cm

Leaves: Leaves are trees. The leaflets are small, in the lower leaves - inversely, at the top - elongated. Highlighteners are semi-shaped, whole.

Flowers, inflorescence: Flowers are reduced, yellow, collected in multi-flowered fragrant brushes.

Flowering time: Flowers in June - October.

Fruit: The fruit is an egg-like bob with a seal nose.

Ripening time: Ripens in August.

Smells and tastes: Good honey. Flower honey light-amber color with a thin aroma. From the smell of dry damp raw materials, the head is spinning - not in vain before the dried grass of the donel mixed up to the tobacco "For the Spirit."

Collection time: The above-ground part of the plant, assembled during flowering.

Features of collecting, drying and storage: Tops are cut 30 cm long and side shoots. Dried in the sun or under a canopy. The dry grass is thunder and sifted through a wire sieve to separate the thick stems. The yield of dry raw materials is 25-28%. Shelf life - 2 years.

Plant history: Since ancient times, the donon was used as an painful, wound-healing and soothing agent. The infusion of grass was used for baths, compresses and wickers in furunculaes, glans and nurses.

Spread: How weeds are common in all of Ukraine and in Russia.

Habitat: Grows on the roads, in the fields, clogged places, slopes and ravines, on steam fields and deposits, on the interzhah, among grain crops and to clover.

Culinary use: Dry leaves and flowers serve seasoning for soups, salads, compotes. Young fresh leaves are used for cooking soups, okroshek.

Medicinal parts: Drug raw materials serves an overhead part at the beginning of flowering up to 30 cm long.

Useful content: When drying, raw materials acquire a strong, pleasant smell. Contains cumaric and mililotic acids, coumarins, fat, protein and essential oil.

Actions: Drug donnik drug preparations have an expectorant, softening, soothing, painful, wind-tight properties and reduce blood consumption. They enhance blood circulation, help reduce the edema and withdrawing inflammatory processes.

The donkey drug is used for the manufacture of a green exhaust plaster, with angina and thrombosis of coronary vessels, as a means of convulsion, is part of the mixtures of medicinal plants, which are used with bronchitis, tuberculosis, pain in the stomach, edema and rheumatism.

In folk medicine, besides this, the donor drug is used for coughing, migraine, insomnia, hypertension, climacteric disorders, ovarian diseases, as a means of stimulating milk allocation in nursing mothers. In Bulgarian folk medicine, the donor medicinal drink in herpes, furunculaes and the cracks of the rear pass.

In the domestic and foreign folk medicine, drugs of the drug forming are widely used and as an outdoor: Parishry or compresses - for softening and resorption of seals and abscesses, unauthorized furunculov, edema, during herpes and testers of the rear pass; Ointment - for rubbing and with cuts.

With the preventive purpose, the donor drug is used and as a food plant: young fresh leafles - for cooking soups and okroshek, salads; A mixture of dry leaves and inflorescences - as a refueling for soups, salads and compotes.

Restrictions use: Remember, the plant is poisonous! With long-term use and overdose it causes dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, sometimes - damage to the liver, hemorrhage (under the skin, in muscles, internal organs) and even paralysis of the central nervous system. It is especially dangerous to use it with drugs that reduce blood intake.

Medicinal forms:

Infusion of grass . 2 tablespoons of grass on 200 ml of boiling water. Take 1/2 - 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.

Medical recipes:

Infusion: 1 part of the flowers on 10 parts of the oil. It is used to pull the purulent part of the boils to the surface.

Compresses or grooves from scratchped boiling water leaves and flowers or from infusion: 2 tablespoons of grass with 500 ml of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes.

Infusion of grass Formon . 1 tablespoon of grass on 300 ml boiling water, insist 2 hours. Drink on 1/2 cup 3 times a day with furunculaes, herpes, rear pass cracks.

Dormon medicinal

Scientific classification


The Department:

Flower plants








Dormon medicinal

International Scientific name

Melilotus officinalis (L.) LAM.

Taxonomic base view

Dormon medicinal, or yellow (Lat. Melilotus officinalis) - a two-year herbal plant of the family of legumes ( Fabaceae.).

Folk Names: moliga grass, wild buckwheat, yellow barkun, female donon, hare chill.


Two-year-old grassy plant with a height of up to 1-2 m, with the smell of Kumarin (the smell of fresh hay). Rod rod. Stem (more often) straight, branched, naked, in the upper part weakly-minded. The leaves are regular, troops with two lancertoid solid or gear horses, on long stiffs.

Flowers are small, bright yellow, moth, on short flowers, are assembled into multi-flowered stubby brushes (with 30-70 drooping flowers). Five sublema cup. Motomy type wreath.

The fruit is single-bedned, egg-shaped bob, with transverse wrinkles. Oval seeds, green-yellow, smooth or fine-trap-cargo.

Chemical composition

The grass of the Drugs Drug Contain contains Kumarin (up to 0.9%), kumarithic acid, Dickurol, Mellilotin, Mellicic Acid, Glycoside methylotoside, flavonids, derivatives of Pyrin, Zeper-like substances, mucus, protein (17.6%), Essential oil (0.01 %), ascorbic acid (up to 389 mg%), carotene (up to 84 mg%), vitamin E (more than 45 mg%). Seeds found up to 42% oily oil.

In the above-ground part, the ash is contained - 7.00%; Macroelements (mg / d): k - 24.10, Ca - 18.20, Mg - 3.00, Fe - 0.50; Microelements (KBN): Mn - 0.12, Cu - 0.40, Zn - 0.35, CO - 0.08, Mo - 11.20, CR - 0.04, Al - 0.12, Ba - 023 , SE - 18.60, Ni - 0.19, Sr - 1.12, Pb - 0.09. B - 65.20 μg / g. Concentrates Fe, SR, Mo, SE, especially MO, SE.

Distribution and habitat

There is everywhere on the territory of Russia everywhere, often as weed grain crops and clover.

Normally in all natural administrative regions of the Saratov Rights Bank. In the Rtishchevsky district marked near the village pace.

Features of biology and ecology

Growing through forest edges, in ravines, along the roads, on sudoca meadows, wastehouses, in shrubs on fresh and dry soils.

Blooming from June to autumn; Fruits ripen from July to late autumn. Breeds seeds.

Economic importance and application

In medicine

As medicinal raw materials, the grass of the Dattle District. Drug donnon drugs have expectorant, sedative, softening, painkillers and anticorant effects, improve venous blood circulation and lymphotok. In large doses, the central nervous system is oppressed, adversely affect the smooth muscles.

The donon is also used externally for softening and resorption of infiltrates, boils, carbuncles, abscesses, swelling, with cuts.

Tea from the donon is given in patients with embolism, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and myocardial infarction. Due to the presence of dicumarine, blood viscosity decreases and its consumption is reduced.

In other areas

In the Caucasus, young roots are used in food with raw or boiled, and the leaves like a culinary spice. Used to make green cheese. The leaves are used as a flavoring in the dairy, meat, fish, tobacco industry and the production of soft drinks. Used to aromatize soap and as a ficker of smell in perfumery and the liquid industrial industry.

Insecticide for moth, raticide. Feed for farm animals. Used for feeding cattle in the form of silo. In its nutrition, I am not inferior to alfalfa.

Medonos. It gives from one hectare to 300 (800) kg of honey, light-amber, transparent, sweet, with a sharp aroma. Break near the apiary, on special surplus areas, on the slopes of ravines.


  • Burmistrov A. N., Nikitina V. A. Medical plants and their pollen: directory. - M.: Rosagropromizdat, 1990. - 192 p. - ISBN 5-260-00145-1. - P. 55
  • Elenevsky A. G., Radigina V. I., Bulanaya Yu. I. Plants of the Saratov Right Bank (Flora Abstract). - Saratov: Publishing House Sarat. Pentium-TA, 2000. - ISBN 5-87077-047-5. - P. 41.
  • Nikolaichuk L. V., Zhigig M. P. Healing plants: Medicinal properties. Culinary recipes. Application in cosmetics. - 2nd ed., Stereotype, - H.: Prapor, 1992. - P. 65-66
  • Universal encyclopedia of medicinal plants / Sost. I. Putyrsky, V. Prokhorov. - MN: Book House; M.: Mahaon, 2000. - P. 121-122

The useful properties and contraindications of the Drug Dynamon are known in most European countries. Some types of herbs are found in India, China, North and South America. This vegetable raw materials use not only for medical purposes, but also in cooking, perfumery, the liquor industry, it is used to flavor food and tobacco products.

Features of the medicinal plant

The donon yellow grows in the wild. This is a good feed plant, green fertilizer for soil and high-quality honey. Recently, its healing properties are increasingly valued, so in some countries it is cultivated, new varieties are derived.


This is the medicinal plant of the steppe and forest-steppe zone. Common throughout the European part. Loves southern regions, small, Central Asia, Caucasus. In Russia, it can be found even in Western Siberia. Most of the species of the donon grow in Ukraine. Also this plant can be found in North and South America, New Zealand.

Botanical characteristics of the Donel

This is a two-year-old grassy plant. It is distinguished by branches, stand stem. Its height can reach from 50 to 150 cm. Leaves with a saw edge, trees. The plant is easy to learn about characteristic bright yellow flowers, which are collected in thin brushes in the form of spikes. Donets exudes the aroma of Kumarin, it can be described as "the smell of freshly acted herbs."

Other species

There are three more types of this plant, which are used in folk medicine and beekeeping.

Preparation of raw materials

The dried donon is fragrant, pleasant smell of bevelled grass. It is important to maintain storage conditions - take the grass from moisture. When mold appears, raw materials cannot be used.

Healing action

What are medical properties Drug Donovnik?

  • Expectorant.
  • Anticonvulsant.
  • Soft.
  • Soothing.
  • Wound-healing.
  • Anticoagulant (antoslude).
  • Painty.
  • Suspension.
  • Windward.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Distracting.

What in the chemical composition?

  • Kumarin, Dicumarine (prevent blood coagulation).
  • Organic acids.
  • Glycosides.
  • Slime.
  • Vitamins C, A.
  • Essential oil.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Tannins.


What are the testimony for the treatment of the donon yellow?

  • Varicose. The grass reduces the permeability of capillaries. The main use of the Donnik is chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids. Medicinal products It is helped from the grass to remove pain, itching, swelling, gravity in the legs, convulsions in venous insufficiency.
  • Outdoor application. Compresses and rods are used in injuries, stretching, subcutaneous hemorrhages, non-healing wounds, riots, boils, tumors. The tool stops the outer bleeding well, removes the swelling, inflammation in the joints, pain in rheumatism, arthrosis, gout. When fluxes, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity of the dononnok.
  • Respiratory system . Craisters help with cough, breathing inflammation. They are prescribed with bronchitis, trachea, laryngitis.
  • Digestive organs. The grass of the dynamist donor acts as a soft laxative and wind turbulent. Helps with digestion disorders, removes spasms, bloating.
  • Nervous system . The tool is known for its soothing, narcotic properties, relaxes the nervous system, helps with insomnia, neurasthenia, psychosis. It is drinking in migraines, strong headaches, cramps.
  • Leukopenia (decrease in leukocyte levels). Often the disease is developing after radiotherapy during cancer. The grass contributes to an increase in leukocytes.
  • For women . Nursing mothers apply compresses with inflammation of the mammary glands (mastitis), the cracks of the nipples. They act as distracting and anti-inflammatory agent. Also, the grass normalizes the menstrual cycle, it is treated with inflammation of the ovaries. It is useful to drink when climax - she relieves irritability, tension, normalizes sleep.
  • For men . Most often, the means is used with the prostate adenoma, which develops in men after 50 years. The grass acts as a resolution, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Contraindications of the color of yellow: low blood flap, hemorrhagic diathesis (tendency to inner and outer bleeding), liver disease, pregnancy, children's age. It is dangerous grass for kidneys, for diseases of the central nervous system, mental disorders. Medical consultation before applying this herb is strictly mandatory.

Methods of preparation and application of the Donovka

What is the use of dynamist dynamist at home? Cooks, infusions, ointments are prepared from the grass. It is also used in cooking, and donkey honey refers to the highest quality varieties of honey.


The grass can be brewing separately. It is also often included in the fees that are treated. It is a good smaller, anti-inflammatory, expectorant. It is taken by varicose expansion veins, insomnia, diseases of the respiratory organs.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. Spoon grass.
  2. Pour the glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil 1 minute.
  4. Perform 1 hour.
  5. Perfect.

The decoctions are taken inside 1 tbsp. Spoon after eating 3 times a day. Used externally in the form of lotions and compresses.


There are several recipes of infusions. The coolest infancy is recommended to apply externally.

Cooking a weak inferior

  1. Take 1 tsp. Herbs.
  2. Pour the glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 40 minutes.
  4. Perfect.

Warm infusion is taken inside by ¼ cup 3 times a day. Well helps from insomnia, with nervous disorders.

Preparation of concentrated ins

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. Herbs.
  2. Pour the glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 2 hours.
  4. Perfect.

Such infusion can be taken in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

In gynecology, infusions are taken inside, they are also used externally in the form of douching, tampons, baths. Concentrated infusions are added to therapeutic baths for diseases of the joints.


Ointment is prepared on the basis of fat - foaming pork, duck, goose, butter or petroleum. It can be used in mastitis, diseases of blood vessels and joints, with bruises, bruises, riots, for ripening boils.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. Herbs.
  2. Mix with ¼ cup of duck fat.
  3. Bring the mixture to boil.
  4. Insist before cooling.

Ointment is applied to the napkin and applied to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin or patient.

Features of use in varicose

Treatment of varicose veins - the process is long and complex. It is important to include proper diet and drinking mode, gymnastics, massage. An important role is influenced by the lifestyle, age, the function of the patient. There are positive feedback on the treatment of the donon yellow in the threat of the formation of thromboms. Also varicose extension is treated with other plant means: horse chestnut, figs, hunger cabbage, hops, thistle, sprinkle medicinal, milk, calangean, goat, median, asparagus.

How to prepare a decoction for the treatment of veins

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. Dry grass.
  2. Fill 2 glasses warm water (Do not boiling!).
  3. Insist 4 hours.
  4. Perfect.

How to apply grass for veins? Drink 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day before meals. Doctors recommend taking this medicinal plant assembly with other herbs.

How to prepare herbal collection to treat veins

  1. Take 2 pieces of rags, feather leaves.
  2. Add to 1 pieces of the grass of the Donon and Stagnaya Strike.
  3. Mix and take 1 tbsp. Spoon collection.
  4. Fill 1.5 glasses of water.
  5. Boil 10 minutes and insist 1 hour.

Take the collection to ¼ glass 3 times before meals.

Donniki Med.

The donon highlights a lot of nectar. Thanks to the unique structure of the flower, nectar does not evaporate with hot weather, it does not wash off rain. This honeycomb is grown in an industrial way to get valuable donkey honey. The largest medical productivity gives the Donnik one-year and white. Donniki honey is not only useful delicacy, but also a valuable medicine. It is used externally when mastitis, jackets, tumors, pain in muscles and joints. Inside are taken with cough, hypertension, disorders of digestion, headaches, fatigue, neurosis. Read more about our other article.


Slavic peoples, the donon is not such a famous grass in cooking. However, South and Caucasian peoples have a popular seasoning for fish and meat dishes. Fresh, dry leaves and flowers are put in saline, preservation, of which salads and soups are prepared, they are added to homemade cheeses and tinctures. As seasonings, the Donon should use moderately, since its oversuetting in the diet may cause side effects.

Side effects

Dormon medicinal - poisonous plant. Overdose and uncontrolled reception lead to pronounced side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • hemorrhage;
  • paralysis.

What is important to know?

  • It is impossible to increase the dosage of grass.
  • Do not give to children.
  • If side effects occur, immediately consult a doctor.
  • The donon is more toxic is white, therefore it is much less used as a medicament.

Dimony drug is the first tool in varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Also, the grass is effective for cramps, the excitation of the nervous system, insomnia. This is an effective distracting, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent for mastitis, rheumatism, gout. Out ointment, compresses and apply to sore places.

Melilotus officinalis DESR.
Bob family - Fabaceae or Legummosae.
National title: Magnic herb, wild buckwheat, yellow barkun, female donon, hare chill.


Two-year plating height up to 2 m, with the smell of Kumarin (fresh hay). Stall straight, branched, naked, in the top is weakly populated. The leaves are regular, small, complex, troops with two lanceal strips, on long stiffs, with gear edges. Flowers yellow, small, moth, on short flowers, are collected in multi-flowered stuffed brushes (with 30-70 disrupting flowers). The fruit is single-bedned, egg-shaped naked bob, with transverse wrinkles. Oval seeds, green-yellow, smooth or fine-trap-cargo. Breeds seeds.


It is found for most of Russia, especially in the forest-steppe and steppe zones, often as weed grain crops and clover. None in the north, in Eastern Siberia And in the Far East. The donon is griming in the Caucasus, in Kazakhstan, Crimea, in Central Asia.


It is found as weed on dry waste, slopes of ravines, in the outskirts of the fields and near the roads, on pastures, in rarefied light forests. On the filled banks, the Volga forms big thickets. Plant winter hardy, drought-resistant. It grows well on the soils rich in lime. Focusing for the development of stray soil forest-steppe, steppes, semi-desert.

Flowering time

Flowers in June-September. Fruits ripen from July to late autumn.

Collection time


Method of workpiece

The grass of the dynamist donner is harvested during flowering, cutting the knives of the tops and side shoots with a length of up to 30 cm without thick and coarse stems. You can not collect the grass of the dynamon dynamist on the side of the roads and near the dirt roads, where it is covered with dust. Raw materials are harvested in dry weather, when Rosa comes down, as being wet it is warm and dark. Raw materials are immediately sent to drying. Dry raw materials in attics with good ventilation or under sheds, laying up a thin layer (thickness up to 5-7 cm) on paper or tissue and periodically turning over. Drying finish when the stalks become brittle. It is impossible to cut the raw materials, since then almost all the leaves are tremendous. In the dryers, dried at a temperature not higher than 40 ° C. The smell of raw cumoric (smell of fresh hay), the taste of salto-bitter. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years. It is the subject of export.

Chemical composition

The grass contains a kumarine (up to 1.2%) - a substance with a smell of fresh hay, dicumarine, which prevents coagulation of blood, melilotin, mililotone and kumaroic acid, glucoside meliloside, purine derivatives, leaf-like substances (up to 4.3%), up to 21% of protein , protein (17.6%), up to 25% fiber and essential oil (about 0.01%), mucous substances, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, carotene.

Plant in large quantities of poisonous!

Used part

Grass (tips of shoots with leaves and flowers).


Dimony medicinal is recognized as official medicine. The infusion of grass is prescribed as sedative, diuretic, expectorant, antibacterial, antispashetic, painful and lactoch. In scientific medicine, the grass of the donon is used to prepare an exhaust green plaster and are introduced into the composition of smaller fees, accelerating the opening of the dishes and boils. Dedicated from the donomon dicumarine is used as an anticoagulator during thrombophlebitis. The employees of the Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Institute received a biogenic stimulator "Melocin" from the dynamon of medicinal and white, which in its activity exceeds aloe extract 2 times, and the fibs is 3-4 times.

Use in homeopathy. Melilotus homeopathic remedy is made of fresh flowering plants. It is used with sudden headaches, migraines and nasal bleeding, with menopausal disabilities and psychosis on the basis of hyperemia, with melancholy. Children suffering from convulsion, Melilotus also brings relief. Recommend dilution D4 and DG. Take 5-10 drops every two hours or several times a day.

The widest application, the donor drug, found many countries in traditional medicine. In folk medicine, fresh grass, infusion, tincture, powder and decoction of yellow dononnon applies:

  • As a laxative, enters the smaller fees;
  • For diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs;
  • In gynecological diseases;
  • With meteorism;
  • With hypertensive disease, atherosclerosis;
  • In charges - for the treatment of epidemic encephalitis;
  • With abscesses, furunculese, mastitis;
  • With articular rheumatism, gout;
  • With malignant tumors;
  • For treating hemorrhoids;
  • With stomach diseases;
  • As an antispasmodic and binder;
  • As an annoying, distracting, anti-inflammatory, cleansing;
  • With insomnia, neurasthenia, with heart and headaches;
  • With cystitis;
  • As an painful and wound healing agent;
  • As an anticonvulsant;
  • As a lactagon agent;
  • With thrombophlebitis.


In large doses, the central nervous system is inhibited, adversely affects the smooth muscles. With long-term use and overdose, dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, drowsy condition, sometimes - lesion of the liver, hemorrhage (under the skin, muscles, internal organs) and even paralysis of the central nervous system. It is impossible to use it during pregnancy, internal bleeding, reduced blood coagulation. Medical application Domnik drug is possible only for its intended purpose and under the control of the doctor.

Poisoning of animals is associated with the feeding of them spoiled hay or silage from the dynamist of the drug. When the hay is reinforced (under the action of mold fungi), a poisonous dicumarine is formed, which has an anticoagular action. The poisoning is developing with a latent period of 3-5 days and is characterized by bleeding, hemorrhages, dyspeptic disorders, inhibition of liver function, hematuria, and allergic reactions are possible. Penetrated through the placenta, dicumarine can cause lethal bleeding from the fetus. Especially dangerous poisoning with a deficiency in the diet of vitamin K. When poisoning, sick animals give feed rich in vitamin K (Lucerne, clover hay, carrots, etc.). Cared cattle injected intramuscularly at 0.1-0.3 g of vitamin K and calcium-containing drugs (calcium gluconate, calcium chloride).

Another application

  • The grass of the donon and his flowers shock clothes to protect it from moth.
  • Dimony medicinal - good honey. It gives 200-600 kg of honey with 1 hectare. Landing it near the apiary, on the slopes of ravines, empty and inconvenience very desirable. This will allow the use of a plant not only as food and honey, but also like feed, technical and medicinal.
  • From young and fresh leaves, salads, okroshki, soups are prepared.
  • The fragrant mixture of dry leaves and inflorescences use as refueling into soups, salads and compotes to improve taste.
  • The leaves are used as flavoring in dairy, meat, fish, tobacco industry and the production of soft drinks.
  • Dry and fresh leaves are used for the preparation of wines, lycles, tinctures.
  • Young thickened roots in fried and boiled form edible.
  • In the Caucasus, young roots are used in food with raw or boiled, and the leaves like a culinary spice.
  • Used to make green cheese.
  • Leaves in Tajikistan and in France - for staining of fabrics in yellow color.
  • Feed for farm animals. Used for feeding a cattle in the form of silo (in fresh form He eats badly). In its nutrition, I am not inferior to alfalfa.
  • Good Siderate - enriches soil with nitrogen. Popular as a good Meliorator of Solonz soil. It has been established that after the Drug Dynamon, the yield of tobacco is raised.
  • It is used to aromatize soap and as a ficker of smell in perfumery.
  • It is found in culture.

Mode of application

Outward infusion of grass in the form of wizens, bathtubs and compresses are used in ritters, jerks, furunculaes, inflammation of the mammary glands and the rheumatic state of the joints. Grinding and boiled flowers with fat or oil flowers enhance the impodies of injections. With inflammatory infiltration nice results Gives a long use of the sequare from the grass of the Donon and the use of compresses - herbal pillows. Grinding leaves are applied to tumors for their softening and to wounds to pull in pus.

When using donon drugs, the dosage should be observed and remember that the long-term and uncontrolled application of the donon is not desirable.


The powder of grass and color of the donon is used for the preparation of ointments, the suppress and in cooking, as seasoning.


  • Two teaspoons of the grass of the Don dolley insisted in 2 glasses of cold boiled water in a closed vessel. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day with hypertension, headaches, insomnia, irritability.
  • Two tablespoons of grass insist 10 minutes in 0.5 liters of water in a closed vessel on a hot plate. Use for baths and compresses.
  • Two tablespoons of raw materials are placed in enameled dishes, 200 ml of hot boiled water is poured, covered with a lid and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled with room temperature 45 minutes, filter, pressed. The volume of the obtained infusion is adjusted with boiled water up to 200 ml. A cooked infusion is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup 2-3 times a day as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • 200 g of herbs brew in liter boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, use for the suppress, compresses, kneading with rims, furunculaes, guns, conjunctivitis.
  • A tablespoon of dry raw materials brew boiling water, insist in a thermos 2 hours. Drink 1/2 cup 2 times a day in the morning and evening.
  • Dinner grass table spoon for 1 cup boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Apply 1/4 cup 3 times a day before meals as anti-inflammatory.


  • Two teaspoons of chopped grass of a dosure of drug pour 0.5 l 40% alcohol or vodka. Insist for 15 days. It is used as a soothing agent with headaches, insomnia, neurasthenia, nervous seizures, hysteria and melancholy. Apply 5-10 drops 2 times a day.
  • Pour 1 part of the grass (better than fresh) 10 parts of 40% alcohol, insist in a dark place for 10-15 days, strain, stored in the refrigerator up to 2 years. Use outwardly with migraine or inside 15 drops 2 times a day.


10 g of raw materials poured 200 ml of water, boiled 30 minutes, then filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Fresh greens. Parish

Grinding leaves are applied to tumors for their softening and to wounds to pull in pus.

For the surplus for colds, slowly forming furunculas, with flux, the inflammation of the middle ear, the suppuration of the chest in women (infection, mastitis), use the coloring flowers on a sore place in boiling water, which are applied to the sore place.


  • Two tablespoons of fresh flowers of the donon will be confused with 2-3 tablespoons of fresh butter. Use as an ointment, accelerating the ripening of injections, for diseases of the joints.
  • 50-60 g of fresh duster flowers are thoroughly triturated with 3 tablespoons of butter.
  • Dormon - 1 part; Highlander - 1 part; Gusina Papers - 1 part; Lush carnation - 2 parts; Multicolored carnation - 2 parts. Grind raw materials in a coffee grinder or mortar to powder. 20 g powder to be confused with 80 g of melted interior of pork bala or goose fat, Hold the mixture on a water bath for 4 hours, interfering, strain hot (1 part - 1 teaspoon). Apply with hemorrhoid.
  • Mix 1 part of a condensed to half of the donomy donon and 4 pieces of cream oil. Use in furunculosis and diseases of the joints.
  • Ointment is prepared from 2 tablespoons of freshly-dry and wrapped in a powder of flowers, which are mixed and triturated with 50 g of vaseline or any fat base. Apply with thrombophlebitis, furunculosis and diseases of the joints.

Charges and mixes

  • Dimony medicinal, grass - 3 parts; Horseta, grass - 3 parts; Valerian, roots - 10 parts; Melissa, grass - 5 parts; Rhodiola pink, root - 5 parts; luban - 1 part; Star - 1 part; Chernobyl - 1 part. 1 teaspoon of collection pour a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos night, drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 1 hour after meals and at night with 1 teaspoon honey during excess excitability, climax, nervousness. Course - 21 days.
  • Dimony medicinal, grass - 1 part; Tollga - 3 parts; Waway white, bark - 3 parts; Horsetail field - 2 parts; Gryzhnik smooth - 2 parts; Kanchin Konsky - 2 parts; Golden rod - 5 pieces. 1 tablespoon collection to pour a glass of boiling water in a thermos, insist 5-6 hours, drinking 1/3 cup 3 times a day in the intervals between feeding of food with ischemic heart disease with hypertension. After 3 days, check blood clotting, if there is no effect, add to the collection of hawthorn, flowers or diet - 5 parts. Course - 30 days, break 10 days. Course repeat. Treatment for 2-3 years with changing fees every 3 months.
  • Dimony medicinal, grass - 1 part; Glotting umbrella - 1 part; Oilsman ordinary - 1 part, coltsfoot, flowers - 1 part. 1 tablespoon of the mixture insist in 250 ml of boiling water 2-3 hours, strain. Take 1/3 cup 5-6 times a day for 3-4 weeks with inflammation of ovaries.
  • 12 g of yellow wax and 2 g rosin and 1 tablespoon of animal fat (goose, goose, badger, etc.). Add 1 teaspoon of the herb powder of the Drug Dynamon and heated on a small fire of 5 minutes, often stirring, focusing in a jar and put on sorrowful places for aging furunculus at osteomyelitis.
  • Dimony medicinal, grass - 40 g; Chamomile, flowers - 30 g; Altea drug, grass - 30 g. The mixture is inserted into a canvas bag, poured boiling water and warm in the vessel on the stove within 10 minutes. Used for the kap. The Pup is treated wounds, reduces pain in the swirls from rheumatism.
  • Dimony Drug, Grass; altea, leaves; Malva, leaves; Chamomile, flowers; Luck, seed - everything is equally. Mix and confuse in a rough powder for compresses. The mixture is placed in a linen bag, which holds 10 minutes in hot water, and then applied to the patient.
  • Dimony medicinal, grass - 1 teaspoon; Hop, bumps - 1 teaspoon. Pour 250 ml hot water, cook for 5 minutes, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day before meals when headaches.


There are many recipes for cooking dishes using a yellow donon, however, do not abuse the donel. Immirement consumption of this fragrant herb can cause nausea (sometimes even vomiting) and headache!

Powder from the Donel

Ingredients: Dried leaves and inflorescences of the Dononon.

Cooking: The dried leaves and inflorescences are crushed in a coffee grinder or a cementing in a step, sift through the sieve. Use as a spice to the first and second dishes, snacks, sauces, drinks.

Salad with Donnik

Ingredients: Young color leaves - 20 g; fresh cucumbers - 50 g; Green bow - 25 g; Egg - 1 piece; salt to taste; sour cream (mayonnaise, vegetable oil) - 25 g

Cooking: Young donon leaves cut, add chopped fresh cucumbers, green onions, welded by screwing egg, salting, mix. Fill sour cream (mayonnaise, vegetable oil).

Soup with the Donel

Ingredients: Broth or water - 500 ml; Potatoes - 80 g; carrots - 40 g; Onions - 25 g; Dormon leaves - 20 g; sorrel - 100 g; Tomato sauce - 50 g; egg; sour cream - 25 g; Greens of dill and parsley.

Cooking: In the salted broth or water to cook sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes. 5 minutes before readiness to add crushed donon leaves, sorrel, fill with a packed onion, carrots, tomato sauce. Before serving on the table in the plates, put the circles of the welded egg boiled eggs, sour cream, sprinkle dill and parsley.

Okroshka with the Donnik

Ingredients: bread kvass - 500 ml; beef - 70 g; potatoes - 50 g; egg; Fresh cucumbers - 50 g; Dormon leaves - 20 g; Onions - 25 g; Salt, mustard, sugar - to taste; sour cream - 25

Cooking: In the bread kvass putting pieces of boiled beef, boiled potatoes, welded screwed eggs, fresh cucumbers, arranged with salt and mustard crumpled leaves of the donon and bow, sugar. Fill sour cream.

Roasted Roots of Dinner

Ingredients: Young roots; vegetable oil; Salt to taste.

Cooking: Young roots wash, fry on vegetable oil, add salt. Serve as part of a garnish to meat or fish dishes.

Bottles of Belarusian with the Donnik

Ingredients: beef mince - 250 g; Dormon leaves - 20 g; Onions - 20 g; raw egg, black pepper ground, salt; breadcrumbs - 15 g; Pipe or vegetable oil - 25 g.

Cooking: In beega mince add crumpled leaves of the dononnok, onion, raw egg, black pepper ground, salt and mix thoroughly. From the masses to form ups, barter them in breadcrumbs and fry on topless or vegetable oil.

Meat, stewed with the donon

Ingredients: meat - 250 g; Onions - 50 g; carrots - 50 g; potatoes - 200 g; Dormon leaves - 20 g; bay leaf, pepper, dill seeds, water.

Cooking: Pieces of meat fry, shifting in Gusatyatnitsa, add chuts onion, chopped on a large grain carrot, chopped potatoes, donon leaves, bay leaf, pepper, dill seeds, pour water to cover the surface of meat, and stew on low heat until readiness.

Drink with dononnik

Ingredients: water - 1 l; Leaves and inflorescences of the Donnik - 10 g; Sugar - to taste; Cranberry juice or cherry - 75-100 ml.

Cooking: In boiling water, put the leaves and inflorescences of the donon, sugar, cranberry juice or cherry, bring to a boil and cool.