
Effective ways and useful recommendations so that the Christmas tree stood for a long time. How to make the tree longer standing


The Christmas tree in the house is an indispensable attribute of New Year's holidays. And how our children are waiting for it! Probably, they have already begun to prepare homemade toys and colored paper chains, to then decorate the Christmas tree and dress up with other purchased Christmas decorations.

Someone prefers artificial fir, and someone wants a real Christmas tree with an excellent coniferous smell in the house.

How to choose the right tree, so that she subsequently was able to sing for a long time and not disappointing households? Below, the tips will help you make the right choice.

What kind of tree buy?

Canadian and Danish ate They are growing specifically for the New Year holidays, as they are very beautiful and in warm the room crept less. Danish ate can stand fresh even for three months!

Blue ate Very great will look and for a long time. These flies are better published, they have a strong design, and the needles with waxing will not turn into a warm room for a long time.

Most people still prefer to acquire pineAnd it is quite justified - she just likes it in the house for a month and will not drop the needle during this time. The choice in favor of pine makes mostly lovers to endure a Christmas tree in the spring. Yes, and the branches are growing up, so you can not worry that the toys slip on the floor.

How to choose a Christmas tree?

Pay attention to the stem section: the tree will not have a short time, if a cut is present on the cut dark colorwhose width can be a few centimeters.

Try to knock out a tree trunk about the ground: the needles do not have to crumble, then this fir is really fresh and will stand for a long time.

Pay attention to the branches of the tree: they must be elastic and easily bent, if they immediately break and crunch, then the spruce was cut for a long time.

Try to confuse in your fingers a few cups: the skin should remain on the skin and the characteristic fragrant smell of ate appears.

On the way home should be tied up with a tree by the twine, so that it matched as little needles as possible. When you carry it, carry the top back so that you could not fall away the lower branches.

If the Christmas tree was bought long before the new year, then it should be kept in the cold. Before you make it in a warm room, it is worth holding it within a few hours on the loggia or a cold balcony. In order to be able to fall into the dried needles, you can knock on the field of the floor.

If it is stored not in the cold, then for about 2 days before installation, it is necessary to lower the end of the barrel in a bucket filled with water with the addition of 3-4 glycerol tablespoons.

In order for it to sleep as long as possible, it is recommended to install it in a bucket with wet sand. It will be most the ideal option. Add a liter of water to a bucket of pure sand with the addition of glycerol or gelatin to it, and you can use aspirin tablets instead of this tablet with the addition of two tablespoons of sugar.

Put the tree so that the lower part of its barrel is covered with wet sand at least 20 centimeters. After 1-2 days, the sand should be watered.

You can also wrap the trunk in the place of its cut with a damp cloth and periodically wet it.

Clean the trunk of the tree on the 8-10 centimeters from the bark and sharp it with a sharp knife in order to open fresh pores.

To install a fir, use a special stand or durable deep vessel. Strengthen the trunk with stretch marks, wooden planks, ordinary rope. Blank vessel from above corrugated paper, cloth or tinsel.

New Year's holidays are miracles, gifts and smell of needles with tangerines. Every year you go for the purchase of winter beauty - Christmas trees. Choosing the most beautiful and fluffy, you hurry home for its installation. But at home think about how to install a living tree to keep freshness and extend the holiday. To do this, you need to stick to a number of rules specified in this article.

How to put a live tree - preparation and rules

Before installing a New Year's beauty, it is necessary to take into account a number of recommendations so that it pleases you as much as possible.

  • Do not put a tree into the house immediately with frost. A sharp temperature difference will adversely affect the needles, which will lead to their rapid fallout. First, put the Christmas tree in a cool place for 2-3 hours, only then put into the warm room.
  • If you want to feel the flavor of the needles on the eve of the new year, install the Christmas tree on the day of the holiday. Up to this point, keep it in a cool place, for example, on the balcony or corridor. But you should not leave the tree for a long time in the cold.
  • When you choose a place to install the Christmas tree, keep in mind that the tree does not like warmth. Therefore, placing the tree as far as possible from heating and heating devices. Otherwise, the needles will quickly dried and causing.

How to put a live tree - installation methods

Each person chooses for itself the most convenient way to install New Year's beauties. This is either crosset (tripod), or a large sand tank. Regardless of the placement method, there are several features.

  • Prepare a tree trunk. First spire the lower branches of the needle to the required level. Then remove the part of the cortex and give the shape. Hept needs to be updated so that the tree can be saturated with moisture.

  • The most common equipment for planting the Christmas tree is a cross. It can be made of wood or welded from metal.

  • If you use a flat fastening form, then further fasten the tree trunk with wedges. For tripod - how to tighten the screws as stronger. This will allow the Christmas tree in the adaptation more stable.
  • For the needles quickly do not dry, choose the models of the crossbar with a liquid compartment. Do not forget to pull water on time. To facilitate this process, tie the tube to the upper branch and lower it into the tank. Pour water more convenient with watering can.

  • Also, to saturate wood moisture, wrap the trunk with a cloth, the end of which to lower in a jar with water.

Council. So that the water does not bloom in the device tank, add several aspirin tablets into it.

  • Sometimes the Christmas tree is installed in a bucket with earth or sand. In this case, it is important to carefully catch the mixture, periodically fueling water. Wet sand will be able to keep the trunk of the Christmas tree better. Be sure to follow the humidity of the sand, otherwise it will dry, and the tree will fall or lean.
  • But water in the tank is not enough to preserve the freshness of the needles. Twice a day spray liquid on branches throughout the tree.

How to put a live tree - the manufacturer of the foundation

If you did not find the necessary device for installing the Christmas tree, then make it with your own hands. You will need materials and tools:

  • large metal bucket;
  • hooks for installation of clothes rope - 4 pcs.;
  • nuts for the diameter of hooks - 8 pcs.;
  • plastic container smaller diameter than bucket;
  • garden gravel or crushed stone;
  • drill and drill.


  • At the top of the bucket, you need to make holes for fasteners. To do this, retreat 10 cm. From the edge of the tank. Spearly draw two strips, which converge among themselves at the center. Draw four labels on metal to be located at the same distance from each other. Drill holes over hook diameter.

  • To impart the stability of the design, fill it with gravel, but only two-thirds. Instead, you can use another material, the main thing is that he is weight.

  • Water you can pour into the plastic container, which set on top of the stones. But at the same time stir it up to the level of holes. If necessary, remove excess gravel.

  • For the resistance of the container, the space between it and the bucket fill in small stones. Try to place gravel as close as possible.

  • Screw one nut on the hook, grind it into the hole on the bucket. Stretching the mount to the required distance.

  • On the inside, tighten the second nut as tight to the bucket wall. Repeat this action with the rest of the hooks.

  • As a result, you should get here such a device for installing a live tree.

  • To secure the trunk of a tree, place it in the center of the plastic container and evenly tighten the hooks on the bucket. At the same time, try to keep the Christmas tree strictly vertically.
  • Last but, pour water into the tank and do not forget to pour fluid during all holidays.
  • On the hooks you can hang New Year's garland or tinsel. The outside of the bucket reaplas the packaging paper.

Independently install live christmas tree It is not difficult. Take advantage of these tips and then your beauty will delight you all the winter holidays.

Several Yet original methods New Year's plant installations Look at the video:

The festive pre-New Year atmosphere in the house, which is remembered by childhood, create not only frosty patterns on glass and whirlwinds of snow-white snowflakes, but the unique fragrance of baking, citrus and needles. Not artificial, but a living forest beauty, which has unique abilities to give joy and vital energywill be decorated with a long-awaited holiday. How to save the Christmas tree at home and what to do in order for the holiday to be able in all respects, let's tell.

Choosing a live tree, holiday New Year Transforming in a fabulous and unforgettable celebration, it is necessary to be ready for a number of activities aimed at the extension of the life of the guest, the brightness of the needles and the intensity of its fragrance. After all, I do not want to look at the bare branches and walk on the carpet of fallen needles.

Real, fragrant and bright needles are an unforgettable gift in the house for holidays not only for children, but also for adults. Eliminate the coniferous tree from death will allow the purchase of a Christmas tree planted with roots into a tank with an earthy mixture, hire. Numerous domestic firms specialize in this service for a wide range of consumers.

Forest beauty belongs to the category of evergreen coniferous treesFine feeling in winter cold conditions. Moving the plant in the conditions of well-heated premises, without preliminary adaptation to changing conditions, is a process leading to the likely death of the Christmas tree. A few days spent by the purchased plant in the conditions of a not heated garage, a glazed, but not a warmed balcony and even a staircase span, will allow him to save his longer natural characteristics. During this period, the village is "bought" by wrapping paper or newspaper.

Another prerequisite for the preservation of the lives of living ate for the new year is its installation away from heating devices, in cool premises. Hurry up with the removal of paper is not worth it: the plant should gradually warm and adapt to room temperatures.

When to put a Christmas tree at home - everyone decides itself, but it is better not to rush with the installation.

A few words about water

Water is a source of life for all living things. Extend life cycle A regular hydration of the sand mix, specially cooked for the Christmas tree, installed at home, will help the fledged forest beauty.

Alternative Capacity S. s sandy mixture A vessel with water can be. Another option requires winding the bottom with a loose cloth, folded in several layers, and constantly moisturize it with special nutritional mixtures.

Important: Water should be distorted or frosthed, that is, without chlorine.

Glycerin added to the liquid in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. On 10 liters of water, will allow you to save a green hive long period of time.

Refreshing slice

Living fir gets nutrients from the soil. Cutting plant to the same extent requires nutrition. Provide forest beauty sufficient volume nutrients You can use the cutoff update. To do this, it takes a couple of centimeters to bargain the bottom of the trunk, freeing it from the bark. Then make a new speaker, updating the available. The peculiarity of the process consists in the need for a cutting of an angle of 45º and its constant immersion into the liquid.

Save the christmas tree!

Water enriched with a pinch of salt and 1 tbsp. Sugar will help postpone the caption of the needles.

To combat bacteria leading to the death of wood, aspirin can be used. The drug antiseptic solution is created from 1 tablet and 4 liters of water.

In the water, along with aspirin, you can add sugar rafin and copper wire.

Christmas tree standing at homeWell will respond well to fertilizer.

To install the Christmas tree in conditions of the house it is worth choosing river sand. To extend the life of the forest guest, it is worth moisturizing a mixture with a weak solution of manganese-acting, acting as a fertilizer.

Alternative to Potassium permanganate can be made by specialized fertilizer for conifers.

The optimal variant of the nutrient mixture, daily 1 tbsp. l. Added to the vessel with a mounted conifer, is created from the following components:

Divide 10 liters. water.

Increase the intensity of the coniferous aroma will allow regular spraying of the needles.

In order not to sleep the Christmas tree and pleased for a long time with its aroma and greens of needles, it is worth choosing a freshwater tree. On the freshness of the purchase will say:

  • barrel covered with needles;
  • the lack of a dark border on the edges of the cut;
  • elasticity of branches;
  • brightness of the color of the needles;
  • strong smell.

The Christmas tree, with which the needle, when buying, it is not worth it.

The life cycle of the cut tree will be longer if the tops and tips of the branches, during transportation, will remain integer.

A mixture of 3 liters can be used as a nutrient solution. Water with the addition of 5 gr. gelatin I. citric acidas well as pre-crushed chalk (0.5 art. l.).

There is nothing more beautiful than bright, fragrant, green needles of the forest guest, decorating with cozy house, Giving joy and festive atmosphere until the end of official festive events. The question of how to save the Christmas tree in the house is simple, the main thing is to have a desire to preserve the New Year's guest an attractive view for a long time.

For many, the mandatory attribute of the New Year and Christmas is a Christmas tree. This forest beauty decorates the house, spreads around himself a unique fragrance of the holiday and gives miracles to this magical time. We all want the Christmas tree as long as possible fresh and pleased us with her beautiful view, but, unfortunately, many are faced with the fact that she quickly turns yellow and crept on. How to extend the life of the New Year Beauty? It is about this that we will talk in today's publication.

What can be done so that the tree is longer

First of all you need to know how to choose a tree. This is very important, because if you buy a Christmas tree, which has long been a long time, most likely, she will start yellowing and crumbled.

When you come to the Christmas Bazaar, select a fluffy tree of bright green (in no way brown) and, before buying it, take over the branch and try to spend your hand against wool. If after this needle will remain in place, and not in your hands, it means that the Christmas tree is quite fresh. You can also lose the needles among themselves with your fingers: in case the tree has been cut down recently, you will feel the light oil and fragrant smell of needles.

  1. The coarsest and widespread error is to install the Christmas tree immediately after purchasing it. The tree needs to be able to adapt to heat, otherwise it can quickly heat and lose an attractive look. Therefore, when you buy a Christmas tree, leave it for a day in a cool place, for example, in the entrance or on the balcony, not to unleash the branches. You can also leave a tree in the corridor or in the corner of the room away from batteries and heating devices. The bottom of the trunk is recommended to wind up a rag moistened in water and cover with some cloth.
  2. When the forest beauty adapts to heat, it is possible to engage in its installation, but before that it is necessary to prepare the trunk, because when we buy the Christmas tree and carry it home, the slice often happens. As a rule, a resin is distinguished on it, which clogs absolutely all the vessels, as a result of which the tree cannot drink water, and it is extremely necessary for it. To solve this problem, the bottom of the trunk need to write a little, as well as take a sharp knife and clean the trunk from the bark for 8-10 cm. After that, the tree will be much better absorbed by moisture.
  3. The Christmas tree can be put in water container. For small trees, the optimal amount of water is 6 liters, for pines and larger firs - 10-15 liters. To stand longer, add one tablet aspirin, a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar to water (6 liters). The volume of 10-15 liters of these ingredients should be 2 times more. It is also possible to add citric acid to water to prevent the reproduction of harmful bacteria. Please note: this composition needs to be updated every 5 days.
  4. If you did not like the previous option, put the New Year's beauty in the sand. On one sand bucket, we will need 1 liter of fluid, in which you need to dissolve aspirin, pinch, and 3 sugar spoons. After that, pour the resulting solution in the sand and set the tree. Periodically, it is necessary to make such a solution and water the sand - so the tree is just a longer.
  5. As we said earlier, the New Year tree cannot be put next to the batteries, heaters and other heating devices. Take this rule to note when you choose a place for the Christmas tree.

Do not forget once a day spray a tree warm water From the pulverizer. If you notice that some branch began to dry out, cut it to stop the fiction process. The location of the cut is recommended to lubricate with solidol or vaseline.


We shared with you all security secrets new Year's Eve. Take advantage of them, and let the forest beauty please you and your children all holidays!

The tree has a very pleasant coniferous smell, which has a positive effect on health. But the wrong handling of the evergreen plant or the purchase of not fresh ate will not lead to anything good. In order for the Christmas tree for a long time, did not lose their attractive look and aroma, you need to know several tree selection rules.

Christmas tree is beautiful planthaving a magnificent crown and a pleasant coniferous aroma. To choose a high-quality Christmas tree, you need to consider the following:

  • Before buying, take a spruce in the hands and the bottom of the trunk to knock on the ground. High-quality and fresh Christmas tree should not throw out their needles.
  • A sign of a healthy trunk is a girth of at least 10 cm. A smaller diameter may indicate a tree illness. It should also be inspecting the trunk for mold and fungus.
  • So that the Christmas tree stood for a long time and did not appear, you should pay attention to the needles and their color. Fresh fir possesses a rich hue. To the touch, if needles will lose your fingers, they are a little oily and very fragrant. If this is not observed, it means that the tree is old and a little frozen.
  • The branches must reach up, be elastic and with great difficulty break. If the branches break quickly and with a crackle, it testifies that the tree has been cut down a long time ago, it will not stand for a long time.

How and in what to install?

Save the Christmas tree for a long time will help the correct way to install it. A spruce does not like temperature drops, so it should be added to the entrance for 20 minutes from the frost and only then in the apartment. If the tree is bought long before the new year, it is recommended to store it on the balcony and enter the house only if necessary.

Before the direct installation, the trunk should be overtaken with a sharp knife. It must be cleaned of the bark about 8-10 cm. If there is a cutting up the tops, then the location of the cut is recommended to treat Vishnevsky's ointment.


How to save a tree? To do this, put a fir in a bucket filled with liquid. At the time of installation, the water medium must be acidic. You can achieve this by adding a small amount of acetic or citric acid into the liquid. If there are no such ingredients, they can be replaced by a pair of pills of instant aspirin.

In order for the Christmas tree firmly in a bucket with water, it is necessary to make four holes for fasteners at the top of the tank at the top of the container. The holes should not be close to the edge, it is better to lower them by 10 cm to the floor. Holes drill with a drill. For the resistance of the bucket at the bottom, it is necessary to pour out a bit of stones, and on top to put a plastic container in which to pour prepared water.

The Christmas tree must be put in the middle of the bucket, and in the resulting holes, screw the screws that will keep it. As a result, it will turn out a special device for installing a tree.


Another option for preserving evergreen wood is the use of a bucket with moistened sand. To do this, a liter of boiled fluid is added to it, pre-diluted with two large spoons of gelatin.

Also in the sand bucket, you can add a liter of fluid in which 2 large spoons of sugar and 2 aspirin tablets are divorced. In extreme cases in a flower shop you can buy fertilizer.

In the bucket, the trunk is set in such a way that it is immersed in it by 20 cm. Sand should be moisturized once within two days.

How to care?

For a Christmas tree, it is necessary to take care every day so that it stoke as long as possible. Every day it will be necessary to water it. This procedure is carried out according to certain rules:

  • For watering the tree, it is strictly resistant water, and not from under the tap. This is necessary in order to disappear chlorine, and the particles forming the precipitate, downtowed on the bottom.
  • It needs food, so you can add chalk, sugar or aspirin into water.
  • Very useful in the bucket put pieces of copper wire or coins. The metal helps to displaced water and cope with fungal disputes.
  • In order for the fir to stoke a long period of time, it is necessary to constantly monitor the water level in the bucket. In one day, the tree can drink up to three liters of fluid, depending on its size.
  • It is recommended from time to time to spray the needles with a spray with a spray gun.

Such simple advice help choose high-quality spruce that will delight your external species and a pleasant smell. While doing simple rules It is possible to extend the life of the Christmas tree.