
Secrets of growing stalked celery. Storing celery root, petiole and leaf or how to prepare celery for the winter

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Celery is growing in popularity every year. This can be explained by the large amount of vitamins and nutrients that this vegetable plant contains. It is not sold in every store, so gardeners grow different types celery in their plots. But you can feast on roots, leaves and petioles not only in summer and autumn. If you know how, you can save root, petiole, leaf celery until spring at home.

How to save root celery for the winter

From celery root vegetables, you can prepare soups, salads for weight loss and simply delicious dishes... They can be stored until spring both in the cellar and in the apartment.

Cellar storage

A cellar, basement or any other cool room with good ventilation is suitable for storing vegetables. An insulated loggia is also suitable if the temperatures on it are positive in winter. The best air temperature for storage is within +2 .. + 3 degrees, and the humidity is high, about 90%.

For long-term storage root crops are dried and discarded. You should choose:

  • large fruits with a whole and smooth surface;
  • dense roots, which is checked by pressure (a soft vegetable, most likely from the inside began to rot);
  • fruits in which there is no emptiness inside.

The fact that the vegetable inside is empty will say a ringing sound if you lightly hit the root crop.

  1. In clay... Dip each vegetable in a clay solution, wait until the clay is dry, and stack it on the shelves. The clay talker should be the consistency of sour cream.
  2. In sand. Place the root vegetables with their stalks upwards in wooden or plastic boxes and sprinkle with sand.
  3. In a mixture of sand and chalk. To protect vegetables from fungal diseases, they are stacked in containers in layers, sprinkling each layer with a mixture of sand and crushed chalk. In this case, the petioles are left outside.

Root celery dug out with roots and planted in a box of wet sand will last the longest. As long as the outside temperature is above zero, the room should be cool and well ventilated.

Storage in the apartment

  1. Peel, grate on a coarse grater, place in small portions in disposable containers or bags and place in the freezer. When preparing soups and main courses, the blanks can be used without defrosting.
  2. Cut the peeled fruits into strips or grate coarsely, spread on a baking sheet and expose to the sun. When the straw dries well, it is placed in a glass container with a tight lid. Dried celery roots can be used as a condiment for a wide variety of dishes.

Root vegetables wrapped in foil will stay fresh for 2 to 4 weeks in the vegetable section of the refrigerator.

How to prepare stalked celery for the winter

Celery stalks are carefully selected for long-term storage. They should be brittle, firm, bright light green and without a seed arrow. If the vegetables are overgrown and seeds begin to form on them, the stalks will be tough and taste bitter.

You can store celery stalks at home in the freezer or as blanks for the winter.

In the freezer

Frozen petioles will preserve almost everything beneficial features... They can be added to both hot dishes and salads.

Pre-washed and dried petioles are stored in the freezer, placing them in freezer bags. You can cut the stems and put them in a container with a lid.

Stalks from petioles

There is not always a place in the freezer for frozen vegetables, so you have to make preparations from them for the winter. Here are some quick and easy recipes:

  1. Dry ambassador. The stems sprinkled with salt in a dark, cool place will be stored until the next harvest. They must first be washed, dried and cut so that they fit into a glass jar. Petioles are sprinkled with salt at the rate of 0.5 kg of stems - 100 g of salt. Banks are rolled up with lids.
  2. Drying... Rinse the stems, dry and cut both lengthwise and across to form thin plates. Heat the oven to 60 degrees and place a baking sheet with blanks in it. Dry at open door oven... The dried petioles are stored in glass jars with a tightly closed lid.
  3. Pickling. For pickling 1 kg stalked celery you will need one and a half liters of water, 80 grams of salt, 400 grams of 9% vinegar, 200 grams of sugar. Petioles, laurel, garlic and any other seasoning cut into small cubes are placed in a jar to taste. Prepare the marinade and pour it boiling into jars, which are closed and sterilized for 20 minutes in a water bath.

For two to three weeks, celery stalks can be stored simply in the refrigerator. They should be pre-washed, dried and wrapped in foil.

How to prepare leaf celery

For long-term storage of greens in winter at home, several methods are used:

  1. In the freezer. Clean and dried leaves are placed in a container with a tight lid and stored in the freezer. If necessary, it will be possible to take out a little greens and add them to soups or main courses.
  2. In ice cubes. The aroma of greenery will remain if it is crushed, poured into an ice mold, filled with water and removed in freezer.
  3. Dried... The dried leaves can be used as a seasoning for almost any dish. Greens are dried for about a month between two sheets of parchment paper. The seasoning should be stored in a paper bag, cardboard box or cloth bag.
  4. Salted. Just like stalked celery, the leaves are sprinkled with salt and stored in jars. 1 kg of greens is poured over 200 g of salt. When the greens give juice, the jars are removed in a cool place.
  5. In fridge... Up to 10-14 days will remain in fresh leafy celery wrapped in foil and placed in the vegetable section of the refrigerator. It is not recommended to wrap it in polyethylene.
  6. Pickling. Pickled leaves can be added to soups, side dishes, main courses and even salads. To prepare the marinade for 2 cups of water, you will need 40 g of salt, 50 g of sugar and ½ cup of 9% vinegar. Banks are better to take small one and a half liter. They contain seasonings to taste (garlic, laurel, etc.) and chopped herbs, which are poured with boiling marinade. The jars are covered with lids and sterilized for 10 minutes in a water bath.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to store celery. You can try each of them in next year use the one you like the most.

Petiole celery is a valuable vegetable crop that is well-deservedly loved by domestic vegetable growers. Gardeners need not only to grow on personal plot good harvest but also keep it as long as possible. We will talk about how to store celery in this article.

The roots of this vegetable contain numerous vitamins and trace elements necessary for health. Celery is especially useful in the winter season, when vitamin deficiency is noted, and this nutritious vegetable is able to supply the human body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins. Therefore, it is not surprising that many gardeners plant this vegetable crop on their plots, growing excellent harvest... Storing stalked celery is not difficult. It is only necessary to provide the root crops with appropriate conditions, which will allow them to be preserved throughout the winter.

Correct harvest is a guarantee of long-term storage

When harvesting celery, you should remember that root crops do not like mechanical damage. After all, a damaged root crop is notable for its mediocre keeping quality, it quickly deteriorates and rots. That is why, when harvesting, it is recommended to act carefully. Careful harvesting will save you the risk of damaging your roots.

Immediately after digging up the roots, it is necessary to cut the foliage from them to the very root. Also conduct a preliminary inspection of the harvested crop, rejecting rotten and damaged roots. The collected celery must be dried with high quality, for which we leave harvested crop in the open air for a few days.

How to store celery properly

In the event that the harvested harvest is planned to be eaten in the near future, then it will be enough to wrap the celery in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator.

Remember that the bag must be airtight. Otherwise, root vegetables may lose some of their taste and absorb odors from the refrigerator.

There are no difficulties with storage in the refrigerator.

  • Root crops must be covered with dry river sand. In this case, the location of the celery should be strictly vertical. Such a box of sand must be placed in a cellar with a temperature of 0 to 10 degrees.
  • We put the roots in wooden boxes or a plastic bag. We fill the container with sand and place it in a storage with a humidity level of 90 percent. The room temperature should be around freezing.
  • To ensure the longest possible storage of celery, you will need to prepare a creamy mass from clay, with which each root is abundantly coated. It is necessary to dry the harvested crop and stack it in a protective clay shell for storage in the cellar. This method will allow you to preserve the harvested crop throughout the winter.
Storage of dried celery, which does not lose its flavor characteristics, is very popular. You need to clean the roots, rinse them under running water, then chop and grind in a blender. The resulting mass is dried and stored in a sealed glass container. You can also not dry the resulting ground mass, but put it in a plastic bag and send it to the freezer. Subsequently, it is necessary to cut off a part of the crushed frozen mass and use it for cooking without defrosting the celery.

Putting the purchased celery into storage

You can buy celery in domestic hypermarkets at any time of the year. The problem is that in winter the cost of this vegetable can be several times higher than in the harvest season. Many zealous owners simply purchase several kilograms of this vegetable in the fall and lay it in storage. This allows you to save money, and at the same time you can feast on your favorite dishes in winter.

When choosing stalked celery, pay attention to its size, the absence of mechanical damage and the integrity of the skin. Only a properly harvested, undamaged root crop can be stored for as long as possible. You should not buy frozen vegetables. Subsequently, when thawing, the roots will lose their taste, so such a vegetable will have a bland taste.

Store-bought stalked celery can be stored in a variety of ways. Vegetables can be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for several months. Also for the winter, you can use any wooden or plastic container in which vegetables are sprinkled with dry sand. Subsequently, the box is placed in a cold and dark place. This technology will allow the crop to lie until the next harvest.


Storing a vegetable is not particularly difficult. It is only necessary to select healthy intact roots, which are placed in a refrigerator or, sprinkled with sand, are placed in a dark and cold basement. Also popular is the storage of this vegetable in a dried form, in which celery retains its taste and all the beneficial properties.

The fever calms the stomach and the swelling drives it out ... EIf it is eaten or taken raw, it causes urine NSthat herb, but take a decoction of the roots more effectively; The action of the seed is the same, since it is often taken in a decoction. Odo from Mena, poetic treatise "0 properties of herbs" (XI century)

Celery is a wonderful fragrant plant, a biennial from the umbellate (celery) family, 80-90 cm high. It is found in the wild in the southern regions of our country. In the Northwest, celery is grown only as an annual, because it does not winter here. Three varieties of celery are cultivated: root, petiole and leaf. At petiolate and leaf celery a taproot with branches, and these species are grown mainly for greenery.

In the first year, celery forms a powerful rosette of leaves, and in the second, flower stems and seeds. Seeds remain viable for three years. Celery has a strong aroma and a bittersweet spicy taste. All parts of the plant are eaten: seeds, roots, leaves and stems, which are more juicy and tender than, for example, parsley. The root vegetable and celery leaves contain potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and sodium. As well as B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin), vitamin K, E, provitamin A and ascorbic acid. In addition to minerals, celery contains essential oil, glycoside, choline, protein, carotene, etc. The characteristic taste of celery is given by apiol.

Celery is especially useful for the elderly: it improves water-salt metabolism and has a positive effect on obesity and neuroses.

The plant has a diuretic, mild laxative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Raises the general tone of the body, increases physical and mental performance. Celery in the garden is "friendly" and helps white cabbage, driving away cabbage from it, and cabbage, in turn, stimulates the growth of celery. Grows well next to tomatoes, all types of onions, lettuce, cauliflower. Can be planted in beds after cucumbers and beans. Not recommended for planting next to parsley, fennel, potatoes and corn.


The most common varieties of root celery (domestic varieties with good taste and keeping quality).

  1. Old varieties: Yablonny, Delicacy, Root Gribovsky. Of the new varieties, the State Register of varieties recommends Albin, Diamant, Egor, Esaul, Kaskade, President RZ, Yudinka.
  2. As well as imported varieties: Prague Giant, Snowball, Jupiter.
  3. Petiole celery varieties: Pascal, Utah, Golden pen (foreign varieties). New domestic varieties: Tender, Tango (used as leaf and petiolate).
  4. Sorts of leaf celery (curly and ordinary): Vigor, Zakhar, Kartuli (curly, Transcaucasia), Gentle, Obninsky. Among the new varieties: Parus, Tango (petiolate and leafy).


Celery loves fertile soil and does not tolerate sour ones. Prefers loams. Photophilous. It grows best in temperate and humid climates at a temperature of 15-22 °. Celery is hygrophilous, but does not tolerate soaking, it cannot be planted in places where groundwater is close. Petiole celery is especially picky about growing conditions. Under celery (especially root), deep plowing of the soil is required. The best predecessors are cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes.

Celery root (root) has a long growing season (140-200 days), it is better to grow it through seedlings in March - early April. His seeds are very small, experienced gardeners it is advised to plant them in small peat pots filled with a nutrient mixture, pour a little snow on top, compact it and spread 3-5 celery seeds on top (the seeds will be visible in the snow), and then distribute them over the surface with a pointed stick.

Then the pots are covered with glass on top and left until shoots appear. For two months, the seedlings grow very slowly, they are planted in the ground in mid-May, in the phase of the 3-5th true leaves, The distance between the plants is 30 cm. They are also fed in June: 1 tsp. superphosphate per 10 liters of water (weed infusion can be used instead of water). Ash is also poured into the aisles. It is useful to constantly mulch the aisles with peat - this both nourishes the celery and at the same time drowns out the weeds.

To get an even root crop, you need to carefully cut off the small lateral roots with a sharp knife in July-August and expose (do not huddle!) The top of the root so that it rises slightly above the ground. During the summer, the edge leaves are cut off at the leaf outlet, leaving no more than 4-5 pieces in the center. If you constantly remove all the leaves from the root celery, then the large root will not be tied. For the constant use of greens in summer season cultivars of leaf celery are grown.

Petiole celery is huddled 2-3 weeks before harvest to whiten the petioles and give them a more delicate taste. You can wrap the celery rosettes with kraft paper to the very leaf blades, and this will also whiten the petioles well. Celery is affected by septoria, powdery mildew, phomosis, white and gray root rot, bacteriosis. Damaged by carrot fly, celery fly and carrot leaf flea. Chemical preparations against pests are undesirable.

Collection and storage

Leaf celery is harvested in July, during the period of maximum leaf regrowth, and the second time it is pruned in the fall, when it grows back. Raw materials are dried under a canopy in the shade and stored in a closed container. Root celery is harvested in October and in the southern regions in November. In the fall, before frost, the celery is dug up with a pitchfork, the greens are cut off and the root is dried in the sun. They are stored, like other root crops, in the cellar.

Petiole celery is harvested before the onset of frost, and if there is a greenhouse, they are transplanted into it for growing. Petioles and leaf blades leaf and petiole celery are consumed fresh, boiled or stewed, and also dried for the winter to use as a seasoning. So that the peeled celery roots do not darken, they should be immersed in acidified water (you need to add a little lemon juice). Celery roots will taste better when stewed in own juice... The finer the celery roots are cut, the more flavorful they are. Raw root vegetables are used in salads, they can be fried in breadcrumbs, like cauliflower.

Celery leaves, petioles and root are used for canning and pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and cabbage. Ground celery seed is used in savory baked goods, various sauces, gravies, cheeses, fish pastes. In many countries, celery is used as a component of dry mixes. It is added to fatty soups from goose, duck and tart game soups, to mushrooms. Delicate aroma gives celery to dishes of beans, eggplant, cabbage, carrots, potatoes and tomato sauces.

When the celery crop pleases with an abundance of root crops and fragrant, juicy and healthy herbs, you should take care of how to preserve the celery root, as well as celery leaves for the winter. After all, it is quite difficult to find celery on the shelves of vegetable stores in winter, and in order to use healthy roots and celery greens during the period when it does not grow in the beds, you need to know how to prepare celery for the winter.

Root celery should be harvested in a timely manner, and there is no need to rush to harvest, the longer the roots are in the ground, the larger and more mature they will be. In conditions of long-term cultivation, the rhizome peel becomes denser and can serve as protection against damage and preservation of the nutrients of the vegetable during harvesting, transportation and storage. But it is also not worth delaying until the first frost, in which case the celery may not tolerate storage well.

Average, optimal time the end of September is considered for cleaning, but the weather forecast should be taken into account. As a rule, a month before harvesting, the lower shoots and branches are cut off so that the root crop ripens and takes on a more rounded shape. When digging the root out of the soil, you need to be very careful not to damage the peel. It is advisable not to use any tools for this, but simply to pull with effort on the tops. To make the root easier to get out of the soil, it is worth pouring water over it in a few days beforehand.

To check the quality of the tubers, before harvesting, you need to carefully inspect it, if it is soft, it means that it has begun to rot, and if a ringing sound is heard when tapping, it means that the tuber has grown dry, and inside it is empty. Such parts are not suitable for procurement.

To harvest the roots, the tops are cut off, while leaving hemp a few centimeters high, thin roots are removed and cleaned of adhering pieces of soil.

After harvesting the celery tubers, they should be sorted, and if their number has grown a lot, then a few roots can be left in the garden, so they will give juicy and young greens in the spring.

And if you want greens to grow in your home, plant small roots in flower pot, and enjoy your own-grown aromatic and healthy greens all winter. Young shoots will look like indoor flower and will serve beautiful decoration interior. This way, you can grow healthy greens at home even in winter.

Video “Storing Leaf Celery”

From the video you will learn how to properly store leaf celery.

Storing root vegetables in a city apartment

How to store celery root in an apartment? This vegetable is not very capricious in storage, it can be stored for a long time until summer, but still under certain conditions. The tubers can be kept in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. Before placing the root vegetables in the refrigerator, they are thoroughly washed, dried and packed in polyethylene.

Root vegetables prepared in this way can be consumed at any time, preparing salads from them, adding to soups and vegetable stews.

This type of storage is, of course, very convenient, but if the root crops have grown much more than the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator can accommodate, then you need to resort to other storage methods. Then you need to bring root crops from the cellar in portions. But the rule remains unchanged before immersion in the refrigerator, in order to avoid various unsanitary measures, each root is thoroughly washed and wrapped in polyethylene.

Even if the apartment has a large freezer, it is not suitable for storing celery roots. Root vegetables that will be placed in the freezer will only be suitable for heat treatment, that is, they cannot be used fresh. Thus, a blank of celery tubers can be made into the freezer, which will be added exclusively for cooking, and subjected to heat treatment.

Wintering in the cellar, garage, in the country

In fact, it is not so difficult to preserve celery roots during the winter, and there are a great many known ways. And there are many answers to the question of how to store celery. Each of them is effective, choose any of them, but remember, the temperature in the room where the vegetable will be stored should be in the range from 0 ° to + 1 °, and the humidity should be 90% or more.

How to store celery for the winter? For a long time, methods have been known of how to prepare celery for storage for wintering in cellars, basements, garages, in the country.

One of them is storage in a sand box. To use this method of harvesting root crops in the winter, you will need a box and wet sand. The root crop deepens into the sand as in a garden bed, and remains in this form for the winter. This method will perfectly keep the tubers in an excellent condition.

Another long-standing method of preparing root crops for wintering is the use of clay. To do this, the roots are poured with a mixture of clay and water, after which they are dried and left to winter in this form.

In the southern regions, with a not very severe winter and where the ground freezes shallowly, the tubers are laid in prepared trenches, filling each layer with sand. Vegetables folded and sprinkled with sand are covered with straw, and then with a layer of earth of at least 20 cm.

Since celery is a part of many vegetable seasonings, you can make such a spicy addition yourself if you want. To do this, prepare its leaves and stalks: wash, dry and grind. Then spread them between two layers of natural fabric or paper towel and leave to dry in a dry place. On average, leafy greens will dry for about a month. After a month, dried greens are crushed in a blender, coffee grinder or by hand (dry parts will be easily crushed into dust). It is advisable to store the resulting aromatic mixture in a glass container with a lid.

Celery leaves and stalks are also rolled with salt. For such a preparation, you will need 100 g of salt per 0.5 kg of celery stalks and leaves. The stems with leaves are crushed, packed tightly into jars, each layer is sprinkled with salt, which will act as a preservative, and rolled up with lids. Store such blanks in a dark and cool place.

Using different ways storage, you can cook tasty and healthy dishes at any time with the addition of different parts celery (tubers, leaves, petioles). And if the plant is grown independently, then you can be completely sure that the prepared dishes will contain many vitamins and microelements.

Waste-free technologies

When large and beautiful tubers are ready for storage for winter period, and parts of the plant remained unsuitable (small, rotten, smallish, half-empty) for this type of storage, you should not rush to throw them away. From them, you can prepare very useful vitamin supplements for main dishes in the winter.

To do this, remove the peel from the roots, cut off the spoiled parts, cut them into small cubes or cubes and send to dry. How to dry celery?

Spread out in a well-ventilated room with a temperature of at least 25 degrees, on a natural fabric or on paper towels, and leave for several weeks. After the vegetables are dry, they should be folded into a glass container with a sealed lid; vegetables prepared according to this rule will be stored for a long time. They can be added to a variety of soups, broths and vegetable side dishes, as long as they are heat treated.

And if you make a seasoning from dried celery, by grinding it into dust with a blender, then it can be used raw, sprinkling it on ready-made dishes.

Having given a little time to celery roots, you will have the opportunity to eat them fresh until the next harvest. And thus, all year round fragrant and healthy dishes will be on your table.

Root Storage Video

From the video you will learn how to store the root of a plant.

Leaf celery forms many leaves with hollow petioles, its roots are branched and hard, not used for food. Petiole celery forms large leaves with long, strongly thickened petioles. It is the petioles with crispy tender pulp that are the productive organ. Root celery develops a well-defined rounded root crop of grayish-white or brownish color, 5-12 cm in diameter and weighing up to 600 g.

Celery leaves contain more essential oils (300 mg%) than root crops (5-50 mg%), a lot of vitamin C (up to 150 mg%) and carotene (up to 7 mg%). Root crops, in addition to vitamin C, are rich in carotene (50 mg%), B vitamins (up to 100 mg%).

Celery is a source of dietary fiber, riboflavin and chlorophyll, contains many important minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, contains very little fat and practically does not contain cholesterol.

Requirements for growing conditions

Celery is a cold-resistant plant. Its seedlings tolerate short-term frosts down to -6 ° С, and adult plants - up to -12 ° С, but the plants, when exposed to low temperatures, bloom prematurely. Therefore, it is advisable to plant seedlings after the onset of a period of biologically active temperatures (5 ° C).

The best soils for celery are sandy loam and loamy, light, loose, rich in organic matter. The soils should be evenly moist, but without excess moisture, since this culture does not tolerate flooding and high groundwater levels. Soil moisture is especially necessary in the second year of life, since mother plants planted in dry soil die or form weak seed plants.

Growing seedlings

Since the growing season of celery is quite long (for the root one - 180-200 days, for the leaf one - 80-100 days), most varieties are grown in seedlings.

Seeds for seedlings are sown in the first decade of March - in a greenhouse or a warm greenhouse, in loose soil, on a rack or in seed boxes with a mixture of turf and humus (1: 1) with the addition of a small amount of sand. To accelerate germination, the seeds are soaked in water for 2-3 days, changing it several times, then dried to a loose state. You can germinate seeds in advance - 2 weeks before sowing. To do this, they are soaked in warm water for three days. Then keep warm in wet sawdust, scattered with a layer of no more than 1 cm. After holding until the first seedlings appear, mix with dry sand and sow.

Sow in rows with a distance of 8-10 cm and a planting depth of 0.5-1.0 cm.The seeding rate of seeds is 2-2.5 g / m 2 (with subsequent picking) and 0.7-1.0 g / m ( without picking). To evenly retain moisture and heat, the crops are covered plastic wrap, this speeds up the emergence of seedlings.

Seedlings appear in about 20 days at a temperature not lower than 20-25 ° C. When single shoots appear, the film must be removed, otherwise the seedlings will stretch. It is also necessary to lower the temperature to 14 ° C. If the seedlings are very dense, they are thinned out. Further optimum temperature for growing seedlings - 18-20 ° C.

Seedlings dive in the phase of the first true leaf, usually 3-4 weeks after sowing, in peat pots with a diameter of 5 cm or in cassettes (mesh size 5 x 5 cm). In this case, the seedlings are planted in the ground to the base of the leaves, but so as not to cover the central bud.

One peculiarity is that the main root must not be damaged when diving, as a "bearded" root crop can grow. Because of this, some gardeners grow seedlings in a separate container and then, when transplanted into the ground, they simply transfer them, and the upper roots are carefully removed with a cloth.

2 weeks before planting in the ground, it is useful to feed the seedlings mineral fertilizers(20-30 g of ammonium nitrate and 10-15 g of superphosphate and potassium nitrate per 10 liters of water). You can use complex fertilizers Kemira Lux, Solution, etc. When feeding, it is desirable that the solution does not get on the leaves of the plants in order to avoid burns. After feeding, the plant must be watered clean water... Before picking seedlings, the ground is well watered.

Soil preparation and planting

The best precursors for celery are early cabbage(white and colored), cucumbers, tomatoes, early potatoes, beetroot. You can plant celery after harvesting early vegetables such as salad.

The soil for celery is prepared in the fall, the soil is plowed with a turnover of the layer to a depth of 20-25 cm. Celery must be planted with watering. At the same time, they carefully squeeze the roots with earth, make sure that the central kidney is not covered. Plant seedlings in open ground better in the second decade of May, at the age of 55-60 days, when 4-5 true leaves are formed in plants.

Plants are planted in rows with a distance of 20-30 cm from each other and a row spacing of 40-60 cm.On the ridges, celery is planted in 2-3 rows with a row spacing of 20-30 cm and a distance between plants in a row of 20 cm.


Planting care consists of weeding, fertilizing, watering and loosening. Watering should be done evenly, since sudden changes in moisture supply can cause cracking of root crops. Thinning is sometimes necessary.

The soil between the rows and in the furrows must be loosened several times during the growing season. The first loosening is shallow, 4-5 cm; deep loosening, by 12 cm, is carried out only in case of strong soil compaction after rain.

Top dressing

The first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out 15-20 days after planting (20 g of ammonium nitrate, 10-15 g of potassium salt and 15 g of superphosphate per m2. You can use complex fertilizers: Kemira Lux, soluble, azofoska. After feeding, watering is required.

2-3 weeks after the first feeding, give the second one. For root celery, nitrogen fertilizers are excluded from it, only 20-30 g of potassium salt and 15 g of superphosphate are given. On poor soils, you can carry out the third top dressing - no later than August 15-20, in the same doses as the second.

Root celery needs to be slightly uncooked, shoveling off the soil from the plants. Root crops can be covered with straw or hay and harvested until November. Harvested root vegetables can be successfully used for forcing early greens if transplanted into a greenhouse.

Forcing from root crops

When harvesting root crops for distillation, the leaves are cut off, leaving petioles up to 7 cm long.Root crops weighing up to 250 g are most suitable.

6-12 kg of root crops are planted on 1 m 2 of area (depending on the mass). The planting pattern is 15 x 10-15 cm. Root crops of different weight are best planted in separate areas, since they differ in the intensity of the regrowth of greenery. When planting, it is necessary to carefully compact the soil around the root crops for better survival. Watering is carried out as needed. The temperature is maintained at 15-17 ° C during the day and 10-12 ° C at night. For forcing, it is better to use leafy varieties, since the root ones give a lower total yield of greenery. The duration of forcing is 30-40 days, after which the leaves can be cut off. During the winter-spring period, you can cut the greens 3-4 times.


  • storage of mother liquors with sand interlayering;
  • storage of mother liquors in plastic bags;
  • storage of mother liquors in plastic bags in a refrigerator (Evlanov, 2006).

In warehouses, celery roots can be stored in slatted boxes at a temperature not exceeding 12 ° C and a relative humidity of 85%, in cold rooms- at temperatures from 0 to + 1 ° С and relative humidity of 90-95%. The shelf life, subject to the regime, is from 4 to 8 months.

It is also useful to remember the old ways of storage. Root celery can be stored in a basement or cellar. To do this, it is laid on the floor in a circle with a diameter of about 70 cm; having laid out a row, it is lightly covered with sand, put the second row and again covered with sand, etc., until the pile reaches a height of 70-105 cm. Celery is not afraid of dampness, and it can be stored in the basement in damp sand.

Where the ground freezes shallowly in winter, celery can be stored in shallow pits, in the middle of which a sheaf of straw is placed. Around the sheaf, root crops are laid in a heap up to 70 cm in height, covered with spruce branches, and before frost - in addition to earth.