
Than to feed grapes in June by folk remedies. Fertilizers for grapes - Timely help bushes

Onions, beets, carrots

10.06.2016 22 059

Grape feeding - root and extractive

Proper and timely feeding of grapes can increase yield several times, make plants with stronger, resistant to many diseases and unpredictable weather conditions. Large delicious berries, indeed, you can grow in our own area. From the owner of the vineyard, you will need to take care and allocate some of your own time for the implementation of events.

What nutrient elements are needed by vine?

All the famous fact - the vineyard gives generous yield on good fertile and fertilized lands. Over time, the nutrient content is constantly decreasing and the need arises to additionally make fertilizers. Without fertilizer, the soil is depleted, and the vine is poorly developing - crops are reduced, the frost resistance and drought falls.

Many novice gardeners mistakenly think that complex mineral fertilizer, A couple of times per season made quite enough. The need of grapes in various elements is modified depending on the level of development. Success can be achieved if you figure out what substances are required grapes. It is also necessary to know what influence they have on those or other processes. Mandatory need to feed the vine with the following fertilizers:

nitrogen - It is an indispensable element when building green mass (shoots, leaves). Contributed mainly early spring, on initial stages Growth. In summer, the need for nitrogen-containing fertilizers is reduced, and in August, it is not recommended to make it at all. Simple words, the rapid growth of greenery shifts the timing of the aging of the wood, therefore, the unquestless vine may die in winter. , ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate - the most famous and common nitrogen fertilizers for grapes;

phosphorus - We are needed to properly organize the metabolic process that occurs in plants. A major role is played by a sufficient amount of phosphorus at the time of inflorescences and the formation of berries;

potassium - Provides transportation of nutritional compounds inside grapes. A large cluster is observed in the vine, shoots, leaves. Sufficient provision of potassium plants increases the accumulation of cell juice, reduces the evaporation of the fluid, which is especially important in dry days. The element is needed in the preparation of plants by winter;

In the photo - grape fertilizer

zinc - refers to the category of trace elements, underestimating which cannot be. The disadvantage of the substance causes a violation of fertilization of inflorescences, paralysis of the crest of Clabdia, the oxidative processes increase, the growth balance is disorganized;

boron - responsible for moving sugars and carbohydrate compounds. Its disadvantage leads to poor fertilization. The element does not move freely by the plant, the lack can be seen at the growth points (dieting the main escapes, a large number of lateral branches, shortening of intersals);

copper - Provides metabolism in the plant, as a rule, the element is contained in the soil in sufficient quantity. The shortage is easily replenished with spraying burglar liquid.

Steps of subcords

The first application of fertilizers is carried out early in spring, to the dissolution of the kidneys. Take 40-50 grams of ammonium nitrate, as much superphosphate, 30 g of potash salts at the same adult bush, dig in a bucket of water and tick the plant. For a good and correct distribution of the solution with access to the roots, it is necessary at a distance of at least half a meter to dug a hole (trench) with a depth of 40-50 centimeters. Fertilizers poured there, then the hole falls asleep with soil.

In the photo - fertilizers for grapes
In the photo - preparation of fertilizer for grape feeding

In addition to the mineral complexes in the spring, root feeding of the vine, chicken litter or manure can be performed. It is not difficult to dilute chicken litter, it is necessary to fall asleep the product into any capacity, let's wander 10-15 days, then you can use, after diluting with water in the ratio of 1:20. Manure can be used already rewind, when closeing in the ground, and diluted liquid state (prepares similar to a solution of chicken litter).

In the second half of May, when the soil has already warmed enough, temperature mode The street does not fall below + 8ºС, the reinforced period of formation of vegetative organs begins, the first primitives of future covers appear. Vine is preparing for the upcoming blossom - it means that it's time to feed the plant. The grape fertilizer periods can be shifted, depending on the cultivation zone and varietal features, therefore, the breeder independently defines the specific time of the fertilizer input.

To feed the bushes in May, June to flowering in two weeks, using superphosphate and nitrogen fertilizers together with potash salt in proportion 50/40 / 35. Ferring of flowering grapes is not held. 3-4 days after the second introduction of minerals, carried out extra cornering subcortex Grapes before flowering on the sheet, to improve the process of pollination using such preparations such as humisol, boric acid, sulfate zinc, potassium chloride, humat, reacter-r-grapes. They contribute to increasing yields, resistance to diseases, drought, strengthening the processes of formation of clouds.

In the photo - the root feeding of grapes

The third feeding of grapes is carried out after flowering when berries are formed. Only phosphorus-potash fertilizers are used, excluding nitrogen. For watering one bush, we split 40-50 grams of phosphoric and potash fertilizer by 15 liters of water. At this time, it is recommended to hold an extractive feeder with trace elements (boron, manganese, cobalt, zinc and others). Take on the water bucket 1 tbsp. Humat potassium, 1 teaspoon of the drug Novosil, half of Ch.L. iodine, manganese at the tip of a knife, 60-70 grams of food soda, ½ tablespoon of boric acid, 15-20 g of the drug Kemira-suite and make a spraying with the resulting solution. In addition to trace elements, it is recommended to additionally contribute fungicides from pests and diseases (Ridomil Gold, Tiovit Jet).

The main steps of the feeding are outlined above, but this does not mean that no more fertilizer should be made. Depending on the state of plantings, increase or decrease the number of feeding, their number. Additionally, grapes can be fed after harvest. Do not forget, fertilizers are preferably combined with watering grapes

July is a hot time for grapes, because this month has a strengthened growth of berries, and there is not much time left until harvest. In this period, the chest of grapes especially need fake, thanks to which the clusters will become larger and juicy.

Why do you need feeding grapes in July

The shortage of nutrients that plants are usually obtained from the soil, it is necessary to compensate for feeding. In the middle of summer, when the basis of the future harvest is formed, this is especially important. The lack of minerals is manifested in a weak growth of bushes, berries grow small, contain few sugar, and yield remains low. In addition, with a shortage of nutrient elements, the plant becomes defenseless in front of diseases and pests.

July feeding needs to be carried out after flowering bushes, but before ripening berries

The use of complex fertilizers and organic organics during this period and a cowboy, contraindicated due to the high concentration of the active nitrogen contained in them, which instead of the growth of grape closes will strengthen the formation of the green mass and shifts the dates of the ripening of berries.

Before each feeding, it is necessary to abundantly pour a bushes, so fertilizers are quickly absorbed into the soil.

Than to feed grapes in July

If the vineyard is placed on a plot with a depleted or initially poor soil, then young plants on a par with old bushes experience an acute shortage of substances useful for growth, such as potassium and phosphorus, thanks to which the sugar content of berries is increased and their maturation is accelerated. Therefore, in the first 3 weeks of July, it is necessary to organize the grapes of grapes with potash-phosphoric fertilizers, with the addition of trace elements - boron, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, copper, sulfur, zinc. The listed trace elements affect the level of sugarness, improve the absorption of phosphates, stimulate the increase in the rizos, increase the immunity of the plant and the yield of landings.

Thanks to July feeding, the basis of quality harvest is laid

It is necessary to start this work immediately after the flowering of the bushes and until the ripening of the fruit when the berries do not exceed the size of the pea. The maximum effect is observed with the simultaneous use of root and extractive feeding.

When grape growing, it is important to pay attention not only to young bushes, but also adult plants. It is they who are completely depleted to the soil for several seasons, and therefore they are in dire need of additional feeders. Therefore, in contrast to young plants, which are fully provided with nutrients from the soil in the landing pit, adult bushes must begin to feed already 2 years after landing.

Root feeding

In early July, it is recommended to help the site on which the vineyard is located, an aqueous solution of ash: dissolve in the water bucket with a volume of 10 liters of 100-200 g of ashes and leave it to be for 2-3 days. The resulting ash solution is enough for watering 1 square. m vineyard. The prepared composition is poured into the pre-dried trenches with a depth of 35-40 cm at 0.5-0.6 m from the main vine, and then the earth is falling asleep.

Before starting the use of ash, it is necessary to consider that this fertilizer is contraindicated for vineyards located on alkaline ground.

The ash contains a balanced complex of substances, and the effect of its use lasts at least 2 years

A good feeding will be the following composition: 20 g of any potash fertilizer that does not contain chlorine, as grapes do not tolerate it, for example, sulfate potassium or potassium salt, and the same superphosphate dissolve in 10 liters of water.

After making a nutrient feeding, the site should be poured warm water, not less than 3-4 water vender for one bush, and be sure to mulch a layer of straw or sawdust with a thickness of 5 cm. Thanks to such actions, fungal diseases are presented, and the berries will become sweeter.

With the help of drainage pipes ensures rapid flow of fertilizers to the root system of grapes

If you use the drainage system of grape feeding, it will not matter on which land and the climatic zone is a vineyard. Even without having a fertile soil, you can grow large clusters on a sandy or rocky area. The main thing is timely and correct feeding.

Over the next two decades of July, it is necessary to completely eliminate nitrogen feeding.If this is not done, the growth of the vine grape, and, as a result, the crop will be long ripening.

In the last decade of July, when the size of the berries is equal to the peas, it is necessary to make a liquid organic fertilizer under the bushes of grapes, for example, a chicken solution. For its preparation, it will be necessary:

  1. Dilm a bucket of chicken litter in 3 liters of water.
  2. Insist the solution for 7 days.
  3. After a week, 1 l concentrate dilute in 10 liters of water. Properly prepared solution resembles a color of weakly brewed tea, if it turned out more rich tone, you need to add more water.
  4. The resulting fertilizer is fully added to the root of one bush.

Chicken litter - valuable organic fertilizer, improving soil fertility

So that the fertilizer is better absorbed into the soil, it is necessary between the bushes of grapes to pull the trenches with a depth of 25-30 cm at a distance of 50-60 cm from the main vine, and pour into them the cooked feeder, and then bury their ground. The chicken solution is used as feeding in July just once, and the result from its use will be noticeable after 2 weeks.

Video: Root feeding grapes in July

Extra-green subcords

A good effect is given extraxalum, or, in other words, leafy feeding of grapes. For extractive feeding, only liquid means are used, which are poured into the sprayer. The sprayer needs to irrigate only the lower surface of the leaves, in which the dusts are located, and useful substances in them enter the plant cells. In the absence of a sprayer, you can wipe the leaves moistened in the nutritional solution.

For the preparation of extraxornal feeding, it will take quite a bit of time:

  • Dissolve in 10 liters of water 100 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium sulfate. A cooked solution spray the leaves of the vineyard.
  • In 1 thousand l of water dissolve 1 liter of liquid humate potassium, the resulting solution is enough for the processing of the vineyard with an area of \u200b\u200b1 hectare.

Thanks to the humate potassium, nitrates and other harmful substances are derived from berries, as well as the immunity of plants for diseases.

Excellent characteristics has a drug agroves containing in its composition of potassium humate, 18 amino acids and microelements necessary for grapes. When using it, the yield and quality of berries increases.

Fertilizers on the leaves quickly absorb and give an excellent result.

In another extraxornal feeder, a rich composition of trace elements, which dissolve in 10 liters of water are contained:

  • the drug Novosil - 1 tsp;
  • cemira-suite preparation - 15-20 g;
  • humat potassium - 1 tbsp. l;
  • boric acid - 1/2 Art. l;
  • food soda - 60-70 g;
  • iodine - 1/2 h. l;
  • manganese - on the tip of the knife.

An important condition for extractive feeding is dry and windless weather after sunset or cloudy day. This method of applying fertilizers is particularly effective in cases where the maximum delivery of nutrients with weakened plants, which fully absorb them during minutes.

To strengthen the action of the extraxornal feeding, it is necessary to choose a sprayer with a small sprayer forming small drops.

At the end of July, you can use extraxnealing fantastics based on ash: dissolve in 10 liters of water a liter can of ash, 3 tbsp. l. Sugar sand, 1 g of boron and 1, 5 g of copper.

Grape sugars will rise after feeding with potash-phosphoric fertilizer, which is used as an addition to the root feeder. To make it you will need to do the following:

  1. Dilute 300 g of superphosphate in 3 liters of warm water.
  2. Filter the mixture and leave to appear until it turns out.
  3. Water drain from a mixture, and mix with 300 g of ashes.
  4. Dilute the resulting mass of 10 liters of water and leave to appease while the solution will not light up. Use all the feedback you need on the day of preparation, do not store.

Preparations of aquarine, Novofefer, Plantafol are also recommended for extractive dressing of grapes. It was in July that the potash-phosphoric fertilizers are particularly effective, as 100% and quickly absorbed by bushes.

FROM early spring And until late autumn, grapes develops, filled with juices, throws clusters of berries and sleeps to bring us pleasure and enjoying the taste of wonderful fruits. But it also happens that the delicious and high-quality grapes grows in bad conditions, without care, proper trimming, watering, fertilizer and insulation for the winter period. To achieve a good and juicy harvest, it is necessary to observe hundreds of rules, to remember which is simply impossible from once. That is why we will gradually remind you of how to properly care for the culture. To begin with, I would like to consider the year-round care calendar, which was made up by specialists.

Grape care schedule


Take all in advance required fertilizers For grapes: woodwood, compost, humus, as well Mineral fertilizers - "Novofefer", "Master" and others. Do not forget that from spring it will be necessary to treat the plant with means of diseases and pests. During this period, the state of grape seedlings should be checked: If they are overpowering - a little moistened, if it is too wet - to open and ventilate. If the weather in January is warm, you can cut the unappropriate varieties, and in cold weather, cover with snow already insulated vineyard.


You can begin preparations for the warm season: clean the arches and stretch from the old vine, to prepare the tool and fertilizer, remember the shortcomings of last year and make every effort to avoid them again. IN room conditions You can start growing seedlings and check the planting material in the repository.


In this period, it is necessary to finish the cropping of unappropriate varieties in order to avoid large juice. Start the selection of new seedlings for landing, Define the location of their location on the territory of your site. Such places should be thoroughly prepared.


Employment varieties should be opened at the beginning of the month, only if freezing is not expected. This only applies to shelters on loam and chernozem: bushes, covered by cheese, sawdust or peat, open eyes to swell. Now you can make the organic at the landing sites, to carry out moisture-loading watering of grapes and bring liquid feeding. It should also be sprayed with pests and diseases (grapes in the spring is very weak in front of them). Treatment should be carried out at a temperature not lower than + 4-5 ° C. In the second half of the month, when the temperature rises, you can make a garter. Sleeves should be tilted, young shoots - horizontally. At the same time, you can start to plant the rapid seedlings into the ground.


The beginning of May is a period when you need to start green. The first fragment of unnecessary shoots of grapes is carried out immediately after the blooming of the kidneys. Unnecessary kidneys should be removed from the perennial parts of the grape bush, extra twins and tees on fruit shoots, leaving only the most developed. The next fragment is carried out when the shoots achieved 15 cm growth, the third - with the growth of the shoots at 35-40 cm. Also in May you need to remove all the extra overhead pigs, which was formed from rhizomes and begin with fungicides. If last year It was "pure" from diseases and they are not planned and now, processing can be skipped.

Gradually, continue to encourage the shoots as they are heightened, throw the arches on wire above and above, make uniform garters along the wire. Do not forget to remove steps on the shoots. 10 days before flowering, you can spend another liquid feeding. During flowering, remove the upper (2nd, 3rd, 4th) inflorescences to adjust the load on the grape bush.

Closer to the end of May, weaker seedlings can be planted into the ground, green vegetative plants, in the wells, which were prepared in advance and fertilized. At this stage, perhaps, you can finish spring care Behind the grapes and go to the summer.


You can continue landing of young and insufficiently fervent seedlings. It is also required to quench the kidneys on heavy shoots - it will give a certain bonus during pollination. Before flowering, it is necessary to make feeding elements that enhance flowering and bootonization; Complex mineral elements can be used. At this time, it is better to once again handle the busts of grapes of fungicides, as the defeat during flowering period is the most dangerous. Continue the garter, spend stepsing, after flowering, spend the extraordinary feeder. Try to remove excess clusters to normalize the harvest, unnecessary clusters do not need to regret. At that moment, when the berries grow up to the size of the cherry bone, perform a spraying of the following fungicides - "Topaz" and "Ridomil Gold".


From the very beginning of the month it is important to start protecting bushes from fungal diseases. For this, systemic drugs are used (in rainy weather - 2 times a month). Effective tool Can perform "Flint". During the filling of berries, grapes should be filing with special preparations with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen content, for a better effect, carry out extra-corner feeding with the drugs "Novofert" or "Aquarin".

Do not forget about the feeding of young seedlings that were recently planted in open sad. Caring for young grapes is also relevant. For this process, you will need mineral fertilizers (25 g per 10 liters of water). Pay attention to the growth of grapes, tie it up and remove the steps. At the end of the month, the early grades can begin to begin.


Remember: The care of grapes in the summer is very important, so try to abide by all the rules, because the ripening of fruits occurs now and there are every chance to get good harvest.

At the beginning of the month, not forgetting the permanent green operations on the garter and removal of steps, adopt grapes with mineral fertilizers, and the newist, young - phosphorus potash fertilizers. Neither in the first, in the second case, do not use nitrogen. Now it is still possible to carry water wheels, if you see that the plant needs moisture, but they must be stopped from the second half of August. With a weak aging, you can again make feeding to the soil - the tool "Plantafol" or potassium monophosphate. Also trelect grapes from pests and diseases, use quadris (drug, quite well copes with Oidium and Mildu). At this time, the ripening of early varieties comes.


In September, all the same works are carried out in grape varieties of medium ripening, as in early grades in August. Do not forget to regulate the overlap of the bushes slice of extra covers (First of all, all nutrients that fall into the bush should go to the ripening of fruits and ripening the vine). Repeat phosphorus-potash feeding. When diseases manifest, trees with grapes, mentioned earlier.


Cleaning harvest is completed. Immediately after that, if the bushes were amazed by pests and diseases, they are again treated with drugs. At this time, strong seedlings are planted in the soil, now they are well rooted. Young bushes should be chewed or peat. With old bushes after removing the crop, the necessary cuttings are trimmed, and the observed vine stacked in the inclined state in the grooves. Excessive vine, residual vegetable material is dried and burned. It is impossible to use this material to compost in order to avoid possible infection. The soil is drunk in the aisle. If the last months were dry, irrigated (40-60 liters of water for each bush).


Autumnal care for grapes is no less than summer. In this period, you should thoroughly prepare for wintering, In order not to lose the fruitless bushes and young, rooted cuttings, landed during the current season. Now you need to finish work on the pruning of observing varieties. Also before the soil freezing, the bushes should be properly covered. For this, previously bent and laid in the grooves of vine, needles, sawdust, peat, earth are used. Do not forget to make moisture profitable watering - without moisture grapes badly winter. Now, when the shelter work is completed and the vineyard is ready for winter, you can make a cleaning and cleaning of the arch, repair and updating of the instrument.


In December, all the care of the grapes is made up of the same main criteria as in January: Preparation of fertilizers for the season, purchase of drugs and agents, preparation of landing location, humidity adjustment and so on.

According to experts, if you follow this calendar, try to carry out feeding and trimming on time, closely monitor the growth of seedlings and generally ensure the correct care of the grapes, then the crop from each bush will be significant.

How to care for grapes: the formation of the bush (video)

How to make the right watery vineyard

Grapes refers to those plants, for watering which a special schedule is compiled, that is, it is impossible to water the plant when you think if you want to get a crop from a strong and "live" bush. For example, on industrial vineyards, watering is carried out up to nine times per season with a gap between watering in 15 days. In the home vineyards, watering should be carried out only at the peaks of the need.

First Polish. They spend immediately after dry garter, it is advised to combine with the soil feeding with ammonium Selitra. At that moment, the soil was not yet warmed, and plants may experience nitrogen hunger.

The second polyv It is carried out after trimming, within 5-7 days.

Third watering It is advisable to spend at the moment when shooting will grow up to 25-30 cm. During the growth period, the moisture is needed. Also does not hurt feeding.

Fourth Polivait is obligatory before flowering (not at the beginning and not during flowering), otherwise without moisture, the clusters will be rare. We add along with watering the trace elements, superphosphate, sulfate potassium, zinc salt and magazine.

Fifth watering It occurs at a time when the berries of the covers reach the size of the pea - due to the timely watering of the berries will grow.

Sixth - softening berries. The lack of moisture during this period can lead to a long-term crop maturation. We feed the grapes of the influence of ash, superphosphate and sulfate potassium.

Seventh- After harvesting. This watering requires the addition of superphosphate.

Subsequent Waterings are carried out only if the last months were arid.

Not only irrigation schedule should be observed, but also its correctness. On sandy soils, the procedure is carried out more often, but small portions, on clay - abundantly, but less often. It is necessary to remember the specifics of watering: it is impossible to pour water under the bush itself, especially if the irrigation of young grapes is carried out. The water is poured into the groove, which must be produced around the bush, the distance from the bush is 30-45 cm, the depth is up to 20 cm. It is not recommended to water the vineyard with a continuous flooding of the growing area - as a result of this, air regime can worsen. Not recommended and too frequent watering: it flies out of the soil all nutrients and leads root system To rot, resulting in a bush may die.

Fertilizer and subordinate

Fertilizers - Very important component proper care behind grapes of any variety After all, without the right feeding, the vine will not be able to grow and gaining juices, the color will be weak and it is impossible, and the berries will stop normally formed and will be small and few. Therefore, in order to ensure a stable and timely harvest, you should pay attention to the introduction of correct fertilizers during the necessary time frame. These can be organic fertilizers - compost, manure, green fertilizers, as well as mineral fertilizers of individual action. Even before landing, the soil seedlings should be well refilled by all the useful substances that will need a plant for growth and fruiting.

Than feeding young grapes

If young plants are placed in a rich soil, then for the first few years they will only need fake. Most of all fit liquid feeding. It may be dung Zhig. Or with water (1: 3), ammonium nitrate (10 g of 10 l water), urea (5-6 g per 10 liters of water). The dung alive must first stand (10-15 days), then the solution is diluted by about 5 times and contributed to portions 1 bucket for 1 plant for each bush. To improve the penetration of feeding into the soil, there are small wells or holes around the bush.

How to fertilizing grapes

Soil under grapes fertilizes every three years. (9-10 kg per square meter landing). Simultaneously with the Organic, potassium and phosphoric fertilizers can be applied. In this case, it is better to make a long time in the fall, and the compost is in the spring. If the soil from the fall was a fertilized organic, the spring mineral fertilizers are not used. If not, in the spring you need to make 50 g of ammonium nitrate, 80-100 g of wood ash and 100-120 g of superphosphate for each square meter. It will be more correct to make fertilizers even before the plants are open.

IN summer period Grapes feed after he blews, and at the beginning of the ripening of fruits. 10 g of potash salt, 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of ammonium nitrate for each bush are made. At the beginning of maturation, the saltper is not used. It will correctly be to make such fertilizers in special recesses done by scrap.

Grapes: landing and care (video)

To ensure the soil of calcium, it is necessary to make a lime for each bush (up to 150 g). If the lime is entered into the soil in the fall, then it should be deepened by 20-25 cm, if in the spring - then no more than 5-7 cm.

Grapes - the plant is quite unpretentious. It may grow even in a scant stony earth. However, his yield will not be particularly high. Therefore, having decided to plant a vine on the site, it is important to be able to care for her. Each experienced gardener knows what is needed in order to be well fruiting grapes: feeding in spring and summer, as well as in the fall using certain fertilizers. But newcomers are known about it. How to grow healthy and high-yielding bushes on cottage plotwill tell the article.

What should grape?

The best plant is fruit on Earth rich in useful substances. But after some period, the soil is depleted, loses its nutritional properties. This is noticeably affected by the yield of garden crops. Especially on grapes. It begins to develop poorly, becomes more vulnerable to adverse climatic influences. In this case, the grape feeder saves the plant.

This shrub has one feature: different nutritional elements are needed at different stages of growth and in different numbers. By making the mineral fertilizer several times during the season, the Dachnik is unlikely to reach the desired result.

Experienced vineyards have long understood over what trace elements are needed by culture, as they affect its growth and development. And they came to the fact that the plant requires such components:

  1. Potassium. It accelerates ripening berries.
  2. Nitrogen. Leads to extension of green mass.
  3. Boron It allows you to increase the sugartyness of fruits, and also speeds up maturation.
  4. Copper. Strengthens the growth of shoots. Enhances drought resistance and frost resistance.
  5. Zinc. Good affects yield.
  6. Phosphorus. Improves the formation of barriers, aging fruits.

When is the feeder?

Caring for grapes without feeding is not full. The amount of feeding depends on the age of the shrub. For example, annual vines feather twice a year: the first time, when the shoots reach a height of 15 centimeters. Then the grapes are held in July or August month. If the plant is already beginning to be fruit, makes useful substances three times: in spring, summer and autumn. Check out the article: How is the trimming of grapes for the winter for beginners?


The main goal, which pursues the feeding of grapes in the spring is the saturation of the soil by all the trace elements necessary for good fruiting.

The first time fertilize early in the spring, immediately after wintering. Usually, this is the beginning of April. But it all depends on the region. For example, in the southern regions this procedure is made earlier. Time to choose is required in such a way that the plantings have not yet begun. Mix superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potash salt. Dil place all this in water. The resulting solution is fed a shrub.

The second time the spring feeding of grapes is held for 2 weeks before the start of blooming. And this mid-May month, the period of active vegetation. Use the same solution. The third time - before the start of ripening of fruits - the soil fertility, which contain potassium and phosphorus.

Single-component minerals are suitable for spring fertilizers: ammonia nitrate, potassium chloride, potash salt and superphosphates. Comprehensive compositions are used. For example, Kemira, Novofefer, Floroveit and Aquarin. Some gardeners during the spring feeding of the plant use liquid manure instead of mineral fertilizers. It contains phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. Promotes better absorption of trace elements. For this, the square meter of the area with landings is needed near a kilogram of a substance. You can replace the manure with a compost. It is advisable to alternate different nutrients, so the shrub will be fruit better.


Not everyone has a desire and the ability to buy ready-made preparations for fertilizer. Some apply and more budget options. Thinking about what to feed grapes in June folk remediesMany dachables decide to take advantage. So popular by the passing herbal infusion With the addition of ash and water. It is more economical, and no less useful for the plant than factory funds.

Many gardeners know that the feeding of young grapes in the summer allows you to improve the state of fruit culture. It is used for those plants that are distinguished by a small increase or too strong load harvest. To this end, ammonia nitrate, superphosphates and potassium salt are mixed. Add water. If there is wood ash, it is better to replace salt. Nitrogenous substances are not used. They will slow down the ripening of fruits.

It should be noted that the grapes of grapes as a golden summer gives pretty good results. After all, the ash is the perfectly balanced complex of substances that are so needed for good growth. It contains potassium, which is very useful to the grape vines. All elements are enough for a long time: the action of ash continues for 2-4 years. And they are absorbed in the quantity that requires culture at the moment. But experienced gardeners It is argued that with regular and long-term use of a large amount of ash, there is rice of the appearance of chlorosis, so it is necessary to use ash in moderation.

Often the grapes are performed in summer in front of flowering. Mineral elements are usually used for this. It is not bad to handle the bushes of fungicides. For example, Ridomil Gold and Topaz. After all, during the flowering period, the plant is affected by various diseases.

In the summer, the soil must contain nitrogen, boron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and iron. Therefore, thinking how you can feed the grapes in the summer, it is worth choosing preparations with the elements specified above. So the plant will grow quite high and often be fruit. With a weak aging in the soil, potassium monophosphate and planfol are introduced.

The fertilizer of grapes continues and in the month of July, during the period of active development of the vine. Knowing how to feed the grapes in July, the dacket succeeds to achieve a quality harvest. It was well proven to the drug planfol-margins. It is intended to stimulate the growth of berries. Gardeners advise combining fertilizer with irrigation. To do this, take a solution of the grass fermented. On 10 liters of water requires 2 liters of infusion. Mineral complex fertilizers are added to it: about 5 grams. Also admire the sulfurist potassium: 2 grams. Such a mixture is enough for 3 square meters landing. Apply it for still young seedlings and for adult bushes. This procedure is repeated weekly if the summer is arid.

Solving than to feed grapes after flowering, it is worth a preference to liquid organic. For example, chicken litter. It will take a bucket of litter and 3 buckets of water. The mixture is insteaded for 7 days. The resulting solution is used as follows. One liter is bred in 10 liters of water. And in this form fertilize the shrub.

Vintage is held after flowering by such an algorithm:

  • Prepared required tools: bucket, boring, shovel.
  • Selects the type of fertilizer.
  • Around the fruit culture, recesses up to 40 centimeters. At the same time, the distance from the strain is 50 centimeters, no less. Some are deepening in the form of a solid trench around the plant.
  • Nutrition components add to the recess.
  • It is plenty of water. Moisture contributes to more efficient suction of all trace elements of the root system.
  • Put the trench.

Gardeners as a result of many years of experience have developed a summer feeding scheme. It is as follows:

  1. The first time feed 2-3 weeks before flowering. Use organic or mineral fertilizers. Main goal: to stimulate the active development of inflorescences, improve the berries, reduce the number of fallen bandages and flowers. Out of the organic, the wood ash instituted themselves, bird litter and dung alive. Previously diluted with water. From minerals, superphosphate and nitrophos are widely used.
  2. The second time feeding is carried out 10-20 days after the end of flowering. At this stage, the goal is to enhance the growth of shoots, in improving the binding of fruits. Apply the same fertilizers as the first time. To increase efficiency, supplement their potassium magnesium sulfate.
  3. The third time the grapes are fed when the berries reach the size of the peas. During this period, the gardener is worth improving the yield, improve the view and quality of berries, improve the kidney bookmarks under the harvest on next year. A mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate is widely used.


Experimental dacnis It is known that the autumn feeding of grapes is an important stage of plant care.

After active fruiting, the bush needs to replenish the forces spent. It is important to prepare a vine for the winter period and the new season. Fertilizers contribute in early September. Most of all suits the extraordinary feeding. From trace elements use potash salt and superphosphate. A marganese sulfate, boric acid, potassium iodine, sulfate zinc, molybdenum-like ammonium are also added to the mixture. Prepared drugs either in dry form or prepare a solution.

Also used bird litter, manure, compost. Once in 3 years it is recommended to fertilize the vine with potash-phosphate drugs. If the autumn feeding of grapes in the winter is properly carried out, the shrub will join fully prepared and easily survived the cold course.

What is an extraordinary feeder?

Enhance the yield helps the extraordinary feeding of grapes, which is more often carried out in the spring period. But can spend in summer or fall. This is a great addition to the main feed. The peculiarity is that all useful substances come through the leaves. After all, it is known that grape leaves have excellent ability to absorb all components divorced by water. In addition to fertility, the plant treated with such a method becomes more resistant to different kinds of illness and pests.

Spraying with a special solution is carried out before the appearance of floral buds. Thus, their premature squeezing is preventing. Increases a similar type of feeding and the number of prizes. The second time is made during flowering. And at the end, the grapes are completed in the summer during the ripening of berries. The second and third bait should not have in their composition of nitrogen.

Extra-cornering grapes in June is carried out using micro and macrobroduction solutions. They are sold in specialized stores. Leaf irrigation is better to do in the evening or morning watches. It is advisable to choose windless days. In cloudy weather, the procedure is carried out even during the day. Performing these conditions allows you to reduce the probability of burning leaves to zero. In order for the leaves better absorb components, it is recommended to add 3 tablespoons of sugar into the solution.

Furinating vine - a mandatory care element. Without fertilizer, the plant will be bad and fruit. The soil must be saturated with many useful elements. But not always the earth is such, especially after its active use for growing. Therefore, the situation is corrected by introducing useful elements. At different times of the year, grapes need different trace elements. The gardener is obliged to be able to deal with the types of fertilizers, know how to make them right. Then the plant will delight abundant harvest. Read the article: Caloriciness of grapes and products made of it.

: when and what to make

Home\u003e Berries and Fruits\u003e Grapes\u003e When and how to fertilize grapes correctly

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Grapes are very resistant to heat, cold, small amount of nutrients bush. Girl grapes just plan enough, and it will grow and develop to the most maturation. Grapes can easily survive drought, after which it restores forces for a short time, grows and bears further fruit.

Vintage fertilizers

Even in a semi-closed place from grapes, you can expect berries, but this does not mean that the grape feeding is optional. If you decide to breed professionally grapes, then you must know the better how, when and in what quantities you can fertilize the roots, bushes and leaves, starting from the moment you purchased and planted young seedlings, and ending the fertility of adult grapes. Now it will be discussed how the grapes should be done.

Undercaming grapes

An extra-corner feeding of grapes is used, leaf feeding and fertilizer of roots and soil is not less important. Since it is not for nothing in the most big fear of experienced winegartes are plant diseases, verbal grapes are required by fertilizers. Even despite all resilience and endurance, depending on the variety, grapes may be subject to a variety of diseases.

Often they are associated with the fact that the gardener chose a stalk of a bad variety, the reason for the nutritional substances or their oversaturation in the soil, which affects the quality of berries: chlorosis is found on the sheet, the roots are subject to change.

About soil

Always required watering and feeding grapes and its roots. The first and important factor is that the soil for grapes should be initially nutritious, rich in microelements, because the grapes depletes the land, and its fertility depends mostly from well-groomed and the presence of trace elements in the land on which it grows. And if the earth is depleted, you can not expect a large harvest from grapes: it will begin to grow badly, it will become susceptible to diseases due to lack of nutrients. For example, in middle lane Russia, in the suburbs, in the Moscow region almost unrealize grapes due to exhausted and indentible soil. Accordingly, if the gardener wants to grow grape berries, he needs to provide a plant care as during the planting seedlings, before and before the start of flowering, so during ripening, growth, before and after harvesting.

It is necessary to know how it is better to fertilize the soil with minerals, microelements and other nutrients, in order for the grapes planted in it and it was possible to expect rapid fruiting from it. There are different ways (extra-root and root), how to properly carry out the fertilizer of grapes and what means, depending on the variety, the phase of vegetation is better in each season to use. It is important to know if you decide to become a grape or are already it.

About nutrients

What nutrients are needed by a grape bush for better and rapid growth:

  • Potassium. At the end of the summer and in front of the fall, grapes are very useful to the grapes of potassium chloride. It helps to meet a cold winter and contemplating grapese and fruits in this cold season.
  • Thanks to copper, the roots are becoming more frost, drought resistance is also improved, which is important for the plant in summer, so they can be fertilized both in the spring when preparing for heat and in the fall in front of the winter.
  • Harvest can be expected more and better in quality after fertilizer zinc;
  • At the very beginning of flowering, we will help to saint inflorescence, bouring bones and aging the covers of the fancake of seedlings using phosphate fertilizers. It is important that the feeding to them takes place or before the start of flowering or at the very beginning.
  • Nitrogen will help the ripening of young grapes. It can be made after grapes survived the winter at the very beginning of spring. Nitrogen contributes to the growth of green mass, that is, leaves and shoots. At the occurrence of summer, vintage decreases the need for nitrogen. Vintage grapes in July or August with nitrogen become harmful to bushes. And the best scheme at this time is the feeding of urea and ammonium seedlings or the use of azophoska.
  • Undercine with boric acid increases the sweetness of grape berries and speeds up and ripening them (for example, Isabella variety and so sweet, boric acid fertilizer optional). Also, because of the fertilizer Borol, pollen germinates. Used as extractive fertilizers.

What to fertilize

There are different ways to fertilize grape bushes. Consider how to properly fertilize mineral and organic substances, yeast, how it is properly used wood ash, bird litter, manure.

Supporting seedlings and already mature bushes with mineral microelements (sulfate, ammonium associate, boric acid, chlorine potassium, etc.), can also be used fertilizers containing several elements to improve growth. These include ammophos, nitroposk. It is allowed to use multicomponent funds (Floroit, Novofert, Aquarin).

Minerals or Organizer

It is impossible to think that only mineral trace elements need to fertilize the grape bushes. Vintage is very important. The root system needs nutrients in the air, and organic fertilizers will contribute to the land of different substances. They also need the roots to be better impregnated with minerals. In addition, the root system, due to the recoverable manure, obtains the necessary substances: phosphorus, nitrogen, etc.

Manure can be replaced by compost and perform spraying and root processing. You can cook it every gardener. For this, dried grass, sawdust, chicken litter (suitable and littering other birds, but it is often chicken in demand), manure. Trees, branches and other organic waste are used. One of the important organic fertilizers is bird litter. It contains very valuable, well-digestible elements.

Prepare for use bird litter is very easy. This will require 4 liters of water and 1 l litter, after which it is diluted 10 times 10 times to get a liquid suspension, and only after that is entered into the ground. For one bush enough 0.5 liters.

Potassium chloride is often due to a large increase in chlorine concentration in the soil is replaced, because the ash is often used. It can provide the kit for the elements of phosphates and potassium. From sunflower husk, ash is the most useful. But in no case cannot be used by fertilizer ash together with lime.

Designation of deadlines and fertilizer methods

For the root feeding of grapes, you need to dig small pits, about 40 cm around each bush. Thanks to such a root, the roots are better and digested in the soil of the substance, especially when solving the root and extractive processing (spraying, watering).

Fertilizer calendar:

  • Spring is the beginning of growth and flowering of any plant. Winter grapes can survive very difficult. And after the cold (especially in the first year of the young bush after planting), it is necessary to bring grapes to normal. Ammonium nitrate in the amount of 20 g, the potassium salt, which is worth taking 10 g, and the superphosphate (40 g) is bred in 20 liters of water that needs to be used for root processing. The solution is enough for 2 bushes. And the same emulsion you need to feed the grapes in a couple of weeks before flowering.
  • The grape feeding during flowering, before the start of maturation, is carried out by monophosphate or superphosphate, potassium (without nitrogen). These fertilizers are introduced into the ground;
  • If the harvest is already assembled, you need to prepare for the winter, and the whole feeding of grapes must be configured to increase the frost resistance. To do this, use potassium well.
  • Dung fertilizers (feeding the grapes using spraying, root fertilizers) are also used during spring flowering.
  • Caring for grapes in July-June is that the bush does not exhaust land and so that there was a graph of watering into the arid months;
  • Approximately once in three years it is necessary in the month of September to help the vineyard ashes with the addition of manure, superphosphate and sulfate ammonium.

It is important to distribute by the ground around each bush, after which deep people is performed

With bad or sandy soil you need to make such a fertilizer every second year, or even every first year. Do not forget about the extraordinary fertilizer methods.

Decorative Care

If you think about and how to feed the grapes for a better effect, the grapeters use not only the generally accepted ways to process their green garden. Starting from the moment the cuttings appear, and until full ripening of the berries, the gardeners are often useful and folk remedies. A fertilizer is also practiced with a cowboy, the feeding and watering of grapes is combined.

If you decide to breed decorative (Vikali, girl's variety) or semi-pectile (wild) variety, then, even though the feeding and fertilizer of grapes are not so important for them, it does not mean that you can not do anything to maturation. Need constant care, which includes feeding a grape plant, haircut unnecessary vines. And these procedures must be performed in the first year.

Decorative varieties must be fed due to the fact that there is no brushes of berries, and the sheet part of this variety is the main one. It is necessary to care with the point of mind so that chlorosis does not go on the sheet of different origin And other diseases that can spoil the beauty of grape vines and sheet. Summer treatment should be aimed at improving the soil and leaves so that chlorosis is not terrible, and the second half of the autumn is to overabunday the lime, which can lead to the list and vine will go spots. That is why the feeding for grapes of any variety is important, only different drugs are used with different drugs.

How to care for grapes in June?

June is considered the most important month in the cultivation of grapes, since now there is an active development of shrubs with flowering and the formation of a promiscuity of the future harvest. Sades begin the summer job in the garden with the segments of heavy escapes. The meaning of the event is to facilitate pollination plants. The september is carried out before the vineyard flowering at 5 - 10 cm of growth point. What else can you do with grapes, do you need to spray it, trim and fertilize in the first summer month? Consider these and other topical issues of viticulture in detail.

To obtain a high-quality harvest, the owner must ensure that only one bunch was used on each green escape. Some varieties of culture have a property to form up to 4 covers on the branch. But a large number of fruiting shoots of the plant is not able to keep the plant, so it is desirable to leave only one brush, especially if it should be large (if the plantation is filled with Timur varieties, Agat Donskoy, Alyoshenkin Dar).

Weak shoots are always removed. Summer trimming of grapes accelerates its development and contributes to the irradiation of Grons sunlight. The underdeveloped shoots give a weak harvest, the sense of them is not enough due to the fact that the nutrients are distributed unevenly. Fancy shoots cut into partly, leaving several branches to maintain the reserve of the useful substances.

All green shoots that fucked not in their place are also subject to trimming. Strongly cropped grapes contributes to the awakening of the kidneys in the underground strain. The so-called gifting, or threshing shoots rarely fruit and worsen the lighting of the bush. If the pigstroke is not needed to form a plant, it is removed.

Grape vaccination in June

In June and July, gardeners make green grape vaccination, i.e. green cuttings on green escape. The letters are cut from the bush of the desired variety on the eve of vaccinations, sharpen their tips and are embedded into the cut.

The combined vaccination of grapes in the summer can be done in the split:

  1. The cuttings are harvested in autumn and sharpen on both sides by 2 - 3 cm.
  2. The material is kept in water to swelling.
  3. The revived letters in the spring are vaccinated on the vine so that the eyes of the flow and the lead "watched" in different directions.
  4. Place of vaccinations are sealing with special material or twine. Top wraps with polyethylene.

The nuances of the June subcord

Both in May and in June, the bushes of grapes need feeding. Feels 2 weeks before flowering, using a mixture of superphosphate, nitrogen substances and a potassium salt (50: 40: 35). Blooming grapes are not accepted. After 3-4 days after the soil fertilizer, the dachacks are engaged in extractive feeder - the event improves the process of pollination, increases the stability of grapes to diseases and yield, and also accelerates the process of formation of undergraduates. To finish grapes to achieve these goals follows the preparations of potassium chloride, humisol, potassium humate, sulphate zinc, boric acid.

What to fertilize grapes for the third time in June? The 3rd feeder in the process of care for grapes is carried out during the formation of the wound, applying only phosphorus-potash fertilizers. On 1 bush consumption 40 - 50 g of substance divorced in 15 liters of water. The extractive feeding of grapes in June receives in the form of spraying the following composition:

  • Iodine - 0.5 h.
  • Humat potassium - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Soda Food - 65
  • Boric acid - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Manganese - on the tip of the knife.
  • Preparation of Kemira-Lux - 20
  • Preparation Novosil - 1 tsp.
  • Water - 10 liters.

To protect the fertilized grapes from possible diseases and attacks of pests, Fungicides are brought by Tiovit Jet and Ridomil Gold.

In addition to traditional organic fertilizers, grapes are sometimes fascinated by folk remedies in the form of chicken litter or manure. Bird faeces are held in the capacity 10 - 15 days so that they are screamed, then diluted with water 1: 20. Manure is used either in the recovery state, close it in the soil, or diluted with water similarly to the recipe with chicken litter.

Green feeding during the care of grapes do, planting peas in aisle. Flowering leguminous culture is drunk and trambed, enriching the nursery with extra utility.

Spraying grapes in June

During May and June, the bushes periodically examine the damage to fungal diseases and pests. If the leaves were covered with yellow spots or ash rods, the garden need to quickly spray before the start of flowering:

  • Against Mildew - Ridomil Gold.
  • From Oidium - Topaz.
  • From the web ticks - Fufanon.

Fruiting vines are better to spray with a solution of food soda or manganese crystals.


Pasking in June as a variety of green operation on grapes is to remove shoots growing from the sinus of the main sheet. The procedure is carried out throughout the growing season, since extra shoots take nutrients in the plant.

If you do not know how to ratify grapes, but you see that in June, the processes create a strong thicance, you must get rid of them immediately. Otherwise, the steps will worsen the ventilation of the bush and the aging of the vine, and also contribute to the development of diseases.

If the culture has formed little shoots, steps will become an additional power source for it. As a result, the bunches will raise a greater amount of sugar, and the crop matures before. Unified opinion There are no agronomists about the vintage of grapes. Is it worth removing unnecessary shoots, summer houses are solved according to the condition of the bush. Table varieties leave one brush to escape, technical varieties – 2 – 3.


The timely garter of green shoots is needed for venting, improving the illumination and formation of shrubs. Clinging to the mustache for the support, the plants will independently reach the sun. For garter, use soft materials that can overweight in the ground without clogging the nursery. Plants are tied with a margin on the principle of "eights". This will help avoid friction of shoots about the sleeper.

Landing grapes in June

From the end of May and until the end of June, the grape landing can be carried out using green vegetative plantings. In the shade of the trees, the material hardened 4 - 6 days, then exhibit under the direct sunlight on 7 to 10 days. Landing pit For vegetative plants, it is digging at a depth of 25 - 30 cm. Their preparation is engaged in advance so that periodic abundant watering helped the ground to sit down.

After the last irrigation, the sapling together with the earthen room is lowered in the hole, they cheer with fertile soil and seal the plot. Next, the plant is watered and put the support peg nearby. In the first year of vegetation on the bush, one escape is left and followed that it does not take away from the cavalo. All steps are carefully removed.

In conclusion, be sure to pay attention to the selection of visual video materials on the topic of grapes in June - what to do (video stories on popular requests: how to care how to trim, how to packing than to feed and protect against diseases). »Growing and Care» Vintage Scheme

Grapes are a garden culture that is at every summer cottage or garden. But so that the shrub will give a good harvest every year, it needs to be properly careed. Particular attention should be paid to the vineyard. Professionals have developed fertilizer making schemes that are corrected depending on which strip culture and vineyard varieties are growing. Consider, for which it is generally needed feeding grapes, and how to implement it correctly.

Vintage fertilizers

Why fertilize grapes

Caring for grapes is not only in the shelter of the shrub for the winter and circumcision of unnecessary shoots. Like any other garden culture, the vineyard needs certain substances that he, ideally, gets out of the soil. If one or another component is missing, then the plant begins to be fruitfully and root. Therefore, fertilizers should be made that compensate for the lack of one or another element. But, with this, it should be remembered that the overabundance of even the most useful element can lead to the appearance of shrub diseases. Therefore, you should make all fertilizers in a certain sequence.

Many people have a question why in the wild all the plants grow perfectly and without feeding. In the wild, most of the crop falls on the ground, overheating there. It turns out that all components that shrub took from the soil during the period of fruiting, return back. For cultural cultivation Shrubs all harvest is going. It is also worth noting the fact that in the wild a vineyard is growing only on those soils that fit. When planting a shrub at the cottage, we do not think about whether everything is necessary for this plant in the soil, or not.

For feeding to be effective, they need to be produced at a certain time. In addition, each period corresponds to a specific fertilizer.

What to fertilize the vineyard

Before answering the question, it should be understood that we need grapes for normal growth and development. This shrub needs nitrogen, copper, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and bore. Accordingly, the grape feeding is an introduction to the soil of those fertilizers, which contains the above-mentioned trace elements.

All fertilizers that bring under the grape bushes are divided into 2 groups:

  • main;
  • additional or feeding.

Main fertilizers, as a rule, contribute no more than once every 24 months. An exception is made if the soil is excessively exhausted. Additional fertilizers or, as they are more often called, feeding are made several times in the season with small. Upburns introduce in liquid form.

In addition to the manure, which is used as feeding for all garden crops, under the grape bushes we introduce peat, potassium, compost, sulfate potassium, litter of birds, phosphorus, saltra, nitrogen, etc.

Manure - the main fertilizer in which there is everything you need for the health of the grape bush. By and large, the manure improves the quality of the soil, makes it more fertile. Alternative manure is any organic. We introduce the solid manure into the soil, which contains the mineral elements necessary to the vineyard (phosphorus, for example).

Any mineral fertilizer can act as feeding. Preference is given to fertilizers, a few mineral elements are present at once. Ammophos, azophoska and nitroammophos are effective.

In addition to mineral fertilizers, there are several components as a feeder, potassium chloride, phosphorus, sulfate potassium, nitrogen, calmagnesia, ammonia salt, boric acid, granulated superphosphate, urea, ash, are used as feeding.

Calendar Podcord

So that the shrub was healthy and gave a good harvest annually, it must be picked up five times for the country season.

1st feeding

Early spring make the first feeding. As soon as the warm sun appeared, we introduce a 3-component fertilizer into the ground, which is easy to do it yourself. To feed one bush of grapes in 10 liters of water we break 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of ammonia nitrate and 5 g of potash salt. If you are preparing a fertilizer at all the bushes immediately, then when making it in the soil, use a measuring bucket. Do not make more substance in the soil than 10 liters.

The second version of the first feeding involves entering superphosphate (40 g), nitrogen (40 g) and potash (30 g) fertilizers. In this case, fertilizers are entered in a dry form. Fertilizer weight is based on 1 bush.

In parallel, you can easily feel a shrub of liquid fertilizers. But make sure that there is no chlorine in their composition. It is important to properly focus a bush. First we make the well near the bush. Then, in this well, we pour 10 liters preheated (but not hot) water, fertilizers divorced in water, and again water. Diluted drugs based on the manufacturer's recommendations. We wait until the soil is dry. Then take it carefully. Even during the first feeding, ammonium sulfate shrubs fertilize.

This is the only feeding that comes from spring. All other grape feeders are performed in the summer.

2nd feeding

The second time feather grape bushes 1.5-2 weeks before flowering. Depending on the climatic belt, this may be the end of May or the beginning of June. If we talk about the suburbs, for example, then we carry out the second feeding of grapes in the first days of June. At this stage, you can use exactly the same 3-composite liquid fertilizer, as in the time of the first feeding.

You can prepare a liquid fertilizer of 40 g nitrogen fertilizers, 40 g of potash fertilizers, 50 g of superphosphates and 10 liters of water. In parallel we enter into the ground chicken litter, divorced in water or alive, cooked from the manure. For the preparation of liquid feeding, manure and water is taken in the 1: 2 ratio. After cooking, the clad leaves it at least for a week, and better by 1.5, in a barrel. Used, respectively, dried fertilizer, pre-diluting it with water (ratio of 1: 6). In the resulting mixture, you can add superphosphate and potash fertilizers (20 and 15 g per 10 liters of water, respectively). Before making a manure in the ground, dig a groove or a hole near the bush. We introduce, on average, 1.5 buckets of Things on 1 bush.

3rd feeding

This feeding of grapes in July is performed. Depending on climatic conditions, timelines may vary. This feeding of grapes are made after flowering, immediately before the ripening of the berries, the size of which should correspond to the size of the peas. At this stage, the shrub needs potash fertilizer. Also introduce into the soil superphosphate. But nitrogen during the third feeding does not contribute. Complex fertilizers can be prepared (as during the second feeding, for example).

If you fully fulfill the third dressing of the vineyard, then the yield will increase at least 1.5 times. Improve I. appearance berries.

4th feeding

As soon as the berries begin to ripe, and this will happen in the second half of August, it is followed for the fourth time of the bushes. What to feed grapes in the period that falls at the end of July or the beginning of August? Be sure to make fertilizers, which contains potassium (enough 50 g per bus). It is also not superfluous to make fertilizers, which contains phosphorus. For 1 bush, 100 g fertilizer is enough. Accordingly, phosphoric fertilizers also make 50 g. Nitrogen fertilizers at this stage should be excluded.

5th feeding

The last time feels shrub after harvest. The best feeder at this stage is potash fertilizers. They will help the vineyard to transfer winter frosts.

Types of subcortex

Regardless of whether the feeding is made during the ripening of berries or only at the stage of the appearance of the ovary, it can be carried out. different ways.

Root subordinate

Root feeding of grapes assumes that fertilizers will be brought directly into the ground. It is aimed at strengthening the roots of the plant. Actually, the above-described drawing schedule and is a root feeding scheme. Many are limited to the introduction of beneficial substances into the ground, considering it a sufficient measure for the normal development of the shrub. However, this is an erroneous opinion. Only root feeding is not enough.

Extra corner or leaf feeding

Care of the leaves is carried out by means of an extractive feeding. At the same time, the extraordinary feeding of grapes is no less important than the root. And you need to understand that it is not an alternative to root feeder. As a rule, it is performed simultaneously with spraying shrub from diseases. As in the case of the root feeder, specialists are recommended to do it 4 times. But, at the same time, several differences of fertilizer changes.

The first extraordinary feeding of grapes is performed before flowering shrubs. The second time spray the plant after the maritime appeared. The third spraying falls at the beginning of the ripening of the brushes, and the fourth make after the berries soften. You can process the shrub boric acid. But, over the feasibility of such actions, the views of the gardeners are divergent. It is more expedient to prepare complex solutions with boric acid.

There are preparations that can be sprayed with vineyards on a green leaf before the appearance of the ovary and during fruiting. They are usually sold in the form of dry concentrate. Before use, they need to be diluted with water according to the instructions. Fingering on a green sheet Some gardeners perform before the appearance of the wounded, considering the spraying of the formed covers inappropriate. But such a feeding will not harm both before flowering and during it. This is due to the fact that the leaves are treated harmless to the human body.

Nejudible feeding

In addition to the main five feeding of grapes, you can additionally make fertilizers. So the feeding of grapes in flowering is performed by folk remedies (the same ash, for example). If the vine does not ripen, then use the monophosphate, which will solve this problem. And to accelerate the process of ripening berries, preparations are used, which contains phosphorus. You can still fertilize the shrubs with drugs, which contains boric acid.

Also, it is also possible to attract the feeding during the landing of the cutter. In addition to the prepared hole, in addition to the organic, superphosphate and wood ashes, potash salt. This will allow cuttings quickly shoot. The cutlets planted in this way will grow rapidly, and will give a harvest for the second year. For proper landing The first few years on fertilizer should not worry. It is enough to make drugs that allow the berries to get sugar and raise faster (it is necessary to do this in the first months of summer), contributing to the growth of young escape. It can be limited to the processing of the vineyard on a green leaf. But preparations use those that are intended for this processing method.

Rules for execution of subcortex

Vintage fertilizers will give the desired result only if it is performed correctly.

  • All necessary substances must be entered into the ground in a timely manner.
  • Watering and feeding grapes with liquid fertilizers is advisable to perform simultaneously. At the same time, it should not be overduting the land.
  • The leaf feeding of the shrub is performed in the windless weather. Better spraying of the vineyard after sunset. This should carefully select equipment for spraying. The smaller the size of the drops falling on the leaves, the better the result is from the procedure.
  • To achieve maximum effect from the procedure, root and leaf feeding should be carried out at the same time.
  • Before making liquid solutions in the ground, you must first make a deepening. There are components, nitrogen, for example, which in the air will be destroyed. Therefore, they should penetrate the ground as quickly as possible. There is also a group of elements that are considered sedentary. Therefore, they can remain in the surface layers of the soil and not reach the root system of the shrub.
  • Vintage in July and August nitrogen fertilizers can not be done. The same applies to chicken litter and cowboat used in the form of liquid solutions. Otherwise, the growth of the grape vines will delay, and the harvest will cause it too late. But feeding the grapes in June it is advisable to spend precisely nitrogen fertilizers. In the spring, they support the soils of ammonia Selitra.
  • Choose high-quality fertilizer, both for the root dressing of grapes and extraxorno. And remember that summer processing is different from processing for the winter. In the first case, you need to saturate the soil with elements that contribute to the growth of shoots and the ripening of berries. When processing for the winter you need to strengthen the roots.
  • Hang the vintage scheme in the most prominent place, and mark all the actions performed. This will help not skip a single spraying. The calendar of handling shrubs and trees is practically no different. Therefore, you can make a single schedule for the whole garden, with a field for marks.

Important moments

Machine various trace elements in the soil is worth not only in the summer, and throughout the year. It is very important to choose the proper seedlings. For example, such varieties like Isabella and maiden grapes grow well on any soils. There are varieties that are demanding that the soil, and with the lack of certain microelements grow extremely badly.

During planting seedlings, a sufficient number of fertilizers need to be added to the soil in order to maximize its microelements.

Organic fertilizers have been ecologically

How, when and how to eat grapes ... more on Sai�

It is also worth understanding that the ways of feeding adult grapes and annual seedlings are different. So under adult bushes make more organic, and under young - minerals. Even if you feather a young bush litter or manure, then dive it with water. For a seedling, the liquid form of fertilizers is suitable. This is due to the fact that water is faster on the roots through which the bush is eating. And this contributes to the growth of the plant.

On the package of each fertilizer is indicated, in which month, or at what stage of the shrub development it is advisable to use it. Do not deviate from these recommendations, and do not forget to enrich the soil by trace elements after harvesting.

Watering is made after making dry fertilizers under roots. If we are talking about processing with liquid drugs on a green sheet, then the shrub should be watering after it absorbs all the beneficial components from the solution used.


Care for any garden culture involves making fertilizers. Feel the soils need several times per season. Special attention is required young seedlings. In addition to root feeding, leafy should be made. Be sure to face the soil with a cow. In addition to using the above fertilizers, folk remedies can be used. So, for example, the grapes of grapes or yeast can be performed. You can pour a busta of dry ash, and you can breed it in water.

How to reduce cholesterol in blood by folk remedies

By breeding grapes, the grapes are not rarely faced with the problem of the lack of useful elements in the soil. During its growth and, with flowering and ripening, the harvest vine can significantly deplete even fertile soils. The grape bush has the ability to suck from the soil of the substances necessary for it.

The older it becomes stronger, the more the need for these substances is growing. If they are not fill out annually, then with time, the bush will weaken, yields will decrease, the taste of berries will deteriorate, and the ability of the vine to resist freezes - will seriously decrease.

Therefore, grapeters in the care of the vineyards must carry out work on the fertilizer of the soil and feeding bushes. Newbies often make a mistake, believing that fertilizers are needed by young bushes, which are not well developed a root system, while hardened, growing not the first year of vine is capable of independently produce the necessary substances with powerful roots.

But the most experienced understand that the stronger the roots, the more items they can pick up from the soil in short timeAnd the replenishment natural way will occur too long.

Experienced grapes can easily distinguish the type of plants in which elements it needs one or another moment of its growth and to make fertilizers to grapes in a timely manner, feeding the bush with missing elements.

Useful substances and trace elements needed by grapes, their role and influence on plant growth and harvest quality

Throughout the time of growth and fruiting, the vineyard requires a whole complex of mineral and organic fertilizers. Despite the fact that fertile soil under the vineyards fertilize every three years, in addition to this at various stages of growth and ripening of grapes, it is necessary to feed the missing elements.

It is important to remember that the feeders cannot replace the main work on the fertilizer of the soil under the vineyards and are more additionally supplement, allowing to provide a bush with the necessary substances when necessary.

The most important elements for grapes are nitrogen and potassium, but the need exists in phosphorus, copper, bore and zinc.

    Nitrogen. It has a significant impact on the growth of green mass, shoots, the formation of the magnitude of the berry and their taste. Most often, this element is required in spring. This is the time when the grapes are abundantly feeding the bustles of grapes to get strong shoots and lay abundant and tasty harvest.

    In the summer, when the bushes scored a sufficient green mass, chosen and left necessary for the formation of shoots and the brush of the future harvest, the need for nitrogen decreases greatly, and in the last month of summer it becomes harmful. Therefore, from the middle of the growing season, it is excluded from the diet of grapes and replaced with phosphoric and potash fertilizers.

    Potassium. Promotes the accelerated ripening of the harvest and increased accumulation of sugar in berries, enhances the stability of the grape vines to fungal diseases, to drought and frost. During the second half of the summer, during the ripening period of berries, grapes particularly needed potassium, but by this time it is beginning to feel his lack in the soil. Most of the reserves of this element goes to the formation of uncess and the development of brushes, as well as in large quantities accumulates in the green mass.

    In the event of a shortage of potassium, the plant will collect it from leaves, stems, as well as roots and will send to clusters, but it is most likely not enough. To help grapes and grow juicy, ripe, sweet harvest, without weakening with the vine before in the winterThe soil is introduced by feeding the sulfurful potassium, which remains in berries even after the crop maturation.

  • Zinc. Is an an important elementIn addition to the respiratory enzyme, participates in photosynthesis, affects the activity of vitamins, has an impact on the oxidation of proteins and the formation of growth stimulants. A sufficient presence of zinc in the plant significantly increases the formation of organic acids and affects the yield of grapes.

  • Effective as antifungal agent. Is often used in the form of bordeaux liquid, which is manufactured based on copper Kaper In a mixture with hawed lime. In order to avoid burns, copper sulfate is not used in pure form, but the made solution is carried out spring work in cases if it often sick fungal infections.
  • Boron The influence of boron on the plants is manifested in increasing the number of strings, reducing the sanding of flowers and fruits, increasing the sugar content of the berries and decrease their watery to prevent the skin cracking, which leads to an increase in the crop and improving its quality. In natural conditions, the boron is absent in the soil and can get into the metabolism in the plant only through fertilizers.
  • It is an indispensable element during the flowering and formation of groceries in the borders, significantly accelerates this process and contributes to the accumulation of sugar and aromatic elements in berries, and is also responsible for their intensive color.

    Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system, which improves the metabolism in the plant and strengthens it before the winter period. In the soil, phosphorus is in the form of hard-to-reach compounds, so work on grape feeding by phosphoric fertilizers makes them easier to prey the plant and speed up the processes of accumulation and processing.

No less important and useful trace elements are better replenished and absorbed if the plant is absorbed not through the root system, but a green grape mass. Therefore, in order to improve the conditions for aging harvest, work on spraying bushes with special solutions is carried out.

Types of fertilizers

Many novice winegartes are concerned about the question: how to fertilize grapes and what fertilizers it is better to use for one or another plant growth and crop maturation. What is better: balanced inorganic or organic naturalness? What time is the work on fertilizer, and when enough small feeding? How often do you need to carry out such works and how to fertilize grapes to get a rich harvest and do not apply harm to the plant?

Fertilizers are two species:

  • mineral;
  • organic.

Mineral fertilizers are inorganic balanced compounds with a large content of substances necessary for the plant in the form of mineral salts. The reasonable use of inorganic fertilizers will provide grapes with all the substances needed for the plant, which are important for normal growth and abundant fruiting.

But it is not necessary to get carried away and forget that excessive use of their use can disrupt the metabolism of the plant and the soil balance of nutrition elements, thereby causing substantial harm not only the vine, but also soil and man.

Mineral fertilizers are divided into:

Organic fertilizers are the product of the vital activity of plants and animals, the batteries of which consist of organic compounds And they are formed as a result of natural decomposition of the organics. This is manure, humus, compost, bird litter, peat and others.

The decomposition of the organic is preparing needed elements to the shape that plants are easily absorbed. Manure, as a fertilizer for grapes, improves the air and water permeability of the soil, has a beneficial effect on the development of beneficial microorganisms that are necessary for the roots of grapes and enriches the plant with important useful elements.

Unfortunately, the calculation of the required amount for one-time fertilization can not be accurate and applied it must be guided by the skills. The main thing is to understand that from too much dose of fresh manure occurs the same accumulation of nitrates, as in excess doses of mineral nitrogen fertilizers.

The grape feeding of fresh manure is allowed only in spring or deep in the fall, after harvesting and preparing the vine to winter. Sometimes it is allowed to feed the overworked manure in the first half of summer, but in the second half such works are categorically contraindicated to avoid excessive growth of shoots and insufficient ripening of the vine.

Instead of manure, it is allowed to use compost based on the divergent organic garbage. Litter birds is also an important organic fertilizer. It is preparing an infusion on the water in a proportion of 1 to 4, and in a week diluted 10 times. Then they spend on the floor of the liter on each grape bush. Potassium chloride is often replaced with grapes of grapes. Asol as a fertilizer is most useful, it turns out of sunflower husks.

When you feed the grapes, the timing of work on fertilizer and methods of replenishing useful substances

On fertile black soil soils, the fertilizer of grapes spend once every three years, aspen with the applied for this is added ash, superphosphate and sulfate ammonium. The resulting mixture is placed evenly on the surface of the soil and carefully leaving to a significant depth.

If the soil under the vineyards of the sandy, then work on fertilizer is carried out in a year. And the sandy soil must be fertilized by this method annually. In the warm regions, it is possible to carry out such a fertilizer of grapes in the fall, but in places where the underfloor method is used for wintering, work on the main fertilizer is transferred to early spring.

In addition to regular soil fertilizer under the vineyards to obtain the most large and high-quality harvest, grapes must be fed throughout the year, except for winter. The two methods of making feeding are distinguished:

Extra-cornery grape feeding in the fall, as well as after flowering, when the berries are already formed, must necessarily eliminate nitrogen from the composition in fertilizers.

To avoid watery of berries leading to their cracking, and abundant growth of shoots, taking the main nutrition on its height, this element is replaced by phosphoric, potash fertilizers or ashes and are not mixed with organic fertilizers, such as birds or manure litter.